The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 20, 1918, Section One, Page 14, Image 14

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1 The Man Who Believes in the Develop-
1 ment of Oregon's Opportunities 1
Simple, Isn 't It?
Men's and
Young Men's
$15 $20
Well, here's how I do it: '
Nine Hundred Drummers Unite
in Campaign to Boost
Sales of Stickers.
y - s s . .
if VJ t.1 -rf :
fr XX .. yv. .
. i U A .
W- -. I
1' W.-VMi
Or foil DItMoq of Traveler Pro
tective Aorl.ation n Jlrrabrr
iiJp of Dlb Claims la
117 Totaled $13,000.
Thy know how to all anything. b
It ln or thrhln machines, and wUI
rtinlv uirm tha ul of wax thrift
iiitidi a tremendous boost."
ThU appreciation was tiprid by
one of the eeicutlve head of the Ore
gon war avlna stamp drtro. on re
ceipt of Information that the. 0 trav
eling salesmen of the state wers en
rnllinr as a body to help push the, al
of the little Investment stickers.
It Is not likely that anyone will be
foonnd dlsacreeinc with tho drlvo ex
ecutive's Ttew that the enthusiastic ef
flctent serrlces of Oregon's kntshts of
the (rip will help speed the drive along
tbe way to success.
Patriotic Spirit Prevails.
These men have a tactful, forceful
war of accomplishlnr hat they
out to do. Now they're Imbued with
the patriotic Intention of selllns; many
thousand dollars' worth of war savings
stanpa and they will make good in
their ambitions, to be sure. They have
sold thousands of dollars of liberty
bonds and given valued assistance In
T. M. A., Ked Cross and Knights of
Columbus drives. Now they
aligned, every man of them, as a stamp
selling agent.
The Oregon division of the Travelers'
rrotectlve Association, according to
Clyde Kvans, secretary-treasurer, has
more than members. It maintains
permanent headquarters In the Morgan
building. In 1'ortland.
Beaeflt Clalsaa Total IVOO. .
Daring last year members In this
tale were paid in excess of S1S.VO0 as
benefit claims, acvldent protection be
ing one of the valued features of the
association's operations. Ijtrect affilia
tion Is maintained with the National
organisation, which has 75.0OO mem
bers, headquarters In 37 states and
branches la all principal cities of the
Nation. The orfanlaatlon n accom
plished all this In 27 years, having been
formed only In 1SS0.
Off leers of the Oregon Division. Trav
elers Protective Association, for 1J1S
ae these: Otto W indielder. president:
A. O. Clark, nrst vice-president; O. C.
Thornton, second vice-president; Wl
ter P. Fell, third vice-president; John
H. Coe. fourth vice-president; D. C.
Bogart. fifth vice-president; Clyde
Kvans, secretary-treasurer: S. S. Pier.
"W. L. Orlnnell. Charles li. Freeman.
Jtoy C. H locum. Paul C Morton and J.
B. Croafield. directors.
Df Aerr J Sm r 'CJL.
la Event Seeretsry Hoaatoa'a Appeal
fer I. Approved X D.
Center Mill Direct Casspslga.
Corvallls. Jan. 1. (Special.) First-
lass seed for all the principal arglcul-
ure.1 crops will be available to farmers
of the country If Secretary Houston's
ppeal for K. 000.000 for buying, clean-
n and sradlnir of arc Is granted. If
the sum Is secured It will be spent In the
grlcuitural sections of the country In
locating, buying seed and testing. With
hese safeguards, the grower will put
n his, farm only the best seed. The
Government will sell this seed to the
farmer at a reasonable price, and the
und will revolve from year to year
lonif as the war emergency exists.
If the appropriation Is approved. Ore
gon farmers will be able to secure the
best seed for Important crops through
he food seed stock committee of the
oundl of Defense. O. D. Center, who
s chairman of the committee, will plan
nd direct the state campaign. Testa
will be msde at the O. A. C co-opera-
ve laboratory at Corvallls.
lghbor of Woodcraft Clove Tear
. AVUJa Patriotic Meeting.
Officers Associated Neighbors of
TYoodcrs ft held a brief .meeting Monday
night to finish the business of out
Coins; officers.
A charge was delivered by the re
vlrtng president to retiring officers,
lrs. a. Hall, secretary, and Mrs. Laura
Allen, trustee. In commemoration of
their faithfulness and sterling qualities.
The new officers were then Installed
by Retiring President Uracla M. Sunde
laf. who has served as president for
two years.
