The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 23, 1917, Section One, Page 13, Image 13

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Traffic Manager Robinson
Calls Petition Assault Upon
, Revenues of Road.
f-prrial Assistant Attorney-General
Wants to Know What Difference
Exists From Practice on
Other Connecting Lines.
Some spirit was injected jMttrJay
Into the Interstate Commission hearing
en the petition for Joint rates from
point on the Humpter Valley Railway,
connections with the O.W. R. & N. Co..
that line and connecting Union Pacific
properties being- defendants. Traffic
.Manager Robinson, of the O.-W. R. &.
X. fo., characterized the petition as an
assault upon the revenues of the road
in an attempt to enhance the value of
Government timber.
It was brought out by testimony of
witnesses that contract entered into
by the Government with lumbermen on
t'i Sumpter Valley road for timber in
the. forest reserves rail for an increased
prioe, for stumpage In the event of low
ered rail rates on lumber.
"We are. not prepared and are un
willing: to join in joint through rates
from points on the Sumpter Valley line
to points on the basis of the Ba
ittr iaies" sal J Mr. Robinson.
i (government Is Oenounced.
"The position of the Government try
ing to depress the rates of the O.W. R.
& -V Co. to a. point below what is rear
sonable is unique and we regard the
action as unwarranted. Manifestly, the
Government is seeking te enhance the
value of its timber. It is little less
than an assault upon our revenues
from which the Government, by in
creased stumpage prices, would profit."
Upon cross-exarrfination, Blackburn
Kfcterline, Special Assistant Attorney
General of Washington, D. C, who pre
sented the Government's side of the
case, referred to this statement some
what caustically. He mentioned nu
merous short railway lines, connecting
with the O.-W. R. tc N. Co.. upon
which joint through rates now prevail.
Among them was the Hood River Rail
way, like the umpter Valley line, an
Kccles property.
I . S. Attorney Questions Closely.
"Is there any difference in the as
sault upon railway earnings between
the Humpter Valley road and the other
Eccles property, with whom you vol
untarily divide your revenues?" he
asked. "Is there anything unheard of
in asking that you add one more line
to the many connecting roads with
whom you already share revenues on
& Joint through rate basis?"
Traffic Manager Kobinson spoke
feelingly of war conditions that inter
fere with railroads earning fair profits
and other handicaps that beset the
traffic heads.
But to get back again to the original
question," queried Attorney Esterline,
"is there any difference in the assault,
as you term It?"
Mr. Kobinson said the Joint arrange
ments had been entered . into with
other roads because other elements
in the situation seemed to warrant the
interchange on a joint thrpugb. rate
Lumbermen. Are Iatervenors
Intervenors in the case heard yes
terday were lumbermen who cut pine
lumber on the line of the Sumpter Val
ley j.ailroad and who do not want the
through rate asked unless it shall
provide for milling in transit.' They
testified that their product cannot be
finished and kiln dried satisfactorily in
the mountains where the mills are
located, but the green lumber is sent
down to Baker for this purpose and
then shipped to market.
JJ. C. Kccles, of Ogden, Utah, presi
dent of the Sumpter Valley Railway
and also head of the Oregon Lumber
Company, testified along this line, as
did Charles T. Early, manager of the
Oregon Lumber Company, and Frank
I'rice of Stumpage Weuld Go Up.
These witnesses ;ald if the petition
of the Government were granted it
would operate to raise the price of
etumpage of Government timber, al
though they conceded it would have a
like effect on privately owned timber
as well. It was stated by Mr. Early
that the mlllmen will not use the
through rate if it shall be established,
and that a milling In transit rate is
the only one that will prove helpful.
The petition asks that the local rate
of 7 cents for green and 17 cents for
finished lumber per 100 pounds be ab
sorbed by the connecting Union Pa
cific lines. Becauso the Sumpter Val
ley is a narrow-gauge line, direct
through business Is now impracticable.
It was shown.
