The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 14, 1917, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 34

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at t he largest and best -equipped automo
bile, tractor and engineering school on tne
Pacific Coast; 3 stori-5, modern equipment
fid .v ouy in in; i car ncre m our iiioi ,
2 4 expert instructors; night and day
c!;ifp-s; enter at any time. Write lor lit e
catalogue -or call and see for yourself, any
business da v or evening : the b-st A L'TO
MuBILE SCHOOL on the Pactiio Coast.
Tracto rs
Mechanical drafts
man Civil englnfer
O X Y - A ' E T V L E X E
A uto machinist
courses In all the fol-
Auto rpalrinjf
A uto sa lesma n
P!an read inn
TUG jobr, big pay,
trgcut demand for
hie future: get ready;
3 times the men.
I N E Kit 1 Mr H'HO ' - Li ,
1220 Post at., San, Francisco, CaL
Want dependable, active, able-bodied man,
35 lo 40, married, with brains and knowl
flee how to v:s) thfm. M ust know city
thoroughly. Other languages advantageous,
wapes begin, 1 5 week I y and carfare, in
crease aci-ordini? to usefulness. Kuture
lor the right party. Surety" company bond
li'-rpssary. "We y premium. Call 9 to
ln:3' .Monday, 430 Northwestern Bank
bldg. Don't waste our time if you cannot
qualify In evory particular.
t the largest, best equipped auto and
tractor school on the Pacific Coast. San
Krant isco is right in the heart of the
Western auto and tractor business. You
larn by actual practice on autos, trucks
end tractors; 30 expert Instructors. Write
for free catalogue.
1220 Post St., San Francisco, Cal.
Band sawyer for Allis-Chalmers left-
hand miil, fast rig.
Six niillmen.
V Four chain men.
' Pour contract car loaders,
j; U- yard men, 1 band rip man, 1 skinner.
& Fix house carpenters.
One second engineer who can run lathe.
5 Call No. 70 Fourth street (Lewis bids.),
Fatuidny and Sunday Horn 12 o'clock
noon to 1 P. M.
MENT, Y. M. C. A,
We can place young men with ability.
Constant calls coming for the man who
can deliver the goods. A Y. M. C. A.
membership costing 5.00 guarantees you
will tecure employment or refund of fee.
Aiso gives you 2 mouths' full privileges,
10 months' social and use of this depart
ment for 1 year. See Secretary. J. W.
Palmer. .
We teach automobile repairing, driving,
machine work, acetylene welding, ignition,
lighting and starting, vulcanizing. Courses
complete and practical. .Biggest school on
Oast. Thousands of succtsfcful graduates.
We help st udents earn living ; Stt-pas
catalogue Fit EE. National Automotive
School Est. 14 years). Los Angeles.
ETEADY MEN wanted to take exclusive
control of good territory in Oregon aiid
Washington, Money advanced weekly.
Outfit and special training free. Experi
ence unnecessary. Our active men are
making good money. You can do the
came. Clean, hardy, guaranteed stock.
Yakima Valley Nursery Company. Toppen
leh. Wash.
WANTED A number of ladies, to interview
t heir neighbors wit h a very special offer.
Spiendid opportunity to maJie a fine in
come. No capital needed. We furnish
everything. Write immediately for pa r
tieulars. Princess Company, Box 1242,
RAILROAD tiaffic inspectors wanted, $12.1
a month and expenses to start ; short
hour!, travel, three months home study
under guarantee. We get you position. No
age limit. Ask for booklet C 10. Frontier
Prep School, .Buffalo, N. Y.
MARRIED MAN of good habits, experienced
in stock and general farming, to take
charge of well improved stock farm in
Southern Oregon November 1. Apply, stat
ing age and experience, to AD 10 J, Ore
gonian. LEA KX auto trade in big modern school.
Courses complete, practical. We help stu
dents earn living. Illustrated catalogue
free. National Automobile School. Los
W-ANT ED Salesmen of ability for city
work ; opportunity for advancement. Ap
ply, 5 to 5 :3i P. M., 203 Oregonian and
ask for Mr. S locum.
liAX wanted to plo'v onion ranch; 2(1 acres,
pay good wages for a good man. Milwau
kee, or. Chris John, iWJ Union avu. S.
Phone R 1.120.
EXCELLENT opening for a steady man to
take charge of printing macnine ; good
wages with chance of advancement.
Kleist & Co.. 105 N. 2d st.
.WANTED Young man to learn machine
woodworking business;- good wages to
mart. Give address and phone number.
AB 382. Oregonian.
WANTED Head marker; must be able to
take charge of marking and distribut ing
room; good wages, steady position. Troy
La undry Co.
APPRENTICE to learn machinist trade.
Young man for office; should be able to
do typewriting. Apply Commercial iron
Works, V.. 7th and Madison.
WANTED A young man to take position
r.s elevator operator; salary at Mart $4.1.
The Wiley B. Alien Co.. Morrison at Broad
way. Apply to Mr. Whitney.
.WANTED Cutting prpman and feeders
for permanent positions in folding paper
box factory; A. Fieisc h ha cker & Co., 134
Fremont st . San Francisco.
PLATEN presfe-der to learn rotary press;
first-clasa wages to beginner; steady
work and chance for adancement. Ivleiist
t Co.. lo.l N. 2d.
W ANTED Stenographer and all-around of
fice boy ; must be good at figures ; refer
ences required. Bailway Equipment Co.,
235 Stark et.
in a, big, practical school. Est. 13 years.
Kational School of Engineering, Los An
geles. .BE a detective, excellent opportunity, good
pay, travel. Write C. T. Ludwig, 731 West
over bldg., Kansas City, Mo.
V ANTED Japanese pastry and second cook
for out of town; steady job; a mouth.
AV S1.1, Oregonian.
l'Ol'Xii man to work in confectionery and
cigar etore. Apply 113 Broadway, cornel
Y ANTED Two reliable men not over 40.
good references, for watchmen. State ex
perience, age, phone. C Ml. Oregonian.
"WANTED Two men about 30 with logging
experience. State age, phone, experience.
O S 13. Oregonian.
CLERK. Thoroughly capable clerk, good
penman; slate age, qualifications. O tioa,
V ANTED Timber fallers, piece work; can
make very high wages. Western Cooper
age Co.. Astoria. Or.
IlOUNG man to help with janitor work for
course in bookkeeping, shorthand, civil
eervice. AM 3 02, Oregonian.
W AN TED Hotel office night men. $45 and
room per month; give address and phone.
B 44. Oregonian.
EDWARDS COMPANY, 5th and Oak, re
quire the services of an experienced pho
nograph salesman.
VAXTKD Registered drug man for Arizona
city. Have toou city ana country experi
ence. AV 8H., Oregonian.
V."ANTED-j-Good ' soda man. State salary
ana experience. .a puu, oregonian.
WANTED Laborers and carpenters for
shipyard; feady work. uu Oregon bldg.
VANTED Hotel night clerk; give age, ad
dress and phone. i J -1, Oregon tan.
W A NT KD A coy. jiiincasier nre & Sup
ply o., uroau way aim h neny.
BOY wanted, wages $S per week. Apply
Alien Drus Mtiie, join anuLovejoy et.
W A XTED Planer man. Mickerman, sander-
man and cabinet matter. ou Oregon bldg,
"WANTED Printing press feeder immedi
ately. A L .lOS Oregonian.
