The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 08, 1917, SECTION TWO, Page 10, Image 30

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AROUND: mill wright's helper, J3.50,
Steady; boys over 16 years of age, good,
steady employment; married men, factory,
who want steady work, $2.73 up.
otjt op town and cheap fare.
Young men and boys over 16 years of
age who want to learn the lumber busi
ness and are witling to work to learn it;
fares will be advanced to the right sort;
wages are from $35 to $50 per month and
board. You may interview the representa
tive of the company here.
Pantrvman of experience at Wallace,
Idaho, $2.5o per day and board, the fare is
advanced to party with baggage.
Mill and yard men, $3.25 per day, cheap
LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. require the serv
icea of three janitors. Must be able to
furnish the beat of references. Perma
nent position is Offered to those who can
qualify. Apply superintendent's office be
tween i and 10 Monday morning.
BOYS between 18 and 20 for stockroom
work. Must be living with parents. Ap
plv between 9 and 11 A. M., superintend
ent's office, basement balcony, Meier &
Frank Company.
BOYS, 18 to 20. living at home, to run ele
vators. Apply between 9 and 11 A. M.,
superintendent's office, basement balcony,
Meier &. Frank Company.
T. M. C. A. SCHOOLS Accredited College
Preparatory Grade; business, stenographic,
elect rica; engineering, radio telegrapny.
automobile schools operating throughout
Summer, - both day and evening. For in
formation address Div. C, Y. M. C. A,
Department of Education, Portland.
YOUNG MAN, not over 30 years old, to
manage motion picture theater in Port
land. Must have good references. Wages
$25 weekly. Give full information as to
previous employment, wages received, age
and qualifications. C 401, Oregonian.
KADIO TELGRAPHY Great need in com
mercial shi-pping for radio operators: pre
pare quickly to render this great service
to our Government. Address Div. C, Y.
M. C. A. School of Radio Telegraphy, for
special bulletin. Portland, Oregon.
ers and aeronautics enthusiasts, get your
preparation in a first-class school. Special
short cource, special tuition rate. Begin
now. Address Div. C, Y. M. C. A. Auto
mobile Engineering School. Portland, Or.
fUSTOFFICE clerks, carriers, examination
Sept. 1. Railway mail clerks and other
branches of civil service pay well. Pa
cific States School, McKay bldg. Open
.TIMEKEEPER with lumber experience for
large mfg. plant, one who understands
labor distributic.n. Apply in own handwrit
ing, giving uge, experience and salary ex
pected. K 3?9, Oregonian.
ENERGETIC young man. between 10 and
20, by retail establishment ; good chance
for advancement ; references. BF 711.
PROMOTER wanted for high-class mining
invention that's past the experimental
stage. Big quick money for right man.
L 4S2, Oregonian.
.WANT live man to help finance and manu
facture an article no win great demand;
just a few dollars needed; good opening.
.1 397, Oregonian.
WANTED Young man to learn machine
woodworking business; good wages to
start. Give address and phone number.
A H 382. Oregonian.
6TKOiG boy, over 14, for household chores
and garden work in country; excellent
board and $10 per month. AV 200, Ore
gonian. COOKS. $50 and up; porter in city, $12
a week and room; teamsters, $3 day, city;
married mill yard men, house, wood free;
blacksmith. $4.50. city. Call 228 Burnside.
COMPETENT bookkeeper, man or woman",
who can give unquestionable references as
to ability and character. P 379, Ore
gives you possession completely equipped
whop and good business. Answer this.
Hecome Independent. O 381, Oregonian.
V ANTED KiiHt-class barber to go to Day
ton. Wash.; good one can average $24 per
week. For particulars apply to Lew 13
Stenger Barbers Supply Co.
WANTED Wringer man at State Laundry
Co., 395 E. Broadway. Good wages for a
good man.
EXPERIENCED off-bearer: also few strong
boys over 10 years old to handle lumber.
A pply West Oregon Lumber Co.. Linnton.
WANTED Capable man to sell stock in
established port Industry with honest in-
YoUNG man. IS to 22. for wrapping bread.
Apply Davidson's Baking Co., 797 .E.
Broadway, Monday morning 9 o'clock.
JVV ANTED A boy to run errands and work
around store. Apply 145 0th st.. Columbia
Optical Co.
MACHINIST familiar with repairing of
power sewing machines. Singer Sewing
Machine Co., 402 Washington st.
WANTED Experienced and inexperienced
girls, steady position. Call Portland Laun
dry, 9th and Couch.
JEWELERS wanted, two good men on gen
eral work. A. F. Clauss &. Son, 501 Mac
leay bldg.
V ANTED Experienced lumber handlers,
mill and yard. 443 Sherlock bldg. Pat
terson. WANTED 5 solicitors for new Portland en
terprise. See Mr. Howe, at 037 Pittock
WANTED Al baritone for vaudeville act;
a mateur preferred if well qualified. J
1195, Oregonian.
WILL let contract to party with machine
to whitewash sawmill. Call West Oregon
Lumber Company. -Linnton.
WANTED First-class barber to go to Sun
nyside. Wash. For particulars apply to
Lewis -St enger Barbers' Supply Co.
CA BIXETM AKERS and henchmen wanted.
Washington Mattress Co., 4th ave. So. and
Walker st., Seattle.
WANTED Young man to travel with carni
val. See A. Rose today. Rainier Hotel, 123
N 0th st.
EXPERIENCED janitor, able to do all re
p lir work and handle steam -heating
phnt. Steady job. New Houston Hotel.
WANTED A good, steady, married man for
general orchard and ranch work. Address
box B, Hood River. Or.
Jj RIGHT boy. over 16. good appearance;
wages $50 Answer in own handwriting.
Give telephone. O 3S4., Oregonian.
WANTED Man who understands automo
bile painting; state wages expected and
experience. AN 479, Oregonian.
WANTED Boy with wheel; must be 16 yrs.
old: can earn $50 monthly. Apply 7 Bd.
of Trade bldg. Federal Telegraph Co.
JIAX wanted, educated gentleman of good
appearance, accustomed to earn $100 a
week. C. E. Warner, 72 5th St.. 3d floor.
WANTED Assistant janitor; must have ex
perl ;nce, $00 per month. Apply Sherman.
t'iay & Co.
WANTED First-class furniture finisher and
decorator. Valentine Mfg. Co., 500 E. Lin
coln. JJAN to handle 10 cords of slabwood per
day by contract, or will sell at mill, 63
E. 21st st. or phone B 2303.
WANTED Young man -to drive Ford de
livery for meat market, AM 243, Ore
EXPERIENCED marker. Multnomah Laun
dry Co. Bdwy. 4332.
CAN use salesmen: truck department.
Ballou & Wright. Inquire for Mr. Bontes?
TAILOR Good job for all-round tailor with
little money. Main 2354.
WANTED Man with auto truck for deliv
cry purposes. Main 764.
IAKIIR for delicatessen, no bread ; good
wages for right party. AB 41. Oregonian.
WANTED First-class cook for part day and
part night shift. AF 355, Oregonian.
BARBER wanted. Address Ernest Andrews.
Salem, Or.
