The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 10, 1917, SECTION TWO, Page 10, Image 30

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LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. require
tba services of a young man 18
to 20 years In their advertising;
department. Must have a food
education and be able to use the
typewriter. Apply superinten
dent's office 'Monday between 9
and 10 o'clock.
Wanted two tractor attachment
Men who will go anywhere west of the
Mississippi and who are big enough to talk
a money-making proposition to dealers
who are big enough to be Interested.
These men must be producers, of good
appearance, well recommended and hust
lers. To such men the undersigned has a
proposition the possibilities of which are
Tell your whole story in first letter.
Bales Manager. P. O. Box 1618. Tacoma,
MENT, Y. M. C. A
We can place young m"n with ability.
Constant calls coming in for the man who
ran deliver the goods. A Y. M. C. A.
membership costing $5 guarantees you
will secure employment or refund of fee.
Also gives you 2 months' full prlviliges.
30 months' social and use of this depart
ment for 1 year, bee Secretary J. W.
Pa tmer.
Can place with one of the largest lum
ber mills, 100 workers at highest wages.
This mill works seven dHy week and will
give Adventists Saturday off. Apply
Publlo Employment Bureau, Third and
Ankeny streets.
bTBADY MEN wanted to take exclusive
control of good territory in Oregon and
Wanhington. Mnnev advanced weekly.
CVitfit and special training free. Experi
ence unnecepflary. Our active men are
making good money. You can do the
ame. Clean, hardy, guaranteed stock.
Yakima Valley Nursery Company, Toppen
Ish, Wash. ,
.WIRELESS AND WAR An unusual de
mand is created by the war for wireless
operators, both naval and commercial
service. T. M. C. A. school offers thorough,
practical and Individual instruction; "erv
your country In a skilled position ; begin
your training now. Address division C for
detailed information. Y. M. C. A.. Port
land. Q.
tl'Jb PER MONTH and all traveling ex
5nss. Bail way traffic Inspectors In
great demand, due to 8-hour law and con
gested conditions: new profession, promo
tion sure; demand for our graduates far
exceeds supply; three months' course dur
ing spare time, thoroughly prepares Intel
ligent man. Ask for Booklet C5. Fron
tier Prep. School. Buffalo. New York.
ICB Unusual demand for shorthand
writers and typists, created by the present
crisis; beginners pay $75-fl00; special
ned is for -men; prepare in a man's school.
Call or write Division C. Y. M. C. A.
school, Portland.
our new building. It's especially" built for
this purpose. Tne equipment is, excellent.
New class rooms, laboratories, shop. De
tails given on request. Address Division
, Y. M. C. A. Department of Education,
Portland. Oregon.
REGISTERED pharmacist wanted who will
become shareholder; must be a hustler
and reliable; store located In business cen
ter of city. Full Information given on re
ceipt of references. Taylor Drug Co.,
Butte, Mont,
J1 1 RST-CLASS window trimmer and men's
furnishing salesin n, competent to as
sume full charge for store No. 2. Good sal
ary and future for right party. Goldberg's
Dollar Shirt Shop, 323 Pike St., Seattle,
DO you like the position you now hold?Are
you drifting aimlessly? A two-cent stamp
will bring information that will open
your eyes to epportunities you probably
never before knew existed. Van Roy &
Dunn, box 500. Tacoma. Wash.
BRAKE MEN, firemen, $90 to $200 monthly;
positions for inexperienced men; steady
work. 8 hours. Send stamp for application
blank. Address Railway, box R. 606,
Fresno, Cal.
WANT BOY. 36 to IS years of age, for office
work; salary $7 per week. A good oppor
tunity to learn a good business. Give age,
phone number and references. E 363, Ore
gonian. COMMON laborers for logging and con
struction, $2.75 and up; mill. $2.50 and
up ; ranch, $40 and up. Cannot answer
correspondence. Bend Employment Agency.
Bend, Or. .
classes Just opening for Summer term. All
work fully accredited. For complete bul
letin address Division . Y. M. C. A. De
partment of Education. Portland, Oregoa.
388 Burnslda St.
Call or write for information.
Wl RST-CLASS machinist, light lathe and
benchwork; must be quick and accurate;
good wages, steady work ; state age. ex
perience, married or single, . give refer
ence. AM 312. Oregonian.
WANTED A first-class creamery man;
must understand pasteurizing, standardiz
ing and all machinery. Good wages to
right party. Married man preferred. BD
37 S, Oregonian.
&1ARRIED man wanted for orchard and
general farm work. Separate house fur
nished and good wages paid; right party
can obtain permanent place. Address
"Sunrise Orchards," Mosler, Oregon.
LIVE agents in every town in Oregon to sell
sickness and accident insurance; clean-cut
policies, good commissions. For further
particulars write General Accident Com
pany. 921 Yeon bldg., Portland. Or.
WANTED Two cooks for machine gun com
pany, 3d Ore. Inf. Pay $38 per month;
absolutely no expenses. Work every other
day, under a firat-class cook. Apply at
Clackamas. Or., or C 520, Oregonian.
WANTED A-l automobile mechanic ; must
understand ignition and carburet Ion.
Write, giving experience, AR 297, Orego
nian. WANTED Addressograph machine oper-
, v w - uvji young man;
state age, experience, telephone number
AO 812. Oregonian.
k'OUNG man, 18 to 20, to learn wholesale
business; give phone. N 307, Oregonian.
DENTIST who wants In for himself; physi
clan located; no opposition. Tabor 2634.
WANTED Laundry help, men. Phone East
Help Wanted Agents.
AGENTS WANTED Agents make "big
money selling "American Flag" window
posters, shields, pennants, buttons, pins
and stickers; "big variety," "big profits
enormous demand. Catalogue free Sul-
ttva.ii iio van enren St., Ghicago, 111.
EVEN if you were deaf, dumb and blind you
could sell our aluminum utonn
Every housewife grabs It on sight; steady
trade, big money. protected territory
Write quick. Div. 832, American Aluminum
ILARGE manufacturer wants representatives
unutirwear, nosierv, dresses,
waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write for
free samples. Madison Mills, nflo WmoH.
KETCH THE KAISER checkerboard of war
ew game novelty; harvest for agents
i v. Par"cuiars Tree.
Checkerboard Mfg. Co., Fay bldg Los
AnselpR Cn 1
AMERICA, We Love You." beautiful ltfx"0
patriotic picture in colors. You can sell
250 day. $5 per hundred, sample 10c. Hot
-"Buuuiiitsu -for ii-ait oo., Chi
MAKE 50O mouth e!lin- K!rnV'.
vaporiser for autos; saves 50 pr cent
.yo, muti y-iM.cJv. guarantee. Great
eat selJer on earth. J. A, Stransky. Puk
wan a. S. D.
b LOWER bead necklaces, selling Kke hot
cakes. Agents coining money. AhXdutely
new. Send for catalogue. DrotH.sitin
Rosebead Company, 2S19 W. Pico, Los
10 DAILY refinrshing chandeliers. brass
beds, automobile, new method; producing
amazing results; no capital or experi
ence necessary. Particulars free, Gun-
v . . -1 av.f uecatur, ill.
