The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 30, 1917, Section One, Image 1

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78 Pages
Six Sections
Section One
Pages lto22
' ' ') V
Excess Profits to Pay
Billion Dollars.
Measure Will Be in Effect as
Soon as Signed.
Motor Car Tax Pat on Manufactur
ers and Importers IiCvy Put on
Sporting Goods Stamp on
Bank Checks Rejected.
Tf ASHING TON, Sept. 29. Final
Agreement on the $2,700,000,000 war tax
bill was reached late today by the Sen
ate and House conferees and the re
port will be presented to the House
Monday. Levies of approximately
?1,000, 000, 000 on war excess profits
and SS42.000.000 on incomes were left
unchanged, but a new. system of cal
culating excess profits was adopted.
The conference report provides that
the graduate tax of from 20 to 60 per
cent on excess profits of corporations,
partnerships and individuals shall be
levied on a basis of invested capital
compared with invested capital of the
three pre-war years of 1911, 1912 and
1913. This is a substitute for the Sen
ate taxes bf from 12 to 60 per cent,
based upon a similar comparison of
pre-war and present profits.
Surtaxes Are Rearranged.
The Income tax section virtually was
agreed, except for rearrangement of
surtaxes on incomes between 115,000
and 140,000. The graduated surtaxes
of from 1 to 50 per cent on incomes
from $5000 to those of 1,000,000 and
over were approved.
The Senate Increase of from 2 to 4
per cent of the income tax on copo
rations. Joint stock companies and in
surance companies was approved,- to
gether with the new normal individual
tax of 2 per cent on incomes of un
married persons In excess of $1000
and of married persons of more than
Excess 'Profits Tantf' .'
The graduated "excess profits rates
are 10 per cent of the excess profits
not in excess of 15 per cent of the
Invested capital for the taxable year;
25 per cent on. profits in excess of 15
per cent and not over 20 per cent of
such capital; 35 per cent on excess
over 20 and under 25 per cent of cap
ital; 45 per cent on excess over 25 per
cent and under 33 per cent of capital,
and a maximum of GO per cent on
profits in excess of 33 per cent of
cuch capital.
In calculating war excess profits the
term "invested capital of corporations
said partnerships" was declared to in
clude "actual cash paid in, actual cash
value of other tangible property paid
for stock or shares, at the time of
payment, or January 1. 1914, but in no
case to exceed the. par value of the
original securities; paid in or earned
surplus and undivided profits used. or
employed in the business, exclusive of
undivided fcrofits earned during the
taxable year."
Second-Class Rates Revised.
The allowance for intangible assets
Include "actual cash value of patents
and copyrights paid In for stocks or
shares at the time, of payment . . .
good will, trademarks, trade brands,
franchises . . . . if for bona fide
payments not to exceed the cash
value." , ,
It stipulates that such intangible as
tConduded on Page T, Column 1.)
1 I M U A 77 AS O-
r- - . . m - y -
For Devotees of Nineteenth-Hole Re
freshment, News Is Bad; Scotch
Highballs Are 30 Cents.
CHICAGO, 111., Sept. 29. (Special.)
The 25-cent cocktail made its bow to
day. The 30-cent Scotch highball un
veiled its plutocratic face. The 30
cent pony or liquor appeared upon the
wine list. The 25-cent "slug" of rye
and Bourbon, the 25-cent shot of native
brandy, the 25-cent fizzes and the 20
cent rickeys likewise appeared, for the
day of reckoning is at hand.
The, Government has commanded the
saloon men to inventory their stock, to
report by Monday and to pay an addi
tional tax of $2.20 a gallon on all
spirituous liquors In their possession.
This, on top of the alarms which
have almost shattered the booze in
dustry, comes as the crisis, or the be
ginning of one. With the clamping on
of the extra tax begins the last tilt be
tween the "wets" and the "drys." Al
though shrewd and affluent barkeepers
have stocked their cellers, the best
prepared of them today declared that
two years was the limit of his endur
ance. "After that, chaos," he said, -aiy
supply will endure for the two years
and then if the distilleries are not re
opened, darkness. This tax Is going to
hit the saloonkeepers unusually hard."
Julius Smietanka, internal revenue
collector of Chicago, declared today
that within a month, whisky will be
selling fo- 25 and 30 cents a drink in
outlying saloons and 50 cents a drink
in the more fancy places In the down
town district.
