The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 27, 1918, Section One, Page 19, Image 19

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Indications of Attempt to Crip
pie War Activities of United
States Is Seen.
Soldiers and Pollc Guard Hate
IWii Trebled at Shipyard and
War Plants Gorrrnmcnl Agents
Belle-re German at Work.
VE"W TORK, Jan. II. Indication cf
a widespread plot to cripple the war
activist of the United Stetee wer
n toUy tn a sarle of fir in hip
yard oa munition ships. In war plants
nd, storage buildisca at various point
alone the Atlantic seaboard and farther
Inland. Nearly all of them wcro of
distinctly auspicious origin.
Fears that th flam mar here been
set by iMnir aliens wen r!n
trenarta by th fact that they started
within a fw boors at widely separated
points almost a woek to a day after
Kdwara N. Hurley, chairman of th
1'nlted States Shipping Board, declared
that th UoTtrnment bad been given
authoritative warning of a Uerroan
Plot to apply the torch to plants of all
kinds. especially shipyard, which are
producing of war.
Mr. Hurl.y ordered the trebling of
soldiers and police guards at all war
plants sod In some casre this precau
tion resulted la preventing even more
ertous losses. It was announced from
Washington today that this warning
was Issued because a "crank letter"
bad sot been properly investigated,
bat Oo vemni en t agents In various part
of the country were Inclined to b
lieve that It was well-founded. Ouards
wrsgln strengthened to make even
more difficult the depredation of Ocr
man agents.
Disastrous fires started only a few
hours apart In shipyards at Newark.
N. J., and Baltimore. The Josses wlil
aggregate II.COO.CoO.
Fires were discovered en losded mu
nltlon ships at two Atlantic ports to
day, but they were extinguished before
serious damage bad bean done.
There were other fires of a suspicious
nature In New York. Pateroon. N. J.:
Huffalo, - Maynard. Mass.. and Peter
bora. Canada. In every ease a rigid
Investigation wl'.I bo made either by
municipal or military authorities. In aa
effort to fLz the reeponstbllty.
tlatteal machine oswratar. trade 1 and
im... and froal. fiooo. 1 mo. In th War
Trada Ptaard at th. salaries Indicated.
In.pector ef hats. Inapaclor of hue and
leather. Inaseetor of sole leather. !m mn
en ir. In th. Quartermaster Corp. Marine
Corp. er ether braachM ef the service
S1GO a nMlh.
Cram ..mpier (mal. In the of
Uark.ta. of Agriculture, far duty
In Waahlnxton. D. C. or elMVhere. at en
trance salarlas ranging from (luOO to (14-0
a year.
On acceont of the ers.nt n4 ef th
service, application far th abov poeition
mev be at any time.
r.bruary IB. 1BI, ln,.atlat.r in market
Ing cotton a4 end II product ltna!e. In
th. Bnraaa of Mark.t. Department of A a -
ncnltur. with hdquartcni In washinston
P. C. at a salary ranging from I1S2Q te
I2io0 a
February IS. 11. aaalatant In market
hualna practice, srade 1 lmale. In the
Bureau ef JJarkets. Department ef Agricul
ture, with heailaoarters at Waahlneton. D
C. at entrance salaiiea ranging from lO0
to lleno a year.
February 2. 101. eon lor mechanical n-
llnMr (mal.t. In the Bureau of Stannartta.
I". perrnent of Commerce. Weahlngton. D.c.
at l?.VMI tn saono a
Further Information and application form
may be obtained from M. K. W let an. local
aecretarr. fDoard of V. Civil s.n-lc K-
amln.ra, Pee'nff'.c. bnltdlng. Portland. Or.
Ten Dle In Torpedo Station Expio-
slon. Some Injured, Others Mllug.
NETWPORT. R- I, Jan. M Three
bomb proofs at th naval torpedo sta
tion her war wrecked late today by
an exploaton of fulminate of mercury,
killing at leaat 12 civilian employes and
Injuring; seven others, on probably
Tea others were burled In the ruins
f th heavily concreted structures and
little hope was expressed that many
of them would be removed alive.
Captain Edward L. Beach, comma n
dant of the station, said none of the
survivors wss able to give an account
of what bad happened, but there was
ao doubt, he aaeerted, that tb explo-
eion waa accidental.
