The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 04, 1917, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 34

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Largest on the Coast.
WOODS, good climate, level ground, first
class sanitary camps, steady work the year
round. Ten men to learn the logging busi
ness, a splendid opportunity, light rigging,
up to date methous, $3.75 per clay. board
$0 a week. Kight laborers for construc
tion work. $3.50, board $6 a week. FARE
ADVANCED to those accepted.
Our Government needs all the clear
fiPKUCB that Oregon can manufacture.
"We want l:i men today to go to 33RIGH
MILLS COMPANY, manufacturers of Gov
ernment inspected SPRtX'K on a large
scale. We will advance your fare to this
work. WAGES $3.50 and up, time and
one-half for overtime. Board only $5.25
per week; steady work. See us today.
Young: men to assist in the tallying: and
shipping: of Spruce, Fir and Cedar prod
ucts, box shooks, veneers, shingles, planing
mill stock, etc., etc.; $50 and board to
start. Fare advanced.
$4.50 to $7 per day. We will advance your
tare to most of the camps if necessary.
Six young men to learn logging in this
district, $4 a day to start; good board and
Car loaders, $4; pond man. $4; log haul
man $4.25; resawyer, $4.50; edgerman, $5;
2d A engineer and machinist helper, $100
up, etc
- Cooks, waiters, dishwashers, flunkeys,
buss boys, vegetable men, hotel, restau
rant and camp kitchen help of all kinds,
flunkey for mining camp. Eastern Oregon;
fare advanced.
Largest on the Coast.
235 Burnslde street.
J. P. CAXTON, Mgr.
LIP MAN, WOLFE & CO require the
services of two middle-aged men
for day janitors. Must be able to
furnish the best of references.
Apply Superintendent's office, sev
enth floor, Monday morning, be
tween y and 10.
WANTED Young or middle-aged man with
some Knowledge of machinery to act as
shipping clerk and learn to wait on trade.
$3 day to begin. Call at
The House of a Million Bargains,
240-244 Front Street.
WANTED Man with team, who under
stands land clearing; no heavy stumpage,
slashed and well burned this Fall; cabin,
barn, powerful stump puller, main county
road, 1 mile to Mount Angel. Phone
Woodlawn 22S5. F. Deuster, 792 Melrose
"WANTED Machinist for logging camp,
man who can run lathe and do general
repair work.
Apply 1117 Yeon Bldg.
"ft'ANTED Invoice and ledger clerk; must
be quick and accurate with figures and
typewriter. Give names of former em-
. pioyers and reason for leaving. State age,
references and salary wanted. H 680,
FJNISHE R to take charge dipping tank
in finishing room of chair factory; one
who has had some experience brushing on
varnishing and shellac ; 8 hours, steady,
apply Mon. morning., Oregon Chair Co.,
11 0 Macadam st.
WANTED First-class machinist. eight
hours, overtime time and half ; state ex
perience and wages expected. Huffschmidt
Dugan Iron Works, Bend, Or.
ACETYLENE welder by reliable motor car
company in city; must be able to weld
steel, cast iron and aluminum; also do
... brazing; steady work, good wages ; state
age, experience and give references. Y
212. Oregonian.
LIFE insurance office has a position open
(for cashier with knowledge of stenogra
phy and typewriting : must be quick and
able to meet the public, also furnish bond;
state age, experience and salary and give
references. D 71Q. Oregonian.
WANTED Japanese man for 'cook and to
help with part of housework in private
family; good room with private bathroom,
('all at 441 Montgomery drive or phone
Marshall 4233.
BOOKKEEPER for large wholesale house;
must be quick, accurate and' experienced,
permanent position, good future. Reply in
own hand, stating experience, references,
age and salary. R 0i9, Oregonian.
l MAN WITH $45 can make $150 a week,
clear, this month at the Stock Show, sell
ing to ranchers at the stockyards; plenty
or ranchers, plenty of money. D. & M.
Mfg. Co., Room 310. 209 4th street.
WANTED Partner for live money-get tin
proposition; state right picture and big
act combined ; requires little cash : no ex
perience necessary. Room 210 Ritz Ho
tel. Portland.
WANTED Few laborers and 2 men
handle lumber on contract basis; also
experienced car tally man. Apply West
Oregon Lumher o., at binnton.
OPPORTUNITY to learn the grinding trade
and get into business for yourself. in
quire 86 Sxth street, Portland Cutlery &
Barber Supply Company.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, familiar with
cost, stock and distribution accounts; give
age. experience and references. N 817,
SINGERS. ATTENTION Male voices for es
tablished glee club and chorus. For par
ticulars apply Tuesday evening, 8 P. M-,
516 Etlers bldg.
WANTED A few laborers and two men to
handle lumber on contract basis. Also
experienced car tallyman. Apply Western
Oregon Lbr. Co., Linnton.
WANTED Young man 18 to 20. to work
in shipping-room. One who can drive
' Ford. Vogans Candy Co., E. 11th and
Kl a riders.
FINE corner lot beside Irving ton, small
mtg., to exchange for carpenter work
and painting ; big opportunity. Owner,
Main 9451.
ONE or two young ladies, employed, to share
a five-room flat, all conveniences. East
SIX men for section logging railroad at
Washington, $3.75. See me t today; fare
advanced 509 Oregon bldg.
REAL ambitious boy to learn jewelry
business: must furnish references of char
acter. N S20, Orepronlan.
STENOGRAPHER, wholesale house, fore
noons only; state age, experience and sal
' ary wanted. BC 650. Oregonian.
WANTED Two automobile mechanics for
floor work in modern shop; must be up to
d a t et Call Monday. 402 j-iawtnorne ave.
WANTED To work in creamery, bright
young man; splendid opportunity for right
man. C HH4. Oregonian.
WANTED An elderly man to care for place
for Winter. Joe Gerber, R. F. D. 1, box
282, Lents Station.
PICKUP bov to run erra nds In wholesale
district. Apply Rice & Phelan, Front and
Oak sts.
WANTED Experienced night janitor, not
over 40 years. U. S. Laundry Co., 180
Grand ave.
BOY to work in book bindery, also boy to
run errands. James, Kerns & Abbott, 9th
and Flanders sts.
WANTED Two experienced automobile me
chanics. Apply D. C. Warren Motor Car
Co.. 58 N. 23d.
WANTED Man on pig ranch; free house
rent; room for cow; man with family pre
ferred; state wages. C 893, Oregonian.
WANTED Laundry driver familiar wit.i the
citv; also youns man for inside work.
Call Sunday at 507 E. Flanders.
WANTED 2d cook. Li;yhton'i
Lunch. Broadway and Wash.
WANTED Boy for railroad office.
Main SHOO, A 6704 Monday.
WANTED A boy to deliver and learn trade.
300 Columbia st.
WANT boy bet. 17 and 21 to learn the au
tomobile business. 325 Burnslde.
