The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 16, 1917, SECTION TWO, Page 10, Image 30

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wanted1 by one f the best old line life
insurance companies. Big business al
ready in force; well established; excellent
territory two counties. Close personal
co-operation and contract direct with
company. Experience desirable, but not
'ooluteiy necessary. Give full informa
tion in first itrtter. Correspondence con
fidential. Address until Sept. L0, Super
visor of Agents, P. O. Box fcul. The Dalies,
X.IPMAN, WOLFE A CO. require the serv
ices of two clean-cut young men as floor
managers; experience on. the floor not
necessary, but must have had store expe
rience; permanent position with good pay
and opportunity for advancement is of
fered to those who can qualify. Apply su
perintendent's office, seventh floor, Tues
day morning between y and 10.
V'AXT Ambitious man to become my
partner in a manufacturing contracting
business, which I am moving from Cali
fornia to Oregon. My product Is a neces
sity and I have sold thousands of dollars'
worth of It to the largest corporations In
the country at about 50fc profit. Salary
-i5 per week; $50 cash required. If we
"Work right, from my past experience, we
should make from $4000 to flO.GuO a
year. 714 a wetland bldg.
COLLECTOR, tracer and investigator. Age
33 to 43. Must know city thoroughly. Re
quire active. Intel 11 sent man, industrious
and dependable in every way. Surety com
pany bond will be required. We pay
premium. Straight salary, moderate for
a start, increasing according to results
obtained. Write in own handwriting.
Postoffice box 723.
Y" A N TE L) -Two neatly dressed, single men.
over :il. io travel with me and take or
ders, experience unnecessary; must be
hard worxers. Will teach you salesman
ship thoroughly, while earning good pay.
Cail Sunday. 9 to 11, ask for Mr. Stein
l'ausen, "-arlton Hotel.
If YOU x'fsh to attend the Pendleton
Found -Up invest J-itJ and you can make
$1W clear selling to farmers. .My reason
lor not giving my address. I wiil be out
of town until Monday noon. I am the
manufacturer. AB 58, Oregonlan.
.WANTED Territorial manager for Indus
trial commodity of universal demand af
fording unusual profits; energetic man
can establish himself in remunerative
business for life. Address AV 669, Ore-
WANTED Oten Shoo. fi nnrfnf rnnd
ambitious boys. Jiving with parents, over
-i'j, to learn morning and machinist trade;
S hours day. 417 Oregon bldg., 5th, and
Oak sts.
ANTED Partner who can put $.100 into
good paying mining proposition, the money
put jiiio equipment to start worn;
experience unnecessary. Call Robert Jn,
Broadway 217.
BLACKSMITH helper wanted.
34 X. 15th.
Help Minted Agents.
SOMETHING absolutely new. Automatic
stove and furnace damper, guaranteed,
saves 30 of fuel, keeps even fire auto
matically just temperature you wish. Any
one can put it on 5 minutes. Every home
(.wuiuer rigni now. low priced, uuv
profit to atrent. Prompt shipments. Ex
clusive territory. Interborougn Traction
Co.. of New York, uses this Automatic
Damper in 600 stations at saving of
S3 of coal. You sell it every time
yon show it. W. H. Protzman, of Wash
ington sold 200 10 days. You. can do this.
Your profit over $2."0 cash. P. W. Lee,
also of little town Washington, sold 7 30
minutes. Biggest, quickest, cleanest
money-maker of age for agents, general
c gents, district managers. jj5o a week, to
$7000 a year. Territory now being as
signed. Get your county free now. Write
today. Arnold Damper Co., 523 Damper
bldg., 215 No. Desplaines, Chicago.
Jf this is not greatest money-making
house-to-hooM proposition. N. R. G. Laun
dry Tablets wash clothes 10 minutes with
out rubbing. Contains no lime, lye, paraf
fin, wax or other injurious chemical; can
not possibly injure clothes or hands. Pos
itively wonder of age; sells for 15c, enough
for 5 family washings. Supply free sam
ples, guarantee sale of every package you
buy. Just leave tree sample with, house
wife, when you call again she Is eagerly
awaiting to become steady customer. Se
cure territorial rights at once, or you will
regret it. Postal brings sample and full
particulars. Farquhar-Moon Mig. Co,
Dept. 14B, 140 W. Van Buren, Chi ca go.
IN BUSINESS, furnishing
men, women, $.10 to $200
weekly operating "New System Specialty
Clandy Factories." Home, small room,
anywhere; no canvassing. Opportunity
lifetime. Booklet free. Ragsdale Co., Box
S. East Orange. N. J.
AGENTS $4u to $60 weekly, new pa
triotic dollar radiator ornament, whirlwind
seller; car owners buy on sight. 10U0 sold
one city first 3U days, 100 per cent profit,
thousand sold in every city; get details
today ; sample $1. Prismolite Company,
Coiumbus, O.
HEN", women. Lyoni made $S6.2S last week.
Alorton S5S.95 four days. So can you sell
ing guaranteed made-to-measure rain
coats. Good proposition. Sample outfit
free. Write quick. Davicc Raincoat Co.,
Hnman and Douglas blvd., Chicago.
ELL Mexican diamonds, spare time; beau
tiful pocket sample case makes sales on
sight; have rainbow fire of genuine dia
monds, fpol experts, stand tests. Write to
day. Mexican Diamond Importing Co., 255,
Las Cruces, N. M.
AGENTS WANTED Agents make fiOO per
cent profit selling our auto monograms
and initials, window sign letters, changea
ble signs and show cards; 10OO varieties,
enormous aemand. Sullivan Co., 11 -J Van
Buren st.. Chicago, 111.
AGENTS Men or women wanted to sell new
household article, small price and quirk
seller. luO per cent profit: resident agents
especially wanted as steady sales to
same customer can be had. Call 129 East
6lh street.
1EN. earn $5 up dally easy. Big sellers.
: guaranteed household products, -repeats
quickly, enormous profits. Write free sam
ple case offer. Crofts & Reed Co., Dept.
C. Chicago.
llAIXCOAT. Direct from factory. Agents'
price $J.15 delivered. Retail price $5.
Agents average 6 coats daily. Rainy sea
son now here. L, Lewis Raincoat Co.,
Cleveland. O.
LARGE MANUFACTURER wants represent
a lives to sell shirts, underwear, hosiery,
dresses. wai?ti, skirts, direct to homes.
Write for free samples. Madison Mills,
5oJ Broadway. N.w York City.
i0 DAILY refinishing chandeliers, brass
leds, automobiles, new method producing
amazing results; no capital or experience
necessary. Particulars free. Gunmtial Co.,
21 t pve., Decatur. 111.
AMERICA. WE LOVE YOU Patriotic pic
ture with punch that downs treason ists.
Every American buy.". Sample 10c. Color
rlate free. Peoples Portrait. Sta. D, Chi
cago. t REE catalogue and samples, new goods,
quick sales, big profits, make $5 to $J5
oatiy, no experience, world's greatest spe
cialities. Cruver Co., Jackson and Camp
Veil. Chic2s.o.
UKi PAY and automobile furnished agents
Introducing wonderful new nutomobil a
fuel. Samples free. L. Baiiwey, 621 uvea
bldg.. Louisville. Ky.
