The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 17, 1917, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 30

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Will want during the coming week 1000
ynen, women and children for strawberry
fields of the Hood River and White
... Salmon district. Pickers will be expected
to furnish own camping equipment. Crop
is good and prices for picking higher than
paid last season. Apply at once.
Operated by
City of Portland U. S. Government.
Third and Ankeny Sts.
Wanted at once: Firat-ciass musicians
(cornet, clarinet, trombone, bass, etc.), of
exceiient character, for the hand. 14th U.
S. Infantry. Base pay: From $30 to $81
per month, with free clothing, food, med
ical attendance and quarters. Good chance
for quick promotion for capable men. No
- beginners need apply. Apply in person to
CapL John B. S human. Adjutant 14th In
fantry, head quarters building, Vancouver
Barracks, Waaaln gton. .
MENT. Y. M. C. A.
We can place young men with ability.
Constant calls coming in. for the man who
can deliver the goods. A Y. M. C. A.
membership costing $3 guarantees you
will secure employment or refund of fee.
Also gives you 2 months' full privileges,
10 months' social and use of this depart
ment for 1 year. See Secretary J. W.
ViRtLErfS AND WAR An unusual de
mand is created by the war for wireless
operators, both naval and commercial
' service. Y. M. C. A. school offers thorough,
practical and individual instruction; serve
your country in a skilled position; begin
your training now. Address division C for
detailed information. Y. M. C. A., Port
land, Or.
STEADY MEN wanted to take exclusive
control of good territory in Oregon and
"Washington. Money advanced weekly.
Outfit and special training free. Experi
ence unnecessary. Our active men are
making good money. You can do the
came. Clean, hardy, guaranteed stock.
Yakima Valley Nursery Company. Toppen
ish. Wash.
ICE Unusual demand for shorthand
writers and typints, created by the pres
ent crisis; beginner pay $75-100; special
noed Is for men: prepare In a man's
school. Call or write Division C, Y. M. C.
' A- School, Portland.
our new building. It's especially built for
th's purpose. The equipment is excellent
New classrooms, laboratories, shops. De
tails given on request. Address Division
, Y. M. C. A., Department o Education,
Portland, Or.
WANTED Can use 3 experienced tea and
coffee canvassers for In city and out of
city work. Can arrange for man to make
S23 to $35 per week if live wire. Good
references required. Commission basis. 21
Grand ave.
BKAKEMEN, firemen, $90 to $200 monthly;
positions for inexperienced men; steady
work, 8 hour Send stamp for application
blank. Address Railway, box B. COG,
Fresno, Cal.
LEARN to take care of your own machine.
We are putting on a special course for
business men and ladles durir? the holi
days. For particulars call or write Hemp
hill's Trade School, 707 Hawthorne, corner
E. 2Qth.
THREE house-to-house salesmen to intro
duce our product and plan of operation to
the housewife. Position permanent; guar
anteed salary and commission to men who
produce results. Apply Ideal Tea Co., 711
Union ave.
WANTED 3 wagon salesmen on established
tea and coffee route; liberal guarantee
salary at start to right men; married men
from 28 to 35 years of age ; bond re
quired and A-l references. Jewel Tea Co.,
WANTED Young man as reporter for even
ing newspaper in small city. Must be
able to write heads and assist in other
"work about ottice. Give full details regard
ing self and salary expected first letter.
A V 1 '57, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED weavers and spinners; good
wages; steady work. Also use limited
number to learn weaving and spinning.
Apply Portland Woolen Mills, St. Johns,
388 Burnslde St.
Call or write for information.
COMMON laborers for logging and con
struction, $-.75 and up; mill, $2.50 and
up; ranch, $40 and up. Cannot answer
correspondence. Bend Employment Agen
cy. B,nd. Or.
classes just opening for Summer term. All
work fully accredited. For complete bul-
letia address Division , Y. M. C. A. De
rnrtment of Education. Portland, Or.
MARRIED man wanted for orchard and
genera 1 farm work. Separate house fur
nished and good wages paid; right party
can obtain permanent place. Address
"Sunrise Orchards." Mosier, Or.
months' work; open shop; good wages; no
boots need apply. R. D. May, Hotel Ben
ton. Seattle.
AN experienced dairyman to manage a small
dairy; extra time spent in garden work;
a fine opportunity for the right man. BF
441, Oregonian.
WANTED Boys, high school preferred, for
Oregonian paper routes in various parts
of the city. Apply at once, room 203.
Oregonian bldg.
COM PETE NT stenographer general mer
chandise store; must be accurate and sys
tematic. Salary $00 to start. AV 129,
CLEHK in hotel; must understand switch
board and books; references required;
give phone number and last place em
ployed. BD 445, Oregonian.
ARK you thinking of going East July 1 and
enjoy a tour across the continent to Chi
cago or Detroit; fare JOO including every
thing? Call Monday. Main 1320.
WANTED Young man to learn machine
woodworking business; good wages to
stHi't. Give address and phone number.
AB 3P2, Oregonian.
Uncalled for, tailor-made; a little money
here goes a long ways. Orpheum. Cleaners,
355 Stark st.
WANTED Steady middle-aged single man
for janitor and gardener; state age. ex
perience, references and wages expected.
B 55, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced traveling mechanic
for road job with wholesale auto house;
state experience and give references. B
5!s, Oregonian.
BOY about 10- for insurance office. Oppor
tunity for advancement. Must live at
home. Address in own handwriting. AF
33S. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED single man for janitor and
gardener; state age, references and salary
expected. F 372, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS carpenter finishers, finishing
Baker High school. Baker, Oregon. Frank
E. Smtih &. Company. Main HQS.
DENTIST wanted, good operator; high sal
ary. Electro Dental Parlors, Tacoma,
MEN wanted for day and night factory
work : good wages. Apply in person,
American Can Co.. 14th and Thurman sts.
DRAGS AW crew to cut 20O0 cords inside
city limits; spot cash. Morgan, 253 6th,
Phone evenings. Main 1308.
1 CUTOFF man, 1 ripsaw man. 1 box fac
tory man, 4 laborers. Oregon Box fc Mfg.
Co.. 130 Macadam road.
WANTED Experienced marked and dis-
tributor. $!." week, steady work. Twin
City Laundry, North Bend. Or.
WANTED Expert billing clerk for auto
mobile house; salary $75 per month to
start. B 597. Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced fast feed moulder
and surfacer man. White Pine. Central
Oregon. AV 140. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS barber; steady work; good
guarantee. Phono between 8 and 12, fore
noon, Sunday. 49S W, Oregon City.
GOOD boys over IS. Apply Lowengart & Co.
Help Wanted Agents,
VANCOUVER oil retainer; an auto wonder,
. does all that Is claimed for it; positive
guarantee. Two distributors wanted for
Washington and Oregon. Write Wood,
1033 W. Pico st.. Los Angeles. Cal.
- USALYTE Indestructible gas mantles; burn
les gas than others. Agents prices $5
.per hundred; 7Kc dozen. Retail 15c. J. I.
Robin, manufacturer; 130th st. and Park
ave.. New York City.
$1 DAILY ref inishing chandeliers, brass
beds, automobiles, new method, produc
ing amazing results: no capita or ex
' perience necessary; particulars free. Gun
metal Co.. 21st ave.. Decatur, 111.
