' ...1 12 TIIE SUNDAY OEEGOXIAN. PORTLAND. APRFL 15, 1017. V"5 'V i HELP WANTED MALE. TALLYMAN. $3: edgerman. $4 up; 6 car riage riders. $2.75; log deck men, $2.75; line-up man edger, $3; 50 mlU and yard hi en, $2.17, ; 200 mill laborers, $2. 50 up; cut-off man, S3; dogger, $; mill men for Westport, Wheeler, Cascade Locks, Brighton, Westlmber, Portland, Astoria, Chehalis, Centralia, Aberdeen, CosmopollB. tc etc. We advance your fare- to most of these mills. Snipers. $3 to $3.1 ?S0: rigging men, $3.50 and $3.75; chasers, $3.50; hook tenders, $6; climbers. $5; loaders, $4; buck era, $3.50; wood bucks, $2,75 ; pole road men, $3.25; section men, $2.75; whistle boys, $2.75, etc., etc. This office is headquarters for loggers mnd mill men. Farm hands, milkers, sheep men. team sters, land clearers, woodcutters, splitters, all kinds of miscellaneous labor. Cooks, waiters, dishwashers, bussboys, kitchen helpers, elevator boys, bellboys, all kind of hotel, restaurant and camp help. SEE US FIRST. OPEN TODAY. ' PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, 235 Burnside St. Largest on the Coast. lK RiS'S a winner: Our aluminum utensil cleaner sells on sight to every house wife; big demand, no competition; sai'iole all year, $30 to $50 a week easy. Grab this quick; 400 other specialties. Dlv. b32, American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lemont, 111. OOuD pay for trained men, courses in gas, electric engineering, automobile and trac tor; mechanical drawing ; will make you competent, riend for complete Illustrated catalogue. Seattle ling in curing School, Se attle, Wash. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL 383 Burnside St. Call or write for full Information about FKEK TRIAL OFFER, TWO well educated salesmen to handle an entirely new proposition for one of the rs.ding publishers of New York; only well dressed men need apply. 208 Lumber Ex change bldg.. U to 12 A. M. WANTED First-class open-shop gray iron 'sundry molders and coremakers; first class wages to first-class men; 8 hours a day. time and half for overtime. 417 Ore gon bldg., 5th and Oak sts. WANTED Neat-apptaring young man to travel with manager and do soliciting. None but hustler need apply. Jack Smith, Kamapo Hotel, between 11 A. M. and 12, 1 P. M. and 2:30 P. M. WANTED First-class open-shop brass molder, best wages and steady work to competent man; 8 hours day, time and half for overtime, 417 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak sts. WANTED Young men to prepare for tele graph service; the passage of the 8-hour law has created a big demand for teleg raphers. Fcr full particulars call or write Telegraph Dept., room 500 Panama bldg. WANTED First-class open-shop wood pat tern makers, first-class wages and wteady work to competent men; S hours day, time and half for overtime. 417 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak sis. YOUNG married man, experienced and com petent stenographer, for wholesale house ; one familiar with hardware and plumbing terms; state age. former wages; refer ences required. N 159, Qregonian. STEADY employment, good wages, day and night classes, few months learning, po sition guaranteed. Watchmaking, Engr. school, 218 Commonwealth bldg., 0th and Ankeny, Portland. WANT caretaker everything but Salary, $35 to wife preferred, references. C I for community clubhouse; living expenses furnished. $40 per month. Man and State experience and give !19, Oregonian. WA XTED First class open-shop machinists rk and general machinists; heavy lathe wo best wages and men; 8 hours d steaay work to competent ay, time and half for over on bldg., 5th and Oak sts. time. 417 Oreg $10 DAILY refinishing chandeliers, brass beds, automobiles, new method, producing amazing results; no capital or experi ence necessury; particulars free. Guu 111rt.1I Co.. 21st ave., Decatur, 111. WANTED A dogger, teamster and two men to run cut-off saws, must be experienced men ; also a few laborers, good, steady job. Apply West Oregon Lumber Co., Linnton. WANTED Young man for billing clerk; must also have stenographic experience ; permanent position if capable. Salary to begin, $50 a month. Address K. 301, Ore gonlan. CREW managers and qirculation men, the biggrst proposition ever offered ; real big money If you arc a live wire. Call at 725 Cham, of Com." OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT Will pay $1 to $20 set; the older the hotter ; crowns bridge work bought Bring or mall. U. Randolph, 121S Yeon "bldg. HAWTHORNE GARAGE AND GAS GINE SCHOOL. THE OT..D RELIABLE. 44 5 H A W TH O R N E A V E. WANT stenographer and bookkeeper, $t55 tkt mo. to start. Must have $1U00 to loan on good security. References required. A D 25t, Oregonian. WA NTKD An experienced assistant in gen eral mdse. store as 2d man ; family man -preferred; slate oxperienee and give ref erence in tirst let ler. A" K7, Orgonlan. WANTED Good reliable persons to cir culate referendum petitions at 4 cents per name. 410 Madison St., Oregon City. Phone 150-.T. WA XTED Firs t-r lass open -shop boiler mak ers, steady work and good wages to good men; ii hours day, time and half for over ritne. 417 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak sts. $2.50 PER DAY paid lady each town to dis tribute free circulars L-nncentrated flavor ing in tubes. Permanent position. F. E. linrr Co.. Chtragti. WA XTED Married men to work in lumber yard at Doty, Wash.; wages $2.75: huuse rent $t per month. Apply 303 Concord bldg. BOYS wanted: $35 to $70 per month; must be over 10 and have wheel; bicycle repairs paid; chance .for advancement and to learn t ra d e. L. MnHenh ou r, 25 3 Oak st. OFFICE hoy. wholesale house, chance for advancements. Answer in own handwrit ing. L Kilt. Oregonian. SPECIAL delivery and wagon boys, 10 to IS years of age. Apply superintendent's of fUc. n to lo A. M. Olds. Wortman & King. Pit I VATR detective must be experienced ; I have important investigation. Address X 1 Oregonian. Give references. S MEN'S tniior-made dress suits, silk lined, $10; a bargain. 15 N. 12th. Main 180S, A 2-401. MAN and wife for small dairy ranch; must be experienced cowman. D 250, Orego nlan. WANTED Capable man for farm work; must furnish best references. Call 434 Sal mon after Mondav. PERMANENT employment. Commission. No insurance. Getting members. The Owjs, South Rend. Tnd. YOUNG MAN wanted to learn trade: splen did opportunity for right part v. Morgan Rizor Works. Goldsmith and Russell sts. WANTED Deck hands and loggers for steamboats. Harbor Steamboat Employes' Association, 1 31 2d, cor. Alder. GROCERY SOLICITOR Experienced man; local references. Good pay. Call Tabor 101 between IO and 11 today. WANTED By a large wholesale house, of- - fi?e boy. State age and telephone num ber AP 354, Oregonian. Help Wanted Agents. 