Those Installed were: Mrs. Elisabeth
Wise, lultnomah. president: Mrs. Koth,
Facajawea. vice-president: Mrs. Snyder,
Oregon, secretary: Mrs. Jones. Monta
villa, treasurer: Mrs. Rose Schoel. royal
trustee; Mrs. Hlamenthal. Multnomah,
musician. Mrs. lllumenthal Is the oldest
musician in Woodcraft service. She has
II years to her credit. The programme
began with a piano solo by Mrs. lllu
mntbal. The lights were dimmed and.
while the audience was singing "The
Ftar-Spangled Banner." Liberty entered
the hall, carrying (e flag and accom
panied by two maids In white with
blue and red ribbons.
Miss Audrey purdln rendered sev
eral recitations, which were much en-
Joyed. The susses Hurley, three sisters,
sang songs. Mrs. C. C. Van
Orsdall. grand guardian. gave
a very- interesting talk. The
evening rlosed with Columbia ap
pearing, bearing a flag and sword, with
two soldier boys of the Navy as her
bodyguard. Mrs. Finke took the part of
Columbia; Terry Tye and U. Sundeleaf.
guards. Delicious punch and wafers
were served by Mrs. Hall and assist
ants. The next regular meeting of the
association takes place on the second
Monday In February. tSavtngi and
thrift work to be taken op.
Eugene Mayor's Curiosity Is
Almost Disastrous.
c. o.
Petemoa Averts Jail Senteare
by Obey lag-Orders.
EXE. Or.. Jan. (Special.)
C. O. Iterson. Mayor of Eugene,
has returned home ' from San Fran
cisco, where he succeeded In keeping
out of Jail after having been threat
ened with arrest. Ills small-town
curiosity almost proved his undoing
while In the great California me
tropolis. Mayor Peterson was walking- on the
street with some friends. He noticed
a great crowd of people assembled In
front of the Hof Brau Cafe. Soldiers
and policemen were thick and civilians
were coming from every direction. He
walked on, out. upon leaving; his
friends, a lew minutes later, he de-
clde4 to Investigate the cause of the
disturbance. When he returned to the
front of the cafe order had been re
stored and traffic was moving nor
mally. He asked a man standing near
the doorway what bad gone wrong.
"The fellow said that 50 or 0 sol
diers had entered the cafe and de
manded that the orchestra play "Over
There.'" Mayor Peterson rtated today.
"The leader of the musicians declined.
stating that he did not hnve the mu
sic, and trouble "ensued. The orchestra
leader parried with The Star-Spangled
Banner.' The soldiers stood at atten
tion, and the officers, who had entered
the building, sent In a riot call, the
police rounding up the soldiers and
taking them from the place."
Mayor Peterson stated that almost
before the stranger had finished tell
ing him wha'. had happened between
400 and S00 soldiers and sailors came
do4tn the street, headed for the Hof
Brau. The-pollce headed them off, giv
ing rhem direction to move. on. After
a time some of the soldiers succeeded
In getting through the lines and into
the building. A crowd of civilian on
lookers quickly assembled. The offi
cers became more vigorous In their
efforts to keep the street open. A
policeman told the Mayor to move. He
did. He moved over behind an auto
mobile, where he believed he would be
out of the way an could get a pood
view of everything that was going on
In front of the building.
I had Just gotten nicely into my
new location when I discovered that
an officer had me spotted," Mayor Pe
teraon stated. " Move .on or a patrol
wagon will help you,' he said.
You benefit by my perform
ance. The Latest in
HATS $2 and $3
. Broadways Aldfr
niLa;i a mkv
Trade Upstairs
Save Your Dollars
Open Saturdaq Until 8 P.M.
Chairman Gilbert True Patriot.
ALBAXT, Or.. Jan. 19. (Special. No
chairman of a county council of the
State Defense League probably will
take more interest in his work than
will P. 1. Gilbert, of this city, for the
Linn County chairman has four sons in
the service. This fact, as well as Mr.
Gilbert's capacity for leadership, re
sulted In his unanimous election to this
position when the council met In Al
bany Wednesday afternoon to choose a
successor to Dr. C. K. Gibson, former
pastor of the First Methodist Church
here, who resigned when he removed
from this city. The new chairman is a
former Mayor o Albany.
Albany Ready lor Y. i C. A. Drive.
ALBANY. Or., Jan. 19. (Special.)