WANTED Janitor: must und. rstand stear
heating plant. Woodlawn 17n.
BRIGHT boy with wheel for delivery. App..-
u. rt. .nt-pnoe a. i u.. noyai Ping.
KIUST-CLASS barber wanted. Hotel Oregon
ERRAND BOY with wheel. Apply 6th and
Oak. Archer & Schanx.
WANTED Registered druggist. AK 374,
WANTED Experienced roof-pa Inters. 60S
rourney otag.. 11 o ciock.
JANITOR wanted Apply Brownsville Wool
en Mills. 3d and Morrison sts.
ALL-AXOUND nice cook wanted. 220 Mor
rison st.
WANTED Strong boy for delivery. Portland
Linotyping jo., lltn.
BOY for farm work, close In, Tabor 7524,
SALESMEN, unlimited income to a few men
who can approach automobile owners;
saves big money and yields big profits;
we want general managers to open offices
and send out salesmen in paying terri
tories ; men with best references and abil
ity, who can furnish their own capital of
at least $loO on a guaranteed article; HiO
per cent profit; the first men who qualify
get the big jobs. Write today. No-Carb
Chemical Works, 1777 Broadway, X. Y. C.
MENT, Y. M. C. A.
We can place young men with ability.
Constant calls coming in for the man who
can deliver the goods. A. Y. M. C. A. mem
bership costing $5 guarantees you will se
cure employment or refund of fee. Also
gives you 2 months' full privileges, 10
months' social and use of this department
for 1 year. See Secretary J. W. Palmer.
STEADY MEN wanted to take exclusive
control of good territory In Oregon and
Washington, Money advanced weekly.
Outfit and special training free. Experi
ence unnecessary. Our active men are
making good money. You can do the
same. Clean, hardy, guaranteed stock.
Yakima Valley Nursery Company, Toppen
!sh. Wash.
LABORERS and home seekers; great oppor
tunity In Central Oregon; vast tracts of
Government land, lumber mills, sash and
door factories, logging camps, brickyard,
railroad, state road, ditch work, dairy,
grain and stock raising, work; for all;
good wages. Bend Free Employment and
Information Bureau, Bend. Oregon.
I want some fellow with plenty of pep
to take entire charge of country weekly
In Eastern Oregon on salary and commis
sion basis; must have Al references;
chance to earn interest in business If you
can deliver the goods. Address or wire
L. K. Harlan, lone or Pilot Rock, Oregon.
WANTED Overseer of weaving. Apply by
wire. Sunset Woolen Mills, Bandon.
WANTED By July 14, first-class Japanese
for general housework, family of 2. in
Vancouver; must be good cook and come
well recommended. Appiy oetween 5 and
6 Monday or Tuesday. Mrs. Ward Wilson,
Hotel Benson, Portland.
388 Burnside St.
Call or write for information.
ACCOUNTANT, experienced In cost records
and vouchor system, capable after few
months to take full charge of office. Re
ply must give complete history and sal
ary desired. AB 4 S3, Oregonian.
WANTED Meat cutter for out of town;
young married man with general mer
chandise experience preferred; salary $lo0.
State age and experience, giving refer
ences. H 200. Oregonian.
BRAKEMEN. firemen, $90 to $200 monthly:
positions for inexperienced men; steady
work ,8 hours. Send stamp for application
blank. RAILWAY, Box R 50G, Fresno,
MAN and wife, good workers, no children,
as caretakers of place on Columbia River
Highway. Man must be an all-around
worker and woman a good cook. Y 390,
WANTED Boys, high school preferred, 'or
Oregonian paper routes In various parts
of the city. Apply at once, room 203,
Oregonian bldg.
WANTED Three boys over 10, with wheels
$40 to $75 per month, bicycle repairs paid.
Chance to learn trade and a advancement,
Mollenhnur. 253 Oak st.
WANTED Young man as stock clerk and
floor salesman In wholesale house, good
opportunity. State references, age and sal
ary desired. Apply box AM 377, Oregonian
WANTED An experienced retail grocery
clerk for beach resort; state age, expe
rience and phone number. R 347, Orego
nian. CLERK A thoroughly experienced clerk in
office large corporation; must be a good
penman; state age, experience, references.
AE 353, Oregonian.
WANTED First-class machinist, one with
railroad experience preferred. State age.
experience, phone number. AF 364, Orego
nian. " DENTIST. "
Wanted, experienced, reliable laboratory
man at once. Alba Bros., Dentists, 245 Va
Morrison, cor. 2d.
WANTED Marker and assorter; good wages
to experienced first-class men. Apply In
person. Post Exchange Laundry, Vancou
ver Barracks.
Uncalled for. tailor-made; a little money
here goes a long ways. Orpheum Cleaners,
355 Stark st.
In a big, practical school. Est. 13 years.
National School of Engineering. Los An
geles. AT opportunity to learn the hardware busi
ness: have position open tor a high school
graduates, 18 to 20 yeaers old; must have
references. AV ISO. Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced tlemakers. Stand
ard Timber Company. Evanston, Wyo.
Union Pacific contractors.
Help Wanted Agents.
WAKE UP Handle the world's greatest au
tomobile accessory of proven merit. Thou
sands In service; guarantees greater gaso
line and tire milea ge, added safety and
pleasure ; selling like wild fire. H ustlers
making $200 to $3oo weekly; opportunity
for few good county agents. H omesi ead
Engineering Laboratories Co., Homestead,
SELL direct to homes. Croft's & Reed estab
lished well advertised line food products,
flavoring extracts, soft drinks, toilet ar
ticles, soaps, perfumes, household necessi
ties. Quick repeaters. Extraordinary op
portunity. Make big money. Outfit to
workers. Croft's & Ueed, Agency Dept..
Chicago, Til.
$25 DAILY easy introducing greatest house
hold money-saver, just invented. Reduces
high living cost. Saves own cost first 10
minutes. No talking necessary. Sells
itself. Every housekeeper demands it.
Retails $2 ; commission $1.10. Samples
free. Ovee Mfg. Co.. Louisville, Ky.
ST A RT you in business, furnishing every
thing: men, women. $30 to $200 weekly,
operating "new system specialty candy
factories," home, small room anywhere ;
no canvassing. Opportunity lifetime. Book
let free. Ragsdale Co, Box S, East Or
ange, N. J.
EASY MONEY Hundred men and women
wanted quick. Glover's profit $61.50 first
4 days: we deliver; we collect; beautiful
raincoa ts $3.98 up. Free samples first
hundred. Hurry. Comer Mfg. Co., 392
Goncral. Da yton, O.
RUSH postal, free sample Splk and Span.
Wonderful new washing tablet. Washes
clothes spotless without rubbing. Tremen
dous seller. 20 per cent profit. Samples
free to boost sales. F. X. Newberry, 200
Peoria, Chicago.
EVEN if you were deaf. dump, blind, you
could sell our aluminum utensil cleaner.
Every housewife grabs it on sight. Steadv
trade and big money In protected terri
tory. Write quirk. Div. 8.12. American
Aluminum Mfg. Co.. Lemont. 111.
