The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 27, 1917, SECTION THREE, Page 5, Image 41

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Reductions Extraordinary on
Every Suit Every Coat Every Dress
Our First Annual Clearance Sale an event in which we
take great pride, as it is our first and because we desire that
it be remembered as one of importance and interest from a
real economy standpoint. Complete enumeration of the
many offerings is impossible here visit the store tomor
row and inspect at your leisure.
I X ' 'sjL?y r 'CffijfX ' ill
(Continued From Pace 4) I . " i - - fl. aiiSr i W 1 ESTABLISHED PJS
last month in New York, are en route
to Portland, where they will make
their home. Mr. and Mrs. Lone are re
turning via the Canadian Pacific and
will make several slops at scenic places
on the way. They will remain in Seat
tle for a few days and from there go I
to Alaska for a month's cruise, after I
which they will come to Portland and
visit Mr, and Mrs. Long, Sr., for several
months. The bride was Miss Madeline I
Pratt, of Elmira, N. T., daughter of
Mrs. David Murdoch Pratt.
Mrs. A. G. Long and Miss Mary Long,
who went East for the wedding, arrived
home last week.
Miss Edythe Flora entertained with
an Orpheum box party "Wednesday,
honoring Miss Jeannette Lauderdale, I
fiancee of F. Reed McBrlde. Those
who enjoyed the afternoon were the
Misses Jeannette Lauderdale, ' Lura
Tamiesie, Atha Rogers, Christine
Forbes, MIMred Lauderdale, Marion .
Weiss and Edythe Flora.
- -
Invitations are out for the wedding
of Miss Firzah McMillen and Robur
Hughson. It will be a large affair at
Westminster Church, Tuesday evening,
June 12, at 8:30.
Miss McMillen's attendants will be
her two cousins, Mrs. Frank Busch, Jr.,
of Oregon City, and Miss Lucille Saun
ders. . Little Harriet Hughson, cousin
of the bridegroom, will be the flower
girl. Maynard Harris . will be Mr.
Hughson's best man, and the ushers
are W. G. Oberteuffer, Jr., Albert T.
Godel and Percy O. Hastings.
Following the ceremony a reception
will be held at the residence of Mrs.
Frank Wasserman, aunt of the bride,
at 314 East Seventeenth street North,
to which only a few close friends have
been asked in addition to the relatives.
Miss Flora E. Hermann entertained
at her home in Irvington yesterday aft
ernoon with a tea. The guests were
greeted at the door by little Jane Cole,
who held a gold basket, from which
she handed to each as they entered two
cards tied together announcing the
engagement of Miss Blanche Patterson
and Orme Dowling. After an after
noon spent at cards, the prize was
awarded, a hige bouquet of old-fashioned
nosegays, from which was sus
pended a. pink envelope. On opening
it was found to contain two little cards
which told the surprising news of the
engagement of Miss Flora E. Hermann
and John R. Kenny. Miss Hermann is
the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Schiller B. Hermann and a grand
daughter of Binger Hermann. She is
popular in the younger set. She at
tended the Portland schools and a fash
ionable finishing school in Boston.
With her parents she has traveled ex
tensively and is an accomplished mu
sician. Mr. Kenny Is a Southern Oregon lum
berman and a son of J. J. Kenny, of
Leona, one of Portland's pioneer mill-
The house was decorated with Spring
blossoms, the color scheme being pink.
Oohelia roses were used around the
Many social affairs are planned for
Miss Hermann between now and the
wedding, which will be an event of
Those bidden were the Misses Marvel
Case. Blanche Patterson, Alice Warren,
Edna Sattler, Ruth Jarvis. May Walsh,
Lucille Seivers, Agnes Torgler, Flor
ence Dowling, Irene Mochier, Hilda
Cliff, Irma Rice and Mesdames Moyer
Cole, Frederick Harkness, Paul Feel-
lnsr. Araeil trianion, nuia nenaeraon
Harvey. Arthur Torgler, Edward
Kropp, Kenneth Cliff, Mark Colby and
Joseph Jaeger.
An event of interest was the annual
election of officers of St. Helen's Hall
Alumnae and the luncheon given Sat
urday. May 19, at the University Club.
There were seven 1917 graduates at
the luncheon, and Bishop Sumner was
the guest of honor. Mrs. William Wood
made an address of welcome, to wheih
the president of the 1917 class, Miss
Consuela McMillen, responded. The
table was adorned with exquisite blos
soms in lavender and purple tones, the
work of Miss Ella Stephens.
Mrs. C. S. Jackson has been presir
dent of the organization for the past
12 years. This year Miss Jocelyn
Foulkes was elected to serve. Other
officers elected were: FirBt vice-president.
