13 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND, JULY 1, 1017, JrK LP WAJfTED MALE. ADVISORY AND EMPLOYMENT DEPART- ME NT, Y. M. C. A. we can place young men with ability. Constant calls coming In for the man who can deliver the goods. A Y. M. C A. membership costing $5 guarantees you will secure employment or refund of fee. Also gives you 2 months full privileges, 10 months social and use of this depart ment for 1 year. See Secretary J. W. Palmer. WIRELESS AND WAR An unusual de mand is created by the war for wireless operators, both naval and commercial service. Y. M. C. A. school offers thorough, practical and individual instruction; serve - your country in a skilled position; begin your training now. Address division C for detailed information, Y. M. C. A., Port land. Or. WANTED 3 neat-appearing men for house-to-house canvassing selling food products; excellent chance for promotion right at this time; commission basis to start; guar anteed salary after qualifying with com pany dotng business from coast to coast; chance to travel if desired; investigate if you are real salesmen. Apply 1 Grand ave. AIR. AGENT THE BEST FIELD IN THE INSURANCE BUSINESS TODAY IS IN COME INSURANCE. The Farmer's Spe cial, the latest in sickness and accident in- " surance for farmers, ranchers, orchardists and dairymen. Agents wanted in every town in Oregon. Writ the General Ac cident Assurance Company, U21 Yeon bldg.. roruana, or. STEADY MEN wanted to take exclusive control of good territory in Oregon and Washington. Money advanced weekly. Outfit and special training free. Experi ence unnecessary. Our active men are making; good money. You can do the same. Clean, hardy, guaranteed stock. Yakima Valley Nursery Company, Toppen 1sh, Wash. . HeSt for lumber mill nnd yard work. $3; car loading, $3. SO; tallymen. $3.50; board reasonable; cheap house rent for family men; steady work. Copalis Lumber Corn piny. Carlisle, Grays Harbor County, Wash. STREETCAR MEN From now until further notice the offices of our employment ex aminer, room 7, O. W. P. bldg.. First and Alder, over Interurban waiting-room, "will be open from 10 to 11 A. M. and frorn 8 to 8:30 P. M., to receive applications for positions as carmen. P. R., L. & P. Co. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Just moved into our new building. It's especially built for this purpose. The equipment is excellent. New classrooms, laboratories, shops. De tails given on request. Address Division , Y. M. C. A Department of Education, Portland. Or. STENOGRAPHY IN GOVERNMENT SERV ICE Unusual demand for shorthand writers and typists, created by the present crisis; beginners' pay $75-100; special need Is for men; prepare in a man's school. Call or write Division C, Y. M. O. A. Sjhool, Portland. r WANTED Young man from 21 to 30. for a clerical position; must have a good personality and be a conscientious worker; state age, experience, married or single, present occupation and telephone, number. I 363. Oregonlan. WANTED 23 men at once to learn the au tomobile business; on account of not being able to supply the demand for men in this line wo are making a special offer. Write or call Hemphill Trade School, 20th and Hawthorne. WANTED Open-shop gray iron foundry molders, also coremakers, first-class wages to first-class men, b hours day, time and half for overtime. 417 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak sts. WAX TED 1 boys, with wheels, over 16; bi- cvcle repairs paid; steady work; $40 to $70 per month; chance to learn established business and advancement. L. Mollenhour, T3 Oak st. ADCOX A TITO SCHOOL. 388 Burnside St. Call or write for information. TWO SOLICITORS, experienced in auditing and listing accounts for collection; gen eral merchandise trade, Oregon and Wash ington. For interview call U0 Chamber of Commerce. COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL New cla&ses just opening for Summer term. All work fully accredited. For complete bul letin address Division , Y. M. C. A. De partment of Education, Portland, Or. 20 RASPBERRY pickers wanted, on Powell Valley road, 10 miles from Portland; fam ilies preferred; free camp, wood and water. H G Harman, Jenne Station, Estacada car. Phone 12X1, Gresham. WANTED Open-shop, all-around machin ists, good lathe men, best wages to first class men, 8 hours day, time and half for overtime. 417 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak streets. ALL-A ROUN D man for dry goods, shoe and furnishing store, one who can trim win dows preferred; references. Mannheimer Bros.. Bend. Or. it LEARN AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING In a big. practical school. Est. 13 years. National School of Engineering. Los An- geles. 400 SUITS Uncalled for. tailor-made; a little money here goes a long ways. Orpheum Cleaners, 3"5 Stark st. . AN opportunity to learn the hardware busi ness; have position open lor a high school graduates, 18 to 20 yeaers old; must have references. AV ISO. Oregonian. MOVING picture operator wants partner join him buying show; will clear each $150 mo. ; experience unnecessary; $750 cash required. L 455. Oregonian. luUXG man to work in large office on cost sheets; must be accurate- and quick at figures; state experience. AB 4-6, Oregonian. CLERK A capable, energetic clerk; must be a good penman; state age, qualifica tions, references: fine opportunity for a good office clerk. F 3i0, Oregonian. WANT responsible party to log by contract, 5,000,000 feet of fir. Oregon Timber & Realty Co., S0'2 Spaulding bldg. Phone Main 3282. WANTED Boys, high school preferred, for Oregonian paper routes in various parts of the city. Apply at once, room ii03, Pregoiian bldg. SAILORS and officers for American bark; South America and return to Pacific Coast; sailors wages $00, no fee. Apply 115 North 2d st. BIDS wanted, carpenter labor, electric, ce ment, painting, etc. W. A. Carpenter, 305 Northwest bldg. EXPERIENCED NIGHT CLERK. GOOD WAGES ; REFERENCES REQUIRED. K 373, OR EG ON JAN. WANTED Well driller for Star steam drill. Apply O. M. Cookson, P. O. box 23, Vic toria, B. C. YOUNG man for meter reading and bill de livering. Good future for a hustler. N 307, Oregonian. WIDOW on small ranch wants middle-aped man who understands farming. R 444, Oregonian. 1.0UNG man or boy to learn gold and sil ver plating and polishing trade. Apply John O. Golden, SelMng-Hirsch bldg. PRINTER All-round country experienced : chance to learn linotype; must be on Job July 2. M. L. Boyd. Dallas. Oregon. YOUNG MAN for clerical position, high pi-hool graduate preferred. Apply room SH, Pacific Tel. & T l. Co. REGISTERED drug clerk wanted; must be salesman; age 35 to 40 years; state salary and references. AV 17'., Oregonian. BOY over 16. light work, small farm near t-ity. Board and $10 mo. State age and ref erences. A 502. Oregonian. KAGTIME piano playing positively taught beginners iu 10 to 20 lessons. Practice roo m free. 411-12-13 Columbia bldg. WANTED Experienced tlemakers. Stand ard Timber Company. Evanston, Wye Vnion Pacific contractors. WANTED First-class proceryman at once to take orders and deliver. Call Multno mah station on Oregon Electric. EXPERIENCED NIGHT CLERK; REFER ENCES; $00 MONTH. APPLY HOTEL EATON. WANTED Party with $130 to buy small sawmill and cut by thousand : years' run. A. unarraaii, in isquany, wash. WANTED Party with 2 or 3 teams, logging contract. long jod. .faciric .Hardwood mills. Nisqually. Wash. TV" aXTED Kirst-class blacksmith and hor shoer. Apply R- G. Allison, Junction City Or. WANTED V ash man. one experienced with wools: good wages to competent man Post Exchange Laundry. Vancouver. Wash! KALSOMINER and painter. to" exchange work for u part men t. Y 44S. Oregonian. WANTED A collector by collection agency give age and reference. H 21 S. pregonianl iOY with motorcycle, $75 per month. L. mo i ien nnur, - hi. WE BUY DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. OLD COLD. PAWN TICKETS. 