TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, TORTLAND. JANUARY 6, 1918. CAL F-TATK. CRtATt -r bunrtio aacn'ir In et' romi aad room. garec end drtve- way. ihnwor kith, turns ce. nara wooo floor. ictrle f; it urea. fuU cement beee- rni, linoiurm ta kitchen and batn. beau tiful Iiwq and ehruba-ery; a meet new; reet Im pro ve mec i a pe i a f r. f : re p t a re. bant-in book cas aad iitk-vrd. pnd diniai-room; wunia IS blocks or it at. aad HAvtam if.; now rented 'wunout Wasek for -j r-r mo, Coat will aarr-.flr for I i.-X No nai. 9l2id cash a4 you assume rnortfift ef 9- A -t q nek. ' 1 Mr. car the PC Tel. Tel. IRVINGTON. 4A5 E. 2th sc. North, by oir; serves iMcoi at tic lua room, tare iiv.nr room. lt Lrep.ece htrIooi f n rs and p.a:e I Ml taroui&ouu mahogany and bit euaoial Lnian, fu.l Cement tetnenl, p n tf:d furnace, larva lut onr.uokiDf heavtl- W it itrdtai ana attractive homri. im a tftia Cm horn for the booa liow cou.d ac Ue bui:t fur in mmy tn lnpcted between l Call Mr. Haws at Main during th we. A room, beautifully arrancd and built for my hamr. hoi-watr h-at. hardwood f 1(ori Urwuxbout, beautiful wrlnf rorxi .cant bath. Inrl u.ltnf howi-r. Lot coftjitti ef 7&o aqiurt fu An un us'ial. art ittc. well-ma born a. worth l.vuooi Am forced to leave tha city and ll aacrlfica. Make ma aa offer. O. A. AAKLtS. 404 S. W. Hank HMf. sVaVfcN rooma, s-seping porch, new.y tinted and painted. 9--.i reaaoneb.e payment awn. bai. month., payment. Aaochar vary tnt place, T rooma. hot vaitr heating eastern. e.gant larce be nent; price 9 . Vary boat of Itrma rmat payment doa If desired and bal. monthly. L, K. Moor, ail Board of Tracla A SACRIFICE COME AND frr.E KOR Y OCT SELF. A tare garden, splendid lawn. berries, frutt tree and sa-.niooe.ry. A coy ft-room houM with modern convenience on l'c 1 iot, oao bock from car. ail for f--o. InflniliRf afTMt lmurovmntl At t Mi price I can afford no commteetoa. A ! f.rat mor;i, run aa long aa you want. a l iv., cor. 5Iet :. Tnor ra-jk riTT park. New ftve-room bunaaiow. hard wood I floor a. furnace, ftrapiace. brick and ca- I ment-floorod porch, AOvlOO e.evated lot. aaraaa. ana block to Handy Car, inslda 1 4 7? h st. AttractiT horn at a barsain. gj4.'Oi reaaonat4 tirtna Sea Mr. Muitf, ,UTANU5T S. THOMPSON CO.. 3 Oak bt. li.l H A W. HL"N'GALW 1-TiO. g la rare, cosy rooms, furnaca, ftreptaea, hardwood f'.oora. 2 leeplnc porchea. paved at, p-1 . cioao to car. on G.enn ave . 10 nun. on car. Owner forocioad, S--"J snorts!. Don t wait. Not a nick. el againet tnta property. Buy It oa raaawnabia term of KKANK I VrOriRE. AblTiftnaPMf Houses. 920011 rooma. mvorrn; btTHard room an. I aiaeplng porch; lot 75x100 fc: all streot Impruveoient paid: aero a streot from Irvington Club, at 494 11. 'J.-l st. N. 9000 4 rmsL. modern: Roaa Cuy Park. cahl r. Junes ta 4A4 W!Tes Hidg. Msto 999. iMt NOT WASTE. Pava money aad own thta dandy Itttl I heme. 6 rooma, vtry aUractta, quarter biock. flna garden, bearing Iruit tree ana b-rr-a. twtt blocks from carlne; price I f2ttt can. 4J mo. It a a bargain. A. H. P1RH.LX CO.. 217 Northwestern j TUrk f ilg Mar. 4114. A 41I. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. 4 rooma f r-ptaco, ictri lighta, gaa, hullC-ln buffet anl bookcaaee. Dutch kitrhaa. bath. ftolO lot. at Multnomah fetation. -cnt carfara. Prlca HJwO. 9JM t;me on balance. Pe r. il Urown. , THE fHA H'-FKAR COMPANY. 17 rourth He. i-KimM anMra ho.ue, furnace, buffet, f-jii lot, hard-aurfacod etreet; walking diaraace: furmttur ga for same price If wat It. owner going to war; Pr,r I $J')0 leaa than it cat him: 1 I wi.i han-l.e thia. Tboa. V. Cuma, - I Hnry bidg. WKST alDE H0T"S. 915o-X 9tO CAH. ood 4 -mom huao on K.y at., near I Clba wa.king distance. Heat tde; Price I 9 1 X.A 9: caah aad 110 par monui, per I geaL vhy pay reolT GRt'fMiX. altGLET a DOWVCT. 9t H'-ard of Trad Pidg. Mala 75. !.- A-P. U li--TE. 10 lOO. Tbia la a reaj bargain, an b.ock fram I ear and paved street. Cieaa la; aa txade I aaaatders'l rUTTER. U)W t CO. 5rm -i-T Hoard of Trade H.dg Wt?r SIDE BARGAIN. Modern P-raorn bauae, bt part of Overtoa itrtt . two ineta bat na. rranta quarters and bath ftd f oor. firwparee; witi aacr;.'M-o to Mak quick sa.a, Ca.1 V'H SAt.tl A-room hunga.ow. Iutch hitch- en. riropia-, af fC bookcaeoe, waah traya. Sr. frj:t tree and Mrnrt; wi.i 1 f urn taned, f V. or unf-irnsbad if d -el red. trria. waer. 4530 44 SU a. aU r't-me ff ?t ) V. ep.1 etock car F- H. Aial4-roiii hooee. With lot 0 Z Bouaa ia good condition. Hearing frutt tfo la baca of lo:. '. 1 1 rarcb e. aa preferred. S. 7vth C N. phona Taror laJA movir a coo ao oc fuJ baaement anJ I furnace, .ars rme. full y furniahod; Mir.rtv all fr tK cata ar terma twner. g! Wor"eter b dg. ACRE AND HAa ONLT 9oJl I roorfa. viur. Hghta soma fratt. ar at ground. lent far, eloee to etatwa; Ifn Call at Mi Concord bldg 9 U5Vk EsToN hTT rTcT 9 2!& Zr'. amail houao, cement sa.U ta and paid PwITTER. LOWE A CO.. 2W-0-7 board of Trade Mdg. PaT.4 tiVEK IJ PiuR CENT. Two house. 4 rooTts. batn, gaa, each: fncome 94. Prt-e g. luO. Ivy atreet. aar I I'nion e. Coddard A ledrwk, -J hark IXVETMEVT 9 y oV Cor n r . ioi.', 4 flata all rat4; xacem kyJ per montn. m e TiU'XPsny. 1 Mliestprl ave. C4ot take neat house and 10O lot. which la worth 9 loou, at aouthaat corner Jan and E- atav, t w biocAs north' east f Brketey Station; take iroheaa rr Knquire Mra aroer. next door. KLLWOOD BARGAIN. 9X5oe) buy tweetory. as.reom beeae, fire pi aca. pi pod for furnace lot 75tloflL en pv4 a tree t, Geddard A Wledrtca, 149 I etark. F HOM3 BARGAINS. Rave larfe list of ra barritns from w 10 9l000; alee suburban acreage and farms for eio aad aachaag. B, P. oebom a it xi-Mir p:qg. " 1 ACKKA IMPROVED. e ear far. houao. garage, seme berries ana rruit Kr;c 1. -. KITTKR. Low E 4V CO.. yn-ft-7 Hoard of Trade P. dg. 9J5H SUNN TelDE SNAP 4J5oOl T-rna. buncalow. house alone cost owner v. on peved Some terma FRANK f, Mit IRE. Ablngton BMg. ft w N N ToICE A-room cotta. full base. ment. gaa, bath aad I bock from car. IIm caah; ae ageata. Owner. K 44. Ore- n:an. '1 VoT mis thta opportunity If you ar looking for a w: located, classy buns- low: fine Birftbonood, shown by ap- pinment. .wner, M-.a ewn. PL NG A LOW ItACKlFICE. e-room. ;nrt:y modern, near Haerthom 1 (as furnace, way be.ow coat: prtc t . eaav trma f all Marshal! Ie Cf"ST IT"" WlLLAKB9T3o7" A beao'tful modTB home in eae ef beat (strict in i"rtinai. P TJ-J, OR PGONt AX. I"R V buncalow. IO mlnutea ride from louf portlend anlpvarda. with 3 lot, fori 9i'" dow and 919 per month- Se 914o I hHj)l house, csa. e.ectrcitv. coaveniencea I f j 1 cement b.meat. first-claaa furnace. I FOK na.i amount down, asy pay men:. Mar- efreT 412X lit'H riDMO.T hems. 8 rooma. modern, lOOvloO corner A I na worth and Wii; lama; fruit. .iade sad snruberj; b.g sacrifice. Owner. o,mn III 2rh H ATWEAO. aw aad modern. 7- Mi n-ifrh folonlal houea. bargain at 9M; tmproemata la aad paid, Tarnas to auiL. 2 4 :7tH NER BROADWAY 91CTS VM Vr-n, buncalow. blk. car; FOR lo-i pnee on t r rr a. FRAN K L M-GUI RF Ab'i gtoa PM g. IKVI.V'.TON 910.0. 91.0oa Tia bet bnv la rear. Ft T aTKKPrr. lrincoe a l-jaart-re. 9iw 1r heme, aim room, steeping V Mason, near Jd . 94500. eT ere a; . n l A rnT far lORtii'I -t'K art-e. eva roo-ns, mod 97'" e-n. Ke Wi. .lama Piedmont, 9-"-4-1. terma W.mrn g.1 S K M mA ror-" lot. 1'-t1'W en boal aee atre( and earUnex W : accept pa. men 'a Phoee P - oe r! w T 1 71 1 . 