The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 22, 1917, SECTION THREE, Page 11, Image 43

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(Continued from Pare 0.)
Ing the golf tournament, which is
scheduled for next month, and it is
-assured that all who enter, as well as
tne visiting spectators, will be properly
and comfortably taken care of during
the tournament. Last year the lack of
a hotel was keenly felt, but the owners
and lessees of cottages were most hos
pitable, and the men" and women who
played in the tournament en joyed . the
merry house parties of which they were
members, and were not greatly inconvenienced-.
Mrs. Norden and Miss Frances Nor
den are guests of the former's daugh
ter, Mrs. W. E-. Prudhomme.
Motorists Are Taking Advantage or
,JMany Fine Drives.
NEAH-KAH-NIE. Or., July 21. (Spe
cial.) Now that the roads are in prime
condition, the motorists have com
menced taking? advantage of the many
excellent drives in thia vicinity, and
every day sees its portion of auto traf
fic lining into Neah-kah-nie. Cottages
ere being fined, the Tavern is enjoy
ing a splendid run of patronage and
altogether the beach season here is in
full swing. Surf bathing, mountain
climbing, trout and. sea fishing and a
hundred and one other things to do
and see occupy the attention of the
Summer folks here, and not one dull
moment has been recorded. Neah-kah-nie
Tavern, with its quaint structural
beauty, appeals to many, and parties
there are frequent.
A. It. Doyle is here for the week with
his family, spending the season in
their attractive cottage.
Thornton I.add spent Sunday with
Mrs. Ladd, who is at the Tavern for a
The Automobile Dealers' Association,
which had a "honk honk" party from
Portland to Tillamook last week,
lunched at the Tavern on Monday. In
the party were Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Wtl
kins, Mrs. Chester Uendrick, Mr. and
Mrs. Will F. Powell. H. C. Hays. Mr.
and Mrs. Arnold Cohen, Mr. and Mrs.1
11. C. Habel. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Wiggins
and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Kay
I. Burdette, Miss Zylpha Harper, Wil
liam M. Burns, Mr. and - Mrs. A. S.
Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Del Wright, Mr.
and Mrs. C L. Boss, Mrs. H. B. Rogers
and daughter, Mrs. Glenn, Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Moores. Miss Kdith Pettl
jerrew Mr. J. f. Jordan, Jr., Roy W.
Henryhlll. O. Henryhill, B. Weltmoore
end I-. G. Werschkul, all of Portland.
Henri Wentz and sister, Mrs. Kelly,
mid Miss Kelly left for Portland Mon
day. Dr. K. II. Pence and family, of Port
land, have leased the Wenta studio
for the rest of the month.
Miss Moore and Miss Jackson, who
Bttenried X. E. A. at Portland, returned
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Frael and Mrs.
Alliston motored in for a visit at the
beach, leaving for Cannon Beach on
Monday morning.
A merry party from Albany and
Salem who motored in for the week
end were Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Young
and sons. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Cusick
and son. Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Bishop and
two sons. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Roberts.
Rollie Watson and Mrs. AVatson had
Sunday supper at the Tavern with the
younger members of their family.
K. L. Barnes. W. L. Barnes, Philo
Titene Barnes and Miss Coursen, of
Portland, motored in for the week-end.
I.. C. McPherson and W. S. Scarth
hiked around the trail from Seaside on
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Eldridge and
Charles H. Huggins joined the Fraels
here, motoring in from Salem to spend
Mrs. F. M. Baum, family and two
maids, has leased the lovely Crocker
house for two weeks.
Miss Mary Frances Isom and Miss
I.angtou are in the former's cottage
for the rest of the Summer.
Registered at the Tavern are: John
T. Dougall, Mrs. Dougall and Miss Dor
othy Dougall, Portland; Charles H.
Huggins. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Eldridge,
Salem: Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Harrell. L.
McPherson, W. S. Srarth, Miss Ger
aldtne Coursen. Miss Philomene Barnes,
M. H. Barnes, F.. L. Barnes, T. U Eliot
nnd Mrs. Eliot. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Prael,
Mrs. F. H. Alliston. Mrs. G. B. MoLeod
and Miss Sarah Mcl.eod, Portland; Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. Beckwith, Anna Beck
with, St. Ignatius, Mont.; Mrs. George
Black, Miss Black, C. U 1-add, Port
land; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Featherston,
Tillamook; Anita Everson, San Jose,
f 'l. ; Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Riggs, Mr. and
Mrs. George Jackson, Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. P. A. Young and son, Mr. and Mrs.
H. B. Cusick and son, Albany; Mr. and
Mrs. R. C. Bishop and son, Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Roberts, Salem; Mr and Mrs. Rol
lie Wnlson, Rosetta and Virginia Wat
son, James Watson, Agnes Coates. Til
lamook: Mr. and Mrs. R. I.. Muir, Mr. H
J. Morrison, Harold M. Sawyer. C. B
Welcker. Mr. and Mrs. Ben C. Day, Mr.
and Sirs. Fahic. Portland; Mr. and Mrs.
R. F. Kiger. Mr. and Mrs. George Ki
ger. Tillamook: Ella M. Miller, Ida M.
Sash. Idaho Falls.
Will Cliristensen. the popular store
keeper at Neah-kah-nie, gave a hop
and crab feast in the store Tuesday
evening. Ho was assisted by his sis
ter. Miss Hazel Cliristensen.
Among those present were the Misses
Moore, Carroll. Jackson, McCullough,
Cliristensen, Reed, Miller, Abbott and
Tessrs. Tohl. Andersen. Klug. Warrens,
Tompkins, Wilkins, Davis and Chria
tensen. Seaside has lively week
Bathing Girls' Parade Only One of
Many Interesting Events.
SEASIDE. Or.. July 21. (Special.)
United Artisans, Oregon motor car
dealers, cottagers, week-end pleasure
r seekers, and all Summer visitors to this
Boint vied with each other Saturday
and Sunday for supremacy in enter
tainment. The week Just closing has
been replete with the most diversified
programme that Seaside has known for
many years. It was one continuous
chain of festive events, all aiding in
making the week a red-letter one In
tbe history of this delightful resort.
Of course the piece de resistance was
the bathing girls' parade Sunday in
front of Hotel Moore and also on the
beach. The costuming was artistic and
clever and the judges were consider
ably puzzled in making the awards.