3218 YEON Bidit. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGTJT. WE $1 TO $20 PET. 1218 YEON BLDG, .WE PAY EXPERIENCED advertising solicitor. 4 Morgan bldg. ALL-ROUND blaciraith wanted. J. E. Nel son. Dayton. Or. WANT experienced laundry driver; good w ages. Ad dress 1&4 E. 24th N. WAN T E D Oooo reliable boy, 17 or IS, for BRIGHT boy. about IS or 19. work in store; steady worK; Kona wai?es. ii. Ami OY WANTED to learn tinner's trade. 414 E Morrison. ilKN wanted to learn shoemaker trade; little money required. 234 First st. DISHWASHER wanted. --Ola Morrison st. HELP- WANTED MALE. SKILLED MILLMEN Cargo tallymen, lum ber inspectors.- foremen, superintendents or men wishing to qualify for these and the best-paid positions in the lumber trade should send for "THE PRACTICAL LUM BERMAN," book of 250 pages on the merits and uses of Douglas fir, spruce, hemlock, red cedar, Alaska cedar. Port Orf ord cedar, sugar pine. Western larch, white and yellow pine and California red wood. Contains shortest methods of com puting squared and tapering lumber, fig uring cargo specifications, metrical orders, octagon spars, correct way of saw ing timbers, results of mechanical tests of strength of Pacific Coast lumber, scal ing of logs, log rules and scale, figuring lumber-carrying capacity of vessels and a vast amount of valuable information for shipowners and lumbermen, regardless of location or position in which they are em ployed. For sale by leading bookstores. Index and press comments free. Book mailed anywhere on receipt of price, $1.50, by the author and publisher. . B. BRERETON. P. O. BOX 115R, TACOMA, WASH. WANTED BLACKSMITH, EXPERIENCED, x- jn, vv UUU IM-ilf VVUKK. AUDKbnK, WITH PARTICULARS. CAPITAL CITY IRON WORKS, OLVMPIA, WASHING TON. MEN WANTED. We will want several hundred men the first of the week for the mills, logging camps and general laboring Jobs. Can place milkers, $40 to $50 per month, general farm hands $40 to $50, mill and logging road laborers $3 and up, cordwood cutters $1.25 to $1.75. Also want 10 teams to haul cordwood. See this Bureau first for all kinds of work. No fees charged. Public Employ ment -oureau, i nirn ana AnKeny. CAN use 3 wagon salesmen on tea and cof- ee rouies; excellent chance lor man to make a future for himself; married men, 2.t to 35 years of age, permanent work for producers; bond and references re quired; liberal guarantee to Btart to right parties; vacancies made by promotion of other men. Apply Jewel Tea Co., Inc., 21 Grand ave. PLUMBERS and gasfittera. North Yakima, dan, union wages. Help Wanted Agents. STOP HERE Just out, Elsen regulator for Ford headlights. Selling like wildfire everywhere. Cives splendid driving light low speed; keeps bulbs from burning out; operates automatically. Wanted for every Ford. Big profits quick. Listen: Siler, Okla., sells 12 daily, profit. $0. McFar land. Neb., made $3420 17 weeks. No experience necessary; show you how. Sales guaranteed. Not sold by dealers. Write today special offer and information. Ad dress Eisen Instrument Co., 053 Valentine bldg.. Toledo, O. DO YOU WANT TO TRAVEL AT OUR EXPENSE? We want good men and woman for traveling general agents. Must have fair education and good references. Will make contract for 3 months, 6 months or year at salary of $22.50 per wecl. and necessary expenses. Can as sign most any territory desired. For full particulars address GEORGE G. CLOWS COMPANY, Philadelphia, pa.. Dept. "34." WAKE UP Handle the world's greatest au tomobile accessory of proven merit. Thou sands in service guarantees greater gaso line and tire mileage, added safety and pleasure. Selling like wildfire. Hustlers making $200 to $.".00 weekly. An oppor tunity for a few good county agents. Homestead Engineering Laboratories Com- itx ii j , nomesieaa, ra. BJ.G HIT Our 5-piece aluminum set is all tha -q v. ,i i ' w " f- , u copci l ii an eiiumei ware. Sells like wildfire. Guaranteed 20 years. Retail value $5. Sell to housewives for only $1.9S. Biggest seller of the age; y sure sales out of every 30 shown. Others clean ing up $10 to $20 a day. Answer this quick to secure your territory. Div. 1032, American Aluminum Mfg. Co.. Lemont. 111. START you In business, furnishing every- operating "new system specialty candy factories," home, small room anywhere; no canvassing. Opportunity lifetime. Book let free. Ragsdale Co., Box S, East Or ange, N. J. BRAND new. specialty aluminum triplicate sauce pan with detachable handle; cooks 3 different foods on one burner. Saves gas. lasts lifetime; $100 to $300 per month easy. Send for our catalog of 400 other specialties. Div. 1S25. American Aluminum Mfg. Co.. Lemont, III. $50 WEEKLY up selling Mexican diamonds; exactly resemble genuine ; same rainbow fire; stand tests; sell at sight; repeat or ders. Write quick sample case offer free. Mexican Diamond Importing Co., 255, Las Cruces, New Mexico. AGENTS wanted. Sell Leahey's heatless trou sers presses; greatest time, money and labor-saving Invention since safety razor for men; nationally advertised; big profits; write at once. Firestone Co., Lick bldg., San Francisco. EVEN if you were deaf, dumb, blind you could sell our aluminum utensil cleaner. Every housewife grabs it on sight. Steady trade, big money in protected territory. Write quick. Div. 832. American Alumi num Mfg. Co., Lemont, III. LIVE WIRE subscription books, agents either sex can make $50 weekly selling Mark Twain. O' Henry, etc. Harper Sc Brothers. Publishers. 