7-R. liii'I' TAKLM beeti: ful m o-1 m 5-r-von bin- w ht bay la Rom C.ty Park. Ta- Fi'M 4-Kv M kaM, wu.t hat aad co d water, beta. e jtrv if; w!U wH eo.nl ty on lema rai Wood W 14,'i WANT 9-0 for either on. 9-room r one. A-roons rn -.? rn hun ca'ow. om cash, free SNAP ewr 314 A.'h et. J FT THA T I V 91 a-rnorn bunew'oer. 1131 3th . e T. . cerwer J'.h St., VVoodetock ar. ea Wr S1.1V IKVI YiiiDMO.vr j aa M. JL Thompeoo, agaat, I kKAL FTATEL tar Hair Ho AS EXCEPTIONAL, bargain Two houaea. ona lot. ona bouaa new; othrr f:n condition; boibi houaa modarn tn avery rprt; new bouaa baa hot air furnara ahlrh heats al aeven roma ana batb; o'ftrr houee la furnlahed an-i la bLnc rtnirvj aa furnlahed rooma; lMif,l on the main arr-! In fine rrl dnt diatrx-t; about two mlnutea walk to I tna center f town; prico for both t" lot and f urn tail inira. ate , only hour no rrnt for i per month; i-rmi If dair-d. Addraaa K. L lite It a. HM TtlTr. nr. IT K'i.s ,N'wT PAY TO ADVERTISE unlaaa a prony haa marlt and offer! vt.ufi, thta nouae haa both and aaay payment m al.Ktln. Tha bouaa facea tna I aaat ana command a flna :ew. Theft I ara aavn rooma and bath, full baaamanL camaot floor. Ijundrr trara. fire pi ace. bul.t-ta buffet. I'utcfi kitchen, panty of I c ota. It roitt when built years ago I It woui'l com 1-1 more today, i ou rn buy H for 9-4K pay down and I a-o por month, Maclnnaa. 210 Oregon bldg. rn"i Hroadway l.',v 1 rvim;to.v. Modem ight-renm manaard Colonial I homo, ulnd.d terraced Int. AOxitx baart of Irvmiron. near Uroadway and I .'th st. ilend;d sleeping porch, garase. ftrvputc. etc Cat smn to butld. fc-eil ffr $' Bank propoaltion. no trad a Boa Mr. iu:r. witn eTA.NLai M. THOMPSON CO Z)i Oak 6t- OPPOITB LAL'RELHt'RST PARK aa K. 3inh ax.; nearly new. thorouchly moo em b-roorn houee. large llvine-room, dlnir.f-mom. muaio room, hardwood f loo re. o.d Ivory tnimil, ma.mfny trim, 4 bel- roocTa. 3 fireplaces, bath and upstair lavatory; must aeil quick. y; prxj la only cuMn't build th houi for that mnnv; tlooO caan wlU handta J. W. I KuvSLEr, A In 8 or Main 170O. A-KuOU BUNGALOW. trlctly modern, built 2 year, foil aa- anent basement with wash tray. 1 ft neat kind plumbing and fix t urea; bultt by architect for hie mother; aeoitg It Is buying 1L Call Sunday bat. 10 A. XI. and ft P. M. 1544 Jordan St. Tak PL Johns car. get off Jordan il, walk aouth 2 bika. rrica i term. IKVINGToX BARGAIN. 5 bad rooms and sleeping porch, CO-foot I lot. oak fioors up and down stairs; Ivory I and mahogany finiah, r lne tree and shrubbery; will stand big loea for quick I aaia. large nmma; open for Inspection to day. S to ft. 3vt East -1st st. North, Phonal Eaat 1477. FOR PALE OR TRADE. Excellent 0-roo;n houa. Hawthorn dla I met. lot 4OX10O, with fruit-bearing tree a, 2 car lines. 10 minutes to city; all lm- rrovemanrs In. Value 93SOO, mortrtr J0OO. Will take good lut aa part pay. men 1 or aaU oa terms. Owner, Tabor a-vn. . nothing better at th price than this fin bungalow la Koee City Park; flv rooms, fir p. ace, fur nace, cement floor In basement, lovely yaru. anada tree; only liao, s-iao caao. bai. u mo. a. H. Uirreii ta. l norm Wftn Bank bldg. Mar. 4114. A 4UI, A SACRIFICE OP 91500. T-am. mod. bouaa on Leo ave.. Sell wood, 1 block frovn car; rood garage; hard-amr face etrret in and, paid. Pr.c 9JuvO; 90 wiu namiia. -EPTON A MeCXJTLUAX 61 J Chamber of Commarc. IHVINGTC-N HOME. ft-room modern Irvington home. 50x100 1 lot. price lw; wi.i take irvington, Lau- I r hurst. Hawthorn ctear vacant lot aa I f.rat payment, balance Ilk rent. Em- I p:r Investment Co 4ol Xktard of Trade. I HOrTE CITT PARK BUNGALOW. rooma, bungalow, modern in way. Hardwood Lovrs, fuxnaoa fireplace, I 1 aiocas to car. PUTTER. LOWB A CO.. too -5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LAL KELHURMT. Before bu lag eawhare obtain our list f exquisite home for sale on easy terma I la Leursihurst. the show p.ace of Port- leaa LAI HtLMLKM CO, 29 Stark st. stain li'wi. a joia. RuVu CITT PARK PNAF. Brand-new ft-room bouae on a 66th at Bavr clubhoueo; fine frxluo lot. bard-oxir-faco straot. Improvement alt paid; 95X; cannot oe aupiu-ttea ror j. w. CKtf,SLl.r. a 1o4 or Main 1700. A SNAP. CLOeB IV. -room mod era bouaa on Eaurt $Kh eemer it. hard-eurfaoe street in and paid. arc --"; . 00 wi.i n wlt. ci . a. KPTON A MoCl.ELLAJf, til Chamber of Comma HOME BAROAIN. 9tSOO t-foom modern, corner. BOxMl FVemoot ex., near Cornfoot ahlpbulidlng piaat; aoou can l. fc THOMPSON, B4 Mtaalaatppl ava. LAUKKLHUKd V Modern bunga.ow. w b.ocaa from Rose City car, flv rooma, large an finished attic, full cement base mert. Win tar f uei supply In basement. ft. 5, oregonian. PRACTICALLY nothing down aad baia ea time. Hlga-eiaa modern bom with lwO feet fronia-. lo de.lchtful neighbor' hood; boaut.fui tree and ah rubbery. 134 ft. aad t. Owner. ;.hd c-Room house. iarymnd ava. near Lombard at. Xsatoa dis'.rtrt. KITTKR. LOWK CO.. 9ftj-e-7 Board ef Trade Hidg 91650. My large, v-rootn modern bom. 50x100 let. cemr. eaat lactu. aity, term and partly furnished it ueelrad. f'beae Co- lumrxa a. BIO SACRIFICE. Modern 8-room house, sleeping porch and gar a a. itautiiui a round a. ij loo. sm n st.. near endy boulevard Prlc 956oo. kropirt Investment Co,. 4ol Bd. of Trade. HOME WITH SANITARY BAKN. Near Brooklyn hcbooL I rooms, basement, bath., larg let p-tre t.'itou and tended liens. Goddard ok Wifuk, 23 Ftark. REALTY BARGAIN. 915O0 'j houar. full lot. Income f!C50 per month: ia o rash. l t. IMOlll'W.N, 44 Mississippi ave. 9-475 0TH AN I E IRVlNil 9-475. i-rm. mod firepiace and all bullt-lna. ia m 1 n. riu. very cnoc property. FRANK L. m oG lIRa. Ablngton Bldg. FoR bALav -4-room modarn house, near.y new. at 45S Marguerite ave.; no Incum brance. Inquire 44 Buchtel ava. owner. Terms. FORECLOSURE ALE. My loaa your sain: 92500 take modra T-room bungalow, wall located, aaay terma. Taoor -R. MODF.RN Irvtnaton snap: easy tarn 9A5oa Hard-aurrace atreet. garage, 9 fire places, hardwood floors. No amenta. , 4;L IF THIS bargain don't inter eat you. yon are not la tn market: flv room and bath. Portland Aits., s 1500. 5o cash. If aoid thl week. 4S lnmt bldg. Main 9-H'rO RwSE CITY SNAP 9-650. larxe coxy rooms, cost owner 93450l On paved sis : nuf aed. Terma. r HANK I. Mc L 1Kb, Ahington Bldg NEAR ALBERTA 8TRKET. 8-room bungalow, also garage; lot 94 Xloo, on corner, pnr 9--00. iwner leaving city. Godd.ird A t Iflr.ck. 24J Stark. ft-Rt KU bunralow. 1 block car; fine dis trict, corner: hardwood rioors. nullt-ln boo k c as s ; 9 'O caah. Price 9 -40v. E Ml, Oregonian. FOR friALK Nice home. ix rooms, liaw- (hornt district, fine nelrhborhood ; coat 9-h; price 4-70O. 0nr. Phone Mar shall lll. bT. JOH N Modern 5-room house near buatneee canter, on hard-aurf aed street, lirge lot. fruit tree a Price 921O0. Em pire Investment Co.. 401 Board of Trade. 9J400 IlCYS Roae Ctty buncalow with Sa ras, aula two year are for 94000. price Include atreet improvements: terms. For particulars phone owner. Tabor 3"2S. TAKE' cosy 4 -room plastered bunca low on hair acre 01 ground. 1.00a ell. ( lost to -rnt canine t-.mpir iavt ment Co.. 401 13 oar a or Trade. tiALE Attractlv three-acre home In It'ver d. strict; pnnupe only. 0 '5. uregenlan. RELL A ON 1421 Sandy, eldest firm HO.k t iTi I'akk. ran se.i rou a good house cheap. ! us first. Tsoor 211 FOR K three rooms and bath, on good lot. Dire aaicnbomo"i. two canine. 