THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 2, 1917. 11 NEW BENSON POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL, BUILT AT COST OF $250,000, WILL PROVIDE COMPLETE TECHNICAL AND PRACTICAL TRAINING Project, Occupying Plot of Eight Acres, Is Equipped to Teach Youth of Portland Every Important Craft Four-Year Course Is Supplemented With Academic Work Modern Institution Will Open Formally Tuesday Morning. . ' ' " -zzz- fl ... r"r- "Jiir- "- ..'-.-' 'y?"-- - s t Wilt? k,')-'" -r. vj 9. THEY call It classical In struc ture, and it covers almost eight acres of Portland real estate. A myriad of windows and skylights twin kle from their setting of rough, red brick with an Infinite tracery of white mortar. The entrance faces west, gar risoned by great pillars and 6ix boys at their tasks are carved in stone above the portal. Through, those doors, -when the Fall I term begins on Tuesday, will march a student body that is tx graduate for I tne service of the commonwealth, i They will be classmates In forge and foundry, and tue varied crafts that make tlie world a pleasant place to live in will be open bouks to them. The new Benson Polytechnic School, erected and equipped at a cost of more than J250.000. is not a trade school. It is practically a technical high , echool, affording a technical course of four years, with sufficient academic work to provide the college entrance requirements for engineering- courses at the Oregon Agricultural College.' Buildings Cover Much Space. From Bast Twelfth to Fifteenth rtreets, and from GHsan to Irving, run Its bounds, and the central buildings. Judged by ordinary standards of school atructure. are amazing in their ordered and competent immensity. The struc ture stands on its six-block plot with a. certain air of sturdy assurance in the permanency of itself and its work. There was a trade school in Port land not so very long ago and be cause the importance of technical training had grown great with the tasks before it, S. Benson, of Portland, volunteered to match $100,000 of the district's money with an equal amount of his own for the foundation of a echool that might take up a broader and more constructive work. The offer was accepted. One year ago the first brick snuggled against the foundation of the Benson Poiy v technic that was to be. Ask the work men, who are rushing their tasks of installation and interior finishing. If the school will be ready for classes next week and they will smile tolerantly. "Of course we're ready," objects the omnipresent principal, C. E. Cleveland. "There are a few odd jobs left, but this is a trade school, isn't it?" The general office of the school, tohich Is in the administration build ing, is similar to that of the Franklin High School, and is connected with the private office of Principal Cleveland. As everywhere in the model buildings, -the doors are severely plain and dis couraging to dust. Student to Know "Why." Tn the science lecture room the stu dents of technical courses will be In structed in the actual relation of their academic studies with the interesting tasks of the shops. None will work blindly or at random, for the first principle of the course is that all shall know "why." In addition the administration build ing houses the science laboratory. stand ardized high-school classrooms and a li brary with windows that show the long sweep of the hills beyond the river. It is in these classrooms that the students, who troop to their books and lectures direct from the clangor of the shops. will learn to link their studies with their tasks, and will revive the neces sary academic instruction Yet. when one leaves the administra tion building, he need not fear the weather on his way, for each building of the technical knowledge plant is reached by a single corridor of such length that It dwindles Into distance. You pass to the boiler-house and heat ing plant, and to the engine-room, where- the huge 300-horsepower giant awaits his orders. All is for the twin purpose of utility and instruction, and though the school will purchase a cer tain amount of power It Is equipped to generate electricity for most of its 'load." Supply Room la Central. There Is a central supply room, very business-like in appearance and ar rangement. and through its wickets will pass the various supplies and tools utilized by students in the shops, In the eleetrjcal shop, which adjoins the machine shop, an Ingenious ar f II II t jr II II (A I II lit ' - . t . 