15 1 acriliceiii P eek iroe nces a TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, 3IAT 6, 1917. (Tan . n 9 nr!i o stttt X 1' T. ! I. I ' . i t It 1 J ' ' y j t '? t j i 1 'I ' 1 1 ' t t ; i i :-j j i V V W I- r f . j i ) 1 j : 1' C x , ; L r v : . .1 i ' !' : 1. . Z; r- -r1 x . .; Rain, rain, rain and nothing but rain for the past two months has hurt every line of business, with the result that our store and basement are bulging with seasonable goods that should have moved long ago. We must sell this merchandise, even if it means r , A. Treoioodloiuis Loss of Money to Us - Shanahan has decided to forget costs and profits and give your dollars the greatest purchasing power that you are likely to enjoy for years to come. This remarkable price cutting will apply to every article in the house, with the exception of three lines of contract goods. Starting Monday, May 7, this sale will be remembered for years to come. It will vibrate throughout Oregon from ti end to end. Values ior every member ol the iamily thousands and thousands of.rare bargains in this sale. BUT A Jj'ISW U mb jiain x 4Ujijl,u A Tremendous Sacrifice in MEN'S FURNISHINGS V Vests ana .rants 15c Children's Fine Ribbed Cotton Short- Sleeve Vests and Knee Pants, all sizes. f 1"" V 35c Silk Boot Hose 15c Cretonnes At 9c Yd Choice selection of Fancy Flow ered Cretonnes suitable for dra peries, quilt coverings, - etc., ac tually worth 15c. 25c Ladles' Fiber Silk Boot Hose, black only, double soles with high spliced heels. 20c Fine Cotton Hose 15c Children's Fine Ribbed Cotton Hose, black or white, sizes 5 to Shi. " 40c Cotton Cashmere At 29c Yd. 36-lnch Cotton Cashmere, heavy weight shown In wistaria, black, navy, Copenhagen, green, shell pink, cream and light blue; suit able for that new Spring dress. : " : y 18c Sleeveless Vests 12c Ladies' Cotton Gauze Vests, low neck, sleeveless, mercerized taped, sizes 34 to 44. 65c Shepherd Checks At 39c Yd. (An opportune offering. A rare chance to secure desired dress materials when you need and want them at an extraordinary low figure. These are an extra weight and fine quality and come in all size checks anil are away below real value our regular 65o value. A real bargain. ' I Savings on Women's Apparel A wonderful lot of Silk Dresses for street, afternoon and evening wear. Attractive styles In a choice collec tion, all the much-wanted colors to choose from. Our regular $9 values, shown In silk poplins, etc., fijf QQ special. , DJ70 EXTRAORDINARY PlTtCHASE OF $13 AD 20 XEW SPORT SILK Suits and Dresses at 10.98 AT A PRICE THAT KNABLES I S TO OFFER THEM FOR THREE DAYS ONLY. Dresses for every occasion and every one Just fresh from the makers; beautiful soft taffetas, crepe de chine, pongees, etc Shown in the latest combination effects white and navy heliotrope and white Copenhagen and pongee gray sport stripe taffeta and pongee tan and navy. Come and be prepared to supply yourself with that new sport suit or dress. Incomparable Values in Coats Choice collection of the latest Spring Coats, full flared, sport models, most all lengths, gathered and belted back, large stylish combination collars, finished with fancy buttons. Shown In all latest colors. Including light greens, gold, mustard, rose, navy and- black. Every Coat price! 0!' tO $17.50 Women's Sport Skirts Shown In cotton poplin, khakl-kool designs, llnenes. basket weaves, etc Come In all the new colorings, in cluding stripes, plaids and tne lat ent sport design, priced from $2.50 to $4.98 Great Sale of Laces and Embroideries MONSTER LOT 18. 27 AND 45-INCH f Embroidery Flouncings VALVES rP TO 85c. This lot consists of lS-inch Flouncing for petticoats, beautiful patterns In 27 inch widths and pretty dress patterns of Swiss in the 46-lnch widths, 1 Q the yard... XJ E m b r o ldery Edges. Insertions, Beadings. etc, values to 15c, yardOw Embroideries and Insertions of cam bric and Swiss up to eight inches -1 " wide, values to 26c, choice, yardXUC Valenciennes Laces, Edges and Insertions, regular 6c values, yard X "Wash Laces, Cotton TorchonO-, and Shadow Laces, vals. to 10c, yd. uC Stupendous Sacrifice of Prices in Wash Goods & White Goods The most comprehensive assortment of fabrics and pat terns are included in this sale, and the special prices make this the biggest value event in the city. It will pay you well to go over this list very carefully. 