The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 27, 1918, Section One, Page 17, Image 17

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Formation of Red Cross Motor
Squadron Planned.
For Meatless Day
Try These
Women In Organization Ar Expect
ed to fnderstand Traffic Rale
and Regulation and B Able
to Operate and Repair Cars.
- Ill
ill; jy'm - I
M or than a score of the patriotic
young women of Portland mM at th
Red Cross shop yesterday morning; to
formulate plana tor the formation of a
motor squadron division of to K.d
Croaa work.
. Vin Helen Farr-II. daughter of Mr.
and Mr. J. D. FarrelL who has been
tn tha ambulanc service In Washing
ton. O. C-, for four months, told of th
work dona there by tha motor squad
ron. There are to be three dlTlalona of
service, transport duty, civilian relief
and convalescent work. The girls of
the transport dlvlalon will take the
members, of the Red Cross to and from
Work, and will assist In the carrying
of materials and finished articles to and
from the various Red Cross work rooms.
The girls In the clvlln relief division
will help members ot the civilian relief
committee In carrying supplies to poor
families and se that they are taken
car of The girls In the convalescent
division will taks the convalescent sol
diers motoring.
Workers Have Two hi ft a.
There wl!l be two shifts of work.
from A. M until 1 P. M.. and from
t until In the afternoon. The names
and the hours of the workers will be
kept posted and the divisions of the
service In which they are engaged. The
girls are required to have a thorough
understanding of traffic rules and reg
ulations. They must knowthelr cars
and be able to repair engine troubles
or change the tires. The cars roust be
kept In good condition, and may not be
used for pleasure or social affairs dur
In the hours of service. The Red
t'roee fla- will be used on the mi
rhlnes while on duty. The girls will dark gray uniforms, with soft
white shirts, black ties, brown belta
and brown shoes and puttees, which
are to be worn only during the hours
ot service.
Major fllacfcmor waa present and
praised and encouraged the work which
U being undertaken. Amedee Smith.
of th Red Croaa headquarters, and
Mrs. T. D. Honeyman. ot the 14pman
Wolfe Ked Cross workroom, spoke I -
briefly, saying that the squadron would
render Invaluable service
of Kd Cross work. It
time to work up to th
A ate ! PVJeelssT.
Mrs W. L. Wood, of the Red Cross
shop. Ks chairman: J. IL Cudlipp. major:
Vise Helen Wood, captain, and Ills
Elltaboth Huber. lieutenant.
Registration will be held Monday
from until 11 at th Red Cross shop.
at which time girls who bav not ma
chine, but are desirous of becoming
members of the squadron, will bo asked
to enroll. Meetings will be held each
Saturday morning at 11:J0 at th Red
Crnee shop.
within th nest few days, an auto
mobile school for women will b In
augurated at th T. M. C. A., which will
be under th suprvliun of th T. W
C. A.
a e asasaaaaaaaassaaeaaaa, s sea see
q . y ' ; . ug
K-f J j 5r It
J '.i. iin . a.i ' i jfaA WheeJ-V ll H
W ' tlmm o ,
Mia Ism. Pa kit Librarian. Tells (
t-rent Arclatlia In Caasp (
LJteratmr Seat by Pertlaad Pewpl.
Every Messier of Claae Coatrlbated to
LI ken y Loan. Red tree
Many Othv War Panda.
R. H. rterdman, principal of Wash
In ton High School, has compiled some
Interesting statistics concerning th
class which left his school last Frl
day. He finds that six of th (2 mem
bers of th clsss supported themselves
entirely during their high school
course, and others supported them
selves In part.
Th kinds of wnrk In which they en
gaged during thla tlm follow: Carry
ing paper., working In sawmill, auto,
snobll driving and repairing, house
work, sewing, teaching music, clerklnr.
bookkeeping, working In shipyards.
lumber camps, harvesting, surveying,
working In lc plant, delivering, usher
ing, operating elevator. Janitor work,
caring for children, operating tele
phone, assisting doctor, keeping house,
photography work, railroad work, fish
ing, city salesman work, gardening
ana raising poultry.
