The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 27, 1918, Section One, Page 12, Image 12

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Chancfe for Study of Important
Subject Is Open to People
of Portland.
. ... k?.
J ,
Work Rrrlnnlnr February 14 la I
I'ndcr Auspice of Cnlrrroltj of
Ore ton. With Amcrlcaa Insti
tute of Bunking Co-operating. ' ,
A tours la .investment banking Willi
be offi red lo in Portland public. ts- I
tmr.lns: rebrusry 1. under the aua
P! ot the extension division of thai
University of Orea-on. the American la-I
::iuta of iknkinl co-operating.
The course will b organised by the
rmveraitr School of Commerce. It will
e.nsist of li seminar lectures -coo-
dniH br Frank A. Freeman, vice-
irrident of tha Liimbermene Trust
icnpany. Tha subject and the natural
. f the work will be handled ao that!
It will appeal to the bustneaa roan
and the average Investor, aa well as I
to the clrrka and officials of the com-I
mere la 1 banks who want to Inform
themselves on bonds, stocks and other
forms of Investments.
Bond :emrn who were active In I
tha recent liberty Joan drlvea report
an almost appalling Lark of knowledge I
br the general public on tha subject I
of Investment banking. Business men I
who have been distinctly successful In I
their own fields, it developed, did not
know the first principles of the bond I
rwklle latere Ressei.
Students of financial affairs through-
. out the country agree that the liberty
borlrf sale, together with othea forms I
of .mar financing, will serve to arouse
pubhc Interest In the subject of bonds
In general. Already tb banks and I
bona houses are reporting a lively de
mand far information on iMi subject.
It Is sa satiary this demand. 10 far aa
be cite of rort)nd la -concerned, that
the I'ptverslly tfcbool of Commerce baa
rranl'd to conduct this course.
"tf Ireeman has consented to take
charge of ttv class work, but will not
rocfine bis discuss. oris to current bond
Issues handled by any of the Invest
ment banking-houses In Portland.
A synopsla ef the course provides fori
presentation of some of the following
details: Tha difference between stocks I
yrv s- r r -
-rrs org
! 1 c V " ; . -eJ!.
. n.4 Kr,nri! Id. se.-uritv holder dls.1 iJ f 111. ' ''-.- . ST - t ' ' ' 5 "
llrcuished from the atockholder; the i f:!?!' 'V ? '.i 'V f V" V's . . -I i '
difference between the Investor and ? t VvV ' If . V A "J I-r- ' i -
the speculator; definitions of bonds ' Vt . S " : V- e. "A ,Sv.'.""tiL - f " ' "
and short-lerni notes, and condjllona ' ' yf m '' :',-, ' V V
Itovernlrr the Issuance of those re- J LV w'- v tf 'VV ' " VS " ' "
spectlve forms of security: bond L . ' v'iiV'.Hy t - ' '. , . ' ' - -
naisla. how to judc the security ' . :H iV- a-' "n' - :" '".
rk of a bond, and numerous other i ",.',V f- S V "T r,'nt j Nf - f
important ruldes to persons deslrlntc 4 h- ' ' " v. VvV . i" s - V - ' ' i ', . . . .- k -
t. enter the Investment bankins; field. ! . J-U f. J ' r -s "V lrf ' xv'-f " "v - V '. Masj
either a. bond buyer or salesman. I - t -.y CV? ',4 ' ' - . - I H
Uelsrs Date. Aassssrea. .' r T.Zi . "vt.:vT Al 1 Aft.' . " - , jt J(
The lectures will be held at 7 o'clock 11 ' V I X i. l -1v i -r-.-'., :r i' " V
.very Thur.d.y .veninr in th. or.o C ' 'f f. 'v u! JC.T'4 -1 4 V'rThe superb.KiKantictheda Bam
the -hsmbee of commerce or the par- ff U ! f , J rviv j J? -Al -The supreme, achievement of
Benkln. both of which oran!satlona fi J ;" j i'-i -tT7 ''J'. Cait photoplay aCCOmpIbhmnt.
