The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 20, 1918, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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    g . . , . THE SUNDAY PREGOXIAX. PORTLAND,. JANUARY 30. 1918. ,
" - ' n . a V f T7 J
s -
Grangers, Farmers and La
bor Outline Action at Meet
ing Held Here Saturday.
Affiliation of Oregon Organization
With Xatlonal League to Be De
termined by Special Committee.
Profiteers to Be Watched.
Immediate organisation of a non
partisan league In thi state waa de
rided upon at an executive meeting of
between 30 and 40 membera of the
fctate Federation of Labor, the Grange
and the Farmers' Union at the Mult
nomah Hotel yesterday. Whether the
proposed organisation shall be affil
iated with the National Non-Partisan
League er shall merely be patterned
after the North Dakota League was
left to a special committee constating
of C E. Spence. master of the Grange;
Hector Macpherson. of the Oregon
Agricultural College: E. J. Stack, sec
retary State Federation of Labor; J. A
Fmlth. of the Farmers Union, and C I
JicKenna. of Portland.
This committee waa also constituted
the esecuMve committee of the embryo
organisation formed yesterday and
which Is without official designation
as yet other than the "convention of
Oretron rlttxena called to consider pro-s-rslve
legislation. Its members are
authorised to outline a plan of organi
sation and submit Its report and recom
mendations to another meeting of the
assembly. This will probably be done
within the next SO days. i
RecwssaieatlatleBa Art Aprr4.
At Its preliminary meeting yesterday,
which waa held behind closed doors
after newspaper reporters and all
others not qualified delegates had been
excluded, the convention unanimously
adopted tha report of lta legislative
committee and declared In favor of the
establishment of a one-house Legisla
ture of not to exceed SO members, utili
sation of the state'a natural resources
and public utilities for the common
-rood, establl.hment of an effective
state marketing system. Incorporation
of the antl-lnjunctton features of the
Kherman anti-trust law Into a state
statute and compulsory compensation,
applying to all gainful occupations.
J. I. Frown, of this city president
of the Farmer Unloa. was elected
president of the convention. Other offi--ers
chosen were: C. M. Rynerson. of
Portland, secretary: C E. Spence. mas
ter of State Grange. tlrs vice-president:
M- M. Burtner. member leglsla
live committee of State Gran ire. second
vice-president, and O. R. Hartwlg. pres
ident State Federation of Labor, third
Leagaa Mevesseat Talked. .
The morning session, aa well as the
greater part of the afternoon meeting,
wss occupied In a discussion of the ad
visability of participating In the non
partisan league movement, particularly
with reference to affiliating with the
National organisation as It Is repre
sented by the North Dakota league.
The debate waa more or less spirited
at times, although the only difference
of opinion among the delegatea was as
to whether or not the proposition
should be taken up and acted upon at
this time.
The sentiment of the gathering was
finally expressed by nnanlmous vote In
the adoption of tha following resolu
tion: Resolved, that wa favor tha Imme
diate organization In Oregon of a non
partisan league and that a committee
be appointed for the purpose of Investi
gating the subject of affiliation with
the National non-partisan league and
to outline a general plan of procedure.
Legislative Cosasaltte Nassed.
President Brown made Mr. Spence.
Mattes of the Grange, chairman of this
committee. He also appointed as
members of the legislative committee
Professor O. B. Goldman, of Corvallls:
E. J. Stack, of the Federation of Labor;
C. E. Spree. Master of the Grange:
Walter M. Plirce. State Senator, and
Hector Macpherson. of the Oregon Ag
ricultural College. This committee
later submitted a report, which was
adopted unanimously,
will decide for the world whether the
nations' shall live under democracy or
-Resolved. That wa consider the
winning of the war the all Important
work, that we pledge our lives, our for
tunes, the lives of our sons, and our
sacred honor to fight for victory.
"Resolved. That we oppose the use
of money and labor on any work that
does not have Its immediste purpose the
winning of the war; end be It further
-Resolved. That while the war la
going on. and for all time thereafter,
that It la our duty to keep our eye on
the profiteer so that he may not rob
our people of the fruits of their honest
Among the more prominent men at
tending vesterday's gathering and par
ticipating In its deliberations were:
J. D. Brown. O. R. Hartwlg, C. E. Spence.
E. J. Stack. C. M. Rynrsont A. W. Law
rence. State Senator Walter M. Pierce,
M. 8. Plttman. Arthur Brock. Dr. C. J
Smith. Colonel Robert A. Miller, M. M.
