10 TIIE SUXDAT OREGOXIA35", . PORTLAND, DECEMBER 30, 1917. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLri in tae Arlova Classical Ballet which closed at th Pantaget were selected and i mined by Monsieur Marcel ; have several other dancing and pantomime acta to r hearse ; i" you are contemplating a stage tareer id have a fair amount of grace, will ofier you long engagement with splen did salary to start; previous experience unnecessary. Studios, Monsieur Marcel. Portland's only ballet master, premier artist Imperial Russian ballet, Wbeeldon Annex apts. No phones. A.TTRACTIVE traveling position with well known firm selling to old customers; must be 28 or over and have college or nor mal education ; personality main requisite; guaranteed salary $1200 per year; no ex perience or money required; special offer to teachers. Reply fully. Geo. L. hu man A Co., 929 Monadnock bld., San Francisco. LIPMAX, WOLFE & CO. require the serv ices of a woman soda dispenser and two experienced waitresses: must be able to furnish the best of references. Permanent positions with good salary are offered to those who can qualify. - Apply superin tendent's office Monday morning between 9 and 10. 7th floor. WANTED Young lady as telephone op erator and for minor work In office of automobile accessory concern; work and environment congenial ; give two refer ences and your phone number. K 839, Ore gonun. HOUE KEEPE R wanted ; a respectable Catholic woman to keep house In wid . ower's home; good home and fair wages to right party; must be neat, economical and willing to leave Portland; state age. and give references; on with children need not apply. AV 133, Oregonian. WANTED. Housekeeper for widower, 2 sons, ranch, would take woman with little child, but prefer eiderlv woman; $15 mo., good home, fall at 601 N. Willamette blvd., St. Johns, Take St. J. car to Jersey st. WANTED Experienced cloak and suit sales woman who need, wants and will take care of a good position ; good pay atia permanent, but must have best of refer ence; none other need appiy. A. J. Tucker, mgr Cherry's. 39-01 Wash.. Pittock blk. ATTENTION Ladies residing anywhere outride of Portland, desiring permanent, profitable home work, also those inter n's ted In crochet, can hear of splendid opening by sending seif-audresced envelope to Dept. E-5, 170 11th St., Portland. Or. GIRLS TO LEARN JEWELRY TRADE ; THOSE HAVING EXPERIENCE IN ARTS AND CRAFTS PREFERRED. W. S. MEYERS COMPANY, SELLING HIRSCH BLDG. WANTED A woman cook. Only those capable of cooking for an Institution need apply. Excellent salary to right party. All modern con eniences in kitctien. Ad dress Dr. J. A. neuter. The Dalles. Or. WANTED Saleslady to handle our line of hair goods; must understand line; call on wholesale hair trade only. Salary and larse commission. Write. A. Corenson. 616 So. Broadway. Los Angeles. Cal. GIRLS TO LEARN JEWELRY TRADE; THOSE HAVING EXPERIENCE IN ARTS AND CRAFTS PREFERRED. W. S. MEYERS COMPANY, SELLING HIHSCH BLDG. WANTED Thoroughly competent, capiu. reliable dictaphone operator, one with lumber experience pr.-f erred; permanent position. N 31. Oregonian. XADY to teach Greg? shorthand and type writing in small business college in state; give experience and state salary wanted. Address AV 131, Oregonian. WANT young lady in office insurance com pany ; must operate typewriter, steno graphic experience not necessary. Apply. B 145, Oregonian. WANTED Housekeeper at once ; have one baby 21 raos. old ; wife away, willing to pay small wages when I find work. Call , 1 14 Sumner st. GIRLS for cooking and general housework, good home. 620 Kearney, nr. 25th. FIRST-CLASS button-holers and finishers on men's coats. 3"9 Stark st. GIRL wanted to work in confectionery store at Kleef Sweet Shop. 291 Morrison. V an e U Domes t i caw GIRL for general housework and cooking, country home, a few miles out, several children, parents In business; no laun dry ; wages $25. Mention age, experience and phone number In first letter. Coi plain cook for small family where nurse is employed ; some housework some washing: good wages. Phone Mrs. Harry Snarp, Woodlawn 4445. City references re- quired. GOOD place and wages to girl or woman, housework; take charge of flat; family of 3; heavy washing out- 573 East 8th N near Knott. WANTED Compoteoj. girl for general house work in f a mlly with small children ; per manent position and good wages for right party. Phone East :098. 21 A ID for housework ; must be good plain cook, neat and clean ; will pay (25 per month, with, nice room. Co 2 E. 00th si North. EXPERIENCED Swedish or German girl, good cook, washing. light housework, small family, highest wages. N 27, Ore gonian. WANTED Girl to assist with housework and care of children afternoons and even ings; go home nights. Imperial Arms. Main 5303. WANTED Young country girl for house work; good wages, small house and fam ily. Call East 327 or write 525 East 18th st. North. GIRL wanted for general housework, 2 adults with child. Good home and wages. Sell. 1090. 1301 E. 17th st. COMPETENT girl for cooking and part of housework: no washing; wages $40. Cail Mar5hall 2222. WANTED A young woman housekeeper; no objection to small child. 404 West Davis street. EXPERIENCED woman for general houee work; good salary. Call 115 East 28 U&, corner Aider. KELIABLE girl for light housework and help care for children. 204 24th st. Phone Marshall 2078. h'EAT, plain cook, some housework, even ings tree. Marshall 1634. 591 Buena Vista Drive. WANTED Elderly lady to care for 3 chll dren. good home, small wages. 374 East Eighth st. "WANTED Girl to take care of 2 children and assist with housework. 1S95 East Yamhill. Phone Tabor 8051. WANTED Middle-aged woman for cook ing and general housework. Phone Mun- day. Main 6513. or call 777 Flanders st. WANTED Lady to do general housework, good home. Call today. 304 East 22d, near Hawthorne. WI DOW E R wants an honest housekeeper, age 25 to 35; have three children. E 82 T. Oregonian. WANTED Housekeeper for gentleman with one child, on farm. A. W. Pinkley, Caza dero. Or. WANTED Reliableoungglrl, housework and assist with children; good home. Call Monday, Tabor 7210. HI on school girl to help In small family for board, room and wages. N 10, Oregonian. W AN T ED Middle-aged Swedish houekeep er ior worn, ing in an, Ciotu to Portiana; stata wages. T 200, Oregon ian. KEAT girl for general housework for 1am I!y of 3; plain cooking. Cail after 'J A. M. E. 4344. WANTED Middie-aged lady for light housework and care of invalid at 5o Prescott. Take AB car. 1 0uSU country girl to assist with house work Good home. 545 E. I3ih st. X. Irvington. East 4764. HOUSEKEEPER wanted to take full charge of the house for father and 3 children. Call Marshall 3156. V OMAN for upstairs and assist dining room; board husband and self. 284 Main street. SOME one to plan cooking and housework or assisting. 