910VO half caah. W 0. Oregonian. - K'H - n houae la North Portland for sale at Ma earn rice. oranem. -j Chamber of rommtrr itALK At a sacrifice price, house and Z lot. Ml : waua:c. or. iftx.fr, 32d C, Vnc v A 'J'i : ' "n, .ni.wium 1 r. - 0 a-ROOM bouse in cood condition, and lot. r loea In on E v nst. st.. In a part meat center. Coiia is. aotn. Bunny aid car. 6-ROOM cottac. 5OaI0O lot. on Improved St., 1 ei'Xk irora two canines, ivu, pjr owner. ill' r I I ' Q Si. N K V l-rvm co.oniaU West Slda r H A N K I. Mci.l IKK. A U i NUT' .X li L.1KI. JiNAP TSxl'O for 9200; cor. Flak St. and U tills bird. Easy terma E 401. - .KN 8-room Linst.ow. m furniture, i turb ave 9 1 term. 57 VDEi:n bo ise f .r aa . Woodstok cr Iwood "od". I'n I'hone 0ALE Rose Cltv park ba-r.w, by wner. snap inr cin. 1 n-or e'-i ,. TWO MlOoM fumiehsd cabin, woodshed and garden, n'l Jsaerenn si. Modern. 6-room bungalow, 91475.CalI Tshor T.vri. Vi-.TON. R. T. bttie::t. IRV. AGENT. RML ESTATR. For Sale- lion. In I 1 100 BUN'OALOW 1100. 910O down, bal. $20 mo. 76th mu. aear G 1 laan. 5 n Ice. light, a iry roo m , corner, garage, caruenl floor. This la a snap. I S 1 "001 0 10 $ 1 soo. $100 down. bal. $Jt) mo. E. lth at. No., naar Alnswor:h: -4 -room buncalow: tent-houao, bearing fruit. bpacial bar gain. SIOrtAROfiE CITY 11000. l-0 down. bal. 25 mo. Eait 47th at near randr: Z-atorv. 9 rooma and 1 a e lng porches, hardwood floors, flrapiac bullet, furnace, largo bath. ROOMS. LAtTRELHTTRST. TERMS. U:io iiaaaaio, . near 3:th, fully modern. nou at. improvement paid, carnea odi time mrg. fO0. 7 par cent. want one cash, terms or trad for equity. Sea 1 make o.'fer. Call availing. Wood, a BARR, 223 C. OF C. BLDO. no voir want a home whar you can hav plenty of fruit, kaep chickena and ralao a rino garaen in vji Ml Tahnr ri arHrt anlv 1 block from Car The lot la lt4ii2iM with 20 bearinc frul trees. SDDlea. near. Dlumi. En Kit h wal nuta. D.cntr of eranaa Tha house ! ol tyla. but comfortable; good chicken houne ana run : thl property nas una posai un ilea: pric is only 2AOO. wtth vepr ay terms. Tha surplus products win ne.n mee. payments. Maclnnas, 210 Oregon bldg. uroartway ins. 5-KoOM modern buniiiow. new. 1 block car. lot louilCO. t-4oQ, 9300 cash, gid per month. 6-room bunralow. new, welt furnlshad, S1800. U30 caah. gJO mo. R, C. car. 0-room modern bungalow, new, np to date, K. C car. t2fto0. 4250 caah. J-5 mo. 6 -room modern bungalow, corner, &ox lOO. paved il, Alberta liU -lu0. aaay terms. 5-roora California bungalow, Lantx. 1 9 00, Tory easy term. R. M. Gate wood A Co., 15 4th st- YOU WILL. LIKE THIS HOUSE. Located 311 East 40th, H block from Hawthorn. There ara six rooms and bath, living-room, dining-room, two bedrooms, bath and Dutch kitchen on first floor and a fin, bis room upstairs, full basemen with laundry trays, plenty closet room. Prlca Is onlr I1IM0. You pay S200 down and 20 per month. If you want to buy a rood noma on aaay terma iook m-t up. Maclnne. 210 Oregon bldg. Phono iiroaa way 1Q5S. HEW BUNGALOW. ROSB CITT PARK. Corner, near Sandy btvd.; soma flna Or treea: luat beinr com Dieted: nurry ana chooae your own dcorat!ona J. L. HART- MAN tUMfA.M, 0. I vnamoer 01 iuui- nerca bldg.. 4th and fitark. Main 208, A 050. 12700 BEAUTIFUL aeven-room bungalow. sleeping porch, hardwood rioors, nrepiace, full basement and furnace; located In ROSE CITY PARK and near Alameda drive, on paved street snd pavement all paid. This Is a real sacrifice; small cash payment will handle. K you want a snap e this at once. Be 111 Her, Main 6MW. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Sth st 950 DOWN, 20 MONTH. (l.RnnM RUN OA LOW. View of valler and mts.. big front porch. hardwood floors in living snd dining-rooms. buffet, hreplaca, full cement nasexnem. some Or trees: prlc 9-000. j. 1- makj MAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Com merce bidg.. 4th and Stark. Main 20 A, A 200a UTTl.B MONEY TALKS. T have a ft -room cottaxe on 50x100 lot near East 2St,h 'and O.iaan sta.. In fine neighborhood; hardwood floors in iiving room, reception ball and d in In-room. 2 bod rooma and bath on second floor, fine Iaraxe with cement fhxr. Will sell for J5w. t'f0 down, batanco lika rent. J. W. CRO&HL.EY. A 104S or Main 17a THE HOME BEAUTIFUL A beautiful West Hide home, larr rooma porchea. hardwood floors, artist 10 futures, furnaca, nrepiace. cnoicesi aia trict; no money was spared an making this an Ideal home; non-resident. Cot 0 years ago $9100; price 94750; eay terma O. W. Bryan. Main 1963. 609 Cham, of Com. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. Good 5 -room plastered cottage. baae- menC bath. Dutch kitchen (Including ntce furnlture; lot 40x100. east front; goo a location; near atorea, acnooi. car una 1700 cah. balance terma: your rportu nlty: 'EXCLUaiVE BARGAIN." SILAS Jones, o;u Aibena su inone wooa lawn 9551. Monday. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. 824 0 for classy, modern buncalow In bUbly restricted district; full lot. splen did view: circumstance compel owner to ell this week. Prlc reduced lo low flc- ure to force Immediate sal. .Mr. Taepe, with Fred A. Jacobs Co., 104 5th St. eunoay prion. Aaoor ei; aiter ouu day. Main NICE, modern 6-room buncalow. fuil lot. Roae Cltv Park. 2 Sa blocks from carllne. It would cost today no less than 930O0 to build this house. This property can be had for I27M. 00 terma nest ouy in th city. W also bav many other prop rile that can b had on easy payments. G. 8. Smith ec Co.. 4-i Cham, or 1 om 92k'.0 ROSE CITY PARK &-ROOM BUNGALOW. Half block to car; big living and d'.nlng rooms. with hardwood fioors. 2 bedrooms. full cament basement, furnace, rt-ep.ace. buffat. Dutch kitchen. J. i. makijias COM PAN Y, No. 7 Chamber nf c cm mere bldg . 4th and IStark. Main 20S. A 2o00. ROFE CITY PARK A.RM. BUNGALOW. 9.120. 93750 for 9-room modern buncalow in rholrest part of Rose city Park : hardwood floor, fireplace. iegani ouiTet, tumare. etc.: rarac: coat nearly 94.00. Se Mr. Teen, with Fred A. Jacobs Co., 104 &ib st. Main &9AU; Sunday phon. Tabor 3.J1 HOME BARGAINS. 9n.n0 6 rooms, 925 down, jv O Lents, 4-R.. 9150 down. 81 5O0. 5 rooms, furnished. 125x76. 91 v0. Woodlawn. 6-K.. modern. 92Ax). Mh st.. 5 R-. 4 acre. 92000. S2d and Couch, modern, Ohas, Rlng!r A Co.. 22H Hnry b?tfg. 92600 ROSE CITY PA UK 5- ROOM BUNGALOW. Strictly modern; hardwood floors In tnstn rooma fireplace, buffet, cement baaement, furnace: a qulclk seller at this low price. J. U HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stark. Main 208. A 20:O GOOD BUYS IN FUNNY BIDE. rooma and sleeping porch, cor. let, $8500. 9 rooma furnace, full basement. S3T50. 6-room buncalow, olose to car, 92oO. rooms. Improved street, block to ear, 91 Too. W. H. BAWTELIa TABOR 181L ROSE CITT PARK 5-RM. BUNGALOW, 82200. 92200. half block from Rose City car. aseasmenta all paid. If you want a rea, bercain. see this. Sea Mr. Teepe. wit Fred A. Jacobs Co., Main bunday phon. Tabor 8721. FOR quW-k sale will make big aaorlfVe on my nearly new-, mooeru o-rwm oimraiow, located on pa rea etreet iwn.i sui aewew mmntm o aid In cood restricted dyrtrlct baM wood floors, 2 fireplaces, old Ivory finkth. elee-plnc porch, lots of trees and flower, room for i&rare. uwner. a. 1040, OR SALE Beautiful oak furniture of 6- room buncalow. gas range and heater, writing dfk, wine cabinet, leather chairs. ruga on Wilton 12x18, brnas beds, refrlg era tor. tab lea leather couch, suvinc cab I net. etc; no dee. is re wanted. 