$50 WEEKLY and up selling Mexican dia
monds, exactly resembling genuine; same
rainbow fire; stand tests; sell at sight;
repeat orders. Write quick for sample case
offer free. Mexican Diamond Importing
Co., 255 Las Cruces, New Mexico.
"HOT" seller now; everyone buys; sells t
self; profits big; sub-agents beg to help
you sell It. divide profits; write at once.
Auto Monogram Supply company, desk 2.
Newark, N. J.
LARGE manufacturer wants representatives
to sell shirts, underwear, hosiery, dresses,
waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write for
free samples. Madison Mills, 590 Broad
way. New York City.
FLOWER bead necklaces, selling like hot
cakes; agents coining money. Absolutely
new; send for catalog and proposition.
Rosebead Co.. 2819 W. Pico, Los Angeles,
TRANSFER initials for monograming auto
mobiles, trunks, etc. Agents write for
manufacturers' prices. Save 100 per cent.
Establish sub-agencies. Globe Decal Co.,
Jersev Cltv, N. J.
FREE catalog samples, new goods, quick
sales, big profits, make $5 to $25 dally, no
experience, world's greatest specialties.
Cruver Co., Jackson &. Campbell, Chi
cago, in.
MAKE 140 per cent profit selling Demaco
gasoline savers to automobile owners: saves
20 to 4ft per cent; results guaranteed ;
write today. Decatur Mfg. Co., 427 Short,
Decatur. 111.
"AMERICA, WE LOVE YOU." patriotic
picture with the punch. Sells like hot
cakes. Agents sell 250 day. Sample 10c,
color plate free. People's Portrait Co.,
Sts. D. Chicago.
$10 DAILY re finishing chandeliers, brass
beds, automobiles, by new method, pro
ducing amazing results: no capital or
experience necessary. Particulars free.
Gunmetal Co.. 21st ave., Decatur. 111.
$30 TO JIOO a week: free samples. Gold
Sinn letters for store and office windows.
Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic
Letter Co., 435 N. Clark, Chicago.
$125 WEEKLY Something new. saves 50
per cent o? gasoline for automobiles. Near
ly every call a sale. Money back guaran
tee. Stransky Mfg. Co.. Pukwana, S. D.
MAKE $1 an hour: sell Mendets, a patent
patch: Instantly mends leaks In all uten
sils; sample free. Mendet Co., Box A,
Amsterdam, X. Y.
PORTRAIT MEN 24-hour service on both
prints and finished work: crews financed.
Write for catalogue. Roberts Wholesale
Portraits. Kansas City, Mo.
FRcE sample, particulars : no splashing
water strainers; easy seller; returns big;
experience unnecessary. O, Union Filter
Co.. 73 Franklin. N. Y.
AG F.XT3 at once Sell 50c per month, hos
pital tickets. 301 Board of Tradfe.
Help Wanted Agents.
EXPENSE ? We want good men and
woman for traveling general agents. Must
have fair education and good references.
Will make contract for 3 months, 6
months or year at salary of $22.50 per
week and necessary expenses. Can as
sign most any territory desired. For full
particulars address GEORGE G. CLOWS
COMPANY, Philadelphia, pa.. Dept. -34."
BIG HIT Our 5-piece aluminum s-t is all
the rage. Cheaper than enamel ware. Sells
like wildfire. Guaranteed 2U years. Re
tail value $5. You sell to housewives, on ly
$1.98. Biggest seller of the age; 9 sure
sales out or' every lo shown. Others clean
ing up $10 to $20 a day. Answer this
quick to secure your territory. Div. 1032,
American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lemont. 111.
EXCLUSIVE! sale for only thing like it in
the World. 410 Washington st.
Help Wantpfl Miirumn.
SALESMAN to take state rights for newest
and best soft drink ; big seller, allowing
dealer 500 per cent protit; absolutely re
liable and subject to thorough investiga
tion; the bigger the man the greater the
opportunity; will give contract for entire
state on straight commission basis ; must
be man of reputation, sobriety and char
acter, with car to make towns and means
to pay own expenses and appoint sub
salesman. Now is the time to make fortune
on soft drink proposition such as this. For
full information address P. O. box 1104.
Fan Antonio, Tex.
One who is acquainted with school sup
ply trade preferred. Opportunity to be
come state manager, with splendid returns
offered to succesf ul man. State quali
fications, experience and age. A 599, Ore
gonian, SALESMEN to sell our Myers quality line
exclusive art calendars, together with our
high grade line leather goods, memoran
dum books, diaries, most complete line
of outdoor and indoor metal signs, and a
very fine line of novelties. Everything
manufactured in our own big factory.
Terms: Salary, commission and drawing
account. The El wood Myers Company,
Springfield. O.
WE can use a few salesmen, exclusive or
side line, to sell our new fall and holiday
line of advertising specialties and sou
venirs to country and city merchants,
banks, manufacturers and all lines of busi
ness. Good commission paid on receipt
of orders. We are old manufacturers,
well and favorably known to the trade.
Patent Novelty Company, Fulton. III.
MANUFACTURER requires general agents
and some part time representatives for
demand of centuries, with irresistible ap
peal to all. Three-minute demonstration
convinces ; financial Independence to c
cep table parties. Samuel C. Osborn, Ma
sonic Temple, Chicago.
WANT live salesmen now calling on furni
ture, music, jewelry, department stores,
to sell our wonderful talking machines as
side line. Liberal commissions; state ex
act territory you cover. Address Sales
manager, 511 S. Laflln St., Chicago.
FOR general merchantile trade, Oregon, to
sell a new proposition of merit. Vacancy
now. Attractive commission contract ; $;I5
weekly for expenses. Miles F. Bixler Co.,
Wholesale Jewelers, 220-27 Carlin bidg.,
Cleveland, O.
$25 TO $40 weekly; take charge agency to
be placed In each county: must have cloth
ing tailoring or retail experience; no In
vestment; new proposition; profitable; per
manent. The Nelson Tailoring Co., 245
W. Van Buren at., Chicago.
EXCELLENT permanent position open July
15 capable salesman, Oregon; staple line,
general retail trade; liberal commission:
$35 weekly advance. Ralph H. Ide, 70-27
Williams bidg., Detroit.
SALESMAN Write for list of ripenings and
how to obtain them, city, of traveling. Ad
dress nearest office. -National Salesmen's
Tr. Assn., Dept. 311, Chicago, New York,
San Francisco.
SALESMAN wanted, having established gen
eral store trade, sell laces, packed in siient
salesmen cabinets free; 12 per cent
commission. Cabinet Lace Works, 276
Canal st.. New York.
TRAVELING salesmen, east state. line au
tomobile accessories; big commissions;
Samples not necessary. Act quick. Toledo
Cable Co., 149 Davis bldg., Toledo. O.
A SALESMAN with c;ir to work the towns
in 11 counties about Portland. Mr. Fording.
Hotel Congress.
SALESMAN to handle fast-selling article:
exclusive agency for Oregon open. E. P1II1
Co.. 30 Santa Rosa ave.. San Francisco.
PROFITABLE, easy selling sideline. Aprons,
bloomers; exclusive territory. N. Simon A
Co., Chicago.
WANTED Twenty waitresses convention
week, not necessary take orders, straight
table d'hote. Apply Multnomah Hotel be
tween 2 and 4. .
