5 SITUATIONS IN "NEGLECTED WIFE" MORE TENSE AND COMPLICATED Houseboat on Which Are Loyal Spouse and Woman Who Steals Affec tions of Husband Blown Up. as Shown in Fifth Chapter. Y By request, the supreme joy-show at the THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JU.NE 21, 1917. TAR - f 4. r 5 " ' ? 1 L - dM3g2L. soviet THE blowing up of a houseboat on which are two women, one a wife and the other the woman who has stolen the affections of her husband, la the feature of the fifth chapter of the Pathe serial of domestic life, "The Neg lected Wife." Kuth Roland and Roland Bottomley are the featured players In this Balboa-made chaptered tale. Weary of his loyal wife, Mary, Hor ace Kennedy, lawyer! turns to Mar garet Warner, struggling author, who surrenders, after a brave resistance. Mary decides to watch silently until she discovers who the other woman Is. Norwood, magazine editor, eager to trap the unscrupulous Doyle, calls on Kennedy and tells him that Doyle, the lawyer Kennedy has disbarred, is rob bing the poor. Refusing the demands of Kennedy, Doyle attempts to kill him, but with Norwood's assistance. Doyle Is overpowered and arrested. He threatens to kill Kennedy. Kennedy receives a message warning him to discontinue his friendship with Margaret. He phones Mary that he Is detained by business and she, sus picious, follows him, but without dis covering who the other woman Is. Margaret is informed by Kennedy that Norwood wants to meet her. so she calls at the magazine office. Nor wood, about to take the train for Rtv erdale. asks Margaret to go with him. as he wishes to speak to her about her short stories. Arriving at Riverdale, where the Kennedy houseboat is anch ored, Margaret meets Mrs. Kennedy and her husband. Doyle, determined to have revenge on Kennedy, blows up the houseboat, unaware that the men are ashore. Mary faints. Margaret, on her way to the stairs, is struck by a falling beam. Who will save Margaret and Mary? NEWS OF THE PHOTO THEATERS (COJTTIHiTED FROM PAGES 4, picture of the song series Universal Is producing, the exhibition of "Let's All Be Americans Now." being accompanied by a vocalist. , The story of "Plain Jane" Is laid in a co-educational college town. Charles Ray appears as the "stude." not one of the burlesque sort, but a member of the hard-working poCrer class of stu dent. In his boarding-house there is Plain Jane, a slavey, this role, of course, being carried by Miss Barris cale. The young man can't see much of the young lady until she is frilled up by a kindly old photographer, who adopts her after her picture has brought home first prize In the college beauty contest. Then he is captivated and Plain Jane, no longer plain, ac cepts him. The picture Is embellished by numer ous humorous and several pathetic sit uations, while the sub-titles, different from the usual run of Ince captions, are written in a most humorous vein. Miss Barriscale is her usual piquant self in this picture and her role Is one which Is said to be admirably suited to her. In addition to the comedy drama and the song series reel, a scenic-educational is scheduled for screening. GEORGE BEBAJf AT COLUMBIA Huge Bear Also Appears In "A ' Roadside Impresario. George Beban. the noted Italian char acter actor, assisted by Bruno, a huge bear said to divide honors with his film master, will appear at the Co lumbia Theater today in "A Roadside Impresario." The film tale promises more in the way of comedy than the average Beban Vehicle, although all of them are productive of many laughs. Helen Jerome Eddy, who has been associated with Beban In so many Par amount pictures, is not present In his latest offering. Julia Faye taking her place as leading woman. Others in the cast are Harry DeVere, Harrison Ford. Fred Huntley. W. A. Carroll, Adele Farrington, and the bear, Bruno. Here's the story of "A Roadside Im presario": Although there Is no limit to the amount and value of his possessions. Mr. Vandegrift, aside from his adopted daughter, prizes above everything else his bees, and when the pet bear of Giuseppe Kranchini upsets the hives and the dispositions of his bees. Van degrift presses charges against the Italian, of whom $100 damages are de manded and if not paid the bear will be sold at auction. Giuseppe pleads with Vandegrift's daughter, with whom he becomes very friendly, but the girl's Intercessions go for naught. In order to earn money to pay the cost Giuseppe takes a job washing dishes in a res taurant kitchen. A scrap of paper he finds there enables him to save the young District Attorney from ruin by political enemies and also brings the Italian to his long lost daughter, but as the latter has risen high in the so cial scale he keeps this a secret and goes off on a Journey through the country with his well beloved bear, which has been restored to him. A Keystone comedy will also be screened. IfEW YORK'S GAY LIFE SHOWN Valeska Snrratt Appears in Title Role at Globe Theater. "The New York Peacock." a story of the New Vork gay world, munitions. Intrigue and love, opens at the Globe Theater today with Valeska Suratt in the title role. "Chased Into Love," a two-reel Foxfllm comedy, is another subject on the bilL Miss Surratt plays the part of an ad venturess, a woman who lures stran gers into a gambling house in "The New York Peacock." A young fellow comes to New York from an. upstate town. Intrusted by his father with money to make a munitions deal. He is enticed to the gambling house, loses all of his money and Is ready to com mit suicide, when the adventuress, who has fallen in love with him, interferes. She determines to make good his losses by taking