The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 16, 1917, Section One, Image 1

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    74 Pages
Six Sections
VOL. XXXVI. SO: -37i
Section One
Pages lto20
United States and Lum.
bermens Join Forces.
DEPOSITS REACH $20,000,000
All Directors, Officers and Em
ployes" Are Retained.
Deal Has Been TTnder Consideration
for Year and Reorganized Instl
1 tutlon Will Have Capital and
Surplus of $3,000,0004
' Merger of the United States National
Sank and the Lumbermens .National
Bank two of the leading financial
Institutions of the city was consum
mated yesterday morning and will be
come effective at the beginning of busi
ness tomorrow.
The consolidated bank will do busi
ness under the name and charter of
the United States National in the hand
some new quarters of the latter bank,
at the northwest corner of Sixth and
Etark streets.
It will have & capitalization of $1,
800,000. surplus of $1,000,000. undivided
profits of 1400,000 to $500,000 and de
posits in excess of $20,000,000.
J. C Ainsworth President.
J. C. Ainsworth. president of the
United States National, will be presi
dent of the consolidated bank, and E.
G. Crawford, president of the Lumber
mens National, will be first vice-president.
All the officers, directors and
employes of the two institutions will be
retained. '
The additional officers will be as fol
lows: R. Lea Barnes, vice-president;
H. B. Ainsworth. vice-president; R. W.
Bchmeer. cashier and vice-president;
A. M. Wright, vice-president; A. L.
Tucker, vice-president; W. A. Holt. P.
P. Dick. Graham Dukehart. C M. Dyr-
. Jnnd and E. C Sammons, assistant cash
iers. National Approval Given.
The new bank will have 1 directors,
even of whom have been directors of
the United States National and seven
of the Lumbermen's. They are: J. C
Ainsworth, H. B. Ainsworth. R. Lea
Barnes. George G. Bingham. George E.
Chamberlain. E. G Crawford. Edward
Krhman, Dr. K. A. J. Mackenzie, R. L.
Mideay. Robert Treat Piatt. Andrew
R. Porter, C. S. Russell and D. W.
Every step in the consolidation pro
ceedings has been approved by the of
ficials of the Federal Reserve Bank at
San Francisco, of which both institu
tions have been members, and by the
Controller of Currency at Washington,
D. C. Final approval of the move wai
received from the Controller jester
day morning.
Records Are Moved.
All the books, coin, papers and neces
sary equipment of the Lumbermen's
Bank was moved from the quarters at
Fifth and Stark streets to the home of
the consolidated bank, one block west,
late yesterday afternoon. The patrons
of both banks will go to the rooms of
the United States National tomorrow
morning to transact their business.
The entire ground floor, mezzanine
and second floors of the palatial new
building, which was opened for busi
ness six weeks ago. will be used.
The United States National will as
sume the lease of the Lumbermen's
National in the Lumbermen's building
and hopes to sub-let it. It is under
stood that It may be used as the office
(Concluded on Pairo 10, Column 3.)
sruA TV OS s0Z.
oregon' officer attached
to 4ist division. :
Commission in National Guard
Army Follows Record for Expe
diting Military Work in State.
ington. Sept. 15. George A- White, Adjutant-General
of Oregon, has been as
signed to active duty in orders placing
him with the Forty-first Infantry Di
vision for service in France. He has
teen directed to report to Camp Greene,
Charlotte, N. C. as major, adjutant
general, assistant divisional adjutant.
The assignment was made upon his
own request that he be attached to
troops during the period of the war.
General White, when shown the
foregoing dispatch last nlghf, admit
ted that he had received his orders and
had completed .all arrangements to
leave Portland within the next few
days for the North Carolina camp.
In anticipation of possible orders fol
lowing application for transfer to
field service, he has been getting the
affairs of his office In shape to turn
over to the officer who. it is said, has
been selected to act as Adjutant-General
in his absence and until the end
of the war.
He declined to discuss the matter
further, although friends say his pri
vate mount was shipped to Charlotte
several days ago and that he plans to
leave Portland in a few days.
General White has been Adjutant
General of Oregon since February 1,
1914. He has made a remarkable rec
ord in the efficient conduct of his of
fice, particularly in connection with,
the. taking" of the war census in Ore
goni and the operation of the draft
law in this state. He has been called
the man who put the first In "Oregon
During the Mexican trouble he
served for nine months on the bordei
as captain of Troop A. Oregon Cavalry.
