The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 23, 1917, Section One, Page 11, Image 11

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y Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin
Fred O. Jenning, Pres. Charlea Jenning, Vice-Prea. Henry Jenning, Jr, Sec.-Treas.
Portlands Greatest
Furniture Store
Moderate Prices
Corner Washington and Fifth Streets
Liberal Credit
Competitive Exhibits Can
celed, Assuring Portland
. Best Entry List on Record.
Auditorium Engaged, Permitting Of
Proper Display of Pet, Stock.
Demonstrations to Be Given.
Dates Are December 3 to 8.
rnth the selection of the Public
Auditorium as the place for holding
the 1917 poultry show, the Oregon
Poultry & Pet Stock Association has
started a campaign to make It the
Dlggest event of any so far attempted
in Portland. The dates have been set
for December 3 to. 8.
Since starting the campaign the as
sociation has caused Seattle to give
up its annual show and Oakland prob
ably will abandon its. which will con
centrate the attractions from these ex
hibits at the Portland show, making it
the largest exhibit this year in the
entire West.
Although the premium list has not
yet been completed. Inquiries about en
tries, dates, etc., are being received
from all over the United Btates. Indi
cating that owners of fancy poultry
and pet stock of all varieties are re
alising the importance of the event
Chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, eft
vies and pigeons of all kinds will be
entered. The association will arrange
a premium list comprising cash prizes
aggregating $1500. the money being
provided by the state as part of its
campaign to encourage the poultry in- j
dustry. I
The concentration on Portland for
this year's show has caused the Surf
Leghorn Club of America to arrange
for Its annual meeting here. Word has
been received that members of the club
will enter about 100 birds from vari
ous parts of the country.
Kver since the last poultry show,
which was the eighth held in Portland,
the exhibitors have been planning on
the 1917 show in the Public Auditori
um, where exhibition space will be
such that a larger show than ever can
be staged. It is said the conditions at
the new building will be such as to en
courage not only entries but a. good at
tendance. The show will feature this year such
subjects as the proper housing of
chickens, new methods of feeding,
watering and caring for chickens so
as to get the best commercial results,
ahd the improved methods of raising
and caring for pet stock of other types.
Directors of the association are at
work now on the annual premium list,
which they hope to make the most at
tractive so far put out. They expect to
have the list ready for distribution
within a few days.
E. E. TVebb, from Salem, is at the
F. Bruhn,- of Carlton. Is at the Port
land. Paul Lutidt Is at the Perkins, from
A. X. Moores, of Ealem. Is at the
C. I. Barr Is at the Imperial, from
P. R. Dfkura, of Oswego, Is at the
A. J. Phllippl. Of Stayton, is at the
Wilford Allen, of Ealem, la at the
A. R. Cummlngs, from Caraby, Is at
the Terkins.
C. M. Bartlett, from Tacoma, Is at
the Oregon.
Miss c. Jones, Eacramento, Is at the
K. JL Booth, of Boise. Is a visitor at
the Portland.
if. c. Strom Is a St. Helens visitor at
the Cornelius.
A. J. Sfaxton. of Hubbard, Is at the
Ecward. Hotel.
II. A. Schell. of Grants Pass, is at the
Reward Hotel.
H. A. Whitman, of "vVoodtnirn, Is at
the Hotel Ititz.
G. H. Aylard. from Victoria. Is at
the Multnomah.
C. A. Lundstrum, of XwDerg, is at
the Multnomah.
Y. C. Bis lock, from Walla Walla, is at
the AVashington.
Mrs. Marshall Hooper, of Ealem, Is at
the Washington.
Thad Robison. of Tillamook, is at
the Oregon Hotel.
K. 3. TUitty. of Ilwaco, Wash., Is at
the Nortonia Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Kay, of Albany,
hre at the Carlton.
J. H. Dunn, of Cottage Grove, is reg
istered at the Perkins.
Mr. and Mrs. James Day are Ealem
visitors at the Perkins.
Mrs. Robert A. Piatt, of La Grande
is at the Feward Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dyre. of Medford.
are at the Portland Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Child, of Sprague,
Wash., are at the Nortonia.
Mr. and It. W. Collins, of Detroit.
Mich., are at the Cornelius.
Mr. and Mm. J. K. Clerk are at the
Multnomah. Irom "Yonoalla.
lieutenant A. J. Feldman and Mrs.
