ffHE SUNDAY OREGONIAIf, PORTLAND- DECE3IBER 16, 1917. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGONUN TKLEFHOKE8. Mmnaslns Editor Main 7070. A eons :ily Editor Malu 7070, A 615 eunaay Editor Main 7070, A ''.. Advertlsln Department Main 7070. A BuftS superintendent of Building.. Main 707u, A OOV'i AMl'SEMESTS. ORPHEtTM (Broadway at Taylor Blir time vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:13 and tonight at 8:15 o'clock. BAKER (Broadway or Sixth, between Alder and Morrison) Alcazar Stork Company in "Too Many Husbands." This afternoon, at 2:15 and tonight at 8:15. PANTACF.S (Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville. Three shows daily. 2:30. 7 and 9:05. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill) vaudeville and moving pictures. 2 to ft; 8:45 to 11 p. M. Saturdays. Sundays, holi days, continuous, 1:15 to 11 P. 3d. STRAND (Washington street, between Park and West Park) Vaudeville and moving pictures; continuous. LYRIC (Fourth and Stark) Musical com edy: dally, afternoon and night. ICE RINK (Twenty-first and Marshall) Afternoons and nights. 910 RE-WARD. A reward of. tea dollars) will ae paid for the arrest and eonvletloa of anyone caught stealing; Oreironlana. OREGOMAN PUBLISHING CO. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Orders for copies of the New Tear's Oregonian. which will be .issued on January 1, 1918. to be sent to friends, should be sent to The Oregonian at once. PRICE FIVE CESTS USE BLANK ON ANOTHER PAGE. THIS ISSUE Postage in the United States or possessions, Canada or Mexico, cents. Foreign postage, 10 cents. Address The Oregonian, Portland. Oregon. I T 1 g&Sv , ' - I h mrj& r . x-- it k .- 'v-f --v in, i -s - i Keed College to Entertain Tuejdat. Reed College co-eds will 'enUrtain with their annual holiday festivity, previous to the Christmas vacation, on Tuesday evening at the dormitory. All of the dormitory girls and faculty women will take part In the entertain ment and a Christmas tree will be the feature of the occasion. Christmas holi days will commence at Reed College on December 21. The students will be given ten days vacation and studies will be resumed promptly on New Year's day. On Thursday evening pre ceding the holidays, the annual Christ mas dinner will be served to the stu dents in the dining-room. This Is a very festive event and marks the close of the long line of pre-Christmas social affairs. Vesper Services at Reed College To dat. Reed College vesper services will take place in the college chapel this afternoon at 4 o'clock, with a special musical programme of Christ mas selections. Miss Amelia Bacon, in structor in languages will be the speaker for the occasion. She will give an appropriate Christmas talk on "Laon." The chapel services will open with a prelude "The Holy Infant," from Bullard. For the special music has been chosen the prelude, "The Coming of the King," from Bullard, and the postlude will include a Christ mas march from an Knglish air. Oregon Bots to Be Guests. Oregon boys at Mare Island will be guests at a reception given by the naval Y. M. C. A- at Vallejo, Cal., in the near future. The Vallejo "Y" organization has been entertaining the boys of dif ferent states, setting aside a night for each state. Oregonians are requested to send flags, pennants and like re minders of Oregon cities. Oregon songs are also wanted for the Jack Tars from the Beaver State. Store Manager Honored. Phillip Phillips, one of the department man agers of the Meier & Frank Company, who has recently enlisted in the United States Navy., waa presented last Tues day night with a wrist watch by the employes, of his department- Mr. Phil lips was one of the youngest depart ment executives of the store and he is a former University of California man. He left at once to begin training at Goat Island. Men's League to Meet. The Men's League of the Sunnyside Congrega tional Church will hold its last meet ing of the year in the church parlors. East Thirty-second and