YV ANTED A 1 programme and curtain ad
vertising solicitor. Mippotirome i neater.
W A NT ED Experienced dairyman.
Christie Home, Otswego.
HOYS wanted, manufacturing plaaL Apply
34 N . J st.
3d AN and wife for janitor work ; experience
unnecessary; reieiences. oui, uregonian,
WANTED Two mill wright helpers.
In morning. xienry oiug.
EXPERIENCED solicitor, high-class prop
sition, big returns. 334 Morgan bldg.
WANTED Car and wagon and talleyman.
Jones Lumber Co., 12SO Macadam.
"WANTED Mattress-maker. Portland Fur
' niture MXg. Co., 12PJ Macadam road.
in amine snops, ox -acety i;ne wemmg
shops, vulcanizing shops, lathes, autos,
Iraclorj, etc.; you l-arii here by actual
practice; from lo to L.5 cars being repaired
Ankeny Street.
Yard men.
Chain men.
Sla b loaders.
Bolt puncher.
Tea msters.
Cutoff men;
Sa wdust wheelers.
Men and hoys, box factory.
Carriage riders.
Edgermen, trimmer men.
Section men. logging roads.
Head stingers.
'iioker setters.
Night watchman.
Euckers, fallers.
Ch hi not maker.
Men to hew ties. lflc each.
Men to gf-t out ship knees.
Cooks, waiters, dishwashers, janitors.
Orderlies. Deck hands.
Bridge carpenters, railroad work.
Coal shovelers.
Track la borers. Fence men.
Car repairers.
Foundry helpers, strike conditions.
Shipyard laborers.
Men for Central Oreg-on, grading and
clearing, $3.50 day; fare advanced.
Farm hands! Milkers.
Office and delivery jobs for boys.
Could place 2 bootblacks, white or col
ored, in leading stands in Astoria. Prop
ositions would guarantee $18 to $24 per
week. No investment.
WANT experienced man to work on a rancri
in Eastern Oregon to drive horses and put
in crop and all-around work ; wages $45;
goou juu ail Winter, av Oregonian.
WANTED Combination decorator, card
writer, ana aavertising man; references
and experience must be very good; state
salary wanted and how soon services
would be available. Address D. J. Dono
hue, president of the D. J. Donohue Co.,
M issoula, Mont.
CIV I L service examina tlons Portland soon.
.Men desiring Oovernment positions, de
partmental, post of f ice, railway mail, cus
toms, write for free particulars to J. C.
Leonard (former oovernment examiner;,
Kenois bids., Washington.
COLLECTOR Young man. single, one fa-
mmar witn city ana nas wheel pre
ferred; good -chance for advancement;
salary $10 per week ; reference and bond
required. Call today 11 o'clock, 4o6 Ore
gonian bldg.
Help Wanted A gents.
$348 ONE DAY iu Sept., 1017; Ira ShooK,
or t lint, did it. Pierson of Montgomery
started 2 stores since August, now ready
for third. Aug. Studer wrote Oct. 1st
sold $:0 one day. Higgins, Poughkeepsie.
started Sept. IS; 2800 first day. This is
big year for popcorn criapettes sensa
tional reports from all over U. S. Aleix
ner. Baltimore, $2.10 one day. Perrine
$:;s0 one day. Baker 3000 a day. Eakins
$1000 profit in one month. We start you
in business. No experience; little capital.
We furnish everything teach you to use
the secret formula how to succeed. Build
a business of your own. The demand for
crispettes is enormous. Every nickel sale
nets almost 4 cents profit. Crispettes are
more popular making more money ; high
prices and war conditions help. Fall and
Winter best. Profits $1000 a month easily
possible. We will start you quickly. Write
for facts. W. Z. Long Co., 29-4 High St.,
Springfield, Ohio.
this is not greatest money-making house-to-house
proposition. N. R. G. Laundry
Tablets wash clothes 10 minutes, withdut
rubbing. Contains no lime, lye, parraf in,
wax or other injurious chemical ; cannot
possibly injure clothes or hands. Pos
itively wonder of age; sells for 15c enough
for 5 family washings. We supply free
samples, guarantee sale of every package
you buy. J ust lea ve free sample wi.
housewife, when you call again she Is
eagerly awaiting to become steady cus
tomer. Secui e territorial rights at once,
or you will regret it. Postal brings sam
ple luil particulars. FA Ry UH AK-MOON
MFG. CO., Dept. 14-E, 140 W. Van Huren,
Chicago, 111.
MEN or women; a real honest-to-goodness.
sells itself line; over 2u0 lightweight popular-priced
necessities; we pay loO per
cent commission ; $0 a day can be made
at the start; no capital; no experience re
quired ; enormous demand ; sells fast ; big
repeaters, valuable territory open ; all or
spare time; elegant agents' outfit fur
nished free ; write today; postal will do.
F. M. Feltman, Sales Mgr., 1012 Amer
ican bldg., Cincinnati, O.
AGENTS We need men and women at once
to take orders for fast-selling Goodyear
guaranteed raincoats. Easy to sell, no de
livering, profit In advance. Morgan mak
ing $350 monthly; Carr made $4i in three
days ; 4 average orders makes you $10
daily. Full outfit and sample coat given.
Write for wonderful offer. Goodyear Man
ufacturing Co., Dept. 77, Kansas City, Mo.
GREATEST money-maker; house-to-house
proposition; A hue Izard washes clothes
10 minutes without rubbing; no lime, lye,
caustic soda, paraffin wax; supply samples;
guarantee sales; leave sample when you
call; housewife waiting to become regular
customer. Secure territorial rights; postal
brings sample. full particulars. White
Wizard Company, Box 847. Portland, Or.
START YOU IN BUSINESS, furnishing ev-
erytning; men ana women; ;u to $i:nu
weekly operating "New System Specialty
Candy Factories." Home small room any
where; no canvassing. Opportunity life
time. Booklet free. Ragsdale Co., Box S,
Ea.t Orange, N. J.
SELL Mexican diamonds spare time. Beau
tiful pocket sample case makes sales on
sight. Have rainbow fire genuine dia
mond; fool experts; stand tests. Write
today. Mexican Diamond Importing Co.,
2.15 Las Cruces. New Mexico.
LA RGE manufacturer wants representatives
to sell shirts, underwear, hosiery, dresses,
waist h. skirts, d irect to homes. Write for
f ree samples. Madison Mills, 503 Broad
way. New York City.
AGENTS show our mode-to-order guaran-
teea u suits, reai i values; no experi
ence necessary. Wonderful Belling plan.
You furnish prospects. We make sale,
Chicago Woolen Mills. Dept. 44. Chicago.
POSTAL brings positive proof remarkable
repeal-order proposition. opportunity to
own own business; tremendous profits.
Experience unnecessary. Equitable Cor
poration, 305 Ohio, Chicago.
FREE catalog samples, new goods. Quick
saies. big protits. mane $j to $25 dally,
no experience, ' world's greatest special
ties. Cruver Co., Jackson 6c Campbell,
YOUR NAME brings copy money-making
meas. i ne great ,tpag agents' and
mail dealers magazine. A. H. Kraus, 303
wraus Ding., AiuwauKee, wis.