Feldmau are at the Carlton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cochran are Moro
Visitors at the t-eward Hotel.
Jess A. Kllsworth Is at the Washing
ton, registered from Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. J. St. Mat kins are at
the Imperial, from Corval'.ls.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Sherman, of
Jenver. are- at the Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Thomas are New
port visitors at the Seward Hotel.
James II. McMurtire and H. A. Xc
Innis are at the Rita, from St. Helens.
Mrs. J. S. Taylor, of Salem, and her
daughter. Amelia Taylor, are at the
Mr. and Mrs. r . c. Chambers are
registered at the Imperial, from -Eu
Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Westbrook. of the
Hotel Albany, Albany, are at the Port
land Hotel. -
Mr. Alex Mdrfsn and her daughter
and Mrs. B. I Linn, all from Ostrander,
are at the Tsortonia.
Mr. and Mrs. L. KtiP5enbendr are at
the Carlton. Mr. Kuppenbender is
Tillamook dairyman.
Mis Annie L. Tack, of Xer Tork
oult a well-knckn mountain climber,
Is at the Nortonia Hotel.
cosy comfort
Chest out and breathe deep these brisk
and healthful days! On with your
10-rib Mayo Underwear. Away with
chill and on with cosy comfort.
Men! This 10-rib knitting (10-ribs to tbV
inch instead of 8) of Mayo Underwear
is there when, it comes to downright
And don't forget this I It's the same
10-rib knitting that makes your Mayo
Underwear so wonderfully elastic. You'll
thank this 10-rib knitting of Mayo Un
derwear for that easy.give to every body
bend or twist.
10-rib wear ? Well the washboards and
wringers tell us that, try as they may,
they can't daunt that 10-rib Mayo fabric.
Why don't you get your Mayo Under
wear right away and learn of 10-rib com
fort, 10-rib elasticity and 10-rib durability.
.MkbV ram Afatrft "Yh
The library Of the School of the Sons
of the Empire, an ancient Chinese uni
versity which, it Is said, was In ex
istence looo years Before the Christian
era. comprises 1S3 tablets of stone
whereon are carved all the '."thirteen
classics," the essence of Chinese cul
The only medium-priced underwear
that's "actually knit in the dollar way".
Any progressive dealer either' has of can
quickly get for you this 10-rib Mayo Underwear.
Wholesale Distributor,
Fleischner, Mayer & Company
Novel Features Are Attractive Designs
Im "Leaf Cutting" and "Cir
cular Cutting."
An Interesting: exhibit of kindergar
ten handwork is now on display at the
Central Library. This work is from
the school of kindergarten training.
Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. T., and
has been arranged by Miss M. M. Glid-
den, formerly Of Pratt Institute, now
director of the school of kindergarten
training- of St. Helen's Hall.
The worn is chiefly that of kinder
garten normal students, although there
is a small amount of the actual work
of little children In the various kinder
gartens of Brooklyn. N. T.
Novel features of the exhibit are the
attractive designs in "leaf cutting."
"circular cutting" and In the working
out of color harmonies In mat-weaving.
v ij. S i Ti
If tefp
1 1 . it'"-,; . : - i)
These three features of the work were
originated by Miss Glidden.
Covers of art will bo interested to
see the training in art given to kin
dergarten normal students who are not
supposed to have the same amount of I
artistic talent as the average art stu
dents, this training in art was at first
given By Arthur Dow, and later by one
of his pupils. Miss Grace Cornell.
This afternoon will be a. particularly
good time to see this work because of
ushers being on hand to interpret the
work. The exhibit will be Up for tyo
Fall Furniture and Rug Stocks Are Complete
Prudent Home Furnishers Are Buying Here
We show a wonderfully beautiful and
attractive array of mahogany furniture,
both in, suites and in single pieces. Our
displays'of fine tapestry upholstered ma
hogany pieces have brought buyers from
far and near.
Our exhibits of period dining-room fur
niture in oak and mahogany are the finest
ever shown in the city
Here are nine floors devoted to the
"home beautiful' Visitors are welcomed,
whether purchasers or not.
Amuse and entertain your family and friends with thia wonderful instrument.
Columbia Grafonola
Including 12 Selections
$5 4.5 0
$3 Down $3 Monthly
We can supply you with any
Columbia Record.
