17 TIIE SUNDAY OI5EGOXTANY PORTLAND, JANUARY 20, 1918. 35,000 MEN ACTIVE III LOYAL L Patriotic Spirit Displayed by Loggers and Millmen Wins Praise From Officials. 400 LOCALS ORGANIZED Trtrrtni of Oregon Woods Pledge to Get Oat Spruce, Stamp Out Sedition and Help In Success ful Conclusion of War. A membership of JS.000 Is the an swer of the Loral Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen to the oft-heard query, "Will ire jet oot the spruce?" No patriotic response In the Pacific Northwest has eclipsed In splendid plrlt that of the men whose task for democracy Is the felling of the century rid trees that will be transformed to lleet battleplanes, chasing the Hun through cloudlsnd at a day not dis tant. Nor Is any task more Important, from the viewpoint of the Nation at war. Four hundred locals bare been or ranted throughout Oreaon and Wash ington, the work of organization being under direction of Lieutenant M. r Crumpacker. of the United States Sig nal Corpa. Eight uniformed officers art constantly In the field organizing new locals and promoting the work. The pledge which loggers and lum bermen take when they Join the Loyal Legion Is brief, but encompassing. To wet out the snruce. to stamp out sedi tion and to add their most vigorous ef forts to a successful conclusion of the war, are the objectives to which each member has sworn fealty. The list of local secretaries for Ore icon arm Washington, as compiled In the ofricea of Colonel Brice P. Disnue. chief of the spruce production, cam paign, la as follows: District No. S. RiT H. Dsns, Local No. 1. Powers. Or.: r. ft. Echn.ider. Local No. z. Posrsrs, Or.; M. B. Cbtpmaa. Locsl .No. 3. Powers. Or : P. L. Phcsn. Local NO 4.- Powers. Or : W. P. Car:u:. Local No. 8. Powers. Or.: F. K. 1'ounc. Locai No. 6. Powers. Or.: L. H. Irrtos. Local No T. Fow.ra. Or.: D. a. Den iiud. Local No. 8. Po.ua. Or.: Charts Zlm- mtrnM. lcsl No. 9. Powers, Or.: J. . Imne. Local No. Id. MarsbS-ld. Or.: George A. B ake. Local No. 1L Marshfle'.d. Or.: K. C Kssmsrsr. Local No. 12. Marshneld. Or.: X. H Larson. Local No. 13. Port Orford. Or.; riik LtaeesT. Local No. 14. Allesanr. Or.; A. B. Robert, Local No. IS. Cocjullls. Or.: ?t. L. Custer. Local No. 14. Eumoer. Or.; Tom Ftora. Local No 17. Lakeside. Or.: Fred M- Hors. Local No i. Laksslds. Or.; Tred Mlnard. l-oca' No. 1. Lakn'.de. Or.: H. J. Motir. Local No. 20. UarsbSeld. Or : Herbert l.ukeas. Local No. 21. Coquiile. Or.; M. J. McKtuu, Local No. 22. tUndon. Or.; W. P. McKenna. Local No. 23. Leaev. Or.; Harry I. K.!!r. Local No. 54. CoquiMe. Or.; Perry F Lanolns. Local No. 51. Coqullle. Or.: H. N. Butler. Local No. IS. prosper. Or.; Otto L. I'rer. Local No. ST. McKln!er. Or.; R. A. Mofua. Loca.1 No. 24. Marshneld. Or.; Vtrsl! J. Wilaoo, Local No. Norlb Bend. Or.: John W. Flanasaa. Local No. 2U. Marsh P.:d. Or.: T. J. Hartmaa. Local No. 31. North Pend. Or.; A. V. Loess. Local No 32. North )nd. Or.: Percy Gtbbs. Local No. 33. Vtsrsh Held. Or.: Henry Breaks. Local No. 34. North y-n. Or ; J. C. KkMsd. Local No. S.Y XarshSe.d. Or.; C. P. Keating. Local No. 3d, Marshlle:d. Or. District a i. 8. H E'.lla. Local No. 1. Whxiler. Or.: V. S. Bryaal. Local N. 3, N. of Mohlsr. Or ; B. J. Coopor. Local No. 3, N. of Homer. Or.; K. U Cadjr. Local No. i. Wheeler, Or.; Earl I. Cnrua, Local No. 4. Brishtua. Or.; J. C JteU.ur. Local No , Pay City. Or.; A. J. Andenoo, Local No. 7. TiKamook. Or.: H. A. Franklin. Local No. S. T.'ilamoek. Or.; C. 1'ys, Local No. a. Tillamcc't. Or.; B. L, Htjli. Jr, Local No. 10. bar City. Or.; E. :. Belderree. Local No. 11. Buck Rock. Or.; Robert I. Pomeroy. Local No. 12. Falis City. Or. District . a, LeeMe Rankin. Local No. 1. Blind FTouen. Or.: Ltos R. RIord. Local No. 2. Clatsop County. Or.; W. J. Colebrook. Local No. 3. Claasop County. Or., esar Knappa. Or.: C R. Hlcaer. Local No. 4. near Knappa, Or.. Clat sop County: E. C O.soa. Local No. J. Astoria. tr. : E. XI. Leahy Local No. a. O njr. Or.; Janeo