. AGENTS "America." the patriotic picture
with the punch. Taking the country by
storm, 10x0. in colors. Sell 250 day. $5
per 100. bam pi 10c Peoples Portrait Co.,
MAKE $TXi month selling Stranskys fuel
vaporizer for autos: saves 5rt per cent
' gasoline ; money back guarantee. Greatest
sel'.'T on earth. J. A. Stransky. Pukwana,
" . D.
FLOW ER bead necklaces, selling like hot
enkes. Agents coining money. Absolutely
new. Send for catalogue and proposition.
Rofebead Company, 2819 W. Pico. Los An
gelas. Cal.
AGENTS We have a quik seller for right
now; one agent made $2r first day; exclu
sive territory. 406 Northwest bldg, 6 th
and Washington.
$3t 1 0 $100 week. Free samples. Gold sign
letters for stores sud office windows. Lth
eral offer to general agents. Metallic Let
ter Co.. 435 N. Clark. Chicago.
LEARN aboiu profits supplying perfume to
families by addressing Leffler &. Co., 723
Walton. t Loula Alo,
Help Wanted Agents.
EXPENSE ? We want good men and
woman for traveling general agents. Must
have fair education and good references.
Will make contract for 3 months, 6
months or year at salary of $22.50 per
week and necessary expenses. Can as
sign most any territory desired. For full
particulars address GEORGE G. CLOWS
COMPANY, Philadelphia, Pa., Dept. 34."
HIG HIT Our 5-piece aluminum set is all
rage. Cheaper than enamel ware, sells like
wildfire. Guaranteed ZO years. Retail
value ". You sell to housewives for nnlv
1.9S. Biggest seller of age; 9 sure sales.
uui ui every iv Known. uiUPrs Cleaning
up $10 to $20 a day. Answer this quick
to secure your territory. Div. 1032, Ameri
can A Jurni nam Mfg. Co.. Lemont, III.
ATTENTION, agents and salesmen! Our
general manager from Xew York desires
meeting you in our office on Monday and
Tuesday and interesting you in our latest
and greatest selling snap that should net
a live wire salesman $100 per week. Har
per & Bros., 523 Lumber Exchange bldg.,
cor 2d and Stark sts.
AGENTS WANTED $25 daily easy intro
ducing greatest household money-saver,
just invented. Reduces high living cost.
Saves its own cost first lo minutes. No
talking necessary. Sells itself. Every
housekeeper demands it. Retails $2. Your
commission $1.1 o. Samples free. Ovee
Mfg. Co., Louisville, Ky.
a day easy. Will show you how with our
concentrated pure fruit drinks. Wanted
everywhere. Small package just add
water. Here's the chance of a lifetime.
Grab your territory. Write quick. E. M.
Feltman, 207 3d St., Cincinnati. O.
OPENING at McMinnviile, Eugene, Marsh
field and Salem for agency manager, old
line, low premiums, up-to-date policies;
total disability payments to Insured;
steady position; promotion when qualified.
Write American Central Life Insurance
Co., 710 Dekum bldg., Portland.
BRAND new specialty, aluminum triplicate
saucepan with detachable handle. Cooks 3
different foods on one burner. Saves gas.
Lasts lifetime ; $100 to $300 per month
easy. Send for our catalogue of 40O other
specialties. Div. 1825. American Alumi
num Mfg. Co., Lemont. 111.
LOCAL representative at Hood River, The
uixiina anu renaiton; experience unneces
sary; we will teach you how; low pre
miums ; everything guaranteed; good con
tract for worker who wants an assured
future. American Central Life Ins. Co.,
719 Dekum bldg., Portland.
$50 WEEKLY" up selling Mexican diamonds.
Exactly resemble genuine; same rainbow
fire ; stand tests ; sell at sight. Repeat
orders. Write quick. Sample case -offer
FREE. Mexican Diamond Importing Co.,
255 Las Cruces, New Mexico.
RUSH postal for free sample "Spik and
Span." wonderfu new washing machine
tablet. Washes clothes spotless without
rubbing. Tremendous seller. 2o profit.
Samples free to boost sales. D. A- New-
berry. 102 Peoria. Chic a go.
EVEN if you were deaf, dumb blind, you
co:ild sell our Aluminum Utensil Cleaner.
Every housewife grabs it on sight. Steady
trade, big money in protected territory.
Write quick. Div. 832. American Alumi
num Mfg. Co., Lemont, 111.
AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month, hos
pital tickets. 301 Board of Trade.
Help W anted salesmen.
ar a worker, have about $100 capital,
possess sales ability, you can earn from
$2000 to $5000 year with us organizing
lo'jal agencies exclusive territory. Your
earnings start the first day you start to
work you gut a profit on all sales mate
by all agents you appoint. You will In
addition to earning an immediate good
sized income be building a business that
will yield bigger profits each year. Write
for this prospectus not an experiment.
An honest, serious, dependable, dignified,
profi table business. Hex Typewriter Co.,
lap N. Wabash ave.. Chicago.
SALESMEN wanted, experience unnecessary.
Earn while you learn. Write for large list
of openings and testimonials front hun
dreds of our members who earn $100 to
$500 a month. Address nearest office.
Dept. 311, National Salesmen's Training
Association, Chicago. New York San Fran
cisco. EXCELLENT opportunity for real live sales
man, $100 per week easy, demonstrating
unique new adding machine; sells for
$7.50; work equals $200 machine; adds,
subtracts, multiplies automatically; guar
anteed five years; big profits to workers.
Phone, write or call personally. A. O.
Freel, 44Q Schuyler st., Portland, Or.
ACCUSTOMED to making big money. We
have opening for three aggressive special
ty men to sell line of temperance drinks.
Exclusive territory, big commissions,
weekly drawing account. Red Cross Com
pany, 200 Houser Bldg.. St. Louis, Mo.
Dept. T.
an opening for a district manager in
Clarke, Cowlitz and Skamania Counties.
Wash., to a man of character seeking a
permanent connection. We will give as
sistance. J. W. Stewart, 207 Selling bldg.,
Portland, Or.
START you in business, furnishing every
thing; men, women, 30 to $20 weekly
operating "New System Specialty Candy
Factories." home, small room anywhere:
no canvassing. Opportunity lifetime. Book
let free. Ragsdale Co., Box S, East Or
ange, N. J.
TO 509e gasoline saving, complete car
bon elimination, guaranteed, makes our
Vapor System fastest seller today. Our
salesmen are selling from 6 to 20 daily.
Retails $5; you make $2.50 profit each
sale. Niagara Sales Corp., 20 E. Jackson,
Honest and reliable salesman to call on
local business men; to right man will give
interest in the business, without one cent
invested. 400 Burnslde St., near 10th.
SALESMEN WANTED To sell our fruit and
ornamental nursery stock, roses, shrubbery,
etc.; exclusive territory, liberal cash ad
vance weekly on orders; free outfit. Yak
ima & Columbia River Nursery Co., North
Yakima, Wash.
SPECIALTY road salesman to sell advertis
ing service to banks and merchants, ex
clusive territory, commission paid dally;
state experience; only men In $75 to $150
a week class need apply. Unique Illustrat
ing Co., Tribune bldg.. New York City.
