The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 20, 1918, SECTION THREE, Page 10, Image 44

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Letters Received From Those Helping Win War for World Democracy
Tale of Voyage on Ocean
Reads Like Movie Comedy.
Orrsrnu Bmy. C.r-rl With lltu
Knaineera. Uewerlben tm Mather.
Mra.R. t Bairrrt. ml Uallma. ur
Trip Arrwi tm fennel Old Frnac.
ALIKE on the on wave. In the
middle of Winter, with sub
marines lurking about, would not ap
peal to everyone, but the boye In olive
drab Hen to have a way of enjoyln
themselves In almost any aituatlon
rnmnnl F.Imer W. Balderree. of the
llth Engineers. In a recent letter
bis mother. Mrs. R. O. Balderree. of
Pallas, Or, describes the voyage across
the Atlantic so that It reads like
movie comedy. He says In part:
"Dear Family: 1 guess the mall will
be collected tomorrow, or a day or so
later, so I will write this letter, now
ni hare It finished In time. I am
till nernendicular to the earth, an
in nrottv well. thouKh the cold I con
tracted three weeks ago Is still with
"We bad a fairly rood trip across.
. - ... ... was calm all the time.
Tkn w not so much seasickness a
I exnected. I was not really seasick
at all. and only felt a bit queer at two
r three different times.
"1 nearly laughed myself sick several
limn during mess In the messroom
when the shin was rolling. The sol
dirrs would pass by with their mess
kits and get the food, and then pass
Into the messroom to the tables, some.
of which had benches on which to sit.
Ma The they would be In the middle
of the room when the ship took a roll,
and they would start sliding. Those
who didn't lose their dinner along the
floor somewhere were lucky. 1 have
seen them slide back and forth two or
three times before they finally stopped.
lne day I was eating at a table
on the starboard side when about 15
fellows started eliding on the other
elite, and downed about six tables be
fore ther could stop. The ship would
lurch to one side, and over to that side
they would go, and then barn again
they would come, tables, soldiers, mess
kits and soldiers all mixed up.
"Another time I saw a boy standing
kv the bis: tub we washed our mess
kit In. washing his kit. when the ship
lurched to the port side. To prevent
falling, he grabbed the tub and pulled
It over on himself and was soaked
with dirty dlh water. Then he and the
tub and water started racing ucn ann
forth as the ship rolled. He knocked
three others down in Ms wild slide and
they Joined In. We would nearly die
laughing at such sights as these, but
sometimes we felt so mean we could
bardlr eat.
"1 have seen many German prisoners
who are working: for the French J
think they are glad to be captured.
(Section of letter deleted by censor.)
"The French are very short of dif
ferent foods, and wood Is especially
scarce here We have not had any
wood yet for fires, except a very lit
tle for the cooks.
-We have a large T. M. C. A. build
ing here In which Is a large reading
and writing-room, piano, and a hall,
as well as a canteen where we can buy
tobacro. a few eats, etc The T. M.
A- Is certainly doing great work In
this war. There are three women here
In the canteen with the Y.
"I have had my money changed Into
1'rench coins, and have learned to
count my francs, centimes, etc. Five
d.iur in real money Is worth IS.0 In
Fre rch.
I wish you would send two or three
pairs of woolen sox.. If they are
knitted they only need to come a lit
tle way above the shoe tops, for the
Irgglngs keep my legs warm, and It Is
only my feet that suffer. I would also
like to have a small compass and Bj
match box. I
"If I get home all right I can tell
you all about the trip and other things
that one cannot write. Don't worry
about me."
One French Town as Seen by
Young Oregon Soldier.
I Mar. Compared VH France.
mrr Washington High School stu
dent. Is now "somewhere In France."
In a letter to his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Masson. formerly of thla city.
Dow residents of fclagle Creek, ur.. ue
tells of his trip across the oe-ean.
Kicerpts from his letter follow:
"Dear Mother: 1 am on the Job and
awfully busy Our trip over Hook
quite a while, although not so long
vhen compared with other t rant" porta
'.m Thanksgiving day we ran Into a
storm and tnat helped on my seasick,
ness. No fresh fruit all the way over,
ship, clear below the water line. When
"Our company slept In the hold of the
we got to the danger tone we had to
wear life preservers day and night, and
part of the time had to e on deck all
day and most of the night
"I was on duty two .hours out of 24
as a sentry, all the way over. Believe
me. sometimes I stood In tha. sentry
Sercest "arlau D. Pearson.