Irvine. Local No. T. Olney. Or.: N. H. Jirandenbarc Local No. S. Astoria. Or.; V. '. Wsnstrom, Local No. . Olney. Or.; J. H. Morgan, Local No. la. Olney. Or.; J. W. Keeder, Local No. 11, t'arrenion. Or.; George W. Beyer, Local No. 12, Seaside. Or.; Harrj Hanson. Local No. 13. Seaside, Or.; F H. llshton. Local No. It. oeaside. Or.; Hecry Bm.r Local .No. 13. Eeaslde. Or.: A. M. 1'lcklason, Local No. IS. Aiisrta, Or.; A. L. lsrk. Local No. IT. Knappton. Wash.; Jtara X- Bruce. Local No. Is. Nasal. Wasb.: W. w. loffltt. Local No. 1. Nasel. Wasb.; Fred B. Xoatag. Local No. 50, L'eep River. Wash.; IL V. Babcock. Local No. 21. Knappton. Wash.: R. E. Kent. Local No. 23. Grsys Grays River. Wasa.: M. H. Potter. Local No Orays Rivar. UhIl; W. C Cuentber. Local No '3. Eden. Wash.; 1. B. Grunfsted. LocsJ Na 2a. Skamokawa. Wash.; D. C Mssten, lcal No U7. Skimohtvi. Wash.: John A. Kilckiey. Loral No. IS. bkamokawa. Wash.; O. R. Jonassn. Local No. S. Cathlamst. Wash.; A F. Baker. Local No. 30. Oak Point. Will; Ira Baldrlcge. Local No. 31. Oak Point. Wash.: Charles C. Goodals. Local No. 3i ftslla. Wash.: A. 8. Achenbach. Local No. 33. Portland. Or.; Frsd P. Trappe. Local No. 34, liao Macadam road. Portland. Or.; II. O. Bui co. Local No. U, 13d Macadam rood. Portland, Or.; H Heuer. Local No. 3rt, Portland, Or.; :swart W eiss. Local No. IT. Portland. Or.; J. E. Fophr. Local No. 3S. Portland. Or.; F. H. Humphrey. Local No. a. Portland v.rr.; George Walmsisy. Local N e. so. Llnstoa. Or ; Alfred Schar. Local No. 41. Ul Macadam road. Port. and. Or ; R. 31. 3iaca.ln.ar. Local No. 42. bu Johns, Or. Dtstrirt No. 4. Barry 3. Thaler. Local No. 1. Raymond. Wasa,; Fred W. Trssaakl. Local No. 3, Raymead. Wash.; George HnfTer. Local No. 3. Raymond. Wash : R. G. O'Brlaa. Local Na 4. Raymond. Wash.; R. O. O Brl.n. Local Na S. Raymond. Wash.; Alfred W. liart. Local No. s. Raymond. Wash.; Mar garet E. Law. sr. Local No 7, SoutH Bend. Wash.; J. E. Gardner. Local No. a. Uol comb. Wssh.. John Flsld. Local No. . Flrdsie. Wash.: James MacWililama Local No. 13 Chetlo Harbor. Wash.: C R. Taane hi.l. Local No. 13. toutb Uend, Wash.: W. E. Hsrmaa, Local No. 14. France. Wash.: Frnsst L Lahr. Local No. IX Lebam. Wash.; Pharta Cwea Oilvsr. Local No. IS, O one. ' Wash A fltrnne. Ical No. 17. ACHING JOINTS Don't suffer! Relief comes the i moment you rub with old "St. Jacobs Liniment" Tout stay sore, stiff and lame! Lim ber op! Rub soothing, penetrating SL Jacobs Liniment- right In your aching muscles, joints and painful nerves. It's the quickest, surest pain relief on earth.. . It Is absolutely harmless and doesn't burs the skin. "St. Jaoobs Liniment' conquers pain. It instantly takes away any ache. sore Bess and stiffness alo the head. neck, shoulders, back, legs, arms, angers or any part of the body nothing like iL .You simply pour a little la your hand nd rub "where It hurts," and relief cornea Instantly. Don't stay crippled! Get a small trial bottle now from any drug store. It sever disappoints six geli zaedal a war da Adv. EGIO ORE PAIN South Bead. Wash.'. James D. Flnnlcor Local No. It. South Bend. Wash.: Josec E. Hswsrd. Local No. 1. Nemao. Wash Cores w. Prior. Local No. 20. Nema Wash.: C. L Csverley. Locsl No. Z2. Ws vl ". W..h ifrhlhllil Wi:.Otl Locsl N 23. Wa:vi::s. Wash.: Hjrry McCormlrk Lo cal No. 34. Mc.-orm!rk. Wash.: N. D. John son, Local No. 20. Mccormick, Wash District No. g. T. H. McCrsedr. Local No. 1. Booth Ab erdeen. WaSn ; D. Borton. Local No. 2, Suth Aberdeen. Wash.; T. R. RylatL Lo cal No. 3. CosmoBolla. Wash.: Chris Dan U.s. Local No 4. Hoaulam. Wash.: John Ewarts. Local No. 3. Hoaulam. Wash.: C. H. Kallev. Local No. a. lloauiam. Wssh. Hans Peterson. Local No. 7. Aberdeen. Wssh : Georsa Oakland. Local No. Ab- erdstn. Wash.: R. S. Hoover, Local No. 8X MontMano. Wash - Andrew Wold. Local No. lu. Montesano. Wash. : John Grady. Lo cal No. 11. Montesano. Wash.: E. J. Whlt- aksr. Local No. 12. Junction City. Wash. John