r 10 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. MARCH 4, 1917. MARCH IS TO BE "GO-TO-CHURCH MONTH" IN PORTLAND k t , - -v ---. ..-v .r-..- MARCH will bo "Go-to-Church" month. The Portland Ministe rial Association voted to Indorse tho movement and encourage its ob servance. Today will be the first day of the campaign, which will be carried on for the entire month. Details for the most efficient way to attract large attendance at church meetings will be discussed tomorrow at the meeting: of all the ministers at the Young Men's Christian Association. The Presbyteri ans will hold an every-member canvass today. They have been preparing for this event for several weeks. On Fri day their deacons, elders and leaders met in the First Presbyterian Church and held a rally that was addressed by three of the leading: ministers of the denomination. Dr. W. W. Youngson. district super intendent of the Methodist Church, ha? asked all the ministers of his district to send him by card a report of attend ance at Sunday schools and churches for each Sunday from now until Easter. The report will be presented to Bishop Hughes. Other denominations are work ing along similar lines. It Is the aim of the committee to get each person in the church interested and to get every one working. Espe cial plea will be made to those who are hiding their lights under a bushel, or their church letters In a trunk, to come and join the forces. The young people will be requested to ask their friends to attend church. Today will be a great day for the Baptists of the White Temple and the Kast Side Church. At the one, the new pastor. Rev. Calvin B. Waller, will com mence his ministry, and at the other Rev. W. B. Hinson will take charge of the pulpit as permanent castor. Jews Will Celebrate Feast of Purim on March 8. Frutlval Is Joyous Minor Affair Held In Commemoration of leii v era nee. THE Feast of Purlm or Lots, whlcn falls this year on March 8 (corre sponding to the 14th day of Adar of the Hebrew calendar). Is a Joyous minor festival of the Jews and Is celebrated by them In commemoration of their auspicious deliverance from imminent destruction, as narrated with fine dra matic power in the Book of Esther. The Purim story takes us back for its setting to ancient Persia. Haman, Prime Minister of the realm and pam pered favorite of the king, feeling him self especially affronted because the Jew Mordecai, alone of those at the palace gate, had refused him homage, came to cherish not only a rankling resentment against the one Jew who had crossed him, but also a passionate animosity against all the Jews aa such. In order to work their ruin, he calum nitated them to the king, accusing them of clannlshness and lack of patriotism, of being alien enemies and the like ialse charges which have become the stock-in-trade of anti-semites ever since. Happily the appeal to race and religious prejudice did not, in this instance at least, lead to outright mas sacre of the Jews. The brave interces sion of Queen Esther, who in her ele vation to the throne did not forget her people saved the Jews from the cruel late which threatened. The archplotter Haman came to an ignominious end. And Mordecai, in rec ognition of the public services he had rendered, was given high office. To celebrate the happy outcome, the festi val of Purim was instituted as an an-; JESUS REGARDED AS POWER IN AGES BEFORE HIS BIRTH Personality Traced Through Gospels by Dr. John D. Boyd as Word "Which Entered Into Flesh of Human Being, BT DR. JOHN II. BOTD, Pafttor of tho FlrBt Presbyterian Church. Twellth and Alder Streets. John 1:14 "And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His Klory, Klory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth." THERE is a very obvious and a sig nificant difference between John's story of Jesus, and that of the other Gospel writers. To illustrate, Matthew and Luke begin their narratives by telling us of the annunciation of the angel to the maiden, Mary; then the midnight song of the angels; the visit of the Eastern sages to worship at the feet of the new-born child; then the picture of the questioning of th boy in the temple; and after this, the pub lic ministry, marvelous incident after incident rollout and deep, illumi nating truths fall from the lips of the great teacher. There is an un folding of the life and personality of Jesus by gradual steps, until at last a Peter discerns that his friend Is Indeed the divine Son of God! OrK" some Thomas last nas uncovered a. nermost reality Dr. J. II. Boyd. that before him is his Lord and his God! Such is the process by which the gos pels uncover the realities of the nature of Jesus Christ. Far otherwise la it with the Gospel of John. The very first touch of the writer's pen to paper tells us that there was a presence, a power, a personality, who was with God, and so intimately with God, so identified with God. that he was God! He was the creative energy of the Eternal; all worlds were made by him; not any thing that