The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 10, 1917, SECTION FIVE, Page 11, Image 69

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By (Joseph
tearing aad Waiting the Border, by
I'Ser iiatcheiaer. (1.29. Houghton, illl- I
In rA TlLtnn 1
.ur author Is Private Batchelder, of
Machine Gun Company. Eighth
Iment, Massachusetts National
rd. and he was one of the soldiers
trref last year "watching and
lng" along or near the Mexican
though Mr. Batchelder's book Is a
It account of Army conditions as he
them, he does not write a "roast."
he never Is abusive. He la often
ioroui and lively.
r. Batchelder's book is just to hand,
was written evidently before the
Rent National service compulsory
'iy law was passed by Congress. Mr.
chelder says: "Compulsory service
f not be adopted immediately, but
ultimate success Is inevitable. The
,re Army, the entire National Guard.
thinking men. favor It; not as pre-
dness for war, but as preparedness
nut war, and as a surety of the
e with honor which we have hlth
Lacked. Let us have It before It is
ippose our National Guard bad been
ed to fight a large trained army at
Mexican border at the outset. Many
he American soldiers would have
massacred, aa they were not
ned soldiers.
page 80 we read: "Gradually the
i ships began to lessen. The company
: me accustomed to the hot days.
jhtratlons in the regiment dixnln-
p in number and eventually became
y occurrences. Aa the probability
intervention decreased and the pos
lty of returning home became less
nary, the men s spirits rose. The
mfortable afternoons were spent in
i or diversion in the city, and. In
went bridge and poker games, In
r writing or sleeping at camp."
is recorded that at a dance hall In
ta, a small town near El Paso.
V the proprietor placed this sign
vie door:
V'anclng for ladles and gentlemen,
tiers and dogs not admitted."
I speaking of the village of Smelter-
i. Tex., a big Industrial plant, our
or says that it "is Inhabited solely
he Mexican employes of the two
erns; there Is not a white man in
place. It is a squalid, vile smelling
a spot, absolutely devoid of sani-
convenlences, and. I was told.
Uy typical of all real Mexican vil-
ptember signalized the arrival of
ana mosquitoes. "The flies de-
Iu in swaraiB iikb l ii a Historical
ts of Egypt. Sleep In the afternoon
Impossible; attracted by the dirty
ing and perspiring men. flies filled
tents. I saw one man In the Ninth
'raent catch 119 flies In one sweep
ae nana during the evening. The
tens were beclouded with the black
ts; they could not be kept from the
ich space Is devoted to the fun and
sements of Army camp life, and
3 are thoughtful paragraphs on the
rles and kicks of the Army mule.
ate Batcbelder had charge of one
' named Al. and this animal s favor
Jiversion waa to try to bite and
hen Autumn came. Interest In box-
Wevived, and one night our author
s that out of nine bouts there
five clean knockouts.
I educated Mexican girl told Batch-
: The peons kill Americans be-
they have done it before and
ng happened. If your Government
recognized Huerta, there would
been no more murders. He would
stopped them. He was bad. but he
strong and knew how to rule by
e most dramatic and Interesting
ter in the book is an account of
ig march, or "great hike." About
0 soldiers walked 60 miles, from
i cotton, beyond Las Cruces. N.
lnd most of the men suffered from
of drinking water. Alkaline dust
me again at Worcester Mass.. our
or observes: "One hundred thou-.
men, as a result of the severe
ing, returned to their homes in the
of physical condition. The four
hs of outdoor life gave many a
lation of health which will In
to come prove of great benefit
emselves and their children. Yet to
t this great blessing, there re
a the lamentable fact that many
. absolutely . ruined, or at least
i.'cially crippled as a direct result
leir trip to the border. Positions
lost, mortgages were foreclosed.
Ipills went unpaid: In spite of the
:jt neea at nome. some round It lr
ble to obtain either a furlough or
rmanent discharge. One of the
'.'Ant nrnhlAmg n-i .
Who were hlivlnp hnmnv nn tha
fllment plan; when their wages
cut orr, the payments necessarilv
ed, leaving the family subject to
ion. countless positions were lost
ood; many small business ventures
psed entirely during the absence
eir promoters. 'Yet," It may be said
must De expected in time of war.
t must be expected in time of war:
vii it a iime ox wan
nd if it were a time of war, is It
that one man in a thousand should
the burden alone, abandon his
rg for that of a soldier, while the
999 remain at home, untroubled
hislness calamity or financial dis
? Should not the burden be borne
l lintlrA Attntrv r-c IV... . k. V.
rosoiute minority r"
h is Private Batchelder's convex
w universal military service, a
law which had such a successful
nstration last Tuesday.
I think the first virtue is
to restrain the tongue. He
app-poaehes nearest the
gpdswKo knows Inow to
joe silent, even when he
is in the Yig ht.
V - - -; . fdem&
W -vV t W&-
SS&'tf? WV- p-- - WW
Ic-fi'- '
1 1
sncf yva
leaves her an annuity of thousands of
dollars a year.
Such vile stuff!
The XJttle Days, by Frances Gfll. ffi.SO. Illus
trated. uouiBton, Mimin (jo., uoiton.
There is no pleasure like that which
comes unexpectedly.
That is why the arrival of such a
charming little book of poems of child
hood, poems written by Miss Frances
Gill, daughter of J. K. Gill, of this city.
Is such a delightful surprise.
We who know Miss Gill as a clever
and entertaining violinist are gratified
to know that she Is a writer of exquis
itely polished versa. Her book brings
new literary honor to Portland, her
own home town, and Is one of the very
best books of its kind this season.
The pages are SI and dainty illustra
tions are by Mllo Winter. On the page
next to the title page is this dedication:
To the memory of my mother."
This message is significant of the
The little days behind tie
Thoe days when earth was new;
The World yet undiscovered:
And all things lovely, true
Oh little days dear little days!
Help us a while to hold
Our gold-pots with our rainbows
That we may not grow old.