35c Union Suits 26c Ladles' Ribbed Cotton Union Suits, low neck, sleeveless, knee length, sizes 34 to 44. 25c Plaid Suiting; At 15c Yd. These are double-width plaids, suitable for children's dresses. Thrifty buyers will not fall to secure their needs. 25c Silk Windsor Ties Odd lots and broken lines of Silk Windsor Ties, shown in most all the much - wanted patterns. Actually worth 25c Children's Dresses At 19cEa. Made of excellent quality per cales; shown In checks, stripes, etc; sizes 2 to 6 years. Thought ful housewives will ourchase now I at our gigantic sacrifice. - 20c-25c Wash Fabrics at 10 Yard This lot consists of crepes, flaxons, flowered batiste, rice cldth and many other serv iceable materials, values to 25c, In this collection; each one prettier than the other; come In all the much-wanted colors In dainty designs. Extra Special 25c to 35c Printed Voiles at 19 Yard 40-inch (note the width) Fine Sheer Voiles, in a large range of beautifully printed designs, values to 35c 15c Dress Ginghams at 10 Yard A sensational offering that will crowd our Wash Goods Department. Shown In plaids, checks and stripes, suitable for that new house dress, boys' waists and men's hard wear work shirts. Come to morrow and be prepared to lay In your Summeisupply. 10c Standard Calicos at6VzYard Excellent values shown In a large assortment of colors. This calico Is cheap today at 10c; fast colors. There is only a limited amount, so be sure of yours. Come early. WOMEN'S 75c TO K1.50 Sport Belts At 39c Ea. Choice selection of Sport Belts shown In a large variety of com bination patterns. Values from 75c to $1.50. Children's Dresses At 69c Ea. Children's Wash Dresses shown In the latest styles for Spring and Summer wear, made of excellent quality gingham, etc.. Including plaids and stripes; sizes 2 to 14 years. 25c Romper Cloth at 15c Yard 32-inch, suitable for women's waists, dresses, skirts, boys' waists and boys' suits; fast colors. Kegular 25o value. Su perior In quality to Devonshire. Big Savings on Linens 10c Crash Toweling; WOMEN'S So TO 10c Handkerchiefs At 3c Ea. Women's, one corner embroid ered. Lawn and Swiss Handker chiefs, values to 10c Priced spe cially for this gigantic sacrifice. WOMENl YOUR. CHOICE OK ANT $1.50 to $2 Dress Skirts At 59c Ea. Shown In the staple shepherd checks In various; sizes. Balcony. WOMEN'S 25e PURE IKE Handkerchiefs 12Vc Ea. Women's Pure Linen Handker chiefs, excellent quality, shown in to -lnch hem. Our regular 25c value. 85c Women's Voile Waists At 39c Ea. Crisp new Sprfng styles fresh from the needle these beautiful Voile Waists, embroidery fronts, with large collars and long-sleeve effects. at 5 Yard Below wholesale cost of raw material, excellent qual ity, suitable for dish towels or roller towels. A good chance to replenish your needs at this sale. 18c Huck Towels at 11 Each 17x34 Bleached Huck Tow els, excellent value. We have Just 150 dozen of these. They come assorted, some with red borders, but not a towel In the lot worth less than 18c 25c Turkish Towels at 18 Each 3 for 50 18x41 - inch' Ble a o h e d Hemmed Turkish Towels, close weave, excellent qual ity. Thoughtful housewives will purchase now. $1.50 Cotton Blank ets at 98 each 64x74 Heavy Fleeced Cot ton Blanket, shown in gray and tan, with colored borders. Mercerized Napkins , at5 Each - Hemmed Mercerized Nap kins. A splendid match for the above damask. A good luncheon size, all Ironed, ready for use. Priced spe cially for this sale. 50c Mercerized Dam ask at 29 Yard 58-lnch Bleached Mercer ized Damask, excellent quality, actually worth 50c A good chance to replenish your needs at a substantial saving. EXTRA ECONOMY BAR GAIN CIRCLE, MAIN FLOOIl 35c Turkish Towels at 25 Each 21 x 48 - inch Bleached Fringed Turkish Towels. This towel Is extra heavy; actually worth 35c Priced specially for this sale. $2.50 Comforters at $1.89 72x84-lnch (full size), re versible pretty patterns, filled with pure white cotton stock, our regular 82.50 values. SILKS The Greatest Silk Values in the City $1.00 Dress Shirts At 39c Ea. fBJ?kn S.nd discontinued lines fin-1," Preos Shrts. made of ??. Percales