Burtner. C. L. McKenna, J. A. Smith.
Professor Hector Macpherson and Pro
fessor O. B. Goldman.. both of Corvallls.
(Centlnsed rnm First Pag.)
pacifists. "Tha strong arm of tboOoT
ernmenC be said, "should reach out
and get these people. A few prompt
trial add a few quick hangings would
prove most" salutary at this time.'
Pacifist Ltvea la doe-la.
The pacifist, the ultra-pacifist,
never will want this country to pre
pare." continued Mr. Kahn. "He Is liv
ing In the clouds; he takes no lessons;
be learns notning from the teachings
of history. Why. they think this Is
going to be the last war!
Mr. Kahn hero quoted from Shake
speare a passage from Anthony and
Cleopatra In which Octavlus explains:
"The time of universal peace Is near."
"And that was SI years before Christ
waa born." continued the speaker, and
the pacifist has been talking universal
peace ever since. And In this year 191
we bsve the greatest war the world
has ever seen.
Notice te Be Served Kaiser.
"If I can shape the legislation. I
shall so that every boy of 1 and over
up to 21 shall register.
"The psychology of that alone would
be great. It would be notice to the
Imperial government of Germany that
these United Slates Intend to mortgage
their man power for a six years' war.
They would learn In-the Imperial em
pire that we are In for business and
that we mean to win this war.
"It will also encourage and hearten
the English and the French and the
Italians. These young men would be
come eligible to military service when
they attained their majority, when they
became 21. but I would train them
when they became SO. so that they,
would be full-fledged soldiers, when
they became 2L
T ratals; to Pracectl la Peace Times.
"And then 1 would Insert In the leg
islation this further provision, that
when the war Is over the training of
the young American shall not cease
In the piping times of peace, but. as the
boys become IS years of age In this
country, they shall be compelled to
take military training for at least six
months. Yes, I prefer to make It a
year, because you cannot train Inside
of a year. And the camps that have
been established In this war have am
ply demonstrated to the people of this
country that If nothing else be accom
plished, we will at least create In this
country a rare of rugged, virile Amer
ican citizens.
Representative Kahn was foHowedJ
By Theodore itooseveit, wno saia.
"Back Mr. Chamberlain; back Mr.
Kahn In seeing that every hindrance of
having these men supported as they
should be supported by this Nation Is
taken away."
President Represented as
Fearing His Activities
May Be Hampered.
tCoetlnned From First Page.)
that the organisation strive for the
enactment of legislation on the follow
ing subjects:
Establishment of a single house leg
islature, consisting of not more than SO
members, to be presided over by an
officer elected at large, who aball also
be the Lieutenant-Governor.
Utilization of the state's natural re
sources and public utilities for the
common good.
Establishment of an effective etate
marketing tystem.
A state law that will embody the
antl-lnjunctton features of the Clay
ton Amendment to the Sherman Anti
Trust Law.
Compulsory compensation, applying
to all gainful occupations
Following adjournment of the meet
ing the officers announced that the
consideration of candidates for public
offices and whether or not they should
be Indorsed were not discussed. Wheth
er the proposed league shall Inquire
Into the qualifications of candidates
and give ita Indorsement to those be
lieved to be friendly to legislation de
sired by organized labor and the farm
era remains to be determined by the
executive committee In working out a
plan of organization.
Prattle ( Be Watched.
The following resolution, offered by
a committee consisting of G. E. Zand
ers. State Senator Pierce and J. A.
ctmlth. waa adopted by the convention:
"Whereas. We are engaged in a war
which we believe Is a death struea-le
from the conatiluent assembly In Pet
roe; rad at Its first meeting, according
to a Russian wireless report of the
session received today.
Break Follows Election.