A favorite poem to all musicians will
be "The Concert," picturing the emo
tions of a young boy taken evidently
to his first big concert. It is a striking
thought, well clothed. A decidedly
clever poem Is "The Travel Day With
Father." The most curious poem of all
is "Religion."
The list of poems: "The Concert,"
'The Travel Day With Father."
'Mother's Clothes," "Ferryman Sleep,"
Who's There?" "Mother's Birthday,"
"Music." "Rain," "Talk," "Gravity."
"Sunday." "Growing." "The Motor
Child," "Robin Red," "The Angel." "The
Cuckoo Clock," "The Bullfrog," "The
Meadow Lark." "The Dream Boats,"
Religion," "The Sagull," "Bed."
Snow," "The Visitors," "Good Morn
ing," "Hair," "Fairy Clothes" and "Tin
ker Bell."
Children particularly have a reading
treat in store for them.
tenon Her Fall and Rise, bv TrA
ham flumps. Two volumes. I). Ap-
un ce u. , ew xorK V 1 1 y
lea a sister of mercy, whose work
to visit and assist the hungry
was so beautiful that all the men
net insisted on falling in love with
some of them with bad motives.
self-defense the" good sister, who
. distinguished painter of pictures,
rureu ner iace so BKiiiuily with
tnai to ner great relief men
d her by. I was recently in an
ent," she explained, and after a
at the repulsive-looking face the
shuddered and agreed. She was
v. It Susan Lenox had followed
xample of this sister and had dis
;d her beautiful face say with
6he might have been a good wo
because men would not have made
to her. But she did not, and was
so this story of sex passion is
aan Lenox is a novel that was
after the death of its author.
med he was advised not to
h it during his lifetime. It is
rlble novel, and it is a question
-ier it should have been published
rely serves no good end to exploit
ind the sex relation so openly.
san Lenox is harmful, because
erolne makes in the end ro much
y by her Improper way of work
t.vlng that what she did might in
,ce weak minds of lazy women to
d do likewise today.
an is an illegitimate child. "Her
were dreamy violet gray, hair
intense red lips, truly sensitive,
a sensuous, graceful slender
People, and especially her
bora, pointed her out as a girl
out of wedlock. Her relatives
Ll her to marry a rough boor, and
icond day of her married life she
way. She suffered from cold and
ler and was "tempted" to sell her
,o. Her life in vice makes up the
r part of this bad novel. In the
Lne of ber men adorers dies and
'jaan L
jfehed al
J presur
the law In Oregon provides for such-and-such,
and that In another specified
state the law provides there for some
thing quite the opposite.
Mr. Childs writes regarding the le'gal
rights of the auto owner, and more
particularly his liability under various
circumstances, as when his car Is being
driven by a friend, or a member of his
family, by an unlicensed chauffeur, by
his chaufTeur with and without the
owner's consent; when he lends his
auto. It also gives information re
garding defense in arrest for speeding,
the law on turning corners, frighten
ing horses, unregistered automobiles,
the rights of pedestrians, the liability
of garage owners, etc.
Legal Folate for Automobile Owners, by
iesiie jm;as. ow oenta J a. uguvie ruD-
lishlng (Jo., wew loric city.
Taking the general laws of the dlf
ferent states as a basis, Mr. Childs
has written a book on the legal aspect
of autos and auto owners, a book in
tended primarily for the general reader.
The trouble la that the advice fur
nished is general, as laws in different
states affecting autos do not agree. For
Instance, a lawyer might argue that
(Continued From Page 10)
mary and junior pupils of the Sunday
school will be given. They will con
sist of songs, recitations and class ex
The male quartet win furnish spe
cial musics and the evening will close
with stereopticon pictures on "Tony's
Adventure," showing most vividly the
adventures of a little Italian boy from
Sicily, who comes with his parents
to this country. The older people as
well as the children will greatly enjoy
these fine pictures, many of which are
colored and show the famous places
and sights of Naples, Rome, Florence
and New Tork City. Decorations will
be by the girls class of the Sunday
school. The exercises will be at 7
o clock Instead of 7:45.
Children's day will be observed at
the First Christian Church today. An
Interesting programme has been pre
pared and the little ones apparently
are eager to show their parents how
much Biblical knowledge they have
absorbed during the past year.
The contest for membership in the
men's Bible class Is waxing warm. Ex
State Senator B. F. Mulky. teacher. Is
doing a splendid work among the men.
Rev. Harold H. Griffls will give the
second sermon today In his series on
the life of the Apostle Paul. "Paul, the
Preacher." and the night topic will be
God s Aristocracy.
The re-organised quartet. Mrs. O. F.
Alexander, soprano; Miss Nina Dressel,
contralto; Raymond V. McKalson, ten
or, and A. J. Gillette, bass, will make
its first appearance today.
Rev. W. R, Reece, pastor of the New
Church Society (Swedenborgian), re
turned last week from Philadelphia
and will resume his work this morn
Sunday Church Services
Advent Christian, 438 Second street, near
Rail street Rev. J. S. Lucas, pastor.
Preaehlna. 10:80: Sunday achool. 12: Loral
Workers. 6:80; preaching, T:80; prayer meet
ing, xnuraaay evening, i:au.
(These services are beld on Saturday.)
Central. East Eleventn and Everett
treeta P. C. Kayward. minister. Sabbath
school. 10: church services, 11:18; prayer
meeting: Wednesday night. 7:B, Toung
people's meeting, Friday, 8.
St. Jobu. central avenue ana unineiion
street A. R. Folkenberg. local elder. Sab
bath school, 10: preaching. 11; prayer meet
ing Wednesday evening. 7:4S.
Mount Tabor, least Sixteenth and Belmoot
treeta J. M. Wllloughby, mtniater. Sab
bath school, 10; preaching.. 11; prayer meet
ing We'dtcidiT evening, 7:46.