Mr. Chamberlain Advised to Have
Appendix Removed Later.
ington, Sept. 29. Senator Chamberlain
continued to show improvement today
and is thought by his physician to be
on the road to recovery. No operation
will be performed, but the Senator has
been advised that later when he re
covers his strength he should have his
appendix removed, otherwise he will
be liable to a recurrence of appendicitis.
Senator McNary called on Senator
Chamberlain this afternoon and found
his colleague much improved and rest
ing comfortably for the first time since
he was taken HL Senator Chamber
lain said he expected to be up and at
his office before -the middle, of next
week. . " . - '
Today Senator Chamberlain received
a large bunch of pink roses from the
"White House. ' .
War Department Orders High Army
Men to Capital for Duty.
, SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 29. Lieutenant-Colonel
Frederick W. Sladen, com
mander of the, reserve officers' train
ing camp at the Presidio, todsy received
orders to proceed to Washington. D. C.
for duty. Similar orders were received
by Captain Walter H. Johnson. Adju
tant, and Major W. C. Potter, artillery
instructor at the camp.
Colonel O. W. B. Farr, senior In
structor at the camp, will succeed
Colonel Sladen as commanding officer
and Lieutenant-Colonel William M.
Morrow will become instructor.
Falling Tree Crushes Skull of Man
Who Spent 30 Years in Woods.
TOLEDO. Or.. Sept. 29. (Special.)
Columbus Strong. 56, a timber faller,
was instantly killed today while work
ing In the logging camp of Hawkins
Bros., near Elk City. A large tree in
falling struck a small dead tree, and
as the latter rebounded a snag broke
off the top, striking Strong on top of
the head and crushing his skull. Strong
had worked 30 years in the woods.
Men and Bosses May
Confer Today.
Eugene Smith, City Mediator,
Gets Results.
Sudden Tarn for Better In Ship
yards Trouble Comes When
Federal and Municipal Ar
biters Get Together. -
Eugene E. Smith, ex-president
of the Central Labor Council, is
named city mediator by City
Mr. Smith accepts, joins forces
with Federal Mediator Harry and
arrangements are made for con
ference between employers and
Conference may be held' today.
The situation looks brighter than
since the strike was declared.
There was some picketing yes
' terday at shipyards and a f ew ar-
rests, but no violence.
Yards are all-tied "up with ex
ception of two or three.
Members of labor adjustment
board will leave Washington this
week for Portland and other
cities of Coast in effort to adjust
troubles permanently.
Developments in the strike situation
took - a sudden change for the better
yesterday, through the appointment of
Eugene 1 E. Smith; former president of
tho Portland Central Labor Council, as
a mediator by the City Council, upon
recommendation of Mayor tslaker. .
Immediately after accepting the post
tion, Mr. Smith Joined forces with G.
Y. Harry, mediator representing Secre
tary of Labor Wilson, and the two arts
working together.
Employers and Men to Meet.
Immediate results were had, in that
already, as officially announced last
night by Messrs. Harry and Smith, the
employers have appointed a commit
tee of five of their members to meet
with the two mediators. At the meet
ing, the employers signified willing
ness to meet with the strikers' Icom
mittee and it is likely such a meeting
will be held today.
This is the first time during the two
weeks of the strike that there has been
full co-operation between all parties
and the first time that a formal com
mittee of the employers has been
named for the purpose of meeting; the
strikers' representatives.
' Outlook Is BrlRht.
This puts the most optimistic face
on, the situation that has been seen
since the strike was ordered and indi
cates that,. In all probability, an end
will be had of the tieup of the ship
building industry. At least, that is what
all parties concerned are hoping for and
the meetings of the opposing forces
may bring Just such a thing to pass. -
Messrs. Harry and Smith last night
issued this statement:
"Saturday afternoon, as a result of
solicitations by Federal Mediator
Harry, the shipbuilders of the Colum
bia River district appointed from their
number a committee of five members
l Concluded on Pag 8. Column 1.)
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S .Maximum temperature. 70
degrees; 'minimum. 5:2 - degrees. '
TODAY'S retain; winds becoming; southerly.
, ... War.
U-boat captain overcomes qualms of con-
- science and glories in butchery. fiec
. i 'Hon 1, page 10.