Easterly. Local No. 13. Aberdeen, Wash t A. Hobble. Local No. 14. H oniam. Wash.: Wllllsm Gordon. Local No. PIONEER WOMAW WHO RE. C.tlLS EXPERIENCES DCR IG TUB FLOOD OK 1S4. If if n. e -is 4 I. It 11 4 Mrs. Matilda SlcKUaey. Mrs. Matilda McKlnney. of Tur ner, Or a pioneer of 1847, en tertained with a dinner party on Christmas day. at which she re called some of her experiences she and her husband went through with during; the floods of 1844 and 1849. On the night of Christmas, 1849, while they were living at Ma rlon. Or., they were forced to take refuge In. a tree all night and until the middle of the nest afternoon because of the over flowing of the creek beside which they lived. Several other experiences were recalled by Mrs McKlnney. which happened In that year and the prevloua ones. 13. Hoaulam. Wash.: R- C. Poller. Local No. Id. B-r City. Wash.: Joe VIcNouxh- ton. Local No. 17. Hon'uiam. Wash.: Leo Coumoyer. Local No. is. rloqulam. nun.; R. H. Hamilton, Local No. la. E.ma. Wssh.; E. R. Wsre. Local No. 20. Elms. Wash.; William Geho. Local No. 21. Blma. Wash.. Al Lambert. Locsl No. XI. Elms, Wssh.; Oscar K. Johnson. Local No. 24. Carlisle, Wssh.; Victor Enpllt. Local No. 23. North Aberdeen. Wash.: J. L. Cabbage, Local No. 2d, Aberdeen. Wash.: Grant Huckner. Lo cal No. 27. North Aberdeen. Wash.; A. A. Llnder. Local No. 2S. South Bend. Wash.; John A. Lewen. Local No. 28. slelbourn. Wash.; George W. Wickmsn. Local No. 30. Montesano. Wash.: E. J. North. Local No. 31. Montesano. Wssh.; W. 31. Farrell. Local No. 32. Montesano. Wash.: Georjre B. Jami son. Locsl No. S3. HoanUm. Wash.: Fer gus Morrow. Vocal No. 6. Hoqulsm. Wssh.; Jerry Walke. Loral No. 33. Humptuilps. Wash.; K. H Smith. Local No. 37. Hump tulips. Wssh.; William McPbee, Local No. 3. Hoqulsm. Wash.: A. S. White. Local No. 30. Aberdeen. Wash.: David Kurtz. Local No. 40. Carlisle. Wash.; L. O. Den til son. Local No. 41. Carlisle. Wssh.: War ren Dutton. Local No. 42, Hoqulsm. Wash.; William 3lcConnlck. fcal No. 43. Aber deen. Wash : Virgil Ward. Local No. 44. Hoqulatn, Wash.; John William Gorst. Lo cal No. 43. Copalla, Wash.; Daniel Brud wold. Local No. 4. Hoqulsm. Wash.: Por ter Goff. Local No. 47, Hoqulam. Wash.; Wllllsm Pickens. Local No. 4". Hoqulam. Wash,; lsn West. Local No. 40. Hoqulsm. Wash.: John Benson. Local No. Su. Ho qulam. Wash.: Ben Douglass. Local No. 31. Hoqulam. Wssh. : Charles Morrow. Lo cal No. 32. Hoqulam. Wash.; Jscob tjchmock. Local No. 33. Hoqulam. Wash.: W. J. Dunn. Local No. 34. Montesano. Wash.: Edward Kesterson. Local No. 33. Satsop. Wssh.; Louis Mueller. Local No. 8. Junction City. Wash.; William Bell. Local No. 67. Inde pendence. Wash.; Doe Collier. Local No. S Independence. Wash.: George Beam. Lo cal No. SO. Coemopolla. Wash.; Sam Rlnsy, Local No. SI. Aberdeen. Wash.; F. H. Ack arm. Local No. S3. Bordeaux, Wash.: Cor nelius Gallagher. Local No. S4 (Black Hill) Bordeaux. Wash.: Charles BeaieL, Local No. S3 Black Hill) Bordeaux. Wash,; Da vid Laralaux. Local No. & Black Hill) Bordeaux. Wash.; R. W. Anderson. Lo cal No. 67. Rochester, Wash.; Jobs Dorn. Local No. SO. slalona. Wash,; Jobs Kirk wood. Local No. TO. slelbourn s. Wash.; LeKoy Jones. Local No. 71. Melbourn. Wash.: Louis White. Local No. 00. Ma lone: Vernon Fear. Local No. M. Centralis. Wash.: George GeKl. Local No. Da. Cal vin. Waah.; Ryron N. Marundale, Local No. w. Galvln, Wash.; C H. Post. Local No. loO. Rochester. Wash.; E. A, Baker, Lo cal No. 101. Rochester. Waah.; 8. C. Hunt ington. Local No. S7. Centralla. Wash.: W. F. Parsona Local No. 103, Chehalla. Wash. District No. a. C O. Carlson. Local No. I. Tacoraa. Wash,; R. H. Chandler. Local No. 2. Puyallup. Wash.; N. W. Gulberaon. Local No. 3. Dephi. Waah.. Frank Fredson. Local No. 4. Mat lock. Wash : W. H. Crosby. Local No. 6, Matlock Wash.: Frank Lonsberry. Local No. , Matlock. Wash,: A. N. Ward. Local No. T. Shelton. Waah.; J. W. GMsdale. Local No. 8. Shelton. Waah.; F. A. Fleser. Local