This action appears to Indicate
solit between the Bolshevlkl and the
majority cioclal Revolutionists. The
break comes after the election of th
majority Social Revolutionist candi
date for chairman of the assembly
A collision between Bolshevlkl and
members of the Society for the Defense
of the Constituent Assembly, who were
marching toward the Tauride. Palace,
occurred about noon Friday, according
to a Petrograd dispatch to Reuters.
Banners and flags demanding that
the assembly be called were pulled
i!wn and torn.
Many Killed aaa Wounded.
Machine gun and rifle fire broke out
from all sides. M. Logvlnoff. a mem
ber of the executive committee of the
congress of workmen's and soldiers
delegates, and several others were
recommending! killed Many were wounded. Including
maintain the principles of liberty ".llo.B .
kr hlch we have lived happy and . ?r
several women.
- The Russian Constituent Assembly,
according to a proclamation Issued by
the revolutionary government last
March, "will Issue fundamental laws.
guaranteeing the country the lmmut
able rights of equality and liberty."
Failure to Issue a call for elections
to the assembly waa one of the causes
contributing to tha downfall of the
Kerensky government. The Bolshevik
government Issued a call for election
soon after the success of the revolt of
Last November.
Balshevlk Party Defeated.
The elections were completed early In
December. The results were unfavor
able to the Bolshevlkl element, the So
clal Revolutionists, of which party
former Premier Kerensky Is a member,
gaining the greatest number of dele
gatea A number of Constltnttonsl
Democrat delegates to tbe assembly
were arrested early In December by the
Bolshevlkl. who have been reported to
be using various measures to gain con
trol of the assembly.
Bourgeoisie Hear Humors Diet Will
Be Forcibly Dissolved.
STOCKHOLM. Jan. IS. Bourgolste
circles In Helslngtora are disquieted
over rumors of a coming social revo
lutionary uprising and the forcible dis
solution of the Diet and .the formation
live and which w
There aremany things learned from
experience and observation that the
older generation should impress upon
tha younger. Among them la the fact
that scrofula and other humors, which
produce eczema, bolls, pimples and
ether eruptions, are most successfully
treated with Hood's Sarsaparllla.
Tbia great medicine Is a peculiar
combination of remarkably effective
blood - purifying and health giving
roots, barks and berba which are gath
ered especially for It.
Hood's Sarsaparllla haa stood the
test for 40 years.
Get a bottle today now from yoar
nearest drugstore. Always keep this
medicine on band. Adv.
fae SanUseptie After Sharing.
Seething, cooling, refreshisg. Leaves soft, vel
eecr f'T" Intaotlv retl-Toe ac4 prevents lrH
tatKm. Pm-rents Internes. Too U ilk Its
aesiiay enoc sou. au oronuu.
after tha Bolshevlkl pat
The Svenska Dagbladet's Haparanda
correspondent reports famine condi
tions In various places In Russia. In
the Orenburg district there has been
no bread since Christmas, and In a
large part of the government of Nizhni
Novgorod, there being no prospect of
getting bread., the people are eating
A protest published In the Lokal
5oclaI D.mocraten shows that the
Bolshevlkl have confined In tbe St.
Peter and St- Paul fortress In Petro
grad a number of Socialist opponents
of Foreign Minister Trotsky. .
Restaurant Management Vbanged.
Tha restaurant department of the
Portland Chamber of Commerce Is un
dergoing s complete change. J. E.
Cronan. who has ' served, for nearly
three years as chairmen of the house
committee, haa resigned and his place
has been filled by F. W. Robinson,
traffic manager of tbe O.-W. R. & N.
Railroad. The clnb Is minus a chief
steward becsuse of the resignation of
Louis VIscoL A successor will be
chosen by the new committee. Other
new members of the committee are
Charlee F. Berg and L. N. McArthur,
who have been selected by Mr. Robin
son as his assistants.
Senate Military Committee An
nounces Intention to Put Measure
Through, "regardless of Atti
tude of Administration.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 19. President
Wilson and Secretary Baker today be
gan studying the Senate military com
mittee's proposed legislation to estab
lish a War Cabinet o three men to as
sist In general direction of the war and
to create a director or munitions.
With but preliminary discussion of
the War Cabinet proposa with Secre
tary Baker, the President was repre
sented as not being favorably disposed
to the plan because of the belief that It
might embarrass his personal direction
of war activities.