IE RE la big opportunity you are looking
for; big seller, rap&ater. Free sample, par
ticulars. O. D. P. Co., 15 E. Saratoga,
Baltimore, Md.
$30 TO $100 a week. Free samples. Gold
sign letters for stores, office windows
Liberal offer to general agents. Metallio
xjeiier so., jj is. ciarK, omcago.
LISTEN Automobile radiator lode-
blems. Gold. Sell like wildfire. Millions
or pos inie ouyers. exclusive territory.
Auto Emblem Co., Indianapolis. Ind.
'AMERICA WE LOVE YOU." Beautiful 16x
20 pn triotic picture in colors. You can
sen 2oU day, per luu. Sample 10c. Hot
seller. Consolidated Portrait Co., Chicago.
Two for Portland and one for Ore iron
City. American Centra! Life Insurance
company, Tli DeKum bldg.
FREE sample, particulars; no splashing
water strainers: easv seller: returns hi:
experience unnecessary. O., Union Filter
to., i a r ran Klin, ew York.
KRW invention, no competition, a house
hold necessity. 605 dtock Exchange bldg.
Help Wanted Agents.
WE establish reliable men in roof painting
and repair business by newspaper adver
tising in exclusive territory in your name.
Show you how to contract for all kinds
of jobs. Can average $10 per day by own
work. Hustler can keep several men
painting and sell paint to those who ap
ply it themselves. Your only investment
Is in ladders and brushes. We are larg
est makers of pure asbestos paints
United States. Black, maroon, red and
green. Write today for this real oppor
tunity. Asphalt Asbestos Paint and Putty
Co. No. 5 N. La Salle street, Chicago.
EXPENSE ? We want good men and
woman for traveling general agents. Must
have fair education and good references.
Will make contract for 3 months, 8
months or year at salary of $22.50 per
week and necessary expenses Can as
sign most any territorv desired. For full
particulars address GEORGE G. CLOWS
COMPANY, Philadelphia, pa.. Dept. "34;
Of R representatives are getting rich, mar
velous new household commodity ; free
samples get over JOO orders daily; big
profits; exclusive territory going fast;
join our successful organization prosper
ous agents; send today free samples, par
ticulars. Skltch Company, Dept. 411. Mil
wauke. Wis.
$25 DAILY EASY introducing greatest
household money-Raver, Jut invented. Re
duces high living cost. Saves its own cost
first J minute. No talking necessary.
Slls Itself. Every housekeeper demands
It. Retails $2. Your commission $L10.
.Sample free. Ovee Mfg. Co, Louisville,
START you In business, furnish everything;
mfn, women, S30 to S200 weekly oper
atfng "Nw System PpeclaJty Candy Fac
tories." home or small room anywhere; no
canvassing; opportunity lifetime; booklet
free. Kagsdale Co., box S, East Orange.
N. J.
BRA XD new Specialty Aluminum Tripli
cate Sauce Pa n. with detachable handle.
Cooks 3 different foods one burner. Saves
gas. Laots lifetime. $100 to $300 per
month easv. Send for our catalogue of
400 other specialties. Div. 125. American
Aluminum Mfg. "o., Lemont. 111.
A 1-CENT postcard will put you In touch
with an $M--weeic proposition setting
Aluminum Utensils and Specialties direct
to the consumer. Don't let 1 cent stand
between you and prosperity. Div. 1 275,
A meriuan Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lemont,
SELL Mexican diamonds spare time; beau
tiful pocket sample case maKe saies on
sight; have rainbow fire genuine diamonds;
fool experts; stand tets: write today.
Mexican Diamond Importing Co.. 255 Las
Oruces. New Mexico.
AGENTS at once. Sell BOc per month hos
pita! tickets. 3"x tioara or -rraae.
Help Wanted Salesmen.
SALESMEN wanted, experience unnecessary.
Earn while you leam. write ior large u
of openings and testimonials from hun
dreds of our members who earn $100 to
$ron a month. Address nearest office.
Dept. 311, National Salesmen's Training
Association. Chicago, New York, San Fran
cisco. LEA RN s bout new calculator adding ma
chine ; retails $ t .50: adds, subtracts, mul
tiplies. Does work of $200 machine; guar
anteed. Sells on sight. Enormous dumand.
Carry in your coat pocket. Full time or
sideline. Splendid profits. Protected terri
tory. Dept. 308. Calculator Corporation,
Grand Rapids, Mich.
A LEADING house In Its line wants sales
men calling upon general stores, clothing
merchants and haberdashers to carry
Fide line. No samples; everything in your
pocket. Excellent opportunity, liberal in
come assured; remittances weekly. Ad
dress Sales Mgr.. Box 382, Chicago, III.
WANTED Experienced automobile and tire
salesman in our t:entraila supply store;
must be familiar with supply business and
capable of some office work; good chances
for advancement: state age and expe
rience, SU John & Titus, Centraiia,
25 TO 50 gasoline saving, complete car-
non elimination ; guaranteed ; makes our
Vapor System fastest seller today. Our
salesmen are selling from 6 to 20 dally.
Retails $5. You make $2.50 profit each
sale. Niagara Sales Corp., 20 E. Jackson,
LIVE WIRE can make $250 net month sell
ing our well-known line of fancy fruit
ciders, small country towns; commission
contract ; $35 weeekly drawing account.
Red Cross Company, 609 Chestnut, St.
Louis. Mo., Dept. "A."
THREE experienced house-to-house solicit
ors tor a live proposition. Guaranteed
salary and commission to men capable of
producing business. Permanent employ
ment. Apply Ideal Tea Co., 711 Union
ave. N.
FOR general mercantile trade in Oregon, to
sen new proposition or merit; vacancy
now; attractive commission contract; $35
weekly for expenses. Miles F. Bixler Co.,
wholesale jewelers, 22623 Carlln bldg.,
Cleveland, O.
ADVERTISING specialty or calendar men.
iiav two cracKerjack new numbers; big
sellers; pocket size samples. 25 per cent
commission paid in full on receipt of or
der. Write for samples. Bonfield Mfg.
Co., 323 N. Lnmon ave., Chicago.
EXPERIENCE unnecessary. New specialty
proposition ; mouerate priced goods ior
general trade. Splendid commission con
tract for Oregon; vacancy now. $35 week
ly for expenses. Continental Jewelry Co.,
19.Q23 Continental bldg.. Cleveland. Ohio.
DISTRICT representatives make $300 month
sure introducing quick-selling automobile
de Ice and appointing agents. Write now
before someone else gets your territory.
Oxygenerator Co., 1919 S. Michigan ave.,
Chicago. 111.
DISTRICT sales managers, big-paying
business for life, splendid income from
start, increase every month. Write quick
before territory is taken. H. H. Gerlach,
2602 North ave.. Milwaukee, Wis.
SIDELINE MEN Do you want a real one.
that one order a day win pay xyy iso
samples to carry, something new ; write
today. Canfield Mfg. Co., 208 Sigel St.,
Chicago, 111.
SELL extraordinarily strong number for
automobiles; exclusive territory proposi
tion ; magnificent remuneration. Bass
Lyons, 4146 Olive, St. Louis.
SALESMAN To sell a line of accessories
for Ford cars In Idaho and Montana. Com
mission only. Can make from $6 to $8
a day if live man. 612 Plttock blk.
