.. . 1 IS THE SUNDAY OEEG ONIAN. POE.Tt.AND, JULY 15, 1917. WEATHER ADDS TO ATTRACTIVENESS OF OREGON BEACHES! 1 Beautiful Drive From Seaside Over Mountain to Elk Creek and Cannon Beach Enjoyed by Many Motorists. ed From Page 9.) have been carried to the- chosen site and carefully placed in position. The material, after being- taken out by the men, is not again used by ttfe beavers, but new stuff is brought in during the nierht. The attention of the State Game Com mission has been called to the work of the beavers, which is exceptional in that they do not usually choose such a settled community for their work. Registered at the Saltair Hotel during- the week were C. 1 Provoost, Bay City; Mr. and Mrs. Reth, Portland; Mrs. Sadie Atkins and Mrs. L. R. Cheney and son, Donald, of Forest Grove; W. M. Davis, A. H. Gustin, R. L. Smith, F. L. Provoost, Mrs. K. C. Chambers and Roy Trout, of Portland. SCENIC DRIVE IS MAGNET Cannon Beach Visitors Find Trip Attractive One. ECOLA. Cannon Beach, Or., July 14. (Specail.) The beautiful drive from Seaside over the mountain to Elk Creek is unsurpassed in the North west. Motorists and visitors are rapidly increasing in numbers as the wonderful attractions of this locality become known. The wide stretch of clean sand for more than nine miles of beach ia the playground for hundreds of happy children. Here surf bathing is ideal, and the early morning- hours find merry parties out in search of crabs and clams, both of which are found here in abundance. Scores of people are on the beach to watch the ever-varying gorgeous coloring of the clouds at sunset, and the later evening hours find jolly bonfire parties scat tered over miles of sand. "Our lines are fallen in pleasant places. Yea, we have a goodly heritage." The jitney dance given on the even ing of the Fourth of July as a feature of the Red Cross benefit, was well at ' tended by the young people of this lo cality and visiting friends and added several dollars to the sum already raised. A feature of the afternoon pro gramme was the appearance of Miss J lutli Patterson, of Boise, Idaho, and Miss Dora Tucker, of Portland, in nurses garb, courteously halting the automobiles as they passed, their only weapon of offence being the Stars and Stripes. The contributions given in this vav reached $10.50. The total receipts from the after- ! noon and evening entertainment amounted to $1S9. Mr. and Mrs. James Grimes and fam ily, motoring from San Francisco to their home in Seattle, paid Cannon Beach a visit of several days, delighted with the varied attractions of this lo cality. Mrs. E. M. Lowry and Mrs. M. Sav age, of Portland, are at Norway Place for a brief stay. Mrs. Henry Schrader, of Tacoma, is the guest of Mrs. W. Therkelsen at Norway Place. Mrs. M. J. Vonderahe and family, Frank and Louise, of Hood Kiver, are at home in Tola Vana Park. E. C. Jones and family are occupy ing one of the Scheiber cottages. Mr. Jones will soon leave for the East, leaving his family here for the Sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Entler, of Los Angeles, Cat; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Car michael, of Hood River, and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ruffener and son. Jack. . of Portland, are in camp at Elk Creek for a brief stay. Miss Miriam Van Waters and brother. Ralph, with Miss Abbie Whiteside and n-phew. Paul Whiteside, are comfort ably situated in Elk Creek Park. Mrs. A. E. Simmons, of Portland, has returned horn! after passing two weeks at Stop and Rest Inn. The Warren Hotel registers: Dr. and - Mrs. B. H. Reach, of Olendive, Mont.; Mrs. George IT. Loveridge, of Buffalo, N. Y.; Mrs. Emily Loveridge, Port land; A. C. Rose, Astoria; H. W. Peters, Astoria; C. D. Latourette, Oregon City; Miss Emma Vahlman, Spokane; Alene Outer, Spokane; Miss Ella Vahlman, Spokane; Mr. and Mrs W. Schwartzen berg. Spokane; S. F. Sears, Pullman, Wash: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sanford. Mrs. Hawes, M r. and Mrs. M. E. Materson, Ben J. Woraley, Helen Dahlgren, all of Astoria: J. K. Latourette and wife wife. Mrs. David Clay, Miss Cecile Clay, Mary J. Beekly, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Arnold, Mrs. M. Savage. Mrs. E. M. Low rev. Miss Miriam Hogadore, Miss Mae Albee, Miss Lillian Morgan, Mrs. A. R. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. John son, all of Portland; Mrs. Winnie Braden. Dallas; W. H. Frotheringham, C. IT. Metzek, 1. J. Metzek Frances Matzek, all of Wauna. New arrivals at the Cannon Beach Hotel include: Mrs. S. S. Battiu. Misses Ruth and Elizabeth Battiu. Portland: G. E. A. Walker, and Miss Elsie Walker, Portland : Miss Pauline Barr, Los An jcelos; M iss Francis Graerer. Seaside; E. O. Sarvellin, Salem ; J. W. Casey and wife. Forest Cox. Oluey, Or. ; Mr and Mrs Charles V. H. Jones, San Fran cisco: Mrs D. K Warren, Warrenton; Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael, Hood River- Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Entler, Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. A C. Hoffman. Minne apolis ; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Overmire, Harold Overmire. Portland ; Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Kern. Mr. and Mrs T. Irving Potter. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Comstock, Mrs. Steven Carver, Artie H. Stone, Earl B. Stone. Bessie L. Stoll, Frank W. Stoll, Dr. and Mrs. J. L McCord, Mrs. lehle. Wendell and Navine McCord. Mr. and Mrs. Homer D. Angell, all of Portland: Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Higgins, Miss Betty H i Kg iris, Astoria; Miss E. Thompson, Portland. Dr. and Mrs. Millard C. Holbrook and family and Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Irwin, of Portland, are at Innis Vale for a week. Mrs Ernest Goldapp, of Portland, is enjoying the hospitality of Miss Ruth Dakin in Elk Creek Park Mr. and M rs. Charles Steele motored from Portland and enjoyed the attrac tions for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Steele were entertained by Miss Eza Ball in Tier attractive Summer home on Pacific View Point. Miss Nell Gertrude Tucker has re turned to Portland after a short visit with her parents in Elk Creek Park. Mrs. F. L. Whipple is entertaining Miss Lydia Goldapp at Idle Nook. Mr. and Mrs W. B. Allen and family, of Walla Walla, are at home in their cosy bungalow on the ocean front. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Fanks and L. A. Pike mc-i-ired down from Portland and report the road in excellent condi tion. AVTOISTS VISIT ELMORE PARK Many Persons Klock to Beach Re sort for Outing. ELMORE PARK. Or.. July 14. (Spe cial.) With the continued arrival of the cottagers and the erection of tents and camps. Elmore Park is again well on the way toward a successful sea son. This year, more ahan ever before, the autos are making the trip to this place, and with the good road move men steadily on the increase, prospects are for a continuation of this mode of traveling. Patrons at the Hotel Elmore during the past week have been E. L. Little and wife, who are here on their honey moon from Portland: F. H. Wilde, Mr. and Mrs. F. .1. McGettigan. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wise and daughter. Mrs K. IT. Wagy, W. A. McDonald. C. E. Schiller. Mrs. A. B. Warnock and the Misses Agnes and Lillian Warnock, H. Feagly, K. McKenen, L. Alstock and T. Krehe, of Portland. B. E. Patton, of Portland, was in for the week-end with his mother in the Kopet Mammok cottage. On Sunday they were the guests of the Leitner family at Manhattan. In a party that arrived during the week at the May-Bea-Mar cottage were Beatrice Quackenbush, Marion Quack en bush and May Troy and Mrs. Roy Quackenbush and Leo Munty, all of Portland. The Quackenbush girls and Mr. Munty are leaving Sunday for Portland, where the latter will Join the colors with the Coast Artillery. The Misses Quackenbush will return to Elmore to remain for the balance of the Summer with their mother and Miss Troy. Miss Ada Hall is at the Munson cot tage here for a few weeks. Miss Hall is from Portland. G. Weygandt and wife and P. H. Cochran and wife, of Portland, are quartered in the Lingerlong cottage for a two weeks' outing. Mrs. C. F. Neth and daughter, Frances, have arrived and opened the family Summer home. The Nether lands, for the season. They will be joined later by Mr. Neth. Airs. Hershner and daughter, t rances, have arrived from Portland and opened the Ocean Crest for the season. Frances Houck, of Portland, is with them for a week and Kenvble Tellefson, of Mad ras, will spend two weeks here. Francis Provoost, of Bay City, was a guest at the Eromle cottage here during the week. BAR VIEW HAS DIVERSIONS Swimming Contest With Coast Guards to Be Held Today. BAR VIEW, Or.. July 14. (Special.) Dancing, swimming, surf bathing and fishing iiave been by far the main di versions of the week here. Interest in the work of the Coast Guards stationed here has been great during the past few weeks, and the culmination of a series of practice swims will be staged tomorrow afternoon, when an exhibi tion and contest will be held at Smith's Lake. The crew has been training hard, and some strong competition i3 expected in some of the events. The regular drills are held Tuesdays and Thursdays, in the forenoons, and vis itors from many of the nearby beach resorts are always on hand to witness the work. Tuesdays are boat, or cap size, drills and the latter days drills in land work are held. George Beatty and wife, of Salem. with his