No. . Shelton. Waah : A. B. aicuonaia. Lo cal No 10. Sbelton. Wash.; James Moynagh. Local No. 11. Potlatcb. Wash.; W. IL Mil ler. Local No. 13. Potlatch. Wash.; Hugh Eaton. Local 13. Potlatch, Wash.; Max Schmidt. Local No. 14. Shelton Wash.: H. 8. Martin. Local No. 13. Tamwater, Wash.; A J. Anderson. Local No. Is, Union Mllla Wash.; W. 8. Myers, Local No. 17. Tacoma. Wash.; O. B. Fredrlckson. Local No. 19. Tacoma. Wash.; K N. Merritt. Local Na 1. Tacoma. Wash.; Henry White, Local No. 20, Tacoma. Waah.; L E- Perry. Local No. 21. Tacoma. Wash.; F. 8. Boeworth. Local No. 23. Tacoma. Wash.; Lewis Fredericks. Lo cal No. 33, Tacoma. Wash,; J. S. Cain. Local 24, Ortlng. Wash,; C C. Angel. Local No. 23, Ortlng. Wash.; Junes Gregory. Local No. 2. Tacoma. Wash. Dwtric No. 7. C J. VeGrath, Local No. 1. Pysht. Wssh. : H. J. McFarlsne. Local No. 3. Clallam Bay. Wasb; Hart Murray. Local No. 3. Clallam Bay. Wash.; Daniel Wilson, Local No. 4. Foraa, Wash.; Uarry Clarke Hall. Local No. a. Twin, Waah.; Roy Harvey. Lo cal No. S. Joyce. Wash.; Etacey F. Sutton. Local No. T. Twin. Wash.; M. Harrison. Jr.. I .oral No. 8. Port Angelea. Wash.; B. N. Hanon. Local No. K. ataodard. wash.; Thomas C Penny. Local No. 10. Wick ersnam. Wash.; J. W. Leltch. Local No. 11. Larson. Wash.: O. W. Carl. Local No. li. Belllnabam. Wash.: H. H. McLandreaa. Lo cal No. 13. Alger. Wash.; W. China. Local So. J4. Maple Falla Wash.; E. N. Douns. 1 oral No. 13. Maple Falls. Wash,; Puget McKenna Local No. 14. Demmlnc. Wash.; F K. Hayes, Local No. 17. Belllngham. Wash; W. W. Keyee. Local Na 18, Blaine. Wash.; II. M. Frleeeman. Local No. la. South Boallagbam. Wash.: Arthur Lewis, Local No. 20. Clear Lake. Wish,; a W. Hal- barl. Local o. -U. uciiidihw. i I A. Zetser. Local No. 27. Delvan. Wash.; J. W. Haraley. Local No. -X Anacoriea, Waah.; J. W. Briaky. Local No. 2M. Anacortra, Wash : S. A. rltamra. Local No. 3o, Hamil ton. Wssh,; Ed Ralston. Loral No. 31. Ham ilton. Wash.; R. f- Rumejtr. Local No. 82, Lyman. Wash.: E. E. Hsrney. Local No. 3J. heattla, Wash.; J. t. Taylor, Local No. 34, (t-attle. Wash.; A. A. Owen. Local No. Si. Seattle, Wash.; J. N. Bollmsch. Local No. 3. Seattia. Wssh.; W. IL Potter. Lo ral No. 37. Edmonds. Wash.; Van Deever, Local No. SS. Edmonds. Waah.: C. 3L Har mon. Local No. 3t. Seattle, Wash.; C. V. Walker. Local No. 41. Port Lodlow. Waah.: H. J. Hart. Local Na 4. Port Gamble. Wash.: Dan Hltchman, Local No. 30. Wast lake eve.. Seattle, Waah.; G, A, Hall. Lo cal No. 31. Ballard. Wash.; D. Moras. Lo cal No. 33. aeattla. Wash.: W. A- Sterg leder. Local No. 34. Seattle. Wash.; U. Oregory. Local No. 33. Seattle. Wash.; R. E. Guy sr. Local Na Seattle. Wash.; F. G. staa inn. Local Na 37. Redmond. Wasb,; Andrew E. Petersoa. Local No 37. Wooden villa Wash.: H. M, Rieckea. Local Na, 39, Mokllteo, Waah. j aV- - t -; FUEL OIL FAMINE IS FACED BY CITY California Companies Cancel ling Contracts With Portland Users, SITUATION NOW SERIOUS Supply of Gas Company May Be Curtailed Officials Forward Data to Capital Showing Dam age Action Would Inflict. Many apartment-houses and smaller business buildings of Portland whlcn formerly relied en fuel oil to furnish heat are already using- cordwood In stead. This fact was disclosed yesterday by Ivan Humaaon. former city fuel admin lstrator. In discussing the action of oil companies of the California fields In abrogating- contracts under which they have been supplying Portland users. Mr. Humason reports that he was advised by the oil company agents sev eral months ago, in confidence, that a serious situation must necessarily face those depending on oil for fuel this Winter. Last September the oil cor porations reported that they held no surplus at California snipping points, whereas 12 months before they had In storage 12.000.000 barrels. Foreseeing trouble, particularly for the smaller users. Mr. Humason then quietly ad vised most of them to change over to the use of wood. .actios. Is