CAN use locally several salesmen ; a good
proposition to the person tnat can produce.
Inquire for Mr. Bouter, BaMou & Wright.
WANTED Experienced waitresses. Apply
Bohemian Restaurant, 127 W. Park, be
tween 12 and 5 P. M.
COMPETENT maid for cooking and gen
eral noureworK, witn city experience.
Phone Eagt 50O5. 870 Thompson st.
3IRL to assist with gerieral housework, fam
ily of 4, West Side. Call Sunday and
Monday Main 9358 after 9 A. M.
WANTED Graduate nurse, to manage
small hospital. Must have Al references,
AD 368, Oregonian.
YOUNG woman to put up packages, pre
fer one familiar with grocery stock. Ap
ply sup. Jones Cash Store.
YOUNG girl to assist In general housework.
small family, at Newport, Or. East 1861.
572 E. 12th st. N.
WANTED Strong young girl for house
work Saturdays. $1, 8 to 6. Mar. 1435.
WANTED Woman to wash on Mondays or
Tuesdays. Phone Sell. 1843.
WOMAN for housework from 8 until 12, $15
per montn. main vix.
GIRL for general housework, $15. Tabor
WANTED A maid to do cleaning and dust
Ing. Apply Portland Surgical Hospital.
WANTED Fire Insurance office woman.
H 336, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced waitress; restau
rant. 420 Hoyt.
WANTED Competent child's nurse. 722
Flanders st. Marshall 109.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework:
two In family. 499 E. 18th st. N.
EXPERIENCED hairdresser and manicurist.
Lipman, Wolfe ft Co.. mezzanine floor.
GIRL for general housework. Mrs. Eck
hardt. 654 Irving st. Broadway 1177.
GI RL for 2 hours housework in exchange
for piano lessons. A 3689.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Tabor 256 or 563 E. 40th st. N.
GIRL or woman to do light housework,
family of 3. Tabor 7165.
WAN TE D Girl for general housework.
East 2125.
GOOD strong woman to look after invalid
girl. Apply 187 17th. . apt. 23.
WANTED Yooung lady to read 1 or 2 hours
evening to gentleman. C 392, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework
at The Dalles, Or. Phone Tabor 534.
GI RL for general housework ; no laundry.
Phone East 2485.
LADY wanted for general housework, small
family. Call C 2413 Sunday afternoon.
WANTED Anyone wishing free dental work
.apply at 434 Mill street today.
WANTED Cashier and checker; also floor
glrlSj 823 Washington,
A COOK to go Central Oregon, 8 adults. Call
room, 408 Parkin tiotei. Call 1 U P. ,
WANTED In Medford, Or., a. middle-aged,
competent woman for general housework.
Must be first-rate cook with excellent
references. Wages. $40 per month. If
satisfactory to remain three months.
Fare paid from Portland. Will be met at
the station. The family has no children
and is of three ladies. Address Mrs.
George H. Parsons, Hi lie rest road. Med
io ra; ur.
WANTED Capable woman or girl for gen
eral housework and kitchen work, in small
high-class place in country. No cooking,
no laundry. State wages. AV 93, Orego
nian, WOMEN'S Protective Division, located at
room 803 Police Headquarters, 2d and
Oak sts., will furnish Information, give
protection and assistance free to women
and girls. Interviews confidential.
WANTED 2 rural teachers for Oregon. 2
for Washington and 3 for Idaho; salaries
$." to $75. For Fall term only. Pacific
Teachers' Agency, 647 Monad nock bldg
San Francisco, Cal.
WAR requires immediate appointment hun
dreds women Government clerical posi
tions, $75 month; list positions free.
Franklin Institute, Dept. 703 F, Roches
ter. N. Y.
EXP. woman bookkeeper, competent to
manage office. Must be responsible, con
scientious, hard worker, ambitious to ad
vance. State phone, age, exp re fa., in
detail. O 3Q6. Oregonian.
COOK wanted, must be efficient, with good
references; no washing; $40 a month, fam
ily of 4. Apply Monday, 421 Montgomery
drive. Take Portland Heights car. Phone
Main 512ft. .
40 GIRLS for Grecian ballet in Oaks Park
next Sunday. See Monsieur Marcel, Port
land's only ballet master, late control Im
perial Russian Ballet, Wheeldon Annex,
Monday evening; rehearsal; no phones.
WANTED MONDAY Two women, private
home. Eastern Oregon, kitchen work and
care of invalid child, $1 per day. Women's
division. Public Employment Bureau, City
ATTRACTIVE proposition for the right
woman.' local management, either Eugene
or Salem ; must be over 30, businesslike
and of good appearance and manner. H
322, Oregonian.
YOUNG ladies having knowledge of teleg
raphy or wishing to learn can have indi
vidual Instruction from reliable operator.
Denntson Apts., 34th and Belmont. Phone
Tabor 546.
LADY of ability for hlgh-elas traveling
position with reliable firm; possibility $40
weekly. Apply after Sunday, 25 Ains
worth "bldg.
COMPETENT bookkeeper, who can handle
general corporation books and use type
writer; answer In own handwriting, stat
ing salary expected. R 302. Oregonian.
WANTED Bright girl to take care of of
fice and small set of books; must be able
to operate typewriter. Address in own
handwriting. H 821, Oregonian.
FIN5 location for confectionery, dairy goods,
notions, etc.. for a reliable woman ; rent
only $12 per month; living room. 956
Glen ave. Woodlawn 2046.
FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, dem
onstrate and sell dealers, $25 to $50 per
week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug
Company, Dept. 701, Omaha, Neb.
MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand and Type
writing School; mid-term classes forming;
day and evening sessions, $5 a 'month.
6 14th. near Jefferson. Mam 3893.
WANTED Good girl for general housework
and cooking; references. Apply 609 E.
55th st. North, Rose City Park car.
Tabor 5024.
GENERAL housework and plain cooking, no
washing, second girl kept; 25 minutes on
Electric from city. Woman over 30 pre
ferred D 300. Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced woman or girl (for
eign or colored) to do general housework
and plain cooking; $25 per month to right
party. Address box 3S7, Montesano, Wash.
EXPERIENCED girl for housework, small
house, small family. West Side; $30; ref
erences required. Call Marshall 4680,
after 2 P. M.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework, two In family, small house.
Central heat. 858 Westover road. Phone
Marshall 4781.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and general
housework. Two In family. 909 Bryce
ave. T.i ke Broadway car. Call morn -'4
lngs. fdlawn 2353.
WANTED Japanese girl to assist in home,
small wa gea to start, not much cooking,
8 in family. 266 Broadway, near Jeffer
son. GIRL wanted for 49 show; prefer one who
can sing or dance. Call Sunday morning
between 10 and 11 or evening bet. 6 and
- 7. Woodlawn 3037.
WANTED Thoroughly experienced woman
bookkeeper to take charge of set books;
state age, experience, salary expected and
home reference. O 329, Oregonian.
WANTED Middle-aged woman to assist
with work; 3 in family, not much cook
ing. 266 Broadway. West Side. A 4522.
EXPERIENCED fancy ironers wanted,
steady work. Main Hand Laundry, 667
Washington St.
Broadway-Yamhill building; reduced prices
for the Summer; positions when competent.