U VE wire agents can make $50 weekly on
our combination of Mark Twain, O. Henrv
and Kipling. Harper & Bros., Pub., 53
Lumber Exchange bldg.
1 AVERAGE $10) weekly In Bmatl business;
man or woman art anywhere; Informa
tion free. J. H. Graycroft, 516 Cory
block. Fresno. Cal.
TAILORING agents, sell men's suits made
to order. Cheapest, best line made. Can
sell every man you see. Large sample
rut fit fre Leeds Woolen Mills. Chicago.
WANTED Outside sales people, men and
women; state experience and phone num
ber: no samples, easy hours. Y 119, Ore
gonian. $30 TO $lVi a w-k. Free samples. Gold
s'gn letter?, stores and office windows.
Liberal ofier to general agents. Metal he
Letter Co.. 435 N. Clark st.. Chicago.
KLOWER bead necklaces, selling like hot
cakes. A cms coming money. Absolutely
new. Send ntaloue pro posit ion. Mis.-ion
Bead Co., 621H W. Plso, Los Angeles. Cal.
AGENTS Men or women, make $40 week
ly taking orders for Goodyear Raincoats.
Sample coat free. Goodyear Mfg. Co., C,
De pt . 77, K a n sa City. Mo.
$125 WE EKLY. Something new. saves 5o
gasoline for autumobLe. Nearly every
call a sile. Monev-tack guarantee. Stran
rky Mfg. Co . Pukwana. S. D.
J?'KEE SAMPLE, particular. no-splashing
water str.iinTS. Easy eller. lieturns btg.
t" Experience unnecessary. O, Union Filter
On , 7:-t Fr.inkMn. N. Y.
I'VE ne line of soap, extracts, toilet goods.
I erf u me, etc . for agents. profit.
Snmple free. Write quick. Lacassian Co.. ' St. Louis. Mo.
oil. cheapet than coal: agents bonanza.
Wonder Burner Co.. Columbus Ohio.
AciKNTS at onc
pita! tirkets
i. Sell 5c per
SOI Board of
month hoa
Trade. Help Wanted Salesmen.
fcl DE LINE, pocket samples; Hi minutes,
$H commission; high-grade men only; no
other ne-d apply. Advertising Novelty Co.,
Newton. Ia.
fc EVER A L ambitious men who would be
interested in profitable employment In the
sale department of a Targe manufacturing
concern, call Main ft!
TRAVELING salesmen warning sideline can
ern bi money selling a new proposition.
No samples. A3-Lee Novelty Co.. Chicago.
WANTED Furnishing good salesman.
jkarlaoiMd. lien JaaiUxyf.
Help Wanted Salesmen.
SALESMEN The Recognized leaders in the
manufacture of art calendars for adver
tising and direct by mail adver
tising have a few open territories for high
grade men. Applicants must be at least
25 years of age. of good character, im
pressive personality, resourceful and act
ive, with selling ability (not necessarily in
our line). A belief in and knowledge of
advertising would be particularly heipful.
This is a splendid opportunity for the
right kind of men to make permanent
connection with the most liberal and
progressive advertising house in the world.
Address the Gerlach-Barklow Co., Joliet,
MOST complete all-year-round exclusive
high-grada advertising line on market,
consisting art calendars, monthly service
lusiness greetings, etc., combined with fa
mous line display advertising pencils, pen
holders, etc. Exceptional opportunity for
men of proven selling ability. No others
considered. This and other choice terri
tories open. Now ready to close contracts
3 918, can place several men at once; big
Fall selling season. Give business experi
ence, references, territory preference, etc.,
first letter. Blanchard Bros., lnc 19th
Bt. and 8th ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
If you are worker you can earn from
f2000 to $."0'X per year with us, organiz
ing local agencies in exclusive territory.
Earnings start first day you start to work.
You get profit on all sales made by all
agents you appoint. You will, in addition
to earning immediate good-sized income,
te building a business that will yield big
ger profits each. year. Write for this pros
pectus. Not an experiment. Honest, serious,
dependable dignified, profitable business.
Rex Typewriter Co., ISO N. Wabash ave,
TWO F.SAL SALESMEN I want two men
who can make rood in a sales organiza
tion where ordinary result mean $S0 to
$100 a week. They must be real men of
character, force and earnestness, who can
prove fitness for association with business
of high quality and absolute integrity;
to the men I seek an immediate income
Is assured and prompt advancement to
managerial position is certain. This is
a genuine offer or real opportunity and
should appeal to the best salesmen. You
may reply in confidence. Address AF 615,
FOR next year to sell our Myers Quality
Line of exclusive art calendars every
piece copyrighted and made by ns exclusive-,
together with our high-grade
line of leather goods, memorandum books
and diaries; the most complete line of
Indoor and outdoor metal signs, and a
very fine line of other new specialties.
Everything manufactured in our big fac
tory. Tern s. Salary, commission or draw
ing account. El wood. Myers Company,
Springfield, Ohio.
$150 TO 250 up monthly. No capital needed,
$25 weekly advances for expenses. Call
on business and professional men for old
established line. Experienced helpful, but
not required. Pay each week. Full in
structions insure success. Write for ex
clusive territory and secure fine income.
Jos. H. Carr, Suite lu7 Schwind bldg,
Dayton Ohio.
IX ON THIS. P 475, Oregonian.
CITY SALESMAN Accustomed to calling on
physicians. Age 33 to 43. Married pre
ferred. Character, poise and modern force
ful digniiied selling ability essential.
Proposition high-grade and recommended
by the profesison. Moderate salary to
commence, increasing according to value.
Write in own handwriting. Give phone
number or address. Postoff ice box 13.
WANTED Solicitors to present RED GUIDE
plan to retailers. This rating and collect
ing plan is indorsed by state Assns. and
thousands of retailers. Must have men
whoee honesty is beyond reproach; propo
sition demands It, so do we. NATIONAL
RATING LEAGUE, 6231 Stewart ave.
ADVERTISING specialty salesman. , Big
man, big proposition. Remarkable sales
plan. Leads furnished, unlimited sales
helps. Co nmission $70 per order. Wrig
gins, new man, 3 orders first week. Profit
able, permanent connection with old-established
Nationally known house. Dept. C
M. 5o:t-:0 W. Jackson blvd. Chicago.
WANTED Good salesmen, canvassing
among farmers, school districts and small
towns, selling the COMMON SENSE WAT
ERLESS TOILETS; should make from $10
to $20 a day; it is guaranteed or money
CO.. Portland, Or.
EXPERIENCE unnecessary, new specialty
proposition; moderate priced goods for
general trade; exclusive features, splendid
commission contract for Oregon. Vacancy
now, $35 weekly for expenses. Continental
Jewelry Co.. 19037 Continental bldg.,
Cleveland. Ohio.
FOR general mercantile trade in Oregon to
sell a new prooosition of merit. Attrac
tive commission contract for bal. year,
rnd '18. $35 weekly for expenses. Miles F.
Bixler Co., wholesale jewelers, 22,637
CarJin bldg.. Clevelandf Q.
SALESMAN, advertising specialty, wanted
by oldest and largest manufacturers of
advertising rulers, yardsticks and gasoline
gauges In the country, on commission ba
sis, to handle line exclusively. Westcott
Jewell Co., Seneca Falls. N. Y.