Expected. T have been looking for the cancel latlon of the oil contracts for some time." declared Mr. Humason. "This shipping difficulty, brought about by the taking over of tankers Dy tne uov eminent, has been Impending along with the decrease in production troubles. I will gay for the oil com- panlos that they seem to play no favor ites. I once heard Government agents teleDhone In an order for 1000 barrels. only to be Informed that they could get hut .00 all this particular nrm had In the city." Asked If the use of wood by many former oil users can have the effect of bettering conditions for the larger users and the Industrial firms which must hsve the oil. Mr. Humason was not optimistic. This can be a very small help at best, he stated. Officials of the Portland Gas & Coke Company, despite assurances of the company supplying them with oil, are disturbed over the situation precipi tated by the cancellation of the stand ing order the company held for delivery of 30,000 barrels per month. They state that the. increased price Imposed on Durchases made on the open market basis will not work particular hard ship, but any curtailment of supply will entail serious results. - Gas Cosnpaay Prepared. Not entirely unprepared In the crisis. the gss company officers promptly for warded to Washington a mass oi aaia showing the havoc that may be worked In Industrial plants of the city In the event oil needs of ths company ars not safeguarded. Since certain steel and shipbuilding plants would be forced to suspend operations If the gas company were cut off without oil. It Is their hope that the Government will get Interested In the situation from the consumer's standpoint. .(gents of the oil companies are not prepared to venture statements as to prices users may be obliged to pay. The Increase may be collected merely aa a sur-taz. they say. The agents are still fairly optimistic on the question of supply, believing that, if conserva tion Is practiced, concerns which must have' oil will not find themselves de prived of IL GAS PLANT MAY CLOSE DOWN Mine Tbat Supplies Salem Works W illi Coal Is Flooded. SALEM. Or, Jan. 19. (Special) Lack of coal may be responsible for the closing of a Salem Industry. Man ager Hamilton, of the Salem gas plant of the Portland Railway. Light A Power "Company, said todsy that he had received word from the mine In Washington where coal Is obtained for the plant that high water has flooded the mine and It may be a month before further shipments can be supplied. As this special kind of coal Is re quired difficulty In continuing opera tions Is expected. PERSONAL MENTION. II. c. Glthens. of Heppner. Is at the Rlts. John Vert, of Pendleton, Is at the Im perial A Clark, of Helena. Mont., is at tne Carlton. W. E. Tallant. of Astoria, Is at the Portland. A. J Cross, of Landls. Eask, Is at the Eaton. R. 8. Duncan, of Coiwallls, Is at the Cornelius. Ernest E. Hyland, of Eugene, la at the Oregon. Herbert Murphy, of Marihfleld, Is at the- Seward. C V. Simon, of Seattle, Wash., Is at the Seward.. Mrs. Jsne Frank and Mrs. Delia Mc- PORTLAND BROTHERS WHO ARE 1 CIsrende M. Start yn and Lloyd R. M MUltta two years atro and cruised to A On April 8. 117. they left Portland fo the cruiser South Dakota. On July i They were In other places of Interest I vera la New Tork City for Tbank;rlT -r .'' '' , " . - . ... , . .. .. . ' .. 