12 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 23, 1917, WANTED MISCEX LAE OVS. CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED. My specialty is buying gentlemen'! clothing and paying positively 50 per cent " more than any other dealer. We need stock to supply our chain of customers, bee us before selling your old clothing and shoes. Will call any place la the city. - Marshall 3225, or 209 Madison St. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STOKE. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. 7.r.o paid fok men's suits 7.so. " HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' SUITS. SHOES AND EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE, MAIN 20SO. CLOCK STOKE. MAIN 2080. 5 FIRST ST., NEAR JEFFERSON. fcKCOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED 1. PERK ELI j. THE TAILOR, PAYS $7.50 AND IP FOR SECOND-HAND SLITS. HE PAYS YOU MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. THE RELIABLE BUYER. MAIN 8553. 294 1ST ST. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED J. MEYER. THE TAILOR. PAYS $7.50 : AND UP FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS. HE PAYS YOU MOKE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. THE RELIABLE BUYER. MARSHALL 1229. 229 MADISON ST. CLEAN UP for the new year. Machinery. scraplron, supplies, metal or Junk. See M. Barde & Sons. 24 years in Portland. Mala 63. Front and Main sts. JOB PRESSEsT"8xl2r 10x13. 13xl0; also cyl inder press for ti-column qurto; 26 or 80 lnch paper cutter, type. etc. Must be In good condition. AV 015, Oregonian. .WANTED One large second-hand firebox boiler for 100 pounds steam pressure; give description, location and price. Supple, BalUn & Lock wood. 50 Worcester bldg. PRINTING outfit, type, rule, leads and slugs. 10x15 platen press. Must be In good con dition, cheap and good terms. S 115. Ore- " gonlan. 1RING us your used tools and cable wire, old metal and rubber. We pay highest cash prices. J Leve, 199 Front St., be tween Taylor and Yamhill. .WANT HORNLESS TALKING MACHINE. Trade diamond ring or gold watch. Mala ' 4495. HIGHEST prices for hides, metals, junk ana rags of every description, old and new". 24 Front st. Mar. 1940: Salem 899. to-HAKD1 CLOTHING BUYER; BE WISE AND GET FULL VALUE FOR YOUR 2D KAND CLOTHING. 201 1ST. MAIN 734. (WANTED Potatoes at market prices. W. W Nelson. Phone Main 7223, 270 0th. st., Portland, Or. RESPONSIBLE party will take good care of piano for the use of same; no children. Tabor 4502. .WILL pay cash for cabinet Vlctrola and records in good condition. Call Tabor 6778. CASH for second-hand heavy harness or blacksmith outfit; must be cheap. K L. Victor. AG 132, Oregonian. !WE buy and sell new and second-hand suit caaea and trunks. Main 9072. AUTOMATIC rifles, shotguns, pump guns, kodaks and lenses. Hochfeld, 85 Third st, WANTED National cash register. Main 606. 351 Washington st. WAN T E D 2 sm a 1 1 cash registers. Will pay cash. Phone Main 7C6U. TTELP WANTED MALE. OREGON AUTO SCHOOL. 429--31 BELMONT ST. WE NEED STUDENTS WHOM WE CAN RECOMMEND. TO FILL THE DEMAND '. FOR SPRING HELP. LET THE OTHER ; ELLOW DO THE EXPERIMENTING. ENROLL IN THE OLD RELIABLE PRACTICAL SCHOOL. W A NT E D M an w ho understands flowers and gardening, care of two cows; steady position. Will have use of furnished house, fine rooms. Bull Run water and lectrlc light ; place on carline very close to city limit3. V 130. Oregonian. ADCOX ATTTO SCHOOL. 388 Burnside St. Call or write for information. THE International Correspondence Schools has a new traffic management course; big introductory discount. See Mr. Mc Jvinlay Monday, at 345 Washington sL. room 0. MUSICIANS Amateur musicians should In vestigate the opportunities offered by the Oregon Coast Artillery band. Call at the Armory. I Qt h and Couch. Monday evening. WEAVERS AND SPINNERS WANTED FOR NIGHT WORK. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS, OREGON CITY. WANTED First-class open-shop heavy latho and boring mill machinists, good wages and steady work to competent men. 417 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak sts. YOUNG man for email factory; handy with too If? ; some typewriting and shipping; hustler with executive ability ; $9. State agtf and experience. AO 100, Oregonian. WANTED Hy corporation, boy with me chanical ability, to learn trade. Trade school graduate preferred. V 131. Orego nian. ENERGETIC man to sell a candy specialty, already well introduced ; good proposition for a good man. See Sweet, 264 Stark st., at 13 Monday. "WANTED Open-shop, experienced layer out, for boiler and tank shop, o hours day. time and half for overtime. 417 Oregun bldg.. 5th end Oak sts. liXPK KIENCKD salesman wanted immedi ately by Eastern house for Portland ter ritory; large commission basis. Apply 309 Swetland bldg. "WANTED Firs t-c lass open-shop wood pat ternmakers, best wages and steady work to men that can fill the bill. 417 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak sts. WANTED Married man for collecting. Must be a resident and thoroughly acquainted with city. References. Call Monday, 8:30. 401 Piatt bldg. MIDDLE-AGED single man in apt. house; bed making and janitor work for apt. and some wages; references required. 202 0th st. WANT MAN experienced in general . ml 11- work, sash, doors, etc., to travel in Ore " gon ; give age. experience and references; stea.ly position. AE 127, Oregonian. WANTED First-class open -shop boiler mak ers, steady work and first-class wages to competent men. 417 Oregon bidg., 5tli and Oak sts. fcTENOGR APHER Good opening for young man with old established house. State experience and references In first letter. X 1 34. Oregonian. "WANTED Office boy in large mercantile establishment. Stat e age and give refer ences. Apply in own handwriting. G 89, Oregonian. WANTED First-class open-shop gray iron foundry molders, first-class wages to com petent men, 8 hours day, time and half overtime. 417 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak. W A NT ED Experienced h Igh -class res taurant steward and manager. American, and under 40; Eastern Oregon town. S S6. Oregonian. WANTED At once, A-l young salesman for ready money proposition; only man of experience considered Apply 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED Boys. 16 years or older, with - wheels; earn $50 monthly. Apply Federal Telegraph Co., 7 Board of Trade bldg. FAMILY man for orchard work. Permanent for right party. Call 2 P. M., 512 Royal bldg.. Broadway and Morrison. TWO young men as commercial car sale- men; experience not necessary; salary and ... commission. S 117. Oregonian. WANTED The address of high-class Chlna man chef who can have three helpers; outside town. S 88, Oregonian. WANT dishwasher and handy man in small restaurant, $7 week and board. Call at 502 Couch bldg. WANTED Resawer. jTTtT trimmer man, $4.00 for Al trimmer; must be fast. V 134, Oregonian. WANTED Boy attending high school to do janitor work afternoons in mtg., loan and insurance office. M 89, Oregonian. KALSOMINER to exchange work for 4 un- lurnished housekeeping rooms. Steam heat. - Main 5S57. WANTED Energetic young man for clerk in large Industrial office. State age and experience. AD 118. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced tiemakers. Stand ard Timber Company, Evans ton. Wyo. Union Pacific contractors. MAN with experience for waiter and porter work. Apply at once. Union Depot Res taurant. MILKER and farm band; no smoker need apply; $30. board and room. AF 100, Ore gonian. DAY CLERK In hotel; must have best of reference from last place and understand switchboard. AF lo-l, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced farmer to rent farm on shares at Ortly. Call 216 Lumbermen bldg. TWO young men. one baritone, one tenor. H 109. Oregonian. ilLDERLY man for small ranch, near Port . land; good home, some wages. Main 6313. $1 PER DAY guaranteed boys with wheels; - $2.50can be made. Apply 410 Alder st. FLESH MAN'S shoes wear good and fit feet end pocket-b'.Kk. 203 Morrison, bet. 3 & 4. CARPENTER and concrete man to figure on building. Argyll and Brandon st. "VVA NTE D Woodworker on delivery bodies. CaH 526 Alder st. GOOD proposition for two salesmen to call on offices. 418 Palace Hotel. SOMEONE to raise potatoes on shares; one acre. S. P.; 6 lots. R. C. P. Main 3425. WANTED Men to take care of furnace. Apply 214 Columbia st. WINDOW WASHER wanted, 66 oth at., 10 1 u. ana o r. ju. . HELP WANTED MALE. CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA oppor tunities; large salaries, rapid advance ment. Send 50c for booklet by former executive down there, describing actual conditions, salaries, etc., names and ad dresses corporations and individuals em ploying Americans. There is a scarcity of applicants. Grasp your golden opportunity and get out of the rut Into the big money. Address. C. & S. A. Service Company, 919 Boylston North, Seattle. Wash. WANTED An ambitious, clean man (Protestant preferred), good milker and capable of looking after small farm; guar antee $35 a month, board, room and wash ing; also will give a share of the gross sales of farm, or would consider married man Whose wife could do hnnsework: to either party this Is a good-paying, steady Job; better come and see me, as I want someone by March 1. Octav Voget. Hub- ua.ru, Ur, ADVISORY EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT, Y. M. C. A. ' You may know how to do something and not know how to get something to do. We can tell you how or send you to it. A membership In the Y. M. C. A. costing $5 gives you privileges for a year under guarantee that you will secure em ployment or refund of fee. See Secretary J- W. Palmer. MEN, LEARN AUTOMOBILES. EARN BIG MONEY Thousands of graduates making good as chauffeurs, repairmen, machinists, salesmen, battery and Ignition specialists, garage owners. Up-to-date equipment. Individual, practical Instruction. We help students earn living. Write for catalogue and free advanced ignition course today. National School of Engineering, Los An geles, established 1905. BUSINESS AND STENOGRAPHIC SCHOOL for men. day or night. Over balf-mlllion-dollar plant equipment; expert, experi enced Inst ructors; ideal conditions tor in creasing earning power. This school main tained by leading business men of Port land, not for profit, but to produce effi cient men of character In business. Ad dress Division C. Department of Educa- r tlon, Y. M. C. A.,Portland.Or. HELP YOURSELF To becomeTlndependent of your salary by investing $10 monthly for ten months In a safe, high-grade busi ness that will positively make you over $1000 within two years. Satisfy yourself, by closest Investigation, the truth of this statement. Interview by appointment only. P 107, Oregonian. WANTED Hlffhclaas building and loan salesman for city work In the most pros perous district in the U. S. Local asso ciation ; big payroll ; straight commission ; no advances. THE STATE BUILDING & LOAN A3SN OF IDAHO, Wallace, Idaho. BOY3 wanted between the ages 16 and IS. Apply superintendent's office, basement balcony, Meier & Frank Co., between 9 and 10 A. M. WANTED A young man who can dress hoes; salary $15 to $18 -per week ; per manent position in city near Portland; state amount of experience and with whom, whet her married or single. AE 137, Oregonian. MEN'S SUITS, OTOATS, RAINCOATS, all ready to wear. In hlgh-gra?n makes. Trade upstairs and save $10; $25 men's suits and overcoats for $15, and $30 values for $20, Jimmy Dunn. Eilers bldg., 2d floor, Broadway and Alder. WANTED Thoroughly experienced grocery salesman for country store near Portland; young married man preferred ; must be active, healthy, good habits and able to help in other departments ; good opening for hustler ; give your experience in full, also references. M 123, Oregonian. WANTED A good, strong man to put in wood, work In garden and help Janitor, to be In line for steady job as janitor. Only will consider man who wants steady job. Must be single and willing to work for small wages at first. M 12t. Oregonian. WANTED MONDAY. 2 stenographers, out of city; good positions; 2 cabinetmakers; 10 cordwood cutters; 12 experienced track men, city. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 14th and Johnson St. GOOD mechanics wanted; fit yourself for responsible position; take practical courses In gas, electrical, automobile, tractor en gineering; modern, practical school; com petent instructors. Catalogue sent free. Seattle Engineering School, Seattle, Wash. WANTED An auto mechanic by localrno tor car company; must be familiar with al) standard makes of cars, quick, accu rate, steady workman; state age. experi ence, married or single; give references. AF 108, Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE SCHOO conducted on prac tical shop basis. Teaches thoroughly con struction and operation of motor cars; special reference to Ignition and carbure tion. Address Division C. Department of Education. Y. M. C. A., Portland, Or. WANTED 50 more men at once to learn automobile and gas tractor business. Ap ply HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL, Corner 20th and Hawthorne. Take Hawthorne Car. YOU can become expert In vulcanizing and tire repairing in short time and be in dependent by starting business of your own at small cost. Information and cat alogue, Hemphill's Trade School, 20tli and Hawthorne ave. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 4-15 HAWTHORNE AVE. SPECIAL RATES IN AUTOMOBILE AND GAS TRACTOR INSTRUCTION. INVESTIGATE. POSTOFFICE clerks, carriers, railway mall and custom-house employes, $75 to $150 a month; life jobs; no striken, no layoffs; annual vacations. Pacific States School, McKay Jldg., city. SHIP HULL DRAUGHTSMAN WANTED None but thoroughly trained and experi enced In cargo vessels need apply. Write, stating age, experience, salary and when a tliberty. AV 007. Oregonian. SALESMAN of ability to attend to our In" teresis In Portland and eventually become state salesmanager. Full particulars, ref erences hist letter, which will be treated confidentially. Box AV 001. Oregonian. ELECTRICAL E NO IN E ERING DaT and night schools. Laboratories unexcelled, in structors practical engineers. Address Di vision C, Department of Education, Y. M. C. A., Portland. Or. YOU LEARN to be an optometrist and op tician ; it Is profitable; day or evening classes. The De Keyser Institute of Op tometry. Inc. Send for catalogue or call at 202 Columbia bldg.. 335 Washington st. RAILROADS want men for traffic inspect ors; big pay, promotion, free transporta tion, chance travel overseas; experience not necessary; ask for free booklet C-5. Frontier Prep. School, Buffalo, N. Y. BE A DETECTIVETearn"$iooto $300 per month; travel all over the world. Write Supt. Ludwig, 731 Westover bldg., .Kansas city. Mo. WE have good permanent position for a collector for installment house, but must have lots of experience,- beet of reference and use motorcycle. T fcO, Oregonian. SECRET SERVICE American. traveling, foreign. Growing opportunities. Expert preparation where necessary. Asiatic Pa ciilc Agency, San Francisco. WANTED Experienced farm and dairy man with some money and good references, to run a largely equipped farm. AK 97, Ore gonian. ... MAN that understands grocery business, not afraid to work; permanent position If sat isfactory: give experience and reference. AL 33, Oregonian. t MEN wanting firemen or brakemen posi tions, beginners $120 monthly; positions guaranteed competent men. Address Rail way Association, care Oregonian. UNCALLED-FOR SUITS, $3.50 UP. Drop In and look them over. Orpheum Cleaners, 355 Stark, corner Park. WANTED Agent sell mining stock; Idaho company ; good district ; fine prospect. Will give right man exceptionally good deal ;no advancejfees. R 89, Oregonian. LET me help you start biggest little bust ness you could imagine ; capital is un necessary. No mail order scheme. Noo way Co., 623 East 13th, Kansas City, Mo. BOO KKE EP E RO ne who- has had stock broker's office experience on ly ; state names of former employers. BF 87, .Ore gonian. WANTED First tenor to fill a position; tne best male quartet on the Pacific Coast. Must be able to read music. Lyric tenor preferred. Address AL 32, Oregonian. DENTIST WANTED Laboratory man for plate work. Steady position. Electro Den tal Parlors. Tacoma, Wash. WANTED Electrician who will take free house rent for electric wiring. Phone Sun day, East 3 Sol. YOUNG man, IS to 22. Opportunity whole sale house. State age, experience, refer ences, phone number. AF 106. Oregonian. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for man to cor7 trol sales on foot-starter for Ford cars. Nothing like It. AM 102, Oregonian. WINDOW trimmer for gents furnishing goods store; also hat salesman. Call at "Miller's." 143 3d st. WANTED Salesman and solicitors; steady employment; salary and commission. 402 Washington st. MAN or boy in neighborhood of E. 39th and Belmont for 2 or 3 hours work daily. J 122, Oregonian. WANTED Logger, with donkey and-equlp-ment, to log 4,000.000 ft. timber, on con tract. AB 107. Oregonian. $3 A DAY can be made taking orders for magazine that sella for 10c a year. 409 Hawthorne aye. WANTED No. 1 single ranch hand, good wages. Box 456, Philomath. Or. MACHINE MEN wanted. Apply Fareliua 1 .auiuactunag iO HELP WANTED MALE. ATTENTION, AMBITTOT'S YOI'Xfl MAN. I wtint all-around office man for a young but erowinz business. Must be good bookkeeper, a man who can act as salesman wnen necessary and preferably one who can run a typewriter or dictate correspondence. Not a gold mine to start with but a chance for advancement to right man. N LiO. Oregonian. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 14th and Johnson Sts. We have many jobs for general farm hands, milkers and man and wife for farm work, at wages from $25 to $fo per mo. Calls for help coming in daily. This office is Northwestern headquarters for farm help. NO FEES ARE CHARGED for the service. BOOKKEEPER with some experience with Burroughs posting machine preferred, though not altogether necessary: young man. ambitious and willing to work; good chance for advancement; name references, salary expected, phone number. AF 103. Oregonian. WANTED Man to haul for local wholesale house ; will make year's contract with satisfactory man, who must have $is00 cah for first payment on truck, balance month ly payments, and can be paid out of contract; give phone number. K. 004, Ore gonian. CORPORATION has an opening for two outside men; those who have had collect ing and soliciting experience preferred; must be able to start work not later than March 1. Apply Monday, S37 Northwestern Bankbldg. All applicants interviewed. WANTED 15 good live recruits for Com pany D, Third Regiment. Oregon Infantry. Pay for drills; good opportunities for ad vancement. For particulars call at Com pany D quarters. Armory, any Monday or Tuesday evening. WANTED 'Married man experienced In berry and vegetable farming to take full charge of 20-acre tract and get results. Must have satisfactory references. Salary and percentage of profits. Address K 125, Oregonian. OPENING for supervising car tallyman and sidetrack foreman ; only energetic, thor oughly capable man with references con sidered; good wages to man who. can get results. Apply iu person. West Oregon Lumber Co., Llnnton, Or. WANT MAN with family to work In small town close to Portland who will buy acre tract on easy terms and make it his home; school, church, city conveniences and 18 trains daily; small cash payment, balance easy. 602 Spalding bldg. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for an Al spe cialty salesman; must have strong person ality. Initiative and ability to go after big business and get It; give age. experi ence and reasons why you should be the man. S 108, Oregonian. WANTED Machinery blacksmith, open shop, one who can use the steam hammer; good wages to competent man; 8 hours day, time and half for overtime. 417 Ore gon bldg., 0th and Oak sts. WANTED GOOD MUSICAL ACTS OR VAUDEVILLE TURNS FOR ENTERTAIN MENT. GIVE DETAILS AND PHONE NUMBER; S ALAR. Y NO OBJECT. AK 3S, OREGONIAN. CAN use 4 bright boys over 16. with wheels: bicycle repairs paid ; steady work and good pay; chances to learn trade and ad vancement. Apply Monday, L. A. Mollen hour, 253 Oak st. WANTED A young man to clerk In drug store in small town; a good opportunity to study medicine or pharmacy; state aye and salary expected. Address AV 011, Ore gonian. WANT stump land cleared for cultivation. Will give parties who can commence at once contract to clear, one to 10 acres. Must be completed by May 1. Address S 119. Oregonian. 1914 H A RLE Y-DA VIDSON, in first-class mechanical condition. thoroughly over hauled ; tires nearly new. For sale cheap. Call or write M. Webster, addiefs 3-2 Glenn ave. WANTED At once, open-shop boys to learn the molder's and bollermakers trade, not under 16 or over 18; must be strong and healthy and live with parents. 