TEACHERS for Summer work; prefer one
with some sales ability. Pleasant occu
pation and excellent pay. AH Si7, Ore
gonian. WANTED- Experienced dancing teacher,
must be young girl. Call bohs 5th St.. 0th
floor, Monday morning.
A G RADUATE nurse who h;is had experi
ence in sanatorium work and capable of
mamging one. O 386, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED marker and experienced
mangle feeder. Multnomah Laundry Co.,
Bdwy. 4332.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper: give refer
ences, experience and phono number.
P. O. box 235.
LADIES take work home, spare time, trans
ferring. $1 and $1.50 dozen, work guaran
teed by reliable firm. 7334 Washington.
ABLE woman for housework and cooking;
good wages. 651 Kavensview drive. Mar
shall our,;-;.
STENOGRAPHER wishing own office can
har of good proposition. AP 479, Orego
nian. GIRL for second work and assist with chil
dren in the country; references. Call 55
N. 21st st.
WANTED Woman for cooking and kitchen
work only, on farm near Portland; 6 In
family. E 4 2 ft. Oregonian.
AGREEABLE old lady may have Summer
home in return for light services In coun
try. M rs. James Wood , Forest Grove. Or.
GIRL wanted as mother's helper; nice, pleas
ant and homelike place. Call at 411
cook ave.. or phone t.. 1MI3.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework, good plain cook ; family of
adults. Phone East 126L
WANTED Willing girl for business place.
nt c erica! position, today. 10 to 12. 421
E. Broadway.
WANTED 1 girls for dairy lunch work. Call
Monday afternoon. Imperial Dairy Lunch,
375 Washington.
NEAT, refined girl for general housework,
good home and treatment. East 2733. 811
llaisey st.
EXPERIENCED hand ironer. experienced
mangle help. Palace Laundry, E. loth
and Everett.
GIRL for light housework, no washing,
family two. 599 E. 55th St. N. Tabor
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
2 children, $25. Woodlawn 3S2.
YOUNG lady stenographer to aesist on Kooks.
J olis, Oregonian.
WANTED Girls for cafeteria counter and
bussing. J 399, Oregonian.
WANTED A Japanese for general housework-
Phone Marshall 3791.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework. Phone Marshall 3791.
WANTED Girl to work in soft drink place,
good wages. 270 Couch st., near 3d.
GIEB for general housework in small fam
ily. Marshall 2262.
EXPERIENCED operators wanted. Mt. Hood
Shirt & Overall Factory. 2d and Couch sts.
TO $20 PER SET.- 1218 YEON BLDG.
WANTED Woman to wash dishes at quick
lunch and soda fountain. X 4.34. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED woman. light housework in
country. Apply 3244 Hawthorne ave.
LADI ES Learn beauty culture ; rates. 3i6
N. W. Banls-blds.. 6th and Washington sts.
GIRL for general housework, one willing to
"go to the seashore. Phone Mar. 4415.
GIRL for- general housework. 1007 Savier
st., near 29th.
SECOND girl, experienced. Phone Mrs. Voor
hies, Sellwood 1002.
WANTED -Middle-aged woman to care for
invalid 1 ady. 975 Michigan a v e.
WANTED A lady for Seaside, Oregon.
P. O. box 42, Seaside. Or.
WANTED Girl for general housework, 2 in
family. 7S' Irving St., apt. 2. Mam 5472.
WANTED First-class
Ore eon Barber Shop.
WANTED A typist and bookkeeper at Pa
cific Laundry. First and Arthur.
FAMILY' cook, good wages. L 478. Orego
nian. COOK and general housework, good wages.
Phone East 265.
WANTED Lady barber. 285 Vi Burnside st
NURSE, graduate or practical, with hospi
tal experience, for hospital work; state
age. weight, nationality, experience, mar
ried or single, church belong, reference
and salary expected; no reply unless all
questions are answered.
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
sitions for young women; salary paid
j while learning. Apply to the Pacific Tei
& Tel. Co.. 0th floor, Park and Oak sts.,
between 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M.
CAN you sell the retail trade? We have a
strongly advertised National food product
that will sell to Portland dealers; fair
distribution already. Call between 10 and
12 Monday morning at 713 Dekum blag..
Pott land.
CIVIL SERVICE examination Portland soon.
Thousand war vacancies. Women desiring
Government positions, departmental, post
office, write free particulars, J. C. Leon
ard (former Government examiner)
Kenols bldg., Washington.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted by widower, with
two children, youngest 7 years: suburban
home on electric line: must be of good
character and unincumbered; state salary,
age and references. AM 375, Oregonian.
WANTED An experienced woman, with no
children, to do housework and cook on
ranch in Eastern Oregon; steady position,
small family and good wages. AV 251,
WOMEN'S Protective Division, located at
room 303 Police Headquarters. 2d and
Oak sts.. will furnish Information, give
protection and assistance f ree to women
and girls. Interviews (confidential.
WAR requires immediate appointment hun
dreds women Government clerical posi
tions, $75 month; list positions free.
Franklin Institute. Dept. 703 F, lioches
ter, N. Y.
WANTED An experienced young lady to
do general housework; must not object to
children; wages $3u; carfare paid. Call
or write Clatskanie Drug Co., Clatskanie,
ESTABLISHED houBe can place a woman
who has reached years of discretion; busi
ness experience preferred, but not required;
not office work; references. AK. 302, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Housekeeper from 20 to 30 yrs,
of age; good, home, small wages; cook
for one man ; go to Washington. Free
fare. AV 239, O r e go n 1 an. .
WANTED A girl for general housework;
must be a competent cook: small house,
family two: write or telephone Major
Newell, Vancouver Barracks.
WANTED Bookkeeper-stenographer, per
manent mercantile line; give age, expe
rience ana salary desired. AR 330, Orego-
WANTED Ladies to prepare for telegraph
service to fill many vacancies caused by
young men enlisting for war. Call or write
Telegraph Dept., 5O0 Panama bldg.
WANTED Housekeeper on farm for a
widower 36 vears old. at Hockinson,
Wash.. $20 month. Address Route 1, Box
51. Brush Prairie. Wash.
GOOD cook for a modern country home, 3
adults, person without children. John
strucken, Falrview, Or. Phone Farmers'
FIVE bright, capable ladles to travel, dem
onstrate and sell dealers; $23 to $50 per
week; railroad fare paid. tioodrich Drug
Company, Dept. 7Ul, Omaha. Neb.
COMPETENT girl for general housework ;
must be a good cook, family 2; must have
references. Phone East 5S79 Monday
EXPERIENCED general housework girl to
go to Gearhart- Wages $40. Apply 215
Vista ave-, cor. Park. ave. Phone Main
WANTED Well-educated woman to take
prominent position with large publishing
house; state age, education, experience,
phone number. AF. 256, Oregonian.
WANTED French-speaking lady, employed.
vry light housework, in exchange for
room and board; 2 adults. 750 72d St.,
Sandy boulevard.
ELDERLY' Invalid must have housekeeper
at once; no objection to color; good home
for right party ; wages $15 per month.
