TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 30, 1917. PORTLAND CHURCHES PLAN EXPANSION OF ACTIVITIES IN 1918 - . , -.- .. - 1 - ' ' - - " -' ..... r: , . . . - All Denominations Will Increase Their Efforts, Not Only Along: Religious Lines, but in Patriotic Undertakings in Connection With World War as Well. 10 PLANS for 1918 are being formulated in all the churches and without any "exceptions the churches will lo greater work than ever before. Not only in religious service but in patriotic service, too, they will be active. This morning the members and friends of St. Stephen's Pro-Cathedral re celebrating the 53d anniversary of the founding of that church. In keeping with the occasion Dean McColl later will deliver an especially prepared dress and the festival music of the Christmas service will be repeated. The beautiful Christmas decorations are still standing. A large attendance of ' communicants and friends is .expected. This is also the last Sunday before Ttev. J. A. Stansfield, of New York, be gins his ten days' mission at the Pro- cathedral and the Dean will have some announcements to make in this connec tion. Service flags are being unveiled In nearly all the churches. This will be an interesting day at St. David's Epis copal Church, East Twelfth and Bel mont streets. At 11 o'clock this morn ing. Rev. Thomas Jenkins, the rector, will dedicate the service flag contain ing 43 stars. Parents and friends of these volunteer patriots will be present. The names of the brave 43 will be read at the time of the dedication. St. David's has one hero who has paid the price, hie having been killed in action two years ago. The rector has eight nephews in the war. He has Just re ceived word that one of these ,was killed in Saloniki. but these eight are not. on the St. David's roll. Tonight at St. David's the choir will sing Dudley Buck's "The Coming of the King." The silver offering will be for the choir fund. , A watch meeting will be held on Monday night in the East Side Chris tian Church. The women of the church will serve a dinner from 6 to 8 P. M. A literary programme and music will follow. Pearl Jones Lotspeaeh will direct the programme and Elsie Bis choff Moore the music. Christmas music will be repeated in many of the churches today. The First Congregational Church will have Dr. II. H- Kelsey. of San Fran cisco, in its pulpit. Dr. Kelsey is sec retary of the American Board of Con gregational churches. The passing of Dr. j-yott leaves the pulpit of First Church vacant. It also leaves a feel ing of great loss among the ministers of the city, as Dr. Dyott was widely be loved for his gentleness. Christian spirit and kindliness. A new service flag displaying 82 stars greeted the congregation of the East Side Christian Church last Sun day morning. This is one of the largest numbers on a church flag in the city. Rev. R. H. Sawyer preached a strong and eloquent sermon from Isaiah lx:8-9. At the close of the service five new members were received. Sunnyside Church to Hold New Year's Eve Party. Rev. D. A. Thompson. Prominent Christian Endeavor Worker, Now on War to France to Take Ip Y. 31. C. A. Work. On New Year's ev a watch party will be held at the Sunnyside Congre gational Church. A programme will be given by the Christian Endeavor Bociety, and a fire-light service will be held from 11 to 12 P. M... led by Miss Edna Whipple, state C. E. president. Last Friday the Atkinson Congrega tional Christian Endeavor Society gave an enjoyable Christmas party at which Earl Feike, Vancouver's T. M. C. A. secretary, and a dozen soldiers were guests of honor. A large number of Endeavorers attended and were well entertained with games and - stunts. A Christmas tree and a Santa who distributed comical gifts wound up the affair. Rev. r. A. Thompson, who has been the war service chairman of the Multnomah County Christian Endeavor Union, has been called to the colors for Y. M. C. A. work and is now on his way to France. Rev. Mr. Thompson was pastor of the Mizpah Presbyterian Church, and supervised the war service work of the Christian Endeavor Union. His committee has been responsible for the bi-weekly devotional services held at the Y. M. C. A. buildings at Vancouver by endeavor societies. They have furnished speakers and musical programmes regularly for these serv ices during the last few months. This committee has supplied all but two of the needs asked by the Y. M. C. A., both at Camp Lewis and Van couver. The endeavorers have sent window curtains, books, phonograph records, hospital boxes and various furnishings for the Y. M. C. A. build ings. Rev. Warren Morse, pastor of the Atkinson Memorial Congregational Church, will continue with the work begun by Rev. Mr. Thompson. He has ior some time been closely in touch with the Christian Endeavor Union and his valuable services as helper and ad viser have been greatly appreciated by it. The fact that 40 gift-boxes for the hospital wards at Vancouver ahd trimmings for several Christmas trees were sent during the last week shows how zealously Rev. Mr. Morse has en tered into supervision of the new work. The Union feels that, because of his enthusiasm over the work and his interest and assistance always given, Mr. Morse will be a capable leader for the war service committee. "Second Incarnation" to Be Sermon Topic. Dr. Mllllgan Believes This Is Last Great War. THE subject of Dr. Robert H. Mil ligan's sermon this morning at Ttose City Park Presbyterian