Scandinavian. Ogden Hall, MIasllppl ave
nue Slid Shaver street O. B. Saadnea, mln.
later. Sabbath school. 10; preaching. 11.
Alblna (German). Skldmore and ilallory
streets A. A. Meyers, minister; A. C.
Schweitzer, local elder. Sabbath school,
10:30: service. 11:80; prayer meeting,
Wednesday evening, 8; preaching, Sunday
evening. 7:80.
Tabernacle. Weat Side, Knights of Pythias
hall. Eleventh and Alder streets Sabbath
school. 10: preaching, 11.
Lents, Ninety-fourth street and Fifty
eighth avenue Southeast D. J. Chitwood,
local elder. Sabbath achool, 10: preaching.
11 o'clock; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8
P. M.
Montavilla, East Eightieth and Everett
streets J. F. Beatty, local elder. Sabbath
school. 10; preaching, 11; prayer meeting,
7:45 P. M.. Wednesday.
Chrlstensen's Ball, Eleventh and Yamhill
streets 8 P. M., puhlle lecture by W. A.
Baker; subject, "Christ's 6econd Coming,
Hew? Why? 'When?" Eight P. M.. dis
course by A. A. Teres; subject. "The Two
First, White Temple. Twelfth and Taylor
streets Rev. Calvin B. Waller, T. T.. pastor.
9:50 A. M.. Bible school, classes for all
ages; 11 A. M., preaching by Dr. J. Sherman
Wallace, or McMinnvllle; 6:30 P. M., B. Y.
P. U. ; 7iS0 P. M.. preaching, by rr. Waller;
theme. "To Whom Shall We Go?"
East Side. East Twentieth and Ankeny
streets Rev. W. B. Hlnson, D. D., pastor.
10 A. M-. Sunday school; 11 A. M., preach
ing oy ur. Hlnson: theme, "The Two Resur
rections"; 8:30 P. M., B. Y. P. U.; 7:45 P. M.,
preaching by Ur. J. Sherman Wallace, oi
Glencoe, East Forty-fifth and Main streets
Rev. A. B. Walts, pastor. 9:45-12 A. M.,
Children's day programme, in the new
church; 7 P. M., K. Y. P. U.: 8 P. M-,
preaching by the pastor; theme, "Taking
Your Religion Home."
- Highland, Alberta and East Sixth street
North Rev. Charles F. Mlelr, pastor. 10,
Sunday school; 11 and 7:45. preaching by
Rev. H. E. Marshall; of Salem; 6:80. B.
Y. P. U.
University Park, corner of Flake and Drew
streets. 10, Sunday school; 11 and 7:s4,
preaching services ; 6:30. B. Y. P. U.
Arleta Rev. W. T. Sprlggs, pastor. 10,
Sunday achool: 11. preaching by the pas
tor; 6:30, B. Y. P. XJ. ; 7:45, preaching by
the pastor.
Grace, Montavilla Rev. H. T. Cash, pas
tor. 9:45. Sunday school; 11. preaching by
the pastor.
University Park, corner, of Flske -and
Drew s treeta Rev. Thomas Stephenson, pas
tor. 10, Sunday school; 11, preaching by the
pastor; 6:30. B. Y. P. U.; 7:45, preaching
by the pastor,
Arleta Rev. "W. T. 6. Sprlggs. pastor.
9:50, Sunday school: 11 and 7:80. preaching
by Rev. H. E. Marshall: 8:30. B. Y. P. U.
Bethany (Sellwooa; Rev. W. H. Hayes,
paator. 10. Sunday achool; 11, preaching
by the pastor; 8:80, B. Y. P. U.; 7:30,
preaching by the pastor.
Cwedish-Flnnlsh Baptist Mission meets St
7:45 in the lower White Temple, Twelfth
and Taylor streets.
Mount Olivet, Seventh and Everett streets
Rev. W. A., paator. Services. 11
and 6; Sunday school. 12:30.
First Germaa, Fourth aad Mill s treeta .
Rev. Jacob Kratt, D. D., paator. 9:45, Sun
day achool; 11 and 7:30. preaching by the
Calvary, East Eighth and Grant streets
Rev. J. E. Thomas, pastor. 11 A M., 7 :30
P. M.
Italian Mission, East Eighteenth and Tib
betts street! Rev. Francesco Sannella. pas
tor. 10. Sunday achool; 10:30, short ser
mon for English-speaking people; 11. preach
ing service; 7, pastor's circle (prayer serv
ice); 6, preaching service.
Swedish. Fifteenth and Hoyt etr.ets
Rev. T. Gideon Sjolander, pastor. Services,
10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.
Immaculate Heart of Mary. Williams ave
nue and Stanton street Rev. W. A. Daly.
Mass. 6. 8. u; high mass, 11 o'clock; even
ing service, 7:30.
St. Charles, Capitol Hill Franciscan
Fathers, Rev. G. M. Snlderhorn, rector. Serv
ices at 7 A. M. and 9:30 A. M. No evening
g. Bleseea sacrament, aiaryiana avenue uu
TBIandena street Rev. Father F. W. Black.
pastor. Mass, 8AM.; high mass at 10:30
A. M. ; evening service, 7:80.
St. Patrick's, Nineteenth and Savior streets
Rev. K. P. Murphy. Mama 8; high mesa,
10:80; evening service. 7:80- 1
Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth and Davia streets
Rev. E. v. O'Hara. Mais. 0, 7:15. 8:80.
9:45; high mass, 11; evenlna service. 7:45.
St. Lawrence. Third and Sherman streets
Rev. J. C. Hughes. Masa 8. 8:30; high
J mass, 10:30; evening aervico. 7:80.
St. Francis. East Eleventn ana uu
streets Rev. J. H. Black. Mass, 6, 8, 9;
hla masa, 10.80: evening service. 7:30.
