The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 20, 1918, Section One, Page 11, Image 11

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Washington Street
at Fifth
The Home of Good
Henry Jenning & Sons
Portland Becoming Known
Throughout the World Be
cause of New Venture.
Prominent Rosarlans of England
and America Writ Pledglnx
Support to 'Washington
Park Garden.
The National rw test garden btlnt
atabllsoed ta Washington Park for
the purpose of tasting new rosea Is
snaking Portland known throughout the
world, as Is evident from the large
umber of letters being received by
Mayor Baker asking for Information
and promising support to the garden.
Jesse A. Currey. the local amateur who
originated the test garden as a new
phase In municipal rose culture. Is also
receiving many letters from men promi
nent In the rose world in this country
and Europe.
The first importation of plants from
En eland has already arrived and Is
being cared for by Park Superintend
nt Keyser. These plant, nearly 100 1
In number and representing four new
varieties all cam from the big nurser
ies of Elisna J. Hicks, at Hunt. Twy.
ford. Berks. England, and represent his
latest creations. The most Important
one In the collection is the rich salmon
colored rose. Charles E. Shea, which
created a furore at the London show
last Summer and won the gold medaL
Three other roues sent by Mr. Hicks to
be tested In the Portland climate are
Climbing Lady lillllngdon. Mrs. .Freddie
Hunter and Jirs. Uunlop Best.
Iatrreatf Letter RcewlveeL
One of the most Interesting letters
Mayor Baker has received about the
garden ram from Lady Mary Went
worth Pltswtlltams. written In her own
hand from her home, Wlgganthorpe,
York. England. The letter glees an
Idea of the sacrifices the titled women
of England are making for the war. as
Lady KltswUllama states that formerly
where she had aeven gardeners to look
after her widely-known garden she has
bow only one. an old man. having had
the others Join the service, or go Into
the munitions factories. Regarding
ber own rose garden. La.dy Fltswlllliims
states that she and her daughters are
. doinr their best to maintain It In fair
condition until the end of the war, the
two doing all the work, even to the
cultivation. Lady f'ltzwilltams aends
her best wishes for the new Portland
garden and states that when the war
Is over some of her wonderful flowers
will be aent to Portland.
Shea Predlrta Seieeeea.
Charles K. Shea, who has been twice
president of the .National Kose Society,
and posaibly the best-known rosarlan
In Enrland today, having been the
Ivan Hole medalist in ISM. being the
last medal awarded, writea most en
couragingly, saying after reading of
the plan of the garden as arranged by
Mr. Currey: "I have perused with great
Interest and I can assure you with great I
appreciation the booklet of the National
rose test garden at Portland. Or. The
whole srheme seem admirably con
ceived and the detail carried out In a
manner which cannot fall to achieve
success. We In the old country are far
behind you In this matter and I trust
that the lead given to our National
Koe Society by your admirable work
will lead us to follow, humbly in your
Alexander Mill Gray, the veteran rose
grower of England and the greatest
advocate and grower of tea roses In
Great Britain, although now 80 years
ef age. writes. Id a strong. Orm hand to
alayor Baker that the garden can count
en hi support.
Among the other English growers
who are Bending planta to the garden
are Walter Eastea. Dr. Alfred IL. Will
Lams Robert Harris. E. Percy Smith
and William Ferguson, the no;ed Scotch
grower of Dunfermline.
This Satisfying $1
Sunday Dinner
MR. BUSINESS MAN. you find a good show,
a ride into the country relaxes the office
worries makes you better fit.
So your helpmate, the wife, needs to get away from
home duties. Take her to the Portland for Sunday
dinner, or for a delightful weekday dinner, with
the dancing and music ,.
Famous Porllani Dinner, $1.00
Special Music Sunday
Dancing and Music Weekday
The Portland
Richard V. Childs, - - Manager
ELBERT S. Robe, Assistant Manager
Exceptional Sale of
Oriental Rugs
Though Portland rug buyers have been
quick to realise what tula sale means,
many wonderful speclala are still to le
had because of the immensity of the otock.
Remember every rug is on sale at -0
Der cent discount-
kftvul Knrnk
Anatolian Silk ...I 1x2 1
iiamadan 3.BXZ.3
Iran (.2x3.0
Wholesale and HetalL
IMtteck Block.
AsseHraaa .
The American growers in the East
are awaiting until the first thaw to
Big out the planta they have had out
side and the committee in charge of
garnen has received word from
sucn well-knomh growers as A. H Pier
son. E. G. Hill. W. A. Wanda. John Cook.