523 Lum, Ex. bldg., 2d and Stark st. REPRESENTATIVE for real specialty giv ing big returns now and builds bright fu ture. Liberal commission. Full repeat credits. Permanent. Box 2. station E, Cleveland. Ohio. IF you are out of a job and want high-class selling position calling on the housewife, postcard will put you in touch with a $40 to $S0 a week proposition. Div. M. 1425, American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lemont, 111. LARGE manufacturer wants representatives to sell shirts, underwear, hosiery, dresses. waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write for Tree samples. Aladlson Mills, 590 Broad way. New York City. WE have a quick seller for right now, ladies or gentlemen; patriotic article; Dig profits, good territories still open; city or country. Call 406 Northwest bldg., 6th and Wash. Phone Main 3370. L'SALYTE Indestructible eaa mantles: burn less gas than others; agents prices, $5 per nunareu; ioc aozen; retail ir. j. l. Robin, manufacturer, 130th st. and Park ave.. New York City. WE WANT reliable, energetic, experienced nursery salesmen, to sell our complete line in tne JNortnwest. Our dealers make from u to ifOVe net. Cash advanced weekly. Klmberiy Nurseries. Klmberly. Idaho. MAKE 140 per cent profit selling Demaco gasoline savers to automobile owners; saves 20 to 40 per cent; results guaranteed; write today. Decatur iiig. Co., 427 Short, Decatur, 111. -AMERICA, WE LOVE YOU." Beautiful 10x20 patriotic picture In colors. You can sell ::. day. $. per hundred, sample 10c. Hot seller. Consolidated Portrait Co., Chicago. FREE catalog samples, new goods, quick sales, oig proms, mae o to dally; no experience; world's greatest specialties. i ruver o., jacttson & campoeii, cnicago, Illinois. $lo DAILY refinishing chandeliers, brass beds, automobiles, new method, producing amazing resu.ts: no capital or experience necessary. Particulars tree. Uunmetal Co.. 21st ave., Decatur, 111. $125 WEEKLY. Something new ; saves ."0 per cent gasoline ior automooues. eariy every can a saie. ioney oacK guarantee. stransKy Mtg. Co., fuKwana, S. L. $u0 TO $100 a week. Free samples, gold sign letters ior stores ana orrice windows. Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co., 4.ojvnarK. cnicago. AGENTS wanted for best-selling articles for home use. Outfit furnished. Zanol bales Agency, t. Maries, Idaho. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hoa Help HantrMifNmn. SALESMEN WANTED Laces, embroideries sideline: 12V- per cent commission, sam ples light: only men with trade now trav eling need apply. Merk St Co 416 Broad way, New lork. WANTED Men and women salesmen by manulacturer. riigh-ciasn DroDositlon. good py and big repeater. Particulars free. Marvel Manufacturing Co., 122J 14th St.. Denver, coio. CAPABLE specialty man. Oregon, staple line. new. exceptional terms. v acancy now. Attractive commission contract; $.".5 week ly fnr expenses. Miles F- Bixler Co., 22626 r-arlin bldg.. Cleveland. O. WILL offer good traveling salesman the best proposition In ladies" ready-to-wear es side line : manufactured in Portland; big money. Investigate. AN 46S, Oregonian. I WANT two live solicitors for business sec tion; 10 bucks a day easy; 10 to 1 Sun day. .1. P. Rodgers , Baron Hotel, loth and Alder. SALESMEN calling on automobile acces sory trade to handle automobile specialty; liberal commission. W. J. Benedict, Chi cago. T IK. TRAVELING salesman to handle popular low-priced phonograph records as side line. Liberal commission. 617 Pine St., Seattle. PROFITABLE, easy selling sideline; aprons, bloomers : exclusive territory. N. Simon & Co., Chicago. EXPERIENCED farm tractor salesmen wanted. O 200, Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted salesmen. WANTED Tailoring sales agents. You can make $35 lo 50 per week trom very start; opportunity of lifetime. "We ship a com plete and expensive tailoring equipment, charges prepaid; you take orders lor made to measure clothes. Perfect fit, best work manship, fuil satisfaction absolutely guar anteed. We are the largest made-to-measure tailoring house in the country; have started hundreds In business. Today they are the leading merchants of their cities. If you want to establish yourself firmly in business, make big money, write us at once in full detail, giving your ex perience as a salesman or tailoring sales agent, if any. Chas. W. Chapman, sales manager. Lock Box 4S3. Chicago. GOOD OPENING for salesmen. If you are a worker, have about $lou capital, possess sales ability, you can earn from $2uvo to $5uo0 per year with us. organizing local agencies in exclusive territory. Your earn ings start the first day you start to work; you get a profit on all sales made by all agents you appoint. You will in addition to earning an immediate good-sized income be building a business that will yield big ger profits each year. Write for this prospectus; not an experiment. An hon est, serious, dependable, dignified, profit able business. Rex Typewriter Company, Ifr'O N. Wabash ave., Chicago. A BOOK OR SUBSCRIPTION SALESMAN For Special Work. System, the magazine of business. Is making tremendous growth since war started; now supplying the demand for business efficiency plans to meet new war-time conditions. Have unusual open ing on new line in fresh Wash., Idaho, Montana territory. Can use one thor oughly live, good-appearing man only. Write with details of your selling experi ence to E. B. Butler, 712 Hearst bldg., San Francisco. ENERGETIC men can make $10 to $20 day selling low-priced attachment for auto mobiles; can be Installed with small wrench 10 minutes; sold on its merits with money-back guarantee. Write for proposition now; don't wait, for you can have nice, profitable business of own. Meixell Co., Dept. 50, Merchants Bank bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. WANTED For Portland and state of Ore gon, 2 men and 2 women having success ful experience with Collier's or Leslie's to take orders for the New York. Times Mid Week Pictorial. the finest illustrated weekly in the United States. Salesmen making $8 a day and upwards. Address giving business references, J. Stuart, 625 Market, San Francisco. SALESMEN accustomed to making big money; have opening for 3 aggressive spe cialty men to sell line temperance drinks; exclusive territory, big commissions, weekly drawing account. Dept. T, Red Cross Company, 2Ui Houser bldg., St. Louis, Mo. TO SELL our complete line of advertising jeatner goods, art calendars, meiai sigua and useful novelties. Experience unneces sary. We have been established since 1870. The Winters Company, Springtield, Ohio. EXPERIENCE unnecessary. New specialty proposition ; moderate priced gooas ior general trade. Splendid commission con tract for Oregon, vacancy now; $35 weekly expenses. Continental Jewelry Co., 11020 Continental bldg., Cleveland, O. FOR permanent road work selling staple. wen-Known line oirect irom iaciury w merchant. Men from 35 to 45 years of age with some experience as a salesman In retail dry goods or grocery store pre ferred. Write AV 993, Oregonian. irELF WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework, who will appreciate a good home and fair wages; must have local references and be a fair cook; kindly state wages, age and last place of em ployment. J 3h0, Oregonian. CIVIL service examination soon. Thousands war vacancies. W omen desiring Govern ment positions, departmental, postoff ice. Write for free particulars to J. C. Leonard (former Government examiner), K.enois bldg., Washington. EXPERIENCED SALESWOMAN for art needlework department. Must be tnor oughly capable and come well recommend ed. Apply superintendent's office, U to 10 A. M. Ulds, Wortman & King. WANTED Special representatives for pho toplay stars popularity contest; experi ence unnecessary; can earn $lo to $luu per -week. PHOTOPLAY ART, Los Angeles, Cal. WANT active young man or woman as part ner for a legitimate business proposition; about $50 required ; will work in small towns; some traveling necessary. R 4J1, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, IS to 24. for attorney's office ; must reside with parents or re.a tives. Chance to advance. Permanent Moderate salary at start. Apply In own handwriting. P. O. Box 723 TEN experienced saleswomen. Only those capable of meeting business men wun business proposition need answer this ad. Apply between 9 and 12, Monday, room 2ti Chamber of Commerce bidg. WISH to meet few more ladies to canvass from house to bouse witn new parent ar ticle which sells on sight. Call at 410 Stock Exchange bldg. after Sunday. 