I'VE new line of soap, extracts, toilet goods,
perfumes, etc., for agents; 100 per cent
profit. Sample free. Write quick. Lacas
sian Co., Dept. 02, St. Louis, Mo.
TO ADVERTISE our goods by distributing
i ree samples to consumer, wu cents an
hour. Write for full particulars. Favor!
Co., 0U4W Drew fet.. Dayton, Ohio.
MEN, women and children agents. Will
you sell your spare time for $5 per day?
Inquire Chicago Merchandise House, 431
S. Dearborn, Chicago, ill.
$30 TO $100 A WEEK. Free samples. Gold
sign letters ror stores ana oiiice win
dows. Liberal offer to general agents.
Metallic Letter Co.J435 N. Clark, Chicago
GAS fire In coal stoves from coal oil; chean
er than coal: agents' bonanza. Wonder
Burner Co . coiumuus, Ohio.
'EGG-ALL" equals fresh eggs at 10 cents
dozen ; sells to nouses, note is. restaurants.
Write Presto Mfg. Company, Albany, Or.
AGENTS, make 100 per cent. Write Port
Supply Co., oruana, or.
AGENTS at once. Sell 60c per montb hos
pital tickets 301 Board of Trade.
Help Wanted Salesmen.
SALESMAN who takes with trade. Is re
liable and values opportunity. Local or
traveling. Liberal commission. Imme
diate advance on sales. Box 1, Station E,
HAVE car and want specialty salesman,
share expenses, making Willamette Valley,
ana w estern yy asmngton, jrameaiately,
Main 2240.
WANTED Salesman to sell wooden toys on
commission, side line; state territory trav
eled. vau res s a v oregonian.
ENERGETIC, to visit schools: $100 salary,
liberal commission, R. O. Evans & Co..
1100 Wabash ave., Chicago.
SPECIALTY men. Big Northwest town
High-class; new; net average $100 week
ly, jx urtgoniaq.
Heln Wanted Mlrsmen.
SALESMEN The recognized leaders in Art
Calendars for Advertising and Direct-by-Mail
Advertising have a few desirable ter
ritories open for immediate work and for
111S and invite applications from depend
able men who are looking for a real op
portunity to build up a paying business.
Applicants must be at least 25 years of
a ge, of good character and personality,
and have a good knowledge of mn and
business. Our line is salable to every va
riety of business men. Advertising knowl
edge would be an advantage and some ex
perience in selling a great help. Initiative,
energy and enthusiasm must be a part of
your equipment. Back of the men who
can qualify we will put the full force of
our prestige as leaders and provide exclu
sive territory, offering extraordinary op
portunities to make more than an ord 1
nary success. If you are the man, write
us fully, giving references, that we may
give your applications prompt a t tent ion.
Address Sales Department, The Gerlacu
Barklow Co., Joliet, Illinois.
Two real live ones to take exclusive ter
ritory for most unique and practical article
ever devined; ready seller to grocers, hard
ware. 5 and loc stores, etc. ; sold 175.UOO
on recent trip in the East; I invented and
manufacture it; no middlemen; will guar
antee $ lo day and commission to right
man ; one salesman sold 3 10 dozen In 3
days and made $4J.50; no hot-air proposi
tion. See me at once' and be convinced;
a n exceptional chance for man with car.
J. H. Watson. 1030 E. 10th st. N. Phone
C 2371.
SALESMEN wanted for next year to sell
our Myers Wuallty Line of exclusive art
calendars, every piece copyrighted and
made by us exclusively; together with our
high-grade line of leather goods, memo
randum books and diaries; the most com
plete of indoor and outdoor metal signs;
and a very fine line of other new special
ties. Everything manufactured in our
big factory. Terms: Salary, commission
or drawing account. The El wood Myers
Company, Springfield. Ohio.
SALESMEN, capable of earning $100 per
week or better with sense enough to roi
low system successfully used by 600 rep
resentatives in National organization op
erating in all principal cities. If you are
intensely In earnest, have clean personal
and selling record, good appearance, tact,
aggressiveness and will feel at home with
other live wires of sam kind, then call
at 50S-i Northwestern Bank building for
appointment. Drones, dubs, drinkers and
advance seekers keep away.
BEST all-year-round high-grade advertising
line, including exclusive art ca tenaars,
monthly service, etc.. combined wltn la
motis line display advertising pencils, etc.
Now arranging territories for P-HS, balance
t his year. Splendid opportunity for men
of good character, personality and selling
ability. Liberal terms. Give full particu
lars of yoursel f, first let ter. Blanc hard
Bros., Inc., 10th st. and 8th ave., Brook
lyn. N. Y.
OUR lines of exclusive map calendar.
1 2 sheet and business calendars, our wa
terproof and metal-edged signs have no
equal in tne U. S. Neither does our strong
line of novelties and fans. Big commis
sions; low prices for we make our own
goods. Two good 1 ive salesmen needed
for this territory. Write today for con
tract for balance this year and 3 01h. The
Kenyon Company, Des Moines, Iowa (4o.
WE are looking for capable men to work in
the Idaho mining district. We have an
Investment that is right and which you
can investigate thoroughly; are responsible
in every way. and the interests of our cus
tomers are absolutely safe. Their returns
will be large. Our representative can earn
several thousand dollars in the next few
months. References exchanged. Commis
sion basis. L 047, Oregonian.
$ 50 FO RD T RUC K UN I T.
Hustlers can make $3000 to $0000 year
ly. Better than Ford agency. Satisfied
users every state. Agents wanted every
county. Ford owners preferred. Stable ford
Truck Mfg. Co., 1433 Michigan ave., Chi
cago. ACTIVE salesmen by first-class lace, em
broidery, dry goods and handkerchief firm;
must have good following with general
merchants in cities and small towns; sam
ples compact and easily handled ; liberal
commission paid weekly. Address P. O.
box 151, Majdison Square, New York City.
A LEADING house in its line wants sales
men calling upon general stores, clothing
merchants and haberdashers to carry side
line, no samples, everything in your pocket.
Excellent opportunity; lioeral Income as
sured. Remittances weekly. Address
Sales Mgr.. Box 3S2, Chic ago, 111. '
Cincinnati, want competent energetic sales
men, Oregon, to contract now tor rest of
year and 191S. Complete line. Exclusive
copyrighted subjects, specialties, leather,
cloth, etc. Particulars, address Sales Mgr.
FOR general mercantile trade Oregon to
sell a new proposition or merit. Attractive
commission, contract for bal. yr. and 'IS.
$35 weekly for expenses. Miles F. Bixler
Co., Wholesale Jewelers, 22041 Carl in
bldg., Cleveland, O.
SPECIA LT Y salesmen to sel 1 advertising
service to banks and merchants; excep
tional opportunities for willing worker;
exclusive territory ; commission paid dally.
Unique Illustrating Company, Tribune
building. New York City.
$50, $75 PER WEEK can be earned selling
aavertising rans tuner exclusively or as
sideline ; selling season now on. Every
merchant possible customer; samples light.
Terms liberal. Apply at once. Fan Dept.,
Kemper Thomas Co., Cincinnati.
Useful and convenient ; interests all ages.
The very latest novelty. An ideal side
Northwestern Bank Bldg., Portland, Or.
WANTED Salesmen for 1918 12-sheet and
DeLuxe Art Calendars, leather bank
books, etc. Liberal commission, exclusive
territory. Line ready Dec. 1. Economy
Advertising Company, Iowa City, Iowa.
