The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 23, 1917, SECTION TWO, Page 9, Image 29

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nooa axd machine men;
5.25 PER DAT, 8 HOURS.
24T Divn Street.
Broadway 3533. A 6824.
Services free to all.
WANTED Four young- men over Hi. with
wheel, steady work, hustlers rnuke
per week; can aiso use lew school boys
during Xmaa vacation. . A. Moheahuur,
203 Ct.k il
STEADY MEN wanted -to take exclusive
control of good territory In Oregon and
Washington. Jloney advanced weekly, out
fit anu special t.aliiing free. txperifciice
unnecessary; our active men are making
. good money, you can do the same; clean,
hardy, guaranteed Etock. Yakima Valley
Nursey Company. Toppenlsh. Wash.
OFTTCE boy for railroad traffic department.
Over 16, high school training preferred;
good opportunities for advancement. Call
ilonday, 70-4 W'eils-l'axgo blag.
IPPINO and receiving cierk. man ex
perienced in hardware and implements
preferred; state salary expected and last
place of employment: rood position with
chance of advance men t. Herman Haas
Hardware &. Implement Co., WeUer,
i nano.
ANTED South, for J. W. Swaenev Con
struction Com Dan v. laborers. tamitn.
We have a gooa portion of good station
work. Good camps, all Winter's work. Re
port at our oil ices. Kice Hill Isadora, Oak
land. Or.
fcLAN and wife. - Ithout children, to work
. on f ann, one who la familiar with Val
ley farming ; miiHt be good hand with
horses; steady position. Address at once,
A- S. Ellis. Hiilaboro, Or., It. F. D. 5,
box 65.
Threw or four men wanted to take con
tract for piling: lumber. Applicant com
municate with
Perry, Oregon.
OPENING for salesman, vacancy Jan. 1, for
aggressive, wide-awake salesman to sell
groceries at wholesale to farmers ; state
previous experience, salary expected, com
plete personal record and phone number.
X 642. Oregonian.
VfANTED Young man, mechanically em
ployed, for shopman and shipping clerk;
inside work ; salary 91a ; rapid advance
ment. Singer Mar nine Co. Call 9 to 12
A. M. Monday. 402 Wash, a-
STK.N'OGRAPHLR; must be steady, accu
rate and reliable, for stenography anfi
ome clerical work. Answer, giving
phone cumber, age and salary expected.
V 788. Oregon Ian.
LABORER.S wanted for both inside and out
side work (some employes oul on strike);
good wages and permanent employment.
For full information, apply 509 Oregon
COMPETENT stenographer, lumber expe
rience preferred, to take position with
firm at Baker, Or.; splendid opportunity
- Tor advancement; state experience and
salary expected. G 702, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced ad vert 'sing solicit
or, work in Portland and Northwest, ex
penses and commlHcion or salary, good op
portunity and steady position for right
party; give references. B 14-. Oregon lan.
WANTED Elderly man or good boy over
31 to clean up shop and keep tools In
place. A steady place and moderate
wag os to the right person. tied Mr. Read
at Mil Alder st.. cor. Join.
FARM-HAND, on small fruit and chicken
farm, able to milk and willing to do grub
bing. Call at Lehman's farm, mile east
of .Sycamore on Portland Ry., 15o fare.
liAN to Are boiler and night watch, middle
aged married man preferred ; steady piace
for good man. Apply Monday 8 A. il.
Oregon Chsir Co., Ulo Maradem st.
iW'E need young man to train for respon
sible office position, now open; answer,
stating qualifications and experience. F
811!, Oregonian.
5r"ERY responsible permanent position open
for hlgh-clas mechanical draftsman,
thoroughly experienced on piping plans.
C 0i. Oregonian.
ACTIVE, experienced Ford driver for gro
cery delivery; give age. experience, phone
number and salary expected. AO 724,
REPORTER Permanent position on after
noon daily. Write, stating age, experience,
alary wanted and give references. Yak
ima Republic-. North Yakima, Wash.
SLANTED Open -shop, all-around machin
ists; also heavy lathe hands; 8 hours day,
time and half for overtime. 520 Oregon
bldg., 5th and Oak sts.
3BVANTED First-class vulcanlzer; good
wages; steady work; must be capable of
handling Siivertown cord work. Apply AV
91,. Oregonian.
JVANTED City editor-reoorter for Oregon
daily outside- or portiann; permanent po
aition with good salary to first-class
man. AV Ins, oregonian.
JSS'ANTED Young man to assiet in office of
large industrial concern; state age, ex
perience, phone number, salary expected.
AJ 226. Oregonian.
V ANTED Open -shoo, thoroughly experi
enced wood patternmakers. & hours day.
time and half for overtime. 20 .Oregon
hldg.. 5th and Oak sts.
WANTED 2 news agents to work on pas
senger trains; small cash bond required.
Apply at 131 N. 3th.
WANTED Out of town, two reliable men.
about 30, not afraid manual labor; state
a ge. experience, phone. v i. oregonian.
OOKKEEPER. experienced In wholesale
and high-class accounting; not suoject to
draft- AV 127. oregonian.
WANTED A man to care for chickens and
who can act as chauffeur: $60 per month
and room. Call labor o4i.
WANTED Logevr, with donkev, to log
4.000,000 feet, 5 to 2 Goo ft. to pond. S 2SJ.
BuY who has had 1 or 2 years' experience
in composing-room of printing office; good
wages. Kleist & Co.. 105 X. 2d st.
HO Y 16 years of age or over, with wheel ;
no Sunday work; guarantee $50 per mo.;
can make more. Room 7 Hoard of Trade.
WANTED Experienced grocery boy with
wheel; must be experienced; good wage.
Apply 400 Salmon.
WANTED Delivery boy with bicycle. See
shipping clerk. Pacific States Electric Co.,
5th and Davis.
WANTED Window trimmer and card writ
er. Apply in person if possible. Stokes
Dry Goods Co., Vancouver, Wash.
EXPERIENCED electric bus driver for hotel.
Must have good references. V 820, Ore
gonian. '
WANTED Timber Wallers, piece work; can
make- very high 'agea Western Cooper
age Co., Astoria, Or.
WANTED First-class stenographer; young
man preferred; advise age. experience.
K 403. Oregonian.
TENOR singer for male trio. T 171, Ore
gonian. WANT live aalesma;
n, old or young.
Starlc st.
Tfelp Hantrn Agents.
$25 PER WEEK, your profit in advance;
season here; Self advertising; I deliver
and collect; your own boas; guaranteed
raincoats ; samples free. Don A. Skinner.
5415 W. Ohio, Chics go. 111.
$.' PER WEEK, your profit in advance;
aeason here; self advertising; I deliver
and collect; your own boss; guaranteed
raincoats; samples free. Don A. Skinner,
6415 W Ohio, Chicago, 111.
LGENTS wanted for gas saver that never
falls; only $2.50 installed ; satisfaction
guaranteed or money refunded. Woodlawn
WE pay $36 a week and expenses to men
with rigs to Introduce poultry compouna.
Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept.
78, Parsons, Kan.
KAKE $100 weekly In small business. New,
never advertised before. Man or woman
an start anywhere. Full particulars free.
aycroft, 671 Cory block.. Fresno. Cal.
$i0 TO $100 A WEEK- Free samples. Gold
sign letters or stores and office windows.
Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic
Letter Co., 435 N. Clark. Chicago-
6TOP, agents, here's the money-maker you
want; brand new, big field, repeats. Write
-today, particulars free. Wm. S tap per Co.,
Redondo Beach, Cal.
X CLEAR $50 weekly in small 5c business;
man or woman, start anywhere; particu
lars free. Write today. Ed Hansiey, -H)5
E. Main st., Stockton, Cal.
pE o G-A LL' equals fresh eggs at IO cents
dozen; quick sales, big profit. Presto Mfg.
Company, Albany. Or. -
AGENTS at once. Sell 50c. per mom a iuM--SuuU
tickets 03 Corbelt iiiuju
Help Wanted Agents.
MINUTES pay dollars, demonstrating new
$7.50 adding machine. Wonderful inven
tion. Adds, subtracts, multiplies, work
equals $200 machine; 0-year guarantee.
Sells everywhere. Splendid profits. Write
quick for trial offer and protected terri
tory. Dept. 308, Calculator Corporation,
Grand Rapids, Mich.
LOCAL and county, agents for LANTZ OIL
BURNER ; replaces wood and coal In the
home; cuts fuel bills; works like gas; lib
eral proposition. Hal E. Hoss. 520 Union
ave. E. 42..
Help Wan toil balesmen.
Cabinet style, making a $50 cabinet for
$25, $75 cabinet phonograph with 20 high
class records, $10U outfit for $49. SO; a $165
ouiiit. highest, class cabinet phonograph
with 20 double-faced records, 40 selections,
to retail at $98.50. Good commissions to
agents; no canvassing; sold from your
home through local advertising, which
we furnish free; selling campaign fur
nished to agents, men or women, who can
qualify with high references; samples
furnished free on consignment; some of
our agents are making as high as $200 a
week profit ; In writing give full account
yourself and references. Address Rlchtone
Phonograph Agency, 718 North American
bidg., Chicago. - i
If you are a salesman we want yon.
If you are determined -to become a sales
man we can develop you. For the man
who has confidence in himself success as
a life Insurance agent is certain. Con
stant, intelligent effort will develop con
fid t-nee. ,
Territory worth $4000 per year la avail
able to the right man.
WESTERN UNION LIFE r.20 Plttock Blk.
for state of Oregon. We want man who
has produced and can prove it; references
must be hf-st. If you are capable of
earning $2000 to $6000 a year, let us hear
from you. Ours is commission proposition.
One sale nets you from $00 to $500. Tell
us all in first letter. Ten Pinnet Co., 900
Van Buren. Indianapolis, Ind.
TRAVELING salesman to represent us In
Oregon and surrounding states with com
plete line of fancy leather goods, pocket
books, brief cases and novelties as side
line; commission basts and monthly settle
ment. Only those that cater to leather
goods, drug stores, pawnbrokers, station
ers need apply. atiantlc Leather Goods
Co., 414 Broadway, New York.
ATTRACTIVE traveling position with well-
known nrm selling to oiu customers; must,
be 28 or over and have college or nor
mal education; personality main requisite;
guaranteed salary $1 2oO per year; no ex
perience or money required; special offer
to teachers. Reply fully. Geo. L. Shu
man Co.. 929 Monadnock bldg.. San
Francisco. .
Calling upon general stores, clothing
merchants, haberdashers, can add much
to income. Remittances weeKly; aide line;
no samples; pocket equipment; liberal
Income; excellent opportunity. Address
W. D. Schmidt & Co., Dept. T. S., Chi
cago, 111.
AN old-established Northern Illinois mfg.
corporation, well known throughout I nit-a
States, can use a few specialty salesmen,
exclusive or side line, for 1918; 25 per nent
commission paid on receipt of orders,
.strong line. Address Morelock, room 106,
64 W. Randolph. Chicago, 111.
SPECIALTY ""traveling salesmen to sell
newspaper advertising service; exclusive
territory on commission basis; we offer
a permanent position presenting great
possibilities. Th Syndicate Advertising
Company. 154 Nassau St., New York. N. Y.
SALESMAN, Jan. 1, excellent line signs and
novelties; traveling expenses auvanceu.
liberal commissions; exclusive territory;
give age, height, weight, road experience
a nd 3 late business references. Stanford-
C r o well Co.. Ithaca, N. Y.
FOR general mercantile trade, Oregon., to
sell new proposition of merit; vacancy
now; attractive commission contract; $35
weekly for expenses. Miles F. Bixler Co.,
wholesale jewelers, 22651 Carliu bldg..
Cleveland, O.
ARE vou looking for best 1918 big money
making side line where you can earn $o0
weekly; thaa can be sold ail year round?
No samples. Ad-Lee Novelty Co., Dept.
21, Chicago. .
EXCELLENT permanent position for capa
ble salesmen, Oregon, for 1H18. Staple line
for general retail trade; liberal commis
sions; $35 weekly advance. Rice Co., 703
Williams bldg., Detroit.
SALESMEN WANTED Laces, embroideries.
side line ; 1 2 V2 Pr cent commission, sam
ples light; only men with trade now trav
eling need apply. Merk A Co., 41 ti Broad
way, New York.
WANTED Salesman with $5000 to invest
in paying wholesale business. N 10, Ore
gonian. FARM tractor salesman with experience
wanted. Main 1346.
SALESMAN for city, steady position, pay is
good. E S'i2, Oregonian.
WANTED A bright and energetic saleslady
with some knowledge or music to demon
strate and sell player mu3io rolls. Apply
to Mr. Case, The Wiley B. Allen Co., Mor
rison st. at Broadway.
FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, dem
onstrate and sell dealers; $75 to $150 per
week, railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug
Company, Dept. 7ol, Omaha. Neb.
WANTED Well-educated woman to take
permanent position with large publisnins
house; state age, education, experience,
nhone number. aF 256, Oregonian.
NURSE desires partner In established sana
torium near Portland; woman who would
be satisfied with $75 month and her llv
Ing; nurse preferred. S 227, Oregonian.
Woman of good appearance to solicit
business peop and sell high-class securi
ties. S 270,-Oregonian.
BUSINESS firm needs a practical, reliable
woman, not under 30, not office work;
experience not essential; references. O 7bl,
BRIGHT, willing girl wanted for dentist's
assistant. Call in person, or phone, after
Christmas. Dr. M. H. Ovamada, 303 N.
3d st. Bdwy. 2345, A 2333.
WANTED Housekeeper, about 30 years old,
French or Belgian preferred; good wages,
good home. Call Cascade Market, iOb
Wash, st., Vancouver, Wash.
