t 76 Pages' Section One SixSections Pages 1 to 24 VOL. XXXVII NO. 4. PORTLAND. OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, .1 A MARY 27, 1918. PRICE FIVE CENTS. HAH Oil Mill BASIS TOMORROW CONVICTS CAPTURE ESCAPED PRISONER ABE RUSTEIX CAUGHT WITHIN FEW MILES OF SALEM. President Proclaims New War Measure. VICTORY BREAD TO BE EATEN Honor Gang Spreads Out Over Coun try and. Party In Auto Without Guard Retakes fan- ' SAIXM. Or.. Jan. 26. (Special.) When Abe Rustela escaped from the penitentiary wood camp a few miles from Salem today bo cud not eoant on the root of the honor ctm taking to his trail. Bat Abe-landed back in prison In time to get a cold rapper. WlUard Tanner, who. with Hazel Erwtn. la serving a sentence for mur der: Al Dawson. B. E. Roadel and E. W. Olson, all convicts, are credited BATTLEFRONT LIFE T 16 DRAMA Heavens Seem to Spli as Shells Burst. Food Need-of Fighting Ames 0 ?21ZtSl Abroad to Be Met by Self-Denial Here. oat over the country after htm. Tan ner, with hie party, had the advantage of the rest by being famished with an automobile walch'was' driven by Olson. Near a llttla station, called Switzerland. east or here, they spied their man on - .... t .V.. --A ...I nicked niM M.itt.tM imni unnriiTl '" ' DIU dAVINU NUW UKUfcli I htm up without any trouble and rushed him Into the prison. Rusteln was sent to the prison from nood River County In 11 and was paroled In 11. but violated his parole ad was returned last March. Tanner and his men were given the use of the machine today without any guards and they rode back triumphantly into the prison yard with the party Intact. and with the addition of Kusteln. BIG SHOW, SOLDIERS CALL I Trench to Hospital Trip Dreary Sequel. Wilson Calls on American Pub lic to Cut Down Materially Use of Meat and Wheat. WASHINGTON, Jaa. 26. The DRAFT REGIMENT LEAVES for TTnannouneed Destination. rrr.rP, n First Full r.H Quit. Catnp Wu oreaa ajet jirmaay us a pan 01 a vrar- rationip; system prescribed tonight V A .V- I TAtua. nun, jm. food administration calls it. I r..m.t h. rone from Camo The reduced rations arc asked fori Lewis. the purpose of creating ajanrer ex-1 with the bands playing "Where Do port surplus of food for the allies. w 00 From Heref the tPPn Kl.nkeU mrA framnarl fn f h A BtAtlOH. accomplished largely by Voluntary ef- standing by were men from other regl fort, but force will be employed I ments. envious that their units were wherever permitted under the iood-"t riven the order to so as a body. This was the first complete regiment to leare Camp Lewis. As the Ions troop train palled away control act. Programme Arranged for 1918. The rationing system, as presented the -soldiers leaned with their heads i !,; j . , .. lout of the windows and wared good- and by Food Administrator Hoover in a list of regulations, forms the food administration's 1918 food conserra tioa programme, of which the chief features are: A baker's bread of mixed flours, beginning Monday, with a 5 per cent substitution of other cereals for wheat until a 20 per cent substitution is reached. February 24. byes with hats and handkerchiefs to their friends on the platform. SIMPSON TO DECIDE SOON Prospective Caudldate for Governor Will Make Statement. 6ALEM. Or Jan. t. (Special.) U 13. .Elrapson. of Coos County, made the statement here today that he will an- Sale by retailers to householders of I nounce his decision as to whether he an equal amount of substitute flours w'11 become a candidate for Governor for every pound ef wheat flour, pur- ,n Prtlnd- February L r shortly chased at the time the wheat flour is bought. Seventy Per Cent Basis Fixed. Sale by millers to wholesalers and This was taken by some to mean that he Is seriously considering getting Into the race. He said his friends in Coos County would not take "No for an answer, but that they were not familiar wholesalers to retailers of only 70 perl with conditions out over the state. Mr. cent of the amount of wheat flour Simpson was here pushing the War Savings Stamp campaign. day and Wednesday and one wheat- PARIS POLICE GAS-MASKED less meal a da v. One meatless day a week Tuesday i-reparauon. wr xear oer- GIRL NURSES BIG SUCCESS Interesting Description of Actual Life Amid Constant , Deadly Peril Written by One Right on Scene. and one meatless meal a day. Two porkless days a week Tues day