The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 02, 1917, SECTION FIVE, Page 10, Image 72

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Sixth Anniversary of Organization of Parish Will Be Held December 24 Altar Society Preparing to Hold Christmas Sale.
THE Church of the Madeleine is pre
paring to celebrate its sixth anni
versary, December 24,' when ap
propriate services will be held. In an
ticipation of that event a drive is being
made to wipe out all indebtedness on
the church properties. It Is the ambi
tion of the priest in charge, the Rev.
George Thompson, to clear away all
debt by Christmas time. To accomplish
this a live committee of, men has been
appointed and. they are busy at work
on the enterpriser Members of the
committee are Pan Kelleher, chairman.:
James Gill, secretary; T. J. Seufert, M.
K. Brady, J. N. Casey.'Robert J. O'Neil,
W. J. Sheehy. F. A. Sullivan. J. F.
Clarkson, James F. Twohy, John. Man
ning, James Dougherty, C. B. King, H.
E. Kalvelage, John. F. Daly, M. H. Kern,
L. W. Cronan. John Larkin and George
Thompson. - '
The church first held a meeting Sep
tember 17, 1911, in the home of J. F.
Clarkson. Just a few persons were
present, but the interest shown, was
sincere and by Christmas the new
church was ready. In 1913 the Sisters'
Convent was dedicated. This building
was a gift of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Sin
nott as a memorial to the parents of
Mr. Sinnott.. This school adjoins the
church and has an enrollment of 100
day scholars. The music department
isf especially fine.
There is a parent-teacher organiza
tion that is doing good; work.
The Altar Society of the church is
planning a Christmas sale. This will
be arranged by the officers: President,
Mrs. Jphn Manning; vice-presidents,
Mrs. E. Gurney, Miss Amelia Casey,
Mrs. J. D. Sullivan, Mrs. C. S. Sweeny;
secretary, Mrs. T. J. Murphy; treasurer,
Mrs. C. B. King.
The choir of the church is directed
by F. W. Goodrich and the organist is
Mrs. Robert Power (Carmel Sullivan).
Father George Thompson, has been
in charge since the parish was started
and he has as his assistant Father
George Campbell, who is well known
here, having: been educated in Portland.
Church Year Begins Today
With Advent.
Devotion of 4Q Hoars Set In Romai
Catholic Parishes.
TODAT is the First Sunday of Advent
and begins the Christian year, ac
cording to the-calejdar of the Catholic
Church. At the high mass at St. Mary's
Cathedral this morning Father O'Hara
will preach a special sermon on the
subject of "The Pope's Plea for a Last
ing Christian Peace" Service is at 11
The devotion of the - forty hours
will be held at St. Mary's Cathedral
commencing next Friday and ending on
the following Sunday afternoon. The
high mass of exposition will be sung
at 6 o'clock Friday morning. On Friday
evening at 7:45 there will be a solemn
procession of the blessed sacrament.
Sunday Services in City CkurcKes
Advent Christian, 438 Second street, near
Kail street Rev. J. S. Lucas, pastor.
Preaching:, 10:30; Sunday school, 12; Loyal
Workers, 6:80; preaching, 7:30; prayer meet
ing, Thursday evening. 7:30.
C These services are held on Saturday.)
Central, East Eleventh and Everett streets
P. C Hay ward, minister. Sabbath school,
3.0 ; church services, 11:15; prayer meet
ing, Wednesday night, 7:45; Toung People's
meeting, 7 :45.
Montavilla, East Eightieth and Everett
treta J. F. Beatty, local elder. Sabbath
ttchool, 10; preaching, 11; prayer meeting,
7:30 P. M.. Wednesday; Young People's
meeting. Saturday, 4 P. M.
Tabernacle, West Side, Knights of Pyth
ias liall Eleventh and Alder streets Sab-
DAY. .
Pastors, secretaries and others
who are responsible for the ap
peararft?& of churches notices are
asked to see that said notices are
in the editorial department of
The Oregonian by Thursday, 6 P.
M. Please conform to style
mentioning church, location, pas
tor, time of meeting' and topic,
if desired.
bath school, 10; preaching, 11; prayer meet
ing, Tuesday evening at 8 P. M., at 185
Thirteenth street.
Alblna (German), Ski dm ore and Mai lory
streets A. A. Meyers, minister; A. C
Schweitzer, local elder. Sabbath school. 10;
services. 11:15; prayer meeting, Wednesday
vening, 7:30; preaching Sunday evening, 8.
St. Johns, Central avenue and Charleston
street A. R. Folkenburg, local elder. Sab
bath school, 10; preaching. 11; prayer meet
ing, Wednesday evening, 7:30. r
Lents, Nlnety-fourtn street and Fifty
eighth avenue Southeast . J. Chit wood,
local elder. Sabbath school, 10; preaching,
11; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:45 P. M.
Mt Tabor, East Sixtieth and Belmont
streets W. T. Hilgert, minister. Sabbath
school. 10; preaching, 11; prayer meeting,
Wednesday evening. 7:45.
Scandinavian, Ogden Hall, Mississippi ave
nue and Shaver street O. B. Sandnesa, min
ister. Sabbath school. 10; preaching, 1L
W. O. W. Hall, East Sixth and Alder
streets. 3 P. M., public lecture by W. M.
Wisdom, subject, "The Handwriting on the
Wall; Its Present Application"; 8 P. M.,
discourse by W. M. Wisdom.
First. White Temple, Twelfth and Taylor.
9-50, Bible school, classes for all ages ; 11,
preaching by Rev. A. Ross Kitt, theme, A
Religion Which Will Not Fail"; 6:15, B. Y.
P. U. ; 7:30, preaching by Rev. A. Ross .Kitt,
theme, "Qualifying tor Dlscipleshlp."