Plans are complete for the drive of the
Young Women's Christian Association
here next week to raise funds for its
work Incident to the war. MIhs Flora
Mason and Mrs. Joseph H. Ralston hare
been appointed colonels of the local
drive and the captains are Mrs. Owen
Beam. Mrs. L. E. Hamilton, Mrs. H. B.
Cusick. Mrs. W. H. Lee, Mrs. H. S. Lo
gan. Mrs. P. A. Younif, Mrs. C. B. Winn
and Miss Ada Pratt.
I'alriotlc Programme to Tie Given by
. Clarke Republican Club.
VANCOlVETC Wash.. Jan. 1. fSpe
elal.) Lincoln's birthday. February
II. l to be celebrated in Vancouver in
a fitting mannrr by the Young Men's
Jtepubllcan Club of Clarke County.
.At a meeting held, a committee In
cluding George M. Davison, rhsirman:
W. G. Drowley. and Arthur W. Caldrr.
appointed to make arrangements
for a. dinner to be given, and it is
planned to have J. Stanley Webster,
Justlre of the Supreme Court of With
inctnn. deliver the address and eulogy
to Lincoln.
The programme will be patriotic In
erry way. and the esercijtes will be
open to the public. Judce Webster is
to deliver the address after the dinner
to be given about :30 o'clock.
Australia, Japan, China Now Represented 'Among: Students Who AVill
Leave Soon to Teach Gospel in Own Lands.
, A.- ; .:.;' ;
I.lnn County Pioneer Pies.
LEBANON. Or, Jan. 1. Special.
John lrtr. a pioneer of Linn County.
died at his home about five miles north
of Lebanon. Monday at the age of 75
years. Mr. Pr;r had lived for many
.years in what Is known as the Forks
of the Santiam. where ho farmed. Sell
ing hi.)arge farm there a few years
ago and locating on a small place near
I-ehanon. He Is survived by his widow
and three daughters, all living In this
Seven Brothers In One Lodge.
HALSKT. Or, Jan. 1. (Special.)
M'hen William Falk Joined the local
lodge of Odd Fellows Saturday nUht
the number of Falk brothers on the
membership roll was Increased to
seven, all of whom are active In the
work of the lodge. The meeting Sat
urday night waa attended by a number
f the I. O. O. F. fraternity from
Urownsvtlle. and baauuet Xollowtd
h iocs work,
Jan. 19. (Special.) The Eugene
Bible University has drawn to Its
student body young men and women
from all over the world, who are to re
turn soon to their native countries to
teach the gospel and spread the cus
toms of America. An Australian, a
Japanese and a Chinese are studying
at present at the Bible I'nl vernlty. each
specialising in a different branch of
religious service.
Mission kindergarten work Is the
goal of Miss Toshl Otakl. of Sendai. an
educational center in the .northeastern
part of Japan. Her ambition Is to have
a mission kindergarten in Japan, where
she will 'not only teach the children
who come to her school, but will do so
cial service work 'for;th whole family.
The mothers, she says, need instruc
tion ait to proper care of their chil
dren, sanitation and hygiene, as well
as In all the household arts. The lark
of trained native Christian workers
makes the work difficult to carry on In
Japan, says Miss Otakl. but all the
more necessary.
Japanese' Girl Arronspllsbed.
Miss Otakl came to this country In
October. 191. going first to Seattle,
where she visited relatives. She en
tered the Bible University In October.
1917. She haif heard of the work of
the university from mission workers
In Osaka, wbera aba taufbt la a Ua-i
Sunbeam ftudIo. Eugene, Or.
dergarten for two years, baving a class
of 100 little children dafly. Once in
this country and finding- it poswihle- to
continue her studies, she came to the
Bible University, where she is taking
English, oratory and Bible study work.
She sings charmingly and Is a pianist
also. She Is studying little kindergar
ten songs which she will translate into
Japanese for her pupils. "The Japa
nese songs have no meaninV." she ex
plained; "my children will like your
little songs."
Japan is, not lacking In mission kin
dergartens, for the empire has 70,
three of which are ' In Sendai. But to
her kindergarten Miss Otaki wishes to
bring all the enthusiasm over Amer
ican customs, all that she can do to
help the mothers, the desire for "true
Christian work,' afe she expresses it.
Miss Otakl has made no definite plans
for her return to Japan, hut she hopes
to be ready to go next year. She will
go first to Sendai to visit her mother,
brother and sister and then will ar
range for ber kindergarten work.
new Zealaader Has Goal.