and Saturday. Manufacturers of macaroni, .spa rhetti, noodles, crackers and break fast foods, pie, cake and pastry will be permitted to buy only 70 per cent of their last year's purchases, and are asked to perform a patriotic service by using substitute flours. Equivalent U Be Maintained. Flour will be sold through the reg ular channels and in such a manner that each community will receive its equivalent share. The food administration will pur chase for the Army and for the al- Biini May Make Air Raid. Pm. a Colame X PARIS. Jan. :. Gas masks of the Istest model have been furnished to the police as a protection against gss bombs. In the expectation of air raids on Paris. The police have been warned to keep the masks within easy reach. UNION COUNTYHAS SNOW Deprb of Five Inches Covers Ground Daring NlghU LA GRAND F:. Or, Jan. St. -(Special.) Snow fell OTer Union County tsst night to a depth of fire Inches. -The thermometer today was low enourh to presenre the covering. BT REGINALD WRIGHT KACrTMAS. Special Cnrrrapondmt of th. North American. AccnoitH .orr.pondnt wun th United oi.es niiT m t rance. (Coprrlcbc IBIS, by the North American.) THE AMERICAN CAMP,. SOME WHERE IN FRANCE. Jan. IS. It was as If we were In the cleft of an Ice berg. Ice varnished the clay-cemented logs that walled our narrow trench. When either of us crouched a little lower Into the freeslng mud of the floor, a crust of Ice broke under ub From the narrow strip of sky orer head, the stars, which seemed close enough for plucking, hung like so many icicles. For a long hour there had been no sound save the occasional crackle and tinkling of Ice we might have been alone upon our berg In an arctlo sea. -rd rather .like to know," I whis pered at night you always whisper In the trenches Td rather like to know what It's like when a shell ex plodes in a dugout." Whang! A couple of hundred yards on our left the blackness blazed Into sudden fire and Instantly left us In blinding dark. "Well." said Bill, "you've come to a likely place to learn." Pressed for Trvaefcee. My aching fingera could almost have touch - the boy. ..had .the Bold per mitted mo to stretch out my arms, and yet he was only Just discernible. Only Just discernible and scarcely to be recognised for the American In fantryman. In any conscript caaip from that at Ayr, Mass, to that at Annlston. Ala the rawest reserve officer would have censured him, for his uniform had suffered the sea change that every one of our uniforms Is auffering over here. - ' - The familiar service hat had been replaced - by a fore-and-aft cap that covered his ears; a Red Cross knitted muffler hid all the lower portion of his face; he had raggedly cut off the skirt of his overcoat to his knees: when he worked his toes to stimulate lrculatlon, water gurgled in his broken boots. "That." he explained, evidently nod ding toward the scene ef the explosion, "was a trench mortar mlnenwerfer. Mornings you can see . 'em coreln. Ever play football Those things look like a spiral kick-off." Another concussion put the period to his concluding sentence, a concussion different from Its predecessor. I was acquainted with the - sound that fol lowed It, a sound for all the world like the first drops of rain storm on autumnal leaves. It was shrapnel, and that meant that the enemy was find ing a range for his bigger guns. Beaveaa Seems Split. The shrapnel Increased, and then there was a minute's lull. "Now for the big show." said BllL I meant to ask hiiu something. Per haps I did ask It. I don't know. I don't even remember the tremendous INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS Concltxl.il on Pas S. Column S.) The Weather. TESTER DAY'S Maximum temperature, 48 desrete; minimum. OS decrees. TODAY'S Fair; moderate southerly winds. War. ' ' LIT. en battlefront full of thrilling episodes. Section i. pas I. . Foreign. Amsterdam dlppatctaes hint at revolution in Germany. Section 1. pace 1. BoLhrvUel acre to resume peace nesotla ttons with Uermany. Section 1. pace 2. National. , United States to to on war ration bails to morrow. Section 2. pace l. Punishment to fit offenses asked for Army doctor convicted of cruelty. Section pace e. Hoover announces rules for food conserva. tion. Section 1, pace s. Wood ships greatly needed for Alaska trade. Section J. pac - Senator MeNary promises to work for