CAPABLE specialty man. Oregon. Staple
line on new and exceptional terms. Va
cancy now. Attractive commission con
tract, $35 weekly for expenses. Miles F.
Bixler Co., 22,024 Carlin bldg., Cleveland,
SALESMEN wanted; having established gen
eral store trade, sell laces packed In silent-salesmen
cabinets free. 12 per cent
commission. Catflnet Lace Works, 276
Canal st.. New York.
SIDELINE MEN Do you want real one
that one order a day will pay $a ? No
samples to carry. Something new. Write
today. Canfleld Mfg. Co., 2u8 Sigel, Chi
cago, in.
DURING spare time add $10 to $30 a month
to present income by interesting business
men in System, the magazine of business.
Write Mr. Nyle, 1650 Kesner bldg., Chi
cago. 111. -
SALESMEN Intelligent workers for in
dispensable household and office specialty.
Great repeaters. Guaranteed. Write for
successful plan. Gordon Mfg. Co., 233
j i itu i u i y mug., o Aiigeies, lbi.
WANTED Salesman to carry high-class side
ii oujttii Luvtiia. uj tun jjariiuuiars
write Silvers Manufacturing Co., Waterloo,
Iowa. -
A PORTLAND schoolteacher with some
salesmanship experience can add to his
Income by working for us during the Sum
mer. Address F 374, Oregonian.
WANTED Road salesman for drug and
sundry line. Address with references, BF
440. Oregonian.
CAN use several salesmen, truck depart
ment, Ballou & Wright, inquire for J. E.
WANT live person to assiut in selling lumi
nous paints and articles. AF 290, Ore
gonian. HIGH-GRADE stock salesmen. Reap rich
rewards; greatest proposition: can place
anywhere. J. H. Quinn. Shelby. N. C.
SPECIALTY salesman, typewriter experience
preferred. 66 Sixth st.
RELIABLE girl, living on West Side, to
look after 1-year-old girl baby afternoons.
Phone Marshall 26S0 before 1 P. M.
WANTED at once expert bookkeeper and
stenographer. Apply In person to 100
Front st. Marshall 6S7.
RELIABLE woman, between 35 and 50,
for housework, family of 4, two children.
PhDne after 2 o'clpck Sunday. East 4843.
GIRL can have good home In exchange for
few hours work dally and care for baby.
Mnrshail 3920.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework. No washing. Wages $30.
Phone Tabor il'ht jioncay,
TWO waitresses, logging camp. Wages $25
and board. Evans Employment Co.. 240
Burnslde. Phone Brdy. 57.
EXPERIENCED finisher for dressmaking
shop. U)8 Rothchtld bldg.
WA NTED A gir! for general housework.
Phone Tabor 1297.
10 STRAWBERRY pickers. Call 228 Burn
stde. Open Sunday. '
CLOAK and suit saleswoman. C. E. Holli
dy Co.. 355 Alder st.
EXPERIENCED cook in private family; ref
erences required. 1ST 23d. Mar. 566.
EXPERIENCED cook, no washing; refer
ences required. Phone Main 773.
Woman to do housework, no washing.
LIP MAN", WOLFE & COMPANY require the
services of a thoroughly experienced wom
an to take charge of the restaurant. Must
know this business thoroughly and be able
to furnish the best of references. Apply
superintendent's office between 9 and 19
Monday morning.
WOMAN, age 23 to 40. well dressed, fair
education, foot-free, with unquestionable
references, to co-operate with National
advertising campaign directed to parents.
This offers hard work, good pay, unique
experience. Room for five who can qual
ify. Mrs. . Coffield, room fc30. Imperial
EASTERN OREGON farmer want middle
aged widow to keep house for widower
with 2 children, boy 11 years old. girl 7.
Be your own boss, take charge of house
eame as your own. Address T. J. Whit
comb, R. F. D. 1, box Id. W am lc, O r.,
Wasco County.
NURSE, graduate or practical, with hos
pital experience, for hospital work. State
age. nationality, married or single, ex
perience, reference, phone number and
wages expected. Cottage Grove Hospital,
Cottage Grove, Or.
WANTED An experienced stenographer,
competent to take charge of the office of
a small Summer resort, catering to a high
class of patronage. Address, stating ex
perlence and wages desired. BF 45u, Ore
gonian. DON'T work for others all your life. Make
and sell your Own collet preparations right
from your own kitchen. Every woman a
customer. Biggest money-maker for ages.
We teach you how. Don't miss this chance.
American Cosmetic School, box 1242, Seattle.
WANTED Lady presser to do hand press
ing and operate a Hoffman press. State
wages wanted, when could come and give
references In first letter. Yakima Steam
Laundry, dry cleaning department. North
Yakima. Wash.
WANTED Experienced stenographer for
machinery office. Must be famllier with
use of dictaphone and systematic In fil
ing. Permanent position and good salary
to the right person. State experience, ref
erences, etc. AB 438, OREGONIAN.
GROCERY saleswomen ; must be thorough
ly experienced and understand groceries in
every detail ; best of references required.
Apply 9 to 10 A. M.. superintendent's of
fice. Olds, Wortman & King.
WANTED Good girl for general houseword,
must be a good plain cook. References
required. Small house, family of two.
Phone or write Major Newell, Vancouver
WANTED Experienced girl for cooking
and general housework, on farm: modern
conveniences; must like children; good
wages. Mrs. J. L. Batchelder, Hlllsboro,
Or., Route 1.
WOMEN'S Protective Division, located at
room 303 Police Headquarters. 2d and
Oak sts., will furnish information, give
protection and assistance free to women
and girls. Interviews confidential.
WAR requires Immediate appointment hun
dreds women Government clerical posi
tions, $75 month; list positions free.
Franklin Institute, Dept. 703 F, Roches
ter, N. Y.
YOUNG ladies, having knowledge of tele
graphy or wishing to learn, can get indi
vidual instruction from reliable operator.
Dennlson Apts., 34th and Belmont. Sun
nyside car.
THOROUGHLY experienced saleswoman for
drugs and toilet goods; must furnish
best of references. Apply superintendent's
office, 9 to 10 A. M., Olds, Wortman &
TELEURAPU operators wanted; come and
take private instructions from experi
enced instructors. Call or write Sunday
or week days. 1229 E. Main st.
YOUNG GIRL wanted to assist with house
work In a small family; wages $10. Take
Rose City car, get off at 20th st. and walk
1 blocks south to 145.
AUTO TRIP. 3 months in off-railroad re
gions; expenses paid ; three saleswomen
with records and references wanted; book
experience preferred. AK 320. Oregonian.
iTv'E origin, capable ladies to travel, dem
onstrate and sell dealers, $25 to $50 per
week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug
Company, Dept. 701, Omaha, Neb.
A GIRL to assist with light housework,
care for children evenings. Prefer one who
could go home nights in Hawthorne dis
trict. B 1093.
WANTED A first-class cook for a small
Summer resort catering to a high class
of patronage; address, stating experience
and references, BF 451, Oregonian.
WANTED Good girl for general housework
and cooking; references; wages $3U. Apply
6u9 E. 55th st. North. Rose City Park
car. Tabor 5024.
WANTED Educated woman to take per
manent position with large publishing
house; state age, education, experience,
phone number. AF 26. Oregonian.