The Forty-fir3t Infantry Division Is
commanded by Major-General Hunter
Liggett, and Includes Oregon and
Washington National Guard troops.
Omaha Publisher Files Suit Against
Sale of Press Association.
OMAHA. Neb., Sept. 15. Suit was
filed in the State District Court here
today by Edwin L. Huntley, publisher
of a weekly paper in Omaha, to enjoin
the - Western "Newspaper Union' from
purchasing and absorbing the plate
service department of the American
Press Association.
He alleges that such merger would
operate to create a monopoly to the
detriment of his newspaper and others
of like character.
Sea. Monster Taken Off Grays Har
bor "Weighs 160,000 Pounds.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. Sept. 15 (Spe
cial.) An SO - foot sulphur-bottom
whale, the largest leviathan ever cap
tured off Grays Harbor, was brought
into the Bay City Whaling Station yes
terday. Whales of this species weigh about
a ton to the foot, so that the giant
weighed about 160,000 pounds. The sulphur-bottom
Is the largest whale taken
in North Pacific waters.
Quarterly Sessions of Legislative
Commissions Suggested.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15. Co-operation
of the legislative bodies of the
allies and the United States was dis
cussed today by the Senate foreign re
lations committee.
Henry Franklin Bouillon, vice-president
of the French Chamber of Depu
ties, presented his plan for a Congres
sional commission of 25 to an inter
parliamentary council to hold quarter
ly meetings.
Vessels Needed to Sup.
ply Troops Held Up.
Approval of Head Union Is Not
Given Local Organization.
Places of Men Falling: to Return to
Work to Be Refilled Monday.
Labor Leaders Take Brief
Close-Down as Lockout.
Portland's wooden shipbuilding in
dustry, upon which the Government is
depending to furnish tonnage to carry
food and other supplies to fighting
forces in France, is paralyzed by a
The strike became effective at 10
o'clock yesterday on a call of the Car
penters Union and other unions affili
ated with the Metal Trades Council,
which organization also goVerns the
union employes of the steel shipbuild
ing plants.
The ostensible cause of the strike
was the alleged lockout of unionized
employes at the McEachern and Wilson
Brothers yards at Astoria Friday morn
ing, but the real cause is the determi
nation of the union officials to enforce
the closed-shop policy upon the em
ployers. Lockout ! Denied.
As a matter of fact the owners ot
the Astoria plants insist that they did
not lock out the union men or any
other men; they explain that they
merely closed their plants Friday
morning, giving all hands a holiday
until Monday, pending probable adjust
ment of the difficulty over the closed
shop question.
But this situation was either mis
understood or deliberately misinter
preted by the union officials and the
strike was called.
Response to the strike order was
general In all yards but two. At the
Coast Shipbuilding Company, operated
by H. E. Pennell and associates, onlj
half a dozen men. it is reported, went
out. The Columbia Engineering Worka
reports that none of their men quit.
Resumption to Be Attempted.
As soon as the union men quit, ths
yard managers ordered suspension ot
all activities until tomorrow morning
when attempts will be made to resume
on a normal basis
All the Portland plants have been
operating on an open-shop basis and
it is the Intention to resume on that
basis. All hands will be taken back
tomorrow morning, indiscriminately -strikers,
if they want to come back, as
well as those who did not go on strike,
and new applicants who may be look
ing for work. Every plant reports a
heavy list of applicants and the man
agers say they will have little or no
trouble filling the placec vacated by
the strikers.
Head Vaftos Opposes Strike.
It is understood that the interna
tional officials of the Carpenters Union
have refused to sanction the strike, but
local officials sent numerous telegrams
yesterday to inform them of the so
called lockout at Astoria, knowledge of
which, they say, will win the stamp of
approval from the heads of their or
ganizations. Immediately after the strike was
called yesterday the executive commit
tees of the Metal Trades Council went
into executive session and canvassed
the situation. They received reports
from all plants in the district includ-
(Concluded on F&gtt 7. Column 1.)
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 81
degrea; minimum. 5 dea-reea.
TODAY'S Fair, continued warm: gentle,
northerly winds.