NEW sideline; easy seller; big money;
express prepaid. Sales guaranteed. Har
vest season. Write quick. Grove illy.
Co., 2502 Cottage Grove, Chicago.
EXPERIENCE unnecessary: strong staple
line ror general traae; big aemana now.
Splendid commission contract ; $35 weekly
expenses. Continental Jewelry Co., 13U41
Continental bldg., Cleveland, O.
TRAVELING salesmen, represent factory on
liberal commission ; auto tires and acces
sories. Drawing account and benefit re-
5 eat orders allowed. A, C. Davis, Sales
lgr., 023 S. St. Clair St.. Toledo. O.
IF you are a good salesman we have an
excellent opening for you, one In which
profitable results will follow conscientious
effort ; references required. M 747, Ore
gonian. COLLECTIONS Salesmen wanted of experi
ence anu uuimy lor uregon territory. 5est
contract to sell. Highest commissions.
Commercial Collection Agency, Inc., 501
Market" st San Francisco, Cal.
SALESMEN City or traveling. Write for
list of openings and how to obtain them.
Address nearest office. Nat'l Salesmen's,
Tr. Assn., Dept. 311, Chicago, Stn Fran
cisco, New York.
FOR Oregon, vacancy October 13. permanent
Position ; old house, selling staple line on
exceptional terms; high commissions with
$35 weekly advance. Salesmanager, Suite
270. 8U0 Woodward, Detroit.
REPRESENTATIVE for line sold large buy
ers, requiring high-grade men, desiring
to establish permanently. Commission lib
eral. Mail credits. Box 2, .Sta. E, Cleve
land, O.
WANTED Lot salesmen; give full partic
ulars in first letter. Address box 389. Poca
lello. Idaho, and axrange for personal In
A discreet young woman experienced in
general office work ; competent to audit in
voices: take shorthand ; operate L. C.
Smith typewriter and answer phone calls
Intelligently. Must be accurate and write
good hand. Permanent: none other need
apply. State age and experience ; refer
ences, as 4r. oregonian.
CIVIL Service Examinations in Portland
soon. Women desiring clerkships, post
office. Government departments, stenog
raphers, write for free particulars to J.
C. Leonard former Government exam
iner), 754 KenoiH bldg., W ashington.
WANT good counter waitress, union or will
ing to join; must be quick and pleasant;
pay better than union scale. Woods Quick
Lunch, 101 th.
WANTED 2 good lady solicitors, world's
greatest picture magazine ; references.
Call Sunday P. M., bet. 3-6, 424 Henry
LAUNDRY' workers wanted for work In
Portland; state experience. V 70S, orego
nian. EXPERIENCED Jewelry saleslady for old
established firm; good position and sal
ary. G 618. Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted, by widower, coun
try home, modern conveniences. Call at
Room 1 Philip Hotel before 3 P. M. today.
HOI SE KEEPER under 45 for widower in
city; light duties, quiet place. A. 109, Ore
gonian. WANTED Girl to stay with child evenings
In exchange for room. Telephone Sell
wood 1647.
GIRL of some experience for housework ;
plain living; easy Sundays. Irvington,
East 799.
WANTED Bright young lady to
dressmaking. 202 Fliedner bldg.
for Institution. II 627, Ore-
WANTED Experienced waitress for 282
Russell sU Crystal Restaurant, East 4633.
sition for young women; salary paid while
learning. Apply Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.,
sixth floor. Park: and Oak sta., between
8:30 A. M. and S:30 P. M.
UPMAN. WOLFE & CO. require the serv
ices of 2 women soda dispensers and 4
waitresses. Good hours, no night work or
Sunday work. Must be able to furnish the
best of references Apply superintendent's
office, Monday morning between U and 10,
7th floor.
WANTED Two or three ladies to help in
troduce an educational proposition of
merit. Must have optimism, courage an
a desire to better the home training of
children. vThe work pays well and is very
Interesting. Apply, ail Kothchild bldg.
between 2 and 0.
WANTED Experienced girl or woman to do
housework and cooking on a ranch in
Eastern Oregon, with no children; good
wages; should any woman or girl want
this position, write Mrs. John Monahan,
Condon. Or.
WOMEN'S Protective Division, located at
room 303 Police Headquarters, 2d and
Oak sts., will furnish Information, give
protection and assistance free to women
snd girls. Interviews confidential.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted in widower's home
in Eastern Oregon; have two small boys:
wages $30 per mo. Call Sun. or Mon , be
tween 1 and 2 o'clock at Matthelsen Hotel.
2n4 Columbia St.
BUSINESS demands women and men for
high-grade positions. Are you prepared ?
Send now for "Bulletin 6," giving complete
details necessary training. Pace & Paee,
Hudson Terminal. New York.
WANTED A middle-aged woman who
wants a good home for the Winter, to
cook for small family on ranch. See F. F.
McCree. Nor ton la Hotel, on Monday, Oct,
15, between 1 and 2 P. M.
WANTED Well-educated woman to take
permanent position with large publishing
house; state age, education, experience,
phone number. A F 250, Oregonian.
HUNDREDS Government war positions open
to women, IS or over, $80 month : light
free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 703 H,
Rochester, N. Y.
WA NT ED Companion for woman in coun
try: room and boa rd, good home. Apply
after lo A. M. Monday only. 4S Ivenil
worth ave. Take Richmond car.
COMPETENT woman to supervise cooking
in girls' school outside Portland; one hav
ing knowledge of domestic science pre
ferred. O 017, Oregonian.
FIVE bright, ca pable ladies to travel, dem
onstrate and sell dealers; $25 to $50 per
week ; railroad fa re paid. Goodrich Drug
Company. Dept. 701, Omaha, Neb.
WANTED Women to work on tailored
dresses, also filling linings. Tailoress to
help on ladies coats, only experienced.
447 Alder. J. K. Stern, Ladles Tailor.
WANTED Woman to help with housework
and ordinary cooking ; room, board and
wages offered. Apply 364 Grand ave. N
cor. Broadway E. Mrs. P. puhaty.
WANTED Young woman with good expe
rience for all-around office work and
stenography ; must write well, be good in
figures. AD 144, Oregonian.
WANTED High school girl to assist for
room and board and carfare ; good, con
genial home. Rose City Park district. Tel
phone Tabor 5320.
WANTED Middle-aged woman to work in
kitchen and wait on table at noontime ;
German or Swedish woman preferred. 288
Front st.
WANTED Jood, dependable housekeeper at
once, not over 38, by busy working man ;
plain home, light work. Apply . room 7,
2oo 14th st.. 2 to ft P. M. today.
CHRISTIAN, elderly lady, experienced with
children, to keep house and care for two
small children. Write E. McKee, Wil la
mina. Or.
OPENING for intelligent, mature woman
with reliable people; not office work ;
chance for promotion; references required.
W 550, Oregonian.
YOUNG girl to assist with housework; no
washing, $20; several children; Portlaoid
Heights. Phone Main 73Q2.
Portland Stenographic School, Columbia bldg.
Select attendance, priva te Instruction, mod
el atG rates. Day and evening. Main 1114.
WANTED Congenial young girl to room
with; references exchanged. G G22, Ore
gon ian.