AGENTS Salary or commission; greatest
seller yet; every user pen and ink buys
on sight, 200 to 5io per cent profit; one
agent's sales $620 in six days; another $32
in two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X44, La
Crosse, Wis.
REGULAR or side line salesmen sell our
popular-priced line water-color calendars
Jan 1. Snappy celling line, exclusive de
signs; sell for manufacturers direct, ad
vertising novelties. commission paid
promptly. Empire Art Company. Chicago.
SIDE LINE. Free pocket samples. Patent
punch less checks. Big sellers restaurants,
lunchrooms, hotels, soda fountains. No
competition. Also commissions on reor
ders. Standard Check Co.. Manufacturers,
Transportation bldg., Chicago.
SALESMEN Write for list of openings and
how to obtain them. City or traveling.
Address nearest office. Natl. Salesmen' Tr.
Assn., dept. 311, Chicago, New York. San
W ANTED A salesman calling on drygoods
stores and clothing merchants to handle
a line of knit coats and caps, made lo
cally, on a commission basis, AV 685,
REPRESENTATIVES, local and traveling,
to organize Ford car owners. A big broth
erhood : all want it. Exclusive territory.
Ford Car Owners Protective Aasn., 6231
Stewart ave.. Chlcagt
SIDE LINE MEN Do you want real one
that one order day win pay you u no
samples to carry. Something new. Write
today. Canfield Mfg. Co., 208 Sigel St..
Chica go. 111.
EXCELLENT permanent position for capable
salesman in Oregon ; vacancy uciooer i. ;
staple line for general retail trade; liberal
commission. S35 weekly advance. Rice Co.,
(7 Williams bldg., Detroit.
waste-saving movement. Write today for
free book, "How to Make Money Selling
Schick Balers." Davenpart Mfg. Co., Dav
en port. Ia.
SALESMEN WANTED Laces, embroideries,
.side line: 12 per cent commission, sam
ples light; only men with trade now trav
eling need apply. Merit & Co., 410 Broad
way. New York.
SALESMAN wanted to sell our mill produc
tion dress fabrics for Spring trade, direct
to retailers; strong side line, liberal com
mission. Frank D. La Lanne Sc. Co., Phil
adelphia, Pa.
EXPERIENCED shoe and furnishing sales
man ; give age, experience, last employ
ment, reference and telephone. V 705,
WANTED A good, live man with automo
bile to sell real estate. Geo. T. Moore
Co.. 5l Abington bldg
WANTED Experienced finishers on gowns,
also helpers and taiioress. 303 Northwest
ern Bsnk bldg.
WANTED A lady solicitor; must not be
over 35 : will pay salary or commission.
Give phone number. AD 14. Oregonian.
WANTED A woman for cook and kitchen
work only, on farm, near city. A J 119.
MIDDLE-AGED lady to take care of house
and lti-mont h-old baby during the day.
Apply 200 X. 16th St. A 1018.
$30 GOOD plain cook, general housekeep
ing, no washing, 4 adults. 259 12th st.
Marsha!! 2774.
WANTED Girl to assist with housework
and care of baby, family of 3. Woodlawn
GIKL for general housework and assisting
with cooking, pleasant room. lrvington
East 7ts;t.
GIRL to assist with housework in family
of 3. Tabor 3U1.
LA DY waitress wanted ; $S a week.
Restaurant. 246 Burnside st.
SCHOOL girl to work for room, board and
wages. ".ij E. 21st North.
SOMEONE to do embroidery in leisure mo
ments at home. AN to, Oregonian.
CH A M BERM AID. at Hotel Wabash. 204
Madison st.. $10.50 per week and room.
WANTED Woman for housekeeper, three
aiuits m family. can r.ast j. 4t.
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
lamiiy or tnree. rnone .t-asT oir.
WANTED Girl for general housework and
plain cootting: good wages. iaoor ::4
WANTED Experienced trimmers. , makers
and apprentices. Apply Lowengart & Co.
QU.-LL, to aaUt with housework. Tabor 1&0L
The one new. big. original American
publication fresh from the press; eight
wonderful volumes of organized knowledge
in story and picture. The WORLD BOOK
is different ; offers you virgin territory,
big earnings, unlimited opportunities. Its
wide scope enables you to employ all your
experience and. skill to your decided ad
vantage. The World is yours with THE
WORLD BOOK. Write or call personally.
Mrs. Coffield. Hotel Washington. 2 P. AL
to 5 P. M. after Monday.
LIPMAN, "WOLFE & CO. require the serv
ices of several thoroughly experienced
saleswomen for their coat, suit and milli
nery departments; must have had expe
rience, and be able to furnish the best of
references. Apply superintendent's office,
seventh floor, Tuesday morning between 9
and 10.
WANTED HDUsekeeper, a widow, of Ger
man or Scandinavian descent, that has
little girl. Must be neat, clean, economical
and of good character. Good home in the
country. 1 miles from school. Give name
and address in answering. AV 7u3, Orego
Stenographers and typists, let me show
you how to increase your' salary each
month, railroad billing and expensing,
day and night work, opportunities for
rapid advancement in railroad service. Mr.
Sherlock. Worcester bldg.
BOOKKEEPER-stenographer, with some ex
perience, wno win tae a personal interest
in the work where there is ODDortunhi
for advancement ; state age, kind and
duration of experience and salary wanted.
A J 120, Oregonian.
WANTED A lady to keep house for man
and son on farm; must be between the age
of 30 and 35; no objection to small child;
a good home and good wages to right
party. Address, with full particulars, M.
land soon. Women desiring clerkships.
postorrlce. Government departments, sten
ograubers. write for free particulars to J.
o. Leonara tiormer Government examl
per), 754 Kenois bldg., Washington.
WANT intelligent young lady with pleasing
appearance ior oince assistant ana s
nographer; small office; light work; mod
erate salary. opportunity tor advance
ment. Give name and phone. AO 43,
Oregonian. t
CHOCOLATE dipping will be taught in a 4
weeks course at the Portland College of
Candy, which opens Oct. 1, 1917. Further
Information room 400 Eaton Hotel, Port
land. Oregon.
TYPEWRITER A business woman wishes
to hear, f r-ra a lady competent to give
instruction in typewriting to a beginner
two evenings a week. Please give address
ana terms, also phone. Y lw, oregonian.
NEAT, industrious girl to work and do
general housework for small family In
country, .foreigner preferred. Reterences,
Phone Main 8579.
RELIABLE woman to keep house for two
people, gone all day. In exchange for good
home. Every evening free. Apply during
week. 172 Park st.
HIGH SCHOOL GIRL to work for board,
room and wages; walking distance to
Wash. High. Good home small family.
East 5588. 20 E. 24th N.
WOMAN wanted for several months also
to care for 2 children, $l per month and
board. Uau Mrs. J. w. wiiue, eit over
ton st.
be thoroughly experienced. Apply super
intendent s office 9 to iu A. AL. Oltts,
Wortman & King.
WANTED Stenographer, able to assist with
books in a general merchandise store. Ad
dress Monroe, Oregon. A. WILHELM &
SONS, Monroe, Oregon.