Ax men to get out ship knees. 124c inch.
Chuck-out men, log deck man.
Off -hearers.
Chasers, cut-off men. ,
Edgermen, yard men.
Cariage rider, planermen.
Millwrights, operating.
Tallymen, boom men.
Ratchet setters.
Men and boys, box factory.
Section men, togging road, $3.75 day.
P'allers, chocker men.
Skid road men. Rigging sllngers.
Car repairers.
Track laborers.
Carpenter helpers.
SI.lp and bridge carpenters, out of town
Laborers for state highway work.
Quarry and rock crusher laborers.
Farm hands and milkers.
Men for short jobs.
SPECIAL We have man who will lease
10 to 15 acres of cleared land for onion
and potato raising. Will take place on
crop shares or straight lease. This man is
expert and can make good.
240 Ankeny Street.
CALIFORNIA OFFER Position as depart
ment manager to man with thorough
knowledge of crockery and house furnish
ing goods; must be able to show successful
record in like capacity; give full details
in letter, references, salary expected. O. A.
Hale Co., San Jose, Cal.
WANTED An experienced and competent
head mechanic capable of taking charge
of the iron working department of a grow
ing concern soon to locate in Portland.
Must be thoroughly reliable and capable of
handling men. A good opening with good
pay and chance of advancement for the
right man. Address, giving references, Cut
ler Fruit Grader Co., Hood River, Or.
STEADY MEN wanted to ta!te exclusive
control of eood territory in Oreieon and
vvaHnmgion. .oney aavanceo.
ence unnecessary. Our active men are
making good money. You can do the
same. Clean, hardy, guaranteed stock.
Yakima Valley Nursery Company, Toppen
ish. Wash.
SALESMEN who can produce. We can use
three good men; experience not necessary
but beneficial. Chance to travel through
Oregon, Washington, California and Ne
vada for those who qualify. No cigarette
fiends or boozers need apply. Call
between 10 and 11 A. M. and 3 and 4 P.
M. 2U8 Lumber Exchange bldg.
Second engineer who can run a lathe.
Pond man, cut-off man, dogger.
Four men for contract car loading.
Ten yard and mill men.
Mill 50 miles from Portland.
Caii Saturday and Sunday, 11 A. M. to
IP. M., 70 Fourth st.. Lewis bldg.
WANTED Young man about 18 as clerk
and assistant in branch store of large
Eastern wholesale concern. Must write
neat hand and have inclination toward
salesmanship. Salary $10 per week. Good
opportunity for advancement. Box W 594,
WANTED Young man stenographer who
wants to learn livestock business; must be
willing to start at moderate salary and
put up with country accommodations ;
good opportunity for party more interested
in business than in having good time. AV
806, Oregonian.
WANTED At on-?e, open shop foundry ap
prentices for both brass and iron foun
dry, good, strong, ambitious young men
living with parents to learn trade, 8
hours day, good pay and steady work.
Also machinists' apprentices. 520 Oregon
bldg., 5th and Oak sts.
WANTED Stenographer with lumber expe
rience for wholesale office in Portland ;
exceptional opportunity for advancement
to competent, ambitious young man; state
age, experience, shorthand system and sal
ary desired. L 603, Oregonian.
MEN for good, clean, respectable work at
good pay. If It js just a job you want and
no work, don't come, but if you are will
ing to work you will make money. Call
before noon Monday at 325 Fliedner
bldg., 10th and Washington.
AGGRESSIVE, rapid and accurate young
man to handle installment collections;
must be good correspondent and rapid at
figures. Permanent employment to right
man. State experience and references in
ap p Ilea tjon . K 282. Oreg o n i a n .
LABORERS wanted for both" inside and out
side work (some employes out on strike),
also for logging camps and sawmills; good
wages and permanent employment. For
full information apply 509 Oregon bldg.
Help Wanted Agents.
AGENTS Butter 4c a pound, produced by
the Pilot Butter Maker; enormous money
saving investment, housewives delighted,
eager buyers, wild excitement wherever
demonstrated, demand enormous ; outfit
free to workers, act quick. Pilot Butter
Maker Co.. desk 51, Marshall, Mich.
WE will pay you $225 to distribute "Amer
ica and the Great War" in your locality;
fastest selling book in years, every moth
er and every red-blooded American wants
it. lavishly illustrated, low price; man or
woman, spare time may be used, sample
free. International Press. Philadelphia.
WANTED At once, reliable man or woman
in each town to represent us permanently.
Our wonderful patented Llk-Nu aluminum
cleanser has no eual. Guaranteed. Write
now. 15c for trial pkg. Lik-Nu Mfg. Co.,
2050 Post st., San Francisco.
No experience necessary; hustlers make
big money. Health and accident Ins. Write
for particulars immediately.
MEN and women Lyons made $86.25 last
week; Morton, $58.95 in four days; so can
you, selling our guaranteed, made-to-measure
raincoats; good proposition, sample
outfit free; write quick. Davlco Raincoat
Co.. Homan and Douglas blvd., Chicago.
everything, men and women $30 to $200
weekly operating our new system special
ty candy factories, home or small room
anywhere; no canvassing, opportunity life
time, booklet free. Ragsdale Co., box S,
East Orange, N. J.
$125 WEEKLY, something new, saves up
to 50 per cent of gasoline, nearly every
auto owner will buy; greatest seller on
earth ; sold on money-back guarantee :
particulars free. Stransky Mfg. Co., Puk
wana. South Dakota,
233 PER CENT profit selling Jubilee spark
intensifiei s to auto owners, garages; ban
ishes spark plug trouble; sells like wild
fire; exclusive territory; write quick.
Jubilee Mfg. Co., dept. 2163. Omaha, Neb.
$50 WEEKLY" up selling Mexican diamonds:
exactly resemble genuine ; same rainbow
lire; stana tests; sen at sight;, repeat or
ders. Write quick, sample case offer free.
Mexican Diamond Importing Co., 253 Las
Cruces, N. M.
AGENTS Bradley gas saver for" Fords-The
best seller on the market. Can be demon
strated in 5 minutes; big commission. The
Co-Operative Sales Co., 947 Georgia st.,
Los Angeles.
time; no exp. needed: 100 profit; $12
salary; 25c article used every home, store,
hotel. Sample free. L. A. Hirshe, 849
Wash., Boston, Mass.
$15 MADE first day by 13-year-old boy with
Shomescope; woman, $6 first hour; big
holiday seller. Particulars free. Shome
scope Mfg. Co., 4940 Montgall, Kansas
City, Mo.
WRITE for our new Christmas offer; a big
value offer and a valuable premium with
each sale and 80 cents profit for you.
Edward Taylor & Co., Dept. 10, Gallup.
