The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 11, 1917, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 34

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Choker setters.
Chasers, fullers.
Teamsters, yard men.
Section men. logging road, $3.75 day.
Ax man to get out ship knees, 12c
Car repairers.
Carpenters' helpers.
Track laborers.
Section men.
Laborers, state highway work.
Quarry and rock crusher laborers.
Laborers, Irrigation project, Prinevllle.
whip carpenters, Al, must have tools.
Would a!k employers who have steady
jobs to offer for reliable men to give us a
We want farm owners to call on us
who want married farm hands, as we have
many reliable married men who want such
240 Ankeny Street.
A Chriatian man, not over 40 years of
age, with extensive department store or
mercantile experience, who possesses ex
ecutive ability and can assume the re
sponsibility for planning- and selling dis
plays, alBo tho regulation of stocks and
the introduction of co-operative conditions
which will stimulate the sales force to
greater efforts. In your application give
full particulars as to age and past expe
rience ; application is ccnf idential. T 214,
"WANTED A live young man who is well
acquainted with the better hat and cap
trade, to represent a reputable hat and
cap manufacturer for Portland on com
mission basis. Need only work a few hours
a day on proposition we have. Only party
who means business answer. State ref
erences. Box AV 018, Oregonian.
W A N T ED A ri experiencea and competent
head mechanic capable of taking charge
of the iron working department of a grow
ing concern soon to locate in Portland.
Must be thoroughly reliable and capable of
handling men. A good opening with good
pav and chance of advancement for the
right man. Address, giving references. Cut
ler Fruit Grader Co., Hood River, Or.
giKADV MEN wanted to take exclusive
control of good territory in Oregon and
Washington. Money advanced weekly.
Outlit and special training free. Experi
ence unnecessary. Our active men are
making good money. You can do the
s;ime. Clean, hardy, guaranteed stock.
Yakima Valley Nursery Company, Toppen
Ish, Wash.
2 trimmer line-up men, pond man, car
2 helpers on trim and rip saws, yard men.
4 men for contract car loading.
Mill ro miles from Portland.
Call No. 70 Fourth street, Saturday. 9 to
H A. M., and Sunday. 1Q:30 to 12:3Q.
SPLENDID opportunity for first-class expe
rienced tea and coffee wagon man; must
be married man and thoroughly dependa
ble; permanent position, with highest sal
ary and commission to reliable man will
ing to work. Apply Ideal Tea Co., 711
I'nion ave. N.
W ANTED Auto truck salesman to sell
low-priced line of worm drive trucks on
commission basis; extra good contract and
territory protection ; demonstrator fur
nished and expert selling help given.
Koehrlng Machine Co.. N. W. 254 Haw
thorne ave. Koth phones.
WANTED Clean, industrious man for mak
ing beds, sweeping, etc.; permanent place,
small amount of work, $10 per week and
board and room ; out of town. A V 865,
"WANTED At on e. open shop, apprentices
for molding and machinist's trade, good,
strong, ambitious young men living with
parents to learn trade, 8 hours day, good
pav. 520 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak.
YOUNG man. IS or 19 years old, mechani
cally inclined, to fill a position with lo
cal ' branch of large manufacturing co. :
excellent chance for advancement. AP
209, Oregonian.1
WANTED High school graduates to assist
in handling patterns and orders. No ex
perience necessary. Good chance for ad
anccment. Electric Steel Foundry, 24th
and York St.
WANTED A place for good, clean, healthy
boy of 15 years to work for his room and
board and go to school. Call East 2743
or write to E. Brooks, 390 Russell St.
MAN of executive ability for collection
work: must operate dictaphone; one with
law experience preferred. S 196, Orego
nian. WANTED Experienced salesman merchant
tailoring store. Must know how to trim
windows. Maxwell the Tailor, 289 Wash
Ington st. .
WANTED FlriU -class Japanese cook for
resrurant; wages $1)0 per month; steady.
Address or wire Hawkins Restaurant,
Walla Walla. Wash.
MARKER and sorter wanted: state experi
ence and wend references with first letter;
married or single, age. Wenatchee Steam
Laundry. Wenatchee, Wash.
WANTED First-class mechanic to do gen
eral automobile and repa ir work; good
wages. Call me at my expense, Penning
ton's Garage. Silverton, Or.
WANTED At onoe, open shop, gray iron
foundry molders. 8 hours day. time and
half for vertlme. 520 Oregon bldg-, 5th
and Oak sts.
WANTED Young man to learn machine
woodworking business; good wages ' to
start. Give address and phone number.
AB 382. Oregonian.
WANTED Young men with knowledge of
city, to read meters and deliver mils;
siate age, married or single and telephone
number. AG T.i.i, oregonian.
WANTED Operator for picture show, even
ings only; give phone number. A 213, Ore
Ionian. W A NATED A boy with a motorcycle, one
that has enough power to carry a side car
we have the side car. AM 192, Oregonian.
3JOYS wanted for odd jobs around store.
opportunity for advancement. Apply at
once. Levitt's, 144 .td st.
WA NTED Capable machinist, railroad ex
perience preferred. Give experience, age,
address and phone. AP 25S, Oregonian
MAN w ho can repair stoves and furniture.
Stead v employment. Inquire Piedmont
Furniture Co.. Woodlawn 304.
All voices for established glee club.
Room 516 Filers bldg, Tuesday. 8 P. M.
ADVERTISING solicitors at once; steady
work, commission. G. Vandemarr. 248
Stark street.
W A NTED Experienced janitor, no objec
tion to colored man. good wages to right
party. Call Main t i .n .
WANTED Solicitors for carpet
works. Apply Monday morning,
mon st.
707 Sal-
EXPEKIENCED auto mechanic; come ready
to work at Rose City Park garage. East
52d and Sandy blvrt.
MAN that thoroughly understands the manu
fa during of matches. Phone Woodlawn
MAN about 30, capable manual labor and
some clerical worK. oive experience, age,
phone, r too, oregonian.
RELIABLE worker, under 86. familiar with
togging camp work. state experience, age,
phone. Af ..).', uregonian.
MEN to sell in e insurance, net ween ages
28 and 40; guaranteed salary and com
mission, jouo i eom mug.
BOY wanted with wheel; good opportunity
ior permanent position ior rignt boy. Ap
piy at once, .rcaay rn-ss, Mars.
WANTED limber laiiers piece work; can
make very high wages. w estern Cooper'
age i.o., Astoria, ur.
EXPERIENCED hotel porter, night duty
Hotel Marion, Salem, Or. Salary $50,
men is.
BOYS to run errands in wholesale "distrit-t
Apply Jones Cash Store, Front and Oak
st reets.
"VOt'NG man wanted, to learn printing trade.
Good opportunity for right party. Kubli
Howell Co.. S4 -ith st.
POTATO pickers wanted. $2 per day and
hoard. Call today at 11 o'clock, 228 Alder
F. W. Baltes and Company. Printers.
WANTED At once, a boy to deliver gro-i-eries
at 1 :! Hawthorne ave.
W A N T E D N i g h t clerk. Hotel Ramapo,
14th and Washington sts.