father and mother, of Cali fornia, have arrived and established a comfortable camp in the meadow. Mr. Beatty was formerly a member of the U. S. Coast Guard crew quartered here, and on Tuesday went with the boys on their boat drill. Mrs. C. L. Snidow, of Grays Harbor. has been the guest of her son. James Snidow, and wife for the past two weeks. R. T Chislom is here at the family cottage. Bide-a-wee. for the season. and will be joined later by the rest of the family. Mrs. James Dillane and daughter Tes, of Portland, are here for their annual camping at Alderbrook Nook. Mr. Dillane, who is connected with the Portland fire department, will join them the first of August. Walter Kent and wife, Mrs. James Snidow, Mrs. Amelia Dickenson and Mrs.. C. L. Snidow formed a motoring party that made the trip to Pacific City on last Monday. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. James Snidow, Mrs. Kent, Mrs. Dickenson and Mrs. C. L.. Snidow ade the auto trip to Neahkahnie and enjoyed a pleasant day on the moun tain. Mrs. L. M. Alley and daughters. Pearl. Evaline and Mabel, motored in during the week and have opened their Summer cottage. Al-al-one, lor the balance of the season. That trout fishing is still good in the Miami River is attested by the catch of 50 fine specimens by D. P. Marc'ier during one day of this week. Mr. Marcher states that there are plenty of good fish still in the river. Registered the past week at Villa Camp were: Mr. and Mrs. Stewart K. King. H. A. Mayer ana daugnter. miss P. Mayer, and niece. Ester Altgilberts: L. B. Welch and sons, Fred I,ockley. Henry Rethlefsen and wife. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Lomar, Miss Emily Lover idge, of Buffalo, N. Y.: J. R. Street, of Th- Dalles, Or.: J. D. Wilmot and wife, Beaverton. Or.: Dr. C. Tenapleton and party. Woodburn. Or.; Mrs. V. B. Sears, Ballston. Or.; Miss Cassie Sears, Ball ston. Or.; Van Sears. Ballston. Or.; L. A. Newell. Mrs. L. A. Newell. Miss Mabel Newell, of Madras. Or., and George Hackett and William E. Filley, of Portland. NEWPORT NOW AT HIGH TIDE Influx of Visitors This Year Bids Fair to Establish Record. NEWPORT, Or., July 14. (Special.) Pre-season expectations have been exceeded, and Newport is now at high tide in the enjoyment of an influx of visitors that bids fair to establish a record. The attractions that have made this one of Oregon's most famous Sum mer resorts and also one of the oldest, are still drawing cards that have all their old power to satisfy, and hun dreds are arriving each week to enjoy the cool breezes from the sea. Fam ilies that have planned a trip as a pre liminary to the probable separation on account of the war are here in large numbers, as are the usual hikers, honeymooners, vacationists and pleas ure seekers. Surf bathing and agate hunting, two of the delights rarely missed by those who tarry for more than a few days, are now only exceeded in importance by the side trips and the more unusual diversions, which always develop with the advancement of the season. Al though the lighthouse, goal of nearly every hiker, is now closed to visitors by regulations from the War Depart ment, its majestic situation is still a lure to the beach walker, and the view from this seaward promontory is one never to be forgotten. The recently completed Asahel bush cottage, owned by a baiem resiaent. is close t.y and will be admired as one of the most handsome and modern cot tages on this part of the Coast. The length of the beach at this point makes possible motoring on the Sana as wen as hiking, and the constantly increas ing number of machines from the Valley points is rapidly turning the shore into a popular speedway. Roads are at their best as the mo toring parties readily testify, and the great proportion of visitors who arrive bv auto and take tents and cottages for brief stay is a feature of the season's business. A. A. Hull, of Corvallis. was among the week-end arrivals at Newport. Mrs. George llson. of Portland, ar rived at Newport the latter part of the week. Alton K. Effinger. Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Effinger and sons. Douglas and Donald, of Portland, motored to Agate Beach last week, making the trip in ten hours. This is the 32d trip that Mr. and Mrs. Effinger have made to this beach and they report that the travel over the mountain has never been so pleasant before. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas George, of Harrisburg. came over Saturday to en joy the sea breezes for a few weeks and are located at Tent City. In a cozy cottage at Sunnyside Lodge are established Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Owen and family, of Harrisburg. Mrs. A. C. Kullberg. of Chicago, is visiting the beach for the first time. F. A. Knapp, of Portland, is passing a few days at Agate Beach. Mr. and Mrs. A. Turnbull and family are among the latest vacationists to arrive at Nye Beach. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Barnes, of Salem, are at the Damon for an extended visit. Karl, Homer and Hilda Lentz. of Macleay, arrived at Nye Beach re cently. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stuart, of Al bany, are summering at Nye Beach at Sea Crest in a cottage overlooking the ocean. A. H. Akerson, of Portland, arrived the first of the week to enjoy a few days at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Owen and family. of Harrisburg, were week-end arrivals at Newport, and are ensconced in a cot tage at Sunnyside Lodge. Among the most recent visitors are Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Schaefer and daugh ter, Marjorie, and son George, of Eu gene. R. L. Moon came over from Eugene on a motorcycle for a week-end visit. Mr. Moon reported excellent roads over the mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McGetchie, of Gladstone, arrived at Nye Beach re cently and have opened a charming cottage at Sea Crest. Charles G. Boothby and Eddie Booth by, of Portland, are enjoying a few weeks' vacation at Newport. C. W. Long, of Portland, is listed among the most recent registrations. Eunice L. Smith, of Portland, is num bered among the recent arrivals at the seashore. Albert Patterson, of Pendleton, has Joined the Eastern Oregon contingent at this resort. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rothenberger and family, of Portland, arrived during the week. Among the recent cottagers to arrive at Red Kern the past week are Mr. and Mrs. Ben von Eschen, of Sheby. Iowa who expect to remain at the seashore for the season. Donald White and Austin Titus, of Falls City, motored to Newport the middle of the week for a few days' visit with friends. Mr. White is a prominent Falls City banker. Mr. and Mrs. A. Thompin, of Albany, are among the many Linn County visi tors at Nye Beach. F. Allen, of Hillsdale, arrived Monday to enjoy an extended vacation at Nye Beach. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Morgan and fam ily, of Des Moines, Iowa, are passing a month at Cherry City previous to their departure for Portland, where they ex pect to make their future home. Little Miss Florence Powers. of Salem, arrived a few days ago to visit with her aunt, Mrs. E. T. Barnes. A motoring party consisting of Dr. and Mrs. R. V. Ellis, of Treadwell, Alaska, and Dr. and Mrs. G. V. Ellis, of Salem, arrived at Nye Beach Tues day. The trip from Salem was made without a mishap, as the weather was ideal and the roads all that could be desired. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Stanton, of Port land, arrived at Nye Beach Tuesday and are busy preparing their tent house at Rose City for occupancy. J. V. Dennis and his mother, Mrs. M. C. Dennis, of Falls City, are among the many Polk County visitors who are frequenting this resort. Harry Redfern, of Salem, arrived at Newport for a few days' visit with his wife at Red Fern. R. C. Clark, a banker of Portland, is enjoying a few days' sojourn at the seashore. Henry Chambers, of Portland, ar rived recently and is enjoying a brief outing. M. Andross, of Portland, is numbered among the recent vacationists to ar rive. The ideal weather which Newport residents and visitors are enjoying is especially tempting to honeymooners. Among the week's arrivals were Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Carter. of The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shortridge. well-known and popular Albany young people, who were but recently married, were also among the Sunday excursion ists. A. Wilson and J. A. Wilson, of Portland, have been enjoying several days of fishing during the week. The fish are biting better than usual this year and several record catches have been reported. Among the recent out-of-the-state arrivals are Clifford and Marcy Lew- ellen. of Shenandoah. Iowa, who are enjoying the beauties of the scenery ana tne numerous aiversions in and around Newport. George E. Wilbur, of Portland, ar rived a few days ago and Ir passing a few days at Newport. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Dillman, of Port land, were week-end arrivals at this resort. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Moe, of Albany, came to Newport recently and are lo cated at the Freeman house for the season. Miss Janet Dawson, of Albany, ar rived Wednesday to pass the remainder of the season at the Dawson cottage at Nye Beach. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Graves and son. Robert, of Corvallis. are among the most recent guests at Agate Beach. air. craves is tne head of the dairy de partment at the Agricultural College, and is employing a part of his vacation in research work. R. C. Von Lehe. of Corvallis, is pass ing a few weeks at Nye Beach and is established in a tent house at Tent City. Mrs. Reilly Atkinson, three children and nurse, of Boise, Idaho, are here for the season. The Atkinson children are very interesting and are receiving a great deal of attention. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McBee. of Suver. came to Newport during the week and are located at Tent City. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wright, of Port land are at Newport for an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brenner, of Salem. are among the many capital visitors at I this resort. Mr. Brenner Is Deputy I Game Warden. E. J. McLane, of Kelso. Wash., is en Joying a short stay at Newport. C. W. Ladd. of Portland, arrived in Newport the latter part of the week for a brief vacation. Edwin E. Wilson, a prominent bank er of Linnton. recently arrived for a few days' visit. W. M. Wynne, of Portland, is among the latest arrivals. Captain E. S. Edwards, of Portland, United States boat inspector, passed a few days here last week. Dr. D. M. Field, of Salem, came over with the Sunday excursionists to pass a few days by the seashore. Mrs. A. Diven and son. of Portland, are among the latest guests to register. Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Smith, of Eugene, who have been summering at the Freeman house, left for home Sun day. Mr. Smith is the owner of a large fruit ranch near Eugene. G. B. Middleton, of Gresham, is pass ing a few days at this resort. Miss Vola Selig. of Falls City, and Miss Clytie Hall. of Eugene, were among the week-end arrivals at Nye Beach. Mrs. Martha Perry, of McMinnville. arrived at Newport recently and has opened her charming cottage. Perry Inn, for the season. C. Jacobsen and family, of Portland, arrived during the week and have opened a cottage at Tent City. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Osborne, of Amity, are sojourning for a few days at Nye Beach. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown and family, of Eugene, who have been encottaged at Cherry City for a fortnight, departed bunday. Delmer and Burdett Harmon, of Salem, arrived in Newport Tuesday for a short stay. James Manary, of Portland, Is pass ing a few days at Newport. Llton and Ellis Von Eschen. of Salem, are house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Von Eschen, at Red Fern. Mrs. Harry Redfern was hostess for a charming party given in honor of Mrs. Henry Isherwood, the occasion be ing the double anniversary of the lat ter s birthday and wedding. Cards were the order of the evening, after which a dainty supper was served. The house was tastily decorated in yellow and white. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Templeton, Mr. and Mrs. O. Osborne. Samuel Houlton, Mrs. John Fergusen. the honor guest and the hostess. B. Ockwig, of Portland, was a mid week arrival at Nye Beach. Miss Eva G. Grant, of Iowa Falls, Iowa, is enjoying an outing at Nye Beach. Miss Grant was a student of the Willamette University last Winter. Miss Maida Doolittle, of Corvallis, and Miss Barbara Nisley, of Portland, arrived at Nye Beach Tuesday, having hiked from Corvallis over the mountain to Newport In three days. The hike seemed to be more pleasurable than overstrenuous for these ambitious young women and they are already an ticipating the return trip. Virginia Gray, of Eugene, is listed among the latest arrivals. Oscar Furuset, of Portland, arrived Tuesday for a few days' visit at Newport-Miss Winifred Kerr, of Portland, was a mid-week arrival at Nye Beach. WELCHES HAS MANY VISITORS Fishing, Hiking, Motoring and Mountain Climbing Diversions. WELCHES, Or., July 14. (Special.) With ideal weather, and the roads in the best condition for years, the resorts toward old Mount Hood are rapidly fill ing up with the regular number of campers and visitors. There are many diversions to take up the time of the cottagers and campers, including hik ing, fishing, motoring and mountain climbing. Dancing parties are held every Wednesday and Saturday even ings in Welches Hall. Huckleberry Mountain still has banks of snow on the summit, and the climbers have great fun snowballing each other, after mak ing the ascent. The Misses Eleanor Harris and Mar garet Pomeroy, of Portland, stopping at the Mountain View cottage, climbed Mount Hood July 9, and were the first women to get to the top from the soutn side. A party of four, Arthur and Harlan Pearson, Jack Greenwood, and Mr. For bian, made a fishing trip to Clear Lake early this week, returning Wednesday. rney reported tne fishing very good but the hike of 12 miles from Govern ment Camp a hard one. this