Church will be, "The- Second Incarnation"; de veloping tne thought that the birth of Jesus is the promise of a second incar nation that is the incarnation of Christ in society Christ in art. in philosophy, in politics, in industry, the spirit of Christ infinitely dominant in the world. "History ia a moral process and that process is the realization of Christ's purpose. There will surely be an end of war. The hope that this will be the last great war Is perfectly valid." This is Dr. Mllligan's opinion. Evening theme: "A New Idea of God Born Into the World With Jesus." see Professor Robert D. Leigh will ad dress the members and friends of the University Park Congregational Church at the vesper service at 5 o'clock to day. "Mobilization of the Government" will be the topic. This is one of a series of lectures by Reed College pro fessors. At the vesper service of the T. W. C. A. this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock Rev. A. Ross Kitt, director of young people's work for the Pacific Coast, will give the New Year's message to the young women of the city. His subject will be "The Friendship of Jesus." Social hour follows at 5:30. All young: women most cordially invited. e During the Christmas week Pled- mont Presbyterian Church sent good cheer into a number of homes of the city and to come far out of the city. All the organizations of the church were interested in this kindly ministry of Christmas Joy. Members of the Sunday school denied themselves the usual holiday treats and turned their thought for others. The school con tributed to the fund for Bibles for sol diers over 130. Today Dr. A. L. Hutchison, pastor, will discuss "The Consummation of This ad-iAge." at 11 o'clock. At 7:30 there will be a song service and the pastor will speak on "The Great Divide." On Thursday, December 20, the Sun nyside Congregational Christian En deavor organized the first alumni chapter in Multnomah County. The constitution was adopted by 11 charter members. Miss Sophie Huff was unanimously elected as chairman. The society will enable all former En deavor members unable to continue in active work to keep in touch with the important activities all over the state, and will also supply the young er members with valuable advisers in Christian Endeavor work. Highland Will Hold Year End Services. Rev. Edward Constant's Tople fo Morning Sermon "A Glance Alonsr the Trail mt 117" Church Has Service Flag;. A. at T Highland Congregational Church, Prescott and Sixth streets, ap propriate services will be held today for the closing of the year. In the morning the pastor. Rev. Edward Con stant, will preach on "A Glance Along the Trail of 1917." The evening hour. 7:30, will bring another of the Sunday night community "sings," when a new book will be used. These song services are really growing In popularity, a perceptible increase being noticed In attendance and interest. Choir and people Join heartily. Tonight the sub ject' will be "When It Is Blessed to Forget." A service flasr has been placed In this church bearing 31 stars, the num ber of the young men who have gone into National service. Rev. Paul E. Ratsch Will Be Installed Today. Formal Services With Special Musle to Be Conducted Tomorrow Even, ing at Ivenllworth Presbyterian Church. THE new pastor of the Kenilworth Presbyterian Church, Rev. Paul E. Ratsch, recently of Belgrade,. Mont., will be installed xm Monday evening, December 31, at 8 o'clock. Rev. A. J. Montgomery will preach the sermon and propose the constitu tional questions. Rev. W. S. McCullagh will give the charge to the pastor and Rev. R. W. Farquhar will charge the people. There will be special music. After the installation services the congregation will tender the new pas tor and his family a-Teceptlon. This meeting will be prolonged into a watch meeting and New Year's praise service. The congregation is cordially invited. The closing lecture of the special se- Svinday Services in City Cixurclies ADTENT. Advent Christian, 488 Second street, nsar Hall street Rv. J. B. Lucas, pastor. Preaching. 10:30; Sunday school. 12; Luyal Workers. 6:80; preachlnc. 7:30; prayer meet ing, Thursday evenlnc 7:30. ADYEXTIST. (Thess services are held on Saturday.) Central, East Eleventh and Everett streets 1. C Hlyward, minister. Sabbath school. 10; church services. 11:15; prayer meeting-. Wednesday nitfbt, 7;45; Voung People's meeting-, 7 :45u Montavilla, East Eightieth and Everett streets J. F. Beatty. local elder. Sabbath school. 10; preaching-. 11; prayer meeting-. 7:80 P. I Wednesday; Younr People's meeting-, ctaturday. P. M- Tabernacle. West Side. Knights of Pyth ias UalU Bileventh and Alder streets Sab batn school. 10; preaching, 11; prayer meet ing, Tuesday evening at U p. M., at 185 Thirteenth street. Alblns (German), Skldmore asd Mallory streets A. A Meyera. minister; .A C CHURCH NOTICES DUE THURS DAY. Pastors, secretaries and others who ara responsible for the ap pearance of churches notices are asked to sea that said notices ara in the editorial department of Tba Oregonian by Thursday, t P. M. Please conform to style mentioning church, location, pas tor, time of meeting and topic, lf desired. Schweitzer, local elder. Sabbath school. 10; servloes, 11:1&; prayer meeting, Wednesday I evening. 7:80; preaching Sunday evening, 3. St- Johns. Central avenue and Charleston : street A R. s'olicenburg, local elder. Sab bath school. 16; preaching, 11; prayer meet- j log. Wednesday evening. 