Conrad Jones, Dr. William Van Fleet.
tSeorge C. Thomas. Jr.. and others that
they will send plants this Hp ring;. Of
ine lamornia growers the great Inter
et centers in the big collection which
le.ars. Howard anc Smith, the cre
ators of the now famous rose, Los Ange
las, have promlaed to send. Somt of
their new roses are yet unnamed, but
where they have been tested out In
private gardens they have aroused as
much Interest as did the famous Los
Angeies arnen it Orst appeared. The
greatest interest probably centers in
the new rose. Columbia, which E. O.
II !1 regards as hia maaternijwr. xt.
HiU In a letter to Hr. Currey states
that he Is preparing special plants for
' ornam garden. As an evidence
of how professional growers regard
this rose Air. Hill writes that he has
shipped out already 400.00 plants, the
greatest number of planta of any rose
ever sold before It was on the general
Foor Barrels Shipped From San
Francisco Seized at Dock.
Foor heavy barrels billed aa "novel
ties." which arrived several days ago
from San Francisco on the steamer
Heaver, were confiscated yesterday by
Ieputy (Sheriffs 'Christof ferson and
George Hurlburt and were found to
"in tain 144 quart bottles of whisky.
The liquor was billed to IL Marks,
but the owner failed to call at the A Ins
worth dock to receive his cargo.
The same officers also took posses
ion of two trunks containing Is gale
Ions of liquor at the same dock. The
trunks were billed to the Linn ton Shoe
Company. There is no such firm in ex
istence, they learned.
Gre-xbajn to Hear Sirs. Spencer.
GRI1S HAM. Or, Jan. U. (Special)
Sirs. J. 8. Spencer will speak at Union
High School No. Z on Monday after
noon at 2 P. IL on various ways of
preparing fish for eating, and also will
demonstrate the best methods for the
cooking of that meat. Special atten
tion will be paid to black cod and
Columbia River smelt, the will show
how to make sauces for the various
tLahea of cooked cod.
Clabboaso Plana Completed.
ABERDEEN. Wash-. Jan. IS. (Spe
cial ) Plans for the clubhouse to be
built by the Gray Harbor Rod and Gnn
club of this city, call for a structure
that will have the outward appearance
of a log cabin. The exterior of the
club, which la to be by 19 feet In
dimensions will b. planked with mill
slabs, the bark of which will face out
ward. large Oreplaca la proposed.
Drifting Isew and Bitter Cold Trial
a End era see .t Physical
Strength, Writes Wossaa.
The Spring weather which Is prevail
ing in Oregon at the present time la
contrasted with the cold, wintry cli
mate of the Kant In a letter received
by John A- Keating, president of the
Lumbermen Trust Company, from his
mother. Mrs. M. A. Keating, who lives
In Muskegon, Mich.
"This Winter, with Its drifting snows
and Arctic cold. Is a trial on endurance
of physical strength and the palpita
tions of the family purse. she writes.
"Again we are In the throes of a blis
sard. the drifts are at an unbelievable
height and the mercury Is at sero. The
wind howl around our house, while
the paths that were shoveled a half an
hour ago are again filled. The streets
are deserted and all traffic has ceased.
No trains, either steam or electric, are
operating, and I am sure the streetcars
are not running. No autos are able to
push through the snows and a few
horses are trying In a laborious way
to draw a limited amount of coal to
those who are without fuel. Our sup
ply still holds out. in spite of the heavy
demands upon it. and I trust the situa
tion will change before pur bins are
"Our hearts are filled with sympathy
for the poor, with !ielr porous houses
and little with which to get fuel. We
are warm and comfortable. Why try to
draw a picture of the snow? We read
there was one street In Shelby that
had a drift clear across It ten feet
high, and that -?as before this blizxard
of the last 24 hours.
"The snow in places la four .r five
feet higher than the rail of the piaxxa:
now fancy what that Is from the ground
level. The dining-room court Is won
derful, with the clapboards nearly cov
ered with a fine snow down to the
embankments, which In places reach
half way up the windows, while the
white stretches out unobstructed until
we catch a glimpse of the top of the
hlKh alley fence. Then above, the air is
white with the fast-falling flukes, like
a delicate veil between heaven and
earth. It Is most beautiful, so beauti
ful I would you all might see for your
University Man in Charge of Work
of Combining College Forces.
Jan. 19. (Special.) President P. L.