Late tonight a reacne party heard
olees In the ruins of No. I bomb proof.
one of the wrecked structures. A pipe
was aunk to the spot and It was learned
two men were alive. They were given
stimulants and nourishment through
the pipe and a derrick waa Impreased
Into service to relieve the heavy debris
ovr them. Th two men died, bow
ever, before they could be rescued.
By midnight 10 bodies bad been re
covered, tight of them were Identi
fied The explosion occurred tn bomb proof
No. 2. nsed as a drying room for da
tonstors after they have been filled
with fulminate of mercury. The de
tonators are designed for setting off
the high szploslvs In torpedo heads.
Only enough explosive Is kept oa
band to meet the demands for the dy.
and the shelters are built for the most
part unfer ground, to localise exple
slons. There are eight bomb proefa on
the IsTand and today's explosion was
f sufficient force to wrack only Nos.
a, and S.
That the losa ef Itfs la th bomb
proofs was not greater was due to th
fact that at noon about half the usual
number of employes tn the three ahel-
ters bsd been transferred temporarily
to another department.
Heavy Loaa Result From Hater Used
tn ExtinfutshJiix ilaiura.
Loaded with war supplies for th
Italian army, eorne ef them hlarhly In
flammable, a 10.000-ton American mu
nition steamship, armed fore and aft.
and making ready to sail, caught Are
today from an unknown source while
tied ap at her pier.
rireboat deluged tb ship, and mor
damage waa don by water than by
fire. Th loaa Is not yst computed, but
will be heavy. Tb Or was kept from
the Inflammable and exploalve portions
cf the cargo.
The Are waa discovered by workmen.
The naval gun crew at once ahut off
portions of the cargo and aided tbe
crew la subduing th Are. .
NEWARK. N. J.. Jan. I A rigid
military investigation of th fire at
Port Newark terminal today, which
reuse toss or Il.eOu.000 at the Unit
ed gtatea Quartermaster's department
earpiy depot and the Submarine Boat
Corporation shipyard, was ordered to
night by Major General W. A- Mann.
commanding the baiters department.
A commission of Army officers will
conduct the Inquiry.
Tbe home guard at Kearny. V. J.
was called out tonight by Police Com
missioner Pavls. and more than 100
men. fully armed, were posted In the
neighborhood ef the plants of the Fed
era Shipbuilding Company and the
Foundation Company, close to tbe
scene of th fir.
PETERSBOROt Out, Jan. J. This
city suffered dsmage estimated at f S00,
0 today when Ore wiped out one-half
of tbe business section. Th fir was
caused by tb explosion of a boiler tn
shoe store.
PATERSON. N. J7Jas Si. The Fi
delity storage warehouse waa burned
here laat nlarnt with an eetlmated loss
of lUu.OW. On lif Is bell.ved to
bav bn loot.
rerautlea of Xrtkwe Dairy CacO
laailar to Xatieaal Oa Is Pisa.
FortUad Gets Coaveatlea.
SPOKANE. Jsn. St. The Pacific
Northwest Mtlk Dealers Association in
session bsre today adopted resolutlona
pledging the member to raise the
quality of milk and to inject efficiency
methods into the milk business.
Glen O. Wallace, of Seattle, In an
address said that delivery is tbe lsrg-
eat Item of eipenae that milk, dealers
have and that It is necessary to have
the co-operation of tbe consumer to
reduce expenses.
The association will meet next year
Portlsnd. E. C Calloway, chief chem
ist of Portland, wss elected president.
Dr. t. W. ilack. chief dairy and milk
Inspector, and K. C. Callayray. milk
chemist, both of Portland, are the only
representatives from Oregon attending
the meetings.
Perhsps the largest proposition be
fore the convention la the formation
of a Northwest Dairy Council similar
to the National Dairy Council to bring
together and represent all dairy Inter
estsmilk. Ice cresm. condensed milk,
butter and cheeae. This Is looking to
a Joint yearly ronvsntion of all inter
ests. Instead of the separate conven
tions as at present-
A telegram from Mayor Baker In
vited the convention to Portland next
Dr. J. B. Martin, assistant state vet
erinarian of Washington, speaking on
the eradication of tuberculosis In dairy
herds, reported that in m years Wash
ington bad tested 30.4I dairy cowa
and found 1257 tubercular. It was the
unanimous opinion that the elimina
tion of the tubercular cow was of aa
much value to the herd owner as to
tbe state.
Portland's Waterfront Is Fully
Policed by Well-Armed Men.
Citixens Commission I'rged to Keep
TTp Interest In Work.