Montavilla, Grace Rev. H. T. Cash, pas
tor. 11 A. M.. "What Kind of Christianity
3s Yours?'; 7:30 P. M., "What the Church
Has to Offer to the Men of Montavilla,"
East Hide, East Ankeny and Twentieth
streets Rev. W. 3. Hinson, pastor. Sun
day school, 9:45 A. M. ; preaching, 11 A. M. ;
evening, 7:45; B. Y. P. U. meets 6:45. Dr.
Tlinson will preach in the morning on "What
He Did When He Died"; in the evening.;
Where Is God Today?"
Arleta W. Garnet Handley, pastor. 11,
sermon, "Reception of Members and the
Communion Service"; 7:30 "Bringing Up
St. Rose's, East Fifty-third street and
Alameda Drive Rev. J. M. O'Farrell, pas
tor. Mass, 8 ; high mass, 10 :30 ; benedic
tion. 4 P. M.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams ave
nue and Stanton street Rev. W. A. Daly.
Mass, 6, 8. 9; high mass, 11 o'clock.; even
ing service, 7:30.
St. Phillip Neri's (Paullst Fathers), East
Sixteenth and Division streets. William J.
Cartwrlght, pastor. Hours of mass. 6, 8:30,
10:30 A. M. ; evening service. T:30 o'clock.
St. Patrick's. Nineteenth and Savier streets
-Rev. E. P. Murphy. Mass, 8; high mass,
10:80: evening service, 7:30.
Blessed Sacrament, Maryland avenue and
Blandena street Rev. Father F. W. Black,
pastor. Mass, 8 A. M, ; high mass at 10:30
A. M. ; evening service, 7:30.
Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth and Darts streets
Rev. E. V. O'Hara. Mass. 6, 7:15, 8:80.,
9:45; high mass, 11; evening service, 7:45.
St. Peter's. Lents Rev. P. Buetgen. Mass,
S; high mass, 10:30; evening service, 7:30.
St. Michael's (Italian): Fourth and Mill
Jesuft Fathers, M. J. Balestra, S. J., pastor.
Low mass, 8:30; high mass, 10:80; evening
service, 7:80.
St. Lawrence, Third and Sherman streets
Rev. J. C. Hughes. Mass. . 6. 8:30; high
mass. 10:30; evening service. 7:30.
St. Francis', Fast Eleventh and Oak
streets Rev. J. H- Black. Mass, 6, 8, 9;
high mass. 10:80; evening service, T:80.
Holy Rosary, East Third and Clackamas
in which the children of the parish and
members of the Cathedral Holy Names
Society will take part. Saturday is the
feast of the Immaculate Conception,
a holy day of obligation and the pa
tronal feast of the Cathedral Church.
The masses will be at the same hours
as on Sundays, with a special mass at
12:20 instead of the 'Usual 11 o'clock
mass. High mass will be sung at 8:30
A. M. The forty hours devotion will
conclude at 4 P. M. on Sunday, Decem
ber 9, with a sermon by Very Rev.
Prior Olsen, "Procession and Solemn
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament."
The devotion of the forty hours will
be held at the Church of the Madeline
beginning next Friday, with high mass
of exposition at 8 A. M-, and concluding
on the following Sunday evening with
solemn benediction of the blessed sac
rament. On Friday evening there will
be devotions and a sermon by Rev.
Charles M. Smith, of the Parish of Our
Lady of Sorrows. '
Archbishop to Celebrate
December 13 to Be Gala Day With
Roman Catholics.
AN event of more than ordinary im
portance will be the celebration
of the 40th anniversary of the ordina
tion of Archbishop Christie, to be ob
served December" 12. Three events for
that day will claim the attention of
Catholics throughout the entire state.
In the morning at 10 o'clock the arch
bishop will pontificate solemnly at the
cathedral and afterward he will enter
tain the clergy of the diocese at lunch
eon at St. Mary's Academy. In the
evening there will be a reception at
the archbishop's residence. All Cath
olics and friends will be invited. -
It is planned to gather money and
give an offering to the archbishep as
a token of esteem, love and apprecia
tion, so that he may be able to further
some of the philanthropies in which
he is interested.
The priests in charge of the plans
for this celebration include the Very
Rev. J. C. Hughes, Rev. J. H. Black,
Prior Olson, Father Gregory, Father
George Thompson, Rev. W. A. Daly.
The chairman is the vicar general. Rev.
James Rauw.
Archbishop Christie has been in Port
land since 1899. He. succeededVArch
bishop Gross. Before coming here he
was bishep of Victoria. Vancouver
Island, and was consecrated to that
office in 1898 in the cathedral at St.
Paul, where he was a priest.
St. Agatha's Parish did well In han
dling their recent bazaar. More than
(850 was cleared. Of this $100 was
netted at the dinner. The women of of
the parish managed the dinner and the
young girls of the church had charge
of the parcel post that was one of the
big attractions.
Father Cumminsky, the priest in
charge of St. Agatha's, is an inspiring
leader and has a devoted number of
Rev. C. J. Olson. Mass, 6, 7, 8, 9; high
mass, 11; evening service, 7:30.
The Madeleine, East Twenty-fourth and
Siskiyou Rev.. G. F. Thompson. Mass, 7:30,
9; high mass, 10:30; evening service, 7:45.
St. Andrew's-- East Ninth and Alberta
streets Rev. T. Kiernan. Mass. 8; high
mass, 10:80; evening service, 7 :30.
Ascension, East Yamhill and East Seventy
sixth Franciscan Fathera Mass, .6; high
mass, 10:80; evening service, 7:30.
Holy Redeemer, Portland boulevard and
Vancouver avenue Rev. F. H. Miller. Mass,
6, 8; high mass, 10:30; evening service. 7:80.
Holy Cross. 774 Uowdoln street Rec. C.
Raymond. Mass. 8; high mass, 10:30; even
ing service, 7:30.
Sacred Heart, East Eleventh and Center
Rev. Gf. Robl. Mass, 8; high mass, 10:30;
evening service, 7:30.
St. Agatha, East Fifteenth and Miller1
Rev. J. Cummisky. Mass, 8; high mnss.