N. M. .
AGENTS $30 to $100 a week, free sam
ples, gold sign letters for stores and of
fice windows, liberal offer to general
agents. Metallic Letter Co., 435 N. Clark,
AGENTS Free catalogue and samples, new
goods, quick sales, big profits, make $5
to $25 daily, no experience, world's great
est specialties. Cruver Co., Jackson and
Campbell, Chicago.
RAINCOATS direct from factory; agent's
price $2.95 delivered, retail price $5;
agents average six coats daily, rainy sea
son now here. L. Lewis Raincoat Co.,
Cleveland. O.
WRITE for free sample case offer, make
$25 to $50 weekly selling our money-saving,
guaranteed household products; enor
mous profits; repeat orders. Crofts &
Keed Co., Dept. r . Chicago.
WRITE for free sample case offer, make
$25 to $50 weekly selling our money-sav
ing, guaranteed househoin products; enor
mous profits, repeat orders. Crofts S
Reed Co.. Dept. G. Chicago.
WATERPROOF kitchen apron. Needs no
laundering. Every housewife buys. Dainty.
durable, economical. Big money. Sample
iree. l nomas JUg. to., 39o3 Drew St.,
Dayton, Oljlo.
AGENTS. $1 commission every call. Great-
est household monev-saver ever Invent
Housekeepers buy on sight. Samples free.
Ovee Mfg. Co., 021 Ovee bldg., Louisville,
AGENTS Hurry. $1 commission every call
srreatest household monev-saver ever in
vented: territory going like wild fire. Ovee
Mfg. Co.. fijTl Mv nirtg.. I,nuipville. Kv
Help Wanted Agents.
Agents make big profits h and ling our
"Fast Selling Holiaay Post Cards," "Nov
elty Signs." "Holiday Decorations." "Pen
nants," . etc. 5UOO varieties. Demand un
liimted. Write today for free catalogue.
1123 Van Buren St. Chicago, III.
GREATEST money-maker. house-to-h oust'
proposition; WHITE WIZARD washes
clothes lo minutes without rubbing; con
tains no lime, lye, caustic soda, paraffin,
wax ; furnish samples ; guarantee sates ;
secure territorial rights; postal brings full
particulars. White Wizard Company, box
847, Portland, Or.
YOUR NAME brings copy Money Makism
Ideas. The great 32-page agents' and mail
dealers' magazine. A. H. Kraus, 306
Kraus bldg., Milwaukee, Wis.
AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hos
pital tickets. 301 Board of Trade.
Help Wanted Salesmen.
SALESMEN for next year to sell our Myers
quality line of exclusive art calendars;
every piece copyrighted and made by us
exclusively, together with our high-grade
line of leather goods, memorandum books
and diaries; the most complete line of
indoor metal signs, and a very fine line
of other new specialties. Everything man
ufactured in our big factory. Tenna sal
ary, commission or drawing account. Kl
wood Myers Co., Springfield. O.
OUR lines of exclusive map calendars, 12
sheet and business calendars, our water
proof and metal edged signs have no equal
in the G. S. Neither does our titrong line of
novelties and fans. Big commission, low
prices, for we make our own goods. Two
good live salesmen needed for this terri
tory. Write today for contract for balance
of this year and 1918. Kenyon Company,
Des Moines, Iowa. (43d year. )
QUALITY" SALESMEN We offer livest and
highest class proposition on earth; every
sale nets you from $0 to $500; everybody
a good prospect, everybody interested,
everybody has always wanted it. and now
for the first time within the reach of all;
no books, stocks nor bonds; permanent
position. Tyler, suite 1030, 11 S. La
Salle st., Chicago. 111.
A CORPORATION doing National advertis
ing requires the services of live wire sales
men to sell the garage, drug, department,
hardware and furniture store trade; pre
vious sales experience not essential, but
preferable; West Coast territory. Write
Sales Manager, 1065 Old Colony bldg.. Chi
cago, ill.
SPECIALTY salesmen calling
on depart
ment, hardware, drug stores, absolutely
new Item a soldier needs three times daily.
Nothing like it; retails $1, sells on sight
for Christmas gifts, pocket sample, big
commissions to live wires with references.
Kssandee Corporation, 39 S. La Salle st.,
SALESMEN calling on manufacturers, saw
mills and other trade to sell specialties,
commission basis, as side line or devote
entire time. Start now for Fall business;
settlements made promptly, liberal com
missions paid. The Mohawk Refining Co.,
Cleveland, Q. '
ACTIV E salesmen by first-class lace, em
broidery, dry goods and handkerchief firm;
must have good following with general
merchants in cities and small towns; sam
ples compact and easily handled; liberal
commission paid weekly. Address French
Val Works, 22Q 4th ave.. New York City.
SALESMAN to place contracts with retail
stores for the famous Underwood & Un
derwood photographic news service of
United States war pictures; window ad
vertising, liberal commissions. Elliott
Service Co., World's Tower bldg.. New
SALESMAN Capable specialty man for
Oregon; staple line on new and excep
tional terms, attractive commission con
tract for bal. yr. and 'IS; $35 weekly for
expenses. Miles F. Bixler Co., 22044 Car
ltn bldg., Cleveland. O.
COLLECTIONS Salesmen wanted of ex
perience and ability for Oregon, Montana.
Wvoming and Washington territory. Best
contract to sell. Highest commission.
Commercial Collection Agency, Inc., 501
Market Et.. San Francisco. Cal.
$0O-$75 WEEKLY earned selling our adver
tising fans; exclusively or as side line;
selling season now on; every merchant
a possible customer; samples light; terms
liberal. Apply at once. Fan dept.,
Kemper-Thomas Co.. Cincinnati.
SALESMAN, experienced any line, for un
excelled new specialty proposition to gen
eral trade; splendid commission contract
for Oregon; vacancy now; $35 weekly for
expenses. Continental Jewelry Co., 18044
Continental bldg.. Cleveland. O.
WANTED First-class salesman of expe
rience who can handle dealers and farm
ers, well-established line farm machin
ery; give experience and references first
lettet ; one needed at once, another Janu
ary 1. F 701, Oregonian.
SALEMEN wanted, having established gen
eral store trade; sell l;ces packed in si
lent salesmen cabinets free; 12 Hs per cent
commission. Cabinet Lace Works, 270
Canal St.. New York.
SALESMAN Line quickly learned. Short
trips Repeater. You better your present
earnings with splendid future. Big com
mission. Sales advance. Box 1, Station E,
WANTED Salesmen for 11HS Twelve-Sheet
and De Luxe Art Calendars, leather bank
books, etc. Liberal commission, exclusive
territory. Line ready Dec. 1. Economy
Advertising Co.. Iowa City. Ia.
EXCELLENT permanent position for capa
ble salesmen in Oregon; vacancy Novem
ber 15; staple line for general retail trade;
liberal commissions; $35 weekly advance.
Rice Co., 705 Williams bldg.. Detroit.
biggest money-making lines, retailing $3.50
to $50. either side line or exclusive. Ad
dress Bin F. Newton, Iowa.