was made was made except by himl He put the sun and moon and stars into the abysses of space I He rounded out the earth! He begat life In all its myriad forms, as the very fountain of life! He was the light, that everywhere diffuses Itself through the universal intelligence of humanity, wrought in a thousand forms of truth, through all the thought processes of history! Word Enters Into Flesh. He was a grace that lay upon the heart of humanity, working gentleness and goodness wherever it was to be found! At last he that thus wrought in creation and poured himself along the processes of man's spirit and man's consciousness, tLia word entered into flesh, took a human body, thought in a human mind, willed in human voli tion, Joved in human passions. It is thus that John brings us Into the presence of that most stupendous and, to our intelligence, baffling fact of Incarnation. Whatever may be our willingness or our unwillingness tq receive the reality, there is no mistaking the language of the apostle. He says that Jesus who Was born did not begin to be when he was conceived by the Virgin Mary, but that he was before all time, before all worlds, in an eternity before all eter nities, that his body with its animating aoul was not as It is with us the whole outfit of his personality, but that there was a pre-ex!stence. and that pre-ex-lstence, and that pre-existent power and personality and presence, animated a human body, thought with a human mind, and wrought with human hands and lived a human life. We are standing- now upon the bor nual day of rejoicing', a day of sending of gifts to friends and remembering the poor. Naturally enough Purlm came to have a strong popular appeal to the Jew during the later centuries of persecu tion. The story of deliverance which Purlm told spelt a message of hope and courage to those undergoing sore op pression. And the merry festivities with which the holiday was celebrated brought brightness and cheer into the gloom of the Ghettos. The spirit of Purim was throughout more social than religious. Its observance in the syna gogue was limited to the reading of the Book of Esther from the traditions scroil. In and outside of the homo, masquerades, plays and other entertain ments made up the celebration. The ..name Purim is derived, accord ing to the etymology given in the Book of Esther from a Persian word mean ing "lots," the name being given to the festival because Raman is said to have cast lots in order to determine the day on which to carry out his plot against the Jews. Dr. A. L. Hutchinson Speaks at Piedmont Church. "The Presbyterian Tree" Will " Be Topic This Morning- Various Ac tivities Planned for Week. LAST Sunday night Dr. A. L. Hutchi son, of Piedmont Presbyterian Church, gave the initial lecture of a new evening series on "Great Heart Thoughts of the World." The special topic was "The Fact of God." The second of the series will be giv- en this evening, the topic being "The Fact and Personality of Satan." This morning the pastor's topic will be "The Presbyterian Tree," being a presenta tion of the benevolent activities of the denomination, with a chart. The juvenile service will be resumed at the morning service by request. The Woman's Missionary Society has had an excellent year and will close with a 60 per cent advance in their offer ings. The Phldellis Chapter of West minster Guild also closes the year hap pily with an advance of nearly 30 per cent in their offerings. Next Tuesday night the Men's Com munity Club will hold an open meet ing, at which the women are to be present. A full-order chicken dinner will be served by the second division of the Women's Society. W. D. Wheelwright will be the guest and speaker of the evening. He will diseues "The League to Enforce Peace." A programme of music will be a fea ture of the evening. People of the community. Irrespective of church af filiation, are urged to be present. At Rose City Park Presbyterian Church tonight the monthly musical service will be given with solos and quartet from "The Beatitudes" (Ash ford). The Rev. J. M. Skinner will give a short address. Dr. Boyd Begins on Pre Easter Sermons Today. Morning Topic Will Be "la the Kntherliood of God a Reality f" First In Series of Three Talks. THE First Presbyterian Church, Twelfth and Alder streets. Rev. John IL Boyd. D. D., pastor, will begin today on the services leading up to Easter and preparatory for it. In the morning Dr. Boyd begins a series on derland of that almost Infinite area of human controversy the Incarnation the incarnation of God in the person of Jesus. You look back across these 20 centuries, and there you find that the mind of man has dealt with that stupendous reality, to receive or expli cate or analyze or define it, or else has met it with denial and repudiation! We are standing upon the edges of the profoundest abysses of metaphysics, wherein the thought of man is lost in darkness and confusion. We cannot follow. We cannot understand. It is not my purpose to argue