43 K. 87th N Roae City car. Call Hunduv or Monday, REAL SNAP. R.ROOM MODERN BUNCALOW. ONE TU-TM'K FROM CARLINE; FRUIT TR EES; LARGE T.OT; GOOD T hA -T I N PRICE 9 25 . E A S Y TERMS. O W N RR. 517 R A 1LWAY bX. 91604V 4b ROOMp and den, fireplace; al Im provements paid; only $200 down and 915 per month. Call Mr. Wlckman, Sunday Woodlawn 318 and during th wee; Alain 6m at the FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th St. 2(VW) WEST SIDE BARGAIN 92ouO. lo-room house, on paved street, in South Portland Industrial district. A era need f two famines, or fine for boarding. 910O0 cash. 41CHK at 7 per cent, bee Mr. Strong, B17 Chemoer or ommerce. SALE on terma or will rent or trade bouse witn one arre ricn cuuivateu ground, plenty of fruit ; Bull Run water, a. carace. etc. Near Ients. Just th pce to fool th hi ah cost of living. Ad dress o urfjonmn. WALKING D I STANCH. MODERN BL'N'IA : ALSO MOD- m V 8-ROOM HOUSE. CORNER: Al,T I M PROV EM E NTS I N AND PAID: FOR QUICK BALK. 9OOW. bt.bi OWNi.lt. Sli RAILWAY EX. bilALL houa of 8 larg rooms and lot, close to Aloerta car; price hh. nair casn. balance at 6V monthly payment. see Mr. Fteete with The Brong Co.. 267 Oak st. 2000 LAURELHURST BARGAIN. 9-atory. 6- room house with e'eeplng- rorr-h. In beat location, 1 bkvk frrn car. C'pO. Ineiwdlnc all street improvementa paid. Qwrner. East 8734. REMOV A L from state compela sacrifice aaie 4-room cottage with carac. cr.!"kn house and full lot. east side, only lU'Ki, easv term. If you want snn better hurry. Phooa evenings. Main 4'.'v6. 60 - FLAT BUILDING. In good location; mnrt cce 2 . .o. about to be foreclosed ; recently appraised at f .'00. Make an of fer fee Wlrkman. Main fii. with the FRED A. JACOF1S CO.. I'M 5th St. ST. JOHNS. 8T. JOHNS. ST. JOHNS. 5 -room house and lot with fruit for sale. Mohawk. Col. 4:t t. H VIN'iT N 9"irt. near I7r h and 1 rooms si. puxwb, 8uP. ii J. 0 ; Knott, REAL E8TATE. For fcaJe House, 11O0-DOWN HOUSE BARGAINS. 4- r. bungalow, 2 comer lots, dandy, hioa, neat home, h price. 950. 5- r. cottage, large barn, fruit, flow ara, garden. 2 cara, $750. ft-r. bungalow, Hawthorne, biggest bar gain in Portland for iou. o-r. modern bungalow, near Franklin High, mlahtT fine home for $1550. 7-r. house, center bunnyslde, fine repair fruit, fiowere. $ls50. 7-r. bungalow. Fir! and. largo, exclusive rot. Wortn 9-4000. for $25uO. 7-r. bungalow, fine corner lot, Rosa City, best location, snap. $3b00. TELL ME WHERE YOU WANT IT. VMA i YOU WANT. I'LL. OJST IT. BADLEY, 404 N. W. Bank. Mar. 6510. IRVINGTON. A new S-room residence, artlstlo de sign and thoroughly modern, with tiled Da tna, tiled1 firepiace. la r ire sleeping porch, conservatory, luuxlOO feet, corner, with choice plants, and located In the very beat part of this desirable home addition. rroperty has cost 118.000. put win sac rifice to sell or might consider other de sirable property In exchange for my equity. tL boJ. Oregon lan. AX AM EDA PARK BUNGALOW. PRI(J7 148UO t rooms: new. never occupied; 4 bad- rooms, with large closets and bathroom upstairs, 5 rooms downstairs, with bath room, kitchen, dining-room, living-room, library and break last -room ; elegant mas sive buffet and lireplace and expensive lighting fixture, clothes chute, tin ce ment Daem.ent, runy equippea lumacs, etc.; 50x100 lot; there la nothing omitted In this house and It will please the most particular eye. Let us show you this bargain. Bee Mr. Bender, with ' J, X HAKTMAN COMPANY, No. T Chamber of Commerce bldg. 7 ROOMS and basement, a beautiful cot- tare, ras. electricity, cttr water; located on a lot lOsxO, all set out to fruit and berries: small buncalow In the rear; ohicken-houae and chicken runs. This property Is located 15 min. 'out from the center or the city, owner is non-resiaeni and Instructs us to sell for 9400. Sub mit offer as to terms. Bee Killer, Mala 660. with the FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th St. ROSE CITY PARK. 3-ory, 7 rooms and S. P. Thoroughly modern, well constructed, interior arrange ment good; very effective aecoratioiia. Beautiful 100x100 around, selected shrub bery and shade trees, garage, 1 blocks to car. If you are In tha market for a noma, don t paaa thie up. owner leaving the city and has made the prlca rlgrht. Johnson-Dodson Co.. 634 X. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 Rooms, Sleeping Porch. 9200 down, 925 per month; corner lot, 1 blk. to car. paved eta., hdw. floor In hall, living and dining-rooms, buffet, flre- lace, full cement basement, furnace. J. . HARTMAN COMPANY No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. Main 208, A 2o50. 91900 S-ROOM modern bungalow, fireplace. run casement, ouirei Kiicnen, locatea on a large level C facee east, nice garage, fruit trees, near KlUingsworth and th BL Johns carllne;. small payment down and the balance Ilk rent. This Is a real snap. Sea Hiller, phone Main 06 o9, with the FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 Bth St. 6-iiOOM house, sleeping porch, on Ladd avenue, fine hot water heating plant; cost owner between 9oo0 and 91000. Must sell. Wonderful bargain. easy terms. mortgage 93000, 5. Price, 95000. George M. Keed, Spalding bid:. Main 1970. Call Monday. - BUY NOW AND GET ADVANCE. Very nice 6-room home, well located on East Side, clos to car. Will sell sacrifice on easy terma Se Mr. Steele, with THE BRONG CO.. 267 H Oak St. HAWTHORNE. -a to rr. T rooma. horn e, bungalow type full basement, good furnace, 1 block to Mr. ftoxioo lot. Paid 93000 In 1916: inov lug to the farm. Will take 92000. This la a real sacrince. jonnsou-uouaoa vo. 00 N. W. Bank bldg. Main SiH7. 200 BEAUTIFUL 6-room bungalow, la atrlctiv modern. hardwood floor, fire d ace. full basement, furnace ana ouirei kitchen. This Is a ral bargain and w can sell It on terms. be iuier, juain C69. with tha FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Sth st. LADD ADDITION SNAP. Elliot ave., modern home, haa built-in conveniences, fire d lac, hardwood floor. must be seen to be appreciated. Price 94ou0. terms; owner formerly asked 96000. DOVE A UAKUM.lt, lo uoara 01 1 rauo. FOR SALE House, barn, lot 50x100, ISth and Rhin South, in th Brooklyn Addi tion. Owner is at 420 1st su. near xiaiu A. Blackman. , For Sale Business Property. BUT now In Vancouver; bonds will carry th Irtth; w ar headquarters for Vancouver property : bargains in pusiness propeny. W buy. sell, trad real estate, buy mnniifM loan moner and write insur ance. Williams Loan A Investment Co.. 422 Chamber of Commerce Portland. Or., or 1 12 West 6th street. Vancouver. Wash. POM RAT E 2-atorv brick bul dine, with apartments on upper floor, all rented to teady tenant. 8 nlc storexoom with cement basements, on good comer for business, Eaat ide. Twohy s car ractory few blocks make fin investment on eld, 00 price. F. McFarland, 6Q3 Yeon bldg. UNION AVENUE BARGAIN. Frame store and flat building, lot 69z 105. paving paid; cost owner 96500; price 9:1300. Goddard A Wledrick. '243 Stark. A NEW YEAR bargain, 100x160. close In, apt. site; a real buy, easy terms, j. j. Gustaff. Gerllnger bldff. ' BUSINESS property. Union ave. and Wash ington st., looxiuu rt., ror a-aov. uui terms. H. F. Cover, 64 Union ave. Suburban Home Property. NICE SUMMER HOME. 15 acres fine bottom land, all In cultiva tion, beautifully located, all Willamette River front, one mile from Buttevllie. new 6-room plastered house, barn, well, young orchard, on good county road, R. F. D., milk route and telephone line. Price 9050. No trade. AN 248, Oregonian. 