4 ' SJ "i 1 Admin iKtratloa Bnlldlng; sad Main Eitraan, Facing Weit on Eut Twelfth Street. 2 C. E. Cleveland, Princi pal of the Benson, Admiring- the School's BOO-IIoraeoovrer Kuicine. 3 Partial View of the Great Machine Shops, With Battery of liathea in Fortsrou ud. - rangement of partitions - provides for defeats future dilemmas. The motors that hum In tha electrical shop are handily, and with consummate crafts- manehip. made in. the neighboring ma chine shop. The machine shop and Its equipment are modern in every detail, and not a few items of the machinery were con structed by students at the old school. Six drill presses, a portable crane, an arbor press and other equipment are of student manufacture, while drill presses have been manufactured for other schools of the district. A new department of the echool is the gas engine shop, where two auto mobiles, purchased at a fire bargain, are on hand for experimental work. In this shop, as in all others, the in stallation of machinery waa made by student workmen. Plumbing; Shop Complete. Traveling thus far down the dwin dling corridor with frequent excursions aside, the visitor has beheld but half the big plant. There yet remains the blacksmith shop, the foundry, with its mighty electric crane, and the plumbing shop. This last will provide a course no less practical than the others, and students in the shop will actually plan and construct complete plumbing sys tems. In the woodworking- department. with the clean odor of shavings and sawdust about them, other students will manufacture most of the perma nent furniture of the Benson School! No item of wooden equipment or of machinery that could linger without actual loss to efficiency has been in stalled, for it is the policy of the school to turn its own labors to the manufacture of its own equipment Ventilation and light, those servants SEASHORES STILL (Continued From Page .) night's recuperation. He Is quartered at the Elmore Hotel. Captain P. E. Green, of Portland, and R. E. Miller, of Portland, were here this week for a few days' recreation. Roy M. Quackenbush. of Portland, is here for a few days' visit with his folks at the May-Bea-Mar cottage. D. B. Snyder, of Portland, arrived on Tuesday for a week's visit here. He is at the Elmore. Dr. Stanton W. Stryker, of Portland, is a guest for several days of Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Stryker at their Summer quarters at Melrose cottage. Miss Rose Ryan, who has been a guest of Mary Alta Kelly at the Fron tier lodge, returned this week to Port land. Miss Bernice Alstock, who was also a guest there, will return after Labor day. - - - Registered at the Elmore Hotel the past few days were: Alice Gorman, Mrs. A. M. Gorman, Portland; Captain John Fredricks, London; Jimmle James, Phil adelphia; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Richmond and dauchter, Doilaa; Anton Usselman, Joseph Zlrr, Miss Collier, T. H. Brlgk nell, Mr. and Mrs. F. Brlcknell, Jack Bricknell, Gladys Horton. Portland; W. K. Swartout. Newberg; C. E. Russell, Blanche Luckey, Joel Reynolds, T. C. Becker. F. Stark, William Langton, Albert Hodler, Charles Langton, of Portland; Howard Lamar and Henry Helsel, of Tillamook; C. S. Patterson. Mattie Jensen, Estelle Jensen. Mae Hicks, Mary Kinnear, W. H. Hensler, W. T. Ridehalgh, M. Schults, Kenyon Gregg. Mrs. A. G. Johnson and Mrs. L. M. Soule and Marie S. and Gordon Soule, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Robson, of Port land, are at the Polly Anna cottage here for a fortnight's vacation. Mrs. Mary G. Humphreys and Miss Lois A. Humphreys, of Portland, were Here for the last week-end as guests of Mrs. I. R: Patton at her Summer cot tage, Kopet Mammok. Hector Clovcrio, of Portland, was r of toll and study that lighten the task by half, have been heeded to a whisper in every department of the school, and the class and workrooms are absolute models in their appointments and con struction. Many a private industry, specializing in the various works that students of the Benson Polytechnic will take up, must own that it lacks the abundance of facilities .and equip ment that are supplied in Portland's newest school. Many Courses Offered. Courses are offered in pattern-making, cabinet-making, carpentry, ma chine shop, machine blacksmithing, tool-making,' electric construction, plumbing and gasf'tting, mechanical and architectural drawing, moulding, operating engineering, sheet-metal working, gas engine and automobile work. Provision