bill to aid IrrtsaUonlata. section l.Npace Peace pressure tn Austria crows more pro nounced. Beotlon 1. pace a Secretary ' Baker -to ' answer ' Chamberlain char(s Monday. Section I. pace 22. Eight-hour day -order for lumbermen of Pa- oine Coast temporarily wiuinaia. eecuon V pec 22. t - v ' Domestic. " Fourth creat blisxard of 'Winter sweepa ever Middle West. Mcuon L, pace 1 Chamberlain flooded with meaeaces ef ap proval of hla expo or war IJepartment Inefficiency. - section 1. pace s. Widespread plot to cripple war activities belns carried out. election 1. pace is. Packers listed all Congressmen. Trade Com. mission hears. Section 1. pace 23. Mediation Commission will ask Wilson to cet new trial for Mooney. convicted of bomb murder at San Francisco. Section 1. pace 4. . Sports. Louis Hollocher to play with Portland this asoo. Section 2, . pace 1. Bronson meet. Farren here February a Section 3. pace 3. Portland bowlers to meet for city champlon- snip. section x. pace z. Eucsne Hlrh School basketball team con tender-for state title Section X, pace 3. Interscholastio basketball faces strenuous nun. Section 2, pace a . Portland Gun Club to hold shoot at Bver- dlnc Fark today. Section 3. pace a Hockey player's temper helps Portland to cellar position. Section 2. pace a O. A. C clrl students take Interest In ath letics. Section 2. pace a Elks and Commercial clubs -tied In Billiard Xeacue. Section 2, pace 4. O. A. C defeats Waablncton five IS to a Section 2, pace 1. Grammar school girls will swim. Section X. pas 4. - Faelfle Northwest. Convicts capture Abe Rusteln, escaped pris oner, section X. pace 1. Searchers baffled In hunt for missing young woman. Section 1, pace I. Walla Walla Collece fired for fifth time In month. Section 1. pace 2. Grain roi era of Inland Empire need more sacks for 1918. Section 1, pacs a Secretary Olcott. If elected Governor, would not appoint successor. Section 1, pace 7. People of Sweden fear food famine. Section 1, page 7. Election chronology prepared - by - Secretary Olcott. Section 1. pace 8. Hawley. of Idaho, to enter fight for Senate. Section 1. pace a State acrioultujiets form Federated Councils ol union ovcuoa x. pas . Student tells how to gat education by own work, section 1, pace S. Northwest- Tourist Association revises plans for 181a Section X. pace sa. - ' . Commercial and Marine. Potato supply In country 14S per cent larger than year ago. beetion 2, pac la- Government may establish maximum oats price, section z. pace is. flails continue strong feature ef Wall street market, section 3. pac is. Thirty-five of Is United States merchant men lst in war are sailers. Section 1, pace 21. Plan tor Instructor of engineers of merchant marine la proposed by shipping Board. Section 1. pace 31. Large lumber orders placed with Paajfle Coast lumber mills. Section 1. page 21. Portland and Vicinity. - Loganberry Juice firms consolidate. Section 1. page la. Children enthusiastic In Junior Red Cross work. Section page 11. Course In banking offered to people ef Port land. Section 1. page 1 w. C A. reviews work of past year. Sec tion 1. pace 14. Portland Symphony Orchestra st Auditorium this sftamoon. Section L. pace 10. Insanity to be defence of Clarence Guy. Sec tion 1. pace IS. . - Lumbermen en'd pro-Gerntsnlim In North west forests. Section 1. pace Is. Increase tn city weter rates urcd by Super intendent Kaiser. Section 1. pac Is. Portland girls to organise Red Cross motor squsdroo. Section 1, pace 17. Commissioner Btgelow proposes to revoke car company's ' franchises. Section 1. pace IS. Albert Stevene found guilty . ef attempting to evade anti-Jitney erdlnanse. Section L, pace 11. Ex-Penltenttary convict eapturd after ex cltinc street ehase. - Sctlon 1. pas IS. Portland V. M. C A. prepares hundreds ef . men for military service. Section 1. pace 20. City Council uncertain about terms of office. Section 2. psge 14. Portland's waterfront fnlly policed by well armed men. Section 1. page 18. Portland men to advertise Northwest In tour of East. Section 1. page 22. Weather report, data and forecast., section 2. page . Exemption board seeks to find those falling to report. Section 1, peg 22. nrnm iiv on in m IIIHII! OHIU IU FACE REVOLUTION Grave Rumors Filter Out of Empire. BERLIN SCENE OF DISORDERS EFFORTS TO FIND MISSING GIRL FAIL YOTJXG TEACHER'S DISAPPEAK- AXCE