For entirely different reasons Miss
May Taylor came to the Bible Univer
sity from far-off New Zealand and Aus
tralia. She is taking the English min
isterial course, preparing to do home
mission work among the small towns
In New Zealand, when she returns in
about a year.
The Eugene Bible ' University Is
really Quito famous la Kuyr Zclnnd."
said Miss Taylor. "I first heard of the
nstltution from Mr. and Mrs. L. .
tevens, who were conducting: revival
meetings there." Mr. Stevens has been
trustee of the Bible University for
about 12 years. About 10 years agro
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens spent a year in
New Zealand. Their headquarters are
in Portland. They are traveling In
California at present.
"No such Institutions as the Bible
University are to be found In New Zea
land," explained Miss Taylor. The high
standard of work 1n the university, the
fact that no special creed is taught, but
only plain Bible truths, and the advan
tages of the Bible University's campus
adjoining that of the State University
all appealed to me."
Miss Taylor came to this country
from Sydney, Australia, her home, in
January, 1915, entering the Bible Uni
versity in that month. She will be
graduated in Juno of this year.
Field for Home Work Wide.
"The field for home mission work is
greater In New Zealand than In Amer
ica," said Miss Taylor. The lack of
workers is felt there, she explained.
Miss Taylor plans to help the small
churches. She will travel around the
country, preaching if need be In little
towns which have no minister and or
ganizing- churches where there are
none. As far as Miss Taylor knows
there is no one doing this sort of work
in New Zealand. "So few people ever
think of helping the small churches In
this way," she said.
Miss Taylor has spent about three
years in New Zealand, visiting- all the
principal cities and little towns in all
the Islands, and feels that she knows
where ther is the . greatest need of
service. It Is not to be supposed, how
ever, that the people of New Zealand
are not religious. Miss Taylor wishes
emphasized. There is some religious
enthusiasm there; in fact, the people
of New Zealand are much more staid
and settled in their religious views
than the people of America,-she thinks.
A trip toPalestine Is Miss Taylor's
ambition. She had intended going there
before her return to Australia, but the
war has made that Impossible. "I want
to go," she said, "so that I may give to
the people among whom I work a true
picture of the country."
To become a teacher in a Christian
university in China is the desire of
Louie Pond, who is entering upon his
sixth year in the Bible University. A
great number of trained native Chris
tian workers are necessary to wake up
the Chinese people, he thinks. "China
needs teachers rather than preachers,"
he declares.
Chlaa Greatest Field.
China is the greatest field in the
world for religious work, be says. The
people are beginning to realize that
Christianity is tne only thing that can
save China at the present time. Chris
tianity, which appealed at first more to
the lower classes, he says, is now mak
ing successful appeal to the higher
The way to maintain the friendship
between China and this country, says
Mr. Pond, is through Chinese students
educated in this country, and through
the American people. Misunderstand
ings arise between the people of the
two nations, he states, because the
Chinese do not understand the true
American customs. It was to get a
knowledge of these customs that Mr,
Pond came to the United States In De
cember, 1905, from bis borne in Canton,
Going to Portland, he attended the
Atkinson and Ladd schools and a mis
sion school also, as preparation for his
work at the Bible University. He is
this year taking English composition
at the State University in addition to
his studies at the Bible institution.
The church has not been so success
ful in its work in China as has the Y.
M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., thiuks Mr.
Pond, because it has lacked native
church workers. Mr. Pond besides his
teaching in a Christian university
plans to do much church work. In mis
sions, in Y. M. C. A., in the churches
and among the people more directly.
New Courses In Millinery Offered la
Girls' Polytechnic School Will Be
of Interest to Many.
With the coming-of Spring the femi
nine residents of the city are ponder
ing on what can be done to renovate
their last Summer's hats or how they
can fashion some new creation without
overstepping the limitations prescribed
by war economy.
Beginning with this week there will
be new courses in millinery inaugu
rated at the Giris" Polytechnic School
on Fourteenth and Morrison streets.
One course will be 'a regular trade
course, in which classes will be held
every day, the completion of which will
enable the student to accept a position
in the millinery world. There will be
classes for beginners and advanced
students in this course.
Another course will be the house
keepers' course, in which millinery will
be studied and adapted to the indi
vidual needs of the student. These
classes will be held two or three times
In the week.
- t . - y&'T ft?" h . r
f '1 - v . v
, UuUtKI A. SlA.tFlELD
Husband and Wife Plead to
Help Crush Germany.