However, the prize-winners in each
case were the favorites of the crowds
that thronged the beach. It probably
was the largest assemblage on Seaside
beach that has been here since the en
campment of the U. S. A. at Gearhart
several years ago. Fully 3000 persons
lolled about on the sand, enjoying the
sunbaths; they frolicked In the break
ers, and motored about the scenic roads
of Clatsop County, enjoying picnic
luncheons and suppers, dances and
tramps through the picturesque trails
around Tillamook head and in the
The opening of the ballroom of the
Hotel Moore on Saturday night was a
brilliant success. Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Grady are in charge and during the
evening gave exhibitions, of stage danc
ing. Everyone from Gearhart motored
over for the event, and the assemblage
resembled a supper-dance in town.
Hundreds of motor cars filled the
. streets, and Seaside was quite metro-
These dances will continue every eve
ning throughout the Summer, and a
number of features are being planned,
among them Red Cross benefits. Jap
anese nights, national and military af
fairs. Each day mora cottages are opened
and signs of gaiety prevail everywhere.
The O. D. uniforms of the boys from
Fort Stevens and Fort Columbia add
considerably to the atmosphere of the
. various festivities. At the recent ben
efit for the Ninth Company of the
Coast Artillery, which included a raf
fle, with Gus Carruthers in charge, and
a jitney dance in the bungalow, the
sum of $272.75 was realized. Of this
amount, 1 170.50 was made on the raf
fle, huge character dolls and. ukeleles
at 10c a chance making this total. Gus
Carruthers was master of ceremonies
and was assisted by several of the boys ,
in his oompany.
Now interest centers on the annual
Chautauqua which opened Thursday
and will continue until July 24. - This is
the first time the Chautauqua has been
held in Seaside, and an elaborate pro
gramme has been arranged. s Many
prominent persons from all parts of
the country are in attendance, includ
ing Gov. Carlson, of Colorado. Inter
esting speakers, band concerts, vocal
music, motion pictures of the Antarctic
and numerous other affairs make up an
interesting programme.
Seaside's Methodist Church celebrated
its 18th anniversary Sunday wfth a
special programme morning and eve
ning. Dr. W. W. Youngson, of Port
land, preached in the morning, and Dr.
Clarence True Wilson spoke at the eve
ning services. Special music also was
a feature of the day. and letters from
former pastors were read.
Many Portlanders will be Interested
in the engagement of Miss Alice L.
Tagg, of the Tagg Farm, to William
Horrie. The news was made known
last week at an informal reception at
the home of the bride-elect's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. William Tagg. The Taggs
have a large following among the older
Portland families, and are numbered
among the pioneers of Clatsop County.
Red Cross work in the newly be
decked rooms adjoining the I'ostoffice
continues unabated. Excellent work is
being done by the Seaside women as
well as many of the visitors for the
The United! Artisans added to the
gaieties of Sunday with their parade
and concert. The band was seated on
the lawn in front of Moore Hotel, and
the parade Included many women in
their white uniforms and purple
sashes, as well as many of the mem
bers who were not in uniform. They
camped out north of the hotel and were
important factors in the day's pro
gramme of merriment and interest.
Judge C. D. Latrouette spent the
week-end in Seaside with his family,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Latourette. Mr. La
tourette was registered at the Moore
and entertained with a dinner party,
Sunday, his guests being, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Latourette, Mrs. Austin Clay, Miss
Lucile Clay, of Seattle, Mrs. David M.
Clay, of Portland. Judge Latourette
returned: Monday night to his home in
Oregon City.
Dr. Charles Prehn accompanied Jack
Latourette for a week-end visit in the
Ferguson cottage, which the Clays and
I-atourettes are occupying for the sea
son. Charles W. Jones and his guest, Rob
ert Schmeer, were week-end visitors at
the Jones cottage, "Natoma," on the
boardwalk. They also entertained with
a large dinner party Sunday night,
Frank Ransome, en route from San
Francisco, joining the party for din
ner. (Miss Mary Gill, who passed a fort
night with the Misses Adele and Char
lotte Jones, returned Monday night to
town. Miss Bernice Burke, another
fortnight visitor, returned Sunday to
her home in Portland.
Mrs. C. J. Schnabel arrived Sunday
to remain for the balance of the season
In her mother's cottage, the C. !
Smith abode, on the boardwalk. Miss
Katharine Schnabel is entertaining a
house party, including Miss Dorothy
Kearna, Miss Helen Minsinger, and
Cornelie and Virginia Tevts.
Mrs. C. E. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Stan-
' ley. C. K. Smith and children, and Mrs.
Stearns, motored duck io rornano iwon
day, after a brief visit in the Smith
Otto WIndfelder and Frank Brisley
spent the week-end with the former's
family in the Raffety cottage.
(Portland folk at the Hotel Moore dur
ing the week included: Mr. and Mrs,
H. F. Brandon, Lola Hobbs, Edna Poin-
dexter. Ethel Horton, F. C. Felton, E.
R. Williston, Eleanor Shaw, Edwin A.
Robison, "Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Sawyer,
W. H. McNair. L. B. Haskins. J. U.
Beizel, W. S. McAlister. Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Hurley, Abbie Finkenbiner, Ger
trude and Eunice Cowgill, Dean Vin
cent. A. S. Knudtson, I'. F. Gow, Chus.
S. Mills, Mrs. H. L. McGillis. Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Witzel. Chas S. Harlocker,
James I Valentine, Harry Robare, Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Munger, Mr. and Mrs.
A. H. Dewey, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bron
augh, Ferd A. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. A.
W. Allen, B. F. Jones and child. J. E.
Dunne, Mrs. H. H. Cofold and son, C.
H. Griffith, E. L. Brodew, I. R. Stearns,
Dr. W. H. Shorts, Annamay Bronaugh,
Mrs. T. R. Jump, i. Miller, Hazel Car
son, George W. Dahler and son, Fred
Lockley, C. Minsinger. George Pierce,
Mrs. A. M. Reckard. Emily Dorney, R.
