The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 27, 1918, Section One, Page 13, Image 13

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Interior Decoration
Eight decoration is as important as good architecture and reliable
construction. Our Bureau of Interior Decoration will offer expert advice
on all your homcfurnishing problems. A visit to this department a
talk with one of our decorators will reveal many possibilities of artistic
treatment. Come in at any time.
Seventh Floor. Stith Street.
See Also
Back Page
this section, for other Im
portant Meier & Frank
Store news.
See Also
Back Page
this section, for other im
portant Meier ' & Frank
Store news.
All Charge Purchases
Tomorrow and Balance of Month
Go on February Accounts Made
Payable March First
fna Quality Sto?o or PokxuOO
Tomorrow Begins an Event of Universal Importance Meier & Frank's February
lExDosition and Sale':of:'-,H6m-efur'ntshtn
2 . : .....
Spring RUG Exhibit
Now is a rood time to buy rurs for Spring homefurnish-
ing. We have just received immense new stocks of highest
standard grade rujrs and carpets at prices in every instance
lower than the present market and considerably lower tnan
prospective conditions would warrant.
All fresh, new, perfect merchandise. We have the largest
retail display of floor coverings in the Northwest. Axrmn
sters. Velvets, Tapestry Brussels and Wilton Rugs in the latest
patterns and colorings suitable for any room desired, whether
m private home, office, hotel or rooming-house. We have
uneaualed facilities for showing these rugs and spread them
out on hardwood floors to show exactly how they look in your
home. We have the wanted medium size patterns and small
designs both in great variety. Exclusive agents for Bundhar
Wilton, French Wiltoil and Hardwick Wilton Rugs. Also
Chenille Rugs special sizes to order. A hint of what you
will find:
cUxl0.6 Axminster Ruffs $27 and $30.
&3xl0.6 Seamless Axminster Rujts $10 and $42.50.
&3xl0.0 Seamless Velvet Rus $23.
8.3x10.6 Seamless Wilton Velvet Ruffs $37.50 and $46.50.
&3xl0.6 Wilton Rum $37.50, $62.50, $70 and $32.50.
9x12 Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs $22.50 and $25.
9x12 Axminstcr Rujrs $26.50, $30, $32.50, $33 and $40.
9x12 Seamless Axminster Rujrs $42.50 and $43.
9x12 Seamless Velvet Rues $27.50.
9x12 Seamless Wilton Velvet Rugs $40 and $50.
9x12 Wilton Rugs $62.50, $67.50, $75, $S7.50 and $S9.
9x12 Seamless Wilton Rugs $93.
9x12 Seamless Chenille Rugs $100.
Ra Shop. Seventh Floor.
Fine New Table Linens
Fine satin damask table cloths and napkins are becoming
more scarce each day, and as they cannot be replaced with
new stock it is only a matter of time until they can no longer
be retailed at alL We are offering in this sale some very good
grades in beautiful designs. Cloth 2x2 yards and 12 napkins,
set 517. Cloth 2x22 yards and 12 napkins, set $22. Cloth
2x3 yards and 12 napkins, set $26. Cloth 2x3,s yards and
12 napkins, set $20. Cloth 2x1 yards and 12 napkins, set $32.
Cloth 2x22 yards and 12 napkins, set $27.
Odd table cloths with no napkins
to match. Also odd napkins.
Some are sliffhtly soiled. $8J0
cloths $10.00 cloths $7. 1 12
cloths $1. $12.50 cloths $10.
Good heavy grade double satin
table damask in variety of pleas
ing floral designs. Full 70 inches
wide. Napkins to match in size
Zx22 inches, dozen for $7.50.
Good quality anion linen tab to
damask for general use. This grade
will wear and launder splendidly.
Full 66 inches wide. Specially
priced in this sale at, yard $L.
Extra heavy union linen hand
towels with hemstitched ends. Size
19x35 inches.-. Fine for everyday
use. Priced in this sale at 50c
each, or dozen for $3.75.
