10 TITE SUNDAY OREGONTAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 23, 1917. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. "UG, fine wheat ranch. Wasco Co.; R. R. station and large creek on place, 100 A. alfalfa land, large equipment of stock and machinery; consider good income property In Portland from $00,000 to S75.O0O; price 9 SO. Out). SOO-acre wheat ranch, Sherman Co. ; part In grain; price $28,000; consider other good property In or near PorOand, $15,000 to $0,000; balance to suit. Over 900 acres, stock and wheat ranch; rood buildings, quite a lot under lrriga Iton, some stock and machinery; price - $35,000; consider good income property. One of finest places In Valley, over 500 ' acres, .few miles from Portland, some 0 stock ad machinery; price $80,000; want Income property in Portland. Want equipped dairy ranch. Valley or Columbia River, $25,000 to $50,000; have bearing walnut orchard, timber and first mtg. notes to offer; will pay some cash, if attractive. L. K. MOORE, 317 Board of Trade. WANTED. INCOME PROPERTY TO $15,000. Modern Home, Valued at $5500. Incumbrance $2500. Clear lota val ued at $6350. Will put in notes, pay cash and assume for business prop erty up to $15,000. F. E. TAYLOR CO.. Inside Property Dealers, Ground Floor, Henry Building. CORVALLIS INCOME PROPERTY TO $0000 to exchange for farm up to $10,000; this place is bringing $75 per month rent and any farm put up must have the right valuation. VALLEY FARM TO EXCHANGE FOR FARM IN MIDDLE WEST. Fine lttO-acre piace, close to Corvallls, to exchange for farm In Minnesota, Iowa or nearby states, $18,000; same party also has 35-acre place, well improved with house, barn, silo, etc., 2 miles from ood town; will exchange either or both. uJO-acre place in Benton County to ex change for Portland income property of less or equal value ; 175 acres cultivated, fair buildings, creek, springs, orchard, no rork or gravel ; price $20,000. Make an offer for equity in cottage In Portland. F. KINNEY. Box 91, Corvallls. Or. WELL improved, cen trail y located business property, paying 6 per cent net on $200, O00; wiil take some- good property in ex change, some cash, balance long time mortgage at 5 per cent. Well -Improved corner on best street In city; fair income; price $125,000; want good clear property and mortgage. une oi tne oest-ouut ana equippea apartment-houses In the city ; well filled ; shows fine Income; moderate incumbrance; want stock ranch from $75,000 to $100,000. R. F. BRYAN, 509 Chamber of Commerce. SOMETHING REAL GOOD. For sale or trade for going business. 6 room modern bunealow. close In. all mod ern conveniences ; gas. electricity, furnace. cement basement, bath. etc. : ri rep lace, built-in butfet, shrubbery, roses; splendid nome. A. bargain lor soineoouy. Deal di rect with owner. Tabor 7790, V m. B, Ogden. 240 East 32a st. X HAVE a good Eastern Oregon wheat ranch all in cultivation ; good buildings, plenty of water, within 3 miles of rail road ; good paying proposition ; I want to exchange ror a farm within 2 miles f Portland as I cannot leave the city ; please state location and full particulars in your answer, iv J i, oregonian. WHEAT LAND KNAP. 410 A., 400 acres seeded this Spring; good Buildings, plently of water, rented on halves. Want residence In city and crop payments. O. P Hulse. at J. L. Hart man Company. successors to Hartman 6c Thompson, 209 htarjc st. SEATTLE PROPERTY WANTED. Vacant or residence, for equity $4000 in 40 acres 3 h miles from Portland, close to graveled road; fine water, wood, neigh bors, best "shot" soil, no gravel or sand ; prefer Seattle, will consider Portland. Ad dress AV JJ14, Oregonian. STOCK ADWHEAT RANCHES with or without equipment and stock; exclusive list of first -class properties; any size; many of them personally inspected by us. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO.. 607 Yeon Bldg. LAURELHURST HOUSE. Fine modern o- room house; hot-water neat, garage, $bU0U; will take bungalow up to (4000. J. W. GRUSSI, 316 Board of Trade. Main 7452. WANTED $100,000 building. Have good farm to offer, clear of incumbrance. Also want $50,000 building, strictly confidential. Wm. Hurley, at J. L. Hartman Company, successors to Hartman die Thompson. 2o9 Stark st. WANT improved or unimproved farm land or good logged-off land, $2500 to $5ooO; have cash and equity in house and two lots, close In on main thoroughfare; own ers only. A. K. HILL, 419 Henry Building. WILL exchange my Hollywood home for Portland property; lot lH)xlfrt; 11 rooms, 2 baths, all modern, good condition, good location; value of appraisement $10,000. Addre&s 656 De Long pro ave., Hollywood. Cal. BY OWNER Modern bungalow, best resi dence district, improvements in a. id paid, all clear; want 1 acre or more, improved, with clear title, by owners only, on 5c and loc carfare. Answer all week. AL 30, Oregonian. X WANT to exchange Portland property for a good stock ranch not less than 2000 acres in Eastern Oregon ; w ill assume if place justifies; give all particulars as to location, amount of mock, etc.; I mean business. K 117. Oregonian. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for Illinois property, nice bungalow in Irvington Park. Portland; also 5uu shares Pacific Coast Gypsum stock. Uypsum Company offices. Tacoma: mines in Aaska. Address J. C. Zeller. Yazoo City, Miss. PORTLAND LOT. 100x100, 8-room house, modern, furnace, fireplace, built-in buffet, mortgage $2075, equity $30o0; will trade for acreage or sell cheap for cash. E. A. Middle brook. Clatskanie. Oregon. WILL sell or exchange small sawmill and , logging outfit; 220 acres of land, some im provements; small pliner and carriage; any or all for ranch. ADDRESS AV 546, OREGONIAN. f"OR EXCHANGE My beautiful apartment site at corner of 23d and Hawthorne. What have you In Chicago or its north shore suburbs to trade for this ? E. R. Stone. 