TIIE SUNDAY O REG ONI AN, PORTLAND, aiARd! 11, 1917. .1 w - . . t .'J SPY ACTIVITY II SALVADOR DENIED ! declaration providing: for an economic blockade of Germany. Some Products HcHk Germany At present large Quantities of Amer ican products slip through tha allied fleets and neutral countries. presi dent, however, will not Issue a. declara tion of this character until an actual state of war exists. Prom now on the American publlo must expect little news regarding- the operations of our merchant fleet. The President and his Cabinet have no authority to Impose a censorship and they are perforce compelled to rely upon the patriotism of publishers. It is recognized that this procedure may withhold information which would be interesting: to the public and. yet serve no useful end. Therefore, It is the In tention of the Navy Department to watch the operation of the request made to the newspapers and at the end of a week or so make an arrangement which is hoped will be satisfactory all around. . Censorship Law Advocated. As soon as Congrress reassembles the President will urge that the censor- Recourse to Central American Court llT.1: Minister to United States Brands Reports of Pres t. ence as Preposterous. GERMAN INFLUENCE IS NIL In Dispute 'With Neighbor Over Naval Base Grant Cited as Evidence ol Purposes. WASHTXGTOU, March that Salvador had been 10. Reports Involved by nte is in force the responsibility re garding publications then will rest upon the authorities and not upon the publishers. The clamor In certain quarters for the removal of Senator Stone, of Mis souri, from the chairmanship of the foreign relations committee of the Sen ate, failed to make an Impression upon the Democratic members of the Tjpper House. The list of committee assign- German agents In enterprises Inimical I ments determined upon by them pro- tn the Interests of the .United States vldes for Air. Stones retention In his and of Guatemala, were declared "pre- position There is reason to believe posterous" by the Salvadorean Minister, as a result of the Missourian's attitude Dr. Rafael Zalaivar, in a statement is- mat owr owansun, 01 virsmia, a noon m,i.v . - I member of the committee, will be the "The people and government of El Presidents spokesman on the floor of Salvador," the statement saia, are now POISON PLOTTERS 111 11 DQN G0HV1CTED Two Women and Man Guilty of ' Conspiracy to Murder Lloyd George. TRIAL BY FIRE IS ASKED illlllillllillllllllllllllllimiilllllllllllllllllllH ... . . You Can Save on Furniture at Edwards Holding down the retail price notwithstanding the steadily rising wholesale cost, has been the practice at Edwards' ever since the advent of the rising market. This season's new goods have been purchased advantageously and are assembled in quality, abundance and -variety. Never before were the lines so distinctive and so varied, and never again will prices be as low as they are today. Anticipate your future needs and save. the Senate In connection with all for eign questions. WOMEN ACTIVE HOUSE Men Are Given Demonstration In Rush ing Work In Memorial to Con gress Urging Suffrage. and always have been particularly friendly with Guatemala and recent re ports to the contrary are absurd. That German spies or political agents are trying to bring such a reversal of its traditional friendly relations with Gua temala or Involve It in hostilities with that or anv other country, is preposter ous. Germans residing In El Salvador UTAH HAS THREE FAIR MEMBERS couia oe counted on ine inigera ui unc a i hands and their Influence nationally or OK LEGISIATTTRE, locally Is nil. German Influence Dented. "In Guatemala, on the other hand. many of the largest coffee and other properties are owned by Germans and It may be said that German Influence Is greater in that country than In stiy other Central American republic. But SALT LAKE CITY. Utah. March 10, America: is T U at aH provable that Ge Wesm man gold could seduce the governments m tn West. Utah has Its women legis-u-nrialnlv not the neonle to embroil lators. There are three women mem- themselves to the injury of each other bers of the lower house and all of or the great and good frler-d to the mem taKe an active part in the tran Korth of us the United States. actions of the sessions. They are Mrs. "VA Salvador has lust trl"en the best Elizabeth Hayward. Dr. Grace Stratton- possible evidence of her peaceful and Airey and Mrs. Daisy Allen, who rep-law-abiding predilections by having re- resents Salt Lake County. All of them nnursn to tha Central American Court are Democrats. of Justice for settlement of her pro- It remained for one of the feminine tracted diplomatic controversy with her members to show the Legislature how neighbor, Nicaragua, relating to the to force through in record time a joint grant by the latter to the United States memorial to the National Congress of a naval base, in the Bay of Foneeca urging the National - lawmakers to which is territorial water owned jointly make operative the Susan B. Anthony with my country rather than proceed amendment to . the Constitution of the to open hostilities over the violation of United States. It was introduced in Its sovereign rights. Arbitration Cited aa Proof. , , ,M., dr suspended rule and sent t "My government has Just cabled me Tv,. ,v. . . . . . . , , ,, ... a l Senate. There the same fast tim at the Central American court has , . c-. Dv that the rendered its decision in favor of El Sal Vador. restraining Nicaragua from pro ceeding further under the provisions of the Bryan-Chamoro treaty that relates to the naval base in b onseca Bay. 'As 1 alleged th Official vadorean government) recently linhed the following statement: " 'El Salvador has recently received from Mexico, as a testimonial of sincere friendship, some gifts of great value which have awakened a national feel- the lower house by Mrs. Hayward. was passed within a minute afterward un to the was made, and Goy&rnor Simon Bamberger signed the memorial a few minutes later. The three women members are par ticipating freely In debates and hold to press reports of El salvaaor's - , -- intrigues with Mexico against Grace Stratton-Alrey being a member e interests of Guatemala, tn uiar ";rr y--'"7";-;," pub- state's sub-legislative bodies. She also had the destlnction of presiding over the deliberations of the house for an hour while the Speaker went on the floor to fight for a measure. Mrs. Daisy Allen, Representative lng of gratitude toward the people of from Salt Lake County, has been most that great nation. But that demonstra- active In public welfare legislation and tion of cordial affection towards us on seeks through the Introduction of a sunaay-LiuMiig uui uar mo vkua.bu e day mad all that th name implies. I OIlOSnHlM the part of a courtly and generous peo- Sunday-closing bill to have-the abbath pie gives no ground for suspecting ine - existence of any binding engagements of a political nature engagements that have never been sought by the Mexican c-overnment and that.- needless to say, would never have been entered into by the Salvadorean government. SPUDS BREAK AT SEATTLE Chicago Orders Are Canceled and Price Drops $10 on Ton. MTJJfCIE, IXD, WOMAN SEW YOR.lt. STARTLES Glittering Gems Also Distributed Ex travagantly About Hat. Keck and From Her Ears. SEATTLE. Wash.. March 10. (Spe cial.) The spud market was broken In 6eattle, wholesalers quoting ?10 under the high point of the season to retail ers yesterday at 80 a ton. Growers in the Yakima Valley offer to sell spuds at shipping points at $65 to $70, or $3 to $10 under the high point of niin7S -.ton Buvlng is at a stand- wom8J1 with .a passion for diamonds le.?,ln .1? .UfA8 f J and a habit of descending upon New NTHTW TORE. March 10. (Special.) Wearing diamond earring pendants and garters, Mrs Charles H. Anthony, of Muncle, Ind.. startled the loiterers in Peacock Alley at the w aldorf rlday. Mrs. Anthony is a pretty blonde Mohammedan liaTryer for Defense Requests Court to Determine Innocence by Putting Ac cased on Hot Irons. LONDON. March 10. Mrs. Alice Wheeldon, her daughter. Mrs. Winifred Mason, and the latter's husband, Alfred George Mason, were found guilty today of conspiracy to murder Premier Lloyd George and Arthur Henderson, member of the War Council. Miss Harriet Ann Wheeldon, another daughter of Mrs. Wheeldon, who also was tried on the same chareres- was acquitted. Mrs. Wheeldon was sentenced to 10 1 years' penal servitude. A sentence of seven years was Imposed upon Alfred Mason, while his wife was sentenced to five years penal servitude. Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst, the suf frage leader, by permission of Judge Low, went to the witness-box to con trovert the statement alleged to have been made by Mrs. Wheeldon to the ffect that the suffragetles had spent 300 in an attempt to poison Premier Lloyd George by driving a poisoned nail Into his boot. Premier Regarded as Valuable. Mrs. Pankhurst declared that such a statement was absolutely false In every rj&rtlcular. adding: "The Women's Social and Political Union regards the Premier's life as of the greatest value in the present grave crisis, and its members would, if neces- arv. take great risks themselves to Droteet it from danger." - In an eloquent and vigorous speech today. In summing up the case of the four prisoners, S. H. Rlza, the Moham medan lawyer who is acting as attor ney for the defendants, startiea tne courtroom by suggesting a trial by ordeal. He referred to the medieval form of Judicial trial in which. In place f evidence, supernatural aid is in-1 voked. as in a test by fire, water, pol- Bon or other agencies. Detective's Presence Urged. Attorney Rlza had been endeavoring I to Impress the Jury with the alleged inlster significance of the failure of the crown to produce a certain witness against the defendants. This person. he said, was a "man who should have been Its principal witness, namely, the mysterious secret government agent known as Gordon." The attorney declared the man was a police spy who had started the whole plot; who had lured the defendants on and then, when he had got them well within his nt, had handed them over to another agent named Booth so that his own connection with the case would not be so flagrantly apparent. Why wasn't It possible for Gordon to come Into court and face the Jury?" asked the lawyer. .'Because from him. he continued, "the Jury would have drawn a very different version of the case. The case rests wholly on the evidence of Booth who, moreover, was allowed to read the whole of his evi dence. In the absence of this mysteri ous Gordon this trial Is not a trial. Proposal Amazes Judge. "Before the Jury commits the defend ants it should Insist on the production of Gordon in the Interests of the public and the safety of the country." Then, after a long and Impressive pause. Attorney Rlza suddenly said: 'In the absence of Gordon I would suggest that the defendants should have a trial by ordeal." The judge was puzzled and said: I fear that would be Impossible. It has been abolished. Do you seriously I Buggeat tne iaaies snouia walk over hot ploughshares to prove their In nocence?" . Riza I do. The Judge It Is no use submitting such a suggestion. You are uot seri ous? Rixa I do seriously suggest It. still. Brokers who thought a few days ago that they had telegraphic orders to buy for Chicago account, were faced -svit h a horde of cancellations toaay. Further declines are expected. It Is estimated that there are 450 carloads of potatoes in Washington. A week York every once and so often to let shine. Her attire struck, that note of harmonious simplicity upon which, the leading fashion writers harp. She wore a three-piece suit, a string of pearls ana some aiamonas. -"XTZZZ. ".r;;r:"V,- .V- i... The skirt was white silk or velvet or Sl uio ucoi. aaL..u,.u, .hlmTTUrV stuff. .than one-half this amount. U-BOATS WILL BE SUNK (Continued From First Page.) of an American merchant vessel would entitle that ship to act on the. theory that It was to be attacked. In determining whether or not to declare war upon the United States, Germany unquestionably will take into account the recent acts of this bov ernment- They include: 1. Armament of merchant ships. Opening of Money Market Cited. 3. Opening of the American market once more to allied securities. sh bJbo wore a white straw nat stiH noma diamonds, a white siik shirtwaist cut low and more diamonds. white velvet coat ana aiamona gar ters. ' . "Diamonds are a hoddt wiui mo. she admitted. SPRING HERE, INDIAN SAYS Chief Taholah Asserts Frogs Calling - Snow Is Sign.. O.VKVILLB. Wash-.March 10. (Spe cial.) Pilchuck Julia has been given 3. Disapproval by the State Depart- more publicity than any, other Indian mint of the attitude of the Shipping woman on mo V? r kl u th. mnt Board in protesting against British does not mean that she is mf . , , 7. rninnlar nouaw. or that her weather 4 Certainty that CoAgress will ap- predictions are all pleasing to the gen i a cmn n Art nnn I Aral nubile. S. expended b7 the" Pres'ide"nV for d In fact, old Chief Taholah Is the pop- a i ii. u ar one. He