The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 20, 1918, Section One, Page 18, Image 18

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A Law Unto Man From the
ROUND UP $5710
War Fund Drive Whirlwind
Affair During . Final
Hours of Week.
Tullj alO.OOOof Bis; Fund Collrvlcd
In Residence I'lMrlc-ts Offl-
rlali Are Gratified Over
ItrwuU of Campaign.
The Knights of Columbus put It over.
They walked right Pt the $10,000
war fund coal they had established.
Tabulated return last nlttht showed
a total of fj'.OOO pledged. It was pre
dicted that unreported subscriptions
will bring the sum to I40.000.
Formal termination of the week's
f'ind driv was celebrated In a Jollifica
tion meetlna- at o'clock last nlicbt In
the Kllxabethan room of the Imperial
Hotel. It was there that the prelimi
nary total was announced. A Rift of
lui0 by Archbishop Christie, who was
present to extend congratulations to
the workers, necessitated an upward re
vision of the figures from the 154.000
previously checked.
Everybody fs Pleased.
Hearty appreciation of the splendid
efforts and worthy achievements were
voiced not only br the Archbishop but
by -Field General" I. X. Pay. Executive
Chairman John X. Casey and other
drive directors. Words of praise for
the workers were mingled with cheer
for the leaders. On every hand there
'was a fee Unit of deep gratification be
cause of the fact that Portland citizens
bad once more completed a triumphant
crusade, dedicated to a worthy cause.
Intense rivalry among the morn am
bitious teams of solicitors accounts
largely for the fact that final totals
could not be closely approximated be
fore the concluding Jubilation. It de
veloped that several of the teams com
peting for the honor of turning lo the
larxest amount of subscriptions were
withholding collection and subscription
reports. on or two of these teams
were said to have as much as 11000 Du
re ported.
Total May Kxceed JsO.OOO.
Last a ceo
ef Capta
to their credit. Teams of Captains M
F. Urady. tf. C. Bratlon and A. McMick
n were ten close competitors that
any one of them may easily achieve top
rank lu the final checking. The addi
tional amounts these teams will re
port and receipt of scattering subscrip
tions which did not reach the headquar
ters yesterday are counted on to swell
the drive total until It touches or ex
ceeds 10.000.
Solicitors began the day yesterday
with at least $!' needed to win. A
whirlwind effort In which several hun
dred men. women and children partici
pated soon convinced the executives
that success was assured.
Released early la the day front pre
viously Imposed territory restrictions,
the solicitors exercised their own
pleasure and discretion In pushing the
campaign among friends or strangers,
on the streets or In office buildings.
In public plar or private homes, any
where the call for mlnlslerlngs to the
soldier boys might meet response.
Official Merck, Oral tried.
Officials of the drive expressed them
selves as particularly gratified over
the response encountered by the parish
workers In the residence districts. This
canvass was mad with more painstak
ing car than had been exercised In
soma of the previous drive and re
sulted In the collection of fully 110.
00. This cam largely In small
Districts from which many young
men have enlisted ware found espe
cially responsive, campaign heads re
ported. Within a radius of a few
blocks. In one such division, which has
aent 33 recruits to the Nation's armed
forces, tZii was contributed. Some
larger districts did even better than
Oroup of faithful women workers,
tinder Mrs. J. P. O'Brien, gathered In a
total approximating 14000. Girls from
Ft. Mary's Academy, about 150 In num
ber, did valiant service In the drive
Friday and yesterday. The total of
their collections and gifts was fully
Oae Balldlag Clvea SS7S.
Occupants of the Wells-Fargo build
ing led In the list of employe groups
lo size of collective donations, giving
an aggregate of t7S. Workers of the
Grant Smtth-Porter-Guthrle Company
gave to the solicitors J6T0. In alL Con
tiibutiona of the Foundation Company
employee amounted to $330. Workers
Jn various shipyards and other Indus
trial plants gave liberally. The Ship
riggers Union voted th sura of U
from Its treasury to help along the
An effective speaking campaign
among the labor unions, other organ!