East Taylor streets, at 7:45 tomorrow evening. A. G. Clark, of the Oregon Home Industry League, will address the meeting in ad dition to a varied musical programme. Everyone is invited. Nebraska: Will Preach. Rev. Mr. Burkey, of the Church Missionary As sociation, Lincoln, Neb., will preach to day in the Gospel Tabernacle, East Ninth and East Clay streets. Miss fClopfensteln, missionary from the Sudan, Africa, will give a talk on Africa and on Monday will give an illustrated address using lantern slides. Two Chinese Places Raided. Two alleged Chinese gambling games were raided by the police last night. Henry Jung was charged with conducting a lottery game at 93 North Third street, where seven other Chinese also were arrested. Four Chinese were arrested In a raid at 101 North Fourth street. Funeral Will Be Tomorrow. The funeral of the late Cecil H. Bauer will be held tomorrow at 2 P. M. at the Scottish Rite Cathedral. Rabbi Jonah Wise will officiate. It is requested that there be no flowers. "We have a level, sightly tract, con taining over ten acres, on Fremont street and East 45th, which we will exchange on satisfactory terms, for a suitable warehouse site with trackage. AF 743, Oregonian. Adv. Salesmen and Business Men. Call at the Behnke-Walker Business College and let Mr. Edwards tell you about the class in salesmanship, personal effi ciency and personality development work. Phone Main 590. Adv. Ohio Society to Meet. The regular monthly meeting of the Ohio Society will be held at the German House, 255 Thirteenth street, at 8 o'clock tomor row night. All former Ohioans are In vited. "Spiritual Health." an address to night by Dr. N. K. Pickett. All welcome. Free library. Theosophical Society, 301 Central bldg.. Tenth and Alder. Adv. Dancing Todat, Afternoon and Evening, Riverside Park. Milwaukee or Oregon Citt Cars. Ad, v. Hotel Moore, Seaside, Or.L open for the holidays. Rates, $3 and 3.50 per day; American plan. Adv. Bible Sale. 200 new Bibles, also new poetry. 40 discount. Hyland Book Store, 170 5th at. Adv. For space in new Market Gas build ing, oth and Yamhill, apply 207 Stock Ex. bldg. Adv. Staples, the jeweler, is open nights. Adv. Jllllllllllll Jewelry Silverware Today the Highest Type of Gifts of Permanence and Romance TAi-r-r T-n"o ? J:J7.. 1 -.,!,- J..;..Ut- , f J ...."J- t T..i.' I those articles which hold the pleasure and affection of the recipients through years to come... -,-. niiimniHiTilTl Offerings From the Commercial, Stationery Office Furniture Depts. Here will be found many articles suitable for gifts for the office man and the office man's home. Splendid gift suggestions that are often overlooked among the many gifts offered at Christmas time. We suggest: ri E r Blotting Pads,. Ink Wells. Calendar Stands and Pads, Robinson Remind ers, Work Organizers. Automobile Expense Books. Loose-Leaf Cooking Recipe Books and Memorandum Books. Pencil Sharpeners, Family Expense Books, Card Index. Cooking Recipe Boxes, Bond and Cash. Boxes, TMarles. Date Books, Special Soldiers' . Diaries. Kmeralite Lamps, Cuspidors, Folding Card Tables and many other suggestions .our 'salesmen will be glad to advance. The Following List Will Render Jewelry Selection Both Profitable and Pleasant GESriXE EBOIi'T HAIR. AND ' CLOTH BRUSHES Best grade bristles, sterling silver shield for engraving. Special. 1.25, Sl-SO. 2. TOILET SETS for the dressing table two to 20 pieces In gold, silver, genuine African Ivory, ebony and the better grade of imi tation ivory, priced from f2.25 np. POCKET KSP7E5, CIGAR A I) CIGA RETTE HOLDERS AM CASKS. Match Safes, Pocket Combs. Manicure Pieces in gold, silver and plated, from $1.25 ap. CARVIXO SETS In sterling silver, plated and stag handles. We have the Genuine Sheffield Steel blades (imported). Nothing better made for carvers S3.SO the set and up. POTJ1VTAIX PEXS S12-50 up. Conk lin and the genuine Waterman . Ideal. Also silver and gold mounted. THE NEW EVERSHAHPtPEXCIlS Sl.OO and up, in nickel, silver and gold. The