drove the nail right chips upon the high sea. square on the head when he said In reopening the American money Spring will soon come. He maintains market, diplomats whose countries are that the frogs brought the recent snow j ,u i.i, o-. ,. nn to cover themselves before they woke ernment has delivered Its greatest up and called Spring. He Bays this is blow to the Teutonic cause. They ex- an old and reliable Indian sign when pect the action to be followed up by a snow comes at m uuw-w BROKE HIMSELF OF SMOKING CIGARETTES State Sells Captured Skins. A quantity of beaver, muskrat and mink skins, comprising loot taken in a number of raids made in the effort to stOD illegal trapping, were sold yes terday by the State Fish and Game Commission to suverrieia e -o., , r t i ttj im l Portland, for $201.50. The skins sold 3. U louis i'ian uruae xuuiBtru .luded 34 beaver, five muskrat and Smoking; Cigarettes and Chewing by a Simple Home Remedy. Harry Risks, a well-known resident Jiving at 2016 S. 11th St, broke him self of the cigarette habit and chewing with a simple recipe that he mixed at home. In reply to the question as to what he used he made the following statement: "I used a simple recipe which I mixed at home and which Is as follows: To 3 oi. of water add 10 grains of Muriate of Ammonia, a small box of "Varlex Compound and 10 grrs. of Pepsin. I took a teaspoonful three times a day. Any druggist can mix Jt for you at very little cost. "This recipe can be taken yourself or given secretly to another in coffee, tea or milk -or in food, as it has no taste, c olor or emell and is perfectly harm less.'' ASV, two mink. The money for the sale goes Into the fish and game fund. Judge Morris Recovering: OLTMFTA. Wash.. March 10. (Sp btaL) Supreme Judge George E. Mor rls, ex-Chief Justice, is reported reeov. ering steadily tonight from an opera tion for appendicitis. He yas appointed to the Supreme Court by Governor Hay. WESTERN U. S. IS OFFERED (Continued From Flrt Pago.) CLARKE DOCKET IS LIGHT Only Criminal Case Is That of the Connty Liquor Detective. VANCOUVER. Wash., March 10 (Especial.) Though as Jurors were drawn today to form the panel for the April Jury term of the Superior Court in Clarke County, there will be little lor them to do unless some of the liti gants .demand a Jury trisj for civil cases, or someone commits a crime be fore the court session opens. There Is but one criminal case to be tried and. that was continued from last term, V. McDaniel, a detective em ployed by the county, who Is charged witft misrepresenting tacts to secure liquor prescription from a local physi cian, who was acquitted of Illegally issuing a prescription to McDaniel. There are but one or two civil cases to be tried so far on the docket. The court term will commence April 10. EVELYN EDWARDS BURIED SSM Father Warren Waltt, of St. Ste phen's Catholic Parish, Officiates. Funeral services for Evelyn Adelle Edwards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Edwards of 325 East Forty-first street, were held from the Holman ehapel yesterday at 2 o'clock with in terment in Mount Calvary Cemetery. Father Warren A. Waltt. pastor of St. Stephens Roman Cotholic Church, offi ciated at the ceremonies. The pallbearers were Frank S. Smith and George L. Baker, for he Royal rtosarians, ana s. C Gratton and E. S. Hlggins, of the Ad Club. Mrs. Roy T. Brookings played the organ and Miss Rachel Gates sang "Lead Kindly Light and "Abide with Me." timony of Admiral Winslow that a single modern dreadnought could sub due every warship we now have on ths Pacifio Coast, and If the Panama Canal be closed a well-equipped enemy approaching from the Orient could then capture and hold successfully ' for a long period the . entire .country Ijlng west of the Rockies, $77.50 Overstuffed Davenports dTu Pf A sfr n- &j V Take your choice of beautiful new over stuffed tapestry-covered Davenports with three loose cushions, upholstered Spring cushion back and big, roomy, comfortable arms. A corking big value for this week at special price of $37.90. Pay $4 Now, Balance $1 a Week - - i N V -f X- .SP Dining -Room Furniture and Rugs Arriving Daily Every train brings a new shipment of latest de signs in dining-room furniture and Spring rugs. As fast as these shipments are received they are opened and displayed. Call any time this week and see this wonderful exposition of interesting wares for the Spring house furnishing. The easi est kind of easy terms. $25 Simmons Steel Beds $15.85 Simmons' seam less steel double beds in white enamel, Vernis Martin and mahogany finish, of a quality reg ularly selling for $25. Take your choice now for $15.85. $1 Cash; 50c a Week ' '''''' ' Vesta Combination Range $87.50 Tho Vesta Combina tion Range operates on coal or gas. There are two large baking ovens both may be used to gether if desired a 4 hole top for wood or coal and a 4-burner top ''for gas polished top "- J does not require black . I; 3 ing. -The fire box Is .if equipped with duplex J grates and heavy fire lining, special attach ment for lighting wood or coal fire eliminates the use of kindling. Trade in your old Range Pay $5 Month. Oak Library Table Now $9.95 Beautiful natural grain oak li brary table, golden wax finish, S8x24-inch top, 6helf underneath and a book rack at both ends. Spe cial this week $9.95. $1 Cash, 50c a Week. Out-of -Town Folks The publication of our new catalogue has been unavoidably delayed, but out-of-town customers who write will be sup plied with photographs of home furnish ings. Send in your order for your Spring goods before the assortments are broken. Remember your credit is good, no matter what part of the state you may live in. Write, stating your wants, and we will cheerfully and promptly respond. Your credit is good. Our Exchange Dept. Edwards' Exchange Department is a Wonderland of interesting bargains. Shop-worn and damaged articles are renovated and sold in this department at prices from one-quarter to one-half of their real value. Goods taken in exchange as part pay ment on new furniture are also included in this department, at prices attractive indeed. bi e i h i ""i i r - ii rf-i I ni Baby's Photo FREE! With every Go-Cart and Perambu lator purchased from us we will give you an order on a leading local pho tographer, who will take your baby's picture absolutely free and give you one beautiful Sepia Photo, size 10x12. Take advantage of this offer early. Our Go-Cart line is very complete. Among those which we recommend are the "FULTON" and "FOYER," in tan or black, and the "Sturgis" Perambu lator in ivory, gray and green. The "Fulton" has artillery wheels and a waterproof, crack-proof mohair top. Prices to fit every purse and varie ties for. each taste. You can have terms on every Go-Cart, $1 a Week. lllllllllilillillllillHIllliiililllllllllllllllllllllU TEACHER'S BURIAL IS SET! Funeral of Miss Pearl Montgomery Will Be Tomorrow. Pearl Montgomery, teacher of tho pri mary ffne.de a.t Eliot school, who died at the iiood Samaritan Hospital last Friday, will be laid to rest from Kin ley's undertaking establishment tomor row at 3 P, M, Miss iletta Brown, teacher at liliot school, will sing. The ceremony will be attended by many teachers and pupilB who knew and loved Miss Montgomery, Principal 8, U, Downs, f Eliot scnooi, taia ane was una tt lufl oest teachers the school aver had. Heart disease was the cause of death, and Miss Montgomery had been at Good Sa maritan Hospital sine last October, She had been, a teacher In the Portland schools since 1907. Three years ago her health failed and for s time she was In California. She Is survived by her mother and step-ramer. m u.o y near Vancouver. Wash. VANCOUVER GETS CANNERY Northern Brewing Company Plant To Be XTsed, Is Report. VANCOUVER. Wash., March 1ft. r;nil.) The Interstate Products Company, with a capital stock of $30,- 000 was incorporated nere loony iu tu gare In the business of canning, preserving- and evaporating fruits and vegetables, making fruit beverages, ex tracts and syrups and manufacturing ice. Ernest Mueller, o Vancouver, ana H. Jacobsen and L. M. Hanrig, of Port land, are the Incorporators. It 13 reported that the company has leased the plant of the Northern Brew ery Company, known as tne oiar urew ery, which has been Idle for more than 16 months, and which was sold; to the bondholders, last week. Mi Mueller, one of the Incorporators, has been watchman at the brewery since It-closed. Lewis Ttlver Span to Be Installed. wiT(mTj TT7 b. Mrrh 10. r- -TJ-( V, t Vi a nfTt TAW GATi lap3i;ia.l. . . . i... . . . . . sieei n Dl nci a " " o - ' - steel work for the new 150-foot steel bridge which Is to oe duui cro Lewis River at La Center, on the Pa .m. nrrhwiv. Th foundations have been completed by the