The hearing ended -yesterday and
briefs may be filed not later than No
vember 15. . Attorney-Examiner Mar
shall will make his report to: the Inter
state Commerce Commission, and in due
course of time the verdict of that body
will ba made known.
Hopes Are Held Out That Winter's
Supply Slay Bo Had.
Assistant City Commissioner Mc
intosh, department of finance, hopes
to get fuel oil for the city. Tester
day the Standard Oil Company de
livered some to police headquarters.
"If we have to make over our heat
ing plants for wood or coal," said Mr.
Mcintosh, -it would mean a large out
lay of money, as those in the Audi
torium, police station and Borne park
buildings are for oil only. It Is hoped
to make arrangements to get enough
oil to carry us through the Winter.
The Standard Oil Company will furnish
one-third of the amount necessary, if
the Union and Associated companies
will provide the rest. This has been
taken up with them and we will suon
know the results."
Stolen Revolver Bought and V. S,
Label Filed Off.
TVter J. Bummers, -proprietor of a
second-hand store at Twelfth and
Glisan streets, is sorry that he paid a
soldier in uniform for an auto
matic pistol filched from United
States Government stores. He was
. arrested yesterday, following a con
fession by the soldier, who was tried
by courtmartial an sentenced to a
term in a Federal prison.
Summers admitted having bought the
pistol, valued at 1. for fs cash, and
te having filed off the words, "Prop
ing before United States Commissioner
Lrake. He was held to - the Federal
grand juiy on 91100 bail, which he was
unable to furnish. The penalty is up
to 5000 fine or five years' imprisonment.
Captain Hogan Jn Private Letter
Extols feoldier Killed Recently.
"Sergeant Califf was in every sense
a 100 per cent efficient man; knew
horses like a book; could shoe one a
easily as a good writer pens a letter
and never drank or indulged in any bad
Such is the tribute paid to the late
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Elmore A. John..
The list of energetic young Ore
gonlans who have enlisted In the
Aviation Corps of the United
States Army was recently length
ened by the addition of the name
of Elmore A. Johns, of Portland,
who has been assigned to Squad
ron 66 of the Aviation Corps,
stationed at San Antonio, Tex.
The young blrdman enlisted
on August 1. He is 21 years of
age. the son of Mrs. M. B. Johns,
of 1120 East Thirty-fourth street.
He was born in Oregon City, and
received his education from the
schools of that town. Coming to
Portland six years ago, he has
been employed as a shipping
clerk with the firm of Clossett c
Devers. Young Johns Is widely
known and very popular among
the younger folk- of the city.
Stable Sergeant by his commanding
officer. Captain Hogan, of Troop A. He
so declares in a letter received last
week by Mrs. C. L. Hogan, mother of
the Captain, who resides at 629 East
Fifteenth street. North, Portland.
Sergeant Califf, Captain Hogan de
clared, was one of the most trusted
men in the troop and squadron, now In
training at Camp Greene. He was run
over and killed while en route and was
buried during the week.
Decision In Suit Involving Holding
of Baggage Xot Rendered.
Municipal Judge Rossman yesterday
announced that he would reserve de
cision in the case against William
Groh, baggage agent for the Northern
Pacifio Terminal Company, until Mon
day. Mr. Groh Is accused of a technical
violation of the prohibition law be
cause be refused to bold & couple of
trunks until Patrolman Vessey could
obtain a warrant to search them for
liquor. The case is considered of much
importance because of Its effect in the
campaign against illegal traffic in
Taconia, Man to Speak Here.
1. D. Boyer. Inspector of customs at
Tacoma, Wash.,' will apeak at the
weekly luncheon of the members' coun
cil of the Chamber of Commerce, to be
held Monday noon. Mr. Boyir'i topic
will be "Portland's Opportunity to En
ter the Trans-Paclflc Trade." The
speaker will tell how Portland imports
are cleared at Seattle and Tacoma.
Wi C. A.
1 J
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Miss Ruth M. Blair.