Scappoose, Or.. Box 104.
DRUG STORE wants nice-appearing, edu
cated young girl, experienced preferred,
well recommended; bstt chance to ltarn
profession. Broadway 174$.
WANTED A housekeeper, not over age 27,
who can cook savingly, by a respectable
young man; very little work to do. AH
373, Oregonian.
WANTED Few more pupils for private in
si ructions in telegraphy. Call 1229 E.
Main st.
for man and children: $20 per month.
Elma. Wash. Route A, box 5S.
CHORUS GIKLS Experienced, long engage
ment, no traveling. Apply Cauino Theater,
4th and Burnside.
WANTED Experienced second girl, refer
ences required; phone mornings, Broad
w 'iy 41 22.
LINERS, operators and finishers wanted
at once. Must be experienced. Apply il.
Llebes & Co.
W A N T E D A housekeeper in cou n try ; no
objection to child. Phone East 1516 be
tween 1 1 and 2.
COMPETENT girl or woman lor general
housework and pi a In cooking In small
family. Call 776 Johnson.
SINGLE woman, over 30; housework ; steady
job. 4S60 b2d St. S. E. Call 8 A. M. to
2 P. M.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework, small family. Apply mornings.
6tS Kearney St., apt. :t.
WANTED Girl to cook and light house
work, family four, no children. 6-38 Tii
lH.nook. Phone East 320O.
Co.M PETENT girl for general housework:
references reqnireu. Appty eio uenum
bldg.. 3d and Wash, sts.
WANTED Girls to work in the laundry;
ex p. not necessary, .fortiana iiotei iaun-
rt rv.
A Gi RL for cooking and general house-
... aha u'tin u-ill vi-t t thn bpnrh. f.ttfl
Taylor st.
EX PE R1ENCED hair dresser and mani
curist wanted. Lipman, Wolfe & Co.,
Mezzanine floor.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper; state expe
rence, salary, reference; permanent po
sition, future. AF 354, Oregonian.
Broadway Yamhill building; Individual In
st ruction ; positions when competent.
GIRL or woman for general housework and
cooking; must be competent; references
req u I red. Phone Tabor 4353 after 9 A. M.
WAITRESS wanted, exceptionally fine op
portunity for right party; permanent.
t ampneil rioteu
WANTED A good, plain cook, to go to
Gearhart for two months : good wages.
Telephone Mrs. Elliott Corbett. B 6161.
WANTED Kxperienced cloak and suit
saleswoman. Permanent to right party.
Cherry's. 391 Washington st.
WANTED Competent maid for general
housework. no washing. 778 Flanders.
Marshall 5619.
MAY SPERLING Please do write to me;
little Rosa is here. Mrs. Rose Frost, R 2,
145C, Seattle. Wash.
WANTED Middle-aged woman for house
work on farm, - mile from small town.
Phone Wo od 1 aw n -4 03 5.
GIKL for general housework, to go to beach
with small family of adults. Phone East
WANTED A good cook for family of two.
In" country, near Medford; references re
quired. AV 22Q. Oregonian.
YOUNG LADY, assis-t marking goods, sal
ary small; stranger In city will do. Ex
perience unnecessary. O 379, Oregonian.
WANTED Women to do sewing. Apply
Liberty Theater. Broadway and Stark,
Monday. 9 A. M.
WANTED Matron. Apply Columbia The
ater 1 P. M. Monday.
GIKL to go out of town to assist in house
work, family of 4. East 3413
WOMAN to do tray work. Portland Surgical
Hospital. Broadway 1266.
GIRL to assist with housework, small fam
ily. Irvington. East 5496.
WANTED Refined and intelligent girls.
Columbia Theater. Monday at 1:30.
GIRL for housework. 5-room apartment.
407 .ast lotn -N orin. aaat i j. i i.
WANTED Girl to assist with general
housework, no children. Apply 381 loth.
G1RL.S for da, iry lunch. Leigh ton' a, Broad
way and Washington.
ROOM and board given for light services in
kitchen. 350 Glisan St.
WANTED A midwife; state price wanted,
AC 3.'i3. Oregonian.
GIRL for housework, small family. 812
Johnson st.
WEAVERS wanted by Oregon City Woolen
Mills. Oregon City.
PRIVATE home for children, any age: 15
years experience. 714 Everett. Mar. 21 62.
WAITRESSES wanted. Apply Owi Res
taurant. Oi N. 6th.
GIKL for housework. 1207 E. Flanders, near
41st. Laurel hurst.
MIDDLE-AGED woman, to assist house
work: references. East 5SH.
GIRL for general housework. 874 Lovejoy
st. Atain e-uw.
WANTED Young lady In wholesale house,
assistant to price clerk; one conversant
with hardware or similar lines preferred;
state age and experience. S 502, Orego
nian. WHOLESALE brokerage house requires the
Services of a thoroughly efficient, expe
rienced stenographer. Call Broadway 12 40.
WANTED Young lady of neat appearance
to do freehand drawing and writing on
blackboards during N. E. A. convention.
Call in person General Information Bureau,
Multnomah Hotel, Sunday between V
and 12.
A LADY of education and culture, not under
25. capable of holding position after re
ceiving instructions; no stenography or
bookkeeping. Call after Sunday, between
2 and 5. room llo Ainsworth bldg.
ATTRACTIVE young lady to assist In win
dow demonstration at Meier & Frank store
during week commencing tomorrow (.Mon
day), July 9. Phone Mr. Goodwin. Mar
shall r.t .. for Interview.
GOOD business woman with a little money
to open a da iry store, confectionery and
notions, in good location. Living rooms in
connection. Rent $12. Phone Woodlawn
YOUNG women to prepare themselves for
railroad billing clerks, now in demand by
all - railroads. Course by an experienced
chief bill clerk. Broadway 753, lo7 N.
WANTED Well educated woman to take
permanent position with large publishing
bouse ; state age. experience, education,
phone number. AF1 2."0, Oregonian.
TEACHER for commercial school, good
salary and profits. Must have some
money. John P. Weston Co., 030 North
western Bank bldg.
WANTED Two experienced women demon
strators to demonstrate loganberry juice;
must be thoroughly capable. Call Mar
shall 3931 or 44jn.
WANT young woman to assist finance and
help manufacture an article now in big
demand; only a few dollars needed; good
proposition. S 507, Oregonian.
WANTED Goou strong girl, C. S. preferred,
for general housework and care of chil
dren; no cooking, but must be good laun
dress. Wages 0. Main 2268.
SALESLADY wanted for general dry goods
store out of town; must be experienced;
reply accompanied by references und past
experience. O 38S, Oregonian.
COMPETENT bookkeeper, man or woman,
who can give unquestionable references as
to ability and character. 1 379, Ore
WANTED Woolen weavers on cloth and
blankets; good work ard good pay.
Salem, Oregon.
STL' DY bookkeeping, short hand, telegraphy,
salesmanship. English branches at an ac
credited school; write or phone Main fi'.M)
for catalogue; graduates guaranteed posi
tions. Behnke-Walker Business College.
107 4th st., near Morrison.
WANTED for Eastern Oregon cannery, bne
proceesor and cook, one forelady and sev
eral skiiied cannery workers ; good wages
paid. Address box- 2-14. Fieewater. Oregon.