and other service able materials. French or starched cuffs. Values to Jl 00 Men's Shirts and Draw ers At 25c Ea. Shown In halhrigeran or mesh, all sizes 32 ro 46. Kemember, we can't offer these again at this ex tremely low price. Men's Athletic Union Suits At 25c Ea. Supply your Summer needs now at our stupendous sacrifice. Sizes 34 to 46. Well worth your time to come and secure these at this ex tremely low price. Charming, distinctive, dainty, do not half explain the splendor of our Spring and Summer Silks. Come tomor row, see our wonderful show ing and note the extraor dinarily low prices wo quote. A. few examples below. Many more await you. $1.00 Lustrous Silk Poplin at 69c Yard Full yard wide Lustrous Silk Poplins, shown in mustard. Ivory, gray, new green, re seda and navy blue, our reg ular $1.00 value. A splendid wearing quality. Extra Special' Black Taffeta Silks 36-lnch Black Taffeta, no. extra special, yard. . . I?OC 36-in. Black Taffe- tf OQ ta, extra spec'l, yd. S XOI7 36-in. Black Taffe- ! ACk to,. extra spec'l, yd- 0 1 75c Crepe de Chine at 59 Yard Full' yard wide, silk- warp Crepe de Chine, shown In black, white and a fulL range of colorings, bright and lus trous, 75c values. 75c Crepe Georgin at 59c Full yard wide Silk - Warp Crepe Oeorglne, shown In light blue, flesh and cream, suitable for dresses, gowns, waists, etc, at a price that will defy competition. 50c Shirley's Guaranteed President Suspenders At 39c Pr. -Made of excellent quality cable elastic, light, medium and heavy weight. Our iTular 50c value. $2.00 Silk Crepe de Chine at $1.39 Yard .. To appreciate these one must see the beauteous shades and get the feel of the quality. There Is no resisting their appeal. You wil be sure to gratify your desire for that new gown at our sale, price. 33c Shantung Silk at 19c Yard. 24-inch Shantung Silk, one of the best-known silk-and-cot-ton fabrics made and ex tremely satisfactory for strength and wearing quali ties, lustrous and silky, Bhown In all the much-wanted street and evening shades. 75c Men's Union Suits At 49c Ea. Shown In athetic mesh or fine lisle, ribbed, medium weight, all sixes. Our regular 75c value. ft CEnE rOHOSKMT Union Suits At 79c Ea. Short sleeves, ankle length, sizes 34-50 (mill runs). Our reg ular SI value. Men's Work Shirts At 48c Ea. Made of splendid quality blue and gray chambrays. full size, well made, sizes 14 to 17. Thrifty buyers will not fall to se cure their needs at our stu pendous sacrifice. f. ' ' $1.Z5-$1.35 Dress Skirts At 98c Ea. Fine serviceable, close - woven Percales and Madras, etc. that wear as well as they look.. Splen did assortment of stylish pat terns, soft or laundered cuffs, specially priced for this gigantic slaughter. Six Big Bargains in Domestics 35c 9-4 Sheeting at 29 Yard 4-4 Bleached and Un bleached Sheetings, comes In full bolts, is full 81 Inches wide, excellent quality, good weight, soft finish. You should not fall to take ad vantage of this exceptional offering. 75c Sheets Unbleached at 55 Each 72x90-inch seam in center, full size Unbleached Sheets, made of extra heavy muslin ind worth 76c Why not take advantage of this rare op portunity at such a critical time? . - 20c to 25c Cretonnes at 15 Yard 38-lnch Fancy F 1 o w e r ed Light-Weigh Cretonnes, suitable for quilt coverings, draperies, curtains, etc, etc., values to 25c, most remark able value. 20c Pillow Cases at 12 Each 42x36 - Inch Bleached and Hemmed Pillow Cases, excel lent value; linen finish with three-Inch hem; an exact match for the above Bheet. Actually worth 20c. Take advantage of this tremendous sacrifice. 85c Feather Pillows at 57 Each Size 18x25, filled with sani tary feathers and covered with excellent quality fancy art ticking, actually worth 85c We recommend them to you as a most deBlrable bar gain. 75c Sheets at 57 Each 72x90 Welded - Seam Sheet made of heavy round-thread muslin, full bleached, excel lent value. We have 50 dozen of these and can get no more at this low price. This sheet Is worth 75c . Boys' Overalls At 45c Ea. Made of heavy denim, sizes 4 to 14 years. Here Is your golden op portunity to replenish your needs at a substantial saving. Men's Overalls and Jumpers i At m Ea. (Can't Bust 'Em Brand), union made; made of heavy blue