- . " V - - .. .12 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, TOKTLAXD, MARCH- 4, 1917. 4 1 . . V -I . t 1 -. i ! t " 1 JTFT.P WANTED FEMALE. TELEPHONE OPERATORS Per manent positions for young women; salary palU while learning- Apply to the I'acitic Tel. & Tel. Co.. 6th floor. Park and Oak sts.. between 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. Ji. WOMEN' wanted in the candy business: Bet into this bis-paying, fascinating business; r more positions than applicants; clean, easy work: hie monev: own a candv bual- "nes; we help you succeed; make $2000 to n.oou & year. write tor tree DooKiet, tells how to start. Otter-Swain Corp., 4757 Jlroadway, Chicago. LARGE department store In thla city re quires the services of a model for their - roat and suit department; must be size . &l or 33, of good appearance and able to furnish best references; experience in modeling not necessary; give full par ticulars in first letter. H'llG. Oregonian. INTELLIGENT refined woman of prepos Mwlns appearance, not under 25 or over 40. capabie of meeting the public. Must Jiave some knowledge of music. Call 9 A. M. Piano Dept., 7th floor, Xjlpman, Wolfe & Co. ."WANTED In all small towns throughout OroRon and Northern California, women to represent the Barcley Corbet Co. For in formation write Orace S. Rhorer, state jnanacer, 715 Wayne St., Apt. 2, Portland, Oregon. WANTED By the Barcley Corset Co.. of Newark. N. J., women :o learn profes- - clonal corset fitting; permanent position. - Good money. Appiy at once. Grace Rhorer, rity niirr.. 715 Wayne St., Apt. 2. Mar thai! 212. WANTED MANICURIST. Will rent main floor space In flrst-cl&M dry goods store for beauty parlors. Splen did opportunity for right party. Apply pt once. A. it Jensen Co., Walla Walla, Wash. CAPABLE irlrl or woman for general house work in family of 2 adults nnd 8 small children. $20 a month; heavy washing ent out; a good and permanent home fur satisfactory girL Call' Tahor 3347, Mon day. THOROUGHLY experienced cloak and Butt FAieswonian for specialty store. Don't answer unless you are an A-l saleslady, with personality. Give name of past positions and your telephone number. H 110. Oregonian. WANTED pRESPMAKER. wHl rent main floor space in first-claBS dry goods store. Splendid opportunity for first-class modiste. Apply at once. A. M. Jensen Co., Walla Walla, Wash. WANTED 500 ladies and high school girls In Oregon and Washlngtbn, to take orders, . spare time only; liberal comm's. Call or write. Dpt. E 211. FUedner-bldg..- 10th and Washington sts. LADIES make money and enjoy healthy outdoors working with popular National child welfare organization: experience not . required. C. T. Society, Crilly bldg., Chi cago. VA NTED A housekeeper between f and GO for a neat bachelor on a farm. Can f-'ive good reference to a woman that wants a good home more than wages. Address. Vancouver R. 4 B GO. A LADY of education and culture, not under 25, capable of holding position after re ceiving instructions; no stenography or bookkeeping. Call after Sunday, between 2 and 5. room 25 Ainsworth bldg. X1TKICT manager to travel and appoint rursetieres; swell line; liberal terms; state your business experiences; give references. American Corset Company, 411 gangamoo . Ft.. Ch icago. WANTED Good country girl, who desires good Jiome in city, to heip with house work; unusual opportunity for one willing to do her best. Good wages. Address AK V47, Oregonian. WOMEN, full time $15; spare time 25o an hour, felling guaranteed Wear Proof hos iery to wearer; experience unnecessary; enormous Easter trade. Guaranteed Stock ing Mills. Norrlstown. Pa. WANTED (llrl for very light housework. No washing or general cleaning. Good wages. Must be capable of children's care. Ttef required Y 13a, Oregonian. "YOUNG lady attending high school to as sist with houseworK during spare time for good home and small salary. AE 10S. Oregonian. WANTED A middle-aged widow with $1500 or $2000 to take part interest in a dairy ranch: no objections to 1 or 2 children. AV 034. Oregonian. S5S MONTGOMERY DRIVE, corner St Hel ena Court, Portland Heights, girl f.,r gen - eral housework. Take Portland Heights r-ar to Elm St. Main 940. WANTED Bright willing girl for general housework, good room, work easy, fine place for right partv. Call at 024 Broad way, between 10 and 12. WOMEN of nbllity and -f inement to sell high-class guaranteed goods, permanent position, must be filled at ence. K 103, Oregonian. WANTED Spanish tutor who can devote one hour a week from 8 to 9 A. M In downtown office building. BF 71. Orego nian. WANTED A young girl to assist with housework and care of children, good home. $lo a month. Tabor 5025; 322 E. 47th. near Hawthorne. 150 SALARY, 60 days work, paid woman each town to distribute free circulars, take orders for White Ribbon Concentrat ed Flavoring. J. S. Ziegler Co., Chicago. WANTED For ccoking and some genera! work, a competent girl witli references. Mrs. Nisolal, !51 Westover road, head of Johnson st. Apply mornings. RELIABLE girl wanted at Junction City for general housework In family of three good home, best wages. Address P o' box 249. Junction City, Or. GIRL for light housework avl to asslBt with children. Can go home rights if desired Apply Monday-. 1301 E. luih s. Sellwocd car AMBITIOUS students can earn board, room and tuition. Write for particulars Mackay Business College. Los Angeles. Cal. WANTED Maid for general housework wages $25. Call before 12 o'clock 828 Johnson st. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer in whole sale house; state experience and salary. D 115. Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER wanted for widower wllh small children; gjod wages, country AV 64:1, Oregonian. WANTED La-Jv bo ikkeeper and stenogra pher. State salary expected and exosrl- ence. R 101, Oj-eionian. EXPERIENCED "girl foT general house work and cooking; no washing. 505 Vista ave, YOUNG lady to assist In apartment and care for child; sleep home temporarily. MAID for general housework In family or three adults, good wages. Call 285 East lbcn st. N: take Irvington car. iJelpvaneJwlerj;ejiale. i?EORIGINAI- MOLER BARBER COL. LLGE will teach you the trade in eight weeks, pay you while learning, give you a set of tools, scholarship and diploma, get you a position; 32 schools in U. S. and Canada. Write for free catalogue. Cor 2d and Burnside. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks position guaranteed; tools free: paid while learning; tuition reduced. Can earn from $15 to $25 a week. Expert Instructors. 20 years In business. 233 Madison St. THE ORICINAL MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL Men and women to learn the . , . barber trade in 8 weeks; tools free, paid . while learning. Scholarship and diploma, get you a position. Tuition reduced. 38 M 2d, cor. Couch. 