with anyone. I attempt to prove nothing. I am be fore you for the purpose of definition and description. I am going to make you see what we mean when we use the abyssmal word. Incarnation. We mean this: That within the na ture and personality of Jesus Christ there are elements, essential features, qualities and essences, which are not human. And therefore he cannot justly be wholy classified with humanity. That you may take him, examine him by all the processes and methods of an exact criticism. You may deal with him as you deal with human nature, and when your scrutiny is as profound as possi ble and your analysis has reached its last and deepest expression, there is still something there which Is not hu man. New Element Discovered. Let me illustrate: I refer you to the methods of the chemical analyst. These new elements of matter, these funda mental atoms, of which there are some 70 or 80, have all been discovered by some such process as this: By the chemist's microscopic examination or test within the crucible, he has discov ered the known elements, one after an other, but at last he discovers that there is certain behavior or reaction on tho part of atoms within his crucible which do mot conform to the properties of any atom with which chemistry is acquainted. He then goes deeper into nia analytical processes; ha separates, he eliminates, he dissipates, all the known elements, and at last there is a residuum which does not correspond to any otner atom in its properties, and he discovers a new element of matter! Now, take that simple Illustration. Here is what we are claiming for Jesus of Nazareth: Put him into the crucible of human nature, analyze him in his psychological part, do anythlntr with him, and when you have reached your last and final investigation, and have separated this element and that ele ment as belonging to known humanity there remains within the crucible of analysis and criticism a residuum that is not human! Lines of Light Differ. - Let me use another illustration which may be illuminating: I assume that everyone, except the little children, in this audience knows what the solar spectrum is. the breaking up of the white light of the sun. let us sav. or the burning light from the fusion of any substance whatsoever. That light, when passed through a prism of glass. Is dissolved into a multi-colored scheme violet and yellow and red and green and blue. Now, then, that solar spectrum, with its varied colors, has across it lines re vealed only by the microscope, and these lines differ according to the source of light. If oxygen be burnt, there will be certain lines that will be characteristic of oxygen: if iron be used, the lines will conform to the characteristics of Iron light. Thus it is that chemistry has won its marvelous achievements in investigation and dis covery of what the sun and the distant stars are composed of. W know of what material the fire Ministerial Association Lays Campaign to Encourage Observance. . u nan i , mi mi umjjiiiuj . r i K Li HsiMnmiM tr m-mrii(iTiTi in taTT mCs-S1 lv:, v If Apr M i. 111 V' i ' V- v w- 1 1 A . ' V J - ,v -r- -V I v . .y a y- .vt I Y ' : -r- - if L :A .3 1 : r s,j A ! ..ii S Dr. William !acung'son the "Fatherhood of God." He will treat of this topic in three parts on three successive Sunday mornings. The first subject which will be con sidered this morning is "Is the Father hood of XJod a Reality?" The second, which comes on March 12, Is "The Beauty and Terror of the Fatherhood of God." The third, which will be given on March 19, is "The Claims of the Fatherhood of God." The evening services from now until Easter will be directed toward that great anniversary. This evening Dr. Boyd will give by special request the Bermon which he recently delivered at Leland Stanford, and which made a de cided impression among the students there, "Does the Modern Man Need a Soul?" In this address an answer is given to the materialists who claim that the idea of a soul is a mere super stition. All of these evening services will be enriched by special music by the reg ular quartet and the addition of a large orchestra. This orchestra will consist of about 25 pieces, under the leadership of William Bittle Wells, and will Include the use of the pipe organ played by Edgar E. Coursen. The T. W. C. A. vesper service Sun day at 4:30 o'clock will be In charge of the Ergathea Bible class of the First Methodist Church, of which Miss C. B. Clark is the teacher. Miss Alice A. Moore will preside. The following spe cial numbers will be given: Piano solo. Miss Witter; reading, "A Hand ful of Clay." (Van Dyke), Miss Ogllbee; vocal solo, Mies Schmuckli; two gems. Miss Hinton. A social hour will fol low. Every girl la invited. In view of the increasing clamor for preparedness, "Some Fundamental Principles Involved In the Appeal to Physical Force" will be presented in the light of the Lord's word at the 11 o'clock service of the New Church So ciety (Swenenborgian) at Eilers Hall, Broadway and Alder, this