950 CASH DOWN. New 6-room bungalow and eer of ground, only 91125; plastered, wired for lights, close to electric station. 85 min u tea ride. Call at 600 Concord bldg. Owner. SOUTH of Portland. 8 or 5 aorea. 12-room modern, up-to-date nouae. xuii casement, furnace, hot and cold water. AH kinds of fruK. Complet country bom. 915,000; term. B 160. Oregonian. ONE ACRE, fine 6-roora bungalow, garage. henhouses; ucmey ave., auto n:cuw,y) 92750. Main 8672. McFarland, 8o3 Yeon bidg. 2 ACRES, new buildings, house furnished, free pasture; cheap if taken at once. Main B4(4. . For Sale Acreagre. FIVE acres In high state of cultivation, running water, modern house, other build ings, county road, 1 mne . n. station. H mile school and store. In Ciark County, Washlncton. 92250. terms 91260 caah. bal ance three years at 6 por cent. Williams Loan A investment 00.. ei namoer 01 Commerce. Portland. Or., or 112 West 6th, Vancouver, Wash. ACREAGE SACRIFICE. 63 acres, rich soil, all In cultivation and fronting over 850 feet on the Willam ette River, near Jennings Lodge, on Ore gon City carllne; must be sold. Prlca 8350O. 92250 cash, balancs on Urn. ee E. M. Brown. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANT. , 102 Fourth St. PARKROPE ACRE TRACT. 11 MO g.lA DOWN. 815 MONTH. About two-thirds cleared; som fin trees standlnc: Ideal building site; side walks to Sandy blvd. and carllne; water piped to tract, gas, electricity; nomes on either side. J. Il HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber or Commerce bldg., 4th and Pfark. Msln 208. A 2O50. 20 ACRES AT 8500. Al soil, very easily cleared, practically level, W mil school, store, postofflce and boat landing, down ths Columbia River, Waahlngton side; small payment down, bal. 910 per month. Gua Nelson. Oak G rove. Or. 5 ACRES. W mil north of Tobias station on Fourth-street line ; buildings new. water system Installed, fine orchard; will trad or sell cheap for cash. Owner, 7. C Lutx, Beaverton. Or.. Route 4. ACRE SNAP. Mowtly In cultivation, good soil, level, close to electric station. 85 mlnutea from rourthohse; onlv 810 down. Call at 600 Concord bidg, 2d and Stark NEAR POWELL VALLEY ROAD. H acre on East 74th at., all In cultiva tion: price very low. Goddard A Wledrick. 248 Stark. acres stump lsnd, 912 per acre; deep. ricn. i oiumoia county eon; win taae o or 6-room bungalow In deal. W 681. Ore gon lan. 80 CRANBERRY crowing big profit; dally quo tation 9l Per oarrei. A lew acres or choice marsh for sale by owner. Phon Main 7040. ACRES, Al soil, 15 mile from Postof flce, o-room house, barn, good road, Si mile to railroad station Must be sold. K 65. Oregonian. 20 ACRES of good wheat land. Eastern Washington, for aale at a bargain. Gra ham, 72J Chamber of Commerce, HA RGAI N Acr near car and Vancouver Barracks. 9000. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main "7. CITY ACRES, city conven lences, country home in city; car close. Inquire 829 Sal mon, . . 43 REAL ESTATE. For fea 1 e Ac reag-e. CHEAP ACREAGE. Five acres, 9250; 910 down, 95 per month buys 5 acres of land between Port land and Central la. on the main Una of S railroads. 1 hi miles from a town of 800 population, sawmill and ehing-le mine; some partly cleared and some all cleared; running stream; some bottom and some bench; can give any kind of a piece you want. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 318 Railway Exchange bldg. ATRF1A d E A PLEASANT HOME. A GOOD LIVING r hum these 12 acres on the Mount Hood Electric only 40 nods from the station. ah under cultivation with a level, deep. fertile soil. Some bearinx fruit trees. There Is a neat, homelike cottage of rooms with a fireplace. Barn and out- bulldlnga Plenty of good water. Ideally located for a small farm or poultry ranch. Price Is 9350 per acre with a payment 01 aiuuu aown and all the time you want on the balance. Mac In nee, 210 Oregon NO CROP FAILURES. Alfalfa, 10 tons an acre. 6 cuttings. Acre supports 2 cows and 8 hogs. Cow pays 915 I moatn at Los Mollnos, Cal. uravity Irrigation. All the water you want at 92 per acre annually. Deep rich alluvial sou; good drainage. Garden, flowers, vegeta bles, fruit ail Winter. Terms to suit you; a few dollars arura 10 or 20-acra tract. The land takes care of the rest. Land is 1 seiiing rast. Write for booklet. Los Mo linos Land Co., Lo Molinos. Cal. BIG BARGAIN LOGGED -OFF LAND. 42 acrea. onl v 20 mllM from Portland. a mile from station; good land and sbil. 1 easy clearing, plenty water, spring piped I to house. Fine opportunity for one who 1 wants home In country with chance to I worn nearty. Frice 1ZOO; term 9300 1 casn, balance reasonable. LUEDDEMAN.X COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 119 ACRES. 91600. Must be sold thta week. tug snap, splendid farm land, tributary to I Portland and other good markets. Ideal Tor stock raising. Rich soil, spring water, schools olose, rocked road, lots of good pasture, river and rail transportation. Price 91600, few days only. Worth nearly go u Die. xou can't beat it. A. K. HILL. 419 Henry Bids;. ACRES at Rlverdale, all In cultivation; a a 000, terma W 895, Oregonian. Homesteads. 160 RELINQUISHMENT. 4 million beauti ful timber, 40 acres open land, level, easily put under cultivation, near McMinnvllle. can drive auto right to house; 8 rooms. jwtu cash. 405 Merchants Trust Bid,. UCI ivrimaupri v . i oon - xiuamook Co.; suitable stock ranch; land partly cleared; running water. Tabor 4780. For Sale Fruit Lands. 1 PPT IT MMV,n . 1 . ton nnn owing to death in family must sell, will take 914,000. AB 826, Oregonian. For Sale Farms. BEST FARM BUY. HILLfiRORO. This Is probably the best farm buy In Washington County; 200 acres for only 967.60 per acre; 94500 down, balance 6 per cent; only 5 miles from Hillsboro; rocked road; 60 acres high state cultiva tion; ueexceuea son; 00 acres line pas ture; fenced woven wire; living water; j some beaver dam; some nice timber; all 1 good land and lies fine: 25 -room house. barn and outbuildings; orchard. Remem- oer price, only 5.00 per acre; belongs to wmuw wno can 1 run tne rarra. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North Sixth St., Phone Broadway 4381. FINE farm of 210 acres frontinc on Wil lamette River, 922,000; with complete equipment; eiecinc ry. station joine xarm; 140 nor rich silt bottom land, rest up land; 150 acres under plow, balance oak and fir timber; woven wire fences; good buildings, 8-room house, large new barn aud silo, granary; water piped; Included Is gasoline tractor and plows, power hay uaicr, wooaeaw ana ieea grinder, 3 horses, 24 cows and heifers, mowers, binder, rake, , wagons, harness, etc also am Die hav and 1 feed. D. McCheaney, 832 Chamber of commerce Diag. Alain 7 102. WANT TO SELL OR EXCHANGE this extra fine 2o-acre farm, ail under cultivation, with 10 acres In bearing j prunes, a modern 6-room house, dandy good barn and other buildings, fenced and cross-fenced; 5 block from electric sta tion, 6 miles from Vancouver, 14 miles from heart of Portland: paved road most of the way. Price 9U)00; will make easy terms or consider houia in 01 ty. it you want something good see this place. H. A. DRYER. "The Acreage Man," 610 Lewis Bldg. 20 ACRES 8 MILES OUT. No better farm than this around Port land: 20 acrea out Foster road: all culti vated; Just 8 mlies city limits; very best soli; a perfect piece of land; 6-room nouae. narn, outbuildings, bearing orchard. PERSONAL Team, 8 cows, 8 hoga, chick ens, full set machinery, lots oats, pota toes and hay. Price 85000, half cash. HARGROVE REALTY CO., X'i'i North Sixth St., Phone Broadway 438L 140 ACRES, near Washougal. About half in cultivation; good bldgs., plenty of wa ter, ail fenced and cross-fenced. The owner Is In California and will sell 25 per cent less than you can buy adjoining ; property for. aloOO cash, balance 10 years, 6 per cent. This place is near scnooi K. v. u. and telepnone. without a doubt th best buy In the state of Washington. Make us prove It. G. S. Smith A Co., 432 Cham, of Com. AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. Stock ranch and sawmill combined, 600 acres; fenced 4 wire; sawmill full equip ment; some cleared; running water: good pasture; market for lumber 4,000,000 pine I ana iir; price si.ouu, nair cash. bal. profits from mill. Buy this and clear 820.000 and have a good 'stock ranch left. CLEVELAND. 