V: . ' -
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t.- JSeWfc. lb aU4
The executive committee of the Interstate Realty Association, which Includes In its membership real estate men of Oregon, Washington and Idaho,
concluded a two-day session ta Portland yesterday. The meetings of the committee were held In the quarters of the Portland Realty Board in the Henry
building. One of the features of the session here was the dinner and "Arabian Nights" entertainment given the visitors by the Portland Realty Board at
the Chamber of Commerce Friday night. ;
Experienced Tlmbermen Vanted for
Immediate Service With Ameri
can Army in France.
To round out new battalions In the
20th Engineers, often referred to as
the Lumbermen's Regiment and Auxil
iary Forestry units, experienced woods
men and lumbermen are needed at once.
These battalions are to ' be dispatched
at the earliest possible date for active
service in France.
. Urgent calls for these 3000 experi
enced woodsmen and sawmill men' have
Just been sent out from Washington by
C. E. Clark and H. L. Bowlby, Majors
In the Engineer Reserve Corps, acting
for Major-General Black, chief of en
gineers. .
With the addition of the recruits now
sought, the 20th Engineers will be the
largest regiment in the world, it is
said, the- prospective roster being 7500
men. Four new battalions of 750 men
each are needed now.
The work to be done in: France con
slsts of converting forests Into mate
rials needed by the American Engineer
ing Corps, such as ties, bridge timbers,
telephone poles, etc Applicants must
have had years of practical experience
In the woods or in sawmills to ue ac
cepted. Men wishing to enlist In one of these
units are requested to write or tele
graph to Major C. E. Clark, office chief
of Engineers, room 25. War Depart
ment, Washington, D. C.
Of the Council of the Twelve, Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)
Salt Lake City, Utah.
Folic Get Reports of Thefts aad Have
Dimenlty Keeping Tnt Cases)
From Uelag Mixed.
"Did you get this report on James.
cap 7""
Iesk Officer Xlles. of the first night
relief, indicated a printed report blank
filled out In accordance with custom.
"James? Why not Jimmy? Call 'em
by their last name. Xlles." The captain
of the first relief glanced at the re
port. "1'ou've got the address wrong,
though. All mixed up.
"But the last name Is James," In
sisted the desk officer. "And bera Is
the address right here.",
"Xow. Xlles. I remember distinctly
that the last name was Thomaa."
"But that one "
It was a house robbery, wasn't It?"
"Yes. but"
"All right. That was James Thomas,
100 S Corbett street. Stolen articles,
wrist watch, pin. other jewelry, small
change. Reported when Mrs. Thomas
got home from work at th pickle fac
"That was one of them. But here's
another.. This one Is Thomaa James,
Il East Fifty-seventh street. Stolen
articles, brooch, two gold watches, dia
mond watch fob, coral beads and box
of pennies. Reported on return of
family from show. Different case, cap.
"All right. Xlles. Whatever you say
goes. But It seems to me that we
ought to have enough names so that
people would not have to overwork
some of them."
SEALS BRING $12,943.84
Plaaa Will Be Made This Week
laspraveaaeat f Health Condi
tions In Army Camp.
Returns from the sale of Red Cross
Christmas seals throughout Oregon
now total J12.94S.84, with a number of
towns and agents yet to hear from.
It la practically assured that last yea.'
returns of I6S00.47 will be more than
cations and on th street corners did I doubled this y e.Tr. Th Woman's Club,
touch to stir enthusiasm and draw sub
scriptions during th final 3 hours of
th crusade.
General Chairman I. X. Day called at
tcntion to th fact that a remarkable
portion of the subscriptions In this
campaign were made In cash. Esti
mates placed th cash payments at be
tween 30 and to per cent of the goal
Clatsop Campaign for Knights of Co-
- Iambus fund to Be Thorough.
ASTORIA. Or.. Jan. 19. (Special.)
The drive In Clatsop County to raise
money for the Knights of Columbus
Hut Fund will begin on Monday and
continue during the week. The com
mittee lo charge of the campaign con
slsts of Herman .Wise, president: J. I
Hop, secretary; J. S. Delaney. treaa
virer. and Ben Worsley, manager.