6TLDY bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy salesmanship. English branches at an ac credited school; write or phone Main 590 for catalogue; graduates guaranteed posi tions.' Behnke-Walker Business College. IOi 4th St.. near Morrison. TOUNG men and women: get out of the crowd and become distinctive quickly profitable, at little sacrifice of time con venience, pleasure or money. AH 135' Ore gonlan. i-0R BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE ATTEND MISS DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE AL1SKY BLDG.. 8D & MORRISON STs! HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. ' Broadway-1 amhill bldg. Individual In structions. Positinnn whan . MAX and wife to work on farm; man must lie milker and woman to cook. Call Wood . lawn 13 00. SALESLADIES and salesmen wanel Apn'y at Van Dyke Studio. 404 Washlntia New proposition. MISS CUNNINGHAM'S STENOGRAPHIC SCHOOL. 320 Lumber Ex. bldg. Main 1114 KITCHEN helper, 18, room'and board.253 Cth st. WE teach you Spanish la 40 lessons. Apply K 131. Oregonian. HFT.P TCsXTRl MTTKI.LA VEOrs. FROM $12 a week to $3000 a year shows , possibilities of lie insurance: you can be "' trained for this business. Will send you free our correspondence course of sales - xnanshlp and life Insurance. This Is not advertising matter, but a course of In - -struction such as you would pay $."0 for. fc It Is yours for asking. Free. Write to day. William King. Agency Supervisor, .Dept. 03, Missouri State Life Insurance Company, St. Louis. Mo. Fastest-growing -life Insurance company In America. In ' surance In force over $ 1 20, 000, OO0. WANTED Immediately, names men. women, wishing to become Government clerks, $75 monthly. AV 616, Oregonian. lit I J.' WANTED MISCEtlAVNEOCS. GET WELL FREE. Every day from 10 A. It. to 4 P. M and evenings on Monday, Wednesday and x riaay irom I to W sr. hi. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief In any way are Invited to attend these clinic In our big clinic hall. .litis BEST Or CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTIC I A MS will examine and diagnose your case and Direct your treatment- FREE TO AT.T. CHIROPRACTIC Is the safe, sane, aura "u inoaern science ox curing ana pre- .exiwxigf diseases. chiropractic removes the cause health returns. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, 33 Hassalo St., at 7th. East Side. Pt.one East 0586. Dr. Elliott, Director of Cliniea ruKlLA.ND Government elerk examinations 1'iay v: ro to si2u month, sample ques- nuwM iree. r ranKiin institute, dept. 3bo c. Rochester, N. Y. an 1 jiii) Window trimmer and card wnier. united Clothing Co., N. E. cor. Bd and Burnside sts. w A l LHtS cleaned. 75c: mainspring. 75c: work guaranteed. 218 Commonwealth u.. vin, Anaeny, SITCAjTIOXS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerlts. YOUNG man, 24 years age. good personality tutu soiling aDinty. wishes to get a small article to sell as aide line on commission, answer at once. Good references. M 130, Oregonian. RELIABLE bookkeeper and bill clerk wants .. . uiJcraie typewriter; gooa ref erences; desires permanent position with , reliable concern; months- experience. Call Main 7137. WANTED Position by bookkeeper, thor- -&ij "pciicHtea in puoiic service, mod era commercial and corporation account ing: married; good references. S 00. Ore gonian. STEADY, reliable man, thoroughly experl- - uwAecpmg, accounting. cashier and office work; married f best references jharacter and ability. East 044 or Main 19biJ. YOUNG man. 23 years ofT wants position i, uuiub wiiere mere-is a chance to work up; some knowledge of bookeeplng; can furnish best of references. JT 133, Ore gonian.'' TRUSTWORTHY, experienced man wants po- - nuuicBttio nuuse or renaDie nrm; good penman, rapid; seierence. AD 124. wicBuiimii. YOUNG man. married, good habits, expe rienced office man, wants position In or out of city; would consider position as salesman. AR 108, Oregonian. - SALESMAN, with practical experience, me chanical and electrical, able to finance himself, wants good line tosell on com misHion. G 97. Oregonian. CORRESPONDENT and general office man. experienced and capable, desires position. AR 107. Oregonian, EXPERIENCED ernfery salesman wishes position, best references, reasonable aalary V 108. Oregonian TWO good accountants wish set books to keep evenings, 20 month. E 131, Ore gonian. Miscellaneous. ENGLISH couple desire comfortable room and board in select family in exchange for wife's services 5 hours daily. AO 90, Oregonian. - ily; man first-class cook and wife wait on table and do housework. Marshall 1441, A 4(118. SCHOOLBOY, 14. desires work on Saturdays or after school running errands, etc.; Woodlawn district. Call Monday, Main 7051, A 1517. WANTED by married couple, work In hotel, wife as chambermaid and husband as cook's helper; both experienced. Phone Main 5801, room 22. GROCERYMAN Young married man, with several years' experience, would like posi tion inside or delivery car. Y 130, Oregonian. Al CHAUFFEUR, married.' would like pQsl tion; private car or delivery; references. Y 131. Oregonian. WANTED Position as window trimmer; - have done decorating and design work E. OtKit!. 304 E. 22d fit. CANDY-MAKER. 18 years' experience, whoIesaJe or retail; A-l all-around man. 123 ',j 14th Bt.. city. Phone Marshall 1021. MARRIED man wants work as restaurant or camp cook; ret's. Call Monday. Main 7051. A 1517. AN impoverished gentlewoman offers serv- ices in exchange for ladies' slightly worn apparel. AM 115, Oregonian. PRACTICAL male nurse wishes position. Invalid mental case; best references. Main 107o. COMPETENT reliable cook, short order and dinner work, desires steady employ ment. D 114. Oregonian. COLLEGE student, a stenographer, would like to work in restaurant for meals AD 121, Oregonian. KELIAHLE married man, good gardener wants work. Call Monday, Main 7051. A 1517. AN experienced hospital ordei-iy would like position of taking care of a private patient. Phone Main 5120. RELIABLE middle-aged man wants em ployment; no smoker. What have you? F 118, Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR, single, wants position driv lng private car or commercial truck; ref erences. D lid, Oregonian. HOUSE painting, papering, kalsomlning, day or contract; work cheap; guaranteed. East 191L POSI'MON wanted by boy with talent for drawing and painting, office work or otherwise. T. Judge, 294 14 Margin st., city, PLACE for boy 10 years old on farm; good home more desirable than wages. BD 037" Oregonian. WANTED By young man. employment few hours daily or full time. T 133. Ore gonian. HOTEL steward or restaurant manager; American; age 36; New York experience of several years. Y120. Oregonian. CAPABLE. experienced gardener desires work with florist; A-l rets. Call Monday. Main 7051, A 1517. HIGH school boy desires position after school and Saturday; some knowledge of stenosraphy. Call Woodlawn 13oti. WANTED Work In restaurant washing dishes or any light work Inside. 1257 - Mississippi ave. MARRIED man of experience on house and garden work. Can give ' good reference. M 137, Oregonian. PRACTICAL, trustworthy farmer (married) wants steady Job on farm at once; capaoie of taking charge. M 133. oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED man would like to do chores on a farm; is handy around the barn and Jhouse. s 131, Oregonian. GASOLINE engineer would like position In some plant. Understands pumps and handy around machinery. S 134. Oregonian RELIABLE married man, middle-aged wants work, collections preferred; rets' Call Monday, Main 7051, A 1517 COOKS, man and wife, wish position In camp; nothing less than $150 per month. Howell. 