Founded isu3; 30 sthools in U. S. and
Canada ; Summer rates ; paid while learn
ing. Write lor catalogue. 234 Burnside.
COOKS, $30 to $65: waitresses. $25 to $30
a month ; 30 girls. $1.25 to $1.50 a day
and board. Berry pickers wanted. 1:28
OWNER of several house wants couple with
selling ability, now renting, to move into
houses and sell them on commission and
free rent plan. P 274, Oregonian.
MOIILER Barber School, men and women
to learn barber trade free; paid while
learning. 3S N. 2d, cor. Couch.
trains you for civil service examination.
Main 1114. Lumber Ex. bldg.. 2d & Stark
OREGON Barber College wanLs men and
women to learn barber trade; paid while
learning: position guaranteed. -.1,1 Madison.
j i i', 1 1 1 il. . v t- i j apanese coupie tor nouto
work. Apply 253 King su, Mond-y fore
noon. $4ti PUTS you on stage or entertaining. 410
Wsh i n gton.
SACK putchcrs needed. Apply foreman, 550
Front st.
MAN and wife, ranch work: modern house,
small family. Call Worn! lawn loso.
COOK for cam p ; give experience, age, etc,
first letter. K 391, Oregonian.
LOGANBERRY pickers wanted; No. 1 yard.
Write C. J. Coffendof f-r. Brooks. Or.
PORTLAND Normal and Commercial
S.'hool. 212 Railway Exchange bldg. High
grade business courses prepare for Im
mediate service. We wIfIi a large num
ber of office ieople to fill positions made
vacant by coining draft. "Tramp, tramp,
tramp, the boys are marching on'; near
ly all from offices. . Indies and you tig
men unner war age, tnis is your oppor
tunity. We will speed you up in any sys
tem of shorthand. Get your notebook
out from the closet and wipe off the
dust- Head Herbert Kaufman in this
issue ana join your "vim nnd vigor" with
ours. Free enrollment und a free test to
d- termlne your position in the rommer
cIm! world.
To tend furnace and do cleaning, about
2 hours' work a day. for 3 -room heated
f nr. apt. ; ma n can do regular work ; no
children; foreigners preferred.
U. S GOVERNMENT needs thousands
clerks (men-women), for war preparations,
$loo month; life jobs. Writ immediately
for list positions obtainable. Franklin In
stitute, Dept. 3tf F, Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Names of men -worn en wishing
to study Government positions; 75 month-,
hundreds war appointments. AV 15. Ore
gonian. THE French language taught by a well
trained, experienced man. Phone Tabor
PIANO studio, special Summer rates. 200
14th, near Jefferson. Main 3Af3.
Kookkeepem and Clerks.
WANTED Position by middle-aged man
who has had a lot of experience as time
keeper, shipping clerk and foreman of
warehouse with large stock: have always
delivered the goods satisfactorily; have the
references. AP 42. Oregonian.
WANTED Position by Al office man with
executive experience and ability; not sub
ject to Army conscription; am now em
ployed, but desire change; best references.
AC 33S, Oregonian.
INTELLIGENT young man, 23 years of age.
with a good education and a thorough
knowledge of bookkeeping, desires a posi
tion of any kind, clerical or assistant book
keeper preferred. AF 350. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by young man with six
years experience in bank, four years as
collector and salesman in hardware store,
will leave city; reference. C 458. Ore
gonian. DO you need an experienced man in your
office, who will give you satisfactory serv
ice in every department? Not subject to
draft. AB 4S7. Oregonian.
SHIPPING CLERK. 31 years of age. 7 years
experience, desirea position where ad
vancement is possible; references. A. &04,
MAN, with 10 years' general office expe
rience, selling, order clerk, stock records,
sales record?, etc.; lots pep and encrgeric.
K 3I-I5, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. accountant,
c-ishler and general oftice man desires
position with future; married, reliable,
st-ady. W 353, Oregonian.
WANTED Position by experienced sales
man, salary or commission. H 3S7, Ore
gonian. M 1 M' e 1 1 an eo u h.
GARDENING, hoeing, etc., tools furnished.
35c hr. Tabor 6056.
JANITOR Middle-aired man in pressing
red of work. Phone Main 3253.
AUTO TRUCK driver, can repair own car,
wants situation. Main 1155.
REGISTERED drug clerk wants position ;
experienced. A J 30H. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by boy 10 years of age,
has references. S 4SS. Oregonian.
BY experienced man to drive Ford auto
truck, touring car. Woodlawn 383.
CLEANING, painting, tinting and paper
hanging, reasonable. Main 2153.
YOUNG Japanese wants job In or outdoors.
K 3s4. Oregonian.
I WANT to go to Chicago cheaply; what
can you offer? Marshall 2290. room 3Q1.
GOOD house painter wants work. Taboi
0;t23 or 312 70th st. S. E.
POSITION wanted by stationary engineer.
Phone Main 1739.
CEMENT work, frame
rages. Woodlawn 2278.
and concrete ga-
BT traveling salesman wishing to quit the
road, a position of responsibility in Port
land with weU-established local firm
where hustte and pep will count: live years
with present tirm, calling on country
trade; no canvassing or cheap sa.aried
position considered. Phone Sunday, Sell.
POSITION ag master r.echanlc or chief en
gineer, sawmill or logging road or both,
am familiar with all kinds of genera,
shop, sawmill and logging road work; I
held the position of master mechanic of
the largest logging road on Coast; re
quirements asked, good salary and good
accommodation; I will get results. P. O.
box 300. Portland.
YOUNG, intelligent Italian, recently from
East, wishes any kind of work, speaks
both languages fluently and has practi
cal experience in shops and factories. No
agent need answer. Al Morettl. 27 Sher
man st.
YOUNG MAN wants job driving auto tru k
or delivery car, or anything that requires
a man's work and pays a man's money.
Careful driver and know the city. AB
47S. Oregonian.
POSITION by middle-aged man capable of
presenting any proposition to business
people, office work or managing collec
tion dept. Al references. W 350, Orego
nian. ABLE-BODIED, not afraid of work, well
experienced in manufacturing, grading
and handling- Oregon lumber; would like
responsible position. phone Tabor 31U4.
A F arW, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS watchmaker, salesman and
good loan man on watches and diamonds,
desires position; wages no object until
ability proven Have no tools. D 455.
ACTIVE man. 35. some experience, wants
work as janitor's helper. Phone Broad
way 3utJ, leave instructions, K 3SS. Ore
gonian. THOROUGHLY experienced chaffeur. reli
able, best references, can make own re
pairs; desires position, private or other
wipe. A B 4so. oregonian.
A SINGLE man. with cterical experience,
wishes petition : can use typewriter; will
do any kind of work or leave city; ref
erences. AR 3:i1. Oregonian.
ELDERLY man of good habits. handy
around house and garden, wants place
with private family or at a Summer re
sort. E 412. Oregonian.
WANTED Position, elevator operator, night
clerk, spotter, watchman, anything where
not much walking is required, by young
man who Is lame. AV 'iWl, Oregonian.