are co-operatlnc with the university R L , ( t vVf ' w- :. ' vivViJ 1 1 , Z? t1' . - , . -
luxV?uwZ-K . . .... a E 1 tt-tV-Cs'l' r!-V s. r-Te imrst costly and stupendous
W Ith the becinnlnc of the second B ,.M !' r J r v Cf "r'' 3 ,
semester', work In the University of I V VnV'1vT. i.' ' f 5 'f ' VH f COOteii ed. r ... f
ure-ron etension ciassea in t'ortlang I il ' -- c " r.j' ,. - , . " j, , . r - . . .
this week a number of new conr... I ' ;. t VilViit ' t' F.' T- The PlCtCTe that COSt H klTtir'S
will be offered. Of special Interest k " Ttu'ti,' ' .kViC- v J t - ' liloyfd "ft.0(0 Derple.
tr the military courses, which will H r : '"fiV'r 'fl ri . -
'A Kii . ...
r -Mi
r v
e Siren of the Nile
be open to all wlshlna; to enroll in
them, but which have been specially
desisrned fo men expecting- to enter
the service.
Ttie military coursea will Include a
series of : lectures on "Practical
Electricity for Military Purposes." to I
ba riven by O. V. Wilder, of the
Benson Polytechnic Schofl for Roys. In
co-operation with the department of
physics at the university. C. T. Kron
enberir. aa Instructor In Jefferson
Mich rVhool. will conduct a class in
mllltany mathematics."
PawteKTaphr May He ! tad I eel.
Provided as many aa Si apply fori
It. there will br a course In photog
raphy Saturday mornings by Pr. V. p.
Hoynton. of the science department of I
the university.
A new course In literature will be I
riven by Mrs. liable Holmes Parsons
on "Versification and Contemporary
Poets." Thla class will meet ilonday I
eventnes irom J.1S to 1:1.
In the music department Dr. J. J.
Landsbury s course In harmony will
continue, and V. H. Boyer'a two
Ko.ittta will continue, with a new one
adUed in mora advanced teaching- of I
A course In reneral chemistry will
oei:m Monday evenlnr at T:l at Lin
coln Hiah School, and the class will
meet three times a week. The In
structor will be Norman C. Thome, of I
the. faculty of Lincoln High School.
acting In co-operation with Professor I
fetafford. of the aclence department at
ine university.
The science department will also
offer a course in botany, but this
win not begin until April.
r. o. . lituum win srire a new
education course In "Mental and Physi
cal Tests and Diagnostic Methods." be-I
ginning jridev evenlnc at t o'clock.
Bellrme Kident Passes; Survived
by II a stand and Five Sons.
SALEM. Or, Jan. t fSpectaL)
Tleien Branson Moe died7 at her home at
Bellerue. Monday. January 21, the
funeral being held at the United Bre th
em Church at Isllevue, the presiding
eider. Rev. H. IX Taunan, preaching
xne sermon.
the was born at WUlamlna. Tamhlll
County. March 6, ltTs. the daughter of I
Ueorae and Mary Elisabeth Branson.
Phe waa married to Henert Moe Feb
ruary . Ut. five boya belnc born to I
the union: Jesse, Charles. Ole, Auetln I
and Melvin. all of whom, with the bus-I
band, survive and reside at Bellevue.
She also Is survived by nine brothers I
and two sisters.
lavish, extnta-
ransom and em-
Entire theater' transformed ; into an Egyptian
palace. -
Attendants" in Egyptian costumes.
Incense, atmosphere.
Aain the Majestic leads in offering a presentation
on a more eLiborate,, more stupendous scale ihun
has ever before been seen anywher outsde of
New York.
iv,' -rrf 1 i
1eV!c;y M?HrfaMMU;cMfM
r 1,. .. I j f-'fz
J : ' Vv ' -'.v.i- v ( ommcncinji
'j'V : . Next "
K vt tvtrl i ifirv- rtiuHieal
;icconipaniiu'nt bv two
.. f m plete t5.VTnphT)ny
.Orchestras, -
e ' - r
11: r A r!V In
ill J - I 1 :k,1.
ftHasjsiSOsKtf .