A permanent citizens' fire prevention
commlaaion to conduct campaigna and
keep up Interest In fire prevention
work Is to be nsmed by City Commis
sioner Blgelow. Letters asking 10 men
to accept appointment to the organisa
tion and asking eight club to appoint
representatives were sent out yester
The clubs Invited to name represen
tatives are the Ad Club. Itotary Club,
iSaat Sid Business Men's Club. Realty
Board, City Club. Parent-Teachers' As
sociation. Progressive Business Men's
Clnb and Civic Club.
The Individuals Invited to accept
membership are: E. M. Underwood,
Forest Fisher, O. W. Davidson, A. M.
Churchill. B.-F. Boynton. A- G. Long,
Aaron Frank, 1L P. Coffin. B. F. Dowel!
Fire Chief; John Young. C. A. Blgelow,
H. P. Boardman. Harvey O'Bryan, H. E.
Plummer. E. B. Macnaughton, J. A.
Jameson, H. G. Efflnger. W. J. Hen
derson. I R. Alderman. Mayor Baker,
Harvey Wells.-Battalion Chief a Lauden-
kios, ilolden arid Grenfell. J. O. Wilson,
J. J. Sayer. O. C. Hughson. Chester W.
liogu. F. A. Naramore, J. P. Jaeger
and ex-Mayor Albee.
Guard Stations, Fully Equipped, Es
tabllshed at Six Shipbuilding
Planter Headquarters Are
Maintained at Armory.
Chief of Police Johnson said last
night that, because of tbe big fire In
New Jersey and fires at other place
throughout the country, the city ad
ministration- has taken unnstia.1 prerau
tlons to prevent anything: of the kind
Th waterfront Is covered from every
ang!. an every possible measure to
iTvmir safety of manufacturing plants
and material Is being taken. All me
dal watchmen along the river have
been equipped with first-class revol
vers and bave Instructions as to their
duties In ease of any attempted incen
The Oregon State Guard has 100
armed men patrolling the waterfront
In two reliefs, so that at any time dur
ing tb night. 100 of these veterans are
on duty. Captain R- M. Doble was of
fleer of the dy yesterday, and Lieu
tenant Frank H. Smith waa officer of
the guard.
Guard stations, equipped with stoves.
fuel, cots and blankets, have been es
tablished at six of the shipbuilding
plante now under guard. The stations
are at the Supple-Ballln. Albina Ensine
A- Machine Works and Peninsula Ship
building plants on the East Side, and
at the Columbia Engineering. Founds
tion and Northwest Steel plants on the
West Side. Headquarters of the guard
Is maintained at the Armory, and some
one la on duty there during every hour
of the !4.
There Is still j-oom In the guard.
Major Delch announced last night, for
10 men with military experience, who
wish to be of service. Enlisted men
tn the State Guard receive Jl per day
more than the regular pay of men of
corresponding grades In the United
States Army. In addition to commuta
tion of rations amounting to $1 per day.
So the guardsmen virtually receive (3
a day for their services.
Tweaty-three Star oa Fabric Made by
Young Woaaea Represent State
Employes la Service.
Nursing Class to Review.
Tbe women's class In home nursing.
recently organised by Miss Nancy Rog
ers, which is now half way through
Its course, wilt bave Its first review
lesson Monday evening at the borne of
Mrs. W. BenefleL 110 East Twentletn
street. A woman physlclsn will su
pervise the lesson and lecture tbe claa
on the subjects taught.
Miss Rogers' Idea in organizing th-
class waa to teach women to care lo-
emergencies and sickness In their own
homes, to preparation for tbe expected
shortage of trained nurses because of
tbe war.
m.. a
United . States Civil Service An
nounces Competitive Tests.
Th United States Civil Service Com
tnlssloa announces open competitive ex
aminations as follows:
Seaior statistical Clark (bmU). 11100; st
Kev. Jonah D. Wise to Speak.
Rev. Jonah B. Wise, of Portland, is
to be the first speaker In a course of
lectures on the general theme. "Some
Bsses of Permanent World Democracy,"
to be given la room A of the Public
Library under the auspices of the Port
land Chapter, Intercollegiate Socialist
Society. Tbe first lecture will be hlu
at o'clock on Thursday. The top:
of Rabbi Wise's address will bs. "The
Righteousness of Democracy." Admit
tance Is free and the lectures are tct
tbe public. Other speakers in the le-
ture course, which will be beld alter
nate Thursday nlgnts, lncluds Paul
Howard Douglas. Mev. Edwin V. O'Hara.