7 :u. Lenta, Nlnety-foorxn street and Klfty elgbtb avenue Southeast Jt J. Chlteood. local elder, babbath school, 10; preaching. 11; prayer meeting, WeUnesday, "7:45 P. M. tit. Tabor. ast Sixtieth and Belmont streets W. T. HUgert. . minister, babbath school. 10; prsachlng. 11; prayer mMting. Wednesday svenlng. 7:43. Scandinavian. Ocden Hall. Mississippi ave nue and Buaver street O. Jfi. fcandness, min ister. Sabbath school. 10; preaching, 1L BAPTIST. First (White Temple). Twelfth and Taylor At 0:50 A. VI.. Bible school, classes for all ages; 11 A. M.. preaching by Rev. A. Roes Kitt. theme. "Faith tinder Trial"; tt:li P. M.. B. V. P. U. ; 7:30 P. M.. preaching by Rev. A. Ross Kitt. theme, "Claiming Lite's Treas ures A New Year Message." East Side. East Twentieth and Ankeny streets Rev. W. Ft. Hinson, . O.. minister. At u:45 A. M . Sunday school; 11 A. M.. preaching by Dr. Hinson. theme, "The Birth of Christ, a Fact and a Figure"; 6.3U P. M.. B. Y. P. V.: 7:40 P. M.. preaching by Dr. Hinson. theme, "The becond Coming of Christ." ' Third. Vancouver avenus and Knott street Rev. W. J. Beaven, pastor. At 9:43 A. VI.. Sunday school; It A M.. preaching by the pastor, theme, "A New Year's Outlook"; 6:30 P. M., B. Y. P. V.: 7:30 P. M.. preach ing by the pastor, theme, "God's Good Will." Glencoe. East Forty-fifth and Main streets Rev. A. B. Walts, pastor. At :4 A. M., Sunday school; 11 A. M preaching by the pastor: 6:30 P. M.. B. Y. P. U. ; 7:30 P. M.. preaching by the pastor. Morning theme. "The Destitute Soul"; evening, "At the Part ing of the Ways." Arleta Rev. W. Garnet Handley, Pastor. At 10 A Sunday school; 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.. preaching by tbs pastor; 1:30 P. M.. B. Y. P. U. Bethany. Sellwood Rev. K. H. Hayes, pas tor. At 10 A M., Sunday school: 11 A. M. and 7:i0 P. M.. preaching by the pastor; :30 P. XL, B. Y. P. U. Calvary. East Eighth and Grant streets Rev. J. E. Tbomas. pastor. At V.30 As VI.. Sunday school; 11 A. M., preaching by the pastor; 9:U P. M.. B. x. P. U.; 7:30 P. M., preaching by the pastor. Grace, Montavilla Rev. H. T. Cash, pas tor. At 10 A. VL, Sunday school; 11 A. M-. preaching by the pallor; :3D P. M.. B. Y. P. U-; 7:30 P. M.. preaching by the pastor. Highland, Alberta and East SUth street J. -y I '"..." H , ' " i ' I sr sr X S , A-r fVTsS-ost ST&frz Oft' RELIGIOUS LEADERS ACTIVE t IS tTRHEMT CHl'RCH EVEXTS. J Rev. Warren Morse, pastor of Atkinson Memorial Church, vho succeeds Rev. D. A. Thompson as t war service chairman of the Multnomah County Christian En deavor. Rev. D. A. Thompson, former pastor of Mizpah Preabyterlan Church and active in Christian Endeavor work, is on his way to Franco in the Y. M. C. A. work. Rev. Joshua Stansfield, pastor of the First Methodist Church, whose church will honor its men at the front tod-ay and will un veil a service flag. " Rev. E. H. McCollister. dean of St. Stephen's Pro-Cathedral, will assist at the mission to be held in that parish and to which meet ings everyone is welcome. ries conducted by Pastor L. Klaer Dick son, of the Central Seventh-Day Ad ventist Church, at Eleventh and East Everett streets, will be given tonight at 7:30 o'clock. The subject will be "The Answer to the Angels' Warning," and will be studied from both parable and prophecy. The prophetic lectures which Mn Dickson has been conduct ing during the month of December have been largely attended and much appreciated. Professor I. C. Colcord, of California,, will conduct the special song service preceding the lecture. The public is invited to be present at this lecture, the most striking of the series. a Professor Clark, acting president of Pacific University, will speak today at the Laurelwood Congregational Church at Sixty-fifth street and Forty- North Rev. Charles F. Mlelr, pastor. At 10 A. M.. Sunday school: 11 A. M.. preach ing by the pastor: O::0 P. M-. B. Y. P. U.; 7:S0 P. M., preaching by the pastor. Lents At :45 A. M . Sunday school; 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M., preaching services; 8:30 P. 41., B. Y. P. U. Mount Olivet, Seventh and Everett streets Rev. W. A. Maftett, pastor. Services at 11 A. M. and 8 P. H.l Sunday school at 12:30 P. M. St. Johns Rev. E. P. Borden, pastor. At 10 A. M., Sunday school; 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M., preaching by tbs pastor; 6:30 P. 2d.. B. Y. p. U. University Park, corner of Flske and Drew streets Rev. A. Lawrence Black, pastor. At 10 A. M.. Sunday school: 11 A. M.. preach ing by the pastor: 6:30 P. M-, B. Y. P. V.; 7:30 P. M., preaching by the pastor. Italian Mission, East Eighteenth and Tlb beus streets Rev. Benjamin Re, pastor. At 10 A. M.. Sunday school; 10:30 A. M., short sermon for English-speaking people; 11 A M., preaching service; 7 P. II.. pastor's cir cle (prayer service); 8 P. M., preaching service. Flrt German. Fourth and Mill streets Rev. Jscob Kratt. D. L . pastor. At 0:43 A. M.. Sunday school; 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M . preaching bythe pastor; tS:30 P. M., B. Y. P. V. Second German Rev. F. Hoffmann, pas tor. At 10 A. M., Sunday school: 11 A. M. and T:30 p. M-, preaching by the pastor; B::10 P. M.. B. Y. P. V. St. Johns German Rev. V. Bueennann, pastor. At 10 A. M . Sunday school; 11 A M. and 7:30 P. il., preaching by the pastor; 0:30 P. M.. B. Y. P. U. Swedish. Fifteenth end Hoyt streets Rev. T. Gideon Sjolander. pastor. Services at 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. CATHOLIC. St. Ross's, East Fifty-third street and Alameda Drive Rev. J. M. O'FarrelL. pas tor. Mass. 8; high mass. 10:80; benedic tion. 4 P. M. Immaculate Heart of Mary. Williams nus and Htanton street Kev. w. a. issiy. Mass. 6. B. ; high mass. 11 o clock; sveo tng service. 