OFFICE boy wanted; give age and expe
rience. V 74. Oregonian.
WANTED Al advertising solicitor. HIppo-finmie-
-A man for general work.
Fourth st.
WANTED 2d cook, $3 per day. Leighton's
Da iry Lunch.
7aNS$10 black English shoes. No. 9,
t.50. Good condition. A 22 Ti. Oregonian.
"WANTED First-class furniture finisher.
Grimes Fnrn. Hospital. 421 Hawthorne.
BOYS over US to learn the business. Apply
Lowengart & o.
LIVE saK-sman, old or young, wanted. 2ol
Stark Bt.
Over 30, under 40, with executive ability
to think and act right, thereby teaching
others through his personal example.
Physically strong, moral, accurate, care
ful, neat and a worker ; only a man with
a personality that can impress others and
secure enthusiastic co-operation will be
considered. The opportunity is excep
tional, and would be an unusual opening
for the man who knows that he cannot
advance in his present position. Your
communication will be strictly confi
dential; In It state your age, number of
child ren, where formerly employed and
wages. Y J 15, Oregonian.
19 or over, with bicycles, $50 to $75 per
month. Steady work, chance to learn
trade and advancement.
253 Oak St.
YOUNG man as office assistant and collec
tor. Must be experienced and have ref
erences. Lion Clothing Co., Morrison at
Fourth st.
A MAN for farm work and take care of
stock ; German preferred. 405 Clay.
Help anted Agents.
BUTTER 4c a pound; produced by Pilot
Butter-maker. Enormous money-saving in
vestment; housewives delighted; eager buy
ers; wild excitement wherever demon
strated; demand enormous; outfit free to
workers. Act quick. Pilot Butter-Makei
Company", desk 51, Marshall, Mich.
START you in business, furnishing every
thing; men. women, $30 to $-00 weekly
operating "New System Specialty Candy
Factories." home, small room anywhere;
no canvassing. Opportunity lifetime. Book
let free. Kagsdale Co., box' S, East Orange,
N. J.
WILL pay $225 to distribute "America and
Great War,"' your locality. Fastest sell
ing book In years. Every mother and every
red-blooded American wants it. Lavishly
illustrated. Low price. Man or woman.
Spare time may be used. Samples free. In
ternational Press. Philadelphia.
$0u A WEEK to special agents to travel by
automobile and introduce 3uo-candle-power
coal oil lantern for farmers, dairymen,
hucksters, gardeners, contractors. Army
camps, etc.) We furnish auto free. Write
for particulars. Thomas Mfg. Co., 0040
Drew St., Dayton, O.
MEN, women, Lyons made $H0.25 last week.
Morton $5s,05 four days. So can you. sell
ing our guaranteed made-to-measure rain
coats; good proposition. Sample outfit free.
Wrie quick. Davico Raincoat Co., Homan
& Douglas blvd.. Chicago.
AGENTS WANTED Agents make big prof
its handling our fast selling Holiday post
cards, novelty signs, holiday decorations,
pennants, etc. SOOO varieties, demand un
limited. Write today for free catalogue.
Sullivan Co., 1123 Van Buren St., Chicago.
SELL Mexican diamonds your spare time,
beautiful pocket- sample cane makes sales
on sight ; have rainbow fire of genuine
diamonds; fool experts, stand tests. Write
today. Mexican Diamond Importing Co.,
255 Las Cruces, New Mexico.
FREK catalogue, samples; new Christmas
goods; National, military, floral medal
lions, mirrors, fobs and jewelry. Make $5
to $25 daily. No experience. World's great
est specialties. Cruver Co., Jackson &
'Campbell, Chicago, 111.
sentatives to sell shirts, underwear,
hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts direct to
homes. Write for free samples. Madison
Mills, 503 Broadway, New York City.
ai;f. vrv MANAGER for Coos and Curry
counties. Oregon. Salary and expenses. Big
opportunity for a big man, and cannot
use a small man at all. Address Life In
su ranee, confidential, AM 103, Oregonian
AGENTS wanted ; office necessity ; indis
pensable for typewriters, etc.; no compe
tition: big demand, large profits. Address
Maryhill Chemical Co., Station B, Oak
la nd. Cal.
233 PER CENT profit selling Jubilee spark
intensif iers to auto owners, garages; ban
ishes spark plug trouble; sells like wild
fire; exclusive territory: write quick.
J u hllee Mfg. Co., dept. 2163, Omaha, Neb.
AGENTS Bradley gas saver for Fords. The
best seller on the market. Can be demon
strad in 5 minutes: big commission. The
Co-Operative Sales Co., 947 Georgia St.,
Los Angeles.
$15 MADE first day by 13-year-old boy with
bnomescope. -woman. in si iiuui , oik
holiday seller. Particulars free. Shome
scope Mfg. Co., 4940 Montgall, Kansas
City. Mo.
RELIABLE, energetic man, for tea and cof
fee route at Oregon city; gooa proposition
for right man. Bond and reference re
quired; chance to advance. E 7QH Oregonian.
$30 TO $100 a week; free samples; gold sign
letters ior stores ana omce winuuv-,
liberal offer to general agents. Metallic
Letter Co., 485 North Clark. Chicago.
PERSH ING in France Berlin or Bust."
Just off press; new stirring, patriotic pic
ture with punch ; everybody buys; sample
free. People's Mfg. Co.. Sta. D, Chicago.
SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE"; conception of
famous artist in on paints. &ee picture.
Write today. Luttrell & Co., 326 River,
I'VE new line of soap, extracts, toilet goods
perfumes, etc., Ior agents; mu per cent
profit; sample free. Write quick. Lacasslan
Co.. Dept. 05, St. Louis. Mo.
GAS FIRE in coal stoves from coal oil;
cheaper than coal; agents oonan-a. iiu
erty Burner Co.. Columbus, O.
AGENTS at once. Sell &0c per month hos
pital tickets. iiUI uoara ot iraue.
Help Wanted Salesmen.
Matte money in your spare time selling
'ITsalvte' indestructible gas mantles.
saves 1-3 gas, equals the light of 2 oth
ers and outlasts dozen of any other
make; retails at 15c each, for 2uc: one
dozen sent postpaid upon receipt of $1 to
agents, or on consignment if references
are satisfactory. J. I. Robin, mfr. and
patentee. 130th st. and Park ave.. New
WANTED Immediately, high-class sales
man with executive anility ior cminci
sales manager for the most rapid selling
automobile accessory on the market; this
opening requires a cash investment of
5o. which is fully secured. Strictest
invest! crat ion invited. Reference ex
changed. AP litiS, Oregonian.
a i.kadin'G house in its line wants sales
men calling upon general stores, ciotning
merchants anil naoeraasners to carry iuc
nr.- no samnlps. everything in your pock
et excellent opportunity, liberal income
AHMiired : remittances weekly. Address
Sales Manager, box 382, Chicago, 111.
UNITED States Calendar Co., Cincinnati,
wants competent, energetic salesmen, Ore
gon, to contract now for 1918, balance of
117 ; complete line exclusive copyrighted
subjects, specialties. leather cloth, etc.