3d and Yamhill. HOUSEKEEPER by widower with small home. In town lo ml. from rortiana, two children; wages $3 per week or more. AM 3-1 ti, Oregonian. . WANTED A housekeeper for man and two children ; one wlio wants goou place in country; $10 a month ; no triflers. Write W. H . Stone. D 344, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced girl for general houseworK to go to uearnari, nrna.ii fami ly and best wages. Room l2ti Mallury Hotel. Marshall 6070. WANTED Experienced, capable girl for general nouseworK, roruana neignis, small famiiv with nursemaid; good wages. Marshall 1870. EXPERIENCED maid for general house work. Relerences required. -u. i aoor 3:U2. Laurel hurst. 110O East Flanders, corner East 3Wth. LADIES. YOUR OPPORTUNITY, LEARN P.EALTY CLLTLKB. LAltM Mt 111 OLS. WE HELP LOCATE YOU. 502-3 COLUMBIA HLDG. FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, dem onstrate and sell dealers ; $2S to $00 per week; railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Company, Dept. 701. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Well-educated woman to take prominent position with large publishing house; state age, education, experience, phone number. AF, 2.'.tj, Oregonian. WANTED THOROUGHLY COMPETENT GIRL FOK (iti.NlKAL, HULftt. UKn. MUST BE GOOD COOK. TWO IN FAM ILY. MAR. 43b0 STENOGRAPHER, apprentice. Good oppor tunity to learn lire insurance Duainesa. w 214, Oregonian. WANTED 5 LADIES. . GOOD APPEAR ANCE. CITY OR ROAD. $3 TO $0 DAY 52-3 COLUMBIA BLDG. WANTED A young lady to work in gro cery store, one witn experience preierreu. l.iii1! Grand ave. KAPI D TYPIST, using touch system, copy work ; no shorthand. Apply 316 Spald ing bldg. W AN TED Fancy hand-ironer, experienced from hand laundry, if possible. Apply Monday or Tuesday morning. 271 11th. WANT housekeeper, man with 3 children 2006 East 43d St.. near Clinton. Take W. M. car. MA V SPERLING Do please write to me little Rosa is here. Mrs. Rose Frost, R 2, 4"C, Seattle, W ash. LIGHT service In. exchange for rent of fur nished house, S. E. corner 48th. ave. and 70th st. WANTED Born again Christian housekeep er for widower; one child. Prefer musi cian. Address P 3tfO. Oregonian. MAKE monev writing short stories or arti cles; good pay; free information. Address United Press Syndicate, lob Angeles. WANTED Housekeeper on ranch; 2 adults. Call from 10 A. M. to 1 P. M., 240 3 5th St.. near Courthouse. WANTED Woman to care for home and two children; small wages and good home, Phone Tabor 4101. WANTED First-class housekeeper; must like children; $40. 4o2 Highland Court. Call in person, not on phone. WANTED Young girl to assist with house work and go to beach. 540 E. 14th N. near Knott. GIRL for general housework, small house. man and wiie; reasoname wages ana a good home. Tabor Kl.'il or Broadway 37f. YOUNG lady, experienced bread wrapper. Davidson Baking Co.. 707 E. Broadway. Apply . Sunday morning. PIANO accompanist wants engagement. E. 4401. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ta bor 4!0. MIDDLE-AGED lady for light housework and care of invalid. e GOOD cook for a small men's club, out of town. H 3.. Oregonian. WANTED Girl to help with housework; no washing, ts ill, tail mornings. WANTED Makers, milliners, trimmers and apprentices. Apply Lowengart Ac to. GIRL to assist with housework. 874 Nor thrup st WANTED An experienced plain clot hes ironer. Lace House Laundry, 2ft N. 20th. WANTED Two experienced maids. Palace Hotel. 44fl Washington. MANICURIST wanted. Morgan Bldg. Bar ber Shop. WANTED Girl for general housework. 601 Reservoir drive. Marshall ".3. WANTED Reliable young German or Swiss housekeeper on farm. AC 2H. Oregonla n. LADY barber wanted at once. 205 M-disun. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WHOLESALE brokerage house requires the services of a highly efficient and experi enced stenographer at a satisfactory sal ary. Address in own handwriting, with references, box A OSo, oregonian. TELEPHONE OPERATORS Permanent po sitions for young women; salary paid while learning. 'Apply to the Pacific TeL & TeL Co.. tith floor. Park and Oak sts., between 6:30 A, M. and &:30 P. M. PRACTICAL, telegraphy taught by expe rienced operators; individual tuition for few more pupils. Baron Apartments. Call or phone Mala 1575, apartment 10, Sun days, S to 11 A. M. Weekdays. 11 to 1 and 5 to 7. WANTED Good, competent young woman to keep house for a widower with 3 chil dren, girl 8 yra., boys 5 and 3 yra. ; good country home, nice neighborhood, telephone, daily mall; no objection to widow with a child. Riley Stephens, Kelso. Wash. WANTED Young lady of nice appearance to do free-hand drawing and writing on blackboards during N. E. A. convention. Call Mr. Kennell, 400 Bluke-McFall bldg.. 45 Fourth st. WOMEN'S Protective Division, located at room 303 Police Headauarten. 2d and Oak sts., will furnish Information. give protection and assistance free to women and girls. Interviews confidential. WANTED A young lady bookkeeper for .country store near Portland, i oung iaay with some little experience in general store business preferred. Apply by letter. AO 342. Oregonian. WANTED A competent woman with cafe teria experience to manage cafeteria in local industrial plant; state past expe rience and salary wanted. T 409, Ore gonian. WAR requires immediate appointment hun dreds women Government clerical posi tions, $75 month; list positions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 703 F, Roches ter, N. Y. WANTED An experienced girl for cooking ana general housework on larra ; gooa wages, modern conveniences; must like children. Mrs. J. L Batchelder, Hillsboro, Or.. Route 1. WANTED Woman for general housework. zumiiy 4 adults. Must be good, p.ain cook and eificient In all lines. Apply uJ2 K. ISth at. N. or phone East 30u-i. WANTED Ladies to prepare for telegraph service xo tin many vacancies causes, uy young men enlisting for war. Call or write Tel eg ra ph Dept.. 5Q6 Panama bldg. AT ONCE Unincumbered woman, not too young, ior position wnicn requires ab sence from city part of time. Opportunity unexcelled. AO 341, Oregonian. LADY canvasser, 33 per cent commission. snap, tail aunday or write ztm i-ast Stark, cor. 80th. Mt. Tabor MT 8th) car to end; four blocks north and one east. MiSS MATTINULY'8 Shorthand and Type writing isonool; mid-term classes corming; day and evening sessions. $3 a month. 2U; 14th, near Jefferson. Main 3S!i3. WANTED Bright young lady as book- Keeper, stenographer and casnier; state experience, etc., and give phone: number; $io month. S 480, Oregonian. THREE waitresses, out of town, $25 and $30, room and board; 1 schoolgirl to o to beach ; expenses paid and wages. Call 22 Burnside. RAILROAD bill clerks now in demand. Course by an experienced chief bill clerk. Elliott, Eisher and Remington machines. Call Broadway 7.3. 