555 E. 21st North. Phone East 789. GIRL for general housework, no cooking; carfare paid. Call 508 E. 11th st. N. WANTED A girl for chamber work. Pat ton Home. Wood lawn 1 7uu. WANTED Young g.rl to assist with house work. C 1791. ljs0 Sandy blvd. COVPKTFVT girl for general housework and cooking. 691 Flanders st. WANTED Utrl for general housework, good wages. 145 N. ISth. Broadway 30.2. COOK wanted, wages $35. 617 Johnson su B road wa y 2600. EXPERIENCED second maid; must have references. Phone Marshall 3956. WANTED Girl to assist with general house work Phone Tabor 402. WOMAN or girl, for general housework. E. 5235. GIRL wanted for housework; good home and good wages, woodlawn 2i6. GIRL to assist In general housework; no children. Apply at 784 Petty grove -at- GIRL to assist with sreneral housework and plain cooking. 553 E. 21st st. N. East 7W8U. GIRL for general housework, 3 adults. 792 Lorejoy. - WANTED Girl to assist with housework; small family. Phone Tabor 8101. CIRL for general nousework. East 6216. GIRL for general housework. Call 606 51 h. HELP W.VNTED MALE OR FEMALE. PRIVATE home for children 3 to 12 years old; 15 years' exp. 714 Everett. Mar. 2102. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. THE PORTLAND NORMAL AND COM MERCIAL SCHOOL wili enroll a number of new pupilH next week. Visitors at our office are surprised at the advantages we offer. We are securing larger quarters. A court reporter and employment secre tary have been added to our force. Book keeping and accounting courses by an ex pert accountant. Stenography by expert teachers. Penmanship by handwriting expert w-ith large experience in court. Main 5816. GOVERNMENT STENOGRAPHERS WANTED. Urrcle Sam will employ every graduate of our Civil Service Course at salaries of from ynioo to $2000 a year. Positions guaranty-id all graduates. January term starts Wednesday, Jan. 2. Enroll now. LINK'S BUSINE83 COLLEGE. . loth and Morrison. Portland. Or. Phones: Main 083. A 3405. A GOOD POSITION Can be had by any ambitious young . man or woman in the field of com - merclal or railway telegraphy and station accounting. For full par ticulars call or write Telegraph Dept., Room 218 Railway Exchange , bldg. MISS MATTIXGLY'8 Shorthand. Typewriting ! School. Day. Evening. $5 Month. 269 14th. Near Jefferson. Main .1893. TEACHERS wanted. We must hawe teach ers to fill vacancies. Yates-Fisher Teach ers' Agency. tmi Broadway building. TEACHERS wanted; all kinds of teaching poisiions. M. 4835. Fisk Teachers Agency. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEARN THE AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS. THE TRACTOR BUSINESS OR THE AUTOMOBILE TRUCK BUSINESS at the largest and best-equipped automo bile, tractor and engineering school on the Pacific Coast: 3 stories, modern equip ment, machine shops, oxy-acetylene weld ing shops, vulcanizing shops, lathes, autos. tractors, etc. ; you learn here by actual practice; from 10 to 23 cars being repaired every day in the year here in our shops; 24 expert instructors ; night and day classes; enter at any time. Write for free catalogue or call and see for yourself, any business aay or evening; tne test AUTO MOBILE SCHOOL ou the Pacific Coast. NIGHT and DAY Towing: Tractors -. "' Machinist Mechanical drafta- num Civil engineer OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING Auto machinist ' , WIRELESS OP ERATOR Electrician GAS ENGINEER Auto salesman SHIP DRAFTING AUTO KJNITION EXPERT courses In all the fol- Auto reparlng MARINE ENGINEER ING Estimating LATHE WORK . Mathematics ELECTRICAL EN GINEER Vulcanizing AUTO TRUCK DRIV ING Plan reading TRACTORS STORAGE BATTER IES SHIP DESIGNING BIG Jobs, big pay. big future: get ready; urgent demand for 8 times the men. HEALD'S AUTOMOBILE-TRACTOR-ENGINEERING SCHOOL, 1220 Post St., San Francisco, CaL ADVISORY AND EMPLOYMENT DEPART MENT.' Y. M. C. A. We can place young men with ability. Constant calls coming for the man who can deliver the goods. A Y. M. C. A. membership costing $5.0O guarantees you will secure employment or refund of fee Also gives you 2 months full privileges. 10 months' social and use of this depart ment for L year. See secretary. J. W. Palmer. LEARN AUTOMOBILE TRACTORS, TRUCKS x at the largest, best-equipped auto and tractor school on the Pacific Coast. San Francisco is right in the heart of the Western auto and tractor business. You learn by actual practice on autos. trucks and tractors; 30 expert Instructors. Write for free catalogue. HEALD'S AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOL. 1220 Post St.. San Francisco. CaL FIREMEN, brakemen on Oregon railroads, $125-$150 monthly, experience unnecessary. Positions guaranteed men who qualify through our necessary, easy preparatory instruction. Our record 15 years. 25.000 men sent to railroad positions; 126 rail roads use our instruction for their 56.000 enginemen. We can start you now and help you to become a conductor or en gineer at 200-$250 monthly. Railway As Bociation. Dept. 32. Brooklyn. N. Y. LEARN the auto and tractor business by actual experience under expert instructors. Biggest, best equipped EXCLUSIVE auto and tractor school on Coast ; established 1105. Thousands of successful graduates. We help students earn living. $50 prac tical tractor course free. Write for free 64-page catalogue, or call NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL, Figueroa at 8th, Los Angeles. WANTED At once, girls between 18 and 23 years, to learn comptometer adding and calculating machine ; you should be ready to fill vacancies made by the next .draft. Ask any comptometer operator if she had any trouble securing a position and you will not delay another minute. We want bright, wide-awake girls. 313 Morgan bldg. PRACTICAL training In gas, electrical and steam engineering, mechanical drawing, machine shop practice, oxy-acetylene weld ing, automobile and tractor operating and repairing. Write for catalogue. Seattle En gmeering School, Seattle. Wash. ORIGINAL MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Founded In 1813. Trade taught in eight weeks; tuition earned during the course; get you a position, furnish tools, schol arship tranaier card. Write for free cata logue. 234 Burnslde st. THREE ladles for some special child wel fare work ; must be well educated, be tween 28 and 45, In position to travel;; splendid opportunities; liberal remunera tion. For particulars call at 311 Rothchlld bidg., between 3 and 5. HELP WANTED by U. S. Government, men. women. 18 or over, JU0 month; hundreds war vacancies; list positions free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute (a school). Dept. 386 K, Rochester, N. Y. ADOOX AUTO BCHOO Union ave. and Wasco st. Call or write for free OO-page catalogue. It tella how we help you to a -ood po sition ; day and night classes. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE . will teach you the barber trade In eight weeks; tools free; scholarship and diplo mas given, paid while learning; position guaranteed ; tuition i educed. 233 Madison. PORTLAND Government clerk examina tions Jan. 5; $100 month. Thousands wanted. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute, a school. Dept. 343. L Roches ter. N. Y. REFINED gentleman, formerly In consular "civiue, wiajies m give lessons, Italian private or class). Will also exchange with young laay for English -grammar. References. AL 727. Oregonian. U, s. GOVERNMENT wants women clerks. liHt positions free. Franklin Institute a school). Dept. 703 K, Rochester, N. Y. MAKE money writinjr short stories or art lcies Big pay. Free information. Ad dress United Press Syndicate, Los Ange les. MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL teaches men and wom-n barber In 8 weeks, giving dl pioma; earn tuition while learning. Posi tion guaranteed; tools free. Ui4 Couch st, WANTED Immediately, names men.' women, 18 or over, wishing to become Government clerks; $100 month. Franklin last. A. Schoot, Rochester, N. Y. HEM PH I LL S TRADE SCHOOLS, 707 HAWTHORNE, COR. E. 20TH. UNCLE SAM needs 10.000 stenographers. - Enroll now for ehorthand. typewriting, bookkeeping. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE, Alisky bldg. MAN and wife, flunkeys, logging camp. '-K up and board; man and wife for bridge Bang, $00 and board. 34 N. 2d st TELEGRAPHY Steno.. bkpg. ; board, room, tuition may be earned. Catalogue fre. Ma. kay Business College. Los Angeles. 1 TEACH you French in 6 months by con-t-ersation; grammar also. Phone 1026. Ask for Mr. Berry. hinsdale Commercial school. Broadway-Yamhill building; individual instruction; positions when competent. UNCALLED-FOR tailor-made suits and overcoats for sale. 3.5t and up. 3S5 Stark. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SOHOOLDay and evening 122 Grand ave. East 427 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOKKEEPER, cashier, several years' ex perience, lumber and wholesale business; references. C 104, Oregonian DRUGGIST, registered, years of experience, competent to fill any position. In Oregon. G 741. Oregonian. Al BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. H5 month. Exempt from draft. AC 71)3, Ore gonian. BOOKKEEPER, cost accountant,, salesman, credit man, furniture, hardware, Ptove. im plements, with ability and qualifications, desires position. AM 250, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerks, WANTED A position. Experienced as gen eral merchandise salesman, window dress er, commercial artist, receiving and ship ping clerk, and stock clerk; good penman. Would like position with wholesale house as city salesman ; salary, or salary and commission, with good chance of advance ment. Open for position January 1; age 30 years; best references. 1. R. Russell, room 229, 025 Wash. st. Mar. 1950. MR. BUSINESS MANIfou need a sec retary who Is just over draft age. has a college education, an excellent training In retail and wholesale business, stenog raphy, and in the handling of an office and men, accustomed to meeting the pub lic where loyalty and Intelligent energy will cqiint. address F S29. Oregonian. IF you 'want a good, wide-awake young man to manage your office. I can do it. A m emnloved tn that ranflcitv at d resent. but desire a change. I request that ne gotiations be kept in confidence, and will give Al references when required. R 847, uregoman COMPETENT stock clerk and eost account ant with thorough knowledge of book- keeping; experienced in the handling of large stocks In manufacturing, implement and hardware lines ; best of references. Call D 1350 or P 605. Oregonian. MAN stenographer, widely experienced, first-class In every respect, married, wishes position, private secretary or as sistant; appreciate interview. W 671, Ore gonian. BRIGHT, brainy, middle-aged man with family and with "pep" and "ginger," one leg lately amputated, but "still in the ring," wants position In offlse as clerk or accountant. Phone Broadway 1818. MAN of high character, thoroughly expe rienced and possessing genial disposition, deal res position as bookkeeper or general office woik; first-class references. P 680. Oregonian. EXPERT accountant can take one more account for audit if can start work promptly Jan. 2. Consultation free and confidential. Charges commensurate with services rendered. AP 330, Oregonian. EXEMPT from draft, man, 29, married, wants position, experienced office, cler ical, bookkeeping, cashier, credit, collec tions; best of reference. Stone. Tabor 65 U9 before noon. A MIDDLE-AGED married man of ability and integrity desires a position Jan. 1. Heal estate, hotel an mall order ex perl -ence; best references. AE 259, Oregonian. MARRIED man. not subject to draft, wants Cosltion as stock clerk or timekeeper: give est of references; would leave city. Write w 64Q, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER. cashier, typist, several years' experience, lumber and shipbuilding, draft age, class four. Moving to Portland Jan. lo. AV 129, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and lumber tallyman (45) wants simiiar position or as pay clerk, timekeeper, checker, etc. X 812, Orego nian. EXPERT accountant. credit man, office manager, reliable, efficient, with execu tive s bility and successful record, desires position. AO 773, Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT Audits systems, bookkeep ing for firms without regular bookkeeper. Marshall 3O40. BOOKKEEPER, experienced In wholesale and high-class accounting; not subject to draft. AV 127. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and general lumber office man open for engagement Jan. 1. Phone East 56511. POSITION by stockman and order filler. Phone C 1412. Miscellaneous. SALESMAN Experienced in grocery lines, wishes to make change. Acquainted with Eastern Oregon and river trade. Best references and reasons for changing. X 816, Oregonian. WANTED Position as carpenter foreman and draftsman ; 20 years' experience in detailing of any kind; city reference. E. E., 426 Burnslde. MIDDLE-AGED man wants job as watch man or any inside work. Had lots of ex perience in the grocery business. C 85, Oregonian. ALL-AROUND country printer wants posi tion. Competent, reliable and good on jobs and ads. Western Oregon or Washington. A V i, Oregonian. RIGHT-HAND BOWER wants position with wholesale- house ; sales managership pre ferred ; here you have an opportunity to ' secure a good man. H 824, Oregonian. INSIDE work, half days, by reliable man; elevator, warehouse, store, fireman, jani tor or kitchen. Phone Marshall 3482, Get chel. WANTED Who can use an ' all-around freight clerk, shipping clerk or express bill clerk or an experienced hotel cierkV Age 53.- N 2i, Oregonian. TRAVELING salesman familiar with North west territory desires position, specialty or general line, road or city work. F 821, Oregonian. 4 KELIABLE, energetic young man, 28, mil itary exemption, desires employment of any nature; moderate compensation. J 344, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced boys' clothing salesman, well acquainted in city, open for engagement after J an. 10. Confiden tial. AH 72l. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED janitor, single, steady, thor oughly reliable, holding Al references, in or out of city. Canaual French, V 841, Oregonian. AN experienced commercial salesman de sires to affiliate with reliable firm to be gin Jan. 2; best references. Address P 672, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by all-around mechanic and electrician, expert oil fireman, can do any kind of building maintenance work; have own tools. Call Woodlawn 524. POSITION wanted as rigger foreman or hoisting engineer; good habits. Address T 253, Oregonian. BOY, 16, wants farm work; experienced; state wages in letter or phone Main 645U, room 16, or Box 804, Portland. Or. FIRST-CLASS two-thirder desires position with printing office; can furnish refer ences. AE 20G, Oregonian. WANTED Contract for piling and hewn ties. Address Hoy Hotel, room 602. Sd and Yamhill sts. STRONG, trustworthy boy of 10 years, at tending Couch School, wants work. L 844, Oregonian. EXP ERIE NCED Japanese chauffeur wants position in private family. K 414. Orego nian. WANTED Position as inside watchman or caretaker, good references furnished. S. B.. 175 3d st. Phone Main 3309. TRA FFIC man desires position aAHintant whipping dept., wholesale house preferred ; now employed. C 114. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED shipping clerk desires posi tion. Will give references. AO 764, ore gonian. EXPERT timekeeper, labor distribution and cost clerk; Al references. A H 702, Ore gonian. WANTED Employment, commercial. 25 years Northwest; implements, stoves, hardware. B 152, Oregonian. WANTED By elderly man of good appear ance, a position ; salary no object; ref erences given. Main 1485. WANTED Work by steady married man: good mechanic at any kind of work. AE 257, Oregonian. SA W FILER, Al, 12 years experience, 5 years for one company ; grind out old saws like new. AV 33U. Oregonian. COOKS, man and wife, or wife will do dining-room work; camp or hotel. AE 273, Oregonian. HANDY man wants Intitde work, steady or part time. Phone East 6884, leave word for room 27. YOUNG MAN seeks position auto driving or repairing. Address S. B. K., Union ave. and Wasco st.. city; references. HOUSE painting, papering, tinting; work cheap; guaranteed; day or contract. East 1W11. MAN 35 years wishes position as night watchman or run elevator in hotel ; reler ences. F 835, Oregonian. YOITNG MAN. 19. anxious to work Sun days. AO 763, Oregonian. SALESMAN with car desires a change in position. AJ 258, Oregonian. POSITION, acetylene cutting; one year ex perience. Phone C 1412. MIDDLE-AGED man wants position as janitor or watchman. Tabor 7240. PLACE for boy, 14. to do a few chores and go to school. V 857. Oregonian. PRINTER All-around job and ad , man; country office. E 814, Oregonian. YOUNG man, experienced chauffeur, desires position driving truck. 894 H E. 11th st. EXPERIENCED young man desires posi tion as hotel Janitor. S 20Q. Oregonian. WOULD like some position where I can use my car. R 831. Oregonian. PAINTING, paperhanging, tinting, by the day or ron tract. Phone Main 7l54. WANTED Position as janitor, nightwatch- man or porter. X 817, Oregonian. PAINTING, calsomlnlng, paper hanging, rea sonable. Main 2053. PAPERHANGING. painting and tinting. Good work, right prices. Mar. 2403. WANTED Steady job as watchman; refer ences. AP 328,- Oregonian. CARPENTER Leaky roofs patched or re shingled. Marshall 1072. SHINGLERS When you want shingling done call Woodlawn 5206. WANTED Wood to cut or 1 to -5 acres to clear by contract. R 821. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS Ford mechanic wants steady work. Sellwood 1801, Sunday. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. M iscel Laneoua. OUR MILL IS CLOSED. 2 men want steady work, building saw ing, filing, office or other work; plans furnished or trouble found and remedied. AV 134. Oregonian. WANTED Position as manager of -depart-ment store or large drygoods storaf on the Pacific Coast; have had 28 years' experi ence in selling, buying and store man agement; at present floor manager in a large department store in the East with l.oo employes: will not consider a change except at gooa salary. T 23o. Oregonian I CHAUFFEUR - MECHANIC First-class chauffeur, age 25, with 7 years experi- ence on ail high-grade motor cars, 3 years' worn in snop in southern California, wish es position in private family; good habits and trustworthy; have uniform for driv- Ing. AO 751, Oregonian. MAN. 45, WANTS AJ4Y KIND of work. Intelligent and reliable. Best of references. Call East 1530. YOU can secure the services of a young man who has experienced 15 years of business; I am capable of managing a selling force, as I have the ability, energy, tact and forcefulness of directing mea and getting results. F S39. Oregonian. WINDOW TRIMMER AND SIGN WRITER. Returned soldier, honorably discharged, open for position, city or 'country; 12 years Eastern experience. J. P. White, Cosmopolis, Wash., care Gen. Del. YOUNG man, -foreigner, wants steady posi tion on a general stock farm as a chore man; have good experience, milking and garden, etc., all around the ranch ; refer ences If needed; state wages. Address E 828. Oregonian. POSITION with mill company; am accus tomed to handling men; capable to take charge of any capacity mill, foreign or domestic. F. J. Bettls. Arthur Hotel, city. LOGGING CAMP FOREMAN Wants position; years of experience In handling large camps; best of references. Address Cutler-Johnson Lumber Co., 1220 Northwestern Bank bldg., Portland, Or. WANTED Work with 3 -ton auto truck; have trailer for hauling long timbers, pil ing logs or mill work without trailer. E. C. Hankel, 707 Wash, st,,- Vancouver, Wash. Phone 144. Po&llION wanted by man, 15 years' ex perience in general merchandise: can trim windows, write cards and advertise; small town preferred: state particulars and sal ary. Y 316, Oregonian. EXEMPT from draft, 25, college education, experience in credits and collections, de sire position In that capacity or with live wire advertising man; cleanly habits; ref erences. AG 8ou, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. POSITION as bookkeeper by one capable ot assuming complete charge of set of books; competent to handle any confidential po sition; can furnish best of references. For interview call Main 352 or write AJ 233, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, typewriter. knowledge bookkeeping, invoicing, all general office work; capable of taking charge or hold ing responsible position; 4 years experi ence in lumber; references. F 827, Ore gonian. ST E N OGRAPHER-SECRETARY", 12 years' experience, thoroughly qualified for posi tion of trust, desires position, Y 3o4, Oregonian. ENERGETIC woman with business ability would like work afternoons only; capable and trustworthy; small salary to begin. T 254. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and cashier, at present em ployed, desires position with reliable firm; reliable and accurate. City references. E 818, Oregonian. YOUNG lady with excellent commercial training desires position as bookkeeper and cashier or secretary for reliable firm. Best references. AM 274, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced bookkeeper de sires position with responsible firm. First class references furnished. O 741, Oregonian. WANTED Three places to take charge of books for few hours each day. D 837, Oregonian. CAPABLE, experienced business woman wishes a position of trust, charge of apt. house or small hotel. B 144, oregonian. STENOGRAPHER Beginner, with college education, active ana quick to learn. AB 703, Oregonian. BILLER desires permanent position ; will also assist with general ottice work. X 838, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, experienced, rapid typist, neat, quick and accurate. Call 'labor 02o7 betore 2 P. M. or in evening. LAD V, age 35, wishes general office wor.; good at figures; can use typewriter. Aa aresa B 150, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer with knowl edge of bookkeeping desires position. Tabor 431. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po sition, part or all day; references. Phone Tabor 156. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and typist; ref erences. Call Sunday or evenings, Wood lawn 5297. WAN TE D Bookkeeping or general office work. Am experienced. Tabor 6G41. YOUNG lady stenographer desires office work, temporary or permanent. East 997. HIGH school graduate desires general office work. Phone tsell. 277o. WANTED By young lady of experience, po sition In doctor's office. Main 44K5. YOUNG lady desires position as a book keeper; experienced. Call Columbia 8i8. lr cms in alter. EXPERIENCED seamstress and dressmaker desires position in tailor shop or dress making cepartment. Address 731 4th st. UP-TO-DATE dressmaking parlors for sale; good location; doing fine business; rea sonable. AG 805, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $2.25 the day. Call Tabor 4097. DRESSMAKING All work satisfactory. 330 Montgomery st. Phone Main 7785. EXPERIENCED dressmaker". $2.50 per day; references. Woodlawn 5297. NURSE -will take paralysis case in own homo; doctor's references. Phone Tabor 26X7. UNDERGRADUATE nurse wants case, any kind taken, years of experience. Main 6360. WANTED By middle-aged, practical nurse, to care for invalid or elderly people. Phone East 7316. YOUNG woman, 4 years' hospital experi ence, wishes convalescent patient; have my own car. L 865, Oregonian. UNDERGRADUATE nurse wants case, any mntii, j ai vi cAtrei leuue. "ain oooo. Housekeeper. ' HOUSEKEEPING for a widswer or bach elor, by a woman with 2 children age 10 and 16; only respectable men need an swer. Address Housekeeper, 4014 67th st Portland, Or. N CAPABLE, refined lady desires position, housekeeper for gentleman or lull charge of an apt. -house; good manager; ref. ix 417, Oregonian. UNINCUMBERED, refined, middle-aged woman would like place as housekeeper in Eastern Oregon; farm preferred. AD 396, Oregonian. BY refined, unincumbered woman, position as housekeeper tor 2 or more gentlemen or man with child; reterenues. AJ 250, Oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper by widow; no objection to the country. N 26. Oregonian. WAN T E D Position as housekeeper inapart-ment-house by man and wife; references. Phone Main 5870, room 10. EXPERIENCED Swedish girl; washing, housework In small family. H 822, Orego nian. COMPETENT mlddle-sged lady housekeeper on ranch for widower or bachelor; no tri flers. 246 Montgomery st. UNINCUMBERED middle - aged widow would like position in widower's home; good references. AD 391. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman would like position as housekeeper; references. Phone Mar. 1886. RESPECTABLE woman wants housekeep ing; competent and reliable; have girl 6 and baby AL 733, Oregonian. WANTED, try middle-aged woman, cooking or housework. L 847, Oregonian. ELDERLY widow wis.ies to keep house for widower's family. AO 770, Oregonian. A GOOD housekeeper, good cook;' references: small wages. AB 765, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED housekeeper wishes good place; good cook; best relj. Tabor 7340. Domestics. EXPERIENCED girl wiahes position as cook and general housework in small family. AE 267, Oregonian. HIGH school girl wants to work for room and board, near Franklin. Woodlawn 1320. EXPERIENCED camp cook wants position; can handle large .crew. Main 6816. FIRST-CLASS cook, good manager, hotel, city; beat of references. N 25, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cook wants position, hotel or camp. Marshall 1466. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Domestics. EXP. young woman wishes position as first class cook, some housework. In private - family, adults, no washing; wages $40. Box 403 Hermlston, Or. YOUNG woman attending school wants place to work for board and room. Phone Arm strong, Holmes' Business College. Broad way 1821. WANTED General housework, by woman living out of town; have girl of four; home references. R 648, Oregonian. JAPANESE boy would like to do general housework; has good references. E 622, Oregonian. COMPETENT young woman desires perma nent position, housework; wages $30. E 81 7. Oregonian. GIRL, experienced In housework, wants work by the day or hour. Call Monday. Tabor 2403. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants housework; good cook. Address 3ii0 Eugene at. Miscellaneous. REFINED woman of business ability wants management of apt. or rooming house; has had experience iu this business; Al reference as to ability and character. Ta bor 56Q1 or address L 843, Oregonian. ELDERLY lady would like to do light housework, private family, for room arffi board; no children. Christian Science preferred. Please leave phone number. AF 770, Oregonian. GOOD woman to care for two small children in nice home in country; no cooking or housework. Phone East 12, 361 Holla day ave. COLLEGE graduate, ex-teacher, wishes tutoring evenings; grade subjects. English. Latin or algebra. Terms reasonable. R 842. Oregonian. A LITTLE girl between 4 and 10 years to care for; good home; Protestant family, near school, charges very reasonable. 