620 Washington ave., Wllmette, Iil. WILL TRADE my 11 flats In OaklandCaL"; all modern. Income over $200 per month, for merchandise or any paying business. For more particulars address A. GUkbarg, Salinas, Cal. WILL exchange my hoiue on Halsey street, - near 19th, for property of equal value In or near San Jose, Cal.; acreage or lots preferred. W B. Puterbaugh, 407 Garden t City Bk. Bldg., San Jose CaL (Owner). W-ACRE Willamette Valley ranch, 40 miles of Portland, for sale or trade, by owner, for modern home In Portland. Phone Ta bor 248 or East 291. WANT small stock ranch with stock, or farm, for Kansas town property and Sa lem residence. A. E. Hedine, 785 E 19th st.. Salem, Or. !vVILL trade beautiful 8-room house in best residential district of the city, for smaller house in desirable East bide district. E 104, Oregonian. CORNER lot. 37th and Thompson, for acre age; pavements bonded, sewer, water, side walks. By owner. Phone A 1662. X 97, Oregonian. WILL exchange equity in 9-roomed house and 75x100. in Richmond district, for 2 J- to 10-acre chicken ranch, well improved; . cloae in and clear. 414 Gerlinyer bldg. " HAVE house and lot, 68x100, coTnerChap man and Clifton sts., mtg. $3500; will exchange equity for unincumbered lots. F. E. Bowman & Co., 213 Cham, of Com. 6 ALE or trad, hotel bldg., lot, furniture"; house full; $1800 cash, rest like rent from business; trade for clear farm land. Owner, Box 455, Raymond, Wash. FOR EXCHANGE Have choice Portland residence lot. Want Los Angeles or suburbs. Submit first letter. O. N. Scott 75S S. Spring st., Los Angeles. " FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE .Finest income property in the city. F. E. Bowman & Co., 213 Chamber of Commerce. CILL trade my beach home as first pay ment .or house and lot in Portland. Ta - bor 2374. &VILL trade 4-room cottage, h acre 27 fruit trees; 2109 E. Schuyler; worth $800; for house and lot close in. Tabor 4S35. PORTLAND property for property In any state of United States. Y 79. Oregonian. CLEAR West Side property for valley ranch. L 116. Oregonian. TWO lots, good location to exchange for farm horses. H 103. Oregonian. CHOICE Ladd's Add. lot, exchange for acre age. 401 Bd. of Trade bldg., Mr. Duffy. TRADE 4 lots West Portland Heights, clear for clear residence. X 102, Oregonian. TO PAVE foreclosure take clear lot for equity in 6-room house. East 5407. TRADE A house or clear lots for a gro cery store. X 129, Oregonian. $1050 EQUITY 6-r. bungalow, $450; accept auto as part. S I 18. Oregonian. WANT improved California acreage for Portland property. X 97, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. MONEY-MAKING Gentleman's Country Home. On the paved boulevard to Riverside and Los Angeles; 53 1-3 acres, all In alfalfa; 7 cuttings a season; 1916 yield $:IM00. Mod ern irrigation system ; own Interest in $5000 electric pumping plant and large concrete reservoir; distribution system by series of 12-inch concrete pipe, laid under ground with control switches, permitting Irrigation of any desired area. Improve ments are high-class, consisting of mod ern o-roora nouse with Z sleeping porches, mrse earn, mil it nouse ana all needed out build intra. An assorted famllv orrhard. Separate water system for domestic use. Electricity for liehts and nnwer. I will include my complete equipment. livestock and machinery. Property pays 20 per cent on the cash value of $lS,ouo. Will con- siuer to shuou in well improved small farm in wiiiamette Valley, river bottom land under cultivation preferred. Terms on "ft'unce. for complete details see my son, F. W. King. Itsl4 Siskiyou St., Portland, pnone j lain, who will inspect any offer ings for me. 200 ACRES richest, deepest, blackest, loaml est soil you ever saw. All black walnut, creek bottom but 3 acres, 175 acres under plow, balance timber and meadow, timber mostly black walnut; natural alfalfa and corn land, but grows 400 bushels of po tatoes to acre. too. 100 acres of this land would pass out here for beaverdam or onion land. Very best railroad and mar ket advantages; best of water and oceans of it. plenty of timber and fuel. Price J25,000 or will trade for good im proved Oregon land at cash valuation Also 160 acres finest red clover and al- raira land, only 20 miles from -Chicago, very best railroad and market advantages every foot tillable, only 5OO0. clear of all incumbrance. Will trade for good Oregon Kino. a. Mcott. 7 t. tiyth st., Portland. Or. Tabor 6070. STOCK En AXn Ffwrpppn Golne Vallev farm. 2K3 ar.rM npmr- n- valiis, R r. station right on place 190 in jnKn state or cultivation, part now seeded, balance plowed ready for planting. First-class buildings, best of fences all necessary stock and equipment. Price $28,000. Want city income to $13,000, $2XK cash, balance long time at tt per cent. H acres. 12 miles from city. Ore. City tar, wen improved, price $3000. Accept residence or clear lots to $2u00, balance mortgage. High-claps Irvlnsrton "home, confine- Own er over $13,000. no incumbrance. Exchange lauu nut over mues irom city. TALLMADGE REALTY COM PA N Y 619 Henry BIdg. Marshall 355. iuu HOTEL for $6000 trade. This hotel ib luny equipped, running and doing good business; only hotel I n town, nnlv nut Ipt to the mines. The main building has 19 limine', annex i rooms; also livery stable; 3 full lots 50x110: furniture Include Frnrh range bricked in), double, cost $250; a $300 piano, one of the beds cost $50. We have our own carbide lighting plant, our v- o.ir-1 iBiem, gasoline engine, etc. This is Hotel Merlin, at Merlin. Or., on main line S. P. R. R., 9 miles north of Grants Pass. We wish to trade for farm about same value. My property is clear and we wish to trade for clear, or nearly so. Prefer farm stocked and ready to step into, uaii or address Airs. hi. U rah am. iuci iin, jr. HALF PRICE. 160 ACRES KF!AR MrR4S OT SPRING WATER. FAIR HOUSE AND BARN. GOOD .SOIL, EASILY CLEARED (PARTLY FENCED , SCHOOL WUAR- 'I h.K MILE, GOOD NEIGH BORS; 10 EARS TO PAY OUT; A LITTLE CASH WILL START YOU ON ROAD TO JN- i'tLft2.iui?st:t:, balance long time; W 1 LL CON S 1 DE R GOOD PO RTL A N D LOT. TOO OLD TO H A N'T f . W. - M I NT BE SOLD; GREAT BARGAIN AT $16 x-n-rt Artfj; IJ1SCUUNT I r ALL CASH. MAKE OFFER. SEE PATTERSON, OWN ER, 2U1 SELLING BLDG. SIX ACRES, unincumbered, fine soil, all In high state of cultivation; modern 7-room bouse. Including electric lights and fine water system; good modern barn and other outbuildings, plenty of fruit and berries; on good road near Portland and good station; price $0500, and for ex change for modern, unincumbered and well-located Portland residence of about BtLiuu a i Lie. SAMUEL DOAK, t 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. STOCKED AND F.OITIPPPn Firv 95 acres In popular farming district only 2 1 miles from Portland; Go acres cult. ; iui ge new Darn ana silo ; 12 choice cows, heifers", bull, 4 horses, hogs, poultry and all machinerv: nri- si4 . trade for acreage or income property to LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, t13 Chamber of Commerce. WANT CITY HOME. 20-acre tract With fine net of hnlTrt!nir close to school. 