Many of them have already chosen
their lifework. Th professions and
occupations selected are: Law. civil en
gineering, teaching. music. musto
teaching, business work, domestic sci
ence work. Army. Navy, medicine, de
signing, secretarial work, pipe-organ
work, aewing. shipbuilding, chemistry
research work, architecture, mechani
cal engineering, soclsl service work.
Oovernment work, terming and for
estry work.
Ptfty-on hav Indicated their Inten
tlon of continuing their education la
college or other higher Institutions.
Every member of the class has con
tributed to th liberty loan. Red Pros.
T. M. C A. and the T. W. C. A. funds
most of them to two or thre of thee
fund and many to all of them. Th
proceed of th class play hav been
donated to th T. W. C A. and other
Similar funds
Kstell Dodg has been neither sb
sent nor tardy sine entering the sixth
grad of th grammar school. Lloyd
M. DrtiMs ha been neither abeent
nor tardy alnc entering the seventh
grsrfe of th grammar school. Merl
M. Monohsn has he en neither absent
ror tardy sine entering high school.
Thirty-three other members ef th
class hav not been tardy sine they
entered the primary grade.
"If th people ef Portland could see
how very much ti soldier at Camp
Lewis and at Bremerton nJoy th
books which they bsv sent them, their
hesrt would be filled with happiness
at what they have been able to do for
their country, aald Miaa Mary Frances
Iscm. of th Central Library, upon her
from Camp Lewis Friday.
v aent ICOuo to Camp Lewis
w must hav more. Th
soldiers Just eat them up. and ws hav
to keep them supplied. It Is something
that every one can do. and they ar
only too glad to b able to do It. when
they hear bow very much th soldiers
appreciate th books and aaagasinsa
hirb ar sent to them.
At Camp Lewis there Is nna admin
istration central library. This cannot
reach ail of th men. so lloa volumes
ar given to each regiment and they
ar dlstributsd from th recreation
center of the company. The men crowd
Into th rooms during t!s--lr spar min
utes. They ar especially interested in
books dealing upon th subject of the
war and containing reminiscences ol
th war. Paper novels are very accept
able because they ar sent to the men
In th isolation wards and ar burnt
after they hav been reread."
J. H Ruby, who waa professor of
Latin at Whitman University, la li
brarian. He sends a traveling library
of 50 bocks to every barracks and at
the end of two weeks they are sent on
and a new supply is sent from the dis
tributing center.
Any on navlne; book Is urgently
urged to send them to th library, as
mors ar needed.
W. C. T. V. Sleeting: Wednesday.
"Department Work" will be the topic
of th next meeting of th W. C. T. U.
on Wednesdsy. January SO, at 2 P. M..
In room A. Public Library. Mrs. Lee
Davenport will lead th discussion, and
all superintendents ar requested to
b present. Important business will
com up for decision ana a large at
tendance Is requested.
Let Your Clothes Earn Their Keep.
Pay us only (10 down and IS a
month and wear a tailored suit while
you are paying for It. Hundreds of
men ar finding It Profitable to do It.
Unique Tailoring Company. 309 Stark,
between Fifth and Hixth. Adv.
For ten years prior to 1905
the w 's "Minced Sea Clams"
had been constantly and exclu
sively used with the original
"PIONEER" -product, and be
cause of this long usage under the
law others cannot be called
"Minced Sea Clams." To have
identified an excellent reputation
for years and years by the words
"Pioneer Minced Sea Clams" be
came a valuable right. For near
ly a Quarter-of-a-Century in fact,
these words have stood for purity
and unswerving quality, an3 fc
quisiteness of flavor. No other,
product approaches the excel
lencies of "Pioneer."- The formu
la of their preparation is known
only within the family of the man
ufacturers, absolutely unknown
to others. Moreover, "Pioneer;
Minced Sea Clams" are from the
clean, pure ocean sands, washed
by the breakers of the mighty
Pacific this in itself a guarantee
of purity, and adding zest and
relish to this tempting dish. They
fairly smack of the salt sea-, ,
One of Two Sons of Sir. and Mrs. G. C Frisbie, Now Abroad in Service,
Sara Pastry Is Fine and Girls Pretty. "But I Don't Speak French Yet,"
C7viTow - 11 r2rr f ;,iti
C" It
aVtockman Who Died Stonday SO
Year Resident f Oregon.