417 Ore gon bldg., 5th and Oak sts. PROFESSIONALS AND AMATEURS. TAKE NOTICE. CAN USE 2 OR 3 GOOD ACTS FOR ENTERTAINMENT; GIVE DETAILS AND PHONE NUMBER. A J 38, ORE GONIAN. GOOD position with splendid opportunities awaits a live man who is in a position to loan from $300o to $5oo0 on good Portland security. We furnish machine. A E 129, Oregonian. WANTED Young men to prepare for tele graph service ; the passage of the 8-hour lw has created a big demand for teleg raphers; for full particulars call or write Telegraph Dept., room 502, Panama bldg. WA NTED A young married man for gen eral farm work ; good wages ; steady em ployment. Answer-giving phone number; no cigarette-smokers need apply. J 124, Oregonian. MEN Investigate the Coast Artillery Com pany ; 8th Company won the 1916 target practice over all other companies in the U. S. Call at Armory, 10th and Couch. Monday or Wednesday evenings. HAVE you read the Harley-Davldson ad., section 2, page 3? Help Wanted Agents. SOMETHING A ll bOLUTELI" N K W A u t o - matic stove and furnace damper, guaran teed; saves 30 per cent of fuel; keeps even lire automatically Just at temperature you wish ; anyone can put it on in live min utes; every home a customer right now ; low priced ; 2oo per cent profit to agent ; prompt shipments, exclusive territory. In terborouKh Traction Co.. of New York, uses this automa tic damper In their tturt stations at a saving of 33 1-3 per cent of coal; you sell it every time you show-It; W. H. Protzman, of Washington, bold SoO In lo days; you can do this; your prolit over $2uO cash; P. W. Lee, also of a little town in Washington, sold 7 in 30 minutes; biggest, quickest, cleanest money-maker of the age for agents, general agents, dis trict managers; $50 a week to $7500 a year; territory now being assigned; get your county free now. Write today. Ar nold Damper Co., 520 Damper bldg., 215 N. Despiani-, at.. Chicago, Ll. NEW INVENTION $10 per day to agents; Quickedge Knife and Shear Sharpener for household use; sharpen uny kitchen, par ing, carving knife or shears In lo sec onds; a child can use It; grinds both sides of blade at once, automatically; guaran teed ; a sale at every house ; 2oo per cent protit gross lots; no charge for territory; business furnishes capital, profits start first day; low priced; no experience nec essary. Ray Carter, of Massachusetts, sold 56 in four hours profit $;i0; J. H. Stemple, of West Virginia, sold 45 first day; new proposition, just out; complete particulars free. Write today, giving name of your county. Address Qulckerljie Sharpener Co., 671 Sharpener bldg., 215 X. Desplalnes St., Chicago, 111. BIG HIT Our 5-pIece aluminum set is all the rage; cheaper than enamel ware; sells like wildfire ; guaranteed 20 years ; retail value $5; you sell to housewives for only $ 1.98. Biggest seller of age; 9 sure sales out of every 10 shown. Others cleaning up $10 to $20 a day. Answer this quick to secure territory. Div. 1032, American Alun inum Mfg. Co., Lemont, 111. SELL Mexican diamonds In your spare time, beautiful pocket sample case makes sales on sight; have rainbow fire of genuine diamonds; fool experts; stand tests. Write today.- Mexican Diamond Importing Co., 255 Las Cruces, New Mexico. EVEN If you were deaf, dumb, blind, you could sell our Aluminum Utensil Cleaner; every housewife grabs it on sight; steady trade, big money in protected territory. Write quick. Div. 832. American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lemont, IIL $50 PER WEEK easily made; business grows without work; I collect and deliver; guaranteed raincoats, self -advertising ; re orders galore; sample coat free. Don A. Skinner, 5415 West Ohio. Chicago, 111. PICTURE agents and photographers, send your enlarging, finishing and framing to Universal Portrait Co., 1021 Golden Gate ave., San Francisco, Cal. Highest quality work and quick service. AGENTS Here's a winner, household neces sity, price $1; big repeater, sells on its own merits; worth $50 weekly. Send for particulars. The Triangle Co.. 209 11C, Portland. Or. AGENTS wanted Immediately; brand new seller; Just out; 100 per cent profit; un limited field. Write today, particulars free. Dept. 1, Crawford Supply Co., 147 South Ivory st., Spokane. Wash, WANTED Honest men and women to dts-i tribute circulars, samples, etc.; $40 weekly. Send for application at once. Out-Door Advertising Co., Dept. 33, New Bedford, M asa. FREE catalogue, samples, new goods, quick sales, big profits; make $5 to $25 daily; no experience ; world' 9 greatest specialties. Cruver Co., Jackson & Campbell, Chicago. 111. HURRY, make big money: brand new article, field unlimited, agents wanted everywhere ; particulars free. Fournier & Son. 2230 6th ave., Seattle, Wash. START the new year right, get this big winner; large field, tremendous demand; particulars free. Joseph T. Albin. 1719 12th ave., Seattle. Wash. WE PAY $36 a week and enyenses to men with rigs to introduce pouft ry compound. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 78, Parsons. Kan. , SPLENDID offer for live salesmen. Big value combinations sell on sight. E Ither sex. Write for particulars now. Sound Supply Co., dept. ii.. Seattle, Wash. PORTRAIT men working Independent write for catalogue. 24-hour service. Roberts Wholesale Portraits, Kansas City. AGENT, each county, a household specialty; good profits. Particulars1 free. E. R. Cor coranCo,, Irrlgon. Or., box 33. CALL or write. 720 Swetland bldg., for ter ritory, selling a device that stops thieves. Sample TTic 100 PER CENT profit. Particulars free Port Supply Co., Portland, Or., Dept. A. WHY sell inferior? Our hospital policy costs so more, ovx jooaxa oj. xrauy. oiug. HELP WANTED MALE. L Help Wanted Agent. MAIL order dealers, keep posted onr Import ant mail order matters by reading Mall Order News, leading mail trade journal for more than 12 years; 68-page magazine distinctly different from other trade jour nals. Reports all Important happenings In the advertising and mail prder fields, exposes frauds and fakirs, vapory schemes and misuse of malls. Tells what leading and misleading advertisers are doing, their methods, how they succeed and fail. Lat est information first hand, seasoned with spice and ginger. Each number replete with money-making mall order plans. Remarkable offer For 25c silver we will send to new patrons. March number Oust out, containing details of the remarkable "chain" plan, the "Scheme" Exchange, the novel advertising plan, the scheme that netted $50,000, the original Koal-Save formula and inside details, the straw hat powder plan, many other valuable money making and money-saving tips to begin ners, also directory of New England female mall order buyers, etc We will Include free copy of Mail Order Tru'.hs. that startling exponent of mall older facts and fallacies. Order now. Remit by silver or money order. No free samples. Mail Order News Corporation, Newburgh, New York. Help Wanted Halesn len. OLD ESTABLISHED Cloak House de sires salesman for Northwest. Man with established buslnes preferred. Would consider man carrying small nonconf licfAng lines In conectlon. -Give full experience, amount of sale and references in first letter. SINGER BROS. CLOAK CO., St. Louis, Mo. SALESMAN to handle established line of ladies', men's and children's flannelette wear direct from manufacturers on a strict commission basis; must have experi ence in this line and acquainted with the dry goods trade; territory, Washington and Oregon. Apply box AV 610, Orego nian CLEAN, honest, hustling salesman, now ( handling lines on commission to represent the largest druggists' box and label house In America to the drug trade In Portland on a straight commission basis. Tell us what you are now selling and give ref erences in first letter. Pictorial Printing Com pan y, A u rora. 111. WANTED- Salesman,' full time, or side line; quick selling specialty to country merchants; commission contract with $35 per week drawing account; many reor ders, full commission on same. B. M. Craig, sales mgr., 209 Houser bldg., St. Louis. Mo. SALESMEN High-grade, able to handle best-paying specialty proposition; w eekly advance to the right man; old-established house, territory now open in West and Northwest. This is a Job for a $500o-a-year man. L. P. Scovllle, 1904 Railway Exchange, St. Louis. EXPERIENCE unnecessary; earn while you learn. Write, large list openings and testi monials from hundreds of our students who earn $lt0 to $5oo a month. Address nearest office. Dept. 311. National Sales men's Training Association, Chicago New iork. San Francisco. SIDE LINE Salesmen calling on COUNTRY STORE and MEN'S WEAR THADE to sell a factory line of CLOTH CAPS; liberal commissions paid; submit references. HY GRADE HAT WORKS, Jersey City. SPECIALIZED advertising .service: cellu loid, metal, leather and felt goods; per manent connections, exclusive territory -liberal commissions. weekly advances; state experience fully. Cruver Mfg Co , Est. 1816 Jackson blvd., Chicago, 111. SALESMEN--We hav a cheap lot proposi tion that Is a real seller; no experience necessary. THE BRONG CO., Main 1743. 