HIGH school girl to help with light
housework in exchange for room, board
and carfare. Phone Sell wood 176 after
1 P. M. Sunday.
WANTED Young -lady stenographer, book
keeper, for manufacturing firm at Spo
kane, Wash. Apply Pacific Waste Co., 503
Stock Exchange bldg., city.
BUSHELMAN wanted. Apply Jimmy Dunn,
Upstairs Clothier, Ellers bldg 2d floor,
Broadway and Alder.
SPLENDID OTENIXG for first-class dress
maker to put In about $200 stock of find
ings In small town; oyr rent: no competi
tion. Secy. Comm. Club. AM 77. Oregonian.
GOOD home for neat girl to assist with
housework and baby; opportunity to
learn sewing and to speak French or
German ; small wages. Y 116. Oregonian.
$2 TO $4 A DAY IS MADE. 502-3 CO
BUSINESS firm needs woman of mature
years, with energy and good health, for
interesting work requiring part time out of
city. AC 485, Oregonian.
WANTED A girl for second work and
sewing, in a private family. pply to
Mrs. Bur re 11 at 828 Hawthorne avenue.
Telephone East 37. -
WANTED Teacher for private instruction
Pitman shorthand, evenings, between 6
and 7. Object speed. AK 481, Oregonian.
WANTED Girl or woman to assist with
care of two children and second work.
210 25th st. N.. near Kearney.
CAMP waitress, $15; cooks, waitresses, help
ers. Howe's Agency, room 435, 270
Wa sh 1 n gton. ' '
HIGH school girl to assist In home for board
and suitable wages. Tabor 2ti82. 1415
East Taylor s .
MARKER and sorter wanted. State salary
expected in first letter. Crystal Laundry
Co.. Tillamook, Or.
WANTED Girl to work in office and oper
ate typewriter half day, small salary to
start. AG 4a i oregonian.
GIRL to work in candy store, afternoons
and night Don't phone. Rogers Candy
Store. Broadway ana lamntil sts.
NEAT GIRL OR WOMAN to do housework
part each day, excent Sunday. o44 E.
44th st. North (beaumont car).
GIRL for general housework, 3 In family.
Mrs. C. F. Berg, 1124 Franklin st. Main
WANTED Young girl to assist with light
housework; wages, good home. Call Mar
shall 4li7. M B& i. oregonian.
6K1BTMAKER to work on ladles' tailor
made skirts; good wages to those ex-
peri en ced.AvehisJ12M3renthBt.
COMPETENT cook, some housework, good
wages, small family. 4i0 2lst sL, Portland
Heights. Main a4ua.
WANTED Experienced sales lady for gen
eral store, out ox town. Appiy toaay,
Broadway 1065.
SCHOOL girl for light work. 3 in family.
no laundry; small compensation, oo . a..
29th st., near Pine, a
WANTED A dressmaking shop with estab
lished medium trade, oy a competent
dressmaker. AO 440. oregonian.
LADY for work in large laundry In Port
land. (Jive experience ana rezerences.
W 512. Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPER, under 45, for widower. In
quiet home; light duties. AO 429, Ore
WANTED Elderly lady to take and cart
for three children oy tne month. aq
dreas Mrs. Robertson. 716 Sumner st.
girl to learn the fur
trade. Hudson
Bay Fur Co., 147 Broad
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
good wages. iiuu w estover roaa. Ap
ply Sunday A M. or Monday.
THREE experienced salesladies; office calls;
good money; give pnone. Jtif sid. Ore
WANTED School girl to work for board
and room. 30 10th st.
GIRLS wanted, manufacturing plant. Apply
34 x irst st. iNortn.
WANTED Experienced waitress
Grand ave. Savoy Restaurant.
GIRL for general housework.
Main 2223.
790 Lovejoy.
WANTED Experienced lady clothes starch
er. Palace Laundry, E. 10th and Everett-
WANTED An experienced dining-room girl.
lttj lin st. me .-Nonon. .Main mi.
WANTED Girl to assist with housework in
small ramity. rnone t;ast 3f.
EXPERIENCED waitress at Karl Hotel.
Brty dway.
HIGH SCHOOL girl to do light housework
ror good nome. iaoor 400.
GOOD girl to
sist housework. S55 11th
TYPEWRITER operator, billing, permanent
position. oregonian.
FARMER wants housekeeper, 3 in family,
gooa nome. m. eidt. uxton. or.
WANTED Chambermaid.
Woodlawn 2913.
Kenton Hotel.
WANTED Experienced waitress. Depot Res
taurant, 4 jo ti oyt.
COOK wanted; no Sunday work. Eliot's
Quick Lunch. Chamber of Commerce bldg.
NICE girl for light housework.
C l&oX
Tabor C6S3,
sitions for young women; salary paid while
learning. Apply Pacific Tel. A Tel. Co.,
sixth floor. Parte and. Oak sts.. between
8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M.
EXPERIENCED millinery makers. Apply
between 9 and ll A. At., superintendent s
office, basement balcony. Meier &. Frank
WOMEN for general work in institute, no
washing, plain cooKing, no objection mar
ried women, husband could have two
meals day for making fires morning and
evening; could have other - work; com
fortable xoom; $30 per month. N
WANTED One graduate nurse who can give
nyarotnerapy treatments preierrea, ana
one practical for hospital work; state age,
weight, height, experience, wages expected,
telephone number with address. Cottage
Grove Hospital, Cottage Grove, Or.
CIVIL SERVICE examinations, Portland.
soon; women desiring clerkships, postot
fice. Government departments, stenog
raphers, write for free particulars. J. C.
Leonard (former Government examiner),
'754 Kenols Bldg., Washington. '
WOMEN'S Protective Division, located at
room 3u3 Police i-ieau quarters, 'Zx and
Oak etc, will furnish information, give
protection and assistance free to women
and girls. Interviews confidential.
WANTED 25 women and girls to work on
apples and pears, long season, steady
work dally carfare paid from Portland
to Vancouver. Apply Oregon Packing Co..
Vancouver, Wash.
- Billing decks, men and women, to learn
railroad oil ling ana expensing; good sal
aries and positions when competent. . Mr.
Sherlock, Worcester bldg.
MEN wanting firemen or brakemen posi
tions, beginners (L00-$150 monthly; ex
peenfio unnecessary; positions guaran
teed. Railway Aa&ociatlon. AV 552, Ore
gonian. WANTED Well-educated woman to take
permanent position with large publishing
bouse; state age, education, experience,
phone number. AF 2o8, Oregonian.
GLOVE saleswoman, permanent positions.
. LENNOX'S 309 Morrison st.
WOMEN WANTED Government life jobs.
$70 month. Write immediately for list
positions open. Franklin Institute Dept.,
703 G, Rochester, N. Y.
HEALTHY, neat, intelligent girl to help
with the care of two little boys in the
country; must be fond of children; refer
ences. AV 6S8, Oregonian
HOUSEKEEPER, by working man with one
child, school age. and own home near
Portland; wages $12; give address in first
letter. E 572, Oregonian.
WANTED Steno-typist with knowledge of
dictaphone and filing; quick and accurate;
state age, experience and salary desired;
references. - AK 471, Oregonian.
EMPLOYED woman with Invalid husband
and school boy wishes1 middle-aged wom
an housekeeper; good home, small wages.
87 E. 32d st. MV car.
EXPERIENCED girl or woman for general
housework; must be good cook, no wash
ing, good wages. Phone Tabor 2225 be
tween IO and 12.
