THE SUS1AX OKEGOMAiN, i0 RTIj AND, MARCH 25, 1917. r '-I i BUSINESS OPPOBTCNITIES. EXCEPTIOXAL OPPORTUNITY AND SAFE. Wanted, experienced salesman, with tSKO. or two with $450 each. We can show you a quick return. Two dollars for one. We can con vince you of the correctness of this offer. P osslbllities unlimited. Tou handle own money, t Will pay ex penses to Tacoma if you are man we want. Address Secretary. 3011 South Fife Street. Tacoma. "Wash. OPPORTUNITY AWAITS YOTJ- in West Salem, Polk County, Or. Large, rich farming, dairying and fruit ection. needs business men in all lines "With moderate capital. Write . v C. A. Demasters. West Salem. Or. RARE OPPORTUNITY. Good, clean cash grocery business; new stock, fixtures of the best: no delivery; old-established business: popular corner; excellent property; living-rooms: unin cumbered. Have other .property, and wish to retire; terms, no trades. H 154, Ore gon lan IN a Southern Oregon Coast town distant from railway, natural sea harbor, client owns wharf and 60 acres adjoining and within the limits of town. Thousands of ties, poles and piling ready to be shipped now; exclusive business; owner retiring, past 70 years of age. Suite 826 north western Bank bldg.. office 2. INVESTORS Come to Gerber. the new rail road terminal of the Sacramento-Shasta divisions: quick money and opportunities great; 20 houses and new rooming-house start to build tomorrow; money to lend here; Investigate. Smith Sales Company, Oerber, Cal. . OWNER of a solid growing business wants a steady man who is handy with tools and willing to work as partner: must be sat isfied to start at $18 to $25 week which can be increased with interested help; re quires $450, which will be secured. Call room 438 Pittock bik. HAVE for sale a Trustee Co. one-half unit in the Hyde Block, of Spokane; value $500. The Hyde block Is located In the center of Spokane's business center; am ordered to sell this -unlt at a discount of 25 per cent for cash. R. I Yoke. 1136 N. W. Bank bldg. ONE thousand dollars and services will secure you a substantial interest in a highly developed copper mine; money to finance stopping sorting and shipping ore to smelter; money secured by prop erty with over 75,000 development. Prin cipals only. Address AV 759. Oregonian. FOR SALE An A No. 1 grocery, good clean stock and the beat location in a good Wil lamette Valley town; good trade; a money maker; owner called Kast reason for sell ing; require about $350O to handle; if you have the money and mean business, write Box AV 761. Oregonian. Portland. Oregon. " SPORTING GOODS. Cigars and newsstand in connection: ex cellent location: good equipment; old, well established, money-making concern; invoice about $4000; might take part payment In suitable trade. OTIS C. BECK. 426 Henry Bldg. HERE'S a chance to make some good money; first-class hotel for lease at Can non Beach, new and newly furnished throughout; a good opportunity for good party. For particulars, see the Gilbert Company. 884 Yamhill St. Main 3887. " HERE'S YOUROPPORTUNITY: Bakery and confectionery in live coun try town of 800, no competition, clearing over $150 per month. $1400; for quick sale goes at 750 cash: good reasons for sell ing. Inquire at 264 Stark St. MERCHANTS Your stock is worth 100 cents on the dollar if you will move it to the new railroad town of Gerber, the new passenger and freight terminal of the Sacramento-Shasta divisions. Smith Sales Company. Gerber. Cal. Is'EW" 2-story brick building, 3 stores on first floor, apartment on second floor; hot water heat: on account of ill health will sell cheap; some cash, terms; might consider some clear property. Humphrey A Nelson. 1576 E. Gllsan at. "" MEAT MARKET FOR SALE. The best buy in Portland, all cash trade, one of the best transfer cor ners in town; if you are looking for a money-maker see this at once. D 184, Oregonian. ' GENERAL, merchandise store in good Coast town south of Bandon. Oregon; stock and fixtures may be purchased for $8000. Suite 826 Northwestern Bank bldg. Of fice 2. WOOL) and coal: want a steady man to tend the office, etc.. as partner in solid busi ness; pay salary $75 month and share of profits besides; $050 required. Call room 436 Pittock blk. $1500 TO $5000. Amount depends on territory taken. Fine success in Oregon; is now in hands of largest concern in this line. Best terri tory In T open. 6 16, Oregonian. MUST SELL AT ONCE. $500 iPool hall, cigars, lunch counter, candles, filling station. Clears $100 per month. C. DeYoung A Co., 513-514 Cham ber of Commerce. - GROCERY On account of leaving city will Cake $1150 cash for stock and fixtures: ftood location and doing better than $1200 per month. Agents need not answer. AJ 140, Oregonian. FOR' PALE GROCERY. Make me offer anywhere near half the alue of this place. I will accept It; staple stock, fine fixtures, livng rooms. Phone A 3526 or BD 169. Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY STORE. Up-to-date equipment, clean stock, good location, money maker, must sell on ac count of health, no agents, no trades. Box 276. Hlllsboro. Oregon. IF YOU WISH To Buy. Sell or Exchange a Business of any kind, anywhere, ses A. J. DE FOREST, . 205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. OWNER has conducted hotel and ranch for 50 years in Southern Oregon Coast town; will lease same to responsible party on reasonable terms. Suite 826 Northwest ern Bank bldg., office 2. t'OR SALE Beet cash grocery and confec tionery in Portland : low price. Would take a good automobile as part payment. Address Box 111, Lents, Or. Bu-ROOM hotel in a good lumber town, not far from Portland; requires a very small Investment. Call roqm, 436 Pittock block. toR PALE One of the best suburban motion picture shows in Portland; modern equipment, doing good business. N 176, Oregonian. tOK SAX. IS or trade, flour mill and ware house in fine condition, good location, Kastern Oregon land preferred. Inquire of box 82. Forest Grove, Or. (MOVING PICTURE representative has an interesting proposition for owners of large 1 a few small )stock ranches. BD 178, oregonian. MOVING picture show, good money-maker, cost $5000, will sell for $2700 cash, reasons for selling, moving East. AP 189, Orego nian. RESTAURANT First-class, for sale; center of buplness district Portland: fully equipped; doing good business. Stand full est investigation, c 144, oregonian. FULLY -EQUIPPED paying blacksmith shop, good country location, no competition. $250 cash required. Real opportunity. 512 Royal bldg. A FIRST-CLASS dry goods store doing a good business in a nearby town to Port land, owners wish to retire. "M 187, Oregonian. A FINE PROPOSITION. A $400-a-month business, with barn, shed and 3-room house for only $300 If taken at once. Phone Main 8767. WILL sell grocery store for $350. sales $25 to $30 per day, guaranteed; rent $12 per month. Call East 2149. WANTED Man or woman, with money to Invest In established business; investigate. Will Incorporate. BF. Oregonian. 15.000 CAPACITY sawmill, planer, cutting Western pine; splendid proposition, 512 Koyal bldg. I FOR SALE Small stock groceries, good business. Inspect two years' dally sales. AN 168. Oregonian. ANYONE wishing to invest in a mine that gives promise of making a big producer ' should lnveatlgate this. P 91. Oregonian. DELICATESSEN East Side! doing good business; price $300. .VanDuyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Com. FOR SALE Grocery and fruit store at invoice, good location. AF 220, Orego nian. FOR RENT Furnished dining-room, kitchen of 38-room hotel in live town with big payroll. Box 197, Camas. Or. WE have 40 grocery stores from $400 to $40,000 cash and trade. Pacific Agency, Inc., 515 Swetland bldg. EM ALL cash grocery. East Side, close In, living room; no trades; good buy. V 169, Oregonian. WANT a steady man to collect and deliver goods, etc., as partner: pay good wages; $150 required. Room 436 Pittock blk. OET away from suffocating offices, buy party launch, will clear $2000 this Sum mer, half price. 209 Arlington bldg. A FIRST-CLASS, near-beer place for sale, cheap, as other business needs my atten tion. East 1354. FOR SALE 2 pool tables at $55 each. In quire 314 Columbia St. GROCERY, delicatessen, fine place for man and wife; living rooms. Main 1201. SMALL stock of general mdse. and store fix tures for sale st 32 1 N. 17 th. ICR SNAPS in rooming-houses see Paclfio Agency, Inc., 515 Swetland bids. BrSTNTESs OrPORTCKITIES, A, PAYING PROPOSITION FOR A MILL MAN. If you would like to become Interested In the making of two cars of shingles per day. or if through you I could arrange a deal with others. 1 would be very glad to talk with you. I do not wish to spend any time Witts' idlers, and if your reply seems to Justify, I will arrange to see you promptly, or will arrange to have you call at my office. The proposition is a paying one and must be handled by people with ample capital. Please be definite. AL 218, Oregonian. INVITING PROPOSALS FORCONCESSIONS FOR THE SELLWOOD AND COLUMBIA PARKS FOR THE CITY OF PORTLAND. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the purchasing agent of the city of Portland, Oregon. Room 208 City Hall, until March 28, 1917, at 2 P. M.. for the concessions in Sellwood and Columbia Parks for the season of 1917. C. A. BIGELOW. Purchasing Agent. 1 City of Portland. Or. SPLENDID BAKERY PROPOSITION. To baker with experience, get-up and little money. I will sell or rent only bakery in country town in district of 3000 people; has netted $1200 on investment of $5500; .will do better; complete stock goes with it; price or rent very reasonable; will sell building, too. If wanted. If you are interested, write me. AP 15, Oregonian. FOR SALE One of the oldest established West Side groceries, 20 years in present location; never offered for sale before; owner wishes to retire, will give liberal discount if sold by April 1; this is no rundown, but growing and money-making business; stock well bought; will sell at invoice; no expensive fixtures. See my agent. E. T. Rehfield. 411 Swetland bldg.. Portland. Or. LISTEN We have Interests In Alaska and must go there soon; will sell our grocery on East Side, close In, apt.-house district, for less than actual invoice; the milk and bread sales alone pay all expenses, in cluding running expense of auto delivery: will reduce stock to suit buyer; sales about $70 per day; no agents. N 904. Oregonian. FOR SALE Bakery, confectionery and njnchroom. in the best iown In Oregon, doing a big business; everything in first class order; fine soda fountain, butter Klst popcorn and peanut roaster, electric Ice cream freezer; or will sell the con fectionery and lunchroom separate; best location In town. Write box 245, Bend, Or. PROMINENT motor truck manufacturer de sires local representative in each county: responsible aoncern or individual situated to use truck where it will also serve as demonstrator can make very advan tageous arrangement. Apply promptly for particulars. Factory Sales Manager, S132 Wabash ave... Chicago, 111. 5000 PER CENT on each $1 If you have $5 or more to Invest, write us, and we can show you a legitimate Investment that should pay 5000 per cent on each $1 you Invest; savings banks give only 3 per cent; act quick, as this is an oppor tunity of a lifetime. L. P. Corporation, room 129. 215 W. Ohio St.. Chicago. 111. KOOMING-HOUSE We want to build a rooming-house, and If you are' looking for the best location on earth, then in vestigate the new town of Gerber, the passenger and freight terminal town of the Sacramento-Shasta division. Smith Sales Company. Gerber, Cal. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Inter est in established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWGILL, Sec 302 Henry Bldg. C!lb. $100,000 manufacturing corporation wants capable man to manage office and sales men; possibilities unlimited; from $300 to $700 capital necessary; you handle own money; will pay expenses to Chicago 11 you are man we want. Secretary, 1012 Republic bldg., Chicago. WANTED An Ideal-Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your ideas, they may bring yon wealth: write for "Needed Inventions" and "How to oet Your Patent." Randolph & Co., Dept. 380, Washington, DC. 1 OR SALE A complete set of bakery equipment, together with complete stock. Including 24 t-bls. flour; Coquille, county seat of Coos County, Oregon. No competi tion. Address F. D. Fletcher, Assignee, Marshfield. Oregon. SUBURBAN moving picture theater, 2 ma- cniues, piano. auO seats, sloping floor; first time offered for sale; being run steady by present owner for 3 years; per sonal reasons for selling; no agents, $700 cash. V 168. Oregonian. FOR SALE Cigar store- and biinard parlor; good lease, good location; doing more busl. nesa than any poolroom in Willamette Valley; no blue sky for sale. Come and investigate or write to H. Hutton, owner, Eugene, Or. $20 BUYS deed to land, also Interest In oil well that should pay you $100 for every dollar invested; payments $2 monthly. Complete information free. Address Texas Gulf Company, 1133 Union Bank bldu., Houston, - Texas. PATENTS Write for list of patent buyers iii,ciiiiuiib wuiicea ; ti.uuu.uuo in prizes offered for inventions; send sketch for free opinion as to patentability; our four books sent free. Victor J. Evans & Co.. " - on pi., w aimiffgton, II. u. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Don't sacri fice your present stock of goods; move it to Gerber, the new railroad town, and sell It at 100 cents on the dollar; merchandise wanted In all lines. Smith oetica v-umpany, ueroer, cal. AUTOMOBILE garage, opening for ener- --. . Bum uubiucbs. tio large storage and repairs, also oils, supplies. Bin. n .-.-.I' i ? -.. ..,,.., .. ' fully secured. Call room 436 Pittock blk. I WANT $10(10 cash and a good man to go in a money-making business with me. Have everything else needed: no compe tition, no debts to pay. Money goes in ADD to your income; engage in the safety ; " i il 1 1 n Biiaiiiciuug uusiness; it is both staple and profitable; we have ma chines from $35 up. Write for free book let. Am. Sharpening Machine Co.. Chicago. CONFECTIONERY, light groceries, lunches, etc., a cash business where man and wife can make a good living and clear $3 day besides; has 3 nice living-rooms. Call room 430 Pittock blk. $3000 FOR half interest in Portland corpora tion; salary $125 month; dividends semi annually; good live man wanted; must furnish references. Holland Bond A Mort gage Co., 431 Chamber of Commerce. OW. of the best grocery stores on West Side, corner and finest residence section; owner has -other business to look after. Cash only. AM 210. Oregonian. IF YOU have $000 worth of property and $200 cash I will put you In one of the best grocery stores In the city; balance $700 can be paid on time. Phone A 3239 WE BUY OLD FALSE TEETH. $1 to $20 paid for set; very old sets most valuable; crowns, bridgework bought; bring or mail. Randolph. 