Campbell, by virtue of his position a
acting president of the National Asso
ciation of State Universities, Is In
charge of the work of lining up all the
college forces of the country in co
operation with the Government in the
conduct of the war. As viue-preHident
of the organization President Camp
bell is taking the place of Dr. Guy Pot
ter Benton, president of the 1,'niversity
of Vermont, and head of the National
organization, who Is now handling Red
Cross work in France.
Information to this effect was con
tained In a telegram received from
President Campbell by A. C. Dixon, of
the University Board of Regents. Mr.
Campbell, the telegram said, was pro
ceeding to Washington from Chicago
with a committee of me National As
sociation, and with representatives of
the Association of American Universi
ties and the American Association of
Endowed Colleges, to lay before Presi
dent Wilson and the National Admin
istration plans for the fullest co-operation
of higher educational Institutions
of the country in the conduct of the
war. These plans were worked out in
Chicago at a joint meeting of the three
Ten Days More of Furniture Bargains
Hundreds have bought furniture here this month at reduced prices. The opportunity is open to you for 10
days more buy here and now and save many a dollar ongood furniture, rugs and home furnishings.
An Immense Offering, Fine Rugs
Special inducements will be made this week to
those who wish to purchase new rugs. Note
these reductions on fine Wilton rugs. All are
8-3x10-6 in size. The patterns cannot be
replaced. .
$81.00 Anglo-Persian Wilton Rugs. . .$80.75
$81.00 Bigelow Ardebil Wilton Rugs $58.75
$68.25 Anglo-Indian Wilton
Rugs .S51.25
$60.00 Bigelow Daghestan
AVilton Rugs $46.5Q
$55.00 Bigelow Bagdad Wil-
' ten Rugs. : .$41.25
$50,00 Royal Wilton Rugs $38.75
SPECIAL $25.00 Brussels Rugs in 9x12 size; Oriental designs; only $19.65
$3.00 Axminster Rugs; mottled centers with plain borders; 27x54 size. Special at $2.05
William & Mary
Dining Suite
$121 for $89.35
Made of solid quartered oak in
Jacobean finish; a beautiful suite
at a very substantial reduction.
Dining Table; 48-inch top, 6-foot
Diners (5) with leather slip
seats. .
Carver to match diners.
Buffet with French plate panel'
Lace Curtain Sale
January clearance of two and three-pair lots, representing our
entire line from the most inexpensive scrim to the best of im
ported nets.
$ 1.65 Ecru Nottinghams, three pairs, pair. . . .1.05
$ 1.73 White Filet Net, three pairs, pair S1.20
$ 2.50 White Nottinghams, three pairs, pair. . .1.65
$ 2.50 Cream Voiles, two pajrs, pair SI. 65
$ 3.23 Ecru Cluny Marquisettes, two pairs, pr. 2.20
$ 4.50 White English Nets, three pairs, pair. . .2.95
$ 5.00 Ecru Figured Marquisettes, 2 pairs, pr. 3.35
$ 6.00 Cream Voiles, two pairs, pair .3.95
$ 7.00 Ecru Battenburgs, three pairs, pairx. . . .4.50
$ 9.50 Cream Voiles, four pairs, pair 5.25
$11.00 Cream Voiles, two pairs, pair. , 5.75
$25.00 Cream Irish Point, two pairs, pair. . . .13.50
All lace curtains of which we have only single pairs are
offered at HALF PRICE.
Monday Specials
Regular $4.00 Ecru Marquisette
Curtains with Cluny applique bor
lers; 2'i yards long, pair... $2.43
Regular $3.00 Ecru Marquisette
Curtains, pair $1.95
Regular $2.75 Ecru Marquisette
Curtains, pair $1.73
These curtains are from stock
that cannot now be duplicated ,at
the above special prices.