OUR "one best bet." telegraphy, stenogra
phy; woman's work, man's salary; earn all
expenses. Mackay Bus. Col.. Los Angeles.
BOOKKEEPER for laundry office. One
with experience, In that line preferred.
Pacific Laundry Co., 231 Arthur.
GIRL or woman who would appreciate good
home, light work, good pay. 1463 E. 7th
st. N. Woodlawn car.
WANTED To give young girl good home
and small wages for light services. Phone
East 7801.
WANTED Six ladles to learn the barber
trade at once, free tuition. Moler Barber
College, 2d and Burns i tie.
GIRL or woman on farm, small family, good
home, no heavy washing. P. T. Frizz ell,
Rickreall, Or., or phone Main 7404,
WAITRESS Highest wages to experienced
arm waitress. Acme Restaurant, 91 N.
6th st.
HOUSEKEEPER by widower; good home,
small wages. Call at St. Charles Hotel
Sunday at 3 o'clock.
RAGTIME piano playing positively taught
beginners in 10 to 20 lessons. Practice
room free. 411-12-13 Columbia bldg.
WANTED Girl to do general housework;
no children. Call 804 East 22d, near Haw
.ilj.CiV Kill i"UftiH5 o.uu ii""n-
work. Apply Monday, 236 King st. Phone
i a i n ii.
TELEGRAPHY taught by experienced oper
ators. $5 per month. Baron Apts., Phone
Main 1570.
EXPERIENCED second girl. Call 817 Pet
ty grove.
WANTED Chambermaid for hotel work,
out of town. Call East 8056.
COMPETENT girl for housework and assist
with three ennaren, szu. oy xu. istn w,
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework,
408 N. 32d St., Willamette Heights.
LADIES Learn beauty culture; rates. 306
N. W. Bank bldg., ttth and Washington sts.
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
good wages paid. Apply 4q is. lata North,
LADY for general housework; no washing.
t on r 4HIi E. 25th N.
As MAID for general housework, 3 in family,
East 2116.
COMPETENT ' girl for general housework
references. East 744. 411 E. IPth st. N.
WAITRESS, $30 and board. Phone Mar
shall 2197..
DISHWASHER, $30 and board.
Marshall 2197.
WANTED Girl for candy store.
853 Mor-
rison st.
FIRST-CLASS finisher on gowns. Call Mon
day morning. lOl fetrand Theater bldg.
GIRL for cooking and general housework,
4 adults. oou ayior st.
GIRL . for general housework, assist with
p lai n cooking. $25. 7Q. Lovejoy st.
LADY to do washing In exchange for piano
lessons. seiiwooo -m.
COMPETENT maid for cooking and gen
eral housework. 4ud vista ave. Main 273.
MIDDLE-AGED lady to take charge of a
house. Marshall 8156, Albert T. Willis.
$1 TO $20 SET. 1218 YEON BLDG.
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted" at 143
Tel. A 1475.
for general housework.
Typewriting. $5 mo. 209 14th. Main 3893.
WANTED Good girl, general housework, 3
adults. 73W Kearney st.
WANTED Laundry help, women.
East 3464.
YOUNG lady for confectionery stand. 328
5 th, room l, Detween w-i l jnonaay.
WANTED Pianist for vaudeville act. BC
382, Oregonian
WANTED Girl for general housework; rood
cook. Inquire 181 23d st. N.
PRIVATE home for children, any age; 15
years- experience. xt r-voreu. juar. ai2.
A COMPETENT irl for ireneral housework!
3 in family. 503 E. 26th st. N. East 7818.
STRAWBERRY pickers and packers, write
John Wirrlck, Dee, Hood River Co.. Or.
MIDDLE-AGED lady for housework and as
sist with baby; two in family. 815 E. 41st.
WOMAN to do housework; no washing;
small wages, can arter i sunaay, aim.
WEAVERS wanted by Oregoa City Wooiua
Mills, Oregon City.
LIPMAN, WOLFE Jk CO. require the serv
ices of two thoroughly experienced sales
women for the drug sundries dept. Must
have had experience and able to furnish
best of references. Apply superintendent's
office, 7th floor, between 9 and 10 Mon
day morning.
WE have just plaoed 8 comptometer oper
ators in positions in this city. We now
need 8 more students to fill their vacan
cies in our echooL Course costs you $50
and takes you about 3 months. Girls
must not be over 25 years. Call 9 A. M.
Monday morning ready for school. 320
Morgan bldg. First come, first served.
WANTED Competent woman to represent
Speirella Corset Co., satisfied to earn $10
to $12 a week for the first two months;
experience not necessary We teach cor
setry and salesmanship. Make application
by tetter in own handwriting; references
required. -AB 432. Oregonian.
WANTED Nice lady or teacher who would
like a home In country during Summer.
Would consider boarder or person for
company while husband Is away. Write
to Mrs. R, L. Uudowne, Boring, Oro
gon. R. R
PLEASANT lady can make home with small
family In exchange for housework and
wages; good opportunity. BD 436, Ore
gon ian.
WANTED Competent girl for .general
housework, 2 in family; work light; good
permanent home; $25 per month. Phone
East 60O8.
EXPERIENCED hand ironers, experienced
mangle help, also experienced girl, fmuff,
cuff and neck band machine. Paiace Laun-
ory ;o., K. 10th and Everett.
W A VP I.' rv. X.- . i i i i. i. uri
answering state experience and salary ex
pected. Schwan Piano Co- 111 4th St. Main
O .1 .5.
EXPERIENCED waitresses for the Tea
Koom. Apply between 9 and 11 A. M,,
Superintendent's office, basement balcony.
.j -ir a r ra n k jo.
COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenographer,
light work, short hours; salary. $60 per
month. Apply Monday morning, 134
Ton V- A A J..
WANTED A girl for cooking and general
housework: also one for second work anfl
assist In rare of 2-year-old child to go to
r' :ian i -acn none iiii.
WANTED Ladies to prepare for telegraph
service to fill many vacancies caused by
young men enlisting for war. Call or write
i eiegrapn uept., out) Manama bldg.
$2.5 PER DAY paid lady each town to
aistrioute free circulars for concentrated
riavoring tubes; permanent position. F
E. Barr Co., Chicago.
WANTED Girl to assist with housework
and care of child. Good home to right
party; references exchanged; Protestant.
jan .Monday A. M. East 63L
GIRL wanted for feather work; some expe
rience on ooaa or pasting necessary. Hart
ness Plume Shop, cor. Park and Yamhill
WANTED Young girl to assist with house.
worn ana care children; $15; no wash
ing. Woodlawn 2702.
WANTED A girl for general housework in
inmiiy. inone k. zoo or (J 1039. in
arternoons. Tabor 558.
LA DIF.. take work home, spare time, fascl
niing, wotk permanent. G ooi, orego
WANTED Competent girl for general
-nuseworK; no cooKing, no laundry. Apply
fci. J irn jvnrth.
APRENTICE wanted In ladies tailoring
estaonsnment. oos Glisan t cor. 21at
SC. .H. fctRII.
WOMAN for general housework in suburban
nome; must understand children; no wash
lng. Main 4446 or Home phone Oswego 243.
CAPABLE second maid ; must have refer
ences. Phone Marshall 3956 In the morn
ings and after P. M.