Miss Ruth M. Blair, of Los An
geles, will arrive in this city
Wednesday morning. She will
take up her work as superintend
ent of the Y. W. C, A. immedi
ately. Miss Blair will have
charge of the domestic science
department. She will introduce
the study ef dietetics and war
problems into her work. Mist
Blair is an Eastern college grad
uate and comes to Portland high
)y recommended.
No Change Will Be Made in
Order of Programme.
Frank 3. SIcGettlgan Says Films.
Will Be Accompanied by Concert,
" as Last Season Promotion Is
Made in Box-Off Ice Staff.
When the Orpheum Theater opens
next Sunday no change will be made in
the general presentation of chows as
followed last season, according to the
announcement of Frank J. McGttigan,
manager. The Orpheum Travel Weekly,
featuring moving-picture views of for
eign lands, will open every show as
heretofore, and a 20 -minute concert
wilt be played by the Orpheum orches
tra preceding every show.
The custom of programming every
orchestra number on an easel on the
stage. as inaugurated by George
E. Jeffery. musical director, last sea
son, also will be followed this season.
The special concert accompanying the
Orpheum Travel Weekly will be fea
tured as heretofore.
Millroy A. Anderson, assistant Or
pheum treasurer last season, lias been
promoted to the post of treasurer, and
his assistant in the ticket office will
b Robert T. Berven. who formerly
was chief usher and in charge of the
checkroom. Cliff P. Work, superln-'
tendent, will be in charge at the door
as usual.
The Orpheum show to open the sea
son next Sunday matinee is lauded in
general, as it traverses the circuit,
as deserving to be listed in the extraor
dinary class. New acts and new faces
predominate In the first programme.
The headliners are George Marck'a
"Jungle Players" in a wordless melo
drama called "The Wild Guardians."
The three other big-type acts ef the
four-star show are Charlie Howard,
with Margaret Taylor and Frank Will,
lamson. in a new act called "Cured";
Miss Frankle Heath in a quartet of
song stories, and "The Night Boat," a
ope-act comedy by John B. Hymer.
Remaining acta are Mang and Snyder,
20th century wonders; Harry Norwood
and Alpha Hall In sense and nonsense,
and Colonel Diamond and granddaugh
ter in "youth and Old Age."
Commencing with today the Orpheum
boxoffice will be open from 9 o'clock
in the morning until 10 o'clock at night.
Divorce Papers Costly In England.
In filing a deposition in a divorce
proceeding that was received yesterday
from Richard W estacctt, American
Vice-Consul at London, Deputy County
Clerk Wells found direct evidence of
the extent to which war tax is being
collected on legal papers in England.
Canceled war revenue stamps aggre
gating 17 were found on the document.
Although started on its journey in a
sealed package, the deposition had been
taken out and Inspected by censors
when en route.
Uncle Sam will spend $250,000,000 for
good roads this year.
Uncle Sam
Trained Men
I would partlenlarlr vrg
Ikon the youngr peopl wh are
leaving onr biht atcaoota that aa
many f t!iem aa fan do ao avail
theniftelvea this year of the n
par unit! .fared by eollesea
and technical acAoola to the ead
that the country ..nay not lack an
adequate aupply of trained me a.
Courses for Shipbuilders
Business Course
Civil Service
College Preparatory
Electrical Engineering
English Courses
Language Courses
Shorthand Course
Show Card Writing
Wireless Telegraphy
If Interested tn a n T of a
beve course, rb rck and bring;
or aead to
ilAlX T0.
McCall Patterns
u 4
OUR MAIL ORDER SECTION is a bureau of per
sonal service, which aims to serve our out-of-town
customers promptly and well.
The Pilot of This Business
'Particular Buying
Particular Selling"
ro you knew that by co-oper-atirtff
wt:h u. -by taxing smu'I
parcels with ytu-and ?r ablins
us t a,voId th UDnecary -x -pn
Incident t exchanges
J:n1 refund ami the wasteful
prank' ot endtii? goaU C.
O. P. (many of whjh are re
lurnJ unonened), you will ina
terlallv ajt in offaettinv the
constantly adranclnp price ou
merchandist you buy?