For particulars address sales manager im
$5u-$75 WEEKLY can be earned selling our
niivcrTiRinf iuiih. HALiuaivo wi oiun ainc.
selling season now on; every merchant
possible customer; samples light, terma
liberal. Apply at once. Fan Dept. Kem
per Thomas Co., Cincinnati.
CALENDARS, exceptional opportunity
sell world's greatest novelty calendar
line, leather, cloth and novelties. Lvery
banker interested in our exclusive copy
righted bank calendar. Mueller Bros.,
Lt41 W. Polk St., Chicago.
AT once, for general trade in Oregon, new
strong proposition on staple line; great
demand now ; splendid commission con
tract, ?5 weekly for expenses. Continental
Jewelry Co., 18044 Continental, bldg.,
Cleveland, O.
FOR general mercantile trade. Oregon, to
sell new proposition of merit. Attractive
commission contract for bal. year '18; $35
weeklv. expenses. Miles P. Btxler Co.,
wholesale jewelers, --645 Carlln bldg.,
Cleveland, O.
SALESMEN to call on professional men;
established trade, steady, permanent in
come; also one for outside city. State
age, experience. P. O. box 121, Philadel
phia. Pa.
REPRESENTATIVES wanted; make $:;00
month Introducing quicK selling auto
mobile device, appointing agents. Write
now, free particulars. Oxygenerator Co.,
lili S. Michigan. Chicago, 111.
EXCELLENT permanent position for capable
salesmen in Oregon ; vacancy govern oer
15; staple line for general retail trade;
liberal commissions ; $35 weekly advance.
Rice Co., 7O0 Willlitms bldg., Detroit.
DISTRICT sales managers; big paying busi
ness for I lie ; spienn ia income irom start ;
increase every month. Write quick, before
territory is taken. Naftzger & Hunter, 52S
First National Bank bldg., Chicafto, 111.
SALESMEN WANTED Laces, embroideries.
side line, 12 per cent commission, sam
ples light; only men with trade now trav
eling need apply. Merle & Co., 416 Broad
way, New York.
SALESMEN wanted for 101. S Twelve Sheet
and De Luxe Art Calendars. leather bank
books, etc. Liberal commission, exclusive
territory. Line ready Dec. 1. Economy Ad
vert ising Co., Iowa City, Ia.
WE want a gooil salesman to call on gen
eral stores, side line, white goods, dress
goods, novelties; liberal commission. Pur
nell Dale Mills, box 5 HO, Philadelphia, Pa.
REPRESENTATIVES Opening with" right
firm, appreciating producers; right re
peating line; commission that insures suc
cess. Box 2, Sta. E, Cleveland, O.
EXPERIENCED farm tractor salesman that
can get business in Willamette Valley; will
furnish car. r oregonian.
ENERGETIC, to visit schools: $100 salary,
liberal commission. R. O. Evans & Co.,
1100 W a oash ave., cnicago.
IXelp Wanted Salesmen.
and a wide acquaintance among the
wholesale and retail grocery trade in all
or any of the following states: Oregon
and Washington. We have the biggest lit
tle thing in America today. One Gallon
Condensed Bluing for the housewife to
retail at 10c. Display matter furnished la
unique; never shown before; product is
perfect ; nothing like it on the market.
Good profit tor retailer, jobber and
broker. We are making our product a Na
tional proposition. Preparedness enables
us to ship goods prompt and in any quan
tity. The R. Finger Co., 312S W. Harri
son St., Chicago. Largest exclusive con
densed bluing mfrs. in America.
"PUSH the button, out comes your card!'
That's what our pocket card cases do for
you ; one clean, presentable business or
calling card at eac,h push of the button;
once each hundred years you will find a
real side line seller; this Is the century
article; one card protrudes at each push
of the button until case is emptied, then
automatically locks; not flimsy construc
tion, but strong, well designed, in gold,
silver, platinum finish ; $3 each. Sales
man's sample postpaid $1. Inclose your
card when ordering. It's the snappiest
seller you ever sold. Cutler Card Case
Company, North Glendale, Cal.
SALESMAN to travel In Oregon for well
established local concern. Call on bankers,
doctors and general merchants. Not book
or stock-selling scheme. Position worth
$00 to $M weekly above expenses. Re
quire forceful, aggressive salesman who
a i i i.A - t ha P-nnri a -in ri make good
vnnov PhnnA Main 4125 or A 2555 for
A CORPORATION doing National advertis
ing requires the services of live wire sales
men to sell the garage, drug, department,
hardware and furniture store trade; pre
vious sales experience not essential, r out
preferable; Wwt Coast territory. write
Sales Manager, 1665 Old Colony bldg., Chi
cago, 111.
No line tf endeavor pays so big. New
field. Positions open everywhere. Great
opportunity to become independent. Dig
nified, pleasant profession. Failure im
possible. Work at home, make from $18
to $30 a week, or go into business for
vourself, make from $1200 to $3uoo a year.
We teach scientific care of face and scalp,
facial massage, electrolysis, scalp treat
ments, shampooing, manicuring. Marcel
waving, etc. How to make yourself and
others more beautiful. Free treatments
while learning. Special short term courses
in anv branch. Write for free catalogue.
Marinello Co., Dept. R2, Mailers bldg.,
LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO. require the serv
ices of a thoroughly experienced candy
saleswoman. Must have had candy ex
perience. Apply superintendents office
between 9 and 10 Monday morning.
THREE ladles for some special child wel
fare work; must be well educated, be
tween 28 and 45, in position to travel ;
splendid oportunltles; liberal remunera
tion. For particulars call at 311 Rothchild
bldg., between 3 and 5.
WRITE for free sample cash offer. Make
$15 to $35 weekly, selling our money-saving
guaranteed household products ; enor
mous profits; repeat orders. Crofts
Reed Co., dept. K. Chicago.
i a i w iriir( n. firat-class
sponsible position at a good salary In an
establishea uusineas; mu.n -
and be able to furnish the very best of
references. Inquire AD
2S4. Oregonian.
WANTED Scandinavian married couuie i
do janitor worK in tne .Aorwcgmii
M E. Church. Free house, water, elec
tric lights and gas. Call at 1U4 Montana
ave., or Woodlawn 4005.
WANTED Refined Christian woman or
mother ana uaugmer hchuui , v
h....H (inH care for Invalid. Good home
and fair wages to right person,
B 5-
W ANTED Well-educated woman to take
permanent position wnn iai-
house; state age, education, experience,
tbone number. AF 256. Oregonian.
trivi?. hHrht -anable ladies to travel, dem
onstrate and sell dealers; to w
railroad fare naid. Goodrich Drug
Company, Dept 7ol, Omaha, Neb.
EXPERIENCED laundry woman wno
keep books ana ao margins
small laundry; $15 per week Sanit-ry
Wet W as h La u ndry. Bend. Or.
WANTED Girl to operate power vwuin
machine on winaow snu-. vv
son. The Columbia Mills, Inc., fourth floor
Royal bldg.
MATURE, refined woman, who desires a. re
munerative lire wora 01 uigiuv
fulness. K Oregonian,
WANTED An experiencea assistant.
and saleslaay ior aepaumeui
O regonian.