5 blocks from cariine and station, 10 acres full bearing prunes, build ings cost $3000; 14 miles from heart of Portland, miles from Vancouver. Price want, city propertv. H. A DRYER. THE ACREAGE MAN. 510 LEWIS BLDG. THE Interstate bridge Is completed. Bella Vista is only 35 minutes from Portland by auto. Beautiful groves, elegant view of river and mountains, ever-running springs and creeks, winding drives make it a classy place for your country home. Will consider choice city property. Bella Vtsta Subdivision Co., owners. East 171 Princess Hotel block. 6 ACRES on Estacada line; 10 acres, 4 miles east of Oregon City; 3 acres at Cherry Grove; 3 lots and small house at SL Helens. Fine new, modern home in 11111b boro. Will sell on easy terms or trade for good building lots. Owner 609 Mc Kay Bldg. ; p h one Mars hall 2500. C A L I FORNIX. 6 rTeGON Los Angeles Income for Oregon stock ranch about $15,000. Portland Income for mds. "stock about $40,000. or California real estate. VANDUYN WALTON. 515 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE a well located building with six store rooms below, and furnished apartments on second floor to exchange for stocked dairy ranch, some mortgage can run long time. Wiil assure building Is well filled. Price $24.000. V 130 Oregonian. FARM FOR HOUSE. Improved 15 acres, on large cneek, 2 miles St. Helena station, attractive coun try home; want a house worth $3000, or lots up to $2000. M. T. Duffy, 401 Bd. of Trade. F1VE-R. bungalow for sale; take good auto as part pay. AH 130. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE FISCELLANEOCa. WILL exchange new Grafonola or records for oak office uesk and chair. BD bti. Ore gonlan. $10 GILLETTE safety razor, brand new, for i!-:;.5. nr !tn:in u rho r-r rlli i- cutri ..... Phone East 7299. A GAS range to trade for good leather suit case. Phone C 1659. NEW sot of law books to trade for fur rug, Phone C 1083- HIGH-GRA DE mandolin for storage bat tery. 400 Wilcox bldg. WHAT have you to trade for an Indian mo torcycle ? Main 2975. GENTS" gold watch for bicycle. Tabor 1969. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Elo. TEN head of young mares, weight from 1200 lbs to 1600, will sell cheap. Honey man Hardware Stables, 617 Vaughn st.. between 19t h and 20 th. at rear Oregon Planlng Mills. CAPITAL STABLES, 287 Front St.; Just re ceived a carload of horses and mares from 1200 to 1700, and from 4 o 8 years old; all first-class stock. A GOOD farm team and harness; must be old at once; some terms. Koehring Ma chine Co. N. W., Ii04 Hawthorne ave. East 64 b 2. DEAD HORSES and animals hauled away free; $6 paid for cows, crippled and played outs. Portland Rendering Co. Call Wood lawn 20. HACK, livery and boarding stable, doing good business, for sale or trade for cat tle or mules; must sell at once on ac count of sickness. Call 124 North 12th at. WE want teams to haul by contract 500 cords oak wood, mostly gravel roads. For better information inquire James George. Yamhill. Or. DEAD stock taken quick. 7 and up for dead cows, crippled horses. We pay the most. Tabor 4203. DEAD STOCK and old horses bought. I have a new price. Call me up. Pa one MUwaukie69 J NICE span of blocky mares, weight 2100 lbs.; good harness and farm wagon. Ask for Mr. Wright's team. 546 Front st. FOR SALE1450-lbgray-geldfngsomidl broke. A. Grant, G res ham, route 3, Lln neman station. TEAM, 1100 lbs. each, with good harness an'd light ranch wagon, $115. Phone Mar shall 4055. FOR SALE 2 horses, weight between 1200 and 1300; also 2 delivery wagons. Apply Lay Bros.. 29th and Gladstone ave. WANT good 1200-lb. farm horse; state price and age. Write S. J. Johnson, 512 East Charleston St., Portland. WANTED Horse and buggy; must be cheap, good home for horse. 410H Morrison at. Phone Marshall 5032, room 38. FOR SALE Wagons and horses cheap. 83 E. 7 th st.. North. FOR SALE Team of mules, about2600 lbs Rlverview Dairy Co., lQQ3 Belmont st. HORSES, wagons, buggies and harness for sale. Apply 20 Grand ave. HORSES for hire by day or month. C. W. Townsend Co., 380 Front. Main 157L A GOOD farm team, wagon and harness cheap. 546 Front st. ' FOB SALE. Morwes, Vehicles, Harness, Etc. NOTICE. PUBLIC AUCTION SALE: 25 mares and geldings, weight 1000 to 1500 lbs. each, age 5 to 10 yrs. old, all good workers. All kinds of harness, wagons and buggies. All of above stock mentioned strictly first-class. ' Wilt be sold to highest bidder without reserve. You'll have a guarantee as auctioneer represents; if not, money will be re funded by owner, F. W. Thompson. Sale takes place, rain or storm, Tuesday, 10 A. M., sharp, at 240 East 8th it, near Hawthorne ave. If you have any stock to sell I will sell It on commission. J. W. WALKER, Auctioneer. Phone East 8118. r AUCTION. HORSE 3. MONDAY, FEB. 26. Several well-matched teams of mares and a few geldings, young, sound and all weights. Well broke and guaranteed In all ways; Just arrived from Eastern Oregon. Don't miss this sale. We sell for anyone on 5 per cent com mission. We have a market for every class of a horse, harness and wagon, and guarantee the highest market price and cash. PORTLAND HORSE SALE CO., 308-310 Front St. SPAN of very blocky-buflt black geldings, wt. 400 lbs., good workers and free of blemishes. 4 and 5 yrs. old, $250. 3 micidie-agdi geldings, v. t. about 1300 lbs., sound, free of blemishes, guaranteed to be good workers. $75 each. Full-biooded Clyde stallion, 9 yrs. old, good worker and sound, wt. 1 750 lbs., guaranteed to be sure foal-getter, $275. Some well -ma ted young mares and geld ings at Model stables, 5th and Davis. FRA7TER A M'LEAN KSTAB. 84 YEARS. Understand thetr business and are In a position to furnish you with horses for all purposes. Draft, express, driving and farm ch links; draft teams for hire ; all good workers and in fine shape. Our location aiways tne same, ath ana layior sts. Aiarsnau 600. U. S. STABLES. 