Buffets Reduced
$35 Solid Quartered Oak Buffet in
golden wax finish; 20x42 QOf? HfT
top, panel mirror DaiUsIJ
$43 Solid Quartered Oak Buffet in
golden wax finish; 20x48 top, 3 top
drawers and large linen flJQO fiPC
drawer 00t33
$68 Quartered Oak Colonial Buffet
with 23x54 top, panel QFO fT A
mirror iDOi,0J
Linoleums Reduced
Regular $1.65 Inlaid Linoleums; four patterns from j QO
which to choose; special, cut and laid tD-LsOssi
Regular $1.00 Printed Linoleums; three patterns fromr7Q
which to choose; special, cut and laid Ox
$122.50 Bedroom Suite
Special $93.70
Each piece is in fine quartered oak. May be bought com
plete or by the single piece. The suite consists of:
$25 Colonial Dresser, plank top, 20x24 beveled French plate
mirror- ' ,$19.00
$28.50 Princess Dresser, 18x36 bev. Fr. plate mirror. . .$22.50
$27.00 Chiffonier, 14x18 beveled French plate mirror. . .$21.10
$42-00 Colonial Bed to match $30.50
SPECIAL. Regular $12.50 Auto Robes; all-wool fancy plaids;
special at only $0.25
Single Mahogany
Pieces Reduced
Shown today in the corner window."
$47.50 Mahogany High-back Settee,
upholstered in striped (PQQ
velvet; cushion seat.... DOOs4J
$115 Mahogany Settee (sample) up
holstered in velvet; with fiJO Cfl
spring seat D OsDU
$90 Mahogany Rocker re- CJCTQ fj C
duced to fPOOt I D
$115 Solid Mahogany High-back Li
brary Chair, upholstered in velour;
spring seat and back, (If 7 A QK
now for . . : D s'0J
$80 High-back Overstuffed Arm Rock
er, upholstered in French CCQ
velour; spring seat dJtlOsifJ
Sale Oak Dressers
Single pieces at attractive reductions
from regular prices.
$55 Quartered Oak Dresser in French
gray finish; 30x36 bev- J 4 "I rjf?
eled French plate mirror Dt:X. t O
$30 Solid Quartered Oak Dresser with
24x30 beveled French OQ OC
plate mirror
$27.50 Quartered Oak Dresser with
22x29 beveled French (PO"! HF
plate mirror O-ViXs I O
Sale Dining Chairs
$3.50 Solid Oak Dining (JJO
Chairs; saddle seat D&JO
$4.00 Solid Oak Dining CJO 1 K
Chairs; full box saddle seat DO J.i
$4.50 Quartered Oak Dining Chairs;
genuine leather full box (PQ
seat DO.JU
$4.75 Solid Quartered Oak Dining
Chairs; genuine leather full (JQ JfT
box seat 0O.DJ
Limbert's Arts and
Crafts Dining Suite
$237 for $179.10
This is a lifetime suite of the fin
est quartered white oak, in arts and
crafts design, light fumed finish. It
is one of the latest designs. Only
one suite to be sold.
$70 China Closet $32.50
$70 Buffet $52.50
$70 Dining Table $52.50
$27 Dining Chairs 6) $21.60
Shown today in Washington-street
Baskets for Wood
We made a fortunate purchase of
four styles which we offer at most
attractive prices. Shown in the base
ment salesroom.
$2.75 to $3 Wood Baskets $1.60
$3.50 to $4 Wood Baskets $2.35
Shown today in the Fifth-street
fviiiiiiiiiin in i in 1 1 n liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 liiiiiiiiu mimii 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .
t- fy, .....
Arrrlrt C Be.
Arsrltt C Rd. whosa dsmth
occurred at Scotts Mills. January
1Z. and who was burled there
1 January IS. served two voluntary
enlistments In the Civil War. Ha
was wounded at Antletam and
discharged from the service. He
as;aln enlisted In January. 1864.
and served to the end of the war.
Mia service was In Ohio regi
ments. lit was born in Connecticut.
Auirust IKS. and married Caro
line I Hlckox at Grand Rapids,
Mlcb September 2. 18t. They
came to Oregon In 1891. and (or
the past IT years have lived at
Scotts Mills. The widow and two
children. P. A. Reed. Hood River,
and Mrs- C A. Dunatren. Scotts
Mills, survive. Mr. Keed was a
member of George H. Thomas
Post. Grand Army of the Re
public, at Silverton.
Interclass Contests to Take Place
January 19-21.
LEGE, Corvallls, Jan. 19. (Special).
Annual inter-class debates at O. A. C
are Interesting a large following of
students who are already at work on
material for the subject chosen: -Resolved.
That at the close of the war
Austria-Hungary should be partitioned
along national lines under separate
national sovereignty, the assumption
being that the allies are able to dic
The freshmen class representatives
win meet the sophomores January 19
and January 21 the Junior and seniors
will compete.
Winners of each debate will meet
for the school championship. The sub
ject chosen Is one upon which the na
Uons have not as yet taken a stand.
that he had been giving them about
$175 a year. The ooara cauea mo at
tention to the fact that if he was in
the service the Government would al
low his parents J10 per month.