Fred J. Johnson has been appointed
'balrman of the Clatsop County Thrift
Muip Committee and will direct the
campaign. He will select chairmen of
the sub-commit tees In the several
towns of the county.
Mrs. Grace Brown and Sirs. Jlar-y
Bradshaw Seek Divorce. -
Treatment so cruel as to undermine
her health and fore her to take her
four children and leave. Is alleged by
; rare Brown In a suit for divorce filed
yesterday against Kpencer Brown, to
whom ah was married In 10S. The
wtf asks for 110 a month la support
Kitreme cruelty Is likewise charged
br Mary Bradhaw In a suit for divorce
from George W. Bradahaw. They were
married In Washington la IMS and bar
uo UuiIra. .
of Corvallls, which handled th sale
of the seals In that city, sent In their
check last week for iZiO, and The
Dalles Sorosls Club, which handled the
sale In that section sent their check
for S:05.53.
Belated local subscriptions are as
follows: F. A. Krlbs. 35; Mrs. C. A.
Biglow, $5: C Elmore Grove. J3; W.
P: Olds, t20; Richmond School, S17.43;
Typographical Union, 35. Out-of-town
contributions follow: Estacadx Civic
Improvement Club, 310.43; Ore o Red
Cross, $6; Xewport, by 1. s. J. Turn
bull. $5.25; Hermiston W nan's Civic
Club and Honor Guard Girls, $16.38;
Prlneville Shumla Club. $27.50; Wood
burn, $15; Helix, by Mrs. J. S. Ander
son, $5; Grants Pass Woman's Auxil
iary Commercial Club, $30; School Dis
trict No. 6, Hood River County. $6;
Harrlsburg. by Mrs. W. H. Dale. $8.44;
Heppner. by Dr. W. E. Winnard, $25;
Redmond, by J. D. Butler, $14: han:ko.
by J. E. Hunter, $5; Maupln Red Cross,
$12 OS; Campflre Girls of Madras, $6.96;
Hood River Woman's Club, $34.93.
The executive board of the Cr con
Association for the Prevention of Tu
berculosis will hold a meeting this
week, when plans will be made to un
dertake the work advised f. the con
ference of the division directors of
civilian relief of the American Red
Cross, held in Washington, D. C, last
week. The National Association for
the Study and - Prevention of Tuber
culosis is working In close co-opera
tlon with the Red Cross at all times.
ine suggesiea programme ionows
To secure the Immediate dismissal of
cases of tuberculosis from the camps
and cantonments. To Inform health
authorities of each state of the names
and addresses of the men dismissed
for tuberculosis. To encourage the
state health authorities, public and prl
vate, to. follow the cases of return to
their homes, and to sea that they are
cared for.
Mahlen Blaine and Ernest Fong Prom
ise t Make No More Pictures of
Portland Waterfront.
Visions of German spies, craftily ply
ing their trade In making war sketches
of the waterfront of a Pacific port.
came before a detective of the police
force 9 he caught sight of a couple
January 28, at which time W. I Flnley,
State- Biologist, will Bhow four reel
of his "Animal Life in Oregon" pictures
to members of the Irvlngton Club and
their friends at the clubhouse on
Thompson and Twenty-second streets.
The topic of his lecture will be Shoot
lng With the Shutter." The club's for
jnal dancing party will be held next
Friday night.
Pacific University Xow Has 2 6 Men
in Army and Navy.
FOREST GROVE, Or., Jan. 19. (Spe
cial.) Pacific University now has
service flag containing 26 stars for, the
K.t-ll.. -1 tnl.1. .. . . 1 .1 -1.1t - .B
"""'""'s 4ronia.ilu j""ituients of last year's and this year's
near tne bteel bridge. With a duty to : classes who are in the service,
First Annual Meeting to Be Held
Thursday Evening.
The first annual meeting of the Home
Industry League has been called for
Thursday evening, January 31, at 8
o'clock. In the green room of the Cham
ber of Commerce.