Holy Rosary. Eaat Third and Clackamas
Rev. C. J. OlBon. Mass, 8, 7. 8. V; high
aae, 11; evening service. 7:8&
The Madeleine. East Twenty-fourth and
filaklyou Rev. U. F. Thompson. Mass. 7:80,
9: hliih masa. 10:30: evening service, 7:o.
St. Andrew's. East Ninth and Alberta
streets Rev. T. Klernan. Mass, 8; higa
mass. 10:30: evenlna service. 7:80.
Ascension. East lamnlll ana ttasr seventy-
sixth Franciscan Fathers. Mass, 8; high
mass. 10:3u: evenlna service. 7:80.
Holy Redeemer. Portland boulevard ana
Vancouver avenue Rev. F. H. Miller. Masa
6, 8; high mass, 10:80; evenlna service, 7:80.
Holy Cross. 774 uowaoin street tiev.
Raymond. Mass, 8; high maaa, 10:30; even
ing service, 7:80.
Sacred Heart. East Eleventn ana center
Rev. G. Rcbl. Masa, 8; high maaa 10:30;
evening service, 7:80.
St. Agatha. Eaat Firteentn ana aauier
P.ev. J. Cummlsky. Mass. 8; high maaa
10:30; evening service, 7:80.
St. Joseph (German), irteentn ana toucn
streets Rev. B. Durrer. Mass, ; high
mass. 10:30; evening service. 7:80.
St. Stanislaus otailan). Maryiana avenue
and Willamette boulevard Rev. T. Mathew.
Maes, 8; high masa, 10:o0; evening service,
St. Peter's. Lents Rev. P. Buetgen. Mass,
8; high mass, 10:3o: evening service. 7:80.
St. Clements. Smith ana r.ewton streets-
Rev. C. Smith. Mass. 8; high maaa 10:30:
evening service, 7:20.
Bt. Ruses, Fifty-third ana Alameaa
streets Rev. J. M. O'Farreil. paator. Maasoa
8 ar.d 10 A. M.; evening devotion. 7:80.
St. Michael's (Italian), fourth ana win
Jesuit Fathers; M. J. Baleatra, S. J., pastor.
Low mais. 8:30; high mass, 10:80; evening
service, 7:30.
St. Philip Neri. East Sixteenth and Hick
ory Rev. W. J. Cartwrlght. Mass. 7:80. 9.
hlKh mass. 10:3O: evenlna service. 7:80.
St. Ignatius. 8220 Forty-third street Eaat. .
Jesuit Fathers Father William J. Deeney.
rector. Mass, 6:30, 8, 9:15, 10:30; evening
service, 7 :3U,
First. Park and Madison streets Dr.
Luther R. Dyott. minister. - 10.30 A. M.,
Children's day aervlces; 7:45 P. M., Dr.
Dyott'a theme, "The Hope of America."
Sunnyslde. East Taylor and East. Thlrty-
aecond streets Rev. J. J. Staub. D. D-,
pastor. Services at 11 A. M. and 7:45 P.
M.; Sunday achool, 0:45 .A. M. ; Junior
Christian Endeavor. 3 p. M.; Senior Chris
tian Endeavor, 6:13 P. M. ; morning ser
mon by Dr. Hilton Pedley, of Japan: even
ing, "The Church , With a Message."
Finnish Mission. 107 aaidmore street-
Samuel Nevala. pastor. Young people's
meeting at 6; preaching at 7:30; prayer
meeting Thursday at 8:15.
Ardenwald. Ardenwald Station H. W.
Hopllnk, speaker. Sunday school, 10:80 A.
M. ; Cbrlstiar Endeavor, 7:80 P. M. ; cburcn
service and sermon. 8:15 P. M.
Atkinson Memorial, East Twenty-ninth
and Everett streets Rev. Warren Morse,
pastor. 9:45 A. M., Sunday school; 11 A. M.,
annual Children s day aervlce; 6:80 P. M.,
Y. P. S. C. E. Memory meeting: 7:45 P. M..
address on "The Boy Scout Movement," by
James E. Brockway.
Waverly Heights. Woodward avenue and
East Thirty-third street Rev. A. C. Moses,
pastor. 10:30 A. M., Children's day service;
7:45 P. M Dr. H. H. Kelsey, of San Fran
Pilgrim, Shaver street and Miesourl ave
nue Rev. w. C. Kantner, minister. :43
A. M.. Sunday school; 11 A. M.. Children's
day exercises by the Sunday school; 8 P. M.,
Junior Endeavor; 7 P. M Y. P. S. C E.; 8
P. M "The Sword of Goliath."
First. Park and Columbia atreets Harold
H. Griff la minister. - Preaching 11 A. M-,
subject. "Paul the Preacher"; 7:30 P. M..
"God's Aristocracy ; Bible school, 9:4a
A. M. ; Christian Endeavor. 6:30 P. M.
East Side. East Twelfth and Taylor
streets R. H. Sawyer, pastor. Bible school
at 10:15; communion and sermon. 11 A. M. ;
topic, "Boys of the Bible"; evening sermon
by Rev. A. L. Webb, U. S. A., Vancouver
Rodney-Avenue, Rodney avenue and Knott
street Rev. Carloa Ohormley, pastor.
Preaching, 11 A. M. and 6:45 P. M. : morn
ing. "Our Homo Needs"; evening, "The
Faith That Saves"; Sunday school, 10 A. M.;
Christian Endeavor, 6:45 P. M. ; Installation
of new officers.
Woodlawn, Seventh and Liberty James
H. McCallum, pastor. :45, Hibie acnooi
11 A. M., preaching and communion ser
mon. "A Greater work Tnan Miracles
7 P. M., Christian Endeavor; 8, evening
worship, "The Call of the Maater." i
Kern Para, comer Hlxty-nmtn street ana
Forty-fifth avenue Southeast Rev. G. K.
Berry, pastor. Morning service. 11 ; evening.
8 o'clock.
Montavilla, corner East Seventy-sixth and
Hoyt streets Harry E. Tucker, evangelist.