time of the year, much snow being encountered The fishing in the streams near here is getting better every day, and some good catches are reported, Cottagers and campers now on the grounds are: Misses Eleanor Harms, Margaret Pomeroy, of Portland: Mrs. F. A. Lincoln and Fred Lincoln, Jr.: Mrs. Dr. Cavanaugh and daughters, Erna and Florence. Mrs. M. J. Champion and children and Mrs. H. E. Harms are in the Rasch cot tage. They have purchased the twin cabins, and will occupy them for the remainder of the month. Mrs. R. B. Northrup and son, Law rence, are in a cottage for the season. Mrs. Archie De Voe and family are at the Cedar Cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bruggy are in the "Cozy Inn" for the season. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Clifford, of Port land are at the "Come Back" cabin for the season. In the Anderson cottage on the West Bank avenue: Mr. and Mrs. David An derson, Frank Anderson and' F. H. An derson. Mrs. Pearson, with her rons, Arthur and Harlan, are In the Pearson cottage f . - the month. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Steele and daugh ter. Rose, are in the Steele cottage. In the Short cottage are the Misses Laura Nelson and Irene Drach. Campjrs for two weeks are Mr. antf Mrs. E. H. Kuhlman and family. In the Crane cottage are Mrs. G. A. ...JC .... Bistormus, of Portland, and the Misses Bistormus, of Oakland, CaL; Mrs. A. Bartelsen and son, Carrol!. With Mrs. Jenny Ki-tler is Mrs. Fran ces Walty and family. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tuttle, with a large party of friends, spent the week end at this resort. In Roberts avenue are: Mrs. W. J. Doyle and Mrs. W. L. Kitchen, in the jjoyle cottage. In the Haehlen cottage are Mrs. G. Haehlen ani daughters, Hattie and Madeline. They have as guests Mrs. F. Krueger and daughters, Helen and Har riett. FOREST SERVICE OPENS CAMP Lookout Station Is Being Erected on Top of Mount Adams. GULER. Wash.. July 14. (Special.) Disirtct Ranger Lickel, of the Colum bia National Forest, has a large crew at work improving the road and bring ing supplies and material to Mount Adams for the lookout to be placed on top of the mountain this Summer. Mr. Lickel says that he is going to build a cabin and inclose in fence some lo acres and also install a telephone in the Morrison Valley, at the base of the mountain, all for the free use of tourists. The following registered as guests of the Guler Hotel the past week: Rr. and Mrs. Fred F. Glen, Portland: Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hopkins, Miss Erma Bennett, Miss Mabel McCullough, The Dalles; Arthur House, S. J. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Blanchar, Hood River: Fred F. Thompson, The Dalles: Kent R. Wilson, Medical Corps, U. S. A.; W. C. Jamisen, R. J. Strasser, Portland; Claude Crumb, Columbia National for est; Alma ivioore, H. 'F. Stack, Dora Mc Coy, Lyle, Wash.; Myrtle I. Sutton, Port land; H.abel V. Benche, Glenwood, Wash.: Ira Moore, Emile E. Stratton, Lyle, Wash.; Micj Florence Williams, iviiss Margaret Sampson. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Williams, Mrs. F. T. Sampson, The DaHes; Mrs. George Tweedt, Mrs. E. W. Trenbath, Miss Margaret Tren bath, Ktnnewick, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Townsei.d, Roy S. Wagner and wife, Portland; Mark Cameron, Hood River; D. Ledbetter, Miss McLeod, Mrs. D. Ledbetter. Miss Clara Miller, Vir , ginia Ledbetter, Goldendalc; A. P. Palmer. Portland; Sterling Ledbetter, Douglas Ledbetter, Goldendale; A. W. RESALE At this sale you secure what has been paid by the original purchaser gone East or for what ever reason you secure the equity by paying the balance due in small payments of $5 cash, $6 or more monthly, without paying interest for 2Yo shears. Besides, there are included in this sale the unsold 1916 models, some in transit, slightly damaged pianos, as also some used pianos. 07 C 145-443 Menden- POIUh.ll eqnltr I'ClQT Kft ;nnn. balance.. . U U miJKf 95 cash, 96 monthly. 51 RRfl e'nwar maboeany COQf. 0UJU(i5 cask. miO nontblr DCfJ Iifl SnwaT. old model C7fS $1100 Ss-rnSZ $465 odrl J!lfitl model !SOri OUUU io caah. 910 $350S-r.;n?93 t 07 C Hallet Da-rta aprlskt OlOfJ 0OIJ93 caah, 9S monthly 3 1 eQTCnavta. larire waln.t GOAK OOIJ5 cask, 9 monthly O'O THIS 1B1 MODEL. $750 ,,r.s,r",,y $365 910 caah. 10 monthly ArrnTf AITri Schwan Pia.no Co.'a Eastern vs. Western Selling Methods, in a recent trial of the Portland Ai' i'1VjX1 A -iXJ Adv. Club vs. Schwan Piano Co.. the witnesses of the Advertising Club you can easily guess who they were proved by their own average costs of their $375 priced pianos, and finally with their own pianos crowding- the courtroom that the Schwan Piano Co.'s "J375 pianos at $281.25 25 per