WANTED--Expcrienced feeders and folders.
Apply In person. Crystal Laundry Co., 21st
ana sanay road.
MIDDLE-AGEU woman for housework and
care of two children, mother employed
daily, phone Columbia 170 after 2 Sunday.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, state ex
perience, references and salary expected,
permanent position. G 7fil. Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced and sorter.
Apply In person. Crystal Laundry Co..
21s?t and Sandy road.
ANY ctrl in need of a fnevtd. apply to the
Salvation Army Rescue Home, 312 East
loth st. N.. or phone Eaat 12.
HIGH school girl, assist housework, no
washing, no cooking, good home, wages.
Tatior ,)i'i.
STENOGRAPHER, must be ouick and e
curate. Call in person. See Harrison.
A merican Can Co., 14th and Thurman.
STENOGRAPHER, capable beginner. Apply
own handwriting, stating salary expected.
A ti oregonian.
WOMAN (30 to 40). general housework.
adults only, one elderly; good home.
Route 1, box 6fi. Hood River. Or.
WANTED A lady to stay evenings with an
elderly lady tor her room rent. S50
Wasco or East 4211.
WANTED Elderly woman for light house
work ; reference required. Call Monday
374 11th st., corner Montgomery
CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en
gagements, no traveling. Apply Casino
APPRENTICES, dressmaking; handy girls
preferred. call -"i uione Diog., sunaay
and evenings at J0a hoyt st. Mar. nmu.
GIRL writing rapid and legible hand to do
addressing. Apply Monday, 8 A. M., 310
Spalding bldg.
GIRLS wanted: steady work, .rood Dav. An
ply in person. Crystal Laundry Co., 21st
and sandy road.
2-ROOM apt. and small salary given in ex
change for help iu care of apt--house.
HOUSEKEEPER. three children, mother
dead, good home, own boss, no washing.
Call Sunday. oivision it
WANT experienced waitress Sun., Mon. and
Tu.s. 101 6th.
PANTS finisher wanted. Apply SS 1-3 3d St.
Room 1, A. fccnaoener.
WANTED 2 chambermaids, good wages.
Qui m by Hotel, 4th and Couch.
WANT housekeeper on my ranch. A. E.
Shank. Scotts Mills, or.
GIRL for all-around work in small lunch
room. V 7 1 6. Oregonian.
GIRL for seneral housework, small family.
good wages. 2S1 E. 16th N. East 54'2.
HoUSE kee fk k dv young nusines man
without family. 20, Oregonian.
WANTED Inexperienced laundry help,
Faiace l.aunory, e,. mm ana t-vereti.
WANTED A neat girl for chamber work.
30 loth st.
COMPTOMETER operators wanted;
salaries. D 821, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER nill share room, terms
reasonable. J 341), Oregonian.
WANTED Chambermaid.
Woodlawn 2015.
1751 Derby st.
POSITION in office, asst. bookkeeper, typist
or general office work. AE 271, Oregonian.
MFniED woman wanted for dining room
work; wau $.u 41 LL I isu A 20
A large corporation whose clerical
forces will be reduced by the forthcoming
draft, as well as other war conditions, de
sires to employ several women of good
education, to serve until the end of the
war. Candidates should be quick and
rorrppt rt fie urea and write a good hand.
They will be given employment under ex
cellent working conditions and the sala
ries paid will be equal to those hereto
fore given male employes of equal experi
ence and ability. They will be expected
to work the same hours as men.
In making this announcement the ad
vertiser wishes to point out that a way
is thereby opened for women to gain some
practical business- experience, as well aa
to personally earn money available for
the purchase of Liberty bonds and the
support of the Red Cross and other pa
triotic organizations, also to contribute to
their own personal expenses, and thereby
release the money of the men in the
family for similar purposes.
All communications will be treated as
confidential and if not accepted, will be
returned, if desired.
Address F 813, Oregonlan.
WANTED Have still a few vacancies for
gi r:s mat are I airly gracelul that are
willing to Join high-class company at orvce.
Higiiest saiary to start, with advancement;
have large dancing and pantomime com
pany that will start next month; also
singing and modeling productions ; previ
ous experience unnecessary. Call person
ally (no phones). Studios Monsieur Mar
ce.. Port.a.nt's only oaiiet muster, premier
artist Imperial Russian Ballet, Wheeldon
Annex Apis.
$125. BOOKKEEPER. good writer; $S0,
bookkeeper with large National corpora
tion ; $75, stenographer, law ; $75, ass't
commercial teacher; $00, high school com
mercialteacher; $100. high school com
mercial teacher. Appiy today or Monday,
3 12-." 15 Yeon bldg.. Portland Normal and
Commercial School, by letter, personally
or phone for appointment. Main 5816.
BUSINESS cours-e in exchange for work of
two young ladies, high scnool graduate
preferred; must be able to work hard; give
full particulars in reply as to age, edu
cation and course desired ; state also
whether you have studied music ; a good
opportunity for those who can qualify. T
234, Oregonian.
ATTENTION Ladies residing anywhere
outside of Portland desiring permanent,
profitable home work, also those interest
ed in crochet, can hear of splendid open
ing by sending self -addressed envelope to
Dept. E-5. 170 llth st., Portland. Or.
WANTED Number young women to prepare
ror telegraph service, made vacant oy un
usual drafting of men for Army; splendid
openings now open. Call or 'write. The
Telegraph Dept., 213 Railway Exutiange
CALCULATING and comptometer machine
operators wanted for excellent positions
both in Portland and out of the city; good
salary for good operators. Appiy 903 Yeon
bldg. Sunday from lo to 4 and Mon
day all day. D 821. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER; must be speedy, accu
rate and reliable, for stenograpay ana
clerical work. Answer, giving phone
number, age and salary expected. T 173,
WANTED Good Christian man and wife or
mother and son (man employed) to rent
cozy home and board and care for in
valid owner; good home for right people.
Tabor 424.
WOMEN'S protective Division, located at
room 303 Police Headquarters, m2a and
Oak sts., will f umisn information, give
protection and assistance free to women
and girls. Interviews confidential.
AT ONCE Middle-aged lady to care for
small cniia tnree weexi wnue momer is
In hospital. Light housework, no wash
ing, easy place. Call in person, Sunday,
Monday, 670 Kirby st.
YOUNG woman for office work; must be
good in penmanahlp, active ana aesirous
of. advancement. Reply in own handwrit
ing. O 78S. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. 102 6lh Bt
Columbia Oyster House. .
W an t ed Dom est i r .
WANTED Middle-aged housekeeper in
young widower s home on Eastern Oregon
farm; good wages to right party. Call
Matthitsen Hotel. 2u4 Columbia St., be
tween U and 2 o'clock. Sunday.