Mr. Wilson went to Secretary Baker's
office after Senator Hitchcock, of Ne-
braska. for the Senate committee, had
delivered a copy of the War Cabinet
bill to Mr. Baker. It was understood
that Mr. Hitchcock was encouraged by
the Secretary to hope that the Admin
istration ultimately may acquiesce In
the general plan.
New Title Cboaea.
As It is to be Introduced Monday la
the Senate by Chairman Chamterlaln.
the measure provides for the establish
ment of a War Cabinet that name
having been substituted for "war coun
cil" of three men. distinguished In
business, executive, administration and
public affairs and not members of the
President's Cabinet.
It specifically stated that the Secre
taries of War and Navy shall not be ex
offlcio members.
The War Cabinet members would re
ceive salaries of $12,000 a year, the
same as those of the President's Cabi
net.' but would rank above the exec
utive Cabinet In power for control of
war policies. The measure also appro
priates $300,000 to start the War
Cabinet In its work.
A definite statement of the Presi
dent's final views Is expected within a
few days. Senate committee members
are Insistent upon adoption of the gen
eral war cabinet plan. They deplare
they will proceed with the legislation
even if Administration approval fs
withheld, and express confidence of Its
adoption by tha Senate and probably
the House.
Advisory Idea Dodged.
Committee members explained today
that the name "cabinet" was substi
tuted by the committee for "council"
in order to "get away from the Idea of
councils of purely advisory bodies
which have not worked well In the
It al-o was explained that the Dill
does not preclude appointment to the
War Cabinet of members of the Exec
utive Cabinet, but that one man could
not serve In both capacities.
Tbe committee's decision not to have
the Secretaries of War and Navy ex
officlo members of the War Cabinet
also was explained as in line with the
desire to further centralize war policies
and duties In a smaller body.
However, some committee members
believed It possible that Congress
might a- end the, bill to permit the
Secretaries of War and Navy to be
members, partlculasly if the Adminis
tration desires It.
Those Studying to Be Deck Officers
and Engineers Affected.
BOSTON. Jan. 19. Students in the
schools for deck officers ana engineers
conducted under the direction of the
United States Shipping Board recruit
ing service are exempt from military
duty under a ruling of the Provost
Marshal-General's office announced by
Henry Howard, director of recruiting.
The exemption will continue. Mr.
Howard explained, as long as the stu
dents remain In school or pursue the
calling for which their studies fit
There are 30 schools engaged' In
training deck officers for the merchant
marine and eight schools training engi
neers, with a total enrollment of 300.
Pioneer Mine Operator Passes Away
at North Bend.
NORTH BEND. Or.. Jan. 19. (Spe
cial.) Harry B. Bralnard, a pioneer
coal mine operator In this section, died
at Mercy Hospital today at the age of
68 years. He was born in Kentucky,
but came to Coos Bay more than 40
years ago and was for many years en
gaged as a mining engineer In open
ing up the Llbby mine. Children liv
ing are Roy O. Bralnard. of North
Bend; Reuben Bralnard, of Lakeside;
lira Say Dempsey. of Portland, and
Mrs. Herschel Rlggs. or Idaho. .
The funeral services will be held to
James Ellison, Prominent In Early
Days, Passes at Hospital.
ALBA NT, Or, Jan. 19. (Special.)
James Ellison, resident of Albany for
the past eu years ana prominent nere
In early days.. died In St Mary's Hos
pital liOf last night, aged 0 years. A
native 6T England, he came to America
when IS years old and for several years
was a steamboat pilot on the Sacra
mento River.
He leavea one son. Walter Ellison, of
Playshed Is Equipped.
BANKS, Or.. Jan. IS. (Special)
The Parent-Teacher Association met
at the schoolhouse Friday afternoon.
With the assistance of the association
the playshed has been equipped with
complete apparatus. The new appara
tus Includes teeters, swings, travel
ing rings, horizontal Dai's and trapeze.
There Is a feeling that the association
111 become a strong factor in better
ing the school and community interests
of this vicinity.