222 Cham, of Cora. bldg. IMPROVED FARM SACRIFICED. 10 acres. 8 miles south of Orecon CltT. all good land and 8 acres under cultivation, I e nJk .n f 1 ia nfilr ipaaH hmi.A a n A ham I well and spring water. Price 92200. terms I 91000 cash, bain nee mortgage. LUEDDBMANN COMPANY, 918 Chamber of Commerce. 320 ACRES Alberta wheat land; two of I th 10 yearly payments on this school land paid; will turn over Government 6 I per cent contract; selected by old rest-1 'dent for wheat; 816, 92 down, your own I time on balance of my equity. This land I win pay lor use 11 in one gooa crop. W. T. Wyatt, ML Hood. Or. A REAL BARGAIN. 50 acres 14 miles from Vancouver, near Pacific Highway, 15 acres cleared, 6-room house, bam, chicken bouse, good well, land all fenced, lies well, only 945 per acre, terms. LEROY LOMAX, 683 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 80 ACRES, diversified Oregon farm, near Oolum bla River Highway ; 40 acres good, level farm land, balance pasture and tim ber, mile from small town; 87BO will handle. Real bargain and opportunity for poor man. 512 Royal bldg., Morrison and Broadway. WHEAT LAND SNAP. 1400 acres in Eastern Oregon, most of It in cultivation, hair m bummer fallow. fair buildings, good well; will sacrince at 920 an acre. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. VERY fine farm of 62 acres, adjoining good town on eiectric lines, witn one o-room house very fine) and one 6-room house, good barn and other bldgs.; electric lights and gas. Price $20,000. $6000 cash, bal. on time. See 5Ir. Steele, with The Brong Co.. 207H Oak st. 26 ACRES, 20 in cultivation, near Portland; good buildings, on a good road; price 9 65 10. Will consider some trade. See H. M. MALONEY, RITTER. LOWE A CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 761-ACRE stock ranch. 3 miles of el ec trio I line, half timber other half open, and cultivated land fenced, and one barn. Fine I creek and sorlncs and fine lot shin knees. Price 830 per acre. See Mr. Steele, with I The Brong Co.. 207 oak st. 80 A, 65 IN CULT.. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED, JUST 12 MILfcS FKOM PORTLAND; TH3 BEST Of" SOIL; LARGE HOUSE AND ALT. KINDS OF OUTBUILDINGS: WILL GIVE TERMS. J. BOBBINS. 817 RAILWAY EX. A REAL BUY. 26 acres, all in cultivation, on mile 1 frnm railroad. located near Albany; price $2100. Fee H. M. Maloney, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldff. 120 ACRES, fenced. 60 acres nearly level, with rich sandy loam. 40 acres cultivated; nnH Mnrinir. fine creek, county road, tele phone, family orchard: snap; $37.00 perl acre; l" miies auruiesai ? t vBinmmei, Wash. Marshall 418. 248 loth st. ACRES, beautiful country home, fully equipped, 2 miles south of Reedvllle, on 4th - street line, cheap for cash, or will take horn In Portland up to 85000. Owner, F. C. Lutx. Beaverton. Or., Route 4. ALL KINDS. ALL SIZES. ALL PRTCE8. IT WON'T TAKE LONG TO SEE US. IT WILL MEAN MONEY TO TOU. BAD LEY. 404 N. W. BANK. BIG LOGGED-OFF lands. 810 acre up; running water, good soil, H tillable; employment: easy term Jeee R. harp. 8d st. VALLEY farm for sale. Will take small acreage close In. liberty bond, and balance to be arranged. AN 255, Oregonian. - ACRE farm. 7 m!ls out on Salem Elec, nice buncalow. outbuilding.. 500 Leghorn ben, WoiXxiein, 212 Alorrisoa. 35. REATj ESTATE. For Sale Farms. WHEAT LANDS. 93 per bushel for wheat makes wheat lands the very boot In vest men to be found. An unusually good Investment la the following: 1000 acrea in Adams County. Washington, well Improved, with, good tt-room house, new barn for 40 horses, large machine shed, bunkhouse and other outbuildings. Good well and cement reservoir, with water piped to house and barn. Entire place well fenced. 800 acres to be seeded In 191S, 700 acres to be Summer fallowed in 1U18. 100 acres pasture. Only three miles from town. Price is 935 per acre. Terms axranged. We also have 50.000 acres of Mon tana wheat land and a lot of small farms in Eastern Washington that can be sold on easy terms. If you are interested, call phono East 5107 and ask for R. C. Lash ley, or write to McGOVERN & LASHLET, 4S2 East 16th street North, Portland, Oregon. I I 5 1 I 1 I FOR SALE MORGAN'S SPECIALS. 160 acres, part rich bottom land, balance hill, timber and pasture; house, 8 good barns; running and spring water; good auto road, school, telephone and daily mail; on easy terms; 9-3500. 10 acres rich bottom land with good building site; new 6-room and hail, plastered house ; young orchard and shrubbery; close to Corvallls and Ore gon Agricultural College; fine place for chickens, vegetables and two ox three cows; easy terms; price 93500. 10 acres with 0 acres of bearing prunes; 8-room cement house with city water and bath; toilet and electric lights; fine roads; Joins good town and close to Corvallls ; easy terms; price 94500. - For full description write or see J. W. MORGAN. Corvallls, Oregon PRUNES. 83 acres In the famous Garfield district, 18 acres Italian prunes, 6 acres of com mercial apples, all in full bearing, good cherry orchard, 9 acres of farm land, 94000 worth of buildings. Including 92000 prune dryer: line Darn, gooa o-room house. Dlumbed for hot and cold water, cement walks, garage, 9400 team, Jersey cow, 10 tons of nay, an Kinaa 01 mrm Implements and other things too numer ous to mention. This Is a large farm boiled down to tho right size, and Is sit uated on one of the best crushed rock roads In Clackamas County, 8 miles from Fatnr&flA. thn future COUntV sea of Cascade County. Price, including; overvthinsr. 911.000. on good terms. The orchard alon will nav 20 per cent the whole investment every year. Come to Estacada and Inquire for S. E. Wooster. FREE BOOK OF FLORIDA FACTS If in tAT-tri In Florida hefore visiting or Set tling in this wonderful state of fragrant flowers and sunshine, write iaae coumj Land Owners' Association, No. 269 Lloyd St., Fruitland Park, Florida, for free book or actual pnotograpns ana ret wunw . tlvm font rnnrornln this state. There ll poor, good, better and best land In Florida. This book will teach you what is best and why. The members of the association ara not land agents; they simply wish to tell actual facts to those really Interested In the state. They have no time to waste on curiosity seekers, children or people who expect to grow rich without effort, but to those or character, energy, some cauiuu with a desire to learn more of the oppor tunities in this most prosperous state we would bo glad to give fullest inrormation. 