7:10. tft. Phillip Karl's iPaollst Fathers). East Sixteenth and Division atreeta. William J. Cartwright. pastor. Hours of mass. S, 6 JO, 10:30 A M.; evenlnc service, 7:80 o'clock. 6C Patrick's, Nineteenth and Savler streets Rev. F P. Harphr. Mass.. a; high mass, 10:80; svenlng service. 7:80. Blesssd Bacrament. Maryland avenue and Blandena street Kev. Father F. W. Black, pastor. Mass. a A M. ; high mass at 10:80 A M.; svenlng service. 7:0. Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth and Davis streets Rev. B. V. O'Hara. Mass. 8. 7:13. 8:30. 9:43; high mass, 11; svenlng service. 7:43. BU Peter'a Lents Rev. p. Buetgen. Mass. 8; high mass. 10:3U: evenlna- service. T:80l 8l Michael's (Italian). Fourth and Mill Jesuit Fathers, M. J. Balestra. S. J., pastor. Low mass, :0; high mass, 10:80; eveuing service. 7:80. . 6C Lawrsnes, Third and Sherman streets Rsv. J. C. Hugbss. Mass, 6. 8:SO; high mass, 10:80; svenlng service- 7:80. St. Francis. Bast Eleventh and Oak streets Rsv. J. H. Black. Mass. , a. ; high mass. 10:30; sventnc service. T:80. Holy Rosary. East Third and Clackamas Rev. C J. Olson. Mua, 8. 7, 8. v; high mass, 11; evening service. 7:30. bit. Ignatius (Jesuit Fathers), 8230 East Forty-third street Father William J. Dss ney. rector. Mass. 8:110. 8. 0:13. 10:30; svsa. Ing servlcs. 7:84. Tbs Madeleine. East Twenty-fourth and Siskiyou Rev.. G. F. Thompson. Mass. 7:30. V; high mass. 10:30; svenlng servlcs. 7:46. St. Andrew's East Ninth and Alberta streets Rev. T. Kiernan. Mass. 8; high mass. 10:80; svenlng service. 7:80. scansion. "Cast Yamhill and East Seventy, sixth Franciscan Fathers Mass, 8; high mass. 10.80; evening servlcs, 7:30. Holy Redeemer. Portland boulevard and Vancouver avenue Rev. F. H. Miner. Mass. 8. 8; high mass, 10:80; evening servic. T:SO. Holy Cross. 774 Bowdoin street Rec. C Raymond. Mass. 8; high mass. 10:8O; evening- service. T:80. Sacred Heart. East Eleventh and Canter Rev, ti. Robi. Mass. 8; high mass. 10:30; evening service, 7:8.(1. St. Agatha. East Fifteenth and Miller Rev. J. Cummlsky. Mass. 8; high mass. 10:80: evening aervlce. 7:SO. at. Joseph (German). Fifteenth and Couch streets Rev. B. Durrer. Mas. 8; high mass. 10:30; evening service. 7:8a St.' Stanislaus (Italian), Maryland avenus and Willamette boulevard Rev. T. Mathew. Mass, 8; high so ass. 10:30; svenlng' services. T:S0. I fit. Clare's. Capitol Hill (Francises Fata- n ' J) vS"-' ' ' Jr fifth avenue, at 10"o'clock and 5 o'clock services. His topic for the 5 o'clock vesper service will be "The Special Pro gramme of Jesus." ' Henry Van Dyke's story about the fourth wise man will be given at the Atkinson Memorial Church tonight at 7:45 o'clock, and will be illustrated with lantern slides. Dr. Van Dyke says of this story: "I would tell the tale as I have heard fragments of it In the Hall of Dreams, In the Palace of the Heart of Man. The story has a charm which has carried it into several other languages and is undimmed by the years." Rev. Warren Morse is pastor. ers) Rev. Modestus. pastor. Services at. 7: 80 and 8:15 A. M.. high mass. St. Clement's Mass. A. M.. 8 A. M.. 10:30 A M. ; rosary and benediction, 7:30 P. M. CONGREGATIONAL. Pilgrim, Shaver street and Missouri ave nue Rev. W. C. Kantner, minister. 0:43 A M., Sunday school; 11 A. M.. Christmas address; 8 P. M.. Junior Endeavor; 7 P. M.. a Young People's service. Finnish Mlselon. 107 Skldmors street Samuel Nevala. pastor. Young People's meeting at 6; prsachlng at 7:80; prayer meeting, Thursday at 8:13. University Park. Haven street, near Lom bardRev. F. J. Meyer, pastor. 10 A M.. Sunday school; 11 A. Vk.. worship and. ser mon; 5 P. M., vesper service; Thursday, 7:30 P. M.. mid-week service; Friday. 7:30 P. M.. Christian Endeavor. St. John's 10 A. M., Sunday school; 7:30 P. M-, sermon by Rev. F. J. Meyer; Wednes day. 7:30 P. M., cottsge prayer meeting. CHRISTIAN. First, Park and Columbia streets Harold H. Griff is. minister. At 11 A. M.. "A Prayer for the New Year"; 1:30 P. M., "What Is Your Life?" 0:43 A. M.. Bible school; 6:30 P. M., Christian Endeavor. - East Side, East Twelfth and Taylor streets Rev. R. H. Sawyer, pastor. At 11 A. "Tomorrow and the Day After"; 7:30 P. M., "The Becond Coming of Christ." Woodlawn. Seventh and Liberty Joseph D. Boyd, pastor. At 8:45 A. M Sunday school: 11 A. M., "What Jesus Teaches About Stewardship An Inventory"; 8:30 P. M-. Christian Endeavor. Rodney Avenue, Rodney avenue and Knott streets Rev. Charles J. Ghormley. Preach ing services 11 A M. and 7:30 P. M.; Bible school. 10 A M. Christian Endeavor, 0:30 P. M. Kern Park. Fifty-ninth street Southeast and Forty-sixth avenue Rev. R. E. Moon, pastor. Services. Sunday school, 10 A. M. c preaching. 11 A M. and 7:30 P. M. ; Chris tian Endeavor. 6:80 P. M. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. First, Everett, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets Services, 11 snd 8: sub ject ot lesson sermon, "Christian Science"; Sunday school. V:45 and 11; Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Second. East Sixth street and Hollsday STATE EVANGELIST TO PRE ACH AT CALVAKY BAPTIST CHtRCH. f 4 f:.--.;-j; - ) zr. .. V- & ;j ir i t r ,1 4 8 , 1 i ' '5 " :.J.: ;aj :' JJ-"p-i." 