B. Dorney, O. J. Ulrich. W. F. Richter.
M. C. Serafford, J. C. Woods and wife.
W. H. Dunn. Mrs. Ziller, Juanlta Mer
rill, K. A. Skelton. M. O. Wilkins, Art
Brlggs, C. I j. Jones, E. W. Thompson,
Charles T. Howe. Mrs. R. D. Fontana
and child, H. S. Boucher. Mr. and Mrs.
L. L. Crocker. Mr. and Mrs. T. W.
Mann. D. C. Jaxtheimer and wife, Henry
Wipurt, John F. Ware, George M. Nolt
ner, A. J. Robinson, E. C. Junior, O.
Dickinson, Mrs. S. I. Guiss, F. O. Joy,
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Vanderweilen, Lucile
Vanderweilen. E. H. Miles, R. W. Kirk
bride, H. A. Boucher. W. F. Richter, Mr.
and Mrs. A. D. Hosfeldt, Charles Win
termuth, Mr and Mrs. F. G. Delano,
Gus Moser. W. R. McDonald. Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Lindsey and family. Miss
A. Wiprut, 'H. E. Royer, F. B. Pratt,
Grace D. Stoll, Florence Willard, Mr.
and Mrs. L. S. Wilcox, Miss Bridges,
Miss Rohse, Dr. and Mrs. Gard, F. J.
Kipper, H. P. DeReign, Mrs. Ralph G.
Knight, Edward S. Schmeer. J. E. Duf
fy, Mrs. C. S. Williams, Ollle Lauer. H.
C. Hay. Mr. and Mrs. Chester A.
Moores, Joe H. Jordan. Edith Petti-
grew, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Robinson, C.
S. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Del Wright-
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hobel. Roy Hemp
hill. O Hemphill. B. Mortimer. G. Bag-
uley, S. Werschkul, Miss W. Harris, Miss
Zylpha Harper, William M. Burns, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy O. Burdette. Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fran
cis, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Boss, Mrs. H. B.
Rogers and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. Will F. Powell,
Mrs. Bristol, Mrs. Hendrlck, A. L. Den
ny, E. R. Wiggins and family, AVinlfred
K. Harris, Miss Harrington, Constance
Meyer, Irene Pembrook, Virginia Pern
brook, Thelma Payne, Mrs. Von der
Werth, Brownie Miller, ' Elsie Shockley,
Lucile Ballard, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Jen
kins, F. B. Rutherford, Jack Holland,
Bob Clemens, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc
Court, William H. Galvanl, Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Mtchoff, N. Colson, Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Enke, Melinda. William,
Wllma and June Enke, R. F. Fike, J.
E. Goodfellow. A. F. Hawklnson, H.
C. Hay, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Berger, Ber
tha Lowey.
Registering from out of town at the
Moore were: Paul H. Ciemere, Asto
ria; Miss A. D. Forbes, Harris, Iowa:
Mr. and Mrs. K. Osburn, Astoria; Max
Shafel. Chicago; E. Block, Montreal;
Walter R. Slders and son. Pocatello,
Idaho: Sadie Jones and Margaret Doh
erty, Butte; Earl J. Lasalle and Leo
Swartz, Spokane: Charles Sutton, Hon'
olulu; Mr. and Mrs. Roy V. Whiteis,
Heppner; Ida Smoot Dusenbery, Salt
Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. A. Kempton
and baby, Seattle; George Judd. Astor
ia; Mr, and. Mrs. L. B. liealy, C&thlam-
Moines: Tacy Jane Crose, Bigtimber,
Mont.; Maud Haffley, Josephine Ayres,
Richland; Judge C. D. Latourette, Ore
gon City; David J. Ramoge. New York:
W. S. Marshall. Minneapolis; Mr. and
Mrs. S. W. Moore. The Dalles: Kather
lne Burgraf, Rigby, Idaho; Grace Faul
coner, Blackfoot, Idaho; Madeline Ja
cobson, Emma Jacobson, Sioux Rapids,
Iowa; Hazel F. Herman and Letty M.
Nelson, Missoula, Mont.; Mr. and Mrs.
C. M. Hall. Missoula; Mr. and Mrs.
Benjamin G. Johnson. Minneapolis; J.
H. Byrne, Des Moines. Iowa; Charles
Henry, Sandpoint, Idaho; F. C. Barr,
Cheney: Mattie A. Benson, Frances Sar
gent, Spokane; F. R. Zeliff. Misses
Irene Saunders and Bodell Jensen, Se
attle; Mrs. Pearl Matthes, Salem; Maud
Thompson, Seattle; Ida Hinsleigh, Se
ttle; George D. Lounsberry. Butte;
Mrs. J. F. Koll and son Joseph. Boise.
Idaho; C. S. White, Dallas: Mr. and
Mrs. A. Ferland, Astoria; Mrs. H. E.
Cutherelt. Boise; W. E. Howell, Wasco;
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fleet. Seattle: A. R.
Gallaway. Seattle: Mr. and Mrs. S. J.
Croft, and Betty Croft. Bellingham; G.
M. Hostetter, The Dalles: Mrs. C. A.
Robinson and children. Twin Falls,
Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Shipley, Sa
lem; Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Fry and
Priscilla E. Fry, Salem; Mr. and Mrs.
S. Thompson, Miss Gladys Thompson
and Miss Corinne Musgrove. Defiance.
O.: Rev. and Mrs. Aiward Chamberlain.
Boise, Idaho; Glenn D. Hart. New York;
W. Stephens, San Francisco: G. B.
Johnson, Astoria; Frank Woodfield. As
toria; Crysta McDonald, Helena, Mont.;
Mendel Hochfeld, Spokane; John F.
et: C. M. Bishop, Pendleton; Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Foster and daughter, Des
Ware, San Francisco; J. A. Brunold,
Astoria; Ray B. Walls, San Francisco;
Frank S. Ward. Salem; M. R. Pomeroy,
Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. William Haga,
Astoria; C. W. Blanchard, Los Angeles;
J. S. Bowers, Chicago: Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Hart, Salem: D. O. Woodworth, Al
bany; Mr. and Mrs. J. Sprekley, Prine
ville; E. B. Arthur, Vancouver; Mr. and
Mrs. 11. O. Eichleay and children, John
Elhleay. Jr.. Pittsburg, Pa.: Mrs. M. R.
Pomeroy. Astoria; William JL. Ferdon,
San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. M. 11. Hor
ton and niece. Burns; R. Stevens, A.