Columbia Grafonolas
$15 to $350
Sale of Overstuff ed Davenports
Roomy, luxurious Davenports for living-room, deit or library. Gener
ous reductions from regular jirices for one Week.
$123 Overstuffed Davenport, 6 feet 6 inches wide. Spring seat and
back. Upholstered in your own selection of figured tap- '7fi QI
estry. Priced special at 0 OeOU
$110 Overstaffed Davenport, 7 feet 6 inches -wide. Steel frame, with
spring seat, arms and back. Figured denim Turkish up- CQ7 J-tfi
holstery. Reduced to. t DO
--$54 Overstuffed Davehport, 6 feet wide. Full spring seat and back.
Three bag Cushions. Upholstered in figured tapestry. DQ 'TCI
Reduced to tha low price of tDOi.e1 J
-Ve sh6w 6d the second floor the
newest drapery and upholstery ma
terials. Estimates made for single
rooms or entire" dwellings. .
7 .
For One Week, Unless Sold Before
$35 Smith's Saxony A O CT
Axminster Rugs for. -woO-
Only 100 Rugs to be Sold! Special $6.30
Auto Robes
Wo have just put on display a new
shipment of Indian auto' robes in lively
color combinations. They are 60x72 in
siae, and they ar woven from pure wool.
-These are standard 9x12 rugs in Oriental and floral
designs. They go on sale Monday morning, and will be
withdrawn on Saturday evening. There are ten patterns
in the exhibit. Intending buyers can inspect them on the
second floor.
Sold for a Small Payment Down
, Liberal Terms on Balance
Jenning's Sells Portland Her Rugs
Jenning's is known in the carpet trade as the largest
sellers of carpets in the state. We carry all grades all
kinds. Our prices are uniformly reasonable. Estimates
For the Sleeping Room
New Comforters, new Blankets, new
Pillows. See Out Window displays of this
seasonable merchandise.
The basement salesroom for Fire
Screens, Fifeplace Basket Grates,
Andirons, Fireplace Sets and Fenders.
Moderate prices.
These splendid Heaters ate
built for burning wood. They
have cast iron top, bottom
and lining. They also have
swing top, end doors and
foot-rest. Heavily nickeled.
Price $12.75
Larger sizes in proportion.
Heaters from $2.25 to $60
iafety Device for iteming Apxli-
ance Is Patented.
Kelly, Mrs. I. A. CO&ean, Mrs. Lockley.
Mrs. 1'. T. Townsend, Mrs. E. O.
Wient, Mrs. S. E. Russell ana Mrs.
Saran Lymill.
Justice of th Peaca Swan Friday bound over to await the action of the 16-year-old Birl of Crawfordsvillo.
Jntih Kvitis, of Brownsville, was I fcrana jury oh a cHare Involving IHi bond was placed at 12000.
An invention which promises to les
sen the danger of fire from overheated
electric irons and all electrical cook-
lnr contrivances has recently been pat
ented by William C. Newell. 661 Clack
amas ttlreet, and I-u C. Phillips, 43t
East Fourteenth street lorth.
The contrivance is an automatic
heat cutout and can be attached to
any kind of clectric-heatinfe apparatus.
When the heat reaches a set tempera-
ture the little instrument automatical
ly shuts off the electric current.
The cutout is not limited to elec
trical heating alone, but it is planned
to manufacture the same article, only
on a larger scale, for boilers, heat-
infr plants, dynamos and. in fact.
pver-'hin in which heat is used. It
Is claimed by the inventor that tha
ne so attached to a hot'
water tank as to shut ore the gas. or
uuer hca.1.. wnert Hie water in the tank
reaches the temperature desired. All
that is necessary to gtet the heat de
sired is to make a slight change in the
raUKO on the cutout.
Newell conceived the Idea on
which his invention is based four years
ago While working on another inven
tion. Bince that time he has been de
voting most of his time to the perfec
tion of the cutout alone.
Alfalfa Growers txpect to Receive
Handsome Reward.
LEWISTOrt, Idaho. Sept. 82. (Spe
cial.) Perfect weather conditions thus
far have marked the 1917 f ruit-harvest-
in seasoni and barring high winds or
protracted rains, the worK will ne
completed without material loss to the
growers. Peach picking and packing
iiow is in full blast, witn nunareas oi
men. Women and boy employed in the
orchards and bending every effort to
;arner the crop before unfavorable
weather comes. rue quality oi tne
fruit Is said to be good and the yield
fully up to the average.