Sergeant Harlan B Pearson,
son f -Jrs. S. J. Pearson. 1$
Vista avenue, who is a member
of the 11-th Aero Squadron, has
arrived at Vancouver I'-arracka
along with 50 members of the
aviation section. United States
Signal Corps. Sergeant Pearson
and his squadron will assist In
the spruce production work of
the Northwest. He enlisted last
August and was In Texas when
recalled to the Northwest. Hia
brother. W. C. Pearson, la at
American Lake with one of the
Ambulance Corps.
tlDHIi irRlt'E
; " ':
box so sick I could hardly stnd up.
But we were all sick.
"I cannot tell anything about subma
rines, except that we had several
alarms that turned out to be false. I
can tell you all about this and other
things when I get home.
-Finally, after riyi t. sailing, we
reached land. Believe me. that was a
happy day. We lay In port for a few
days and then boarded a rain for this
place. 1 cannot tell you wb re I am
now. I am on active duty now as a
Q. M. orderly. It Is an ea y .ob. tit I
am looking for something better to
turn up soon. I hrne to gel a checking
Job. as my experience In the railroad
sheds may help.
"This cosnlry Is a very peculiar place.
Tou can see the effects of war on the
country everywhere you look.
"Lota of women mej are wearing
wooden shoes. Women re atre tear
conductors.. and everywhere are people
with very sad and earnest faces.
"Our country has not the least idea
of what this war means when com
pared with the people of France.
"I am well and happy. It la all Inter
esting to me here yet. I expect the
novelty will wear off soon enot gh. It
Is not at all like home. I often wish
I were home and able to i ' n to the
table and eat. eat, eat until I were full
of all the good things you cook.
"Some things to eat a pretty high
and others are cheap. All sugar prod
ucts, such as candy, are away up.
Other things are about as In the states.
"According to all the dope I can get.
your letters to m: will not be censored.
Tou can send pictures, too, I think.
Send a few pictures of home. I would
love to have some.
"We are quartered In an -'.d French
barracks. Conveniencea aren't the
best, but 'Old L'nrle Kara' will soon lix
his town up. I think.
"Our barracks are ut on a hll. giving
. fine view of the city. i
"The weather Is a great deal like
Portland weather, except that It ralna
more. It Isn't so very cold.
"The worst objection to this whole
town is the muddy streets and la i of
good water and sanitation. The water
is poor and we are not allowtd to drink
It unless rterltlsed.
"1 will write as often at I f" 2 Cne,
for I know you are as anxloua to get
my letters as I am yours.
Write soon and often. Tour son.
Sweater Sent to Soldier in
France Appreciated.
Private Lawrence? B. Chrudru Says
Garment Only Keep Him
Warm, bat Reminds Him That He
la Hemeatbervd by Fnlka at Home.
LL. the way from Franca there
came to Portland a few days ago
a letter addressed to Anne Mercer. 10
East Fifteenth street, from Private
j Lawrence B. Chruden, of Company F,
Uth Engineers (railway, and the let
ter so plainly expresses the appre
ciation of the soldier for the knitted
articles sent that It Is given for pub
lication to encourage the horn-, folk
who are working for the boys at the
front. The message follovs:
"Somewhere ln France. My Patriotic
Friend: I received your kln" and
thoughtful gift and wish to tell you
bow pleased I was to receive It.
"It Just fits me. and I thought It
the best one of all. I ata as warm
as toast now. It not only keeps me
warm In blood, but warms me in feel
ing, knowing that the people of dear
old U. S. A. are thinking of us. We'll
fix that Kaiser.
"That Idea of yours of having to
stay home and knit with the feeling
that you are not dbing much don't
go with me. You know that saying.
A stitch in time saves nine.' Well,
that sweater wlll keep mi from being
sick, which is a whole lot better than
if you were over hero making me
"If you get this letter and don't
mind, there's a lonesome soldier over
here that would like to get news from
you. A merry Christmas.
"That soldier.