HOUSEKEEPER for business man with
daughter l.; must be aoie to piay some
musical instrument, and educated; good
home to the right lady. Aii 72U, ore
gonian. SCHOOL girl, after Christmas, as com
panion tor Y-year-om gin ana assist wim
houbework, for excellent home. A 13 771,
GIRL to assist with housework and care of
child ; Sundays off; $l. per montn. can
mornings, looo Thurman-
WANTED Neat, reliable young woman as
her own boss. H 8ls. Orefeonian.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework, small family, gooa wages, u-i
Lovejoy. Main S271.
RANCHER wants middle-aged lady for
housekeeper; small wages, but gooa no me.
j.V 126, Oregonian.
WANTED A eirl to assist with general
housework ; good wages. Telephone Mar-
snail D7r.
COOKS, waitresses, chambermaids, kitchen
helpers. Howe s Agency, Room 4Jo, -u-Va
GIRL for light work In apartment. Apply
10th and Salmon, Wheelaon Aunex, Apt.
1 U'.
WANTED Willing girl for housework; good
wages, small nouse and iarnny. uaai iast
3-i or write uju itast jam su in.
WANTED A reliable girl to asnist with
housework and care of children. Call
Last 757 Sunday morning.
WANTED Girl - for general housework :
capable services appreciated and weil paid.
I hone Sell wood UoOo.
WANTED Middle-age woman to do house
work and be companion for feeble couple
in country town. w 67 7, oregonian.
WANTED Girl for general housework for
family or adults. 211 N. 24th, between
Kearney and j,ovejoy.
WANTED A competent girl for general
nousewera. uau -vtain 1:04 1 .
GIRL for general housework, family four
a a 11 its. Hau s.eiiey. iiarenau 4j 1 u.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework;
good wages, a a 1 o, oregonian.
SECOND girl. Inquire 503 21st St.,
Myrtle, jnone aiargnan
W ANTED Girl -for general housework, fam
ily of 2. Phone Sell wood oU.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
h74 Lovejoy. Main S200.
LADY for general housework; no washing.
car. 4SJ East st. North.
WANTED Woman for general housework;
n.uft ne gooa ".ootc. .uarnau tjiii.
GIRL for general housework.
ML Scott car
Firland sta. 4S04 70th St.
SECOND maid wanted In family of ;
wages $25; must be experienced. Mar. 823.
Men, Women, Boys and Girls (16).
Agents pare Time.
Make money, spare time, selling "Usa
lyte" indestructible gas mantles; saves 1-3
gas. Equals light of 2 others, outlasts '.
dozen of any other make. Retails 15c
each, 2 25c One dozen sent postpaid
upon receipt 01 ft to agents, on consmg
ment if references are satisfactory. J. I.
Robin. Mfg. and Patentee, 130th bt. and
Park ave.. New Yortc.
PROFESSIONAL will exchange vocal or
piano lesson, complete course, for diamond
or vlctrola; satisfaction guarauteed. P
6b3, Oregonian.
WANTED A good bookkeeper for tem
porary position, with possibility of being
permanent; first-class wages. O 748, Ore
PORTLAND Stenographic School Colum
bia building. Prepare for position In three
. months. Day. evening. Main 1114.
TEACHERS wanted. We must have teach
ers to fill vacancies. Yates-Fisher Teach
e ra A gency, 9ol Broadway build 1 n g.
PRIVATE home for children 3 to 12 years
old; 15 years' xp. 714 Everett- Mar. 2162.
TEACHERS wanted; all kinds of teaching
positions, M. 4885. Flsk Teachers' Agency.
MAKE money writing short stories or art
icles Big pay. Free information. Ad
dress United Press Syndicate, Los Ange-
U. S. GOVERNMENT wants women clerks,
$80 month ; thousands war appointments ;
list positions free. Franklin Institute (a
school), DepL 703 K, Rochester, N. Y.
MIS3 MATTIN'GLY'S Shortha nd. Typewriting
School, Day, evening, . Month, 14th,
Near Jefferson. Main sf3.
I TEACH you French In 6 months by con
versation. French grammar aiso. Phone
Main 1026. Ask for Mr. Berry.
TELEGRAPHY Steno.. bkpg. ; board, room,
tuition may be earned. Catalogue free.
Ma kay Business College. Los Angeles.
UNCALLED-FOR tailor-made suits and
overcoats for sale, $3.50 and up. 355 Stark,
and evening. 12-Ura&vl ave. .bast 2t
at the largest and best-equipped automo
bile, tractor and engineering school on the
Pacific Coast; 3 stories, modern equip
ment, machine shops, oxy-acetylene weld
ing shops, vulcanizing shops, lathes, autos,
tractors,, etc.; you learn here by actual
practice; from 10 to 25 cars being repaired
every day in the year here in our shops;
24 expert instructors; night and day
classes; enter at any time. Write for free
catalogue or call and see for yourself, any
business day or evening; the best AUTO
MOBILE SCHOOL on the Pacific Coast.
NIGHT and DAY courses in all ths fol
lowing; Tractors
Mechanical drafts
man Auto repanng
Civil engineer
GINEER Vulcanizing
ING Plan reading
Auto machinist
ERATOR Electrician
Auto salesman
BIG Jobs, big pay, big future; get ready;
urgent demand for S times the men.
1220 Post Su, San Francisco, Cal.
at the largest, best-equipped auto- and
tractor school on the Paciilo Coast. Ban
Francisco is right in the heart of the
Webtern auto and tractor business. You
learn by actual practice on autos, trucks
and tractors-; 30 expert instructors. Write
lor free catalogue.
1220 Post St., San Francisco. Cal.
MENT. Y. M. C. A.
We ran place young men with ability.
Constant cails coming for the man who
can deliver the goods. A Y. M. C. A
membership costing $5.00 guarantees you
will secure employment or refund of fee.
Also gives you 2 months full privileges.
10 months' social and use of this depart
ment for 1 year. See secretary, J. W.
FIREMEN, brakemen on Oregon railroads.
$l25-$lu0 monthly, experience unnecessary.
Positions guaranteed men who qualify
through our necessary, easy preparatory
instruction. Our record 15 years. 25,000
men sent to railroad positions; 126 rail
roads use our instruction for their 56,000
eng.nemen. We can start you now and
hei p you to become a conductor or en
gineer at $200-250 monthly. Railway As
sociation. Dept. 32, Brooklyn. N. Y.
LEARN the auto and tractor business by
actual experience under expert instructors.
Biggest, best equipped EXCLUSIVE auto
ana tractor school on Coast; established
li05. Thousands of successful graduates.
We help students earn living. $50 prac
tical tractor course tree. Write for free
64-page catalogue, or call NATIONAL
AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL, Flgueroa at 8th,
Los Angeles. "
PRACTICAL training In gas, electrical and
tram engineering, mecnanicai arwiuS.
macnine snop pracidce, oxy-acetylene weld
ing, automobile and tractor operating anti
repairing. Write for catalogue. Seattle En
gineering School, Seattle, Wash.
the biggest chance you ever had to Ret
into any branch of the automobile busi
ness, paying big money. For full particu
lars call on or write A. B. Hemphill,
Hemphill Trade School, 707 Hawthorne
ave.. cor. 20th.