112 acres. 70 A. cultivated. 40 a, fir an cedar timber, worth 93000; 6-r. house, ham. hnnhousa. running water, high land. black soil, 20 miles Portland, 8H miles Nowhere. lA miles .ex; mis ia ewa choice land: S125 ner acre: stock equipment can be bought . right; 95000 cash, balance 6 per cent;! this place is second to none. "Cheap." 90 arra. atl Improved. 16 miles Port land. mile boat landing; 93000. 91000 cash, bal. mtg. ' 10 acres. Improved, cultivated, Columbia River-Highway, 20OO, nan casn. Alberta stock and wheat ranch. 1118 acres, fine improvements; a money-maker right from the start: 928 per acre. R, M. Gatewood & Co., 165 4th st. FINE TILLAMOOK COUNTY DAIRY FARM. 375 acres, 200 acres cultivated, balance pasture, or wnicn 10 acres coum oe culti vated, rich soil, fenced and cross-fenced, flnn itrpam of water. COOd 7 -room house. well built barn, capacity 60 cows, 8 horses and 100 tons of hay; on gooa macaaam road. 45 minutes south of Tillamook City and half mile from small country town. Price 830,000. Income property clear of incumbrance, worth 910,000, with 94000 or 86000 caah as first payment, win oe con sidered. ee K. M. Jttrown. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANT. 102 Fourth St. A GOOD OPENING in the way of a prune orchard ; already bringing in some in come and of good promise In the way of a big Income; well located on a good main rock road; no old buildings to pay for; a solid good investment; owner goes to the front; 40 acres most an in prunes nrlce 911.000 (terms) : clve the place 1 little time and it should produce gross half that; a similar place did It season of 1116 at prices 75 per cent of crop of 1917. Write If you can do business to Wm. Fleming. 341 State St., Salem. FOR SALE Hood River orchard; 20 acres; commercial varieties apples, pears and cherries; two sets buildings; all city con veniences; live spring piped to house and barns; bath, septic tanks, hot and oold water; 1 miles from Courthouse; three blocks from public school; will divide or sell to suit; cash or terms; no trade. W. yS. Kaestner. R. D. 8, Hood River, Or. ONE of the best-known wheat and hay farms In Morrow Co., containing 500 acres, 2 miles running water, 2 good houses, good barn, all kinds of farm implements, horses, etc; 800 acres In wheat; 200 can be irri gated ; adjoins town limits of Lexington. - the wheat center of Morrow Co. Will sell al I or part. One-f o u rth cash, terma to suit on balance. Box 95, Lexington, Or. HIGHLY IMPROVED FARM. POLK COUNTY. Leased at 91400 per year, payable In advance: 280 acres, 2 miles from town, 220 a. In cult., 40 a., bal. pasture; large mod ern house, S large barns. Ice house, etc; pays 6 per cent net; price 924,000. third cash, bal, trade If on cash basis. Goddard A Wledrick. 243 Stark. AN IDEAL HOME. Located near Newberg, on two and one-half acres of around : beautiful room house, with full basement, electric lights and built-in conveniences. Prlc 93000. See H. M Maloney. RITTER. LOWE As CO., 208-5-7 Board of Trade bid. FINE SMALL FARM. 60 l. 16 miles from Portland. 89 In cultivation, partly in crop, now, balance pasture ; good house, barn, cowshed and small outhouses; hog-tight fences, some stock; 95000 cash, balance to suit; for aaie by owner; no agent D 660, Ore gonlan. 40 ACRES, 20 level, 20 sloping, th latter 'other Improvements, in the famous lemn district of Richland, San Diego County. California. Beautiful view. Sacrifice for cash; 9100 per acre, or might exchange ror rortiana nouse property, wooaiaw 287T. FOR SALE 104 "acres In city limits of iieaverton, in cultivation, tiled; Darn and very best of soil; price 86000, on your own terms at 5 per cent. Address owner, box 69, Gaston, Oregon. 178 ACRES, 60 miles south of Portland, on S. if. electric, near west side highway anout ft in cultivation, Daiance pasture modern house, small barn, fine gravity water system, sprinc water; ano ner acre. H cash, balance Ions; time, 6 per cent. FOR SALE 70 acres, near M osier, Oregon, at a bargain; 12 acres in orchard. years old; 20 acres cleared: 8 acres slashed; balance pasture land; oak and pine timber, good soil, good house, good -roads, fine view. Alien McDoneil, 615 Lum bermens bldg. Phone Broadway 782. CRANBERRY MARSH. Cranberry marsh In bearing, fine con dltlon, late keeping variety, power plant, small house, quarter of an acre in garaen; part trace or easy terms, 4iuu. Seeking value See this. Large returns on I investment. 609 Cham, of Com. 6000 ACRES in Southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices, 95 per acre ana up. Write ror map snowing location, terms, etc. WEYERH AUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoraa Bl- g., Tacoma. Waah. ONE of the finest farms In Tualatin Val ley, all or part of 160 acres, all In culti vation, lb miles rortiana f. o. m soil. at station, good road. Below Market. H 868, Oregonian. 46 ACRES for sale, 25 tillable, balance pas ture; have a creek on the place, good ouuaing, a xmies 10 ivaiaina, wasn. Her man Mashke, Kalama. Wash., R. 1-7. FARM 20 acres good land, near Tualatin, 3 acres in cultivation, some fine timber on main county road. Price $3000, easy terms. E. J. Gelser, 417 Chamber of - Commerce. SNAP 930 cash. 85 acres best wheat tana in uiuiam tjounty, 4 mile from Gwendolen R. R. station; for full infor mation write at once. D. Ran do If, 221 East Lake ave.. Seattle. Wash. 40 FOR all-purpose farms, ranging from 50 to 600 acres, call on or write J. V. Pipe, Al bany, Or. FOR SALE by owner, fully equipped stock ranch, largest in Oregon; unincumbered. No agents. T 300, Oregonian. ACRES, under cultivation, near Tlgard 1 12 biation; nouse, para; inquire .ou .aiomsoou j REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. 7H MILES north Vancouver, on good auto road; -0 acres, ail very fine soil. 14 H In. cultivation; buildings all brand new, cost 91000, large barn, with 8 cow stalls, hog house, stable, chicken-house with Sum mer and Winter run), baby chlckhousa (with run); fenced And cross fenced; pas ture, hog fences, good well and six bis; apple trees; cultivator, sulky plow, farm tools, 20 sacks seed potatoes 3H acres potatoes to diff); small two-room house, has range, bed. mattress, folding couch, dishes, silverware, chairs, cooking uten sils, etc.; 6 tons clover hay, 15 sacks small Bpuds (for hog feed), saws, axes, log chains, harness, carpenter tools and other articles too numerous to mention; no stock. Land is in good condition and easy to work; 5H acres uncleared Is cut and slashed and easy to clear; plenty good wood; Industrious man could make 9100 per mo. with gasoline saw this Win ter. Act quick. Must sell at once. Price 93000, 91000 cash, $10"0 6 mos. to year and mtg. 91000. Address AC 803, Ore gonian. A VERY GOOD FARM FOR SALE ON AC COUNT OF OLD AGE. This 120 -acre farm in the eastern part of Alulto. County. 20 miles from Portland, about 3 miles from tho Columbia, Latou rell, railroad and station, and Columbia Highway, near Crown Point; church mile from it, school house on the place be fore the gate; cream and mall rout through the place. Soil very rich and deep, ml sing anything in first-class shape. About 25 acres under cultivation and 15 slashed and burned. Enough timber on the place to pay for it. If sold in cordwood at $4 per cord. Good-looking 4-r 00m house and new $2000 barn, with running water in both; 2-ix2d eel lux made of brick. Price 9110 per acre, oeil whole or part of it; H down, the other easy terms. No exchange. L. FERDINAND FLOSS. Corbett, Or. 40 ACRES. 