6T A RT you in business, furnishing every thing, men. women, $30 to $200 weekly operating new system specialty candy fac tories, home, small room anywhere: no canvassing. Opportunity lifetime; booklet free. Ragsdale Co., box S, East Orange,, . N. J. Sales Apents Wonderful Invention for automobiles, out one month, needed on every car; owners and garages buying at sight, agents getting rich, can show over $1 no weekly profits this season ; can you afford to miss ? Homestead Engineering Laboratories. Homestead, Penn. AGENTS make 50 per cent profit selling our auto monograms and initials, window sign letters, changeable signs and show cards; 1000 varieties; enormous demand. Sullivan Co.. 1123 Van Buren St., Chicago. LARGE manufacturer wants representatives to se!l shirts, underwear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write for free samples. Madison Mills, COO Broad- way. New York City. A NEW. novel, and clever Invention; won derfully attractive; a market in every home; good profits; big demand; particu lars free. Shomescope Manufacturing Company. 540 W. 13th st.. Kansas City, M0. FREE catalogue samples, new goods, quick sales, big profits, make $5 to $25 daily, no experience, world's greatest specialties Cmver Co., Jackson & Campbell, Chi cago, III. AGENTS make big money polishing auto mobiles Cook's Autogloss. Sample 2-cent stamp. Frank C. Cook. E. 700 15th, Den ver, Colo. FREE samples, particulars, no splash water strainers, easy seller, returns big, expe rience unnecessary. R. Union Filter Co., New York. ADVERTISE 25 words 100 monthlies. $1.25; three months, $2.50. List particulars free. Empire Advertising Syndicate, Chicago. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hos pital tickets. 301 Board of Trade. QUICK-SELLING patriotic specialty. Agents wanted everywhere. A 222, Oregoniau. HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Agents. YOU can secure protected territory on snap piest line of aluminum specialties; big de mand; new sales plan enables you to call on housewives by appointment only; Birch soid $1SOO worth Gu days; Waiker $100; you cannot fail; new up-to-date sales plan guarantees your success. No ex perience necessary. No cash. Write quick. Div. 2225. American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lemont, 111. YOU CAN MAKE MONEY RIGHT AT HOME. Every family will buy our patented ICE LESS QUEEN COOLER at sight. Prices $6 to $25. Agents can make from $5 to $20 a day. Nothing but water necessary. Now is the time to start. Write for ex clusive agency proposition, quick. Coast Culvert and Flume Co., Portland, Oregon. ATTENTION We will pay $1000 "reward if our home Butter Merger fails to merge one pint of milk into one pound of butter in two minutes; sweeter than creamery butter. Demonstrators and agents wanted, salary or commission. Write for illustrated circulars and addresses of 1OO0 users. Wonderful invention. Family Butter Mer ger Co., Washington, D. C. $lo0 WEEKLY upward selling car owners commodity necessary as gasoline; thou sands wild over it and placing repeat or ders daily; permanent business, constantly Increasing income, exclusive territory; nominal capital requlreu; few general and local agencies available; write quick. Lane Auto Supplies Co., San Diego, Cal. FLOWER bead necklaces, season's fastest seller, fairs, house to house, sure meal ticket; free catalogue. Mission Bead Co.. fj-ni-B i,oa Angeies, ua.nr. $30 WEEK and expenses selling window gold sign letters; anyone can put on ; free samples; liberal offer to general agents. Metallis Letter Co., 435 N. Clark, Chicago. iieip Wanted ttaleuuen. PROMINENT Eastern manufacturer of high grade advertised line of aluminum cook ing utensils wants salesmen (not side Hue men) for exclusive territory, to sell to department, hardware, furniture, and grocery stores; liberal salary and commis sion proposition ; want only salesmen ca pable of selling quality goods and of showing merchants advantages of co operative advertising and merchandising plans. Apply, stating experience, age, references, to Sales Manager, 595 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. $100 MONTH straight salary, big extra com- mianiuiiii ana arawing account for ex penses, sell our 21-Jewel 20-year guaran teed watches direct to wearer on easy credit payments, $2.50 monthly; priced lower than others charge and doubly guar anteed; want one man each eight or ten Luunues, wun or witnout experience; no boozers; permanent. Address the Pope Co., I Long view, Tex. t CANVASSERS! Our lalMmpn m.bin from S25 In lion nr wir inn A,ir. SUPERIOR FRUIT AND SHADE TREES. F H RT 'RRITR V v-... ,1 1. t - m-- m. -m. , XUU V.O-U U fj (KB CI1. Necessary outfit furnished. Only steady men wanted. Assigning territory now for coming season. Openings also for lady canvassers. For particulars. address NURSERY. ORENCO, OR. WE WANT 12 A-l salesmen who can sell Highest grade adv. line of aluminumware to dealers in 12 Western states; must be able to mak i r.n rtr ir w A r. -i.... i"ct.n.iuK 11110 territory witn a liberal mer- ( chandising plan and quality goods. Real j salesmen state experience, give references mm present occupation and write Ipalco, 010 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. SALESMAN of energy to sell high-class advertising services; N. Y. house. If en gaged, ona ot our men will instruct you. Ten dollars or more (25) on average sale. Commission paid at once. Perma nent. No collecting. Exclusive working field. Phone E. M. Byers, Imperial Hotel, between 10 and 12, for appointment. EXPERIENCE unnecessary, earn while you learn. Write large list openings and testi monials from hundreds of our students, who earn $lo0 to $500 a month. Address nearest office. Dept. 311, National Sales men's Training Association, Chicago, New York. San Francisco. SALESMAN to cover California, Oregon, aaniiigiun, 10 sen ary guous, iancy gooas and notions to retail trade on commission basis; best of references required ; expe rience essential. N. Y. Merchandise Co., 1 IO 5th ave.. New York. TO handle exclusive sale of ribbon refresher, guaranteed to double the service of any typewriter ribbon at a cost of one cent. C. W. Sales Co., exclusive Northwestern dis tributors, 402 Hammond block, Missoula, Mont. SALESMEN making $5000 yearly selling ad vertising, check protectors, cash regis ters, adding machines, scales, etc., may greatly increase income by handling mammoth out-door electric signs, $22 to $500. Flashtric Sign Works, Chicago. CA PABLE specialty man, Oregon, staple une; new ana exceptional terms; vacancy now; attractive commission contract; $5 weekly for expenses. Miles F. Bixler Co., 22015 Carlln bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. SALESMAN making small towns to repre sent, us wun f an line 01 oiankets and dress goods, direct to retailers; libera.) commission. South Phlla. Woolen Co., Box 1340, Phila., Pa. WANTED A live salesman calling on the arug iraae to carry as a sideline Mrs. Ger vaise Graham's Instantaneous Nail Enamel. Address Mrs. Gervaise Graham, 25 W. Illi nois St., Chicago, HI. DRUG, paint, hardware or auto specialty salesmen, to sell Cook's Autogloss to trade. Polishes autos, pianos. Liberal commission. Frank C. Cook, K. 700 loth, Denver, Colo. S SALESMEN Live sideline ; something new. Nine minutes' time pays $-j. Pocket sam ples. Prompt commissions. State territory covered. El wood Mfg. Co., 1118 Michigan ave., Chicago. WANTED Salesman with automobile, runs car ten miles further to gallon, no cost alter installing. 