1 -P . ,.':-.':.: ' ;. " '- . ' - ? ' t," : . - . . . , 1 1 , - ' . I 4 f : -. - r J ... : VsrVri , ..,..,' a ... k - - K f 1 ,,,- 4U - iiii. i sriaiiiiss ,tt,rM-m,-iK M W 1 Culloh. of Butte, Mont, are at the N'ortonla. H W. Speers. of Tacoma, Wash., is at the Rltz. C. W. Pogue, of Madison. Ind., is at the Perkins. W. K. Peery, of Dayton, is at the Washington. J. R. Harvey, of Boston. Mass.. Is at the Carlton. J M. Francis, of Seattle, Waslt, Is at the Eaton. A. G. KempeL of RlckrealL is at the Multnomah. Edward Schilling, of Astoria, Is at the Multnomah. A. A Perkins; of Tacoma, Wash., is at the Perkins. A. G. Bagley, of Berkeley. CaL. Is at the Portland. Gus WIster. of "New Tork. N. T.. Is at the Benson. R. C. Clayton and Mrs. Clayton, of OREGOX SOLDIER BRINGS BACK BRIDB FROM CAMP CREEJiE. i -i til - ' it e V. is? Iff Mrs. Roydesj K. WlncheU (Pearl HU1). A romance that had Its be ginning at Camp Greene, Char lotte, N. C, culminated there De cember 29, when Royden K. Wln cheU, of Portland, and Miss Pearl Hill, of Charlotte, were married. They have arrived In Portland and are at the home of Mr. Wln chell's father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wlnchell, 1573 Division street. Mr. Wlnchell. Jr., enlisted In Battery A, Oregon Field Artll ljery, July . 28, but he was dis charged from the service for physical disability December 6 at Camp Greene. He passed four months In training there. Marshfleld. are registered at the Cor nelius. . E. L. Plummer, of The Dalles, is at the Washington. George Condon, of Goldendale, Wash., is at the Perkins. H. S. Hagan, of San Francisco, CaL. is at the Portland. W. A. Palmer, of Goldendale, Wash., is at the Perkins. William Libert, of Lewlston, Idaho. is at the Nortonla. M. L. Bertelsen, of San 7"ranclsco. Cal., Is at the Rltz. Mrs. H. L. Remsteldt, of Amity, Is at the Washington. Peter Weber, of Hally. Idaho, is reg istered at the Seward. Frank J. Resler. of Washington. D. C, Is at ths Benson. Dr. and Mrs. Mark Hayten. of Dal las, are at the Imperial. A. H. Clank e. of Grants Pass, is registered at the Benson. R. C. Smith and Mrs. Smith, of Canby. are at the Eaton. R. M. Morgan, of San Francisco, Cal., Is registered at the Rltz. J. H. Price, of Vancouver, B. C, Is registered at the Imperial. William T. Darch, of Goldendale. Wash., Is at the Nortonla. W. F. Martin, of Woodland, Wash., is registered at the Eaton. Gilbert Withers, of Seattle, Wash., Is registered at the jlultnomah. O. J. David, a publisher of Seattle. Wash., is at the Benson. D. Trugman, of San Francisco, CaL, Is registered at the Carlton. J. K. Romlg1. a mining man of Baker, Is registered at the Oregon. Mrs. E. C. Cllne and Mrs. L. Mishler, of Medford. are at the Carlton. E. C Ward, of Goldendale, Wash, Is registered at the Washington. Dr. O. C. Gilbert, a dentist of Van- couvert B. C, is at the Oregon. L. J. Bostedo, of Port Angeles, Wash, is registered at the Portland. S. Burk Massey and Mrs. Massey, of The Dalles, are at the Cornelius. J. A Plpal, of Corvallls.'the O. A. C football coach. Is at the ImperlaL Will Ferguson, a wheatgrower of Athena, Is registered at the ImperlaL George Dean and Mrs. Dean, of Estor, 3 ask., are registered at the Nortonla, George L. Hughes, a stockman of Creat Falls, Mont., Is at th.- ImperlaL Jessie D. McComb, of the Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallls, Is at the Seward. S. A. Fltzpatrlck and 'Jra. Fitzpat rick are at the Oregon. Mr. Fltz patrlck Is a well-known logger of' Deer Island. W. E. Grace, formerly a prominent citizen of Baker, but now a dealer In sporting goods at Astoria, Is at the Cornelius. ' Walter M. Pierce. the Democratic war horse of Eastern Oregon, living In the Grand Ronde Valley, near La Grande. Is at the Multnomah. Walter has been for many years aspiring to be United States Senator, and Is still aspiring. IN THE UNITED STATES NAVY. artyn enlisted in the Oregon Naval laska on ths Marblehead In July, 1916. r Bremerton and later went south on they were on parade In Rio de Janeiro. n South America for some time and lsc and on Christmas day. Hundreds of Pairs Read, Heed Ladles' , Patent Colored Top, Laced and Button Shoes special at....... n 95 Ladles Patent Gnnmetnl and Vie! Kid in "S-lncn Lace Sboeai Ladles' Pat. ent and Gnnmetal in d and doth top, button. on, Saaf special Discontinued lines many good sizes. . gome especially a-ood values In Patent Leath er or Gunmetal ' button r lace In colored cloth and dull tops at Mi 1 x ASy $95 These and Many Other Equally Good