Air- attack on England, repulsed. Section 1.
page 4.
Mlchaetls denies any offer to evacuate Bel-
. slum. Section 1. page 7.
German planes again raid London. Section
1. Page i.
Kerensky answers challenge of Democratic
Congress. Section 1. page 3.
Conferees agree on war tax provisions. Sec
tion 1. page 1.
Demands for impeachment of La Follette
reach Senate. Section 1, page 1.
C. B. Altchlson named on Commerce Com
mission. Section 1. page
Japan's "Monroe Doctrine of Far East" Is
unveiled at New York banquet. Section 1.
page 1.
Hoover reiterates appeal to conserve food.
Section 1. page 3.
U. S. Treasury officials announce apportion
ment of second liberty loan bond issue.
Section 1, page 0.
Cocktails are 2S cents, but who cares? Sec
tion 1. page 1.
Student officers at San Francisco Innocu
lated against typhoid and paratyphoid.
Section 2. page 6.
Ten thousand crimes laid to I. W. W. Sec
tion 1. page 2.
Pacific Northwest.
Allen Eaton, whose dismissal from Univer
sity of Oregon is demanded, returns to
face accusers. Section 1. page 4.
State Fair closes most successful week.
Section 1. page 10.
Ten thousand steel metal workers In Seattle
walk out. Section 1. page 6.
Non-partisan League in Idaho agitated. Sec
tion 1. page 8.
Methodists In session at Springfield have
busy day. Section 1. page 3.
Pacific Coast" League results: Portland 4-2.
Vernon 3-1 (first game 10 Innings): Salt
. Lake 1. Oakland 8; San Francisco 5, Los
Angeles 1. Section. 2. Page 1.-
Four teams to be In . hockey league. Sec
tion 2, page 4.
Boxlnr CommlFSlon will Investigate Rose
City Club's fiasco. Section 2. page 4.
Two-score players to share world series
money this year. Section 2. page 2.
Sportsmen In doubt as to law regarding pro
tection ot pheasants. Section 2. page 4.
Portland Qolf Club course hums with ac
tivity. Section 2. page 5.
Cody optimistic about swimming prospects
of Multnomah. Section 2, page 5.
Washington State eleven has best outlook.
Section 2. pate 3.
Pheasant and duck seasons open tomorrow.
Section 2. page 4.
Scholastic football season opens " with big
scores. Section 2. page 3.
Gridiron prospects brighter In East. Sec
tion 2, page 3.
Sporting writer favors White Sox. Section
2. page 2.
Evans says he will make boxers sign con
tracts for bouts, section a. page u.
Portland and Vicinity.
Cost of operating city bureaus to be held
down despite salary Increases. Section 1,
page 1. . .
Oregon woman - tells' of -sad scenes ' among
' returning wounded soldiers. Section 8,
page 1.
Official pictures of war shown for benefit
of British relief fund. Section 1. page 10.
Judge 6. A. Lowell teils of need for real
- economy. Section 1. page 10.
Tobacco fund of The Oregonlan keeps grow
ing. Section, 1. page It.' -
Need of books at Camp Lewis Is tpld.- Sec-'
tlon 1. page 12. v ' . " '- -
Tuesday. October 9, will be Fire Prevention
day in Portland. Section 1, page 14.
Gerard to address mass meeting
tuuiortw. Section 1. page 14.
Life at trout detcribed by ambulancier. Sec
tion a. pate 15- - 1
Extension work along many lines for benefit
of Portlanders provided . by university.
Section 1, page 17. . -.
Mrs. George E. Jackson tells of wonderful
trip to verge ot Arctic Circle. Section 1,
page- 18. -
Reed college opens tomorrow. Section .1,
page. 18. .
W. C. T. U. to hold- state convention In
Albany this week. . Section 1, page 18.
Payment of $l5.Afto by-county held u. Sec
tion 1. page lit. -
Milk distributors unwilling to accept rec
ommendations of Mayor s mult wmmls
sion.' Section !, page- 10. , .
War Library Fund drive ends In whirlwind.
Section 1, page ID. ,
Lumber cut being increased. Section 1.
page 20.
District Attorney Evans' asks Federal aid
In combating shipment of whisky into
Portland. Section 1. page 21).
Portland adds talented educators to -high
schools' staff. Section 1. page 20.
Grain corporation .now In market for wheat.