HOUSEWORK, $20 to $40; waitresses, $25
to $40, in city ; waitress in camp, -$35 ;
dishwasher and kitchen helper, $35. Han
sen's Employment Bureau, 345 Wash.
WANTED Girl for general housework, good
cook, small family, no children. Phone
Mar. 1049.
WANTED Neat girl for general housework
and plain cooking; 3 in family. Apply
from 8 to 10 and after 12. 70 Lovejoy.
WANTED Experienced girl for cooking
and general housework. 794 Irving st. cor.
24th. Main 8235.
EXPERIENCED stenographer with book
keeping experience preferred. Call Main
HIGH school girl to work for board, room
and carfare In small family. F. R. Ran
se. 227 Sherlock bldg. Main 2821.
YOUNG woman wanted for grocery store.
some experience necessary. Apply
Grand ave.
WOMEN, girls for factory work. Apply In
person to general timetceeper, American
Can Co., 14th and Thurman.
NEAT, willing girl for general housework.
5-room bungalow z aauits ana one tnree-year-old
child; $12. Tabor 2223.
HOUSEKEEPER, middle-aged, by couple
empioyea aurmg aay , goou nome lut 1 o
f ined party. A J 102, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced lady presser. steady
job, good wages. Modern cieanera, xn6
Dalles. Or.
WANTED Chocolate dippers, packers and
caramel wrappers. Vogan Candy Co., iasi
11th and Flanders.
WANTED Schoolgirl for general house
work, small iamiiy, diocks irom Wash
ington High School. AE 99, Oregonian.
W'ILL GIVE a good home and carfare to
High School girl in exenange tor iignt
service. Woodlawn 5274
GIRL for general housework, good wages.
small family; references required, road
way llou.
WAXTKD A conmetent saleswoman in
jewelry store; must nave tne Dest or ref
erences. Address AJ 107, Oregonian.
WANTED Business college girl to work
for room, board and wages. Ata ua, ore
WANTED Experienced hand ironer, steady
work, good pay. Apply urystai Laundry
EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers, fancy
bon-bon packers, caramel wrappers, v ogan
Candy (JO., ii.ast inn ana r lanuera.
WANTED Operators on pants, coats and
shirts to operate z-neeaie macnine. cone
Dry Mfg. Co., corner 5th and Everett.
w a wkd Waitress: must be experienced.
Call 11 A. M. di'M inorrison St., tna iew
Kepuolic Grille
GIRLS wanted to work in paper box fac
tory: steady employment. Appiy at r.
Stettler. at east end of Steel bridge.
HOUSEKEEPER, by widower; one who is
congenial. 000a nome ana easy piace.
BC 554, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced cook, no washing or
ironing; references, zls s -:uin. jsroau
way a S3 5.
w ante D Girl f o r dressmakms p axi ors
must do good needle wont. x 110, ore
LADY to assist in office; must operate type
writer; state age. reterence and salary ex
pected. Y 168, Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted for two children;
parents employed curing aay. rnone J.a
bor 4101. -
OSTEOPATHIC treatments given for girl or
lady occasionally staying with child even
ings. AD 104, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl wanted for general
housework and cooking; no washing. 505
Vista ave.
DISHWASHER $45 month, logging 'camp.
Evans Employment Co.. 240 Burnside st.
WANTED School girl to assist with house
work ; Sunnvaide. a aooriaM.
WASTED Experienced second girl, refer
ences. Teiepnona Jiam lua.
WANTED Competent maid, family of three.
pnone 31 a in ao.
GIRL to assist with general housework in
small ramiiy; good nome. .cast na.
REFINED girl to assist with housework and
children. 730 Irving. Call mornings.
PRIVATE home for children 3 to 12 years
old; 15 years' exp. 714 Everett. Mar. 2162.
WANTED Housekeeper in widower's home,
3 children. Phone Main 6614,
COMPETENT Protestant girl for general
housework; $35. Main 7161.
GIRL for general housework. Phone Tabor
GIRL to work in drug store and run short
errands. Haack Bros., 351 Alder st.
GIRL to assist In housework. 86 Cornell st.,
between Everett and Flanders.
GIRL wanted, for housework; good home,
good wages, small family. 5S5 Marshall.
GIRL to assist in general housework. Ap
ply mornings. oi? lovejoy. jviain :MS7.
B 747, Oregonian.
b oar din g-h o use.
WANTED Experienced lady cook, 2 meals
a day. B 746. Oregonian.
YOUNG girl to learn button and hemstitch
ing; wages $6 a week. 509 Royal bldg.
70. Oregonian.
g 00 d ho me. AN
GOOD girl or woman for general housemaid;
references. East 648. 59 E. 19th N.
GIRLS wanted, steady work, god pay. Ap
p 1 y Crystal Laundry Co.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework;
good wages. 233 N. 24th st. Main 1776.
SPANISH girl wanted, room and board and
good wages. Weaver Hotel.
MAGICIAN wants lady assistant or part
ner; give age, etc O 514. Oregonian.
WAITRESS wanted. Hong Kong Cafe, 107
Sixth st., bet. Wash, and Stark.
WANTED Millinery makers and appren
tices. Apply Lowengart Co.
WANTED Experienced bookkeeper
stenographer. AV. 60S, .Oregonian
WANTED A discreet young woman ex
perienced in general office work. Com
petent to audit Invoices, operate L. C.
Smith typewriter and answer phone calls
Intelligently. Must be accurate and write
good hand. Permanent. None other
need apply. State age and experience,
give references. AR 30, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED waitresses, short hours. Ap
ply between 9 and 11 A. M.. superintend
ent's office, basement balcony, Meier &
Frank. Company.
EXPERIENCED glove saleswoman. Apply
between 9 and 11 A. M., superintendent's
office. Basement Balcony, Meier &. Frank
WANTED Girl for general office work;
must be good penman, neat and rapid;
state age, whether married or single, liv
ing at home or not; prefer girl who can
operate typewriter; salary $7.50 per week
to start; answer in own handwriting. AH
611. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, hours 8:30 to 5. Satur
day half day ; salary $40 per month to
start and advance $5 per cjionth each
third month. Answer in own handwrit
ing, giving experience. AM 86, Orego
nian. GIRL for general housework, small family
and modern home, excellent place for the
right girl; salary paid weekly. Call Mon
day, lir8 E. Yamhill at., cor. 3yth, or
phone Tabor 565.
WANTED Either high school or unem
ployed reliable girl to work all or part
day, go home evenings; children in fami
ly; references. Call Tabor 171)7 mornings.
WANTED Girl to assist with light house-
work; 2 adults and child: good wages:
pleasant surroundings. Apply Tabor 1233,
or iu r lanuers st.
WANT experienced waitress, must be quick
and attractive. Pay better than union
wages ; 8 hours. Woods Quick Lunch,
101 6th st.
WANTED High school eirl to assist In
family of 3 in Laurelhurst for room and
board. Call Tabor 184. AR 237, Ore
gonian. CLOAK and suit sales ladies, must be ex
perienced, good pay, toe work from 11 to
a. uive pnone number and references.