Values on eajnpte Bhoe Store u 129 Between LAND OFFICE IS MOVED R-EW QUARTERS ARE PROVIDED TS FEDERAL BUILDING. S. W. Brown, of Illinois, and Personal Friend ot Abraham Lincoln, First te Serre sus Register. VANCOUVER, Wash, Jan. 19. (Spe cial.) After occupying -leased build ings since 1861. the United States Land Office in this- city is now being re moved Into tne r eaerai building on Daniels and Thirteenth . StMuch of the furniture which has been used in the office since It was first opened, and some that has been ac quired since, will be sold at public auction next Tuesday. One desk has been In the office since the year 1861. It was shipped around Cape Horn In a( sailing; vessel. ' The first register of the Land Office was S. W Brown, of Illinois, a per sonal friend of Abraham Lincoln, who appolnted him. He came by way of. the Isthmus of Panama and reached here in 186L He had his office in his home. The receiver was J. M. Fletcher. Mr. Brown was register for 20 years. , In 1885 John O'Keane was appointed i .- 4 fnti, vaars- In 1916 receiver auu - . James J. O'Keane was appointed to the same position. H. A. Porter, of Everett, Wash., was appointed register, succeeding C. Kalahari. I- w1fa ftf W. W. MC- Credle. of Portland, was stenographer In the Land urrice tor many jcsia. Thirty years ago the Land Office was removed to the Citizens Bank building. This Land Office is one of the first opened In this state. CLACKAMAS WOMEN LOYAL aanaaa - Corral Creek Red Cross Members Knit for Soldiers In France. OREGON CITY, Or., Jan. 19. The district of Corral Creek, located about three miles from Wllsonvllle, Clacka mas County, boasts of having one of the most active Red Cross branches In this part of the state. Mrs. Audrey Wood, chairman, with Misses Nellie and Jessie Angus as as sistant managers, has r-en at the head of the organization since the work was first taken up. Mrs. Linn E. Jones, of Oregon City, addressed the society on the afternoon of October 6. 1917, at iha home of the Misses Angus, explain ing the purposes of the Red Cross at home and abroad. The women listed the following arti cles before January 1. all of which were completed: Eighteen hospital caps, 1 pairs knitted socks. 2 knitted sweaters, S rugs. 10 nightingales, 52 long bed socks, 9 short bed socks, 25 pillows." 25 pillow cases, 14 napkins, 9 dozen bandages, 13 tray cloths, 8 hand kerchiefs, 30 wash rags,. 10 dish towels, 206 two-inch gun wipers and 88 four Inch gun wipers.. Besides sending In these articles, the women have given several teas and chicken-pie suppers, which netted about 60. ' . Savings Campaign Ontlined. SOUTH BEND, Wash.. Jan. 19. (Spe cial.) Joseph G. Helm, president of the Pacific State Bank of South Bend, has been named chairman of the com mittee for this county for the war sav ings campaign this year. . He has ap of New and Stylish Footwear For Men and Women Sacrificed in Our Annual January Clearance At $1.95 to $3.95 you take your choice of Shoes worth about double what we ask. Such values cannot be ig nored, and if you want them, do not delay a single day buy now BUY NOV i and Prof it by These Prices Hundreds of fine pat ent, satin kid and col ored top Pumps, worth up to S3.SU Patent Leather and Gun metal Pumps, two-tone ef fecta, and Kid tops. High and low beelst Goodyear welt or Turn soles, at.... $00 FOURTH STREET Washington Street and S. P. Depot pointed Senator J. W. Kleeb, County Treasurer Decker, Theodore E. E. Pear son, W. P. Cressy and L. L. Darling as an executive committee to assist . him. Captains have been named In each vot ing precinct in the county. New Dwellings Are Needed. TACOMA. Wash.. Jan. 19. (Special.) Tacoma needs 2500 new dwellings to house the people attracted here by the cantonment and new industries. Have lock C. Boyle told members of the Com- Soldiers Are "Speeding Spruce.' RAYMOND. Wash.. Jan. 19. (Spe- cla!. A company of enlisted men of Few Drops When Corns Hurt, Pain Stops! Corns