7 STOLEN ENCLOSED CARS GAIN IN POPULARITY THIS RAINY WEATHER. HEREIN ONE YEAR Of 474 Recovered, Many Are Badly Damaged, While 52 Have Not Been Found. TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXTAX, rORTLAXD, JANUARY 20, 1918. GARS THIEVES HOLD MERRY SWAY '-peclal Committee of Dealers As- I violation Decides to Have Own Attorney Prosecute All Case Involving Tbeft of Autos. BT LAIR H. CREGOHT. Stealing of automobiles has become far mora serious matter In Portland than motorist realize. What Is more. the situation Is becoming worse Instead or better. The Portland police records show that a total of S: automobiles were stolen In Portland for tha year end Ins; December SL At a conservative estimate of $750 as tha value of each car. the thieves sot automobiles worth 13,4.509 in a single year, which is average of J3S.S7S per month. True enough, many of these cars r -noZ - "-7 n - f r I t .. ; . - - k-'v . . mgr i ; jr-'-"' ' . - - .- - s;,, sal V'i i"- - ---. - 1 - l, 5-' I! 1 , v J' - -- - - - v. . - - 'v ' '-r-. . . v . . ' . .. ' - . ..... . E J ' i7i MRS. ADOLPH OLSOX, Of 8S3 WOODWORTH AVESfE, AM) ITER NEW OAKLAND SEJVSIBLE BIX FOCR-PAS- 8E.GER COLTE Clatsop Begins Programme for Better Highways. 18 MILES ARE NOW PAVED were recovered later. But If thieves nnin ftf I HT III nP were to get away, even temporarily, lillflll L I A U I MAUL with any other property at tha rate 11 1 IU I I H I U H I If I U I 1 1 of $J2.7$ per month. 13M.S00 per year. IIUllLI U I ill I I lllllUL in a city the size of rortlana. such an uproar would arise that a few dead thieves would most certainly clutter up tha landscape unless the situation were met promptly. Tet motor car owners whose cars are recovered by tba police generally hesitate to prose cute U aa arrest baa been, made, tha courts are lenient and tha thief roes anorrily back to his work. retle De TheH- Bit. BB Of the ill atolea automobiles tn JUT. the Portland police recovered 474. De spite this very creditable showing;, tha net total of automobile thieves residlnr In the state penitentiary aa a result thereof la little . greater. If any. than before. In most eases the stolen autos are Joy-rtddea by the thieves until the gasoline runs out. or the car la wrecked, whereupon they desert It. Somebody reporta the car to the police. who restore It to the owner. But In quite a number of casea the police have made arrests and have obtained strong Kit .imn.t th. ls ASTORIA. Or, Jan. 1 (Special.) tory owner thanks police glowingly I Clatsop County Is steadily progressing for recovering his car. but prefera not I in highway Improvement. Before many to prosecute; or. If he does, youth of I mor- years there will not be a section prisoner or some other extenuating I , ,K ,,, . r.Traed bv circumstance moves court to pity and . rook(,rf or h,rd-surfaced road that the rejoicing thief goes out to .steal I v.. ....i.h . .11 ....ans of tha another car. Ntur:iy. tha police have a fine, en- ' . h.. mll.a of h...i...i ... . . i. i K-f- ' - - - Of 263 Sllles of Road In County 1S8 3IIlea Are of Plain Dirt, While 134 nave Plank. Gravel or Hard 6nrface. .ku W l Jl . i- w ae. m. ..a v " plain dirt. 71 miles are macadamised, mobile thief. planked. II ara hard sur- nr.Tthe'Vo'weVt lrM - been recovered. They are probably a r .K ,fcI. ,h . hlrvWI, total loss to their owners. . .J . " ' J J I dllurfs. In the past four, years ap Tn innmAl!iti mprovament baa requirea Dig expen were In a aad state of wreck. Several had been smashed In collisions. Some had been run into telegraph poles and badly damaged. It was a mighty lucky owner who didn't have some proximately $1,110,000 has been spent by taxpayers of Clatsop County In Im proving public roads and construction of bridges. Most of this money baa been devoted toward tha building of four main arteries leading from As- wtd o:.?ed.biU 10 P7 Whn b" anTtaVplngVa-Veveral' section. The situation has become so serious . , ... - , r- ... . I These main thoroughfares lead from tion of Oregon ha. appointed a vlgl- AJor' to tPor,. lance committee of three members to nd of tha county, along Clatsop plains take steps to reduce automobile steal- Seaside and thence to the Tillamook fng and to bring swift Ju.tic, to the County line; up the Wis and Clark thleveai river to tha extensive dairy districts Tha committee Is composed of Law- of that section along Young's Hlver renc. E. Therkelsen. of tha Braly Olney and the rich and fertile Ne- Auto Company, chairman: Isaac Brunn. ' v1Ie ln oulheastern part of the Bruno Motor Car Company, and J" . . . A. H. Knaua. of the Twin Statea Auto- Ot tha 11.110.001 spent oa roads mobile Company. Following a confer- out 2S0 "04..,T" ,n tn' ium' ence with Chief of Police Johnson and of 117. $100 000 being raised by t.,Kii- c. - i-irt I special taxation in ins sever! ran who promised their fullest co-opera- dlatrlcta. while $115,000 was appropri tlon, the committee held a meeting Friday, at which It decided that one of the first things to be done Is to see that every thief captured Is vig orously prosecuted. Piaeetatl to Be Tlaeieaa, ated