"Compan F. 18th Engineers (Railway),
P. O. 705. A. E. F France,"
Soldiers Appreciate Good
Things From Home.
Officer Commanding Ore on Canut
Artillery t mpnnr W rites tn Mnoat
River Friends ml Roys and Makes
Pertinent Anggeatlons. s
OOD RIVER. Or.. Jan. 19. (Spe
cial.) E. O. Blanchar, cashier of
the First National Bank, has received a
letter from B. B. Williams. First Lieu
tenant and now commanding officer of
12th Company. Oregon Coast Artillery,
originally recruited mainly from Hood
River, m ho expresses keen appreciation
for the aid of the Hood River people.
"In behalf of the boys of the 12th
Company." writes Lieutenant Williams.
"I wish to thank the aliens of Hood
River for their recent gift of several
rubber packs. These are very useful
in this region and a wonderful help to
the men. This climate Is so very wet
that no form of clothing except rubber
or oilskins will keep the boys dry.
"If the people of Hood River desire
to contribute anything further. I will
say that laundry bags would be very
acceptable. An old flour bag, with a
drawstring In the top answers this
purpose very well. Small pillows are
also a great comfort to the boys. In
mentioning these Items I hope you
understand that I merely do so as a
suggestion In case the people of Hood
Itlver feel like rendering further assist
ance to the boys from their town."
In closing his letter Lieutenant Will
iams says: -I find a fine, clean lot of
young men In 12th Company and I an
proud to be their commanding officer.'
i: - I .:- A- n
T - a, s- ..
i Cnrpnrul . W. Balderree. 4
see... e a
Green Grass of France Re
minder of Oregon.
Wllllaaa Km, ef Portland. Now on
Other Side. Telle of Trip Across
Atlantic and Welcome Accorded
FRANCE looks more like home to
William Keen, of the 116th Engi
neers, than New York did. A letter
from Private Keen to his mother in
this city, dated December 15 and re
cently received, tells of the safe ar
rival on French soil of his detachment
and his Joy at being once more in a
climate that resembles that of Oregon.
"I suppose." he says, "that you had
surmised that I had left New York
for 'someplace' by not petting the
weekly letter. Well. I moved all right,
and here I am In France. Had a most
Interesting trip across the Atlantic,
which Is quite a wide stretch of water
all In a bunch.
"Of course, all of us were rather
anxious on account of the dangers of
submarines and mines, but Uncle Sam
brought us into this place, safely. It
was a great feeling to see land again.
It happened early In the morning, and
the sun was Just coming up. We could
also see a big rainbow and a French
town away off In the distance, and the
sight of all this took away all the un
pleasantness of the sea voyage.
"The French people seem very odd
to me. Of -irse. it Is easy to see
how glad these poor people are to see
us, even though they cannot talk to
us In our language. Most of the young
men are at the front, and all you see
Is the old men, the very youn ones
and the women.
"The place here reminds me a great
deal of Oregon on account of the green
grass.- trees, etc This morning I saw
the first cow I have seen since leaving
home. The burdens of war have caused
every bit of ground to be cultivated.
These French people are surely pa
triotic "I am writing this letter alongside
an old hedge near our camp, and It
Is surely a swell day. The sun is shin
ing bright, and It is warm outside.
Our camp is situated on a hill, and a
person can look down slightly on the
town, which is a very busy place.
"I- won't write too much this time,
but rest assured, mother, that I am
getting long well. Write me as you
would In the United States, for incom
ing mall is not censored, as I under
stand It. Tell everyone 1 know 'Hello.'
and 1 will write as soon as I get time."
Ambulance Driver's Life Is
One Continuous Thrill.