THREE ladies for some special child wel
fare work; must be well educated, De
tween liS and 45, in position to travel;;
splendid opportunities; liberal remunera
tion. For particulars call at 311 Rothchild
blug., between 3 and 5.
Founded in 1803, Trade taugnt in eigat
weeks; tuition earned during the course;
get you a position, furnish tools, schol
arship transfer card. Write for free cata
logue. 234 Burn3ide it.
will teach you the barber trade in eight
weeks; tools free ; scholarship and diplo
mas given, paid while learning; position
guaranteed; tuition reduqed. 233 Madison.
Union ave. and Wasco st.
- Call or write for free 60-page catalogue.
It tells how we help you to a good po
sition; day and night classes.
itp-.t.p WANTED bv U. S. Government, men
women, 18 or over, pwu montn ; uunureua
war vacancies; list positions free. Write
Immediately. Franklin Institute (a school).
Dept. 3&6 K, Rochester, iN. x. ,
WOMEN wanted, full time, salary $24. sell
ing iruaranteed hosiery to wearer; OOc an
hour, spare time. Permanent; experience
unnecessary. International Hosiery, Nor
r is town. Pa.
UNCLE SAM needs 10,000 stenographers.
vnroii now for shorthand. typewriting.
and womn barber in a weens, giving di
ploma ; earn tuition while learning. Posi
tion guaranteed; tools free. 234 Couch, st
MUSIC furnished for dances, stepping parties.
etc. Phone Tabor 604-.
bookkeepers ud Clerk.
247 Davis Street,
Broadway 3555, A 5624.
Services free to all.
EXPERT accountant wants to start Janu
ary 1, working for anyone who needs the
services of a man capable of systematizing
the office and accounting, of auditing
your old records and of preparing a cor
rect Government tax report; am a spe
cialist on cost accounting; will consider
a permanent position or temporary eu
gagements. II S05, Oregonian.
YOUNG married man, not liable to imme
diate draft, desires position in any kind
of clerical work; familiar with shipping,
quick and accurate at figures and accus
tomed to meeting public. Call Tabor 5207
before 2 P. M. or In evening.
YOU can secure the services of a young man
who lias experienced 15 years of business;
1 am capable of managing a selling force,
as I have the ability, energy, tact and
torcefulness of directing men and getting
results. F 830, Oregonian.
YOUNG mail, 10 years' experience as ste
nographer, booKKeeper, general office and
practical lumberman, open for position
January first; state salary and future
prospects In first letter. J 34o, Orego
nian. EXPERIENCED stock man and cost ac
countant wishes position with large man
ufacturing firm ; thoroughly competent,
with best of city references; would con
sider out-of-town proposition, C 87, Ore
gonian. EXPERT accouiKant, credit man, office
manager, reliable, efficient with execu
tive ability and successful record gained
by actual experience from bill clerk to
manager. F fell. Oregonian. .
BOOKKEEPER, cost accountant, buyer,
credit man, furniture, hardware, stoves,
implements, thoroughly experienced with
ability and qualifications; excellent refer
ences. X S32, Oregonian.
EXPERT accountant specializes in taking
charge of books for firms not requiring a
regular bookkeeper. See me and save
money; charges reasonable; references the
" best. Phone Main 8110.
EXPERIENCED credit man. office manager
and accountant desires to make change
Jan. first; can give you the service you de
sire. S ' 234. Oregonian;
EXPERT bookkeeper and all-around office
man, reliable, accurate, rapid, desires po
sition where ability is essential. W CO 4,
RIGHT-HAND BOWER wants position with
wholesale house; sales managership pre
ferred; here you have an opportunity to
secure a good man. H 824, Oregonian.
A RESULT-GETTER Is open for a position,
sales manager; am not a cheap man; ued
to big business; give me interview. G
70S. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER with spare time desires
extra set of books to keep or work eve
nings. W 622, Oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT, audits, system installation,
bookkeeping for firms not having regular
bookkeeper. Marshall 8046.
WANTED Position as bookkeeper or cash
ier by competent young man with family.
B 154, Oregonian
OFFICE man, 14 years' experience, good
executive. desires change of position;
above draft age. AB 764, Oregonian.
SALESMAN wants a good sideline, groceries
' or confectionery, for city and near towns.
Phone East 2143, evenings.
AS BOOKKEEPER or clerical capacity; ex
tenslve experience. P 6S1. Oregonian.
M Iscellaneou .
MAN, 34. employed from 8 to 5, w iLes ex
tra wwrk, X Ores-ma u,
Miscei laneons.
-with experience in retail advertising and
selling, particularly in furniture and
house furnishings desires to leave his pres
ent position and locate In Portland. Can
furnish best of references. Address A V
85, Oregonian-,
TRAFFIC MAN, experienced. competent,
wishes position as traffic manager or as
sistant with industrial concern or asso
ciation; thoroughly familiar with trans
continental and local fseight rates, appli
cation of tariffs, handling of overcharge
and loss or damage claims, demurrage,
transit privileges, etc.; In addition to 5
years' practical experience, have had tech
nical training in railway traffic work ; if
you need a man who can keep your trans
portation costs down to the minimum.
communicate witn iv 40, oregonian.
WANTED Position as manager of depart
ment store or large drygoous store, on the
Pacific Coast ; have had 28 years' experi
ence in. selling, buying and store man
agement ; at present floor manager in a
large department store in the East with
1500 employes; will not consider a change
except at good salary. T ::;5. Oregonian.
ALL-AROUND office man is open for po
sition where a first-rate man will have
opportunity to demonstrate his worth.
Am an experienced credit man and office
manager; am Al bookkeeper and account
ant. If you want a high-class man, grant
me the courtesy of an interview ; refer
ences given. N 11, Oregonian.
JUST back from logging camp, would like
situation; am nancy at irame ouiiaings
and millwright work, steam fitting ; can
run boiler and engine or hold any posi
tion of trust ; give personal bond, w.ith
references; 40 years old and not afraid
of the hardest work. V 842, Oregonian.
NOW holding position East as master me-
cnanic; nave neia similar position ior jo
years ; desire to locate in Portland first
of year. What have you to offer? R 7lh,
COBINATION" window-trimmer, card writer
and adman open for engagement Jan. 1.
Expert in modern merchandising; 10 years
experience, highest references; Just over
draft age. O 782, Oregon iasi.
WANTED By a young man, 83 years old,
with 10 years' experience, a position as
bookkeeper, timekeeper or log scaler. Can
furnish Al referencea as to ability. T 258,
A COMPETENT man and wife want position
to take care of apartment-house or other
institution; years of experience; will guar
antee to give satisfaction. W 643, Ore
gonian. RESPONSIBLE man and wife will give
best of care to nice home while owners
are away. Phone Seliwood 3162, or ad
dress W 621, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as engineer; am expe
rienced In steam, gas, electrical; have also
operated gas and steam tractors for years.