1340 Rodney ave. EXPERIENCED power sewing machine op erator wants steady position after first of year. Call A 2360 Monday, 10 A. M. to :t P. M. GIRL wants steady position as telephone operator on private exchange board. For information call A" 2360 Sunday after 10 A. M. till S P. M. EUROPEAN piano teacher can accomodate a few more pupils; hour, 6c; great pains taken with beginners. Phone Marshall 30S3. YOUNG lady alone would like to have work; have been saleslady, but would be willing to learn trade at small salary. J 338, Oregonian. FIRST-CLA SS experienced dressmaker wishes engagement out; remodeling spe cialty: holiday rates; reference. Mar. 1050, Apt. 26. PRIVATE lessons In English to grown peo ple, coaching examinations. L 841, Ore gonian. LACE CURTAINS, specials, first-class laun dress for lace curtains only. 45 E. 7th st. N. East 4924. CAPABLE, experienced business woman wishes position of trust. L 845. Orego nian. WOMAN employed will assist evenings aud pay some for nice room, .AVest Side. East 1603 after 10. WANTED By a lady, few hours' work eacri day In exchange for small apt. Tabor 5786. WANTED Place to lake care of children evenings while mother Is away; refer ences. Woodlawn 1611. LADY wants housecleaning or other work by hour, day or month; satisfaction guar anteed. Main 5292. STRONG, experienced woman wants day work. Call all Sunday, after in evening. Tabor 8378. x OUNG woman, thoroughly experienced in classified adv. dept., desires position ; also experienced cashier. Marshall 5270. WANTED Clerkship In a book or stationery store; well experienced. C 88, Orego nian. WANTED Light office work for half day or as dentist's assistant. AF 781, Ore gonian. WANTED Day work; references. 2557. Sellwood WANTED Management apt.-house; expe rlence East and West. B 128. Oregonian. PRIVATE switchboard operator and cashier wishes position. Main 7314. WANTED Private exchange work, by young lady. Main 636Q. apt. 2 . POSITION wanted ; 3 years in post office. 2 yrs. clerk, gen, store. AG 801. Oregonian. WANTED By young lady, position as cashier or general office work. Main 14S5. VERY experienced woman wants day work; first-class laundress. Phone East lits7. ELDERLY couple want work. farm, or chard, anything. R 840. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work, ilon,, Wed., Thur. Sell. 1932. RELIABLE woman wishes to cook or serve dinners. Bdwy. 5072. apt. 42. COM PETE N Twoman wantsd a y w or k. Cai 1 all week. Broadway 1257. HIGH SCHOOL girl desires light office work after 2:30 and on Sat. Phone East 1745. COOK, girl, woman, in or out city; position until afterflrst. AO 747. Oregonian. LADY wants day work. Main 9132. TWO camp waitresses. V 834. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. fcUNG couple, no children, want nicely fur nished moderate size house, flat or apart ment In desirable neighborhood, Irving ton, Laurelhurst or Portland Heights pre ferred. Phone East 1454 or office Marshal) 300. , WANTED A small furnished house or apartment by responsible couple; parties answering must have no objections to dog and cat. S 293, Oregonian. BY A responsible family of three, 5 or 6 room heated flat; must be well furnished and in good location. Main 5887, after 9 A. M. WANTED rTo rent small house with gar den, near O.-W. R At N. tracks, either in St. Johns or Montavilla. R 827, Ore gonian. UNFURNISHED 6-room modern house, good location ; not to exceed $20. M 58. Oregonjan. WANTED 5 or 6 -room strictly modern fur nished bungalow, close in, with garage preferred, not over $25. East 2709. FAMILY wants to rent small furnished house In Sellwood or Brooklyn district Call Tabor 2559. WANTED 4-room furnished house, walking distance of Northwest Steel Co. AJ 231, Oregonian. WANT clean 5-room modern house. East Side, garage, yard, about $10 a month. AR 524. Oregonian. WANT to rent or lease nicely furnished modern home, about 5 rooms, preferably close In. Call Woodlawn 4796. WANTED Four or live-room bungalow on East Side for 2 adults, modern, good loca tlon. AG 812, Oregonian. WANTED A furnished house on West Side, walking distance. Marshall 2559. WANTED Furnished bungalow, 5 or 6 rooms, for adults. B 129. oregonian. WANTED Furnished bungalow, garage, close in. P 680. Oregonian. FROM 8 to 15 rooms. Marshall 2484. Apartments. WANTED By two employed ladles, 2 or 3-room furnished apartment with bath. In apartment building or private house; sleeping porch If possible. O 786, Ore gonian. WANTED At once, by two refiu4- ladles, nice, clean, airy, furnished --room - apart ment, or would consider housekeeping rooms In private family. Would go on East Side. Phone East 7516. WANTED, by young married couple, heated, furnished or partly furnished apartment, with extra bedroom, or small flat. State particulars. R 846, Oregonian. REASONABLE, modern housekeeping room or apartment, convenient for middle-aged, quiet student. Phone Sellwood 2609. AJ 254, Oregonian. WANTED By man and wife, furnished housekeeping rooms or small apartment, close in. Phone East 1994. CLEAN, furnished, 2 or 3-room apts., by man. wife and daughter by January 9; references. S 2S1, Oregonian. WANTED A 4-room modern apartment, top floor. West Side, by Jan. 15 ; permanent; best of references. M 45. Oregonian. WANTED A furnished lower flaL West Side, good care. Wdln. 4163. Rooms. HOUSEKEEPING rooms In private family by couple employed, where boy of four can have care of refined, motherly woman dur ing day. Call Sunday E. 002, room 222, or R 845, Oregonian. BUSINESS girl wants furnished room, com fortably furnished, heat, running water, respectable neighborhood, walking dis tance. M 59, Oregonian. WANTED Room In private family; young man wishes room near 21st and Irving ; piano and telephone. L 861, Oregonian. MAN and wife with 5 children want fur nlshed housekeeping roms. Tabor 7 689. Rooms With Board. WANTED By two young men, board and , room with private family ; answer, giv ing phone, number and address. Y 343, Oregonian. BROTHER and sister want room and board in private family; both employed during day. Please state price and full partic ulars. AJ 252, Oregonian. "WANTED TO RENT. Rooms With Board. WANTED By reliable young business man, place to board and room in strictly pri vate family on West Side, Two meals a day; must have all modern conveniences. Can furnish bos of references; state price. AG 8113, Oregonian. MAN. employed SoiMh Portland, wishes room, board ; reasonable. West isid, pri vate; C. S. family preferred. M 41, Ore gonian. WAN TED Room and board In C. S. family for father and son y vears old; some one that will be willing to help him with his lesions. AF 7S0. Oregonian. I DINNERS. 6:30 P. M. dally. East Ankeny carline. husband, wife, child of school age. F 817. Oregonian. WANTED Room and board In private fam ily for 2 gentlemen, young Indy and boy 5 years .old. C 117, Oregonian TWO clean young men wishing a good home. P 670. Oregonian. FOR KENT. Rooms. . BUSINESS girl will share apartment,, terms reasonable B 147, Oregonian. Furnished Rooms. A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St. and East Sixth. Hotel Clifford is the principal East Side hotel and Is a hotel of dignity and refine ment. Rates per flay, for one person, 75c to $1.50; for two persons. $1 to $2. Weekly rates. $3.50 and up. NORTON I A HOTEL, Portland s downtown, high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reason able rates. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th st., at Washington. Fireproof, large, attractive. spotless rooms, individual phones, continuous heat & hot water serv.; T5c day up;$3.50 wk. up. LA VINA HOTEL. Opposite Good Samaritan Hospital. 231 North 23d, cor. Marshall; clean rooms, modern, free phone and baths. By the month, $12; by the week. $3.50; by the night, 75c. Phone Main 7314; HOTEL CON RADINE. 