10:30; evening service, 7:30.
St. Joseph (German), Fifteenth and Couch
streets Rev. B. Durrer. Mass, 8; high mass,
10:30; evening service, 7 :30.
St. Stanislaus (Italian), Maryland avenue
and Willamette boulevard Rev. T. Mathew.
Mass, 8; high mass, 10:30; evening services,
SC Clement's. Smith and Newton streets
Rev. C. Smith. Mass, 8; high mass. 10:30;
evening service, 7:20.
St. Ignatius (Jesuit Fathers), 3220 East
Forty-tljird street Father William J. Dee
ney, rector. Mass, 6:30, 8, 9:15, 10:30; even
ing service, 7:30.
St. Clare's, Capitol Hill (Franciscan Fath
ers) Rev. Mod est us, pastor. Services at 7:30
and 9:15 A.. M., high mass.
First Church, Park and Madison streets
Luther R. Dyott, minister. lo:30 A. M. aud
7:45 p. M.
Finnish Mission, 107 Skldmore street
Samuel Nevala, pastor. Young People's
meeting at 6; preaching' at 7:30; prayer
meeting, Thursday at 8:16
Atkinson Memorial 11 A. M., sermon,
"The Most Universally Loved Book In the
World"; 7:45. illustrated address, "How We
Got Our Bible"; 9:45" A. M., Sunday school;
1S:30, Y. P. S. C. E-, consecration meeting.
Highland, corner Prescott and Sixth
Rev. Edward Constant. 11, "The Value of
a Steadfast Life" ; 7:30, song service and
"How to Make a Happy Home"; 9:45, Sun
day school; 6:30. Christian Endeavor.
Ardenwald, Ardenwald Station H. W.
Hopllnk, speaker. Sunday school, 10:80 A.
M. ; Christian Endeavor, 7:80 P. !. ; church
service and sermon. 8:15 P. M.
Sunnyside, corner East Taylor and East
Thirty-second streets Rev. J. J. Staub,
D. D., pastor. Services at 11 A. M. and
7:45 P. M. ; Sunday school, 9:45; Junior
Christian Endeavor. 3; Intermediate En
deavor, 5; senior Endeavor, 6:15. - '
St. Johns 10 A. M., Sunday school; 7:30
P.- M., address by Dr. J. K- Browne, of
First, Park and Columbia streets H. H.
Grlffis, minister. 11 A. M., Rev. E. R. Moon,
"My Experiences In Africa" ; 7:80 P. M.,
"The Uplifted Christ; the World's Uplifter,"
by the minister; 9:45 A. M., Bible school;
6:30 P. M Christian Endeavor.
Woodlawn, Seventh and Liberty Joseph
D. Boyd, pastor. 9:45, Bible school: 6:30,
C. E. ; 11, 7:30.
Rodney Avenue, Rodney avenue and Knott
streets Rev. Carlos Ghormley, pastor.
Preaching, 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ; Bible
school, 10 A. M.; Christian Endeavor, 6:30
P. M Walter Gfvens. evangelist.
Kern Park. Fifty-ninth street Southeast
and Forty-sixth avenue Rev. R. e. Moon,
pastor. Services, Sunday school, lO A. M. ;
preaching, 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ; Chris
tian Endeavor, 6:30 P. M.
First. Everett, between Eighteenth and
Nineteenth streets Services at 11 and 8;
Sunday school, 9:45 and 11; Wednesday
evening meeting at 8.
Second. East Sixth sfreet and Holladay
avenue Services at 11 and 8; Sunday school
at 9:45; Wednesday evening meetlnsr at 8.
Third. East Twelfth and Salmon streets
Services at 11 and 8; Sunday school at It
and 12:10; Wednesday evening meeting at 8.
Fourth, Vancouver avenue and Emerson
street Services at 11 and 8: Sunday school
at 9:45 and 11; Wednesday evening meeting
at a.
Fifth. Sixty-second street and Forty-second
avenue Southeast Services at 11; Sun
day school at 9:30 and 11; Wednesday even
ing meeting at 8.
Sixth, Portland Hotel Assembly Hall
services at li and ; Sunday school at 11
and 12:10; Wednesday evening meeting at 8.
Christian Science Society, Holbrook block.
St. Johns Services Sunday at 11 and
Wednesday evening at 8.
First. 131 Twelfth street, corner Alder
Rev. T. M. Mtnard, pastor.. Services 11 A.
M., subject. "Rejoice": Bible class Tuesday
z p. .M.; stuay class Thursday 8 P. M.
St. Stephen's Pro-Csthedral, Thirteenth
and Clay The Rt. Rev. W. T. Sumner.
bishop of Oregon; the Very Rev. E. H. Mc-
Collister. dean of the Pro-CathedraL Serv
ices: Sunday, 7:45 A. M., 9:45 A. M. : school.
11 A. M.. 7:45 P. M. Weekdays: Tuesday,
1:20 A. it.; Thursday, 0:30 A M. ; holy days.
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Bible Will Be Subject of
Sunday Sermons.
Woman Association of Atkinson
Memorial Chmrch to Hold Annnal
Basaar on December 7.
THE Atkinson Memorial Church will
observe today as Bible Sunday. The
morning: sermon will be devoted to the
greatest of books and in the evening
there will be an address Illustrated
with lantern slides, giving the interest
ing story of how the Bible has been
kept through the centuries, long be
fore the days of printing, when all
copies had to be made by hand and
also the struggle,' since printing was
invented, to make the Bible a book for
all people.
This will be In co-operation with the
latest drive in behalf of the Army,
which will be made this, coming week
by the American Bible Society for the
purpose of furnishing Bibles and Tes
taments for our men in the great war.
etc., 7:30 A. M. . Dean's office at the church,
10-12 A. M. daily except Monday. West
bound cars transfer to Thirteenth-street;
Sunnyside cars, off at Clay, two blocks west.