YOUNG LADY having had .experience cloaks
and suits, permanent, one determined to
make good; no other need apply. A 561,
WANTED A woman to do cooking and as
sist with work on a ranch near Park
dale; good home and good wages. AP
440, Oregonian.
GIRL or woman to cook In country. Eastern
Oregon. Private family, modern house,
small wash. Phone M 6273.
Broad way-Yamhill building; individual
Instruction; positions when competent.
WANTED Japanese girl for dishwashing
and learn to cook. Tel. Main tl5. 5Jt N.
21st st.
COOK and second girl to go. to beach; give
references and telephone number. Ad
dress AM 323, Oregonian.
GOOD girl or woman for housework; go
home nights if you wish. Call at 52
Lucretia st. mornings.
LAUNDRESS 28c an hour; chambermaid,
$35 ; waitress, out, $30 ; cook and second
girl, $00; Hansen, 340 Wash.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid, private fami
ly, $35 mo. Apply Monday 421 Montgom
ery Drive, Portland Heights car.
WANTED A woman, bet. 25 and 35, for
general housework on ranch; wages $30.
Call Tabor 2702.
WANTED Girl to assist with care of 2 chil
dren and second woVk. Apply after 1 P.
M. 753 Hoyt st., near 23d st.
GIRL or middle-aged woman wanted for
housework and help 'care for 1 7-mo. -old
baby. Call 100 Floral ave. Monday.
GIRL for general housework at beach, be
ginning July 1. Phone East 73S3. 455 E.
25th st. North.
WANTED A competent maid for general
housework: references required. Apply 77S
Northrup St.. or telephone Marshall 2494.
WANTED Girl to wash dishes In a small,
high-class Summer resort. Address BF 440,
TELEGRAPHY taught by experienced op
erators. $5 per month. Baron Apts. Phone
Main 1575.
GENERAL housework and cooking. Good
wages. Three children. 102S Raleigh su
Main 82S4.
YOUNG lady, employed, desires room-mate
to share nicely furnished flat; close in.
very reasonable. Phone C lr6.
GIRL wanted to assist with light house
work for room, board and wages. Wood
lawn 4931. 1135 E. 23d N.
OUR "one best bet," telegraphy, stenogra
phy; woman's work, man's salary; earn all
e x penpfs. Mackay Bus. Col., Los Angeles.
RAGTIME piano playing positively taught
beginners In 10 to 20 lessons. Practice
room free. 411-12-13 Columbia bldg.
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work; family 3 adults; no Sunday din
ner; good wages. Phone Main 6282.
WANTED Young girl for general house
work. 295 E. 11th st, N.. corner Clack
amas. Take Irvington or Broadway car.
GIRL for cooking and general housework;
4 in family. 5O0 Taylor st.
WANTED A girl to do general housework.
Inquire (Monday) 243 11th St., corner of
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework:
2 In family; wages $30 a month. 499 East
18th North.
YOUNG girl to assist with housework and
children, $12 per month. Wood lawn 2504.
WANTED A cook on a farm near Port
land; 9 In family. AN 436. Oregonian.
GIRL for general housework, 425 Tillamook.
East 1771.
GIRL to do light housework and assist
with baby. Tabor 14."8.
GIRL for general housework; no washing.
Marshall 5200.
GIRL for general housework 400 East Seven
teenth North.
LADY of experience wants management of
hotel or apartment-house. Tabor 3517.
GIRL to assist in general housework, sleep
at home. 057 Schuyler st., near 19th.
WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Vir
ginia Hill, 265 14th st.
LADY for general housework; no washing.
B. car. 483 E. 25th st. N.
WANTED Young girl tor housework. 6o7
Northrup st.
$1 TO $20 SET. 1218 YEOX BLDG.
Typewriting. $5 mo. 269 14th. Main 3S03.
PRIVATE home for children, any age : 15
yeirs experience. 714 Everett. Mar. 2162.
WEAVERS wanted by Oregon City Woolen
Mills. Oregon City.
WANTED Reliable young housekeeper on
farm, cook for 4 men. AV 124, Oregonian.
GIRL for general housework, must be good
j .a in coQjLi tmall famiov ut 40au
LIPMAN". WOLFE & COMPANY require the
services of several thoroughly experienced
hatr-dressera and tnanlrurliti. Annlv to
Miss Rosenthal, on the m eua nine. Mon-
uay oexore lo A, -AL
WANTED In Medford, Or., a middle-aged,
competent woman for general housework.
Must be first-rate cook with excellent
references. Wages. $40 per month. If
satisfactory to remain three months,
tare paid from Portland. Will be met at
the station. The family has no children
and is of three ladies. Address Mrs.
George H. Parsons. Hillcrest road Med
ford, Or.
WANTED Neat woman as plain working
housekeeper for three young men and
tneir mother. Must be economical and a
fair cook and have a good disposition. A
good, simple home and permanent posl-
- tion with fair wages will be given to such
a person. Kindly state age and refer
ences. Y 434. Oreronian.
"ANTED Trained nurse, well acquainted
In Portland, to act as confidential repre
sentative; service required will not in
terfere with regular employment; -no one
need know you are an agent. Call Mon-
w y ana mesaay, 07 Oak st,
WOMEN wanted by railways as traffic in
spectors to supplant men called to colors:
$12o monthly, alt expenses; prepare at
home in 3 months; ask for booklet F 14.
Frontier Preparatory School, Buffalo,
N. Y.
BACHELOR business man, desirable small
Oregon town. with father and Invalid
mother, wishes housekeeper; prefer prac
tical nurse. refined; good home, small
wages; give full particulars, address and
iricnimiie. rx zwi, uregonian.
WANTED Three women, well acquainted in
Portland, to act as confidential represen
tatives ; no house-to-house canvassing, no
one need know you are an agent. Call
Monday and Tuesday, 267 hi Oak st.
WANTED Good Swiss or German woman
for general housework; must be very neat,
a plain cook and willing to go to Seaside
next month; permanent position and fair
g e s. i oregonian.
WANTED Two girls in every city on the
Coast to sell our toilet preparations to
friends after school; we pay salary, com
mission on excellent presents. Corenson Co.. Los Angeles.Cal.
WANTED A competent maid for general
house work In family of two, references
desired, good wages. Apply mornings be
fore 12 o'clock. 4i7 East 24th st.. cor Lin
coln. WANTED Reliable w oman jio lives In, ot
close to Alameda Park, to lake care of 3
children during afternoons and evenings
when mother goes out. Phone Woodlawn
402 or cali at 9o9 E. 80th st. North.
GOOD, experienced girl for general house
work and cooking, 2 In family. Apply
between 10 and 3. 027 Knott st. East
MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand and Type
writing School; mid-term classes forming;
day and evening sessions, $5 a month.
m 20914th, near Jefferson. Main 8893.
MAC SPERLING, please send your address
to Mrs. Rose Frost. Little Rosa Is here.
Please write me. All want you to come.
R. 2. 145 C. Seattle, Wash.
WANTED A plain common everyday unin
cumbered middle-aged lady to keep house
for a widower. Home as she makes it.
Address Rural, Box 79 E, Fairvlew, Or.
ELDERLY Swedish woman can have a good
home for light housework. Call before
31 o'clock Sunday or Monday. Broadway
1M16. 17.1 N. 15th, cor. Johnson.