227 N. 21st. Mar. 1502. EXPERIENCED young man wants steady work on up-to-date farm. 777 Kearney st., Portland, Or. STRONG, capable bo; 19 yeara'of age wants work, wholesale house preferred. Phone East 152. WANTED A position where I can use my ability in drawing, design work 304 E 22d St. Phone E. 6030. LIVE, ambitious boy, 15 years old wants any k nd of work. 749 Mississippi. WANTED Season contract for one or two 3-ton trucks. BF 7. Oregonian. OOK, meat or pastry; long experience Mar. 15U2. 227 N. 21st. KALSOMINING, painting, piaster patching Reasonable. Woodlawn 2490. CANDY and ice cream maker, A-l all around in retail. AG 124. Oregonian. ALL-AROUND butcher desires position country preferred. AE 116. Oregonian. CEMENT WORK, frame andconcrete gar ages, gen, contracting. Woodlawn 2278. LABORING young man would like eniploy- MUSi: student desires work afternoons. Honest and capaoie. Woodlawn 2041. PAINTING and kalsomlning, cheap," by-day or contract. Leave call Tabor 6923. CARPENTER wants work by day or con tract. Phone Tabor 7761. REDUCED prices 30 days. Painting, tinting, papering. B 1672. Furniture repaired. MAN and wife want work on farm. 2 amali children. 594 Beacon street. SAWMILL foreman or supt. wants position. References. V 107. Oregonian WANTED By old man. light work; under stand pruning trees. G 99. Oregonian. MARRIED man wants workT capabie of taking charge; references. 153 13th st. EXPERIENCED Japanese wants cleaning' house day by day. Main 3693. JAPANESE, first-class cook, wtsnes position in private family. Main 3C93. EXPERIENCED milker wants a position on farm. Main 1135. PAPER HANGING, painting and tinting neat ly and cheaply done. Mar. 2493. , FIRST-CLASS camp cook wants work in eating-house. AH 1 26, Oregonian. GAKDEN workl GUl,-Oregonian PITTATIOXS WAXTED MALE. Mleeeflaneoos. " 1VAMED Position as foreman on a farm: I farm on . the European plan; will guar antee $1000 a Tear from every 40 acres of good land; let me make your farm a model farm: am a married man. no chil dren; will work for wages or shares. C. DeKeyzer, 300 H 4th St.. Portland, Or. Phone Main 7133. VETERINARY' student Wftnts a position dur ing vacation. April to September; have completed my course in feeds and feeding, breeds and breeding, stock Judging and dentistry, etc; am willing to work at any thing where my training will be of serv ice. Address J. Lemke, 1818 -Market St.. care San Francisco Veterinary College. NOTICE. What have you to offer a young man looking for adventure and excitement with a chance to make some money? Any where. George R. Justice, Beaverton, Or. WE DO hemstitching, braiding and rough stitching; also make buttons from vour material. First-class work done on shoi t notice. Ford Hemstitching Shop, 995 Bei mont st. Tabor 1100. REGISTERED DRUGGIST Experienced 11 store management and buying. Al refer ences, 15 yrs. retail business. Would accept position Idaho or Montana, Oregon pre- erred. Address AV 03S, Oregonian. , GERMAN-SWISS, 24 wants any kind of work in city or country; can do any kind of work around house, housework, or as teamster: full particulars in first letter; have references. A 110, Oregonian. MARRIED man with family wishes po sition as caretaker on small ranch or country home; best of references. Call Marshall 276 after 12 Sunday and before &:30weekdays.BD117.Oregonian. AUTO repair man wants work with reason able people; references; expert on all makes of cars; age 39: married. Tele phone Woodlawn 1845 Sunday, between 2 . and 4. or leave word during the week. RESPECTABLE married couple, eged 30 Vears, seeks position as chamber maid and hi-use man or Janitor and caretakers in apartment-bouse; references. AP 118, Oregonian. YOUNG man of low earning ability, who helps support mother, wants work, good dishwasher: A-l refs. Call Monday, Main 7051. A 1517. ; YOUNG man, 82, no bad habits and accus tomed to laboring, would like to earn $7 a week and have time for study. AD 137. Oregonian. RELIABLE and experienced man and wife aesire management o class A apt. -house on salary or percentage basis; relerences. J 134. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young man. 25. wants posi tion driving light team, express or gracery delivery. Leave call at II. H. Hirt,rNew Houston Hotel. LATJNDRY" man. experienced every depart ment, wanes situation, any capacity, Oest of references. Address fecappoose; " Oregon, It- 1. care J. S. Tannock. YOUNG married man, 29. desires position; 6 years it. a. and lumber orrice experience. 2 years' selling.; anything to start if chance for advancement. Phone East 7403. CHAUFFEUR, married, desires position .to- Bit-er or separate driving private of com mercial car. Phone Marshall 539, or M 135, Oregonian. t YOUNG man with artificial leg wants work as oisnwasner in hotel or restaurant; can do any light work around house or garden. Cr.ll Monday. Main 7U51. A 1517. JAPANESE couple want position In family; nan 19 nrst-ciass cook, wire wait on table and housework. Marshall 1441. A 4018. POSITION wanted by experienced florist and garuener as superintendent or working foreman, priva-e .-.r commercial, excellent references. L 90. Oregonian. WANTED Position by experienced book- Keeper, onice manager and unit cost ac countant; -in or out- of town; married; best -of references. S 89, Oregonian. WANTED Dental work In exchange for painting, paper hanging, tinting. Phones C 2569. PKL'NIN'G Engage an experienced pruner mm juut trees, vaii r.asi ouau. SITUATION'S WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. ' STENOGRAPHER, -bookkeeper, 6 years' ex perience, railroad and insurance work, Al references, - very reasonable salary. East 8020. YOUNG woman wants office work where shorthand is not required. Neat, accurate and experienced. Good references. AR 106, Oregonian. LADY bookkeeper and cashier, with 10 years" experience, wishes position, perma nent or temporary; local references. Phone Tabor 2291. WANTED By experienced bookkeeper and stenographer permanent position. ill fur njjh Al references. AE 111. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer- and book keeper desires permanent position. Best references. M 131. Oregonian. YOU X G lady bookkeeper, good penman, quick at figures; half day; reasonable salary; refs. V 111, Oregonian. GIRL, 19, desires stenographic position and chance for advancement; some experience; references. Main 2835. STENOGRAPHER, lady, good iocaPexpert ence. wants permanent or temporary work. Sell wood 104S. ' YOUNG lady stenographer would like posi tion as beginner, ail or part of day. Phone East 514u. AD 122, Oregonian- OFFICE and filing clerk wishes position. . has eome knowledge of stenography; mod erate salary. Main 4057. STENOGRAPHER Young lady beginner would like work In office part or most of day; best references. Phone Marshall 3G9. BOOKKEEPING - STENOGRAPHIC posi tion by young lady, 3 years' varied ex perience. Marshall 5S33. STENOGRAPHER desires position; 6 years' experience. Main 4226. room 404. FIRST CLASS stenographer, young woman, desires position. Marshall 545. STENOGRAPH ER-beglnner wants tion. Phone Monday Main 7376. a posl- Dressmakers. CAPABLE woman desires plain sewing, mending, hemstitching or care of children between hours of 9 and 5; $1.50 day; A-l refs. Onll Monday, Main 7051. A 1517. DRESSMAKING by the day or at home; $1 a day and carfare for this month. Tele phone Tabor 7534. YOUNG lady, competent dressmaker, desires work by the day; quick, reasonable. Main 2100. THOROUGHLY" competent hemstitcher op erator' desires position In city; capable of managing business: N 101, Oregonian. WANTED Quilting and plain sewing by tne Aid Society of the Lents Baptist Church. Call Tabor 7842. LADIES' tailoring, alterations, coats re Ifned. Mrs. Muckler, 445 Morrison. Main 6133. DRESSMAKING and alterations by the day; work guaranteed. Mrs. Fisher, Mar shall 4924. DESIGNER and dressmaker wishes engage ments out by day, one-piece suits spe cialty; $4.50 up. Mar. 4065; city reference. BY. an experienced seamstress, dressmaking, plain sewing, making over and repairing, rates very reasonable. Phone East 5284. CAPABLE woman desires plain sewing or care of children; $1 day and carfare; refs. Call Monday Main 7051, A 1517. HOUSEKEEPER Positionby refined un incumbered widow in home of widower. Aii too. oregonian. "BILLIE BURKE" and party-dresses, $3.0 and up. Main 2009, flatSol. SEWING by the day; first-class drvss maker. Marshall 1G0, room 206. BEAUTIFUL hand-made flowers from your own pieces: prices reasonable. Main 9132. WANTED Sewing by experienced dress maker; rates reasonable. Marshall 2211. FASHIONABLY made suits and gowns by experienced dressmaker; day. East 5461. I WILL make fancy dresses, only $2.50. 7212 82d South, Gray's Crossing. SEWING in your home. 35c per hour; Work guaranteed. 734 E. Madison. Eat 7531. DRESSMAKER wishes work by day or take home; reasonable. Marshall 466. DRESSMAKER wishes engagements by day IL50: experienced. Marshall 1757. DRESSMAKING Will go out by the day. Marshall 5170. room 25. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailoress will sew by the day. Phone East 7671. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants wo7k by day. Call weekdays East 7956. FAST, expert work, home or out, $2 day Main 3148. - EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing by day. Tabor 2351. CHILDREN'S clothes and lingerie cialty. Tabor 1193. a spe- EASTERN dressmaker wants work by the uaj. ti.ci.iii i Jd) DRESSMAKER wishes, day engagements work guaranteed, Marshall 194 7. GERMAN practical nurse wishes cases of any kind; prices reasonable. Call Tabor CHRISTIAN SCIENCE nurse prepared to tate patients, apt. HS, 387 East Burn stde. Phone East 5940. Miss Emery TRAINED nurse has room, care, home com forts for Invalid; city refs. Tabor 2213. PHONE main 7923 for an experienced re Hable nurse, any kind op cases. ERICKSON'S White Shield Maternity Home. No publicity. 79S E. 72d N. Tabor 43S1. RELIABLE woman will care for children day or evening. SeLLwood 2180. SITUATION'S WANTED FEMALK. Norses. MATERNITY AND SUTtGICAIj HOSPITAL.. li'Ud Williams ave., normal confinement cases, including drugs, dressings, physi cian's services, two weeks hospital care all for $40; very reasonable prices for medical and surgical cases, including phy sician's services. Phone Woodlawn 1GG. COTTAGE HOSPITAL. 1234 E. Morrison st. , maternity work, a specialty, also mental and convalescent patients received; trained nursejs only; congenial surroundings; terms very reasonable. Tabor 2687. REFINED lady wishes nursing by day, week or month or companion to elderly ' person. T 104, Oregonian. WANTED By kind, cheerful young lady position as nurse, understands children or the sick. A 114. Oregonian. . MATERNITY nurse, thoroughly experienced, $10 per week. Wdln. 5149. a H"mi ne keepers. LADY of experience wishes permanent po sition In widower's home or will go to lumber camp as cook, best of reference urnishecL Write to 1503 E. 10th st. N. or call Woodlawn 3244. ask for Mrs. Andrew Hamilton. MIDDLE-AGED woman, refined and cap able, would take full charge 'of widower or bachelor's home, where daughter, 17, can have home. Call Monday afternoon. East 2S08. REFINED, capable, neat. No. 1 housekeeper desires a position In gentleman's home; must have work at once; business. AH 127. Oregonian. 1 CAPABLE lady, unincumbered, experienced, economical, efficient, desires management or assistant management of apartment; highest references. A 85, Oregonian. REFINED middle-aged woman wants house keeping for gentleman; no triflers. Tabor 6tfL AG 137. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants position as housekeeper for lady or gentleman; also plays piano. BF 115, Oregonian. CAPABLE, refined woman desires position as housekeeper for gentlemen, city or country. BF 118, Oregonian. YOUNG woman wants respectable place, housekeeper, city or country, near city; best reference. R 98, Oregonian. YOUNG woman with 2 children (two and 3 years) wishes housekeeping work. 45 E. Prescott st. EXPERIENCED young widow wants posi tion as housekeeper for bachelor or wid ower. Phone Broadway 4S11, room 2. Ll'GSlTION as housekeeper by accomplished eioeriy iaay tor elderly gentleman, rnone Tabor r.SWl. H 117. Oregonian. M IDDLE-AGED woman desires employment between 7:U0 A. M. and 4:30 P. M. Phone Woodlawn 3211. YOUNG woman, with 3-yr.-old daughter, de sires housekeeping position In city; A-l refs. Call Monday, Main 7051, A 1517 RELIABLE unincumbered womaV desires position housekeeper for gentleman, in rooming or apt, house. AH 113, Oregonian. YOUNG woman with child 7 years wants position as housekeeper; will assist; pre fer city. BD 1-2. Ureponian. IN widower's home or for several men to geier. Tabor 11H3, D 146L YOUNG lady wants housekeeping for people- employed during day. East 060. EXPERIENCED cook wants work In pri vate family. Vdln 97. SWEDISH lady wants housework three or four days a week. Mar. 3104. LADY, about 40 years, wants housekeeping or hounework. Main 7'.57. lometlc. WOMAN of ability and refinement will assist with domestic work ; $12 month ; plain cook. AM 117Qregonlan. SITUATION wanted, general housework, mid tile-aged woman; country preferred. A lp:f, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cook wants work, either local or out of town. 246 Beech. Phone , Woodlawn 4G0. . GOOD cook wishes work, camp or hotel, or pastries, city, night shift; sweet singer. Main 3:M1, room 8. NEAT old lady wants light work, no wash ing;, small wages. Mar. 5156. A WOMAN wishes a position as pastry cook. No. 1 references. Phone Tabor 2634. WOLrLD like two children to board, girls preferred. Call Tabor 6019. Miscellaneous. REFINED woman, would like work part of day, sewing or light housework. West Side preferred. Tel. 706 Marshall, call roo m 9. SCHOOL girl wants work for board, room and some pay. Call East 4109, Sunday. 