248 Front St. Just received another consignment of gooa young horses and mares, some rood matched teams. The best that money can buy In the country. If you are in the market call and inspect this stock. I guarantee every horse I sell and trial aiioweu to responsible parties. G. D. WILLIAMSON. ARE FORCED to vacate, must sell our stock, team black mares, weight 3OO0 team gray mares, weight 3.Ho; team mares, bay and black, weight 26oo; several horses and mares, weight about 12O0 each, ages from 3 to 12, all In good condition; trial given. Come and see us; will explain to you; prices reasonable. Stable, lol 11th st., near iorth liank station. AUCTION AUCTION. Every Tuesday and Friday. 2 o'clock. All kinds ot harness, wagous, horses and mules; all sold as represented or no sale; everything sold on commission, 5 per cent. Phone us if you have anything to list. Main 220ri, 546 Front su McClelland Horse & Mule Co. U. S. STABLES. 248 FRONT STREET. Just received a carload of good horses and mares from Eastern Oregon, weighing trom ixi to iuiwi lbs. If you are in th market for a good horse or team, call and inspect this stock. G. D. WILLIAMSON. TEAM of geldings, 7 and 8 years old. 8-ln. wagon and harness, weleht 2700 lbs., and are good workers, single and double. Don't overlook this pair if you want a work team, i am going to nuy a truck and will sell this outtlt at a loss. $205. Crown Stables, 280 Front. BARGAIN. Good farm team, 5 and 6 years old. weight 2iK lbs., true workers, single or double, quick sale, $275. Take Oregon City car to Arlington station, come up river to wagon bridge, cross, turn to left, first house. 284 1ST ST., between Jefferson and Colum bia, span or mares. 1200 each, brown and bay. S and 9 years old. This team is fat and ready for work. They are gentle and true to pull. $235. with harness. A real bargain. Owner going East. HAVE no place to keep my team of colts. - anu weignc ziuu, gentte ana sound; are fine farm team; price $100; want good home for same; dealrs need not apply. See owner, Eimer Apartments, No. b, 95 N. 13th st., cor. Flanders. NOTICE TO HORSE BUYERS Mares and horses. 1 ion to 16)0 lbs., some In foal, about 20 head; we want disposal. Also span of gray mares, 32o lbs.; black mare, 1600. Portland Van & Storage Stables, 16th and Raleigh Take 16th or 8 car. FOR SALE or exchange, few of best young "Qreer can oe iouni, to l.iUU; lew second-hand horses we have taken in ex change; 10 second-hand farm wagons, har ness of all kinds, 2 ranch spring wagons. 302 Front st. Phil Suetter. Main 3030 FOR SALE One team of heavy horses. weighing 3000 lbs.; 2 teams . of horses, weighing 27oo lbs. ; one team of horses, weighing 250O lbs.; 1 flr.st-class driving horse, weighing 1200 lbs. 26 Russell st. MARES MARES MARES. 16 head In all weights from lluo to 1800, ages 4 to 10 years, all guaranteed sound. Bording Stables, 101 N. 11th St., near Norm Jblank station. FOR SALE Good farm team, harness and wagon. ilia Market, East 24h6. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. $10 CASH buys new fumed oak latest model piano, superior in every way to those which don't care dealers claim to be $375 In struments. Call Storage Ac For warding Dept., 151 4th Bt., near Morrison. $135 AND $160 CASH Buys modern ;i25 and $375 upright grand piano tomorrow at Security Storage Co., 109 4th st.. at Washington. 5 BUYING POWER and $1.25 weekly secures J350 grade 1917 model piano, for $262.50 at 4 off. Inven tory sale Scnwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st. $250 LARGE Edison cylinder phonograph. 5932. LUDWIG piano, practically new; owner leaving town, for sale cheap, $125. Phone East 2061, Sunday. WANTED Chlckerlng, Knabe. Steinway. up- RENT A PIANO Most reasonable terms in HAROLD & GILBERT. 884 Yamhill. 1145 CASH -buys $350 modern upright piano. Security Storage Co., 109 4th st. $140 CASH buys $350 piano, modern, up. r'gni. reai ivory Keys, not a st en ci i. tiar old S. Ollbert. 384 Yamhill st. FOR SALE Square piano, good shape. Must eu cn account or leaving city. Bargain. 740 Weidler st. WILL sell for $150 cash $400 small Bush & uina piano, useo snort time, good condi tion. Mar. 260, apt. 35. FOR SALE Good piano, reasonable. Call runuay, to ; wee it aays, alter 7 P. M. 1189 N. Gay st. ON account of moving will sell at a bar- t gain my uprignt piano lor $75. Call fore- FOR SALE One Chlckerlng piano. City 1 PAY cash for used pianos. Harold S. GII- oen, as- lamnii mz. $90,397.53 IN pianos going at $57,131.45, See scnwan rieoo uo. inventory sale. 111 4th. STEINWAY, like new, $338. Harold a Gil bert, 34 1 am hill. PIANO for sale, bargain. Phone Sell wood 31 oil. GOOD cheap phonograph, want to buy with recoras. state price. Art ill, oregonian. $100 TAKES a $500 piano. Phone Sunday or evenings, sell wood lluZ. HAVE a new large Grafonola to trade for piano. 3i tso, oregonian. GOOD piano for sale cheap. Call Mar. 4000, room 9. WANTED A Gibson mandolin; must be reasonable. K. 902, . Oregonian. $100 CASH for a good piano. Must be a bargain. M 12S. Oregonian. $85 GRAFONALA. nearly new, $65, terms. K 116. Oregonian. CABINET Vletrola. some records, practi cally new. 628 Flanders st. WILL store piano for use. Best of care. No children. Main 9370. FOR SALE or rent, upright piano to re sponwible party. Phone Main 67S1. PIANO snap, $100. terxu. Tabor 073. FOB SALE. Plan Of. Organs mod MaMcal Instruments. CLOPTNG OUR SALE OF STORAGE! AND LEFT-ON-SALE PIANOS. Only $45 for a BTEIWAT A SONS, good tone, but old model, and a FISCHER at $20 cash. We'll not say that this Steinway is worth $450 now, nor that the Fischer is worth $250. but we know they were sold for more than that when new, and we guaranteed them better pianos than for which other dealers make those claims. $35 buys an upright piano, a really good practice piano, which when new cost as much as $400. $95 gives you choice of several ( splendid strictly modern upright pianos, and there are even a few at $75. t ' Mahogany , player piano. with music rolls, and good phonograph, with some records, all for $225. These instruments when new were surely worth more than $700. But it Isn't the past value that counts; It is the present condition of these instruments that you are interested In. We guarantee them superior and for " less money than offered else where. See them Storage & For warding Dept., 151 4th st.. near Morrison. BARGAINS IN USED PIANOS. Durrand organ --$ 23.00 Estey organ 60.O0 Packard organ, piano case 75. oo Holllng-spangenberg, upright 75.00 D. W. Prentice, rosewood case ..... 