STENOGRAPHER, moderate salary to start.
Mention exnp rience and give phone num
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work. 874 Lovejoy st.
SCHOOL GIRL to assist with housework for
room and board. Main 9314.
Will want during the coming week 1000
men, women and children for strawberry
fields of the Hood River and White
Salmon districts. Pickers will be expected
to furnish own camping equipment. Crop
is good and prices for picking higher than
paia last season. Apply at once.
Operated by
City of Portland U, S. Government
Third and Ankeny eta.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog
rapher xor dept. store in county seat town,
must be capable to take full charge of
office and have knowledge of business.
Aaaress in your own nana writing. Keter
ences; none but experienced help need
apply. AV 121, uregoklau.
STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy,
saiesmansmp. .ngiisn nrancnes at an ac-
credlteed school; write or phone Main 590
ror catalogue; graduates guaranteed posi
tions. tennae- w aiaer msinesa college,
167 4th st.. near Morrison.
EXPERIENCED weavers and spinners; good
wages; steaay wotk. aiso use limited
number to. learn weaving and spinning.
Apply Portland Woolen Mills, St. Johns,
WANTED Strawberry pickers and nackem
ior v nite tsaimon. irive goo a fields near
town, can today, Detween 10 and 12 A,
M.; evenings Detween o and 7. H. Dillon,
room 60. 170 H Second st. Laurel Hotel.
STRAWBERRY HELP wanted Immediate'..
ouw picKers, .uu pactters, xamiiies una
children looked after. Apply Fruit Grow
ers Exchange, Hood River, Oregon. Good
accommodations ana wages.
SCHOOLBOYS and girl to sell high-class
soveniy during Rose Carnival week. Good
commission. Auuress mrs. j. w . x'nilips.
tu. xamniii si. rnone n. iwow.
WANTED Four men or women to sell
beautifully located 50xl00-foot lota at son
Terms $5 down, $2.50 per month. Call
ivionuay or xuesoay, U7 oak st.
Founded 1893; 80 schools In U. S. and
Canada; Summer rates; paid while learn-
ing. write ror catalogue. 234 Burnside,
trains you Tor civil service examination.
Main 1114, Lumber Ex. bldg., 2d & Stark
MOHLER Barber School, men and women
to learn barber trade free; paid while
learning. s za. cor. coucn,
OREGON Barber College wants men and
women to learn barber trade; paid while
learning; position guaranteed. z33 Madison
EXPERIENCED waitress and dispenser.
Conffina " h nf Rhnn '-M Wiiah mt
ACTORS for road show.
Emily Driscoll,
1191 Alblna ave.
A most lucrative and dignified profes
sion. Classes now registering in both day
and night courses for term beginning
June 21. For full particulars inquire Pa
cific Chiropractic College. 433 Haasalo st,
Portland, Or. East 6536. Dr. Elliott,
managing director.
TJ. S. GOVERNMENT needs thousands
clerks men-women), for war preparations.
$100 month; life Jobs. Wrlto Immediately
for list positions obtainable. Franklin In
stitute, Dept. 386 F, Rochester. N. Y.
WANTED Names of men-women wishing
Government positions; $75 month; hun
dreds war appointments. AV 15, Orego
WEAVER, experienced with fluff and rag
carpets, to manage business. AV 116. Ore
Ko-l-kegpcrs sod Clersuw
THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper, time
keeper, commissary man : years of ex
perlence various lines: operate typewriter
city or out. Main 3379 Sunday from 10
to 2. D 88 h, oregonian.
POSITION wanted by married man thor
oughly experienced DooKKeeper and ao
countant; steady, energetic, best of refer
ences. bu 436. Oregonian.
SALESMAN, maklnff Oregon. Washington,
Trio hn. n n rf ."Vf r.r t o rt a viahst arswtH .t n n I .
line on commission 'basis. BD 434, Ore
WANTED Barber to go to Northport,
Wash., guarantee $18 per week. For par
ticulars apply Lewls-iStenger Barbers'
e?uppiy co.
YOUNG man. 31 years of age. wants post
tton as outside salesman : city i referred
f i rst -c 1 ass references and bon d. J 251,
WANTED Clerical position; 10 years expe
rience; operate s typewriter. Phone Wain.
EXPERIENCED salesman, married, desires
position witn retail or wnoiesaie firm
willing to leave city. r nwz, oregonian.
YOUNG married man wants clerical dor!
tlon ; experienced In lumber, banking and
a os tract ottice woric jj sot, oregonian.
WANTED Position as clerk or manager of
general store; can furnish best references.
O 824. Oregonian.
TIMEKEEPER and payroll, or general of
fice work and bookkeeping wanted, by
man well .prepared. Alain. 247L
bovkkerpetk and Clerks.
EXPERT carpet salesman, 20 years' expe
rience, ro reign ana domestic noor cover
ings. Oriental rug expert, fine in uphol
steary and draperies, either wholesale or
retail; nne local and Eastern references;
no objection to leaving Portland. K. 415,
EXPERT shoe and clothing man. young
man. fine personality, speaks several lan
guages, can furnish best of Portland ref
erences, wants employment In small town
store on or before Sept. 1; at present with
Portland's leading shoe store. C 866, Ore
gonian. MANAGER of local corporation desires
change; wide experience, hard worker,
good on details, married, age 34 : expert
accountant and office man, want ex
ecutive position requiring ability, care
and responsibility. D 879, Oregonian.
ADVERTISER. A-l accountant, wishes po
sition as auditor or cost accountant, eignt
years' machinery manufacturing on Coast
Also lumber experience rail mill, now em
ployed ; first-class references. F 350. Ore
EXPERT accountant, auditor, office man
ager desires position ; experienced in pub
lic and cost accounting; prefer ship build
ing. Tabor 2793.
EXPERIENCED grocery salesman or store
manager; give very Dest references. D
oee, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS salesman. Ane In textiles, ac
curate in ngures, city or country ; gooa
local reference. J 339. Oregonian.
ACTIVE man of AS, of fair appearance and
aaaress. desires a position; can adapt nn
self to almost any position; willing to work
In store, shop or factory or outdoor work.
fnon Taoor d418.
ENERGETIC young married man would like
position at summer resort to Dear ex
penses: experienced salesman, delicatessen,
gro. clerk or what have you? References.
X 34, Oregonian.
COLLEGE MAN with soliciting, advertising
and sales experience, wisnes position Tor
mutual benet its. Have also mechanical
eng. experience. Phon A 2765, Sunday
noon, or Monday morning.
BY SUCCESSFUL salesman, position paying
$125 per month and upwards; experienced
In candy, crackers, groceries, specialties :
references ; bond, etc. Address Hall, 956
Glen ave. North.
BY a second-year university student 19 years
old, position as a companion or secretary
to an Invalid preferred; can type and do
all kinds general housework; will get ref
erences if wanted. V 543, Oregonian.
BY co rap. couple, man good econ. all-round
cook, wife exn. waitress, ooth capable,
first-class workers: Summer resort or good
country hotel preferred ; state salary. X
357, Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by civil engineer, sur
veyor and draftsman, age 40, married: can
arrange to go anywhere on short" notice;
will furnish own instrument if required.
AV 103. oregonian.