morning by Rev. William R. Reece. The pastor will take as a text: "All they that take the sword shall perish by the of the dog-star SIrius are enkindled, by studying the lines within the spectrum of that distant star. A few years ago an investigator discovered that there was in every spectrum of the sun fixed. Invariable lines which do not belong to carbon or sodium or potassium or any of the fundamental elements known to science. And with slow, painstaking investigation he discovered the source of those lines in an unknown sub stance, and thus it was that the new element of "argon" was added to the list of elemental atoms and substances. Study of Personality Advised. Just let that illustration lead you up to this thought: Fuse the personality of Jesus Christ; put him. If you please, through the fire of criticism and psy chological and penetrative analysis of all the elements of human nature; pass the light from that fusion through your prism, and then study the spectrum of the personality of Jesus Christ! There are the lines of a human men tality; there are the lines of a human volition; there are the lines of a hu man love; there are the lines of an or dinary human influence. But, ah, there are certain lines in that spectrum which are not made by anything- that is human! That !s what we mean! There you get thexact idea: That when we pass the light from the fusion of the per sonality of Jesus Christ through the prism, and study the spectrum of his luminous being, we discover these lines, elements, features, essences, which are not from any human source, which do not belong to the fusion of any human personality. And therefore we say at last that there is an element, a new substance, a new essence, a new reality, and that that rality in the Man of Naz areth is nothing less than a part of the divine Itself! Let us study briefly several of these lines In this marvelous spectrum of the son of Mary. Man is a religious being. He has always been religious. The re ligious life of humanity is so primary. Is so constant and self-revealing, that through all the generations of mankind we have seen its manifestations. We know how the religious spirit reveals Itself. We know when a man is relig ious. Every feature of it, every line of it is perfectly familiar to us. " Habits of Communion Simple. Now, Jesus of Nazareth was a relig ious man. His sense of God was deeper and more Intense than that of other men, and yet it appears to be purely human in its manifestation. He was a man of prayer. His habits of com munion with God were perfectly simple and normal more constant and Intense and intimate than any of us reach, but at last his habits of prayer were simplv and beautifully normal and human. notice this, that in the religiousness f this man there appears a line which does not belong to the religiousness of any other human soul! All other spirits of men have had to struggle to conform their wills to the will of the all-righteous! You and I have to do it. Those lofty spirits that knew God and com muned with him on the mountain top or in the cell of the monastery or nunnery they felt that there was some essential difference between their nature and the righteousness of the most high, between their hearts and the purity of the divine. Therefore, you will find that in every religious ex perience there is struggle, there is a consciousness that there is a disparity, there is a want of harmony between the nature of the human and the nature of the divine. More than that, every religious spirit of earth has had its moment of intense, painful self -consciousness, when the In MEX ACTIVE IX CURRENT EVENTS IX PORTLAXD CHIUCHKS. Rev. C. O. McCulloch, pastor of Epworth Church, is a -leader In the movement to make Maiuftt a banner month In church attend ance throughout the city. Rev. William MacLeod, pastor o Forbes Presbyterian Church. 1b beginning a series of sermons on "Trails to the Golden City." Dr. William Wallace Toungson, superintendent of the Portland district, will ask all Methodist ministers of the district to report to him an attendance during March. Dr. Joshua Stanefleld, pastor of First Methodist Church, known as one of the most earnest speak era in the Northwest, will assist at the ceremonies at which the mortgage of the Deaconess Home will be burned. w,ord," Matt. xxvl:62. Tho society, which is feeling a new impulse of life, will hold "fellowship feast No. 2" Friday evening, March 9, at the T. M. C. A. cafeteria (basement) at 6 P. M. A programme consisting of five-minute talks by all present is being arranged, the theme being "Experiences That Brought Me Into the New Church." All members and friends are invited. Confirmation at St. Michael's Set for March 18. Special Lenten Services Scheduled for Next k rro Sundays. THE Rt Rev. Walter T. Sumner. Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church for the Diocese of Oregon, will make bis annual visitation to St. Michael and All Angels' Episcopal equality between the act of the human will and the demand of the divine will was releaved in painful clearness, when the soiling of the hand becomes a hid eous, cancerous thing, against which the sensitive eoul cries out. and there Is a longing for mercy, a desire for for giveness, a sense of shame, an appeal for divine patience and mercy it's everywhere in the universal conscious ness of the religious man! Forsrlvcness Xcr Asked. But notice that in the spectrum which we are studying there are two lines which appear In no other relig ioua experience. The man that we are studying is never conscious of any dif ference between his will and the divine will! He never struggles to be obe dient. There is never in all the activi ties of his Innermost and deepest self one pang of regret, one moment of shame! He commands, he Invites, he warns the men around him concerning the evil which they are doing, but he never has any sense of evil within himself, and never utters a cry for divine patience or forgiveness! No, there's a line in the personality of Jesus of Nazareth in the spectrum of his life that you cannot discover in the life of any other! Let us study another line. Look at the man! First, there he is in the sim ple, quiet, normal life superbly bal anced: note the magnificent poise of him! You take all the processes of his mind; you take all the feelings of his heart; you find nothing there that you find in Joan d'Arc. There Is no vision there. He never dreams those deep, momentous dreams which next day are impulses to drive htm to action. He is not given to visions. Isaiah la Ezeklel la But you never find that element in Jesus of Nazareth, so mag nificently normal, so perfectly balanced In his psychological life. He never has anything like the ecstacles of an Ed ward Irving. You that study psychol ogy will understand me perfectly when I say that there is nothing abnormal psychologically in Jesus. None of those strange moods and qualities and men tal states which are so common with the ordinary dreamers. Jesus Simply Normal. The man is perfectly and simply nor mal, quietly sane, with a superb poise and yet, listen! In his calmest mo ments there drop from his Hps fearful assertions! I am the judge of all man kind!" "I have come to be a king, and 1 am going to reign over humanity." "Men are to reverence me with the same reverence that they give to God." "No man can come to the Father except by me." "I am the light of the world." "I am the way. the truth and the life." "In me is eternal life; and whosoever believes in me shall have eternal life; and he that belleveth not is in death and shall abide in death," He says these things without any ecstacles, without any wlldness of passlonl They drop from his lips in the calmest hours of his being! You say that they are mere asser tions. They are. But what assertions are they? Any other asserting such things would have wrecked himself. He would have been classified as an im postor or else as insane. But this colossal man, this stupendous person ality, stands there dropping these as sertions with the strangest self-consciousness that humanity ever had! There's a line that is not in the mind of any other human being. You cannot find It in Socrates. You cannot find it in the apostle Paul. You may study the spectrum of any -other hu man personality that ever crossed the centuries and you cannot find anything n i. i Church in Rose City Park. Sunday morning, March IS. to officiate at the confirmation service. Tho candidates for confirmation will bo presented by the Rev. T. F. Bowen. vicar In charge Dean McCollister will deliver a spe cial Lenten sermon today at S o'clock at St. Michael and All Angels' Church. East Forty-third street and Brpadway. Next Sunday Rev. Thomas Jenkins will speak at the same hour and place. Among the friends and admirers of Dr. W. B Hlnson none will rejoice more heartily over his return to Portland than the students of McMinnville Col lege. For the five and a half years that he was pastor of the WhKe Tem ple twice monthly he lectured to the students. A union meeting of the different de nominations at Fratum, Or., will be held Sunday. March 11, at 11 o'clock, in the Mennonlte Church. The Mettw corresponding to that In their self coneciousness. Let us take a third line. Look at him again. He is a peasant of Galilee, a friendless man. Just a little circle of a dozen or a score of friends around him. He never made any roar or blare in the world. The greatest thing he ever did made so little noise that even a Herod or a Pilot only lifted his ear fora moment to listen. It was a mere village agitation beside a little Gall lean lake; a mere mob of a moment within the temple area of a Jewish city. He never succeeded. When he died, there was not a single soul who had any confidence that he was ever going to come back to the world again or would mean anything to the world. Yet that man, who could not makl a success of his agitation, who could not command the allegiance or the de votion of the multitudes, who never made