WANTED Girl for cooking and general
housework to go to Gearhart Beach;
(second, girl also employed). Phone Main
WANTED Housekeeper by a middle-aged
widower with small home and 2 children,
school age, near Portland; wages $3 a
week. AK 32S. Oregonian.
MAKE $5 up weekly, evenings and spare
time, copying names, addresses; send
stamped envelope for particulars. Bureau,
517 23d St., Oakland. Ca!.
SALESLADIES to sell Numud for the face,
h-a profit, no capital required; must fur
nish references. Numud Co., 702 Market
st., San Francisco.
BRIGHT, willing girl for general house
work, good room, work easy, fine place
for right party. Call at 924 E. Broad
way bet. 10 and 12.
WANTED 2 rural teachers for Oregon and
2 for Idaho at' good salaries. Pacific
Teachers Agency. 047 Monadnock bldg.,
San Francisco, Cal.
BOOKKEEPER, with lumber experience
preferred; permanent position. State fully
agd. salary deuired, experience, past em
ployers. Address E 37i, Oregonian.
MAN and woman for small hotel at beach,
woman to cook and man for outside work.
Wages $30 a month. Phone Sell wood 1808
or call 4604 4th ave. 8. E.
EXPERIENCED hand Ironer, experienced
mangle help, folders and shakers, experi
enced starcher. Palace Laundry Co., E.
HUh and Everett.
CHAMBER MAID, out of town. $30, room
and board, fare paid ; girl for laundry
work, $30, room and board, fare paid.
Call 228 Burn si de.
EXPERIENCED stenographer In fire insur
ance office. Give reference, experience
and salary. K 438, Oregonian.
REFINED ladies take work home spare
time, stamping novelties. Call 733 Wash
ington. EXPERIENCED stenographer In law office.
State experience, reference, salary. J 352.
Oregon Ian.
EXPERIENCED maid for cooking and
housework. No washing. 800 Hancock
East 3390. -
CAPABLE cook, must have references.
Phone Marshall 3950 mornings between 8
and 11 and after 0 P. M.
YOUNG girl for housework In family of 2.
good home for nice, capable girl. Ta
bor 3674.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted, one who Is look
ing for a home preferred: no objection
to children. T 435. Oregonian. -
WANTED At once, competent girl or wom
an for general housework to go to Seaside.
812 Lovejoy. Main 2343.
WANTED Day teacher for the Dekum
Dancing School. Phone Main 7440 and
Marshall 1276
EXPERIENCED stenographer. Address, giv
ing former experience and references to
AD 372. Oreg onian.
WANTED 4 ladles of good appearance to
demonstrate residential work. 5o2-3 Co
lumbia bldg.
LADIES, your opportunity learn beauty cul
ture, 25 pupils in business In outside towns
now. 502-3 Columbia bldg.
BACKWARD student wishes teacher for 2
lessons per week in arithmetic. AP 441,
THIS ad -and 25c good for manicure or
shampoo. 306 Northrup bldg., 6th and
PROFESSIONAL pianist will exchange les
sons for stenography Instruction. Main
37 92.
WANTED Lady with hemstitching ma
chine for good paying business proposition.
W S12, Oregonian.
WANTED A trade or Summer school girl,
light housework, family of 3 adults; no
washing; small wages. 55 E. 29th S.
GIRL to assist with housework; small fam
ily; nice, homelike place. Call at 41 Cook
ave. or phone C 2413.
WOMAN to wash dishes and help in kitch
en for room and board, husband and self.
2S4 Main st.
WANTED Experienced arm waitress. $10
week. 8 hours, 6 days. Meves Restaurant,
SI 1 Washington.
WANTED First-class chef. H 346, Orego
nian. FINISHER wanted on pants; experienced.
2054 Jefferson.
WANT to exchange rent of apartment for
care of homes. 173 13th.
STRONG woman to take care of invalid
girl. Belknap Apts., Apt. 23.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
Main 4870. A 1617.
LADY barber wanted at 183 First st.; steady
work, good money.
WILL exchange furniture for good dress
making. C 2194. 895 E. Broadway.
GIRL to do housework in small family;
wages $18 to $20. Apply 555 E. Davis.
LADIES Learn teauty culture; rates. 306
N. W. Bank bid tn and Washington sts.
GOOD neat girl to assist with housework.
East l70. c lass.
WANTED A woman to care for a para
lyzed man. Woodlawn 17QQ.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
K74 Lovejoy. Main 82U0.
WANTED Girl for light housework. Phone
Lents. B 2822.
GIRL wanted for general housework ; good
wages. Phone Main 8222.
WANTED Folders and mangle girls. U. S.
Laundry Co . Grand ave. and E. YamhilL
GIRL for general housework. Call SOS E.
11th st. N.
WANTED Woman to help tn kitchen and
wait ou table. 2S Front st.
CHAMBERMAID Must know her business.
2..3 th.
XFUCX la ua Of ess, CU . aJo.
services of several experienced saleswom
en for their wash goods, laces and em
broidery department. Must be able to fur
nish the best of references. Apply super
intendent's office between 9 and 10 Mon
day morning.
WANTED Experienced stenographer and
general office assistant; one familiar with
bookkeeping preferred; permanent posi
tion and good salary. Address, giving for
mer experience and references. In own
handwriting, to M 56, Oregonian.
WANTED Ladies to prepare for telegraph
service to fill many vacancies caused by
yoanj men enlisting for war. Call or write
Telegraph Dept., 5u6 Panama bldg.
BUSINESS firm neds a woman not under
3o, who is capable and trustworthy. Ex
perience not essential. Not office wurk.
AF 340. Oregonian.
$2.50 PER DAY paid lady each town to dis
tribute free circulars concentrated fla-
' voring In tubes. Permanent position. F.
E. Han Co., Chicago.
NEAT, reliable girl for general housework
and assist with cooking st The Dalles.
Good home and wages. Phone Tabor 534
or apply 540 E. 45th st. N.
WANTED A competent maid for general
housework ; must be a good cook ; family
of 2 ; references required. Phone East
EXPERIENCED collector, also experienced
solicitor, for collection agency. 913 Board
of Trade bldg.
STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy.
credited school; write or phone Main 5tK
for catalogue; graduates guaranteed posi
tions. Behnke-Wi lker Business College.
107 4th bl, near Morrison.
STENOGRAPHER for sawmill, out of the
city ; wages $100 per month; must have
had lumber experience and be able to
figure manifests correctly. Apply 150.
Yeon bldg.
Founded l .Si3 ; 30 schools in u. . and
Canada; Summer rates; paid while learn
ing. Write for catalogue. 234 Burnslde.
EMPLOYMENT, at good pay. for educated
man or woman who has $1000 to $1500
for local, money-making enterprise. M
5o8, Oregonian.
25 LOGANBERRY pickers wanted; good
campgrounds, free wood. Address all let
ters C. A. Petzel. Salem, Or., box 104.
route 8.
WANTED Salesman or woman, preferably
one who has had some experience with
high-grade book or magazine proposition,
for special position. J 348. Oregonian.
trains you for civil service examination.
Main 1114. Lumber Ex. bldg.. 2d A Stark.
MOHLER Barber School, men and women
to learn barber trade free; paid while
learning. 38 X. 2d. cor. Couch.