9:30 to 12 A. M., or Jefferson High School, Monday. LADY, with 12 years experience with candy houses, wholesale or retail, expert fancy packer, dipper, sales lady, with fountain experience. Phone Marsh. 1621. WOMAN of high standing desires manage ment of first-class hotel or apartment house in or out of the city. AE 106, Ore goniah. BY experienced parties, the job of washing apd Btretchlng lace curtains by hand for rooming-houses, apartment-houses, hotels, etc.; rates very reasonable. East 5-84. EXPERIENCED fitter of ladies sulls"and gowns desires position in a store. Mrs. Fisher, Marshall 4924. EXPERIENCED woman wants work Mon days, Thursdays, Fridays, $1.50 day, carfare. Seilwood 1932. A MIDDLE-AGED lady wishea position as companion and care of a seml-ln valid. Phone Tabor 4069. EXPERIENCED laundress wants work. Mon days and Tuesdays. Call before 8 A. M., Woodlawn 854. YOUXG colored woman wishes day work; will take a place aa laundress or Janltresa Broadway 1416. LADY wants chamber work or home house keeping ; terms to agreement. Marshall 1737, room 48. WOMAN wants washing. Will work at home or call at house. Call Mrs. Barnett, Main 3757. EXPERIENCED bonnace and power machine operator wishes work. H 137, Orego nian, or Marshall 2843. CAPABLE middle-aged woman wants day work; 25c hour and carfare; A-l refs. Call Monday, Main 7051. A" 1517. WOMAN wishes day sewing, cleaning, serv ing evenings, all-around. Call before 8 A. M.t after 6 P. M. Woodlawn 5146. PRIVATE tutoring iven by experienced teacher, references. Main 3435 or A 4249. Room 403. ' EXPERIENCED laundress wants work all day Monday and Tuesday. Call Sunday and evenings. Main 3110. POSITION desired, waitress or second maid"; experienced and best references. H 126, Oregonian. FRENCH pupils wanted by a young lady recently from Paris. Call Broadway 219 between 9 and 12 A. M. YOUNG woman wants work; strong, steady, willing worker; must go home nights; $1 a day. AE 117, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work and help pack trunks; references 'Wood lawn 1572. YOUNG woman wishes position switchboard operator or cashier. Miss Ferguson, Mar- shall 54 03. COLORED woman attending trade school wants something In afternoon. Call all day tiunday Main 82uy. DINNERS, - teas, weddings piunned, pre pared, served by expert. Ref. Seilwood tooe. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work washing. Ironing or cleaning. TaUr 2394. GOOD hand laundry wants bundle -washing or day work. Phone Tabor 4275. ' ENGLISH lessons to foreigners, 50 cents hour; 384 Park. Marshall 3969. WANTED Position In doctor's or dentist's office; experienced. II 121, Oregonian. LACE curtains hand laundered ; all work g u a ran teed. Seilwood 801. COOK on ranch by unincumbered lady. Call Broadway 158. WOMAN wants day work, washing and iron ing only. Seilwood 431. LACE curtains laundered, 14 years' expe rience. Mrs. Scott. Tabor 5933. WORK by day, hour. Phone Mnrshall 5032. or housekeeping. GIRL wants position as chambermaid. Marshall 3016. FINE , young artist's model. Address AB 120. Oregonian. TEACHER will do private tutoring In grade or high school subjects. Main 3211. EXPERIENCED woman wants work Ironing or cleaning. Main 4585. WOMAN wants day or hour work. Tabor 4070. Phone WASHING and Ironing by the hour. 2302. Sell. YOUNG woman wants day work. 6923. Ask for Mrs. Madsen. EXPERIENCED young woman wants day wo r k. Ca I IT a bpr 6923. WANTED Position as exchange operator, experlenced. Call Broadway 133. EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work. Mars hall 110 2. A.N exrer-enced woman wants day work Tabor 2856. YOUNG lady would like care of children afternoon or evenings. Tabor 3582. AN experienced woman wants laundry to take home. Mar. 4094. BY reliable woman. 2 or 3 small apartments to care for, hour work. Call Tabor ttOiy. RELIABLE young lady desires position ln dentist's or doctor's office. Call Sell. 2344. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. WANTED Position as working manager, capable managing dining-room and kitchen in small hotel or high-class boarding house; good buyer; prefer something out of town. Would consider salary or work ing Interest. If not first-clasv proposi tion, do not answer. Mrs. M. A- King, general delivery. EX PERIENCE D woman desires care of children. Can Instruct In kindergarten work at home if desired. Story-telling and kindergarten songs & specialty. -References furnished. Box 50. R. F. D. No. 1, Dundee, Or., or phone Dayton 4-9. THOROUGH instruction in German and French given by experienced teacher; con versation and coaching for examinations a fPcialty. Miss 2k, 665 Everett at. Main 9184. GIltL attending High School of Commerce wishes position In office afternoons or typewriting to do at home. AD 130, Ore gonian. WANTED Hand-work. All kinds of em broidery. Finest work absolutely guar anteed. Samples for Inspection. Wood- SITUATION wanted by middle-aged woman, trusty and reliable, to do housekeeping or light housework without washing. Phone Woodlawn 3441. -A- LADY, engagements to read to or write letters for an Invalid, or take out in wheel chair. Phone Main 1962 or write AD 126. Oregonian. - PRIVATE lessons in literature English grammar and composition by experienced teacher. Club papers and manuscripts revisedandjedited. Call Main 6834. CLARA H- JOHNSTON, musio teacher. English certificate, 2 years' finishing course In Germany; special attention back ward pupia and beginners. Tabor 1132. WANTED TO RENT. nouses. MR. AND MRS. HOUSEOWNER. we Blmply must have more good, rent houses of 4. 5 and 6 rooms, modern, rent ing from $10 to $20; we have been flooded with calls that we cannot fill. "SEE THE YELLOW SIGN!" SMITH -WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. A MODERN house of ft or 7 rooms, bunga low type, unfurnished preferred; must be In good residential district, Irvington or Laurelhurst; will take for lengthy period If suited; occupancy by April 1 or 15 at latest; gi-e full particulars and terms. AH 116. Oregonian. I WANT to rent a modern house in good neighborhood; must be on paved streets, with garage, 6 or 7 rooms preferred. I wiir take the best place I am offered for $20 per month or less. Tabor 5059. Main S5.t7. WHY LIST YOUR PROPERTY ELSE WHERE? J. L. HARTMAN & COMPANY HAVE EVERY FACILITY FOR TAKING CARE OF YOUR PROPERTY FOR RENT. Rental Dept., 209 Stark st.. Main 208. WANTED To rent or lease for 2 years 4. 5 or 6-room house, with gas. 2 or more lots, fruit, chicken house, not more than $10. Call Marshall 1033 Sunday, A 2425, after 10 A. M. ; A 2520 evenings. YOUNG couple wants small modern bunga low, unfurnished, about 5 rooms. In a good location, fairly close in; will take extra good care of place; state your price, J, 127, Oregonian. AM interested In a 6 or 7 -room house, now or laterr No children. Prefer house with sleeping porch and garage. BD 84. Orego nian. 5, 0 OR 7 -room house or bungalow, mod ern, with garden, for man and wife; near city center or carline; references. K 127, Oregonian. WANTED Well-furnished 5 or 6-room house, 3 responsible adults, must be under $20 and within 5c limit. T 105, Orego nian. FAM I LY of adults want to rent or buy modern house on West Side, either Port land Heights or Nob Hill district; must have five bedrooms. J 123, Oregonian. YOUNG couple wish to rent small furnished house, not too far out; price must bo reasonable ; prefer West Side ; references. Phone Alain 3032 Sunday morning. WANTED to rent, small furnished house or housekeeping rooms. Northeast Side, phone Tabor 5523. WANTED To rent smalt, clean, modern 2 story house on one of heights of city; give location and amount. R 100, Oregoma'n. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, with piano, want ed. Call evenings or Sunday, no children. E. 5S49. WANTED April 1, by couple, unfurnished 5-room apt. or heated flat; permanent tenants. AG 122. Oregonian. WANTED To rent suburban home with 6 or 7 rooms, two to five acres, some fruit. Call C 2006. 1005 East Broadway. WANTED May 1. 4 or 5 room completely furnished house for the Summer or longer. AH 111. Oregonian. WANTED To rent modern 7-room unfur nished house: Nob H 111 district; references given. AJ 117, Oregonian. YOUNG mar wants nicely fur. room, home like surioundings, state price; West Side p-ofetred. D 146, Oregonian. 5 TO 6-rooin house, with fruit and small garden, on 5th-su carline. F. A. Cook. 552M: Yamhill st. WANTED Furnished cottage. 4 or 5 rooms, modern; must be reasonable. AH 30, Ore gonian. COTTPLE desires furnished 4 or 6-room bungalow with piano and garage; give full particulars. D 145. Oregonian. TH FJ best small house or apartment $13 to $18 will rent; walking distance. Mar shall 470. Main 1485. WANT Irvington house, 6 rooms, sleeping porch; modern; $25. G 132, Oregonian. FURNISHED cottape with yard, on West Side. Marshall 5912, or F 139. Oregonian. WANTED 5 or 6-room furnished house. Rose City Park preferred. Tabor 6206. BY couple without children, cottage. Port land Heights preferred Main 8U65. WANTED To rent 5 or 6-room modern bungalow; state rent. AR 105, Oregonian. Rooms. YOUNG couple wants large, light rooms, furnished or unfurnished. West Side, walk ing distance, only strictly clean rooms with refined people will be considered. AP 117, Oregonian. WANTED Furnished room by elderly gentleman in private family near City Hall. V 117. Oregonian. WANTED 1 or 2 housekeeping rooms, with sleeping porch. Answer with location and price. AH 112, O regonlan. LADY wants housekeeping room in refined home near East 12th and Tillamook sts. Phone Marshall 5090. YOUNG man; 24, wants furnished room. Address E 122, Oregonian. Rooms With Board. YOUNG married couple, occupied days, de sires home with refined family, preferably Christian Scientists; no boarding-house. Rose City Park or Irvington. AJ 114, Ore gonian. WANTED Room with large sleeping porch, breakfast and dinner, in Nob Hill dis trict, by two gentlemen ; refs. exchanged ; private home preferred. Y 123, Oregonian. WANTED by two gentlemen, room and board In private home. West Side, not a boarding-house. T 106, Oregonian. WANT a home for boy 10 years old, near Holy Cross School If possible. AG 34, Oregonian. DOWNTOWN store wanted; will pay up to $175 month; desirable, permanent tenant; (not "ess than 10 feet front.) Stanley S. Thompson Co.. 302 Oak st. FOR RENT. FURNISHED rooms and apts. In McFarland Hotel ; all modern improvements. 413 Vi Washington it SINGLE ROOM, convenient. newly fur nished, sleeping or housekeeping. 475 Mor rison. TWO nicely furnished front rooms for rent. 28 x, iuh at. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL CO N R A DIN E, 10th st., at Oak. Desirable downtown lo cation, respectable and strictly modem; fireproof building, elevator and large, lob bly; rooms $3 per week up. AUDITOR I I'M H O TE L U n der new man agement. C. W. Yannke: transient trade solicited; rates reasonable: hot and cold water in every room, steam heat. 20SVa 3d st. Main 6837. - HOTEL BLACK STONE. , Eleventh and Stark sts. ; brick building, elevator service, telephone, hot and cold water in room: 50c to SI. 60 per day ft pe dal rates by the week. MAKE" THE "BUSHMARK YOUR H?ME. Good, large, clean, modern rooms, steam heat, walking distance, $1.50 a week, $6 a month and up. 5 Go 4 Washington st. STANDISH HOTEL. 548 Washington st., corner 17th. Hot and cold water, steam-heated rooms, $1.50 pe- week; $6 per month and up. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. 20th and Wash., has the most comfortable and pleaeant rooms in th e city, $2 week and up. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison street at 10th Rates 50c day up; weekly, $2 up; running water; free phone and 'baths. HOTEL CORDOVA, 269llth st. Strictly modem, private baths en suite; room $3 up Main 9472. A 4783. FORD HOTEL r-Pri vat e bath, phone, $12 up; without bath.' $10 up. 733 Washington at. THE WARRENTON. 4Q2H 3d gt. Nlceroom.reasonable. M. 7TT1 HOTEL NORRIS. 5S3H Alder St.Strictly modern. $-LC0, $2 and $2.50 week. FOR RENT. Furo.Hiied Rooms. A MODERATE-PRICED HOTEL OF This is the title we have earned In the conduct of our well-planned hotel. When you know the comforts, conveniences and privileges that may be obtained here for as little as $3 per week, you will see the fitness of the title. Rooms with private bath, $4.50 and $5 per week. Steam heat, solid porcelain wash basins with hot and cold water, telephone and built-in closets in every room. Separate baths and toilets on every floor for men and women. Af fable clerks to take and deliver messages for you when you are absent, neat uni formed maids to keep your room in per fect order. These are a few of the things that have gained us our distinction. HOTEL CLIFFORD, East Morrison St., at East 6th. PALACE HOTEL. 446 Washington street at Twelfth Large, airy rooms, elegantly furnished, clean, free phone, hot and cold water steam heat, fireproof, large ground-floor lobby, private and public baths, elevator service, theater and shopping district; strictly first-class accommodations, moder ate prices. Inspection will convince you; 50c per day and up. Sp e cial weekly ra t ee. FURNISHED rooms, for young men. In all parts of the city; also In Y. M. C. A. build ing. Fireproof, telephone in each room, shower baths; single rooms, $2.50 to $4.75; double rooms, single beds. $1.75 to $2 75 per week. Including full association mem bership, gymnasium, swimming pool, hand ball court and many other club privileges. Information at Y. M. C. A. business office HOTEL. RAM APO, J4th and Washington Sts. A moderate-priced hotel, with first class service, with al comforts and con veniences of the high-priced hotels, at lower rates; rooms with and without pri vate baths from 75c to $2 per day; week ly rates f3 and tip. , ELTOX COURT HOTEL w YAMHILL AT 11TH. Fronting- I-ubllc Library; uptown busi ness district, but away from noise of traf ric; running- water or bath In every room: private phones, elevator; $3 to $S par week. Wain 61)53. ... , HOTEL. ANSON-IA. 124 14th St.. .Cor. Washington St Fireproof, up-to-date hotel, large, at tractive, spotless guest rooms. Individual phones, continuous heat and hot water service ; J3 per week up: 60c to 1.50 day U Vr S miL"M?,R' under new n"ement ----- . .i o iraiiiL iraae solic ited, rates reasonable; hot and cold wa ter In every room. 270H Fourth st.. cor- Jian6 MSB. PPOS'ta Clty Hal1' Ph J2.S0 PER MONTH AND Up' ' CHEAPEST ROOMS IX CITT E!?n.av?;- and E' Morrison. 