Jasper X. Mitchell, who died last
Monday t th are of TI. waa for mors
than years a resident of Oregon. He
e remembered throughout Eastern
Oreson aa a stockman and pioneer.
Mr. Mitchell took up land In on of
Ckr county's fertile valleys more
thaa half a century ago. In spit of
th hardship and handicaps of th
early times h wss successful as a
rancher and atockralser. and amassed
what was considered In thos days a
larg fortune. Subsequent reverses,
however, followed. Th later years of
bis llf were spent In retirement, prin
cipally la Ptse Valley. Th funeral
was held la Baker on Friday. January
Si. and Interment waa la lh family
lot at Cov. Or.
Twu sons or sir. ana sirs. u. mi
bl. S Jarrett street, ar serving
In Franc. Clayton Frlsbl. 20,
Joined th Canadian army In June, 11C
U was wounded last 8urnmr whll
serving with th 13th Company, Cana
dian Machln Gun Corps. Allan O. Fria
ble, tl. a Jefferson High School student.
Is with th lKth Engineers. U. 8. P. O.
si. A. E. F. Both boys were formerly
Oregonlaa carriers. A recent letter
from Allan Frlsbl follows:
"I am In Franc and glad of IL I
can't say whan I arrived r wher I am.
but It Is somewhere" In Franc.'
W had our Thanksgiving dinner
aboard th ship and It was a good din
ner. There waa some water swashing
ground in th room when I managed to
reach a table; I had finished th turkey
and started on th pudding when th
excitement began; th ship rolled to
one side and then to th other. Th
tables also roiled aad my pudding went
with ths tables. I went with th pud
ding and th room was a wrack.
"V slept between decks In canvas
bunk three la a tier. In nearly all of
In bunk, th pt?ss supportlns tha
"J I:' :rJ
canvas wer too short snd when the
ship rolled and pitched they collapsed.
I fixed mln two or three times and
then slept on the floor.
"No lights ar allowed to burn at
night, not even cigarettes. V had
boat drill very day. Alter w wer a
Why Superior?
Just Try Them and
Be Convinced!
You Can Make Many
Tasty Dishes With
Scalloped Minced Clams With
1 can ef 'Pioneer" Minced Baa Clamp (larrs),
H package of macaroni.
14 cupful of butter.
Ealt and pepper.
Boil the macaroni In slightly salted water tmtll
oft. Pour off all the water, then proceed to fill a
well-buttered baking dleh with alternate layers of
clam meat (previously drained from the Juice) and
maoaroni, sprinkling small pieces of butter on each
layer and hav the first and last layer ot the maca
roni with small pieces of butter on top. Pour the
clara Julc over them and baks In the oven until
nicely browned.
Three Sizes
No. V2 Flats.. e.;.. -15c
No. 1 Tails, seisisjejeowis, ieieu.e . 20c
No. 2 Talis - Tje3sMefe.oleisMjete Oc
Ask Your GrocerInsist on "Pioneer"
Write to address below.
Sample can mailed for 20c tn stamps.
week out It took us nine minutes to
line up on deck- with overcoats and life
preservers. When we were In the war
one we wore life preservers all the time
except when asleep. We were kept on
deck one hour before and one hour
after dark and one hour before and on
hour after daylight. The one extends
about two days out I can't say any
thlnr more about the voyage except
that we were delighted to see our con
voy and reach a quiet harbor. Cliffs in
the background, a few beaches, green
fields, hedges and trees, quaint old
houses. It looked like a fine painting.