Ten directors will . be chosen, who
will constitute th board for 1918, and
a report of th activities of the league
will be read.
The operation of the league has been
under way for six months, and there
has been much constructive work of a
substantial nature performed.
Due to the splendid co-operation of
the press, moving picture houses, out
door bulletin people, large clubs and
other bodies, and the retail trade, the
objects and purposes of the league have
become known to thousands of people
of the city and state.
"Bigger Payrolls for Oregon" Is the
slogan that Is being Impressed upon
the public, retailer. Jobber and manu
facturer, and If co-operation is made
active there Is but little doubt the big
objective will be attained.
The tendency of the times Is to con
serve In all possible ways . for war
needs, and the use of local products Is
advocated by th Government.
be performed in sight he stepped for
ward and accosted the "spies."
"You're arrested," he declared.
"You're kidding us," scoffed Mahlon
Blaine, artist. Ernest Fong, his asso
ciate, grinned his belief in the detec
tive's attempt at humor.
"Xot so you'd notice it," replied the
arm of the law. "Don't you know its
against the law to sketch the water
fiont How do we know you're not
going to send those pictures to Kaiser
Bill, so he can see how the Portland
harbor looks?"
The two artists looked at one an
other. "Hadn't thought of that," admitted
, "Well, that's the way it might look
to Uncle Sam. You'd better come up
to see the United States Marshal."
Marshal Alexander was soon con
vinced of the innocence of the devotes.
of art. And the artists promised to
seek further for their . subjects. So
everything turned out satisfactorl.y.
except for the detective, who will prob
ably not get a medal for capturing
dangerous German 'spies.
Irvlngton Club Xecture Postponed.'
Th planned Irvlngton Club lecture.
originally set for tomorrow night, has
been postponed till Monday evening.
The service flag was presented to
Pacific by the student body and the
presentation speech was made by Har
old Robinson, the president of the body,
at appropriate exercises In the chapel.
Deaa Clark gave an excellent talk upon
his reception of the flag in behalf of
the col.ege.
The following list gives the class to
which each student belongs, as well as
the division of the service in which he
Is now enlisted:
1917 George Berreman, ambulance: Ivan
Donaldson, ambulance; Thayne LJvesay,
radio: ixienn morgan, nospitai, navy.
1U18 Sam Cox, radio; Glean Jack, radio
Leo Lucas, radio, Tom Smith, radio: Verli
Stanley, infantry; Irvin Turner, Quarter-
1919 Willis Caay. radio: Erwln Barend-
rick, hospital; Tommy Fowler. infantry:
Francis wade, hospital; oriana Komtg,
radio: Edgar Swanson. hospital.
Kenneth Jones, amoulance: Kaipn
Jones, ambulance: (ieorge Paricer, hospital,
navy: Clare Walker. Navy; Jim Norton,
engineers; Hariy Romig, radio; Margaret
Burns, radio.
Kutn . Austin, raaio; Liioya Appie-
man. hospital: Charles Roe, radio.
Queen's Talent Recognized.
PARIS, Jan. 19. The Academy of
Fine Arts has unanimously elected
Queen Marie, of Ronmanla, a corre
sponding member of the Institute. This
step was taken in recognition of the
Queen's talent as an artist.
. 9
r -54
CA i?l-3 ew J-fur
Court JYo.S
Officers of th Tribe of Ben Rur, Court No. 9. were Installed last Friday
night at the hall. 129 Fourth street, with appropriate ceremonies. The fol
lowing were Inducted Into office: Chief, A. K. Hill; Judge, Frederick Lltke;
crlbe. A. G. Thompson: keeper of tribute. L. M. Estey: captain, E. F. A Lltke;
guide. William A. Ressler: keeper of outer gate. W. II. Porter; musician, Mrs.