'i mm. 7 Kev. H. 1-:. Marshall. At Calvary Baptist Church, East Eighth and Grant streets. Rev. H. E. Marshall, Baptist state convention evangelist, will preach today, opening a campaign of evangelism. Rev. J. E. Thomas, pastor, will assist. All are wel come. The services will be today at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. and on week days at 7:30 P. M. 7 - ; a ft - 1 v v N tf , Jit w Annual Conference to Open Hare January 1. Baptist Young People's Association Meeting Will Be Held In Cileneoe Baptist Church. East Forty-fifth and Main Streets. THE annual conference and rally of the Baptist Young People's Asso ciation will be held January 1 and 2 in Glencoe Baptist Church, East Forty fifth and Main streets. Rev. H. T. Cash will speak on "The Church in the Present- World Crisis." Harley K. Hallgren, president Oregon B. Y. P. U., will speak on "The Chal lenge of the Second Draft to Christian Young People." "The Supreme Business of Christian Young People" will be the closing con ference address. Joel R. Benton,- for mer Epworth league president, will present this subject. The rally programme and rollcall will be held at 7:30 P. M. Rev. A. Ross Kitt. field worker for the Coast, will speak. At the First Presbyterian Church, Twelfth and Alder streets, the pastor, John H. Boyd, D. D., will preach both morning and evening. There will be a special music planned to celebrate the departure of the old year and the ar rival of the new. The subject of the morning sermon will be "The Gospel of Another Chance," a New Year's message. The special music in the. rooming will be "The Te Deum," by Van Bos kerck. At 7:15 P. M. there will be an organ recital by Edgar E. 'Coursen, with the following programme: "Offertory Opud No. 19" (Batiste); "The Lost Chord" (Sullivan); "War March of the Priests from Athalia" (Mendelssohn). At 7:35 the regular evening service avenue Services. 11 and 8: subject of les son sermon. "Christian Science"; Sunday school. 0:43; Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Third. East Twelfth and Salmon streets Services. 11 and 8; subject of lesson ser mon. "Christian Science";. Sunday school. 11 and 12.10; Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Fourth. Vancouver avenue and Emerson street Services. 11 snd 8; subject of les son sermon. "Christian Science"; Sunday school. 9:13 and TI; Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Fifth, Sixty-second street and Forty-second avenue. Southeast Services. 11 A. M. ; subject of lesson sermon. "Christian Sci ence": Sunday school, :3u and 11; Wednes day evening meeting at 8, Sixth. Masonic Temple, West Park and Yamhill streets Services. 11 and 8; subject of lesson sermon. "Christian Science"; Sun day school. 0:43 and 11; Wednesday even ing meeting at 8. Christian Sciencs Society, Holbrook block. St. Johns Services, Sunday. 11; Wednesday evening meeting at 8; subject of lesson ser mon, "Christian Science." DIVINE SCIENCE. First Divine Science, 131 Twelfth street, corner Alder Rev. T. M. Minard, pastor. Services, 11 A. M. ; Bible class, Tuesday a P. M., study class, Thursday 8 P. M. Woman's Exchange Building-Mrs. Agnes M. Lawson, speaker. Services Sunday morn ing and evening: morning topic. "The Birth of the Christ": evening topic, "The Real Man"; Bible class Tuesday. 8 P. M. ; Emerson class Thursday, 8 P. M. ; clsss In struction . in how to aemonstrate spiritusl principles, Wednesday, 3:13, and Friday, 8 P. M. EPISCOPAL, fit. Stephen's Pro-Cathedral, Thirteenth and Clay The Rt. Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishop of Oregon; the Very Rev. E. H. Mc Collister. duan of the Pro-CalhedraL Serv ices: Sunday. 7:45 A. M., 0:45 A. M. ; school. 11 A. M. . 7:45 P. M. Weekdays: Tuesday. 7:30 A. M.-; Thursday. 8:30 A. M. ; holy days, etc., 7:30 A. M. Dean's office at the church. 10-12 A. M. dally except Monday. West bound cars transfer to Thirteenth-street; Sunnyside cars, oft at Clay, two blocks west. Church of the Good Shepnerd, Graham and Vancouver avenues Rev. John Dawson, rec tor. Holy communion. '7:3U A. M. ; Sunday school. 0:43 A M. ; morning service. 11 A M. ; popular evening service, 7:30. Trinity, Nineteenth ana Everett streets Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector. Services. 8 A. M., 11 A M. and 8 P. M-; bunday school. 0:45 A. M. Church of Our Savior. Woodstock Arch deacon Chambers in charge. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. : Sunday school at 10. St. Andrew's, Hsrford street. Portsmouth Archdeacon Chambers In charge. Services every Sunday at 11 A M. ; Sunday school at 10. St. Michael and All Angels, East Forty third and Broadway, Rose City Park Rev. T. F. Bowan. vicar. 8 o'clock, holy com munion; 10. Sunday school: 11. Litany ser mon and special intercessions; 5. evening prayer and sermon. Morning sermon topic. "The Glory of the Gospel of the Happy God." 8C John's Church, corner East Fifteenth and Harney strsets, Sellwood Archdeacon Chambers in charge. Services at 11 A. M. and 7-30 P. M. ; Sunday school at 10. St. David's Parish. East Twelfth and Bel mont streets Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. Services. 7:80 A M.. 8:30 A M., 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. St. Paul's, Woodroere Rev. Oswald W. . Taylor, vicar. Holy communion, first Sun day of month, 8; svenlng prayer and sermon. 