Section 1, page 21.
Orpheum- opens with matinee today. Sec
tion 2. page 6. :
Circus given -by Irvinglon youngsters nets
S.AO for Oregonlan' tobacco fund for
- soldiers. ' Section 3, page 0.
Nort hwestern farmers' wheat sales exceed
- millers' 4-eouirementi. Section 2, page 15.
Food conservation' campaign plans to be
made Monday. Section 1, puge 14.
Troops at Camp Greene well cared for. . Sec
tion 2. page 6.
Strikers, shipbuilders and bosses brought to
gether conferences may begin today.
Section 1. page 1.
Fiancee of Frank Ratlslau believes he was
murdered. -Section 2, page in.
City's night schools open tomorrow evening.
Section 2. page 6.
Weather report, data, and forecast. Sec
tion 2.- page 15.
i .
Ishii Warns Nations to
German Intrigue Blamed for
Rumors From Far East.
Full and Fair Competition for Trade
Welcomed Envoy Recalls Pact
Regarding- Territorial Rights
on Shores of Pacific.
NEW YORK, Sept. 29. Proclaiming
a Monroe doctrine of the Far East.
Viscount Ishii, head of the Japanese
mission to the United States, warned
the nations of the world tonight that
his country will not tolerate aggres
sions against the territory or inde
pendence of China. At the same time
he pledged Japan not to attempt simi
lar aggressions on her part.
Speaking at a formal dinner in honor
of the imperial envoy's visit to New
York, the Ambassador of-Emperor Yo
shihlto outlined publicly for the first
time since he set foot on American soil
the policy of his government in rela
tion to China.
Japan Seeks No Territory.
"Circumstances for which we were
in no sense responsible gave us certain
rights to Chinese territory," Viscount
Ishii said, "but at no time in the past
and at no time in the future do we or
will we seek to take territory from
China or to despoil China of her
rights." " ' '
Then with dramatic earnestness he
expounded the "hands off" policy of his
Japan Stands as Defender.
"We wish to be an always to con
tinue to be," he declared, "the sincere
friend- and helper of our neighbor, for
we are' more . Interested than ...anyone
else, except Chini, "In good "government
there. Only we must at all times, for
self-protection, pre.Ve-nt othert' nations
from doing what' We have no right
to do.
"We not. only will not seek to as
sail the Integrity or thoj, sovereignty
of China, but will eventually be pre
pared to defend and maintain the in
tegrity and independence . of .China
against any aggressor. For we know
that our own, . landmarks would be
threatened by any outside invasion or
interference in China."
Trade Not to Be Hindered.
While he boldly warned the world
against any attempt to invade the
rights of the republic of the Far East,
Viscount Ishii promised with great
earnestness that the door to legitimate
trade in China never would be closed
by Japan. This declaration was cheered
by the 1000 public men, bankers, mer
chants and captains of industry who
heard him.
"The door is always open; it always
has been open; it always must remain
open," he said, "to representatives of
these vast commercial interests repre
sented so well in this great gathering
of kings of commerce.
Advantage Given by IVaturv.
"We went to China, where the door
was open to us as to you, and we al
ways have realized that there nature
gave us an advantage. There was no
need there is no need to close that
door on you, because we welcome your
fair and honest competition in the mar
kets everywhere. We are trading there
where we have a natural advantage
(Concluded on Page 3, Column 1.)
Senator Is Branded as "Teacher of
Disloyalty and Sedition" by
Public Safety Body.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29. A commu
nication from' the Governor of Minne
sota and the State Public Safety Com
mission requesting the expulsion from
the Senate of Senator La Follette, of
Wisconsin, was presented in the Sen
ate today by Senator Kellogg, of Min
nesota, and referred by Vice-President
Marshall to the Senate privileges and
elections committee.
Four other communications, one from
the Washburn Loyalty League of
Washburn, Wis., and . three from In
dividuals, demanding the Impeachment
of Senator La Follette were received
by Vice-President Marshall - and pre
sented to the Senate in the usual
routine way.
Characterizing La Follette's speech
in St. Paul on September 20 before the
Nonpartisan League as "disloyal and
seditious." the resolution declares the
utterances already have served to
create treasonable sentiment in Min
nesota and petitions the Senate to be
gin proceedings to expel La Follette
as "a teacher of disloyalty and sedi
tion, giving aid and comfort to our
enemies and hindering the Government
in the conduct of the war."