Church of the Good Shepherd, Graham and
Vancouver avenues Rev. John Dawson, rec
tor. Holy communion, 7:30 A. M. ; Sunday
school. 9:45 A. M. ; morning service, 11 A.
M. ; popular evening service, 7:30.
- Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett streets
Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector. Services,
8 A. M., 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.; Sunday school,
9:45 A. M.
Church of Our Savior. Woodstock Arch
deacon Chambers in charge. Services every 1
Sunday at 11 A. M. ; Sunday school at 10.
St. Andrew's, Herford street. Portsmouth-
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. Services
every Sunday at 11 A. M. ; Sunday .school
at 10.
St. Michael and All Angels. East Forty-
third and Broadway, Rose City Park Rev.
T. F. Bowen. vicar. 8 o'clock, holy com
munion; 10, Sunday school; 11. Litany ser
mon and special intercessions; 5, evening
prayer and sermon. Morning sermpn topic,
ins uiory oi tne oospei ot the .nappy
St. John's Church, corner East Fifteenth
and Harney streets. Sell wood Archdeacon
Chambers in clucrse. Services at 11 A. M,
and 7:30 P. M.; Sunday school at 10.
St. David's Parish, East Twelfth and Bel
mont streets Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector.
Services, 7:30 A. M., 9:30 A. M.. 11 A. M.
and 7:30 P. M.
St. Paul's, Woodmere Rev. Oswald W.
Taylor, vicar. Holy communion, first Sun
day of month, 8; evening prayer and sermon,
4, except the first Sunday of month.
Grace Memorial, Weldler and East Seven
teenth streets. North Rev. Oswald W. Tay
lor, vicar. Holy communion, 8, excepting on
first Sunday in the month; morning prayer
and sermon, 11; Sunday school, 10. No eve
ning service.
Church of Our Savior, Woodstock, East
Forty-first street and Sixtieth tvenua Arch
deacon Chambers In charge. Sunday school,
10 A. M.; service and sermon at 11 A. M.
Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel, Good
Samaritan Hospital Holy communion, 7 A.
M. ; evening, 7:15.
St. Matthew's, Corbett and Bancroft
streets Services. 11 A. M. ; Sunday school,
10 A. M.; vicar. W. A. M. Breck.
St. Mark's. Twenty-first and Marshall
streets Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector; Kev.
John G. Hat ton. associate. Sunday services:
7:80 A. M., holy eucrraxrst; 9:45, Sunday
school; 11, holy eucharist and sermon; 7:45.
evensong and sermon. Weekdays: Holy
eucharist daily at 7:30 and Thursday second
eucharist at 9:30.
St. David's, East Twelfth and Belmont
Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30, 930,
11 and 7:30.
The Swedish Free Church, corner of Mis
souri avenue and Sumner street H. G. Ko
dlne, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45; preach
ing, 11 A. M.; young people's meeting, 6:45;
preaching, 8 P. M.
First German, TentVand Clay streets
G. F. Fleming, Sr., pastor. Sunday school at
9:30 A. M.; preaching service by the pastor
at 10:45 A. M. ; Young People's Society serv
ices at 7 P. M., and preaching by the pastor
at 8 P. M.
Third Reform, Lents W. G. Llenkaemper,
pastor. Sunday school at 10 A. M. ; preach
ing service at 11 A. M. ; catechetical class,
Saturday at 10 A. M.
Norwegian Danish. Sumner and East
Twenty-third streets North Morton Olsen,
pastor. Services Sunday at 11 A. M. and
7:30 P. M. ; Sunday school at 10; young
people's meeting at 6:30; prayer meeting,
Wednesday at 8 o'clock.
Portland Mission N. Shupp, pastor. Car
son Heights, Sunday school at 10 and preach
ing at 11 A. M. ; West Portland. Sunday
school at 2:30; Y. P. A. at 6:30 and preach
ing at 7:30 P. M.
First. East Ninth and Mill Rev. A. Beers.
11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. -
Central. Fifty-fifth and East Flanders
Rev. W. N. Coffee.
St. Johns, Richmond and Hudson streets
Mrs. M. J. Blair, pastor.
Lents Chapel Rev. A. Beers, pastor. Sun
day school, 2 P. M.; preaching, 3 P. M.
Alberta Free Methodist Church Rev. E.
L Harrington.
Lutheran Mission, Hamilton Chapel, Eigh
tieth and East Glisan streets F. J. Eppling,
pastor. Sunday school at 10 o'clock A. M. ;
regular services at 10:45 A. M.
St. James English, corner West Park and
Jefferson streets Rev. W. E. Brinkman.
pastor. Sunday school. It) A. M. ; holy com
munion and reception of members, 11 A. M. ;
Luther League, 7 P. M. ; evening service,
8 P. M.
Bethel Free, corner Wygant arrd Rodney
avenue Rev. J. A. Stavney, pastor. Services
at 11 A. M, and 8 P. M. ; Sunday school at
9:45 A. M.
Grsce English (Missouri Synod), Mason
and Alblna avenue Rev. E. Probst, pastor.
Services. 10:80 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.
Evangelical Zlon Church (Missouri Synod),
Salmon and Chapman streets H. H. Kop
pelmasn, pastor. Lenten services, German,
10:15 A. M. ; English, 7:45 P. M.
West Side Norwegian Lutheran, Four
teenth and Davis streets WUhelm Petter
son. psstor. English services, first and third
Sundays of each month at 11 A. M. and
second and fourth Sundays at 8 P. M..; Nor
The campaign has the Indorsement t!
President Wilson.
The Woman's Association of the At
kinson Church will hold their annual
bazaar on Friday, December 7, at the
church. East Everett and East Twenty
ninth streets. There will be & sale of
fancy and useful articles during the
afternoon and evening. Luncheon will
be served at noon and dinner at night
in connection with the Bazaar.
REV. A. ROSS KITT, who Is to fill
the pulpit of the First Baptist
Church (White Temple) for the re
mainder of the year, will preach this
morning on the topic, "A Religion
Which Will Not Fall," and in the even
ing his subject will be "Qualifying; for
Disciplofhip." .