13. Twyford, South Houston. Tex. SIDE line salesman. Summertime seller; en tirely new ; its first season: consignment $5 per order, commission paid promptly. Northland Mfg. Co.. a20 River, Chicago. LI V'E WI RE salesmen, capable of earning $50 per wtjek taking orders for subscrip tion books at special prices. Harper & Brns.. publishers, 523 Lum. Ex. bldg. UNITED STATES CALENDAR COMPANY, Cincinnati, wants aggressive salesmen at once in Oregon, Idaho or Utah. G. Thompson, sales mgr. SALESMEN Attractive side line, automo bile, hotel and apartment supplies. 04 11th. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WOMAN with boy 8 to 12 years old to keep house for widower and boy 12 years old. One who desires home and school for child more than wages. Phone Tabor 5350. LADIES to take orders. Profitable em ployment. 415 Fleidner bldg., lOLh and Wash., city. WANTED 1 young ladies that want em ployment and education. State age and address. R 276, Oregonian. D E M O NST RATORS and agents wanted. Household necessity, quick selling article, 04 11th st. MIDDLE-AGED woman to work for her room and board, small wages; a good home to the right party. 025 Clay. FIRST-CLASS finisher on gowns; must have up-to-date shop experience. Best wages, lul Strand bldg. EXPERIENCED maid for general house work, no washing. 800 Hancock. East MIDDLE-AGED housekeeper wanted at once on ranch. K 82, apt. 22i. between 9 and 1 P. M. WANTED Lady to assist In care of apt. house for rent of an apt. ; married lady preferred. G 195, Oregonian. REFINED, middle-aged woman to assist in general housework in small family; good home, small wages. 1327 Cleveland ave. GIRL to assist with household work, no cooking. Apply immediately 741 Everett street. BRIGHT, clean girl for general housework, no washing. 40 E. 17th st, N. Irrlng ton car. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, $25, no washing. Sellwood 1800. Call Monday. WANTED Competent maid for general housework, no washing. 778 Flanders, Marshall 5619. WANTED Young woman, willing worker, steady position; not clerical. 10-12 today, 1 XL,, croaaway. WANTED A good cook, in private family, references required. Call 361 11th St., cor ner Mill. GOOD, moral girl to share apartment. 170, Oregonian. H COMPETENT girl for second work. 690 Flanders St.; references. Apply YOUNG woman, not over 35, to keep house. Permanent if suited. A 245, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED hand lroner. Hand Laun dry, 648 Washington st. COM PETE N T girl for general housework, 3 In family. East 28SS. REBEKAHS Call on business firms during spare time; good pay. Main 4232. WANTED Experienced skirt and waist fln ishers. 205 Columbia bldg. GIRL for general housework In family keep ir.g curse girl. Call Main 8935. HELPER in tailor shop. One that can work buttonholes. 504 Royal bldg. GOOD cook would like to keep house for gentleman, city or country. Alar. 3006. GIRL to work for room and board; may at tend grade or trade school. Tabor 3120. THIS ad and 25c good for manicure sr sham poo. 307 Northwest bldg., 6th and Wash. WANTED An experienced waitress, $30, board. Campbell Hill Hotel. irELP WANTED FEMALE. TELEPHONE OPERATORS Perma nent positions for young women; salary paid while learning. Apply to he Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., tith floor. Park and Oak sts., between 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. WANTED Young ladles, high school gradu ates preferred, for hospital training; if the war is prolonged your services will be needed in the Red Crews; get prepared; classes now forming. For Information ap ply Superintendent of Nurses, Clara .Barton Hospital, Los Angeles, Cal. WANTED Good, plain cook and general housework, $3o, for private family. Hood River Valley, where nurseglrl is kept for children; modern home and all conven iences. Apply Monday, 5S2 East 10th St., North,Irvington, between 3 and 6. LADIES in every town In Oregon and Wash ington. Also high school girls. Profitable employment. To avoid delay, send IO cents for 'Handsome Book of Crochet Designs" and details. The International Trading Co., Fleidner bldg., Portland. Or. WOMEN'S Protective Division, located at room 303 Police Headquarters. 2d and Oak sts., will furnish Information, give protection or - assistance free to women and girls. Interviews confidential. OLD hats made new; blocking oOc, trimming 25c and up, hemstitching 10c per yard; first-class work guaranteed; prompt at tention given mail orders. Mack's Milli nery. 542 Union ave. N. East 2USL WANTED A good stenographer to work in a law and abstract of title office in a Washington rural city; give age and whether married. Address AV 801, Ore gonian. $10 A DAY CAN BE MADE by smart agents selling a first-class self repeating article. Select your own dis trict. Call or write Household Necessity Co., 427 Stark St. Ph. Broadway 2028. DISTRICT manager to travel and appoint corsetieres; swell line, liberal terms; state your business experience, give references. American Corset Co., 411 Sangamon st, Chicago. WANTED Women possessing ability to rep resent an Eastern manufacturing company In Alaska ; good money and permanent positions; must fill positions at once. Call G. S. Rohrer, 715 Wayne st. Marshall 3212. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, stenographer and cashier; must 'be capable to take full charge of office, good penman, for depart ment store; references. D. M. Nayberger, McMlnnville. Or. EXPERIENCED and competent stenog rapher for wholesale house; one familiar with hardware and plumbing terms; state age, former wages ; references required. N 140, Oregonian. WANTED Stenographer with some knowl edge of bookkeeping; permanent position in downtown office; state age, experience and salary expected. Address in own writing. AN 104. Oregonian. SPLENDID opportunity for capable women to make big money; territory Alaska and Oregon; territories must be tilled at once. Call Marshall J452. HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. BROAD WAY-YAM HILL BLDG. THOR OUGH. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION. POSITIO N S WHEN COMPETENT. WANTED Experienced forelady for drap ery workroom. State experience, salary and references. TTjLL & GIBBS. Inc.. Spokane. Wash. MIDDLE-AGED lady, good home, close to town 50 miles from Portland; permanent place, $15 per month for right party; give phone If possible. AV 85S. Oregonian. FIVE bright, capable ladles to travel, dem onstrate and sell dealers. $25 to $50 per week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 701, Omba, Neb. WANTED Two teachers for rural schools in Oregon ; satistactory salaries to those well-qualified. Pacific Teachers Agency, 647 Monadnock bldg., San Francisco. WOMEN, 18, over. Government" clerks, $7 month. List positions obtainable free. Franklin Institute, Dept, 703 D, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED MIddle-aged lady of refinement and executive ability as housekeeper in large birding-house ; references. AG 253, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER wanted State experi ence, if any. and salary expected. Give name and phone, or residence address. P.F 353. Oregonian. WANTED For housework, good country girl who desires good home; tine oppor tunity for one who desires to do her best and is willing to learn. M 176, Oregonian. WOMAN of practical experience in cooking and able to teach domestic science to a group of girls out of town ; permanent position. L 130. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cook and second girl; city references. "ail evenings or Sunday after noon. M rs. W. E. McCord, 235 Vista ave. GIRL wanted to do housework and assist in cooking for a family of 4 adults. Cat! at 243 Cornell road, head of Marshall st. GI RL to help with housework ; go home Tiignts. Call J-u su. lavis. .Phone labor 534 0. YOtTNG gfrl would like a girl companion to share apartment; prefer National Guard. Give phone. Y 358, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman to care for Inva lid lady at Pattun Home. Call E. 1307, after 10 A. M. WANTED Young girl in respectable family to take care of baby for board and room. 1(16 Hammersly Court, 250 32th st. WANTED Young lady stenographer to as sist in office. Answer own handwriting, salary expected. Address AG 263, Oregonian WANTED Lady with experience as store clerk and some housework; out of town. RV 870. RELT ABLE girl for housework and care of child ren Saturdays in exchange for piano lessons. . Sell. 204. . WANTED West Side high school girl for afternoons and evenings to help with baby. Phone Main 3420. 20 MORE young ladies wanted to prepare for commercial telegraph service. Call room 500 Panama bldg., get particulars. REMODEL old hats like new very reason able; also make and trim to order; long experience. Woodlawn 1225 AMBITIOUS students can earn board, room and tuition. Write for particulars. Mackay Business College. Los Angeles, C&L YOUNG woman to assist with housework and care of children. 555 East 21st N. East 79S9. MIDDLE-AGED woman, experienced, to help take care of baby ana do housework. Tabor 6564. SHIRTMAKERS, experienced. Jacobs Shirt Co., Northwest bldg., cor. 6th and Wash ington. WANTED Girl or woman, assist gen. house work, good home for right one. AD 1:51, Oregonian. WANTED Girl to assist with housework for room, board and some wages. Tabor 1002. HOTEL cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, $30, $40. Howes, room 435, 270 V Wash ington GIRL for general work in apt. -house, nice home. State age and salary expected, lib" 357. Oregonian. STRONG young girl to assist with general housework and cooking. Phone East 3127. 759 Hancock st. GRADUATE nurse for night duty, j Oregon City Hospital ; steady work. Phone super intendent. 384 Oregon City. WANTED A young girl to assist with chil dren and do light housework. 428 Rodney ave. WANTED Girl for general housework. 0u5 Dunsckley ave. Broadway car to Dunck ley ave. MRS. LILLY BECK WITH, call Mrs. C. King, Wdln. 574. WANTED Young girl for light housework. 730 Overton st. YOUNG Scandinavian woman to work in grocery store. Answer A 223, Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework, best wages. 245 Glenn ave. MISS MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL, Shorthand. Typewriting $5 mo. 269 14th. Main 3MU3. PRIVATE home for children, any age ; 15 years' experience. 714 Everett. Mar. 2162. WILL pay $1 to $20 for old false teeth sets. Bring or mail. Randolph, 1218 Yeon bldg. WANTED Girl for general housework! 709 Love joy st. LADY for general housework: no washing. B. car, 4b3 East 25th North. EXPE RIENCED child nurse; references re quired. Marshall 3536. WANTED Girl to Vssist with general housework. 702 Marshall st. WANTED A woman to care for old lady of nights for room and board. Tabor 2492. WANTED Girl to do general house w or kl 006 5th st. WANTED Girl or woman for general house work 347 E. 7th st. N. GIRL wanted for general housework. Tabor 190L Call WEAVERS wanted by Oregon City Woolen Mills, Oregon City. GIRL for general housework. 324 E. 21st. N. East 1190. WIDOWER living in country wants houie keeper; apply at once. AP 353. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED lady for general housework! 2-65 Burnside. Monday efter 8 A. M. GIRL for general housework, $20 per month. 624 East 26tU North. ITELP WANTED FEMALE. LIP MAN, WOLFE & COMPANY require the services of several thoroughly experienced saleswomen for their cloak and suit de partment. Must be able to furnish the very best 0 references. Apply Supt.'s office Monday, between M and 10, 7th floor. WANTED Competent woman to represent Spirella Corset Co., satisfied to earn $10 to $12 a week for the first two months. Experience not necessary, as we (each corsetry and salesmanship. Make appli cation by letter in your own handwriting. Reference required. Address Y 35t, Ore gonian. WANTED Creamery office, country town, young lady stenographer and assistant bookkeeper, salary $00; no beginners; must be experienced, rapid and accurate. Ad dress, giving age, married or single, ex perience, references. R 202, Oregonian. WAN TET Lady over 25 for high-class traveling position; must be well educated and ambitious; $1000 first year. Apply 25 Ainsworth bldg., bet. 2 and 5 P. M., after bunday. WOMEN'S protective Division, locatea at room 303 Police Headquarters, 2d and Oak sts., will furnish information, give protection or assistance free to women and girls. Interviews confidential. WANTED Girl interested in nursing, gen eral housework, small hospital, $25 per month. Address Dr. H. E. Rinehart, Wheeler. Ore g o n. PUBLIC stenographer; will furnish type writer, etc., in exchange for services, chance for good, steady practice. C 216, Oregonian. WOMAN to keep house, man and two boys In country; don't object to child. See me at St. Charles Hotel before 4 today or address R. 3. B. 27, Woodburn. O r. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; must be good cook; small family; no washing; wages $35. Telephone before 2 or after 7 P. M., Sellwood 541. GOOD home for middle-aged lady, as com panion and help with light housework. Must have reference. 1141 Clinton st. B 1420. YOUNG girl, about 16, strong, healthy and experienced, to help with housework on a farm; wages $10 per month. Call today at ociock. L'L' Alder st. WANT middJe-aged lady to assist with housework on farm; good home and wages to right party. Call Tabor 942 for par ticulars. WANT girl for general housework to go to the country for the Summer. East 2929. 621 E. 10th st. N. GIRL to assist with light housework, small family and no washing; wages $10. Wood lawn 4492. GIRL to assist with housework and care of children. East 3156. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 381 10th st. LADIES: Learn beauty culture. Rates, 306-7 N. W. bldg. 6th and Wash. HELP WANTED MALE OH FEMALE. GET WELL FREE. Every day from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. and evenings on Monday. Wednesday and Friday from 7 to 9 P. M. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief In any way are Invited to attend these clinics In our big cllnlo hall. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will examine and diagnose your case and direct your treatment. FREE TO ALL. CHIROPRACTIC Is the safe. sane, sure and modern science of curing and pre venting diseases CHIROPRACTIC removes the causs: health returns. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. 