875a No hilla, no rocks, fertile soil, crossed by a creek, on a good road. 1 mile from a rock road, five miles from a village on the Columbia River and t.ie railroad, 40 miles from Portland ; schools and neigh bors; small cash payment, long time on balance. 600 acres good land. 60 ml lea from Portland, for $10 an acre; jvill divide. CHARLES U WHEELER CO.. 517-521 Cham. Of Com. Bldg. Main 9313. FOR SALE Farm 127 acres on river, 25 miles south of Portland, first-class farm ing section; half in cultivation, balance in pasture and timber, spring water, creek never dry, runs through pasture; ideal for cattle, sheep or hog ranch : upland Just rolling enough to be naturally well drained; soil, sandy loam, olay subsoil, excellent for potatoes, corn or grain ; 10 acres river bottom, fne for onions and truck gardening; 4-mile to railroad sta tion, good macadamized road, near Pa cific Highway, public school and high, school adjoining. On account of lllnet-a owner will sell cheap for cash. Call Tabor 4686. m ' A HIGH-CLASS FARM of 70 acrea in Wash.in.gton County near Forest Grove; all in cultivation except email wood lot; 60 acres in crop: best of soil and fine natural drainage; substantial buildings on slight rise that affords good view of neighborhood; 7-room mouse, barn and silo; water la piped ; school Joins farm; dally mail and milk routes pass flace. One of the most desirable places n the county; 910,500. Owner haa made money here and having plenty of help Is now ouylng larg-er place. This has not been on the market before. D. McChes n e y , 332 C h am bar of Commerce bldg. Main 7102. NO COMPETITION FOR THIS. K0 ACRES'. $!00O. Between Forest Grove and Gaston, on rock road, convenient to town and high school. Just 30 miles from Portland in well-settled district of good farms; 5.1 acrea in cultivation, part in wheat and cata now seeded; 50 acres open pasture with springs and fine creek; balance grood cordwood timber; good house and two barns; included Lb team. 3 cows and farm machinery, bay and seed. I am com pelled to move to dry climate and make this rock-bottom price; no trade consid ered. D. McCaesney. 332 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 7102. 235-ACRE EQUIPPED FARM 950 AN ACRtt. Located south of Portland, on t. r. R.. near Pacific Highway; 125 acres in culL, 100 in pasture, balance timber; good soil; ranch fenced and cross-fenced; fam ily orchard, 2 complete sets of buildings, new 8-room bungalow, new dairy barn, concrete foundation; barn holds 00 tons hay; good silo, new horse barn, other out buildings. Personal: 4 good mares, 6 sows, 2 heifers, about 40 hogs, complete set of farming implements; part cash, ierms on balance. .See Sam Hewey at J. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. EQUIPPED FARMS EASY TERMS. Wo have many good farms in Wil lamette Valley, well Improved, some stocked and equipped, ranging in price from $13,000 to $50,000; will take small payment, either in cash or other prop erty, balance long time at 67c', now is the time to buy a f ai m, as high prices for farm products will soon pay il out. Let us know what you want. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. PAYING IMPROVED FARM. 60 acres, 47 under plow; A-l soil, some pasture, small family orchard; 9-room plastered house, hot and cold water, bath, etc., stone cellar, new barn 62x55, new 28-ton silo, windmill, tank, etc., large chicken-house, 43x32, only 19 miles from Portland, on good road; this is a place hard to beat at the price of 810.000; for terms see Mr. Bender, with J. L. HART MAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg. 80 ACRES. 92OOO. On mile from the Columbia River where there Is a steamboat landing, a railroad station and the paved lower Co lumbia Highway, on a rock road; 00 pa" cent lies, splendidly, fertile soil, no rocks or gravel. 40 miles from Portland. CTTA'RLESJ T, WTTET7LER CO.. 517-521 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 9313. A SACTFICE OF $SOOO. -112 acres, 11 miles from Vancouver: 80 acres In cultivation, balance slashed and timber; 7-room house, barn 80x100. other huildinara. family orcCaard. eorae eauip- ment; on good gravel road; all good soil, no rock or gravel. Price 815,000; 980VO will handle, balance mortgage. E P TO N A McCLhlL LA N. 512 Chamber of Commerce. SO ACRES, 1 miles from Scappoose, on frood road. House, oarn ana otner ouiiu ngs; 4 cows, 1 heifer, 1 horse, 8 hogs, 80 chickens, 8 wagons, plow, cultivator, cream separator and other necessary farm Imple ments. Plenty of fruit. Five acres under cultivation. .Balance slashed and burned and seeded. Live spring and running water. Price $2250. Empire Investment Co., 401 Board of Trade. 50-ACRE FARM, v; MILE TO ELECTRIC STATION 94500. Good soil, lies well, free of rock. 25 acres in cult., balance small oaks; family or chard, house, barn, well and springs; can DiDe water into house ; cash and terms. See Sam Hewey. at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 40-ACRE FARM. Cm main road near Forest Grove; all 1n cultivation except yard and small park; beet of soil; 25 acres now in crop, balance for Spring seeding; grood buildings; water avert em; convenient to school and college. Look at this fro-m every angle. It's sure to please you; $7500. D. McChesney. 832 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 7102. DANDY LITTLE FARM. 17 H acre all in cultlvatiwi : fine soil; buildings are situated on a slg-htly rtee overlooking town and surrounding district 1 6-room plastered bungalow, good barn; $3500; will suit the most particular buyer. D. McChesney. 332 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Main 7102 74 ACRES, SO acres In cultivation, located 13 miles rrom roruanu, jouot, large barn, other buildings; price 8150 per acre. Will accept any reasonable ex change Pee H. M. Maloney, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 152-ACRE stock ranch, only 5 miles from R, H.t Small nouse, aooui 0 acres uuuri cultivation and pasture, running water: 845 per acre; $150 down, 810 per mo. See Draper, 401 Board of Trade. 4S0-ACRE wheat ranch, Wasoo County. completely equipped, witn a new oumi oi stock and machinery, fine buildings, good water, well fenced, part Irrigated; price 8 0 000 J. S. Sullivan, 409 Henry bldg. FARM, 74 acres, close to Portland, mostly level land, all rencea, i acres in cuii., balance pasture. 15 acres orchard. 6 room house, good outbuildings. Price 811.000. part cash. Call 304 h Oak at. SLX.TY-ACRE farm, all plow land, for sal at $50 an acre; a mnes irom wwu, nco aoll; $2000 cash handles this. H, M. Mof fatt, Winona. Wash. FOR SALE My 160-acre Improved IrrV a-ated farm in -nirai wir-r ur all and paid for; price 910,000. K 442. Oregonian. VFRY fine Valley farm, lo ceres; good buildings, renceu. ne v mib' u, vanii. Choice wheat ranch. Condon, Oregon. East 278. FOR SALE 10 acre with good O-room house ana oiner ouiuuiiuiiirb, near irfms. For particulars write Thomas Allen, 6131 Itd st S. E.. Portland. Or. ACRES, 38 acres cleared, small house and outbuildings, county roaa; sou per acre; 975 down, $10 per mo. See Draper, 401 Board of Trade. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland; to x.-oo per acre; easy terms; best soil; farms or sale, all sixes. McFarland. 603 Yenn bldg., Portland. ACRES, near Parkplace. $1850 cash. Main iu, uca arumo, ouj icon bias.