most wonderful adjunct for the business man or woman ever invented. Always ready for use. , KNITTI3TG NEEDLES, Ebony Hair Brushes (natural grain finish), ex cellent bristles. A most excellent gift for man or boy. PLATISUM BROOCHES, Pendants, Rings, etc Late effects. The mod est prices will surprise you. Bracelet Watches FOR WOMEIT Gruens. Elglns, Walthams. Hamil ton s, etc. The up-to-date small models from $15.00 up. and these are real timekeepers. We're proud to handle them. FOR MEJT The New Military models, accurate, smart looking', S1Z.OO up. Also Ingersols at S-1.25 up. And remember that the name on the box containing your gift adds or detracts according to the reputation of the jeweler who made the sale. "ER PLATE. ESS and HI r-l ires, Forks and I st wonderful1 CANES are popular now. The smart-looking kind In the attract ive woods, artistic mounts in ster ling silver and gold. From f 1.50 ap. SWAGGER STICKS for men and women. 75c up. HIGH-GRADE SILVER PLATE . Our beautiful PRINCESS SON Dattcrns in K.nivc Stioona are the most values In Portland today. We be lieve there is nothing else made that so nearly resembles solid sil ver. In actual wear its appearance improves with age. It is less in price than most of the commonly advertised patterns, while its ex clusiveness makes it popular with women of refinement. $2.50 for six teas. S4.0O for dessert spoons. JM.2. for table and soup spoons. sil.OO and 412.00 for set of six hollow handle knives and six forks. PEARL BEADS Genuine Pearl Necklaces from fldJM) up. La Tausca and other fine Imita tion Pearl Strings, S5.O0, S7.50. a 10.00, etc .jtriiimuiuiummnniiinMimmiiiiiitmmimiiMiMmiiMmirmmniniummimainu True Worth and Lasting Sentiment Will Accom- 1 pany the Gift of 1 OUR SPECIAL, I $100 DIAMOND J or Any Other Gem Chosen Here iiimmtiiimmiHiHtiiinniiiitttiinitiimmmitiniimiumiiititM I'MBRELLAS Our $5.50 and $6.50 Special Gilt Box with Umbrella and two handsomn detachable handes, are ideal Christmas pres ents for ladies. Others from $2 up. MEN'S FINE UMBRELLAS The kind that are not only good look ing but long lived. With silver and gold-mounted, handles, from S2.00 op. Open Evenings Till Christmas- JAEGER BROS LEATHER WALLETS. 14-K Gold. Mounted Cigar and Cigarette Cases. Match and Card Cases. Wonder fully good looking. Especially ap propriate for evening dress. From SX50 up. TABLE SILVER In such sterling patterns as Fairfax, Chatham, Mary Chilton, Lady Mary, Lafay ette, Washington, Monticello, Apol lo, America, Maryland, Puritan,, Carmel, Madison, etc. In bowls, plates, servers, dishes, candlesticks, vases, tea . and coffee sets, cups, etc. We have many pieces that will make splendid Christmas presents. Our American Sheffield Plate is of a quality so high it often surpasses Sterling Stiver la appearance and actual wear. Hammered Sterling Silver Spoons, Forks, Ladles, etc., SI. SO to 2.0O. Nut Pick Sets 3 crackers, and 12 picks, L25. Baby Sets spoon and. fork, T5e. Jam Jars, complete .with spoon, American Sheffield Covers, 75c Covered Cheese Dishes in American Sheffield. 82.50. . American Sheffield Silver Bon Bon Basket, glass lined, $2.25. S-piece Tea Set, 912.75. . Platinum finish and etched. American Sheffield Two-Compartment Vegetable Dishes, with hot water base, 813.50. Am. Sheffield Vegetable Dish, $8.50 Sterling Handle Cheese Servers, 1. Sterling Handle Pie Servers. 31.50 1.75. Sterling Silver Covered Jam Jars, 2.50. Sterling Silver Salad Bowls, $12.50. Sterling Handle Tea Bells, $1.25. Sterling Salt and Pepper Castors, individual, 92.50 ap. Sterling Silver Nut Set, T pieces, 13JM and S1S.OO. Nut Crackers, 91.00. JOIN the RED CROSS All Yoi Need A Heart and a Dollar. DIAMOND EXPERTS JEWELERS OPTICIANS XJJL -LkJkJ UiillXl 1 VI J X Building. orrr-OF-TowN orders CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY FILLED. Ti 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 i i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m i n 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 