674 Oak St. WANTD Specialty salesman of high grade to sell trade; commission basis that wili pay well. Give name, experience and 'rCi'nq numper. n sjt Oregonian. SALESMEN that can produce results with Lne of merit that repeats; unlimited field; salary or commission. Write, particulars Murphy & Lange. Cleveland O. ' EXCLUSI VE territory. Oregon, for hitrh- grade line of calendars and advertising specialties. . siiaicr oc wo., umana. .xeb. EXPERIENCED custom shirt salesman. Ap- yij i l unce, oiu wacieay bldg.. 4th and W ashlngton sts. T. E kVm WANTED Salesmen wishing an attractive sideline, call at 22D Main st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO. require the services f several thoroughly ex perienced saleswomen fur their millinery, cloak and suit depart ments. Must be able to furnish best references. Apply superin tendent's office, eighth floor, Monday, between 9 and 10. ST E N OG R A PHER la Insurance office; be ginner or student; salary small, but op portunity for advancement good; answer in own hand-writing, giving phone num her. AO 103. Oregonian. 20 MORE young Indies wanted to prepare for commercial telegraph service. Call room 5U2, Panama bldg., get full par ticulars. GIRL for general housework after the first u.8 Montgomery Drive, fc cor. SL Helens Court, Portland Heights car to Elm st. Main 949. WANTEDBrlght willlngglrl "for general housework; good room, work easy, fine &lace for right party. Cal at 4 East roadway., between 10 A. M. and 12. DRESSMAKERS wanted, very experienced": apprentices also. Come ready to work. 221 12th st., corner Salmon. MlDDLE-ACrED Judy wanted to take charge hoube, good home and good wages. Call Marshall 3156. WANT Nurse girl for 4-year-old child; also w-ant good girl who understands cooking 856 Marsnall st. ATTRACTIVE girl stenographer, real estate; oirio.il Biiaijr iu Dlliri, give age. A Li 111, Oregonian. ATTRACTIVE young lady for confectionery -iu iigai niuie, oiaie age. Aii liu, ore- gonian. GIRL wanted, only 2 in famllv, no wash ing, proper references. 234 Lincoln st-. cor. 2d. WANTED A good home for little boy 7 years old, near Couch School. J 123, Ore gonian. EX PER I ENCED pie baker, and help with others work. Depot Restaurant, 4,20 hoyt st. WANTED Experienced . millinery makers and apprentices. Apply Lowengart & Co. WANTE1 Girl for general housework. Phone Sell wood 1344. before 3 P. M. WANTED Middle-aged woman for house work for old lady. 461 Prescott st. PRIVATE HOME for children, any age; 15 years' experiences 714 Everett. Mar. 2162. I WANT neat Swedish waitress for restau rant, $9. Call 502 Couch bldg. GIRL for general housework. 409 E. 25th at. N. Phone Monday, East 5341. WANTED Girl for general housework Call 534 E. 22d st N., Moil. LADY violinist wishes lady pianist partner. Phone Marshall 5871. GIRL wanted for general housework. Apply aiter iu o cioc Lumoermaas Diug. YOUNG girl to assist- with housework. SelL 1347. WANTED at once, lady presser who can do repairing, ad 17. Oregonian. THIS ad. and 25e good for manicure or shampoo. ao7 Northwest bldg, oth & Wash. WANTED at once, woman for general house work. Inquire 629 E. Madison st. WANTED A lady barber apprentice. 203 Va Salmon st. WANTED A girl for light services In ex change for room and board. Mar. 3211. WANTED Girl to cook and light" house work. 648 Tillamook. E. 3260. GIRL to do light housework and assist with baby. Marshall 102. GIRL for general housework In small family. Wages $20. E. 5746. WANT girl for general housework. 810 Ov erton. GIRL for cooking and general housework $0 a month. 600 Taylor st. SCHOOLGIRL to work for room and board; small wages. Phone East 3147. WOMAN for housework, short distance from city. AE 123. Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework: references. 53 E. 23d N. E. 2044. MISS M ATTINGLY'S SCHOOL. Shorthand, Typewriting $5 mo. 20014th. Main 3893. GIRL WANTED to help with housework. 1181 Royal Court, near 39th st. LADY to do general housework; neat, good cook; reference. East 484S. NEAT." well appearing girl, as assistant In dental office. X 133, Oregonian. FINE proposition for unincumbered lady. 418 Palace Hotel. SCHOOLGIRL to work for room and board and some wages. AE 125, Oregonian. GIRL for general housework. Call at 1119 E. 18th st . N. T ak e Al b e r t a car. WANTED Experienced house canvassers. Staple household goods. Call 229 Main st. ORGANIZERS for fraternal order, pleasant work, good pay. Phone Mar. 1495 Monday. RELIABLE -girl to assist with housework. East 5496. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO. require the services of an experienced woman for their mall-order department. One who understands bookkeep ing and stenographic work. Good salary and permanent position to tne one who qualifies,. Apply superintendent's office, eighth floor, Monday, between 9 and 10. TELEPHONE OPERATORS Per manent positions for young women; salary paid while learning. Apply to the Pacific Tel. de Tel. Co., 6th floor. Park and Oak sts.. between 8:39 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. COOK, wages $35 o $50. according to ex perience and recommendations; laundress 25 to tHu. uy latm.y in uturus, gooo ri- . gie room with bath, all modern conveni ences In kitchen and laundrv; electrlo w asher, wringer. Iron, etc. Apply Monday, between 1 1 and 12, room 908 Electric bidg.. at Broadway and Alder. L i N il'i Pa l. .Bureau for Protection of Wo men Is now located nt room 303 new Po lice Headquarters. Information, protection or BinlHtai.ee given to women and girl AT ONCE Ten ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell well-established line to our deal ers. Previous experience not necessary. Good pay. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co.. Dept. 70. Omaha, Neb. . ANTED stenographer with about one or two years' experience; must be punc tual and apt in general work ; state age. . salary desired and last position. K. 120, Oregonian. WANTED A neat, clean, elderly Jady for housekeeping in family of two. Good home and some wages. References ex changed. Call Linn ton A 5799 after 6 ! M.. and ak for 452L A LADY of education and culture, not under 2o, capable of holding position after re ceiving instruction ; no stenography or bookkeeping. Call after Sunday, between 2 and 6. room 25, Ainsworth bldg. WAN r&U Excellent waitress and also chambermaid who sews well; good wages; home near the city. Address K 123, ure gonian. EXPERIENCED body lroner, $10 a week, steady work. TWIN CITY LAUNDRY CO., North Bend, or. ELDERLY Invalid. llvingr alone. wishes wo nan for companion and general house work. $10 per month. P. O. box 104, Scap poose. Or. WANTED Waitress and maid, small fam ily, three; no children; Vista ave. and Clifton st., Portland Heights. Mrs. J. H. Page. Main 2740. Also experienced cook. HOUSEKEEPER Light "work.