1218 Yeon bldg. WELL established tire and vulcanizing business tn Portland for sale at a sacrr- fle; owner must leave city. Call Bdw. 1S04 or E. 899. FOR SALE Stock of millinery in good Valley town, doing good business, cheap rent, fine stock; some terms. Address AV 682, Oregonian. ADVERTISE EVERYWHERE 25 words 100 monthlies. $1; 100 weeklies. $2.50; 40 Sunday papers, $10. Cope Agency. St. Louis. FISH and egg route, with Ford auto, over udiu iwttu, " ' , j. nr. run irom rorciantl. Send for details. A. C Newell. Clackamas, Oregon. MUST sell paying poolroom. Nice location, S good tables, stock of cigars and tobacco Will trade for city lots or close-in acre age. AH 228, Oregonian. FOR SALE Willamette Valley sawmill; ex- cellent lf-cil trade; located on main line; paying proposition. Address AV 716, Ore gonian. DO YOU want make money in the broker business? We have the best proposition on the market for you. Apply 301-303 Henry bldg., 4th and Oak sts. BOWLING alley business; will pay energetic man $175 month profit. Call room 463 Pittock blk. BARBER SHOP with soft-drink place and poolroom ln connection ; also living-rooms upsuiirs. 93 w asn. St. ONE of the best home bakeries snd lunch rooms on East Side: $50 will handle. Call i apor piou or jast 2639. LEAVING CITY Will sacrifice splendid $8500 propisitlon on West Broadway; terms. AK 202. Oregonian. SALE Well located corner cash ffmcprv stock, fixtures and furniture; good Income. win invoice. laoor 0414. LUMBER-YARD in country town; also sell building material, etc. Profits ara very good. Call room 438 Pittock blk. RESTAURANT for sale. snap, in ths heart of city; ' established business. Fred Aieinae. uain luau or sellwood 1946. SALESBOARD manager; we sell and de liver, you collect; big returns, small investment.- 207 Union Bank bldg., Chicago. $500 BUYS light grocery and confprtlnn.rv rent reasonable: Just the place for 2. 431 Jhamoer 01 commerce. FOR SALE Stock of hair goods and the iraae laugni ai o 1 Rmnui, comer luth room GROCERY and confectionery, school sup plies, opposite 1110 iciiooi; living-rooms for cash. Phone East 8345. WANTED To let East 1207. big cordwood contract. BARBER SHOP, 1 chair; no competition. . Si a. - u 1 h ana nawmorne. MEAT market, good location; sell reasona- ble; good business. c 172. Oregonian. WANT In business. Have $2000 to $3000 cash. What have you? A K, 2'Ji, Oregonian, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WM. E. DAVIDSIN A CO. Established 1900. 814-815 Lewis bldg.. Marshall 2394. WE OFFER FOR SALE: 5O00 Cascadla M. A Dev SNAP 2000 Mt. Rainier Mining1 14 1000 Alaska Pet. A Coal 17 BOO0 Lincoln Hill M. A M. (NeT.) . .04 8OO0 Boundry Red Mt. M .28 loo American Druggist Synd 12.75 200O American Salvage Co SNAP 60 New World Life Ins 13.50 1O0 Poulsen Wireless Corp 6.2.1- 25 International Text Book 23.50 and many others WE WILL BUY FOR CASH. 1000 Alaska Pet. A Coal Offer 50O0 Almeda Mines common -Offer 100 International Money Machine 4.50 Bono Tacoma Company 06 1000 Boundry Red Mt. Mining.... .23 500 Beaver State Motor Offer 3000 Idaho Gold A Ruby M. C 06 2000 American Salvage (Sisson) .. .Offer 5 Pacific States Fire Ins Offer Consult us about any stock you wish to sell or buy. We handle them in all markets. EXCEPTIONAL. OPPORTUNITY. ' Offered young man of strong per sonality or one mechanically Inclined. Can buy half Interest in automobile business, established since 1907.' Unlimited field In this particular line with exceptionally large remuneration on the investment. $1800 required. Will give time on part. A. J. DE FOREST, 207 Board of Trade Bldg. MAN with a few hundred dollars can get one of the fastest money-earners; will make you Independent for life in few years: safer than a National bank and will stand the very closest investigation; should earn you over $500 per month; if you want a money-earner, and an honest one, and one of the very best in the TJ. S.. call and investigate. Call Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 205 Adams St., 1 block north of the Steel bridge (or evenings). AN OPEN OPPORTUNITY. Do you want to invest $25,000 In a food products factory maufacturing for the world's markets at handsome profits? An attractive offer will be made to an In vestor or one who wishes to take an active Interest. Steady, permanent business, con stantly growing. Open to fullest investi gation. See B. O. Rowan, St. Charles HoteL PARTNER WANTED. In established legitimate business In good small town near Portland; will stand fullest investigation. $100 can handle, but larger amount desired; fine opportunity; single young man preferred. AV 763, Ore- go span FOR SALE Well established general mer chandise business in small town; stock and fixtures will Invoice $5000: annual sales $24,000, or will sell half Interest to satisfactory party. Address box 114, Gresham. Or. WIDE-AWAKE man with car, who will give part time and invest some cash In best selling auto device on market, may have one-third interest In Oregon state rights. Write giving name, address and phone number. D 204. Oregonian. WANTED man with auto and $100 to take county apeticy for the Anti-Carbon Gas Saver. Larger territory available for the right man. Pac. Auto Accessory Co., 504 Journal bldg. Marshall 2595. 44 ROOMS, rent $60. New brick bldg., hot and cold water, call bells, closets every room, steam heat, well worth $1800, every room rented; price for all If sold at once, $750. half cash. See Peters, 15 N. Bth St. PAYING brick hotel. 40 rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water, Washington St., busl nsss district, furniture and lease; $1400, $450 cash. Stearns, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. Open Sundays. - MARBLE and monument works In Rich mond, Ind. Established over 60 years. Fully equipped and over $3000 orders ahead. Will trade for local business of merit. Make offer. Yates. 249 4th St. BEST-PAYING pool and cigar business in leading Willamette Valley city; am ap pointed administrator of estate; must let go; will bear fullest Investigation, H. Hut ton, proprietor. Eugene, Or. EXPERIENCED salesman wanted who can invest a small amount of cash, with ex clusive territory, on salary or commission: live wires wanted who have ability. AP 176. Oregonian. LIVE, energetic man as partner in estab lished paying business; large profits; money secured. We can show yon. 24814 Stark. BARGAIN. $400 Good established business; only one in large payroll town. 2300; owner, P. O. Box 643. St. Helens, Or. BEST business proposition In existence; something good, no fake, but as repre sented. B. A H. Specialty Co., 209 Ab ington bldg. BEST equipped dairy store in Portland, with living-rooms connected; for sale cheap, or will consider a good Ford in trade. B 226, Oregonian. GROCERY STORE bargain, in dandy loca tion, rent $10. including 3 living rooms, ail Al clean, stock; price $360. Peters, 15 JJ. 0-.h st. WONDERFUL chance to buy out an old established Jewelry business on main thor- ' oughfare: little cash will handle. X 161, Oregonian. FOR RENT A- 50x100 garage and black smith shop, snap if taken at once: doing good business. Owner leaving state. Call for information. Wdln. 4966. WILL sell furniture in good Bend hotel. 