SIDELINE salesmen can earn big money
selling new proposition ; no samples to
carry: references. Dept. 21. Ad-Lee Co.,
Chicago. .
TO SELL subscriptions new automobile trade
paper, make good in home town, then
travel. Ferguson Pub. Co., 4521 Sheridan
road. Chicago, III.
ENERGETIC to visit schools, $100 salary,
liberal commission. R. O. Evans & Co..
1100 Wabash ave., Chicago.
WANTED Coat helper, experienced only;
others need not apply. Schweitzer &
Eager. 30 2 Wash.
WANTED Young lady to assist comedian
In vaudeville act; must be good singer.
HP 675, Oregonian..
GIRL to work in a small grocery and con
fectionery store. Call 632 Union ave. N.,
or phone East 3777.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker's helpers and fin
ishers with first-class shop experience,
lol Strand Theater bldg.
STENOGRAPHER desiring steady dictation
and of lice practice wno win exi-nuuge
services for same. J ", oregonian.
CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en
gagement, no traveling. Apply Casino
wwtkd A home for a Kir.1 16 years
age. out of city preferred ; good home
rather than wages.
M HIS, Oregonian.
WRir.HT. ca nable woman, not too young.
for permanent work In the city. Not
oflce work. H 651, Oregonian.
WANTED Man and wife for suburban
place, gardener ana general nouseworK
W. M. Knight, 342 Morrison st.
LADY going to Los Angeles will care for
Invalid or chiiaren ior expenses, av oww,
YOUNG lady pianist; must be good sight
reader. Apply -A. M. aionaay morning.
Remick Song Shop. 324 W ashlngion.
For llgnt worK in exunanne hji kuuu
home In Irvlngton and ?. Last .1Q.
w a VTn Experienced woman to do
pairing in tailor snop. unique lauortng
Co.. 309 Stark st.
C 895, OREGON 1 A JN.
PRIVATE home for children 3 to 12 years
old; 15 years exp. i H Jveren. atar. -1 o.
GIRL to assist with light housework; good
home. 230 IV. 4tn. jviarsnau uji.
NEAT girl for general housework. 3 In fam
ily; call after a a. m. iasc .w.
EXPERIENCED feeder. Palace Laundry
Co.. E. 10th ana Everett.
GIRL wanted for general housework.
WANTED Masseuse to give treatment in
institution. Y 205, Oregonian. .
WANTED Children to care for; elderly
people; good home. Tabor 70O1.
GIRLS and women to take sewing lessons.
MfLin 7023. 404 lOth St.
WANTED An experienced feeder on man
gle. U. S. Laundry Co., ISO Grand ave.
GOOD sieht reader plan 1st wants work
either day or night. Call Broadway 4470.
GIRLS wanted.
Portland Paper Box Co.
92 Front.
WANTED The service of 6 good salesladies.
502-3 Columbia bldg.. Park and Wash, sts.
WANTED Experienced skirt and waist
finishers. 205 Columbia bldg.
WANTED Experienced jani tress for office
bldg. Room 011 Henry bldg.
WANTED Middle-aged woman for light
housework. No washing. 242 Monroe.
STENOGRAPHER, $90; two, $75; three,
$65. 301 N. W. Bank bldg.
ARTISTIC young lady to share apt,; C. S.
preferred. G 670. Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced waitress. 282 Rus
sell st. Crystal Restaurant.
ELDERLY woman to attend children morn
ings and evenings. 174 Porter st.
onP Main r.lfifi
LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO. require the serv
ices of a thoroughly experienced sales
woman for their picture department; must
have had picture experience. Apply super
intendent's office, seventh floor, Monday
morning between 0 and 10.
Increase your earning power; big pay
and greater beauty through most advanced
system of personal culture ; we teach you
everything complete; scientific care of face
and scalp, facial massage, electrolysis,
scalp treatment, shampooing, manicuring.
Marcel waving, etc.; new, modern meth
ods; positions guaranteed all who qualify;
$12 to $25 week to start work at home,
make $18 to $30 a week; special short
term courses may be arranged in any
branch; investigate; write for tree descrip
tive matter. Marinello Co., Dept. Rl, Mai
lers bldg., Chicago.
THREE ladies for some special child wel
fare work; must be well educated. be
tween 28 and 45. in position to travel ;
splendid opportunities; liberal remunera
tion. For particulars call at 311 Rothchild
bldg., between 3 and 5.
IF you dance fairly well will offer a long
engagement with splendid company; ex
perience Is unnecessary. See Monsieur
Marcel, Portland's only ballet master, pre
mier artist Imperial Russian BaUet,
Wheeldon Annex.
SALESWOMEN for glove and hosiery de
partments. Salary $45 month for girls
having had some experience. Lennon's,
3uu Morrison su
WANTED Typist familiar with keeping
stocK records ana simple DooKKeeping ;
one who can also take dictation preferred.
Give reasons for leaving former employer,
references, age and salary wanted. H
04, Oregonian.
WOMEN'S Protective Division, located at
room 303 Police Headquarters, 2d and
Oak sts., will lurnish information, give
protection and assistance free to women
and girls. Interviews confidential.
WANTED Experienced ready-to-wear sales
lady who can make alterations. Prefer
one who can fit corsets. Age, salary ex
pected, references. Address Mannheimer
Bros., Bend, Or.
COMPETENT stenographer in large mercan
tile oitice, someone wno desires a perma
nent position; none other need apply. Ap
ply in own handwriting, state age and
experience. F 000, Oregonian.
WRITE for free sample case offer ; make
$2j to $oO weekly selling our money -saving
guaranteed household products; enor
mous profits, repeat orders. ' Crofts &
Reed Co., Dept. H, Chicago.
WANTED Experienced salesladies for dry
goods, .loslery, underwear, etc.; permanent
position; state experience and salary ex
pected. Ax Billy Department Store.
Schaeters Bros., Eugene, Or.
COMPETENT stenographer and office as
sistant, one with lumber experience preferred-;
must be rapid and accurate in
taking noi es and t ping ; state experience
and salary expected. F 007, Oregonian.
WANTED A graduate nurse, capable of
taking charge of a private sanitarium.
Apply Nisbeth Sanitarium, 010 Lovejoy
WANTED -Teachers to fill vacancies now
open. Call or write Yates- isher Teacn
erti' Agency, 901 Broadway building, Port
land, Oregon.
WANTED Well-educated woman to take
permanent position with large publlsning
bouse; state age, education, experience,
ihone number. A F 250, Oregonian.
UNDERGRADUATE nurse as assistant in
small hospital; references: description and
experience first letter. Dr. Aspray, Mos
cow, Idaho fc
WANTED By two gentlemen, an elderly
lady wishing a good home and some pay,
cooking light, 2 meals a day. Call at
185 N. 21st, near Johnson.
WANTED Strong, competent cleaner for
apt.-house under uo, sleep no me nignts;
wages $45. Call after 8:30 A. M. Mar.