BERRY pickers wanted about June 22; bet
ter than average picking. Luhr Jensen,
Dee, Or
OREGON Barber College wants men and
women lo lenm barber trnde; paid while
learning; position guaranteed. 233 Madison.
WANTED Two experienced retouchers.
Steady work. Apply or write Hartsook
Studio. 41 Grant ave.. San Francisco.
OFFICE help, register for positions as
Woodstock and Oliver operators. 06 Gth
SACK-PATCH ERS wanted. Apply 550 Front
st.. near Lincoln.
FREE desk and use typewriter for answer
ing phone. 00 Sixth st.
EX. PIANO player for M. P. show; state ref
erences and salary. H 58S, Oregonian.
SUBSCRIPTION .so'lcltors. maximum
commission. Mt Pc tt Herald, Lents.
U. S GOVERNMENT needs thousands
Clerks 1 men-women ), for war preparations,
$loo month; life Jobs. Write immediately
for list positions obtainable. Franklin In
stitute. Dept. 380 F. Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Names of men-women wishing
to study Government positions; $73 month;
hundreds war appointments. AV 15, Ore
POSITION wanted as store manager or sales
man in general merchandise country store;
have had eight years' experience as store
manager for mining company. Can fur
nish beHt of references. AV 155, Orego
nian. Bookkeeper and Clerks.
BUSINESS man. married. 33. wishes posi
tion of responsibility offering future. Ac
customed to meeting and associating with
men of Influence. Two years' experience
as assistant manager large lirm. Experi
enced correspondent, private secretary,
thorough accountant. Accustomed to em-
. ploying and handling employes. What
can you offer energetic, reliable, trust
worthy man with my qualiiications and
executive ability? Will make employer's
interests my own. Will arrange for per
sonal interview-. D 404. Oregonian.
MARRIED man, at present employed by one
of the largest concerns In state as head
bookkeeper and general office man, wishes
change of position; prefers secretary,
cashier or other responsible position, and
will place any reasonable cash bond re
quired and furnish references. O 339, Ore
gonian. MANAGER and financial man for one of
Portland's largest manufacturing and
jobbing houses for over 10 years, with
thorough knowledge of credits and of
fice management, is desirous of making
a change; present position permanent, but
have excellent reasons for desiring em
ployment elsewhere. P 343, Oregonian.
TORS Can you utilize the services of a
young man under 30. of good appearance,
who has traveled In the East considerably,
who has spent 15 years in railroad account
ing work and is well posted on tariffs and
an accurate accountant? AV 150, Orego
nian. A THOROUGHLY' capable and reliable book
keeper and accountant, now employed, de
sires change about July 1, or -sooner if
necessary; have had more than 20 years'
experience with mercantile and lumber
firms; first-class references. Box 22, Dlx
onville. Or.
A THOROUGHLY experienced printing
salesman and office man; practical knowl
edge of printing from paper up to the
finished article, wants an inside position
with a reliable Portland firm; can figure
all classes of printing and ruling. AO
323. Oregonian.
MAN with business ability, knows the city
thoroughly, been with present firm num
ber of years; can give best of references;
good reasons for changing. G 831. Ore
gonian. A WIDE-AWAKE young man, 19, wants of
fice work. High school education, fair
typist and good at figures. AJ 327, Ore
gonian. CAPABLE, experienced bookkeeper, account
ant and general office man desires posi
tion ; good habits, very best references.
BD 439. Oregonian.
Y'OUNG man, married, wants clerical posi
tion; 7 years' experience in grocery busi
ness: can drive car; willing to leave city.
K 439. Oregonian.
KEEPER, thoroughly competent, desires
situation where efficient service wins pro
motion. H 325, Oregonian.
EXPERT BOOKKEEPER desires another
small set of books to keep; am also a
stenographer and would like part time
work. H :j-24. Oregonian.
accurate and competent to take full
ch.-irge, desires situation requiring part or
all time. H 326. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, experienced, competent, up
to date, quick and able to take full
charge of office, desires position ; refer
ences. T 433, Oregoniaiu
SALESMAN, experienced in mechanical lines
wants position: 6 years' in this district;
age26; married. L 436, Oregonian.
RELIABLE young man wishes situation as
chauffeur; have references. Call Broadway
1737 J. P., 42 Fremont St.
STENOGRA PHER wants work afternoons;
experienced. A P 378. Oregonian.
GOING East: want something to sell to the
trade to pay expenses. ED 442. Oregonian.
M I ce llaneou s.
HOUSKCLEANING. window washing, floor
polishing and odd jobs of all kinds by
the hour. Call janitor. Main 7100.
POSITION as night watchman or horse
man; best of references. Main 72.2.
YOUNG married man wants work of any
kind at Summer resort. BF 445. Oregonian.
KALSOMINFNG. painting, plaster patching,
reasopRble. Woodlawn 2410.
LANDSCAPE gardener, city experience,
wants position. AO 317, Oregonian.
PAPEREAXGING, painting and tinting
neatly and cheaply done. Mar. 2493.
SHINGLER When in need ot a shlngler
call Woodlawn 5200.
PAINTING, paperhanging and tinting; good
work, reasonable. Tabor 4367.
CHEF-STEWARD Thoroughly competent
man wants position. Main 4122. Apt. 41.
AUTO TRUCK driver, can do own repairing.
ALL around electrician and mechanic Line
construction, wiring, light or power. Re
pair motors, starting boxes, etc Io lathe
aud shaper work, tool tempering, brazing,
etc Steam, water and gas power. Hae
Installed and built plants for light and
power. Y 446. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED garuener and lawn fixer,
garage cleaning or window cleaning, or
any other kind of work; nothing taken
for less than one day's work. Call me up,
we will talk it over; best of references.
Ask for Edmonds. Marshall OtiO.
MAN and. wife want permanent position on
ranch: have had 20 years' experience tn
general farming, stock and fruit raising:
will guarantee satisfaction if you will
give me a trial; wife is a No. 1 cook. AM
315, Oregonian.
MANAGER of local corporation desires
change; wide experience, good on de
tails, expert accountant and office man ;
prefer executive position requiring ability,
application and responsibility. AJ 320, Ore
gonian. DO you need a salesman on the road or ou
the floor? Thoroughly experienced in
steam and electrical equipment. A lto
qualified to take charge of construction
work. AF 337. Oregonian.
SINGLE men. middle-aged, now employed,
desire a change; are seeking a position:
have some experience in gardening;
strictly reliable; state wages. AK 2UU,
I HAVE a lAOO-lb. auto delivery truck and
would like to contract for hauling by week
or month at reasonable rates with some
good firm. Address Box AC 2S1. regon
lun. LAUNDRYMAN. 20 years experience: can
take full charge or will take any position;
will leave city; best of ref. Phone Wood
lawn 5107. or Y 438. Oregonian.
WANTED Boy 14, place on farm with re
sponsible people. No bad habits. Phone
Tabor 3732 or address Mrs. E. Shepard.
4S39 2d st., Portland.
RELIABLE and steady camp cooks, no chil
dren ; man cook, wife helper, wish work
immediately. Address O 342. Oregonian.
phone 7872 city.