4. except the first Sunday of month. Grace Memorial, Weidler and East Seven teenth streets. North Rev. Oswald W. Tay lor, vicar. Holy communion, 8. excepting on first Sunday in ths month; morning prayer and sermon, 11; Sundsy school, 10. No sve nlng service. ' Church of Our Savior. Woodstock, Esst Forty-first street and Sixtieth avenue Arch dtsoon Chambers In charge. Sunday school, 10 A. M. ; servlcs and sermon at 11 A. M. Bishop Morris Memorial Cuapel. Good Bamarltsn'Ho.pltal Holy communion. 7 A M. ; evening. 7:15. St. Matthew's, Corbett and Bancroft streets Services, 11 A M. ; Sunday school, 10 A M. ; vicar. W. A M. Breck. St. Mark's. Twenty-first and Marshall streets Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector; Rev. John G. Hatton. associate. Sunday services: 7:80 A. M holy eucharlst; 0:45. Sunday school; 1L holy euchsrlst and sermon; 7:43. evensong and sermon. Weekdays: Holy eucharlst dally at 7:30 and Thursday second eucharist at 9:30. St. David's, East Twelfth and Belmont Rev. Thomas Jenkins rector. 7:30, 8:80. 11 and 7:30. FREE METHODIST. First. East Ninth and Mill Rev. A Beers. 11 A. M and 7:30 P. M. Central. Fifty-fifth and East Flanders Rev. W. N. Coffea St. Johns, Ri.-hmond and Hudson streets Mrs, M. J. Blair, pastor. will take place. Dr. Boyd will again treat of a New Year's theme, "God's Way of Making a New Start With an Old World." Also in the evening there will be a soprano solo by Miss Astrld Roal. She will sing "God Shall Wipe Away All Tears." - E. R. Moon, a missionary from Africa, will be at the Rodney-avenue Christian Church today and will lecture on Africa. He will have a trunk full of aurios from that continent and these will be on display. Dr. Waldo's Answer May Be Read This Morning. "Faith I'nder Trial" and "Claiming Life's Treasures" Topics for To day's iirrmona by Rev. A. Ross Kitt at Whit. Temple. AT the First Baptist Church (White Temple) today. Rev. A. Ross Kitt will preach In the morning on "Faith Under Trial," and in the evening his topic will be "Claiming Life's Treasures A New Year's Message." Upon request, the Christmas music will be repeated at the morning service. It is expected that announcement of Dr. Waldo's reply to the pulpit commit tee will be made this morning. At the morning service at the East Side Baptist Church. Dr. Hlnson will preach a sermon on "The Birth of Chrl3t, a Fact and a Figure." The ser mon will show how, as the divine and human met in the supernatural birth of Christ, even so doss the divine and human find place in. the spiritual birth of the Christian. At the close of the morning service the ordinance of baptism will be ad ministered, when several Christians will publicly confess Christ in his ordnance by being baptised as a con fession of their faith in him. At night Dr. Hinson will preach an other sermon on "The Second Coming of Christ." The interest last Sunday night in this great theme was marked by the close attention with which the crowded church followed the sermon, as It proved how the personal return of the Lord was the theme of the Old Testament prophets, of the Lord him self and of the New Testament gospels, epistles and apocalypse. At every service opportunity is given at this church for believers to join its ranks, and every week use has been made of this ' privilege and the ranks of the church increased. A new edition of Dr. Hinson's ser mons is to be published in the near future. The Sunday school of this church convenes at 9:45 and the Young Peo ple's service at 6:45. The Sunday Evening Forum this week will discuss the timely question, "Why the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company Needs Additional Rev enue on City Lines." The forum meets in the Unitarian Chapel at 7:15 P. M. The principal speaker will be Frank lin T. Griffith. Opportunity is afford ed for free discussion. Rev. W. G. Eliot, Jr., will preside. . An important executive meeting will be held Wednesday at 7:30 at the Y. M. C. A. All union officers are desired to attend. Special plans are to be taken up, which need the aid of every officer. Rev. Alexander Beers, pastor of the First Free Methodist Church, East Ninth and Mill streets, has planned for Lents Chapel Rev. A Beers, pastor. Sun day school, 2 P. M. ; preaching. 3 P. M. Alberta Free Methodist church Rev. E. 1. Harrington. FRIENDS. Second, 6103 Ninety-second street South east. Lents Miss Lurana M. Terrell, pastor. Preaching services 11 A. M.. 7:30 p. M. ; Sunday school. t):45 A. M. ; Christian En deavor. 6.-3 P. M.; prayer meeting, Thurs day, 7 ;43. LATTER-DAY 6AINTS. Latter-Day Saints, corner of East Twenty fiflh and Madison streets Sunday school at 10; special evening services at 7:30 o'clock. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ, feast Seventy-sixth and Irving streets Elder C. E. Jones, pastor, residence 41) Kant Seventy-fourth street North. Services. preach ing, li. A. M. and 7:45 P.l. ; prayer meet ing on Wednesday at a P. M.; meeting Fri day. 7:43 P. M. LUTHERAN. St. James English, corner West Park and Jefferson Rev. W. E. Brinkman. pastor. Sunday school, 10 A M. ; morning worship, 11 A. M. ; Luther League. 7 P. M.i eveu ing service, P. M. Lutheran Mission, Hamilton Chapel, Eigh tieth and East Gllsan streets F. J. Eppliiig, pastor. Sunday school at 10 o'clock A M. ; regular services at 10:43 A M. Bethel Free, corner Wygsnt and Rodney avenue Rev. J. A Stavney, pastor. Services at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. ; Sunday school at u:45 A M. St. Paul's, East Twelfth and Clinton streets A. Krause. pastor. Sunday school, U:30 A. M.; German service, 10:30 A. a. ; English Bervice. 