18 rooms, doing gooa Duslness, nve-year lease. Address owner, Mt. View Hotel, Bend. Or. GARAGE In auto row, good location, for repair and sales shop; best of reason ror se-lllng; will consider good car. Y 168, Oregonian. WILL consider partner In manufacturing lm ( n i t If T nan ct ri arh i ic i n r nf a man: must be able to furnish references. Y 164, Oregonian. FOR SALE, by owner, paying grocery, long established in good district, doing $(MU month; will stand thorough Investigation, Part trade. No agents, f. o. box 873 AUTO repair shop, equipped especially for i ill 11 irpaii 111K1 aii auu .uioLiunio .n ill . Will sell to reliable man. only $450, $150 down, balance payments. J 177. Oregonian. WANTED Man with $1500 to Invest in manufacturing uusiness. 15 per cent guar anteed. AB 164. Oregonian. $550 BUYS old established and paying pic ture theater; a Dargain. bee tnis. 248 ft Stark. OLD established confectionery, doing fine business, at a Dargain. -a btarK. PARTNER, cleaning, pressing, $20 required; cash business. 4Z-i Morrison st. BARBER CHAIRS at a big sacrifice. Kemp Barber Supply Co., 271 Washington st. 6MALL stock groceries and mdse., fixtures; sell or trade. Main 3716. A GOOD Vancouver carpet-cleaning business for sale; a snap. A Lt z&z, uregonian. BARBER SHOP for sale; 2 chairs; 3 living-rooms. 618 15th, Alberta st. STOCK of groceries (no dead stock), value $io, lor sale. af oregonian. SMALL cash grocery with bake oven. Own er, 409 Bumside. East 6357. BCSINF.SS OPPORTUNITIES WAXTKD. BUSINESS MEN If you want to sell your business or want money to Increase same, call and see us; have several people who will buy if suited; want automobile busi ness, wood and coal business, manufac turing business, butter and egg store, grocery, restaurant, in fact any good busi ness; business strictly confidential. Call room 436 Pittock block. HAVE $5000 to $7000 to invest, with my services In a profitable business; do not answer unless your proposition will stand strictest investigation. AE 211, Orego nian. ROOMING-HOUSE WANTED. Have clear property to exchange for furnishings of hotel, apartment-house or rooming-house, must be good location and show good profit. Call 607 Yeon bldg. CASH for large meat market; West Side. Goddard & Wiedrlck. 243 Stark St. BARBER shop. 2 chairs, wants to rent; will buy if suitable. T 170. Oregonian. WANTED A small prlntshop. If you havs one to sell see Beery, out xeon Diagt MINING. HELP, HELP. HELP. Assist me to equip my copper mine with a small concentrating mill and be Inde pendent In two years; about $2500 re quired, with services; money absolutely secured against loss oy nigniy developed mine: I prove every statement; no triflera. Address AV 758. Oregonian. HOTTI-S AND ROOMING-HOUSES. WANT to buy rooming-house centrally lo cated. Must be cheap; no agents. L 182, uregonia. - - 15 HOUSEKEEPING and all full, good business. - bia 268. sleeping-rooms, Phone Colum- HOTEL, APTS.. OR ROOMING-HOUSES. A.N 1 M . T., ( K IL f. UK bUUATlU.N. MRS. KRANTZ, 601 YEON BUILDING. A MONEY-MAKER 12 furnished H. K. rooms, hot and cold--f water in rooms; cneap ior caen. aii- 01, ungoniait. FOR best bargains In rooming or apartment houses see members of Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 249 4th st. 19 ROOMS. $150 cash. bal. trade. 2500. Marshall IRVINGTON residence. 6 garage: rent reasonable. rooms, modern. liast 1010. TRANSIENT house, 11 rooms, terms. Mar. 8553. HOTE19 ANl, ROOMING-HOUSES. A. J. DE FOREST. 203-207 Board of Trade Bldg. Free Information to Buyers about HOTELS, ROOMING OR APT. HOUSES. See my large free list of UNEQT7ALED BARGAINS. $27,500. Investment paying 10 per cent. Property consists of modern brick apartment-house and two 4-flat bldgs., with 100x100 corner on Belmont st. Improve ments all in and paid for. Mortgage $75O0 at 6 per cent, long as wanted; will trade equity for farm or orchard or take In other smaller property and give time on balance. 120-room- apartment-house. excellent brick bldg., located In the best apartment-house district on the West Side, 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, absolutely modern, $1500 cash, balance time or some trade, will be considered; price only $3900; man and wife can clear $250 net every month out of this place and not half try. , If you want something worth while,, see this. 70-room commercial hotel for sale or trade, located in the heart of Portland, well furnished, large lobby, office, ladles' parlor, elevator and depot bus; will sell or trade the furnishings for $7500 and. give 5 years' lease at reasonable rent. 68-room apartment house, part time, located In best apartment-house district on the West Side, good brick bldg. containing 28 apartments, very light expenses and xeaay to handle. 44 -room modern hotel. 8 private baths, good furniture and carpets; brick bldg., all outside rooms, located on the West Side... Rent only $150; price of furnishings suvu; part time. 43-room apartment-house, close In, mod ern building. 8-2s, 8-Ss and 2 single rooms, everything Is rented: Income $291; rent of the building only $85. Brand new fur- nisnings tnrougnout; price $1852; xuuu cash, balance $40 per month, no interest. To lease modern apartment-house, con sists of 12 apartments and 3 single rooms. all light, steam heat and electric lights furnished by the landlord and Included in tne rent or $150 per month; 3 years lease, good location, in walking distance. 20 rooms, all on one floor, modem Brick bldg., always full. Rent only $32 per month: on account of death will sacrifice lor $600, time or trade on part. 2-ROOM hotel, pressed brick, on Washing ton st. Cheap rent. 20 private baths. Telephones In all rooms. Very fine furni ture. 7 years of success by present owner. Other business compels immediate sacri fice. Price $4500. Easy terms. 51-room hotel, elegantly furnished and carpeted. Every modern convenience. 10 private baths and individual telephone system. Closest Investigation will prove . net income over $350 per month. Price $4000. . 34-room hotel In near-by town. Rooms all on one floor and modern throughout. Rent $80 per month. Fine brick building. Price $2500. Very easy terms. YATES REALTY CO.. 249 4th St. WANT STOCK OF MERCHANDISE. Will give In exchange 40 acres highly Improved and fully developed, commercial apple orchard in bearing. Apples are of the highest standard and best .quality in Hood River Valley. Last year's pack over 3000 boxes. This orchard is located 4 miles from Hood River, on the main Macadam road and has about 1320 feet of river front. AO 163. Oregonian. FOR SALE AT BARGAIN. A first-class family rooming-house. 34 rooms, close In. insuring a full 1 house; clean reputation, steam heat, 'electric lights and gas. Good furnishings. Price and rent reasonable. Will take one-third cash, one-third trade, one-third mortgage to assume. Object for selling, have other business. Miss Kittle May Ellis room 24 Beverly Hotel 185 Park St. PRIVATE boarding-house for sale, cheap. oeHuiuiiiiy zurnisnea and one or the pret tiest dining-rooms in town: must be seen to be appreciated; excellent location; everything new and a beautiful home, can accommodate about 30 people. AG 199, Oregonian. IF YOU WISH . To Buy, Sell or Exchange a Hotel, Rooming or Apt.-House, see A. J. DE FOREST, 205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED Lady wants description of 100m- uiK-uouses ior sale or trade with price and terms. Address Miss Klttie May Ellis, room 24, Beverly Hotel, Park and Yam hill sts., Portland. Or. 20 ROOMS, strictly modern, brick, low rent. wen lurnisnea; location good; selling on account death; $550 for all: come early If you want this. 163 Vi West Park st. Wells & Anderson. 17 ROOMS, housekeeping, modern: rent $30; goou xurniLure: must De sold; $300 for all. easy terms. 163 West Park. Wells & Anderson. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel, Apartment-House Agent. Oldest Reliable Agency in City. 824 N. W. Bank bldg.. 6th and Morrison. I WISH to dispose of my 14-room roomlng- ii"ubh, in goou neignDornooa on west Side; nicely furnished, clean, all rented; will give terms. BF 163, Oregonian, FOR SALE at a bargain, rooming-house and noiei, cnoice location. Add. Miss Klttie May Ellis, room 23, Beverly Hotel, corner Park and Yamhill sts. 40-ROOM hotel, low rent, fine location, mod ern; good money maker; easy terms and price right. Call 163 West Park. Wells & Anderson. 24 ROOMS, rent $50; extra well furnished. steam neat, easy walking distance, always full; price $1100, terms. Call 607 Yeon oiog. APARTMENT-HOUSE, nicely furnished, all Will" sell 'very cheap. This Is a bargain! BF 173, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE snap, modern In every aetaii, neatly lurnisneu; ideal location. Owner must sell. Deal with owners. Call after 10 A. M. Monday. 362 Alder st. 5 ROOMS, central, nicely furnished, doing good bustnses, under same management 12 yeacs: for quick sale at $1950. Write own er today. S. 153, Oregonian. FURNITURE and lease of 66-room modern hotel; priest 3;"0. easy terms. Vanduyn & Walton. 515 Cham. Com. U ROOMS of high-grade furniture fer sale, down town location. See this before buying. A snap. Call 103 West Park. HEADQUARTERS for hotels and rooming- nouses, an sizes; 10 years In the business. 163 West Park st. Wells & Anderson. 21 HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, all rooms rented, rignt in town, .fbone Main 6755. FOR rooming-houses call at 248 Stark. We can place you at the lowest possible figure. All slzes. RARE BARGAIN 12 rooms, furnished, near Hotel Portland: rent $35, income $95 montn. Main 0342. FOR SALE CHEAP Rooming-house, H.-K. euiies, an xuii. owner, mar. o.iw. 18 ROOMS, bargain If taken at once; terms. Call 609 McKay bldg. SPECIAL NOTICES. X'roposals Invited. CIRCULAR NO. 259 Sealed proposals will be received at Office of General Purchas ing Agenti Alaskan Engineering Commis sion. Seattle,' Wash., not later than 11 A. M., April 13. 1917. for furnishing black smith coal, miscellaneous hardware and tools, linemen s tools, saws, screws, measuring tapes. wood tackle blocks. sand paper, etc. Copies of this circular may be -obtained upon application at this oince; Alaskan engineering Commission. 102 Customhouse. Portland, Or.; Alaskan engineering commission. 014 Kohl bldg., San Francisco. Cal.; U. S. Reclamation foervice, 0110 rramway Dldg., Denver Colo.; Bureau of Mines. 40th and Butler sts.. Pittsburg, Pa.; U. S. .Reclamation Serv ice. 802 Federal bldg.. Chicago. 111., and Alaskan Engineering Commission, Wash ington, D. C. C. E. Dole, General Pur chasing Agent. 1 WILL receive sealed bids at my office, 740 Morgan building. Portland. Oregon, up to 12 o'clock, noon, of Tuesday, April 3, 1917. for a stock of merchandise located at South Bend, Washington, of the inventory valuation of $5814.06. consisting of dry ' goods and notions $1667.03, ladles' and children's ready-to-wear clothing. $419.88, men's furnishings $503.54. men's and boys' clothing $824.21. hats and gloves $386.81 and ladies, misses' and children's shoes $2013.09. together with fixtures $752.70. or total valuation of $6566.76. Terms cash. Certified check for 10 per cent of amount offered must accompany each bid. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and slock inspected at South Bend Dated Portland, Oregon, March 28, 1917J . R. L. SABIN. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI TED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OkKGON In the matter of M. Barde and J. Levitt, partners as Barde & Levitt, and M. Barde. individually, and J. Levitt, In dividually, bankrupts: 1 will receive sealed bids at my office. 740 Morgan building, Portland. Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Saturday, March 31. 1917. for the following described pr6perty. to wit: 200 shares (par value of $100.00 each) of the capital stock of M. Barde A Sons, a corporation under the laws of the state of Oregon; terms cash; certified check for 10 per cent of amount offered must accompany each bid; sale subject to approval of the court. Dated. Port land, Oregon. March 20, 1917. R. L. SABIN. Trustee. AUCTION. Grocery and meat fixtures. Monday 2 P. M, 462 Hawthorne ave. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invite. NOTICE OF RECEIVER'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed, as receiver of the Beaver Mill Company, an Insolvent corporation of the state of Oregon. In pursuance of an .order of the Circuit Court of the state of Ore gon for Multnomah Countty, In an action of the Wisconsin Logging Timber Company, a corporation, et al., plaintiffs, versus Beaver Mill Company, a corpora tion, et al . defendants, will, up to the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. April 12, 1917. at my office. No. 311 Corbett building. Portland, Or., receive bids and proposals to purchase the sawmllling plant and property of the said Beaver Mill Com pany, a corporation, the same being as follows: , Lots 8, 12." 13. 20, 21. 22, 27 and 28. of Junction, a platted tract In Multnomah County, state' of Oregon, together with the sawmllling plant located thereon and the stock of lumber, being approximately 25O.0O0 feet now In and upon the yard used in connection with said sawmllling plant: And that I will, at 10 o'clock A. M. on the 12th day of April. 1917, open all bids and proposals received by me and will -then and there sell said sawmllling plant and property to the highest and best bidder therefor; bids upon said property, as above described, will be received as follows, to wlt: First Bids upon lots 21, 22, 27 and 28 may be made separately. These are the lots upon which the said sawmllling plant is located, and title thereto can be de livered free of encumbrances, as the mort gage thereon, h Id by the First Trust A Savings Bank of St. Johns, will be dis charged from the proceeds of such sale. Second Bids will be received for lots 13 and 20, Junction, subject to the Hen of a trust deed held by the First Trust & Savings Bank of St- Johns for the benefit of Merchants' National Bank of Portland, Or., or Northwestern National Bank of Portland, Or., as the successor In inter est of the Merchants' National Bank; sand lien upon said lots, with other property, aggregating $12,500.00. Third Bids will be received separately for lots 5 and 12. of Junction, and title thereto will be delivered fre and clear of encumbrances, said property not being subject to any lien. Fourth Bids will be received upon the whole plant, consisting of lots 5, 12, 13, 20, 21. 22, 27 and 28. Bids In this form, however, will be made subject to the Hen of the Northwestern National Bank of Portland, as before mentioned, aggre gating the sum of $12,500.00 upon lota 13 and 20. Fifth Upon the opening of bids, the un dersigned, as such receiver, will select the one best calculated to protect the Interests of the creditors and to return to them the greatest sum, whether It be by sale of the separate traets, as above described, or by a sale of the entire plant, subject to said lien. Sixth The receiver hereby reserves the right to reject any and all bids upon said plant r any part or parcel thereof, and the sale made shall be subject to con firmation by the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for Multnomah County. Seventh AH bids must be accompanied by a certified check to . the amount of twenty per cent of the sum bid. The percentage of the amount bid submitted along with the bid in the certified check will be applied on the purchase price to the credit of the person whose tyd Is accepted in case he completes the pur chase of said property, and If bidder should fall to make good his bid by com pleting the purchase when property Is awarded to him, such bidder shall for feit to the receiver the amount repre sented by such certified check. Eighth Separate bids will be received for the stock of lumber on hand, the fore going rules to apply in regard to the pre sentation of bids and the certified check to accompany the bid. This property is being sold for the pur pose of closing up the the business of the said Beaver Mill Company and paying the creditors thereof. Any further information required con cerning said property and the manner of making said bids and any further or other particulars in connection with such sale may be had upon application to the undersigned In his office, as stated above, H. V. CARRINGTON. Receiver. WILL receive sealed bids at my office. 740 Morgan building. Portland, Or., up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, March 27, 1917. for a stock of merchandise, consist ing of groceries. $1423.17; crockery, glass ware, hardware, tin and graniteware and furniture. $886.29. together with fixtures of $804.45. or total inventory valuation of $3113.91. located at Camas, Wash. Terms cash. Certified check for 10 per cent of amount offered must accompany each bid. Right Is reserved to reject any and all ' bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and stock Inspected at Camas. R.- L. SABIN. Dated. Portland. Or..' March 17. 1917. DREDGE FOR SALE. Bids will be received at the office of W. J. Roberts, chief engineer Inter-Counyr River Improvement, 401 Courthouse, Ta coma. Wash., until noon April 22, 117, for the purchase of a 20-lnch hydraulic electric dredge, with pontoons, pipe, der rick scow and other equipment. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for 5 per cent of amount bid. pay able to the Treasurer of Pierce County. Full Information on application. BARGES for rent, capacity 000 tons. 80. Main Miscellaneous. WILL not be responsible for debts con. tracted for by my wife. Violet Gruol, after this date, March 22. 1917 Signed, K. R. GRUOL. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light A Power Comoanv March 23. 1917 1 rain cape, 1 package beans, 1 pair glasses, 1 grip, 1 package muff, 1 bundle dry goods. 1 lunch box. 1 can varnlsn. x glass disn 1 package bread. 3 books. 2 packages shoes, 1 package batteries, 1 package stove grates. 1 eraser, 2 keys. purses, 1 suit case. 1 Dackaae Pictures. 1 Bible. 2 pins, 1 necklace. 8 umbrellas. Owners may ob tain lost property at 1st and Alder sts. LOST or strayed or stolen. One dark gray mule named Maude and branded "M" on left shoulder, weight about 750 lbs. and . with slit In left ear, was at nobby stables National Ice Co.. barns up to March l.i Call Main 1252 or 202 McKay bldg. if located. $5 REWARD For Information of party taking from hotel, one quilt made or u. s flags and lined with yellow; also, one large knife, with one saw blade and hole through Handle. Sena letter, 2-s3 uurn side St. LOST Airedale dog. black and tan. license No. 2493. name "Rags." and owner's ad dress. 986 E. 30th st. N-. on collar. Phone W oodlawn 466. Keward. LOST Lavalllere with chain, between E. 28th and Stark and Buchtel ave. and East Ankeny. Return to a Bucntei ave. iv Reward. WILL lady who found silver mesh bag marked E. S. B. In M. & F.. Feb. 19, keep money but return bag to Redd's Phar macy, 184 Broadway, near -xayior. LOST A black fox muff at Cotillion Hall. In the ladies' dressing-room. Thursday night at the Mardl Grai ball; reward if returned to owner. Alain Slitl. LADY'S gold, wrist watch and chain In or about Meier & Frank Co.'s store, Saturday P. M. Return tor reward. Answer 11 lto. Oregonian. LOST English setter, black and white male dog. 905 E. 7th N. W oodlawn 4547. Re ward. LOST March 20, on Hawthorne ave., be tween 29th and 22d, lady's glasses. Return to 870 E. Main at. and receive reward. STOLEN Lady's watch, solid gold case No. 687209, No. 6 Elgin, 11-Jewel. works No, 4498482. Phone Marshall 3616. 890 Clay, A. E. COTTRELL. 1190 E. 30th St. N., found lady's gold watch. DIAMOND cuff button lost Friday noon. Reward. Call Main 6223. ifter- LOST Man's left-hand 7. East 2383. Mocha glove, size LOST Gordon setter, white and black spots. No collar. Reward. juar. ouui. BAKER THEATER. Friday, lady's blue silk umbrella. $2.50 reward. Main 8193. WHITE muff, in Owl lavatory. Phone Tabor Ovv. newaru. FINANCIAL. MONEY LOANED. Residence property. 6 to 8 per cent. Business property, 5 to 6 per cent. Farm property, 6 to 7 per cent. WHITMER-KELLY CO., 711 Pittock blk. FIRST and second mortgages; also seller's Interest in contracts purcnasea; uregoa or Wash H. E. Noble, Lumbermen bldg. WE BUY mortgages, bonds and notes. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO. 80 4th St.. Board of Trade Bldg. WILL buy small mortgage, farm or city. Private money, rrompt attention given. A- K. HILL, 419 Henry Bldg. HAVE some good security to offer man to Invest in foundry business. A good profit guaranteed, v lia. oregonian. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages purchased. Lewis & Co., 4 Lewis bldg. Money to Loan on Real Estate. 6 PER CENT loans will be made on central retail Duslness properties, o and 7 per cent on other securities. EDWARD E. GOUDE Y CO., Nortnwestern idanK oiog MONEY TO LOAN. $50,000 TO LOAN. BF 171. ODEGONIAN. $45,000 TO LOAN, 6 and T per cent. GODDARD & W1EDRICK. 243 Stark St. PLENTY MONEY to loan, low rates. C. De Young. 514 Chamber ot Commerce. $15,000 PRIVATE money, 6 to 8 per cent. 416 Piatt bldg. $3000 TO loan: will divide for good loans. A J 136, Oregonian.' $2000 OR LESS to loan; no commission. AJ 137. Oregouiao. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estate. QUICK LOAN SERVICE. CASH READY SHORT NOTICE. LIM ITED EXPENSE. $200 TO $5000 ON FIRST MORTGAGE. 7-8 PER CENT; WILL BUY FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGE ON CONTRACTS. WILL LOAN MONEY TO ASSIST IN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. WILL LOAN UPON (OR BUY) LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES. EQUITIES IN ESTATE, ETC.. UPON LIBERAL TERMS. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO., 209 SELLING BLDG. OUR Installment plan Is the best and surest metnod or paying a - loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months or $21.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months pays a $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on Improved city property Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN.. 242 Stark Street. Portland. Or. RESIDENCE LOANS AT 6 PER CENT. Any amount, aeiays. Repayment Privileges. CLARK. KENDALL CO.. 205, 206 Northwestern Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS Any amount on improved city and farm property; will consider good building loans. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. Main 6915. 153 4th St. A 2815. MONEY TO LOAN. . ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES: VERY FLEXI BLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE Sc TRUST CO., 202 Stevens Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. B1RRELL A CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg.. Marshall 4114. A 4118. 