n i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n t m . EVEREADY ' - DAYL0S There is a Daylo for every purpose, and we have in stock all styles. The Daylo for hunting and.f ishing trips, the Daylo for the bed chamber, the Daylo that mother needs for dark cel lar stairs, dusty attic and for the hundred and one calls that bring her from her bed at night; the Vest Pocket Daylo and the Motorist's Daylo. New bat teries just received. Lawyers Brief Cases . and Bill Folders the most complete line in the city of Bill Fold ers, Coin Purses, Identi fication Card Holders, Photo Holders, Wallets, Traveling Bags, etc., etc. Priced . from 25c upwards. a r 3 ailW. Where to Put the Christmas Books In GLOBE - WERNICKE Sec tional Bookcases, of course. A splendid gift for every member, of the family. Globe-Wernicke Sectional Bookcases can be add ed to from time to time to ac commodate the growing library. They are a handsome addition to any room and are a daily re minder for brain cultivation. Gill's for Real ifts - The J. K. Gill Co., Booksellers. Stationers, Office Outfitters, Third and Alder Streets. Oriental Rugs, wash-cleaning, repair ing. Cartozlan Bros. Tel. Bdwy. 3-433 Adv. Pupil. Nurses Wanted at Sellwood Hospital. Portland. Or. Adv. CHEAP MEAT AND POTATOES For 15 you buy three sacks of fine white potatoes at Frank L. Smith's, 228 Akler street. He will deliver them to your home. And these are Smith's meat prices: Veal sausage, rightly seasoned, 15c; choicest of beefsteak, in cluding such cuts as porterhouse, T bone, tenderloin, sirloin, rib. and round steak, all 15c. Cuts of Beef for mince meat. 10c; beef necks, fine stewed with onions, 10c; beef to boil with dump lings, 10; corned beef, boil with cab bage, 10c; meaty pot roasts of good beef, 12c; prime rib roasts of Oregon beef, 15c; very best Hamburg steak, 15c. Adv. WHY L00KSHABBY? In these times when there is such a demand for money, we make it easy to keep up your appearance. Place an order for a suit, pay us $10 and balance $5 per month. "We give you the very best service. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark St., between 5th and 6th.--Adv. INCOME. We have for sale several very choice appartments at prices ranging from $18,000 to $60,000, paying 10 per cent net. F. E. BOWMAN & CO., 213 Chamber of Com. Main 3026. Adv. IRVINGTON. Beautiful Dutch Colonial home, 376 East Twenty-fifth street North. A real bargain at J5000. V. E. BOWMAN & CO.. Chamber of Com. Main 3026. Adv. SUITS PRESSED, 35c. French-dry or steam-cleaned. $1. We pay you to do your own delivering. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark, bet. 5th and 6th. Adv. $26,000 Ranch Sold. MII.TON. Or.. Dec 15. (Special.) J. H. Coffman, president of the Farmers' Security Bank, of Milton, completed a deal this week whereby he transferred ownership to a lease on 1000 acres of wheat land near Lewiston, Idaho, to Asa Demaris. also a resident of this place. The deal Involved & cash con slderation for the lease and &tock. of $26,000. Commerce Safe Deposit Vanlts. 91 Third street. Both phones. Adv. RURAL NEEDS PRESSING TREND TO CITY LEAVES DIS TRICTS WITHOUT TEACHERS. Officials Too Busy to Give Time Neces sary to Provide Solution for Many Problems. OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL, Mon mouth; Dec 15. (Special.) The need for a system of extension work for the rural schools of Oregon is being keenly felt at the present time, according to President J. H. Ackerman, who, in a statement prepared this week, explains that the rural institutions need a clearins-house for ideas and plans. . The president points out that defi nite and established progressive moves, such as the consolidation of rural A iTT?T( ST A TV. PIIT. CO., rVviriVjinr s i-: tt n s t, COMPLETE OFFICE OUTFITTERS Join the Red Cross Today All You Need A Heart and a Dollar NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE . INSURANCE CO. HORACE MECKLEM, General Agent, 329-331 Northwestern Bank, Bldg. i "America an3 