Work In France Near Rattle Front
Is St rennonn but Fascinating. Says
-Double" Garrett In Letter to
Trainer "Mill" Hayward at Inl
vrrslty. NIVERS1TY OF OREION. Eugene.
an. 19. (Special.) Thrill fol
lows thrill ln the life of the ambulance
driver In France. Judging from the let
ter received by Trainer "Bill" Hayward
from "Dobble" Garrett, end on the uni
versity football team of 1914. who Is
now with the United States Army
"I am glad to be able to do the
work." Garrett writes, "for driving an
ambulance Is a fascinating game of
thrills and chances. I like it because,
after driving continuously sometimes
for 4S hours, without ileep and with
little food, and after doing a little ge.
ting out and getting under when the
planes stage a battle up there about
5500 feet, and dodging in and out of
endless ditches. It gives one a sence
of satisfaction at having come out
alive, 'for we are never permitted to
use lights on the ambulance machines ,
I while near the front.
j "I long to set foot again among the
! peaceful surroundings of Oregon, but J
j l must coment myseii, tor me preaeni.
at least, for this Christmas, an; now, in
the work of aiding poor mangled
wretches, once as strong as you and I,
Bill many now older than you. Bill."
Garrett was a member of the class
of 191S. but after three years at Ore
gon did his senior work and grad
uated from the University of Califor
nia. His home is ln Mcdford.
French Cafes Are Found In
teresting to Soldier.
Wlllnrd Shaver, of Portland. De
aerlben Reatnnrnnt Life Over
There" Cafe nn Lnlt Poor Substi
tute for Coffee.
AN Interesting description of the
French cafes is given in a letter
which was written by Wlllard Shaver,
of Portland, who Is "over there" with
Company F, 18th Engineers.
"I have promised to describe one
thing at a 'time, and this will be the
French cafes," he writes. "They are
always distinguished by the chairs
that line the sldewalls or courts, de
pending upen the location of the cafe.
During warm weather the business)
men, women shoppers, tourists, family
parties, etc, go to the cafe. Drinks are I
served by the garcons. Including both
men and boy waiters disregarding
age who wind In and out among the
tables with dexterity that comes of
: I
era;eaut Elmer L. Kimble.
e son of Mr ' I
ite Also p. . i
I . I'lmhle
, t- ' ti Z l
Z: . J 1 l :
mble. 747 East f
as been pro- J
'" imo ucu .- .
moted to sergeint in tne aviation i
section. United States Signal 4 I
Corps. Sergeant Kimble Is an I
O. A. C. graduate and 22 years
old. He left for San Antonio.,
Tex.. December 11 and was made
sergeant January S.
4 J
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long service. You can get almost any
thing you want, kind of drink you
want, from chocolate to the fanciest
cocktail. The women, for the most
part, partake of the lighter .drinks.
sometimes indulging in the heavier, i
The French love either to eat or drink,
so when their order Is given, they are
in no hurry to have It rerved. They .
talk of the topics of the day while their '
drinks are being mixed. All business
houses are closed from noon to 2 P. M.
and they allow themsel i plenty of'
time.. .
"At the cafes one sees many offlcen
French, English. Canadians and Ame
lean itr .i L in .(,. man frl,nH
mostly. Frequently you see a French
officer drinking with a vision of frills,
fluffs, paint and powder. It is a cus-
tom in which they have been reared.
msiae the cafes the sights are simi-
lar, though there are those where the ;
feminine butterflies wait to be invited
William Keen, Portland Boy,
. With llNth Regiment, Engl
. Beers, In France.
to have something to eat or to drink.
In some cafes you are able to get a
good meal, though at others only drinks
are served. "Cafe au lalt is a favorite
Winter drink. It is made in individual
sort of percolators that sit on top of
a glass about the size of a Jelly glass.
S hen the hot water has percolated
down into the glass, you are given a
small pitcher of hot milk and a few
cubes of sugar. That Is 'cafe au lalt.'
and a poor substitute for a cup of cof- 1
fee. All of the Intoxicating drinks are
served In glasses set on little saucers.
The saucers bear the price of the
drink and you are not' to be cheated
if yod can add properly. Ten or 20
centimes, 2 or 4 cents, is a large enough
tip for a round of drinks, though some
times soldiers get to feeling good and
spend their money more freely.
" Tasse' in French means cup, and
a small cup of coffee or a half cup Is
a popular drink, hence 'demi-tasse.'
Cafe noir is served mostly, as a decree
forbids the serving of milk after
A. M.
"Some of the cafes have stages that
are -.used by entertainers, and the
French go to these concerts at night.
Occasionally you find a good voice or
a pleasing personality. Drinks are
served with dispatch in these places.
They are filled till 10:30 P. M., the
time of closing."
Officer in Regulars Writes in
Rhyme of Life Abroad.