cent lower prices and no In terest for ZVt years." was entirely correct, as shown by the verdict of the jury in favor of the Schwan Piano Co. Our Economy in service Our Economy in rent Our Economy in storekeepingr Our Expert Buying Capacity Our Eastern Selling- Methods Based on Volume all are your gain. finnCR YflHD PIANO RY MAM Read, atndy and compare oar qaallty. prices and no Interest for 2Vi yeara. as ad ult LI Lll I Uull llnllU Dl nlftlL. vertlsed. and yon will learn why we have hundreds of mall-order buyers. Your boy or girl working can save $5 cash and $6 monthly, without interest, and secure a musical education now. OTT-OF-TOWS BUYERS We PREPAY FREIGHT AND MAKE FREE DELIVERY OF PIAKTO TO YOUR HOMB within 300 miles, and the piano will be shipped subject to exchange within one year, we allowing the full amount paid. This virtually gives you a one-year trial of the piano you order. Every piano or player-piano purchased carries with it the Schwan Piano Co. guarantee of satisfaction, as also the usual guarantee from each manufacturer of these new musical instruments. Open Monday. Wednesday and Saturday evenings during this sale. THE STORE THAT CHARGES NO INTEREST. Maawfaetnrera Coast Distributors. 111 Fourth Street I Morgan and sons, C. C. Shay, Portland: F. A. Andrews. Vanco.ver; George Ervln, A. S. Archer, Portland. Rhododendron Has Patrons. ROWE. Or. July 14. (Special.) Among the recent patrons at Rhodo dendron Mineral Springs were the fol lowing: Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Humphrey and son, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Cameron, Mrs. W. H. F. Green, Marie A. Green, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ziegler. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dittman, Mr. and Mrs. David J. McKenzie, Osmon Royal. Mrs. Ernest R. Goldapp. Jules Cohn. Ben C. Wing. Misses Delia and Joan Rosenthal. Miss Minette Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore Gadsby, Dr. and Mrs. J. Henry Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Llovd R. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Doak, Edward Doak, Misses Mar garet and Alberta Blair, all of Port land; Mrs. May Dearborn Schwab, New York City; Miss Lillian Noben, Everett, Wash.: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lang, Judge - and Mrs. Tucker. Mrs. W. C. Wortman. Everett Wortman. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Olds, Edith Olds. W. P. Olds. Mrs. J. E. Heiter, Miss D. Oestron, all of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Franklin, Salem, Or.: Mrs. Will Wal lace. Jr. Maryville, Mo.; Mrs. F. Zim merman. . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zimmer man. R. F. Swain. Jr., and mother. Gladys Lownsdale, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Llchtern. all of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. George O. Miller and family have taken the log house for the Summer. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Buebke have opened their mountain home. Camp Rusty. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Campbell are staying at their cottage in Rhododen dron. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Peyton Reed will spend the Summer months at their beautiful mountain home on Zizgag River. Mr. and Mrs. William Killingsworth and family will spend the Summer at their mountain home, Sunnybrooke Lodge. Mountain Home Attracts. WELCHES. July 14. (Special.) The following are among those regis tering recently at Tawney's Mountain Home: R. H. Brown. Floyd Brower, Walker Campbell, Betty Browne, Net tie Nallis, Bean Campbell, Maud Brown Mrs. De Yarmond, George J. Bonness and family. Marguerite Paletzsch, Ma mie Sigglen. C. W. Sigglen. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Porter. Mr. and Mrs. D. H Stephenson. Mr and Mrs. A. L. Fields, Dr. and Mrs. G. D. Peters. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Fields, Hugh C. Gearin and wife, W. W. Peasley and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ruthwate. Miss Ruthwate, W. v , Ballam and family, F. L. Dielschnei der and wife. Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Loo mis. Miss Marie Howell, M. C. Cum- mings. all of Portland; Katherine Stolz Eugene. Or.; Philomene Bernes. Port land: Edna Clarke, Tacoma. Wash.; M. H. Barnes. Geraldine Coursen. E. L. Barnes, Henryette Lawrence, Helen Stoppenbach, Arline Louise Cameron, Marion V. Lawrence, F. D. Lawrence, Sadie E. Moris, Cora B. Collins, Beulah Pauer, II. A. Speer and wife, M. I. Cameron, L. V. Parson. Fannie Stub, Johanna Ruendale, Benjamin WMng, Bella Rosenthal. Johnis Cohn. William Whelan and wife. Jack Whelan, Dick Whelan, R. P. Meyer, M. R. Luders. Miss Margaret Luders, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Luders, J. G. Fleischman and wife. Miss D. Bollam, R. B. McClung and wife. R. E. McClung, Mildred Mc Clung, Lucile McClung, Edwin Mc Clung, all of Portland. Guests Register at the Eyrie. WHITE SALMON. Wrash.. July 14. (Special.) Guests at The Eyrie dur ing the past week have been: Dr. George F. Koehler. wife and child, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Cooke, Mr. an Mrs. H. G. Walsh. Mrs. Irvin Butterworth. all I of Portland: Dr. H. L. Geary and wife. Equity QPFff A goes to you iJ I IjIO. player-pianos and organs. Here are some of these specials : Equity goes to you-you pay only balance still owing $425 ir::.zb:rz:"b7,s2S6 $350rrm-..