Castaloi. Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. J. C
Perry, Salem; W. A. Gibson and family.
Lewiston, Idaho; Ora L. Barlow. lone;
Lee Howell, lone; Ray Honigsberg.
San Francisco; J. W. MeCusker, Don
F. Krizer and family, Spokane; J. W.
Whitman, Astoria.
Mrs. S. E. Werthelmer. Helen and
Ralph Werthelmer arrived Friday for
a visit of several weeks at Locksley
Mr. and Mrs. Franc E. Cronan (Mu
riel Saling) of lone, spent a few days
at Locksley Hall.
Mrs. Haussman nas as a guest her
little niece. Miss Nancy Chipman.
Miss Katherine Wilcox recently came
down to pass a few weeks with the
Misses Jones in the Natoma cottage.
Miss Rispah O'Farrell arrived Sat
urday with Colonel David M. Dunne for
a fortnight's visit with the Misses
Helen and Gladys Dunne. Colonel
Dunne, who acted as one of the judges
in the bathing girls' parade, returned
to town Sunday night.
Mrs. David M. Dunne entertained
with a luncheon and bridge party Sat
urday, her guests Including Mrs. James
Dunbar. Mrs. A. E. King, Miss Beam
and Mrs. Amanda Kerr. Thursday
Colonel and Mrs. Dunne celebrated their
fortieth wedding anniversary with a
family dinner party, followed by a re
ception In the evening. They were
deluged with flowers, messages of con
gratulation, telegrams from various
parts of the country, and many hand
some gifts.
Frank Lyons and "William Stelwer
came down Saturday for a week-end
visit in Seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. McGIrr. the former
being ex-president of the Commercial
Club of Boise, are domiciled for tbe
balance of the season in the Cascade
Miss Getta Wasserman returned to
Portland early In the week for a few
days, and is again at her cottage on
the Necanicum River.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Strong have as house
guests Miss Jane Dunkle. Miss Con
stance Page, of Pasadena, and Miss
Stella Shearer, of Peterboro, Canada.
Miss Judith Lippett, who was the
guest of Mrs. Julius Louisson. left
early in the week for a visit with Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Lang, in Gearhart.
A party of Oregon University girls
are enjoying a vacation in the Otten
cottage. The party includes Miss Ada
Otten. Misses Falenius King, Marion
Coffey, Donna Spencer.
Mrs. J. R. Griswold is summering
hern in her cottage. t
Clark Pllkington and Oskar Driskell
motored down from Portland Sunday
and spent a few days in Seaside.
Mrs. George Reidt and daughter Miss
Nellie Reidt are domiciled for the Sum
mer in the attractive "Irvlngton" cot
Arnold Rothwell was a visitor here
over Sunday returning Sunday night to
Mrs. Eleanor Sanford Large Is sum
mering with Mrs. Julius Ixjuisson. en
joying a rest from an arduous Winter
in coaching and teaching dramatic art
Mrs. Large was prominently identified
with thp Drama League plays during
the Winter, being director of the ma
jority of them.
Misses Dorothy Thompson, Barbara
Thompson, and Anna Wheeler, who are
summering in Seaview, Wash., were
visitors early in the week at the Blinn
cottage in Hermosa Park.
Phil Metschan and Ralph A. Watson
his guest, passed several days over the
week-end at the Metschan cottage. Lit
tle Virginia Graham, daughter of Will
lam Wallace Graham, is the house guest
of little Phillys Jane Metschan.
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Phillips and
daughters left for New York for a visit
before returning to their home in San
Portland folk at Locksley Hall last
week, Yi'ere: Mj-s, E, M. Lowry, w. L.
bq -- :-:'v'-v:.:- :iiv' : K J- ' ' - -Ji- ' - Lrl
m y - - ' - AvD
T - Y, .W -; SM MTt- -jX5 - .1 j ilr
VV " ' ' - -S'"? '
and C. F. Nash, Louis Reed, Mrs. H. '
Miller, Mrs. Alex Gevurtz, Miss Lucile
Gevurtz. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Slater, T.
J. O'Keefe, Mrs. J. F. Matthews, Mil
dred Bryan. Mr. and Mrs. Leland
James. Mrs. A. M. Reckard, R. B. Dor
ney, Emily Dorney, Arthur R. Smith,
Otto Solisto, A. C. Anderson. Mrs. Jen
nie Warner and son, B. S. Stranger,
Mr. and Mrs." B. G. Estes, Martha Reed,
M. A. Van Scoy. A. M. Prentiss. Out of
town registrations were: S. H. Wehle,
Astoria; Minnie J. Maloney and A. J.
Barash, of Seattle: Mr. and Mrs. II: E.
Newton, of Spokane: Joseph Sivito,
Freemont, Ohio; Cripta C. McDonald,
Helena. Mont.
At Necanicum Inn the following
registered: W. E. Ramsey. Elmer Ram
sey, M.. F. Eastiund. Fred Eastiund, Ma
bel Smith. Gertrude Deutsch, Mrs. E.
Loew, Katharine M. Bridges, Grace
Lilly, all of Portland. Miss Edna Ack
enhousen, Milwaukee, Wis.: Lawrence
F. Wooster; Mrs. Lawrence Wooster. of
Corvallis; Mrs. Kenyon Montgomery,
Wooster Montgomery, Mrs. W. L.
Wooster, Litchfield. 111.; Mrs. C. H..
Woodward. Grants Pass, Or.
Bishop Walter T. Sumner, was among
the notable mid-week visitors in Sea
side, being a house guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Johanson.
W. G. Davidson, of the North Bank
road, was a visitor in Seaside over
Mrs. B. Kuhn and children of Wino
na, are in a cottage here for the Sum
mer. Mrs. Kuhn is a sister of Mrs. J.
E. Harley, of Astoria, who will visit
her week-ends.
Miss Alice Plymale returned to
Portland on Wednesday for a few
days' visit with friends.
E. W. A. Peake and family are domi
ciled in a cottage in Hermosa Park for
the Summer.
Mrs. C. Quinn, of Walla Walla, has
arrived with her daughter, and will
occupy their cottage for the Summer.
Henry Osterman and daughter, of
Walla Walla, are recent arrivals, who
will pass the balance of the Summer
in their cottage.