The celebration of the Lord's Supper
follows the morning- service, and new
members will receive the hand of fel
lowship. Musical numbers by the Temple quar
tets aro "The King of Love," by Shel
ley; "Oh, Lord, How Manifold Are Thy
Works (Clare), , and "Fear Not, Oh,
Land" (Rogers).
wegian services, first and third Sundays of
each month at 8 P. M. and second and
fourth Sundays at 11 A. M.; Sunday school
at 10 A. M.; English and Norwegian Men's
Club, the third Monday at 8 P. M. ; Y. P. S.,
Tuesday evening; English Bible class, Friday
evenings; vesper service at 5 P. M.' each
Sunday In the hall at the corner of Fifteenth
and Alberta.
Immanuel, Nineteenth ana Irving streets
Rev. A. V. Anderson, pastor. Services at 11
A. M. and 8 P. M.; Sunday school, 9:45 A.
M. ; Young People's meeting, first and third
Tuesday of each month ; syskonrlng, second
and fourth Tuesday, 8:15 P. M. ; Thursday
evening services. 8:15; Ladles' Aid. first
Bethany Danish, Union avenue North and
Morris street Rev. L. P. Kjohler, pastor.
Sunday school and Bible cjass, 10 A. M. ;
services, 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. ; young peo
ple's meeting. Thursday. 8 P. M.
Trinity German (Missouri Synod). Will
lams and Graham avenues J. A. Rim bach,
pastor. Services at 10:15 A. M., 7:80 P. M. ;
Sunday school, 9:15 A. M.
St. Paul's German Lutheran, East Twelfth
and Clinton street a Krause, pastor. Sun
day school 9:30 A. M. Services 10:30 A. M.
and .7:30 P. M. Bible study and young
people's meeting Thursday 8 P. M.
Our Savior's. East Tenth and Grant
streets English services at 10.15 A. M. Nor
wegian service at 11 :15 A. M. Sunday
school at 9:30 A. M. Rev. George Henrlk
sen, pastor.
First T we 1 ft h and Tay lor s t ree t s R ev.
Joshua Stansfield, pastor. 10:30 A. M., "The
Unsearchable Riches of Christ"; 7:30 P. M.,
"German Fatalism, Fierceness and Folly.
Central, Vancouver avenue and. Fargo
First German Methodist Episcopal, cor
ner Fifteenth and Hoyt streets Edmund E.
Hertzler, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 A.
M.; preaching service. 11 A. M. and 8 P.
Rev. E, R. Moon. Christian mis
sionary at Bolenge. Africa, who
is in America on a year's fur
lough, will speak at the First
Christian Church this morning?.
Rev. Mr. Moon is a native Ore
fronian. After his graduation
from the Bible University at Eu
gene he was sent to Africa by
the Foreign Christian Mission
ary Society and has had charge
of the work at Bolenge. an Im
portant post on the Congo. In
his address this morning Rev.
Mr. Mooit will relate -his experi
ences while engaged in mission
ary work among the Africans.
In the evening the pastor. H. H.
Griffis. wilf have for his sub
ject "The Uplifted Christ: the
World's Uplifter." In keeping
with the military spirit mem
bers of the Y. P. 8. C. E. of this
church have been divided into
two sections, one representing
the Army, the other the Kavy,
and each vying with one an
other for stimulating interest in
the society. The results so far
have been most gratifying.
iv 1
f .."-' r 1
'' 'Ml
; . . " v I; '
t - v. y i
t Itfv. K. R. Moon. t
Jewish Feast Will Begin.
Next Sunday.
Special Services Will Be Held to
Celebrate "Hanukan. Commemo-ratlaa-
Great Klajht of Hebrews
for Political and Rellarlona Liberty.
( ( rT ANUK AH," the Feast of the
XI Lights, commemorating the
great fight of the Jews for political and
religious liberty, will begin next Sun
day. Special Hanukah services will be
held in Temple Beth Israel on Decern
ber 14 at 8 P. M. Rabbi Wise will speak
on "The Jew as a Soldier of Freedom.'
On December 15 the children's service.
conducted by the children of the relig
lous school, will be held.
The sermons on Fridays in December
will be devoted to a comparison of the
testaments. In the Friday night meet
ing of the past week Rabbi Wise spoke
on "TJhe Miracles of the Testament.
"The Bible as a Handbook of Demo".
M. : Ep.orth Lwri service, 7:80 P. M. ;
weekly prayer meeting. Tuetday. 8 P. M.
First, South, Multnoman street and Union
avenue North Rev. James T. French will
preach 11 A. M., "The Greatest Power in
Character": 7:45 P. M-. "Living by the Way
or in the Way."
street C. C. Rarick, pastor. Sunday school.
9:45: morning- sermon,- "The Anchored
Soul" ; evenins sermon, "Christ, the World's
Centenary 9:45 A, M., Sunday school li
A. M.. thank offering service. W. H. M. S..
address by Mrs. George H. Alden. Salem:
n:15 P. M., Epworth League meeting; 8:30
P. M., clans meeting; 7:at P." M., "Power
of Mind Over Body, and Power of Auto
suggestion," Dr. J. c. lllott, Los Angeles;
Thursday, 3:30 P. M ., Junior League; Sat
urday, 7:30 P. M., Kast Side Boys' Club.
Mount Tabor, corner East 81xty-flrst and
Stark E. Olln Eldridge. pastor. Services.
11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M . ; morning theme,
"Things Worth While"; evening. "The Great
Opportunity,"-.a National theme.
Brentwood Rev. E. B. Lockhart, pastor.
Sunday school and preaching, 2:30.
Clinton Kelly, Powell Road and East
Thirty-ninth street Rev. E. J3. Lockhart,
pastor. Sunday school. 9:30; preaching, 11,
topic-"Christian Certainty."