L. M. Murray: mother of Ben Hur, Mrs. Gertrude E. Woodward; Tlirah, Mrs.
G. E. Klees; Sir Arlus and Junior Ben Hur, J. J. Murray; Joseph, C. E. Bow
man. At th conclusion of th Installation ceremonies C. E. Teager. past chief,
was called to the front and presented with a past chiefs Jewel, the presenta
tion speech being made by A. G. Thompson, scribe. Mrs. Sadie Taylor acted
as Installing -pmccr.-- . -
Millions Use
t For Colds
Because 'Tape's Cold Compound" relieves cold or grippe
. misery in a few hours: Really wonderful I ,
Joe Cohen Held for California.
Joe Cohen, who is wanted by the
Federal authorities at Los Angeles on
a charge of illegally selling drugs, was
given a hearing yesterday beiore
United States Commissioner Drake. He
was held for removal to California and
in default of the required $5000 bonds
was committed to jail. Cohen was ar
rested in this city a few days ago and
deposited $1500 cash bail for his ap
pearance yesterday.
WahkiuKum Has 3 6 Deserters.
CATHLAMET, Wash., Jan. 19. (Spe
cial.) The exemption board of Wah
kiakum County reports a total of 295
registrants who have been classified
as follows: Class 1, 125; class ;
class 3, 6; class 4, 86, and class 5, 72.
I Thirty-six men did not appear with
their questionnaires and will be classed
as deserters.
Masked Prowler Seen.
C. R. Grove, 2060 Tillamook street,
reported to the police last night that
his family had. been- frightened Friday
morning by a man masked with a black
cloth, who was prowling about the
Grove home. One of Mr. Grove's chil
dren spoke to the stranger, who has
tened away without replying.
Spoils Beauty
Makes the Dark Rings Around Eyes
Caves in the Cheeks and Ruins
the Complexion How to
Get Rid of Dyspepsia.
Take My Advice and lue Stnart's Dys
pepsia lattleta if ion Want a
Pretty Skin."
Digestive troubles ruin the complex-
on. The sour, iermented. gassy con-
tents poison the blood, draw the corn
ers of the mouth, rob you of sleep, give
the face that hungry, haggard, mourn
ful expression in the morning and you
are tired all day. It is not what you
eat but the fault of digestion that
hurts. Eat anything you like and let
bluart s Dyspepsia Tablets digest your
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
Saints accepts Sunday as tha
Christian Sabbath and proclaims the
sanctity of the day. We admit without
argument that under the Mosaic Law
the seventh day of the week, baturday.
was designated and observed as the
holy day, and that the change from
Saturday to Sunday was a feature of
the apostolic 'administration following
tije personal ministry of Jesus Christ.
Greater to us than the question of thia
day oc that in the week. Is the actuality
of the weekly Sabbath, to be observed
as a day of special and particular de
votion to the service of the Lord.-.
The Sabbath was prefigured if not
definitely specified in the record of
the creation, wherein wo read, follow
ing the account of the six days or
periods of creative effort: "And God
blessed the seventh day, aud sanctified
It: because that in it ho had rested
from all his work which God created
and made." (Gen. 2:3).
In the early stages of the Exodus
the Israelites were1 commanded to lay
In a double portion of manna on th
sixth day, for the seventh was conse
crated as a day of holy rest; and this
was signalized by the Lord's withhold
ing manna on the Sabbath day. (Sen
Exo. 16:23-30). There is no proof that
Sabbath observance by Israel at this
early date was an Innovation; and it
may be reasonably regarded as a rec
ognition of an established order by re
enactment in the new dispensation.
Later, when the Decalog was codified
and promulgated on Sinai, the Sabbath,
law was made particularly explicit, and
the Lord's rest was cited as its foundation:
Remember the Sabbath day, to keen
It holy. Six days shalt thou labour, a"d
do all thy work: But the seventh day
Is the sabbath of the Lord thy God:
In It thou shalt not do any work, thou.
nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy
manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor
thy cattle, nor thy stranger that Is
within thy gates: For in six days tha
Lord made heaven and earth, the sea,
and all that in them is, and rested tha
eventh day: wherefore the Lord
blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed
it." (Exo. 20:8-11).