10th St., at Oak. Desirable downtown lo cation, respectable snd strictly modern; fireproof building, elevator and tars; lobby; rooms. $3.50 week up. WALK along West Park street at Morrison and see our cheerful lobby with its bright wood fire, and the happy look of the place will make you one of us. HOTEL EATON. Come for a day, a week or to stay. $1.75 WEEK UP 50c and 75c day; large, comfortable rooms, absolutely clean, hot water, baths, free, all hours; desirable people only. 2ss 3d St.. near Jefferson. PALACE HOTEL. 446 Washington st. Down town location ; respectabl s and strictly modern ; free phones in all rooms; steam heat; rooms large and clean. fti T A NDISH HOTEL! 548i Washington St., Cor. 17th. Modern, steam-heated rooms $1.50 to $3 per week ; free phones and bath. PRINCESS HOTEL. Eas 3d and Burnsioe. Steam-heated rooms. fireproof, $2 week up. good Winter home. ANSONIA HOTEL, 124 14th st,. at Washington. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison street at 10th Rates 50c per day up;' weekly, $2.50 up; running water; free phone and bat ha HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11th St. Strictly modern, private baths en suite; rooms $3 up. Main 0472. A 4783. HoTEL NORRIS, 533 Alder st. Strictly modern; $1.50, $2 and $2.50 week. I'nf urnished Rooms. UNFURNISHED attic rooms, slpg. or h.-k. ; mod., cheap. 387 12th. Main 4879. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. ELEGANT FRONT ROOM. Mahogany furniture, walking distance, good table board next door, for one or two gentlemen; price reasonable. 71 Trinity place. A BUSINESS woman can have a nicely fur nished room, with use of sitting, aining room and kitchen, heat and light, also use of piano. $6.50 and $8.50 per month. 581 Clinton st. $10 PER MO. Fine large sunny front room, furnaCe heat, electric lights, bath, phone, easy walking distance, very desirable to an appreciative party. 415 W. Broadway. WANTED Refined young man to share room; sleeping porch, separate beds; breakfast, dinner if desired. AO 750, Ore gonian. $7 NICELY furnished, steam-heated room, walking distance; one or two young women employed, board or kitchen privileges, il desired. Main 4196. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleeping-room, private family, home accommodations, 15 minutes' walk to Wash. st. Phone Mar. 572, or address 551 W. Broadway. A GOOD. COMFORTABLE ROOM for young lady or gentleman, walking dis tance, $7 month. 71 Trinity place. YOUNG lady wishes room In private home in exchange for companion with children evenings. T 272, Oregonian. FOR RENT A very pleasant large room, running water, heat. Marshall 2fl 6. 195 21st st., between Wash, and Taylor. NICELY furnished room in ferivate family, no other roomers, board optional. East 4460. FURNISHED ROOM Walking distance; bath, phone and use of piano to right party. Phone Main 6865. LARGE outside steam-heated room, private, reasonable ; all conveniences, walking dis tance. Marshall 4639. TWO turnished light housekeeping rooms, one block to car; free phone, lights and water. Refs. Woodlawn 3715. TWO modern furnished front rooms in pri vate family, reasonable. 585 Tillamook. East 7106. FURNISHED room, modern, walking dis tance. 472 Salmon. NICELY furnished room, bath, heat and phone. 709 Kearney st. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms. In good home; references; Nob Hill. 738 Johnson. LARGE front room, use of piano, furnace heat, modern. 327 Sixth bU LARGE, light, airy room, steam heat. 414 Market, cor. 11th st. NEATLY" furnished room, with evening din ner; homelike. Main 7106. FURNISHED Jefferson. rooms very reasonable. 424 IRVINGTON Room, new home, 16 blocks I or B car ; breakfast ; near club. E. 419. FOR RENT Furnished room, with private bath. 344 Salmon. NEWLY furnished sleeping room, modern, walking distance, reasonable. Main 470. Rooms With Board. THE MARLYN An excellent residential hotel, strictly moaern and f irst-ciass; ex ceptional meals; close in. 554 Couch St., cor. 17th. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. S80 Tenth st. For business girls and stu dents. Reasonable rates. Marshall 1251. KuuM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; $3.50 per week. E. 32. 12 E. 7th st. PARKVIEW Family hotel, 386 Montgomery St., In South Parkway ; walking distance ; excellent tame, reasonable rates. Al. 3783. M1S3 MASSIE, 361 11th st. Large room, suitable for two. Good table board. Rea sonable. 452 MORRISON, corner 13th Rooms and board, modern conveniences, walking dis tance. KOOMS with board, home-cooked meals, hot and cold water; walking distance. Main 775. 32S loth St. Rooms With Board in Private Jr'amily. EXCEPTIONALLY homelike, large, front room, modern, refined, close iu. Main 792. 411 Mill st. WOULD room and board little girl not under 7 years, $12 a month. Call 407 Jefferson, apt. F. CoUPLE In Irvington have room and board for young lady employed, no other board ers. East 7y51, C 1887. NICE, light furnished room, walking dis tance, down town or shipyards; one or two meals optional. 431 3d st. Tel. Main 1061. ELEGANT large room, suitable for 2 gentle men, and good home meals, modern home. Main 4157. 205 N. 21st st. NICELY furnished room, suitable for two, modern home, excellent meals, reasonable, close in Main 0325. 547 V 6th st TWO rooms, with or without board, in pri vate family. East 774. LITTLE girl can have nice, modern home, best of care, reasonable. Woodlawn 1566. ROOM with good board, private home, rea sonable rate. East 4616. WANTED A little girl to board; splendid ca re and reasonable. East 3298. WANTED A child to board. 1 month to 3 years old, reasonable. East 6407. CHILDREN to board in private home. 365 Halsey st. East 2440. ROOM and board In private family, home privileges; walking distance. East 2258. WANTEp Small child to care for in my home ; references. Y 351, Oregonian. NICE room with board In private family. Main 7098, or 5t5 Davis st. FURNISHED front room with or without board. Woodlawn 588. NEWLY furnished housekeeping room. In private family. 434 Main. Main 7682 CHILDREN TO BOARD, "best " board and special care. East 2065. FOR RENT. Rooms With Board In Private Family. FURNISHED room with breakfast to two young ladies in apartment; walking dis tance business center; terms reasonable; lady alone. N 34. Oregon ian. IN Irvington, on Broadway carline, one room for 2. with twin bt-ds; also young man will share his room, bath, with show- er. E.ist 1?S6. NEWLY furnished front room, good board, in homelike residence, walking distance. 500 East Salmon, between 14th and 15th. East 706'J. COMFORTABLE, steam-heated room; good board, home cooking, in Nob Hill district; walking Distance ; reasonable. 