$245 Jioor:n;k,$258 t EE PI 240&8 steser fc Son """V915 caah. monthly . . . . ?7 $253.80 0rn 104840 Kmclad aaU 95 caah. 96 monthly PCnn 151370 Flayer-nlano $230 V www ' 910 c a - h , r $387.50 .onthly . . . . t7cn-72 Player-! r::,,h7y$395 '""lO caah. 910 r nfl lOOOTS Reed A Sons 070 3UU 910 caah. 910 monthly U S'i'in 24278 er Son. OOn JJl9io caah. 910 monthly OOOU $500 ??:mir pr-t '-ft ton 96 monthly " v 77RStesr 18,5 Player M Q K ' J 925 caah. 913 monthly J'i70 $650 .0nd,h$465 $850:9" m:.:h7;$565 $1 rtfl Bnrdett Organ, 11 atona 3 O". IUUt5 caah, 93 monthly 9aVJ enn Whitney Holmes Organ ti0(? 3U5 cash. 93 ffloatalrvJ 9in An.arc-1 Pla Wl3Us cash, 95 Player loathly Vmw Schwan Piano Underwood. Wash.: R. P. Ballard, wif and two children, Seattle, Wash.; Will iam W. Youngson and family. Jessie E. Farrell. F. W. Cookman. Albert J. Hilton. Everett Hilton, Dr. A. S. Nich ols and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bai ley McAfee. Mrs. O. B. Prael and two children, all of Portland; Miss Ethel Merriam, Salem, Or.; Miss Mabel Case, Alice M. Stalnaker, Hood River, Or.; tunic Case, Walla Walla. Wash.; Ran dall S. Pratt, The Dalles. Or. Jewett Farm Has Guests. WHITE SALMON. Wash.. July 14. (Special.) Recent guests at the Jewett Farm resort at White Salmon are: Mrs. W. C. Watrous. St. Paul. Minn.: Mrs. Myrtle Ransom. Battle Ground. Wash.; Dorothy Scheshner, Marjorie Thompson, Mrs. E. M. Wisner. Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Glen. Inez Lytel. M. Blanche Everett and Mrs. Zeldaploegar, all of Portland. DEAF SCHOOL COST IS LOW Per Capita Expenditure Second lowest In Washington. VANCOUVER. Wash.. July 14. (Spe cial.) The Washington State School for the Deaf, of this citv. of which Professor Thomas P. Clarke has been Superintendent for the past 12 years. was operated second lowest per capita during the past year in the State of v ashington. Eight state institutions lowered their cost, while four increased it. The school running at the lowest cost per capita was the girls school at Grand Mound, the Washington State School for the Deaf, second; the Eastern State Hospital for the Insane, third; the Washington State School for the Blind, at Vancouver, fourth; State Training School, fifth: the Northern Hospital for the Insane, at Steilacoom, sixth: Wash ington Veterans' Home, seventh, and the Western Hospital for the Insane, eighth. CENTURY PLANT BLOOMS Oddity at Hood River Attracts At tention on Highway. HOOD RIVER. Or.. July 14. (Spe cial.) The first blossom of a century plant in the Hood River Valley is now attracting numerous visitors to the Wau Guin Guin place of Robert Rand, on the Columbia River Highway, just west of the city. The stalk and bloom of the plant stand more than six feet high. . Mr. Rand, who formerly operatedV hotel at Wau Guin Guin. has spent the past 25 years in collecting ' oddities nature and curios of all sorts. He purchased the century plant six years ago. The age was not known and he never expected, he says, to see it blos som. GIRLS WILL RAISE FUNDS Vancouver Honor Guard Will Pre- sent Play on July 30. VANCOUVER. Wash., July 14. (Spe cial.) "When Duty Calls," written by the amateur playwright, Charles A. Hasson, formerly City Clerk of Van couver will be stag-ed at the Liberty Theater in this city by the National Honor Guard Girls Monday, July 30. The proceeds will g;o into the girls' fund for their mission of mercy and assistance. The girls have been rehearsing: for the past severa 1 weeks. 1916 models D and used I IANOS 1 07 K 140558 Davta Sana T O t C KIWI wl rqullr la TOlrn. . bal. J4Ci X 95 casa, 93 monthly f 47 C nd A S'na, 1816 mod'l JQ C WHO -a.h. S DBhlTVO'l3 91 0 caah. r07C Kimball Co. nprlKht $135 vw w 1 95 caah. 95 monthly ' f07CF.4C. Flarher.old mod'l ' J W caah. 93 monthly $25 $ll00?o'r7c.r,'.'-.n.V $165 $290 eoic li cash. 95 monthly JCn Sinner. OtJU no caah. 1816 model 97.50 monthly 7hfl Bennett Grand W' u-925 caah, 910 mo onthly WiltJ tTRfl Knelael. 1916 model COOC WwJU 93 caah, 96 monthly DZjJ 1815 Model $565 915 monthly. Go. WARRAjTEB BACKeJ MAJTY MILLIONS IN CAPITA, $850 -t now V 930 caah. V