Enemy diver reported attacking ahip off
American coast. Section 1. page 1.
Allied powers waive Boxer Indemnity pay
ments for five years. Section lr page It.
German officer offers reward of 400 marks
- for first American taken, dead or alive.
Section 1. page 5.
Germans seek to destroy allies ras pro
jectors at Lens. Section 1. pago 5. ,
President's reply to pope si Irs democratlsa
tion talk tn Germany. Section 4,, page- 1.
Details of German attack on American hos
pital are reported. Section 1. page 11.
Foreign. i
Russian rebel leader arrested and Cabinet
crisis ends. Section 1. page 1.
Gerard relates frightful conditions of fever
camp at Wtttenburg. Section 1. page 2.
Swiss must Import cereals, coal and pota
toes to live. Section 1. page 4.
Sweden seeks to eradicate Teuton taint.
Section 1. page 4.
Ex-Ambassador of Russia to France says
Kaiser-Czar pact ended In fall of 1900.
Section 1, page 3.
Adjutant-General George A. White commis
sioned In 41st Division. Section 1, page 1.
War tax bill two-thirds completed by con
feree Section 1. page 2.
Representative Kahn's speech saves draft
bill. Section 1, page 3.
Gold seized by TJ. 8. officials on Spanish
ship preparing to sail. Section 1, page 1.
Viscount Ishll talks of allies aims. Section
1. page 4.
Farmers and labor unite to discuss means
of reducing living cost. Section 1. page
New York assured of abundant supply of
flour. Section 1, page 10.
Pacific Coast league results Portland 1-1.
Los Angeles 3-4; San Francisco 2. Oak
land 1 ; Salt Lake 5, Vernon 4. Section 2,
page 1.
"Dark Horses" abound In Interscholastlc
football league. - Section 2, page 2.
James Barnes seta new 72-hole record in
winning Western open golf titles. Section
2. page 2.
Freshmen rule to come up again In North
west. Section 2, page 2.
Boxing season opens with rush at Seattle.
Section 2. page 2.
Hundreds joining Mulfnomah Club, Section
2. page 3.
Portland Golf Club schedule of matches re
vised. Section 2, page 4.
Valuable dngs entered In field trials today.
. Section 2. page 4.
America develops great athletes. Section 2,
page 3.
Bowling season opens. Section 2, -page 4.
Veteran trap gun artists unable to win cl an
cle event more than once. Section 2,
page 4.
King distributor for Oregon remains mys
tery. Section 4, page 11.
Tris Speaker takes spurt. Section 2, page 2.
Pacific Northwest.
Democracy of Selective Service Army well
Illustrated by Incident at American Lake
cantonment. Section 4. page 1.
Government acta to end Seattle strike. Sec
tlon 1. page 7.
Harry L Day resigns as member of Idaho
Defense Council and criticises Governor.
Section 1. page 8.
New bureau formed to guarantee spruce sup
ply for Allies. Section 1, page 8.
Old-time fair opena at Sclo Tuesday. Section
1. page 8.
Waplnttia Plain celebrates certainty of rec
lamation of arid landH. Section 1. page 0.
Portland and Vicinity.
Two big Portland banks merged. Section
1. page 1.
Wooden ship Industry !n Portland district
stopped by strike. Section 1, page 1.
Cut In police force expected to save $23,000
annually. Section X, page L
Non-fireproof buildings permitted In business
district. Section l, page a.
Registration day brings to light most grat
Ifying patriotism among women. Section
1. page 10.
Grand opera season of ten days In October
assured Fort land. Section 1. page 12.
County agents named to help increased crop
campaign. Section l. page iz. .
Rouse Simmons, of Portland, finds shell fire
monotonous. Section 1, page 13.
Four new Reed College Instructors to arrive
today or tomorrow. Section 1. page 13.
Galea Creek railroad into timber nearly
completed, feectlon 1. page 14.
Food prlrea still keep moving up. Section 1,
page 15.
Ex-Secretary MeCone. of Socialist party In
Oregon, pledges aid to Government. Sec
tion 1. page 15.
Drainage work In Oregon helps land. Sec
tion 1, page 10.
War library fund seems assured. Section 1,
page 1. . .
Appeal is made for books for soldiers li
brary. Section 1, page 16.
State Unlventlty extension clans work out
lined to start October 1. Section 1, page
Yee Guk defence to try to prove defendant
was attacked. Section 1. page 17.
New Secretary of Y. W. C. A. sees oppor
tunity for women in business. Section 1,
page 17.
Shippers -protest removal of Judge Burke aa
customs collector. Section 1, page 17.
Note left by Lieutenant-Colonel Robert
shows suicide was thought dufy. Section
1, page 18.
Ex-Consul Frost pictures honors of .U-boat
warfare. Section 1, page 18.
Portland must give support tf livestock
show continues, says Emery Ol instead.
Section 1, page 18.
Stephen Carvrr to be called to task for not
providing service. Section U, page 14.
. Weather report data and forecast. Sec
tion 2. page 14.
Enemy Diver Reported
Near Nantucket Light.
Name of U-Boat's Victim Not
Given Publicity.
Attack of Friday Morning in Same
Locality as Sinking of Five Al
lied Merchantmen in Trans.
Atlantic Lane Last October.-
Evidence that an enemy submarine has
begun depredations in American waters
was brought here today by two steam
ships which yesterday morning picked
up wireless S. O. S. calls indicating
that a ship was being shelled by a
U-boat in the vicinity of Nantucket
One ship receiving' the distress calls
was a British freighter and the other
an American tanker. Both reported
the scene of the attack as about 0
miles east of Nantucket and the time
about 8 o'clock yesterday morning. The
identity of the submarine's victim was
not learned by either vessel, as far
as is publicly known.
Only Part of Name Given.
According to the commander of the
British vessel, the messages received
by his wireless operator from the ship
said she was being shelled and re
ported her position, but only a part of
her name could be heard the word
"Abby,' which is the last name of sev
eral ships in Atlantic trade.
The American tanker's captain con
firmed the British skipper's report, but
added no details. Following the new
rule of the sea, established since Ger
man submarine warfare began, neither
vessel went to the assistance of the
submarine's victim.
The captain of the American tanker.
Interviewed by a naval ILleutenant,
confirmed the statement, it was
learned, that his ship also heard the
distress calls. His vessel, he said, was
less than 20 miles from the ship that
was being shelled, but he, likewise
following the new rule of the sea. did
not go to her aid.
Air Tells of Attack.
"The captain reported to us," the
representative of the agents said,
"that at 8 o'clock yesterday morning,
when the ship was about 30 miles oft
the coast of Nantucket, she heard a
wireless call in the British code from
a ship about 30 miles away that the
ship was being attacked by a subma
rine. The messages continued for sev
eral minutes and then were followed
by the "S. O. S.,' after which no further
calls were received."
Reports of the sighting of subma
rines or periscopes in American waters
have been frequent since the United
States entered the war, but the fact
that tn this case wireless messages
telling of an attack by shell ."re were
picked up by two steamships gave to
day's reports the color of truth. In the
opinion of shipping men.
Meaaase Mar Be Hoax.
Furthermore, the captain of a third
incoming vessel reported he had been
instructed to watch out for submarines
in Western Atlantic waters. It was
realized, however, that it was possible
the messages were a hoax.
The place where the attack was re
ported Is in the steamship lane of
trans-Atlantic ships calling at New
York and In the vicinity in which last
October the Oerman submarine U-63
(Concluded on Pare 4. Column S.)
Money Found Secreted In Cargo
and Arrests Under Embargo
Proclamation Follow.
A GULF PORT, Sept. 15. Customs
officials today boarded a Spanish
steamer shortly before the vessel was
scheduled to depart for a European
port and seized $40,300 in gold secreted
in a barrel of salt pork that formed a
part of the ship's stores.
An investigation conducted by the
Federal District Attorney was followed
by the arrest of three members of the
ship's crew charged with violating
President Wilson's proclamation of
September 10, prohibiting the exporta
tion of gold save under license.
Officials at first were inclined to the
belief, they said, that the gold bears
some relation to reports that Germany
has received gold through communica
tion of her submarines with neutral
Following the investigation comment
was withheld. Full details were wired
to Washington tonight by the Collector
of the Port.
While officials were inclined to await
further developments before making
public details of the investigation, it is
understood the money was obtained by
the ship's cook from a local hank. The
cook caused a draft to be drawn for
the full amount ona bank in Havana.