Mrs. Robert Warrack; second
vice-president, Mrs. A. M. Sherwood:
treasurer. Miss Lucretia Allen; as
sistant treasurer. Miss Ethel Malpas;
secretary. Miss" Helen Whitney; assis
tant secretary, Miss Martha Hoyt.
Miss Helen Haller will arrive home
tonight from Washington, where she
has been attending Mount "Vernon
Seminary since last October. Hex
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sister, Marie, graduated from the
same finishing school three years ago.
For the benefit of the "Altenhelm."
the German Ladies' Relief Society will
give a coffee party on Sunday after
noon, June 10, at the Altenhelm, 2001
Division street.
A special programme has been ar
ranged for the occasion and a cordial
invitation is extended to all. Dona
tions of cake and sandwiches are de
sired. The committee in charge Is!
Mrs. A. Heissler, Mrs. W. Patterson
and Mrs. C. Buck.
The card party given by the Port
land Women's Research Club Wednes
day in the" Meier & Frank tea room for
the benefit of the Red Cross was one of
the largest and most successful af
fairs of its kind ever given in this city.
More than 850 guests were present.
Bridge and "500" were enjoyed during
the early part of the afternoon, the
prizes being won by Mrs. Frank Stein
kamp and Mrs. B. Evans. These prizes
were donated by Mrs. W. M. Bradford.
Later a delightful musical pro
gramme was provided by a number
of Portland artists: Mrs. Mischa Pelz.
soprano;- Mischa Pelz, pianist; Albert
creitz, violinist; L. Carroll Day, bari
tone. Mrs. Zulima Brown, of San Fran
cisco, played piano solos and Miss Lou
ise Hatfield entertained with several
clever dances. Miss Hatfield's accom
panist was Miss Mabel Bernice Warren.
A short talk on the work of the Red
Cross Association was given by Dr.
Kenneth A. J. Mackenzie.
Through Mrs. E. B. Wheat's efforts
in behalf of the disposal of the water
color sketch donated" to the club by
Robert A. Miller and framed by George
L. Baker, quite a sum was added to the
club s Red Cross fund. Dainty re
freshments were served by a bevy of
maids and matrons under the super
vision of Mrs. W. M. Bradford. To the
members of the committee which had
the card party In charge is due much
credit for their efficient work. They
were: General chairman, Mrs. Philip
Gevurtz; cards, Mrs. Robert Berger;
programme, Mrs. M. H. McClung; re
freshments, Mrs. W. M. Bradford. The
reception committee included Mesdames
M. W. Wyville, I. Hientz. E. F. Mullay,
D. M. Watson, A. A. Sanborn, Edna
Bell and E. M. -Ker.
The Auxiliary of Company H., with
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Mrs A. S. Finger as hostess, gave, a
successful silver tea Thursday night at
ner Home on East Thirty-third street.
An even $9 was realized and will be
added to the fund to provide the men
of the company with fresh vegetables.
The rooms were prettily decorated with
flowers, ferns and American flags. The
following delightful programme was
given: Solos, "My Own United States"
and "I Hear Tou Calling Me," by Miss
Marion Bennett, accompanied by Miss
Inman; piano selection, "Fifth Noc
turne" and "Sweet Bye and Bye." by
Miss Carol Christopherson; solos, "Slave
Song" and "If I Built a World for You,"
by Miss Lillian Peterson, accompanied
by Mrs. Peterson; piano selection,
"Rustle of Spring," by Miss Williams
readings, "How Tonson Quit" and
Northwest Photo.
Mrs. Horac Crooks Oliver (Flor
ence Roberta Staaley).
When Fatty Went to College," by Miss
Ruth Mac Masters; solos, "Love, Here Is
My Heart" and "The Calling of the
Sea," by Miss Mildred Angle, accom
panied by Miss Kruse, and piano selec
tion by Miss J. Kruse. Kerresnmems
were served by the Misses Mabel Hock
man. Melba Regan, Carol Christopher-
son and Mrs. Edward A. Miller. The
officers and members of the auxiliary
thank all who helped make the affair
such a splenuid success.
The last formal dansan. given by Mr.
and Mrs. George E. Love Saturday, night
was a delightful affair, for 200f port
land's men and women were present.
A battle of serpentine and a dance
of fire with red flame and sparklers as
the climax of the evening, while every
guest present joined In singing tne
National hymn. Patrons and patron
esses were Messrs and Mesdames Rob
ert Krohn, Robert 8. FarrelL B. F. Ir
vine, B. C. DarnalL W. G. Lloyd. C. B.