Joseph Klcmont Hart. Charles 1L Chap
man. Frofeasor Oeorg Keb.o. of th
University of Oregon, and Colonel C. .
a. Wood,
SALEM. Or, Jan. 16. (Special.) Ar
rangements have been completed for
the programme fo be given next Tues
day at the State Capitol at the hang
ing of the service flag for state em
ployes. The flag contains S3 stars and
was made by young women In the em
ploy of the state. The programme wss
arranged by State Printer Lawrence.
Insurance Commissioner Wells. Lester
B. Davis, of the Insurance Department;
Industrial Accident Commissioner Allen
Superintendent Dunsford, of the Capi
tol building, and J. K. Allison, of the
Secretary of State' office. There will
be four-minute talks by Attorney-General
Brown. Supreme Justice Benson
and Superintendent Churchill, while
the dedication addreea will be made by
Governor Wlthyeombe. The benediction
will be given by Supreme Justice
Moore. There will also be musical se
lections by a male quartet.
The men from the titate Capitol now
In service, the departments they rep
resent and their locations are as fol
Secrtry of Ftate Department Otto F.
Kubin. corporal. 20th Aero Squadron.
r ranee: Carl p. oabrlelaon. Urat Lieutenant.
Company O. 363d Infantry, Camp Lewia,
Waah. : J. B. Young. Ordnance Department.
an Antonio. Tex.; Fred H. Paulus, Spruce
Ulrlslon. Portland.
Inaurance Commlaaion H. E. Hoxle.
Quartermaster Department. Camp Josepn
zi. jonneton. jarseonviii., rie-
8tat Engineer Department J. L. McAl
lister, sergeant. Company. F, 18th Engineer
(Hallwari. France.
Banking Department Roy Berth, Ensign.
Navy Paymaster DeDartmanl. New Orleana.
I-: E. F. iad. Ordnance Department,
Hock Island, 111.
induatrlal Accident Commlaaion Carle
A bra ma. Lleut.nant-Colonel. lH2d Infantry,
Fra-nce; Chariea W. Craig. Company C, 0:h
Engineer Foretry, Franc; Karl E.
Hlngea. Ordnance Department, Camp Dodge,
la.; Paul HenUrlrk. Company M. lt)2d In
fantry. France-
Public Bervlce Commlaaion C. J. Green.
Lieutenant. Coaat Artillery. Fort Mtevena.
Or.; W. o. Clarke. Captain. Company U 23d
Engineers (Highway), Camp Meade, Md
Biate Highway Commlaaion Forreat W.I-
born, aerseant. 44th Machine Gun Company.
Camp Lewie. U'aah.
State For.atry Department H. J. Eberty.
Company D, 10th Engineers (Forestry)
8tat Printing Department it. D. Pilken-
ton. Quarl.rinaeler' Department, an An
tonio, Tex.; Budd W.lcb. Quartermaater's
Department. San Antonio, Tex.: Frank Law
rence. Fourth Company, Coaat Artillery. As
toria. Or.; Blnaer sefton. Hoapltal Corp.
8a Antonio. T.x.; Howard Com
pany C. Fourth Engineer. Vancouver,
Waah.;; Clay Toothacre, t'nlted Statea Ma
rine. Mare latand. 6an Franclaco, Cel.
Supreme Court Library Allan Jone. Com-
paay M, KM Infantry. Franc.
I ' - - -
I - v - X f vw a r t tg
" : : r:;--v': ." ' 1
' A . - rj
I . -. -i .. , t. T - f
h - - .s V I U i&fhw . owl
V e , - - : f ;l5'feVi' Square end
Pledged to dependability
We . promise f orv the
OWL cigar and the WHITE
OWL continued depend
ability of fragrance. And
here's how we back up
our promise.
In great warehouses we keep
constantly curing and mel
lowing for OWL and WHITE
OWL an immense store of se
lected leaf. Always $1,000,000,
worth. At some seasons,
$2,000,000 worth.
Over this leaf time-trained
experts watch. As portions
of it reach the zenith of mel
low fragrance it is released
for OWL and WHITE OWL,
But never before.
M. A. GUNST, Inc., 84 North Fifth Street Broadway 2800
Branded Banded
for your protection
Former Inmate of Penitentiary
Again Gets Into Trouble.