680 Flan ders st. Main 2327 AMERICAN working man. 35 to 45, to room and board ; modern conveniences. Piano. Widow's home, West Side, close in. K 831, Oregonian. NICELY furnished room for rent, with or without board; all home comforts, walking distance. East 7279. ROOM with board, nicely furnished modern home, sleeping porch, to person employed; home privileges, walking distance. E. 156. NEAR Multnomah Club, good room, nice home,' plentiful table; reasonable. Main 2219. ELDERLY man can have good home for doing chores around place in city. Call 44U4 42d ave. S. E., cor. 44th st. LARGE, nicely furnished, clean, warm room, good board, fine location, close in. Eaut 49 23. ROOM or room with breakfast. 600 East Belmont. Furnished Apartments. VILLA ST. CLARA, , Twelfth and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the PaciflO Coast; furnished complete. Roof Garden in Connection. Walking distance. References. PENROSE APARTMENTS. N. W. corner Belmont and Grand Ave. New, completely furnished 2 and 3-room apts. Solid brick building; white enameled interior; large kitchen; service first-class; walking distance. East 4548. MADISON PARK APTS. Park and Madison. Modern 2. 3 and 4 -room furnished apartments. close in, walking distance. VERY cheap, front room, Hawthorne ave., to lady employed day time ; home privi leges, phone, piano. Tabor 1840, after 1 P. M. N EW, furnished, heat, hot and cold water, 2 or 3-room apt.; $20. Apt., E. 10th and Main. Phone E. 3581. SWELL 4-room furnished apt., $25 ; new buii gal ow ; couple. 14.2 Ha w thorn e. CAKLoTTA . COURT. Everett modern ; walking distance. and 17th; THE LEONARD, 3-room apt., furnished, modern and no children. 0ti5 E. Main. SHIPYARDS, South Portland, Grover Apts., furnished one and two rooms. Orover st. ARCADIA. 706 Everett, nr. 22d. 3-room apt., modern ; no children. Ma ran all 522U. I' of urnished Apartments. ETNA APART M E N T S . East 20th and Rurnside. Beautiful apartment, just unished, white enamel woodwork, tile bath, buiit-in bed, bullet In dining-room, triple mirror dress ing table and chairs in dressing-room, hardwood floors: these 3-room apai tmenis, with bath and dressing-room must be seen to be appreciated. Take Montavilla car line and get off at East 20th. E. 'S7'2. IRVINGTON. BOWMAN APTS. ' 10th and Hancock. 4 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, tile bath, steam heat, janitor service, splendid locution. Rent $40. F. E. BOWMAN & CO., Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 302G. ROSE-FRIEND, 285 Broadway, corner Jef ferson ; modern unfurn. apts., walking dis tance, best service. Marshall 1410. BRUCE APTS., 25th and Northrup streets Modern 6 rooms and sleeping porch, stwum heat. Main 499. References. GARFIELD 4 rooms, just completed. $20; steam heat, private bath. 301 Failing, i block west Union. East 4270. THE MARLBOROUGH. 2 1st 5 and 6-rooin. reasonable. and Flanders. Main 7516. KING-DAVIS; 3 and 4-room, very desirable. Main 2U5S. ; WE1ST APARTMENTS. 69 N. 23D. Fu rn lshed or Unfurnished Apartments. LUCRET1A COURT APARTMENTS: High-class, perfect In all details. 49 Lucre tia st. Marshall 1513. A 3637. SUNN YS IDE APARTMENTS, fine furnished apartment ready 1st; steam heat. Tabor rt'.too. . THE LOIS. 704 Hoyt, near 21st. Desirable 4-room apt., $40. Flat. 4 ROOMS, close In, West Side, one of tho choicest in the city, all outside rooms; on account of lease until July 1. a sperial rate will be given by lease holder ; relVr ences required. Address L 857, Ore gonian. ASK FOR OREGON-MADE GOODS. . $25 Lower Flat Walking Distance. 6 rooms, furnace, fireplace, in good con dition, close to Dental College. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. STRICTLY modern fiat, choice location, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, beam cViling, 25th and Northrup. Apply 875 Northrup. COSY 4-room unfurnished flat. 4 minutes Irom Morrison st. ; no carfare; modern, with bath. Apply 291 Broadway. Marshall 75T: MODERN 5-room upper flat, sleeping porch, fireplace, clean, light, $20: aaults. 29 1 E. 21st; Hawthorne car. Tabor 1597 MODERN five-room unfurnished flat, closo in. E. Ninth and Yamhill; $10. Tel. E. 3418. 6-ROOM upper f ia t, modern and clean. 503 Columbia st. Marshall 4211. Rent reason able. . FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt st. Inquire 130 6th. Phone Main , 62i8. "7L-4-ROOM nt, garbage, large yard. For Information call Woodlawu 4739. FIVE rooms and sleeping porrh. heated hy Central Co., 783 Kearney. Marshall 346. GOOD, "e'room, upper flat. 630 V Marshall, con ler 2Qth ; ren t, $2Q. oHiOo.M upper flat, all modern conveni ences. East IS55. MODERN 4-room flat, gas range. Pine. East 4242J Furnished l'latn. FOR RENT A modern 5-room flat, fur nished; furniture new. Will sell furni ture U party desires to buy. Call Sun day, between 10 and 5 o'clock. 110 L. 1 7 th. corner Alder. 539 RODNEY AVE. 3-room furnished flat; between Russell and Knott. PARK ST., 0-rooin furnished flat, cen tral. Key :;.to Park st. 5-ROOM furnished flat for rent. Woodlawn 2 975. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. Twelfth and Marshall. Walking distance, furnished for housekeeping, including gas ranges, electric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free. $10 a month up. Take S" or lOth-st. car north, get off at Marshall st. Broadway 5038. t HOUSEKEEPING suite of 2 splendid front rooms, very light and airy, closets, elec tric lights, batn and heat. Also one very deslraole, large unfurnished or partly furnished room, walking distance, rent reasonable. 032 Flandera, near 2Qth st. ONE room with kitcnenette, completely tur nished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone In every room. 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison sts.. $14 up. 291 Co lumbia st.. near 5th. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. FOR RENT Two desirable unrurnisneti rooms, light, bath, phone included, $7 per month. 195 21st St.. between Wash, and Taylor. Marshall 2S16. FINE large home, good location, everything furnished; heat, lisht. water. phone; garage ; references required. Woodlawu 426C. , HAVE modern 6-room house; want two con genial ladies or man and wlf to share it with me; pleasant home. 684 E. Taylor. WILL give rent of unfurnished attic rooms to woman that will help with house work, 387 12th st. Main 4879. NEAT H. K. rooms, heat and light, walk ing distance. 41 Ella st. FURNISHED H. K. suite, $2.25 a week. 267 Knott at. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, bath. $16 month. 692 Front. $2.75 CLEAN, steamheated single . H. K. room, close in. 533 Morrison. DB:SIRABLE suite or single rooms. 202 12th. Houses. NEW house, .chicken-house, berries, 1-3 acre of ground, near Multnomah station. Maia 953U. MODERN, 5-room house. East Side, close In; $11. Main 2629. $10 VERY desirable 6-room house ; key next aoor. iui r. star, i aoor .-. FOR RENT -Nice, clean 8-room modern. house. 263 East 31st st. Bdwy. 3"s:;. 5-ROOM bungalow cottage, furnished, children. Call Woodlawn 2Ss. $2 TO $25 distance. Elegant modern homes. Call Monday East 356. $12.50 6-ROOM modern, chicken yard, gar den near WS line. Sellwood 1218. 6-ROOM house corner of Tlbbetts and 24th one lot for garden. Sell. 684. MODERN 5-room bun galo w, t-?e lot, best car service. East 2170, morning.