1 45. OO Singer, m -iogany case 135.00 Smith A Barnes, golden oak....... It5. OO Ludwig, just like new 295.00 Terms if desired. REED FRENCH, 10th and trk. GOIXO! ftOIVftt ftOVW! The storage hnmnou with 1 a. rnnd deal like the auction business. We sell pianos for our natrons. We buv and sell 'pianos for cash onlv W t atnr nlnnoi for 50c monthly. Today we have a $250 oio. moaej piano to close out for $2a cash. Tomorrow it's gone. Today we have an $875 upright in mahogany for $95 cash ; tomorrow It's gone. Today we have a nne nu p;ayer piano for $2o cash. To morrow itrs gone. You are invited to in vestigate the Kecurity Storage Company's piano offers. 109 Fourth iL, at Wash ington. WONDERFUL VALUES IN PHONOGRAPHS, $50 Orchestrola, special price $40 $25 Orchestrola, special price $20 The Orchestrola marks a distinct ad vance In phonograph making. It has the Tomanco universal tone arm, which can be adjusted to play ail the different disc records on the market with a faithfulness and beauty of tone that makes it the most desirable of all phonographs. "You can not resist its tone." "Hearing Is believ ing. MISH FURNITURE CO., 184 1st St. $125 CASH buys new, modern up right piano, warranted better in ail respects than those which some dealers claim to be $325 ftlanos. See them or write for llustrations, free, Eilers Music House (entrance 142 Broadway), the establishment you can always depend upon. A MAHOGANY Aeolian player. $5. and excellent player piano. $194). Music rolls included. Can be had on time payments. See Eilers Music Houae, the establishment you can always rely upon. En trance 142 Broadway. SAVE 50 TO 75 PER CENT on all makes of phonographs and records machines $3. records be. Snecial for Mod day. Edison diamond disc records off. Blue amberolas 25c. We buy, sell, rent and trade. PORTLAND PHONOGRAPH & RECORD EXCHANGE. Main 4495. 12 1st. NOTICE. Cut out this ad und bring to our NEW STORE. 831A MORRISON ST., opposite PORTLAND HOTEL, and we will give you a nanay street GUIDE FREE. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO. WE buy, sell and exchange all kinds of pnonograpns. UEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., 1S5 to 191 First SU Phone Marshall 59ol, A 3224. COLUMBIA grafonola, costing $75. new with records $28. W 130, Oregonian; l umiture for Hale. RECORD-BREAKING VALUES IN OFFICE FURNITURE. One magnificent 6-foot office or direc tors table, made of solid quarter-sawed wax finish, just like new; cost $65, for $25, one oo-inch roll-top uesa lor 2i. One 60-1 nc h roil-top uesk, solid oak. sanitary base, cost s.iH.nu. for X24..h One 4S-lnch solid oak roll-top desk for IIU.OU. One 42-lnch roll-top deBk. sanitary base. soiia oak, ror sih.oo. One line flat-top desk, genuine Quarter- sawed oak, size of top 36x54 inches, very enr.-ip at si.uO. lT flat-top desks, 48 and 50-lnch tops. arawers on noth slues, ror 15: 25 flat top desks, drawers on one side, for $7.fH: other fiat-top desks as low as $;t.50; also several on ice chairs, nnnp cabinets anu bookcases suitable for offices, st very low prices. MISH FURNITURE COMPANY, 1&4 First Street. HIGH-CLASS FURNITURE. Will sell at private sale all or an v nart of furniture taken on a mortgage from a nil-room apartment-nouse; tins is nigh class stuff and the greater part only sugntiy useu; carpets, rugs, nressers, buffets, dining tables, standsv chairs, rockers, writing desks, bookcases, beds and bedding, sanitary couches and nads. linen, gas ranges, kitchen tables, dishes anu cooking vessels and many other arti cles too numerous to mention. Sale be gins at 10 A. M. Wednesday, February 2H, in the old Portland Trust Company build ing, corner 3d and Oak streets. For any lrn'ormatlon call A. W. Est.es. Main 907. NEW solid oak buffet In the popular an aigni lines ana sturay construction ; size of top is 19x42 inches and it has I0x34-inch French plate mirror, two small drawers, one large drawer for linen and large china compartment, only $15. Also solid oak china cabinet to match, height 58 inches, width 32 Inches, fitted with quarter-sawed oak shelves and clean dou ble strength glass in door: $19.50 value for $12.5u. MISH FURNITURE CO., 184 '1st St. HERE IS A SAVING FOR YOU. A fine mission style library table in fumed fmfh, very slightly used; size of top is 27x49 inches; .has full box rim, with large drawer In center; heavy cor ner posts and bottom shelf 12x45 Inches; built of solid quarter-sawed oak and workmanship la unexcelled; cost $28.50, for $14.25. MISH FURNITURE CO., 184 1st St. $05 CHARTER OAK steel range, Just like new. 1N-Inch oven and lirr rsmrvAl r tank; bakes quickly and perfectly ; has icepuoniny neavy iron linings and du plex grate for either wood or coal and uses very, little fuel. . This splendid range we offer at the extremely low price of $25 MISH FURNITURE CO.,184 First St. $50 KITCHEN CABINET FOR $27 80 Magnificent metal cabinet, white enamel Inside and outside. Baked on; will not peel nor crack. Has aluminum sliding table and all latest improvements. A rare bargain for $27.50. Mlsh Furniture Co.. 14 First. ' MISH FURNITURE CO. OFFERS FOR THIS WEEK Genuine Inlaid linoleum, 89c per yard; genuine congoleum at 39c per yard. Spe cial for this week onlv. MISH FURNITURE'CCX. 184 1st St. 25 SOLID oak bookcases. 58 Inches high ana t incnes wiue; win nolo, about 120 average size books: for want of floor space we are closing them out at $2.50 each. MISH FURNITURE CO., 184 1st St. ELEGANT brass crib, slightly used, size 2Hx4 feet, continuous posts and 17 Inside fillers on each side; drop sides, which are 24 Inches above spring when up jl $tk crib for $25. MISH FURNITURE CO., 184 1st St. TWO large oak rockers, leather seat and back, one oak floor lamp, one couch; no dealers. AO 105,Oregonian. FURNITURE, high-oven gas ranges, dresser, rugs, dining set, etc.. going cheap. Call Sunday afternoon preferred. Main 3570. ENGLISH perambulator, used, but In fine condition; cost $35, for $10. Mish Furni ture Co., 184 First St. OAK chiffonier, maple chiffonier, writing desk, ft dinning chairs, willow couch, mat- tress. 744 Hoyt st. FURNITURE of three -room apartment for sale, a fine buy. Phone Marshall 4554. HIGH-GRADE furniture, like new, cheap for cash. 758 E. 40th st. Woodstock car. NEW 6-room house for rent; attractive fur niture for sale cheap. East 5149. FURNITURE of 4-room apt. for sale. Call Main 0011. I ONE solid oak dining table and 4 chairs f to match. Phone Marsh. 