PAINTING paper hanging and tinting by re
liable expert mechanics; day or contract;
references; lowest prices Tabor 1455 or
Main 1076
WANTED Filipino young man. 28 years.
other permanent work. J as. Ellax. 44 N.
1st st.
STEADY, reliable man, good habits, wants
situation tending phone, watchman, fuel
salesman, running rooming-house or ele
vator. Tabor 3704.
WANTED By a young married man, en
gineering position or fireman's job. E. W.
P.. 4320 43d sU S. E. Sell w ood 2063 at 6
P. M.
MARRIED man wishes position ss manager
or steward of good Summer resort hotel
or restaurant. AG 331. Oregonian.
OLD man wants work. Janitor, gardener,
housework, handy man, any light work.
AN 440. Oregonian.
COMPETENT chauffeur wants position for
the Summer; touring preferred. M 513,
YOUNG married man would like work at
beach to bear exp. ; capable of running
small business. X 372. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by boy 17 years of age.
with grammar school education; can fur
nlsh references. AP 45H, Oregonian.
HIGH-GRADE office man wants position as
cashier or creditman; best local references.
AM 331. Oregonian.
A GOOD cook, experienced In hotel, res
taurant and lunchroom, wants work. How
ell, fill Everett st. Broadway 1S4.
PAINTING, paperhanging, tinting, reasona
ble. Main 679. A 174. Sunday or even
ings. EXPERIENCED fry cook wishes work with
chef to learn dinner cooking. O 353,
CHAUFFEUR, married. requires position
with private family. A-l references. AG
333. Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR, with lst-class. local and Cal
ifornia refs., wishes position in private
place. AP 447. Oregonian.
WALL TINTING, with Muresco. carpenter
repairs, building reasonable. Manny, Sell
wood 2421.
BOY, 18 years old, wants work on farm.
Phone Marshall 54S7.
COI.ORED young woman wants day work
Monday and Tuesday. Call East 7;; 02.
TWO willing boys. 10. want work at beach.
301 Halsey st. East 2440.
JAPANESE young man wants short hour
work. Marshall 2431, A 5700.
YOUNG man wishes to learn printer's trade.
Phone Seiiwood 13.
POSITION WANTED by architectural and
engineering draughtsman. F 300, Oregonian
MAN wants painting, tinting; do any kind
of work. Sell wood 155S.
A-l DELICATESSEN and grocery man; best
local references. AF 339. Oregonian.
CEMENT WORK Frame and concrete ga
ra,fes. Woodlawn 2278.
NIGHT WATCH, caretaker; references fur
nished. Phone Tabor 000.
CHILDREN to care for by the hour, day or
week, private home, nice yard, very rea
sonable. East Salmon and 20th. East
ELDERLY lady would like to do light
housework in private family for room and
board; C. S. preferred. Mrs. Mira Huxley,
375 Taylor st.
EXPERIENCED girl for exchange board.
Main 5148.
Bookkeepers tno (ethnographer-.
HIGH SCHOOL GIRL with two years' train
ing in shorthand and typewriting, desires
position during Summur vacation. Tabor
YOUNG lady stenographer, familiar with
modern office equipment and methods,
seeks employment where services and re-
liability are needed. HC 4 .". Oregronian.
HIGH SCHOOL girl, senior, desires position
as typist or office girl, temporary or per
manent. Woodlawn 3324.
STENOGRAPHER desires work for leisure
time at her office. Call Marshall 3-32,
RELIABLE girl wants office work; beginner
in oooKKeeping ana stenogrspny. AG 358,
experience, wishes position. Y 437, Ore
gonian. COMPETENT, experienced bookkeeper and
stenographer desires position; best refer
ences. K 344, Oregonian.
YOL'XG LADY stenographer wants work.
Phone Marshall 440O, Apt, 103.
COMPETENT stenographer desires position;
good references. Call Monday. Tabor 3530.
STENOGRAPHER. 16 years' experience,
wants permanent position. Woodlawn 4244.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tail ores s
will sew by the day. Phono Broadway
COMPETENT dressmaker would like sewing
out of city. 91.50 per day and fare. Ad
dress 430 E. Mill. Telephone E. 959.
DRESSMAKER Engagements out by day.
Summer rate; city references: remodel
ing, specialty. A 3561, Mar. 1950, apt. 20.
EXPERIENCED nurse, care convalescent.
- invalid, elderly or chronic; reason
able. Main 7010.
DRESSMAKING, alterations, children's work
by day; reasonable. Call Miss Cooper. Main
DRESSMAKING, children's work a spe
cialty; reasonable. Sell wood 2421.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker. SI. 50 a day
and carfare: ref. Mar. 4100 or A 4125.
LADIES tailoring, alterations, coats re lined.
Mrs. Muckler. 445 Morrison. Main 6133.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing
by day. Tabor 2S51.
DRESSMAKING Work guaranteed; prices
reasonable. Msrsnaii :.iu. umar Apts.
TAILORING and dressmaking by day or at
nome. .-none cenwooa izi i.
NURSE would like confinement cases or
slight o Deration, reliable, can furnish ref
erences; will assist with household duties.
hone Marsnaii i:ni.
A LADY of refinement who Is a practical
nurse of 15 vears. with 22 months' Tno.
pital experience, wishes position ss nurse
or traveling companion, rnone jroaa. tsuw.
A COMPETENT nurse wishes work, city or
couniry, no a w ec auuitm urse. o.
Rodney ave. -'none t.ast juo4.
NURSE will care for confirmed invalids,
elderly people In own home; best care;
rer erences. o re? num. vr. . n. .. ttox 74,
NURSE Experienced practical nurse will
rare for sick, do light housework. Tabor
REAL private placs for confinement esses;
midwife. 426 Burnside. Broadway 720.
NEAT girl. 27. wishes position ss house.
keeper; in answering state wages and re-
q u t rem en is. AM J-i. oregonian.
WOMAN desires position ss housekeeper
for business couple or where she can
take full charge, k .fi. oregonian.
RELIABLE party wants care of apartment
or rooming-house; best references. AN 445.
YOUNG lady with 7-year-old girl wants
work ss nouseKeeper. Aii n i. oretronian
WOMAN of refinement would assist house
work, sewing, for room. D 411. Oregonian
WANTED position as housekeeper or care
of children by day or hour. at 7802.
WOMAN tn 30s, nest, capable, accustomed
to own home, would consider position na
managing housekeeper n aug hter. 1 L
would tns welcome; light work, borne life.
smtl wage. Give phone for quick answer.
A D 375. oregonian.
M IDDLE-AGED Christian woman wants po
sitlon. housekeeper for widower with chil
dren. Thoroughly competent. Particu
lars In answer. No trtf.ers. Mrs. P. Linn
ton, R. 2, box C
ELDERLY woman, housekeeping for e'.derly
respectable man ; home more than w agvs;
alone, hsve no home: references. Mrs. C.
J Wheeler. Sherwood. Or., route 3, c ol
K. N. Hayr ies.
THOROUGHLY experienced chambermaid,
housekeeper and manager In flrt-clas
hotel, club or apartment, tn or out of
Portland: strictly high-class references.
O 332, Oregonian.
RESPECTABLE young widow wltu 2 b..y
8 and 4 wants position as housekeeper for
widower or bachelor. Addrxss or call 5933
45th ave. S. E.. Portland.