AR 413, Oregon lan. -
PORTLAND Normal and Commercial
School wishes teachers for Seattle, also
stenographers for good positions in Port-
iana. rnone Alain osio tor appointment.
WANTED Young, willing girl to assist with
housework and care for children, No
neavy washings. Call East 327.
WANTED An experienced second - girl.
wages Telephone Airs. Hunt Lewis,
Marshall 2483.
GIRLS wanted to work In candy factory.
excellent opportunity. enry toss c bona,
93 Union ave.
CHOCOLATE dippers wanted; must have
experience. We pay by piece at high
rates, wenry koss & sons, d Lnion ave,
GIRL to assist with general housework,
small family, no washing. Call after 9
A. M; East 4344.
MIDDLE-AGED woman for light house
work, no heavy work. Fare wages. Tab.
GIRL to help with children and housework
no cooKing; good nome; $2U nontn. Wood
lawn 1148. Call Monday A. M.
WANTED Posing girl for road show.
a o not pnone, urani noiei, oeu -iL .
and 2 P. M.
EXPERIENCED makers wanted, steady po
sition. Apply Tuesday morning. Won
der Millinery, Alder and 6th.
EXPERIENCED stenographer to work part
of time. X 504. Oregonian.
A FIRST-CLASS housekeeper. AF 614.
BUSINESS and shorthand courses In 90
days. We are speeding up to get people
ready for positions. See us at once if you
wish to take a short course at one-half
the cost and with free text books. We
use the efficient loose-leaf bookkeeping
method, also shorthand methods which
enable pupils to save time. Portland
Normal and Commercial School. Main 5S10,
NUMBER young women and men wanted to
prepare ior telegraph service to help fil
vacancies caused by unusual drafting of
men for war. Positions guaranteed. Call
or write, Telegraph Dept., 50b" Panama
Will teach you the barber trade In 8
weeks; tools free; scholarship and diplomas
given; paid while learning; position guar
anteed; tuition reduced. 233 Madison st.
en, $100 month. War necessitates hun
dreds appointments. Write immediately
for list positions. Franklin Institute. Dept.
3S6-G., Rochester. N. Y.
and women the barber trade in 8 weeks,
giving a diploma, scholarship and tools;
pays while learning. 234 Couch st.
Founded 193; 30 schools in U. S. and
Canada; Summer rates; paid while learn
Ing. Write for catalogue. 234 Burnside.
WANTED Immediately, names men. women
wishing to become Government clerks; $75
month. AV 984, Oregonian.
Broad way-Yamhill building; individual
instruction; positions when competent.
MISS MATTINGLY's Shorthand, Typewriting
School. Day and Evening sessions. $5 mo.
269 14th, near Jefferson. Main 3893.
IF YOU are in trouble in any want, see
the matron in room 333 Morgan bldg. Open
from 12 to 4 P M. except Sundays.
AMBITIOUS man, woman, willing to prepare
spare time, for $3000 accountant's position.
Address AO 391, Oregonian.
LEARN to be own optometrist and optician.
The De Keyser Institute of Optometry.
Columbia bldg. Also evening classes.
JANITOR Light services in exchange for
furnished apartment; no children; man
must have work; ref. AN 432, Oregonian.
EAST SIDE Commercial School, day and
evening classes, $3 mo. 122 Grand ave.
RAILROAD traffic Inspectors wanted; $125
a month and expenses to start ; short
hours, travel, three months home study
under guarantee; wet get you position. No
age limit. Ask for booklet L 16, Frontier
frep scnooi, liuiiaio, N. i.
OPENINGS as garage men or chauffeurs
never tilled, spendid opportunities in the
Army ; big pay ; travel ; advancement.
Qualify through sure, easy, spare-time
method. International Correspondence
Schools, 604 Yeon bldg.
WE CAN place 100 more inexperienced men
on Wyoming and Nebraska railroads as
brakemen. baiary. siiu-sieu monthly.
Positions absolutely guaranteed. Ages 20
to 30. Railway H. 127S Market st San
Francisco, Cal.
MORE men wanted. War causing vacancies.
Opportunity open to eligibles desiring
P. O. cierK-carriers. ti. Ai. clerks, customs,
exams. Call today. Pacific States School.
iicivay piQg.. city.
Cash ia on your natural gift. Train your
brain and become a gas engine expert. The
Adcox Auto School points the way to suc
cess. 3&s Bumsiae st. .
uncalled for, tailor-made; a little money
here goes a long ways. Orpheum Cleaners,
3oo fctaric st.
MAKE $15 to $25 weekly mailing circulars;
no experience required; we supply circu
lars ; write for particulars now. Dixie
Mailing Co., Dept, 28, Jacksonville, Fl
IF YOU are in trouble, in any want, see the
matron in room 338 Morgan bldg. Open
irom iiz to jf. ja.. except Sundays.
MAKE money writing short stories or arti
cles; good pay, free information. Address
United Press Syndicate. Los Angeles.
RAGTIME piano playing positively taught
beginners in 10 to 20 lessons. Practice
room free. 411-1J-13 Columbia bldg.
13th st.
cook, family hotel. 261
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
HIGH-CLASS business man free to accept
position, good salesman or manager; no
salary under xu considered; jlx refer
ences. AH 4?b. oregonian.
EXPERIENCED clerk. 24. single, not sub
ject to draft, with knowledge of book
keeping, desires position. Wish chance
for adTancement. AF bUJ5, Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by Al grocery clerk of
Ion g experience. Address L. W. Morgan,
528 E. id st.
WANTED Position by an experienced book
keeper, exempt; can do typing; best of
- - A T It? knn4n
HIGH-GRADE bookkeeper, stenographer.
executive wants Job; $5 week. AR 42,
CLOTHING and furnishing goods sales
man, 3 years experience, open for position.
AL 47y. oregonian.
CCPYING Manuscripts, circular letters,
etc., typewritten 50 cents per 1000 words.
Phone Getcheii, warsnau 34!2.
WANTED Accounting or typewriting, even
ings, Xit bUJ.
Bookkeepers and Clerk.
THOROUGHLY experienced furnishing goods
salesman, aged o years, empioyea at pres
ent in large dept. store, desires to make
change. Can furnish best o references.
AK Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED, well educated, aggressive
married man of 32; competent account
ant ; extensive experience handling labor
and labor pavrolls. distribution, construc
tion and cost "accounts; experience as pur
chasing agent and assistant superinten
dent. N 525, Oregonian.
LAW stenographer and clerk, aggressive and
energetic ; extensive experience ui ici
clerk, competent accountant; not accepta
ble for military duty; best references, X
523. Oregonian.
UNIVERSITY graduate, age 25 years, experi
enced in general otrice worn ana mmurr
business, wishes position with reliable firm
giving good opportunity for advancement;
best of references. K 509. Oregonian.
CITY salesman, over draft age. experience
In general and specialty lines, capaoie
handling advertising and sales by corre
spondence, drive machine. AO 428, Ore
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and office
manager, rapid, accurate, with aonity,
hardware, stoves, furniture, desires posi
tion with growing firm. E 599, Orego
nian. EXPERIENCED oookkeeper, credit man, of-
rice manager, desires position wnere
ability and qualifications are essential.
M 683. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires tem
porary positions; competent to do supply
work, substitute, take charge or assist.
Woodlawn 2642.