2995. FOR SALE Used desks, chairs, tables, fll- lng cabinets, safes. Kllham's, 5th and Oak. FURNITURE for sale. 430 MilistTPhone Main 8794. FOB SALE. Furniture for Sale. GEVCRTZ FURNITURE CO.. , 185 to 191 First St., Near Yamhill Market. EVERYTHING IS ADVANCING IN PRICE, smong others new furniture. Now If ever is the time to take advantage of our big stock of FURNITURE SNAPS. We can save you money and have proved It a thousand times. We have 60,000 square feet of floor space crammed with BARGAINS in slightly used furni ture, rugs, ranges, stoves and EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME. Here are a few examples: HANDSOME REED BABY BUGGY In Ivory, practically new and cost $45. for $25; this Is an unusual opportunity to se cure a magnificent baby carriage at a bar gain. 2 AXMINSTEt RUGS OF FINE QUAL ITY, scarcely worn at all, $19.50 each. 10O0 YARDS OF FINE QUALITY PRO LINOLEUM at the very special price of 9c per yard. 54-INCH PLANK TOP DINING TABLE with massive pedestal and 6 solid oak chairs to matcn; this set cost originally $56 and for this week only we will sell for $39.50. Cannot be told from new. BEAT THE HIGH COST OF LIVING. If you have an old stove or range and want a better one, we will take it in exchange for another new or used one and allow you a good price for It. We are agents for the world-famous line of BUCK'S RANGES AND COMBINATION RANGES FOR COAL, GAS AND WOOD, and yon can buy one on easy terms If more convenient to you. And, by the way, we sell parts for Buck's and Eclipse ranges. We have Just received the contents of a BIG ROOMING-HOUSE and we place the contents on sale at the following exceptionally low prices: Good beds, from $1 up. Oood springs, from 75c up. Good mattresses, from $1 up. Oood pillows, from 39c up. Good dressers, from $3 5u up. Good rockers, from $1.50 up. Good center tables, from 5lc up. Now s the time to furnish up that SPARE ROOM for little or nothing. You can rent it for $7 or $8 and pay for the furniture in a few weeks. And the Income from it will help out wonderfully WE BUY. SELL AND EXCHANGE. Prompt and courteous treatment and estimates cheerfully furnished by compe tent salesmen. PHONES MARSHALL 591. A 3224. Near Yamhill Market. 1S5 to 191 First St. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., COMPLETE HOUSEFURNISHERS. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK. Curly maple poster bed, cost $S0. for $10; io!M oak beds, $1.50; 6--ft. standing desk, suitable for shop or shipping-room, $5; extra large, massive settee $5; 6-plece parlor suite. $10; 2 large wardrobes, $7.50 and $15; targe kitchen cupboard, $6; kitchen safe, $1.50; 75 yds. slightly dam aged conKoleum, 35c per yd.; special price on all heaters to close out. some extra good ones. Majestic steel range, with water colls. $25.; Acorn malleable steel range, with water colis, $32. 5o; Quick Meal malleable steel range, coat $S5. for $35, Eclipse steel range. $15; No. 8 steel cook stove, for coal, $12.50; No. 7 cook stove, for wood, $6; Jewel gas range, lower oven, $6; Reliable gas range, lower oven, $5; A ki gas range, side oven, $14; New Method gas range, upper end lower ovens. $12.54: Reliable gas water heater. $5. All our stoves and ranges guaranteed ab solutely ) or money refunded Baby iron cribs, $3.75; kitchen treasure, "$1.50; drop leaf kitchen treasure, $2.50; Iron and brass beds. $2 up; 2 9x12 Axmlnster rugs In fair condition, $12.59 each; 25 yds. red velvet hall and stair carpet. 4)c yd.; 13 yds. Brussels stair carpet. 65c yd.; uphol stered couches. $1 to $0; $25 plunk top li brary tables for $12.5o; square extension tables, $3 to $7.M); round extension ta bles. $7.50 up: sideboards and buffets. $7.50 and up; 15 fancy sofa cushions, good ones, choice 50c; 9x12 nearly new Smith's Axininster rug for $20; room-size art squares. $2.50 to $6: solid oak dining-room suite, S-ft. table, 6 hox-seat chairs and sideboard. $20.75 twill sen separately); 54-inch wax oak extension table, plank top, $25: chairs to match, $.'(.25 each; cen ter tables, $1.25 to $5; hotel dressers. $3 to $7.50; full-sire dressers. $5 to $20; flat top desks, $10 to $15. and several other bargains. We get results from our classified ads because we offer guaranteed goods that appeal to the critical shopper. We carry now and fine used furniture and there fore can make exchanges to suit. Install ments if you wish, but we like the cash. Get our prices snd trms. For out-of-town customers we pack, crate and ship free of charge. Free deliv ery anywhere in the city. Uive us a call. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. 061-563 Washington. Cor. 17 th St. Our New location. Both Phones. $85 SOUTH BEND malleable range, with sanitary oase. made or extra heavy malle able iron and cold rivited; fuel saving firebox, construction made to withstand the hardest usage; large oven ; guaranteed to natce peritctiy; large water coil. Delivered ana connecteu for 42..0; terms. MISH FURNITURE CCO., 1S4 First Street. FOR SALE Furniture of 4-room cottasre. $.. Will rent cottage $H a month. 4tfO Flint st., near Williams ave. and Russell. r.aai o. i . WE have Just received a shipment of congoieum rugs wnicn we place on sale mis weeK at . earn. MISH FURNITURE CO., 184 1st St. . Machinery. FOR SALE One 1200-11. P. compound Eras er & Chalmers uornss steam engine, cylin der 23 in. 11. by 42 In. L. by 4;, In. stroke. This engine Is In the very best condition. If you need an engine don't pass it up. One 30 k. w. and one 75 k. w three-phase, 220-v. generator. American Machine Works. 425 Fourth St.. Oakland. Cal. 240 ACRES of tine old-growth fir timber. cruising ii.uou.uuo leet. located on South San nam River, in Twp. 12 S., H. 3 E., priced for quick sale at 15400. Will carry half of purchase price two years at 6 per cent if desl red. Add ress A V C00. Ore gonian. 