Age 34, single. Box 127, Corvallls. Or.
WANTED Position as manager fruit ranch
by experienced married man; can success
fully handle dairy or diversified farming ;
best referencea AV Xlio, Oregonian.
PAST middle-aged man wants employment;
light work, long hours, short hours' pay,
around store or apartments preferred. V
844, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED dairyman and wife, both
good mi Ikerd, would 113. e ranch on shares
or wages. 4-1 East Morrison st. Phone
East 7848.
WILL be open for engagement Jan. 1 : un
derstand steam heating, engineering, es
timating, handling men. See me or call
Palace Hotel, room 2o4.
TRAVELING salesman. familiar with
Northwest territory, desires position, spe
cialty or general line, road or city work.
K 4 12, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur desires perma
nent position with private family; exempt
from draft and references furnished. W.
A. Cluer, l0 Y. M. C. A.
WANTED Position as Inside watchman;
can give city references for any responsible-
business. Y 312. OregonianJ
YOUNG MAN, 34 years old, wants any kind
of work, between 12 and 4 P. M. X 833,
WANTED A position, chance for advance
ment, by young man rejected in enlist
ment. Seliwood 4.i8.
WA NTED Work half or all day by young
married man ; outdoor work preferred. W
000, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED shipping clerk deHires por
tion, will give references. B 125, Oregon
ian. '
BOY OF 15 desires position as apprentice in
machine shop or other work. V 676, Ore
gonian. WANTED Position as traveling salesman,
stoves, hardware or furniture, local or
Eastern lines. Y 313, Oregonian.
COOK. 20 years experience in hotels; and
large camps. W. C. Reesor, room 315
New Houston Hotel.
WANTED Automobile or truck driving.
Call 8 to 10 A. M., Marshall 5040, room
YOUNG man with car would like repairing
in garage and driving for hire cars;
country town preferred. M 23. Oregonian,
EXPERIENCED collector wants collecting;
can furnish best of referencea S 256,
UTILITY man for hotel or apartment-house
who understands electric work, piumoing,
painting. V 830, Oregonian.
MAN with Ford delivery w ishea employ-
ment for self with machine.
DRUGGIST with years of experience man
aging stores will accept position in or out
city. S 261, Oregonian
YOUNG MAN wants work ridintt for stock.
Write C Russell, 3321 E. 34th ave., Spo-
kane, vv ash.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes position
as private uriver; good referencea H boi.
WANTED Hv middle-aged man. position
as u a to h man or special police; years of
experience. O 740, Oregonian.
CAPABLE middle-aged man wants some
kind of poR'tion or work; salary or wages
second consideration. H 826, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED single man wishes manage
ment of ranch, experienced in all kfnds
slock, orchard, etc. C B. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as night clerk, hotel or
watchman; references given. J 839, Ore
gonian. WANTED Steady employment on ranch, by
single man, expert In clearing land. J
348, Oregonian.
LEAKY ROOFS Patched and repaired sat
isfactorily. Call Woodlawn 5206.
MIDDLE-AGED man, porter or janitor
work. Bert Groxel, Broadway 1732.
WANTED Position as Inside watchman;
city references. AC 544, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED man wants position as Jan
itor or watchman. Tabor 7240.
ALL-AROUND baker, first-class bread man,
wants -steady position. R 804. Oregonian.
PRINTER Competent Job and ad man,
country office. D 816, Oregonian,
SHINGLERS Reshingling, patching
repairing. Phone Marshall 1072.
CHINESE boy wants lodging-house work or
chamber work. P 641, Oregonian.
DRUGGIST, age 45, single, anywhere. AC
795, Oregonian.
MARRIED man wants work; handy with
tools. Phone East 7425.
WANTED Any kind of work, by young
married man. V 846, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED Janitor, best of references,
wants situation. J 331. Oregonian.
TINTING, painting, paperhanglng;
able rates. Main 2953. Main 7315.
SHINGLERS When you want reshingling
done, call Wdln. 5206.
CARPENTER contracts wanted. Sell. 2421.
A THOROUGHLY experienced physician's
or dentist's assistant wishes position In of
fice of the same. References. Seliwood
Bookkeepers and Stenographers,
EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes per
manent position, present firm going out
of business; available January 1, or
sooner; salary $70. X 840, Oregonian.
WANTED Ituatlon. comptometer operator,
3 years experience; will take either per
manent or inventory work. C 78. Orego
nian. STENOGRAPHER with insurance and legal
experience desires position, B 132, Ore
gonlan. THOROUGH, experienced bookkeeper would
like to make a change by Jan. 1; now em
ploy ed. K 418. Ore go nia n .
EXPERIENCED, re 1 1 abTe comptometer op"
erator wants Inventory work. E 830, Ore
gonian. STENOGRAPHER, experienced office man,
desires position. T 175. Ore go n i an.
STENOGRAPHER wants position, forenoon
only. AB 730 Oretfoaian. .
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra
pher would like position in an office where
would be tne only employe; capable of
assuming reaponsibility ; references. Mar
shall 356.
FIRST-CLASS lady bookkeeper-stenographer,
Jan 1. Reply own handwriting; refer
ences. V B40. Oregonian.
x OUNG lady withes office work or clerk
ing. Phone Seliwood 070.
DRESSMAKER wishes engagements by day;
terms reasonable ; reference. Mar. lUuO,
Apt. 20.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking reasonable,
home or day. Broadway 3305. 64b Thur
man, apt. B.
Confinement cases taken care of for less
than one-half the usual charges ; normal
cases, inciuaing drugs, dressings, physi
cian's services, two weeks hospital care,
all for $40. lOuO Williams ave. Phone
Woodlawn 1G8.
WANTED -hospital
sell st.
Experienced nurse in private
light work. Apply 271 Rua-
W ANTED Practical nurse or woman who
understands taking care of old people.
Phone Mar. 5210.
POSITION wanted as housekeeper by re
fined lady, pleasant personality, extra
ordinary good cook, for widower or bache
lor's home, city or country; no triflers;
stamps for reply. B 151. Oregonian.
WOMAN of refinement desires position as
housekeeper in gentleman's home, town or
country. V 778. Oregonian.
REFINED lady wishes position as house
keeper for widower with 1 or 2 children,
Marshall 3156, or W 642. Oregonian.
WANTED By middle-aged widow, "position
as housekeeper or care of invalid. W 608,
Oregonian. '
POSITION, housekeeper, capable of taking
full charge, home baking, etc.. will leave
town; give phone. K 424. Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPING for a business man; to
take futl charge; no incumbrance. G 76a,
MIDDLE-AGED unincumbered lady wishes
housekeeping in widower's home. S 2U7,
COMPETENT woman wants housekeeping or
cooking for small crew ; two small chll
dren. State wages paid. V 862. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED Japanese couple want to do
general housework, in good lamlly. H 836,
HOUSEWORK No washing; $6 per week,
or $7 sleep home. Dec. 28. V 861, ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED camp cook wants position;
can cook for large crew. Phone Main 6816.
taimon st. Mrs. Men ton.