Gresham School to Dedicate Flag.
GRESHAM, Or., Jan. 19. (Special.)
A service flag with 20 stars, presented
by the Trl-S Club of the economics
department of the school will be dedi
cated on Wednesday morning at Union
High School No. 2. Patriotic music and
speeches will be given, the high school
orchestra and the various musical or
ganizations of the high school taking
rart. There will he a star on the flag
for each graduate of the union high
school, and also for all who at any
time have attended it.
Xe-ivbcrg High Flag Has 4 6 Stars.
NEWBERG. Or.. Jan. 19. (Special.)
The Newberg High School has been
presented with a beautiful "service
flag," the handiwork of the girls of the
school.' The flag- is 52x66 Inches, and
contains 48 stars, one for every boy
who left during his high school career,
and one for each member of the faculty
and alumni now in the service of his
country. There has been one death in
the list, and this is indicated by a small
gold star. Professor W. R. McNair,
principal of the high school, has re
ceived orders to report for service In
the Third Army ordnance class.
Drafted Men Examined Soon.
ALBANY, Or., Jan. 19. (Special.)
Men who have been placed in class I in
the draft registration in Linn County
are being notified to appear for physi
cal examination. Thu far fcOo men in
this county have been assigned to the
first class and notices were mailed to
them by. the local exemption board to
day. As rapidly as the remaining ques
tionnaires are examined and the classi
fications made class I men will be
ordered to report for examination as
rapidly a-, they are classified.
Xew Aberdeen stem Completed at
Cost of About $400,000.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. Jan. 19. (Spe
cial.) Ten million gallons of water
dally, six times this city's present con
sumption and enough to easily supply
a city of 100,000 Inhabitants, are pour
ing Into the city reservoir through the
new Wishkah water project, recently
completed at a cost of about 1400.000.
The water la being brought from a
point 23 miles north of this city though
a 28-lnch main. The city pumping sta
tion which has been In use here for
nearly 20 years will be closed; and two
of the three engineers employed there
have been laid off.
Partial Support of Parents o fix
case for Deferred Classification.
ALBANY. Or.. Jan. IS. (Special.)
Draft registrants who have been aid
ing in the support of their parents and
who could contribute from their sal
aries in the service as much as they
have been paying heretofore will not
be given deferred classification In this
section of the state. These men are be
ing placed In Class 1 by the district
One registrant ber claimed deferred
classification on the ground that his
parents were dependent upon him for
support and his Questionnaire showed
The Shoe Sale Paramount
Scores of men and women yesterday bought shoes
here at reduced prices. Scores more will buy to
morrow. This gTeat sale will save you dollars on
good footwear. Note these offerings for tomorrow.
300 Pairs Men's Shoes
Both lace and button, genuine calf or kid uppers,
double or single Goodyear welt soles.
$5.00 Shoes, the pair. .3.95
$6.50 Shoes, the pair. -S4.95
$8.00 Shoes, the pair. .5.95
SPECIAL Men's cocoa brown or
black calf Lace Shoes, leather or
Neblin 6oles, admirable (PfT JTA
Shoes below value 03
hit . xiw
Special Purchase and Sale
Laird, Schober & Co.'s
Shoes for Women
Hundreds of pairs of beautiful Shoes long black domino calf vamps, gray buck
tops, military heels; also in cocoa brown calf vamps; sand, ivory or taupe buck
tops; all 8-inch tops, welt soles; widths AAA to D, sizes VA to 9. PQ QpT
Regularly priced $12 and $12.50. Special
Exclusive Portland Agents Iianan & Son's Shoes
str i r ki hia
"Finest In tbs Northwest."
rz :
in 3in rranciscu
Ceary Street, lust off Union Souare
From $1.50 a Day
Breakfast 60c Lunch 60c Dinner 1 1. 00
Sundays: Breakfast 75c Dinner S1.26
Munlcpal car line direct to door. M ntor
Bui meets principal trains and steamers.
There's an air of
warm comfort and congen
iality about Seattle's famous
hotel- Music and dancing in
cafe every evening a popular hotel
your friends will be here. Rates to
suit the most modest purse. Club
breakfasts at moderate prices.
New Houston Hotel
Sixth and Everett Streets.
Four blocks from Union OspoC
Near business center.
Fireproof and Modern.
Bates 7&c to VlAt.
Cbas. G. Hopkins. Managsc