county. When tno worK oi puumt " - started the Paclflo Highway will be closed for four or Ave days. During that, time trafflo will make a long de tour lO i,WHTUiO. Washington Auto Tag Issued. VANCOUVER. Wash- Maroh 10. (Special.) The first of the new Wash ington automobile lioenae tags was re ceived In Vancouver today from the Secretary of State's office at Olympia Tha tags are black with white letters. Next sear's tags jvlU have a patented device which will make It necessary te change tags only every three or four years, except for a small year "plate which clamps onto the end of the tag. In this way the state will bo saved about $50,000 annually. Earl Marshall to Wed. TACOMA. Wash.. March 10. (Spe cial.) Earl Marshall, of Central Point, Or., and Ida Rocca. Enumclaw, Wash., were granted a marriage license here today. Ixsser Hurt at Oakvlllo. OAKVILLE. Wash.. March 10 (Spe cial.) Tuesday eVernoon, while work ing In the rigging of the Oakvllle Lumber- Company's camp, Frank Pearson, half owner of the outfit, and woods Humphreys' Seventy-seren For Colds Influenza, Cold Feet!! v When the circulation of the blood is checked by taking Cold the heart does not pump the blood strong enough to reach the extremities, hence cold feet. A brisk rub with Bay Bum or Alco hol, If handy, or with a rough towel, and an Immediate dose of "geventy seven" will restore the circulation and break up the Grip or Cold. BS sents and $1.00 er mailed. . Humphreys' Homee, kladlclaa Co.. ISO .William Street, Ksw ork. . . . boss, narrowly escaped with his life I hauled. He sustained a severely when he beeame entangled In the main bruised leg. and will not be able to line near the losr which was being I work for some time. STOP WORRYING ABOUT YOUR HEAD NOISES and K"r.-:''?yi tJ . J - -i. - ... -.Jsf . : mm 3V : - , ft-.-' - GET HELP Dont vrorry about those bead noises of yonra and don't nesrlect them. Worry only makes them worse, bat something must be done, or you will be deaf. Wouldn't you like your case to be like this one from Pennsylvania t "Quits free from any rrelses in the head or any aign of deafness." Or this one from WlnnlpeT "I can hear aa good aa I ever aid. tnanlt God-' and there are no head noises whatever nOr this one from Washington. T. C. ? T never have those dreadful head noises any mtOr this one from Vermont from a man slxtv years old T "My hearing Is fine now. I hear just as I did when I was twenty years old. No more head noises, nothing- but perfect health and the Joy of living; to praise .-mi. ..rvirH ta the whole II n ! VP! HP." If you want to know how to be cured of your head and earnolses. all you need to do is this: answer the questions, yes or no, write your tun namo ana aaare? piainiv on me dotted lines, cut out the "ree Medical A.- vice Coujyea ana mu it at ones w CUT OUT THIS COUPON Answer These Questions It entitles you to medical advice FBES on curing head noises. Jo yonr ears throb? lo your ears crsck? ' I your ears feel full? Is your hearing falling? Do you have pains tn ths ears? How long have yon bad ths noises? Is the sound sometimes a hissing one? Is the sound sometimes m ringing one? Have yon had discharges from the ear? Are the noises worse when you havs a eold? ro the noises erar keep yea awake at night? Is there a snipping sQond la the ears when you blow your nose? FULL N A ME1 s ADDKES3 Answer the questions on the coupon abv send It to Ear Specialist Sproule. 858 Trad Building. Boston. He will send you a full debcriptlon of your case and medical advlee free aa to the proper treatment. The Spe cialist Is a graduate of Dublin University. Ireland, in Medicine and Surgery, and w formerlv a Surgeon In the British Royal Mail Naval Kervlce. and for oO years has made a specialty of ear troubles. ' Hundreds and hundreds of people all over the United 6tates and Canada have had their hearing restored, axjd other hundreds of suf ferers from Head Noises have been saved from deafness through his New Method. He will tell you all about It. and Just how you may be rid right In your own home of those confusing, terrible, wesring sounds, whlrh almost threaten your reason at times. Think of the joy of being free of tho awful dread that you are slowly, but surely grow ing deaf and to be shut up In a worse than prl..on silence. Write riprlit now. Ear Specialist Sprnnle. 358 Trade BuUdlug, liostoa. it. : -' - I $': . . i- 4". I 4i r A