RELIABLE woman wishes to cook or serve
dinners. Call Bdwy. 5072, apt. 42. .
RELIABLE couple, clean, economical cooks,
camp preferred, or will care for apt. houBe
or hotel; thoroughly experienced; refer
ences if wanted. Room 6. 355 Salmon.
Phone Main 2715.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes to keep
house for widower with grown children,
or bachelor with good home in good neigh
borhood In or near city; good plain cook;
not afraid of work, P 659, Oregonian.
WILL give woman who does day work 2
unfurnished rooms, use of phone, bath and
fuel for a few hours' work each week.
Call 164 East 27tu at., Sunny sidu car, near
POSITION as collector by young woman
thoroughly acquainted with city and not
afraid of weather; referencea W 607, Ore
gonian. BY respectable young lady as apprentice,
chance for advancement, some experience
as cashier, quick to learn. B 157, Orego
nian. ANY respectable position by young lady
where ca n earn support for elderly
mother. B 156, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday. Seliwood
WOMAN wants work, dairy lunch, bakery,
delicatessen or Janitor work. P 640, Ore
gonian. .
EXPERIENCED woman wants to manage
apt. or rooming-house; best of references.
V 780. Oregoniiin.
COLORED girl wants work Tuesday and
Wednesday for all day. laundry or clean
ing; give references. Phone East 3W48.
WANTED To take charge of apartment
house for apartment and . small salary.
Apartment 2, Main 6"6o.
LA DY would like place to work, w ith good
home, C 100, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as private exchange
opr. or relief operator. B 105, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS, all-around cook, hotel, city;
best references T 261, Oregonian.
BUSINESS woman wants care of apartments;
best references. T 260, Oregonian.
WOMAN wants
Woodlawn 14n2.
day work, experienced.
WANTED Situation, comptometer operator,
or housework. M 40 oregonian.
WOMAN with children wants day work or
c.iamber work. Phone Broadway 1W04.
WE ARE turning people away dally on ac
count of not having desirable homes to
rent, so list your vacant property with
us, houses, flats, apartments, furnished or
Main 6800. 104 Fifth Street.
WANTED To rent 6 or 7 room house;
must be In first-class condition; good
neighborhood; state particulars. AL 702,
YOUNG CouDle want five-room bungalow,
additional sleeping porch preferred, must
- be modern; can give any referencea Call
Tabor 35o.
WANT to rent at once, about 6-room fur
nished house. West Side preferred. 702
Wilcox bldg. Main 4313, A 7852.
WANTED Small furnished house or. flat,
centrally located, reasonable rent; give
particulars. B 134, Oregonlairu
WANTED Two or three-room furnished
house by professional man. Scrupulous
care of property. J,18. Oregonian.
WANTED TO RENT Small private garage.
T 267, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent 4 or 6 -room
furnished house. Broadway 2010.
FURNISHED house, flat or apt. Marshall
Gtl9 or Woodlawn 504.
A fl-ROOM house, corner of Tibbetts and
2ith sts. 1 lot for garden. Sell. 684.
APARTMENT or furnished housekeeping
rooms, modern, about January 1; must bo
In vicinity of Cathedral, P. O. Box 005.
5 OR 6-room furnished apartment wanted.
Telephone Tabor 4981 between 9 and 12
o'clock mornings.
THREE FURNISHED housekeeping rooms
with C. S. family. One bedroom and kit
chen, other may be separate; gas stove,
electric lights and water in kitchen re
quired; must be within reasonable dis
tance Willamette Iron Works. W 675,
WANTED Rooms in private residence, fur
nished or partly furnished, for house
keeping, convenient St. Johns carline. 1
1 72, Oregonian.
WANTED 2 or 3 furnished housekeeping
rooms; must be clean, 3 in family. Call
C 1180.
WANTED 2 or 3 furnished or unfurnished
rooms suitable for dressmaker, close in.
Marshall 3992.
Rooms With Board.
ROOM and board wanted for boy aged 15,
in private home near Washington High
School. S 284. Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN desires room and board In
private family, close in. X 824. Orego
nian. CLEAN, furnished 2 or 3-rooin apts., by
man, wife and daughter by January 9.
S 281, Oregonian .
ROOM and board for man and wife and 2-year-old
child. Tabor 5096.
NICELY FURNISHED room in first class
apartment, for gentlemen ; every conven
ience. Call Main 539t mornings.
5 OR 3-room unfurnished apartments, rent
cheap. 205 E. 34th st near Salmon.
Furnished Rooms.
B4 Washington St., Cor. 17th, '
'Modern, steam-heated rooms $1.50 to $3
per week; free phones and bath.
HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison street at 10th
Rates 50c per day up; weekly, $2.50 up;
running water; free phone and baths!
East 8d and Burnside. Steam-heated rooms,
fireproof, $2 week up. good Winter home.
124 14th st., at Washington.
HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 llth st. Strictly
modern, private baths en suite; rooms $3
up. Main 94 72. A 4783.
HOTEL NORRIS. 533? Alder st. Strictly
modern; $1.50, $2 and $2.50 week.
HILLCREST HOTEL, bath, phone. $15 mo.
MVi .without bath $11 u -J Waahinglon,
Furnished Rooms.
GUESTS at Hotel Eaton, who have been
there 12 years, say the good old house
was never so attractive as now. A newly
decorated ladies parlor. freshly tinted,
rooms, a bright wood fire In the big, cheer
ful lobby a place of happiness and con
tentment. Come for a day. a week or to
stay. Hotel Eaton. West Park at Mor
Hson. A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit,
East Morrison .St. and East Sixth.
Hotel Clifford Is the principal East Plde
hotel and Is a hotel or dignity and refine
ment. Rates per day, for one person, 75o
to $1.50; for two persons, $1 to $2. Weekly
rates. $3. AO and up.
NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown,
high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or
single, with or without board, for families
and business men and women. We give
ou ail the comforts of a home. Reason
able rates.
10th st.. at Oak. Desirable downtown lo
cation, respectable and strictly modern;
fireproof building, elevator and large
lobby ; rooms. $3.50 week up.
PALACE HOTEL. 446 Washington sU Down
town location; respectable and strictly
modern ; free phones in all rooms; steam
heat ; rooms large and clean.
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
LARGE room, connecting bath, fine loca
tion, 15 minutes' walk; private family,
congenial people, reasonable; references.
Marshall 985. 12 to 6; evenings after Sun
day. ,
$10 PER MO. Fine large sunny front room,
furnace heat, electric lights, bath, phone
easy walking distance, very desirable to
an appreciative party. 415 W. Broadway.
BUSINESS woman can uicely furnished
rooms with use of sitting, dining-room,
and kitchen. Also use of piano, heat and.
ligh t. $6 and $ 8 per mo. 5&1 Clinton at.
