SEPTEMBER 3, 191?. SEPTEMBER FINDS CROWDS REMAINING AT SEA SHORES TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, Portland with his string of ponies, as well as the mounts of the cottagers. Long walks daily, for the purpose of reducing; also are included in the pro gramme, and many svelte figures are showing the result of much determina tion and strength of character. As one attractive young1 matron remarked recently: 'It's maddening to start out for a brisk walk to reduce and have everyone you know go by in motor cars and Insist upon picking you up." A number of Gearhart folk are al ready in their Portlani homes, prepar -ing for school days, as a number of the girls and boys are to go afar for their education. ' The Y. W. C. A. camp has proved a delightful, restful abode this year to hundreds of tired girls, some of whom for the first time in their lives glimpsed the Pacific Ocean and tasted the Joys of many of the beach gaieties. The camp, under the direction of Miss Whealdon for the first half of the sea son and Miss Grondahl for the latter half, has been most successful and de lightful. They have been brimful, all season and the girls, refreshed for their 'Winter's duties, were loath to return to their homes. The camp will close within a few days. Miss Nadine Caswell, who is going East to a finishing school soon, re turned to her home Sunday night in company with her grandfather, John Iviernan, who was a week-end guest at the R. B. Caswell cottage. Mr. Cas well also spent the week-end and sev eral days of this week with his family, assisting in closing the cottage. They returned Wednesday to Portland. Mrs. James A. - Dougherty returned to her father's cottage here after an extended tour of Yellowstone Park with her sister, Mrs. Charles "Whitley, of Salt Lake City. Miss Irene Daly spent the week-end as the guest of Mrs. Joseph E. Wiley at the Graham Glass cottage, return ing Tuesday to town. Captain George Mitchell Brazer, U. S. R.. was the guest of Lieutenant Graham Glass, U. S. R-. for several days last week. They left Sunday night for Portland and are now in Camp at American Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mackay were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grelle over the week-end. James D. Honeyman spent a. few days last week with his family here in their cottage. Dr. James C. Zan returned Sunday to town, after a delightful vacation of three weeks here in his cottage. Mrs. Zan and children left Wednesday for their home. Mrs. Solomon Hlrsch, her con, San ford Hirsch. and daughter. Miss Cle mentine, left yesterday for Portland. The Misses Ella and Mai Hirsch will return today to town. Miss Jean Morrison Is the guest of Misses Winnifred and Elizabeth Hu ber and will return with the family next week. August Berg also enjoyed a brief visit from his business duties this week at the Huber cottage. Miss Virginia Menefee arrived early this week to visit the Misses Huber for several days. Mr. and- Mrs. C. C. Colt will return today to Portland, after a month spent In the Holt cottage on the ocean front. Their nephew and niece, Leonard and Katharine Colt, of Mount Vernon, N'. Y., left Wednesday for Portland and will sail today for San Francisco en route to their home. They have been here for a fortnight and have been very popular among the younger set. Mason Ehrman visited Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Hirsch over the week-end. Mrs. M. Goodman and daughter. Miss T. Rose Goodman, were guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Goodman. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sharp are now domiciled for a few weeks in the Fisher cottage, which has been the Summer abode of .Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Mc-, Cord and family. Mr. and Mrs., Harry Nicolat and chil dren are established for the. month of September in the Leiter cottage on Ocean avenue. r Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cronan were guests for several days of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Cooke. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Belieu and family are late arrivals who plan to pas3 the month in a cottage here. Mrs. D. W. L. MacGregor and little daughter, Anita, returned Monday morning to Portland. Little Anita suf fered an injury to her foot, her horse stepping on it during a ride Sunday. They are again domiciled in their cot tage for a few weeks more. Dr. E. J. Labbe, who spent his vaca tion with his family in their cottage, returned to Portland Sunday. Russell Hubbard was a week-end visitor in Gearhart with his family in the Caswell cottage on Cottage avenue. C. H. Davis, Jr., joined his family over the week-end and participated in ueveral games of golf during his so journ. Miss Charlotte Breyman, who spent a fortnight as the guest cf Miss Nadine Caswell, returned last week to town. Miss Catherine Overbeck is a guest of Miss Eileen Cooke for a few weeks. Miss Eleanor