BOOKKEEPER, age 24, exempt from mili
tary service, wants position: a years expe
rience; can also operate typewriter; in
dustrious and reliable. AE &S, Oregonian.
SHIPPING clerk, 7 yrs. experience, age 81
married, desires Dosition where advance
ment is possible; best of references. AJ
loO. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer; young
man employed daytime- would UKe small
set books to keep evenings and spare time;
best referen ces. A H 62 0, Oregonian.
SALESMAN, experienced, now employed.
wishes to make connection with well-es
lished firm; am acquainted with Portland
and surrounding territories ana win pro
duce the desired results for you if given
the opportunity; gilt-edged references as
to ability and character; age ol ana mar
rled. AP 127. Oregonian.
YOUNG man with proven ability as sales
man; well acquainted in the city, seeks
connection witn local nrm: are you iook
lng for a man with personality, initiative
and ability to secure the desired results?
If so, kindly favor with appointment, age
31. married. X 506, Oregonian.
HIGH-CLASS salesman, exnerienced in spe
cialty and general trade work, open for
engagement after Sept. 20; nothing but
;iass a proposition considered. tan
quickly demonstrate ability. AM 73, Orego
SYSTEMATIZE R, steward, practical cook.
for hotel, club or institution; at present
employed. Not a cheap man. AN 7S, Ore
MARRIED man. 32. wide business expert
ence, holding responsible position, desires
road position with well-established line.
Y 162. Oregonian.
BY young man at present employed with
general office, selling and collecting ex
perience. AJ lib, Oregonian.
SHIP draughtsman, experienced on wood
hulls; open for engagement. Address AV
70a, oregonian.
REGISTERED pharmacist wants steady po
sition; married, aged dir. yrs.' experi
ence; best references, fnone a :o4.
PAINTING, tinting, papering a specialty,
done reasonable. Call evenings. East 0039,
apartment 17.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and book
keeper .desires work evenings. AJ 109,
WANTED Position as night watchman or
private chaufleur; references. Woodlawn
MARRIED man wants position as helper In
modern garage. State wages. Box lUo,
Yamhill, Or.
HIGH SCHOOL (senior) wants work. Can
drive any make automobile or truck.
Main 8105.
CHEF wants position; have years experi
ence and good references. At. a i, ore
MAN wants painting and tinting by the day
or contract, or any itina 01 worn, sen
wood 94.
MARRIED man with family wants situa
tion on farm. Can give good references,
AV 702, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced pharmacist wants
permanent position; married, college grad
uate. Address lock box 697, Baker, Or.
SITUATION wanted by first-class, Al sash
and door machine and layout man; wiil
go anywhere. AV 687, Oregonian.
ARTIST, showcard, window display, man 33,
desires position with manufacturing or
retail firm. Phone Marshall 1949.
RELIABLE, energetic young man, 28. de
sires employment or any nature; moderate
compensation. V 704, Oregonian.
COMPETENT man wants work evenings as
janitor or running elevator, nave experi
ence. BD 596. Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR, first-class man wants a posi
tion to drive a trucK. or touring car. -v
F25 Oregonian.
BY reliable, trustworthy, oldish man with
Fora car, oy woeit or monin. x j.t, ore
gonian. YOUNG man, experienced in grocery busi
ness, wants position, oan give rezerences.
AD 114, Oregonian.
WILL do any kind of building repair work
lor man s overcoat, sun or wnat nave
you? Y 167 Qregcnlan.
REGISTERED pharmacist, working at pres
ent, wants position out or town, wiu go
anywhere. N 514, Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants position evenings, gen
eral, dishwasher to porter work, ao 40,
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants position.
private tamiiy, in or out or city, iterer
ences. Jack Hayes. Sell. 3201.
BAKER Expert on cakes and bread, wishes
steady employment, out 01 city preierrea.
Y 164, Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR, careful driver, best of refer
ences; city or country; is wining to De
generally userui. ak 4m. oregonian.
AUTO washer, Is sober and a first-class
washer: good recommendations. At oil.
CHAUFFEUR and mechanic with 12 years'
experience, would like position in city. AR
414, oregonian.
EXPERIENCED shipping clerk desires po
sition, win give reierences. tu tuu, ore
gonian. MAN AND WIFE want position as house
keener and janitor in hotel or ant-house
experienced in that line. Call East 2507.
MAN AND WIFE want janitor work in apt.
house. 6842 62d ave. S. E.
POSITION wanted by high school boy, after
school and Saturday, rnone aat 44ti.
CARPENTER, good door and sash man.
wants permanent joo in a mm. i.iz lDtn.
CERTIFIED assay er wants job; $12
month. AJ. 122, Oregonian.
WANTED Job as watchman; can give satis-
iaction; in city. s si 4, oregonian.
CARPENTER contracts, repairs, building;
low prices. Manny, sen wood 241.
WANTED Contract to cut cord wood with
dragsaw. 366 N. 4th St.
WALL TINTING with Muresco. Decorating.
Low prices. Manny, bell wood 2421.
JAPANESE man. wants a job in town, except
cook. AG 612, Oregonian.
JAPANESE man wants Job for short hour.
AG 614. oregonian.
COUPLE Japanese want jobs. AG 613, Ore
gonian. . -
WANTED By married man. care of coun
try place or orchard. AK 483, Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN with selling experience wants
position triveling. N oia, Oregonian.
MARRIED man wants steady work. Phone
East 4449, apt. A'Z
WANt steady job at light mechanical or
electrical work. AG euf. oregonian.
JAPANESE boy of 17 wants position as
echoo iboy. A; iu , oregonian
PAINTING, papering, tinting, reasonable.
Main 679, A 1748, Sunday or evenings-
MAN with dragsaw wants contract for
cutting wood. Call 367 E. 3d st., Portland.
POSITION as night watchman; also good
horseman; best or reierences. Main ii
ELDERLY man wants light work for room
and board. 331 Aiaoison.
CHAUFFEUR, married, good
wants position. Mar. 3659.
MOTOR TRUCK driver wants position; good
mechanic Tom Jiaiiara, a-n iioyt st.
Boring. Or.
on a farm. A. Mann,
REGISTERED druggist, experienced, go
anywhere. Art- oo. oregonian.
MAN and wife with hoy 14 would like po
sition on rancii. J.i ouo. vjj eonian.
WANTED Position as boss calker in open
modern snipyara. a v o, oregonian.
MAN and wife wants position on ranch. Box
21S, lone, or.
"Mrn wanted everywhere" this Is what
one hears every day now. Let's hear front
some of the firms wanting help. Advertiser
is experienced in office work, bookkeep
ing, correspondence, salesmanship, adver
tising and department management: will
ing to start on moderate salary with con
cern offering advancement; references. AP
129. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS farmhand and dairyman, sin
gle, 35, expert in raising all kinds of root
crops, kale and beets, desires position on
dairy farm, which can be rented next
Spring for cash rent; give brief descrip
tion of farm and amount of rent; wages of
minor importance. Address Geo. Rasmus- '
sen. Stumps Landing, Str. America, Port
land, Or.
WANT WORK Young man 19 wants work
in oitice or moving picture nouse. tan
operate machine (worked 4 years for a
newspaper co.), can give good references
State wajes in letter and what work.