' lt ect from spectacu
t lar" engagements in
' New ' Yoi k and bij;
lastern cities at S2.00.
The most remarkable
attraction ever
. in Portland.
arkable Jrrr
offered l"1'
""'. Sa.
. . .3 tT
-J" 3a f
SFf 14 ?
5. - Ti V .
tii v i ' -' : - -
" 'J
4 -
-t :
Two Promotions In Day Is Record.
Jan. li. (special.) Two promotions in
one day la the record set by Walter
I'lrom. son of J. C. Dlmm. editor of
tha Sprnafleld News and a graduate
of the university with the clasa of
11. who is now serving- with tha
First Replacement Engineers. Dim in i ... i .k.
and hi. initial promotion was to first HOOD RIVER BOYS WRITE
made serreant-major of the first bat
talion. While In the university Pimm
waa a major of cadets.
I tc Walt Bonrbrake and Donald Coclr-
rtse Are "Somewhers In France."
Slat krr Held as Be . i tc-r.
APTORIA. Or.. Jan. 2. (Special.)
J. J. Miller, who registered at North
Taklma. but failed to answer his
questionnaire or Inform the board of
hie chan a-e ef address, waa arrested
era today by Federal officers on
charge of belss; a deserter..
ROOD RIVER. Or... Jan.. 5. (Spe
cial.) Letters have ' been received by
local riends announcing- that DeWalt
Bonebrake and Donald Cochrane,
former Hood River high, school stu-
a I dents, .are "somewhere in France."
1 Yvusk .iionsbraka. La avlatian aurvlce, traiaicgv
la the son of Rev. P. O. Bonebrake, a
United Brethren minister of Portland,
who formerly resided on( a West Elde
orchard place. Touns; Cochrane was
formerly a alar athlete of the local
Walter W. Sbay, a graduate of the
high school, who waa formerly with
12th Company, Oregon Coast Artillery
at Fort Cunby. waa recently transferred
to the aviation corps. He writes that
he haa Just reached Springfield. Mass..
where he will engage in intensive
Coo9 Bay Properties May Be Devel
oped by Outside Capital. '
NORTH BEND, Or., Jan. 2. (Spe
cial.) No less than three firms and in
dividuals are now securing options on
latvd supposed to be oil-bearing'ig Coos
The Powers Investment Company, of
Lo AJUCbies. aiyady bta ecuxedi on- t
Uona on about 8000 acres of land In the
South Inlet district. J. E. Hlmes, oil
operator of Cheyenne, Wyo., who was
here last Summer, in company with the
Wyoming state geologist, has, through
his local attorney, John D. Goss, taken
options on a big acreage.
C. R. Wade and W. W. Button, of
Bandon, are also out after options be
tween Beaver Inlet and Bandon. They
have refused to make any statement re
garding the parties they represent.
A North Bend man named Fackler,
last Fall put down a shaft to a depth
200 feet, and although ha found
traces of oil-bearing shale, he was com
pelled to give up the experiment owing
to difficulty in obtaining labor.
Fair Board Reappoints.
CHEHAL.IS, Wash., Jan. 26. (Spe
cial.) At a meeting of the Southwest
Washington Fair Board held Wednes
day. F. B. Hubbard, of Centralia, was
reappointed for the coming year, and
the secretary, George R-, Walker, was
also reappointed. The secretary's re
port was eubmltted and accepted;
showing the expenses for 1917 to be
approximately 116,000 and a balance on
hand In the fair fund of ,1500.
Before you so to the cloHlngc-out sale
or aelllnjE-OQt ale, just step into Fac
tory Sample Shop. 2K6 Morrison atreet
between Fourth and Fifth, next to Cor
bett BuildlflfE for a srenntne clear In it
MlCt and yoa will aave money and time
and so ao further for UrcaaejsV SnJ.ta
CoaU, Skirt and WalU '