7:30 P. M. ; Bible study and Young People's meeting. Thursday.- 8. Grace English (Missouri Synod). Mason and Albtna avenue Rev. E. Probst, pastor, bervlces. 10:30 A M. and 7:80 P. M. Evangelical Zlon Church (Missouri Synod). Salmon and Chapman streets H. H. Kop pelinann. pastor. Lenten services, German, lt):15 A. M.; English, 7:45 P. M. West Side Norwegian Lutheran. Four teenth and Davis streets WUhelm Patter son, pastor. English services, first and third Sundays of each month at 11 A M. and second and fourth Sundays at 8 P. M.: Nor wegian services, first and third Sundays of each month at 8 P. M. and second and tourth Sundays at 11 A M.; Sunday school at 10 A M.; English and Norwegian Men's Club, the third Monday at 8 P. M. ; V. P. a., Tuesday evening; English Bible class. Friday evenings; vesper service at 5 P. M. each bunday In the hall at the corner of Fifteenth and Alberta. lmmanuel. Nineteenth and Irvtng streets Rev. A. V Anderson, pastor. Services at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. ; Sunday school. s:45 A. M. ; Young People's meeting, first and third Tuesday of ssch month; syskonrlng, second and rourth Tuesday. 8:15 P. M. ; Thursday evening services, 8:15; Ladles' Aid, first Wednesdsy. . Bethany Danish. Union avenue North snd Morris street Rev. L P. Kjohler. pastor. Sunday school and Bibls class. 10 A. M. ; services. 11 A M. and 8 P. M. ; young peo ple's meeting. Thursday. 8 P. M. Trinity German (Missouri Synod), Will iams and Graham avenues J. A. Rlmbach, pastor. Services at 10:13 A M., 7:30 P. M. ; Sunday school, 0:15 A M. Our Savior's, Last Tenth and Grant streets English services at 10.15 A. M. Nor wegian services at 11 :13 A. M. Sunday school at 9:30 A. M. Rev. George Henrik sen. pastor. t METHODIST EPISCOPAL. First. Taylor and Twelfth street Rev. Joshua Stansfield, pastor. 10:30 A. M., "The Unsilenceable Voice" ; 7:30 P. M., "The Year 1017." Central, Vancouver avenue and FarRo street C. C. Rarick. pastor. Morning ser mon, "Building Near the Spring"; evening. "Spiritual Concentrations. " Montavilla C. L. Hamilton. pastor. Preaching. 11, Dr. Parsons: 7:30, the pastor; Sunday school, l):43; Epworth League, U:30. Vancouver-avenue Norwegian Danish Rev. Ellas Gjerding. pastor. Sunday school. 10 A. M., Edith Jones, superintendent: les son, "God's Redeeming Love": sermon by the pastor, 11: subject. "Remember All the Way'; Thursday night, general prayer meet ing; New Year's day at 8 P. il.. Young People's Christmas festival. First Norwegian Danish, corner Hoyt and Eighteenth streets Rev. Elias Gjerding. pastor. No morning service; Epworth League service, 7 P. M. ; sermon by the pas tor, 8 P. M. : subject, "Opportunity Knocking at Our Door"; Thursday night, prayer meet ing: Monday night, watchnight service. Centenary, Ninth and East Pine streets Thomas W. Lane, minister. Sunday school. :45 A. M. ; 11. "The Buxlness of the Church In Time of War"; 6:15 P. M., Epworth League; 6::10, class meeting; 7:3t. 'A Righteous Offering"; Thursday, 3:30 P. M.. Junior League: Thursday, 7:.'I0 P. M prnyer meeting; Saturday. 7:80 P. M.. Boys' Club. Mount Tabor, corner of East Stark and Sixty-first streets E. Olln Eldridge. pastor, eervico Sunday, as follows: Prcachlns, 11 a day of unusual interest for the last Sunday in 1917. This morning he will preach a special sermon, taking as his subject "The Church Caught Up in the Clouds to Meet the Heavenly Bride groom." In this subject he will discuss "The First Xiesurrection." At 7:30 he lll preach on "Bible Con secration," and will lead his church and congregation into a special serv ice of consecration for the work of 1918. Special music has been provided and Donald JU. MacPhee and Mrs. Clara Harold will sing. Mrs. Adelaide L. Beers will conduct the Young People's meeting at 6:30. At the First Methodist Church today the sermon in the morning will be "The linsilenceable Voice." this being the voice of God In human life. In the evening the sermon by Dr. Stansfield will be on "The Year 1917." a review and consideration of the facts and forces which have made 1917 one of the most searching years of a cen tury. The deepest facts and forces which have manifested and made per sons and peoples and nations will be reviewed fully. a At the New Church Society, SZ1 Jef ferson street, Rev. William R. Reece will speak today on "The Kingdom of Heaven as Announced by the fiavior," this being third in a series on the great truths of the gospels. On coming Sundays Mr. Keece proposes to take up in order each of the great teachings of the Lord as they are set forth in the New Testament account. The Christian teachings of repentance, baptism, prajer, forgiveness of enemies, the deity of Jesus and others will be con sidered in this series. Friday afternoon at the church horaa a large number of children, members and friends of the Sunday school, gath ered around a beautifully decorated Christmas tree and enjoyed a delight ful hour of songs and recitations. The children were highly entertained by that great favorite with many of the boys of Portland, William J. Standley, also with original Indian Btores by J. Teuscher, Jr., who is well known to many through his interest in child wel fare work. Christian Church Raises $450 for Sufferers. Yountr People Will Get Together at Feast Board Friday Night "A Prayer for the New Year" Will Be Morning Sermon Today. FOUR hundred