WANTED Good Christian Science woman
to care for a little girl. !42 both ave.
S. E. TaKe Mt. Scott car at 95th st, or
call in the morning Tabor 5184.
WANTED Children to board, any age.
reasonable.; can give the best of references
or would take convalescent lady to care
for. Call Sellwood 545.
YOUNG lady, good personality, to sell article
on commission basis at Auditorium, Nov.
3-24. Call Sunday, 9-3 P. M. Mr. Shove,
425 Stark s
ANY girl In need of a friend, apply to the
balvation Army Kescue home, oj- r-.ast
15th st. N., or phone East 123.
WANTED Girl for general housework, 5-
room house, no cooking. Call at ooo
Fifth st.
WANTED A girl or woman who wants
a good hoie to assist in light housework,
no washing; wages $15. Phone E. 1329.
HAVE nice home to offer young lady stu
dent or schoolgirl in return lor com pan
ion sh i p and assistance. L 710, Oregonian.
REFINED woman to care for 18-months-old
baby and do. light housework. call Mar
shall 0142.
HIGH school or business college girl, room
and board and carfare in exchange for
services. Y 2O0, Oregonian.
LADY to help with rooming house for house
keeping rooms and some wages. R 009,
WANTED Girl attending business college
or high school to work for wages and
board. B 1378, East 20S1.
U'aet ed Domest tcs.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
small family, good waes. Phone Main
EXPERIENCED cook, for private family of
two; references required. .Phone Main
WANTED Girl with some experience for
general housework, family of two. Phone
East 2803.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework,
family ot , $30. Gall lauor 1-IUj or J.080
E. Burnside.
HIGH school or college girl to assist in light
housework for her board and room, wages,
East 2303.
WANTED Girl, for general housework for
I ami ly oi . muuub , l eiL-reiaeo requireu.
Apply 57 Lucretia St. M 310H.
YOUNG widower wants a housekeeper ;
small children. 4.7 Baldwin st. Take St.
Johns car to Washburn.
GIRL or middle-aged lady to helo with
general work; one who can go home nights
preferred. 1244 E. Alder. Tabor 40o.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap
ply to Mrs. Hoffman, 016 Flanders. Call
A 1844.
WANTED Girl to assist with light house
keeping and care for small child. Apply
apt. 14, Belle Court.
WOMAN wanted for general housework to
go to Salem. For particulars phone E.
78 50.
WANTED Girl for housework. Phone Main
WANTED Girl for general housework, no
children. Apply 381 10th st.
WANTED Clean girl for gen. housework,
small family, no washing. 436 E. 1 7t.i N.
WANTED Girl to assist with light house
work in family of 3. Tabor 184.
WANTED An elderly lady to stay with 2
children part of day. Tabor 2850.
GI RL for cooking and general housework.
5S2 Clifton street, Portland Heights.
GIRL for general housework in physician's
home. Tabor 40S0. D 1102.
WANTED Experienced dining-room girl ;
also washer. Main 7584.
WANTED Young girl for housework and to
assist with children. East 3150.
WANTED- Young girl to assist with house
work; family of 3. Call 4J0 E. 40th st. N.
WANTED Young lady to keep house - for
two men, near city. N 700. Oregonian.
GOOD wages for good cook and 'general
housework maid, 4 adults. East 574.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs.
J. B. Wise. 406 19th. Portland Heights.
WANTED Girl to assist in housework, no
cooking. Apply 294 College St.. - cor. 5th.
WANTED Girl for general housework, small
family, $25. 831 Pettygrove. Main 3204.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework. Sundays off, $25. Sell. 1800.
GIRL wanted for general housework. Phone
Main 9001. Address 782 Lovejoy.
WANTED Girl to work for room and board
and go to school. Tabor 2979.
GIRL for general housework,
730 Overton
GIRL for light housework; no cooking or
washing. 573 East 8th st. N.. near Knott.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted to take good charge
of the nonsf.. Cn1' v-r TiSrt.
Wanted Domestic.
WANTED Elderly, trustworthy woman of
help in nice family; Scandinavian pre
ferred, all modern conveniences in home:
wages $20; good, ' permanent position to
right party. Call Tabor 8154 or address
1232 East Flanders st.
WANTED Girl, one sneaking French pre
ferred, to assist with child, also to as
sist in other work; no furnace, no wash
ing. Phone East 0095 or Main 221S. Mrs.
WANTED Middle-aged woman for house
keeper. Must be fond of children, small
wages, but good home offered. Scandi
na vian preferred. AV KfiO, Oregonian.
WANTED Girl for general housework, must
be neat and clean: nice home, Laurelhurst
district. Call 1220 E. Flanders. Tabor
WANTED Refined, middle-aged or elderly
woman, assist with housework, small fam
ily; modei at o wages but pleasant home.
Phone Tabor 5177.
NEAT woman for general housework In
1 pleasant suburban home. Wages $25.
Marshall 2300, or apply 309 City Hall
Monday 10 A. M.
A GOOD home and reasonable wages in a
family of grownups to a neat middle
aged woman with no incumbrances. AP
243. Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced
housework; no furnace,
Scandinavian preferred.
maid general
two in family ;
Phone Marshall
WANTED Competent woman for genera
housework in comfortable , ranch home;
no objection to child of school uge. .
E. 1st st. N.
WANTED An experienced general house
work girl, who Is good cook, to work
in family with second girl. Good wages.
349 N. 32d. Main 3146.
HOUSEKEEPER for workingman. widower
with girl school age, and small horn 15
miles from Portland ; cook for 3 ; wages
$12-$ 15. H 088. Oregonian.
COMPETENT girl general housework, 2 In
family ; plain cooking, good home, good
wages. Call 12 to 0. 747 E. Burnside sU,
corner 22d.
WANTED A girl to assist with general
housework. Apply 211 N. 24th St., between
Kearney and Love joy.
WANTED Girl, employed afternoons, to
give services in morning for room and
board and small wages. Sell. 428.
WILL give good home, schooling and music
lessons to young girl for light housework.
AO 036. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work. 408 No. 32d St., Willamette Hts.
Main 7859.
WANTED An experienced girl for general
housework. Call between 3 and 5. 229 Cor
lie 1 1 road, near Love joy st.
WANTED Housekeeper, middle-aged. Tel
ephone East 5048 before noon Sunday or
Monday forenoon.
WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and
downstairs work ; must have city refer
ences. Call Monday. Tabor 109.
WANTED Experienced woman for cooking
and general housework, family of 2: good
wages. Apply 800 East Harrison street.
WANTED Young girl to assist with house-
worn and baby; no cooking; electric wash
ing machine. 540 E. 14th st. N.