Troops Practice Dally Within Sound
of Cans on Fron" Line.
of the
JLi Twenty-eighth Infantry, American
Expeditionary Force, tightened the
girth, threw himself astride his Pegasus
and fared forth one day last month. A
graphic description In rhyme resulted
and for the benefit of his friends in
this country the verses, sent to W. A.
Capelle. 21 Grand avenue, Portland, are
herewith printed:
"Somewhere ln France.
There's many things of which to write
Of interest to my friends.
So now I'll strive with ail my might
- And try and make amends.
I have no stamps, so 1 must send
aly letter on their way.
And when they reach their Journey's end.
Why then my friends must pay.
But will they mind if they ran sea
My letters well expressed?
So 1 wilt try In poetry
To write my very best.
I'm feeling fine and gaining weight,
I'm in the best of health;
Though not a fortune do 1 make,
I've gained a bit in wealth.
We sleep our hours taps blow at ten.
And If the rules some shirk
A guard will follow up these men
And sea they do some work.
The things ws buy are most too high;
We hear "un franc quatre sou."
And we niust pay It. tho we sigh.
It's all thai we cao do.
It s un franc" this and "un franc" that.
t's only twenty cents.
But before you know where you are at
The sum becomes immense.
There Is a club, there's games to play
And magazines to resd
And also the Y. M. C. A.
loes welcome all Indeed.
Sometlnios the boys put on the (loves.
Although the game Is rough.
It's one a soldier dearly loves
And when one says "enough"
Another couple takes their placs
And hearty Is the fun:
Ttu-re la a smile on every face.
It pleases everyone.
Some days we drill, some days we hike.
Or by the silvery moon
We'll start right out some starry night
And stay till afternoon.
We play the games played by the French,
Way off upon aome hill, " ,
Or gain Instructions In a trench,
' Or learn their kind of drill.
Their ways sre strnngs as ours must be.
It's hard to understand
For few of ua speak fluently
The speech of this strange land.
The able men are off to war
Or practicing war games.
It looks to be real bard for
The woman that remains.
They work at home and work outside.
They gather In the crops.
They work from morn to eventide
In gsrdens in their lots.
Sometimes we hear the cannon crash
Just down the road away.
iSometlmt we see. the blinding flash
That turns the night to day.
Sometimes we hear the motors hum
Of the hostile areoplane.
Sometimes we hear the cra.hlng bomb
as U drops out on tne plain.
But we are from the land across the sea.
The land of Uncle Sam.
we re me o. .-. ,wu
So ws don't rive a damn.
Sometime I'll write another rhyme,
But I must stop It now,
For I can see It's nearly time
For me to get my "ciiow."
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Rev. Henry Russell Talbot
Looks Good to Oregon Boy.
Russell Colwell Delighted to Find
Former Portland Hector Is Chap
lain of His Regiment In France.
IN letters to his mother, Mrs. Eleanor
Iland board of motion picture censors.
a Russell ColwelL of the Engineers,
' somewhere in France." tells of his
arrival "over there" and of meet-
Rev. Henry Russell Talbot, for-
merly rector of St. David's Episcopal
vuuitu uere. im laner is cnapiain or
the regiment to which young Colwell is
The first letter vbr ilatpit Deoemhor
14 and said that the engineers arrived j
in a port In France" two days before.
and told of how strange it seemed to
them to be so far from home and in a
foreign country where the customs and
manners of the people are so different.
He said it "seemed good to sleep on
land once more, after so many days on
.the ocean."
He attempted to tell of some other
companies that he found were there,
but the censor wielded the, scissors and
baffled him, but he "got by" with this:
"I looked at the clipping you sent
me and found out that Mr. Talbot is
chaplain of this regiment, so yester
day I went over to see him. When I
opened the door of his quarters, right
In front of me about 10 feet was the
same man that I last saw In Port
land four years ago. He was looking
fine. I went over and spoke to him
and shook hands, but he said, "Really,
I don't remember you." Of course-1
had on my helmet and all that wHs
showing was my nose and eyes. He
soon recognized me and was as glad
to see me as I to see him. Mr. Talbot
is doing Y. M. C. A. work in .".