ENERGETIC young man of 28, single-
technical training and six years of enel
neering experience. Readily adaptable to
lines of business with a true incentive
for industry. D 396. Oregonian.
POSITION yardmaster, conductor, or charge
of logging ry. ; prefer flatcars : 12 years
experience; good letters. Jv 429, orego
nian. ONE educated enough to know; experience
enougn to appreciate; oia enougn to un
derstand, and young enough to do. D 397,
THOROUGHLY experienced delicatessen
man wishes position. capable taking
charge; beat local references. J 319, Ore
gonian. ENERGETIC, young, married man, with
some experience as salesman, wishes post--,
tion with reliable company; references,
etc. O 321. Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants a position as janitor in
apt. -house or to care for private home
during Summer months. Marks, Main
63 1.
WINDOW trimmer, show card and gents
furnishings salesman would like position;
out of Portland preferred. BC, 434, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED garage man desires posi
tion as car salesman, demonstrator or
floorman; best references. K 416, Ore
gonian. POSITION wanted by man with experience
in hardware and gen. mdee. business. Will
ing to leave city; reference. N 332. Ore
gonian. SITUATION WANTED in hardware store by
middle-aged man of family, ten years ex
perience, can give best of references. L
429, Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted as timekeeper by man
or ramiiy, nest or references as to nonesty.
L 428, Oregonian.
WANTED A place for two boys. 12 and 14.
in country, to work for board for Sum
mer. BD 435. Oregonian.-
THOROUGHLY competent chauffeur, can
make own repairs, desires position; best
references. K 417, Oregonian.
"WALL tinting with Mlnesco, carpenter re
pairs; building cheap now. Manny, Bell
wood 2421.
MAN and wife, cook and waitress, wish po
sition, hotel or camp; first-class. Howell,
227 N. 21st. Marshall 1562.
LARGE, strong man, left hand off, wants
night watenman or similar worit. a 040.
YOUNG man, 23, recently discharged from
hospital, desires to exchange light work
for some clothing. AP 436. Oregonian.
MARRIED man, grocery experience, wants
position; can handle Ford. 4o E. Burn
side st.
CHEF, steward, exceptionally good ability.
economist, thoroughly capaoie man; will
guarantee results. Main 4122, Apt. 41.
Al POWDER man and miner and all-around
handy man. Have good control over men.
D 350, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED married man wants posi
tion on orchard or farm. C 3S9, Ore
gonian. FIRST-CLASS German eausagemaker with
20 years' experience, wants position. AV
92, Oregonian. '
RELIABLE carpenter work. repairing,
screens, painting, tinting. Phone Marshall
3932. 108 13th.
PAINTING All work guaranteed; kalso
mintng a specialty, $3 room up. Marshall
EXPERIENCED cutter and tailor on men's
garments; also able to sell; refs. furnished.
O 318, Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR, mechanic; Japanese; careful
driver; want position In private home.
569 16th st. Portland Heights.
WINDOW trimming, showcard writing in
exchange for merchandise. L 426, Orego
nian. COMPETENT dressmaker wants engage
ments; $2 a day. Phone evenings. Tabor
YOUNG man attending business college days
wants work to pay expenses. Phone Link's
Business College.
JAPANESE boy wants position on stock
and dairy farm to learn. 22 a North 3d.
Portola Hotel. S. Fujlmoto.
LANDSCAPE gardener, garden and house
work ; references A-l. Tabor 7S97. O.
EXPERIENCED Japanese wants a position
to milk cows where over 30 cows. Address
92 N. Bth st.. city
YOUNG man wants Job driving auto truck
or delivery car; know city and experienced
driver; references. BD 427. Oregonian.
MAN with auto truck will do any kind of
hauling. Woodlawn 6162. BD 379, Ore
go n ia nJ
FOR painting, tinting and paper hanging rea
sonable, Main 2953.
WANTED Janitor work, efficient eip, city
references. A B48. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as night watchman or
caretaker. Address AP 437, Oregonian.
WE TINT rooms for $2.50. O'MARA. the
Painter. East 171.
CHAUFFEUR wants position, private family.
W 284, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as night watchman; can
give best references. N 325, Oregonian.
PAINTING, paper hanging and tinting;
good work, cheap. Tabor 4367.
HOUSE PAINTER wants work. Phone
after 7 P. M., Everard. Main 4224.
TRUCK driver wants work; experienced.
Phone Bast 7389,
PAINTING, paperhanglng, tinting, reaaon-
able. Main 679, Sunday or evenings.
HANDY MAN at odd Jobs, In the city.
Tabor 2978.
SH INGLE RS When you want shingling
done phone Woodlawn 0206.
MAN and wife wish posi tio n as coo ks in
hotel or camp. Marshall 5496.
HOUSE PAINTING, first-class work; $3.50
per day. Tabor 6923.
EXPERT machinist, experienced foreman,
open for engagement. C 367. Oregonian.
WILLING boy wants work on farm, about
16.- 328. Oregonian.
COOK and pastry man wishes position. Mar
shall 1562.
BRIGHT high school boy wants clerical or
light shop work. Tabor 2793.
FIRST-CLASS piano player, moving pic
tures, etc. 1069 East Morrison st.
CHAUFFEUR with best city references, de
sires situation. Call Marshall 4922.
MAN wants work as helper on wagon or
auto truck. D 403 Oregonian.
YOUNG man employed half day wishes
work. Call Main 4299 Sunday.
PAPERH ANGING, painting and tinting
neatly and cheaply done. Mar. 2493.
CF.MENT work and garages. Woodlawn 2278.
Mibce 1 la neooa.
YOUNG married man, at present employed
as head bookkeeper and general orrice
man by one of the largest companies In
state, wishes change of position; prefer
cashier's or ether responsible position, and
will place any reasonable cash bond re
quired. E 858. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED man of family, with execu
tive ability, handy with tools, has had
several years experience In clerical and
office work, can furnish best of references,
wants position of trust and where he can
advance. Is not afraid of work. M 504.
TECHNICALLY trained man with several
years engineering experience desires posi
tion involving a portion of outside work;
a sticker in the right place, old enough
to know and young enough to act ar
cordingly. D 395. Oregonian,
POSITION by retail candy and ice cream
maker, also experienced on fountain, mar
ried and strictly reliable, in or out of
town. A 530, Oregonian.
Aftookkeepers and SteaograpOers.
WANTED Position, by competent, experi
enced typist. Phone East 4057.
EXPERIENCED saleswoman wants staple
line, calling on trade all south of Port
land, In Oregon, In car. Nothing but first
clage line considered. D 371. Oregonian.
accurate and competent, to take full
charge, desires situation requiring part or
all time. H 326. Oregonian.
CAPA BLE young lady of good appearance
desires position In doctor's or dentist's
office, answering phone, etc; references.
T 429. Oregonian.
KEEPER, thoroughly competent, desires
situation where efficient service wins pro
lnotion. H 325. Oregonian.
EXPERT BOOKKEEPER desires another
small set of books to keep; am also a
stenographer and would like part time
work. H 324. Oregonian.
COMPETENT office clerk with several years'
general - experience desires position; ref
rencs. BC 437. Oregonian.
A YOUNG lady with college education wants
position ss bookkeeper or shorthand.
Phone Woodlawn 4588.
YOUNG woman with experience desires book
keeping position in or out of the city. O
29. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady, experienced in ail lines of
general office work cashier and book
Keeper. Kast 44-T
STENOGRAPHER LaSyl long experience,
temporary or permanent position. Sell
wood 1Q49.
LADY with knowledge of bookkeeping
wants employment, cashier or assistant
bookkeeper. Main 42J0,
STENOGRAPHER wishes position; best ref
ernces. $40 to start. C 2r23.
COMPETENT young stenographer desires
1. -
OFTlCE position, experienced; doctor's of
flce preferred. R 406. Oregonian.
Dressmn kers.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing
by day. Tabor 2351.
TAILORING and dressmaking, at home or
by day. Phone Sellwood 1211.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking, home or day.
64S Thurman, apt. B. Broadway 3365.
DRESSMAKING by the day; remodeling a
specialty. Phone Tabor 27P6.
HIGH-GRADE Dressmaking and tailoring
at home or by the day. Woodlawn 4519.
PLAIN and fancy sewing, reasonable prices.
Marshall 293Q. Camar Apts.
NURSE will take confirmed Invalids and el
derly people in own home; reference.
Gresham. Or., Route No. 2, box 74. Phone
Gresham. 27X2.
RUBBER air cushion, hospital bedpan, other
sick-room necessities; also speciallv ar
ranged toilet chair. Main 7812. A E 336.
REAL private place for confinement cases;
midwife. 426 Burnside. Broadway 720.
PRACTICAL nurse would like position; re fa.
given. Tabor 3410.
YOUNG girl, 17. would like place to take
care or children. c;aii 644 Tenlno ave.
REFINED middle-aged woman, first-class
cook, economical manager, wishes position
as housekeeper by party of gentlemen.
small club or widower; no objection to
ennaren; gooa salary expected. X 350,
REFINED young widow, best of ref.. wishes
position as housekeeper for widower; one
with children preterred. Address Louise
Ryland. Gen. Del., Salem, Or.
RELIABLE woman, used to farm work,
wants housekeeping; have girl 5. Please
state wages paid. Mrs. L. M, Meier, Gen.
Del., Portland, Or.
COMPETENT and experienced middle-aged
woman as h. k, in apt. h., or to take full
charge of same; state salary, references.
t 34 , oregonian.
A BUSINESS woman with experience would
like apartment-house or rooming-house to
manage; best of references. BD 424, Ore
MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes to take
charge of small rooming-house for house
keeping room and $lo per month. Phone
A 1913. or call BO Main st.
LA DY, capable, refined, wants position in
gentleman's home; must have comfortable
home, in or out of city or state. C 40,
POSITION as housekeeper for gentleman
with or without children, by middle-aged
lady; references exchanged. R 391, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants care of an
apartment or rooming-house; best refer
ences. M bob, oregonian.
EXPERIENCED Swedish woman with boy
6. desires housekeeping in Portland or
suburb. lio-JO month, 892 Thurman st.
LADY wants housecleaning work by hour or
day. satisfaction guaranteed. hone
Main 7082.
YOUNG widow, with 8-year-old child, de
sires position as housekeeper. Call Sun
day 1034 Mallory ave.
POSITION as housekeeper for elderly couple
or semi -invalid; can give oest rexerences.
Taoor as.
POSITION as housekeeper, home baking, etc.
Experienced, capable of taking full charge.
Will leave city. 1 ttis, oregonian.
NEAT, respectable middle-aged lady wishes
to keep house for one or two gentlemen;
small salary. D 008, oregonian.
COMPETENT housekeeper for widower or
lady employed; city or country. Marshall
3 91 2.
LADY wants care of apartment-house, hotel
or day housekeeping. Marshall 1737, room
YOUNG widow wishes position as house
keeper in bachelors or widowers nome.
P. O. box 132, Wood hum. Or.
MARRIED lady, take charge of rooming or
apartment-house, ior room rem ana. smaii
wages; oest rererences. azo. uregonian,
COMPETENT housekeeper. bachelor's or
widower s home; no oojeoiion 10, ennaren.
Call mornings. Home phone a :.'-tt.
WANTED A position as housekeeper by
widow with ooy 4 years. am, oregonian.
WIDOW, with girl 6, to keep house for
widower or Dacneior. tseuwooa ip.
WANTED Hotel work, care of invalid or
house keepm g. Taoor wk.
YOUNG lady with 7-year-old girl wants
work as houseneeper. j a.m. wregoman.
WANTEDPosltlon as housekeeper for gen
tleman. AV 101. Oregonian.
YOUNG Japanese lady wishes to learn do
mestic work In respectable American
home. 94 8th St. Nortn.
JAPANESE girl wants position, house help,
in small family. F 34H. Oregonian.
WANTED By middle-aged Eastern woman.
cooking or nous wo tk. n;n. vreKnin.
GRAMMAR, grade and high school studies
taught; backward pupils specialty. Main
WASHING, cleaning by competent woman,
day or hour. 327 1st st.. room 6.
BRIGHT girl Just out high school wants
clerical work. Tabor 2793.
W'ANTED Day work by competent woman.
Main 110, room H
COMPETENT pianist deuirea to instruct or
accompany until October. Main 3987.
WOMAN wants work washing or cleaning.
Main 2703.
RANCH or camp cook wants position with
son or daughter. J 321. Oregonian.
APARTMENT In exchange for work. 174
13th st.
BY up-to-date chambermaid in firat-cituis
hotel; references. D 884. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED wo man w ihes work. 8
hrs., $2. Sell. 1932.
PRIVATE tutoring, grade, backward chil
dren, foreigners. Marshall 3032 mornings.
WANTED Work by the day; cooking,
laundry. Call Tabor 4723.
WOMAN, neat and experienced, wants wash
ing. Ironing and cleaning. Main 1540.
EXPERIENCED laundress for Tuesday and
Wednesday. All day. East S9;4.
GOOD hand laundress wishes day work or
bundle washing. Phone Tabor 4275.
LADY wants work of any kind. Main 9132.
LADY wishes day work, WiUn. 217&
M 1 e 1 1 an eo a s.
A YOUNG lady Intending to enter eollege
wishes employment for Summer; is well
qualified to fill position as governess,
tutor or companion; is s good reader,
plays the piano and is of a cheerful dis
position ; will promptly answer all com
municationa. Box 5. faeaatde. Or.
ATTENTIO N W hat offer have you for ex
perienced. efficient chef and steward at
present engaged as manager, but wishes
to locate in Portland ? Good, re fe ranees
furnished. Address G. Clerico, P. O. box
632. Sacramento. California.
CAN fill any position in home where serv
ices of a maid are required, nursemaid,
care of invalid or Infant, sewing ; reside
near i'3d and Glisan ; wish to go home
nights. Marshall 1063.
LADY with ability to meet the public de
sires position with real estate company;
no biKkkeeptng; capable of managing rent
al dept. Prefer salary and commission. G
370. Oregonian.
REFIN ED young lady, employed, desires
t live with private family; plain home
cooking; reterencei exchanged. K 360. Ore
gonian. J. II. S GIRL is very anxious to h ecu re
clerical work as, an apprentice. If not
obtainable any kind of work would be
satisfactory. East 1312.