The keeping of the Sabbath an a day
of surcease from toll and of particular
devotion came to be a national charac
teristic of the Israelites, whereby they
were distinguished from pagan na
tions; and rightly so, for the observ
ance of the holy day was specified as
a distinctive sign of the covenant be
tween Jehovah and His people. (See
Exo. 31:13).
In the course of Israelltlsh history
successive prophets admonished and re
buked the people for neglect or prof
anatfon of the Sabbath. Nehemiah as
cribed the affliction of the nation to
the forfeiture of Divine protection
through Sabbath violation, (see Neh.
13:15-22); and by the mouth of Ezekicl
the Lord reaffirmed the significance of
the Sabbath as a mark of His covenant
with Israel, and sternly upbraided
those who observed not the day. (Sea
Ezek. 20:12-24). To the detached branch
of Israel, which, as the Book of Mor
mon avers, was transplanted to Amer
ican soil, Sabbath observance was no
less an imperative requirement. (See
Jarom 1:5; Mosiah 13:16-19; 18:23)
Long before the birth of Christ tlio
original purpose of the Sabbath an'l
the spirit of its service had come to be
largely lost sight of among the Jews;
and rabbinical rules Introduced numer
ous technicalities, which made of the
day one of almost unbearable discom
fort and severity. This condition was
strongly denounced by our Lord in re
ply to thie many criticisms heaped upon
Him because of the healings and other
good works wrought by Him on the
Sabbath. "The sabbath was made for
man, and not man for the sabbath,"
sajd He, and then continued with the
profound affirmation: "The Son of Iho
is Lord also of the sabbath." (Mark
2:27, 28).
Christ came not to destroy the d,aw
of Moses but to fulfil It; and through
Him the law was superseded by the
Gospel. The Savior rose from the tomb
on the first day of the week; and that
particular Sunday, as also the next,
was rendered forever memorable by tha
bodily visitation of the resurrected
Lord to the assembled apostles and
others. To the believers in the crufi
fied and risen Savior Sunday became
the Lord's -Day (Rev. 1:10), and in
fnnri fnrto vonf of nrtl ,j )l Hti nnl V vmir
blood with nourishment, then good time took tne place ot oacuraay as wo
ooks. a healthy appearance and bright weekly saDDatn in tne unnsuan.
yes will soon return. Get a 50 cent
box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at
any drug store. They are real health
makers. Adv.
The Church of Jesus Christ teaches
that Sunday is the acceptable day for
Sabbath observance, on the authority
of direct revelation specifying the
Lord's day as such. In this, a new
btlUULJJ XiAl trlti JJAXLjX Dispensation of the Fulness of Times
Don't stay stuffed-up!
'Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose
of "Papa's Cold Compound" taken every
two hours until three doses are taken
will end grippe misery and break up a
severe cold either in the head, chest,
body or limbs.
It promptly opens clogged-up nostrils
and air passages: stops nasty discharge
or nose running; relieves sick headache,
dullness,- feverlshness, sore throat.
sneesing, soreness and stiffness.
"Pape's Cold Compound" is the quick
est, surest relief known and costs only
a few cents at drugstores. It acts
without assistance, tastes nice, and
causes no inconvenience. Don't accept
a substitute. Insist on "Pape's" noth
ing else. Adv.
Five Minutes! No Indigestion, Gas,
Sour Stomach-Pape's Diapepsin
Neutralizes acids in stomacB, instantly relieving dys
pepsia, heartburn, belching, distress. It's fine I
Pie Is wholesome, combining both
fruit and grain. Those who have trou
ble digesting pie should take ONE
SPOONFUL simple buckthorn bark,
glycerine, etc, as mixed in Adler-1-ka
This flushes the ENTIRE BOWEL tract,
removes foul matter which poisoned
your stomach for months and relieves
ANT CASE sour stomach, gas or con
stipation and prevents appendicitis.
Leaves stomach In condition to digest
ANYTHING. Skldmore Drug Co., 151
Third street. Adv.
This veteran, S. B.