10 minutes walk to Y est Side. "SEE THE YELLOW Brr?N" 6MJTH-WAGO.VER CO.. STOCK EX. SUITE rili-ely furnished rooms30Sourny bldg.. d and Taylor. Furnished Rooms In Private Family.. FOR RENT A light, comfortable bedroom, secoud floor. In well steam-heated flat. Is next to bath: has door on side porch. Two adults In family. References exchanged. Man preferred. 11 per month. Call Sun day or evenings after 6 o'clock. Apartment 3. the Clifton. 780 Irving st. ON'E front room, ground floor, housekeep Ing? privileges. Jl.r0 per week, and 2 or 3 large sized rooms, -front entrance ground floor JtO and 12; housekeeping privileges. Phone and llgh42 lL2th. L.ADT. a'.bne. with pleasant, modern sub urban home, has nice sleeping-room for 2 business ladies: use of dining-room. Kitchen and telephone. 10S7 Michigan ave. Home phone C 2S7. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Large, well lur nished rooms, modern, fine view, home privileges, walking distance; board If de sired. Phone Marshall 39. Delightful largo sleeping porch, with heated dressing room and breakfast: mod ern home for gentleman, walking dis tance. Kant 858. rL'RXISHED room In private family, suit able for teacher, literary worker, nurse or business person: kitchen privilege; $13 month. 2D5 12th st..apartment 21. 415 W. BROADWAY. Large" sunny front room, suitable for 1 or 2, all modern conveniences, central, neat. reasonable. Main 4103. NICELY furshed rooms SI. 73 up: quiet, electric lights, heat, phone. Main 71)23. 208 17th st.. near Taylor. NICE front room for 2 young men: special rates lor two In one room; also one single room. 228 13th. , Main 0179. IN modern home, large room, suitable for two, good heat, board optional. 607 Gllsan ft. Marshall 1117. ONE large front room, electric light, fur nace heat, 10; also one II. K. room, 12. 254 12th s DESIRABLE front room, niodern home. Just the place for comfort: walking distance 480 Jefferson St. off 14th. Fl'RMSHED room In a strictly modern home, furnace heat, walking distance. 235 Dixon. East 4011. NICELY-FURNISHED" rooms., with heat, bath, phone, 2 per week. 287 Williams ave. East 21)59; FINE. light room. well heated, use of piano, walking distance. r00 Montgomery st., cor. 15th. Main B080. Gentlemen only. WANTED Congenial young man for room mate, walking distance; excellent quar ters. Cheap. 650 E. Alder. East 3245. TWO and 3 fine furnished H. K. rooms, with private bathroom and sleeping porch. close In. E. 0381. FURNISHED room for gentleman, employed, all modern conveniences. walking dis tance. on carline. 20 E. 0th and Burnside. FOR RENT Good-sized, steam-heated fur nished room; prefer nurse or someone employed during day. Phone Main 40OS. NICELY furnishedTront room In private family, suitable for 2. With or without board. E. 7838; A CHEERFUL modern room, private home, board optional, reasonable, central. Main 4481). . WIDOW, with nice home close In. would liite permanent roomer. East 622S. FURNISHED room In gentlemen preferred. private residence; Main 1224. MODERN rooms, home cooking, near Mult nomah Club. 227 Chapman st. Maln3o;t3. ROOM, a month, use of piano. 74S2. 8Si5 East Yamhill. Tabor LARGE front sleepkig-porch, Ke-irney. Main 4441. modern. 751 FLf iNIsHED rooms, $1.75 per week; also nice h. k. rooms. 1S9 West Park. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms In good home ; references ; Nob Hill. 733 J ohnson. WELL, furnished warm, bright room; good location for gentleman. 251 10th st. NICE Utile bedroom for young man; $1 a week. 414 Salmon. LOVELY room to rent In C. S. family, rea. sonable. East 1276. FURNISHED room, private family, $3 per month. Tabor 3591. FURNISHED room, hea,t, bath and phone; $5 a month. 509 Morrison. FURNISHED room In private home, close to Campbell Hotel. Inquire 733 Hoyt st. 448 TAYLOR, . near 12th, well "furnished, warm sleeping rooms, $2 week up. Unfurnished KoomsT CLEAN, unfurnished rooms at 271 Clay street. Rooms With Hoard. WEAVER HOTEL. 708-10 Washington Street. Phone Marshall 5170. BOARD AND ROOM. Private bath and telephone In every room ; prices reasonable; excellent heat. HEREFORD HOTEL. 735 Hoyt St Phone Main 3305. An American plan residence hotel, at tractive rates to transient or permanent gusts. Table unexcelled. HEREFORD HOTEL, 733 Hoyt St. Phone Main 3305. An American plan residence hotel, at tractive rates to transient or permanent guests. Table unexcelled. HOOD VIEW HOTEL, opp. shipyards, rooms by the day, week or month, newly painted and papered, bath at all hours, breakfast served. 735 Hood st. Phene Marshall 14UL A. M. S. Hathaway, proprietor. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 9233. A 6628. ALEXANDRA COURT. 53 Ella St. An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suites Single Rooms Excellent Table. A 6211. Marshall 610T. PARKVIEW Family hotel. 3S6 Montgomery st.. in South Parkway; walking distance; excellent table; reasons Die rates. M. 3733. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; $3.50 per week. E. 4732. 12 East 7th st. 823 10TH ST. Rooms with board, home cooked meals, hot and cold water, walk ing distance. - Main 7795. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th; rooms, board op tional ; walking distance ; modern con veniences. LARGE, airy rooms and board with run ning hot and cold water, fireplace, steam heat. 261 13th st. THE STRYKER. 554 Couch: family" hotel, rooms single or en suite; reasonable rates. THE WHITEHALL, 253 6th. American plan; very convenient and reasonable. Rooms With Board in Private Families. CHEERFUL room, always warm, excellent board. Ma rsha 1 1 577. BABY or children to board In my home, mother special care. East 2065. LARGE airy rooms with board, home privl legea. Mala 6412. FOR KENT. Rooms With Board in Private Family. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, with fire place; also 2 -room suite, hardwood floors, tiled bath, suitable for 5 or 6 young n.an; use of parlor, piano and home privi leges; excellent board, also sleeping porch with twin beds. 414 Mill. Main 63&1. ROOM and board for 2 people, large, aw tractively furnished, steam-heated front room with sleeping porch; good home cooked meals, congenial, homelike at mosphere; moderate rate. 567 Glisan st. Marshall 24:i8. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, with fir place; also 2 -room suite, hardwood floe, tiled bath, suitable for 5 or 6 youS men; use of parlor, piano and home privi leges; excellent board, also sleeping porcn with 2 beds. 414 Mill. Main 63S1. 451 10TH. walking distance. 