MYSTIFIES ALIi. Police Ruthlessly Suppress Bread Riots. TEUTON LEADERS WARNED Scbeidemann, Socialist Ieader, Says Kaiser 3Iust Make' Peace 'Wltli Russia or . Government Is Doomed to Fall. LONDON; Jan. 2. The Amsterdam correspondent of the Express says that extraordinary reports are current con cerning a revolution in Germany, and that there have been rumors of grave disorders in Berlin during the past two days, the rioters clamoring for peace. He also reports bread riots, which were ruthlessly suppressed by the po lice, many persons being wounded. The correspondent admits that con firmation of these rumors is impossi ble, but thinks that it is remarkable that no telegrams, either press on com mercial, were received in Holland Fri day direct from Berlin. None of Thursday morning's Berlin newspapers has arrived. SCHEIDEMAXN SOTJKDS WARNING Socialist Leader Hints st Fall of Government Leaders. AMSTERDAM. Jan. 8. PMlipp Scheideraann, president of the. Social Democratic party in Germany, answer ing; Chancellor von Hertllng-'s speech In the main committee of the Reichstag;. warned the military leaders of the im perial government that if they did not brine; about peace between Germany and Russia "they would be, hurled from power. Scheldemann's reply to the Chancel lor, as published in the Berliner Vor- waerts, follows: yj ' . r-- - The chief arguments were .advanced by the militarist party- for the prolong ation of the war, namely, the success of the U-boats and the strength of our army. But these were to nave given s a decisive victory In six months, ac cording to the announcement made In 1916. 'Alas! that period has Ions; since passed and,, while the U-boat has ad znlttedly harmed England enormously. its chief visible effect has been the entry of America into the war. Rasslaa peace Blocked. "If the United States had not entered the war we may be sure the Russian revolution would long; ago have brought general peace, i "What about the army? Suppose the army should capture Calais and Paris; would that mean peace? I say "no." "Suppose the army conquered France and England: would that mean peace? I say "no, for we would still have to conquer America. - Herr Scheidemann - fiercely attacked the militarist leaders, declaring that their attitude toward Austria was like ly to lose for Germany her last friend. "If our government leaders cannot free us from these "patriots," said the Social Democratic leader, "they had better go. I warn them that if they do not bring us peace with Russia they will be hurled from power." Herr Scheidemann declared that an agreement easily was possible on 11 points of Presldent,Wilson's statement. . Alsace? Blocks Way. "But Mr. Wilson must be told plain ly," the speaker said, "that Alsace is Germany's and will remain so. If one Reported Arrival at Portland HoS' pttal Is Not Verified Friends '"Fear Mental Derangement. ALBANY, Or., Jan. 26. (Special.) Efforts to locate Miss Mignon Swanson a young woman who was teaching school near Halsey, and who dlsap peared mysteriously eight days ago, have been unsuccessful. A few days ago relatives received word, apparently from the young woman herself, that she was in a Portland hospital, but she has not been found. A week ago last, night Miss Swanson left the home where she was boarding near her school, east of Halsey. saying she was going to the home of his sister, Mrs. Edward NltzeL near Shedd, to spend Sunday. When she failed to ap pear at her school last Monday morning an investigation disclosed that she had not gone to her sister's home. About this time a postcard was re celved'by the School Board, purporting to be signed by Elsie Olson, of a Port land employment office, suggesting where a new teacher could be engaged. Fhis teacher was employed. The rela tives heard that Miss Swanson was ill In a Portland hospital, but they have not found her. Her brother-in-law, Edward Nitzel. went to Portland today to continue the search. No reason is known for Miss Swan son's disappearance, except that she had been in poor health recently, and it Is feared she may be suffering from mental aberration. Miss Swanson Is a daughter of John Swanson, of Waterloo. She was a stu dent at the University of Oregon some years ago. GIRLS MAY DISPLACE MEN Police Station Switchboards Likely . to Have Feminine Operators. Girls or women may be put in