15-IN. BY 8-FT. double back gear engine latne; gas d raxing outnt; a-t. p., u. c motor, 3-ft. by o-ft. brick top welding table, Buffalo portable forge, anvil and tools; 1 6 by 4 by 6 steam Duplex pump; emery grinder heads, at 354 East Burn side st. FOR SALE Rock crusher, elevator snd re volving screen, also several hoists, ore cars, rolls, Chilean A Hall Mills, water wheel, water tube boiler, 75-h. p. Corliss engine, huntmgion mill ana other ma chinery. U. S. IRON WORKS, Col man dock. Seattle. CHEAP for cssh. one 10x12 Vulcan logging engine ana one tiki Willamette, write to S. Washburn, Lebanon, Or. MACHINIST'S bench for sale cheap, real value $20. will sell lor $10. Woodlawn 4011. ONE 8-horse vertical boiler, complete with iittings, perrect snaps, tiuo. 124, Oregonian. Dogs. Birds and Pet Stock. CANARIES and other cage birds, kittens. pups, pets, cages, foods, remedies and sup plies. Illustrated bird snd pet cata'og free. Rout ledge. 145 Second. St.. near Alder. 'MIKE BALDWIN." Alredsle stud, sensa tion of recent Spokane show; fee $15. Mc Kenns Park Kennels, CoL 814. McKenns ave. snd Lombard st. FOR SALE, PERSIANS Best pedigree. Wueens, one oiue. nest or color; one white, one black, bred to champion Ben Sufi, un defeated. Sun Cattery, Estacada, Or. CRYSTAL KAT KEVNELS, 1079 E. 82d N. Phone woodlawn 227o. A. c. A. registered Orange and Black Persians at stud and kittens from registered queens for sals. PEDIGREED Boston terrier pups, cheap. The Pet store, iuu r. otn st, open Sun days. PEDIGREED Airedale, 5 mo., from best stork, cheap it sold at once. Phone East 1477. FINE Airedale puppies, 6 weeks old. $10 each. 42 Willamette Moorage. Phone B 2030. $15 for male Spits dog; must be very gentle; ror cnnaren, nut uiu. uivt a a areas. v 121, Oregonian. FOR SALE Female Spitz. Inquire 426 Sac ramento st. LADDIX AIREDALES ARB BEST. LADDIX KENNELS, ESTACADA, OR. FINE singing canaries and cages, lovely I e males, ouc, oreeaing eggs, cast 14to. AT STUD Red Rover. Orange Persian. Main 5450. Box 22, riinsaaie. or. FOR SALE Fine blue male cat. Sellwood 2279. ONE orange tabby Persian kitten, aged 4 months, rnone c ovix. PouJtry. WANTED White Orpington and Sllyer- Laceo wyanaotte eggs ror natcning. Ta hor 4070. W. H. Williams, 5617 73d st. S. E Portland. WANTFD A setting- hen. Phone Tabor 5115. FOR SALE S. L. Wyandotte cockerels. $2.50. Tabor 24 Q9. WANTED good pair of breeding pigeons. not over o)C a pair. rnon seiiwooq 1 1. AT STUD Bewt blnck Persian est In city; S4 twaa kuvkii! uwmv awww lltfl. FOB SALE. Poultry. GET DR. HESS BOOK POULTRY CUL TURE. It's free. You never saw a book like this one. It explains the anatomy of the hen. her digestive organs, the egg or gans, poultry diseases aud how to treat them. Dr. Hess Poultry Pon-a-ce-a will make your hens lay now, when eggs are worth real money ; It tones up the dor mant egg organs; It brings back the scratch and cackle. If It does not do -these things for your hens your dealer will re fund your money. Get your copy of Dr. Hess" Book Poultry Culture at once from any of the following dealers: Routledge Seed &. Floral Co., 145 Second St.; J. J. Butser, 1SS Front St.; J. M. Hart Merchan dise Co., 670 Lombard st. ; W. G. Deats man Co., 6913 Foster road; East Side Feed Co., Inc., 120 Union ave.; Amabel Feed A Fuel Co.. 5329 Foster road; Tremont Pharmacy, 5los 7 2d st. S. E. ; C. G. Ander son & Co. 2 stores). 123 E. Lombard st. and M7 Mississippi ave.; Kenton Drug Co.. Derby and Kilpatrick sts.; Mount Scott Drug Co., Lents, Or. ; Kendall Grocery. Kendall. Or. ; St. Johns Pharmacy. St. Johns. Or. ; Gresham Drug Co., Gresham, Or.; Milwaukie Merchandise Co., Milwau kee. Or. ; Cof fall Bros. Merchandise Co., Stanley Station, Or.; J. Stewart, Burling ton, Or. DR. HESS" INSTANT LOUSE KILLER kills lice on poultry and stock. Convenient, quick, sure. Any of the above dealers can supply you. Guaranteed. - FOR ROUP use Dr. Hess' Roup Remedy. Get it from my dealers. POULTRY equipment, hatching 2.00 per month; yards and dwelling-house, near McMinnville. new Petaluma Incubators; liberal offer to competent party. Box 1051, Raymond. Wash. 8-WEEKS-OLD blk Minorca chicks. 20c; leave orders for White Leghorn. Barred Rock, R, I. Reds and other baby chicks. J2c and 15c W. H. Williams, 5617 73d st. S. E.. Portland. Tabor 4o70. CURTIS White Wyandottes. birds of qual ity; "eggs that hatch from hens that lay," $1.50 per 15. Curtis Place. Hills daie. Or. R. D. 2, box 242. Main 82S0. FOR SALE: Few choice White Leghorn cockerels. $2 each; eggs for setting from White Leghorn laying strain, $1 per set ting. Jack London. Yamhill, Or. EGGS S. C. White Leghorn. 15 for"l or $4 per lOO. Mammoth White Peklu duck. 12 tor i. j. R. ttoubey, Albany. Or. WHITE MUSCOVY ducks. the quackless B.111U. 1 pairs xor sale. way land su loiumoia iw or Main 6910. 200-EGG X-Kay incubator to trade for 12 yearling hens. AV OOl. Oregonian. CHINA pheasants for sale. 1849 Peninsula avenue, city. FOR SALE Two rose-combed Rhode Island Red cockerels, Moore's strain. East 5524. Livestock. AUCTION SAI.K. Battle Ground. IO mlls north and east or aucouver, v ash., on good auto road, Thursday. March 1 lo:3u sharp. 14 head hiKh-graae roan Durham cows, all large, fresh or will be within 2 months; Bloom manure spreader, Deerlng binder, mower, 2-horne cultivator, hay rake, bug gy, 2 plows, disc, spike-tooth harrow, power feed cutter, wood saw, 14-H. P. hand portable gas engine. f?ed cutter. A. O. HANSEN, Owner. W. 8. Wood, Auctioneer. Vancouver. Wash. AUCTION SALE. Monday, February 2(. 10 A. M.. on N. P. Cain ranch. Manor, Wash., 11 miles north and east Vancouver: take Jaggv road. THE FAMOUS CAIN HERDS. Equal to any tiulry herds in Washington or Oregon ; 42 cows. 35 heifers, thorough bred Jersey bull, 23 hogs. 2 horses, immense lot farm machinery. Cattle tuberculin tested. Write for bills. W. S. WOOD, AUCTIONEER, Vancouver, Waslu AUCTION SALE. Monday. Feb. 2rt. 10 A. M., on N. F. Cain ranch. Manor, Wash., 1 1 miles north and east of Vancouver ; take Javy road. THE FAMOUS CAIN HERDS. Equal to any dairy herds in Washington or Oregon; 42 cows. 35 heifers, thorough bred Jersey bull, 23 hogs. 2 horses, im mense lot farm machinery. Cattle tuber culiu tested. Write for bills. W. S. WOOD. AUCTIONEER, Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE 1 grade Jersey cow, test 5 per cent. 5 years old, be frenh soon; been milk ing since March, 1916; still making 35 lbs. per month. Gives over 40 lbs. when fresh. If you want a cow snd a good one, don't overlook this one. Price $10u. Can be seen at U. S. barn Tuesday, 27th, Front snd Madison. FOUR young, heavy springers, will freshen in icw vi!., - iu o-ttaiion cows, jerseys. Guernseys, Durham ; high testers. 