has been made for the future installation of a printing and bookbinding department. The academic course provides for drawing, English, mathematics and applied science. In the trade courses two terms' work in physics and two terms' work in chemistry is required. In the technical course the worlt In science extends through the four years and includes two terms in each of the following subjects: General science, physics, chemistry and materials of construction. Encompassing and vast as the struc ture and project may appear, it is but the fractional part of the ultimate plan, which calls for 10 units, with an inner court 150x350, comprising an admin istration building containing the office, library and academic classrooms; a gymnasium containing- locker-rooms, shower baths and swimming pool; an auditorium with a Beating capacity of 2000, and a cafeteria in the basement; two science buildings, which will con tain the leoture-rooms and laboratories HOLD CROWDS here during the 'week for a few days' recreation. George Fell, of Prairie City, was here for a week at the Elmore Hotel. 'Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Cooper, of Carl ton, are at the Shamrock Kottage for two weeks. With them Is Miss Rowe. ' Dr. and Mrs. A. K. Kidd were through here this week on an auto tour of the beach resorts. With them was their daughter. Miss Isabelle, and Miss Flor estina Robinson. MANHATTAN ENJOYS DAXCES Cottage Parties and Outings Vie, but Both Are Successful. MANHATTAN BEACH, Or., Sept. I. (Special.) Beach festivities have been at their, height here during the past fortnight. Cottage parties have vied with the outdoor events and both have been numerous and successful. - One of the recent affairs was a musi cal programme on Monday night. A. R. Kirkham, of Portland, gave two splen did solos, "A Long, Long Trail" and "I Hear You Calling Me." Piano solos by Caroline McEwen and Miss Ander son were features of the entertain ment, while the hits of the evening were the readings by Mrs. Robinson. Her dialect stories were hilariously re ceived. The Manhattan quartet, com posed of Messrs. Banks, Boubel, Goline and Kirkham, sang popular airs After the entertainment the 60 guests re paired to the beach, where they - all made merry around a monster bonfire until a late hour. At a dance about 40 young people of the resort were entertained by Mrs. Elder, the hostess. William Whelan. of Portland, was at the beach for a few days. Mrs. Harry L. Huston and children, Frances and Edwin, who have been here for three weeks, returned recently to Portland. Miss Ada Hall. Miss Mildred Ross man and Miss Esther Spackraan, of -r r? 1 llllllilll for applied science and chemistry, with drawing-rooms on the upper floors; two units of one-story shops, which will have, in addition to the windows in the side walls, saw-tooth skylights, which will provide splendid lighting and ventilation; two units of two-story shops, and the central heating plant. In the temporary assembly hall, which will seat 600 students, a cafe teria will be operated by the district, with a domestic science graduate of the CI Iris' School of Trades in charge. Instructor!' Corps Efficient. The term will open with day classes, but night classes will be inaugurated within the month following, and it is planned to operate the plant at its study capacity. At least 800 students could be accommodated, but a smaller attendance is predicted. Many of the students of last year have entered the Industrial field and a large number have enlisted. The corps of instructors comprises 24, half of whom are engaged in the academic course and the remainder in supervision of the shop work. The lat ter are expert workmen who have been recruited directly from foremanshlps la the trades. Three new instructors will preside over various departments. J. R. Stair, in charge of gas engine work, was shop superintendent for the Winton Motor Car Company, at Seattle. Fred Wahlgren. in charge of the foundry, was foreman at the Peninsula Iron Works. Gilbert Drynan, in charge of the sheet metal shop, was foreman in the similar department of the Portland Gas & Coke Company. C' E. Cleveland, principal of the Benson Polytechnic, has held that posi tion for four years. To him, as to the hundreds of enrolled students, the new school is a dream that really came true, and that is fraught with rich promise for the future. OF VACATIONISTS Portland, who are at Rockaway for the Summer, visited here during the week. The young women