an impression upon Jerusalem ex cept to make the authorities hate him and crycify him that man, lying upon the cushions in the house of a man, Simon the leper, said: "Wherever the story of my life -Is told, what this woman hath done shall be told as a memorial of her." The man of Nazareth seems to know that he possesses the future, and with all of his failure there is a vitality In his life which will never perish from the world. And therefore he says he Is going to immortalize Mary's memory, when, dear fellow, he is going to per ish at the end of the week himself in disgrace! Ah, more than that. He lifted his finger and pointed down the coming centuries and he said: "If I be lifted up on the cross of crucifixion all men will be attracted to me, will look at me and wil come to me. Go ye out unto the nations of the world and lay my authority and my com mands upon them and baptize them In my name!" Nero Words Forgotten. What abkurdlty what rank Insanity Is this? But. ah. he did it. Note this, that 35 years after Jesus of Nazaretn was crucified upon Golgotha, another young man died in the city of Roma For 17 years that young man, dying at the age of 31. had been the horror of all the civilized world. I am re ferring to Nero a most ridiculous figure, as atrocious and ' wicked man as ever crossed the centuries. Yet In some way he had won the affection and the admiration of all the Roman Empire, and they were so devoted to the Emperor Nero that they believed that if he did die he would return again. "Nero will returnf Is the word that went out the night that he died. You readers of history perhaps have never heard that fact about Nero before. The world has forgotten it, and yet all the Roman Empire expected Nero to come out of the grave after he died. It was such a persistent and such an extended expectation that you will find traces of It in the Book or Revelation, that Nero was to arise srgaln from the dead and reign In the world. Look at the contrast! Here is a man who died in disgrace, a wicked malefactor upon either side of bim. He died amid the mockery of the world; only a few peasants mourned at his grave. A woman or two took their spices down to the lone sepul chre the gift of charity to a friend less man's body. They go down there and nobody expects him to arise again. The night that Jesus of Nazareth lay in the sepulchre of Joseph of Aram athea there was not a person in all the world who ever expected to see him alive again! The third day 11 men became convinced that he had odists will close, up their church for the occasion and Rev. John Ovall will preach the sermon. The choirs will give several numbers. Rev. William G. Eliot. Jr., pastor of the Church of Our Father, Broadway and Yamhill street, will preach this morning on "Foreground and Back ground In the Time of War." At the Open Forum tonight, Charles P. Howard, president of the Central Labor Council, will speak on "Open and Closed Shops." "The Scarlet Letter" to Be Dr. Stansfield's Topic. Cily Commissioner Daly to Spenk at Forum on Haestlon of Municipal Light ins Plant. THE Sunday night service at the First Methodist Church will be worthy of particular note because it is the date for the regular monthly sermon lecture by the pastor. Dr. Josh ua Stansfield. On a similar occasion last month he spoke to a large audi ence on the "Inside of the Cup." In the sermon lecture tonight Dr. Stansfield will present "The Scarlet Letter." by Nathaniel Hawthorne, one of the finest bits of American litera ture, dealing searchingly with the great truths of sin, retribution and reconcil iation. This morning Dr. Stansfield will have for his theme "The Supreme Test." The quartet and vested choir will fur nish two numbers of special music at each service. On last Sunday Dr. Joseph K. Hart, of Reed College, finished a series of studies on the general topic of "The Significance of Our Foetal Problems Illustrated from the History of the Hebrews." ( The subject for consideration by the forum today will be "Shall Portland Have a Municipal Lighting Plant?" and Will H. Daly. Commissioner of Public Utilities for the city of Portland, will be the speaker.. This is a subject about which, all voters should be correctly in formed, as it is to be placed on the ballot for the election in June. The forum meets at 12:15 o'clock. Dr. Dyott Announces Topics for Lenten Sundays. J. Teal to Address Brotherhood of First Congregational "Church Tomorrow on Some of Shipping Problems of Portland. TN R. LUTHER R. DYOTT, pastor of XJ the- First Congregational Church, will conduct Lenten services in the church, speaking on Sunday evenings upon the following themes: March 4. 7:45 P. M., "Four Outstanding Facts Revealed Through the Bible"; March 11, 7:45, "A Square Deal With Your self"; March IS, 7:4 5 P. M., "Is It Pos sible for a Soul to Be Happy Without the Pardon of God?'; March 25, 7:45. "The Value of a Good Life"; April 1. 