denim, with high back, six pockets. Now Is your opportunity to replenish your overall supply. f 1.25 MEN'S BALBRIGGAN Union Suits At $1 Ea. Shown In light-weight Balbrlg gan. short and long sleeves, ankle length. Our regular $1.25 value. BIO PURCHASE OF ME.N'S Dress Shirts At59cEa. AH new Spring patterns In a wonderful comprehensive variety. Shown In beautiful new stripes and other pretty combination pat terns; made of excellent quality percales, etc, soft or laundered cuffs. Kxceptlonal value. Big Purchase Women's Neckwear VALUES HP TO St. CHOICE 10c A wonderful assortment of new Organdie and Voile Collar and Cuff Sets, Borne pretty colored ef fects every piece in the lot worth double and many worth triple. Kemember, these are sacrificed. - v $1.00 Women's Voile Waists At 48c J u s t arrived, a shipment of stylish Voile Waists, excellent value, shown in white and sport stripes, with large collars and long-sleeve effects. The Economy Bargain Circle will be the center of activity Monday. Two big fea tures that thrifty women will eagerly respond to: 75c to $1 Corsets At 39c Ea. Broken sizes and discontinued lines of Corsets, medium bust and short hip. Splendid Summer Cor Women's 40c Muslin Drawers At 23c Ea. Excellent quality, lace and em broidery trimmed. Thrifty buy ers will not fall to secure their needs at our stupendous sacrifice. K 1 20c Curtain Scrims At 10c Yd 36-lnch Curtain Scrims, shown in white, ecru and many with fancy flowered borders. Excel lent quality, hemstitched borders. It Is an offering that should create the wildest buying enthu siasm. Values to 20c $4.25 Silk Blouses IX A WOXDERFCL 8ALB At$3Ea. A BIG SPECIAL PURCHASE OB 75c to $1 Bungalow Aprons Monday at 48c These are full sized and shown In several pretty models In neat patterns In an exceptionally good quality percale. Including middy, envelope, button back' and with elastic belts, special on the Economy Bargain Circle. Women's $1 to $1.50 House . .Dresses 49c Attractive models that are worth double this low price; made oT excellent quality gingham, trimmed with white, contrasting and self-materials. Another big Economy Bargain Circle special for Monday. As a special Inducement to get you to visit the new home of the Blouse Department (balcony), we are offering a Silk Blouse Sale Extraordinary made of excellent quality silk crepe de chine, colors white and flesh. Our regular $4.25 values. $1 to $1.25 Corsets At69cEa. Broken sizes and discontinued lines of High-Orade Corsets, made of excellent quality coutll; medium bust and long hip and other numerous models. Values from $1.00 to 11.25. Boys' 35c School Blouses At 19c Made of excellent quality per cales, chambrays, etc., sizes 6 to 12. Here is your golden oppor tunity to replenish your needs at a substantial saving. '. 25c Brassieres At 10c Ea. Broken sizes, open back, lace and embroidery trim med. Thoughtful housewives will pur chase now at our stupendous sac S8-IXCH WIDE O'BLBACHED 10c Muslin At 6c Yd. STORE OPEN 9 A. M. TO 6 P. M. THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY NewLocation, Dekum Bldg., Third at Washington Entrances 264-266 Washington Str.eet 123 Third Street -Tl '"" ' '""'-' Below wholesale cost of raw material, splendid quality, limit 10 yards to a customer. Thrifty buyers will not fall to secure their needs at our stupendous sacrifice. SATURDAYS 9 A. M. TO 9 P. M. SPEEDERS ADMIT GUILT UNAX1MITV OP PLEA MOVES COtTRT TO LESIEXCT. Fourteen Violators of Traffic OrdU aancea Gathered in Through Ef forts of Patrolman Ervln. . "When Carl King, oiler for the Port land Railway, Light & Power Company, started acrosa the Burnside bridge Thursday night and nearly ran over Motorcycle Patrolman Frank Ervin the autolst Was immediately placed under arrest on a charge of driving an auto mobile while intoxicated. Municipal Judge Stevenson yesterday levied a fine of J25 against King and gave him a 30-day suspended sentence. "He could hardly keep on the bridge," declared Patrolman Ervln in relating King'B condition. Thirteen other traffic violators, all victims of the efforts of Patrol man Ervln. were also fined In Mu nicipal Court. The majority of the ar rests were for speeding from 35 to 40 miles on various Portland Btreets. Those arrested and the fines