'JEdwards The Store of a Million Friends'
Where Your Credit Is as Good as Gold Is Bringing Great Joy
to Those Who "MUST HOOVERllE" on Home Furnishings
This Will Be an Eventful Week!
ye8j just a8 choice as though you had selected months ago, but now they have fallen into line with dozens'
of other beautiful pieces that are adorned with Big Price Cards in answer to the call of Edwards'
41st Annual January Clearance Sale
$60 Living-Room Suite of 4 Pieces in Solid Oak
$1.00 Weekly
.v - 3
The construction of every piece
insures genuine satisfaction, for
each is glued and fitted with the
utmost care. Settee, arm chair
and rocker are fitted with auto
cushion seats, upholstered to
match, in a rich brown leatherette.
Davenports! Davenports! Davenports!
N0 description furthe than solid oak frames finished in hand-rubbed golden wax, upholstered
with rich brown leatherette and they'll open to double bed size. Yes, these davenports will be on
the job 24 hours each day. - .
Spend a Few Moments and See Them at Least
$37.50, $42.50, $45, 1 $49.50, $53.25
Quarter-Sawed Oak, Flush
i Rim Top
Dining Table
$1.00 Cash $1.00 'Week
.Here Is a real beauty. And solid
say, you never saw anything to beat It!
That platform base Is built entirely of
solid oak. Top opens to six feet, and
it don't Jiggle like a see-saw, either.
There's a Quaint and Delightful Charm About This 4-Piece
Mahogany Suite With a 4-Poster Bed
With its suggestions of the old Puritan days, when circle de
slirns were so much In vogue. Your "great-grandparents would
have marveled with delight had a suite the equal of this one
been offered them at today's price. Owing to tha extreme cost,
only the most exclusive aristocracy could afford these charm
ing circle effects In the old days. Four pieces, exactly as pic
tured, priced now lat
Now $15.00 Cash $2.00 Week
Regular Price $145.50
Mahogany?--not Even These
Desirable Pieces Were Overlooked!
$38.50 Mahogany Rocker, tapestry seat and back...
$31-50 Mahogany Rocker, tapestry seat and back...
$22.50 Mahogany Rocker, velour seat, cane back. . .
$17.50 Mahogany Rocker, tapestry seat
$16.50 Mahogany Chair. Windsor style
$15.75 Mahogany Arm Rocker, spindle back
$15.75 Mahogany Arm Chair to match...--.
. . . .$13.45
Many families in this community are
burning up real money. This
Will put a stop to It at once Have
Edwards install a "Dixie" now; the en
tire cost is only
$5.00 Cash $1.00 a Week
Style instead of
leg as you pre
fer. By the way, your
old stove or
range will be
taken as part
pay, too.
I Regular I
J $22.50 Jj
i mi ii i i - .i n.
Tapestry or Leatherette J c rgg---r''' m a
Overstuffed Rocker 0 Z 3 LpClZ It - fflll
$16.75 i4 W n
$1.00 Cash $1.00 Week 2. tt 8 .
HI Big, deep, roomy, comfortable, good- ,
llj looking and durable. J J
$3.50 Aluminum $4.50 Alummum f ,
n is. Too K-s-stflo gSSSvi j
-co ok -rrr. KMW
Ifcnaij rtlsrhUy from , S)3U lC
. . . y,-rn
75c Victor carvers jrricea
lill I J-1 . 4 II P 411 Xi' 11 B.,.TT1. Pnl.
. ww. - MjLxfelSSaa -Lirge-sireOven.
I I ... II kVca ! ... f Wide and Shal-
I I Made by the American I I yftYJ ---fjy3fA f low Fire Box.
T7 r,,r.lP.rv Co.. and vou'll be I S - Duplex Grates
-Z-lSZrt I r.. J ' A III AspesiOB-neu.
Illl I V . I I V Sliding Damper.
Illl I " I I I
I x t rrrrr :: 7T. ! ' III
I - n 11 i-t-i White bnamei or frill I IL -"SF
Out-of-Town Folks, loo! Gold Finish fAUVwH
iz&.&f.S&!r -r-va -r- sf I I f ITfln I I
Trim ri"" UtTU -W I ILfcl lnfnil Is r' i rifl Has lock drop - side, helical braced JJJU1J
TWO Blocks North of Washington j ( link spring, like full size bed. 1
merclal Club civic bureau here wenUy.