ALL-AROUND printer wants steady situa
tion ; union, country experience, prefer
chance to learn linotype. 11. A. Miller, 330
Clay st.'
EXPERIENCED in general office work,
correspondence, sales, traffic and account
ing. Position desired on a basis of proved
merit only. K 3tfl. Oregonian.
PRINTER Good Jobber and newspaper
man; rapid workman; handle all work in
country office. State wages. R 451, Ore
gonian. EXP. jenitor and chambermaid, no chil
dren, want work In city or out. 2S7 4th
st. AH 373. Oregonian.
STRONG Chntie boy. speak ng Engl&h.
wishes to work In the afternoon from 1
to 6 o'c 1 oc k. A 4175.
WATCHMAN, doorman, elevator man. Ref
erences given. Marshall 1718. J. W. Bul-ln.r-1.
555 Taylor st.
COOK wants work, hotel, restaurant, lunch
room; good baker. Ho well, 187 19 th st.
A VERY capable and experienced salesman
desi:--s position with responsible firm. Fine
references. Phone Tnbor 2253.
WANTED--Positlon in Jewelry store us
watchmaker, repair work, also waiting on
customers. W 375. Oregonian.
BY experienced man and wife, management
apartment building or country hotel; ref
erences. AV 2il. Oregonian.
AUTO repairman, fairly well experienced,
have tools: city preferred. M. C, 30 17th
gt. N'.. city.
penter contracts, reasonable Manny, Sell
wood 2421.
MAN, 55. good helper In kitchen and rooming-house,
light work, small wages. AH
370. oresonian
BY ctendy. reliable, middle-aged man. job
as junttor or carpenter's helper. N. Sun.
work. State wages. AE 30O. Oregonian.
YOL'NG MAN t with wife) wants temporary
job on farm close to Portland. AN 4 S3,
i regonlan.
WANTED Position as grocer or gen. mer
- rhandise clerk by experienced man. l.'iO.'t
E. 11th st. North. Woodlawn. Portland. Or.
I APANESE, good worker, would like work
as farm hand; steady position only. AP
47. Oregonian.
EX PER I ENCED driver wants position as
chaurreur: will do all repairing. Main
ii;4. room 23.
YOUNG man wishes steady position all the
year around and a good farm home. J
3iH . Or gonian.
EXPERIENCED carpenter, finish or rough,
day or contract, fast workman. Phone
W ood lawn 2 4 k:j.
YOUNG man. 33 years old and no bad
habits, wants work in city; good refer
en es. S 4i4. Oregonian.
JAPANESE, first-class cook, wishes position
in private family. AF 3.7. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as salesman, have Ford
car; age 42: married. AP 4:h. Oregonian.
PA1NT1NG, paper-hanging and tinting;
good work, reasonable. Tabor 437.
GOOD baker's helper wants position. J Sit 2,
Oregon ian.
EXPERIENCED gardener, flowers and vege
tables, wants position. AM 373. Oregonian.
MAN and wife want work on wheat ranch,
good workers: two children. 527 K. 22d st.
WANTED Work as janitor. F. H., 4te8
Flanders st.
POSITION as cooks by man and wife, city
or country; references. Marsha 11 1 152.
NIGHT WATCH, references given. Tabor 6'JO.
Hookkrepen and Stenogra ptier.
A POSITION with substantial firm having
opening that will be permanent. Qualified
for general office work. Have initiative
and executive ability; Not interested in
minor props; reason, discontinuance of own
husintss. AP 4M, Oregonian.
YOUNG) business woman of exceptional
merit and perfectly qualified to assume
ful charge of office desires good position;
last connection office manager of responsi
ble firm. AK 300. Oregonian.
COMPETENT bookkeeper, I years' experi
ence, wishes position: familiar with cost
accounting nnd auditing ; also use type
writer; would work all or part of day.
Broadway 1306.
POSITION as filing clerk, billing, compil
ing statistics, order clerk in wholesale
house; clerical work; understand Rem
ington typewriter. Phone Multnomah
Hotel, room 440 till 2 P. M. Monday.
STENOGRAPHER, experienced in law work,
wishes position ; would accept temporary
work during vacation period: best of ref
erences, moderate salary. F 40S, Orego
nian. WANTED Position as bookkeeper, ste
nographer or cashier, capable of manag-
lng office: references. AN 475. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, young lady with experi
ence and best references, wishes good po
sition. Marshall 30't.
EXP. bookkeeper and cashier, some knowl
edge of typewriter. desir-s position; refer
ences. AD 400, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady, good education snd business
experience, desires position as substitute
July. August. Call East 5635.
POSITION wanted general office work,
typing, filing and knowledge of book
keeping. BC 4i0, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED and well educated young
lady desires position In office; small saiary
to start. Call East 5035.
STENOGRAPHER, beginner-, wants work in
office. P 224. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER with experience desires
position. Tibor 772
YOL'NG lady wishes position
X 4 35. Oregonian.
office girl.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion. I'hone East 5777.
3TENOGAPHER, experienced. Call Tabor
PTE NOG RAPHER wants position. Past 2100.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking. reasonable,
home or day. Broadway 3305. 04b Thur
man. apt. B.
DRESSMAKING, plain and fancy sewing,
reasonable prices; work guaranteed. Mar
shall 230. '
LADIES' tailoring, alterations. coats re
Ilned. Mrs. pluckier, 445 Morrison. Main
DRESSMAKING, alterations, ladies cr chil
dren's, $1.50 day. Call Miss Cooper. Main
EXPERIENCED talloress and dressmaker
by day ; reference. East 5401.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailor s
will sew by the day. Phone Broadway 291.
EX PERI EN' 'ED dressmaker wants sewi
by dy. Tabor 2351.
EXPERIENCED! dressmaker. $1.50 a day
and carfare: references. Marshall 4100.
NEW YORK dressmaker guarantees artistic,
satisfactory work, reasonable. B 2 ' 7 ..
DRESSMAKING, alterations; prices reason
able. lo5 Park st. Phone Main 70 a 2.
k Dressmakers.
MAKE-OVER SHOP, 202 Fltedner Your !--
season's frocks can be successfully remod
eled In the most expert manner. Broad
way 3201.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes engage
ments out by day. remodeling spev:a:ty ;
Summer r.ite : c:iy reference; terms ra
sonnhle. A 3.W1. M t r. 1 5o, apt.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking and tailoring at
reasonable prices, 303 Yamhill st. Main
10!5 Williams Ave.
Normal confinement cases. Including
drugs, dressings, physician's servi e, two
weeks hospital care, all for $40. erv rea
sonable prices for medical and surgical
caseg, including physician's services.
. I hone W ood lawn 1 (Vi.
RETIRED nurse, experienced with children,
will take child to nice countrv-Mke riome,
vrryruiiionible. Phone Tahor 735.
EXPERIENCED nurse wishes position, in
out of town; some second work. E. 4S3S
EXPERIENCED nursemaid;
P'lone Columbia 21rt. Mondny
ref ere sees.
CAPABLE, practical nurse, materniiv pre
f erred: will do housework. Tabor
EXPERIENCED. practical nurso vih
cas-s of any kind. Phone East 3154.
Hon ?e Kef perm.
WANTED By lady with son, 20, position
as landlady In apartment or rooming
house for apartment and some wages ;
A-l city reference and experience. Call
410 Hawthorne ave., apu 212. Phone
East 1011.
EXPERIENCED hotel woman wants posi
tion us managing housekeeper, small pla.
in high altitude preferred; references. Ad
dreyii K.. Green st., San Francisco.
LADY of culture and refinement wishes p-
sition as manatcer in gentleman's Uprue; y
must be first -claims; In or out of state. AL
372. Oregonian.
POSITION as housekeeper by refined widow,
kind. Industrious and agreeable; a home
more of an oojt-ct than wages; has an m
come. D 452, Oregon ian.
WoMAN would like to do housework, or
position as housekeeper, in city. AO 350,
i regonian.
PLACE as housekeeper. cook or kitchen
helper. Call woman, room IS 40i Van
couvor ave.
WOMAN of ability wishes management
rooming house, hotel or apt. house; best
of references. P 374. Oregonian.
POSITION as housekeeper by competent
woman, best of references. Tabor 50u.
MIDDLE-AGED w,.low uuula like position
housekeeper. Give phone. AB 4S4, Ore
gonian. MIDDLE-AGED ladv Wants housekeeing
In or near city. vol E. 10th st. North.
LADY wishes housework by day; good cook
and extremely neat ; apartment work pro
ferred. A HMi. Marshall 44i7.
EXPERIENCED colored girl wants cham
bermald job or day work. A 3ls5. room 17..
UNINCUMBERED lady wishes housekeeping
in country. 33 E. 43d St., Portland, Or.
ATTENTION What offer-have you for ex
perienced, efficient chef and steward at
present engaged as manage., but wishes
to locate in Portland ? Good references
furnished. Address G. Clerico, P. O. box
032. Sacr.tmen to. California.
SITUATION wanted in West in same line by
a young woman of i years' experience as
buyer and manager of ladles' ready-to-wear
apparel. Address Box b07. Niagara
Falls, X. Y.
TEACHER would like position as governess
to younger children ; can furnish first
class recommendations; Catholis home pre
ferred. X 431. Oregonian.
TWO middle-aged women want work to
gether, cooking in Eastern Oregon harvest
fields. Address Miss Wilson. 1187 Cora
ave., Portland. Or.
YOUNG woman going to Chicago about July
17 would be companion nurse to lady or
child on trip for small part fare. Main
17 a p t. 2 ; i .
NEAT appearing lady, one who is willing to
travel, good hustler, would like good po
sition. What have you ? AM 374, Orego
nian. CAPABLE lady wants position as collector
for creamery or Arm for collection mads
weekiy or monthly; can give best of ref
erences. Phone Woodlawn 191.
REPINED lady and 2 daughters will take
best of care of their fine home or apart
ment. July or August, for the rent ; also
will pay $20 rent; references. Call E. 550.
YOL'NG LADY attending business college
desires to work for room and board be
fore and after school. Phone Marshall
WoMAN would like place to work where boy
of 17 can do all-around work. AC 342,
NEAT young girl desir-s position in doctor's
office. Some knowledge of stenography.
Tabor 7S45. Call Miss Marybelle.
HIGH school girl, good disposition, would
care for child in Mt. Tabor or Laurel
hurst afternoons. Tabor 47s.
A POSITION wanted by a reliable lady to
taKe charge of apartment oc rooming
house. Call Tabor 442.
WOMAN of experience wants care of apart
ment or rooming-house; references. W
30 1 . Oregonian.
COLORED ludy will clean halls in exchange
for room kitchenette; husband has other
work. AF 373. Oregonian.
COLORED lady wants chamber work, ar-urt-ment-house,
with husband as porter or
janitor; references. Alt 34. Oregonian.
COOK Experienced, wonts position in ho
tel, res triu rant, cafeteria or delicatessen.
Phone A 17'4.
Si'HOOI.(IRL wishes position such as tak
ing care of children or helping with
housework. Marshall 270.
YOUNG woman, good penman, fluent reader,
plays and sings, wants position as com
panion. AE 35S. Oregonian.
KESPONSI BLE young couple would like to
have care of home for people away for
Summer. AV 357. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED lady to car for elderly per
son or Invalid. Will assist in home; C. S.
preferred. Tabor 450.
SEWING wanted by day by competent seam
stress. $2. Call D 135U.
CHILDREN to board in private home. East
RELIABLE woman wants day work. Phone
East 2992 Sunday between 8 and 10 A. M.
WANTED Position taking care of children;
no washing. Call Monday Woodlawn 3449.
EXPERIENCED laundress wants work by
the day. Tabor 442r.
LADY will care for children afternoons or
evenings. Tabor 1534.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work.
Call all week. Tabor 5903.
GOOD laundress wants work day or hour.
Main 03 "2.
GOOD cook wants position on ranch, small
hotel or camp. Marshall 3OQ0.
YOUNG ladv wishes position as clerk In
office; best references. Tabor 1334.
COMPETENT teacher wishes pupils for
violin and piano. Special rates. Mar. 5871.
COLORED woman wants day work or dlsh
washlng. East 5143. dept. 24.
LACE and scrim curtains laundried reason
able rate; work guaranteed. East 5023.
RESPONSIBLE tenant desires modern home
with sleeping porch. Portland. Arlington
King or Willamette Heights preferred. Wilr
consider other good districts if houses arej
very desirable. Will lease. AN 4&2. Ore
gonian. WANTED An 8 or U-room house, strictly
modern, completely furnished, with sleep
ing porch; must be first-class in every
respect, with garage, either in Portland
Heights, Kings Heights or Irvington. Call
Main 7019.
WANTED TO RENT Furnished house at
Alt. Tabor. Irvington or Portland Hts.
for Summer by aduit family; not over $40
per month; best of care. Marshall 3U93.
COTTAGE In ML Tabor district, reason
able rent; give details. AF 307, Orego
rian. WANT good house in exchange for SO acres
prime land near Lstacad.; give full par
ticulars. Morgan. Phone East 0250.
WANTED Modern 5 or 0-room bungalow ;
must be reasonable, phone C 1US9, a rings,
between 11 and 2 tooay.
WANTED 5-room modern bungalow by
party witB no children; not fur from car
line; reasonable rent. Phone Main 5922.
W AN T L D A 3 or 4 -room cottage, furnished,
at or near Seaside. July 15 to August &.
AH 385. Oregonian.
FURNISHED bungalow wanted by young
couple. Must be reasonable. References.
J 4oo. Oregonian
7 -ROOM house, well furnished, large yard,
close in on streetcar. H 201. Oregonian.
WANTED S to 5-room bungalow, perma
nent. D 442, Oregonian.
YOL'NG lady would like roommate; business
woman preferred, individual beds. Mam 93.
Rooms With Hoard.
BUSINESS woman desires board and room,
with C S. family, walking distance. AE
371. Oregonian.
WANTED Room and board, preferably
private family, near Gllsan and 21st. Bea-
gonabie. J 229. Oregonian.
BOARD in country for mother and 2 boys;
boys will he. p. bj2 Schuyler st.
1 "f