The recent sale for the benefit of the
soldiers and sailors r.t the Red Cross
rooms, was a splendid success. About
40 was raised from the sale of do
nated articles, and this fund will be
used for making comfort kits and bags
for the enlisted men.
Mr. and Mrs. Felix Mitchell are oc
cupying a cottage on Fourth avenue
for the balance of the Summer. Mr.
Mitchell Is superintendent of the coin-
posing room of the Oregon Journal.
A. E. Dlgman and Miss Hulda Rudey
spent the week-end with their families
in the Al Vista cottage on the board
Mrs. Carter and daughter Mrs. Ru
dolph, are occupying the Carter cot
tage on the boardwalk for the balance
of the Summer. The men folk of the
family Join them for the week-ends.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Smith, who were
among the first arrivals in Seaside, re
turned to Portland for a short stay.
Mrs. Ella Flagg Young, of Chicago,
and her friends. Misses Brayton and
Walker, arrived with Bishop Sumner
Tuesday, the former being registered
at the Hotel Moore.
A motor party that reached here
Monday from Albany over the Tilla
mook and Nehalem route included Mr.
and Mrs. P. A. Young and son. Mr. and
Mrs. II. B. Cusick and son, all of Al
bany: Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bishop and
two sons and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rob
erts, of Salem. They reported the roads
in fairly good condition, and the scenic
splendor unexcelled.
Boy Scouts Big Attraction at Popu
lar Bcacli Resort.
SEAVIEW, -Wash., July 21. (Spe
cial.) Each train arrives filled to ca
pacity with a throng of eager beach-
ers eager to try the surf, eager to
fish for crabs, dig for clams and take
the many delightful picturesque hikes
about this section of the peninsula.
They scatter like so many scared rab
bits as soon as the whistle blows for
the train to pull out of the station.
Waiting tents, cottages, hotels and hos
pitable hosts embrace the crowds and
they disappear as if by magic.
Boy Scouts and their numerous in
teresting events of the day are absorb
ing the attention of many of the Sum
mer visitors.
When they arrived Monday, about
half a hundred of the sturdy khaki
uniformed lads, they were met by Rev.
Thomas J. Crowley and his corps ot
Scouts from Ilwaco, as well as a com
mittee of Ilwaco business men. They
included J. P. Kelley. Dan Dyer, E. F.
Wood, J. W. Howerton, C. E. Kerle.
The camping grounds were prepared
previous to the arrival of the boys, a
huge mess tent being surrounded by
many smaller ones, in which the lads
sleep. Big bonfires on the beach at
night proclaim the presence of the
boys, who are entertained with inter
esting and thrilling tales of adventure
by Joe Knowies, the naturalist. All
through the woods and surrounding
territory are signs, " B. S. A.. Camp
Multnomah," leading to the encamp
ment. The camp is situated In the
grove at Holraan station and is an
ideal spot for such an event. James E.
Brockway. Scout master, of Portland;
J. C. Armstrong. Scout master, of Boise,
Idaho; George McKenzie. also of Port
land, are in charge of the camp and
each week a new group of boys will
encamp, so that all the Scouts In the
Northwest may have an opportunity
of enjoying at least a fortnight's stay
in what is considered the finest Scout
camp in the Northwest-
Red Cross work by the Woman's
Auxiliary of Long Beach continues to
demand the time and attention of many
of the prominent visitors to this sec
tlon, as well as the residents of Long
Beach, Seaview and Beach Center. The
.Red Cross quarters are deliEhtfully Eil-
uated in a well-equipped shop close by
tne track, between Shelburne and Sea
view. The work done is carefully in
spected by women who are thoroughly
versed In the standards demanded by
the Red Cross officials, so that the
quality of the work will assist Oregon
women in maintaining the excellent
reputation they have established for
high standard in Red Cross work.
Miss G. Fichet is stopping at Sunset
Hotel at Beach Center. She registers
from Colorado Springs.
Among the well-known Portland folk
who are at Beach Center are Mrs. W.
I. Swank and two children, Robert
and, Phillip. They are occupying their
own cottage.
At "Sunset Junior" Mr. and Mrs.
Adam Gartner and family, of Lincoln,
Neb., are spending the Summer months.
S. B. Hunt has returned to Raymond
after a prolonged visit here
Mrs. Robert Glasgow and little
daughter, Mary Helen, of Salmon Arm,
B. C-. are guests at the James Manner
cottage for the Summer. They arrived
Mrs. R. A. Schultz and son. Robert
Schultz, opened "Evergreen" at Beach
Center and are enjoying a pleasant
sojourn here.
The Trenkman cottage on the boule
vard Is the abode of Mrs. W. B. Froude
and grandsons, Chester and Bradford
Froude.' They plan to spend the entire
Summer in Beach Center.
Miss Florence Holmes is visiting at
one of the Knight cottages on the
Mildred Seufert. of Portland, Is a
house guest of Miss Helen Thorsen.
Warren Thorsen returned to Beach Cen
ter recently after a fishing trip at
Trask River with Charles Johnson.
"Albee Ridge" houses a party of
prominent Portland people. They are
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tomlinson, Mrs,
J. V. Bennis, Misses Esther and Monta
Maegley, Sybl Brown, Vera Cason ana
Tommy Swivell.
Miss Margaret Slausson returned to
Portland Sunday after a fortnight's
Etay as guest of the Sanford Smiths.
Mrs. Emil Schacht, Miss Rose Schacht
and little Martin Schacht opened their
Summer place, "Summerland," for the
season. They are accompanied by Mrs,
William Pangle and Miss Florence Pan
gle, who will be their house guests for
a few weeks.
William Krause arrived at the beach
Saturday evening. Leonard Kra'
accompanied him, returning Sunday
evening to town.
At their home In the Willows Mrs
Robert Mcintosh and son and daughter,
Ronald and Agnes, are Summering.
The Shelburne register records: Mrs.
E. If. Roberts and children, Margaret
Huddlestone, Fred Lockley, Mrs. Rose
Smith. Mrs. H. J Wells. Kenneth Wells
Thomas O'NIel. William MacBeth, all or
Portland; Mrs. C. W. Rowe, of Los
Angeles: Dr. E. T Zimmerman ana
Miss Elisabeth Zimmerman, of Eugene
Mrs. Alice Howat and daughters,
Lillian and Grace Howat. and their
house guest. Miss Florence Nelson, re
turned to town rly In the week.