GIRL to assist with general housework; two
meais a cay. Apply mornings. 099 Love
joy st.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
good wages. Eastern Oregon town. Call
E. 0073.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
no washing, 3 in family. Marshall 419.
1131 Franklin st., Willamette Heights.
WA. TED Nice old lady, no incumbrance.
to care for baby. Call Monday afternoon,
403 Mill st.
EXPERIENCED girl -for second work and
assist with children. Call 772 Marshall
st. References required.
Make money your spare time selling
"USALYTE" indestructible gas mantles.
Saves 1-3 gas. Equals the light of 2 others,
and outlasts Ms dozen of any other make,
lie tails at 15c each. 2 for 25c. One dozen
sent postpaid upon receipt of $1 to agents,
or on consignment If references are satis
factory. J. I. Robin, Mfr. and patentee,
13oth st. and Park ave.. New York.
402 Hawthorne Ave.
Oregon's Oldest, best-equipped and most
PRACTICAL automobile and tractor
school. You can be a real EXPERT for
less than you can afford to be a DUB.
NUMBER young women and men wanted to
prepare for telegraph service to help fill
vacancies caused by unusual drafting of
men for war. Positions guaranteed. Call
or write. Telegraph Dept., 500 Panama
MAN and wife, no children, for ranch; man
to milk and general farming, woman
housework; 2 in family; state wages de
sired. Address box 37S. The Dalles. Or.
MAN and wife on farm, woman must be
good housekeeper, light mil king, good
home. For further particulars address
George Dorr. Crabtree. Or.
W ANTED Good retoucher. Send samples
of work. Salary $25 per week. Grove
Studio, Boise, Idaho.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, must have ref
erences, for meat market. 709, Ore
WANTED Cook, male or female.
City Hospital, Oregon City.
Nl'ilBER young women and young men to
prepare ior t ne teiegrapn service to nu
vacancies caused by unusual drafting of
men for Signal Corps. Big demand for
telegraph operators. For full particulars
can or write, lelegraph Dept.. Room ooo,
Panama bldg.
RAILROAD traffic Inspectors wanted. $125
a moutn ana expenses to start; snort
hours, travel, three months home study
under guarantee. We get you position. No
age limit. Ask for booklet C 10. Frontier
Prep School, Buffalo. N. Y.
Founded In 1893. Trade taught in eight
weeks; tuition earned during the uourie
ret you a position, furnish tools, schol
arship transfer card. Write for free cata
logue, tsurnsido st.
will teach you the barber trade in eight
weeks; tools free; scholarship and diplo
mas given, paid wntie learning; position
guaranteed, tuition reduced. 233 Madjso n
388 Burnside St.. Portland. Or.
Call or write for free 00-page catalogue.
it tells now we neip you to a good po
sition; day and night classes.
Conversational series by native nrofes
sional instructor; beginners and advanced
students now enrolling. 409 Aliky bldg
Main 250. 1 to 3 1'. M.
WOMEN co sell guaranteed hosiery to wear
er; salary $15 full time, 25c an hour spare
tune ; enormous tnristmas trade ; ex peri.
ence unnecessary. International Mills.
rsorristown. fa.
SALESMAN City or traveling. Write for
list of openings and how to obtain them
Address nearest office. Nat'l Salesmen's
Tr. Assn., Dept. 311, Chicago, San Fran
cipco. New York.
MA K E money writing short stories or
articles ; big pay ; free information. Ad
dress United Press Syndicate, Los An
WANTED Operators for Elliot Fisher bill
ing mac nine course. Positions guaran
teed. Mr. Sherlock, W orcester bldg.
room j .
LEARN TO KNIT Five lessons $1. Special
ties: Sweaters, scarfs, coats and socks.
Hours arranged. Call or phone. Mrs. Rob
ertson, A lco Apartments, 387 E. Couch st
MAKE $15 to $23 weekly mailing circulars.
No experience required ; we supply cir
culars. Write for particulars now. Dixie
Mailing Co., dept. 28, Jacksonville, Fla.
WANTED Women, Government life jobs,
so month, write immediately for iis
positions open. Franklin Institute, dept.
7 i'.ij , tiocnester, in. i .
MEN wanting firemen or brakemen pos;
tions. beginners $luu-5i.iu monthly; expe
rience unnecessary ; positions guaranteed.
Railway Association, care uregonian.
and women the barber trade in 8 weeks,
giving a diploma, scholarship and tools
pays wh i i e learning. .4 couch st.
RAGTIME piano playing positively tautch
beginners in 10 to 20 lessons. Practice
room free. 4ll-j-i3 Columbia bldg.
I TEACH you Frenc.i by conversation in 6
months; French grammar also. AO 621,
Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping
I TEACH you French in 6 months by con
versation; grammar also. Ask for Mr.
Berry. Phone Main 1O20.
women wishing to become Government
cierKs; d montn. A v uregonian.
Miss Mattingley s shorthand. typewritin
school, day, eve.. $5 mo. 209 14th. M. 3893
ana evening, i1, tirana ave. .cast 427.
UNCALLED-FOR tailor-made suits an
overcoats for sale. $3.50 and up. 355 Stark.
COSMOPOLITAN Restaurant; clean, home
ltk pTVlc. r-afTihlc i1 Third t.
at the largest and best-equipped automo
bile, tractor and engineering school on the
Pacific Coast; 3 stories, modern equipment,
machine shops. oxy-aceiy lene welding
shops, vulcanizing shops, lathes, autos,
tractors, etc. ; you learn here by actual
practice; from 10 to 25 cars being repaired
every day in the year here In our shops;
24 expert instructors; night and day
classes; enter at any time. Write for free
catalogue or call and see for yourself, any
business day or evening; the best AUTO
MOBILE SCHOOL on the l'acilic Coast.
NIGHT and DAY courses In all the fol
lowing: Tractors
Mechanical drafts
man Auto repairing
Estimatin r
Civil engineer
OX V-ACETYLENE Mathematics
Auto machinist
Plan reading
Auto salesman
BIG Jobs, big pay. big future; get ready;
urgent demand for 3 times the men.
1220 Post st., San Francisco, CaL
Learn It RIGHT at the largest, best
equipped EXCLUSIVE Automobile and
Tractor School on the Pacific Coast. You
learn by actual experience in our big shops
under expert instructors. Thousands of
successful graduates. We help students
earn living.
DAY and NIGHT courses in
Auto Repairing. Machinists.
Driving. Vulcanizing.
Acetylene Wrelding. Advanced Ignition.
Tractioneering. Starting and Lighting.
FREE to students enrolling now.
Write for free 04-page catalog or call
Figueroa at Eighth. Los Angeles.
at the largest, best-equipped auto and
tractor school on the Pacific Coast. San
Francisco is right in the heart of the
Western auto and tractor business. Y'ou
learn by actual practice on autos, trucks
and tractors; 30 expert Instructors. Write
for free catalogue.
1220 Post St., San Francisco, Cal.
MENT, Y. M. C. A.