Write or phone ofiice 122 W. ; phone
residence, 153 J. G. Rissberger, Jr., Ore
gon City. Or.
Al GENERAL and cost accountant wants
twiaor three sets of books to care ior,
whicn will require but 2 or 3 hours daily;
thorough knowledge of system and detail;
books also audited; compensation moder
ate. Phone Marshall 220. Mr. Wenger, 501
Selling bldg.
TRAVELING salesman of experience, with
strong personality, wishes position witn
large concern. If you haven't a good
proposition do not answer; at present em
ployed, but desire to change. , Y 112, Ore
gonian. CHAUFFEUR Have had 10 years exper
ience and oan iurnisn tne nest 01 reier
ences as private driver; at present 1 am
employed as mechanic in a garage, but
desire change. Phone Marshall 232 and
ask for Ralph.
EXPERIENCED collector with good local
references and recommendations, want
old accts. to collect (corns, or salary),
dignified and diplomatic. This Is not a
collection agency. Address AG 6u2. Ore
gon ian. it
YOUNG man, aged 32, married, good educa
tion, want position witn comme vo.i
mercantile firm; 5 years with large trust
company back East and 7 years" selling
real estate. Address AO 435. Oregonian.
MAN. 40: HUSTLER, tin VJ.
MARRIED man wants hotel or apartments
to care Tor; 20 years' experience, iano
of all kinds; paper, paint and tinting.
J. C. Benson, Hillsboro. Or.
BY mechanical engineer, graduate of Mass-
Institute or Tecnnoiogy ; exuei iwc
construction work of all kinds. Y !.
YOUNG MAN. age 33. competent machinist.
with experience botn as toreman u.o. iu
nffioo h Mires nosition with oppor
tunity for advancement. Y 166. Oregonian.
MAN wants work repairing stoves, filing or
light sheetiron work, fitting, etc. Address
A. Crop, Hillsboro, Or., R, 1. Box 37 or
6th and Flanders sts., Arlington Hotel.
RESPONSIBLE night watchman wants po
sition ; can gtve an reierencea cr-t".
Phone Marshall 5331 or write 10 2d
st. Hart apts.
SITUATION wanted as watchman, or simi
lar job, by energetic, trustworthy married
man with highest references. AE 114,
WANTED Employment by steady, energet
ic man of experience and mechanical abil
ity; can adjust self to any kind of bench
or machine work. AE 115, Oregonian.
MAN and wife want position as janitor and ,
housekeeper for apt. or hotel; experienced
engineer. 153 13th. Phone Main 38.8, ask
for Sufeldt. .
YOUNG man, 31 years of age, desires po
sition as city or traveling salesman with
reliable concern; best references. AO 40.
Oregonian. -
WANTED By reliable party, position as
general manager of ranch; thoroughly un
derstands dairying and general tarming.
106 E. 72d st.
STATUARY I clean all kinds of Inside,
ornamental marble and statuary at your
home; best references. T. G. Robinson,
sculptor, rnone j. auor to-o.
YOUNG man with fair education, in town
three days each week; willing to do any
thing, fnone aiain oo.
1 a tn lit a Ai. or o tu 1 -
MAN of 35 wants several hours orK
5 P. M.. or Sundays. Address lii03 Min
nesota. YOUNG Japanese wants position; wife does
housework and wait on table. Apply N.
Akamatsu. 264 Everett st.
STATIONARY engineer wants a position,
night or day. in city; has Montana state
license. AM 95, Oregonian. t
YOUNG man seeks position. AM 96, Orego
SITUATION wanted ; experienced grc-cery
clerK; gooa msiue
MARRIED man. experienced iarmer. wants
ranch 300. iuu Aingwuiui -v
COOK Good all-around man wants position.
AV 683. Oregonian.
cvDCDTirvrrn wait rests wishes place
small camp, r.xpneua V -wishes
place in commercial hotel out 01
city Good -cook wishes place in small
camp. $50. Hansen's Employment Bureau,
345 2 Wash. .
POSITION wanted as housekeeper in or out
of town lor or J genLieiatu o iw.
on ranch. Tabor 171.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
EXPERT ACCOUNTANT, cashier, stenogra
pher, comptometer operator, lamuiai win
credits, collections and branch house man
agement, desires change of position at not
less than $125 per month; 10 years whole
sale and retail experience; Al references,.
Address box 511, Juneau. Alaska.
CAPABLE and experienced stenographer
and office woman uesires pu.muuu
reliable firm who appreciates honesty and
efficiency. Y 159. Oregonian. .
REFINED Southern girl, age 25, graduate.
bookkeeping, sienograpny, v --
nent position; reference given.
YOUNG lady with bookkeeping and steno
graphic ability desires pe , K" VA
in dentist's or doctor's office; salary $60.
Phone Tabor 5910.
OFFICE assistant, young lady, good pen
man. quic at llgures, can uyei i-o -writer,
day or half day. BF 806. Orego
WOMAN of education wants office work.
light bookkeeping, answering UUUV6 ov
penman, no typing reasonable. AE a4.
YOUNG lady bookkeeper desires position. 3
years experience, cny reit-i cm-co,
handle light stenographic work. Main
WANTED By refined, capable lady of mid
dle age, position as nousetteeex m
ower or companion to lady. AE 91, Ore
WANTED Position as housekeeper in the
city; have a 10-year-oid ooy. aw -c.
Bt. N. Woodlawn 694 r
YOUNG- woman, experienced in typewriting.
clerical worK ana tiling, ucMiro -,
beeinner in ehort hand. Main 4uoi.
WANTED By business college student,
work after school hours. AR 406, Ore
go nian
WANTED By experienced stenographer and
bookkeeper. extra work for evenings.
Phone Sell wood 911
ANY kind of clerical worK oy experienced,
bookkeeper - stenographer. Phone Main
9o21. .
LADY with business ability would like col
lecting for firm or persons. Main 609.
Room 2. ,
BRIGHT, intelligent girl wishes office work.
Can do light bookkeeping and typewriting.
Phone Woodlawn 3442.
COPYING Manuscripts, circular letters,
etc., typewritten 50 cents per 1000 words.
Thone Getcheii, Marshall 3482.
YOUNG lady desires position as bookkeeper;
has. had some experience. Call Columbia
898 between 9:30 and 1.
YOUNG ladv desires position as stenogra
pher; has had some experience. Call East
9H0 between R and 12. f
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per
manent position ; energetic and reliable ;
call Monday. Main 3495J
WANTED Office work answering phone, no
typing, bv young lady; references. Wood
lawn 1611.
STENOGRAPHER wants position, stenog
raphy or general office work; good refer
ences. Phone East 3 1 uu.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog
rapher, legal and commercial, city ret'er
ences. Y 111, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wishes clerical position; can
operate switchboard. Y 153. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPING or stenographic work,
evenings. Marshall 501.
wishes position.
with law experience,
Marshall 3493.
WANTED Typewriting to do at home; rea
sonable YOUNG girl desires office work, no typing.
Tabor 4627. .
COMPETENT dressmaker, Portland refer
ences, work by week at reduction, or part
days for room. AN 92. Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by experienced second
maid. Call Sunday. Tabor 4285.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker. $1.50 a day and
carfare ; references. Marshall 41 00.
WANTED Dressmaking out by the day,
42.50. Phone Tabor 271.