107 N. 17th st. WANTED Experienced marker and sorter. Apply crystal Laundry Co., 21st and Sandy road. WANTED An experienced second girl; ref erences. Miss De Hart, 113 N. 20th st. Main 0702. GIRL, 15 or 16 years old, to care for baby and do very light housework. 3 4 Yam hill st., room 23. LADY wants position as housekeeper in an apartment-house; want apartment and small wages. Phone Mar. 133. THOROUGHLY competent experienced girl lor cooking and general housework; ref erences required. o40 10th. WANTED A girl to assist with light house work; no washing, $10 mo. Wood lawn 4402. WANTED A good, neat, high school girl or woman to assist in general House work ; references. Phone East 3454. RELIABLE girl for cooking and general housework; good wages, small house; Council Crest. Call Main 20S. WANTED Two markers and assorters. Ap ply rosx. jbxeaanse .Laundry, aucouver Barracks. WANTED Exp. second girl, Gearhart cot tage, for Summer; good, wages. Inquire 251 King. Mar. CO. WANTED Middle-aged woman to assist witn nouseworK ana two small babies, s.u Williams ave. Woodlawn 3318. WANTED Experienced cook. Apply Mrs. J. H. Page, lata ave. and Clifton St., Port land Heights. Phone Main 2740. LADY to help take care of baby and do light housework; good home, wages. Tabor 6103. EXPERIENCED tent and awning hand. Portland lent & Awning Lo., Broadway 2314. WA N TED Telephone girl for hotel, and nave to assist in oince: give pnone ana address. V 570. Oregonian. WANTED Good girl, general housework; small rami ly, no cniiaren; good cooK. -Apply 70." Davis St.. apartment 2. GIRL, not under Id, to assist with house work and children, $12 per month. oud- liwn 25iH. EXPERIENCED general housework girl to go to Gearhart. wages 40. Apply -lo Vista ave. Phone Main 751. WANTED Few more pupils for private in structions In territory. Call 122J E, M iii n st. YoL'NG woman wishing to go to San Fran cisco would care for Invalid or child for pnrt fare. Best references. Main 2070. HINSDALE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, Broadway-Yamhill building; Individual In struction; positions when competent. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Good wages. SCO Marshall st. Telephone Main 43S2. WILL give elderly lady good home in re turn for assistance with housework. AV 1S4, Oregonian. YOUNG GIRL to assist with general house work and care of 2 children; good wages. Apply i32 Marshall, corner utn. WANTED Girl to assist general house work. Phone Marshall 1601. bet. 10 and 12 A. M. WIDOWER wants unincumbered house keeper. State age and particulars In letter. P :i70, Oregonian. WANTED West Side, girl to assist light housework afternoons, home nights. Call mornings. 7:tO Everett St.. Apt. 8. EXPERIENCED fancy hand Ironer, steady work, good pay. Opera House Laundry. 2d and Everett sis. WANTED Elderly housekeeper for man and son; wages $10-12 month. G 422, Orego- LADIES, take work home, spare time, trans ferring. $1 Dozen Store. T.iShk Washington. GIRL to assist in general housework. 7o2 Marshall, between 21st and 22d. GIRL for general housework; good home to right party. 1Q07 Savler st., near 2ith. WANTED Girl or woman to assist with housework. Call Main 9358. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. WE PAX 1 TO $20 SET. 321S YEON BLDG. WANTED A girl for general housework. 712 Marshall. CHORUS GIRL.S. experienced. Apply Casino Theater, 4th and Burnside sts. WANTED Woman cook for small beach hotel. Phone Sell wood 18H8. GIRL wanted, general housework. 181 23d street N. WANT woman looking for home, partial enre of invalid girl. Main 46'j7. PRIVATE home for children, any age ; 15 years experience. 714 Everett. Mar. 21 R2. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 211 N. 24th. GI FIL for general housework. Small family. Good home. 447 itn st. jan a., ai. WEAVERS wanted by Oregon City Woolen GOOD girl for general housework. 305 Has salo st., cor. Grand ave. YOUNG LADY typist. Apply room S01 Pa cific Tel. & Tel. jo. WANTED Girl for general housework and go to the beach. Call Tabor 1SS. LADIES Learn beauty culture; rates. 306 N. W. Bank bldg.. 6th and Washington sts. WE BUY DIAMONDS. JEWELRY! OLD GOLD. PAWN TICKETS. 1218 YEON Bldg. WANTED Experienced feeders and folders. National Laundry. E. St h and Clay sts. GIRL for general housework; two In family. Main 4'M. fi'i Irving st. WANTED Ladies to take course In beauty culture. Apply at 427 Washington. l WO hours' general work In exchange for furnished room. 475 Morrison. WANTED Strong girl for janitor. 010 Flanders. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply Kearney, Apt. 3. YOUNG GIRL for light housework. E. 4r23. children In family. Tabor 2'Jb6. HELP WANTED FEMALE. BLACKBERRY PICKERS WANTED. Can place 60 women and chil dren at work picking blackberries n r Gresham and Sprin g brook. Women's Division. Public Employ m rit Bureau. City Hall. A YOUNG girl for light housework, good wages, for the Summer, at Seaside, Or.; will keep the right girl for steady em ployment; all expenses paid. Apply Mon day morning from 10 to J 2. 4oi Henry bldg.. 4th and Oalc. WANTED A girl to answer phone and write orders. Apply between 10 and 12, 041 1st st. ItKI.P WAVTED MALE OR FFMAI.E. LOGANBERRY PICKERS WANTED. Beginning July 6 we will have places for 500 to 800 men, women and children in the loganberry fields between Portland and Salem. Prices this year are around lc per pound, many growers furnishing wood, veg etables, and other accommodations for the pickers. People desiring to undertake this work should apply at once. Public Employment .Hureau, Third and Ankeny. CHERRY PICKERS WANTED. We want 200 cherry pickers for The Dalles, at once, men, women and children. Pickers can make from $ to 4 per day. Public Em ployment Hureau, Third and An kny sts. WANTED 20 loganberry pickers about July 15; steady picking ; good camp ac commodation ; free delivery from station and return. Register at once and place will be saved for you; families preferred. L. H. Koberts. Route 7. box 117. Palem. Or. STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy, salesmanship. English branches at an ac credited echool; write or phone Main for catalogue: graduates guaranteed posi tions. Behiike-Walker Business College, 117 4th st., near Morrison. WANTED A good woman cook, capable of planning meals for small hotel. American style; wages $40 per month ; must make own bread and butter; extra help fur nished in kitchen. Write or phone imme diately. Balch Hotel, Dufur. Oregon. WA NTED Representatives to travel and appoint agents; salary and expenses; also local agent; men or women on guaranteed salary. Apply after 11 o'clock today to clerk Rainier Hotel. WANTED lo more loganberry pickers; will pay top price for picking; register quick before all places are filled. W. Al Jones, Gervals, Or. ORIGINAL MOHLER BARBER COLLEGE, Founded lhH; SO schools in U. S. and Canada; Summer rates; paid while learn ing. Write for catalogue. 