CHORUS GIRLS wanted for city show;
clever amateurs considered. Rehearsals im
mediately. Apply S 140, Oregonian.
WANTED Girl or woman as companion 4
evenings a week, for free room. Call at 254
Clackamas st.
STENOGRAPHER, experienced, permanent
position with wholesale house, AE 658,
WANTED Elderly woman to act as com
panion and help in housework; good home,
small wages. Call 505 Market.
WOAiAN to keep house for man and woman
employed all day. Call Sunday, 31 E. 85th
st. N. Montavtlla car.
WANTED Young lady stenographer, state
experience, if any, age and salary ex
pected. W 55S, Oregonian.
WANTED Lady repair hand; must have
experience ; also lady pressor. 288 Grand
ave., Queen City Dye Works.
OOOD stenographer out of town, permanent,
good wages. Answer quick. Give phone No.
T 124. oregonian.
YOUNG lady cashier, good appearance, for
vaudeville theater, out of city; $12 weekly;
state age. AK 530, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, opportunity in wholesale
. house; state age and experience. 11 021,
DICTAPHONE operator and stenographer ;
rapid typist required. Call at 8U5 Yeon
EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper, good
wages, 20th Century Candy Co., 809 Clin
ton st. Sellwood 1285
CHORUSGIRLS"wanted ; highest salary; city
work; long engagement. Apply manager
Casino Theater after 9:30 A. M.
WANTED An experienced girl for cook
ing and downstairs work ; references re
quired. Apply 185 N. 25th.
WANTED Experienced bon bon dipper.
Russell-Gilbert, East 24th and Holladay.
Rose City carl ine.
ANY girl in need of a friend, apply to the
Salvation Ariny Rescue Home. 312 East
15th at. N.. or phone East 123.
to work in paper box factory. Apply 300
Oregon st., at east end of Steel bridge.
COMPETENT woman bookkeeper and typ
ist for institution outside Portland; salary
and living expenses. G 010, Oregonian.
CIKL for general housework, two in family,
colored or Japanese preferred; references.
B 840, Oregonian.
GIRL for office work In ladles' tailoring es
tablish menu Call at S. Weiss, 128
10th st.
FIRST-CLASS skirt maker to work on la
dies' skirts. .Apply to S. Weiss, 128 V
10th st.
WANTED Y'oung girl, living at home, for
light office work. Write, giving age and
phone number. V 683, Oregonian.
WANTED Lady between 30 and 40 for
steady housework ; no objection to child.
F. NesiTie. 4800 82d et. S. E.
WANTED Two women, one for matron with
some experience, and one to assist in nurs
ery. Apply 414 East Ash st.. from 9 to 4.
GIRL for housework, no washing, no hand
house sweeping, $15. .501 E. 53d st, N.
Take Rose City Park car.
WANTED Housekeeper, good home and
good wages to right party, with reference.
Call Columbia 14L
WOULD like the company and services of
schoolgirl in exchange for a good home
and some money. 920 E. Main.
GIRL handy with children and assist with
light housework. 1104 E. Main st.
LADY- to help tend amusements and coffee
stand; out of town. Call 407 4th st.
LADY, good bread baker and cook; give age,
phone. A 102, Oregonian.
WANTED Dressmaking by
Tabor 271. Call Monday.
day, $2.50.
PRIVATE home for children 3 to 12 years
old; 1.1 years" exp. 714 Everett. Alar. Iti2.
A THOROUGHLY experienced kitchen help
er. AD 146. Oregonian.
WANTED Cucumber pickers. Call Main
3005 before 9 A. M.
EXPERIENCED waitress for tray work
Alexandra Court, 53 Ella st.
WANTED Stenographer; hours 9 to 5:30;
$50 per mo. BD 046, Oregonian.
CONFIDENT woman for genera! housework
to go to Hood River. Phone Mar. 0146.
GI RL for general housework, good home
for right party. 6647 82d st. S. E.
YOUNG lady to work In confectionery store,
light housework. 695 East Morrison st.
Washington trt.
restaurant women.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted by widower. L 03.
AN experienced operator on hemstitching
machine. C 816. Oregonian.
GIRL to assist with housework. Call Main
GIRL to run errands. Apply Monday morn
ing. 628 Morgan biag.
WANTED A cafeteria girl.
S. L. Dement. Y. M. C. A.
Apply Monday.
GIRL to do office work, answering
etc. Apply 907 Broadway bldg.
NEAT room and breakfast in exchange fox I COSMOPOLITAN Restaurant: clean, boms
Z Lours Lousuwork. AUua 370 service, reasonable. 181 Third at.
Increase earning power; Mg pay, great
er beauty through most advanced system
of personal culture. Teach you everything
complete; scientific care of face, scalp,
facial message, electrolysis, scalp treat
ment, shampooing, manicuring. Marcel
waving, etc. ; new modern methods ; posi
tions guaranteed all who qualify; $12 to
$25 week to start or work at home, make
$18 to $30 week. Special short term
courses may be arranged any branch. In
vestigate, free descriptive matter. Marl
nello Co., Dept. R 1, M alters bldg. Chtcag o.
Wanted Domestics.
WANTED -Competent woman for general
housework, good wages; one who goes
home nights preferred. Tabor 979 before
2 P. M. or after 6 P. M.
WANTED Girl to help In kitchen from 9
a. iL to : M. and r P. M. to 8 P. M.
Cine that can sleep home. Call at 266
Broadway South, or phone Main 1204.
MOTHER of a country girl, are you willing
to nave your aaugnter trained to do
housework nirely? Good home and good
wages. 503 East 26th N. East 71.
WANTED Girl for cooking and general
housework, 2 in family, good wages. 387
East 12th North, Irvington. Broadway
WANTED Woman for cooking and wash
ing. Swedish preferred, $35 per month.
Call Will Knight. Knight Shoe Co., Mor
rison st., near Broadway.
GIRL for housework and cooking in coun
try home a few miles out: no laundrv;
wages J30 or better. Call Monday at 223
Alder st. at 2 P. M.
COMPETENT girl for general housework. 3
In family. Apply 7S8 Wasco st. Broad
way car. East 5330.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework;
muRt be a good plain cook; three adults
In family. 775 Knott, cor. E. 24th st.
WANTED Girl for general housework, fam
ily of 4 adults. 42 Hoyt su Marshall
WANTED Young girl to assist with house
work and care of 2 children; no cooking
and no laundry. CaU Woodlawn 47.
WANT lady or couple to share home with
mny employed during day. Office phone
Main 1503.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted, mfddle-aged; ref
erences exenanges. . bo8. t 831, Ore
gonian. WANTED Oregon City Hospital cook. For
information call at 60 E. .Mississippi ave,
Portland, or.
Gl RL for general housework and cooking.
pooa wages. J. in ramify, rnone Marshall
782. JOflT Westover road.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework;
no washing. Apply 641 Market st. drive,
or phone Main 2971 or A 3765.
COMPETENT girl for general housework
family of three t3i adults. 721 John
son st.
WANTED Franklin High School girl to
assist wit h general housework; wages $8
per mo. B 852, Oregonian.
WANTED Girl or woman, assit light
housework afternoons. Apply mornings,
730 Everett St.. apt. 8.
WANTED Elderly lady to live with old
couple, help with housework ; good home
and small wages. 332 Water St., Salem, Or.