were: H. Helberg, salesman, $5; L.. Means, salesman, $5; Tom Stott, chauffeur, t2; John Nelson, charged with driving wagon with no light, $2; Benjamin Rozeen, chauffeur, $5; C. J. Holman, salesman $5; R. Howard, chauffeur, $5; Dean Adams, chauffeur, $5; J. R. Da vies, mechanic, 5; F. Zonello, $5; N. II. Jacobs, chauffeur, $5; Frank Smith, chauffeur, $5, and P. A. Fullmer, sales man, J5. It was a case 'almost unprecedented In Municipal Court, In that everyone of the speeders'admltted his guilt. Con sequently the Judge was Inclined to be lenient and made all fines low. Cowlitz Farmers Hear Address. KELSO. Wash.. May 6. (Special.) O. E. Gibson, dairy husbandry man at the Washington experiment station at Pnyallup, addressed the assembled members of Cowlita Pomona Grange at Kalama today on the subject, "Silos and Soiling." A large number of grangers were at the meeting. WilM WILL BE TRIED BEAU BRl'MHKL FORGER BROUGHT BACK FROM CHEHALI9, Sale of Fake Coupons Alleaed and Prosperous Business In Various Towns la Reported. Edwin Herbert Wilma, Beau Brummel salesman and the possessor of five aliases, will be tried on a charge -of forgery In Municipal Court Tuesday. Wllma, who was arrested in Chehalis. Wash., on instructions from the Port land authorities, is said to have been selling fake coupons which he declared to be good for an order cm a Portland studio. He Is believed to have taken In $100 or more In Portland and vicinity by means of this scheme. Other towns also are said to have suffered from his operations. City Detectives Swennes and Pat Mo loney had been shadowing Wilma since January 21. He was brought back to Portland for trial from Chehalis by De tective Swennes. According to the detective Wllma'a victims were largely women. Wilma is said to have served 100 days In San Francisco for' a fake subscrip tion scheme which he put over there. Among the places where he is said to have been operating recently are Oregon City. Milwaukle, Llnnton, Os wego, St. Johns and Woodland, Wash. ROW OVER . COW IS AIRED J. F. JIawkcs Is Held to Grand Jury on Larceny Charge.- J. F. Hawkes, charged with the lar ceny of a cow belonging to Mrs. Minnie Young, Union avenue and Hawthorne avenue, was held to answer to the grand Jury yesterday by Municipal Judge Stevenson. The argument over the possession of the cow Is said to haves dated back to a time when Hawkes loaned Mrs. Young $135, receiving a mortgage on several cows and a horse. - Since that time there has been several cases of litiga tion to determine the ownership of the cows. Hawkes Is said to have taken the matter in his own hancla and to have led off one cow which was left. One of the other cows la said to have been killed by a streetcar and several were sold. ALEGED BURGLAR HELD Charles Williams, With Associate, to Answer to Grand Jury. Charles Williams, who Is charged with having been implicated In the bur glary of the Howard Hardware Com pany's store in Montavilla., was held to answer to the grand jury, yesterday by Municipal Judge Stevenson. - AVllliams is said to ha.ve been asso ciated with Fred Ramelow. who is now being Investigated by the grand jury. The two men are charged with having taken goods from the state to the value of about $100. They were arrested by City Detectives Sum and Pat Moloney. sBffDflj I "1ET S 500 more miles rrrvrs yrmr old tirei! HcMooieare- j. I Js fell 1 If I bnild roar old casings into new guarsnieed tires, it ISll . ' II I half the eost of new ones. This wonderful new proceaa L -O f J I saved motorists of the Northwest thousands of dollars. i i' fb&j Guaranteed for 3S00 Miles vMLlJ' N-- y In wrttlna 3300 miles without a pnnrttire is the signed rnai S-iJ& an tee you gat with every Mostonies rebuilt tire. 1-2 The Cost of New Tires Introductory Price an lCcMonies rebuilt tires made from your old enshtsat PtmLm-tnai tOxl Rebuilt Tim, $C.75 NSkH SOxS RebelH TIrea. $7.T jO' . " SOxSl Rebuilt Tina. I.N 2aS Rebailt Tiraa. t. Ay VV 2xH Rrbailt Ttraa. t.50 32x4 Reballt Tires, 10.7 jfr Q 'jj S4x4 lUtmUt Tina. VXJ 34x4 Rcbailt 1 irtm. O v" A Send ns a trial order of one tire, without money. If yon dont y that A tt makes roar old tires look and wear like new, it won't comt you a cent. r Q " W. H. McKOKIES & COMPANY, gSttj&J?? A i