Lampbere, was addicted
to the excessive use of
tobacco for many years,
lie ' wanted to quit but
needed aometmnc to
help him.
lie learned of a fre
book ,that tells about to
bacco habit and how to
conquer It quickly, eas
ily and safely. In a recent letter he writes:
'T have no desire for tobacco any more. 1
feel like a new man.
Any one desiring- a copy or tnis dook on to
bacco habit, smoking and chewing, can get
it free, postpaid, by writing to Kdward J.
Woods. 12 N. Station K. New York City.
You will be surprised and pleased. L,ooK for
quieter nerves, stronger heart, better diges
tion. ImDroved eyesight, increased vigor.
longer life and other advantages if you quit
poisoning yourself. aqv.
'Really does" put upset stomachs
In order "really does" overcome- in
digestion, dyspepsia, gas. heartburn and
sourness due to acid fermentation In
five minutes that Just that makes
Pape's Diapepsin the largest selling
stomach antacid and regulator In the
world. If what you eat ferments and
turns sour, you belch gas And eructate
undigested food or water; head Is dizzy
and aches; breath foul; tongue coated;
your insldes filled with . Indigestible
naate, remember tba moment "fafe'i
Diapepsin" comes in contact with th
st.mach .all such distress vanishes.
It's truly astonishing almost marvel
ous, and the joy Is its harmlessnesa.
. A large 60-cent case of Pape's Dia
pepsin is worth" Its weight In gold to
men and women who can'tr get their
stomachs regulated. It belongs in your
home should always be kept handy
in case of a sick, sour, upset stomach
during the day or at night. It's the
quickest, surest antacid tor th stom
ach, in ibe, world, Adv, .
If In need of Pure Drags and Chem
icals, Shoulder. Braces, Arcb Sup
ports, TRUSSES. Elastic Stocklnga,
Abdominal Supporters, Suspensory
Bandages for Men, and all other
rubber goods of every description
send to the
Third and Yamhill, Portland. Oregron
D A nTInW P" Rd'-Actlt PH by ttlmulM
K A III 1 1 VI u' Wood clrculauoa Impart sn
1UUVIU1II ergj. reitona tltallty and o?r
cotnef dlsefcm. We have many testimonials from
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we will send it on ten. days' trial with an absolute
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lit Bradbury Bid, Iob ABaCles. -Cnl,
the law of the Sabbath has been reaf
firmed unto the Church. It is to be.
noted that the revelation, part of which
follows, was given to the Church on a
Sunday (August 7th, 1831).
"And that thou mayest more fully
keep thyself unspotted from the world,
thou shalt go to the house of prayer
and offer up thy sacraments upon my
holy day. For verily this is a day ap
pointed unto you to rest from your
labors, and to pay thy devotions unto
the Most High. Nevertheless thy vows
shall be offered up In righteousness on
all days and .at all times. But remem
ber that on this the Lord's day, thou
shalt offer thine oblations and thy
sacraments unto the Most High, con
fessing thy sins unto thy. brethren,
and before the Lord. And on this day
thou shalt do none other thing, only
let thy food be prepared with single
ness of heart that thy fasting may b
perfect, or. In other words, that thy
Joy may be full." (Doctrine & Cove
nants 69:9-13).
We believe that a weekly day of
rest Is no less truly a necessity for
the physical well-being of man than
for his spiritual growth; but, prima
rily and essentially, we regard tho
Sabbath as divinely established, and
its observance a commandment of Him
who was and is and ever shall be. Lord
of tbV'Snbbatb.
Further treatment will b found In
the writer's work "Jesus? the Christ."
For this as also for Book of Mormon,
Doctrine and Covenants, and other lit
erature of the Church of Jesus Christ
of . Latter-Day Saints, apply to any ot
the Missions, among which are: North
western States Mission, 1140 Bedford
Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.. and Bureau C
Information. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Adv. 1
The Neal Institute
Free to Drink and
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users of alcohol, Jamaica ginger ex
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scientific methods and satisfied that
they are perfectly -enred at end of
treatment. For copy of agreement and
full information, advice and booklet
free, address NEAL INSTITUTE, 304
12th St.,' cor, Harrison, Portland, Or,