WANTED Good girl, general housework.
small lamiiy; no children; cook. Appiy
705 Davis st. Mar. 1049.
WANTED Young or middle-aged woman
for housework in Vancouver. Call East
3135. Portland.
WANTED Capable woman, experienced in
care or young children. Phone L. 2698
YOUNG girl to assist in housework and
care of child; good home and wages.
Apply forenoon. 7S2 Kearney.
WANTED Reliable woman for housework
and to assist with year-old baby. Call
Main 43S4.
EXPERIENCE second maid. Call 6.
GI RL wanted for general housework in
small family. Phone mornings. East 22,0.
GIRL for general housework; three In fam
ily. 775 Knott st. Phone East 303.
GIRL wanted for housework; good wages.
TOO Olisan.
GIRL for general housework, 2 in family;
OSOHs Irving st. Main 3559.
COM PETE NT Protestant girl for general
housework; wages $35. Phone East 574.
GI R L for cooking and general housework.
582 Clifton st., Portland Heights.
WANTED A schoolgirl, room and board,
small family. C 2172.
WANTED Girl for general house worn ; ref
erences required. Tabor 25S6.
OIRL for general housework. Call 481 E.
18th North. Phone E. 2092.
A LITTLE boy or girl to care for in re
fined home. Call Main 1765.
WANTED Girl or woman for general
housework. Sellwood 491.
TO assist housework In flat, small family,
no washing. Phone Main 44 .
WANTED Girl for general housework. Tel.
Wdln. 2731.
WANTED Experienced second girl ; refer
ences. Telephone Monday Main 773S.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
small family, no children. East 4519.
WANTED A woman for all-around work in
hotel. Call Columbia 053.
HIGH SCHOOL girl wanted to work for
room and board. Tabor 3120.
NEAT, reliable girl to assist with house
work and cooking. Phone East 8299.
YOUNG girl to assist with housework and
care of cnlldren. Tabor 5090.
WANTED A girl for general housework;
no cooking. Apply 294 College, cor. 5th.
WANTED Capable girl or woman for gen
eral housework. 591 Thompson. East 3000.
WANTED A good nurse for children ; ref
erences required. Call Main 3935.
WANTED A competent girl for general
housework. Phone Tabor 499.
Ol RL for general housework. Call Tabor
WANTED Girl or woman to assist in home
with chilaren. Tab. ul2.
WANTED Girl for general housework, three
In family. East 1322.
WANTED A neat girl to assist. 380 10th st.
BIG textile company, selling hosiery and
underwear direct to consumer. Is opening
a distributing office in Portland and wants
ambitious men and women to represent
the company in each town in the states of
Oregon, Washington and Idaho. This is
it wonderful opportunity for sincere and
earnest parties to make themselves fi
nancially independent and comfortable for
lire, our Eastern agents are earning irom
$25 to $50 per week. K 240, Oregonian.
WANTED Unusual opportunity for people
wttn lair, voice ana musical taient, amoi
tlous to enter the profession as singers in
vaudeville, concert, opera; earn $40 to $125
weekly. Short course only required, i'ut
you with act or single ; booking connec
tions, rnone Aiarsnaii 2111.
Founded In 1S93. Trade taught in eight
weeks; tuition earned during the course;
get you a position, furnish tools, schol
arship transier card. Write for free cata
logue, 234 Burnside St.
will teach you the barber trade In eight
weeks; tools free; scholarship and diplo
mas given; paid while learning; position
guaranteed; tuition reduced. 233 Madison.
Billing and rate clerk: men and women
to learn railroad and commercial work ;
positions now open. Mr. Sherlock. Worces
ter building.
WOMEN to sell guaranteed hosiery to
wearer, salary $15 full time, 25c an hour
spare time; enormous Christmas trade; ex
perience unnecessary. International Mills,
Norristown, jra.
and women the barber trade In 8 weeks.
giving a aipioma, scnoiarsmp ana tools;
pays while learning. 234 Couch St.
WANTED Man and wife in small apt.
house to do janitor work In exchange
for apt., where man can have other em
ployment. S 151. Oregonian.
B road way-V am hill building; Individual
Instruction; positions when competent.
UNCALLED-FOR tailor-made suits and
overcoats for sale. $3.50 and up. Orplieuin
Cleaners, 355 Stark st.
A TEACHER of experience wants private
pupils in common school branches or for
eigners. V 707, Oregonian.
MISS MATTiXGLY'B Shorthand, Typewrit
ing School. Day and evening sessions. $5
mo. 269 14th. near Jefferson. Main 3893.
WANTED Clarinet, trombone and drums,
fraternal orchestra; young players. Mar
shall 3780.
MODELS for costume and life classes. Ap
ply In person at Art Museum, 6th and
Taylor sts.
PIANIST, violinist nd clarinet player. Ap
ply after 7 P. M. Woodlawn Theater
WANTED Amateur performers; give phone.
W 555, Oregonian.
and evening. 122 Grand ave. East 427.
T.inTPfl TT-TT3 Afi nf! MARSiaR MAX'T.
phone,( CURE. SHAMPOO. ROOM. &02-3 COLUM
NUMBER young women and young men to
prepare for the telegraph service to fill
vacancies caused by unusual drafting of
men for Signal Corps. Big demand for tele
graph operators. For full particulars call
or write. Telegraph Dept., Room 506,
Panama bldg.
RAILROAD traffic inspectors wanted; $125
a month and expenses to start : short
hours, travel, t hree months home study
under guarantee: we get you position. No
age limit. Ask for booklet C 16. Frontier
Prep School, Buffalo, N. Y.
OPENINGS as garage men or chauffeurs
never filled. Spendid opportunities In the
Army; big pay; travel; advancement.
Qualify through sure, easy, spare-time
method. International Correspondence
Schools. 604 Yeon bldg.
$100 MONTH paid men, women, thousands
Government war positions open, short
hours, pleasant work, examinations every
where; list positions free. Write immedi
ately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 386 11,
Rochester. N. Y.
$100 MONTH paid men. women. Thousands
Government war positions open. Short
hours. Pleasant work. Examinations ev
erywhere. List positions free. Write im
mediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 386
H. Rochester. N. Y.
WOMEN to Bell guaranteed hosiery to
wearer; salary $15 full time. 25c an hour
spare time; enormous Christmas trade; ex
perience unnecessary. International Mills,
Norri stown. Pa.
55 MEN for brakemen, firemen : ages 20-.b ;
experience unnecessary: 8 hours. $HO-$170
monthly ; no st rike; vacancies caused by
war. Address RAILWAY", 522 Cory bldg.,
Fresno, Cal.
will never put you on top. The Adcrx
method of training makes you a gas en
gine expert. Try our school 5 days with
out cost. 3S8 Burnside.
I CLEAR $50 WEEKLY in a small 5-cent
business. Man or woman start anywhere.
Particulars free. Ed Hansley, 9u5 E.
Main St., Stockton, Cal.
M A KE money writing stories, new Items,
photoplays, etc. Big pay. Free informa
tion. Address United Press Syndicate, Los
MAKE $15 to $25 weekly mailing circulars.
No experience required; we supply circu
lars. Write for particulars now. Dixie
Mai'Ing Co.. Dept. 2S, Jacksonville, Fla.