6 PER CENT money, 3 to 5 years, residence property; win accept $100 or more on principal at any Interest period payment; 5 per cent money on business property, same terms. Pacific Title A Trust Co., 7 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 12, 6 AND 6 PER CENT. Private funds up to $50,000 to loan on city property In sums to suit: no broker age. Sol. Bloom. 616 Chamber of Com merce bldg. DO NOT FAIL to call on us when In need of a loan, either on - city property, farms or acreage; money ready at lowest rates. Inspect our safe deposit vaults. Union Sale Deposit A TrUBt Co.. 284 Oak. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate security, $100 up, on going rate of interest. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO.. . 413 Chamber of Commerce. SEE US today Money any amount on im- firoved property 6-7. Long or short time oans. Installment loans. Main 112. CELLARS-MURTON CO.. 825 Yeon Bldg. 6 PER CENT MONEY Willamette Valley farm loans; no delay; no commissions. Devereau Mortgage Company. 607 Con cord bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. MONEY to loan on good residence or farm property. 6 to 6Vc. Business blocks o. H. L. Archer Co., Northwestern Bank bldg $200,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit; build ing loans, lowest rates, w. u. Heck. 315 316 Falling bldg. Phone Main 3407 CITY AND FARM LOANS. FARRINGTON, 80 Fourth Street, Portland, Or. $15,000 TO LOAN at 7 per cent on Improved city property. ?o commission. will di vide. T 181, Oregonian. MONEY to loan, first mortgage. West Side property. Phone or call Multnomah Hotel, room 344. $50,000 TO LOAN in amounts to suit on city property at 6 and 7 per cent. McKenzle A Co., 515 Gerlinger bldg. MONEY to LOAN ON CITY OR FARM PROPERTY; WILL CALL IF INTER ESTED. Phone Tabor 2626. $2000. $3000, $5000 AND $10,000 to loan at 7 per cent. F. E. Bowman A Co., 214 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. INC.. Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and amhiil. $5000 TO LOAN on good farm or city prop erty; win cut into a-ouu amounts lor de sirable 1 o an. See 1 1 o r n e y , 4 04 Piatt bldg. TO LOAN $1000. $1800 and $5000 on im proved city property at 6 per cent. E. J. Getser, 417 Chamber of Commerce. , I WANT to loan $5700 on city or country property and would divide lor good loans. T ISO. Oregonian , $2000. $5000. $13,000 at 7: $12,000 at 6. M. r. uuny, 4ui oi -iraue. Alain oiu. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtg. Co.. 424 Cham, of Com. LOOK. NOW Money 5 to 8 per cent. H. L. Murton. ol'O 1 lliocn piock. croaqway li-itt. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER-CENT. LOUIS SALOMON & CO.. 800 OAK ST. 6 PER CENT MONEY FOR FARM or city loans. W 12. Oregonian. MONEY Any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Seltz. 310 Spalding. Main 6584. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. H. Harding. 813 Chamber of Com. UNLIMITED Eastern funds. 5 to 7 per cent. DOOLEY & CO.. 812 Board of Trade bldg. LOANS on city and farm property. 5 per cent up. F. Fuchs. 420 Cham, of Com. MONEY to loan on real estate, chattel mort gages bought. C. W. Pallett. Fenton bldg. I $1000 TO $10.0O0-TO LOAN on city or farm; p no commission. P. O. box 873. city. $200. $350. $900. $1200. $1800. Fred W. German & Co.. 732 Chamber of Com. By. TO7PER CENT to loan on city realty. Dove & Gardner. 410 Board of Trade. $(1"I0 TO LOAN on good 723 Chamber Commerce. farm. Dubois, Money to Loan Ctiattels and Salaries. IF YOU NEED MONEY, SEE US. SALARIES . '. . CHATTELS. Loans mads to persons on salary or fixed Income; on household furniture, pi anos, diamonds and other personal prop erty; legal rates. Business confidential: private offices. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. (Licensed). 306-307 Dekum Bldg. FURNITURE. " SALARY. LOANS. LOANS. - All that is necessary to establish credit with us Is thst you either own furniture, pianos or that you are working either will do. V COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. , LICENSED. . 817 Falling Bldg. ' HOME INSTALLMENT CO. , Organized by salaried men for mutual protection. Money advanced on salary, diamonds, furniture, etc.- Easy Install ments. Legal rates. Securities purchased. 22 McKay bldg. Main 1242 REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portland business men to- pro tect borrower. C, Myers Herman, man ager 394 Stark st. Money loaned on dia monds. Jewelry, pianos, h. h. furniture. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legal rate; all articles held 1 year: established since 1888. Dan Marx. 283 Washington. $500 TO $5000. Improved city or suburban property, reasonable interest. East 6329. I.oanB Wanted. WANTED $10,000, 6 per cent, improved farm, near Portland; worth $30,000. AJ 138, Oregonian. WANTED-i-$700 on 5-room house, corner lot. 60x100. at 7 per cent. E. J. Gelser, 417 Chamber of Commerce. WANT $5000 at 7 per cent on choice alose ln acreage, valued $16,000. C 51, Orego nian. $2500 AT 7 PER CENT on very fine new residence In Mount Tabor district. AE 213, Oregonian. VERY GOOD securities "wanted $1200, $2500 and $3500 at 7 per cent. F. Fuchs. 420 Chamber of Commerce. 6 PER CENT LOANS, CITY OR FARM. RESERVE INVESTMENT CO.. HENRY BLDG. WANT $1000, 3 years. 8 per cent, security 80 acres. 25 miles from Portland. B 228, Oregonian. $250. ta00. $70O. $1000. PRIVATE funds. R. Schwab. 326 Henry bldg. WANT $1000 loan on small farm, Improved Owner. W 52, Oregonian WANT $750 on good vacant lots. AG 62, Oregoniam $6000 ON 30-room apartment-house, in surance to cover. AD 201. Oregonian. WANT $1500, 7 per cent, first mortgage; ex tra good. 218 Allsky bldg. $500 ON 70x100 Milwaukie st. business lot. . Aj 292. Oregonian 7500 7 PER CENT, 90 acres, near Port land, value $27,000. Marshall 1 WANTED $200, good security. 10 per cent. AF 12. Oregonian. 1200 8 PER cent, 6-room bungalow. Haw thorne district; principals. East 6329. $5500, 5 YEARS. 6?-. Income $1500 annually; East Side. AJ 230, Oregonian. $2300, 3 YEARS. 7. East Side residence; security good. AL 228. Oregonian. $750 on 15 acres, Beaverton district. 3-5 years at 6 per cent- AO 150. Oregonian. $15O0. TZ, 6-ROOM Hawthorne district. modern bungalow. East 329. WANTED $20O0. new house. Alameda Park, rented for $24 month. D 203, Oregonian. $LivU A.ND $350 at 7 pvc cent, 110 IQOx at. FINANCIAL. Loans Wantes. TWO MORTGAGES. SALE OR TRADE. ONE $950, 8 PER CENT. ONE $1100, 8 PER CENT. EACH SECURED BY FIRST MTG. ON 40 ACRES (TILLAMOOK COUNTY! CONSIDER GOOD HOUSE OR LOT EQUITY OR NEARBY ACREAGE. MIGHT PAY LITTLE CASH DIFFER ENCE ON FAIR BASIS. SEE BURKITT. OWNER. JO!l SELLING BLDG. J3HO AT 8; 4-room house. Mount Scott. $250 at 8: 3-room house. Mount Scott. $4O0 at 8: 3-room house, Kenton. J1OO0 at 8: Woodlawn. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. A LOAN of $1500 and one of $4000 at 6 per cent wanted for a term of years: will give first-class Improved Portland prop erty as security. Address No. 1, Forest Grove. Or. WANTED Lady wants to borrow money on Improved acreage, about 5 miles west of business part of Portland. Address Miss Kittie May Ellis, room 24. Beverly Hotel, Park and Yamhill sts.. Portland. Or. WANT $6000 for a term of years at 6 on West Side Income business property, worth $20,000, Insurance to cover loan; w-iil not pay commission. See owner, 828 Mor ran bldg. $2500 FOR 3 years on good farm near Portland, worth $6QoO; $1000 on city home, ample security; D. McChesney. 