2 nicely fur nished, war iu, pleasant rooms, suitable for two in each, with all modern conveni ences and home comforts; excellent meals; gentlemen only. Marshall 1269. BOARD and room. $11.50 per week, pleasant steam-heated room with hot and cold w-ater, suitable for 2 gentletiton or man and wife, wltuiu walking distance. Marshall 1S54. FURNISHED large connecting front rooms, running water, home cooking, sleeping porch. Individual beds, two In room, $13 per mo. First-class home and location. Investigate. Mar. 4065. EXCELLENT bonrd. neatly furnished room with furnace heat, home privileges, at 744 Belmont St.. between 22d ud 23d St. E. 3568. ROOM and board for one or two gentlemen in small private bachelor's club; no bet ter location on West Hide. Call Main .643. ; 2 NICE large warm rooms, hot and cold water; each suitable for 2 or 3 young men: first-class home cooking; S3 and up. 181 11th st. WILL give two children room, board and good care; reasonable: take Vancouver car to Stafford, walk East halt a block. 4Q3. NICELY furnished room, suitable for one or two. private family, excellent board, walking distance. Irvington district, liait 8607. LARGE, sunny, beautifully furnished room on first floor, suitable for 2. bath, phone, furnace heat, close In. downtown. 350 Salmon. PORTLAND HTS.. newly furnlshedT we'.l lighted. 2-room apt., with kitchenette and bath, on carline, J25 per month; women preferred. Main 8542. LOVELY room, with 2 meals, in beautiful Irvington home, use of phonograph, piano, living-room, with open fireplace, spienJid for 2; reasonable. East 6116. - PLEASANT ROOM facing park, with or without board; 2 meals, woman employed. S02, Park. cor. Columbia. YOUNG lady of refinement wishes room mate, home cooking, close In. reasonable. Main 0325. 647 V, 0th. TWO Swedish men to room and board, pri vate family. Walking distance, all con veniences, homelike. Call East 4434. ROOM AND BOARD with private fam ily: home conveniences; $25 per month. Call Tabor 1364. SLEEPING porch, with 2 beds, also nicely furnished room with board. 414 Mill st. Main G3S1. A HOME FOR YOU Room with or with out breakfast. East Broadway car. East 12 70. LARGE upstairs front room, suitable for 2 Kentiemen or man and wife; use nf piano; also single room. 347 Hall. Marshall 5510. PLEASANT-room with board. West "side, "reasonable. Marshall 4298. 522 W. Broad way. KEFI.N'Bd family offer nicelst furnished room, with board, very reasonable. Main f.721. LARGE front room, with kitchenette, close In: board if desired. 300 Hall St., Mala 1203; MAN and wife or two gentlemen to room and board in first-class home, business people preferred. East 4178; LARGE, light room, modern home, close in; board optional; reasonable. 431 W. Park. Marsr.aH 4410. 525 ROOM and board. 3 meals a day. plenty of lieat and hot water. 331 14tlt. Main 5008. LARGE front room, modern, close In: break fast if desired; reasonable. Marshall 2424. 451 W. Park. REFINED home for one or two gentlemen, nice location, near Reed College and new city golf links. T 118. Oregonian. COMFORTABLE room, with board for 4 men. very reasonable. Call 504 Williams ave. ROOM and board for 1 or 2 gentlemen; all modern conveniences; excellent table. 335 Jltti st. A RGB, wel!-f urnlphed rooms, suitable for one or two; walking ciis'tu.nce. oua hi. T ao r. Cor. l. t h . 15 2573. 2oS 11TH. comforta hie. clean room, all con veniences, hot h phones; rates reasonable; breakfast if desired. WANTED A small child to board and care for; elderly, couple ; price reasonable. Cali Sell. 27S1. ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen, private family, sleeping porch If desired, walking distance. East 4011. ROOM and bonrd in modern home, reason able rates. 57 Trinity Place. Marshall 406. LARGE front room, refined, congenial fam liy, $2o mo. 334 Park. Marshall o9G0. PLEASANT, steam -heated room, walking distance, 1 or 2 meais. Marshall 4706. FURNISHED rooms, with board, sleeping porch. 320 11th st. Main 34 CHILDREN to board. 1176 Belmont. Tabor 1 2H4. lOOM and board. 332 A 2S65. Good home. 10th et. Main 6979, BOA Rl) and room in a beautiful home at Ml lltli st. Phone Marshall 2003. CH EERFUL room, always warm; excellent board. Marshall 577. WANTED One or two small children to board, $6 a month. BF 116, Oregonian. PLEASANT room, facing park, with board ; walking distance. 300 Park. ROOM and board in private family, sultatblo for two, modern. Main 943 1'urnNhed Apartments. SERENE COURT, E. 1st and Multnomah, ground floor 2-r. nicely furnished apt., disappearing bed. built-in bullet, l.trge dressing room, $22.50. E. 304. NICE tTulTE of 1-2-3 "and 4 housekeeping rooms at 244 V4 Killlngsworth ave.. cor. Vancouver. Low reuu Phoue Woodlawa 1763. GLENN APTS.. 9S4 Hawthorne We have a very nice 4-room unfurnished and large 3-room furnished apts. for rent. Tabor 6100. B 2332. . CARLOTTA COURT, Everett and 17th; larse 2 rooms, hail, bath, etc., new, modern, plenty steam heat, 5 minutes f roiu busi ness center. References. 3-ROOM basement, unfurnished apt., adults only, $13.50, including light, heat, C-n and garbage. 791 A, Northrup, near 24th. Main 935s. ELK APARTMENTS. S4TH AND BELMONT. Furnished 2 and 3-room apts. Also single room, reasonable rates THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, bet. 20 tn and Ella Sts. Furnished three-room front apartment, all outside rooms, walking distance. BENSON APTS., 205 X. 20th, near Kearney; . beautifully furnished . apts., all new and clean; 3 rooms. Phone Marshall 4448. WASHINGTON GRAND. 2 and 3-room apts.. $10 up: heat, liwht. bath ; clean, respect able. 91 Grand ave.. cor. Wasnlngton. THE NORAFLO. 554 E. Madison, near Haw thorne, on 13th 1-2-3 rooms, furnished h o t -w a t er he at, 3 to $25 E as t 8005. MODERN steam-heated, well -furnished, 3 room apartment at 343 Nelson; $17. Phone E xst 6157. $21.50 WELL furnished 3-room apartment, private phono, walking distance. Welling ton Court, 521 Everett. $19 COSY 2-room, well furnished apartment. Walking distance. Wellington Court, 521 Everett. " THE DEZEXDOR F 208 16th St., near Taylor. Marshall 2316, 3, 4 and 5-room nicely fur, apartments. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modem 2. 3, 4-room furnished and unfurnished, $18 up. W" car to Northrup. Mar. 227. ARGTLE APTS., 341 14th; nicely furnished, clean, airy, 2-room apts.; private bath, phone; $10 up ; new management. BRUCE APT., 25th and Northrup et., mod ern. 6-room, with sleeping porch. Main 4003. THE MORD AUNT. 5S6 Everett. 4-room fur nished apts., hardwood floors, all outside rooms. NEWLY furnished, hardwood floors, sleep ing porch, walking distance. Portnomah, East 13th and Taylor. CA M AR, 704 Lovejoy; 2 room apt., $16 an& $13. Call Marshall 2917 ARCADIA APTS., 706 Everett St.. 2-room apt. and single room; walking distance. FIVE rooms, nicely furnished, outside rooms. Apply 672 Kearney. Kearney Apt. 1-2 ROOMS, bath, steam heat, phone, gaa, light. $3 up. New Hart, 170 2d st, NEW furnished apts. ; concrete Mock; $10 and $12. 1162 Union ave. N.WdJn. 512. WANTED Girl to share apartment West Side; C. S. preferred. Marshall 2955. 3-UOOM furnished. $25. The Bjelland Apt 16lh and Lovejoy. Mar. 4S91. BANNER APARTMENTS, 489 Clay; 2 rooms furnished, heat and light, $14. FURNISHED 2-room basomeut apartment, prica 413. 110 N. 21st U i it"; J 7 - i. -: - 9 ' V A-, 6- :