234 Bjrnside. WANTED A man or woman experienced In canning soups and vegetables and fruit on a large scale. J. Landigan, 400 Van couver ave. JAPANESE man and wife, as cook and do mestic, in private family. Appiy Thomas Roberts, care Roberts Bros., 3d and Mor rison sts. COMPETENT stenographer general mer chandise store; must be accurate and sys tematic; salary $50 to start. A. Wilhelm A fcions, Monroe, Or. PROPERTY owner wants elderly couple with some selling ability, who will move Into houses for sale; free rent and coin mission. G 303. Oregonian. MOHLER Barber School, men and women to learn burlier trade free ; paid while Warning. Its f. 2d. cor. Couch. CUNNINGHAM S STENOGRAPHIC SCHOOL t.-alns you for civil serv'ce examination. Main 1114. Lumber Ej- bldg.. 2d & Stark. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE, AL1SKY BLDG. PARTY to rent or buy confectionery, lunch stand, entrance city playground ; fine lo cation, on carline. A J olli, Oregonian. OREGON Barber College wants men and women to learn barber trade; paid while learning; position guaranteed. 233 Madison. EX. pianist for M. P. house; state salary nni rera. ak ureponian. MAN and wife, wait table logging camp. Call Monday. 34 N. 2d et. WANTED Banjo player to practice with Jazz orchestra. Marshall 321.. HELP WANTED MISCEI-LANKOCS. MAN AND WIPE. FOREIGNERS PREFERRED. To tend furnace and do cleaning of halls; about 2 hours' work a day, for 3-roora heated, f urn. apt. Man can do regular worK ; no children. SMITH-WAGONER CO. Stock Ex. U. 6 GOVERNMENT needs thousands clerks (men-women), for war preparations, $100 month: life jobs. Write Immediately for list positions obtainable. Franklin In stitute. Dept. 3H6 F, Rochester. X. Y. WANTED names ol men-women wishing to study Government positions; $75 month; hundreds war appointments. AV 10, Ore gonian. PIANO studio, special Summer rates. 2ti3 14th, near Jefferson. Main aw. MTCATIONS WANTED HALE. GOOD boy, age 19. wants work in office. want to do my oest, gooa nana writing, Tabor 73.-.1. Rolclrcf'ie nri Clerks. COLLECTOR will collect for one or more firms upon s commission basis, excel. ent refeiencts for inteKrlty: am also gooa or flee man or I would assist In office and collect for any reputable firm. AL 302, Oregonian. BooKKEEPE It, accountant, auditor, sales man; college training: pleasing person ality; best of relerences, AC 2 OS, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, accountant. cashier and general office man desires position with future; married, reliable, steady. AL 3I3, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by active, experienced salesman, familiar with Oregon and Wash li.gton; best references. AH 307, Orego nian. HIGHLY efficient accountant seeks respon slble position: man of exceptional execu tive ability; 10 years' experience; must on A -1 position. t 4 1 J. Oregonian. HIGH-GRADE, thoroughly experieoed office niHn Is ope.i for position as cashier, ac count ant. credit man or office executive. P ;iIH. Oregonian. EXPERT accountant will take care of your books at your convenience, any 'time, any w here, or sub itute. Moderate charges. i'none Aiain attv. YOUNG man wants position by the 13th of July, 1117. as clerk in store or whole sale house, drugstore preferred. Writs to Albert Muller. Prlneville. Or. YOUNG man. 31 years of age, wishes po sit Ion as city or traveling salesman with reliable firm; best references. C 437, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED Accountant and office manager desires position. Best local ref erence. AO IH7, Oregonian. EX PERI ENCED- traveling salesman wants position witn rename Portland no use. commission my. j r o. tjregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper desires odd time, temporary or substitute work. Woodlawn 24 2. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires per manent position: marneu, competent, re liable. AM H00, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. BUSINESS manager and accountant will hnndle special or temporary work. Tabor 2713. EX PERIENCED janitor wants position watenman or place oi responsionity. Kef. given. laoor rf-iu. MIDDLE-AGED an wants position, thor- oughly acquainted with city. Handy with witn city. Tabor 3410. too:s. reel, given. EXPERT mechanic desires Installment of machinery; well recommended. C 433. oregonian. WOULD like management of apartment- nouie; oest or references; years ex perience. Call Main 8706. YOUNG man would like work with whole sale house; drives car. Phone B 2228. SHINGLES When you want shingling done c:i 1 1 v ooa i awn r'i'o. STATIONARY engineer wants position; ex perienced; references. J -434. Oregonian. HOTEL MAN of experience, .open for po rn i ion. j j, oregonian. YOUNG MAN. with automobile experience. wants position ariving. J oregonian. YOUNG MAN seeks position any kind; auto driving, frtererences. o .iH'j. oregonian. POSITION as night watchman ; references furnished. Tabor bt). AMERICAN gardener wants work; Al refs. T 4. Oregonian. GARDENING, hoeing, spading, etc. Tools furnished: .i-c hour. labor o'.H. EXPERIENCED janitor or porter, whole time or part time. AM 344. oregonian. WANTED By Al mnn, position as nlght- watcn. Aaoress .m oregonian. CAPABLE wK'man, 35. at liberty after July 1. H :tnJ. Oregonian. PA INTER and paper hanger wants work, day or contract. Phone Columbia fc0. Hir.H SCHOOL BOY. 15, wants work, in of- fice. store or oakery. Tabor PAINTING, tinting and paperhanging done reasonuDi-. juain '.. j. KITCHEN or Janitor work; middle-aged man; quirk, neat. X 3t, Oregonian. MAN wants painting, tinting; do any kind work. Sell wood H4 CEMENT WORK: frame and concrete ca ra.ea. Woodlawn Z-7S. SITUATIONS WAXTEP M AtB. Mined la dvook. WANTED Employment in Western Oregon by middle-aged man. married, college ed ucation. 16 years' experience In electrical work inside and out. including installa tion, operating and maintenance; also stor ago battery systems, lighting and start ing: can handle any proposition and fur nish other men if necessary ; have been employed In foreign country for the past 3 years; closed down on account of war. C Oregonian. SITUATION by competent nonunion press- ". years or experience on ail klmis of work, cylinders and Jobbers, experi ence on case, steretoy ping, bindery work, folders and feeders, cutting stock; 12 years In ono office in Bust ; mu.riled; go any where. AV 20S. Oregonian. BY A competent buttermaker, with year oi experience in centraiizers and co-operative creameries : just came from Wis consin ; dairy school training : would buy some stock In creamery if suiied. AV 21 S. Oregonian. BY middlv-aged married man, employment an team engineer; U years railroad ex perience, 4 years as engineer. last lo ye-trs have followed hoisting. portable and stationary engineering; have Installed gpveral phinis. AN 4il5. Oregonian. MAN and wife want position as caretakers on country home, or foreman on ranch, or anything m here we can make good. Call Sunday. Maiu 1111, or address L 401, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted by married man, 4); experienced surveyor and draftsman; rail way, land, mining. Would accept position in other lines. Address F. Butterwortu, Rtf Third st. Phone Marshall 3ii. ACCOUNTANT, 33 years of age. wishes to cnange positions; lit years experience, railroad, bank and public accounting; can handle full set of books for any business. AK 3o6. Oregorrtan. POSITION by experienced separator tender io go lo eastern Oregon or ash., for harvest season; state wages