332 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 71l'2. WANTED $1 250 $1550 2 to 3 years gilt-edged security. STEARNS. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 351T. $1200 AT 7. NEAR PORTSMOUTH, 100x100, modern 5-room bungalow, val ue about $30OO. Ins. $1200. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. $3500. 5 YEARS, well improved farm, $1000, house and 15 lots, city, other smaller loans, moral risk good. Maaterson, 202 W ilcox bldg. Main 8517! WANTED $7500 at 6 per cent on closs-ln improved property, no commission, al 166, Oregonian. WANT $1500 at 8 per cent on nice bunga low, lot 60x100, near Jefferson High School. 816 Board ot Trade. Main 7452. PRIVATE loan wanted of $2500 at 7 per cent, no commission; good security; give full particulars. AR 163. Oregonian. OWNER wants $3000 at 7 per cent on Ala meda Park residence which cost $0500 te build. F 2Q3. Oregonian. $3000 AT 7 per cent on business and resi dence property In good valley town; ample security. G 203. Oregonian $22,5o0 AT 5 per cent on valuable close-tn Improved West Side property. T 179, Ore gonlan. PRIVATE party has $3000 or less, to loan on first-class real estate security. AC 152, Oregonian. WANT $1500 on Hood River property worth, $3560; will pay 8 per cent. C. D. Strow, 605 stock Exchange bldg. $350 OR $4O0 wanted from private party on full lot, 1 block from Irvington car. Owner, Main 9451. LOAN wanted from private party, $2000, 3 years at 7 per cent. Phone Main 3790. Address 1077 Schuyler. LOAN wasted, private party. $1800, 6 per cent, modem bungalow. Phone Main 3790. Address 1077 Schuyler. $150 WANTED on 7-room house and three lots (luoxl.iu). iast side, close in, au 279, Oregonian. PERSONAL. TIRED OF POVERTY 7 If you are tired of slaving for wages or salary while others around you are growing rich and independent; if you are tired of poverty and have the ambition that every American ought to have, the determination not to slay poor in this great land of opportunity, the determina tion to rise above poorly-paid toll and social obscurity, write me now, today; let me tell you of a road to wealth; no work for you to do; plan backed by best men and women of community. Don't pass this by. it may change your whole lite for the better. Tear this advertisement out right now. this minute. Send name and audress and get interesting illustrated book and full lntormation, all absolutely free. Do it right now, for this oppor tunity won't last. Charles A. Sauudcrs, 776 Broadway, Denver, Colo. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. 80-lnch wavy switch. 2 Sep. ......... .$1.50 24-inch wavy switch, 3 Sep. ......... 1.00 All-around transformation............ 1.45 Hairdreaslng. shampooing, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring. 25c. Hair re moved by electric needle, switch made o combings. 95c. We buy your combings. Sanitary Parlors. 4U0-412 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington. Marshall 17U2. NEW, FULLY EQUIPPED. SANITA RY. The Ironside Institute, 327-8-9 Pittock ' block, private rooms. Uraciuate nurse as sistant: ELECTRIC CABINET BATHS and scientific eooy manipulation; hours 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday, 12 to 4. WANT to get in touch with responsible party going to either Chicago or Detroit, who will chaperone 5-yeur-old child. Phone East 5753 between 5:30 and 6:36 P. M. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse gives treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, neu ralgia, etc., maesae and bath, lauy asist ast. 310 Park st. Marshall 5033. Hours 9:30 A. M. to 10 P. M. Open Sunday. FEB VET A HANEBUT, leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock human hair goods; huirdressiug, manicuring, face and scalp treatmenla. Removed to 349 Alder, near Broadway. Main 546. IF you are suffering from stomach ills, rheumatism, asthma, diabetes and are dis couraged with present treatment, consult us. We get results. Let us prove it. HOME SANITAttlliM. 315 AL1SKY BLDG. GERMAN nurse, massage, electric blankets and baths ton rheumatism, lumbago, neu ralgia, etc.; lady trained nurse assistant. 256 11th St. Open Sundays. Marshall 3637. REV. MRS. J. C. SCHORI wil hold a free circle meeting Sunday, 8 P. M. Reading daily. Beverly, cor. Park and Yamhill sts. Mar. 5978. WE BUY OLD FALSE TEETH. $1 to $2U paid- per set: very .old sets most valuable; crowns, bridgewurk bought; briiiir or mall. Randolph. 1218 Yeon bldg. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles etc, perma nently removed; electric needle. Phy sicians' relerences. ispecialist (lady). 165 4th St. at Morrison, Room 22. Mar. 1943.1 CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths, light, heat, electric and vibratory massage. Dr. Mar garet Haynie, 517 Swetland bldg. M'n 1765. JJTC MARIE JOHNSON, chiropodist and masseuse. JV10 Northwest bldg., 6th and Washington. REV. M. LA MAR. spiritualist medium, teaches palmistry and card reading daily. 235 6th SU. cor. Main, SPIRITUALISM Mrs. Wrenn. readings by appointment only. Marshall 4194. . 474 Clay, corner 14th. DR. ETHEL A. SACRY, experienced chirop odist, formerly of 506 Panama bldg.. is at 404 Northwest bldg.. 6th and Washington. DRUG habit cured In 1 to 4 weeks: abso lutely no discomfort. Nesbith Sanatorium, 616 Lovejoy st. AZA H. RIBBECKE, graudate dermatolo gist. Hair and blemishes permanently re moved. 129 lath, near Wash. Mar 3260. MRS. STEVENS, 24 years In Portland; 20lh century science In palmistry taught; spirit ual readings dally. 3,5 Taylor St. KANSAS CITY If you are going there within 10 days please call East 7142. Ask for Mr. Reynolds. Mutual advantage. SOPHIA B. SEIP, removed to 1632 Peninsula ave., St. Johns car to Penn. ave., 1 blks. north, Woodlawn 2340. Circle Wed. 2 P. M. ELECTRIC treatments for poor circulation, rheumatism, lumbago, face and scalp; salt baths. 426 Clay st. Main 8359. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR destroyed forever by multiple needle methods; consultation free. Mile. DeLong, 504 Swetland bldg. SPIRITUALISM Rev. May A, Price, meet ings Tuesday, Sunday, 2 and 8 P. M.; readings daily. 292 Clay. Mar. 3960, A 2294. ASCAPSO promptly relieves headache, neu ralgia and la grippe. Fon sale by Port land Hotel Pharmacy. GRACE BELMONT, manicuring, vibratory massage. 'Office 49. 3d floor. 145 Bdwy. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. Main 3473. PRIMEDA BALM, frmerly called Balm of Figs. 844 E. 33d. &ell. 2213. mornings. MASSAGE treatments', electric vibrator, ky trained nurse. 308 3d. Apt. C. Main 1049. vTBRATORY and electric treatments for rheumatism. Office 215. 85o Morrison. MAGNETIC TREATMENTS 170 Second at., 4th floor, apt. 9. Marshall 249. SCALP massage and shampooing. Room JL 3io Yamhill st., near Park. MADAME NONA teacher phrenology and card readings; daily, 381 YamhliL 1IADAMB LEONE teaches phrenology and card readings dally. 190 W. Park st MARIE NEV1NS, nurse, has returned for appointments. Call Mar. 4677. MAY 1RVIN. electric massaging. Room 7. 291 Morrison SL ALMjt S JOHNSON. Wsshlngton Hotel. formerly 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. HAIR DYED at home reasonably by experi enced lady. Main 3879. YOUNG business woman in C. S., to share apartments. Mar. 4054 after 6 P. M. ANT an A-l home for a 2-year-old baby girl. AH 232. Oregonian. SWITCHES remade or made from combings. S. F. Pierce. 267 Holladay. East 2784. LILLIAN LA MONT, massage and bath. Savoy Hotel, 131 11th. ' a r - . si t: 5. P", I l.'v. SU'; t It -