Oliver C. Drown Appeals for Cltl
sensbip Papers In Order That . He
Might Fight for Stars and Stripes.
it T VI
fj m
Albany Schools Plan Red Cross Work
ALBANY. Or.. Jan. 19. (Special.) A
chapter of the Junior Red Cross will be
established in the Albany schools next
month. The work will be taken up in
connection with the opening of the
second semester ot the school year on
February 4. It is planned also to In
terest the school children of this city
n other patriotic movements, particu
larly the matter of war savings stamps.
Albany Red Cross Has Income.
ALBANY, Or., Jan. 19. (Special.)
Albany's Red Cross store is receiving
an average Income of 9 a day. Its
entire stock is donated and consists
of produce, canned goods, old clothes
and various other articles. Everything
incident to its operation is donated, so
all of te money received is used for
lied Cross purpose, . '
DGE, we are willing to do al
most anything and undergo any
sacrifice in order to do our part In
stamping out Prusslanism."
With these ringing words Mrs. Oli
ver C. Brown stood by the side of her
husband yesterday ' before Presiding
Judge Morrow and added her plea to
that of her husband, who sought final
citizenship papers in order that he
might enlist in the Navy at once.
Mr. Brown, who was a British sub
ject, told the court that he was espe
cially desirous of obtaining full citi
zenship at this time in order that he
might join the Navy. Under the Navy
Department regulations no alien .can
enlist, even though he has taken out
his first citizenship papers.
In order to make certain that the
enlistment of Air. Brown would cause
no hardship in his family. Judge Mor
row called Mrs. Brown to the witness
chair for examination.
VI will go to work and manage some
how to get along while my husband is
away," Mrs. Brown told the examining
officers. "I expect to suffer a . few
hardships and know I will have to
practice the most rigid economy, but
I will do everything and anything In i
Candidate for the Republican Nomination for United States Senator
from Oregon.
The principles upon which I stand and to which I pledge myself, are:
1. To support the National Administration and the heads of the
Government with all my ability and energy in the speedy and vigorous
prosecution of the war to a peace satisfactory to the democracy of the
world and compatible with the highest ideals of our civilization. s
2. To the application of the selective draft in practice as' well as
theory, which shall insure organization of the National Army and at
the same time reserve the necessary labor and supplies for the contin-
uation of our industrial pursuits and commerce.
3. To an equitable control and regulation of food supplies, com-
merce and industry, and the establishment of a primary market in
Portland on equal basis with Chicago and Eastern ports.
4. To a Nation-wide prohibition and to all measures which shall
make it practicable and operative and not theoretical.
5. To permanently establish equal suffrage in both state and
Nation. .
6. To-establishment by the Federal Government of a naval base at
the mouth of the Columbia River.
7. To effective rural credit legislation and administration with a
particular view to its adaptability to the needs of Oregon.
8. To construction by the Federal Government of a military highway
along the Pacific Coast, and Federal aid in the construction of permu-
nent highways.
9. To see that Oregon participates, all things being equal, in
National trade, commerce and industry, and that our state is given
recognition in the Federal expenditures made necessary by the war.
10. To legislation which shall bring to a settlement the public lands
question, and. the greater development of Oregon's natural resources,
including the development of water power, reclamation of arid, swamp
and logged-off lands. .
11. To the organization and mobilization of all our Industrial forces,
with a just and proper consideration of the rights of labor, which shall
guarantee co-ordination of American efforts during the war.
12. To legislation that will permit the natural resources of the E;
great West and Alaska to be used, at the same time being careful that
these natural resources are used economically.
13. To the removal of the misunderstanding and opposition on the H
part of the Federal authorities which has restricted .Oregon's comnier-
cial expansion and retarded her industrial development. ,
14. To the development of Oregon's great shipping ports, through
Federal improvement of waterways and harbors: the malnt'enaTice of a IS
merchant marine on the Pacific Ocean, and a just rec-iitJL.i jon the
part of the Federal Government of the importance, value, iiipierc.ul
and industrial advantage of Oregon's location, situation, and bixiltor and
shipping facilities. ) . )
15. To a policy of conservation and reconstruction ,wljch ihall
insure our National integrity, honor and commerce uml iliV. ii iil ,ti.i
civic purity of our people. ; -C7
16. To have that high regard and consideration for the' interests
and progress of humanity and the Nation at large, which is typified
by a conscientious and moral observance of true Chrisiiun civilization
If you have not received the full and complete copy of iny platlorm
and principles, write me at Stanfield, Oregon. .
(Paid Advertisement.) R. N. STA.M'IELD.
order that my husband may fight under
the flag we both love so well."