Bible achool at 9:45 A. M. ; C. H. Snciety-
at 6:45 P. M. : church aervlce. 11 A. M
evening, 8 o'clock.
First. Everett, between Eighteenth and
Nineteenth streets Services. 11 A. M. and 8
P. M.; subject of lesson sermon, "Oc-d.tbe
Only Cause and Creator." Sunday ' echo)!
9:45 and 11 A. M. ; Wednesday evening meet
ing at 8 o'clock.
Second, Eaat Sixth street and Holladay
avenue Services. 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.J sub
ject of lesson sermon, "God the Only Cause
and Creator. Sunday school, w:40 A. .m.
Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock.
Third, East Twelfth and Salmon streets -
Services. 11 A. M. ana B p. m. ; suojeel at
lesson sermon. "God the Only Cause and
Creator." Sunday school, 11 A. M. and 12:10
P. M. ; Wednesday evening meeting at 8
Fourth. Vancouver avenue and Emerson
street Services. 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. ; iub
Ject of lesson sermon. "God the Only Cause
and Creator." Sunday school, 9:45 and 11
A. M. ; Wednesday evening meeting at 8
Fifth. Sixty-second street and Forty-aec-ond
avenue Southeast Services. 11 A. M. ;
subject of lesson sermon. "God the Only
Cause and Creator." Sunday school 9:30 and
11 A. M.; Wednesday evening meeting at 8
Christian Science Society Holbrook bloc.
St. Johns Services Sunday at 11 A. M. :
Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock.
Subject of lesson sermon. "God the Only
Cause and Creator."
First. 131 Twelfth street, corner Alder
R.v. Thaddeus M. Mlnard. pastor. Services.
11 a. M. ; Bible class Tuesday, 2 P. M.;
Study class, Thursday, 8 P. M.
St. Mark's. Twenty-first street North and
Marshall street Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rec
tor: Rev. John Hatton. aasoclate. Services,
7:30; Sunday school. 9:45; holy eucharist
and sermon. 11 A. M.: no evening services
St. David's Parish, East Twelfth at Bel
mont (take East Morrison-street carl Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. Services, 7:30, 9:30.
11 A. M.. and 7:30 P. M.
Church of the Good Shepherd, Graham and
Vancouver avenues Rev. John Dawson rec
tor. Holy communion, 7:30 A. M. : Sunday
school. 9:45 A. M-: morning service. 11 A.
M. : popular evening service. 7:80 P. M.
St. Andrew's, Herford street, Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers In charge, serv
ices every Sunday ' at 11 A. M. ; Sunday
school at 10.
Church of Our Saviour, Woodstock Arch
deacon Chambers In charge. Services every
Sunday at 11 A. M. : Sunday school at 10.
St- John's Church, corner Eaat Fifteenth
and Harney streets. 8ellwood Archdeacon
Chambers In charge. Services at 11 A. M.
and :80 P, M. ; Sunday sohool at 10.
Grace Memorial. Weidler and Eaat Seven
teenth streeta North Rev. Oswald W. Tay
lor, vicar. Holy communion. 8, excepting
on first Sunday la the month; morning
prayer and sermon. 11; Sunday school. 10.
No evening service.
St. Paula. Woodmere Rev. Oswald W.
Taylor, vicar. . Holy communion, first Sun
day of month. 8; evening prayer and ser
mon. 4. except the first Sunday of month.
Church of Our Savior, Woodstock, Eaat
Forty-first street and Sixtieth avenue
Archdeacon Chambers is charge, Sunday
school. 10 A. M.; service and. sermon at 11
A. M.
Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel. Good
Samaritan- Hospital Holy commanlon. T A.
M. : evening. 7:15.
St. Matthew's, Corbett ana Sancrett
Charles G. Dawes to Go With Pershing Expedition as Financial Agent With Rank of Lieutenant-Coc nel of En
gineers Admiral Taylor Has Been Made Member of Aviation Board Count Zichy Is Premier of iungary.
4 ' V A'
-. p. 'at, '"
" s X
h u - I
f v-1' : :- ' - A"
.... s "
C. -C'5'W-rj'.
CHARLES G. DAWES, ex-Controller
of the Currency, and later head
of. a bank at Chicago, has been
chosen as the financial agent of the '
Government with the Pershlnsr expedi
tion and has been commissioned a
Lieutenant-Colonel of Engineers.
William John Wilsrus, a famous New
Tork engineer, Is in the first detach
ment of American engineers sent to
France which landed in England a fe,w
days atro and was received by Kins;
slcfszt. Z. TV. TZyait
George at 'Buckingham Palace. Mr.
Wllgus Is best known by his work In
electrifying the New York Central
terminal at New York and the tunnel
constructed under the riyer at Detroit,
e a
The Right Honorable C. W. Bower
man Is head of the British Labor Board
which has come for a conference with
the labor unions of the United States.
Mr. Bowerman ts a Councillor and
member of Parliament.
e e e
Major Charles B. Hatch, retired list.
has been placed in charge of the re
cruiting for the Marine Corps In the
East. His headquarters are in Phila
delphia. e
Count Tisza having: resigned as
Premier of Hungary. Count Zichy
has been appointed hia successor.
Admiral D. W. Taylor, chief of the
bureau of construction of the Navy De
partment, has been made a member of
the aviation board just appointed of
which Howard Coffin is the head.
streets Rev. W. A M. Breck, vicar. Sun
day achool, lO; aervlces and aermoa. 11 A. M.
St. Stephen's Fro-Cathedral Thirteenth
and. Clay The Right Rev. W. T. Sumner,
bishop of Oregon: the Very Rev. E. H. Mo
Colllster, dean. Services. Sundays, 7:43 A.
M 10 A. M. (school). 11 A. M.. T:4S P. M.;
saints' Jays, etc.. 7:30 A. M. Publie Bible
class, Wednesdays. 8 P. M.; Brotherhood of
St. Andrew, Daughters of the King, Olrls'
Friendly, etc Any westbound car. transfer
to Thirteenth, Sunnyalde cars, off at Clay.