433 Hassalo St., at 7th, East Side Phone East B53A Dr. Elliott, Director Cllnlca STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy salesmanship, English branches at an ac credited school; write or phone Main C90 for catalogue; graduates guaranteed posi tions. Behnke- Walker Business College, 167 4th St., near Morrison. THE ORIGINAL MOLER BARBER COL LEGE wants men and women to learn the trade; course eight weeks; tools free; po sitions secured, paid while learning; write for catalogue. Cor. 2d ana Burnsiae OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to learn the barber trade tn 8 weeks; toots free; paid while learning; scholarship and diploma get you position; tuition reduced. -33 Madison st. ORIGINAL MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL will teach you the barber trade free for a limited time. Diplomas issued. Pay while learning. 38 N. 2d., cor. Couch. SPANISH BUSINESS SCHOOL ESTAB LISHED l!H6. PROFESSIONAL NATIVE INSTRUCTOR; CLASSES DAY u K EVE NING. 409 AL1 S KY BLDG. MAIN 253 MAN and wife for 2-rni. apt., in exchange for light janitor work; ref. AO 102, ore gonian. FOR BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE ATTEND MISS DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. AL1SKY BLDG., 3D & MORRISON; STS. WANTED Man and wife for janitr"work. Main 8757. MISS CUNNINGHAM'S STENOGRAPHIC SCHOOL, 320 Lumber Ex. bldg. Main 1114. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. YOUNG M EN. Government railway mall clerks. $75 month. Sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 3OD. Rochester. N. Y'. WATCHES cleaned 75c, mainspring 75c; work guaranteed. 218 Commonwealth bldg., Cth und Ankeny. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG MAN, 28, married, employed In P-jrtland for past six years, as inside re tail salesman, desires to make connec tions with established firm where per sonal effort will result in advancement ; experienced as office clerk, collet-tor and ot excellent selling ability. Moderate sal ary; flrst-claas local references. T 190. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, 2H, desires position; has had 5 years experience in grocery business in Portland ana can xumish first -class ref erences as to character and ability. AP o.j. uregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, elderly, highly recommended, wants employment whole or part time, any kind 01 clerical work: would give services for small remunera tion. 1 -Oi), oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, acoount, de sires position where there Is future and good, efficient service will bring It; best references, v oregonian. Do Y'OU need an accountant, credit ma or office manager? First-class man de sires to make a change In the near future, AP 355, Oregon ian. POSITNON wanted by competent man, can 'manage office and men, good bookkeeper. banking experience, good references. X 104, Oregonian. WANTED Position as store manager; have naa o years experience as store manager for large corporation. Can furnish ref erences. AK 226, Oregonian. WANTED -Position as salesman In een. mdse. store: have had 6 years experi ence; can rurnisn references. ii 35: Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, experienced In lumber and general store; also yard manager, desires position; references given. Phone East EXPERIENCED office man. familiar with credits; fair stenographer; law student ; wants position with opportunity for ad- van :ement. A3i is. oregonian. POSITION wanted by experienced grocery sierk ; can rurnisn references. BD 353. Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT will audit accounts or keep small set of books in spare time. AG 279, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER Young man; long experience In both, wants po sition. L 151, Oregonian. I WANT $75 month; young married man, aept anything. Good penman, clerk, bookkeeper. Write Geo., 185 ' Grant st. EXPERIENCED clerk and bookkeeper wants position; local references. T 189, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED salesman ; give very best reference. E 222, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED, by a strong young married man. a position where conscientious work ia appreciated. Good references. AK 948, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED shoe salesman applying for job ; wages reasonable. Woodlawn 693. GARDENER wishes situation in private fam ily. Gardener. 146 North 17th st. HAVE your lots and acreage plowed by ex perlenced farmer. East 4401. PAINTING and tinting. Good work cheap. Tabor 4376. WANTED Situation as night watchman or janitor. Address AR 101, Oregonian. WANTED Position as watchman; can give PHONE MAIN 2953 Painting, paper hang lug and kaisomining. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. POSITION wanted on ranch, foreman or manager, by capable married man. age 30, experienced in handling purebred and grade stock extensively and raising crops; a permanent position of responsiuility is desired; now employed; will correspond. Address A V S02, Oregonian. JAPANESE, expert chauffeur, mechanic and experienced gardener, wants steady po sition. Pierce and Packard specially ex pert with, 7 years' experience. About $00 expected at least; spieadld references. X 195, oregonian. EXPERIENCED practical farmer, single. wishes good position where efforts will be appreciated ; come along; every aero must work this year; what have you to offer? AG 20o. Oregonian. YOUNG man, married. druggist, wants change of employment; outside preferred, account health ; active, good worker; can do anything; references or bond; what have you to offer? C 219. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED general merchandise, com missary man. capable of taking charge, wishes position; at present employed, wish to make a change; best references, A 22S, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY competent stationary eu- Kineer; uas nanaiea steam turbines, gas eiigii.es, electric power plants; mining and sawmill experience. Good references. P 151, Oregon'an. YOUNG MAN. 29, with family, wishes posi tion on farm. Has fairly good knowledge of cattle and horses. SVould consider most any proposition. Phone D 1359. or Mr. Province. ;tn East 51st st. WANTED Work ou farm by man and wife thoroughly experienced. 80 years of age. No children. References. AM 181, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED stock and fruit farmer Is looking for place as manager, or working foreman ; life experience; college gradu ate. AG 202, Oregonian. STOUNG man with mechanical drafting ex perience. Is open for position with going concern, out of town preferred. AG 201, Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR Competent driver; best of rererences; generally useful; expert gar dener, landscape and vegetable. J 109, Oregonian. YOUNG married couple, no family, wife to cook for small crew, man to work by day or month; good teamster. Phone Tabor 3943. AD 255, Oregonian. ELDERLY' man wants position as chore man and gardener, take care of horses, chickens, milk, handy with tools. W. A. Bethant. 