came by rowDoat oown the lake from Lake Lytic W. L. Dickson. Jr.. with his famllv. of Portland, are at the Kill Kare Kot tage for a fortnight. With them is Mr. Lickson s aunt. Mrs. W. F. Beaumont. of Kansas City, Mo. The party arrived Dy automobile. Arthur Kirkham, of Portland, is here for a week. , 3. McKean Fisher, of Portland, spent me last week Here at Sleepy Hollow. Lester Moroney. who has been visit Ing .in Valley points,, returned to his nome nere. Miss Freda Leitner, of Portland, has arrived at the family Summer cottage, Dolce Far Niente, for the rest of the season with her mother. Mr. Leitner was nere for the last week-end. Frank Cole a-nd William Boubel, of tne we-ll-klt camp, made a four days' hiking trip to Seaside during the week. They enjoyed a splendid outinir. Mrs.. J. W. Bowman, Mrs. John Law and Miss May Cole, of Portland, are here for a three weeks' visit with their brother, Frank Cole, at his cosy Sum mer camp, we-ii-Klt. Mrs. Willfam Gerretsen, of Portland, is at Dew Drop Inn carriD for a week Miss Agnes Anette Anderson, of Port land, is visiting here at the Dew Drop Inn camp for a week's vacation. W. L. Fredrickson. of Portland, has joined his family here for the rest of tne season. viuanerea at tne stay-a-wnile camp for a fortnight's vacation are Mr. and Mrs. w. G. Smith, of Portland. James N. Mills, of Portland, is a re cent arrival at Moroney Town, where he will remain for the rest of the rea son. Frank E. Savage, of Portland, was here for a brief outing this week. Tom McDonald was among the ar rivals Sunday. Surf fishing has lately been in high favor, due to the ease with which the sea fish could be caught. With pole and - line, one wades into the surf at low water, and almost every throw of the hook nets a fish or two. Stanley Eisman .and W. J. Walsh, of Portland, are here for a few days' rec reation along the Bhores of Manhattan. Quite a crowd was drawn on the beach at Manhattan last Sunday by the surf fishing, which was Introduced by Will Smith and his young son. Surf fishing was something new and in a few minutes after the two started to fish a crowd of people had their lines in the breakers. Throw lines were used and -were thrown out 50 or 75 feet. Mr. Smith, an employe of Wade & Co., caught Ji fish in an hour, sometimes catching two at a time. None of the: fish measured less than nine inches. COTTAGERS LEAVE FOB HOME Approach of Fall Sees Crowds Pre paring to Quit Beach. BREAKERS. Wash.. Sept. 1. (Spe cial. With the approach of September, bringing school days and the necessary preparations for Fall, many of the cot tagers are leaving this week for their homes. The bright sunny flays have oc casioned much pleasure as a wind-up for the season and all the outdoor sports. Motor parties, birthday fes tivities and dinner parties have been the features of the week In addition to the usual games. Tennis enthusiasts have developed a new diversion by playing the game . in their bathing suits and following it with a fine dip in the ocean. A jolly motor party from Raymond, spending several days here, were Mr. and Mrs. H. W. MacPhail and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Burnside, Robert Burnside and Miss Catharine Burn side. They enjoyed many trips about the North beach while here. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Frost, who attended the golf tournament at Gear hart, returned here the latter part of this week to spend the rest of the sea son. Mayor George L. Baker and Mrs. Baker, of Portland, spent the week-end at the hotel and enjoyed motor par ties about the beach during their so journ. They returned to Portland Monday. I. J. Gordon came flown on tne Sat urday special, returning home with his family Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Preston enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair at lunch eon Wednesday and Friday they en tertained the children of the hotel at a delightful birthday party given for their young son. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. r. orris a. Gregg and family closed their cottage and came to the hotel for a time. They returned to Portland Monday, accom panied by Mrs. Leo Baldauf - and daughter, of Cleveland. Ohio. Visitors from St. Paul were Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Barton and son, Rob ert H. Barton, who have been spend ing some time visiting the Western Coast. Dinner sruests at the hotel Thurs day and Sunday were Mrs. J. M. P. Snyder, of Walla Walla, and Mrs. W. E. Lowell and son, who are domiciled at Seaview in a cottage. Registered at the Breakers Hotel are: .Mr. and Mrs. George iii. rost, Isaac Upright, I. J. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. James 1 Conley, Mrs. Robert Sears and two sons and maid, all of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Burn side Catharine Burnside. Robert Burn side. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. McPhail and son, Mrs. S. V. Conway, all of Ray mond: Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Barton Robert H. Barton, of St. Paul: Julia Hoare. Martha Hansickie, of Seattle Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brunold, Donald C. Roberts, of Astoria; Mr. and Mrs. Myron Sinclair, of Ilwaco: Mrs. Stephen A. Lowell, Mrs. William E. Lowell and son, of Pendleton, Mrs. J. M. P. Snyder, of Walla Walla. FISHING IS GOOD AT BAB VIEW Steady Stream of Visitors Continue to Patronize Resort. BAR VIEW. Or., Sept. 1. (Special.) Bar View visitors are many in number for this season of the year, and indi cations are for a steady patronage all through September. Fishing from the jetty rocks is still the most popular pastime, and almost at any time dozen or more enthusiasts can be seen lined up with their long bamboo poles. Some have hooks on the end and fish for perch, sea trout and other edible denizens of the deep, while others have small, round nets, with meat bait, and each dip into the water brings out from one to four fine crabs. A great per cent of the fishing this year is for the purpose of canning, as almost all the Summer folks are taking back quan tities of canned sea food. The cheap ness and the convenience of conserving the salmon, crabs and clams is bound to have an effect on the Winter meat bills. Trout fishing in the Miami still holds good as a premier attraction for the re sort. On a recent trip, E. P. Marcher, who is here from Portland for the Summer, got the limit of 50, a number of which were around the 12-inch mark. Mi, and Mrs. N. Rose, and daughter, of Portland, are guests at the Green bungalow for a fortnight. They are ardent fisherfolk and have had ex ceptional luck with trout in the Miami River. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Vogan. of Port land, are In Captain Farley's beautiful log cabin for a fortnight's vacation. They came by automobile and are sup plementing their stay here with fre quent side trips to points of interest and appealing fishing streams. Sea fishing from the nearby jetty is also an attraction that appeals to the Vogans, and fresh crabs and perch are no rarity. Mr. and Mrs. 'Leon H. Peters and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ramsdell and their house guest. Mrs. Kathmar, were here for an enjoyable outing at Camp Car ter. In a party of oul-of-the-stats folks who visited here during the week at villa Camp were Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Spangler, Miss Pearl Spangler. Mrs. L. D. Shafer, Mrs. S. Shafer and Thelma bnarer, or Vancouver. Wash.; Marsh McKinne and wife, of Camas; Mrs. H. ,C. Goodrich, Calhouh, Missouri, and Mrs. Zella Cranon, of Bartlettville, Ok- lanoma. Miss Jane Banard and Mrs. E. T. Rawson, who have been guests of the Marshalls and Woods at the Woodbine Cottage, returned during the week to Portland, whence hey depart for their homes in Boston and Burlington, la. Mrs. Frank Woods accompanied them to Portland, but will return here later for an extended stay. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Ryckman and O. Clark, of Eugene, are in an auto party that are at villa camp for a week. Mr. and Mrs. C Nowotney, of Port land, are here at Villa Camp for a week. Mr. and Mrs M. D. Hawes, of Port land, were here Curing the week whil en route to Seaside on an auto tour of the Coast country. They stopped at E. P. Marcher s place, and will return later for some of the excellent fishing that Mr. Marcher is acquainted with. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jones and daugh ter, Marion, and William Jones, of Port land, are rusticating for a week at Camp Carter. - J. Mosier and family and Mrs. M. Dangueger and A. Dangueger, of Port land, were over-night visitors at Villa Camp recently. Mrs. M. D. Wells and daughter and Mrs. E. M. Nutter, of Portland, are guests at Villa camp for a week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kl. Russ and daugh ter, of Portland, are In by motor for a fortnight at Villa Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walter and Miss Blance Walter and Bert Walter, of North Plains, Or., are stopping at Camp Carter for a week's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Banks and da ugh - Contlnued From Pare 4.) of white sweet peas and maidenhair fern. The Power girl's bouquet was of pink sweet peas. Miss Tena Hertzler played the wedding march. Rev. W. C. Kantner, of Pilgrim Church, officiated, using the double ring ceremony. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 1. Miss Elisa beth Marie Abbott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abbott, 2012 Park avenue, be came the bride of Henry Clare Beebe, of Ashland, Or., recently at the home of the bride's parents. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Charles Edgar Haupt. formerly vicar of St. Mark's Church. Only the relatives and imme diate friends were present, there be ing about 30 guests. The decorations In the living-room were yellow and white, and in the dining-room were pink and white flowers. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Beebe left for tha Pacific Coast on an extended trip, via the Canadian Rocky Mountain. They will reside in the West. Mrs. Beebe attended the University of Minnesota. Mr. Beebe attended the University of California and Leland Stanford University. SOCIETY PERSONALS. Harry Lowengart left Saturday for a" three-weeks business trip in the East. Miss C. Lowengart and Mrs. F. H. Reineman spent the week at Wilhoit Springs. Mrs. Franklin A. Freeman has re turned after a two months' trip to the Atlantic Coast. Miss Alice Buckmeyer left last week for San Francisco. She will return early In Fall to resume her classes. Mrs. W. J. Blumenschein left last night for a month's visit with friends and relatives in Chicago and Milwau kee. Mrs. Edgar Burke Allen (Ruby Paw- ley) and small son left Saturday for a visit with Mrs. Emma Pawley In Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Scott and daughter. Miss Marion Scott, have re turned from a ten days' trip to the Yellowstone. Miss Jeanette Meredith, of North Yakima, who have been in this city for several days, has gone to Salem to be the guest of friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Buchanan are being congratulated on the arrival, Au gust 24, of a baby girl who has been named Marjorie Helen. Mrs. Isaac Fogel, of Portland, and Mrs. Albert W. Adamson, of Willam ette, are visiting their sister, Mrs. Robert Kinzel at Entiat. Wash. Miss L. L. Tim, of 128 Tenth street, has returned from a visit of five weeks ter, Inez, and W. O. Galloway, of Banks, Or., are sojourning here for a week with the Camp Carter contingent. Mrs. G. W. Starr and party of motor ists were here from Dallas for a brief stay at Villa Camp this week. Mrs. W. H. Best, of i-iewberg. Joined her father, Mr. Jeffries, here this week at Villa Camp and will remain for the balance of the season. J. D. Kemnltzer and family, were among the week's arrivals from Port land at Villa Camp. They will remain here for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wolf, of Port land, are rusticating along Bar View shores for a week or more. They are at Camp Carter. J. W. McGrath and family, of Port land, are at Villa Camp for a week. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Davis and daugh ter, Evelyn, and sons, Herbert and Clarence, of Portland, are at the Carter Apartments for 10 days. Visiting them for this week were William and Charles Adams and Miss Madge Chinnork. Fred C. Robinson and Mr. KrantJ were on a fruitful two days' fishing ex pedition to the Foley Creek district this week. Each nimrod brought back ex cellent showings of fine trout. Mrs. L. M. Alley and charming daugh ters. Pearl, Mable and Evaline, who have been at the family cottage. Al At One, for: the past month, returned by motor to Portland this week. W. D. Coburn, Don Dilliford and Os car Magnussen. of Brighton, were reg istered at Villa Camp recently for a brief stay. Julia E. Baker, of Gladstone, and Miss Tauline Hastings, of Parkplace, are guests for a few days at Villa Camp. Among the late arrivals from Inde pendence are Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Hedges and Mr. and Mrs. E. Townsend. who are passing the week in the Davidson cottage on the Heights. Mrs. B. F. Morden has closed her cottage and with her guest, Mrs. E. II. Park, returned to Portland on Wednesday. Mrs. J. L. Hewitt and daughters. Inez and Ruth, returned to Portland Tues day. C. W. Henkle, Miss Florence Burton and Mrs. Bertha