and particu lars In letter. K. R, Norton, Willamette, Or. HIGHLY recommended man and wife with -o years' experience. English and Amer ican catering, desires position as caretak ers of country residence. All Orego nian. SALESMAN with good business training. ium representing manuracturer or food product for new or established busi ness; territory optional ; salary and com misslon. Box 643. Spokane. EXPERIENCED merchant wants a position iuip in oregon or asnington witn prospects of buying interest or entire business. S 4-, Oregonian. i OUNG man, aged 23. married, some selling and bookkeeping experience, desires posi tion with well-established firm where ad vancement Is possible. J 3S.". Oregonian. WORKING woman desires light work for uo , age ii, in country lor room and board and home privileges. II 30a. Ore gonian. WOOD TO CUT. Want to contract cutting of 230 cords wood at Oak Grove at once. See or phone Thompson. Oak Grove. Or. BY middle-aged married man, employment as operator in ny n roeiect ric plant. Can do inside and outside wiring; 10 yearn' experience. K 3."4. Oregonian. F1HST-CLASS chauffeur and auto me- cnanic w lanes position driving private or delivery car. Steady and reliable. Kef erencen. N 30. Oregonian. W ANTED Position in jewelry store, watch. clock, jewelry repairing, also watting on customers: don't care for steady bench work. H 1S. Oregonian. WANTED Position In jewelry store, watch. ano: jeweiry repairing; also waiting on customers. Don't care for steady hench work. AG 22!. Oregonian. WANTED Work In country by strong bov 1 4 years old. with room and board. Ad dress It. Stler, Campbell Hotel. 23d and Hoyt sts. EXPERIENCED auto salesman, demonstra tor, nignty recommended, reliable. AX "4 7 2. Ore g t n I a n . WIXDOW-TIUMMEK and showcard writer open ior position in men s wear. 33 years nmrricu. tr .o:. ureBomnn. MAN and wife, cook nnd waitress, wish po- country noiPi. resort or camp. Al references. Mar. irt.2. 227 21st st. N. HOUSE cleaning, floor polishing, window iiauiiiK . an ainus oua jo us. Janitor. Mam 7100. YOUNG MAX, good Ford driver, wishes po- ciiiuii. juw w inert, oj'J tn su i. Phojie C 314. Ml DDLE-AGED married man would like J i nit or job or night watch or other good stei dy day work. Tabor 4141.- WANTED A position in city by experienced salesman in gents' furnishings. Emil Fars- lelgh. Y 4M, Oregonian. 15V man and wife as janitor, day work or steady; will work single or together. Main WANTED, by young man INt years old, light outside aork. Anything will do. Call Monday morning. East HOflj. WAXTKD Position by experienced sales man; salary or commission. S 475, Ore fonlan. EXPERIENCED driver wants position as vimuut-ur ior private ra mi ly or business nnn. A 11 347. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED man wants position as chauf f.. ur. steady ; or evenings after 7 o'cloek. AN 4iJ. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants work, either private or delivery. Above draft a ce. A M 34:. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED man wants to drive and re pair Kord auto truck or touring car; Woodlawn 3SV!. EX PER I ENCED painter will exchange painting and tinting for furnished ii. K. room, close In. V .VIP. Oregonian. WALL TINTING WITH MURESCO: best work, reasonable. Manny. Sellwd. 1' 4 'J 1 . CARPENTER work, painting, remodeling, cheap by contract. Phone Marshall SITUATIONS WANTFT1 FEMALE. Itookkpeper and AlrnocniatiM. REFINED lady. 27 yars oM, wants position meeting public; wide ex perience in advertising business; must be high-class proposition; ref erences. It 443, oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, experienced in general office work, some hilling, posting, etc., wishes position: reasonable salary with advancement: no substituting; only steady position with reliable people desired. East 74MI. EFFICIENT bookkeeper, capable taking full charge of office, wishes position: familiar with latest cost accounting systems and auditing; all day or part of time work. Broadway 1366. RAPID, experienced stenographer desires position with reliable firm; excellent ref erences, good education: can manage of fice details and will attend to business. L 401. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer, aT present employed, wishes situation where loyal and efficient services are of sufficient value to make advancement possible. Le gal work preferred. O 4i9, Oreponian. YOUNO woman, experienced in clerical work, filing and typewriting, with knowledge of shorthand, desires position. Call Main 4057, Sunday or evenings. EXPERIENCED lady clerk would like posi tion in grocery or confectionery; furnish reference. Tabor 74 VJ, Monday between 1 and 5. H)l educated, refined, experienced widow. 4T. position ss saleslady or clerical position where no stenog. Is required. R 44b, Ore gonian. STENOGRAPHER with number years ex. In physician's office (some laboratory train ing) wishes position; references. AC 3-4, Oregonian. INTELLIGENT lrl wishes employment; has had high school and college experi ence. Willing to do anything except housework. Phone East C7U3. COMPETENT bookkeeper with knowledge of stenography desires permanent position. Six years' experience. City references. Phone Main 19-6. INEXPERIENCED stenographer wants po sition; experience more desirable than sal ary. East 3566. EXPERT stenographer-bookkeeper will write your letters or post your books for j.c an nour. aiarsnau -low. WANTED Situation as stenographer, by young lady, graduated from high school : thoroughly competent. R 442. Oregonia.n. THOROUGHLY experienced saleslady; han dle any department : best of refer ences. AC 1167, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER. 24. over year's experi ence, very anxtous for employment. Call Kast 7333. EX PERIENCED bookkeeper-cashier, stenox rapher in Insurance and mercantile. K :t:i. oregonian. YOUNG lady. Just out of collese, wishes a posit 'on. clerical or office work. Can oper ate typewriter. V .r07. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier de Fires position, good references. J Oregonian. . EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi tion. yi2.5Q per week. Main 3.'S4. apt. 12. COMPETENT stenographer wants position; 4 years experience. Tabor 546. STENOG., 8 yra. ex., wishes temporary po sition. R 4S-. Oregonian. POSITION for stenographer with 6 months' experience; recommendations. Col, 75. BOOKKEEPER, yesrs' experience, best references. X Jt9. Oregonian. STENO. emp. In the afternoon would like work In the morning. East 6609. SITTATIOyS WAXTKD FKMAT.K. Hoo'ikeeprs ana Mfnocrmohen. 1 PIsnT it h sev-rnl years' experience In office work, wishes position here neat ness and accuracy wouln be essential; large office offering opportunity tor ad vancement pret erred : have knowledge of Indexing, filing and switchboard operating. N It'll. Oregonian. lrcm a kera. DRESSMAKING The new way. Cut prices during July nd August. 1 come to your home. d- your fitting, get your Ideas, or rit:gn for you. take your work and bring it hack finished with one fitting . refe ences given. Phone Tabor D 1 T;7. BX PERI EXCED t! rsmuk.r. will g.ve fcalf she uiHkt's in Ju'y to lied Cross. Phone l-iin Kin'. ..