Hood River Court Makes Ofrer for
4 0-Acre Wooded Tract.
primaries by D. H. Pierce, of Harris
burg. No Democratic candidates have
appeared formally, but It Is reported
that A. R. McCall, of Albany, will be a
HOOD RIVER. Or., Jan. 19. (Spe
cial.) The members of the Hood
River County Court have tendered
R. Phillips an offer for the purchase
of a 40-acre wooded tract, adjoining
the Neal Creek Canyon road,-the plo
to be used for a county park.
The court's offer to purchase th
property for $1200 is contingent on th
sum of J500 of the amount being raise
by R.. E. Scott. Mr. Scott, it- is said.
already has the amount practically sub
scribed by business men and ranchers.
Purchase of the property was recom
mended by the advisory budget board
at a meeting of the court 'on Decern
ber 28.
Brownsville Man Seeks Re-election
ALBANY, Or., Jan. 19. (Special.)
J. D. Irvine, of Brownsville, today a
nounced that he will be a candidate for
re-election as County Commissioner o
Linii County in the forthcoming elec
tion. He Cas chosen County Commis
sioner four years ago and is serving his
first term. Air. Irvine is a Republican
He will be opposed in the Republican
r Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin
The Perfect Laxative
is an ideal remedy for. consti
pation. It is a combination of
simple laxative herbs with pepsin that
acts in an easy, natural manner, and is
as safe for children as it is positively
effective on the strongest constitution.
Sold in Drug Stores Everywhere
50 cts. (r).$1.00
A. trial bottle tan be tbtained, freeof charge, by writing t
Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 457 Washington St., Monticello, Illinois
picture of Intoler-
"Those trrlbl Kar
Noises .have stopped"
is what hundreiiu of
Iptters are ielllnir m
You remember that Ijt 4
on Nov. II I off erei ,-i
.iuu jrPRimenis ior i
Head NoIrph, Free, to I
Portland Sunday Ore-'
gonian readers, and
this Is tne nappy re
sult. WjnH VnfupR! IVhat
able Kuftering" these words hrinu to nuno.
RADit,r If vou have Head Noises. I know
vrll that no words of mine can describe the
weary misery. But you are the one to np
preciate the blessed relief In the words "My
Head Noises have Htopped." and these are
the words which every day s mail nrinKB me.
The joy and gratitude or inn iifopm im
received the 300 free treatments olleren in
this paper last November has been ho great
and their appeals fur friends bo urgcut that
am going to orrer again
Think what it would mean to no longer
suffer with these Intolerable, roaring noises
the whistling the escaping steam the
hum of Insects the huzulng ull the weary
catalogue of sounds, which at times make
you feel that they must syip. or you will go
Insane. Perhaps, too. your hearing Is begin
i ... fuii but whether It has or not. you
know In your heart of hearts that it will go.
and the voice of si lence warns yr.u In unmis-
skealile terms, Jl yon imvc nr-nx --.wit,".
sooner or later you win oo ut-m.
Here is your opportunity. Send for one
of my Free Treatments and see my method
which has cured hundreds In just your con
dition, .lust drop me a note or a post card
giving your full name ana auuress. iuu win
never regret II. ,
This offer and talk Is for YOU. Perhaps
you have tried other things and become dis
couraged. Perhaps you have been told tnere
is no help, l-ernaps you mc
lecting vour case from day to day thinkuifc
it will get well of Itself.
Make just this small effort. Send for one
of my Free Treatments. It won t cost ou
penny. See this successful new treatment
and the method which has cured many, many
people with Head Noises Just like yours.
Write today for Free Head Noises ireat
nlen 1 - . . . cnunrl.R.
S.-.H Trad Building. Boston. Mass.
I was badly ruptured while lifting a trunk
several years ago. Uoctors Bam my oniy nope
of cure waa an operation. Truasea did mo no
good. Finally I got hold of aomethins that
ulckly and completely curea mo. xean navo
a sued and the rupture haa never returned,
lthoush I am doing hard work aa a carpen
ter. There waa no operation., do toat time.
o trouble. I nave noimng 10 eu, uui win
ive full information about how you may
Ind a complete cure without operation, if
ou1-write to me, fc.ugene M. Fullen, Carpen
ter, 7Doi- iiiarcpnus a vcuuo. jtounotju,!!, in.
J Better cut out this notice and show it to
any othera who are ruptured you may save
t Hie or at least Biop me juiaery 01 rupium
ndtha worry juid UaAfiur o aa iipurLiuxu
Ady. .