Registered at Hackney Cottage are
Evangeline E. Philbin. It. 1 1 . ivaitz
W. S. McGuire, Mrs. I. G. Freiburg
Henry Hanebut. Mrs. F. W. Han .but
Master George Febret. W. a. Locke,
lr. D. Brevier. P Furrlss. Mrs. A. !
Porter. Arthur Porter, Lillian Porter,
all of Portland: Harold Lay, of Kugene
Jack Price, of Raymond: Miss K. Wyke
and Miss G. Jones, of Vancouver, if. c.
George Nelson, of Ocean Park: Max
steifel' of Chicago: George T. Marki
son and family, of Boise; Mr. and Mrs,
C. S. Coleerove and Mr. and Mrs. f.m
met L. Bureesn. of Seattle. The las
t an families motored down from Seat
tie. and have been enjoying North
Beach In their machines.
Nelson Doane. son of Mr. and Mrs,
W. B. Doane, who is one of the Boy
Scouts encamped here, carries In his
outfit a blanket carried by his grand
father in the Civil War.
Arrival of Dally Train Shows Big
Sunnier Attendance.
LONG BEACH, July 21. (Special.)
Crabbing has been the all-lmportan
diversion at the beach this week, as
weather conditions have made- the best
results possible. Many of the cot
tagers have been arising as early as 3
in the morning, donning oilskins or
bathing suits and venturing out into
the crab pools, armed with rakes and
sacks. The average catch is about a
dozen good-sized crabs in a couple of
The population at Long Beach may
best be reckoned by the crowd which
gathers on "Rubberneck Row" at train
time. This is a long board walk
flanked by seats, and, is generally filled
with Summer visitors awaiting the ar
rival of the daily trains and the news
from the city.
Preparations are growing apace with
appearance of many beautiful speci
mens of dahlias for the annual Dahlia
Show, which always is an important
event among the residents and growers
of this blossom, as well as the hun
dreds of Summer visitors. Plans also
are being made for the annual bazaar
to be held by the Aid Society for the
benefit of the retroom and the Episco
pal Church of this section.
The restroom Is truly restful and
charming, daily papers, magazines and
books being available for any one de
siring to take advantage of the oppor
tunity. Writing materials also are pro
vided, all of which is given free to
the Summer visitor. They also can
register, giving the name of their host
or cottage, where their friends Just
arriving may find them.-
Surf bathing is becoming more and
more popular as the season advances,
and fancy diving and swimming In the
tank at Long Beach is another interest
ing and delightful exercise. Motion
picture shows, dances, drives and long
tramps, ending in picnics, form the pro
gramme of the Summer visitor to .North
Misses Lorraine and Beulah Hart
were hostesses last Monday night at
an elaborate . dinner party given in
honor of the six Long Beach boys who
have Joined the ambulance service.
Portland folk who are sojourning
here are Mrs. F. B. Hughes, Miss Lil
lian Hughes, Mrs. H. Hellendorn and ,
the Misses Lucile and Florence Hellen
dorn. Robert Carlton Smith was a week
end guest here. His family is installed
in Seamore Court.
A Jolly bonfire party was the even
ing's amusement of. a group of Port
land people who are summering here.
They were Mrs. M. I. Barell. Ruth and
Zelma Barell, Mrs. J. R. Swerdllk, Min
nie and Max Swerdlik, Mrs. M. Schatz,
Miss L. Cohen and Miss M. Schatz.
Mrs. F. Rosumny, Mrs. B. Pettegrove
and Miss Hannah Pettegrove may be
found at Long Beach among the Sum
mer colony.
T Others who are enjoying the festivi
ties of the seaside are: Mrs. Annie
Payne, Miss Gladys Payne, Mrs. A. L.
Harris and two daughters and J. W.
White. They motored down from St.
Helens in , their touring car and are
spending a two weeks' vacation at the
Mrs. G. A. Brown and daughter. Miss
Hazel, came down recently to their
seaside cottage, "Hazel B."
Other recent arrivals at this resort
are Miss Mary Dwyer and niece. Miss
Violet Dwyer. They are summering at
A Long Beach cottage houses a jolly
party comprising Mrs. E. L. Shafer, of
ortland; her niece. Miss Verda shafer.
of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Helen Rich
f Portland. They will make a season s
Registered at the . Driftwood Hotel
re the following: Mr. and Mrs. William
Goldenblatt and children, of Spokane;
ess Warren. Jr.. of Portland: Mrs. F. L.
Stotler, of Colfax, Wash.; Mrs. T. J.
Snyder, of Spokane; V. Snyder, of Hon
olulu; Wayne Devor, of Great Falls;
Mrs. Peyer Erlckson and Miss, lnge
borg Tonneson, of Chinook; Jack Ford,
of Portland; Miss Floy Smith. John F.
Wan. A. J. Tolmle, of San Francisco;
N11 Larson and Htlfred Libeck, of As
toria; Mr. ana airs, r rants. uriiz
Rose Backus, of Oakland, Neb.; Belle
Bloode. of Glenham, S.i D. ; Arthur 1
Remllnger, of South Bend.
At Long Beach Hotel are the rollow-
ng names: Robert Clemens. Mr. and
Mrs. V. G. DeLong, C. H. Perry. N. P.
Peterson. E. A. Dunham. -G. French, Mr.
and Mrs. W.' B. Wise, all of Portland;
A. E. VanDutzem, of Centralia: B. G.
Johnson, of Nahcotta: Mr. and Mrs. J.
P. Hoke, Mr. and Mrs. Mac hokb,
Rhoda, James and Jesse Hoke, of Boise;
Mendel Hochfeld, of Spokane; Mrs. R,
H. Tucker and Helen Boyle, of Glen
wood Springs, Colo.
The following appear at tne isortn
Beach Inn: Mr. and Mrs. N. Andreson.
Alice and Mae Anderson. Mr. and Mrs.
B. J. Tausend. H. J. Clyde, T. J. Ham
mer, benore cgDen, j. h-. vyiiiaiiB, jm.
and Mrs. Whitehead, H. Winans. Made
line Stabler, all of Portland: . ai.