The Swediah Free Church, corner of Mis
souri avenue a::d Sumner street H. Q. Ro.
dine, paator. Sunday school. 9:43; preach
ing. 11 A. M.; young people's meeting, o:43;
preaching, 8 T. it
First German. Tenth and Clay streets
O. F. Fleming, Sr., paator. Sunday achool
at 9:30 A. M.; preaching service by the
pastor at 10:49 A. M. ; Young People's So
ciety services at 7 P. M., and preaching by
the pastor at 8 P. M.
Third Reform. Lents W. O. Llenkaemper,
pastor. Sunday school at 10 A. M. ; preach
ing service at 11 A. M.; catechetical claaa.
Saturday, af 10 A. M.
Norwegian Danlan. 8umner and Kast
Twenty-third etreet North Morton Oleen,
pastor. Services Sunday at 11 A. M. and
7:80 P. M. ; Sunday school at 10; young
people's meeting at :3u; prayer meeting,
Wednesday, at 8 o'clock
Portland Mission N. Shupp, paator. Car
son Heights, Sunday achool at 10 and preach
ing ut 11 4. M. ; 'West Portland, Sunday
school at 2:30; Y. P. A. at 6:80 and preach
ing at 7:30 P. M.
6t. Paul's, East Twelfth and Clinton
streets A. Krause, pastor. German and
Uaaiish Sunday achool, 9:30 A. M. ; morn
ing services, lo:30 A. M. ; Joint aervlcea at
Lincoln High School. 8 P. M. Kev. S. P.
Lemg, Mansfield. Ohio, will be the speaker
for the evening.
Bt. James' English, "West Park and Jef
feraon streets Rev. W. E. Brlnkman, paa
tor. Sunday school, 10 A- M.: Children's
day services. 11 A. M. ; Luther League, 7
P. J.I.; evening service, 8 o'clock, sermon
'fcMB's "Recoil."
Orace Engliah (Missouri Bynod), Masoa
and Alblna avenue Rev. E. Probst, paator.
Services. 10:80 A ML and 7:80 P. M.
Evangelical Zlon Church, Missouri Synod,
Salmon and Chapman streets H. H. Kop-
felmann pastor. Lenten aervlces, Oermaa
0:15 A. M. ; English 7:45 P. M.
West Side Norwegian Lutheran. Four
teenth and Davis streets Wilhelm. Patter
son, paator. English aervlcea first and third
Sundays of each month at 11 A. M. and
second and tourth Sundays at P. At. ;
Norwegian services first and third Sundays
of each month at 8 P. 2S. and aecond and
fourth Sundays at 11 A M.; Sunday school
at 10 A. M.; English and Norwegian Men's
Club the t.ilrd Monday at 8 P. M. ; Y. p. a.
Tuesday evening; English Bible class. Friday
evenings: vesper service at e P. M. each
Sunday In the ball oa the corner of Fifteenth
and Alberta.
Bethel Free, Stuben Hall. Ivy street aad
Williams avenuee Rev. O. A. Staley. min
uter. Preaching at 11 A. M. aad S P. M.;
6unday school, 10 A. M.
Immanuel (Swediah), Nineteenth and
Irving streeta Services, 11 A. M. and r.
M.; Sunday school. 9:43 A M.: Y. P. Society,
Tuesdays. 8 S-. M.: Lalles Aid. first
Wednesday, 2 P. M.; Pipe Organ Society,
tirat Friday. 8 P. M.
Bethany Danish. Union avenue North and
Morris street Rev. L. P. KJohler, pastor.
Sunday school and Bible class. 10 A M.;
services, 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. ; young peo
ple's meeting. Thursday. 8 P. M.
Our Savior's. Eaat Tenth and Grant
streets Kev. Geo. Henrlksen. pastor. Eng
liah. 10:15: Norwegian. 11:13.
Trinity German (Missouri Synod), Will
iams and Graham avenues J. A. Rimbacn.
paator. Servlcea at 10:13 A aC. 7:80 P. M.;
Sunday achool. 9:15 A- M.
Latter Day Saints Church, corner of East
Twenty-fifth and Madison Sunday school at
10; apeclal evening services at 7:80 o'clock.
Latter Day Salnta East Twenty-fifth and.
Madison Sunday achool, 10 o'clock and spe
cial evening service at 7:8o.
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ, Esst
Seventy -sixth and Irving streets Elder C
E. Jones, pastor, residence 49 East Seventy
fourth street North. Services, preaching, 11
A. M. and 7:45 P. M. : prayer meeting on
Wednesday at 8 P. M.; meeting Friday,
First, comer Twelfth and Taylor streets
Joshua Stansdeld, D. D., and Walter Lee
Alrheart. ministers. Dr. Stansdeld will
preach morning and evening. Morning aub
jeet. "Christian Education and National
Leadership"; evening. "Angels and Beasts."
Mount Tabor, corner of East Stark and
Sixty-first atreet E. Olln Eldrldge, pastor.
Services Sunday: Preaching. 11 A. M.. aub
Ject. "How to Get Rid of Fear": evening,
musical entertainment by the choir; Sunday
school, 9:45 A. M.; Epworth League, 7
P. M.
First Church South. Union a van as and
Multnomah street W. J. Fenton, paator.
Services at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.
Montavilla, East Thirty-sixth and Pine
streets C. L. Hamilton, pastor. 1 A, Mw 8
P. M.
Epworth. North Twenty -sixth and Caviar
rtreeta Rev. C. O. McCulloch, paator. Sun
day school. 0:45: public worship, 11 and
7:4o; Epworth League, 6:45.
Central, Vancouver avenue and Fargo
street C. C. Rarlck, paator. Morning. 11
o'clock; evening, 8 o'clock.
Sellwood. corner Eaat Fifteenth street and
Tacoma avenue Rev. Alexander R. Mac
lean, paator. 10 A. M., Sunday achool; 11
A. M., preaching service, sermon by the pas
tor; 2:30, Junior League. Miss Marcy super
intendent; 7 P. M., Epworth League; 8 P.
M., preaching service, sermon by the paator.
Laurelwood. Sixty-third atreet Southeast-
near Foster road Rev. J. R. Carlos, pastor.
11 A. M., 8 P. M.
Centenary. East Ninth and Pine streets
Rev. T. W. Lane, pastor. Sunday school,
0:45 A. M.
Vancouver-avenue Norwegian and Danlah.
Vancouver avenue and Skidmore street H.
P. Nelsen. paator. Servlcea at 11 and 8
(evening service in English); Sunday school
at 9:45.
The First Norwegian Danish, corner Hoyt
and Eighth streets Rev. Ellas GJerdlng,
pastor. &s? Hoyt street. Preaching 11 A. M..
8 P. M.
University Park. Flak and Lombard
streeta Rev. J. T. Abbott. D. . Servlcea
11 A. M.. 7:SO P. M. ; Sunday school. 9:43
A M.; Epworth League, 6:80 P. M. Prayer
meet Inc. 7:43 o'clock Thursday.
German, Rodney avenue and Stanton
street T. A Schumann, pastor. Sunday
school. 9:43 A. M.; services. 11 A M. and
8 P. M. ; Epworth League. 7:13 P. M.
Sunnyalde, corner Eaat Yamhill and East
Thirty-fifth streets R. Elmer Smith, paa
tor. Sunday achool. 9:30 A. M. ; preaching.
11 A M. ; Epworth League, 6:30 P. M.; peo
ple's popular service. 7:45 P. M.
Woodlawn. Eaat Tenth North and High
land streets Rev. W. E. Kloster. paator.
Sunday school, 10 A M. ; morning aervlce,
11 A. M. ; Epworth League. 7 P. M. : evening
aervlce. 7:45 P. M.; prayer meeting. Thura
day. 7:43 P. M.
St. Johns, Leavltt and Hays streets Rev.
J. H. Irvine, minister. Morning service at
11 o'clock; evening worship, 7:80.
(District superintendent. Ttev. William
Wallace Yonngaon. D. D.. 601 East Sixty
second street North, Tabor 2700.)
Brentwood Rev. Paul F. Green, paster.
Sunday school, 9:30; preaching, 11.
Kendall Rev. Paul F. Green, pastor. Su
dsy school. 10; preaching, 7:80.
Carson Heights Rev. R. W. Maulden. pas
tor. Sunday achool, 10; preaching, 11; Ep
worth League. 6:80.
Multnomah Station Rev. R. W. Maulden.
paator. Sunday school 10: Young People's
meeting. 6:30; preaching. 7:80.
Lean Rev. F. M. Jaaper, paator. Sun
day achool. 0:45; preaching, 11 and 7:45;
Epworth League. 6:30.
Linn ton Rev. S. H. Dewort pastor. Sun
day school, 10; preaching, 7:80.
Patton Rev. G. H. Fees a. pastor. San
day achool. 9:45; preaching, 11 and 7 JO;
Young People'a meeting. 6:80.
Rose City Pam Rev. -A. A. Heist, pastor.
Sunday school, 9:45; preaching, 11 ana 4:SO;
Young People's meeting, 6:80.
Trinity Rev. P. N. 6andlfur, pastor. Sun
day school, 9:43; preaching, 11 and 7:30;
Epworth League. 6:30.
Woodstock Rev. L. C. Poor, paator. Sun
day school. 9:45; preaching. 11 and 7:8;
Epworth League. 6:30.
Westmoreland Rev. F. N. 6andlfur. pas
tor. Sunday school. 10; Epworth League,
6:80; preaching. 7:80.
Lincoln Rev. W. T. Kerr, pastor. Sun
day school. 10; preaching. 11 and 7:30.
Taylor - Street Church Servlcea every
Sunday at 10:15 A. M. at Circle Theater. 120
Fourth st,
First German, Twelfth and Clay, O. Hef
ner, paator. Services. 10:43 and 8; Sun
day school. 9:80; Y. P. L.. 1.
Swedenborglan. Filers Hall. Broadway and
Alder street 11 A. W-. sermon topic. "Why
Should We Read the Bible?" by Rev. Will,
lam R. Reece; Sunday school at 10:15.
First. Twelfth and Alder streets Rev. J.
H. Boyd. I. IX, pastor. 10:80 A. M chil
dren's day exercises and aermon by the paa
tor; 7:45 P. M., "The Glory of the Gain of
Fourth. First and Glbhs streets Rev. H.
G. Hanaon. pastor. II A. M.. children's day
programme, church and Sunday school com
bined: 6:80 P. M.. Christian Endeavor; 7:80.
"The Survival of the Fit. or the Revival of
the Unfit," address to graduates of Lincoln
High School.
Mispah. corner East Nineteenth and Di
vision streets Rev. D. A. Thompson, pastor.
Sabbath school, 10 A. M.. A M. Howell, su
perintendent: morning service. 11 A. M.,
children's day service, apeclal sermon to
children, "A Test Tube Talk"; Junior Chris
tian Endeavor, 8 P. M. : Senior Christian
Endeavor, 6:45. topic, "Sins of the Mind."
leader, Burt Walker; evening service, 7:45.
"Clothed With the Almighty"; prayer meet
ing Thursday at 8 P. M.
Kenllworth. corner of Gladstone avenue
and East Thirty-fourth street Rev. E. P.
Lawrence, pastor. Morning worship at 11
A. M., subject. "Bible Prophecy and the
Present World Conflict"; evening service at
7 P. M-, today for children's day exerclaea,
also stereopticon pictures ote "Tony's Ad
venture"; no Christian Endesiyor this even
ing; Sunday achool at 9:43 A M.
Piedmont. Cleveland avenue and Jarrett
street Rev. A. L. Hutchison, paator. 11
o'clock, anual children's day aervlce: 8 P.
M., popular half-hour song service for tha
people, sermon topic, "The Blast of the
Trumpet"; no Sunday school service on ac
count of children's day programme; Chris
tian Endeavor at 7 o'clock.
Central. East Thirteenth and Pine streets
Arthur F. H'.ahop. D. V.. minister. 3 0:30
A. M., sermon by Rev. Thoniu S. Ander
son. I. D. ; 7:45 P. M., sermon by Dr. An
derson; children's day exercises by the Sun
day school at noon. Toung People'a Society
of Christian Endeavor at 6:45.
Vernon, corner East Nineteenth and Wy
gant streets Kev. William E. Todd, paator.
Morning topic. "The Abb-olute Personal Rule
of Sin or of You Over Sin"; at night. "The
Irresietlble Faaclnatlon and Unfailing Pow
ers of the Ways of the World's Redemp
tion." Westminster. Schuyler and Eaat 6ever
teenth streets Edward H. Pence, D. D.. pas
tor. Morning. 10:30, subject, "The Sling in
the Hand": evening, 7:45, subject. "As Four
Saw Him": Bible achool at noon: Y. P. S.
C. E.. 6:45; Junior Endeavor. 3:80.
Calvary, corner Eleventh and Clay streets
President Wallace IL Lee. Albany Col
lege, aupply minister. Servlcea 10:80 A.
M.. and 7:45 P. M. ; Sunday school at noon.
Hope Church, East Seventy-eighth and
East Everett streets Rev. S. W. Seemann.
Unity. Seventy-first and Sandy boulevard
Rev. W. Lee Gray, pastor. Sunday achool.
9:45 A. M.; preaching. 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.;
Junior Christian Endeavor, 8 P. M. : inter
mediate, 4:15 P. M. ; .Young People's So
ciety or Christian Endeavor, 7 P. M.
Forbes. Graham and Gantenbeln atreets
William MacLeod, minister. Services. 11 A
M. and 7:30 P. M.
First Science Church. 83 H Fifth street
Lectures and peychio demonstrations by
Rev. Max Hoffman and Robert Schmuce and
Central. Allsky Hall S P. M. and 8 P. M.
speakers. Kev. M. A. Price and Mrs. Part
ridge. Church of' the Sour. Auditorium Hall.
Third near Taylor Rev. R. McL. Angus,
pastor. Conference. 11 A. M ; mediums'
meeting. 3 P. M. : circles. 6 P. M.
Christian, Royal building, Morrison, be
tween Broadway and Park, room 600 Serv
lcea 3; lecture and mesaage 8.
First. East Fifteenth and Morrison streets
p. o. Bonebrake. paator. Sunday achool
at 10 A. M. : preachli-g at 11 A. M. and
p. M. ; Endeavor or 7 P. M.
Alberta, Twenty-seventh and Alberta
streets Clinton C. Bell, paator. Public wor
ship. 11 A. M. and 7:80 P. M.; Sunday
school. 10 A. M. ; Y. P. S. C. E.. 6:8u;
prayer meeting. Thuradar. 8 P. M.
Fourth, Sixty-ninth street and Slxtr-aec-ond
avenue Southeast, Tremont Station
J. E. Connor, paator. Sermona, 11 A M.
and 7:45 -p. M. ; Sunday ccnooi. lo A M.;
Christian Endeavor, 6:45 P. M.
Mission. 446 Jessup street Sunday serv
lcea aa usual; Sabbath school. 10; preaching.
11. by Rev. C. T. Carpenter; Christian En
deavor, 7; evening service.
Ockley Green, Willamette boulevard and
Gay atreet Hubert H. Farnum. pastor.
Sunday school. 10 A. M. : preaching. 11 A.
M. aud 7:30 P. M. : Junior C. E.. 3: Senior
C. E., 6:30 P. M.; prayer meeting. Wednea
(iay evening, at 7:45.
First. Eaat Sixteenth and Poplar streets
j. a. Goode. pastor. Sunday school. 9:50
A. M. ; preaching 11 A. M. : K. L. C. E..
6 SO P. M. ; preaching. 7:30 P. M.; mid
week prayer meeting. Thursday. 7:30 P. M.
St. John's A. B. Layton. paatoi. will
preach both mornlug and evening. Sunday
achool at 10 A. Christian Endeavor as
6:30 P. M.
Church of Our Father, Broadway and
Yamhill street Rev. Thomas L. Eliot. D.
D. . minister emeritus: Rev. William O. Eliot.
Jr.. minister. Service at 11 A M-. "Is
There Any Guidance Amid Life's Uncertain
ties ?" evening, forum Intermitted; Sunday
achool and adult claas at 9:45 A. M.
Church of the Good Tidings, East Twenty
fourth and Broadway Rev. F. T. Scott. 1 1
A. M-. "1S.16-1W17 The Parent and the
Child." Union services of church and Sun
day achool.
Kenton. Lombard and Chatham streets
J. e. Cole, paator. 120 West Lombard atreet.
Preaching, 11:15 and 7:8U; Bible school. lO;
Christian Endeavor. 6enior and Intermedi
ate. 6:80; p.-ayer meeting. Thursday even
ing. 8.
Penlel Mission. 268 First street Sunday
school at 10:30 A. M. : holiness meeting at
3 P. M. : sermon by Rev. F. Marion George;
evangelistic service at 6 P. M. by allsnts
Wilson and Fevell.
The Comforter" beadquartera 1S6 Fifth
atreet. Women's Exchange building Serv
ice. 11 A. M., Rev. T. F. May. speaker,
theme, "Walking With God": service 8
P. M. In Eilers Hall. Edna Bertach. apeaker,
toplca. "Even as Tour Father Which la la
Heaven Is Perfect."