MEN wanting firemen or brakemen posi
tions, begfnneis $10o-$150 monthly; expe
rience unnecessary; positions guaranteed.
Ra il way Association, care Oregonian.
5( 12 -3 CO L F M B I A B LOG.
TELEGRAPHY Steno. bkpg.; board, room,
tuition may be earned. Catalog free. Mao
kay Business College, Los Angeles.
WANTED Names men wishing to become
Portland ma 11 carriers. Commence $67
month. AV 985, Oregonian.
RAGTIME piano playing positively taught
beginners in 10 to 20 lessons. Practice
roorrt free. 411-12-13 Columbia bldg.
Marshall 2209.
EXPERIENCED business man will accept
position ; hard ware salesman, t imekeepcr,
assistant bookkeeper. East 0041.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
man, desires position, college training, 21
years' varied experience, wholesale re
tail and manufacturing, lumber and mer
cantile ; just over military age, hut ac
tive. Industrious, systematic office man,
highly recommended : nice country posi
tlon acceptable. J 109. Oregonian.
GENERAL clerkship wanted by man of ex
tensive experience in office detail as man
ager - salesman - bookkeeper-stenographer-typiwt;
efficiency and cost systems-traffic
manager, etc. Prefe- connection with small
factory or manufacturers' agency at mod
erate' salary and chance to help build up
business. K 252, Oregonian.
YOUNG man. 33, with 14 years' experience
as telegrapher and ticket clerk for R. R.
in California, wants position In Pacific
Northwest, preferably in or near Port
land. Any kind of work with a future.
ltrjK N". Ophlr St., Stockton. Cal.
YOUNG man 33, married, good appearance,
sales ability, past employment largely
clerical, desires position that will allow
some outdoor work. Sales position pre
ferred. Some experience in grocery and
allied lines. X 702, Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY' experienced bookkeeper,
credit man, office manager, with ability
and qualifications and good record desires
position; excellent references. O 623, Ore
gonian. Y'OUNG man, 29. five years' experience all
branches banking, 1 year insurance and
loan office; can give bond. Desires first
class office position. Box 597, St. Hel
ens. Or.
EXPERIENCED newspaper man wants jol
as reporter or editor country paper. Ts
also all-around man, mechanical depart
ment. Come any time. G. E. M.,
55th ave. S. E., Portland, Or.
RELIABLE young man, 20 years old, is de
sirous of obtaining a position as office
clerk; the applicant has had one year com
mercial and 3 years college training. Ap
ply G 019. Oregoniai
WANTED Position by young man expe
rienced, private secretary, bookkeeper, sten
ographer, correspondent, clerk. cashier
and general office work; good references.
V 698, Oregonian.
SITUATION by middle-aged man. all or part
of time; have been an office man and in
business; no canvassing or peddling. C
079. Oregonian.
PERMANENT position by young man. ex
perienced salesman, adjuster, etc. ; thor
oughly acquainted with city ; best of ref
erences. V 091. Oregonian.
WANTED Position by experienced book
keeper who can deliver t he goods. Prefer
mtg. or wholesale; best of ret. 080 Elliott
ave. Tel. East 6184.
BOOKKEEPER, quick and accurate, with
6 years' experience In banking; can fur
nish best of references ; country pre
ferred. AV 81 G. Oregonian.
WANTED Position by experienced bookkeeper-stenographer
; beat of references.
AD 218, Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN with education, business abil
ity, department and specialty store ex
perience ; references. M 745, Oregonian.
BRIGHT young man. good typist and pen
man, office experience, desires position.
A 88, Oregonian.
MAN. age 37. married, experienced as clerk
and bookkeeper, willing to do any work;
can furnish references. B 827. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED clerk and bookkeeper de
sires position. Marshall 14. v.
Y'OUNG man, 23 years old. wishes to mak
connections with some reliable firm, cor
poration or company ; must be a business
worth learning; fair salary to start; have
some experience in steam and gas en
gineering, stenographic work, collecting,
:r No bad habits, steady: wish to make
a future for myself; not afraid of work.
Write your oilers to 4-v list su to. it.
Portland. Or.
THOROUGHLY experienced farmer and
dairy man wants position on farm; ge
81: have wife and two children: state
wages In first letter; references. Address
Box 375, Carlton, or.
LAND clearing, contractor clears any land
on reasonable terms. Sam Ernst, Cos-
mopolis. W ash
CHAUFFEUR, Japanese, wants position, pri
vate family, 6 years' experience and good
re f e re nee. V 692. Oregonian.
ktp a rv no i tlon wanted mfg. Jeweler and
engraver with reliable firm in or out of
city, is 8-6, oregonian.
MAN and wife want job in small camp;
wife to cook, man to work in woods.
Phone Broadway 3207.
MIDDLE-AGED man. experienced elevator
runner, wants any kind light work. Phone
Broadway 177Q, room
TWO Benson Pol. boys. 16-17. want work
mornings lor room. Are wuiing to num.
Call Main 71U0.
PAINTING, tinting, paperhanging ; first
class; reasonable. Sell. 1399.
MARRIED man wants janitor or inside
work. Main 5908.
SH INGLE RS When you want shingling
done call woodlawn o-uo.
CHARLES I. NAGEL. landscape architect;
tree surgery. Iu31 E. Main. Tabor 49fis.
PAINTER and paperhanger wants work,
day or contract. Phone Ma in 7954.
PAINTING. pperhanging and tinting, good
work, reasonable. Tabor 4307.
PROMOTER of great achievements is open
for engagement. C 832. Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants work in warehouse of
some kind. AD 142, Oregonian.
ELDERLY man wants light farm work or
chores. D 672. Oregonian.
SINGLE or married man for dairy work.
Phone Tabor 3W3.
ROUGH carpenter and painter wants work;
repairs small houses. Sellwood 113.
MAN and wife want work on farm; no chil
dren. O. J. Itel. Sherwood. Or., Route 1.
JAPANESE schoolboy wants" work before
and alter school. O 6Q6, Oregonian.
KALSOMINLNG, painting, plaster patching,
reasonable. Woodlawn 2490.
EXPERT automobile mechanic wishes po
sition as chauffeur. O 010. Oregonian
M I LK ErT single, wants position. V 682.
PAINTING, paperhanging and kalsomlning
at reasonable rates. Call Main 2953.
PAINTING, papering, tinting, reasonable.
Main. 679, Bun day or veoipgs.
CIVIL ENGINEER. 1 1 years' experience
rail road survey and construction, city and
land survey and ma ps, valuation work,
structural and mechanical drafting, mining,
accurate designer. rapid detaiier, neat
tracer, available immediately; over draft
age. R. W. Oakley. 2760 Golden Gate ave
Sail Francisco. Cal.
YOUNG married man, university graduate
of lumber manufacturing and jogging en
gineering course, also practically expe
rienced in most phases of lumber business
and general office work, wishes position
with reliable manufacturing firm offer
ing good opportunity for advancement.
BF M0, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as foreman in charge of
well-equipped ranch ; experienced with
good stock and crops. Agricultural train
ing. A permanent arrangement is desired,
with good accommodations ior lamiiy.
AV $11, Oregonian.
PRACTICAL painter having paint left over
from Summer's work will make special
low fiicure on one or more h oui'ew to b
done at once: also have -oma kalsomlne
on hand; best Portland reference. Lang-l-y.