Beckwith entertained with a charming informal dinner party previous to going back to Portland. Her little guests were: Eleanor Ditten lioefer, of St. Paul; Flora Jane Mene fee, Suzanne Caswell, Jane Talbot, Mar garet Cook and Joan Channing. Miss Suzanne Caswell entertained re cently with two delightful parties, one a hayride at low tide on the beach, the party driving for miles along the hard sands and ending in a bonfire and sup per. Later the children danced in the Caswell cottage on Ocean avenue. Another affair, with Suzanne Caswell as hostess, was a dinner, over which she presided last week. Her guests were: Ambrose Cronin, Jr.; Jack Dougherty, .Ronald Honeyman, Ben Lombard, John Channing James Van Schuyver, James Farrell, Dorothy and Lillian Mitchell, Margaret Cook, Bertha Goodman, Mary and Joan Channing. H. E. Belieu entertained a number of friends with a motor trip and picnic to Cannon Beach. Mr. Belieu's guests were H. R. Hollingsworth, Leonard Pel-' ler, Fred Dresser, M. McCauley, J. M. Waller, C. C. Brennen. Master James Van Schuyver is now In California, where he will re-enter the military school which he attended last year. Mrs. Edward Failing will return in a few days to Portland. She has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Latta, for several weeks. Mrs. . Ralph Hoyt and daughter, , Louise, are house guests of the former's sister-in-law, Mrs. Walter M- Cook. NEWPORT EXJOYS COOL BREEZE Week's Sport at Popular Oregon Beacli Found in Many Ways. NEWPORT, Or., Sept. 1. (Special.) Whila - Interior parts of Oregon are sweltering in the August heat and smoke-laden atmosphere, sojourners at this pleasant seaside resort are en joying cooling breezes from the Pa cific. The past week furnished some of the finest weather of the Summer. Despite the approaching close of the season, throngs of visitors continue to soek the refreshing rest of a vacation at Newport and Nye Beach. For those who enjoy the tonic effect's of surf bathing this beach has many joys to offer. Digging for rock oys ters, automobile rides to the Indian reservation at Siletz or down to South Beach to Waldport and Yachats, hikes to the lighthouse on Yaquina Head or to the Big Trees of towering spruce, are a few of the means to while away a. week at this beach. Among the interesting sights are flocks of seagulls, fishing for small sardines, a school of which has been offshore for the past two weeks. Th presence of these little fish has also been responsible -fbr the casting up on the beach of a great number of bake fish, which in their pursuit of the lit tle fish have ventured too close to shore and been washed up by the breaker. Yaquina Bay, off the town of New port, is dotted with small boats every day during the flooding tide as one of the largest schools of tomcod in the memory of the oldest fisherman here now is running Catches of 100 to 150 or even 200 tomcod on one rising tide are not uncommon. Mr. and Mis. J. O. Ferris, of Portland, are listed among the week's arrivals at Nye Beach. Miss Anne Dawson, or Albany, who has been passing the Summer at New port, left for her home the middle of the week. Miss Kathleen Stuart, of Coburg. ar rived Monday for a few days' visit at this point. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Johnson and son, of Eugene, arrived at the Abbey last week-end for a few days sojourn. Miss Myrtle Johnson, of Portland, ar rived at the Damon. Monday, for a few days vacation. Miss Mabel Robertson, or Salem, who has been the guest of Miss Elizabeth Lord, at Seal Rocks, for two weeks, re turned home Tuesday. Professor and Mrs. Herbert Cromblo Howe and family, of Eugene, who have been passing the Summer at their ranch at Seal Rocks, will return home early in September. Professor 'Howe is head of the department of English literature at the University of Oregon. Miss Ethel Tooze, who has been en joying the Summer at Newport, will leave the beach for Portland early this week. Mrs. A. V. Thompson and little daughter Avanelle, of Cottage Grove, are occupying a Sea Crest cottage for a week. Mrs,. E. Rudling and daughter Alice, of Salem, who have been at Tent City for a week, left Nye Beach, for their home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bennet, of Kerry, were guests at the Abbey the first of the week. Mrs. Paul Cooper, of North Yakima, Wash., has been visiting In Newport this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Jevons, of Wake field. Kan., are among the week's ar rivals at the Copeland. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Horner, of Salem, are enjoying a short vacation at this place. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. Vanduzen. of Port land, are in Newport for a brief outing. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Gilbert, of Salem, are enjoying a week's stay at Agate Beach Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Baker, who have been at Seal Rocks for the Sum mer, near Newport, returned to their home in Salem Saturday. Miss Anna Larcen, of Portland, Is en joying a fortnight's vacation at this resort. Mrs. Edith Plank and daughter, and Mrs. Finley Whitney, of Dallas, are oc cupying the Beals cottage for a weeks stay. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fmtzer, of Fort land, are passing a week at the new Cliff House. Clyde McMillan and Melvln L. Ray, of Independence, are passing their vaca tion at Nye Beach. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. McPherson and amongthe guests of the week at the Abbey. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Woodcock, of Corvallis. arrived In Newport last Sat urday for a few days' vacation at this resort. Miss Aline Thompson, society editor of the Salem Capital Journal, is the house guest of Mrs. Asahel Bush at her charming Agate Beach home. Little Bluffs. Frank Nichols, of Portland. Is en joying his vacation at Newport at the Copeland. Air. ana jurs. j. racy nuais, i motored to Newport the first of the week and are encottaged at Nye Beach for a week's sojourn. Mrs. Lee Martin, of Portland, is pass ing a two weeks' vacation at this beach. . Ausby K. Bishop, of Portland, 'ar rived recently and Is staying at the new Cliff House for a few days. Miss Virginia Wechter. of the office staff of State Engineer Lewis, of Sal em, led a hike to the Yaquina Head lighthouse on Wednesday. That is, the party went out on the point on which the lighthouse is situated but did not enter the lighthouse station, which has been closed to visitors since .the out break or the war. .-. . Mrs. N. A. Morgan, of Corvallis, Is among the many Benton County visit ors now sojourning at this resort. Mrs. L. V. Hoyt and family, of Sal em, are at Sea Crest for a week's so journ. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sears and family, of Cottage Grove, are at Tent City this week for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Delk and family. of Portland, are numbered among the cottagers to arrive at Nye Beach dur ing the week. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. mcujw and ram ily, of Couer d'Alene, Idaho, are among the campers at Whittens this week. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Herrick, Jr., of Salem, are enjoying their outing at Newport. Mr. and . Mrs. L. D. Larkin, of Ore gon City, are numbered among the sea Bon's visitors at Nye Beach. David Beckman. of Portland, arrived recently for a brief vacation at New port. A. J. Wurtzberger, of the State Hos pital at Salem, is enjoying a week's stay at this resort. . Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Hamlin and fam ily, of Kansas City, Kan., are among the Eastern visitors at Newport. Mrs. R. Citron and daughter Carol, of Portland, came in Tuesday and are domiciled at the Damon. Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas, of Amity, and Mr. and Mrs. George Lewellen and child, of Moro, are at the Clam Shell cottage for a week. Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher, of Port land, are registered at the' Carter House this week. Mrs. J. A- Freeman, of Roseburg, who has been passing the Summer in Newport, leaves for her home the first of the week. . Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Meier, of Sher wood, arrived recently for a week's stay at Newport. Among Portland visitors at New port during August was the party composed of Dr. O. C. Wright, Mrs. Wright and daughter, Esther: Mrs. John Linklater and daughters. Misses Florian and Grace, who occupied the handsome U and I cottage of Mr. Sim mons. Among their many social diver sions was a beach bonfire party given to their friends Saturday evening. In honor of the birthday of Mrs. John Straub, wife of Professor Straub, of the University of Oregon, a sur prise party was held at the Damon on Nye Beach, where they are staying, last Sunday night. - Mrs. Straub was the recipient of nu merous remembrances and best wishes for the future. Those attending were: Professor and Mrs. Straub, Miss Vir ginia Wechter and Martha Gueffroy, of Salem: Miss Maude Hargreaves, of Salem; Miss Bertha Comings, of Eu gene; Miss Katherine Jahn, Salem; Miss Ethel. Tooze; of Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Gregory, of Portland. Roswell L. Holman. of Oregon City, is a guest of the Damon this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Sanders, of Al bany, arrived in Newport Wednesday for a brief visit. Professor and Mrs. O. F. Stafford and family, of Eugene, arrived Mon day night at Nye Beach, after motoring from the valley. Professor Stafford is the head of the chemistry department of the University of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Linebough, of Portland, arrived Monday for a visit in. Newport at the. Abbey, Mrs. S. P. Kinney ana nephew,' Hes- ton Hollister. of Portland, are num bered among the week's arrivals at this resort. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Keltz, of McCoy, are recent arrivals. Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart, of Eugene, came In Tuesday and are guests of the Abbey. Professor and Mrs. J. B. Horner and daughters. Pearl and Vera, of Corvallis. who have been summering at Umpqua lodge, left for their home. The Misses Myrtle Bates and Clara Miller, of Portland, are guests of the Copeland. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Avery, of Cor vallis, are enjoying a -visit in Newport. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Robertson and son. of Condon, are passing a few days at the Abbey. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Barker, of Port- ( land, arrived during the week for a brief outing at this resort. Mrs. W. R. Hinshaw, Velma Good speed and Claude Graham, of Falls City, motored to Newport last Satur day and were guests of the Abbey while here. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Wiles, of Albany, were among the week's arrivals. J. H. Middleton, of Portland, recently passed a few days in Newport at the Abbey. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Hoyal. of Mill City, are enjoying their vacation at the Copeland at Newport. Mrs. J. R. Olgood, of Dallas, arrived during the week for a week's visit at Nye Beach. John Thome, a prominent Rose burg banker, arrived last week-end to enjoy a few days' visit with his family; who are encottaged at Nye Beach. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferris, of Portland, arrived recently andi are domiciled, at Nye Beach for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Bush, of Port land, are enjoying their vacation at Nye Beach. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sperle. of Port land, are listed among the week's reg istrations at the Abbey. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Brown and daugh ter. Georgie, of Corvallis, motored to Newport last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hanna, of Mc Minnville. arrived in Newport recently and are guests of the Abbey. Mrs. P. B. Dorias and daughter, Leona, of Portland, are occupying a cottage at Tent City for the balance of the season. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Van Kirk, of Portland, who have been occupying the Casa Bonita cottage for a month, de parted Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Georg Worden, of Portland, are enjoying a brief stay at the McAllister cottage at Nye Beach. Mr. and Mrs. George D. Thomas and Mrs. Tracy Newman, of Amity, are in a cottage at Sunset for the remainder of the season. Mrs. C. L. Hamilton and daughter. Hrances, who have been summering at Rose City Lodge for several weeks, departed for their home Thursday. Dr. and Mrs. C. U. Snider, of Port land, who have been at the Rose City Inn for three weeks, departed Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bishop and son, Bobby, the Misses Dorothy Ray and Lillian Hull, of Portland, have opened a Sea Crest cottage for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Morris, bf Turner, arrived the first of the week and are at the McDonald cottage. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Beers, of Salem, arrived at Red Fern Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Washburne, of Springfield, motored to Newport last week and are encottaged at Sea Crest for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Campbell, Miss E. G. Campbell and Miss E. L. Camp bell, of Portland, are among the ar rivals at Tent City. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Whitten, of Port land, arrived recently and are encot taged at Nye Beach for a fortnight. Mrs. John Fleming Wilson, who has been passing the Summer in Newport, left for Portland the first of the week. Mrs. Wilson will remain in Portland for the Winter. Mrs. Mary M. " Hale, of Vancouver, and Miss Marie Healey, of Portland, are occupying a cottage at Sunnyside Lodge. . Mr. and Mrs. William McGrew and sons, of Portland, are encamped at Whitten's for the remainder of the sea son. Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Hardman, of Estacada. are numbered among the latest' cottagers at Nye . Beach. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Dorr, of Eugene, arrived Tuesday for a week's stay at Nye Beach at the McAllister cottage. Miss Marian Citron, of Portland, ar rived Tuesday for a stay at the Damon on Nye Beach. Mr. and Mjs. George F. Vick and son, v S- jPit9 wV-w Hollis, and Miss Josephine Bross, of Salem, are at the Sunset cottage.. Mrs. L. S. Mochel and family, of Ger vais, are occupying Dad's Cabin. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sihler and two sons, of Portland, who have been at the Casteel cottage for six weeks, left Newport for their home Thursday. State Senator and Mrs. C. L. Hawley and three children, Francell, Clarence and Beatrice, of McCoy, motored to Newport the first -of the week and are encottaged at Nye Beach. Mrs. Hans Nlcklas, of Portland, who has been ' at Red Fern for a month, departed Monday for her home. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Bishop and two sons, Charles Kay and Robert, have Joined the Cherry City contingent at Agate Beach this week and are uests at the Inn there. Mrs. Jack Skillern and family, of Boise, who have been summering at Agate Beach, departed for their home Friday. Dr. C. F. Cropp, of Independence, ar rived last week-end and stayed at the Abbey for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Livesley. of Salem, who are summering at Agate Beach, entertained a number of their friends at a shellfish supper and dance last Saturday night. Those enjoying Mr. and Mrs. Livesley's hospitality were: Mr, and Mrs. John Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Bush, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Thielson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter McDougall, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sargent, all of Salem; Mrs. Gertrude Cameron, of Boston. Mass.; Miss Catherine Slade. of Silverton: Melvin Plimpton and Miss Aline Thompson, of Salem. Miss Esther Worden, of Portland, ar rived during the week and is passing a few days at Nye Beach. Rev. William Patrick Blake, of Pon tiac Hills.. N. Y., is at the Abbey. Miss Bertha Comings, of Eugenei, was hostess at a 500 party at the Damon Tuesday night. Prizes were won by Mrs. Lair Gregory and 'Miss Ethel Tooze. Mrs. M. L. Collins, of Portland, is sojourning in Newport for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McPherson, of Portland, are enjoying the sea breezes at Newport this week. Mr.' and Mrs. Glenn B. Kite, of Port land, arrived at the -Abbey the last of the week. FAITj RESERVATIONS ARE SIANX Rockawajr Expects to Entertain Rec ord September Crowds. ROCK AWAY, Or.. Sept. 1. (Special.) Reservations at many of the camp and cottage headquarters bespeak a goodly number 01 visitors here for Sep tember. During this month it is ex pected a great number of those who know that ideal conditions usually ex ist here in the early Fall will come in for vacations of varying length. Warm er suYf, due to the changing of. the currents that brush our shores, is an item that appeals to many, and from now on the ocean water will be more and more popular with the lovers of bathing. Returning to Rockaway this week were Mrs. Henry Tonsing and daugh ters, Eleanor and Kathryn. of Oak Grove, who' are at their Summer cot tage, Elryn, for all of the month. William C. Christensen, of. Nehalem. and Miss Delia Jackson, of lone, were here during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Brandt. 'of the Hotel Carlton, Portland, were in by automobile for "a short sojourn along Rockaway Bhores recently. Mrs. -J.. A- Kirks and Harold.-Dell and Russell Kirks, of Oak Grove, have taken the Knot Inn camp for a fort night. Mrs., A. T. Mallatt and party of friends', of Portland, motored down on Tuesday and are guests at the Osburn cottage, in Saltair. Mrs. A. Doolittl and ' Miss Verna Doolittle, of Portland, and Miss Jose phine Costella, of Seattle, are quar tered in a cozy camp here for two weeks. : Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Morelock and son, of Portland, are at Twin Rocks. Rev. W. Lee Gray, of Portland, was here this week. ' Kenneth Banks and, Lester Moroney, who were here for the season," returned pn Thursdays to Portland. Mrs. J. W. Aspland and daughter, Dorothy, of Portland, are at Sleepy Hollow. Miss Myrtle Wallin and Miss Esther Munson, of Tillamook, were hero for a week at Camp Echo. Among the recent arrivals at the Edelweiss cottage are the Misses Ten jieEsee, and. Eva .Weathered, Wigs Anna w n Lambeck, F. V. Engledinger. A. C. Alexander, Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Bu chanan, of Hillsboro, and J. N Webb, of Portland, and Miss Ellen Hodson, of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. F. Graap and daugh ter, Daisy, and son, Raymond, motored to Portland on Tuesday, after a de lightful month at Camp Suraday. Loirt A. Cowgill and Mis3 Sue Graap also returned to Portland this week. J. V. Roberts and family, of Port land, are enjoying their vacation at one of the attractive Krebs cottages. Misses Elizabeth and Charlotte Mal- boeuf. of Portland, are guests of Mrs. McPhearson at the Krebs cottage. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pomranig. Ralph W. Pomranig and Mrs. W. King and daughter, Vivian, of Portland, are at the Squirrel s Inn for a week s rest. In a party that visited here this week were Miss Helen Kuehle, Portland: Miss Olga Anderson. Miss Frances Nelson and, Wanita Anderson, of Hebo; Miss Edna Reusser. of Beaverton. Quartered at the Quiet Hours cot tage are Mrs. F. L. Kaler. Miss Lucille Kaler, Mrs. T. Shephro and Mrs. Carl Rollersler and son, Karl, of Portland. Mrs. A. A. Mergens and Miss Elsie A. Mergens, of Portland, are at the Hallu cottage. Adolph Fick, of Portland, has joined his family at their Bummer cottage, the Twins, for the remainder of the season. J. M. Kelty, who has been spending the (summer with his daughter. Mrs. Edith Alderman, at Midway Beach, has reurned to Portland. "Miss Dorothy Duniway, of Portland is here at The Shack, at Midway, as the guest of Miss Pauline Alderman. Hector Cioverio, of Portland, was a recent sojourner here. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wagenblast and sons, Teddy and Maurice, and daughter, Mabel, of Portland, are quartered in a cozy camp at Sleepy Hollow. In a happy party that has estab lished quarters here at Hilarity Hall are Kate Schlund. Catherine McPhelin Eva Markeli, Daisy Newhouse, Mable Rusk and Eva Hadley, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Jones, of Port land, are here for two weeks at the Newcomb cottage. Mrss Bessie Lants. of Tillamook, who has been here for the past month with her sister, Mrs. Hal E. Hoss, at the Cub's Inn, has returned to her home. Walter E. Swartout, of Portland, is nere tor tne rest or tne season. Mrs. Edgar Steven s and charming twins, of Portland, are at Camp Rus sell. Mrs. E. J. Hammond, of Portland, is at Midway as a guest of the- Alderman family and expects to be one of their party In making the hiking trip over Neah-kah-nie Mountain to (seaside. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Dickens, of Port land, are guests of the William D, Shafer family for a week. Mrs. W. H. Harlow and daughter, Jane, of Portland, are guests of rela tives at the Troy cottage for the rest of the season. Ruth and Helen Moore, of Salem, are quartered at the Cherry City camp. Other Capital City folks to visit here this week were Mr. and Mrs. O. Chapel, who motored down for a few days. SALTAIR CONTINUES TO DRAW Combination of Restful Recreation and Change of Scenery Helpful. SALTAIR. Or.. Sept. 1. (Special.) This delightful little resort still caters to joyous crowds of vacationists. With the splendid beach and the convenience of nearby up-to-date stores, the Salt air visitor finds a combination of rest ful recreation and change of scenery that works wonders with lirej nerves. The splendid dancing pavilion - here is drawing patronage from all the re sorts along the beach. Here meet and commingle all the genial spirits from Barview, Elmore and Rockaway and from as far as Tillamook City. Quartered in the delightful little Idle esse cottage are Mr. and Mrs. P. AV. Blanchard, the latter's mother, Mrs. T. Connell. and Master Thomas Blanchard, all of Portland. Mr.- and Mrs. Albert Abendroth and Mrs. Abendyoth. Sr., returned this week to Portland after a delightful two weeks at the Connell cottage. J. A. Rlmbach and family, of Port land, have taken the Jasmine cottage. G. B. Reed, of Salem, passed a few days along the Saltair shore. Arriving from Oregon City during the week for a brief sojourn here was Carol A. Ely. a prominent citizen of the falls city. Domiciled at the Frank. Field cottage for a week are Mrs. A. J. Ersted, of Portland, and her mother, Mrs. C. F. Mlllington. of T3irard Kan. There for the last week-end were Mr. Ersted, Mr. and Mrs. Ferry Smith and Mr. ana Mrs. L. R. Pendell, of Portland. Mr. Ersted will be in again before the de partures for a brief visit. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Neth.. with their daughter, Frances, are here from Port land as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Young at Brierly Lodge. Mrs. Young's mother, Mrs. Viva Meyer, of Minneapolis, is also a visitor there. Domiciled at The Netherlands are Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hill, of Portland. Miss Marion Hawley, of Portland, who. has been summering at the Haw leywood in Rockaway. is now quartered at Saltair for the balance of the sea son. In a party of school teachers rusti cating here before their Fall duties commence are Miss Nell Law and Miss Helen Rhodes, of Portland,- and Miss Penelope Gowl. of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. A. MetzlorT. of Portland, are at the Saltair for a two weeks' vacation. H. M. Doud. of Aurora, was a visitor to loca points during the week. Esther R. Smith and. Chester Smith. of Portland, were among' the week's ar rivals for brief vacations here. Joel Reynolds, who registers from Chattanooga. Tenn., is here for a few days. Lieutenant Leslie Ross, of Portland. was here for the last week with his par ents at the Ross cottage. Miss Genie Black was also in for the week there. Lieutenant Ross is now in San .Fran cisco. T. J. Stark, of St. Johns, N. B., was a visitor here for a fow days. Lloyd Edwards, of Tillamook, was a visitor here by auto. . Among the recent visitors were Ed ward Munson and his father, who mo tored from Tillamook. OCEAN LAKE CONTINUES CAY Many Vacationist Still Arrive and Festivities Keep Up. OCEAN LAKE. Or.. Sept. 1 (Special.) Ocean Lak is still host to man v vaca tionists, . and it is expected that the coming weeks will see many more ar rivals. Several motorists have arrived recently and camps are everywhere In evidence. The bass fiBhing in Clear Lake and Spring Lake still is holding good, and many make the trip to the nearby trout streams. Huge bonfires at night on the beach mark the place for happy festivities and not a dull day goes by. Miss Bessie Singleton, of Portland, is at Purdy-Arden for a two weeks' stay as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Purdy, of Salem. Their daughter. Miss Edna, has returned to her work at Al bany after two weeks here. Mrs. E. T. Marchetti, of Spokan. and Mrs. A. W. Jackson, of Walla Walla, are at the Kressman cottage. They visit with their sister, Mrs. A. H. Halle. who is at the Leipzig cottage with her family for the season. Mr. Jackson and Mr. Halle will arrive about the middle of th month for the return home. O. L. Comstock and Leland Duel, of Portland, arrived by auto last Sunday and established Camp Bevo for a fort night. The boys brought the early edi tion of The Sunday Oregonian and mmle many sales along the beaches into Rockaway. They left Portland at mid night Saturday and arrived at Rock away with their papers about 11 o'clock Sunday morning, after stopping at Til lamook and the other beaches. Mrs. L. P. Sampson and Miss Leonore Sampson, of Portland, are at the fai ily cottage here for their annual month's vacation. Hector Cioverio. of Portland, was here for a five days' visit with friends during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Casey, of Portland, are at the Perry cottage for a few weeks. Mrs. A. Mier and son. of Portland, have taken one of the Hadley cottages and will remain for a fortnight's out ing. Mrs. N. Schollard and son. of Wood burn, Or., are cosily quartered at the Leslie cottage for a few moro days. Mr. and Mrs. William Butler, of Poit land, are enjoying an outing here. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Casey and daughter. Miss Mary, of Portland, were here for four days at the Elliott cot tage. T. J. Bohna. of Portland, is here for the rest of the Summer season, with his daughter, Mrs. J. C. Elliott, at the Elliott cottage. Mr. Bohna is an ar dent and proficient horseshoe tosscr and is easily the local cnampion. He is a member of a club in Portland fcr the furthering of the sport. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Caples and chil dren, Helen and Gail, of Portland, niiro here during the week for a brief visit with the Bradley family at tho Fern. They were en route to Seaside by auto mobile. Robert Gustafson, of Damascus, Or., was hjre for the last weak-end for a visit with friends at the Elliott cottige. C. E. Bradley, of Nw York CKy, arrived during the week at tins Fern cottage, and will take his family Eust with him on his return next week. His father. F. S. Bradley, and wife, of Banks, are here for a week's visit with the family. Mrs. Harry Bradley and children. Earl, Wilbur, Florence and Elna, of Portland, also are there for a week. Other house guests with the SIMMER Hazelwood Candy n Scenic Packages Adds greatly to the pleasure of a vacation trip. Sent by Parcel Post or Express anywhere in the United States or Canada. 'Satisfaction and Delivery Guar anteed. The Hazelwood Confectionery & Restaurant Washington St. at Tenth, Portland, Or. RELIANCE MOUNT HOOD ACTO STAGES Leave Third and Washington Sts. daily 8 A- M- Saturday. 8 A. M. and 2 P. M., for Welches. Tawneys, La Casa Monte and Rhododendron. Round-trip season tickets, $6; Government Camp, $S.30. Climb Mount Hood or visit wonderful glaciers; all expenses paid, $11 each when four or more book. Ticket office and waiting-room at DORSEY B. SMITH TRAVEL BUREAU. 116 Third St., cor. Washington. Marshall 1979, or call Irvington Garage & Auto Co.. East 135, C 3162. PIERCE-ARROW CARS. MAKE RESERVATIONS IN ADVANCE. STEVENSON - CASCADE LOCKS FERRY Autos. Teams and Passengers. Make the circuit cross Interstate Bridge, thence to Washougal and Stev enson via Washington state r o a d cross the Stevenson-Cascade Locks Ferry and return to Portland via Columbia River Highway. Bradleys until Ihe end of their stay, are Miss Frances Akers and Miss Bessie Thrope, of Portland: Miss Nellie Lee, of Bellingham. and Mrs. W. T. Fletcher an.l children, Donald and Elizabeth, of Portland. C. A. Swanson and wife, of Portland. are in one of the Sappington tents on the ridge for a fortnight's stay. J-:. T. Albert and wife and Virginia and Elvln Albert, of Eugene, were at the Twin Rocks Hotel for a four days' stay this week. Lloyd Leslie and wife and Joscpb: Leslie and Master Joseph Leslie, of Portland, are ensconced in the Samp son cottage for a few weeks. J. Paulson and wife, of Portland, are at the Twin. Rocks Hotel for a few days. In a merry party at the Forest Queen cottage are Lottie Spinks. Isabella Crawford, Mae McCann, Mrs. L. D. Crawford and Marion Crawford, of manning, ur.; and Jcta May page, Mar garet McParland. Alfred McPariand and Alviu Hannan, of Buxton, Or. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pease, of Buxton, were guests there for a few days during tho week. Paul Irvine and John Bron. of Sa lem, were visiting friends here durlng in week. Mrs. A. W. Ruhndorff and daughter. Jessie May, of Portland, are here for a. week at Rock View Villa, Twin Rocks. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lancefield and sons, Robert and Stuart, of McMinn ville. are at Rock View Villa, for a fort night. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Russell, who are at the Southern cottage for the season. are entertaining Mrs. C. It. Russell and Miss Norma Beck, of Portland. BATOCEAN" SEASON SUCCESSFUL) Popular Seaside Resort Justifies Confidence of Managers. BAYOCEAN. Or., Sept. 1. (Special.) With a continuation of the ideal weather that has blessed Bayocean this season, the past week has seen many newcomers to the resort. The manifold attractions, that combine toward an in terestlng and rt-stful vacation, have brought together larger crowds for thia season than ever before, and Bayocean, "the playground of the Northwest," has justified the extensive advertising and expense of bringing its fame before the people. S. B. Vincent, manager of the resort, reports an excellent season and looks forward to an even increased patronage with the completion of the automobile road now under construe- tion to this place. The magnificent Natatorium here has! i drawn many this season, and all the " hotels and cottages have been com- V fortably filled for the past month and a half. Here for a fortn'jht's stay at the Island Bungalow at e Mr. and Mrs. Mc Cook and Don Lois McCook, of Pendle- ' ton. Quartered at the Petrel are Mrs. I,. E. Cohn. of Pendleton, and Mrs. M. Bagley, of Portland. Mrs. M. McKelvey and children, of ' Portland, arrived during the week to occupy the cozy Hiawatha cottage for several days. Mrs. Edward D. Williams, of Fort land, and Mrs. A. Alkive, of Butte, sre here at Fungalow City for a week's recreation. Mrs. E. C. Blanchard and children are quartered at the Lupin for a week. Mrs. A. M. Gorman and daughter. . Miss Alice, of Portland, arc here for a J few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. .Frank A. Turner and daughter. Miss Joy Turner, of Salem, r are at their attractive Summer cottage. -Overlook, for tho remainder of the sea son. Mrs. L. A. Tillson, also of the . Capital City, is their house guest. Quartered at the delightful Breakers t Bungalow for a week are Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Schmidt and daughter, and . Mrs. J. M. Younger, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Croniso and Mrs, Harry Cronise, of Salem, are at the Tecumseh cottage for a several days vacation. Here from their home across the con tinent at New Y'ork are Mrs. E. M. Lay- field and son. and Mrs. Mabel Inch and ' daughter. They are quartered at the Mount Angel bungalow (or a week. ELMORE PARK HEARS CONCERT Lad of 15 Entertains Vacationists and Outings Arc Enjoyed. ELMORE PARK, Or., Sept. 1. (Spe- cial.) With a continuation of the splendid beach weather that has pre- dominated here this season, the Elmore vacationist has had nothing to desire. One of the recent affairs at the El- " more Hotel was the informal event arranged by Mrs. L. M. Soule, who was ' there for a week with her daughter, Marie, and son. Gordon. The latter, ! who is an accomplished pianist, gave several beautiful selections, which were, much appreciated. The lad, who is but" 15 years of age, has traveled and studied extensively. On Tuesday night -he gave a concert at Bay City. . . Mrs. Paul Dowling, of the Elmora Hotel, is spending a week in TUla- : mcok, where tho County Fair is in progress. Arthur L. Crookhan. of the Telegram staff. In Portland, is here for a fort- fConcluded on Pape 11.) RESORTS. MAIL THEM TODAY Films Developed Free! When Prints Are Ordered. We Pay Return Postage. Five-Hour Expert Service. Largest Photo Supply House in the Northwest. Woodard, Clarke & Co. Wood-Lark Bldg, Alder at AV. Park Planters Hotel Cor. 2d and FoUom Sts-. San Francisco Folsom-st. car direct to hotel; any car and transfer at 2d St. Rates 35c and 50c per day; week. SI. 50 to J3, with bath. Service equals much higher priced hotels; 150 all outside rooms. Best for the money. J. E. Hoyle, Mgr. ,' The Hotel Elmore AtE3T European plan, restful beach home. The most popular moderately priced hotel on ' Oregon Coast. Magnificent ocean views. Large, comfortable rooms with real beds. " Wilson, Taft and Roosevelt cottages for rent. For rates, circulars, etc., address . THE HOTEL ELMOltE, Rockawar. Or. STR. GEORQIANA ASTORIA AND WAY LANDINGS. Leaves 7 A. M. daily, except Friday. Sun days 7:U0 A. At. Returning leaves Astoria 2 1. M. Arrives Portland U P. M. STR. Ll'KLIN leaves 1:13 A. M. daily except Sunday. Keturning leaves Astoria 7 V. M. Main HZt Washlnfrtou-St. Dock A 4133. CHICKEN DINNER COME AXD TRY Bins. MARIA KIIICKSON'S FAMOUS CHICKEN UIXJiUBS AT Hotel Clackamas On. the Beautiful Clackamas Hirer. CALL ii05 J. OUEOO.V CITV.