Merchant Follows Man Into Street,
Hue and Cry Is Raised and Fu
gitive at Iiaet Caught by
Deputy Sheriff Rader.
Mrs. Belle V. Cook, Who Died Re-
cently. Writer of Much Repute.
Boy of II Needs Clothes.
W. G. MacLarcn. gsnaral superin
tendent of the Pacific Coast Rescue and
Protective Society, yesterday announced
that tbe Portland Commons has a boy
1 years old who l in need or clothes
to make him presentable, air. MacLaren
aska anyone who can assist In rittlm
out the boy to call Broadway lt or
A-itli. or to send a postal card to lit
Huroiiu street.
German Held for Investigation.
Herbert Kester, IS. a German, with'
first citizenship papers, waa arresteii
last night at First and Madison streets
by Patrolman Palmar and held for In
quiry. When a .arched by the police
the prisoner was found to carry an
aleetrlc torch and a number of papers
rolled up. Kester said he waa a florist
and that his home was in East India.
Mrs. Belle W. Cooke, who died De
cember It. 117, at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. George H. Lee, of New-
berg, was well known as a writer In
the early days of Oregon.
Mrs Cooke waa born at Mertden,
Conn.. In 183a. Her parents were Daniel
and Anna Walker. She crossed the
plains In ltal with her uncle. George
C Chandler. In ItaZ she waa married
In Portland at the home of S. A. Clarke
to Joseph Cooke. With her husband
ahe settled oa a farm seven miles south
of Salem.
Mrs. Cooke waa for 40 years a rssl
dent of Salem, but in 1898 she removed
to California, where ahe remained until
the preient year. .
Like Name Causes Embarrassment-
Friends yesterday railed attention to
the fact that embarrassment has been
brought upon Mrs. Harry M. Hender
son, Eaat Twentieth street, because
of the arrest Friday of a Mrs. Harry
Henderson, held on a statutory charge
with William Tyler. Tbe women are
la no way related.
Burlington Cancels Coast Trains.
CHICAGO, Jan. I The Chicago.
Burlington Qulncy tonight canceUed
all trains to the Pacific Coast because
of the storm. - '
IT. Tillman Company Will Start
Grading Work Xezb Monday.
ASTORIA. Or Jan. 2. (Special.)
A contract whereby the J. H. Hillman
Company will pave about three milea
of road between this city and Fort
Stevens has been signed, and the bond
representing 60 per cent of the amount
of the contract has been approved by
the County Court. The contractor also
furnishes a five-year maintenance
The Tillman Company will begin the
clearing and grading work next Mon
day. The work will start at Flavel
and continue toward the fort.
Fred Cobb, highwayman and logger,
tackled the wrong place late yesterday
afternoon, when he went into the shoe
store conducted by Charles W. Acker
son. Third and Alder streets, asked for
pair of slippers and presented a
check for $20 in payment thereof. It
waa signed by B. F. Mackall. was
drawn In favor of E. A. Mercer and was
on the Ladd A Tilton Bank.
Mr. Ackerson decided the man was
a fraud and started after him, but
Cobb scented trouble and beat a hasty
retreat, dashing out onto the street,
bound west on Alder.
Mr. Ackerson and others who Quickly
took up the chase cried out to the
crowds along the way to stop the flee
ing man. Several tried it and failed. I
but finally, at Fifth street. Special I
Deputy Sheriff Rader tackled the Job
and brought the fugitive to halt. He
was quickly surrounded by a large and
Interested group of men, women and
children, all eager to learn the facts.
Deputy Rader and Mr. Ackerson bun
dled their "catch" Into a big touring
car and drove him to police headquar
ters. where he alighted and headed
across Oak street toward the station
house, but suddenly attempted to es
se pa and darted away from his captors, to be stopped by Policeman Larry
Evans, who has known him for years.
since they were boys.
Policeman Evans cautioned Cobb to
walk along and "bs good," but. Just I
as they reached the station house door,
toon sgain iriea to get away oy atrik
Ing at Evans and making a dart to
evade everyone. He failed, however,
for Evans gave him a clip on the jaw
that unsteadled him and then marched
him up to the information desk in
regulation style, where he was booked
and where many gathered to ascertain
what had happened.
Cobb Is only about SO years old, but
ne has served two terms in tbe Oregon
Pententlary, as well as a term 'in the
Reform School earlier In life. He held
up and robbed pedestrians and in ach
case was convicted.