The other letter was dated December
16 and said. In part:
"Today was my first Sunday spent
In France and I attended holy com
munion at 8 A. M, and at 10:30 services
conducted by Rev. Mr. Talbot. It
seemed Just like home to hear his voice
Again. At 4 o'clock this afternoon the
company was called together and we
were told that we would be divided
the next day, so 142 of them leave to-
i mnrrnw flflprnnAn fn. .nman-h,,. .1,,
I ln France; 22 others somewhere else.
and the rest of us (about 60) remain
here with the Captain. Carpenter, and
Sergeants Morse and Nunn will be with
us yet."
Both letters bore the O. K. of Chap
lain Talbot, whose quarters are about
100 yards from those occupied by the
American Gunner Writes of
Life in U. S. Navy.
Ben Rosa, Aboard Battleship, Saya
Men in Service of Uncle Sam Are
Treated Like Brothers at Foreign
HOOD RIVER. Or., Jan. 19. (Spe
cial.) When the two were youngster-.
Miss Georgia Lynn, a Hood River
High School student, and Ben Ross, now
a gunner on a United States battleship,
had the distinction of being the only
children ln the little town of Elgin,
Miss Lynn has Just received a letter
from Gunner Ross, who says:
"I am sending you the ship's maga
sine. The Salvo,' which will tell you
of the activities of our recent cruise.
We have been treated like brothers at
every port we isited.
"I am having a difficult time trying
to write this letter. It seems that
everybody is making as much noise as
possible. They have Just finished a
boat race between my division and an
other. It was an exciting -ace, but the
yelling- was not half so great as It
would have been just after payday. The
races held following payday always re
sult in wagers from $800 to 11000.
"The boys get homesick for the old
United States of America. But it does
not last long, for there is always much
to do. And when one Is busy he does
not have time for mischief. We have
moving pictures every night and a
baseball game every week or two."
Corporal Bunnell Says Sol
diers Like Officers.
Vancouver Boy, for Time Believed
Prisoner In German Camp, May
Yet Be Counted ns Among Those
Still With American Army.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. Jan. 19. (Spe
cial.) The soldiers in, France
seem to be well pleased with their of
ficers. Corporal C. O. Bunnell, with the
engineering company recruited in Port
land and now in France, writes:
'I am better pleased with our offi
cers all the time. I believe our com
pany has the best that could be wished
for. and when you include the Major,
well, he is one of the best men it ever
has been my pleasure to meet. The
whole lot are continually thinking of
our welfare. If there is anything we
want or need. Just leave it to them to
Clarence C. Clelland.
Clarence C. Clelland enlisted
in the 20tb Engineers and is now
at Washington. D. C., where he
is in training. He likes the Army
life and thinks all young men
should Join. Mr. Clelland is the
son of Mrs. Minnie E. Clelland
and grandson of Martin D. Rand,
who Is a Civil War veteran. Mr.
Clelland was married last Sum
mer to Miss Rose K. Border, of
Portland, and in a letter of re
cent date expects to leave for
France soon. Their home Is In
University Park.
1 I f
r - a ' i
f;:,;A; Vv- jj
get it. If it is to be had. Don't worry
about us: we are going to be well taken
care of if anyone in France is.
"Then there is the auxiliary in Port
land. Tiey are always thinking of us. I
oox, canay, lODacco, m.iuucs, f1"'
soap, candles, etc. We certainly are a
well-loved bunch. They must think
we are heroes back there, while we are
only over here doing a bit of hard
though necessary work under light
difficulties. The Government has been
taking moving pictures of the work re
cently, so you may see bit of what
we are doing.
"So far we have had a mild Winter,
though it is cold and foggy, with some
miserable rain and oodles of mud. but
not inbearable by any means. We have
worked ftvery day so far from 6:45 A.
M. until 5:30 P. JL Am in a good, warm
tile building now. Have no spring bed,
of course; amsleeping on a door, but
Russell Colwell, Who
From "Somewhere ln France.
I sleep. Just the same. Don't believe I
could sleep on a good bed any more, if
I should try." .
Corporal Bunnell Is a son of Mrs. H.