Patton Rev. P. W. K.agy, pastor. Sun
day school. 9:45; preaching, 11 and 7:30;
young people's meeting. 6:30.
Lincoln Rev. E. B. Lockhart. pastor.
Sunday school. 10 A. SC.; preaching, 7:30,
topic "The Philosophy of Christian Expe
rience." Kendall Rev. R. C. Toung. pastor. Bun
day school and praechlng, 2:30.
Laurel wood. Sixty-third, near Foster road
A. C Brackenburg, pastor. Services 11
A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ; Sunday school.
9:4.1 A. M.
Bethel Afrlcsn Rev. W. H. Prince pas
tor. Sunday school. 9:30 A. M. ; preaching.
11 A M. : Christian Endeavor, 7 P. M.;
evening service, 8:15.
Montavilla. East Thirty-sixth and Pin.
streets C. L. Hamilton, pastor. 11 A. M..
8 P. M.
Epworth. North Twenty-sixth and Savier
streets Rev. C. O. McCulloch. psstor. Sun
day school. 9:45; publio worship. 11 and
7:45: Epworth League. 6:45.
Roae City Park A, A. M.lst. pastor. Sun
day c hex!. 9:45; morning srvlca, 11; even
ing service, T:3U.
Sellwood, corner East Fifteenth street and
Tacoma avenue Rev. Alexander R. Mae
lean, pastor. 10 A. M., Sunday school; 11
A. M.. preaching service, sermon by the pas
tor; 2:30. Junior League, Miss Marcy, su
perintendent; 7 P. M., Epworth League; 8
P. M., preaching service- sermon by the
University Park. Flak and Lombard
streets Rev. J. T. Abbett. X. X. Services,
11 A. M.. 7:80 P. M.; Sunday school. 9:45
A. M.; Epworth League. 6:30 P. M.; prayer
meeting. 7:45 o'clock Thursday.
German. Rodney avenue and t Stanton
street T. A. Schumann, pastor. 8unday
school. 9:45 A. M. ; services. 11 A. M. and
8 P. M. : Epworth Lea sue. 7:15 P. M.
Sunnyside, corner Eaat Tamhlll and East
Thirty-fifth streets R. Elmer Smith, pas
tor. Sunday school. 9:50 A. M. ; preaching,
11 A. M.; Epworth League, 6:30 P. M.; peo
ple's popular service. 7:45 P. M.
Woodlawn. East Tenth North and High
land streets Rev. W. E. Kloster, pastor.
Sunday school. 10 A. M. ; morning service),
11 A. M. ; Epworth League, 7 P. M.; even
ing service. 7:45; prayer meeting. Thursday.
7:45 P. M.
St. Johns. Leavltt and Hays streets Rev.
J. H. Irvine, minister. Morning service at
11 o'clock: evening worship. 7:30.
Lenta Rev. F. M. Jasper, pastor. Sun
day school. 9:45; preaching, 11 and 7:45;
Epworth League, 6:30.
Linnton Rev. 8. H. Dewsrt, pastor. Sun
day school, 10; preaching, 7:30.
Westmoreland Rev. R. C. Toung. pastor.
Sunday school, 10; Epworth League. 6:30;
preaching. 7:30..
Woodstock Rev. L. C Poor, pastor. Sun
day school. 9:45 A. M.: preschlng. 11 A. M.
and 7:30 P. M.; Epworth League. 6:30 P. M.
' Mount Tabor, corner of East 8tark and
Sixty-first streets E. Olln Eldridge. pastor.
Preaching 11 a. K. and 7:80 P. M.
Latt.r-Zay Saints, corner of Esst Twenty
fifth and Madison streets Sunday school at
10; speclsl evening services at 7:30 o'clock.
Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ. Esst
Seventy-sixth and Irving streets Elder
C. E. Jones, pastor, residence 49 East Seventy-fourth
street North. Service, preach
ing, 11 A. M. and 7:43 P. M. ; prayer meet
ing on Wednesday at 8 P. M. : meeting Fri
day, 7:43 P. M-
Swedenborglan. 831 Jeffereon atreet. near
Broadway 11 A. M.. sermon topic. "How the
Lord Speaks to Man and What He Speaks
About," by Rev. William R. Reece; Bunday
school -for adult and children's classes, 10:15
A. M.
Brentwood, Sixty-fifth avenue. Southeast,
and East Sixty-seventh street. Services 10
A M. ; Sunday school. 11 A. M. and 7:80 P.
M. : preaching, 6:30 P. si.; young peoples
First. Twelfth and Alder streets Pastor
Rev. John H. Boyd, D.-13.. will preach both
morning and evening.
Calvary, corner Eleventh and Clay streets
rvices, io:3U A. M. and T:30 P. M. Rev.
Thomas 8. Anderson will preach both morn
ing and evening.
Westminster. East Seventeenth and Schuy
ler streets Edward H. Pence. D. D., pastor.
Morning service. 10:30: evening service. 7:30.
Kev. Clinton Jcnninss Greene, of the Uni-
racy" Is the ajbject of the Bible study
meetings held at 3 o'clock on the sec
ond and fourth Wednesdays at the Li
brary. Dr. Wise is giving these by re-
Quest of the many who enjoyed his
leadership last season.
"The Power of the Mind Over the
Body and the Power of Auto-Sugges-
tion will be the subject of an ad
dress delivered in Centenary Methodist
Church by Dr. J. C. Elliott tonight. This
address will outline both the power of
the mind over the body and its limi
tation. Dr. Elliott says: "The mind has
far greater power over the body than
many suppose. It can destroy the
power of digestion and assimilation so
that our most wholesome food will be
come a poison producing disease and
death, rather than life and health. The
Ppower of the mind over the body has
played a large part in so-called divine
healing. The true and the false divine
healing will be discussed." Dr. Elliott
will speak Monday night in Centenary
on ' Cause and Cure of Colds, Catarrh,
Pneumonia and Tuberculosis."
Dr. Pence Will Be at Camp
. Lewis December. 1-15.