Linen Shop, Second Floor.
Blankets & Pillows
$7.50 Cray Wool Blankets, 70xS0 inches, special at S6.S5
$6.50 White Wool Blankets, 72x80 inches, special at $5.85
$6.00 Plaid Wool Blankets, 66x80 inches, special at So. 15
$4.00 White Beacon Woolnap Blankets, 66x80 inches, S3.55
$1.00 Cray Woolnap Blankets, 6,6x80 inches, special S3. 50
$5.50 Plaid Woolnap Blankets, 70x80 inches, at only. S4.95
Beacon Bathrobe Blankets, priced at only S3.50 and S4.50
Beacon Jacquard Comforters, priced only S3.50 and S6.00
Cotton Sheet Blankets, full size, S2.00, S2.75 and So.00
$3.00 Emmerich All-Feather Bed Pillows, special at S2.70
Second Floor. Fifth aired
Special Sale Oneida Community
Par Plate Silverware
Beffinninpr tomorrow there will be very special
.prices in effect on the famous Oneida Community
Par Plate Silverware. I he popular Primrose de
sign, one piece illustrated, in frencn gray iinish.
Guaranteed to givt the utmost satisfaction. Spe
cially priced as follc-nrs:
Tea or Coffee Spoons 83f .
Table Spoons $1.G3.
Soup or Bouillon Spoons
Medium ForksM.CJ.
IVssert Forks Sl-'iO.
Oyster Forks ? 1 .."VS.
Ind. Salad Forks 2.13.
Medium Knives $2.23.
3-piece Child's Set D3f.
Gravy Ladles 69f.
Cream Ladles 5of.
Sugar Shells 3."Sf.
Butter Knives 3o.
Pickle Forks 4S(.
Cold Meat Forks 3of .
Berry Spoons Oof.
Sllnrwr Shop. Mala Floor.
m HIS great annual homef urnishing event is'at once an exposition and
i a saie. in exposition uecau&e 11. caiuuhs iu iiiu&l iiiijjieb&ivc 0.511
ion a complete presentation of everything- that enters into the fur
nishing of the home. It shows how capably and thoroughly this store has
gone about the business of assembling stocks from the most depend
able sources. It illustrates in a most convincing .way Meier & Frank's
pre-eminence among homef urnishing stores.
It is, besides, a sale because of the many genuine reductions it brings
on quality merchandise. Some lines are specially underpriced for this
event. Some specially purchased to sell at special prices. And, because
of our tremendous purchasing power and foresighted buying, we are en
abled in every instance to offer the BEST merchandise on the market
at the very LOWEST prices prices that are uniformly lower than else
where. , 1 ' V
Everything for the home is here. Everything of guaranteed qual
ity. Everything, at most favorable prices to you. Take advantage of
this great February exposition and sale.
Big Values iir Furniture
' . During This Great Annual February Exposition and Sale
This great February sale of furniture forcibly demonstrates our leadership in
the homef urnishing field. Everyone is afforded an opportunity to secure good
looking, up-to-date, fine quality furniture at the price of the ordinary. Below
we illustrate and describe one suite for the living-room, dining-room and bed
room. In addition to those advertised, there are. many more equally attractive
suites as well as separate pieces at correspondingly low prices.
jTSra i-ffii i i .itiii NUui, tkii H.iiii Iff
TT.V lih " t -,-r iii'I7 ili i 1 i . "ft
The attractive 4-piece living1 room suite as illustrated above is a good example of the values offered in
this sale. Mahogany library table, top measures 26x42 inches, $19.65. Tapestry covered davenport, with
loose cushions, 6-6, for $49.85. Tapestry covered easy chair, large size, $24.95. Mahogany and cane rocker,
$14.95. Suite complete $109.40.