-2lnfainily. &5 miles cut. In small town ; must be steady; no washing; extra work more , Pay. V. C. Jones, La Fayette, Or. EXPERIENCED starcherand poflsher. $10 a eek, steady work. TWIN CITY LAUNDRY CO.. North Bend. Or. NEAT, attractive, experienced maid for general housework. 3 in xamily ; fine place; nice room, good wages. Call 5ol East 14th N., Sunday. 3 to 6. WANTED Country girl for general house work. Must be neat, good plain cook. Wages $2a per month to start. Apply 104 5th st. WANTED Stenographer living at home w ho would like occasional or part time work. Reply in own handwriting. AG 13.", Oregonian. WANTED Energetic ladles for a good businuFi proposition. Call Washington Ho tel, b. tween 9:30 and 5, ask at desk for Mrs. McAuliffe. WANTED An experienced young lady to do general housework; must not object to children ; wages $, car: are paid. Pboae or write W. A. Hall. Clatskanie. Or. WANTED Kirot-clai millinery trimmer; experienced and thoroughly ecAfcoetent. Nono others need apply. Address Praser-Pa-erson Co., Seattle, Wash. EXPERIENCED child's nurse, under 30; give references, phone number and sal ary expected in own handwriting, address- Jng AK 104, Oregonian. LADY AGENTS wanted to tftkeordersfor Beiding silk petticoats. Can make 4-0-8 per day. Call mornings, l. o. Pen well, general agent. 171 E. 34th. GOOD HOME for housekeeper or mother's help. $lo a month. Call Sunday or after Monday. Mrs. J. Ward, Sandy road aud Clarnje. Park Rose. WANTED Girl for general homework, fam ily of 3, references required. Call ell wood 1616. week days after 9:30. WOMAN for general housework ; Scandi navian. Finnish or German; no objections to child. Call East 3841. CHAMBERMAIDS, waitress, family help". Howe's Agency, room 435, 279 Wash ington st. YOUNG woman for housework : homelike place. Phone C 1709 or call at 30O Cook ave., near Williams. WANTED Good, plain housekeeper, about 30, unincumbered, fur roan with small boy. AK 102, Oregonian. GOOD girl for upstairs work and care of children. 794 Irving at., cur. 24th. Main S235. GOOD home and car far for Ltncolu High, busiiiefcs college or trade school girl. Main WANTED 2 waitresses. $30 room and board (country. Call Broadway 2601, 9 A. M to 3 P. M. COMPETENT girl wanted to do general housework, permanent place for right party. Call Tabor 014 after 10 A. M. COM PETENT girl, plain housework, expe rience with babies, wages $25. 402 High land Court. WANTED Girl for general housework and cooking for family of 2 adults; references required. Apply 57 Lucretia st. WANTED Young girfto assist wtth house work; small family. 66 E. 19th st. N. East 6364. 10 WOME N to demonstrate toilet article; good opportunity; good money. Address T 131, Oregonian. WANTED Good girl for cooking and gen eral housework. 6U9 E 55th st. North. Tabor 5024. NEAT girl or woman to assist with house work and help care for boy ; good home, small wages. Tabor 3762. ' OLD established firm wants reliable woman over 30 for permanent position; no clerical work. S 1 1 1, Oregonian. LADY stenographer and assistant bookkeep er; give refT;iices and stute salary ex pected. X 104, Oregonian. GIRL for general ho usewor k 7S9 Lo vejoy. HELP WANTED MALBOR FEMALE. THE ORIOWAL MO LE R BAR E E RC OU LEGE ..il teach you the trade in eight week, pay you while learning, give you a set of tools, scholarship and diploma, get you a position; 32 schools In U. s. and Canada, Write for free catalogue. Cor. 2d and Burnside. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to It-am barber trade In 8 weeks; position guaranteed: tools free; paid while learning; tuition reduced. Can earn from $13 to $25 a week. Expert Instructors. 20 years in business 233 Madison st. THE ORIGINAL MOHLBR BARBER SCHOOL. Men and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks; tools free, paid while learning. Scholarship and diploma, get you a position. Tuition reduced. 38 N. 2d, cor. Couch. STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy, salesmanship. English branches at an ac credited school ; write or phne Main 590 for catalogue; graduates guaranteed posi tions. Bt-hnke-Walker Business College. 167 4th St.. near Morrison. WANTED By charitable organization, com petent bookkeeper and stenographer. Can use right party either full or part time. N 129. Oregonian. MISS MATTINOLY'S SCHOOL SHORT HAND AND TYPEWRITING. DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS; $." a month. 269 14th St.. near Jefferson. Main 3b93. FOR BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE ATTEND MISS DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. ALISKY BLDG., SD & MORRISON STS. HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Broadway-Yamhill bldg. Individual in structions. Positions when competent. WANT experienced agents for household ar ticles of merit; quick sales. AK 37, Ore gonian. MIPS CUNNINGHAM'S Stenographic School, 320 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 1114. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. FROM $12 a week to $3000 a year shows possibilities of life insurance; you can be trained for this business. Will send you free our correspondence course of sales manship and life insurance. This Is not advertising matter, but a course of in struction such as you would pay $50 for. It is yours for asking. Free. Write to day. William King. Agency Supervisor, Dept. 3, Missouri State Life Insurance Company. St. Louis, Mo. Fastest-growing life Insurance company In America, In surance In force over $120,000,000. PORTLAND Government clerk examinations May 9; $75 to 120 month. Sample ques tions free. Franklin Institute, dept. 3S6 C, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED StenoRrapher. age between 19 and 25 preferred. Csll between 10 and 1 Monday, ask for Mr. Stearns. Northwest ern Trust Co., Wilcox bldg. WANTED immediately, names men, women. wishing to become Government clerks. $75 monthly. AV 616, Oregon ian. HELP WANTED MlSCELLANEOrS. GET WELL t FREE. Every day from 10 A, M. to 4 P. M and evenings on Monday. Wednesday and Friday from 7 ft 9 P. M. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief in any way are Invited to attend these cllnloe In our big clinic hall THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will examine and diagnose your case and direct our treatment. FREE TO ALL. CHIROPRACTIC is the safe, sane, sura and modern science of curing and pre vent Ing diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause; health returns. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, 433 Hassalu St., at 7lh. East Side. Pl.one East 6556. Dr. Elliott. Director of Clinics. STEADY, reliable man. thoroughly experi enced bookkeeping, accounting, cashier and otfice work ; married. best references character and ability. East 6445 or Main 19N6. ANTED Men. women to try examinations for Government Jobs; $75 month. Address AV 5o2. Oregonian. WANTED-Prlvateinstruction In psychology. AF 105, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNO man. expert stenographer, office man. wants position; best references. Phone Main 894, U-IO A. M. STUDENT wants work for room and board, best references. N 1 15. Oregonian, Bookkeepers ami Clerks. WANTED Position by bookkeeper, thor oughly experienced In public service, mod ern commercial and corporation account ing; married: good references. Address S 90. Oregonian. WANTED Position by experienced book keeper, office manager and unit cost to countant; In or out of town; married; best of references. Address S 69, Orego nian. RELIABLE experienced man wants cleri cal position, wholesale house or other growing firm ; good penman, rapid, ref erences, AG '128. Oregonian. WANTED Position by thoroughly expe rienced elevator man : understands care of elevator machinery. For Interview call ceiiwooa eei. SALESMAN, exnerienced In aaencv organ ization. Is open for contract with reliable iirm. It 118. Oregonian MAN with 5 years experience as store man ager wants position, can furnish refer ences. M 121, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants Job in small hotel as day or niKht clerk; small wages accepted. AC 103, Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT experience r! r! account ing, purchasing, const., bookkeeping. P luO. Oregonian. HIGH-CLASS man wants connection with responsible firm; traffic, accounting and general office experience. N 97, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN of ahllity wants office work; best reference. AO 102, Oregonian, M i seel lanron. Vv ANTE Li Si t u a t i o n by baker who is ex perienced on all kinds of bread, fancy rolls. French pastry, pies, cookies, large cakes and ornamenting. Can -take rharae of any plant and give reference. R. E. Grace. 9:10 E. 21st St., Los Angeles. Cal. LIVE WIRE WITH COMMON SENSE Ag ricultural, livestock Journalist, advertising man. clever writer; exceptional qualifi cations: experienced; understands prac tical farming and farmers ; wants edito ria! or sales position. AV 613. Oregonian. YOUNG man with several years' experitnce in railway service wants position with wholesale firm ; answer quick if you can make use of my services, as I expect to leave the city within 30 days. AE 95, Oregonian. Al DAIRYMAN wants situation, experienced , In all dairy work and capable of manag ing. Protestant family preferred. Write. phone or call, stating wages. 402 a 3d st. Phone Main 7771. room 1 5. DA 1 UY MAN, experienced, wants to learn creamery or cheese manufacturing busi ness; would like employment in any ca pacity that would aid him. H 97, Ore gonian. , MIDDLE-AGED man wants work; fair edu cation, good penman, also experienced In groceries; wlU work very reasonable Call Main 2262. POSITION wanted as salesman ; have had several years experience in gen. mdse. etore; can lurnii.li references, M 122, Ore gonian. POSITION wanted by experienced groc. clerk; have had six years experience; can furnish beat of references. M 120, Ore gonian. SITUATION by baker who Is experienced in all lines of baking. Can take charge of any plant. Can give reference. R. E. Grace. 936 E. 21st St.. Los Angeles. Cel. MA N. wife and girl. 9. want general farm work; both ex p.; can milk three or four cows; A-l refs. Call w-ek davs bet. 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. Main 7051. A 1517. CANDY MAKE R wishes position, wholesale or retail. 1H years' experience, all-round candy and ice cream man. H. O. Potter, Portland. G. D. WANTED Reliable and competent man wishes steady employment as Janitor or iirviuan : also understand elevator; ttrat- u:ass reterence. p no, Oregonian. MAN AND WIFE want work on farm as nouse Keeper and ranch hand. Give full particulars In first letter. Address 571 Lexington. Astoria, Or. YOUNG married man with five years ex perience as men's f urn Is h lne eomli law man, desires position either In or out of cny. oregonian. COOK An all-round man. competent and reliable, wants place for a limited number; can come any time. G. H. Hussey. Wal ton, or. AM BITIOUS young man in senior year of high school would tike to get something to do before and after school Call Eiwt 765t0. I CAN make money for you; do not answer unless you are willing to pay for ex perience and brains; any business. S 107, Oregonian. OFFICE or clerical position with shlp-build-Ing company, have had practical manual experience along these lines; best local office references. BD 82, Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR desires position driving pri vate car; wifo for doing housework ; will go out of city, references. Kluo, Oregonian. or phone Marshall 539, after 4 :30. WANTED Position first-class chauffeur, private car or truck, can do own repair ing. E. DS5H. YOUNG- MAN 32. no bad habits, would like a few hours work each day. H 111, Oreponlan. PERMANENT position by first-class pattern maker, capable of taking charge of small nhop. AR 112, Oregonian. SUCCESSFUL man with managerial ability wants high-cluss connection, K. 101. Ore gonian. HOUSE painting, papering, kalsominlng. day or contract, work cheap. guaranteed. East 1911. JAPANESE couple wants place for cook and housework; both experienced. S. O.. 190 3d st. h WALL tinting with Muresco, carpenter work, new or repairs ; low prices to keep busy. Manny, Sellwood 2421. YOUNG man with exceptional selling abil ity wants position w-ith local manufac turer. Woodlawn 2033. YOUNG man of low earning ability who helps support mother, wants work ; A-l refs. Call weekdays. Main 7051. A 1517. CEMENT work, frame and concrete gar ages, gen. contracting and repairs. Wood lawn 2278. RELIABLE married man, middle-aged, wants work ; collections preferrd ; refs. Call weekdays. Main 7051, A 1517. YOUNG man wishes position, mechanic or machinist's helper. Experienced, Main 4558. PAINTING, carpenter work, paperhan King and kalsominlng. Call weekdays, Malu 7051. A 1517. BUSINESS, grocery man. wishes position; bst references; reasonable salary. X 98, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED man, greatly In need, de . sires any kind of common Jabor. Call weekdays. Main 7051. A 1517. CAPABLE and efficient man. a student of Christian Science. needs work of any kind X 136. Oregonian REWARD Want elevator or any work suit ing. Room 514 Oregonian. Main 3392 1 Drake). CHEF COOKING for position restaurant, cafeteria or hotel. Address Hery Fischer. 4SS Washington st Phone Main 1676. . YOUNG man, 21, would like work evenings or Sunday. East flw92. K 9i. Oregonian. PA INTING, carpenter work, remodeling, cheap, day or contract. Marshall 5b85. MAN with good horses wants logging con tract for Summer. AB 9S. Oregonian. YOUNG man desires to learn moving pic ture operating. Phone Tabor t220. STUDENT wol-.M like work evenings for room or board. East 171. room 315. JAPANESE, first-class cook, wishes position In private family. Main 3693. PAINTING, paperhanlrlng, and tinting neatly and cheaply done. Mar. 2493. ALL-AROUND butcher and ssusagemaker. 