Dickinson, of Inde pendence, spent Tuesday In Barview and will pass the remainder of the week in Tillamook. After passing the Summer here. Dr. L. L. Hewitt and family have returned to their home in Independence. Fishing for crabs off the jetty is a popular sport and they are being caught in large numbers. Several large deep sea fish have been caught during the past week. NEAIIKAILXIE CROWDS MERRY Days of Gorgeous Sunsets Lure Manj to Popular Resort. NEAHKAHNIE MOUNTAIN, Or., Sept. 1. (Special.) With the coming of September old Neahkahnie, the home of the Fire Spirit, according to Indian legend, takes on an appealing and en trancing aspect. Here it is, during this month of the year, that ever-changeful scenes greet the eye and the gorgeous sunsets and sun-tinted cloud banks in ject a colorful tone to the view. No more inspiriii!. bit of nature can be found along the Oregon coast t an the stretch of beach and mountain scape that hems this delightful little resort, and previously where dozens made the hiking trip over the trail this season has seen hundreds of nature lovers wending their way across the crest. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Schnable visited Mrs. H. A. Sargent Tuesday, motoring over from Seaside. J. C. Ainsworth and H. A. Sargent visited their families over the week end. Mrs. L. B. Rebe, Mrs. E. R. Kidde and Master Edgar Kidde are hero for a week. Miss Henrietta Falling and Gordon Burpee are guests of W. F. Cain for a few days. Mrs. E. C. Mears and Miss Georgiana Mears are occupying the Isom cottage with Miss Fox. A. E. Doyle and family have returned to Portland after passing the season in their pretty brown bungalow on the hlH- Hiking around the mountain on Tues day from Cannon Beach were Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Jones and C. E. Moulton. Miss Barbara Bartlett. who has spent the Summer in her new cottage, re turned to Portland Wednesday and ex- I pects to leave at once for New York where sne win spena tne winter, witn her returned her two guests. Miss Hewitt and Robert Warrens, the party motoring back with W. H. Warrens and family. Morton Insley and F. A. Knapp were here for the week-end. Miss ColUa Mathis is at the beach in New York City. Miss Mabel C. Rus sell, of Chicago, and Miss Ethel Tifft, of Minneapolis, cousins of Miss Tifft, accompanied her to Portland. The Misses Margaret and Delia Zim merman have returned from an enjoy able outing at Rockaway Beach. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, of Aurora, 111., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kramer, 401 Church street. Mrs. Ross Wood, daughter of Mrs. C. S. Darling, has returned to her home in Irvington from St. Vincents Hos pital, where she underwent an opera tion. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Higbee and two daughters, of Chicago, were at the Multnomah Hotel last week and were entertained at several luncheons and dinners. Mrs. Maurice Jay Woolach is in this city visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wolllns. Mrs. Woolach was for merly Miss Ida Wollins, and has a host of frienjls in this city. The F. A. Moores, of Walla Walla, remained in Portland for a few days last week en route from Seaside. They made the Multnomah Hotel their head quarters. Mrs. J. M. Leach and the Misses Har riet and Florence Leach have returned to the city after a visit at Manzanita Beach. The Misses Leach will leave soon for San Francisco to resume their work in vaudeville. Miss M. Lucile Murton, the organist, who has been assisting at the West minster Church during the Summer months, is spending the remainder of the season at Gearhart with her mother, Mrs. C. C. Murton. Marguerite A. Salomon, of the "Out look," New York, has been at the Multnomah Hotel for several days. She will leave Monday. Miss Salomon was the guest of the hotel management on Thursday on a trip out the Columbia River Highway with Samuel C. Lancas ter as guide for the especially con ducted tour. Miss Salomon spent the whole day on the highway. There was a luncheon at Eagle Creek and the party watched the sunset from Crown, Point. SPECIAIi AXXOUXCE3IEXTS. Miss Dorothea Nash reopens her piano studio September 4. 