Values at
Look and see -what Shanahan offers you this vtfk. As & special favor look at our Wash
inton-street windows and be convinced that, even in war times, Shanahan in able to dress
you richly and yet economically. The same anpliet to household supplies, and shrewd
housekeepers can save a substantial sum on every purchase. All ttha-u&haa asks is a
comparison of goods and prices with would-ba competitors.
Our Assortments of
New Fall
are now ready featuring:
a aeasonabla display of
the smartest models for
1917 at prices that make
this Portland' Logical
Coat Store for economical
Featuring a Sensational Sale of
350 Women's & Misses'
New Fall Coats
and Dresses
At Less Than Vz Price
Up-to-the-Minute Styles' in
' At a Stupendous Reduction
Only $13,95 Each
TVomen who anticipate replenishing; their wardrobe will
surely find something: bere to their advantage, for these
Beautiful Xre3&et$ ure rarely offered at eo low a figure.
You will find them here In Navy. Burgrundy and Black,
semi-fitting, with belts .bretelles -button trimmed. Col
lars and cuffs In white. Sizes from 36 to 44. Visit
SHANAH.VN'S and be convinced.
A Wonderful Line of
At the Sensational Low Price
Only $8.75 Each
These Coats come in mixtures of Brown. Blue. Green,
etc.. etg.. 43-fnch long:, deep coilurs. belted all round. A
, good, serviceable Coat for all occasions at only (8.75.
Just Arrived -A Shipment of
And Priced Them for Quick Disposal
Only $14.95 Each
Hundreds of women will welcome this prrand opportunity when they read
this sensational offer. These are full 4S-incli lon. full flare, lined
throughout, wide belts, buckle trimmed: collars and cuffa of self -material.
Certainly a beautiful coat for the money, .t $14.95 each.
Just in From the Eastern Market
To Sell -at the Extra Special Price of
$12.95 Each
These Coata are of high-grade mixtures in the beautiful herringbone
weave; colors. Brown, Gray and Blue: full flare: belted models: large
collars and cuffs of self-material: finished with bands of plush. Buttons
to match- A eoat that will surely appeal to the economical buyer.
Extra Special '
At $3.95
Ijadies who prefer the Crepe de Chine to other ellks. will find among
these blouses suitable for dress or business wear. Every lady knows the
excellent wearing qualities of Crepe de Cbine. They come in all sizes.
Colors white and flesh, only.
Sale Women's and Children's Hosiery
At Prices That Tell the Tale
Children's Hose
At 18c Pair
3 for 50c
Children's Medium and Heavy
Weight Hose, double toes and heels,
also double knees; sizes from 6 to 10.
Supply your wants here at this record-breaking
low price.
Women's Silk Lisle Hose
At 35c Pair
3 for $1.00
.Women's Silk Lisle Hose, black or
white, double soles, high spliced
heels, wide garter tops, all sizes;
special at 3&o pair. Supply your
needs here at this tremendously
low price.
Girls' Cotton Hose
At 20c Pair
Olrls Fine Ribbed Black Cotton
Hose, double heels and toes; sizes
5 to 9. Buy your wants now be
fore prices take another jump.
Boys' "Old Hickory" Hose
Special at 25c Pair
Boys' "Old Hickory" Hose, heavy
ribbed Black Cotton Hose, double
heels and toes; sizes to 10, A. real
bargain for thrifty buyers.
Women's Cotton Hose -
At 20c Pair
Women's Black or White Cotton
Hose, sizes IS1, to 10, double soles,
high spliced heels. Exceptional
value at the small sum of 20c pair.
Sale Women's and Misses' Underwear
Values that are unsurpassed -qualities and prices that
' can't be equaled elsewhere.
Children's Union Suits
Special at 50c Ea.
Children's Fleeced Union Suits, hish
necks, long sleeves, ankle length;
sizes 3 to IS years (cream only). A
phenomenal value at the small sum
of 60c each.