7:45, "Sharing In the Best"; April 8, 7:45, Easter praise services by the choir and address by the pastor. Dr. Dyott will conduct Lenten services on Thursday evenings, also, and have spe cial meetings during holy week. An event of special interest to men will take place in the parlors of the First Congregational Church on Mon day, March 6, at 7:45 P. M., under the auspices of the brotherhood of this chutf-h, when J. N. Teal will speak on the Shipping problems of Portland. The risen from the dead. Sixty days after ward 3000 men accepted the reality. A generation following the provinces of Rome had begun to receive tho fact, and 20 Christian centuries have Tome witness to the abiding and dominant power of that Nazarene. Course of Affairs Turned. Through generation after generation he has been the leader of human his tory. He has turned the course of human affairs out of their channels and given new direction and altitude to the ways that men go. He has been in the midst of ttie revolutions, and new departures and ascensions of civi lization. He has permeated all the living thought of the world. He has saturated our literature. He has In spired our divinest music. The man has laid his potential hand upon the centuries of the past, and is still reaching out to claim a larger future! That is what he said he would do. He said It when he lay upon the couch in Levi's house. He said it when he commanded his disciples to go and lay his authority upon all nations of the world. There Is nothing like that in the spectrum of mere humanity. No man has ever laid his hand upon the future and claimed to possess the unborn generations of the world. But this man did It. I know a little about humanity. I know how the heart beats and how the will acts; I know personality and its influences. So when I look upon this man and study the spectrum of his personality and life, I eliminate line after line that Is human, and that is human and that is human, nearly all of them human but at the last I know that there are lines there which are not human! There is a line of power there! There is a line of self-consciousness there! There Is a lino of conscious unity with God there, and it is no where else in human consciousness, and that Is God In Jesus Christ! I don't know how it got there I cannot understand the blending of it I have no chemistry which will enable me to analyze It; but when I see that per sonality, so unique, strange and large, I recognize there a power, which is not that of mere humanity. Life Is Mysterious. What power Is it? Just the power he said it would be the power of life. What Is the power of life? Here is life. Look at It in this blooming plant, glowing in Christmas splendor. Look at the grace and brilliancy of blended colors in that holly! Look at the matchless coloring of that scarlet poin settla that flaunts its glow of warmth against our wintry skies! Look at it! What created it? Life life life! What is Life? Life is a mysterious potentiality which manifests Itself by taking hold of inert, black atoms of matter, atoms of carbon, atoms of oxy gen, reaching out with all of its mys tical processes and grasping from air aid soil and moisture these elements and building them up into the forms and colorings and graces which is the glory of the world! That's what life is! It's a construct tlve potentiality which takes dull, in ert, lifeless, beautiless, dead elements of matter and makes them glow with grace and glory for the ravishing of our souls at Christmas time and through all the round year! Jesus says. "I am the life." What life? Life of the spiritual world; life in the world of men's souls; life in the world of men's minds; life in the realm of men's wills; life in the realm of men's hearts! " j And how does it manifest Itself? brotherhood and their friends will have dinner together at 6:30 o'clock, and Mr. Teal's address will follow. This organization has been holding success ful meetings during the last ten yeaxs, and the attendance is VI ways largo. The Atkinson Memorial Church has secured the Rev. E. R. Martin, district superintendent of the American Sun day School Union, for two addresses. to be illustrated with Vloptlcon col ored pictures and illuminated songs. The first address will be on this com ing Sunday evening, and the subject will be "The Man' of Naiareth." Ad mission free. The public is cordially Invited to attend. Dr. C. O. McCulloch will start a series of meetings in the Epworth Church to night. He will be assisted by Dr. Dan forth. who is widely known as a speaker and who was superintendent of a district in South Dakota. Deaconess Home Mortgage to Be Burned Tuesday. Deibt of S230O Met Anions; Various Methodist Churches of This Con ference. THE mortgage on the Deaconess Home of the Methodist Episcopal Church will be burned Tuesday night In Centenary Church, East Ninth and Pine, as $2500 recently has been raised among the various Methodist churches of the conference and this property, located at S15 East Flanders street, worth about $10,000. is now unlncum- bered. Last Summer four deaconesses lived in the