Clark. M. C. Woodward, Fred L. Hart
man, Ralph H. Mitchell, C. E. Irwin,
Charles A. Shea, Frank Camp, Ralph
Watson, R. M. C. Whittaker, W. H.
Guild, L. A. Means, Joseph P. Mulder,
T. W. Saul, W. A. Erwln, A. w. tsrooic-
ings, A. D. Frost, F. B. Penneld. T. W.
Nordby, Dr. and Mrs. William A. Shea,
Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Stewart. George H.
Jennings, Dr. and Mrs. M. G. McCorkle.
Dr. and Mrs. J. II. Miller, W. E. Kier-
nan, W. P. Dickey, G. N. Versteeg.
Charles M. Brink, B. E. Haney and
Jack P. H-uen.
One of the most notable affairs on
the social calendar of last week was
the Informal May party for which St.
Mary's Cathedral Court, no. 106. worn
en's Catholic Order of Foresters, was
hostess Friday night In Cathedral Halt
A crof uslon of lilacs -and ferns were
used for decorations, over which an
artistic arrangement of National em
blems were inspirations lor patriotic
A large attendance shared the pleas
ures of the evening. jaras were in
rfulrnd in. while the younger con
tingent enjoyed dancing till midnight.
The success of the affair is due to the
zeal of the committee. Misses Marjorie
MacKinnon, Mary Frances McCarthy,
Katherlne Driscoll, Carrie Ostruck and
Mary MacKinnon. The patronesses were
Mrs. M. J. Driscoll, Mrs. T. S. Hogan,
Mrs. J. O'Hare, Mrs. E. H. Doery and
Mrs. T. Misetlch. The refreshments
were In charge of Mrs. T. Glenn and
Mrs. E. Johnson.
A miscellaneous shower in honor of
Miss Mae Miller, a popular bride-elect,
was given last week by Mrs. George
Foster at her residence in rnomoni.
A luncheon was served at a table
nrettilv decorated In a color scheme
of pink and white.
Those who enjoyed Mrs. Foster's hos.
pltality were: Misses Mollle Cobb, Inez
Clark, Mamie Dunn. Clara Fleming,
Nan and Elizabeth Gerdes, Catherine
Hughes. Eva and Mae Miller, Inez
Stamnar and Mrs. W. A. Van Atta.
The Misses Gerdes will entertain
next in honor of Miss Miller.
Complimenting Mrs. C. Collin, a re
cent bride, and Miss Catherine Frainey,
a June, bride-elect. Miss Faye Kandle
and Miss Ruth Brady entertained
Wednesday night at the home of the
Those nresent were: Mrs. E. MoOm-
bar. Mrs. Bertha Davis, Fanny Fau
eett. Helen Frainey, Isabelle Murphy,
May Thayer, Jessie Desiata, Addie
Thayer. Christie Desiata and Charlotta
Friends and members of the Farkrose
Red Cross auxiliary turned out in large
numbers for the supper Wednesday
evening. The proceeds will be used in
carrying on the work of the Parkrose
auxiliary. Mrs. GiUlngham, assistant
treasurer to the Portland American
Silk suits, cloth suits and
suits of jersey in every color,
m every popular model orig
inals and reproductions
tailored as they should be
an endless variety to choose
from. The price range is as
below: $18.75, $24.75, $27.50,
$37.50, $420 and up.
Second Floor.
For sports, traveling and utility
wear. All 6tyles and all materials
and colors to choose from. Also
khaki and silk. $4.00, $5.75, $8.75,
$10.75 and up.
Store Your Furs in Our Cold Air Vaults
Red Cross, and Miss Poseska gave an
interesting talk and demonstration of
the work to be done. Fourteen mem
bers were added, making a member
ship roll of 60 names.
Mrs. G. J. Johnston entertained with
a supper party at the Multnomah Ho
tel Wednesday night, following the
commencement exercises at the North
Pacific Dental College. In the party
were: Dr. H. M. Breckon. Dr. John E.
Pederson. Dr. Leroy Albright and the
Misses Marie E. Johnston. Rath A.
Gibbs, Lottie Nichols and the hostess.
Drs. Albright and Pederson left the
aame night for Seattle.
Junior Artlslans entertained Adult
Assembly and friends on May 22 In
Greens Hall. An elaborate musical
programme was given, and the com
mittee decided to repeat the pro
gramme In June. The next meeting of
Adult Assembly will be held May 29.
when Columbia No. 4 will have as
honor guest W. H. Daly, candidate tor
Mayor. All members are urged to be
Ben Butler Post and Women's Relief
Corps were entertained at a flag-raising
at the home of Mrs. Heustls, East
Thlrty-firth and Madison streets, on
Thursday. A dinner was served and a
patriotic programme was enjoyed. Spe
cial songs were "All Hall to the Flag"
and "The tSar-Spangled Banner. The
flagpole is 60 feet long and the flag
8x14 feet. There were 75 present.