Children's Vests or Pants
At 25c to 40c Each
Children' Vesta or Pants, gray col
or, fleece lined; sizes 2 to 14 years.
A good, practical garment at a price
that will appeal to the frugal buyer.
Boys' Union Suits
At 75c Each
Boys" Fleeced Lined Union Suits,
long sleeves and ankle length; sizes
4 to 12 years at 75c. 14 to 1$ years
at 85c each. Don't fail to take ad
vantage of this exceptional offering.
Children's Vests or Pants
At 35c to 50c Each
Children's Fln fttbbed White
Vleeced Vesta or Pants, sizes 2 to 18
years. These are well worth your
careful consideration.
Children's Wool Sweaters
$1.98 to $2.25 Ea.
These Sweaters are good and heavy
and shown in a good range of col
ors for ordinary wear. We show
them in roughneck or military col
lars (some belted). Sizes 24 to 34.
Colors gray, rosaand cardinal. If in
need of sweaters for the children it
will pay you to looic them over.
Women's Union Suits
At 79c Each
Women's Medium Weight Fleeced
Union Mults, low neck, no sleeves,
ankle length. 34 tn 3)1, at only 79c.
40 to 44 at only sSo each. A good
chance to replenish your wants at a
substantial saving.
$1.25 Women's Union Suits
Extra Special
At 75c Each
Women's T u c k - 8 t i t rhed Ribbed
Union Suits, high neck, short sleeves,
knee length; sizes 34 to 44: extra
$1.25 value. Limited quantity to
close at the amazing .low price of
75c each.
Women's Vests or Pants
, At 35c Each
Women's Medium- Weight Light
Fleeced Vesta or Pants; vests with
long -sleeves, ankle - length pants,
white only. These are without a
doubt a wonderful bargain.
Misses' Sport Corsets
Special 59c Each
Women's Corsets
Only 59c Each '
This rorset is specially adapted for
women doing their own housework,
as it is short, not too heavily boned,
being non - rustable would not be
come corroded from perspiration.' All
slzesa Medium bust. Specially priced
at the email sum of 5Sc each.
You Actually Save 33 if You
Buy Plush Coats Now
Ordinarily women are not Interested
in .buying Plush Coata In September
but thia season, when all clothing fab
rics are so rapidly advancing in price,
such an opportunity to save is a real
reason for purchasing early. The fore
sight of our buyer in placing her order
months ago is responsible for thesa
prices, which are for a
Every coat is new, and the models are
the very smartest we have ever had in
FLUSH COATS. Full, flaring effects,
so different from the commonplace
types of former seasons. And the ma
terial Is the high-pile SIl.K-KIMMl
PLl'SH, which, resembles the richness
of fur.
Plush Coats at
$18.75, $35
to $56.00
We are showing them In full flare, belt
ed models, deeu collars and cuffs of
plush or fur. Some have bands of fur
around the bottom. Coata are lined
throughout with Bkinner's satin in
plain colors; also some with flowered
satin in beautiful designs. Coats for
every figure and every taste. Priced
specially at )18.75, $33 to $66.00.
September Sale Bedding, Household Linens
Housewives An Event Presenting Wonderful
Saving Opportunities
25c Pillow Cases T 50c Turkish Bath Towels
At 19c Each
42x36. 45x36 Bleached and Hemmed
Pillow Oases, splendid quality linen
finish with three-Inch hem. Actually
worth 25o today. These are a de
cided bargain at this low price.
$1.00 Bleached Sheets
Special 79c Each
72x90-inch Welded - Seam Bleached
Sheets, made of heavy round-thread
sheeting:. A sheet that will give
most satisfactory service. Supply
your needs here for months to come
at this exceptionally low price.
$1.15 Bleached and Un
bleached Pepperall Sheets
At 95c Each
72x80-lnch Bleached Seamless Sheets,
made of extra, heavy sheeting, soft
finish, excellent quality. Thought
ful housewives should pot fall to at
tend this sale.