COM PETENT bookkeeper-stenograpner ior
nit of town position, -- '
elenhone number. AL ti35, Oregonian.
WANTED Good singer for amateur. Himua,
moving picture tneatei,
ber. A 214, Oregonian. m
WNTEDResponsible eirl or woman to
care for baby and do light housework.
Call Columbia 47i. evenings.
, . - . vi.-n j-'uhio- for cafeteria.
one with
bookkeeping experience Preferred
rofcrpnecs reouirea.
AXr Kirl in need of a trlcnd. i apply I
t? t.. a ,- tTi v Rescue Home. oJ- iast
15th st. N.. or phone East 123.
w"AeLTr.: rate experience, etc. AP
... . j . . ii-anlnd i nr W (J 1 K. ill uc-
LADY Boing to Los Angeles win care ir
Invalid or children for expenses. AV 02J,
WANTED MKldle-aKed lady " '"f
housework; Rood home. Apply 6S9 la
ooma ave.. Sellwood.
OIRL. 25 to 30. with practical DooKKeep "6
knowledge and experience; answer .u..
AO "-. Oregonian.
CHORUS GIRLS Highest, wages, long en
7 .. travellnK. Apply Casino
K " S " I'l'1'.. - -
GIRL. Will
ve good girl pleasant home
II and t' per mo. East i !'
In Irving-
LADY solicitor to do house-to-house can-
good commission. A
T ONCE Lady to do light housework and
LLYi?so1n7 in grocery. 10 N. 16th. Bdwy.
. . r-, a unlink woman
for chamber
work- mut be experienced and have city
referAttces. Alexandra Court. 5a Ella st.
, .ri,-n x .irnne woman to do worK ior
and take care of convalescent. Mar. 0810,
or V urcBvin
E?,f onpera House LaUndryV 2d and
Everett sts,
STENRAPH BR Must have g0od expert-
rs.a- atfllH H.I I utti iivun'". "
WANTED Experiencea pm
pictureaTApply Sunday afternoon or M.
dav ntght. Yeager Theater. Lents. Or.
EXPERIENCED waitress wai wu.
need apply. Apply after 12 o'clock noon.
143 Clark Ft.
LADY to help in lunch and novelty stand
..7 .Llr citv. Good salary or partuer-
Oreeon City. ooou
ship. Call 4o7 4th st.
WANTED Experienced nurse for -
dren references required. Marshall 5030.
5 GO Elizabeth st.
COOK for Milngle mill. 15 men; age. expe
rlence, etc.. first letter. i -OS. Ore
OFFICE girl with bookKeeping ana lire in
surance experience. Give experience, age
and salary expected. K 322. Oregonian.
A WOMAN for 2 hours easy work afternoons,
steady place. Call today, Marshall 350,
from 2 to 5 P. M. only.
IX CAPABLE woman, in family of three, no
lunches, no children. Apply 574 E. Pine
WANTED Good .waitress.
420 Hoyt. Depot
GIRL wanted for light delivery and to learn
trade. 300 coiuniDia.
W A NTED Experienced marker and mrter,
Portland Launory v-o.. i n auu vouun. -
WANTED Girls to learn beauty culture. 427
WOMEN flunkeys, 1 dishwasher, $50 each
Columbia Employment Co.
GI RL for housework. $25, or to
a ssist for lg. Main 3204. 831 Pet tygrove.
PRIVATE home for children 3 to 12 years
old; 15 years' exp. 714 Everett. Mar. 2102.
WANTED Woman to stay nights in return
for room. Sell wood 1047.
YOUNG woman as housekeeper for two
adults: no objection to baby. 404 Davis st.
WANTED Woman to stay nights in return
for room. Phone Sell. 1647.
WANTED Woman pastry cook. Call at 30S
TELEPHONE operator wanted,
shall 2107.
Call Mar-
WAITRESS wanted at once at Sellwood Hos
pital. 575 Harney ave.
WAITRESS wanted; come to work
arm work. 155 N. Oth it.
Ten models for posing act, must weigh
130 lbs. at least ; highest aalary paid to
right people, no triflers need apply; long
Also eighteen girls of good type who
are graceful dancers for pantomime and
musical tour. Splendid salary to start,
with advancement. Previous experience is
These engagements are open to those
that can travel for a long engagement.
Apply personally Monday morning be
tween ten and twelve. No phones an
swered. Studios
Portland's Only Ballet Master.
Premier Artist Imperial Russian Ballet,
The Wheeldon Annex,
Tenth and Salmon.
IN PORTLAND an enormous volume of
business is done in 3 or 4 big stores.
Many people never give the smaller
merchant a chance to sell them any
thing, no matter how good his mer
chandise is or how cheap his prices are.
The Greater Portland Association requires
the services of 3 competent women to
make a house-to-house canvass of the
city for the purpose of interesting
housewives in behalf of the smaller stores.
Pay $2.50 per day. Send application in
writing giving references and a resume
of your experience and ability as a can
vasser to Merrill Reed, secy- 5o Selling
LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO. require the serv
ices of two thoroughly experienced sales
women for their infants ready-to-wear de
nflrtmpnt. Must be able to furnish the
best of references. Apply superintendent's
office between y ana lO Monaay morning.
THOROUGHLY experienced stamper and
salesladies for art needlework department.
Apply between 0 and 11 A. M., superin
tendent's office. Basement Balcony, Meier
& Frank Co.
EFFICIENT bookkeeper, with general office
experience, competent to handle detailed
record keeping; must have initiative abil
ity and be rapid, neat and accurate. De
sirable and permanent position t o one
competent. Reply in own handwriting, AO
680, Oregonian. .
WANTED Discreet young woman for bill
ing clerk. L. C. Smith machine; prefer
one familiar with hardware or automobile
terms; permanent; none others need ap
ply. State age, experience in what lines
and how long; references required. E
728, Oregonian. '
WANTED Middle-aged lady or widow with
young child In the country close to Port
land, to assist with cooking; no wash
ing, nice iarm home, right at electric
station ; wages $15 per month. G ttbii,
WANTED By wholesale house, skill tu.
stenographer and all-around office woman
(or young man). Answer in own handwrit
ing; muBt be competent, accurate and not
backward about work or responsibility.
AL G-'4, Oregonian. t
Girl living at home; must have had ex
perience; smalt wages to start, but steady
place; In answering give age, nationality,
also wages expected to start. H 71 1, Ore
gonian. sai.KSWOMAN for women's neckwear de
partinent ; must be thoroughly competent
and furnish best references. Apply super
intendent's office, to JO a. uiu
Wortman & King.
WOMEN'S Protective Division, located at
room 303 Police Headquarters, -d and
Oak sts., will furnish information, give
TwniPrium nd assistance free to women
and girls. Interviews confidential.
WANTED Girl to do housework and cook
i,w nn. ... jt.ino- nn ironinir. no children
i, iL nd bathroom, half block
from car line. 1114 Albermale Terrace,
West over. Main s:HI.
in Eastern Oregon town; prefer one who
yn some experience with bank
work; state age, experience, telephone
number. AL 034, Oregonian.
-1. V, unrw.) runCf! S3 tO 5 UCC day.
fn Tio ft A. M.. 4 to 5:30 P. M. 30
Stock Exchange bldg
WANTED Women and girls to work on ap.
, rwa.rnn PnpL-lTif C.n at Vancouver.
Wash.; carfare paid to and from Van
couver; long eeason.
t w fT i tr it w t make wardrobe for mu
1 uV,ut Tt n .-nt t'itv OOSltlon With
FBiinble cornoanv; give age, experience and
aalarv expected. G 0S7. Oregonian
i.adv in-ers for auartet and solo worK
n.A t.nv KintA voice ana rxun icitic.
nkn nh one number. Address V 77U, Ore
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer (out or
city), one stenograpner auu uiuiapuunc h
erator, one stenographer with college edu
cation. :un N. w. nam ouig.
W ANTED Woman to wash and label bot
tles in manufacturing piunt. wuin..
Experience not necessary. Call bet. 10 and
12 A M. Monday. T5 12th st.
.i..nni'1-niiin'r nrererreu; i.iukl we c.
to member of W. O. W. R 710. Ore
FRENCH lessons to beginners, cneap.
shall .V-St.
WOMAN for upstairs work for board hus
band and self. 2M4 aiain street..
RELIABLE women to learn carpet sewing
trade. 3it.s w asningion. ji au .y
I.ADV took for restaurant, $o"5 a month,
BD 71, Oregonlat
Wanted Domestic.
WANTED Maid for general housework
small family, call mornings. iia -u siree
North. Phone Main 2H2-.
. i ' i j arunfi. o-iri wnnted for housework
for board and room. t01 Gantenbein. Wd.
GIRL for general houwwoik, good home to
right party. C. S. preferred. Call E. 10o3
after A. M.
GIRL for general housework, small family,
no children: cook. Apply 705 Davis fit.
phone Marshall 104Q.
WANTED Competent woman for general
housework in country; state age. expe
rience, wages $25. Box 30. Klma. Wash.
YOING Swedish girl wanted, light house
work, smal apt., go home nights. Main
4541. after 5 o'clock.
WANTED Girl for general housework where
nurse girl is kept. Airs. J. B. Wise, 400
loth, near Clifton. m
MIDDLE-AGED lady to do light housework;
good home, wages $10 per month. S 1U3,
Oregonian. "
THOROUGHLY competent girl for general
housework; 2 in family; good wages. Ap
ply Tuesday, 803 Marshall street.
WANTED Younffgirl for light housework;
only 2 in the family; no washing and good
home. O 084. Oregonian.
W ANTED Woman or girl to assist In
housework, children; $5 per week. labor
HIGH or trade school girl wanted for gen
eral housework or girl to assist; $10. Ta
bor 4700.
GIRL to help with general housework; no
cooking. Apply immediately, 741 Everett
GIRL or woman for housework and to as
sist with children; wages $25; good home.
Tabor 3347.
RELIABLE girl, assist cooking and general
housework; many privileges; good home.
5M Marshall st. A 2474.
GIRL attending school half day. who likes
children, to worTc for board, room and
wages. Phone C 1022.
WANTED An elderly or middle-aged wom
an for housekeeper for 2 adults and 2 chil
dren. Good home. Broadway 421Q.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
references required. E 232Q. 70Q Schuyler.
GIRL for general housework, small family,
plain cook. 540Ms Kearney.
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
Small, iamiiy, gooo vt u en. .nam
WANTED Reliable female cook.
Oregon City Hospital.
GIRL to assist in general housework;
children need apply. "h4 Pet tygrove.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted who understands
care of eh 1 1 drenL A?! 177, Orego n ia 1 1.
GIRL to assist with housework, 770 Kear
ney st.
GOOD strong - girl for general hou
good home for right person. East 5
-work ;
WANTED Girl to do general housework;
family of 3. Call Tabor 0435.
W NTED Girl for cooking and downstairs
work. Phone Mar. 517. 80S Lovejoy st.
WANTED Experienced girl.
Main 1770. 223 N. 24th st.
good wages.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted at once.
J. c. Thompson. Troutdale. Or.
GI RL for general housework, good wages.
Broadway !) in. j.?wi bi.
SECOND maid wanted. Experienced and
references expected. Broadway
WANTED Girl for cooking and downstairs
work in private family. Call Main 3S21.
wavxeo Cook for private boarding-house.
:;tll 31th St., cor. Mill. Phone Main 2(100.
WANTED Girl or lady to assist in light
housework. Phone Tabor T.tN.
GIRL for housework In physician's family of
two. Tabor 4K. D 1HI2.
LADY wanted ; housec leaning work by day
or hour. Tabor .024.
WANTED Reliable girl, general housework,
family four adults. East 5052.
GIRL wanted to take care of baby.
.Marshall 55CU.
Wanted Domestics.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted, family of 3. em
ployed, wish elderly lady as housekeeper,
washing done out, easy work, good pay ;
prefer woman between 30 and 50 ; will
pay transportation if references are sat
isfactory. Address Mrs. W. P. Gunder
son. Huntington, Or.
WANTED A good lady wishing a good
home and some wages to care for two boys
going to school, age 6 and 8. Work very
light; 3 in family; would prefer elderly
lady. Call Sunday at E. 51st at. N. Rose
City car to 51st, two blocks south. Mrs.
F. C. McClard.
WANTED A competent girl for general
housework; references required; small fam
ily, good wages. Phone East 7O50.
YOUNG woman to do second work and help
with children in private home; must be
reliable and experienced ; best wages. Mrs.
J. L. Bowman, 045 Knott St., in lrvington
WANTED: Housekeeper, middle-age woman
for general housework ; small family ; ref
erences. 1003 E. 10th N. Alberta car. AN
191, Oregonian.
WANT middle-aged woman as housekeeper;
small wages and good home. Call between
5 P. M. and 7 P. M. at 2434 First st.,
Monday or Wednesday.
COMPETENT girl for general housework in
family of three. Mrs. Trommald, East 216.
or call at 494 Multnomah St., cor. 10th.
Take lrvington car.
WANTED Girl for general housework in
small family; good wages. Inquire at 05-67
6th St., or phone Broadway 301 or A 1S37,
or inquire at 072 Weidler st.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework, with or without laundry; good
wages, Broadway car. 436 East 24th st.
GI RL for general housework ; two adults.
two children ; references required ; lr
vington district; $23 per month. Phone
East 312M.
SCHOOL girl to assist with housework in
exchange for board and small wages.
Broadway 5320, between 10 and 4 today, or
Sell. 170 after 6:30 P. M.
MIDDLE-AGED woman for housework and
care of two children. Call 724 Oberlln st.
after 2 Sunday, or write. St. Johns car
to Haven.
WANTED Experienced woman or girl for
general nousewor in family ot tnree;
washing sent out; $5 per week. AV 931,
WANTED Middle-aged or over. Norwegian
woman to keep house for elderly couple
living in country. Must be kind. Mar
shall 5210.
WANTED Experienced nurse for 3 small
children, references required. Apply Mrs.
W. J. Gearln. 235 Cornell road, head of
HOUSEKEEPER wanted for father and 3
children, good home and good wages to
ri g n t pa rt y . can Marsha 1 1 3 1 . .
GIRL to assist with general housework;
breakfast and dinner only. 69U Love joy.
Call mornings.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework
i in family; references required. East
GIRL for general housework;
small family
7S1S. Address
and good wages. Phone E.
5o:t East st. N.
WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman to
assist with general housework, b i0 W i Il
ia ms ave. W oodlawn 331S.
N I'M BER young women and men wanted
to prepare for telegraph service to help
fill vacancies caused by unusual drafting
of men for war. Positions guaranteed.
call or write. Telegraph Dept., 5UO pan
ama bldg.
WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and
stenographer for manufacturing office.
M ust have thorough experience. Ap
ply In own handwriting and give ref
erences in first letter: also wages ex-
pe t ed . A L 030, Orego n la n.
WAN TED Experienced person to manage
Hotel in Astoria; no children, u. v. v aicn.
Astoria, Or.
WANTED Male or female, an assistant in
legitimate business under regular salary.
Must have small sun. of money to deposit
as guarantee; later refunded. Give phone.
V 772, Oregonian.
TEACHERS wanted for good positions in
Idaho. Call or write at once. Yates-
Fisher Teachers' Agency, 001 Broadway
bldg.. Portland. Or.
STENOGRAPHER Dictations and rapid op
era tor. willing to learn lumber business.
Give phone and address. A 115, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED lumber stenographer, die
tfttlon and billing; slate experience, age.
phone and address. A. oregonian
PRACTICAL training in gas, electrical and
steam engineering, mechanical drawing,
machine. ihoD practice, oxy-acetylene weld
lng, automobile and tractor operating and
repairing. Write for catalog. Seattle Engl
neering School, Seattle. Washington.
Producers pay from $25 to $5O0 each
for ohoto-Dlavs. Interesting ana lascinat
lng. No experience necessary. Work in
sDare time. Full particulars free. F. Hollo
way & Co., 253 Broadway, New York,
Dept. 30.
RAILROAD traffic inspectors wanted. $12
a month and expenses to start; short
hours, travel, three months home study
under guarantee. We get you position. No
age limit. Ask for booklet C 10. Frontier
Prep School, Buffalo, N. Y.
$50 puts you through a complete course
in automobile, gas tractor, .electric an
stationary engineering a nd vulca nizing
automobile tires. Hemphill's Trade Schools,
70i Hawt norne ave.. cor. East 20t h .st,
L'NCLE SAM needs 10.00O stenographers.
Enroll now for shorthand, typewriting,
bookkeeping. MtS.S UECKKU S PR1VATI
HI' SIN ESS COLLEGE, 3d floor. Alisky
Conversational series by native profes
slonal in st rue tor, beginners, advanced stu
dents. 4tii Alisky bldg. Main 253, from
1 to 5 P. M.
SALESMAN City or traveling. Write fo
list of openings and how to obtain them.
A a a re as nearest or rice. iMat l Salesmen
Tr. Assn., Dept. 311, Chicago, San Fran
cisco. New i ork.
will teach you the barber trade in eight
weeks ; tools free ; scholarship and diplo
mas given, paid while learning; position
guaranteed, tuition reduced. 233 Madison
388 Burnside St.. Portland. Or.
Call or write for free 00-page catalogue
It tells how we help you to a good po
sitlon; day ana nignt classes.
WOM EN to sell guaranteed hosiery
wearer: salary $15 full time, 25c an hou
spare time; enormous Christ mas trad
experience unnecessary. Internationa
M ills. Norristown, pa.
U. S. GOVERNMENT wants clerks, me
women, IS over, $0O month; Portland. Or.,
examinations coming. Write for list po
sitions. Franklin Institute, Dept. 3bOJ,
Rochester, N. Y.
YOUR name brings copy Money-Making
Ideas, the great 32-page agent's and man
dealer's magazine. A. H. Krauu, 300 Kraus
bldg., Milwaukee, Wis.
MAKE $15 to $25 weekly mailing circulars;
no experience required, we supply circu
lars ; write for particulars now. Dixie
Mailing Co., Dept. 28, Jacksonville, Fla.
MEN wanting firemen or brakemen posi
tions; beginners paid $12ft monthly; expe
rience unnecessary, positions guaranteed.
Railway Association, AV 915. Oregonian.
GENERA L housework In family of three ;
washing 8t?nt out; middie-agea woman
preferred. 'all or phone Sunday. 23S E.
5:td st. S. Tabor 13.
WANTED Women, Government life jobs.
$ month; write immediately lor list po
sitions open. Franklin Institute, Dept.
73J, Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Automobile repairmen and ma
chinists. San Francisco Automooiie Trade
Association. 503 Turk street. Sau Fran
cisco. .
MEN wanting firemen or brakemen posi
tions, beginners 1UU- i.m monthly; expe
rience unnecessary ; positions guaranteed.
Railway Association, care Oregonian.
and women the barber trade in 8 weeks,
giving a dipioma. scholarship and tools;
pays while learning. 234 Couch st.
RAGTIME piano playing positively taught
beginners In 10 to 20 lessons. Practice
room free. 411-12-13 Columbia bldg.
3JAKEmoney wrltingr short stories or ar
tides: big pay, free information. Address
United Press Syndicate. Los Angeles.
Ml MATTINGLY'S Shorthand, Typewrit
ing School, Day, Evening, $5 month. 200
14th, Near Jefferson. Main 3-SP3.
Broad way-Yamhill building; individual
Instruction: positions when competent.
I TEACH you French in 0 months; French
grammar also. Main 1020. Ask for Mr.
TELEGRAPHY Steno. bkpg. ; board, room,
tuition may be earned. Catalogue free.
Mackay Business College. Los Angelee.
FR E E lessons
in china paint. 170 10th
and evening. 122 Grand ave. East 427.
GIRL for light housework; no cooking or
washing. 573 E. 8th N., near Knott.
UNCALLED-FOR tailor-made suits and
overcoats for sale. $3.50 and up. 355 Stark.
at the largest and best-equipped automo
bile, tractor and engineering school on the
Pacific Coast; 3 stories, modern equipment,
machine shops. oxy-acetylene welding
shops, vulcanizing shops, lathes, autos,
tractors, etc. ; you learn here by actual
practice; from 10 to -5 cars being repaired
every day In the year here in our shops;
24 expert Instructors; night and day
classes; enter at any time. Write for free
catalogue or call and see for yourself, any
business day or evening; the best AUTO
MOBILE SCHOOL on the Pacific Coast.
NIGHT and DAT courses in all the fol
Mechanical drafts
man Auto repairing
ING Estimating
Civil engineer
Auto machinist GINEER
ING Plan reading
Auto salesman
BIG Jobs, big pay, big future; get ready;
urgent demand for 3 times the men.
1220 Post st., San Francisco. Cat
Learn It RIGHT at the largest, best
equipped EXCLUSIVE Automobile and
Tractor School on the Pacific Coast. You
learn by actual experience in our big shops
under expert instructors. Thousands of
successful graduates. We help students
earn living.
DAY and NIGHT courses in
Auto Repairing. Machinists.
Driving. Vulcanizing.
Acetylene Welding. Advanced Ignition.
Tractluneering. Starting and Lighting.
FREE to students enrolling now.
Write for free 04-page catalog or call
Figueroa at Eighth. Los Angeles.
at the largest. best-eauioDed auto and
tractor school on the Pacitic Coast. San
Francisco is right in the heart of the
Western auto and tractor business. You
learn by actual practice on iutoi, trucks
and tractors; 30 expert instructors. Write
for free catalogue.
1220 Post St.. San Francisco, Cal.
MENT. Y. M. C. A.
W ran nlace vounc men with ability.
Constant calls coming for the man who
can deliver the goods. A. 1 . M. C
membership costing $5.00 guarantees you
will secure employment or reiuna oi ice.
Also gives you 2 months' full privileges.
10 monthi social ana use oi mis epu.ii
ment for I year. See Secretary, J. W.
can earn $5 to $15 a week in spare time
or $50 a week run time; nig locai oppor
tunitv. pleasant work with concern hav
ing National reputation; experience not
eientlal. Write, stating qualifications, to
Dominant, P. O. box 1024, .f huaaeipnia.
Founded In 1803. Trade taugft in e.gni
iikB- tu it inn frtffd d urine tne course;
get you a position, furnish tools, schol
arship transfer card. Write for free cata
logue. 234 Burnside st.
WANTED Position wllh lumber company
hv Hxnprit-ncetl scaler and timekeeper.
ref. furnished. Tabor 5020, or write A
203, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and C lerks,
EASTERN man. aged 32, at present em
ployed in office work, desires change or
position; has wide experience, good ex
ecutive, qualified as chief clerk. Can
take full charge of material storehouse.
K 320, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED office manaeer. good corre
nnndcni. erpdlt man or Doorkeeper, i-
yearg in Portland; knows how to meet the
puoiic; wants gooa permanent, pusiuun.
best of reasons for wishing a change. H
710. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, at present employed ou
of town, desires position witn rename rirm
in the city. Good character and absolutely
rptmonsible. Law and general office expe
rlence. Age 20 years; not subject to draft
K 74t. Oregon I an.
EXPERT accountant, having charge of
numbpr At sets oi DooKS. can take on on
more set. Hurry; save money and know
what you are doing. References, presen
clients. AG 737. Oregonian.
COM I'KTEXT stenocranher. experience'
iHllrnuii. Kteamaliio. in in in s. mo ream u
machinery lines, not subject to draft. BF
003, oregonian.
YOUNG man, with college training, desire
position that offers opportunity for ad
vancement; nm lainumi iui
shorthand. O OSO, Oregonian.
ail a N:ri.r Position
salesman in dru
store. lO years' experience : can sen m
goods; best of references. OSO Elliott ave,
Phone hiast im.
thorough LY experienced bookkeepe
TAriif man. office manager, w it n aDiiu
and qualifications and good record, desires
powl t ion. f i uregon
THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper with
WnnwlHffi of shorthand desires small se
of books to keep or work part time. AD
3o5. Oregonian.
1APKKT accountant will supervise you
bookkeeping and make income tax report
WANTED Position as bookkeeper or time
Irpciwr. S vears" experience; best of refer
ences. S0 Elliott ave. Phone East 01S4
t. iokkkkpkr Good accountant, can ban
die credit or cost system ; familiar with
billing. X 750. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper with spare tim
wants extra set books: A-1 references
reasonable. M 825. Oregonian.
WAR tux reports made, books audited
small sets Kept, reasonaoie rates. i
POSITION wanted as grocery clerk by a.n
experienced man; will go out of town. A
210. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, asst. bkkpr., office asst.,
experienced: rapid; desires position. AH
!S12, Oregonian.
MAN, exempt, wishes position as collector
or office assistant. F 745. Oregonian.
WANT to keep small set of books evenings.
AG 721. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED clerk, groceries, gen. mdse..
shoes ; good bookkeeper. Marshall 34QO.
EXPERIENCED, storekeeper: have been
buyer and manager for many years; thor
oughly acquainted with the logging and
milling trade; best of references as to
ability and Integrity. O S53, Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants work of any kind at
reasonable wages with a chance of ad
vancement. Broadway Hotel, room 330.
HIGH SCHOOL boy wants Inside work after
school and all day Saturdays. Phone East
1270 or Main .
STEADY or extra driving, by reliable
chauffeur; city references. H. G. . Stahi.
M a rs h a 1 1 5 1 50.
YOUNG man would like job as helper on
auto truck, with chance to drive same.
H 722. Oregonian.
FARM hand, married man. wishes job on
ranch with board and room for both. A
1 S7. Oregonian
KALSO.MININO. painting,
plister patching ;
Woodlawn 24.m.
WANT painting, window cleaning, odd jobs.
AO 60s, Oregonian.
DOCTOR wants to locate In good growing
town in Oregon. Give full particulars. AV
JK43. Oregonian.
PAINTING. tinting, papering, first-class,
reasonable. Sellwood 1300.
POSITION as janitor, can run elevator and
furnace. H 672. Oregonian.
PAINTING, papering, tinting, reasonable.
Main 07O Sunday or evenings.
MARRIED auto truck driver wants steady
work; can do own repairing. Main 7133.
PAINTING, tinting. $2.50 room and up.
woodwork cleaned. Woodlawn 3471.
YOUNG man wants kitchen, hotel, house
work; small wages. L 720. Oregonian.
MAN, 2S. desires employment of any nature;
moderate compensation. It 307, Ore -on la-..
FIRST-CLASS handsaw t iler wa nts posi
tion. Prefer shipyard. D 740. Oregonian.
EX-JANITOR or porter, first-class
wants position. E 721. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, employed nights wishes work
for board days. H 718. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, 20, desires posit ion. good
worker, references, s 217. Oregonian.
WANTED A janitor job In an office or
store: age 42. Broadway 5009.
PRINTER A-l Job and news man; work
in country office. AP 200. Oregonian.
HIGH school boy wants position Saturdays.
V 747, Oregonian.
COLLEGE man. good address, married, tie-
-ir- position as manager of large ranch;
" .uuie tumpieie cnarge, ampie and
successful experience; would especially
like to develop farm property on lare
scale ; plenty of energy and progressive ;
fcvuu atvuiiimouRtions necessary and only
first-class proposition considered, it can't
be too big; grew largest bean acreage in
Western Oregon during past season; seeks
Interview. AV 921. Oregonian.
JOB WANTED Young man. 25. married.
wtrvni appearance, no oojectlonuble habits,
newspaper, selling and general commercial
experience. Want connection with growing
concern or place with possibilities. Could
leave town. Top-notch business references.
Might invest small sum. Give details in
fnsL letter. AV U28, Oregonian.
TION. A live insurance man, at present state
agent, must change to lower altitude on
account of wife's health. For this reason
aiso I cannot travel. Would like to take
charge of department for insurance com
pany or large general agency operating
in a Pacific Coast city. Experienced as r and executive for manufac
turer. AV 010, Oregonian.
M not lazy, only don't necessarily have to
work for a while, but can and will work
and produce: experienced butter maker, ex
merchant, salesman, some show card writ
ing, also mechanically inclined, handy at
anything Qualifications, etc. : Good pen
man, accurate at figures, fair correspon
dent, early riser, age 31. References. Own
auto. What have you to offer? State par
ticulars in reply. AN 154, Oregoniui-
ACTIVE fellow, intelligent and agreeable.
offers services: have clear property valued
at $300O; might invest if suited; not sub
ject to draft, had considerable office expe
rience, aso familiar with country life; not
afraid of work, integrity unquestioned.
What's your offer? AV 598, Oregonian.
POS1TION wanted by expert extract and
so a a. water mixer, one wno understands
tiie business from the ground up. Com
petent to take charge of pla nt ; can mix
practically any drink in Portland and a
great many better ones. Address O OSO,
Oregomn n.
WATCHMAN Will look af ler department.
wholesale stores, warehouses and other
large concerns, inside work, day or night;
no boiler firing: am married, middle
aged, sober and healthy; references given.
Address 00 Cleveland ave.
OUNG married man desires position Willi
mercantile company in town of 500O to
It'.ooO population as advertising man, win
dow trimmer, etc.; experienced and at
present employed; good reason for wish
ing change. Answer AN 1 v.. uregonian.
LX I'ERIENCED -mechanic, good trouble
shooter and bearing man. capable of tak
ing cure of magneto or any auto electrical
work; best of references: no objection t
having city if permanent position. It 722,
COLORED man, willing to do any kind of
work, wishes position ; have worked for
one Portland company in years: can give
best of reference from same company. 315
E. Couch st. Phone East 745M.
WANTED Experienced pharmacist wants
permanent position; grauuate; innrrieu;
references. State salary and working1
hours. Address 1435 Franklin ave., As
toria. Or.
WHO can use an all-around mechanic, elec
trician and wire man ? Can repair any
electrical or mechanical machines: first
class automobile and truck repairer. BD
7Mt. Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by Intelligent man. age
50. good education ana JO yea rs Dusti
ness experience. AP 251, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED traveling salesman, sold
house to house through W ashington,
Idaho, Montana, wishes to open up new
business for good firm. C SS0, Oregonian.
YOUNG man desires position as private
chauffeur. 5 year-- Packard and Pierce
Arrow experience; have best of references.
F 72, Oregonian. '
JAPANESE boy wants lKjuition little easy
work in family lor room and uouru ana
small wages, where he can go to night
sehool. AB 0:, Oregonian.
COMPETENT logger desires position as filer
or woods foreman in camp suttaoie ior
married man ; best of retereneo. P. O.
box 334. Mc.Minnville. Or.
WANTED Position taking cace of live
stock, good miiker, by elderly man, expe
rienced. Addres S. P. Yoxall. 4U3 Front
st.. Harrison Hotel.
EXPERIENCED man wants position with
reliable firm; do amateur fin.shing, print
ing and enlarging; best of references. I.
O . box 334, McMinn viMe. Or.
A LIVE s-lesm-nager and executive desires
to communicate witn itrm uesirous ot aaa
ing a capable, experienced man to the or
ganization. AV iI, Oregonian.
MAN and wife wish care of apartment house.
capable of doing tinting ana repairing.
Call Sunday between 1 and 4 P. M., Ta
bor 2O00.
AT liberty to theater managers, an expe
rienced vaudeville or picture piano piayer,
pipe organ, Wurlitzer ; piano, union scale ;
exempt from draft. Phone Main 2001.
ELDE RLY man wants light work, city or
country. Call or address 524 Rex ave. Sell
wood car.
W-ORK by man with highway, waterworks
and railroad construction experience.
721. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by a locomotive engineer,
experience both road and contract eiuip
nient: good reference. HF 102. Oregonian.
MAN and wife, experienced all-around cooks,
want steady position, city or country. AO
V.1 , Oregon la n.
WANTED Typewriting to do afternoons or
evenings; careful work. Phone Woodlawn.
ti D reliable man. 40 years, wishes posi
tion as night janitor and elevator man in
building. References. M HJK. Qregoritan.
EXPERT SHINGLERS Reshingling a spe
cialty. All work guaranteed. Woodlawn.
YOUNG Japanese boy wants position al
school boy in small family. AO 000. Ore
go niaru
YOUNG man, age 20. would like employ
ment In commission house: other things
considered. R QUO, oronian.
BOY -f;'OUT desires work after school and
on Saturdays. with or without wheeU
Main 333. .
HANDY ma n wants position as fireman;
Understands oil, coal and wood firing;
genera! cleaning. AP 24J. oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED man would like position aa
watchman ; have had experience. Phono
Woodlawn 12S0.
FIRST-CLASS, all-around carpenter and,
cabinetmaker; state wages. M $40. Ore
gonian. HEAD sawyer for circular mill wishes posi
tion; can erect and capable of taking
charge of plant. AM 103. Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants few hours work in dining-room
or kitchen after 6 P. M. AM ISO.
Oregonian. m
GOOD A-l hotel barber and pastry cook,
restaurant or cafeteria; city or country.
AP 207, Oregonian
EXPERIENCED gas engineer, marine, auto
mobile and stationary, wants position. AL
0:tj. Oregonian.
WOULD like to make contract with reliable
firm to deliver packages; have light cr.
A M ISO, Oregonian.
Al DINNER COOK wishes position.
1 R5. Oregonian.
ituation as ntghtwateh. Address
AR 4St.
PAPERHANGING. painting and tinting.
Good work, right prices. Mar. 2403.
JANITOR work wanted by man 45 years;
references. AN 177. Oregonian.
COLLEGE student wishes work for Satur-
days. AP 2Q4. Oregonian.
POSITION as chauffeur with private lam-
ilv, 5 years" experience. N S24. Oregonian.
Marshall 1072.
expert shingling call
WANTED Contra t to cut cord wood.
C. McKinney. 118 Clinton st.
PAINTING. paperhanging and tintiu
good work: reasonable. Tabor 43Q7.
Bookkeeper and Stenographers.
YOUNG lady wishes position in office; good
typist: no shorthand: references; reason
able wages. Main .s31.
STENOGRAPHER with experience In law of
fice and collection work wisnei position.
Phone East 2S0.
AN experienced stenographer would like
permanent or temporary employment. AO
OK7. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, good at fig
ures. References. Wdln. 304S, after 2 P. M.
EXPERIENCED business woman desires
bookkeeping to do at home. AU 40,
Oregonia n.
YOUNG lady stenographer, competent, ex
perienced, wants position; best of reler
ences. AL 5S0, Oregonian.
POSITION by young lady, S years experi
ence in general office and typewriting.
References. Tabor 50O.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires re
sponsible position. Tabor 7972.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier dt
sires position. References. Tabor 5013.
TWO good typists desire work Saturdays
and half days. Al S3S, Oregonian.