Westminster Presbyterian Pastor
Taken "Fuel for Home Klre" for
Hla Thaaksfclvlnn- Topic Blblea to
Be Seat to Soldiers.
ROM December 1 to 15 Dr. E. H.
Pence will be at Camp Lewis, under
order of the National authority of the
Army T. M. C A. In this work he rep
resents Westminster Church.
The Thanksgiving service at West
minster Presbyterian Church was well
The choir was assisted In the music
by the Sunday school orchestra and
hymns of a patriotic nature were sung.
At the close of the service Dr. Pence
enumerated some of the things for
which we should be thankful.
An offering amounting to about $50
was taken for the American Bible So
city to further Its work in putting a
Bible, or at least the New Testamentr
Into the hands of each soldier. West-
mlnsterChurch has already sent New
Testaments to those from her number
who have gone into the service.
Dr. W. B. Hinson will preach this
morning' on. "What He Did When He
Died." After the sermon the monthly
communion service will be held. All
new members will be welcomed j.t that
time. There will be baptism before
the sermon, and those baptized also
will be received Into the church. It
Is the custom of the East Side Baptist
Church to receive members at every
communion service, and many are ex
pected to unite with the church Sun
day morning. -Ytthe night service
Dr. Hinson will take for his theme
"Where Is God Today?" The midweek
service held Wednesday nights have
taxed the capacity of the prayer me t
Ing room and are now held in the
versity Church of Corvallla, will preach at
both services.
Central. Kast Thirteenth and Pine Dr.
Arthur F. Bishop, pastor. 11 A. M.. "Why
God Dwells With Man on the Earth": 7:3.
"How God Loves Us"; Sunday arhool, 9:45
A. M. ; Christian Endeavor. 6:45 P. M.
Kenllworth. Thirty-fourth and Gladstone
9:45, Bible school; 11 A. M.. annual thank
offering service by Women's Missionary So
ciety; 7 P. M., Christian Endeavor: 7:45
P. M., Rev. R. W. Farquhar will speak.
First. Montgomery and Sixth street
Services Sunday 8 P. M. and 8 P. St". Wednes
8 o'clock. Special service at the Sunday
night service. Mrs. Etta 8. Bledsoe will
lecture and Mrs. M. J. Downs will give mes
sages. Mrs. Emma Kiewnow Powers will
sing. Sunday. 11 A- M., atudy clasa, by Mrs.
Mary A. Congdon. All seata tree. A. Scott
Bledsoe, pastor.
Christian Spiritualist. W. O. W. Temple,
128 Eleventh atreet Rev. Mrs. and Mr. J.
C. Schorl, pastors. Meeting, 8 P. M. Sun
day. Church of the Soul, . Auditorium Hall.
Third street, near Taylor Dr. L. McL.
Augus. paator. Conference. 11: healing cen
ter. 2; mediums' meeting. 3; circles, 6;
evening service, 8.
Christian. Royal building, Morrison, be
tween Broadway and Park, room 600. Serv
ices. 8; lecture and massage, 8.
Tenth and Alder streets. 301 Central build
ing Lecture Sunday, 8 P. M.. "Rebirth";
Thursday, subject "Ghosts. Apparitions and
Materialisation." Everybody welcome.
First, East Fifteenth snd Morrison streets
P. O. Bonebrake, pastor. Sunday school
at 10 A. M.: preaching at 11 A. M. and 8
P. M.; Endeavor. 7 P. M.
Tltlrd. Sixty-seventh street and Thirty
second avenue Southeast E. O. Shepherd,
pastor. Preaching. 11 and 8 n'clock.
Alberta, Twenty-seventh and Alberta
streets Clinton C. Bell, pastor. Public wor
ship. 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.; Sunday
school. 10 A. M.; Y. P. S. O. E, 6:30:
prayer meeting Thursday at 8 P. M.
Fourth. Sixty-second avenue and Seven
tieth street C. P. Blanchard. pastor. Serv
ices, Sunday school, lo; morning service, 11;
Christian Endeavor, 6:30: evening service,
7:80; prayer meeting Wednesday evening.
Mission. 446 Jessup street Sunday aerv
Icea as usual; Sabbath school, 10; preaching,
1L by Rev. C. T. Carpenter; Christian En
deavor, 7; ev.ntng service.
First. Esst Sixteenth and Poplar streets
J. A. Goods, pastor. Sunday school, 9:50
A. M.; preaching, 11 A. M.; K. L. C E, (:30
P. M.; preaching, 7:30 P. M.: mid-week
prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 P. M.
Ockley Green. Willamette boulevard and
Gay street Hubert H. Farnum. paator.
Sunday school, lo A. M.; preaching. 11 A. M.
and 7:80 P. M.: Junior C. E-. 3; Benlor C. E
6:30 P. M.; prayer meeting Wednesday even
ing at 7:45.
- 8. Johns A. B. Lay ton. pastor, will
preach both morning and evening. Sunday
school at 10 A, M.; Christian Endeavor at
7:30 P. It
Church of Our Father. Broadwsy and
Tamhlll street Rev. Thomaa L. Eliot. D.
D. . mlnlater emeritus: Rev. William G. Eliot.
Jr.. minister. Service at 11 A. M. : com
munion service at 12 M. ; christening serv
ice at 10:15 A. M.; open forum at 7:45 in
chapel. Broadway entrance. Commissioner
Bigelow. "The Problem of Delinquent Taxes
in Portland"; Church school and adult
class at 9:45 A. M. : Toung People's Fra
ternity and Unity Club at 6:30 P. M.
Kenton. Lombard and Chatham streets
J. 8. Cole, pastor, 129 West Lombard atreet.
Preaching. 11:15 and 7:Su; Bible school. 10;
Christian Endeavor, senior and intermediate,
6:30; prayer meeting Thursday evening at 8.
First Divine Scl.nce, 131 Twelfth street,
corner Alder Rev. T. M. Minard. pastor.