Alfalfa men expect to receive a great
reward for their Bummer's work, as
prices have gone to new levels.
Youth Accused by Girl Hold.
ALBANY. Dr., Sept. 12. (Special. 1
Aftor a preliminary examination before
rnfrraor arroll H. Woortd.T.
Professor Carroll H. Wooddy,
who has been visiting at the
home of his parents, 33 East
Thirty-sixth street during his
vacation, left recently for Hali
fax. Nova Scotia, to resume his
work as professor of history and
economics In Dalhousic Univer
stty. one of the oldest colleges of
Canada. He also will lecture on
International law in the gradu
ate law school of the university.
Professor Wooddy. who is 26,
was born In Portland and g rs d u -ated
from the Lincoln High
School in 1!" and McMinnvllle
Collea In 1911. He obtained a
Rhodes scholarship and gradu
ated from 8t- John's College, Ox
ford. England, in 1014. On his
return to the United States he
was appointed to the Boudlnot
Fellowship In history at Prince
ton, and tha following year w
awarded the Proctor Fellowship
In history at the same place. In
181 he was called to the chair
of history and economics at lal-housie.
R. G. Werner, Clackamas Appointee,
Writes Food Verse.
OREGON' CITT. Or., Sept. 22. (Spe
cial.) Clackamas County's new county
agent, U- fi. Werner, working here
under the direction of the State Agri
cultural College and the Federal Gov
ernment. Is something of a Poet, ne
came hers this week from Portland,
where he lias been deputy county
agent of Multnomah County, and the
unusual war conditions relative to food
conservation inspired him to dash off
the following lines:
Wevs aubstituted. com fee wriest
And pallid cottage cheese for meat;
With nobly simulated real
We chew the dull potato peel.
We've teated every new dinfrulse
For msklns rice a glad surprise.
And never throw a thing sway.
But mingle all in queer puree."
For a Corn-Peeling
Picnic, Use "Gets-It"
Pain Eases at Onre. Corn Just Dies!
to your corn-ridding easily, with a
smile the banana-peel way. That's
the "Gets-It" way the only way your
corn or callous comes off complete as
though It were glad to get off.
Talks Will Begin Wednesday at
Central Library Meeting .
Don't Tra-vel
Around tha
World In Corn Agony,
Use "Geta-It."
"Gets-It" has "Ktirsd more corns than
all other remedies ovmblned. It's as
6u re as the purA .-"-"end as Safe as
water. Used by .luilliohs. - Don't take
a chance with yoiif f?ct; you can t af
iuiu ckieiiuiiy run uiiivnvnu i i
ueiB'H never
Tha next meeting of Centrsl TV. C. turea When you Jtifci
T. V. will he held Wednesday at 2 fails. ( V I
P. M. In ronm A of tha Central "tleti-lf triiT. rm
Library. Talks wll be given by Mrs.
Lucia . Aaaiion ana jurs. , u. jic
Delegates have been elected to tha
W. C T. C convention in Albany as
follows: elegate-at-larg. Mrs. F. N.
Diamond; Mrs. L. Nute, Mrs. A. J.
Monroe. Mrs. H. Wriee. Mrs. A. H.
Stearlman. Mrs. J. K. Wilkins. Mrs. It
U. uunsteau; alternates, jura. J. r.
callous. Wear ew, stylish shoes
or pumps if you to go ahead and
dance. Demand "Gens-lt" throw sub
stitutes back on theYounter! 25c is ail
you need pay at any drugstore, or it
will be sent direct by . J-awrenca &
Co.. Chicago. 111.
Sold In Portland and recommended
as tha world's beat corn remedy by Toe
Owl rug Co,
Please Pardon Our Pride
you knew these shoes as
we do, you would under
stand. To us each shoe
has a personality all its
own made expressly to
fit the personality of some
wearer. Our success in
fitting personalities and
purses, as well as feet and
fancies, accounts for our
rapid growth.
- rs. T Wm$km
f Hi
a- ;. r . ,,s r j' v will ,
Here is a shoe we are especially proud
f. It is a very fine black glazed kid
with welt or turned sole. Leather or
covered LXV heel. Ask to see it.
ill '
Largest Retailer of Shoes West of Chicago. pi
ifeC 380 W'h'gton St. 270 W'h'gton St. M
WtFr 308 W'h'gton St. 270 Morrison St.