from the general fund for road work and $35,000 for. the construction of bridges. The principal Individual Improvements undertaken or com pleted in tha past Summer were the bardsurfaclng of a mile of road at Warrenton and a long stretch on the To this end it haa announced that It. i. .h ri.rv Mrhnv thereafter the Dealers Motor Car Aaso- , daltlon to this the State Hlgh- ciation will have Its own lawyer pros- wmy Commission has undertaken the . cute ail persona arrested by tha police hardsurfaclng of the Columbia River on the charge of automobile stealing. Highway from Astoria to Svensen The committee haa no dealra to convict tn. rocking of that highway the Innocent persons, but it feels that the rt f the way to Westport, con- snost vigorous action Is necesaary. tracts that entail the axpendlture of Frank E. Watkina, president of the approximately $150,000. Oregon State Motor Association, haa Notwithstanding tha amounts spent announced that that organisation will tn tne pt fouP years for highway co-operata to the fulleat extent In the improvements, the work is to be con campaign to curb and punish tha auto- unued energetically tha coming sea mobile thieves. son. Already the three road districts In the last two or three weeks auto- lying outside the Incorporated cities mobile thieves have become singularly ,nd towns have levied special taxes to bold. One automobile firm alone has raise $7.80O, tha city ot Astoria Is to reported that nine cars belonging to its raise $15,000. Warrenton haa voted to customers were stolen a week ago. All raise 120.5000 to hardsurfare Ita hlrh- these cars wars eventually recovered, way. Hammond will raise $2150 to Im prove the road leading to Fort Ste vens, while Seaside has voted $2300 to be used In bettering Its public high ware. This makea a total of $127,750 as the contribution of the several road districts, and the county is expected to appropriate fully but one had been ron Into a curb by the thieves, upset and totally wrecked. Another automobile firm reported that II of Ita owners cars were stolen la two weeks. Hardly an agency in tha city has not had .a similar experience. from the general fund to carry on the Improvement projects. To assist In the highway campaign the county, in addition to its road building machinery, haa seven rock crushing plants. The largest of these Is at Tongue Point and runs practi cally tha entire year, preparing mate rial for use In the sections of the county which can be reached by barges loaded with tha crushed rock. The others are portable plants and are shifted from one location to another. Clatsop County Is heavily timbered aad at beat tha building of highways la difficult, while It Is traversed by several large streams that require the building of numerous bridges. SIAXWEXIi MAKES GREAT RTJX Loaded Truck Runs 187 Miles Through Snow In 15 Honrs. At practically every military can tonment in tha United States will be found sturdy Maxwell trucks doing their pit to provide food and other supplies for the soldier boys and aa a transport for the men to and from polnta away from the camps. One of the most notable achieve ments of the Maxwell truck occurred In Ohio recently a. J the record was so Impressive to W. E. Griffith, a friend of C Ik Boss, Portland Maxwell dealer, that It moved him to wire tha folow Ing message: Camp Sherman, Ohio Maxwell truck. Camp Sherman special, arrived here last night, breaking road through bad anow drlfta for full distance from Toledo. 117 miles. Running time, 15 hours; carried 2900 pounds suplles for Toledo men. Moat wonderful test of motor efficiency the writer has ever seen. W. K. GRIFFITH." The forcible note which It strikes Is LEXIXCTOV CAR IS WEDDING AKMVER9ART GIFT TO MRS. K, F. liAYDEN. There Is one woman In this town who will never say that her husband did not remember their wedding anniversary when tha day cam around. Mr. and Mra. R. F. Hayden, of Flan ders street, celebrated their lith wedding anniversary last week. As a gift to his wife. Mr. Hay den gave her a fine new five passenger Lexington touring car, purchased from tha Brunn Motor Car Company. LEHZ IS 010 OFFICIAL APPROVAL GrV'EX FOUR COAST CITIES. the fact that the truck was on one of Ita regular dally trips and was not staged for a special run for publicity purposes. . ADVERTISING AIDS CAR SALES Stuts Dealer Gets Many Inquiries and Two Sales From Publicity." C T. McPhalL manager of the Auto- rest Garage. Oregon distributor for the Stuts car, la a strong believer In the benefits of newspaper automobile ad vertising. As the direct result or his announcement advertisement on the ar rival of The Stuts In Portland he has lready sold two carsv haa signed con tracts with a couple of dealers, and ad had manv Inquiries. He could have closed other sales if he had been able to obtain the cars. Only two Stuts cars arrrved in tne drst shipment. One Mr. McPhall used s a demonstrator and tne otner, a lour- passenger model, he sold immediately to W. Bulst. of Irvington. He nas aleo sold one pf the bearcat models to C. W. Byers, of Pendleton, to be delivered as