We can place young men with ability.
Constant calls coming for the man who
can deliver the goods. A. Y. M. C. A.
membership costing $5.00 guarantees you
will secure employment or refund of fee.
Also gives you 2 months full privileges,
10 months' social and use of this depart
ment for 1 year. See Secretary, J. W.
PRACTICAL training in gas, electrical and
steam engineering, mecnanical drawing,
machine shop practice, oxy-acetylene weld
ing, automobile and tractor operating and
repairing. Write for catalog. Seattle Engi
neering School, Seattle, Washington.
U. S. GOVERNMENT wants clerks, men.
women, 18 over. $UO month. Portland, Or.,
examinations Nov. 14. Write list positions.
Franklin Institute, Dept. 3S0J, Rochester,
N. Y.
Broad way-Yam hill building; individual
Instruction; positions when competent.
YOUNG married couple would like apart-
ment-nouse to manage; best or references.
Y 211, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers aud Clerks.
MIDDLE-AGED married man, thoroughly
experienced in general oflice work uud
credits, also experienced in gen'l mdse.,
desires position, moderate salary. Want
to connect with a good, .substantial house
with a view to permanency. I am re
sponsible aud reliable. BF 883. Orego
nian. SAVE money; your business may not Justify
you in employing a bookkeeper steady, but
you can afford to have an expert spend
a couple of hours dally in your office
and have your books kept right. Address
BC (-58. Oregonian.
UNCLE SAM will take a look at your books
wit n in a tew short weeks. Let me put
them in shape, better than you anticipate,
for less than you expect to pay. Expert
accountant, indorsed by many Portland
firms. G OttO, Oregonian.
OFFICE MANAGER, expert accountant.
thorough executive, skilled in credits, col
lections, sales management and ad writing.
Willing to combine all these for a grow
ing firm with a future. G OOl, Oregonian.
BUSINESS man, 35 years old, experience In
general oriice work, credits and account
ing, desires employment afternoons and
evenings at reasonable salary; satisfactory
city references. AP 244, Oregonian.
W 1 LL post your books, take balance and
matte an statements necessary at reason
able rates; broad experience in eeneral
office work and accounting. C 88T, Ore
GROCERY MAN, married, capable and re
name, t- years experience, o years
Portland ; card writer; best city refer
ences. Call Sellwood 1835, or address E
uo, oregonian.
BOOK KEEPING, or your surplus clerical
worn eiiicientiy handled in evenings
charges reasonable; best of references fur
nished. AM 1 12, Oregonian.
DEPENDABLE man wants work in city,
experienced as nooKKeeper, clerk ; also
worked in stockroom; references. Call
Tabor 3009.
ijiii.KL l man with 3 to 4 hours spare
time uany wisns employment as book
keeper or similar work. AL 015, Orego
MEN'S furnishings and shoe salesman, I
year s experience, cara writer and win
dow trimmer; Al references. J 212, Ore
EXPERT bookkeeper, credit man. office
manager, reliable, wltli anility and bus!
ness qualities, eight years' successful
record, desires position. G to4, Oregonian
BOOKKEEPER-CASHIER, young man with
12 years general office experience, best of
reierences, uesires position. K 289, ore
POSITION wanted by young married man.
experienced accountant and correspondent,
in financial house. F. E. Dyson, 322 Ross
St., Portland.
GENERAL clerkship wanted by married
man with extensive experience in oil ice
detail, bookkeeping;, typewriting, salesman.
etc. oregonian.
EXPERIENCED male stenographer, capable
and well educated, desires position where
good service will bring promotion. AP
u... oregonian.
WANTED By experienced lumberman, post
tion as bookkeeper with lumber firm in
city. Address J. Allen 1 oung, Portland
Or.. Route A.
BOOKKEEPER and accountant wants sit
uatlon ; good habits and thorough office
man. AO b4V oregonian.
EXPERIENCED furniture man wants po
sition : nave naa i years experience
furniture. O 049. Oregonian.
COMPETENT bookkeeper desires position
with manufacturing plant; reference. F
698. Oregonian.
COST accountant and general office man of
wide experience would like to hear of an
opportunity. Bb b8Q. oregonian.
POSITION wanted with wholesale . house. 15
years' experience wholesale tobacco, etc
L 74. Oregonian.
CAPABLE bookkeeper wants position, seven
years experience general orfice work, lum
ber business. L 703, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper, stenographer,
typewriter, middle-aged, desires perma
nent office position. Y 257. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER would like up to three
hours' work evenings. Can furnish ma
chine. BC 005. Oregonian.
GENERAL merchandise salesman, 12 years'
experience, card writer; Al references;
married. L 707, Oregonian.
WANTED Part time position by a first-
class nooKKeeper ana stenograpner ; ref
erences. P 571, Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by A-l bookkeeper;
references. H 690, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER wants work.
2O00. room 4.
Call Main
M iscellaneou .
YOUNG man and wife wish position on farm;
good all-round man, can give references.
Write or call F, C. Shearer, 1109 E. 15th
st. North.
COLORED man would like employment as
janitor or porter. Can give reference. Call
Marshall 4555 between 2 and 5 P. M.
GOOD, reliable man, 38 years, wishes posi
tion as night watchman or janitor; refer
ences. D 712, Oregonian.
JAPANESE, speaks good English, desires to
have position either in morning or in aft
ernoon. R 676, Oregonian.
CARPENTER contracts
Sellwood 2421.
wanted. Manny.
ACTIVE fellow, intelligent and agreeable,
offers services. Have clear property valued
at $3oud; might invest if suited. Not sub
ject to draft. Had considerable office ex
perience. Also familiar with country life.
Not afraid of work. Integrity unques
tioned. What's your offer".' AV S9&, ore
gonian. Transportation conditions now require the
attention of practical, expertly trained
men. Employ a competent, experienced
traiic manager to handle your railroad
troubles. 1 am seeking a position. Famil
iar with general lines also. You need ma.
I need you. Let us gel together. AO tio2,
SITUATION wanted; experienced printer and
newspaper man. age :!, hustler, used to
long hours and hard work. Have edited and
managed newspapers past 8 years. Will go
anywhere, Oregon or Washington. Address
AV UU4, Oregonian.
YOUNG man desires position as trail io
manager. Has had 3 years" experience
handling transcontinental and local
Ireight rates and one year's experience
handling freight claims. Only position
w ith good change for advancement con
sidered. L 7 15, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED gent's furnishing salesman,
capable of taking charge of a depart
ment; a&so experienced in clothing, shoes
and hats; 37 years old; at present em
ployed in the San Joaquin Valley, wants
position in Poruand or vicinity. AV 8i3,
EXPERIENCED sawmill blacksmith and
millwright, with family, wants position
in a small country town. Can do some
machinist work, also thoroughly compe
tent. Ketereuccs. lJl Failing st-, Port
land, Or.