August Gold Exports Nearly Three
Times as Great as Imports. .
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29. American
foreign trade increased during August,
the Department of Commerce an
nounced today, approximately $160,
500.000 over July.
Exports increased $115,500,000 and
imports $-15,000,000. Gold exports,
$46,049,306, were nearly three times the
volume of imports in August.
England Prohibits Exportation of
Certain Articles to Neutrals.
LONDON, Sept. 29. A still more vlg
orous blockade of Germany Is to be
enforced by ' the entente allies as
result of the conference of Lord Robert
Cecil, British Minister of Blockade,
with the French Minister of Blockade.
Today the King signed a proclamation
prohibiting the.-exportation;- f . contain
articles to Sweden and Holr&rtd.
Nationalists Are Ordered Executed
- by Turkish Commander.
PETROGRAD. Sept. 29. Reports
from Turkey show that DJemal Pasha,
commander of the Turkish forces in
Syria, has caused to be hanged all the
members of the committee of Arabs
In Syria who before the war were en
gaged in directing the Arab national
Only Rain of Week on Pacific Slope
to Be Along Northern Coast.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 29. Weather
predictions for the week, beginning
Sunday, announced by the Weather
Bureau today, are:
Pacific states Fair weather, except
that there will be occasional rains on
the northern coast.
Trading With Enemy Measure Soon
to Become Law.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 29. The trad
ing with the enemy bill passed through
the final stage in Congress today.
It went to President Wilson, to be
come a law with his signature.
Budget Is Cut Despite
Salary Increases.
Advance in Price of Supplies
Makes Reduction Difficult.
Saving Promised In Police, Munici
pal Court and Incinerator 15 u-
. reaus Much New Work in
Water Bureau Is Necessary.
Material decreases in the cost of op
erating some of the principal branches
of the city service next year In spite of
salary Increases and the increased costs
of supplies, are proposed by some of
the City Commissioners in their 1918
budgets which will be filed with City
Auditor Funk tomorrow. '
Not all the budgets are complete, but ,
will be by tomorrow. Mayor Baker has
his figures completed.
In the police bureau a decrease of'
$8053 is shown in the salary roll as
compared with that for the present
year. Supplies will cost $4723 more.,
making a net reduction of $3330 in
the police cost for next year.
Increased Pay Proposed.
Mayor Baker proposes to grant in-
creases to policemen in the ranks. All
men with salaries ranging around $100
a month will be entitled to a 10 per cent '
increase, according to the Mayor's plan.
, In' the park bureau the budget shows
an increase owing to the cost of sup- '
plies, materials and equipment as well ,
as additional money next year for la
borers and other workmen for park
improvements. In addition to his regu
lar park-budget the Mayor is present
ing'supplementary budget of $172,051
to care for appropriations voted for by
the people at the last election and
aXed for by the City Council. The
supplemental budget includes $114,051
tor the South Portland or Marquam
Gulch playground; $40,000 for the pav
ing of the north half of Terwilllger
boulevard; $10,000 for lighting Mount
Tabor Park and $8000 for comfort sta
tion purposes.
Auditorium Fund Desired.
The Mayor proposes an appropriation
of $27,000 for the public auditorium,
which will cover all operating costs.
This amount the Mayor wants appro
priated, but it does not represent the
cost to the taxpayers because a. large
amount will be taken in from rental of
the building, which will reduce the
amount the taxpayers will have to
provide. In his own office the Mayor
Is proposing no increases. A reduction
is shown -in the cost of conducting the
Municipal Court. The city's legal bu
reau shows a slight increase.
Commissioner Mann proposes a ma
terial Increase in the cost of street
lighting, owing to the request he is to
make for 1500 additional street arc
lights. He has about 2100 applications
for lights on Hie.
Water Bureau to Raise Pay.
In the Water Bureau Mr. Mann is
proposing a material list of wage and
salary increases, but still is asking for
$$601 less than the cost for employes
during the present year. A material
Increase is shown in the request for
supplies, materials, etc., because of the
plan to do considerable development
work next year.- Among other things,
request is made for considerable new
pumping machinery, money to complete
improvements at Bull liun Lake; money
for a new trunk main to St. Johns to
i .Concluded on Pa 1, Column 3.)