homo. The work has so increased that now eight workers are there. Miss Nellie M. Curtlss came last Sum mer from Englewood, Chicago, to be the superintendent. The Home has been made possible through the exec utive officers: C. W. DeGraff. presi dent; E. N. Wheeler, secretary, and E. L. Keene. treasurer. Deaconess auxiliaries exist In most of the local churches thereby enlisting the co-operation of the women of Methodism. Dr. William Wallace Toungson, pres ident of the conference board of nine, having supervision over all deaconess work within the bounds of the Oregon Conference, and superintendent of the Portland district, will preside. Prayer will be offered by Dr. Joshua Stans field. The Scriptures will be read by Robert H. Hughes, editor of Pacific Christian Advocate. The Children's Vested Choir of tho Rose City Park Church, and the choir of Centenary Church, will sing special anthems. The message of the hour will be spoken by Matt S. Hughes, resident bishop. The burning of the mortgage will be of very special interest and surprise. For the promotion of the spirit of mutuality and as an evidence of the connectionalism of Methodism a great city-wide attendance is expected. "The Mountain and the Multitude" is the topic of Florence Crawford's lecture to be given this evening at 8 o'clock In Eilers Hall, corner of Broadway and Alder street. Robert Crane will sing "The Evening Star" from the opera "Thanhauser." Miss Eileen Scanlon also will give a solo. This morning at 11 o'clock Mrs. Craw ford speaks In "The Comforter" head quarters. 186 Fifth street, ler subject being "When Prophecy Fails." Both lectures are open to the publio. Swedish Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. John A. Wlllman, pastor, is gain- (Concluded on paire 11.) It manifests Itself as a constructive power, taking the low, brutish, dull, dead elements of common. earthly minds and hearts and wills, and trying to build them up into grace and beauty! He is doing it In the individual life! The power of the Christ is subtle, un seen, mystical. It is attempting to work Its way Into our Individual lives and lay hold of the common and un worthy elements of our Individuality and fashion them into a divine and beauriful man or woman! "Worlt In Eyerywherf, If you were to yield to Christ's in fluence If you were to yield to it aa the atoms of this plant have yielded to the life powers of the polnsettia. you would be fashioned into a nobler manhood or womanhood. He is work ing in the world, in the home, in the Nation, among universal mankind ev erywhere. Men are feeling him. Go into the counting-houses of business; look into the great Institutions of government and society, and you find there an ideal, principles of Justice, principles of right, principles of hu manity and brotherhood, which are somehow gripping our common mass of dark and disorganized humanity and struggling to build mankind into an order which is called the King dom or God: y) It's life that Is coming Into the world through the personality of Jesus- j Christ. Do you see it? This Is tho t meaning of Incarnation: That all the power of Divine Righteousness, Di vine Purity, Divine Good, Divine Mercy, has come upon the field of human need and have become available for humam lty through our Lord Jesus Chrlstl God is discharging through the person ality of Jesus of Nazareth into this world a vitalizing force which comes through him. which streams from him as light and heat and potentiality which deals with the mind and the will and the heart of humanity, and all in a constructive, redemptive attempt on the part of God to build humanity up toward the best. This is the meaning of incarnation. We look up into the calm, sweet fea tures of the Christ and he looks like a mere man; we take his hand and call him brother and friend. But when we look, and look deeper, we see more than man; and when we touch him and the world touches him, and lets his power deal with us, he moulds men in to his image! He lifts the world out of its darkness, its cruelty, its brutish ness. its warfare, into his peace. He Is Immanuell God has come near to humanity in the personality of Jesus of Nazareth. .This is the mean ing of the birth in Bethlehem. TODAY'S BEAUTY TALK You can enjoy a delightful shampoo with very little effort and for a very trifling cost. If you get from your drug gist a package of canthrox and dissolve a teaspcionful in a cup of hot water. This makes a full cup of shampoo liquid, enough so It is easy to apply it to all the hair Instead of Just the top of the head. Your shampoo Is now ready. Just pour a little at a time on the scalp and hair until both are en tirely covered by the daintily perfumed preparation that thoroughly dissolves and removes .every bit of dandruff, excess oil and dirt. After rinsing, the hair driee quickly, with a fluffiness that makes It seem heavier than it Is, and takes on a rich luster and a soft ness that makes arranging it a pleas ure. Adv. s r-. i" I) i. t . i ' 4 t i t 'r I r r .