REFINED, competent widow wants house
keeping position in widower's comfortable
home, in or out of state. W S13, Orego
nian. REFINED widow wants position ss com
panion or housekeeper to elderly couple
or elderly widow, phone Sell wood 40L or
AP 44t. Oregonian.
RELIABLE. middle-aged widow. wishes
housekeeping for rooming house, bach
elor's or Widower's home. Mar. 34H2,
room 62.
MIDDLE-AGED widow wishes housekeeping
for wkJower or bachelor: neat, clean and
pleasant; more for good home than wages.
Address ID 441. Oregonian.
HOMELESS woman must have work st
once, in or out ot city or state. BD 437.
MIDDLE-AGED lsdy wants position as
housekeeper In or near city. Address 90L
E. 10th st. N.
EXPERIENCED Swedish woman, with boy
O, desires housekeeping in Portland or
suburb. g!5-$20 month. 892 Thurman st.
WOMAN with boy would like housekeeping
on ranch, or cook in camp ; good refer
ences. A 552. Oregonian.
A POSITION Is wanted as housekeeper in
a good family by s Japanese girL AO
34 2. Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY experienced chambermaid.
no per ana manager in tirst-ciass
hotel, club or apartment. In or out of
Portland; strictly high-class references.
O 332, Oregonian.
A FIRST-CLASS cook wishes position in .
gooa xanuiy, as cook; prefer going to the
beach. Call Rev. J. A. Willman, 107 BeecU
st. Woodlawn 3105.
JAPANESE woman wants position In pri
vate family, housework or second work.
AR 30O, Oregonian.
YOUNG girl desires to assist with house
work and children; Catholic preferred.
Sellwood 2902.
A YOUNG lady Intending to enter college
wishes employment for Summer; is well
qualified to fill position as governess,
tutor or companion: is good reader,
plays the piano and Is of a cheerful dis
position: will promptly answer all cora
munications. Box 5, Seaside, Or.
ATTENTION What offer have you for ex-
periencea. erricient cher and steward at
present engaged as manager, but wishes
to locate in Portland? ciood references
f urnlshel. Address Clerlco, P. O. bojc
'.3. Sacramento. California.
REFINED young lady, employed, desires
room and board in private family where)
she can stay with children occasional
evening In exchange for reasonable rate.
AK 342, Oregonian.
WANTED Position in real estate office by
lady capable of - meeting the public and
handling rental or collection dept.; prei'er
salary and commission. AL 340, Orego
nian. EDUCATED Christian woman desires day
work. Children, 'nvalids. old people &
specialty. All-around experience, both
home and school. S 453. Oregonian.
GRADUATE NURSE wishes permanent po
sition, either hospital or private; ex
perienced and references. It 411. Ore
gonian. LADY employed short hours, withes board
and room where company, sewing, or other
light services would pay for s.rae. Ta
bor 67.
CAPABLE, reliable dayworker desires work,
25c hour; Al refs. Call Monday, Main
74131, A 1517.
YoUNG LADY wishes to take care of chil
dren evenings, after 7 o'clock. O 333,
REFINED widow, 5, with a small chiid
wants housekeeper position for widower
or bach elur. AE 3S. Oregonian.
REFINED elderly lady would like position
as housekeeper or companion. Marshall
PIANO lessons by competent teacher, wanted
In exchange for first-class dressmaking.
AJ 324. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady attending business college de
sires to work for room and board before
and sfter school. Phone Marshall 54S1.
WOMAN wishes office work where knowl
edge of stenography is not required. M
511. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED teacher desires tutoring or
work as governess for the Summer; ref
erence furnished. E 371. Oregonian.
WANTED Work by the day or hour, by ex
perienced woman; 22c per hour. Call
East 1752.
EXPERIENCED masseuse wishes position in
Institution or nursing Invalid. East "5371.
Mrs. W a lker.
CAPABLE woman needs work. Rooming-
nouse or hotel preferred. V 549, Orego
nian. COMPETENT woman wants work, day or
hour, laundrv, cleaning, housework. Phone
E:st 52H.V Mrs. Loveland.
HIGH SCHOOL girl would like work taking
care of ehildre:- afternoons. Phone Mar
shall 302S.
COLORED woman wishes washing, fine
clothes, 60c. Call for, delivered. Tabor
COLORED girl wishes 2 hours work, from
11:30 till 1:30. Phone Tabor 2140.
LAUNDRY work nrd cleaning; good ref
erences. Phone Marshall 302S.
EXPERIENCED laundress wants work for
Tues. and Weds. Call Broadway 571.
LESSONS given In grammar grade studies;
music. 50c. Main 5721.
WANTED Rooming-house to care for by
reliable woman ; best of refs. East 7339.
WOMAN wants day or janitor work, no
apt. -house. Phone Main 5121.
RELIABLE lady would like to take care of
apt. or rooming-house. Call Tabor 4402.
EXPERIENCED waitress w ants work dur
ing lunch hour. AO 320. Oregonian.
LACE curtains laundered; 14 years' expe
rience. Tabor 5933 or Woodlawn 4226.
MRS. STADLER wants camp work. Clay
Hotel, 2d and Clay, room 19.
WANTED A few private pupils by Port
land teacher. AE 345, Oregonian.
WOMAN wants work washing or cleaning.
Main 2703.
SW EDISH woman wants washing, ironing;
or cleaning. Marshall 1364.
FOR a good day worker call Sellwood 1932
Sunday and evening.
LADY wants work of any kind. Main 9132.
WANTED 7 or 8-room house or flat, com
pletely furnished. West side, centrally lo
cated, not to exceed $25. AB 439, Ore
gonian. WANTED By lady and grown daughters,
home to care for during Summer; excel
lent care: best references given. Phone
Marshall 3750.
RESPONSIBLE couple, no children, want
year's lease 5-room bungalow, furnished.
Phone room 715, T. M. C. A. D 412,
O regonlan.
WANTED to rent 5 rooms or more, modern,
with garage, barn for cow, chickens and
garden. Phone Marshall 3827 between S
and 10 A. M. AG 332. Oregonian.
WANTED to rent, 5 or 6 room bungsiow
with garage. Rental Dept. J. L. HART
MAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Com
merce. Main 208.
YOUNG married couple wishes 5-room fur
nished bungalow. East Side, walking distance;-best
references. Call Sellwood 159,
WANTED Nicely furnished 5-room house.;
must be reasonable, Marshall 442, apt. 26,
2ICE. modern cottage with furnace in Ala
meda. R ose City or Irvington Park Dis
trict, near school. Woodlawn 520O.
WANTED To rent small furnished cottage
at beach, month of July; Cannon Beach
preferred. BF 448. Oregonian.
YOUNG couple wishes to rent f umuvietl
apt. or house for months of July and
A ug.. best of references. R 414. Oregonian .
5-ROOM furnished. Hawthorne dlsL; adult;
rent re asona ble; best or ca re. A K 3cr.,
Oregonian. .
THREE refined young women wish to rent
small, attractive, furnisbd house in Irv
ington for the Summer. B 587. Oregonian.
WIDOW and daughter would like house,
fur. or unfur.. for care of same. West Side.
AF 347. Oregonisn.
WANTED To rent, small furnished house
or flHt. D 410, Oregonian
SMALL fuminhed house wanted, sie&dyt.