79 Brooklyn St. Sellwood lOSS. CARPENTER snd cabinetmaker wants work by day or contract. Tabor 771. MAN wsnts genera farm work, help milk; state wages. BP 7S. Oregonian. WANTED- Land to surf are clear or brush to slash, AH 97. Orcoiua SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Miticrllaneoua. HANDY MAN. Jack of all trades, age . married, 1 child 4; hav had considerable experience In farm, ranch and orchard, also on construction of various kinds; have tools; wife good cook ; would lika eady work, in or out of town or stats. K 122, Oregonian. MAN, 24 years old, desires position in ma chine shop; understand plans and have had engineering experience for several years; steady, ambitious and not afraid of work. AM 99. Oregonian. prrcATioxs wanted fem alk. Bookkeepers and Step eg rmp here. WANTED Position as bookkeeper and sten ographer. Am capable taking entire charge of office and collections. Excel lent references. Call Marshall 3950 after e p. m. ; A VERY neat and kindly young lady of good family desires to help In office work to earn money to finish her profes sion. T 91, Oregonian. WOMAN with some experience office work and accustomed to meet the pub'tc wants position where reliability will be appre ciated. Marshall 5403. room 2. LADY of ability, experienced In dry goods and grocery business wishes position either clerking; or office work. Phone Tabor 4254. COMPETENT stenographer desires position. 6 years' experience In law office. Main 4220, room 44. WANTED By refined young lady. s. po sition as cigar girl In hotel; prefer go ing out of town. AP 10O, Oregonian. YOUNG lady bookkeeper, good penman quick at figures; half day: $5 per week; ref erences BD 75. Oregonian. POSITION In office, by young lady, with experience as bookkeeper, cashier and typist; references. T 134. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, lady with fine local ex perience, wishes position or temporary work. Sellwood 1048. EXPERIENCE billing on Remington. Wah4 adder and electrlo Underwood machine. Phone East 5123. YOUNG lady stenographer would like po sition as beginner, ail or part of the day. Phone East 5140. EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes posi tion; would leave city; can furnish ma- chlne. BP 89. Oregonian. VERY capable business woman and sten ographer wishes office position. Phone oodlawn 20 1 ti. STENOGRAPHER desires position, si months' experience in office work; refer ences. Main 4057. EXPERIENCED stenographer. willing to work mornings or afternoons; must have work. M 125. Oregonian. STEADY position as cashier In restaurant by thoroughly competent young lady. Mar. S75. room 2. EXPERIENCED stenographer and general office assistant desires permanent poai- tion. East 405. CAPABLE young lady wants position In dentist's office; experienced. BF SO, Ore gonian. STENOGRAPHER, with some experience, desires position. Moderate salary. Mar shall 794. EXPERIENCED and competent stenogra pher desires position. Phone East 1937. STENOGRAPHER desires position. few months' experience. Tabor 1512. YOUNG lady wants any kind of office work; good references. AV 533. Oregonian. POSITION wanted by stenographer and of fice girl ; references. Phone Main 5192. YOUNG lady desires position doctor's office; experienced. Columbia 16. FIRST-CLASS stenographer, young woman, desires position. Marshall 545: A-l STENOGRAPHER. '"l0years exp., wi'.l accept temporary work. Main t334. 1 rrin a era. A LONG-EXPERIENCED shopgirl wants a few more customers : old thir gs made to look like new. 181 13th st.. apt. 3. Main 15 - 3. DRESSMAKING, plain sewing; prices right, work guaranteed. Mrs. Crockett, 248 15th. Mar. 41 33. FANCY dressmaking. We guarantee to fit you. Call Marshall 3659 Classic Apts.. No. 25. DRESSMAKING neatly done;" nurses' uni forms, curt a Ins hemstitched, comforters tied. East 6126. ALL kinds sewing at my home; waists. $1; dresses. 3.50, $4.50; work satisfactory. Main 3341. BEAUTIFUL hand-made flowers from your own pieces: prices reasonable. Main 9132. I WILL make fancy dresses, only $2.50. 721 2 82d South. Gray's Crossing. DR ESSMA KERwishes engagements by day, $ 1.75, experienced. Marshall 1757. LADIES' tailoring, alterations, coats, relined. Mrs. Mucklen, 445 Morrison. Main 6133. WANTED Sewing by dsy or home. Tabor 5133. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, f 1.75 per nay. Phone D lrtort EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing by day. Tabor 2351. ORDERS wanted for real needle-point lace. A M i8. Oregonian. DRH SS MA KING or plain sewing by day, reasonable. East 6569. QUICK, experienced dressmaking, homo or out, $ 1.75 day. Main 3148. HIGH school girl taking sewing course will do family sewing. Woodlawn 3265. FANCY party gowns $7. 310 Flledner bldg. M a i n 1 9. DRESSMAKING $2.50 per day; good fit, quMk work; reference. Woodlawn 5J97. Nu COTTAGE HOSPITAL. 1234 E. Morrison st Mateinity work a specialty; mental and convalescent patients received; trained nurses only; congenial surroundings; terms reasonable. Tabor 26S7. TRAINED nurwi desires a few refined pa tients for light magnetic and massage treatment. ltbi 2d st., cor. xamhul. '2d floor, rooms POSITION as companion or nurse to an invalid; can give references. Phone Wood lawn 2447. PRACTICAL nursing; best city references. Woodlawn 4071. ERICKSON'S White Shield Maternity Home. No publicity. 79B E. 72d N. Tabor 4681. PRACTICAL nurse and housekeeper wants work. D 1339. FOR capable, experienced nurse phone Woodlawn 4706. NURSE for maternity cases or will care for ron nalescent person. M arshall 1902. ltuufivrrjJCf . WIDOW wishes a position as housekeeper for bachelors' apartment or widower. Call Woodlawn 2046. Address 950 Glenn ave. N., Portland. Or. S. W. T. NEAT, refined woman, excellent house keeper and cook, prefers day work, but would work for couple or club. Phone Woodlawn 2616. CAPABLE retined lady desires position ss housekeeper; good cook, economical, for bachelor or widower; reference. R. 113, Oregonian. REFINED elderly woman wishes to keep house In Portland or suburbs for a widower or elderly couple; refs. exchanged. Ta bor 4071. CAPABLE, exp. woman wants general house work where she can take her 15-year-old daughter; A-l refs. Call weekdays. Main 7051. A 1517. " EXPERIENCED Swedish girl wants house work in family of adults; $35 month, Cail Monday. Marshall 41Q0, A 4125. TWO experienced women want cooking, housekeeping or housework. Marshall 42 S, room 10. MARRIED lady, without children, wishes position to manage apts. or hotel. Refer ences. PhoueTabor 6i9. WIDOW desires position as manager hotel or apartment-house ; experience; best ref erences. AN 97, Oregonian. WI DOW wishes management of hotel or apartment-house, experienced; best refer ences. AN 1 12. Oregonian. REFINED woman desires position as house keeper In apartment-house or for business people; strictly business. Wdln. 14u2. YOUNG woman, experienced cashier, wants permanent position, nominal salary; ref erences. H 106. Oregonian. W ANTED Position as housekeeper by re fined elderly lady. wl4oer'i home pre ferred. AC 102. Oregonian. GOOD, strong, capable girl wishes position as chambermaid. Call after 3 P. M. Mar shall 3016. YOUNG Japanese woman wants housework, city or country. 225 h 1st WIDOW wants housekeeping In city or country. Marshall 3066. 265 So. Broadway. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes light work, 6 or S hours. -S 126. Oregonian. MAKEOVER shop. 202 Flledner. Suits gowns remodeled; coats relined. Mar. 3201. WANTED Situation as housekeeper or cook, out of city: little girl 4. Main 1'6. CAPABLE stenographer desires position, ex perienced private secretary, correspondent, department manager. Tabor 1523. COMPETENT middle-aged woman wants general housework, good cook. AM 107, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cook wants position In pri vate family. BF 79. Oregonian. GOOD, refined little girl wishes light house work or nurse girl. Woodlawn 4W7.V Y'OUNG sMH wsnts poitioa as , chlld'i Burse. Phone Tabor 735. 4