the World's Worst Foe" First M. E. Church, Sunday Eve. By request Dr., Stansfield repeats his remarkable sermon on German character and cruelty, taking; the text, "He that dashes in pieces is come up before thy face." Hear This Remarkable Sermon Sunday Morning, 10:30 "The Advent" or the coming of divine into human life; coming of God into humanity. Fred R. Mitchell, new basso and leader, will conduct the chorus. schools, cafinot be accomplished widely under present conditions, because there is no one to carry the gospel of con viction. There are numerous officials who have other tasks to accomplish In the country and to expect them to per suade each district that it needs a cer tain reconstruction would involve time beyond present possibilities. President Ackerman believes some thing must be done .to bring immediate relief, because the lack of intercourse in the country is leading many of the teachers to the city schools. Salaries are also better there. The holes made by war enlistments are said to be roost keenly felt in the city schools and the trend is from country to city to nil these gaps. The condition already is leading to a most serious situation. It is felt by the large number of calls for rural teachers which have led normal students to discontinue their studies before graduation and begin teaching. SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION AT Woodard, Clarke & Go. OF THE FAMOUS Nikk-Marr Toilet Preparations Let us exDlain. How to make vonr nlcln smooth as velvet and how to remove -wrinkles In 15 minutes. Send 8c stamp tor book How to Care for lour complexion. 5c for return of empty N'lkk-Marr Cream .Tars at office onlv. OFFICE NO. 7. S8SV4 WASHINGTON ST. k a ii . . Hazelwood Candy Packed in a useful basket or artistic box, makes a most desirable and practical Christmas Present Our assortment of packages this season is more complete than ever Orders for Candy to be sent to Eastern friends and soldiers should be placed before Decern . berl9 We Guarantee Satisfaction and Delivery iWhen Hazelwood Candy is your gift to a friend it is sure to be appreciated THE HAZELWOOD 338 Washington Street BROADWAY HAZELWOOD 127 Broadway We are obeying the President's Proclamation regarding the use of sugar. He's Thinking v iiiiiiimimimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiimiimiiiiiit A ' The dominant thought in every mind, just now, is What to Give Select Useful Gifts, for use ful gifts are welcome gifts. A Fancy Box of Stationery, plain or engraved, appro priate for either sex. I I uw A Self-Filling Fountain Pen, Waterman's, Swan's, etc., useful every day and always appreciated. An Article in Leather Goods, Writing: Portfolios, Tourist Tablets, Brief Cases, Card Cases, Bill Books, etc. A Fine Piece for His or Her Desk, Brass Desk Sets, Desk Clocks, Calendars, Inkstands, Letter Openers, Scissors Sets. Fancy Memorandums, Diaries, Address Books, Engage ments, Motor Trips, Loose Leaf and Date Books, ' and many Novelties. ... Sectional and Revolving Bookcases, for home and office, Desks, Chairs, Bookracks, Costumers and Sta tionery Backs. Game Sets, Poker, Cribbage, Five Hundred, Pinochle, Chess, Checkers, Dominoes, etc. Drawing Instruments and Scientific Books Dennison's Gift Dressings "EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE" Mar. 6080 A-6548 Fifth and Oak Sts. The wonderfully beautiful book, "THE COLUMBIA," is the strongest OREGON-SPIRIT message you could send to a friend for Christmas. DO IT! Why Pay Carfare? Five minutes' walle from Postofflce, choice 4 and 5 room apartments In a modern brick building, high class, with modern conveniences. The Rose-Friend Broadway at Jefferson St. Y.M.C.A .Night School Wireless Telegraphy Electrical EngrlMeertng; Mechanical Drawing Shop Mathematics Bookkeeping; -Accountancy Shorthand Typewriting; Pharmacy Collea-e Preparatory Shipbuilding; Automobile Knavlneerlna; For detailed Information call at or write to V Dept. ! Education, Division. C, Portland Y. BI. C A.