Alberts, of Nahcotta; Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Wilson, of Denver.
Cottages anad Cabins In Mountains
Rapidly Filling Vp
WELCH'S RESORT. Or., July 21.
rsr.-ialt This week has brought out
a larger number of week-enders and
sojourners. Cottages ana coin
rapidly filling up.
Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Short entertained
a lnrire week-end TiartV Of 16 Which in
eluderi: Mrs. Jennie Richardson, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Logle Richardson ana iam-
Uv.. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. Mr. ana jrs,
Vi-ori linrpra and son. Mr. and Mrs.
Honer. of St. Louis, ana juargarei nui-
bert, of Condon.
Mrs. Jennie Richardson ana mrs. j.
L. Richardson are in the Short cottage
for the season.
Another large gathering or Id was
entertained at the Deer Park cottage
of Mr. and Mrs. G. Haehlen in Roberts
avenue. In this party there were: Mr.
and Mrs. Haehlen. Mr. and Mrs. G. Al
bert Haehlen and son. Gerge. Miss
Ellen Thompson. Arnold Zeller, Rob
ert Kruger. Hattie Haehlen and Freda
With the Steel family are Mr. and
Mrs. George Steel, of Portland.
Mrs. J. 11. Kistler has openea ner
cottage, the "Kla-hanee." for the sea
son, and has as guests: Mrs. Frances
Waltz and daughter. Marion, and Mrs.
D. C. Rushlight and daughter. Helen.
Mrs. Kistler will entertain a large
number of motorists Sunday.
New arrivals on the main camp
grounds this week were: Mrs. Fred
Kasch and son, Richard. Mr. Rasch
will soon join his family for two
Mrs. Harry Kelley and children. Eve
lyn. Iola and Harold, are in the Kelley
cottage for the season.
Mr. and Mrs. Burrell and family will
open the "Rapids" the coming week.
Mr. and Mrs. Mettler will occupy
their cottage near the bridge.
Master Richard Rasch entertained a
large number of boys and girls with a
bonfire Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bradford. Miss
Hazel and Leslie will occupy the Du
rand cottage for the season.
Mrs. A. Pantz is a guest of Mrs. M.
J. Champion and Mrs. H. E. Harris.
Mrs. Charles Mettler and family are
coming for the season on the 27th.'
Mrs. C. E. Gedamke and Miss Lucile
Gedamke are here for the season.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gedamke were
here for the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. C. l'etticord and Miss
Helen Whitakcr are in their new cot
tage for the ceason.
Professor and Mrs. Herbert B. Auger,
of the Jefferson High School, arrived
here on horseback this week after a
300-mile trip through the Coast Range
Mountains. They will camp at Welch's
for the rest of the season, making many
side trips on horseback while here.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Shaw and children
spent two weeks here.
Many Cars Come Prom Portland and
Other Points for Week's End.
WHITE SALMON. Wash., July 21.
(Special.) The several resorts in the
White Salmon Valley are enjoying good
patronage; noticeable this season have
been many cars coming from Portland
and other points for week-ends.
Arrivals at "The Eyrie" for the week
have been: Auto parties consisting of
Mrs. W. B. Ayer, hostess to Mrs. Helen
Ladd Corbett and Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
Edwards, of Portland; W. P. Olds. Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Olds, Miss Edith Olds,
Mrs. C. T. Summers, of Portland; Mr.
and Mrs. H. T. Nicolai and Mr. and Mrs.
J. S. O'Gorman, of Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. H. N. Lawrie and Mrs H. W. Scott,
of Portland; Major and Mrs. 11. C.
Jewett and Mr. and Mrs. Sherman It.
Hall and family, of Portland. Other
guests were Bryan R. Dorr and wife,
Dorr, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bent
ley, Dorothy B. Mann, Nancy Bates,
Mrs. W. H. Hall. Mrs. H. Williams,
Mrs It. J. Bates, of White Salmon,
Wash.: Miss Klise Burreson, Spokane;
William L. Bates. Dayton, O.; Miss
Margaret Foster, Miss Elizabeth God
dard. Misses E. W. and W. G. Myrick,
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Neustadter, Mrs. F.
C. Downing, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy It.
Fields, Mr. and Mrs. James Peter Mof
fett, all of Portland: Mis.s Marjorie E.
Forbes, Dilley, Or.: Mrs. E. P. Gardner,
Gardiner. Wash.; J. 1. Baird, St. Paul,
Minn.; Percy Bentley, La Crosse, Wis.
Arrivals at the "Jewett Farm Re
sort" have been: Mrs. Pearl Jewett
and Pearl Whitzel, Llano. Cal. ; Mar
garet Stiles, M. Blanche Bair. E. Belle
Alger, of Tacoma: Mrs. Nellie W. Mill
bury, Myrtle Point, Or.: Viggo E. Solo
ason. Winona, Minn.: Mr. and Mrs. L.
II. Bailey, Mr. and All's. Hall and two
sons. Major JeweAt and wife, Mr. and
Mrs. T. D. Walker. Mrs. M. A. Jones
and Miss Dorothy Schekner, all of
Many Registrations Are Made Dur
ing AVeck.
(SDeclal.) Manv registrations have
been the rule the past week at Rhodo
dendron . Mineral Springs. Varied at
tractions have beguiled the time for
numerous guests and from this point
many have set out and scaled the
mountain. Those who registered the
past week are: Mrs. T. Meyer. Charles
Cohn, Miss Mildred Meyer, Theodore
Fleckenstein. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bal
zer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
H. Banrield. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Robin
son. Mr. C. F. Byrne. Miss Eileen Yerex,
F. A. Rettallck, Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Ward, Clark B. Ward. Mr. and Mrs.
John M. Mann, Maurice Mann. Mr.
and Mrs. S. C. Friendly. Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Friendly, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil
Clark, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ciodner. Mrs.
W. H. T. Green. Mr. and Mrs. George
E. Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tipton
and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. T. E.
Froehllch, Mrs. T. J. Mitchel, Osmon
Royal, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sheahan,
Mrs. 1 E. Williams, Mrs. S. Dilslieimer,
Mrs. Fritzle Raineinan. Harry Lonen
gart, Ignatz Lonengart. Miss Aagot
Lassen. Miss Genevieve Orton, Mr. and
Mrs. I'. H. Wilson. Arnold Neate. Mr.
and Mrs. E. D. Whitney. Mr. and Mrs.