soon as an expected shipment arrives in the next few days. Mr. McPhall has received inquiries from all parts of the state about the Stuts. and haa a lot of Ita Diffused Lhxat Meets All Demands Portland, Seattle, faa Francises aad Oakland All Indorse It. That the Warner-Lens claim of "legal everywhere" Is true. Is proved con cluslvely by the recent findings Seattle, . Portland, San Francisco and Oakland. The Warner-Lens compiles with the "no-glare" headlight laws everywhere In the United States and Canada. This Is an Important point for tourists. Som other types are legal at one point, but when touring a motorist finds trouble outside his own territory. . The Warner-Lens Is based upon th principle of light diffusion. It consists of 176 lenses In one, scientifically staggered. The diffused light abso lately eliminates glare. There Is no direct beam at any angle or height. Due to thla fact, the provision of the headlight laws, holding tha light down below a 42-lnch line, doea not apply to Warner-Lens, therefore It lights th road and the roadsides as well. Also the upgrades, the downgrades and th turns. Other devices and lenses meet the law under certain conditions, but Warner-Lens are legal no matter what conditions apply. With other devices if the lens turns in the lamp rims, as all lenses will, or if the bulb is slightly out of focus, the light either glares, o la reduced to such an extent that does not illuminate the road. Also alight roughness in the road will cause held-down light to dance and raise above the 42-lnch limit. The soft, diffused light of Warner Lens Is ideal for use at any time, and under any conditions. It requires no after attention or care. Once installed It may be forgotten and depended upon to operate perfectly. The most significant fact about arner-Lenz la that more cara are now equipped with this lens than with any other kind. In addition to this fact, 2 motor car manufacturers have adopted It as standard equipment on all new cara Warner-Lens is unique in this respect, as no other lens has received so widespread an Indorsement. Not more than two or three cara have adopted all other types combined (and there are more than 100 on the market) aa compared with 23 manufacturers using Warner-Lens alone. It Have a hot spark, keep plugs clean and spark points properly adjusted. -SPECIAL ON- FISK TIRES ; New Stock Old Prices ..$12.70 .$16.00 .$18.75 as much more good prospects for other sales. FIRST NEW 7-PASSENGER VELIE ARRIVES. .; -TI X"e; ; . . .. - ....... , . . . i ........ .,. ,,,,, . -v.. " 5V" 'H t ay ' ' "1 L. i! i..i m - M - i 1 1 i - 30x3 NON-SKID 30x3ft NON-SKID 32x3 Vz NON-SKID 31x4 NON-SKID 32x4 NON-SKID 33x4 NON-SKID 34x4 NON-SKID 35x4', NON-SKID 37x5 NON-SKID ..$23.50 ..$24.00 " ..$24.90 2 ..$25.50,5 .$35.00 ..$43.45 B The Thrift Gar The times demand full -speed -ahead this winter. This Small Sedan accelerates activity and protects health. a That it is beautiful and fashionable is sec oh4ary to its all-weather utility valua The more you know ears, the more you appreciate it Appearance, Performance, Comjbrt, Service and Price Light Four Moid po Small Sedan The Overland Pacific, Inc. Broadway 3535 Broadway and Davis St. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL 30x3 TUBES $2.20 32x3 Vi TUBES . .$2.75 2 34x4 TUBES $3.85 Standard Makes of Cases and Tubes. Large assortrflent all 11 sizes. - Prices subject to change without notice. Goods shipped J to all points C. O. D., etc. S Malcom Tire Co. " 82 N. Broadway, Portland, Or. Distributors for AUTOMOBILE TIRE CO, Inc. The oldest and largest auto tire jobbing house in the U. S. 20 Branches. Call or write. n lew or rruAsr car with d. c. warre. or warrrx motor The first of the 111 Veils seven-passenger models to arrive In Portland Warren Motor Car Company. Velle distributors. Tha car la a classy looker menta over previous models. The wheel baa le 124 Inches, and the car wel mahogany dashboards, double cowl, exceptionally soft and easy riding cus sats folding Into the backs of the front seats and pantasote top with sll ii tv 414 overslse tires, this new sue giving it a low-nuns- appearance, t the former 34 by 4-laca Urea. There la a Tale lock on the Ignition system, curieiae opea wita lae doora, CAR COM PA JIT. AT THE HELM, has Just been received by the D. C and performer and haa several refine ghs slightly over J000 pounds. It haa hlons with special tufting jobs, extra vered molding. It Is equipped with hough its clearance Is the same as with a meter for the electric system, and the RUBBER BOOTS AND SHOES REPAIRED Only shop in Portland doing this kind of work. Our new equipment enables us to do work of this char acter in a most satisfactory man ner. Prices reasonable. John A. Walter Co. 6th, Pine and Ankeny. Broadway 2490, A 2490. I euJL-L 1 3 em fed Reputation Unquestioned ii u i jB uickModel So Convertible Sedan Price at Portland . $2325 HOWARD AUTO CO. FOURTEENTH AND DAVIS BROADWAY 1130, A 6241 IHlIIllIlllIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIHIIIIlllIlllMIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIU