The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 09, 1917, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 31

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Help Wanted Agpnts.
If this is not greatest money-ma kins
house-to-house proposition. N. K. G.
Laundry Taolets wash clothes 10 minutes,
without rubbing; contains no lime lye, par
affin wax or other injurious chemical ;
cannot possibly injure clothes or hands ;
positively wonder of age; sells for 15c;
enough for 5 family washings; supply
free samples; guarantee the sale of every
package you buy- Just leave the free
sample with the housewife, and when you
ca.ll again, she is eagerly awaiting to be
come your steady customer. Secure terri
torial rights at once, or you will regret
It; postal brings sample and f ull particu
lars. Farquhar-Moori Mfg. Co., Dept.
14-A. 140 W. Van Kuren St., Chicago, III.
ONE agent in each county to sell my handy
garments supporter. Write or call for
terms. Sample sent by mail, post paid, on
receipt of price, 25c. Geo. W. Armstrong,
Inventor and patentee, 170 Bush at., Sa
lem, Or.
START you in business, furnishing every
tuing: men, womn: $.30 to $2o weekly
operating "New System Specialty Candy
actor ins;" home, small room anyw here ;
no canvassing; opportunity lifetime; book
let free. Kagsdale Co., Box S, East
orange, N. J.
A.ENTs, make big money selling THE
AUDACHINE. the latest and lowest
priced adding and subtracting machine.
Sells at 35c, 50c, $1. Hurrv up for good
territory. THE ADDACHINE MFG. CO.,
522 Northwestern Bank Bldg., Portland,
LEARN about profits supplying perfume
to families by addressing Leffler & Co.,
723 Walton. St. Louis. Mo.
Help Wanted Salesmen.
TWO SALESMEN It takes caliber, energy
and brain power to get results. We have
on way of getting business and using
that way brings results. 1 want men of
character and force, who will appreciate
co-operation .of the highest grade and an
opportunity for prompt advancement to
managerial position with a large and per
manent Income. If $100 a week and over
appeals to you and you can measure up
to the standard required, this is your
chance. You know your own capability.
We have room only for clean-cut gentle
men. I don't care whether you are a
whirlwind salesman or not. If you have
legs and will use them and have a mouth
that con tell a truthful story and will use
it, I will show you the biggest chance you
ever had of making good with the lives t
selling organization in the world. It Is
up to you. For a personal interview, write,
giving your experience of business. No
answers considered after September 12.
Address P 489, Oregonian.
WANTED Three specialty salesmen by an
Eastern mfg. novelty company, one for
each state, Oregon, Wash, and Idaho. Are
you capable of earning five to ten thou
sand dollars a year? Are you capable of
approaching the high-grade stores? Are
you capable of furnishing first-class ref
erences? Are you capable and able to fi
nance yourself for two weeks on the road?
Can you furnish $150 bond for samples ?
If you can comply with above you are the
man we want; 4 orders per week will earn
you six to seven thousand dollars a year;
no slackers; this is a high-grade com mis
mission proposition. Call at the Perkins
Hotel, Portland, Or., Sunday and Monday
and ask for J. P. Lanier. No phone calls
If you are a worker, have about $100
capital and possess sales ability, you can
earn from $2000 to $5000 per year with us,
organizing local agencies in exclusive ter
ritory. Larnlngs start first day you start
to work you get a profit on all sales
made by all agents you appoint. You
will, in addition to earning immediate
good-sized income, be building a business
that will yield bigger profits each year.
Write for this prospectus; not an experi
ment; an honest, serious, dependable, dig
nified, profitable business. Rex Type
writer Company, 180 N. Wabash Ave.,
WANTED Salesman or sales organization
to represent us in Portland and environs,
selling our pat. coal-burning auto, regu
lated, private garage heaters to owners
and dealers. Seeger Mfg. Co., 1336
Monadnock Block, Chicago.
$150 TO $250 and up monthly; no capital
reeded; $25 weekly advances for expenses;
call on business and professional men for
old established line; experience helpful,
but not required; pay each week; full in
structions insure success. Write for ex
clusive territory, and secure fine Income.
; Jos. H. Carr, Suite 68, Schwind bldg., Day
ton. Ohio.
THREE aggressive specialty salesmen for
brand-new retail advertising plan; very
attractive to merchants; commission $70
on each order; two to four orders weekly
easy for producers; permanent place with
old established house for good men. Ad
dress Dept. 13-K, 603 Great Northern
-Bldg., Chicago.
WE WANT a salesman. Do you want a
position that will mean much to you ?
Our grocery line Is complete; sell direct to
consumer; be as independent as though
in business for yourself. AP 112, Ore
gonian. FOR Oregon ; vacancy September 15; per
manent position; old house; selling staple
line on exceptional terms; high commis
sions; $35 weekly advance. Sales Man
ager. Suite 670. 800 Woodward, Detroit.
SALESMEN wanted having established gen
eral store trade, sell laces packed in silent
salesmen cabinets free; 12 per cent com
mission. Cabinet Lace Works, 276 Canal
St., New York,
CAPABLE specialty man, Oregon; staple line;
new and exceptional terms; attractive
commission contract for bal. yr. and '18;
$35 weekly for expenses. Miles F. Bixler
Co., 22630 Carlin bldg., Cleveland, Ohio.
SALESMEN Write for list of openings and
how to obtain them. City or traveling.
Address nearest office. Natl. Salesmen' Tr.
Assn., dept. 311, Chicago, New York, San
Useful and convenient; interests all ages.
The very latest novelty. An Ideal side
Northwestern Bank bUlg.. Portland. Or.
THREE experienced salesmen wanted for a
live proposition. Must be neat and ag
gressive and able to produce results; per
jmanent work. J 72, Oregonian.
TRAVELING salesmen wanting sideline can
earn big money selling a new proposition;
no samples. Ad-Lee Novelty Company,
v a i two men to travel with mana
ger; salary and commission; must be live
wires. A. c. wnburn, V enable Hotel.
UPMAN, VOLFE & CO. require the services
or several experienced saleswomen lor all
departments. Must have had experience
and able to furnish the best of references.
Permanent position is offered to those
who can quality. Apply supt s olfice b
tween 9 and 10 Monday morning.
WANTED High school or business college
girl to assist housework lor room, board,
small wages. Tabor 3733.
EXPERIENCED girl. general housework.
small family. 404 Vista ave., Portland
ti ts.
A WOMAN" to fit and help In alteration
a apartment. fat ate experience ana sax
ary. AP 105, Oregonian,
k MIDLE - AGED woman to work
for room and Lourd, morning and even
ing. raDor
WANTED Girl to assist with housework.
Tabor 6252.
EXPERIENCED finishers on waists, gowns
ana apprentices wanted, -'-l 12th.
WANTED Experienced lady solicitor. 508
Aiuer st., room id.
EXPERIENCED housekeeper wanted. Apply
gunqay. AJtarguerite ave.
HIGH SCHOOL girl to assist with children,
good home and wages. 489 E. 17th St. N,
EXPERIENCED waitress. 113 N. 6th at.
ruiiman .esinurant.
CAMP COOK and waitress, kitchen helpers.
.no we a Agency, room wash. st.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework;
gooa wages. a"u -ittn st. Aiain -imo.
WANTED Middle-aged lady for light house
work in the country. Call Tabor ri420.
WANTED Child's nurse. Phone Main 7733.
Answer Monaay.
TWO girls to learn beauty culture; position
wnen compietea. t asmngton.
WANTED Gir! to assist with housework,
stay home nights. 407 Clay st. Main 3&3S.
WANT a good German girl or woman for
elderly lady, easy Place, j oregonian-
WANTED An experienced marker and sort
er. Apply Imperial Laundry.
GOOD laundry help wanted. Union Laun
dry Co., 2d and Columbia.
DICTAPHONE operator for afternoon work.
BD 5St, Oregonian.
NURSEGIRL. to assist with housework; no
washing; $10 a month. Tabor ti9i0.
GIRLS wanted for flat work department.
American Laundry, 140 L. Jd st. N.
EXPERIENCED marker wanted. American
Laundry, 140 E. 3d st. N.
LADY to do light housework and assist In
caring for old gentleman. Tel. E. 3500.
OIRL for general housework. Main 7820.
WANTED Waitress. 149 2d at.
sitions for young women ; salary paid while
learning. Appy Pacific Tel. A Tel Co.,
sixth floor. Park and Oak its., between
8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M.
CIVIL SERVICE examinations, Portland,
soon ; women desiring clerkships, postof
fice. Government departments, stenog
raphers, write for free particulars. J. C.
Leonard former Government examiner),
74 Kenols Bldg., Washington.
WANTED -Capable help in family of two;
references required; would consider white
or Japanese couple; must be clean, able te
cook, do laundry and general housework
well. Call Main 533.
THOROUGHLY" experienced saleswomen
for millinery, cloak and waist deparments
Apply Sunday and Monday between 12
and 2, J. S. Graham, of Seattle, Hotel
Imperial parlors, Portland.
WANTED Y'oung lady or woman for cashier
and bookkeeper in wholesale house ; must
be experienced and competent and used to
large business; give age, refrenc and
wases expected. AP 119. Oregonian.
HoUEK EE PER and companion for lady In
small house, family of two. Not past 40
years. Give full particulars In ans. A per
manent position if suitable. J 71, Orego
nian. GIRL to assist with housework; no cook
ing or washing; best of wages and a
pleasant home. Apply Mrs. J". L. Bow
man. 645 Knott ptreet. Irvlngton district.
erator; salary $10 a week. Apply 408
Oregonian bldg., bet. 2 and 3 o'clock Mon
day, WANTED Mother's helper in plain family,
middle-aged or elderly woman preferred ;
home and some wages. Call today, 1149
E. 27th st. N., Alberta car.
FIVE bright, refined and Intelligent girls
who live at home to act as ushers; good
salary. Apply Monday, 2 P. M., Liberty
Theater office.
WANT middle-aged woman,. Scandinavian,
to assist in light housework and care of
children; good home, good wages. Address
Mrs. A. Va g, Cathlamet. Wash.
EXPERIENCED operators and finishers
wanted on fine furs. N. M. Ungar.
WANTED Middle-aged woman with expe
rience in restaurant and pastry cooking.
Inquire between 3 and 4 P. M. at 23
Front St.
WANT girl for stenographer and office as
sistant; also opportunity to learn legal
work; moderate salary to start; give tel
ephone number. A J 99, Oregonian.
WANTED Typist familiar with the use of
business phonograph and filing experience;
state age, previous experience and salary
wanted. BF 705, Oregonian.
WANTED, by large manufacturing concern,
two live city saleswomen ; only those in
terested in permanent work need apply.
L 583, Oregonian.
WANTED In vicinity 11th and Market,
woman to care for 4-year-old boy at home
week days, from 8 A. M. to 4 Ph6ne Mar
sha.ll 5464, Sunday or evenings.
WANTED Neat, capable girl for second
work and assist with care of 2-year-old
child, In refined home. Portland Heights;
Wages $20. Phone Marshall 2583.
WANTED Lady solicitors for house-to-house
work in city; prefer those who have
had newspaper experience. A 29, Orego
nlan. STENOGRAPHER and office assistant want
ed; permanent and advancement for right
party; central downtown location; $50 to
start. Address X 482, Oregonian.
GIRL for clerical work in order department
wholesale firm ; give age, previous experi
ence, salary expected, phone. N 497,
WASHINGTON High School girl, reliable,
desires position small rivate family to
work for board and room and $5 per
montn. f i a, uregonian.
GIRL, attending Franklin High School,
to assist with housework, for board, lodg
ing and small wages. Tabor 2682. 1415
E. Taylor st.
WANTED A working woman to share a
iurnisnea riat witti a widow; $a month
Call today. 205 H Larrabee st.
WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for
light housekeeping. Call any time Sunday,
before 6 P. M. 335 Weldler.
WANTED Operators and sewers on ladies'
cioaKs ana suits, a r esses, a, uonn, 14 a
5th st., Portland.
GOOD home, piano lessons, small wages.
in exchange assistance housekeeping.
Phone East 7467.
GIRL or woman for general housework; no
wasning; gooa nome, gooa. wages, w ood-
lawn 3364.
HOUSEKEEPER who wants good home;
wiaower with 2 children. Apply 143 6th,
Columbian Optical Co.
CUSTOM, shirt maker, thoroughly experl-
encea. jacoDS fanirt o., rorthwest bldg.,
Hth and Washington.
WANTED A good cook, by the 13th; good
wages. 349 North 32d, Willamette
Heights. Phone Main 3140.
WIDOWER, 45, wants neat housekeeper;
light work, small salary; state something
about yourself. J 73, Oregonian.
ELDERLY lady wishes girl attending school
ior company; gooa nome. AXi 4t4, urego
nian. MILLINERY sales ladies for afternoons, $10
per week and commission; also one ap
prentice. 3S5 Aider st.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted by elderly man ;
ngnt worK, gooa nome, mau wages. i.
J. Kinney. Newberg. Or.
EXPERIENCED body ironer; also good
iniuer on mangle. raciuc ja unary u).,
231 Arthur st.
EXPERIENCED choc. dipper. Spaniol's
sweet Shop, 3o Morrison st., opp. Olds,
Wortman & King.
WANTED Competent second maid, .private
family, good wages ; state experience in
reply. EC 544, Oregonian.
WANTED Good, reliable housekeeper for
man and boy, 6V4 years; good home.
L 574, Oregonian.
RELIABLE sales ladies, house-to-house
proposition; much-needed article; city. BC
546, Oregonian.
WANTED Two girls, one general house
work, other experienced second girl; high
est wages. Apply 783 Flanders st.
WOMAN to assist and care for Invalid
English lady ; moderate wages; experience
not necessary. 150 N. 22d.
WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for
general housework and plain cooking; no
washing, good wages. AP 109, Oregonian.
YOUNG woman as dressmaker's apprentice.
State age and experience. L 073, Ore
gonian. WANTED Lady to care for two children
and keep house, small wages. Tabor 4101.
WANTED Chambermaid and to assist.
Wcodlawn 2915,
NURSE for institution; permanent position
to right person. Call or write 2.7 lh Rus
sell st.
GIRL to assist in care of baby. Apply Shef
field, Broadway at Jefferson, apartment 5.
Good home and -wages to right party.
GI RL for cooking and general housework,
small family, 2 In help; every other Sun
day off. 1110 Westover road. Main 2002.
WANTED Chambermaid at Patton Home,
975 Michigan avei
GOOD home and carfare for Lincoln High
or Trail e School girl. Main 7352.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs.
Ostermann, Vancouver Barracks.
GIRL wanted as helper with housework,' 16
to 20, Inexperienced. . Phone Tabor 3487.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and general
housework, small family. East 5879.
WANTED Hemstitching operator and ma
chine. Phone East 4936.
YOUNG girl to assist housework, good home,
moderate wages. 335 11th.
COMPETENT girl for general housework,
1157 Thurman gtreet. Main 5084.
ELDERLY lady, for housework on small
farm ; fair wages. Wood lawn 5277.
HIGH SCHOOL GIRL to help with light
housework; good home. 46i E. 45th st. N.
WANTED An experienced waitress. The
Norton, 163 12th st. Phone Main 941.
WANT woman to wait table 2 hours day.
Phone East 8150.
WANTED Woman for housekeeper; small
family of adults. East 274a.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
455 E. 25th st. North. Phone East 7383.
GIRL for housework; good home. Main 656S.
770 Johnson.
WANTED Lady solicitor; house-to-house
canvass. Call Monday, 251 Jefferson.
GIRL to care for 2 children during day. 510
Journal bldg.
YOUNG girl to assist with light housework
and baby. Call 545 2d St., Sunday.
WANTED Dining-room, chamber girl and
general girl. 880 10th.
GIRL for general housework; S adults. 739
MAID for general housework. lin 9314.
BUSINESS woman, 20 to 35, experienced In
real estate and general insurance office
work, also stenography and bookkeeping.
For a steady woman with some executive
ability this is an excellent opportunity to
connect with well established Institution
located in best city in Arizona, where
climate is mild. Manager now here. Ad
dress In own handwriting. Give full in
formation; three references; salary de
sired. AD 66, Oregonian.
young women
With typewriter or
Telephone and typewriter experience.
Opportunity for advancement,
Clean employment.
awaits A-l modiste and dressmaker to
open dresHmaklng establishment and put
in line of findings and novelties; rch
community ; small town ; no competition ;
rent about $10; not more than $500 re
quired. Address secretary Commercial
Club. AV 620, Oregonian.
WILL offer you tuition in Imperial Ballet
for services as pianist. Previous experi
ence unnecessary. See Monsieur Marcel,
Portland's only ballet master, late artist
Imperial Russian Ballet, Pavlowa. Wheel
don Annex.
WANTED First-class office woman, to take
charge of lumber records, letter and other
files and fill position of private secretary;
must be first-class stenographer. Reply,
stating fully experience and salary ex
pected. AF 49S, uregonian.
EXPERIENCED operators on power ma
chines for ladies' neckwear and silk
wrtists; also apprentice girls wanted. Ap
ply between S and 9 A. M. at Eastern
Novelty Mfg. Co., room 202, 85 y Fifth
st.. between Oak and Stark.
WOMEN'S Protective Division, located at
room 303 Police Headquarters. 2d and
Oak sts.. will furnish information, give
protection and assistance free to women
and girls. Interviews confidential.
GOOD house-to-house canvassers for work In
this city and surrounding towns; steady
employment and straight salary. Call at
31 Second st., between 11 A. M. and 1
P. M. Sunday.
WANTED 23 women and girls to work on
apples and pears, long season, steady
work; daily carfare paid from Portland
to Vancouver. Apply Oregon Packing Co.,
Vancouver, Wash.
WANTED A firat-claas cloak and suit
saleslady, one capable of doing altera
tions, to go to Bend, Or. Address, with
references and salary expected, J. Chas.
Smith & Co., The Dalles, Or
WANTED Young lady, experienced in sell
ing, to sell a traveling concert attraction
to societies, lodges and work up benefits;
opportunity to clear $50 to $75 weekly.
Address Le Witte. Gen. Del., Portland.
STILL have an opening for few girls who
dance fairly well, in high-class produc
tion. See Monsieur Marcel, Portland's only
ballet master, late artist Imperial Rus
sian Ballet, Pavlowa. Wheeldon Annex.
WANTED Night nurse for small hospital;
steady, reliable person ; permanent posi
tion. Apply to Mercy Hospital, Roseburg,
Or., or to Tabor 1783.
WANTED Well-educated woman to take
permanent position with large publishing
house; state age, education, experience,
phone number. AF 256, Oregonian.
WOMEN WANTED Government life Jobs.
$70 month. Write immediately for list
positions open. Franklin Institute Dept.,
703 G, Rochester, N. Y.
DRESSMAKER to make wardrobe for mu
sical show, steady position ; give experi
ence, wages expected and age. Address S
60, Oregonian.
YOUNG GIRL for light housework; no
washing; good wages. Apply Sunday or
Monday morning, 10 to 12 o'clock, 344
loth st.. West Side.
MAKE $15 to $25 weekly mailing circulars;
no experience required ; we supply cir
culars. Write for particulars now. Dixie
Mailing Co., Dept. 28, Jacksonville. Fla.
LADY agents to sell a new proposition. You
carry no samples; big money-maker for
capable saleswomen; salary and commis
sion. Apply mornings. 80 Grand ave.
needlework department ; reierences re
quired. Apply superintendent's of i Ice, 0
to 10 A. M. Olds, Wortman & King.
FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel,
demonstrate ana sell dealers; $25 to $50
per week; railroad fare paid. Goodrich
Drug Company, Dept. 701. Omaha. Neb.
SCHOOL GIRL to assist with light house
work ; 3 adults, no washing, near schools,
small wages. 55 S. E. 2yth near Stark.
B 2377.
ENERGETIC, capable woman as organizer
for established business, with headquar
ters in Portland. Trif lers need not ap
ply GIRL to assist with housework, one child
in family, $12, boar a ana room. .ast
GU17. B 1032.
GIRL for general housework; no washing or
Ironing; must be good cook. 614 E. Oak.
Apply between 10 and 11 A. M. East 4817.
GIRL or woman for general housework;
easy place, good wages. Call after 9 A.
M. Main 9358.
SCHOOL girl can have good home and some
wages in exchange for light services.
Main 9314.
WANTED Girl to take care of one child
and help with housework; good wages,
small family. Main 3824. 414 N. 31st.
WANTED By family of 3, general house
keeper, good home in town near Portland.
Phone East 13G2.
A NIGHT WATCHMAN; must be a good
walker; give age and weight. B 780. ore
gonian. WANTED Good girl for general housework,
small family. no children, good cook.
Phone Mar. 10 40, West Side.
WANTED Experienced bag patchers for
power machines; good wages. Appiy 171
Front mU
WANTED Thoroughly experienced maid ;
wages $10 per week. Palace Hotel. 440
GIRL who attends Lincoln High School to
work for room and board; $5 a month.
444 Park. .
WANTED A private school teacher 2 hours
in the morning four days a week. Apply
520 Rhone St.
WANTED Experienced woman to do sec
ond work and assist with care of child.
Telephone Main 2085 or A 1366.
GIRL for light housework In small apt.,
one sleeping home preferred. 31 Ameri
can Apts.. Mar. 3361. Call mornings.
WANTED Experienced woman to do sec
ond work and assist with care of child.
Telephone Main 2085 or A 1306.
WANTED A reliable nursemaid for small
family, one who can go home nights. Ap
ply Apt. 11, Belle Court.
WANTED Experienced cook for temporary
position; good wages, no washing. 88 N.
21st st. Main 1172.
CHORUS GIRLS Experienced, long engage
ment; no traveling; good wages. Apply
Casino Theater.
WANTED Girl to assist with housework
and care of children; no washing or cook
ing. Woodlawn 2702.
REFINED young Protestant woman, gen
eral housework, 9 to 7. assist with care
of small child. Phone Tabor 5150.
WANTED Experienced operators for power
machines. Apply Jacobs Hat & Cap Works.
804 Phoenix bldg.
WANTED Reliable person to assist In cook
ing and general housework; no washing.
Phone Sellwood 2531.
EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers. Apply at
once. Tru Blu Buiscutt Co., E. 6th and
GIRL or woman to assist in housework In
apartment. 2 children, good wages. Mar
shall 4920.
WANTED Experienced waist finishers. Ap
ply Mrs, A. Terry, 401 Broadway-Yaxnhill
PRIVATE home for children 3 to 12 years
old ; 15 years experience. 714 Everett.
Marshall 2162.
WANTED Woman to take care of house;
free rent, fuel, water. .Phone East 6039.
406 Vancouver.
COMPETENT girl for general housework ;
no washing; good wages. Phone East
WANTED Young girl to assist in general
housework. Woodlawn 3137.
GIRL for general housework; references. 454
East 21st North. Phone East 4016.
WANTED Chambermaid. Hotel Quimby, 29
N. 4th st.
GOOD girl, assist general housework, cook
lng; good home. 581 Marshall st.
GIRL foi cooking and downstairs work;
good wages. Marshall 517.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wanted to take charge
of house; S children. 1 adult. Mar. 3156.
GIRL for general housework,
ave. Main 6310.
434 Carter
WANTED High school girl to assist with
housework. Call at 505 E. 50th st. X.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs.
J. B. Wife, 466 lth St.. Portland Heights.
MANICURE wanted; must be first-class.
Multnomah Hotel Barber Shop.
WANTED An experienced second maid. 40
Flanders st.
GOOD nurse girl. Call bet- 10 and 12, 8
and 6. 489 E. 17th N.
YOUNG woman for second work in private
houne, wages $25. Call 645 Knott st.
WANTED Experienced chambermaid; none
other need apply. Bdwy. 4049.
GIRL to assist in housework. 66 Cornell St.,
between Everett and Flanders.
WANTED Housemaid. Call Main 57.
LIP MAN, WOLFE & CO. require the serv
ices of a young lady to act as model
in their coat and suit department; must
be 36 or 3S. Experience not necessary, but
preferred. Permanent position Is offered
to the one who can qualify. Apply super
intendent's office between 9 and 10 Mon
day morning.
EXPERIENCED art needleworlc saleswoman.
Apply between 9 and 11 A. M.. superin
tendent's office, basement balcony, Meier
& Frank Company.
TO take over my business, which only re
quires a small amount of money and nets
large returns; pleasant work. In an
swering, please give phone number or
street address. Agents or brokers do not
answer. X 403, Oregonian.
OUR employment department have several
unfilled permanent and temporary steno
graphic positions. If interested, call at our
office Monday morning. Underwood Type
writer Co., 10th and Stark.
WANTED Woman in comfortable home to
care for 20-months-old baby during day
and give one or two rooms to mother who
works during day: mail particulars to
Mrs. J. Warren. 348 4th St., local.
WANTED Girl or woman for general house
work, very small family, light work, com
fortable room and good wages for right
party. Call at 924 East Broadway, today
between 10 and 12.
WANTED Energetic young women for good
positions in modern laundry. Work easily
learned; good pay for 8-hour day; cheer
ful, pleasant place to work in. Apply Ore-
Son Laundry. East 6th and Oak.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
eral housework, family of 2; wages $35;
one afternoon with evening off during
week; references required. X 401, Orego
nian. THOROUGHLY experienced girl for second
work. Scotch or English preferred. Ap
ply Mrs. William MacMaster Ardgour.
Phone Sellwood 1072.
THOROUGHLY experienced girl or woman
for general housework; must be good
cook; no washing ; good wages. Phone
Tabor 2225. between 10 and 12.
CAPABLE stenographer for permanent po
sition In large mercantile office; one hav
ing dictaphone experience preferred; state
age and experience. X 466. Oregonian.
GOOD home for girl finished with the gram
mar grades In exchange for light services,
mainly to act as companion to 3-year-old
girl. Phone between 12 and 3. Tabor 2177.
WANTED Elderly woman for light house
keeping In small home, 2 children and 2
adults. Parents employed during day. N
414. Oregonian.
WANTED Girl, aged 12 to 15 years, as
companion where good home Is desired
and become one of the family. Mrs. R, E.
r.cnmiit, urana Ronae. or.
COMPETENT woman in small refined home,
care for lady convalescent one month, go
home at nitrht; good wages; references re-
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework;
two in family; Sundays off; salary $25,
Apply between 1 and 2 Monday. 204 Ab
ington bldg.. Third and Washington.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework,
small family. 494 Vista ave., Portland
STENOGRAPHER for extra work, perhaps
half each month or every afternoon. BD
588. Oregonian.
THREE girls to deliver telegrams; good
wages made. Apply Postal Telegraph Co.,
126 Third street. -
WANTED Experienced hemstitcher; also
an apprentice for button and pleating.
Apply Monday. 509 Royal bldg.
WANTED Girl for business house. not
clerical position r references. Today 10 to
12. 421 E. Broadway.
GIRL for general housework, 4 in family,
uuu Hume anu wages. ru Aionaay morn
ing. East 4122 or C 3133.
GIRL a few hours afternoon to assist with
nouseworK ana care of child; school girl
preferred. Call after 2 P. M. 551 E. Davis.
EXPERIENCED makers wanted. Apply
Monday morning. Wonder Millinery, Al
der and 6th sts.
WANTED High school girl to do light
work for room, board and carfare. Phone
Tabor 1022.
SCHOOL GIRL wanted to work for board
and room. Call at 973 E. Taylor, or phone
. Tabor 1898.
AN elderly lady for light housework, care
of 2 children; small wages, good home.
Call East 7070, between 10 and 2.
A WOMAN or girl for mixed work; must
be willing and efficient; good wages.
Main 8592.
WANTED Young woman for chamber
work ; must be experienced and have city
references. Alexandra Court. 53 Ella.
WANTED Experienced cloak and suit sales
woman; state experience and salary want
ed. N 467, Oregonian.
GIRL for housework, good wages, one who
appreciates good home, small family. Call
mornings. 585 Marshall st.
WANTED Mlddle-aed woman to work ir
country; light work; references. S 82
WANTED Girl for general housework, (am
- lly two. 84S Grand ave. North, near Broad
way. WANTED Experienced operator for relief
work. Apply Monday. Home Tel. Co., Park
and Burnside.
MARKER and sorter, steady position, good
wages. Portland Laundry Co., 9th and
Couch. Phone Broadway 410.
WANTED Nurse girl, some experience.
Call room 2ir. Multnomah.. Hotel, Sunday
morning; wages $25.
NEAT, reliable girl or woman to assist with
housework, family of 2; wages $15. Main
SCHOOLGIRL to assist with housework In
family of three ; treated as one of family;
reasonable wages. East 2726.
WANTED Experienced chambermaid ;
wages $10 per week. Palace Hotel, 440
Wash. st.
WANTED An experienced dressmaker on
alterations. Must furnish reference. Stokes
Drygooda Co., Vancouver. Wash.
WANTED An experienced girl for general
housework, no washing, wages $30. Ta
bor 41.
GIRL to candle eggs, experienced. Apply
Monday morning. Mutual Creamery, East
loth and Burnside.
YOUNG LADY for repairing In tailor shop
(experienced). Unique Tailoring Co., 309
Stark st.
EXPERIENCED typist and bill clerk; one
having had previous experience in ma
chinery line. P 484, Oregonian.
OFFICE woman with $1000 for secretary
ship corporation now organizing. AE 77,
GIRL wanted to assist with housework.
974 Clinton. Sellwood 2748.
PREPARE yourself for an Inside position
for the Winter. We will qualify you as an
automobile mechanic In 8 weeks' time.
Call or write for free catalogue. Hemp
hill's Trade School, 707 Hawthorne ave.,
Portland, Or.
NUMBER young women and men wanted to
prepare for telegraph service to help fill
vacancies caused by unusual drafting of
men for war. Positions guaranteed. Call
or write, Telegraph Dept., ood Panama
WANTED Men and women to place the
greatest magazine proposition offered to
the public; cleas, easy proposition; good
pay; money every night. Call 430 to 6
P. M. 226 Flledner bldg.
en. $100 month. War necessitates hun
dreds appointments. Write immediately
for list positions. Franklin Institute, Dept.
8N6-G.. Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Order clerk, either young man
or young lady; must be accurate on type
writer and write neatly; prefer one with
lumber experience. Reply fully, giving age
and experience. E fi26. Oregonian.
Founded 1893; 30 schools in U. S. and
Canada; Summer rates; paid while learn
lng. Write for catalogue. 234 Burnside.
teaches men and women in eight weeks,
giving a diploma, scholarship and tools;
pays while learning. US N. 2d. cor. Couch.
OREGON Barber College wants men and
women to learn barber trade; paid while
learning; positions guaranteed. 233 Madson
AMBITIOUS man. woman, willing to prepare
spare time, for $3000 accountant's position,
Adreas AO 391, Oregonian.
WANTED Immediately, names men, women
wis hlu g to become Government clerks; $73
month. AV US4, Oregonian.
MISS MATTING LY's Shorthand. Typewriting
School. Day and Evening sessions. $5 mo.
209 14th, near Jefferson. Main 3S893.
AMBITIOUS man, woman, willing to prepare
spare time, for $3000 accountant's position.
Address AO 391, Oregonian.
LEARN to be own optometrist and optician.
The De Keyser Institute of Optometry,
C o I umbla bldg. Also evening classes.
LESSONS given in any branch of art or
rfewing; also instruction in any grade to
delicate children. P 471, Oregonian.
UKN and girls wanted for factory work.
Apply American Can Co. factory.
VAUDEVILLE acts prepared and booked.
What can you do? BD 691, Oregonian.
MT. TABOR Commercial Night School. 1895
E. YamUilU Tabor 2411. Tuition reasonable.
The mere "monkey-wrench mechanic"
can't always get a Jos, but gas engine
experts are In demand. Fit yourself for
the position that pays the big salary. "The
Adcox way means bigger pay."
RAILROAD traffic Inspectors wanted; $125
a month and expenses to start; short
hours, travel, three months home study
under guarantee; wet get you position. No
age limit. Ask for booklet L 16, Frontier
Prep School, Buffalo, N. Y.
OPENINGS as garage men or chauffeurs
never filled. Spendid opportunities in the
Army; big pay; travel ; advancement.
Qualify through sure, easy. spare-time
method. International Correspondence
Schools. 604 Yeon bldg.
WE CAN place 100 more Inexperienced men
on Wyoming and Nebraska railroads as
brakemen. Salary. $110-$160 monthly.
Positions absolutely guaranteed. Ages 20
to 30. Railway H, 12Tb Market st.. San
Francisco. Cal.
WANTED Well written plays and playlets
for placement with New York managers
by recognized writer going East shortly.
Particulars. M. Dale, 287 North 3d St..
San Jose, Cal.
WANTED WOMEN. -Railroad telegraphers,
stenographers, clerks. Students earn
board, room, tuition. Catalogue free.
Mackay Business College, Los Angeles.
SHORTHAND teacher, to give dictation for
gaining speed; Pitman preferred; day time.
A 3031, ask for H. B.
ACCOUNTANT, office manager, executive
ability, desires position of responsibility.
T 44, Oregonian.
Broadway- Yamhill building; individual
instruction; positions when competent.
LIGHT Janitor service for part of rent
heated 4-room flat. Woodlawn IPSO.
WANTED Good cook or kitchen helper,
family hotel. 261 13th st.
GENERAL mdse. man; Al grocery, shoes,
dry goods, anything mdse line; age 24,
single, not in the draft. S127 60th ave,
S. E. Mr. J. W.
ELECTRICIAN, technical graduate, 15 yrs.
practical experience. light and power
work, A No. 1 references. AN 65, Oregon
nian. MAN, little past middle-age, very active,
of fair -appearance and address, desires
a position of some kind. AD 63, Orego
nian. YOUNG man, experienced In clerical lines,
wants work evenings. Reasonable wages.
S S3. Oregonian.
Al GROCERY clerk wants job. 8127 Wood
stock ave. S. E . M r . J. V.
JAPANESE wants position as bellboy or
elevator boy In hotel. BD 585, Oregonian.
TO learn vulcanizing by good, steady man,
small wages to start. P 482. Oregonian.
WANTED Position in store, general work
and will do show cards. Woodlawn 1560.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
EXPERIENCED accountant and office man
ager desires position with large mfg. com
pany, 10 years' experience with machine
shop and foundry; am at present employed
but desire change; can give good refer
ences and will expect good salary. AO
399, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, 21. wants position, preferably
in office; Is Industrious, ambitious and
thoroughly reliable; references; cannot ac
jcept less than $70 & month. AG 41. Ore
gonian. EXPERT bookkeper, credit man, office man
ager, experienced furniture, stoves, hard
ware, desires position where ability, quali
fications and efficiency are essential. X
490, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and cashier
desires to change position. Telephone even
ings or Sunday, East 4057.
HIGH-CLASS salesman, age 36, college man,
efficient and reliable, clean past record,
12 years Coast experience, unquestioned
references, seeks connection with good
house. A 35, Oregonian.
post on good weekly, or one that can be
made good. Advertiser is exceptionally
able man and wants good salary or other
Interest. Write AV 622, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and gen. office man, mar
ried and now employed, desires change;
experienced and can give good reference.
N 472. Oregonian.
eral office man; 13 years experience; now
employed ; desires change. AN 58, Ore
gonian. WANTED Position as bookkeeper or rail
road I. C. C. accountant, by man with sev
eral years' experience; best of references;
Balary to start $125. E 556, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and office man
will soon be open for position ; best of
references; just over conscription age.
A M 70, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, age 24, exempt from mili
tary service, wants position; can also
do light stenographic work : industrious
and reliable. O 508, Oregonian.
GENERAL office man, stenographer with
long experience In handling correspondence
without dictation; can turn a hand to any
other department. W 476, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, cashier, ac
countant, seeks responsible position, where
Initiative and attention to business will be
suitably rewarded. AN 62. Oregonian.
HIGH-CLASS business man free to accept
position, good salesman or manager; no
salary under $150 considered ; Al refer
ences. AH 486, Oregonian.
CAPABLE druggist, long experience, good
references, will accept first-class position
with good salary only; could manage store;
might leave city. A 34. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and all-around
office man, rapid, accurate, with ability
and qualifications for handling business;
excellent references. W 480, Oregonian.
A COLLEGE student with office experience
wishes part-time work; references. W
475, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, Office manager (married) ;
can handle any set of books. H 534, Ore
gonian. GENTLEMAN wants position as clerk, 38
years of age, 10 years experience in
France. Mar. 3292.
YOUNG married man wishes position as
salesman or clerical work; references. AO
417, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper - stenographer,
general office man; "competent and re
liable. Tabor 3422. .
YOUNG man wishes position assistant In
office; good references. Phone Sellwood
YOUNG man, experienced general mrchan
dtse, wants work from 1 P. M. to 11 P. M.
BD 5S6, Oregonian.
MAN of ability wishes change; capable as
manager, buyer or seller. BD 594, Ore
gonian. WANTED By elderly man, light work;
steady and reliable, references given. In
quire International Hotel.
YELLOW FRONT, 108 13th St.. jobbing
shop; carpenter work, painting and tint
lng. Phone Mar. 3132.
POSITION wanted by Japanese couple, man
good cook., wife second work, city or coun
try. BC 647. Oregonian.
WANTED By first-class Janitor, charge of
apartment-house; best references. J 70,
HIGH school boy wants Indoor work after
school and Saturdays. AU 489, Orego
nian. WANTED Position by first-class cook In
restaurant or hotel. W. A. Whltehouse,
Blackstone Hotel. Phone Broadway 2740.
RELIABLE young man, 18, wishes work
after school and Saturday. References.
Phone Main 8899. 528 Morrison st.
PAINTING, paper hanging and tinting; good
work, reasonable. Tabor 4367.
SALESMAN, open for city sales, salary or
commission. Y 145, Oregonian.
WANTED Contract to split cordwood.
Miller, general delivery. Portland. Or.
PAPERHANGING, painting and tinting;
good work, right prices. Marifiall 2493.
YOUNG man, age 32, position as helper;
chance of advancement. Woodlawn 5231.
EXPERIENCED dry goods and shoe sales
man wishes situation. Woodlawn 693.
BENSON POL. boy wishes work after
school. Phone East 8100.
PAINTING, paperhanglng and calsomining;
reasonable. Main 2953.
MECH. and patent office draft man wants
position. 1218 East 32d st. North.
REGISTERED pharmacist wants relief work
nights and Sundays. AN 46, Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted; experienced grocery
clerk: good Inside man. Phone Tabor 7757.
WANTED Position running elevator; two
years' experience. AJ fc6. Oregonian.
POSITION as janitor; can do kalaomlning.
Phone Main 4668.
MAN and wife to cook in hotel or camp.
Phone Sellwood 1441. AM 50, Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants position, any kind, in
hotel or store. F 549. Oregonian.
JAPANESE want any kind of steady work.
hotel, factory, score. L 576, Oregonian.
A-l, ALL-AROUND hotel cook; family ho
tel preferred. Phone Marshall 1278.
WANTED Position as boss caulker in open,
modern shipyard. AV 623, Oregonian.
KALSO MINING, painting, plaster patching;
reasonable. Woodlawn 2490.
JAPANESE sohoolboy wants work. 62 N.
6th st. Phone A 2317.
MEN'S cutter and tailor wants position J
64 Oregoulan.
EXPERIENCED LAWYER wants a position
in Portland, Astoria, Marshf ieid or Jled
ford. Able to handle all classes of office
, work, including conveyancing and exami
nation of abstracts, pleading. Good trial
lawyer in both civil and criminal cases
including appeals to Supreme Court, brief
irg, tc Familiar with Oregon practice.
Admitted in both State and Federal
courts. AV 594, Oregonian.
A YOUNG married man wants position on
a good farm. Would consider share basis
or flat salary. Capable of managing
have had life experience in dairying and
general farming. Wife can cook for ex
tra help. Furnish best of references. Call
at 4221 52d st. S. E., or address same
for appointment. .
SALESMAN, experienced, age 31. married,
desires to secure employment with well
established firm ; my record is good for
producing results, and the very best ref
erences will be furnished as to character
and ability. If you have a bona fide prop
osition to offer kindly favor with an ap
pointment, b 61. oregonian.
MARRIED man with fajnily wants work
on a ranch; understands taking care of
all kinds of stock and general farming;
state offer ; will go anywhere work will
laat all Winter; wife will do cooking. Ad
dress R. F. D. No. 1, box -85, Mllwaukle,
Experience as machinist, designer of
shipbldg.. sawmill machinery, have built
concrete and brick bldgs. Successful
handling men. Will go anywhere where
a man with my ability will be appre
ciated. H 537, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED commercial traveler has
chance to expand line; would add some
grocery specialty on commission ; only
goods of merit solicited. P 460, Ore-
EXPERIENCED traveling and floor sales
man wants employment; 15 years in hard
ware, ag. implements, mining machinery
and supplies; can make good in any posi
tion accepted. East 664L
BLACKSMITH wants position as foreman in
shipyard; would take fire; good on tool
work; can forge anything. Address. A
Blacksmith, room 33, Knox Hotel, Olym
pla. Wash.
A GARAGE foreman, capable of making
the shop pay, is seeking an opening.
Am 38 years old, married; first-clas
electrician and mechanic AV 63b. Ore
gonian, SITUATION wanted by married man; fair,
all-around mechanic; can adjust self to
most any kind of work; steady. Call or
write. Olson. 277 E. 82d st. N.
YOUNG couple with a 4-year-old girl wants
place; man experienced chauffeur and wile
as cook and to do general housework.
N 471, Oregonian.
12-YR. BOY wants place on small ranch
with reliable family to work for room
and board and go to school. Address
AM 6s. Oregonian.
WANTED Employment by a man of ex
perience and mechanical ability, bench
or machine work, wood or iron. Phone
Main 5919 or P 4b6, O re gonian.
WANTED Steady position as watchman or
similar Job by a responsible and trust
worthy party, with highest references.
Phone Main 5919 or O 513. Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN, 13 years old, would like po
sition after 5:30 P. M. Can operate type
writer and also switchboard. L 539, Ore
gonian. ALL-AROUND printer, married; 20 year
experience, front office or mechanical,
wants place after October 1; present fore
man small dally. AV 643. Oregonian.
SINGLE young man wishes position in gar
age, assistant salesman, accessory dept.,
etc. ; experienced trouble shooter; refer
ences. AM 55, Oregonian.
YOUNG colored man wishes Job as night
hall man in office building; not afraid to
work. AN 49, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as watchman; 41 years
of age. 35 years In Portland;- leavf) word.
Phone Woodlawn 11, Lou.
SINGLE man with years of mechanical ex
perience with machinery. G 063, Orego
nian. MAIN 7S46. Painting, paperhanglng and dec
orating; tinting hotels and . apartments
done at a reasonable price.
LOGGING camp cook, first-class Columbia
River man, wants position. Palmer. Mar
shall 4473.
GOOD photographer (Japanese) wants posi
tion in first-class photo studio. P 462,
MIDDLE-AGED man wants a Job on farm
or work in private family; handy around
the barn and houpe. W 453. Oregonian.
AN Y firm that Is in need of a first-class
salesman call or write to Mr. Lew Wal
lace, Bend. Or., care S. H. Co.. Camp 5.
CHAUFFEUR, 7 years one place, refer
ences to show, good mechanic Phone East
WALL tinting with Muresco, carpenter con
tracts, repairs, low prices to keep men
busy. Manny, Sellwood 2421.
POSITION wanted by experienced Japanese
cook at private home. BD 592, Orego
I AM handy with tools; want elevator Job,
Janitor or repair work. 837 E. 11th st.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants position
driving private car or truck, AP 101, ore
gonian. ABLE-BODIED man wants position as
watchman, day or night ; can give bonds
or city references. W 451, Oregonian.
RELIABLE young mechanic wishes steady
employment, w ith corporation or grow
ing concern. Y 143, Oregon inn.
JANITOR work wanted, evenings from C to
9. by a man. or run an elevator. BD 593,
LADY, employed, wishes to reduce ex
penses, 1 est res home In good family; lady
alone preferred. Phone Marshall 2074,
apt. 25.
RAPID, experienced stenographer and as
sistant bookkeeper desires to make change.
Capable of managing and handling de
tails Good references. O 510, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as housekeeper by
widow with child 15 months old ;' in a re
fined widower's or bachelor's home. AL
450, Oregonian.
POSITION in doctor's office, either physi
cian or dentist; can give good reference.
Phone Woodlawn 5395.
ELDERLY lady wishes light, outside fur
nished room, with heat and use of piano.
W 477, Oregonian.
REFINED elderly lady musician would be
companion in nice home with piano. W
477, Oregonian.
A WOMAN wants curtains to launder; 20c
a pair. A 1595.
EXP. girl wishes position in telephone ex
change. Phone Woodlawn 166
WANTED Day work. Sellwood 2557.
bH)UVWT mmO yttnogrmptiere,
STENOGRAPHER, with office experience
and knowledge of bookkeeping, wants
position In small office. Rhone Sellwood
rl6, or address R 5S0. Oregonian.
enced lumber, mercantile, transfer. De
sires first-class position. AD 85, Ore
gon ian.
YOUNG lady good personality wants light
onice work or position where honesty
counts; best of reference B 2174. 109
E. 30th st.
TYPEWRITING and bookkeeping wanted;
experienced In garage and auto accessories,
W 481. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady, good penman, quick at figures,
clerical and typewritnlg, half day, $5 per
week. X 439, Oregonian.
YOUNG woman desires position as reception-room
attendant; capable typist. AJ
94. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHIC position desired by young
lady with two years' experience; compe
tent and energetic. Cal East 2030.
BOOKKEEPER, stenographer. 9 years' ex
perience, wants general office work. Phone
Main 9U21.
STENOGRAPHIC position desired by young
lady with two years' experience; compe
tent and energetic. Call East 2030.
LADY desires position at typewriting and
general office work; best references fur
nished. AP 111. Oregonian.
COMPETENT stenographer, with legal ex
perience, wishes permanent position. Main
POSITION as housekeeper in rooming-house
or apartments by competent woman. AO
413, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, now em
ployed, wants position, $55. X 493, Ore
CAN take direct dictation on typewriter
quickly and accurately; or shorthand dic
tation. Call Mrs. Scott, Tabor 1229.
HIGH school graduate wants general of
fice work, some experience. Phone Broad
way 2010.
COMPETENT stenographer, with general of
fice experience, desires position. Phone
Marshall 1169. N 496. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tlon. Tabor 431.
LADY, experienced, wishes position as clerk
in hotel. AE hi. oregonian.
YOUNG lady wants position as clerk in flrsl
class hotel. A 31. Oregonian.
POSITION as bookkeeper or office girl; can
operate typewriter; references. Tabor 6755.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion. Main 7410.
EXPERIENCED stenographer-bookkeeper
wants position. Mar. 504.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants per
manent position. Woodlawn 4244.
LEGAL stenographer desires position; 10
years' experience. Phone C 804a.
FASHIONABLE 3remaklng, reasonable,
home or day. 648 Thurman St. Broadway
DRESSMAKING and ladies' tailoring by the
day In your home; reliable, reasonable.
Mrs. Flora Fuller, Wdln. 478.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $1.50 day and
carfare; refs. Mar. 4100.
DRESSMAKING by day; very reasonable;
for ladies or children. Call Marshall 8283.
DRESSMAKER, smocking, embroidery, fine
hand work; $1.75. Main 8462.
SEWING guaranteed, reasonable prices. At
home preferred. Marshall 21 30.
LADIES' tailoring, alterations, coats rellned,
Mrs. Muckler. 445 Morrison. Main 6133.
WANTED To do plain dressmaking $1.23
per day and carfare. Main 5943.
Normal confinement cases. Including
drugs, dressings, physician's eervices. two
weeks hospital care, all for $40. Very rea
sonable prices for surgical cases, includ
ing physician's services. 1095 Williams ave.
Phone Woodlawn 166.
PRACTICAL nurse would like confinements,
slight operations. Reliable, experienced,
reierences. Broadway 5544.
NURSE with 2 years hospital training will
" oi nay nina. uaii iu. 549. So
NURSE can handle few more cases, chronic
v;nvllcin;: ii a week; references,
i 14H, Oregonian.
PRACTICAL nurse, years' experience, wants
mure wont; nervous cases taken. Phone
Marshall 2S16. apt. 6H.
NURSE, experienced and reliable, desires
care of semi-invalid lady, act as compan-
ion and helper. East 1865,
B5T NURSE, experienced and reliable, more
caacs or permanent position. Main 7923.
PRACTICAL nurse wishes cases of any kind.
Phone Woodlawn 5257.
'E T NURSB wishes position; references. H
MS. Oregonian.
Uoofk r pera.
NEAT, refined, middle-aged widow wishes
housekeeping position In widower's home;
fond of children, congenial and good cook.
H 525. Oregonian.
KE AT, capable, middle-aired lady would
like housekeeping position In small fam
ily, or in widower's house with no small
children. W 452, Oregonian.
A GOOD, competent and experienced col
ored woman desires general housework
c,an furnish firat-claas references. Tabor
ELDERLY widow lady wishes position as
housekeeper in widower's home, one child
or two, or three men; no triflers. K. 67
REFINED lady wishes care of apartment,
care of Invalid, or housekeeper for adults
capable, refined and trustworthy. AP 118.
WANTED Position as housekeeper in fam
ily of adults; unincumbered and have had
several years of experience. E 049, Ore-
p on ian.
OLD lady can do all kinds of woman's work,
wants position as housekeeper for one or
two old men; no encumbrance. L 671,
A. YOUNG American woman, with girl 5
years old. desires housekeeping. Tel. Wood
lawn 4318.
W ANTED Position as housekeeper for
widower or business woman. Phone Ta'
bor 171.
WANTED Position as housekeeper - for
widower or business woman. Phone Tav
bor 171.
REFINED widow lady, 50, wants house
keeping for 1 or more gentelmen or elderly
o., i. , pox -ft, iunwaukie. Or.
LADY with baby 3 years wants housekeep-
i?s k.i wiuoner or oacneior. uone Ta
bor 6923.
WANTED position as housekeeper and care
taker of good country home; references.
AO 40. Oregonian.
POSITION as housekeeper or cook by a lady,
city or country. Telephone Broadway 1770.
LADY wants hotel work or home hou&e
keoplng. Call me, Marshall 1737. room 14.
Do nice tics.
WOMAN of good education and splendid
executive ability desires position of re
sponsibility where good judgment and
high grade of intelligence are the prin
cipal requirements. Cannot leave Port
land. Y 140. Oregonian.
WOMAN who has had several years' ex
perience as hiiih school principal would
do tutoring, read to invalid or take posi
tton as social secretary. S 85. Oregonian.
COMPETENT German woman, with boys 4
and 5 years old, wishes position as house
keeper; must bo respectable place; prefer
In or near Portland. Q fW9. Orepronlan.
RE FINED, middle-aged woman wishes po
sition ; good cook and seamstress; ex
perienced in bakery and confectionery.
Phone Main 7343, ask for Mrs. G.
MIDDLE-AGED lady with one child wants
housekeeping with widower or elderly
couple; answer by letter; references. P 547,
YOUNG woman cook, experienced, wants
position, small crew men; no triflers. Main
Stioj, room 42. after 9 A. M.
FIRST-CLASS. all-around, saving cook
wants position In hotel; can take full
charge; references. H 531, Oregonian.
M I ncel lan eons.
EXPERIENCED cook wants position, boarding-house,
small hotel or institution. AV
19, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED waitress wants steady po
sition In logging camp, $50 and fare. N
409. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED cook and baker wants work
in restaurant or hotel; can give reference.
Call M a re hn 1 1 2054 between 9 and 11.
EXPERIENCED woman wants housework,
plain cook, no children wanted. AC 447,
HH1H school and grammar grade studies
taught; backward pupils specialty. Main
WIDOW desires steady position, work be
ginning any time after 9:30 A. M. ; no
housework. AJ 90. Oregonian.
LADY, 27 years, would like place to work
for room and board. Box 523, route 3,
REFINED lady wants day work, washing.
Ironing and cleaning; best of references.
Tabor 341.
YOUNG woman with a 4-year-old girl wants
place to do general housework; good ref
erences. N 470, Oregonian.
REFINED woman desires place to assist
with work for home, employed part of
dny. G 5rtl, Oregonian.
RELIABLE, experienced laundress wants
work for Monday and Tuesday. Phone
East 824.
I WILL make happy and care for a lonely
person of means in modern country home.
AR 230. Orenronian.
a four-year pharmacy school, also have
practical experience. AM 57. Oregonian.
doing bacteriological work, urinary an
alysis. AN Gt . Oregonian.
BY a woman with some office experience,
a position In doctor's office, J 60, Ore
gonian. YOUNG lady with experience would like a
position as assistant in doctor's or den
tiat's office. II fi:tO, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED waitress wants steady po
sition in logging camp; good wages. D
59J, Oregonian.
GOOD, stout woman wants day work, wash
ing, cleaning, experienced, best reference.
Marshall 89(1.
YOUNG lady with experience would like a
position doing clerical work in office, 1
542, Oregonian.
LADY wishes house cleaning or Ironing in
homes, 25c per hour and carfare. Phone
Broadway 1 ItiO.
EXPERIENCED woman would like day's
work or will take washing home. Call all
week. Broadway 291.
WANTED Normal graduate wants teach
ing 2 hours mornlntf and afternoon. No. 7,
Main 1153.
SCHOOL girl wishes to assist In housework
for room and board and carfare. Call
Tabor 73. 8 to 11 A. M.
LADY wants day work. Call after 6 P. M.,
Main 9132.
PIANO lessons exchanged for assistance In
housework or sewing. H 521, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl, waitress or chamber
maid. Call after 1 P. M. Woodlawn 1309.
NATIVE of Paris wants pupils to teach
French. Mar. 59S0.
GOOD writer would like position doing
copy work. Phone Tabor 5507.
EXPERIENCED girl wishes position in tele
phone exchange. Phone Woodlawn Itift.
FRENCH conversation and grammar classes,
$2 a month. 100 Lownsdale and Morrison.
GRADUATE piano teacher will give at your
home. 50c a lesson. Phone Wdln. 2S21.
RESPECTABLE widow lady would like day
or janitor work. Call Sellwood 3014.
WANTED Lady's combings to be made up
by Mr. Krirkson. 900 K. purnde.
WOULD like day work for $t.75 and car
fare. Call A 2037 after (:30 f. M.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day woric;
full days only. Main 2703.
COLORED woman wants wash or other
work. E. 5143, apert. 24.
YoUNG girl wants position as switchboard
operator in omen. A oregonian.
YOUNG woman wants day work. Wdn, 492&