E. K. Worthington, Seattle: Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Puaris. Mr. and Mrs. A.
Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Boyer, Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Boyer and children. Miss
Alice Puaria. Earl Perry. Robert J.
Aley. Orono. Me.; Mrs. Robert .1. Aley,
Orono. Me.: Mr. and Mrs. D. W.
Springer. Orono. Me.; Mr." and Mrs. J.
W. Shearon. Orono. Me.: Miss K.
Brown. L. R. Alderman. M. Campbell.
Maurice Dooly. Jim Brady, Mrs. Frank
Nau, Frank Nau, Hermina Nau, Mrs.
O. Denney. Seattle: Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
Sinnott. Bill Sinnott. Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Ross, Miss Lucile Mcbarland,
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Zilly, Mrs. Ixjuis
Hunt, Miss Florence Knight. Miss Marie
Dakon, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lang,
Miss Regina Shea Miss lone Wilson.
Miss Catherine Russell, Seattle, Daniel
Marx, with governess.
Good Proportion of Vacationists Aro
From Portland.
GULER. Wash.. July 21. (Special.)
Among the guests at ttie Guler Hotel
the last week were H. B. Fern. Steven
son. Wash; Dutton Miller. Rttsville.
Wash.: J. L. Wright, Ritzville, Wash.;
Theodore Justseud, Kent, Or.: Leila.
Stone, The Dalles, Or.; H. A. Conner.
Portland; Bob Duncan, Portland; H.
McLaughlin and wife, Seattle; C. M.
Sherman and wife, Tacoma; James E.
Burdett and wife. McMinnville. Or.;
Frank Stout. McMinnville. Or.; Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Naylor, Golrtendale. Wash.;
Anna Bowie, Goldendale; Rosalena
Thebert, Portland: E. B. Nance. North
Yakima; J. V. Edlefsen, Portland: W. A.
Bennett, wife and son, Portland;
Evelyn S. Wood and daughter, Portland;
J. Daunsbery and wife, Portland, Or.;
Francis Dlmnker. Portland, Or.: F. A.
Rice and wife. Portland: A. Larrowe.
Portland: George C. Ruby, Goltlendale.
Wash.; Mrs. George C. Ruby. Al Hall.
Mrs. Hall and Jim Hall, Goldendale,
Wash.: Ernest W. Walker. The Dalles.
Or.; W. Wilhelm, The Dalles. Or.;
Rhoda Ross, Louise Schlieske, Emma
Birched, E. Blanche Reynolds. C. B.
Russell and wife. Portland, Or.; Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. McKenzie, Goldend;i Ic ;
Mrs. Wesley Anderson, Goldendule; Mrs.
J. Case and children, Molalla, Or.: Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Case, W. Wilkie, Helen
Torrey, T. Y. Talbert and Mr. and Mrs.
Dewey, White Salmon, Wash.
Many Persons Attracted to Mile
High Resort Xcar Mount Hood.
HOOD RIVER. Or.. July 21. (Spe
cial.) Except for dust, the toll road,
connecting the Upper Hood River Val
ley with Cloud Cap Inn. is in fine
shape and the. mountain hostelry ha
been the goal for more than a score of
visitors this week. While Oregonians
at the lower levels have been swelter
ing, patrons -at the mile-hifrh resort
have found comfort in the fires roar
ing after dusk in tho big inn sitting
room. Seven visitors of the inn have climbed
to the summit of Mount Hood iuring
the past week; and frequent trips of
exploration on the glaciers have been
Among those who vlRited the inn
during the week have been the follow- -ing
prominent educators: Dr. C. H.
Campbell, president of University of
Oregon: Dr. W. J. Kerr, president of
the Oregon Agricultural College, and
Dr. W. T. Foster, president of Reed
Register Shows Many Prom Port
land and Other Coast Points.
ESTACADA. Or.. July 21. (Special.)
The register at Log La Barie shows
the following guests from Portland
and elsewhere: D. S. White, Belle
Hose Station: Mr. and Mrs. W. T. 1 il-
lon, Cora Ganzemiller, Elsie Brown,'
Mrs. J. S. Fleishman, Mrs. J. Frank
Watson, Mrs. Charles F. Beebe, Bobbie
Beebe, Miss Priebe. A. M. Hicks, F. P.
Drinker, F. B. Drinker, J. M. Russell,
Perry C. Stroud, Mrs. Flora Thompson '
Enden, Guy R. Porter and wife. Master
Andrew R. Porter, Miss Elizabeth
Porter, CharleR Fleishman, Mr. and '
Mrs. I. C. Sanford. Mr. and Mrs. H. E.
Sanford. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Buchanan,
J. G. Fleishman, Portland: Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Dockcndny, Estacarta; Mrs.
W. H. Kenny, Roseburg, Or.; Mrs.
Gertrude Young, Los Angeles, Cal.;
Mrs. Helen Ingerslen. Master Charles
Hunter, Portland: Mr. and Mrs. Irwin
D. Wright. Estacada. Or.
Albany Gets SfW Warehouses.
ALBANY, Or., July 21. (Special.)
Two new warehouses, which are being
built by the Oregon Electric Railway
Company here, are being rushed to
completion. One of them is being
erected on Calapooia street, between
First and Second streets, and is for the
use of M. Senders & Co., of this city.
The other is being built on East Water
and Jefferson streets, east of the
freight depot, and will be used by
Murphey's Seed Store. ,
Hood Pupils May Harvest Apples.
HOOD RIVER. Or.. July .21. (Spe
cial.) The schools of this city may
open two weeks earlier than usual this
year, in order that a vacation may be
called If necessary at the height of
apple-picking season to allow the stu
dents to participate in the. harvest.
School children, during a week last
Fall, when the schools were closed,
saved the growers thousands of dollars
by picking fruit.
Klamath Palls Man Dies.
KLAMATH FALLS. Or., July 21.
(Special.) Hans C. Nelson, of this city,
died suddenly Wednesday at Dorrls, "
Cal., aged 45 years. Mr. Nelson was a
saw filer employed by the Pelican Bay
Lumber Company of this city. The
funeral was held heic yesterday.