M. Bunnell, of this city, and a picture
sent out by Germany recently resem
bles him so much that his mother be
lieved it was her son. O. H. Gray, a
local barber, who shaved him, believes
the prisoner is he. The same picture,
front view, was publised in the Liter
ary Digest, and Mrs. Bunnell saw it
yesterday. There is a scar on son's
forenead and she looked at the picture
of the prisoner with a microscope and
found a scar in the same place. Mrs.
Bunnell said today she feels it is not
her son. after having seen the front
view; the profile resembles him more
closely. However, if she does not hear
from him .vithin a few days, when let
ters arrive from other members of his
company, she intends to cable to Gen
eral Pershing.
Horrors of Zeppelin Raids
on London Are Told.
Miss Flla Donnelly Writes Interest
ing Letter to Her Aunt, Mrs. F. C.
Schroeder, of Portland.
RS. F. C. SCHROEDER, of 686 East
Burnside street, has received a
letter from her niece. Miss Ella Don
elly, an English girl, in which she told
of the Zeppelin raids on London.
"No doubt you will be surprised to
know of my being in London," she
writes. "Even though I have passed
two examinations I am too young for
Red Cross work and now I have joined
the Woman's Army Relief Corps. I
may be sent to France. I was put to
work as a waitress here for the pres
ent, a position of which I feel honored
by having the privilege df waiting on
such worthy and noble men.
"I had the pleasure of seeing the
march of the American troops through
London. It was a sisht I shall never
forget, and our First Guards band
played in the procession. It was a pity
they were not left a little longer in
London, but they went nobly to their
duty a duty from which I hope they
will return victorious. They were such
a splendid body of men.
"We had a Zeppelin raid here last
night. It was unexpected, as it was
the airplanes we expected on the com
ing moonlight nights. But there is
nothing up to the Huns. They have
blackened their Zepps for dark nights
and are trying to have silent airplanes
for moonlight. I do hope that we will
be able to battle them somehow. My
brother is still in the convalescent
home. You should have been here
through the moonlight raids last month.
You would have experienced some life."
U. S. Soldiers Put on Vaude
ville Show.
Former O. A. C Yell Leader Says
Fun Is Injected Into Camp Life.
ABERDEEN, Wash. Jan 17 (Spe
cial) The war has given birth
to some new songs, songs with such
titles as "Poison Gas." "French Mud,"
"Dance of the Varmin." "Stew and
Bread, Smash the Huns" and "Stick
the Kaiser," writes Killay Greene, of
this city and former O. A, C. yell lead
er, now with a railway engineering
regiment in France. Greene, who sang
on the O. A. C. quartet, has organized
some singers from his company and
they are helping keep the boys In good
"We recently had a vaudeville show
here, with war features," writes
Greene. "The theater was at the cor
ner of Trench avenue and South Bank
terrace. The admission fee was a can
of sardines or a package of cigarettes.
Those who could not deliver the goods
were requested to stay at home.
"The house rules for the show fol
low: t
".'No. 1. Patrons must come with
the goods. No It O. U.'s go.
" 'No. 2. Patrons must wear their
gas masks at all times.
" 'No. 3. No loud swearing or throw-
lng of empty cans at tne orchestra.
They are doing the best they can
mostly can.
"'No. 4. The management is not" re
sponsible for any stray bombs, bullets.
cannon balls, whiz-bangs or poison gas
which may enter the house while the
show is on.
No. 5. W omen are not allowed.
No. 6. Don't monkey with the
bob white in front of the footlights,
it is the actors' only protection. The
! know they are rotten as well as you
"Perhaps you may see by that that
there is always room for some fun
somewhere, no matter how serious the
situation may be. That fun will be
found by the Americans, especially the
Westerners. These things help to keep
the boys in good spirits.
"The old 18th. composed of railway
engineers, is doing some great things
and when all is- over I am sure we will
have done our part towards whipping
the Kaiser."
t JaW-'vH jk it
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! Russell Colwell, Who Writes I
From "Somewhere ln France." i
Little Gifts Please Boys
In Far-Away France.
Lieutenant G. H. Rash, Sw In Lon
don, Suggests Articles Most Ac
ceptable to the Soldier.
Park Addition, recently received
a letter from her cousin. Lieutenant
G. H. Lash, who is in London. He
is the nephew of Mrs. J. F. Lash. It
will be useful when sending packages
to the soldiers.