A delightful affair of Thursday was
surprise shower and tea given In
honor of Miss Leanora Dowling, a Jtme
bride-elect, by Mrs. Harry Hunter and
Mrs. James Asher. at the home of Mrs.
Hunter In Piedmont. The rooms were
decorated with dogwood. Spring blos-
homs and evergreens.
Those invited were: . Mesdames C.
O. Kellogg, E. M. Lance. Thad L.
Graves, T. E. Dowling, Amos Eckerle,
Margurette Brown, W. Frank Paine,
George Bushaell, H. E. Brown, W. S.
Barnes, A. K. Downes, E. H. Dowling,
W. J. H. Clark. Walter Lofquist. Rena
B. Childers. C. H. Fox. R. C. Cook, D.
Men are dressing: more simply
than ever before just as richly,
but with less audacity and with
a sober acceptance of the meas
ured tread of tramping feet.
K.S.ERVIN& CO., Ltd.
Custom Clothing and Shirts
Imported Dress Accessories
English Coat for Men and Women
Second Floor, Selllag Bldg.
Sixth us Alder Streets
For your Tailor-Made Suit see
Ladle TaUor, 407. EUers Bids.
Dresses for afternoon, even
ing and sports wear, in taf
feta, tulle lace and crepe de
chine, Georgette, and serges
and combinations in a won
derful variety of designs and
colors. Special now at $12.75,
$14.75. $19.75. $24.75, $37.50
and up.
Third Floor.
Hiekson Suit and Gowns Reduced
Skirts, Sweaters
Shetland, silk and fiber silk
anodels and all. colors, now reduced
for speedy clearance. All sizes.
$3.95, $4.75, $4.95, $5.75 and up.
K. Illff, Edward Traverse, F. A. Downs,
A. Ley, Leslie Crouch. B. Earl Smith,
Paul Chamberlairi. Dale J. Campbell,
George T. Carlson. C. L. Bender. M. J.
Ryan, Francis M. Higby. Gus C. Moser,
Weldo, James Griggs, Piny Coberatein,
William Warren, S. Vaughn. William
Zimmerman, Ben F. Green, Martin Lar
sen. Fred Jacebsen. David Nelson,
Charles Sigglin and the Misses Mamie
Mathews. Eulalae Paine. Hilma Fox,
Miriam Dowling. Caroline Eckule, Lu
etic Hunter. Catherine Erhllnger. Made
line Sheldon, Eva Anderson, Doris
Welle. Apal Munkers and the bride
elect. Complimenting Miss Agnes Pottage.
ll Summer Furs
A choice collection
displayed for your
early inspection
Our Furs are recognized as the best because of the quality
of the skins, which are cured, designed and made up in our
own workroom. The raws furs are brought in from the
Arctic on our own ships, and by reason of this the expense
of the middleman is eliminated and you save thereby.
Fur neckwear for Summer is now shown in abundance
and variety in all the popular furs and combinations.
Natural and dyed shades
of Georgette, taupe, battle
ship gray, Poiret, Hudson
blue and other colors at
$32.50, $45, $50
Store Your Furs in Our Cold-Air Storage
Vaults. Phone and the Auto Will Call.
Cloth coats of bolivia cloth,
burella, gtmneburl, covert,
serge, silk and jersey, in
smart, new models for all oc
casions, in a complete range
of colors, greatly reduced
$12.75, $14.75. $16.75, $18.75.
$24.75 and up.
Second Floor.
to $97.50
in all
fiancee of Hugh Williams, the Misses
Helen Mae and Loretta Williams and
Gertrude Keefe entertained Tuesday
evening with a prettily appointed
crystal shower at their home. 2S9 Mon
roe street.
White lilacs, blue and white crepe
paper were used profusely about the
rooms. The evening was spent with
games and music, honors falling to
Linus Martin and Hugh Williams.
The guests were: Misses Jessie Mae
Woodhouse, Marguerite Schans, Jesslyn
Pottage, Tessie Martin. Mary O'Calla
han. Gertrude Keefe. Loretta Williams
and Helen Mae Williams and the
Messrs. William Walsh, Walter Mc
Contlnud On Pane 10.)
Wolf Scarfs
Beautiful new wolf scarfs
in beautiful colortngs of
Lucille, taupe, battleship
gray and black. Prices:
$27.50, $30, $40
4 n m 1