LESSONS given on the piano. In Spanish,
German. Italian, all high school or gram
mar grade subjects, for 25 cents a lesson.
Miss Johnson. Sellwood 731.
YOUNG woman of good family and college
education would l:ke to act as traveling
companion. References exchanged. J 834,
REFINED woman wishes place hs com
panion or care of children. AU 294, Ore
gonian. GIRL who has had experience in off ice work
and can handle telephone exchange. Call
Main 621 0.
EMPLOYED girl wishes to help evenings
for room and board-; Arleta district pre
ferred. Phone Main 31 26.
LADY wants .ianltor work or any kind of
day work; experience and references. Main
YOUNG gi rl Ishes care of children or to
aMdst with light housework; Catholic
family preferred. East 32H0.
EXPERIENCED woman wants work by riav
or hour. Call any time Sunday or after
4 f. Al. wee It fi ny-. T nor fl 19.
COMPETENT laundress wants' work every
nay in tne week; rererences. W oodlawn
HIGH SCHOOL girl of 15 wants work W
ine Mimraer, care or children or light
housework. Phone Tabor 3(2.
THOROUGHLY competent woman want
woric. Dy tue day or hour. Phone Main
7223 Sunday. 9 o'clock to 4.
EXPERIENCED teacher desires tutoring or
wotk as governess for the Summer; rl
erence furnished. E 871, Oregonian.
1 OUXG lady would like employment t
Summer resort or on a ranch, outdw
work preferred. p 39. Oregonian.
YOUNG school teacher wishes position at
teacn or traveling companion. K 430.
LADY, 39. and daughter. 21. want to tak
cnarge or apartment-house. o 320, Ore
gon ian.
TUT OR T NO In grade subjects and for teach
ers examination by experienced teacher.
Phone Main 2353. F 346, Oregonian.
WANTED Work. WHshing and house clean
ing, inquire 3i2 Stephens st. Phone East
EXPERIENCED French teacher will give
lessons after 3 P. M. Reduction for th
clsss. S7S E. 4th. Tabor 4206.
PIANO lessons by competent teacher wanted
in exenan- ior Ilrst-class dressmaking.
H 323, oregonian.
EXPERIENCED tencher wants position ss
governess or private secretary. AV 65.
O rgoninn.
LADY wishes day work of anv kind or
washing at home. Mrs. Smith, 69 N. Union
ave. Phone East 7450.
REFINED. eduatfl young lady wishes po
sition as governess; would travel. AY lie.
WANTED Home for girl. 19; light house
work or can take care of children; small
salary. T 414, Oregonian.
WILL take care of children for 10 cents an
hour; references if required. Call Broad
way 2892.
EXPERIENCED woman wants charge of or
work In grocery or cafeteria; stiite sal
ary paid; best refs. G 349, Oregonian.
GOOD Swedish girl wants second work. Tv
bor 7351.
WOM AN wishes day work; washing and.
run 111 k 1 v . ;Biiwoon .1.
curtains Inundered; 14 years' experi
. Tabor S933. Woodlawn 4126.
LADY will do cleaning for good bed and
springs. 630 Sulmon
AN experienced woman wants day work, 25o
an hour. Phone Main 6476.
HOME In Exchange for light services; ref
erences. K 431. Oregonian.
Grade and backward children. East 2014.
YOUNG lady pianist desires playing In
movie evenings. Addreas 852 E. 14th et. N.
DAY work by competent, reliable woman;
A 1 laundress. Phone Tabor 5373.
WOULD like work with doctor or dentist;
doctor preferred. Woodlawn 810.
WANTED Storage-room about 50x50 for
furniture, etc., close In. Marshall 2543.
furnished, Including linen and cutlery, on
West Side, for Summer; wanted by two
ladles; bank refrenc furnished. Please
phone today to Mrs. Richards, Alexandra
Court Hotel.
REFINED, trustworthy. Christian lady and
mother will exchange excellent care of
nicely furnished home for rent of same
during Summer or permanent: high-class
references given, AO 313, Oregonian.
WANTED By June 15. a flor 7 -roomed
furnished house, must be clean and
reasonable; Irvington anj Mt. Tabor dis
trict preferred; permanent. Box W 802.
WANTED July 1, furnished or unfurnished
5 or 0-roora modern bungalow or houe.
lood location. Permanent If rent reason
able. Adults. State address. AV 105, Ore
gonian. WANTED To take care of a small fur
nished house, cloae in town. Kindly state
particulars as to location, etc O 326,
WILL care for and pay $20 rent for fur
nished house for Summer; reliable young
rou pie. K 41 8, Oregonian.
8-ltOOM house in flrst-olaes neigh horhood :
need not be close in; not over $.15; will
lease If satisfactory. D 858, Oregonian.
b-KOOM cottage at Gearhart, 3 bedrooms.
Imth and fire-place. Completely furnished.
Phone EaHt 6(42.
WANTED To rent furnished or partially
furnished, a bungalow for couple, in de
sirable district. Main BS06.
RESPONSIBLE parties desire small fur
nlshed house or apartment in East Port
land. Phone Tabor 5381.
WANTED 5 -room furnished bungalow.
Laurelhurst, Rose City or Irvington, Call
East 4606 after 11 A. M.
WANTED Furnished bungalow for the
Summer; Rose City Park preferred. Ta
bor 4476.
WANTED By adults, 6 or 6-room furnished
bungalow, modern, good location, perma
nent. Broadway 1304.
WANTED To rent furnished 5-room houe.
Piedmont or Alberta district. X 834, Ore
WANTED to rent furnished 5 -room bunga
low nr 4-rnm fn t VVi -i r ft
Aoart inenta.
WANTED Furnished apartments. 2 or 3
rooine, bath and kitchenette, on n l?h
ground, with vita vr of river. A 551 Ore
gonian. WANTED Furnished 3 or 4-room modern
apartment with sleeping porch, within 1
reaching distance for car or jitney. Over '
the Summer. Rererences. call Main S2.2.
ROOM and kitchenette, partly f urnlshea ;
no othr roomers; West Side, near car;
reasonable rent: real home wanted; quit.
miudle-acd woman; If desired would help
with sewing. BC 435, Oregonian.
WANTED Unfurnished rooms, H. K... pri
vate iamily ; modern, Wrest Side. Main
7947. Nurse.
WILL provide bookkeeping or stenographic
course for use of furnished room. Address
E 362. Oregonian.
ATTRACTIVE rooms for gentlemen. 320
11th St.. cor. Clay.
YOUNG man wants well-ventilated room on
West Side, close In. X 354. Oregonian.
Kooma With Board.
ROOM and board for 2 or 3 people in pri
vate houseboat club. 15 minutes from
Wash st. References- required. Phone C.
3 673. or Sellwood KtL
YOUNG man would like room and board in
private family. Nob Hill district preferred;
references exchanged. F S55, Oregonian.
BY couple, two rooms and board In refined
family; prefer home where there are young
people. S 434. Oregonian. j
YOUNG man wants tmard and room; walk m
ing distance. H 331. Oregonian. f
BOA RD and room for one or t wo your, g
men; garage, reasonable. Woodlawn ft!.
BOARD and room for 1 or 2 young men,
aia reasonable. Woodlawn