607 Liters building. Main 6364. Adv. Alice Brown Marshall reopens music school, B10 Eilers bldg., Sept. 1. Resi dence studio, 1430 Alameda, drive, opens Sept. 4. Adv. EDGAR E. COURSEN has returned and resumed his piano and. organ classes. Residence studio, 658 Lovejoy. Tel. A 3108, Main 3108. Adv. following an art course under Henri H. Wentz. Miss Winifred Yager and Miss Calle were guests here for a few days, re turning home Tuesday morning. F. C. Savage joined his family Sun day, all returning to Portland Monday morning. Mrs. Harrison Corbett and daughter, and Mrs. P. S. Tyler and son passed a few days at the beach last week. Blaine Hallock joined the A. C. Spencer family at the Tavern and the men had their annual fishing party. A motor party from Portland Friday consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Plowden Stott and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. McDowell, who went on to Seaside, after a few days here. J. W. Hawk and party, of Detroit, Mich., were here for a brief visit. Sunday visitors were M. H. Hartwell, Misses Taylor and Catherine Bean, Anna Bullivant, Mrs. W. E. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Adams, Dr. R. J. Pllking- I ton ana uuy niKingion, an ot x on- S. P. Bach and Mrs. Bach, Miss Bess Bach. Mrs. Ida Mayer and Fred Kerr came In from Lebanon by 'motor. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kerns, Miss Dorothy Kerns, Miss Leslie Kerns and Kathryn Schnabel were here Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Jubitz and chil dren were at the beach for a few days last week. A merry party of beach people at tended the Nehalem dance on Saturday and had an unusually good time. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson, of Eugene, passed the week here, returning home on Thursday. Mrs. S. G. Reed lunched at the Sar gent home on Wednesday. VACATIONISTS GO TO Cl'LER Washington Rest Resort Lures Many From Oregon. GULER. Wash.. Sept. I. (Special.) The following registered at the Gulcr Hotel to pass their vacations: Esther M. Stewart, Marie Meagher, Ellen Molin, Emily Stewart. Miss W. II. Smith, F. H. Brundage, J. F. Cox, James Cox, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Daire. Warren J. Hathaway and wife and Charles A. Berry, all of Portland; Miss Clara Moriat, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kirk, Bonita Kirk, J. B. Kirk. Loyal' Kirk, c?rant Kirk. Elbert Kirk and Letha. Kirk, all of The Dalles. Or.: R. Kreps. Laurel. Wash.: Frank Burlingane and J. It. White, of White Salmon, Wash.; Nettie O'Neal, Robert Parrot t. Izetta Walker, Dean Keel, Gladys Troh and John Baker, all of Glenwood, Wash. Many at Rhododendron Springs. ZIO ZAG, Or., Sept 1. (Special.) The following visitors have registered the past week at Rhododendron Mineral Springs: Miss Sadie Sullivan, Oregon City; Miss Abbie Walroth, Miss Cora M. Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Woerner and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Reynolds, Mrs. B. P. Reynolds, Alice Reynolds, Marian Warren, Ernest O. Spitzner, Mrs. R. Everding, Mrs. IT. It. Everding, Caroline Everding, Mrs. W. G. Jackson, Leona Pragg. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Lathrop. Miss Nellie Lathrop. Miss L. Schumann, Miss Maude Ray, Mrs. J. A. Martin, Miss Sadie Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Stephenson. D. C. Moll, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sheppard, Mr. and Mrs. Alva W. Purson, Miss Kate W. Purson, Master Alva Purson. It. O. Hansen. A. V. Hansen. Miss Sarah hecRTord, Mrs. C H. Norris, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sechte , all of Portland; Miss Josephine-Borsch. Hills dale; W. C. Rupert, P. F. Walsh, Miss Marie Bruce. Bruce Wells, Willard Wells, I. F. Kohlanber, D. R. Hedley, I). M. Lyden, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reames, Mrs. S. Hanan-Carison, Miss Amelle Haseltinc, Walter II. Grebe, Mr. and Mrs. N. M. linger, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Erenyi. Miss Gladys Trimble, Mrs. L. Dreyfus and Miss Bess McCrea, all of Portland; Mrs. K. L. L. Cum mings, Kathryn Cummings, Fred Kidd, Los Angeles; Miss Keren Lee Davis, Miss Eugenie M. Keating. Miss Ethel Klusser and Mrs. C. S. Samuel and sons, of Portland. Tractor Operators Listed. SALEM. Or., Aug. 28. (Special.) Power Farming, a magazine published at St. Joseph, Mich., has written to Labor Commissioner Hoff. stating that it has completed a registration of ,lta readers who are qualified to operate and repair steam or gas tractors and are ready to volunteer for service In the "agricultural army." The maga zine asks if such help is needed in Oregon. The Inquiry has been turned over to A. W Jones, -director of tha Free Employment Agency at Portland