NICELY furnished sleeping room In private
family for one or two gentlemen; furnace
heated. Call or phone. 442 E. 40th. at.
Rose City car. Tabor 6616.
A NEWLY furnished room in modern home.
$8 for one occupant or, $10 if shared;
breakfast optional. 205 Union ave. N.
Phone East 5251.
A W EL L-FU RX1SHED. cl ean. warm room.
modern conveniences, $10 per month; also
a nice basement room, $5 per month,
Harrison st.
NICELY furnished room for gentlemen; prlca
reasonable. 3o5Va Market st,, cor. of. Jdroaa
way. TWO elegantly furnished rooms, widow a
home. Laureihurst. adles. pnone ar
shall 23o8.
IN modern home, heated room with sleep
ing porch; walking distance, dnu baixnon
opp. Multnomah Club. Main 217H.
TWO very large furnished rooms on 8d
floor; gus and electric ugnts ana neat, .or
$16. Main 7304
FURNISHED room for two young men.
home privileges, use oz piano. -01 -rar-Phone
Marshall 812. .
TWO nicely furnished rooms, either of them
largo enough for 2 parties. Call at 36T
328 13th; nice, light room, furnace heat,
bath, phone, very homelike, reasonable. O
96, Oregonian. -
NICELY furnished steam-heated room in.
private family, walking distance. Inquire
411 Broadway, apt. C.
GENTLEMAN, 40 to 50,
nent. Marshall 3490.
to room, perms
LARGE front room, den and porch, kltchea
privileges. 62 Ella. Main 4990.
ONE or 2 rooms in beautiful home; running
water, shower. 655 Everett.
IRVIXGTON Room, new home, 1 r blocks
I-B car; breakfast; near club. E. 419.
SUITE of rooms In private family for light
housekeeping. East 9U6.
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, in good
home; references. Nob Hill. 738 Johnson.
ONE room. $2 a week. 1 room $3 a week,
411 Stark.
200 - 14TH Choice furnished rooms and
modern conveniences; walking distance.
NE WLY furnished room, modern, close in,
387 12th. Phone Main 4879.
Rooms With Board.
880 Tenth st. For business girls and stu
dents. Reasonable rates. Marshall 1251.
ROOM and board for business girls; all
modern conveniences; walking distance;
$:t.5Q per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th st.
PARKVIEW Family hotel, 386 Montgomery
st., in South Parkway; walking distance;
excel lent table, reasonable rates. M. 3783.
ROOM Light and warm, good substantial
home cooking. 30, llth street.
Rooms With Hoard lo Private Family.
ONE large, liKht, corner front room ; mod
ern flat, furnace heat, light, bath, hot
and cold water, phone ; is suitable for 2
people, has large closet, excellent home
cooked meals, close to carline ; will make
special rate to either two young ladies,
two gentlemen or married couple. Phone
Eaat 3114.
AN exceptionally nice sleeping porch, fac
ing south; furnished like bedroom, near
bathroom; meals a day; access to living
room ; permanent gentlemen preferred.
Broadway 788.
NEWLY furnished front' room, good board
in homelike residence, walking distance.
.i0 East Salmon, between 14th and 15th
East 76U0.
W ALN UT PA RK Modern home for men;
bath, heat, music, good board, near Union,
and Alberta. 1099 Oarlleld. Woodlawn
o 25. .
WELL furnished, pleasant room in up-to-date
apartment, small private family, easy
w a I king distance ; references. Marshall
GOOD home for 1-2 children, not far from,
Tremout station. Mt. Scott car to 72d aL
S E. Arldress box 419 B, East 2.
NICE large sleeping porch with two beds,
good home cooking, reasonable; two per
rons desired. 3:;5-31th street.
ELEGANT large room and good home meals
for 2 gentlemen In modern home; every
convenience. Main 4157. 205 N. 21st st.
wlfriLL-FURNISHED room for two. In good
home, twin beds, bath with shower, good
eats. East 186.
WELL-FURNISHED room for 2, in good
home, twin beds, bath with shower, good
eats. East 1 S6. -
LARGE, light, warm room in private fam
ily, two meals, good home cooking, walk
lug distance, fine location. E 4923.
ROOM with hoard, nicely furnished modern
iw,.nA iuaninir i.nrrti to iierson employedr
homo privileges ; walking distance. E. 176;
WIDOW with comfortable home would like.
1 or 2 children to board. Best of mother
care. T 41 6, Oregonian.
NICELY furnished rooms with board, home
comforts, close in. 408 Benton, near iu.
ROOM and board, near the Coast shipyards.
780 Kelly st.
GOOD room and board at 604 3d St.. near
Northwest Steel.
WIDOW, alone, would like middle-aged gen
tleman to board. B 151. Oregonian.
CHILDREN TO BOARD, best board and
special care. 5L8L -otj''-
ROOM and board for one or two. Private
home. K. ,
Furnished Apartment.
r Twelfth and Taylor.
Most modern apartments on the Pacific
Coast; furnished complete.
Roof Garden in Connection.
Walking distance. References.
N. W. corner Belmont and Grand Ave.
New, completely furnished 2 and 8-room
apts. Solid brick builduig; white enameled
interior; large kitchen; service first-class;
walking distance. East 4548.
COMPLETELY furnished 2-room cor. apart
ment. $22.50, Including lights. Easy walk
ing distance. Belknap Apartments, 1ST
17th, near Yamhill.
Park and Madison. Modern 2. 3 and
4-room furnished apartments, close in,
walking distance.
mont. Modern 3-room apt., steam heat,
private bath, independent Phone, $25 per
month. ,
4-ROOM furnished apartment for rent by
January L The Mordant. Phone Main 6946.
A 3961.
ARCADIA, 706 Everett, near 22d st., front
3-rm. furnished, desirable. no children,
Marshall 5220.
FURNISHED apartment, 1627 Peninsula
ave., St. Johns car. Woodlawn 4219.
CARLOTTA COURT, Everett and 17th;
modern; walking distance.
$20 COSY 2-R. apt., brick, private phons,
close 1 n. Argyle, 341 14th.
NICELY furaished 4 rms., sleeping poren.
hdw. floors. $30. Portnomah, 200 E. 13th.
THE LEONARD 3-room apt., modern, va
ran Jan. 1. 665 East Main.
Unfurnished Apartments.
KOSE-FRIEND, 285 Broadway, corner Jef
ferson; modern unfurn. apts., walking dis
tance, best service. Marshall 1410.
TWO and 3-room unfurnished, bay window,
housekeeping suite, $15 and $8.50, opposite
City Hall. 3Q51, Jefferson st.
THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders.
5 and 6-room. reasonable. Main 7518.
Main 2053.
3 and 4-room, very desirabla.
GARFIELD 4 rooms, bath, newly finished,
861 Failing, 1 block ,west of Union.
.WibX. APA li T Mi-NT-C ti'J N. l5 "