SITUATION wanted by intelligent man with
good education and 25 years' business ex
perience; age 40. Address AV W04, Ore
A man of 43, wife and one child of 7,
would like to take charge of apt. house.
Have references; can give bond if neces
sary. Please state wages and full partic
uiars in reply. AN 172. Oregonian.
Work as janitor in business bldgs. Have
best of references ; give bond if required ;
or would accept job as night watch ; un
derstand care of boiler. Please answer
Monday. AM 175. Orefionian.
WANTED Position as foreman in charge of
well-equipped ranch ; experienced with
good stock and crops.. Agricultural train
ing. A permanent arrangement is desired,
with good accommodations for family. AV
Ssa, oregonian.
A MAN employed the past 18 years in execu
tive positions would work as superinten
dent or foreman ; has handled large con
struction work and has had some ship
building experience. AO 033, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED storekeeper; have been
buyer and manager for many years; thor
oughly acquainted with the logging and
milling trade ; best of references as to
ability and integrity. O 053. Oregonian.
YOUNG Japanese boy desires to work in
kitchen, private family or boarding-house,
after 0 P. M. Can help every Sunday
after 2 P. M Wages no object. O 050.
CHAUFFEUR wishes situation in private
familv. Can do repairing and iurnisn nest
of references; S years experience. Phone
Marshall 4544. or address Tommy, 427
Montgomery st.
ENGINEER, with 15 years" experience on
railway location, construction, irrigation
and highway work will accept transit or
consider work other than engineering.
Marshall 2453.
YOUNG man, student of interstate com
merce, at present empioyea, uesires wiuer
field where advancement may be earned;
best of references; exempt from draft,
P 570, OregonitLn.
WANTED By married couple, position on
ranch; woman for general nouseworK; man
to do general farm work; is experienced in
chickens. 3U5 Yamhill St., room 7. Mar.
EXPERIENCED traveling salesman, sold
house to house tnrough w aamngton.
Idaho, Montana, wishes to open up new
business for good firm. C 88o, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS bread baker, mostly French
bread and rolls, wants position in hotel
preferred or baker shop. AP 235. Ore
gonian. CAPABLE business man, 50. desires posi
tion with manufacturing, wholesale or
retail house where absolute trustworthi
ness is appreciated. AL 012. Oregonian.
RELIABLE agricultural implement man
wants responsible position, house or roaa
work; 10 ears' experience. BC 604, ore
gonian. STEADY young man, 20. wants work driv
ing auto trucK or aenvery car; reuaoie,
experienced driver and am acquainted with
city; references. G 047. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by experienced dept.
store ud writer, window-trimmer, caru
writer and merchandise man. Best ref
erences furnished. B 21. Oregonian.
GARDENER-FLORIST. first-class experi
ence in all branches or tnis line, wains
any kind of garoen work or position; ref
erence, city, country. BF 881. Oregonian.
AUTOMOBILE electrician, expert all ss-
tems and competent storage oattery man,
wishes steady position with reliable firm.
N feo7, Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR wants position at once; S
vears experience; can nanuie any maae ot
car. Address H, E. Elliott. 352 E. Ste
phens st. ..
THOROUGHLY experienced ship builder
wants position, supt. or xoreman; ursi
ciass references. Marshall 3017. or O 057.
BIRST-CLASS licensed stationary engineer
wants position; familiar witn an power
plants; also good machinist. C 77, Ore
Konian. '
CIVIL. ENGINEER and draughtsman do-
sires employment ot some Kind wunin
the city of Portland; ! years' varied ex
pe r i e n c e lnItRwo r k-j2Ll:Ojg Jlj,"."
W ANTED B y raiddle-age.i man, watch
man job. Can give references. Phone
Woodlawn 54'.?.
LmARRIED man, experienced truck and trac
tor driver, no cnimu, wains tuwui
ra n c h or camp. BF 8SU, Oregonian.
WANTED Position by locomotive en
gineer, experienced in logging road work;
would like Interview. AP 2;;0. Oregonian,
j PANESE schoolboy, IS. wants position;
after school and Saturday. A 1020. 73 N.
10th st. ,
MARRIED MAN. 38, 15 years' experience im
grocery business, desires position; no ob
lection to leaving city. D 713. Oregonian.
Yt-UNG mar- attending business college
wants employment evenings and Satur
d h v s. A I j Ot 3 , Oregonian.
POSITION by reliable middle-aged man t
run elevator or as night watchman. Phone
Tabor 5305. res. No. 441 E. 30th.
CHINESE, age 22. with high school educa
tion, wants any kind of position. AO 640.
Oregonian. .
PRINTER All-around job and ad man;
competent; go any place. AO 63 Orego
nian WANTED Location by physician, licensed
in Oregon and Wash. References. BF 822.
Oregonian. .
WANTED Position private chauffeur or re
pair man. any make of car. 12 years' ex
p. Hence. Call Broadway 1111.
ALL-ROUND baker, first-class bread man.
wants a steady position. K 287, Orego
nian. CIVIL SERVICE man wants night work;
watchman, janitor; references. AB 008.
DO painting, papering or kalsomining for
bachelor quarters or room. N 80S, Orego-
CIVIL SERVICE man wants night work;
watchman, janitor; references. AB 008.
Oregonian. -
YOUNG man wants work of any kind in
afternoons from 1 to 4. Call Harahall
4170. A. M.
JAPANESE young couple want position, man
good cook, wife nico maid. BC 671, Ore
Konlan. SH1NGLERS For expert shlnglers on your
house call Marshall 1Q72.
PAINTING, papering, tinting reasonable.
Main 670 Sunday or evening.
PAINTING, tinting. $2.50 room and up.
Woodwork cleaned. Woodlawn 34 1 1.
WANTED Con tract to fall timber, by two
experienced fallers. AV S63, Oregonian.
WANT contract to cut 500 to 1000 cords
wood. AN 169. Oregonian. (
PAINTING, paperhanging and tinting, good
work, reasonable. Tabor 4307.
L 080, Oregonian.
PAPER HANGING, painting and tinting.
Good work; right prices. Marshall 243.
EXPERIENCED janitor wants work by hour
or contract. N 8QO. Oregonian.
PAINTING. tinting and papering; first
class, reasonable. Sellwood 130.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes position;
excellent references. AO 651, Oregonian.
ALL-ROUND cook wants position ; refer
ences. AD 207, Oregonian.
WOOD cutting contract, must be reasonably
good ground and timber. K. 2S3, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED man wants position as
watchman. BF 87, Oregonian.
SH INGLER When you want an
shtngler call Woodlawn 5206.
HEALTHY, middle-aged man wants job aS3
watchman. O 604, Oregonian.
MAN and wife, experienced janitors, desire
a pa rtment-house work. AO 653. Oregonian.
STRONG young man, 20 years of age, wants)
work; can drive Ford. Phone East 1524.