money from another man. That other man turns out to the be the young fellow's father. The father shows the girl up for what she is and the young fellow, his eyes opened, goes back to his home and the girl awaiting him there. Kwery Kolum. (Note All motion picture questions answered except those relative to the writing and marketing of scenarios. Please sign name to all communications tfnd give name or initials to which you wish answers addressed.) ' 1. S. Douglas Fairbanks celebrated his 34th birthday a few days ago. liar. L . Warning: don't come to tfie Star today if your laugh-muscles ' won't work 'cause in this snappy, up-to-tlie-min-ute show there isn't an ounce of gloom just tons of joy "The House of Hits Washington at Park Positively only four days, starting this morning; then gone forever from Port landBroadway's greatest comedian Daily 11 A. M. to 11 P. M. No advance in price s there'll be crowds, of course, so come as early as you can but come , George M. Cohan In a typical American play, indorsed by the American public -a clean, and cleyer, mirthful, merry, happifying, modern production Broadway J oti e s The Star Theater gives you this last final opportunity to see what thou sands here and elsewhere have pronounced the funniest dramatic com edy in months It's breezy and refreshing Go today. ried and the father of a son 8 or 9 years old. Blue Eyes Here's the cast of "The Eyes of the World": Aaron King. William Machin; Mary Gibson, .Kath erine Miller; Conrad La Grange. Mon roe Salisbury; Edward Taine, Jack Mc Donald: James Rutlidge. Sr. and Jr., Edward Peil; John Willard, Arthur Tavanes; Myra Willard. Lurline Lyons; Aaron King. Jr., Jack Livingston; Sibyl Andres, Jane Novak; Mrs. Taine, Kath leen Klrkham; Louise Taine, Beatrice Bumham. Lottie Plckford and Irving SEARCH FOR GIRL WITH DOUBLE CROSS ON HER ARM CONTINUES Eleventh Installment of Pathe Serial at Star Theater Shows Plot of Social Gangster to Marry Pretty Young Heiress. fgga I J msjwyiv B jFv&nttv&t.- t. j ww.'mw Wnsay u i ' ' ' ' ' v r c : i . . y.y. t I T j U-V . .;: , jU Ill, JZIevesi of'T'Jra JTzs'ierzf of 7V?e 3ozzbJe Cross-? of the 11th Installment of the -I thrilling Pathe serial. "The Mystery of the Double Cross," being screened at the Star Theater each Thursday with Mollis King as Its star. The story concerns the adventures of Peter Hale (Leon Bary) in his search for a girl bearing on her right arm a double cross. Upon his mar riage to this girl hinges a fortune, for with . the girl goes vast wealth. Bridgey Bentley. social gangster, plots to marry the girl for her fortune. After many unsuccessful attempts on the life of Peter, Bentley is finally forced to confess, and is landed in jaiL He Is bailed out and makea an attempt on Peter's life for revenge. Hia plot is frustrated. Pursued by Peter and Dick Annessley, cub reporter, who Is investigating the mystery, Bentley seeks refuge in the Brewster home. He persuades Philippa to shield him. and whan the pursuers arrive she informs them that Bentley has escaped by way of the window. In hiding, Benttey overhears Hubert Brewster telling his business associate of an unexpected coup in Q and D. He realizes that this Information, if made public, would ruin Brewster and decides to make use of It to accomplish his aim. "Marry me. or" I will ruin your father." is his message to Philippa. Philippa hurries to Bentley's home to save her father from the threatened catostrophe. Annessley, seeing Bent ley entering, had summoned the police. He is greatly surprised when he sees Philippa going into the house, and, heartbroken, decides to abandon the investigation. Cummings had the leading roles In The Diamond From the Sky." W. H. Thompson and Margery Wilson were principals In "The Eye of the Night. Charles Ray has brown eyes. He did not play in "Peggy." William Des mond was Billie Burke's leading man. . Bessie T. Motion Picture News, 729 Seventh avenue. New York City, gets out a splendid directory of film players and all other people connected with the industry. The price Is 60 cents. Ned B Charlie Chaplin Is 28, un married, born in France of English parentage, and was in Portland several times in vaudeville. Brother Syd Is Charlie's business manager and has not been in pictures for a year. "The Sub marine Pirate" was ope of his last films. Eddie N. Antonio Moreno Is a Span lard and not a Mexican; born In Spain. He's with Pathe now. Edith Storey Is unmarried. Not working. Just now. Grace Maurice Costello Is. in New York now and not engaged. Mary Fuller and King Baggot seem to be on the leisure list as welL Bushman and Bayne have signed a new contract with Metro. Kerrigan will soon be seen in his own pictures, released through Paralta. . May McB. Glen White la with Fox. He was born in Philadelphia, so he's evidently not the Akron Glen you are thinking of. ' Frltzl admirer Frltsl Brunette was born in Savannah, Ga., in 1894. She was with Yankee, Universal and Selig before going with Lasky. She has an olive complexion, blank hair and gray blue eyes. GLOBE TODAY VALESKA SURATT IN "The New York Peacock" ALSO Chased Into Love A Good 2-Reel Comedy FOR THREE DAYS ONLY Latest Pathe News France takes 10,000 prisoners ; British recruit hundreds in New York City; "Whining the War Through the Air"; Flag Day in New York. rl j. i '-ii. V 1 -v. . J- . fc . -, - - I ytKii? HARRY W ' ML n (H IE 4 days only "His Final Blowout" Fox Film Feature Comedy M0REY The stars who scored such a remarkable success in "Womanhood" and "Within the Law." "HER SECRET" The story of a girl who came back from the West with a secret, and a man whose sin came home after many years. begins today