Queen Anne dining-room suite as illustrated above, $199. Single pieces priced as follows: Mahogany
side table, 36 inches long, $19.75. Mahogany buffet, 60 inches long, $48. Mahogany china cabinet $38.25,
Mahogany table, 48-inch top, 6 foot extension, $38. 5 side chairs $42.75. Arm chair $12.25. In addition we
have other sizes of buffets and tables that can be used with this same suite.
ijtlfuiji i r yii i if ii i juj
The desirable bedroom suite as illustrated above, without chairs, complete for $77. We also have other
pieces to match this bedroom suite, not illustrated, such as vanity dresser, chiffonier (without mirror), etc
ingle pieces priced as follows: Mahogany dresser $22.55. Mahogany dressing table $17.45. Mahogany
chiffonier $19.75. Mahogany bed, full size, $17.25.
Make Your Chra Terms in Reason
Remember on this, as on all other furniture. purchased from Meier & Frank's,
you can take advantage of this most liberal credit offer make your own terms
in reason. Furniture Shop, Eighth Floor.
It Will Be to Your Advantage to Buy Your
'Universal' Range
now. As a result of extensive purchases made in 1917, we
are enabled to continue our present low prices on Universal
Ranges for our February Exposition and Sale of Home-furnishings.
These prices, however, are subject to stock on hand at
this time and on no single item can the price be guaranteed
for any period of time. Place your order NOW, even though
you may not require your range installed immediately. We
will hold your range and make later delivery if desired.
Universal Ranges Have a
Nation-Wide Reputation
for stability of construction, durability and service-giving qualities. Our
showing includes a wide variety Universal wood and coal ranges, Uni
versal ranges with gas attachments and the
Universal Combination
ranges. These Durn gas ana wooa or coai, separately or logetner two
complete ranges in the space ordinarily occupied by one range. Beauti
ful, durable, economical the height of perfection in kitchen ranges.
Make Your Own Terms in Reason,
Select your new Universal range or heater tomorrow and pay for
the same while using it. You will be allowed to make your own terms in
Sixth Floor. Fifth Street
Curtains and Curtaining
Charm, the secret of good furnishing, lies greatly in the
intimate home things draperies, pillows, furniture coverings,
lamp shades, table runners, etc., that form such an important
part of the room." Our large stocks of curtains, nets, cretonnes,
tapestries, velours, damasks, etc., offer a great opportunity
to secure the right thing for the right place. Of especial
Sale of Real Arabian Curtains
Fine quality Marquisette curtains trimmed with real Arabian laces
in entirely new and unusual effects. These were purchased specially
for this February sale. Those who desire high grade curtains possessing
artistic merit should see these very special values at $6.15, $8.35 and $9.85
' 94 pairs of good scrim curtains
with insertion and edging. Dainti
ly arranged with valance piece be
tween. "SUNFAST"
50 inches wide. Brown, rose,
green and mulberry colors in the
popular Sunfast drapery materials.
200 pairs of these desirable
Marquisette curtains with pretty
edges in both wide and narrow ef
Enliven your rooms with these
gaily colored cretonnes. Effective
floral patterns in the best colors.
Wall Paper in Great Variety
The softening influence of well selected wall paper is certainly better
than the harshness and coldness of plain plaster. Let us inspect your
rooms and euggest appropriate papers. We have all kinds from 7c to
$2.50 rolL t
"Luxor" Cambric Shades
In shading the new home or re-supplying the old home, use "Luxor"
cambric non-crackable window shades. Textures and colors are pleasing.
We are sole agents. A phone call will secure an estimate on any size
Seventh Floor. Sixth Street.
Reduced Prices on
Aluminum Ware
A limited quantity of the de
pendable Diamond brand alumi
num ware. Guaranteed to be 99
per cent pure, strictly high-grade
standard aluminum ware. Here
are the reductions:
$1.85 Lipped Sauce Pan, 6-qt. j
$2.30 Lipped Preserving Kettle, Q" OQ
8-qt. size...
$1.65 Covered Berlin Sauce Pan, 4- QQ
qt. size.. tOU
$1.00 Lipped Sauce Pan, 3-qt. size, KQ
for only OUl,
Housewares Section, Basement.