70s Everett. Phone Main 705.
A SALESMAN with large acquaintance in
w liiamettp alley is open for engage
ment. Will grant Interview to parties in
terested. It will be up to him to sell you
his services. He can mai ket anything
you nave to sell. B '2. Oregonian.
engineering educa tion. desires position.
Wide experience in farm machinery in
general. Unquestionable references as to
reliability. oO 5uu. Oregonian.
SALESMEN wanted, laces, embroideries, side
line; 12 . per cent commission; sampies
light ; only men w it h t rade now trawlin?
need apply. Mei k Co., 416 Broadway,
N. V.
WANTED -Position hy middle-aged man ns
hardware cierk or bookkeeper; not afraid
of work, thoroughly reliable and expe
rienced; will furnish best of city reference.
B 833. Oregonian.
EX PERTE NCED. practical office man and
correspondence. 34. desires position where
Intel ligence, re Ma oil It y and Joy a It y are re
quired more than good eyesight. Phone
Tabor 759.
GAS tractor engineer and farm Implement
man. thoroughly experienced, demonstrat
ing, driving or repairing, wanii stead y
position; married; age 32; refs. B 84'J,
LINO operator who is also real printer and
good pressman wants combination job.
country town. Ca n make money for you.
Come b t once. i. E. M., 7412 55 th ave
S. E., Portland, or.
WANTED Position by undertaker's as
sistant; reliable, all-around man, good
emba Inier. w idower. Address E. W. I,
box 5S9. Port land.
MIDDLE-AO ED gentleman with salesman
ship ability. Sa la t y not as much of an
object H3 to have something to do. H
855. Oregonian.
BOY, 17 years old. wants plncee to board
while attending school. Will work be
f re and after school. John Scholl. Camas,
Wnsh. R. 2.
TOP-NOTCH electrician, machinist or engi
neer wants position: 9 years' experience,
some technical training. Address 234
Hart man st., St. Johns.
ELDERLY" man, active, reliable, and trust
worthy, good and fast penman, with some
knowledge of bookkeeping, desires work.
K 242. oregonian.
PR I N TER, 22 years' experience, capable f
taking c h rge. up-i o-d ate ad. job ani
makeup, printing in all branches. Address
AV M3, Oregonian.
WANT care of apartment house for reason
able salary and furnished apartment; hus
band will care for furnace nights. O 021,
MAN wants job taking care of ranch.
Handy wWh stock and tools. No objec
tion to big wages; good references. w'
559, Oregonian.
;1NG. L 655. OREGON IAN.
MAN with selling ability with acquaint a m-e
among loggers and lumbermen. H can
make lug money. Strictly commission
basis. References. S 153, Oregon iaiu
HIGH SCHOOL boy, position in grocery store
preferred, after school and Saturdays.
Have had some experience. Phone Wdln,
WANTED Position by first-class automobile
mechanic and electrician ; can repair or
rewind generator, starter or any kind of
motor and wiring. O 012, Oregonian.
A Y'OUNG man wishes a position as fire
man In a hotel, building or house; moder
ate pay, registered. Call Mr. G. Tacog
loua. Main 3774.
WANTED by young man with family, job
on farm or delivery iti city witn motorcy
cle; I have motorcycle. Add. 17o4 E. 15th
st.. city.
MARRIED man, with family, wants work
on ranch; understands stock and general
farming. Miiwaukie, or.. R. F. D. No. 1,
box -dj.
W A NTED Position by experienced show
man. theater management, booking office,
routing and handling of road shows. Mr.
Nelso n. room 3Q2. Main soot.
WANTED By ambitious married man. job.
permanent ; general experience in drug or
grocery store. Not afraid to do any kind,
of work. B S57. Oregonian.
ANY kind of steady work wanted by active
married man; results guaranteed. B 85S,
CHAUFEUR. experienced driver, is willing to
be generally useful; has good reference
O R30, OrcRoniatU
AUTO washer wants steady work in gar
age. Is reliable and a. lirst-class washer.
C s.'M. Oregonian.
GOOD Japanese couple want place, man as
cook, wife wait on table and housework;
both speak English. B 850. Oregonian.
W' ANTED Position as salesman on road,
for established house: experienced ; refer
ences. Mr. Nelson, room 32. Main 8601.
MARRIED man wants job driving aula
truck; an ykind of work. Acquainted with,
city. Sellwood 1853.
KXERIENCF.D Japanese wants position as
a chauffeur in private family. K 234,
YOUNG gentleman wishes some little chores,
as building fires, for his room and board.
L 034, Oregonian.
OA KDKXEK Single, wishes position gen
eral work. Can milk. Local references. S
1 27, Oregonian.
WANTED Married man for janitor in first
class apartment-house; good salary.
451, Oregonian.
If you want shingling done, phone Mar-
shall 1Q72.
ELDERLY" man wants position as choremaix
and gardener. Address A. Bethoii, 44 N.
1st st., city.
PRIVATE chauffeur, best city references,
can hold any position; 12 years experi
ence. Phone Main 895.
SHOWCARD writer with airbrush, city ex
perience, desires commercial or mercantile
opening o 622, Oregonian.
YOUNG man working nights would like 3
or 4 hours' consecutive work between H
A. M. and 7 P. M. A 86, Oregonian.
LAND clearer with experience wants con
tract. Prices reasonable.' All 647, Ortgo
nlan. ,
MARRIED, experienced truck and touring
car driver wants job in or close to city.
Phone Mar. 2024.
A-l SIGN painting and pictorial work for
half what is usually charged for work of
like quality. Tabor 1917.
WANTED Position as timekeeper or pay
roll clerk; 13 years xperience. AV 791.
SITUATION wanted by an all-around fair
mechanic, can adjust self to any kind of
work. . I F 843. Oregonian.
YUt'XO man wants job driving auto truclj
or delivery car; experienced driver anA
know the city. B 84 3. Oregonian.
WANTED By young married man. position
to drive truck or auto delivery; city refer
ences. East 2403. npt. 312.
Al CARPENTER builds and repairs cheap
by contract. Call wooaiawn
EXPERIENCED laundress wants work
Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. East 300-.
IRONING by the hour. M rs. D. C. Miner.
113 N. 14th st.. near GUsan.
DookkeeiM-rs and Stenographers.
THOROUGHLY competent stenographed
High School education. Marshall 380s 3
East 6536.
TO answer telephone end office work ir
exchange for f urnished H. K. rooms and
small pay. Tel. East 238. apt. 5.
WANTED Office position by young lady;
knowledge of typing and general office
work ; city references. Phone Tabor 599.
FIRST-CLASS stenographer with 8 years
experience wants permanent or tempo
rary position. Room 524, Campbell Hotel.
DOESN'T someone want good stenographer?
t years' experience. 6 years In legal work.
Reference. Room 003. Congress Hotel.
COMPETENT stenographer, four years ex
perience, desires responsible position ; best
references. O 602, Oregonian.
YOUNG woman with knowledge of bookkeep
ing desires light office work, filing, etc.;
references. V 222. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires perma
nent position. B 82 8, Oregonian.
EXPE RIENCED stenographer and book
keeper, good at figures. Y" 221, Oregonian.
WANTED A bookkeeping position. Call
Woodlawn 819. -
YOUNG girl wishes stenographic, position
Call Woodlawn t4G5,