Services. 11 A. M. ; Bible claas Tuesday at
2 P. M.; study class Thursday at 8 P. M.
Bahat Assembly Friday evening at 8
o'rlot-k. room 608. Eilera building.
Missionary Prayer Band meets at First
Nasarene Church, East Seventh and Couch
streets, at 10 A. M. Tuesdsy.
Highland Park Nasarene Church. 1198-1
can r ourtpcpin i rrri on n . r. n.
13th and Clay Streets, 11 A. M.
December 2 The Coming of Christ."
December 9 "The Bible Today."
December 16 "The Ministry and Religious Orders.
December 23 "Faith Upon the Earth.'
Dean McColIister
church auditorium. The topic for the
next meeting will be "The Epistle of
Jude." The Sunday school meets in
the morning at ar:45 and the young
people hold their meeting at 6:45. con
tinuing into the preaching service,
which begins at 7:45 and ends at 3
Special Sermons to Feature
, Sundays in Advent.
r "Oman's Auxiliary of St. Stephen's
Pro-Cathedral Will Hold Pro
srramme Mectlna-a on Konrth Fri
day of Each Month.
DEAN McCO LLISTER will give a
special series of sermons in St.
Stephen's Pro-Cathedral during the
Sundays In Advent. The first will be
this morning. Seats are free at this
church and all are welcome. Tliere is
a constantly growing and lmproJng
choir under the direction of Carl Den
ton. The Pro-Cathedral Men'a Club has
planned for a programme meeting for
December 11. Dr. A. J. Browning and
Carl Denton will be In charge of the
St. Stephen's Guild will meet on
Wednesday at 2 o'clock.
A series of programme meetings for
the fourth Fridays is planned by the
WomanJs Auxiliary. There Is a mis
sionary review by the dean. A. speaker
will give an address.
The Junior Auxiliary will meet on
Friday at 3:30 o'clock. This organisa
tion hat, a fine corps of helpers and Is
open to all young girls.
A good offering of money and food
stuffs was received at the Pro-Cathedral
on Thanksgiving day for the
Good Samaritan Hospital.
Sunday School Class Hour
Is Advanced.
Clarence Steele, Just Bark From
Banarkok. Asked to C'oatlnne Talka
Before Central Preabyterlnn Men'a
AFTER niatjre consideration and
voting on the subject. Central
Presbyterian Church Sunday school has
decided to change the hour of service
to precede the church service. Instead
of following it. as heretofore. Begin
ning today Sunday school will begin
at 9:45, instead of 12 M. Church serv
ice will begin at 11, Instead of 10:30.
Clarence Steele, who has just returned
from six years' missionary work in
Bangkok. Slam, has been asked to con
tinue his talks before the men's forum
of Central Presbyterian Church on the
various phases of his work, and next
Sunday Mr. Steele will give some of his
personal experiences in connection with
his labors.
baugh. pastor. Preaching at 11 A. M. and
8 P. M. Sunday school at 10 A. M.
First Nasarene. East Seventh and Couch
streets Rev. C. Howard Davis, pastor.
Chrlstadelphtans. northeast corner Esst
Sixteenth and Washington street. Sunday.
10:30; Friday. 7:45.
Chrlstisn snd Missionary Alliance. Gospel
Tabernacle, East Ninth and Clay streets)
John E. Fee. pastor. Sunday school. 10 A.
M. ; preaching. 11 A. M. : Tuesday. 7:45 P.
M.. prayer meeting: Friday. 2:30 P. M..
Bible study snd prayer.
Christisn Spiritualist meet Wednesday. S
P. M., 411 Alder street. Bertha Zimmerman
Smith. Phone East 8142.
Penlel Mission, 268 First street Holiness
meeting at 3 P. M.. aermon by Rev. R. H.
Clark; evangelistic service at 8 P. M., ser
mon by Rev. M. M. Reed.
The First Spiritual Science Church holds
meetings .very Sunday, Manchester Hall,
SoW Kifth street. -3 P. M. snd 8 P. M.:
circles. 5 P. M. ; lecture and demonstrations
by the pastor. Rev. Max Hoffman, assisted
st evening services by State Prealdent Mrs.
Nettie Kloh. All welcome.
Government Urged to Define Its
Views of Xon-Essentials.
"WASHINGTON. Nov. 22. Whit kinds
of business will be considered nones
sential and deprived by the Govern
ment of labor, materials and transpor
tation as a war emergency is what
business men all over the country are
asking, says the Chamber of Commerce
of the United States.
Haste should be made by the Gov
ernment in clearly defining what ac
tion it intends to take in that direc
tion, the Chamber suggests, so that
the industries of the country may have
an opportunity to meet the needs of
the emergency in a gradual manner
and after due time for planning.
Business men everywhere have asked
th Chamber of Commerce of the United
States for information regarding what
kinds of business the Government will
consider nonessential, and the cham
ber is unable to answer the question.
"When the occasion arises, none but
emergency action should be taken, ex
cept in accordance with some general
plan based upon a thorough service of
industry," said Waddill Catching.,
chairman of the committee of the
chamber, which is co-operating with
the Council of National Defense.
"If unnecessary hardships are to be,
avoided: if there is to be no discrimina
tion, the Government should not act
until a general plan has been formu
lated and made known to the business
of the country."
Scarcity of "Labor Met by Employ
ment of Colored Girls.
WILL1AMSTOWN, N. J.. Nov. 20.
The glass plant has been crippled se
verely on account of a scarcity of boy
help, but within a, few days this has
been relieved aomewhat by the em
ployment of a number of colored girls,
who are doing the work formerly done
by "snapping-up" boys. Older men
have been obtained to carry the bottles
after they have been blown to the tem
pering ovens.
Harry Morgan, 2 years old. and EH
Marsh. 62 years .old. retired glassblow
ers. who worked all their lives about
glass factories, have been doing the
work of these boys for a few days to
help out the firm.
The Swedeaboro glass plant is idle
because of a lack of help and other
plants in South Jersey are similarly