44 N. 1st St. Cii A UFFEUR with five years' experience in driving and repairing wishes steady posi tion with private family will do other work; A-l reference. Tabor 1653. YOUNG man, hustler. Al card writer, trim mer, wants permanent position with good firm; 4 years exp. Go anywhere on Coast. A 227. Oregonian. Al COOK, 10 years' experience, wants work In hotel, logging camp or restaurant; pre fer city, but will go outside. P 152, Ore gonian. CAPABLE young married man wishes posi tion, as driver for laundry or dairy. Al ref. Call Monday bet. 9 and 5. Main 7051, A 1517. AN experienced man wishes position as par cel post wrapper and packer. Reliable references furnished from present employ er. AM 1S4. Oregonian. SEVERAL Jefferson High School boys want work afternoons and Saturdays. Phone Jef ferson H igh School Employment Bureau, Woodlawn 3175. CHEF, young married man, has own home, first -class cook, can fill any position In Portland. D 220, Oregonian. YOUNG man seeks position auto driving or shop; small wages expected at start. Ad- drcss G 215. Oregonian. YOUNG man wants Job driving truck or delivery car; experienced driver and know the city. G 216. Oregonian. RELIABLE mechanic wants your build inK, repairing, jobbing, screen work. Phone JUarylmll 3932. WANT elevator operating; watching, any work suitable artificial leg. 367 First. Marshall 3665. WOULD like position: am competent gaso line engineer, deep-sea. Chas. Goddard, 1 H93 Franklin Arie, Astoria, Or. YOUNG man would like work eveninKs ; neat appearance, good education. What have you? D 22S, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced grocery clerk and solicitor, energetic, good reference. AG 254, Oregonian. EX PE RIENCED salesman wants position, city or country, best of references. Ad dress sa Ifsman, 599 Cham, of Com. SWEDISH man would like to work on farm or to take care of a small place. C 22o, Oregonian. EX h'K HI ENCED man wants position In hardware or furniture store; will Invest if suitable. BC 192, Oregonian. WOMAN over 25 who has . had experience in selling and organizing ; position perma nent. C 221, Oregonian. MAN and wife, first-class cook and waitress, want position hotel or restaurant. Phone Marshall 2740. room 302. PAINTING, tint iug. hardwood finishing clone by the day or contract, all work guaranteed. Phone Woodlawn 4.71. FIRST-CLASS retail candymaker would like position in or out of city. Address Candy maker. AH 269, Oregonian. WANTED Job on ranch by married man can handle any kind or size ranch; best of references. V 20O. Oregonian. JANITOR wishes position in office bldg. ; 5 yrs. experience. Main 960. 225 Jeffer son. EX PERI ENCED wagon and carriage bln'k Hmtth wants position in city. Gill, 1299 Corbett St. Tl XT I NO with muresro decorating, carpen ter contracts, repairs; good work. Manny. Sellwood 2421. MAN and wife would like to care for your home while you are out of the city. No children. BF 356. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED salesman wants specialty or staple line. In or out of city. AB 352, OreKonian. " MAN and wife, cook and waitress, wish position, hotel or camp. Howell, 227 N. 1st. Mar. 10'! CARPENTER, want a good finish job, day i-r cinfrurt i1 l lrtlia filmttnn rH Main 6495. JAPANESE wants - housework, can under stand English little, is good worker. The Fuji Co., -t,;i Washington. EXPE RIENCtSd Japanese, first-class pastry baker, reference, wants position. J 1 1 1, Oregonian. BOY. 18. desires position with chance to learn business. AM lb. Oregonian. PAINTING and paperhatiging. first-class work, estimates given, ail work done rea sonable prict?. Call East 7474. A GOOD, enerpetic boy. 14, wants work on farm. Address 122i Delaware st. PAINTING, papering and decorating; all work satisfactory. Sheppard, Main 0435. FIRST-CLASS cook and pastry baker, long exp., A I references. Mar. 1502. PAINTER, paperhanser, needs work, day or contract. Phones Woodlawn 105. C 2500. PAINTING. paperhnnging. tinting, reason able. Main Q7. Sunday or evenings. CK.M ENT work, frame and concrete gar ages, general contracting. Woodlawn 228. Al CARPENTER builds and repairs cheap by contract. Call Woodlawn 120. GOOD Japanese cook wants situation to do cooking in family, a a dress -to tn 1 EXPERIENCED teamster, good all-around horseman. 432 Stark. Apt. 7. PAPERHANG I NO pal nt i n g and tinting, neatly and cheaply done. Marshall 24H3. G1L.LNETTER wants gear to run on shares. C 222, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE, Bookkeepers and Stenographers. COMPETENT, experienced stenographer de sires a permanent position with a firm as stenographer; also capable of assisting with booKkeeplng arid general office work; references. Phone East 14U0. RELIABLE bookkeeper wants position; , thoroughly experienced in bookkeeping and general office work; also use type writer. A 21 3 Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER Takes dictation accu rately, io to 05 words per minute; trans cription from notes 50 to 55 words per minute. Marshall 1050, apt. 24. STENOGRAPHER desires position where the duties of second girl and social secretary might be combined ; best of references. Y 1 SO, Oregonian. WANTED, by young woman with 15 yrs'. accounting experience, a position to keep books, either aU or part of day. Excel lent references. AN 163. Oregonian. CAPABLE stenographer, excellent educa tion, not afraid of work, desires position. Cm rranage office. AP 104. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER would . like position. Has had experience and can give references. Call Marshall 100, room 40S. YOUNG lady, with experience, desires posi tion as assistant bookkeeper and typist. Sellwood 1 1 23. STENOGRAPHER, lady. 9 years experi ence, mostly local, wants temporary or permanent position. SellwOod 1048. YOUNG lady desires position as clerk in Bakery or grocery; experienced. Call Mar shall 5574. GOOD typist wishes position; billing pre ferred; good references. Tabor 7835. STENOGRAPHER, desires position. Call East 5658. BOOKKEEPER, stenog., 10 years experi ence; would leave city. X lbo, Oregonian. POTATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Boo'ikerpers ana itmorsphn. STENOGRAPHER and assistant bookkeeper. I have had ten years' experience, four years in legal work and can give best city references. Salary, $00 to start. Ad dress AR 192. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER. bright and enterprising; 4 years' experience. High school and business college graduate. A 1 references. Wishes position. Modest salary. A ere 23. L 1 53. Oregonia n. Dressmakers. FIRST-CLASS, experienced dressmaker wishes engagement out, by the day, one piece suits specialty; city references; terms reasonable. Main 8059. EXPERIENCED dressmaker will make gowns, blouses and coats. Reduced prices for late Spring. Call East 5523, Apt. 12. DRESSMAKING, family sewing, children's work by day. Call for Miss Cooper. Main 4405. LADIES tailoring alterations. coats re lined. Mrs. Muckler, 445 Morrison. Main 6133. FANCY dresses made for $2.50, waists, 50o and $1 ; also, crochet and tatted yokes, very reasonable. Tabor 7521. $0 FOR 10 days only, ladies' and misses' coats made to ord-r. any style. 310 Flied ner bldg. Main 7319. MAKE-OVER shop, 202 Flledner Gowns and tailored suits remodeled up to date In the most expert manner. Mar. 3201. DRESSMAKING and millinery-, call at 145 Killlngsworth ave. Phone Woodlawn 2314. DRESSMAKER, children a especlalty, smocking; A-l ref.; $1.75. Main 3462. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, home or day. 648 Thurman. Broadway 3305, apt. B. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker will make engage ments by day. Mrs. Holloway. Main 48H5. PLAIN sewing done reasonable. 031 Everett. Main 303. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants work by day. Tabor 2351. RELIABLE dressmaker, $3 per day; erences. Call evenings. East 3925. QUICK, experienced work, home or out; $ day. Main 314S. EASTERN dressmaker wants work by the day. Main 4133. GUARANTEED artistic work by late New lorn aressmaker; reasonable. Taoor oi. EXPERIENCED dressmaker - wants work or at home. East 2743. day FANCY gowns, millinery, make-over work, prices reasonable. 520 Kearney st. A 1507. DRESSMAKER wishes engagements by day, $1.75. Experienced. Marshall 1757. CAPABLE woman desires plain sewing, $1 a day and car fare. B 241, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailoress will sew by the day. Phone East 7071. Nurse?. 1234 E. MORRISON; nurse in her own home would take one or two mental cases; city doctor's references. Call Tabor 2is7. PRACTICAL nurse wants confinement case; will do some housework. Write 1209 Gladstone ave.. Mrs. V. Severin. EXPERIENCED, practical nurse, any kind of cases, reasonable. Best ref. Phone Main 1020, room 320. D 2534 Oregonian. NURSE, for Invalid or maternity case, will take charge of home. Marshall 1902. WOULD like position of nursing of any kind. Marshall 2171. GOOD, practical nurse with hospital train ing; ref. Main 30o3. EXPERIENCED practical nurse. East 351. CAPABLE nurse. Phone Woodlawn 4700. Hou He keepers. LADY. 35. very good health, appearance and ambition, must have work; experienced in several lines ; No. 1 housekeeper; would keep house for well-to-do man; no objec tion to one or two children; good home and kind treatment appreciated; Bmall wages. V 1U7. Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPERrSposltlon by middle-aged lady capable of taking full charge : used to entertaining: bachelor's home preferred, or widower, where there are younir people; references given; good housekeeper. Y 1S7, Oregonian. EDUCATED midd le-aged woman requires position as housekeeper to widower, wit h or without children ; people of position only; town or country; excellent cook. AD 254. Oregonian. NEAT Swiss girl attending night school would like a place for general house work In small family, $25. D 210, Orego nian. REFINED lady wants light housekeeping room with private family, privilege use of piano; West Side; references. A 217, Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER, middle-aged widow, good cook and manager or as reliable mother's helper; good with children and sewing; no washing. AM ISO. Oregonian. MARRIED lady would like position as chambermaid In small rooming or apartment-house for apartment; reliable; ref erences if required. Phone Main Slol. A NEAT German lady, past 50, wants house keeping In widower's home; good home more than big wages. BD 356. Oregonian. WANTED By middle-aged woman, position as housekeeper for man with children. 400 E. 18th st. N. Phone East 3179. WANTED Position, light housework, best of references ; good home main object. AD 2QS. Orfgonian. RELIABLE woman, good cook and house keeper, desires posi ilon in home of wid ower. D 224. Oregonian. WIDOW would like position as housekeeper for widower or aged couple. Call W 2040. 956 Glenn ave. EXPERIENCED girl, plain cook, desires housework, city or country. A 224, Orego nian. A reliable mlddte-aged lady wishes position as housekeeper. N 17:i. Oregonian. WANTED By lady, position as housekeeper; is Kood cook. X 174, Oregonian . MIDDLE-AGED woman wants light house work. Woodlawn 2747. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work, pood cook and laundress. Tabor 4723. COOK on ranch, by unincumbered widow. Call the Royal, 4th and Washington, SCANDINAVIAN girl wants general house work. Call Main 6250. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED woman wants care of chil dren; good home and good care. Sellwood 23 V7. EXPERIENCED woman wishes work in grocery or confectionery, reasonable wage; best reference. 302 Shaver st. GRADUATE piano teacher will give lessons at your home. Lessons 50c. Woodlawn 2S21. COLORED lady, experienced cook, wants position In private family; $30 per month. Phone Broadway 55 til. EXPERIENCED cook wishes cooking or general work; city or country; wages $40. BC 356, Oregonian. LADIES wishing to do their millinery may receive instruction in private class. Call T. 4437 for appointment. LADY going to Canada would like to care for lady or child for expenses. AM 1S5, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl wants cooking or gen eral housework In private family. G 219, Oregonian. MME, VON YETTE, soprano, voice and piano a: studio. 213 Fliedner bldg. Phone A 3127 LACE curtains carefully laundered. Phone Tabor 111. LACE curtains hand laundered. Phone C 1S19. PRIVATE exchange wanted by experienced telephone operator. N 151. Oregonian. LACE curtains hand laundered. Call morn ings or evenings, 447 Broadway. Main 4243. LADY wants work week days, small busi ness; phone Information. Main 3186. EXPERIENCED woman wants care of apart ments. E 223, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED lady wishes chamber work Will "go home nights. Sell. 140. EXPERIENCED laundrecs; beat references. Call fi A. M. Woodlawn 854. CLEANING and Ironing by capable woman. Tabo r 15 73 after 6 P. M. COMPETENT woman wants daywork, best references. Phone Columbia 546. RELIABLE woman, with family, badjy in need of day work. Woodln. Is6. CONVALESCENT needs light work by hour or day ; urgent. L 155, Oregonian. WOMAN wishes day work, laundry and cleaning. Call East 6006. CHILDREN, any age, to room and board. - B 1449. THOROUGHLY experienced lady wants washing, ironing and cleaning. East 4401. WOMAN. 6 years experience, wants any kind of day work. Main 5669 WOMAN wants day work of any kind. East 6539. EXPERIENCED mangle feeder wants steady work. Phone Tabor 5300. LACE curtains laundered; 14 years experi ence. Mrs. Scott. Tabor 503H. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Tabor 7556. TWO capable women wish work together, not less than $25 a mo. 22 9th st ( EXPERIENCED woman wants ironing and cleaning by the day. Phone East 4208. SWITCHBOARD operator, or relief oper afor. Main 4359 after 6 P. M. YOUNG woman wants day work by hr. References. Main 4309 after 6 P. M. SITUATION: WANTED FEMALE. M iMcellaneons. SEVERAL Jefferson High School girls want work afternoons and Saturdays; also one graduate desires permanent stenograph 10 position. Phone Jefferson High School Em ployment Bureau. Woodlawn 3175. COMPETENT accompanist would like vocal students or professionals to accompany la exchange for piano practice, C 21. Ore gonian. YOUNG LADY wants position In grocery store; capable of looking alter books, ex perienced ; would leave town. AP 159, Oregonian. NEAT, honest girl (Swiss) wants work la small bakery, grocery or confectionary store. Call Main 2553, or write to AL 243, Oregonian. CLARA H. JOHNSTON. music teacher; English certitlcate, two years finishing course In Germany; special attention back ward pupils and beginners. Tabor 1132. WANTED By experienced waitress, posi tion in small restaurant; hours from 8 A. M. till 4 P. M. Phone between 11 and 12 A. M. Sunday and Monday. Main 79ort. A REFINED, capable woman without f am ily desires position In gentleman's home, with small wages. Best of reference. W 1S9. Oregonian. POSITION, by experienced woman. In hotel, apt a, or rooming-house. Best of refer ence. Phone Main 4134. W 191. Orego nian. HIGH SCHOOL girl would like advanced music lessons In exchange for services on Saturdays. R 2Q5. Oresonian. EXPERIENCED laundress wants work for Monday and Tuesday or a few hours every morning. Call Mar. 571. WANT a position as an experienced hotel or apartment-house manager by woman 30 years old. Phone East 4743. PRIVATE lessons In English grammar, rhetoric, literature; Eastern teacher. It 271, Oregonian. LADY wishes management of apt-house or housekeeping rooms for owner. T 1SG, Oregonian. COLORED woman wants washing take home. Call after 2 o'clock Sunday. Main 8 20. LADY wants furnished home to care for during Summer. Ref. required. D 213, Ore gonlan. CASHIER wants position in cafeteria; good rererence; must nave work, in Ore gon ian. SITUATION' wanted by first-class woman cook; husband helper In small camp or mill. Phone East t!. Apt. 34. INEXPERIENCED, willing bookkeeper, wants office work; salary no object if chance for advancement. Marshall 2.N. BUSINESS woman would drive auto, cashier or position of frsJL Tabor 179S. EXPERIENCED woman wishes work, $1.50 day, carfare. Sellwood 1032. WANTED TO KENT. llounea. WANT furnished 4 or 5-room house, with garage or place where one could be erected; man and wife, no children; will furnish best references; must be reason able. Phone Sunday morning. Marshall 40. WANTED 5 or 6-room bungalow, modern, furnace, fireplace, convenient to car. ir vington. Walnut Park, Itose City Park preferred; 2 adults; best reference. Phone East 4240. WANTED Furnished 4 -room modern house with garage, near Northwest Steel Co.. reasonable rent; no children. Call Marshall 4SK2. WANTED Unfurnished strictly modern bunsr;ilow; not too far out; best care Riven. Would consider lower flat; give street ad d ress. C 211, Oregonia n. WANTED, to rent, well-furnished modern house, about 7-rooms, with garage; will guarantee perfect care- Slate rental and location. D 23 o, Oregonian WANTED To rent 5-room modern bunga low, not too far out, and rent not over $15; with yard preferred. C 223, Orego nian. WANTED Furnished house or apartment on West Side ; give full particulars of what you have; will lease and furnish first-class reference. AG 253, Oregonian. IR VINGTON-LA URELH I'RST Strictly mod ern S-9-room unfurnished house. with garage, n-ar car line ; no children ; refer ences. Enst 31 10. WANTED to rent 6 or 7-room modern bun galow, sleeping porch; prefer partly fur nished. Reply, full particular, AC 178, regonian. WANTED Five-room dwelling, furnished ; plenty of garden space; reasonable. Phone C 13O0. . EXCHANGE good patent for seven or eight months rent of furnished cottage or rooms. L 154. Oregonian. WANTED to rent Furnished cottase at sen side near the main street or the Board walk. AP 17S, Oregonian. SMALL house with one or two acres on the Ort'Kon City or Oregon Electric line, with in 12c fare. I) 25U. OreRoman. SIX-SEVEN -KM. house, furnished, good lo cation, exceptionally clean. BF 355, Orc poiilan. BY resjmn sible couple, small furnished fiat or house ; reasonable rent ; clothe in. G ive particulars. AH 207. Orfgonian. FURNISHED 5 or fl-room house, not too far out, reasonable, adults. D 25b, Ore gonlan. COUPLE want Irvlneton house, strictly mod ern, sleeping porch garage. Phone Mar. 4S7tV WANTED 1 or 5-room modern bungalow, with or without garage; references given. Phone Marshall P.3'.. 3 TO 5-room furnished house, reasonable reut. adults. L li3, Oregonian. COUPLE want 3 or 4 -room modern house OC flat, close In. May 1. X 17o.Oregonlan. WANTED Modern 3 or 4 -room furnished bungalow ; references. M ltttt. Oregonian. 5-ROOM house, modern, must be reason able. N 157. Oregonian. WA NTED About 1 aTe with house on it, close to carline. H 10S, Oreponian. Apart mepiH. WANTED By May 1. 4-room unfurnished apartment. Y 354. Oregonian. WANTED By gentleman, room with or without board. West Side preferred. N 15S, Oregonian. WANTED To rent suitable building for grocery, with shelving and counters; state location and price. M ltll, Oregonian. Room X ith Monro. YOUNG lady going to beach or mountains for Summer would pay reasonable rate for accommodations, or exchunKe services for same; best references. AB 359, Orego nian. YOUNG lady, employed, desires room and board, strictly private family; no other boarders; home privileges desired. D 259. Or ego n i an. BOARD and room wanted May 1 by young man in strictly private family; reterences. p. O. box ii4. COUPLE employed want room with sleeping porch and board In private family ; state price; refs. exchanged. AP 170. oregonian. WANTED Two well -furnished connecting rooms, stationary wash stands if possible; porch for cot: ?5Q. D 214. Oregonian. DESIRE room and board with refined fam ily in modern home; references exchanged. Give address. A 210. Oregonian. YOUNG gentleman desires room and board, private family. East Side; best references. AH 20S, Oregonian. ROOM and board wanted by young lady, close In. S 183. Oregonian. FOR RENT. Rooms. BEAUTIFUL 4-room furnished and unfur nished apt.; also 4-room basement apt. Heat, water, light and phone, all included. East 3252. ' PORTLAND HTS., walking distance, city view ; two nice rooms, private entrance and sleeping porch. Mar. 309. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL LIL-MER, under new management. Mrs. Lillian Merry; transient trade solic ited, rates reasonable; hot and cold wa ter In every room. 270 Vi Fourth St.. cor ner Jefferson, opposite City Hall. Phone Marshall 5355. HOTEL AN SON I A 124 14th St., Cor. Washington St, Fireproof. up-to-dae hotel. lar je, at tractive, spotless guest rooms, ir dividual phones, continuous beat and b-i water service; S3 per week up; 50c to 1.B0 day. "HOTEL CONRADINE. 10th St., at Oak. Desirable downtown lo cation, respectable and strictly modern; fireproof buildings, elevator and large lob by; rooms $3 per week up. PALACE HOTEL Large, attractive,"" welf furnished rooms at moderate rates, 446 Washington. BEST rooms In the city, free phones; come and inspect them; reduced rates. Palace Hotel,44o Washington. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison street at 10th -Rates 50c day up; weekly $2 up; running water; free phone and baths, HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 lltn st. Strictly modern, privste baths en suite; rooms $3 up. Main 9472.A 47SS. HOTEL DENTLY. 264 H 4th. clean, nicely furnished; h. and c. water in every room; reasonable, permanent or transient. HOTEL NORRIS. G334 Alder street Strlct ly modern; $1.50. $2 and $2.50 week. THEWAR REN TON. 402 H 3d il Nice room, reasonable. M 7771. THE WARRiSNTON. 402 ft 3d iu Nice room reasonable. 7771. A - s 1