He writes: "To begin with, I will
answer questions. You ask me what to
send. Cigarettes are always welcome,
especially in France. Reading matter
is always welcome. Papers like Life,
comic supplements, sporting stories,
anything that will take our minds
away from war for a few minutes is
always snapped up. Sentimental
stories are not liked very much, while
good old blood-and-thunder yarns and
detective stories are sought after by
"When you send gifts to France I
would suggest a few things. Cigar
ettes, pipe tobacco, few packages of
chewing gum, some milk chocolate
with a few nuts Jji it, a few figs, a
tube of tooth paste, a oox of Keating's
or some other vermin powder, a cake of
soap, such as Pears, which will lather
in cold water, and a stick of shaving
soap. Find out whether he uses a
safety razor or not ana send a few
spare blades. Then send a small mir
ror. Get one with a chain attached to
it so that it can be hung to the neck
of a bottle or around a bayonet. Home
made candy is always enjoyed.
A package of plain sweet biscuits
comes in handy and makes a chango
from bread with the users of jam. , An
automatic lighter, one In which a piece
of felt or punk or something like that
is ignited by flint and shell. Do not
send anything which requires gasoline
or other spirits to work with. A small
pocket searchlight with a spark bat
tery. Remember the make and send
batteries regularly. Socks, khaki hand
kerchiefs, bachelor buttons, a small
penknife, 'ink tablets, tea tablets. Do
not waste your money on cocoa tablets.
If you want to send cocoa, send choco
late au lait and coffee au lalt, soma
lump sugar or a bottle of saccharine
Do not fill up the space in your pack
ages with waste paper. Put in a copy
of Life, the comic supplements, a small
towel or half of a bath towel, or with
a part of the newspaper containing
news which you think may Interest the
receiver. When possible, do not wrap
your parcels ln paper. Sew them up in
some cotton cloth. This cloth conies in
handy for cleaning mess lins and so
forth. A cheap watch such as a dollar
Ingersoll is an invaluable present. In
sending things be careful to send
things which are in flat cases. For in
stance, if you are sending a safety
razor do not send one which will be
bulky. Get one in a flat metal case.
Flat, thin articles are carried easily in
the pocket or in the haversack.
"Some court plaster or adhesive tape
is useful, while a bottle of aspirin tab
lets will be appreciated by anyone
who knows their uses and value. To
pipe smokers send a pipe now and then.
finding out first whether they prefer
a straight or curved stem. Also send
them some pipe cleaners.
As water is very bad in the battle
areas and all over Belgium I would
suggest that in the Summer time you
send some lemonade powder so that ho
can mix it up with the water in his
bottles, taking away the taste and at
the same time making a more refresh
ing drink. Before sending any such
powder sample it yourself and send the
one with the least acid taste."
Portland Boy, Now at Camp
Greene, Anxious for War.
Jess Edlngton, With Company F,
Fourth Engineers, Says Boys Are
More Tbnn Willing to Get to
cently at Vancouver Barracks, and
now at Camp Greene, N. C, enjoyed the
treatment accorded them by this city
and would like to be back here, accord
ing to a letter from Jess Edlngton,
Company F, Fourth Engineers, to his
friend, Paul J. Goldberg of this city.
Edlngton is also a Portland boy.
"I am writing as I promised," he
says, "just to let you know the outfit
has landed in the sunny South and it
is colder than one night you remember
when you held the sack and waited for
the bunch. It is so cold that everyone
is anxious to get across to France, just
to get away from here.
"It is a lot different from the time
we had at 'Vancouver and all of us are
the best boosters for Portland that
ever left that city. About 99 per
cent of the Fourth Engineers would
rather be there than anywhere else in
the United States. I don't know how
long we will be here, but think we will
take the boat ride next month.
"We had a good trip here, but were
on the road for 10 days. I suppose Port
land Is having a little rain now and
then. I would sure like to be there
for about a week."
Bushnell Photo.
Lieutenant L, G. McAlony.
Lieutenant L. G. McAlony, well
known in Portland, is now with
the 148th Field Artillery, 41st
Division, as a dental surgeon.
His wife went to North Crrolina
when he was stationed there and
has visited in the East since
then, but returned this past week
to resume her war work in Portland.
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