45c Bleached Pillow Casing
Priced Special
At Only 23c Yard
42 and 45-inch wide Bleached Pillow
Casing, excellent quality, soft fin
ish, well-wearing. A grand oppor
tunity for women to supply their
needs in this line.
50c Bleached and
Unbleached Sheeting
Priced Special
At 39c Yard
81-inch wide. Hundreds of women
will welcome the opportunity to re
plenish their supply of bed linens.
Kuch an offering is seldom made in
this day of high prices. These
sheetings are of excellent quality,
soft finish, full 81 inches wide. If
in need of anything in this line call
and see us.
Gigantic Sacrifice of 18c
Turkish Towels
At 10c Each
1 5x31 H - inch Bleached Turkish
Towels, good weight, soft finish, ex
cellent quality. Supply your needs
here now at this low price.
35c Turkish Bath Towels
At 25c Each
These are extra large size, thick and
heavy, ends hemmed or fringed. A
towel that la a pleasure to use.
Actually worth 35c each. Your
choice for only 25c each.
At 35c Each
22HK47-inch, bleached and extra
heavy, ends hemmed. (Note the
large size.) These will surely please
you at this sensationally low price,
35c Marquisette Scrims
Extra Special
At 19c Yard
3 6 -Inch Marquisettes, Scrims, in
white and ecru. Now is the time to
buy your window draperies for the
Fall house cleaning-.
65c Table Damask
E?ctra Special
At 35c Yard
60-Inch, satin finish, excellent qual
ity. Siiown in several beautiful de
signs. A real bargain at only 36a
$3.00 Comforters
Special $2.39 Each
72x78 Inches, filled with soft, white
sanitary cotton, covered with ilko
line in beautiful pattern, designs,
colors blue, pink and yellow. Women
who appreciate "beautiful" things
will surely want one or more of
these lovely comforta.
Monday and Tuesday Only
15c Extra Fine Bleached
Cambric Muslin
At 11c Yard
SB-inch, soft finish, good weight,
fine wearing quality. Only 10 yarda
to a customer. Priced specially for
Monday and Tuesday only.
A Wonderful Sale of
Beautiful Cretonnes
Phenomenally Priced
At 22c Yard
35-Inch wide. These cretonnes are
suitable for draperieH, furniture cov
erings, lovely handbaars and the
thousand and one uses for these
beautiful goods. Shown in lovely
designs and colorings. fcUirely will
be much sought after. A c t u ally
worth 40c today.
$2.00 Hemstitched Table
At $1.49 Each
63x66-inch. Never In the history of
merchandising has such a sensation
al offering of Hemstitched Table
t'loth been made by any business
house, considering the enormous ad
vance in cotton goods. These clot ha
are satin finish, excellent quality,
shown in several pretty designs.
Limit two to a customer.
75c Hand
Grips at
39c Ea,
Every lady will surely want one of
these handy little Grips. They're
Just what she needs for her shop
ping tour or for her week-end trip
to the seashore or mountain, large
enough to hold the articles needed
for a short trip and not burdensome
as the ordinary suitcase. Reinforced
corners, brass catches and heavy
handle. Come in and look them
over. For Monday and Tuesday
only. .
Infants' Sweaters
At 65c Each
A nice line of Infants Sweaters in
various combinations of colors. Gray
trimmed with red, navy with red
and red with navy. These are pretty
little sweaters, with belts and mili
tary collars. Sizes 22 to 26 only.
At 79c Each
These Shirts are made of madras,
percales and numerous other ma
terials. Some have detachable col
lars of self material: cuffs stiff or
soft finish. The patterns and col
orings are beautiful and will surely
meet with your approval.
At 15c Pair
We show them in black, gray, un
bleached and cashmere finish. These
are fine fitting, durable; elastic re
inforced heels and toes. A box that
will bring joy and comfort to the
Store Open
9 A. M. to
6 P. M.
9 A. M. to
9 P. M.
We Deliver to All Parts of the City New Location Dekum Building Third and Washington Streets
Entrances: 264-266 Washington St. 123 Third St.
erty of the United States," in a hear