M. Messier, of the Foundation Com
pany, suggested that shipbuilders take
. .. of their woraers
- nd turn the Information
. th club. H. K. Todd,
the club publicity
and the
chairman of
bureau, said
believed that part'ef the Government
fund set aside for building homes for
shlpworkers could be obtained here.
Lloyds Cut Trans-Atlantic Kates.
LONDON. Jan. 19. Lloyd's under-
Auto (Strikes Woman.
SEATTLE. Jan. 19. Adrian Kruller,
real estate dealer, was arrested here
today and charged with havlntr struck
Miss June Mills, of Walla Walla, with
his automobile. ... . .
6HELTOK. Neb.. Oct. 31,1917.
Old Line Bankers' Life Insurance Co, .
Lincoln. Nebraska.
Dear Sirs: This Is to sclcaowledis thel hill
ok, settlement (1602.39) on my
Fifteen Payment Life Policy No. 11188,
through your General Afjent. Cbaa . Stew
srL This alves me all of my money back
and I147.SU interest, besides the protection
of $1000.00 to my family during the tml 1U-
'Twtob'th.t I had taken out more Insur
ance with your aood company at the time
I took this policy, aa I think that It la a
mighty ood savings Investment for a young
man ana ii " , "
ASSETS $12,600,000.00
Matured in the
of Lincoln, Nebraska
t,J.n IBBT IirSl DCK1H o
and keep it up to maturity, they would have
a rreat deal more money In mWdle life than
ih average man. Nebraska people are proud
of a company like the Bankers, and I would
advise every young man to start a similar
policy that combines savings and Insurance.
1 know of nothing better. I am
Very truly yours,
.Joseph Owen, Jr.
Shelton, Nebraska
Name of insured".
Residence ...'....
Amount of policy
Total premiums paid company
Total cash paid Mr. Owen $602.39
And 15 Years Insurance for Nothing.
If you are looking around for a better paying position, write us and we will
i A J J IT nrf: T riant Tf
nrriter vesterday accepted war lnsur
ance on trans-Atlantic cargoes at rates
much below the flat rate of vo British
government, according to the Times.
This action prohaoly Is connected with
the proposal to extend the goern-
ment's scheme, which In effect, the
Times says, would make such Insur
ance on cargoes in British ships a
government monopoly.
77 Health Often Due to
Neglect of Kidneys and Liver
Many organs take part In assimila
tion of food, and a number are active
In eliminating those portions of the
food which are not taken Into the
blood fo the upbuilding of the body.
Of the ellmlnatlve organs, the liver
and kidneys are of major Importance,
and are most likely to bo overworked
and become diseased. When such Is the
case, various troubles of a digestive
and ellmlnatlve character occur, and
such troubles are so frequent and So
common that It Is absolutely necessary
to find some relief. Warners sate ivia
ney and Liver Remedy was compound
ed over 40 years ago to help equalize
the - work of both kidneys and liver.
How successful it has been Is evidenced
by Its widespread sale and its value
is attested by an Immense numDer ol
appreciative users who through these
many years have put it to tne severest
tests with the most satisfactory results.
Xhe experience of uiuiuiuaes is some
times worth more than the wisdom
even of tne brightest physicians. Hence,
If you have liver or kidney troubles,
you canqot do better than call upon
your druggist for Warner's Safe Kid
ney and Liver Remedy.
"About .7 years ago I was so weak
and worn-out that 1 could hardly work.
After trying other things without re
lief, I tried Warner's Safe Kidney and
Liver Remedy. In a short time the pain
left me, my urine cleared up and the
rheumatism and dyspepsia vanished.
We have used Warner's Safe Remedies
ever since with great success In our
family." O. F. Rose, Burtonvtlle. Ken
tucky. U. S. A.
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Rem
edy contains no harmful Ingredients
and should be used when the kidneys
need attention.
Sold by druggists everywhere. Sam
ple sent on receipt of ten cents. War
ner's Safe Remedies Co., Dept. 266,
Rochester, N, Y, Adv.