-, - EXPERIENCED designer and fitter. at ..--...v ... vnj . fceui noiei, a pi. Kan 2!tl. LADIES' TAILORING, al t -ra t ion, comts re- 6!3 1 .MucKitr. Morrison. Main DKESSMA KING, family sewing, children's work. by day. Main -noti. Miss . oop or. EXPKK1ENCKD TAlI.OltESS and Ures- ntHKor. ly tiny or hour; r'fs. Kat .4ol. LASTE1IN" dn'jsmaker wants work by the day. Main 4:;:;t. DRE;M A K I N G or family sew.ng by the nny. T.itor 7;:7. 1A TEST eport skirts, made to measure, y-i.r.o. Jii!y and An gnat. Mar. 61 '-l. KEL1ABLK dressmaker for plain sew inc. Phone East -421rt. ?n MATERNITY and surgical hospital. 10H3 lUiaris ave. Normal confinement cases, lm-l mllng drugs. dressings, phvstt inn's services, two weeks hospital care, all tor I'KACTK'Ab M'KSE would like confine ment rase, slight one rat ions; will assist with housework, references furnished; re liable. liroa d w a y 1 : ; 1 2. KLbtKLY lady, going to San Franclvco by boat, will care for child, semi-invalid, avslst family with children for part fare. Hhone East 45.. t. mornings or evenings. EX iE R I ENCED nurse, care convalescent. chronic, elderly, or invalid, verv reason- able. Call afterl P. M..Marshall 2c3. NURSE will care for confirmed invalids. elderly people in own homo; best care; ref erences. Greg ham. Or.. R. 2.. Box 74. RETIRED nurse. lt years" experience with children, will take child to her home; very reasonable. Tabor 3"i. CONVALESCENT or aged given profca ciona 1 care in nurse's home; reasonable. Wood t awn 3;i!iG. A RE EI NED. educated nurse will care for child or elderly person of means who needs love and u nder care. P otlo, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED practical nurse wishes caes of any kind. Phone East aiS4. GCMJD practical nurse with hospital training; references. Main oOt'o. WANT desirable position as wet nurse. AN 4 7. Oregonian. NL'KSE has room, home comforts, invalid, elderly; city refs. Tabor 2213. NURSE, ex perl.-need, vunia case; any kind taken. Marshall 2S. 1 1 o uc k ropers. IS THERE someone with a beautiful home they desire to be filled with peace and harmony, where at the close of the day they may rest in ouietm-ss and confi- dente? AV2:i3. Oregonian. WANTED By unincumbered young widow, housekeeping for bachelor or widower, in good American home: moderate wages; no objection to leaving city. AM o ."'., ore gonian. A CAPAP.I.E, middle-aged woman, without family and small income, would like posi tion as housekeept-r in widower's home, where a refined lady is desired, with small wages; references. P 3.""l. Urcponian. A MIDDLE-AC ED woman with business ex perience In hotel, rooming house or apts., desires position in city or out; relerences. Phone East .471. O SO'.'. Oregonian. JiY widow, position as manager or work ing housekeeper in small hotel, apt. house or rooming-house; experienced. K 447, Oregonian. POSITION by a refined and energetic lady as housekeeper in a widower's or bache lor's home; best of references furnished. Call Main 7V3. iioUSE K EH PER wants position, widower's, bachelor's home. Address F 414, Orego nian. RELIABLE woman wants care of an apart-nient-house; best reference. AO 34S, ore gonian. WANTED A place us housekeeper In re fined, respectable home by young widow, stranger in city. AO 331. Oregonian. A LADY Mould like houseket-ping for gen tleman with or without children ; refer ence T 401, Oreconian. RELIABLE woman wishes situation as housekeeper in city or country. Middle ased. Phone A IJTai. W A NTED -Position as housekeeper, by re fined Christian middle-aged woman; ref- erences exchanged. S 4.ii. Oregonian. YOUNG wMow with little girl wishes a place as housekeeper; references exchanged; country pre: erred. K 304. Oregonian. NEAT, middle-aged lady wishes housekeep ing, for one or two gentlemen, M 03, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED lady wants housekeeping for widower or bachelor; wages ex pected. L 4o. Oregonian. Domestics. RELIABLE, experienced woman with ref erence to work for small family st beach or mountains. W. 17o7 E. 7th St., toell wood P. O. JAPANESE woman wants housework mornings. Phone East b04 Monday after noon. yt IftcellancouA. Ti AO HER over 3U years of sge, wishes po sition as governess. Willing to assist with other work. C. S. home preferred. T 4 JO, Oregoman. VOl'XG woman of ability, with bet of ref erences, wishes position as manager of rooming-house, hotel or apartment-hourc S 473. Oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper for gen tleman on farm wuhin miles of Port land. Address box -1. Oswego. Or. YOUNG woman has roadster, won Id Itks position and salary, commercial reference. S 474. Oregonia-n. EXPERIENCED woman wishes work Mon days. Wednesdays, Thursdays. Phone Sell wood ltJoli. LADY wishes work mornings; neat and good cook ; best of references : s part men t work preferred. A 1649. Marshall 4467. COMPETENT woman wishes position as ma t ron in doctor's or den us Cm office. Tabor GOOD dishwasher desires a place, dishwash ing from 0 P. M. to 9 P. M. Phone Co lumbia 47S from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. WANTED Small children and Infants to care for during Summer; reasonable trms. X 3i4. Oregonian. WANTED Position in grocery store, 6 yra' experience, good references. Phone Wood lawn 5ro. RESPECTABLE woman wants cooking In camp or ranch or housekeeping. Call 2S 4th St., basement door. WANTED Work, washing and house clean ing. Inquire 372 Stephens mt. Phone East 4'1. STENOGRAPHER 10 years? experience; best city references; booking- knowledge. Main 6334. REFINED, capable lady wants work; all day washing, ironing and cleaning, l?.c hour and carfare; references. Tabor 2313- LADY over 3 would like some kind of light work during vacation; would like to travel. N 362. Oregonian. REFINED young woman wishes beach po sition; light work and small wages. All :i6J, Oregonian. JA'AZ music. All the latest hits furnished by small Jazz orchestra. Marshall 395. YOUNG lady wants position ss pianist in small picture theater. Marshall 5740. LADY wilT care for children, day or even Ing. Refs. Tabor 1534. LACE curtains laundered. 14 years' experi ence. Tabor S933 or Woodlawn 42"J6. YOUNG WOMAN wishes position any kind. AO :t 1 6. Oregonian. KELIABLE woman wants day work. Broad way 5 19 . SWITCH BOARD operator wishes position; references. Main 4;s.9 after 6 P. M. LADY, hand laundry work. I cater to th particular. I'hone Monday. Tabor 6Q34. WANTED Position for woman and child In the country. P hone Broad wa y 1 6tW. MAN 1 CI" R 1ST wants position out of town. Address K Oregonian. EX PER I ENCED woman wants day work. Call all week. Tabor 596.1. WOMW wishes to work for room on tiie West Side. Msin S340. FRENCH class for nurses or soldiers. Tues. and Wed.. - mo. 16ti Lownsdale st. CHAUFFKl'siB wants private car to drive. East 5ST.3. EXPERIENCED Janitresa wants work. Phons M am YOUNG lsdy desires work in business or doc tor's office; experienced. East ft3.". EXPERIENCED woman wants Janitor work or cook: refs. W ood 1 a w n 1 . 7 2. EXPERIENCED Ironer; work by dav or hour. Call 1V3 Ivy, or Woodlawn MHO. LACE curtains hand-laundered; work guar anteed: Summer rates. East 50-3. AN experienced woman wants day work, good cook and laundress. Tabor 4723.