Lift Out D'ont let corns ache twice I Lift any corn or callus off with lingers Here's magic I ! No nnmbngl Any corn, whether hard, sofi or between the toes, will loosen right np and lift out, without any pain. This drug is called freezone and is a compound of ether dis covered by a Cincinnati chemist. Ask at any drug store for a mall bottle of freezone, which will cost but a trifle, but is sufficient to rid one's feet of every corn or callus. It is the most marvelous drug known. DO YOU GET. IIP WITH A LAPflE BACK? Have You Rheumatism, Kidney, Liver or Blad der Trouble? Pain or dull ache In the back is often evidence of kidney trouble. It Is Na ture's timely warning to show you that the track of health is not clear. Dancer Signals. If these danger signals are unheeded more serious results may be expected; kidney trouble In Its worBt form may steal upon you. Thousands of people have testified that the mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medicine. Is soon realized that It stands the highest for Its re markable curative effect in the most distressing cases. If you need a medi cine, you should have the best. Lame Back. Lame back is only one of many symp toms of kidney trouble. Other symp toms showing that you may need Swamp-Root are, being subject to em barrassing and frequent bladder trou bles day and night. Irritation, sediment, etc Lack of control, smarting, uric acid rheumatism, bloating,, maybe loss of flesh sallow complexion. . Prevaleney of Kidney Disease. Most people do not realize the alarm Ins Increase and remarkable prevalen ey Go! Wk Bronse and Gray Kid Pumps. Bine and Pink Satin Pumpm 200 pairs of Oxford Ties In Suede, Patent Leath er, uaomrtal and Tan; uaomrtal and Tan; I pairs Black. Brown ssl mm Gray Soede Craven- V AW e and Velvet in but- P I i or lace, mostly small . I es, at 25U pairs Black. Brown or ette Con i alses. Hundreds of SS.0O and d- $Q45 SO. 00 styles, discontin ned or broken in slses, special at , Men's Ganmetal Lace or n Button, English or high VJUk top. worth up to 6. al- tp most all sizes in the lot, , W ' priced special at... Sale Monday, 9 A. M. tbe Army from the Vancouver Bar-, racks, under the command of Captain Harris and Lieutenant F. T. Read, med ical officer, and Junior Lieutenant J. V. Johnson, are at work in the Willapa mill "B" to assist with the Govern ment's programme of speeding the pro- . duction of spruce. A night and day hift of 25 men on each shift is at work and an equal number of the com pany's men work on each shift. Portland Man Weds. TACOMA, Waeh.i Jan. 19. (Special.) W. L. Johnson, of Portland, and B. L Miles, of Tacoma, obtained a marriage license here today. Put a few drops directly upon any tender, aching corn or cal lus. Instantly the soreness dis appears and shortly the corn or callus will loosen and can ba lifted oil with ths fingers. Freezone doesn't eat out the corns or calluses but shrivels them without any Irritation. Women! Keep freezone on your dresser and apply a few drops whenever a corn begins aching. Fain stops, corn goes! ey of kidney disease. While kidney dis-i orders are among the most common diseases that prevail, they are some times the last recognized by patlentx, who very oftea content themselves with dectoiins the effects, while the original disease may constantly undermine the system. Regular medium and large size bot tles at all drug stores. Don't make any mistake, but remem ber -the name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., which you will find on every bottle. Letter to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, IV. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do for Yon. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co, Binghamton, N. T., for a sample slat bottle. It will convince anyone. To will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention The Oregonlan. Medium and large size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Adv.