"I am acting; corporal and checking
freight on the docks. Members of my
siiuad are all foreigners and under 64
they ar good men. Wo can frank 1
letter once a week.
"All but SO of' our company have left
and ar on soms other Job. The ocean
breeses that blow over there docks ar
some cold, but I don't mind It much.
dress warm, an undershirt, long sleeved
sweater, shirt that sweater you knit
for me, heavy overcoat and a good rain
coat over alL Let the breezes blow.
they don't bother me.
"Nothing Is wasted here. About
o'clock every afternoon women come
down to tha docks and pick up all stray
pieces or wood, coal, etc, and all scraps
of food. We help them ail we can. We
get up at 5 every morning and get
down to th docks at :30. We quit at
6 P. M.
"I bav not received any mall yet and
hav had no payday. There are -some
neat shops her and fin pastry. This
town shows th effect of the war, no
young men except a few on leave and
To Tt tha very best results take
Dr. Humphreys' "Seventy-seven" at
the first sneeze or shiver.
"Seventy -even" breaks np Colds
that hang on Grip. All Drag Stores.
most of the people wear wooden shoes.
"I made a sleeping; bag out of my
blankets with the safety pins from
a housewife. It Is fine. I haven't had
a cough or cold and feel fine. We had
some Christmas dinner. All the turkey
w could eat and everything else that
goes with it and Red Cross packages of
candy, nuts, raisins, etc. I rested for
several hours after that feast. I had
not had a bath since I landed in France.
. I had no money and baths cost 25
cents. I scouted around and picked up
12 empty wine bottles, sold them for
50 cents and went to town the next
day and grot two baths.
"There are good lookine; French girls
here, but I can't speak Krench. I was
told that the German prisoners belnif
taken are boys between 16 and 17 years
old. The German prisoners here look
as though the French were feeding
them well."
This is the verdict of those who
use it.
Why Is Sloan's the world's largest
selling, most popular liniment? Because
of its remedial properties for all ex
ternal pains, strains and bruises.
Because It penetrates without rub
bing leaving no musslness or skin
stain, and relieves promptly an attack
of Lumbago, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Rheu
matlo twinges. Joint-stiffness, Muscle
soreness, fieck-klnks are promptly re
Have a bottle handy in your medicine
cabinet. Aay druggist will sell you a
generous sixed bottle for 25c, 50c, 1
Before yen go to the closlng-ont sales
r selllng-out ealea. Just step Into Fac
tory Sample Shop, 286 Morrison street,
between Poarth aad Fifth, next to Coi
belt Building, for a genuine clearing
aale, aad yn vrtll save money and time
sad go ao farther fr Dresses. Salts,
Coats, Skirts and Waist.
Gray, faded hair turned beautifully
dark and lustrous almost over night. Is
a reality, if you'll take the trouble to
mix sage tea and sulphur, but what's
the use, you get a large bottle of the
ready-to-use tonic, called "Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound" at drug:
stores here. Millions of bottles of
Wyeth's" are sold annually, says a
well-known druggist, because it dark
ens the hair so naturally and evenly
that no one can tell It has happened.
You Just dampen a sponge or soft
brush with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
and draw it through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time. Those
whose hair is turning gray, becoming
faded, dry. acrasslr aad tain bav a.
surprise awaiting them, because after
just one application the gray hair van.
ishes and your locks become luxuriant,
ly dark and beautiful.
This is the age of youth; gray
haired, unattractive folks aren't want
ed around, so get busy with the Sac
and Sulphur tonight and you'll be
amased at your youthful apoearance
and the real beauty and healthy condi
tion of your hair within a few days.
Inquiry at drug stores here shows that
they all sell lots of "Wyeth's Sage snd
Sulphur" and the folks using it are
enthusiastic. This preparation is a de
lightful toilet requisite. It is not in
tended for the cure, mitigation or pr
veation of djyr.m