He Is held, pending developments.
He told Inspector Pat Moloney, who
had known him a long time, 'that
he had just come in from working in a
logging camp at Stella.
bureau which has not been possible in
Vancouver since the Legislature abol
ished private employment agencies.
Use "Tiz" for Aching, Burning,
Puff ed-Up Feet and Corns
or Callouses.
"Surl I Use nz
Evsnr Time for
Aar Fo Trouble."
"Cure Your
Rupture Like
I Cured Mine"
Old Sea Captain Cored His Own
Rupture Alter Doctors said
"Operate or Death."
. Bis Remedy and Book Bent Free -
Captain Colllngs sailed the seas for
many years ; tnen ne sustained a odd
double rupture that soon forced him to
not .only remain asnore, Dut Kept mm
bedridden for years. He tried doctor
after doctor and truss after truss. No
results ! Finally, he was assured that
he must either submit to a dangerous
and abhorrent oneration or die. He did
Beitberl Ho cured nimseu instead.
Good-bye, sore feet, burning feet.
swollen feet, tender feet, tired feet.
Good-bye, corns, callouses, bunion
and raw spots. No more shoe tightness,
no more limping with pain or drawln
up your face in agony. "Tls" is magi
cal, acts right off. "Tlx" draws out all
the poisonous exudations which puff u
the feet. Use "Tls" and wear smaller
shoes. Use "Tls" and forget your foot
misery. Ah! how comfortable your feet
Get a ZB-cent box of "Tlz" now at
any druggist or department store. Don'
suffer. Have good feet, glad feet, fee
that never swell, never hurt, never get
tired A year's foot comfort guaranteed
or money refunded. Adv.
New Ham Car That Anyone Caa Ce
Without Discomfort or Loaa of Tim.
Employment Bureau Organized.
VANCOUVER. Wash.; Jan. 28. (Spe
cial.) William Hodgkin will direct the
bureau of employment In Clarke Coun
ty, organised under the auspices of the
National Council of Defense. He will
list all unemployed men or those who
desire to change positions. A list also
will be made of skilled mechanics and
others who are sought by the Govern
ment for special work.
The, plan, will afford an employment
W hav a new method that cures Asth
ma, and we want you to try It at our ex
pense. No mattar whether your case Is of
Ions standing or ra.nt e.velopment.
whether it 1 present as occasional or chronic
Asthma, you should send for a ire trial
of our method. No matter In what climate
you llv. no matter what your age or oc
cupation. If you are troubled with asthma.
our method should reilev you promptly.
W. .specially want to lend it to thoae
apparentlv bopeleas caaee, where all forma
of inbalor. douches, opium preparations,
fumes, "patent smokes," etc., have failed.
We want to show everyone at our own ex
pense that thl new method Is designed to
end all difficult breathing, all wheeling and
all those terrible parozyam at one and
for all time
Thl free offer 1 too Important to neglect
a alngla day. Writ now and then begin
the method at one. Send no money. Sim
ply mall coupon below. Do It Today.
Niagara and Hudson sts., Buffalo, N. V.
6end free trial of your method to:
m si f
"Fellow Men and Women, You Don't Have
To B Cat Up, and You Don't Have
To Be Tortured By Truss."
Captain Colllngs made a study of
himseaf. of his condition and at last he
was rewarded by the finding of the
method that so quickly made him a well,
strong, vigorous and happy man.
Anyone can use the same method I
it's simple, easy, safe and Inexpensive.
Every ruptured person in the world
should have the Captain Colllngs book,
telling all about bow he cured himself,
and how anyone may follow the same
treatment in their own home without
any trouble. The book and medicine are
FREE. They will be sent prepaid to
any rupture sufferer who will till out
the below coupon. But send It right
sway now before you put down this
"Tell Me How
To Be Beautiful"
Get Rid of All Pimples, Blackheads
and Skin Eruptions Purify the
Blood With Stuart's
Calcium Wafers.
TRIAL package: biailed free.
IF $'
Capt. W. A. Colllngs (Inc.)
Box 28B Watertown. N. Y.
Please send me your FRED Rupture
Remedy and Book without any obli
gation on my part whatever.
i&mo .. .... .
Stuart's Calcium Wafers Sorely Do Give
a Lovely Complexion.
The reason why Stuart's Calcium
Wafers beautify the skin is their na
tural tendency to seek the surface.
The wonderful calcium sulfide is one
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