THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 13, 1917. lg Leather soles are stiff Neolin Soles are comfortable. . Leather soles soak up water Neolin Soles are water proof. Leather soles slip Neolin Soles grip, yet they can not scratch fine floors and furniture. Rubber soles crack -Neolin Soles will not crack. Rubber soles stretch Neolin Soles hold their shape. Rubber soles are heavy- Neolin Soles are light. Rubber soles tear loose Neolin Soles stick tight. iMUy M Jul ML IJ Neolin is a synthetic substance used in making better soles for shoes Neolin Soles, lasting from two to six times as long as leather Neolin Soles, more flexible and more comfortable than leather Neolin Soles, grip sure and waterproof. Neolin is built of several elements, none of which, alone, would be use ful for shoe soles. But when combined as they are in Neolin, they produce a substance differing in character from any of its constituents. Just as cement is made from lime, clay, sand and water, but different from any of these elements, so does Neolin have virtues unknown to the separate elements from which it is made. Naturally the substances used in making Neolin are held secret; but the merits of Neolin Soles are common knowledge because of the satisfaction they have given to 8,000,000 pairs of American feet. Neolin Soles have unfailingly given longer wear and greater comfort; they have given pro tection against water underfoot and protection also against the disappointment and needless expense due to the variable quality of leather. For Ne5lin Soles are always the same, while leather soles are variable. Different hides and different parts of hides produce different leather values. Some leather wears well; other leather wears poorly. But Neolin Soles always wear well and long often twice as long as ordinary standard leather and up to six times as long as inferior leather. And Neolin Soles are more comfortable than leather. Leather is stiff. It needs breaking in to make it comfortable. And leather is not waterproof. After one thorough wetting it easily becomes porous and spongy, soaking up moisture and water underfootliterally breath ing in the water from wet ground, crossings and pavements. Because of these defects of leather many attempts have been made to find something better. Rubber, fibre and various combinations were tried. But all failed until Neolin came. Rubber soles, for instance, were too heavy. They cracked and tore loose from the shoe. They slipped. They stretched. They were not firm enough. They were uncomfortable. They had only one redeeming feature. They were Waterproof. Ne5lin has none of the faults of rubber, but it has its one saving virtue it is waterproof. Neolin has none of the faults of leather and has qualities of comfort and long wear that leather lacks. Neolin is not leather and it is not rubber. It is a synthetic substance, pro duced by science, furnishing Americans every where with better shoe soles. It costs no more than leather. On new shoes it can be had in men's, women's and children's styles in black, white or tan from any of the dealers listed here. Any one of the repairmen listed can give new life to your old shoes by re-soling them with Neolin. And remember that every Neolin Sole bears the brand Neolin. Mark that mark stamp it on your memory neolin The Good y c a r Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, O. Tear Out and Preserve These Lists These Merchants Sell Neolin-Soled Shoes TTiese Repairmen Re-Sole SFioes with Neolin ACKERSON SHOE STORE Third and Alder, Portland, Or. BARON'S SHOE STORE 230 Morrison st., Portland, Or. CIIRISTENSEN, MAURICE 783; Mississippi ave., Portland, Or. B. E. DAVIS " 1670. East Thirteenth st., Portland, Or. JOHN DELLAR 231 Morrison st., Portland, Or. EASTERN OUTFITTING COMPANY Tenth and Washington sts., Portland, Or. JOHN EDER 533 Williams ave., Portland, Or. EGGERT-YOUNG COMPANY 129 Third st., Portland, Or. IIOFMANN. EMERY 106 Killingsworth ave., Portland, Or. KNIGHT SHOE COMPANY 342 Morrison st., Portland, Or. LION CLOTHING COMPANY Fourth and Morrison sts., Portland, Or. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. Fifth and Washington sts., Portland, Or. MEIER & FRANK C03IPANY Fifth and Morrison sts., Portland, Or." MOYER CLOTHING COMPANY 81 Third st., Portland, Or. ECONOMY SHOE STORE : 148 Third st., Portland, Or. OAK TAN SHOE COMPANY 262 Washington st., Portland, Or. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING Tenth and Morrison sts., Portland, Or. PHILLIPS-HARBKE COMPANY 262 Morrison st Portland, Or. PHILLIPS SHOE COMPANY 109 Sixth st., Portland, Or. REEVES SHOE COMPANY , 350 Washington st., Portland, Or. ROBERTS BROS. " Third and Morrison sts., Portland, Or. ROSENBERG, JACOB 224 Morrison st., Portland, Or. ROSENTHAL & CO. 129 Tenth st., Portland, Or. ROYAL SHOE COMPANY 148 Fourth st., Portland, Or. MARKS' MEN'S SHOE STORE 243 Washington st., Portland, Or. STAIGER SHOE COMPANY 292 Washington st., Portland, Or. ARMISHAW BROS., 367 Stark st., Portland, Or. SAM BAKER 731 Washington st., Portland, Or. BROWN'S QUICK SHOE REPAIR CO. 388 East Burnside st., Portland, Or. CHAMPION SHOE STORE & REPAIR WORKS 714 Thurman st, Portland, Or. A. J. BESSNER 1697 East Thirteenth st., Portland, Or. F. L. CURTIS 676 Lombard st. W., Portland, Or. PALACE SHOE REPAIR COMPANY 421 Washington st., Portland, Or. MODEL SHOE REPAIR 128 Fourth st., Portland, Or. W. J. McCLUNE 425 Jefferson st., Portland, Or. ALF MALSTON Corner Sixth and Oak sts., Portland, Or. K. MIYAKOWA 424 Morrison st., Portland, Or. TRADE MARK RES. U. 8. PAT. OFF. Better than L tKer A. II. MUELLER 53S'2 Williams ave., Portland, Or. ATHENS SHOE REPAIR SHOP 154 Second st., Portland, Or. M. ROZEEN 464 East Burnside st., Portland, Or. PROGRESSIVE SHOE REPAIR SHOP 406 Morrison st., Portland, Or. JACOB SCHWIND 161 West Park st., Portland, Or. STANLEY A. STRYLEVICZ 815 Lombard st. W., Portland, Or. Mcdonald sole-saving shop 246 Washington st., Portland, Or. MODERN SHOE REPAIR SHOP Sixteenth and Washington sts., Port2an3, Or. WASHINGTON SHOE SHOP 650 y2 Washington st., Portland, Or. WILLIAM JACOBS 126 Second st., Portland, Or. KNIGHT SHOE COMPANY 342 Morrison st., Portland, Or. IMPERIAL SHOE REPAIRING COIWANY 442 East Burnside st., Portlriid, Or. A. NEGOSCUE Vancouver, Washington. S. DEYAK Vancouver, Washington. TAMA JIGA Vancouver, Washington. O. D. HICKS . Vancouver, Washington. UNITED SHOE REPAIR COXPANY Vancouver, Washington.