and fifty dollars was the contribution made by the mem bers of the First Christian Church for the Armenian and Syrian relief fund last 'Sunday night. The services were held under the auspices of the Bible school. The services today will be especially appropriate for the New Year, the pastor, Harold 11. Griffis, having chosen for the morning topic. "A Prayer for the New Year." In the evening the services will be musical, the quartet having prepared a splendid prosrramme, which will conclude with a short ser mon on the subject, "What Is Your Life?" Friday night the young people will hold a New Year's banquet. This will be the occasion for settling the scores of the Army and Navy contest, which the Endeavorers have been conducting for some time and resulted in a tie. A special programme, consisting of toasts) and music, will be given on this occa sion. .. , A. M.. subject. "The Greatest Event of tho Centuries"; evening, annual Christmas en tertainment by Sunday school. 7:30 P. M. ; Sunday school, 9:43 A. M. ; Epworth League, 6:3) P. M. First South, Multnomah street and Union avenue Rov. James T. French, pastor. 11 A. M., "This World's Victim"; 7:43 P. M., "The Burning Man." First German Methodist Episcopal, cor ner Fifteenth and Hoyt streets Edmund E. Hertsler. pastor. Sunday school. 9:45 A M.; preaching service. 11 A M. and 8 P. M. ; Epworth League service. 7:30 P. M.; weekly prayer meeting. Tuesday. 8 P. M. Sellwood, corner East Fifteenth and Ta coma avenue Rev. A. R. Maclean, pastor. Sunday school, 10 A. M.; preaching service. 11 A. M. ; Jnuior League. -J:M P. M., Miss H. Morgan, superintendent: Epworth League, 6:30 p. M. : preaching service, 7:30 P. M , sermon by the pastor. St. Paul's (German) Lutheran. East Twelfth and Clinton streets A. Krause. pas tor. Sunday school, 0::S) A. M. ; services. 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Bible study and Young People's meeting, Thursdsy, 8 P. M. Brentwood Rev. E. B. Lock hart, pastor. Sunday school and preaching. 2:30. Clinton Kelly, Powsll Road and East Thirty-ninth street Rev. E. B. Lockhart, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 A. M. ; preach ing. 11 A. 31. Patton Rev. F. W. Keagy, pastor. Sun day school, u:43; preaching, 11 and 7:30; young people's meeting, 6:30. Lincoln Kev. E. B. Lockhart, pastor. Sunuay school, 10 A. M. ; preaching, 7:30 P. M. Kendall Rev. R. C Young, pastor. Sun day school and praechlng. 2:30. Laurelwood. Sixty-third, near Foster road A. C Brackenburg, pastor. Services 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ; bunday school. t:45 A. M. Bethel African Rev. W. H. Prlncs pas tor. Sunday school. 0:30 A. M. ; preaching. 11 A M. ; Christian Endeavor, 7 P. M.; evening service. S:15. Epworth, North Twenty-sixth and Savlar streets Kev. C. O. McCulloch. pastor. Sun day school, 0:45; public worship, 11 and 7:45; Epworth League. 6:45. Rose City Park A. A. Heist, pastor. Sun day school, 0:45; morning service. 11; even ing service. 7:30. Sellwood. corner East Fifteenth street and Tacoma avenue Rev. Alexander R. Mae lean, pastor. 10 A. M.. Sunday school; 11 A. M.. preaching service, sermon by ths pas tor; 2:SO. Junior Lesgue. Miss Msrcy. su perintendent; 7 P. M.. Epworth Lesgue; 8 p. M.. preaching service, sermon ' by ths pastor. University Park. Flsk and Lombard streets Rev. J. T. Abbett. D. D. Services. 11 A M.. 7:30 P. M. ; bunday school. :4S A. M. ; Epworth League. 6:30 P. M.; prayer meeting. 7;43 o'clock Thursdsy. German. Rodney avsnus a.id Stsia street T. A. bchumsnn, psstor. Sunday school. 0:45 A. M. ; services, 11 A M. and S P. M. ; Epworth League. 7:15 P. M. Sunnyside, corner East Yamhill and East Thirty-fifth streets R. Elmer Smith, pas tor. Sunday school, 9:50 A M. ; preaching, 11 A. M.; Epworth League, 6:30 P. M.; peo ple's popular service, 7:45 P. M. Woodlawn. East Tenth North and High land atreets Rev. W. E. Kloster. pastor. Sunday school. 10 A M. ; morning service, 11 A. M. ; Epworth League, 7 P. M. ; even ing service, 7:45; prayer meeting. Thursday. 7:45 P. M. St. Johns. Leavttt and Hays streets Rsv. J. H. Irviue, minister. Morning servlcs at 11 o'clock; evening worship. 7:30. Lents Rev. F. M. Jasper, pastor. Sun day school. 8:45; preaching. 11 and 7:45; Lpworth League, 6:30. Unnton Rv. s. H. Dewart, pastor. Sun day school. 10; preaching, 7:30. Westmoreland Kev. R. C. Young, pastor. Sunday school. 10; Epworth League, 6:30; preaching, 7:30. Woodstock Rev. L. C. Poor, pastor. Sun day school. 0:45 A M. ; preaching. 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ; Epworth League. 6:30 P. M. Taylor-Street Every Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock at Foresters' Hall, 126 Fourth street. Preaching by Dr. M. H. Marvin; Sunday school at noon. NEW CHl'RCH SOCIETY'. Swedenborglan, 331 Jefferson- street, near Broadway 11 A. M-. sermon topic, "Nature or the Kingdom ol Heaven Announced toy the Savior," by Rev. William R. Keece; Sun day school for children and sdults, 10:15 A. M. NAZARF.NE. Brentwood. Sixty-fifth avenus. Southeast, snd East Sixty-seventh street. Services 10 A. 11.; Sunday school. 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ; preaching, 6:80 P. M. ; young peoples meeting. PRESBYTERIAN. First, Twelfth and Alder streets Pastor' Rev. John H. Boyd, D. D., will preach. 10:30 A. M., "The Gospel of Another Chance"; 7:15 P. M., "God's Way of Making a New Start With an Old World." Central, East Thirteenth and Pine Dr. (Concluded on Pago ID