The individual giving the draft Is a
Spaniard, it was said. Bank officials
here declined to make a statement of
the transactions.
Wilson's Son-ln-Law Covered With
Dirt From Explosion.
PARIS. Sept. 15. Francis B. Sayre,
President Wilson's son-in-law, has Just
returned from a trip to the Italian
front with other American and British
officials of the T. M. C. A. after having
escaped a six-Inch shell by only 40
The party waa motoring up a hill
along the Isonzo Valley September 7
and Austrian observers sighted the T.
M. C. A. men. Five shells were fired
y the Austrian batteries, the last one
of which burst within 40 feet of the
party. All the members of the group
were covered with dirt by the explo
Navy Department Reports No Loss
of Life In Accident.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15. A United
States submarine sank at her dock at
an Atlantic port yesterday morning, the
Navy Department announced tonight,
but there was no loss of life.
The cause has not yet been deter
mined. .
The announce: ent said it was ex
pected that the submersible would be
raised within a few days.
Senators Will Pay Tribute to Late
Colleague From Oregon.
ington. Sept. 15. The Senate tomorrow
will hold a special session to hear eulo
gles on the late Senator Lane, of Ore
eon. Senators expected to speak are Cham
berlain, Jones, Phelan, Kenyon, Hust
Ing. Johnson (South Dakota), Norrts,
Vardaman, Reed, Gronna and La Fol
Freshman Believed to Have Suffered
Concussion of Drain.
FORT COLLINS, Colo.. Sept. 13.
Dwlght Fisher, a freshman, sustained
concussion of the brain in the annua
"sack" ruth of the freshmen and sopho
mores of the Colorado Agricultural Col
lege here today.
His condition is dangerous.
Rebel General Korni.
loff Is Prisoner.
Troops Recognize Authority of
Latest Commander-in-Chief.
Government Xot Disposed to Wreak
Vengeance on Leader of Revolt,
but Death May Be Necessary to
Justify Recent Executions.
PETROGRAD, Sept. 15. General
Korniloffs revolt has collapsed, he is &
prisoner of the provisional government,
and, according- to the Russian official
news agency, the political crisij has
been solved and the personnel of a
new Cabinet will be announced tomor
row. General Lokomsky. the commander
of the northern front, who refused to
take command of the Russian armies
after Korniloff was deposed, has been
arrested also.
Several Officers Arrested.
News of the arrest of General Kor
niloff was first conveyed in a telegram
received by Premier Kerensky from
General Alexleff, the chief of staff. So
far only the following details have
been received:
"At 4 o'clock last night. General
Korniloff and Generals Lokomsky and
Romanovsky and Colonel Pleustchev-sky-i'liuskhen
were arrested.
"The members of the commission of
Inquiry are due at Mohilev at midnight
and the arrested persons will be given
into their hands. Such other officers
as the commission selects also will be
1 Troops at Mohilev. Loyal.
"All the troops at Mohilev are true
to the provisional government and
recognize my authority."
The question of the probable fate of
General Korniloff is exciting publio
opinion. Indications are that the gov
ernment must face serious difficulties
over the matter.
A feature of the conflict is the cred
itable absence of bitter feeling and
clamor for vengeance. Having re-established
capital punishment at the
front, however, the government, if It
spares the rebel commander, must face
the reproach that it executed common
soldiers for less serious offenses and
it would be virtually impossible to im
pose the death penalty in the future.
Ciener&l Character Good.
Against this are the facts of General
Korniloffs brilliant services, his chiv
alrous and personal character and the
happy circumstance that there has been
J no bloodshed so far.
There are indications that the gov
ernment is seeking a way out. As an
instance, M. Kishkin, the new Minister
of the Interior, declares that the gov
ernment has decided not to take ex
treme measures against Korniloff. as
it does not wish to appear revenge
ful. "The story," M. Kishkin said, "is
so tangled that only an Inquiry by a
commission can elucidate the truth.
Meantime we have reason to believe
that the revolt was due to a misun
derstanding with Korniloffs emissary
to Kerensky, Vladimir Lvoff, who has
not the reputation of being a respon
sible man."
The newly completed cabinet again
Is a melting pot.
The newspapers report that r.pre-
Concluded on Page 4. Column l.