charge of the telephone switchboards at the police station, replacing policemen now assigned to that work. Plans for the change have been taken under ad visement. owing to the neeT for police men for patrol service. A civil service examination for tele. phone operators is to be held February 5 at the City Halt If the police sta tion change is made there will be open lngs there for operators passing this examination. Also one permanent ap pointment will be made from the list to the position of operator at the City Hall. (Concluded on Page 2. Column 1.) STRAY SHOT HITS GORKY Russian Author And Editor Slightly Wounded While Driving. FETROGRAD, Jan. 26. Maxim Gorky, a widely known Russian author and editor of the Svovodnala Zhlzn. was struck in the neck and slightly wounded by a stray shot while driving in a cab today, according to a newspaper report published here. The shot was flredi from an unknown source. . GUATEMALA AGAIN SHAKEN Capital Suffers Further Earth Shocks; Details Unreported. - - WASHINGTON. Jan. 26. Further severe earthquake shocks in Guate mala City were reported today to the state department by the American Em bassy there. No details of. the extent of the damage were given. Extensive damage was done to the city by earthquakes last month. 1,000,000 RIFLES ORDERED TJ. S. Army to Be Supplied With Re- chambered Enfield Guns. WASHINGTON, Dec 20. One million recbambered Enfield rifles have been ordered by the War Department from the Remington and Winchester con cerns. MIDDLE 1ST HIT ' BY NEW BLIZZARD Winter-Weary District t Faces New Trials STORM MOVING ON EAST GO AST Present Disturbance. May Be . Worst of Year. TRAIN SERVICE GIVEN UP Situation In Chicago and ' Other Cities Critical . Because of the Shortage of Fuel and Dan ger of Great Fires. NEW YORK. Jan. 2S. (Special.) Snow vrnich began to fall tonight le ex pected by the Weather Bureau to con tinue through Sunday and be followed by aero weather. CHICAGO, Jan. 26. (Special.) Wea ried to the point of exhaustion by bat tles with three previous great bliz zards and heavy snowfall, a large area of the Middle West was struck last night and today by a fresh blizzard, accompanied by heavy snow, which may prove the worst storm of the remark able season. Dispatches from Detroit announce that snow has been- falling over that district steadily for IS hours and is continuing tonight. The storm is rid ing on a high gale and may reach the Atlantlo. Seaboard by morning. Forecasters announce that the bliss zard will be followed by an Intensely cold, wave, which will continue several days. In the Chicago district the cold wave is being felt tonight and the tempera ture may reach zero by morning. Work of Weeks Undone. The situation is extremely serious. The railroads are abandoning their trains tonight as the snow has drifted In all the cuts and undone the work of three weeks. The trains are now run ning through tunnels of snow. -r Piled high on each side of the tracks are great Icy walls of snow, shoveled up at the cost of thousands of dollars. Between these snow walls the trains have been running, but this blizzard may efface the walls and pile high the snow on the tracks again. The great Fox River Valley is rap idly being snowed in. Announcement was made this evening that the Aurora & Elgin lnterurban system has used its last shovelful of coal and shut down all trains. Light and Heat Shot Off. This system also supplies a number of cities ranging In population from 10,000 to 75,000 with heat, light and power, and these cities tonight are without light and heat, except as in dividuals possess it. , Tracks of the lnterurban, running (Concluded on Page 2. Column 8.) READ THE RECORD OF GER MANY'S PERFIDY IX ' TURKEY. Dr. Harry Stuermer. who for two years was correspondent In Constantinople of the- Cologne Gazette and who is himself a German, has written an amazing serial of bis experiences and has set forth the causes which finally compelled him to break away ut terly from his German affiliations. This recital will appear In daily Installments in The Oregon Ian. dally and Sunday, within the next fe n..f n a. ,m.11 nl a miss it. . T ie uregoman, t y. beginning t ew days and I npleted. Don't f v e e PICTORIAL SIDELIGHTS BY CARTOONIST REYNOLDS ON SOME EVENTS IN THE PAST WEEK'S NEWS. i & HUt4J KW iJfMT- 7"ss oz eoy CZOfis e SM rpn 108.2