95 E. 30th, corner Washington. REGISTERED Holstetn bull for sale, must pccu iu uo pvi rtiaieu , 1 or particulars 1 i iv. v. ri uiiiiui, itriiis. Or. li. f. SEVEN registered Holsteins, fresh soon. Call FRESH family cow, 6 per cent milk. 7719 50th ave. S. E. ALL breeds of fresh dairy cows: term. Bruce stockyards. Woodlawn 240O. Launches and lbmY! ' ON E 85 H. P.. one 45 H. P. steamboat, togetner with 4 150-ton barges; terms to responsible parties, Alblna Fuel Co. East 1H2. 23-FT. MOTOR BOAT. Southern cypress hull, finished In oak. H-H. P. 4-cycle engine. 7 miles per hour, pneo tl."0. Call evenings. Tabor 251. MOTOR BOAT Will sell or trade for auto, hull 5Vix2u, 2-cy;., 4-rcle enttlne, auto top, leather seat, beats 12: speed 16 mile; tviathousg, included. Main eT4 after 5 P. M. FOR tJAI.fC One 22-ft. rt-ln. cruiser, one 20-ft. launch, one launch house, one lo ll. H. Waterman marine engine. &U In Al condition. AO 17. Oregonian. COLUMBIA fish toat. trolling or work boat, heavy duty engine, good condition. Phone Voeth. .Marshall 2350. HOt'SKBOAT, modern In every particular, one of th. nicest on the river, furnished or unfurnished. Sellwood 2;i4u. Al 70-FOOT steamer hull. Address U. ii. Montgomery, tox 7tll, city. WANTED Flshboat: describe- and give lowest cash pricu BU 77. Oregonian. MoTORBOAT with house, first-class condl tlon. natgaln. Phone Tabor 4:lo. WANTED Second-hand canvas canoe.Wdtn. 2."34. N 130. Oregonian. Typewriter.. TYPEWRITERS. SELECTED STOCK. Before buylns; get our prices on rebuilt typewriters from our selected stock full. guaranteed, very easy payments; machine sent on weeK s examination free or charge Rebuilt Department. REM1NOTON TYPEWRITER CO.. S3 Broadway, Phone Broadway 621. ALL MAKES. Guaranteed machines .old on easy terms. Visible models rented, $2 per mo., 8 mo... $5. AO. Initial rent applies on pur chase. Send for new Illustrated prlc. list. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO, 821 Washington St., Portland, Or. NO MATTER WHAT you're looking for, buy. sell or trade, we bav. It; furniture, omce furniture, hotel and restaurant fixtures, showcases, cash registers. scales. musical ingtrumenls. talking machines; why, everything under th. sun at tn. hulse ok iooo BAR GAINS. Main 4400. 128 1st. NEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With manufacturers' guarantee and rentals ap plying on purchase; visible models $3 mo.; $7. SO for 8 mos. Other models less. Rem ington Typewriter Company, 66 Broadway. Telephone Broadway 021. DON'T pay too much for typewriters. If you want a machine tnr personal use. '.et us show you the $50 Corona. All makes of office machines at attractive prices. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 6th st. WE can save from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our Illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO 321 Wash. st. CORONA portable folding and Hammond Multiplex Distributors for siate. Rebullts. .11 makes and supplies. E. w. Peas. Co., 110 6th. WANTED PIngle-pedestal drop-head type writer desk and chair, light oak preferred. J 120. Oregonian. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 281 stark at. Main 1407. SMITH PREMIER typewriter. 810, very cheap. 72 1 coroett Plug. WANTED Typewriter, Corona preferred, for clear beach lot. V 12S, Oregonian. Automobiles. FOR SALE 1 takedown raraie, 10x14 ft.. very cheap. Phon. E. 30U. 417 Morris at. W. E. Wllmer. lull MAXWELL four, new tires. 195. Main HO, A 2442. 1U16 OVERLAND, electric lights and starter. in A-i condition, aiain uo. a 2442. BlICK roadster, B 36; prlc. 8575. Main 2W. OW 1. 23d Bt. 116 FORD touring, fully equipped. In first- class shape; :o. Alain no. A 2442. 6CRIPPS-BOOTH In fin. shape,- $050. Main ot I. 3d st. 1U18 SAXON roadster. 4 cylinders, electric lights ana starter. aiam w. A 2442. WANTED A delivery body for Ford auto mobile. Call East 278. 1816 FORD touring car. good tires and ex tras; terms II desired. Main no, A 2442. CAN save you $00 on unused, brand new 1917 Maxwell. B; 103. Orenonlan. ltis RTI'DEBAKER, In perfect condition. Alain u, A JTOH SALE Automobiles. AUCTION. AUCTIOM SALE. We have to offer to be .old to th. highest bidder the following automobile.; 1 Stutx, 1915 model. 60-H. P.. T-passen-ger touring car. self-.tarter and electrlo equipment. The first cost was $3750. Th. machine ha. been run 15,000 miles; it is in first-class condition. Don't fail. Don't overlook and If you ar. in the market for that kind of a car, at tend to this sale and you will surely get a bargain. Also a BT7ICK. 5-paasenger touring car, in good condition. 1 STUDE BAKER, 4-passenger. 1 JACKSON, 6-passenger. 1 CADILLAC S. 1 FORD. 1 MAXWELL. 1 SAXON roadster. self-starter and electric equipment. I also have a 4-ton WILCOX truck, brand new. I will have a lot of all kind, of ma chines which ar. too numerous for in. to mention. Two motorcycle.. Three bicycles. All above stock mentioned Is strictly flrst-claas and will b. sold to the highest bidder. , Th. aal. will tak. placa at 240 E. 8TH ST. AT TUESDAY 7 P. M. SHARP, RAIN OR STORM. If you have any cars to sell. phon. or call K. 611s. J. W. WALKER, AUCT10.iEU. USED CAR EXCHANGE. 18 standard well-known make, here, any of which you may buy at your own price. We don't own these cars. Owner. who need the money bring them to this convenient location to be shown snik sold. We go over the cars from stem to stern. If there Is anything mat needs repairing or adjusting, we know It and w. tell you of lu Yoa won't buy the car until It is fixed. And we get the lob of overhauiinc It. The more fault we can find the more work we get and the man you buy the car from pays the bill. If you want the right kind of a car and want to know all about It before you buy. It a iil pay you to cotne and see those left with us to Sell. I'PED CAR EXCHANGE. .v'7 Washington St.. Near 15th whom Iturnstide comes ia. USED TRUCKS. REPUBLIC. 1-TON. LITTLE GIANT. 1-TOX. REO li-TOX. FEDERAL l'i-TON. PACKARD 3-TON. RELIANCE 5-TON. We have taken the above in on Q. S. O. and will sell .am. at a baryaiii. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE AUTO WORKS, 2ul Front St. Main 212. NEW BITS IN USED CARS. 1918 Grant Six, looks like new $ 650 1!I Overland, run aonii miles Bui) liiltl Podge. $.',0 of extras 675 1'JIZ It i.pmohtle. newly painted and rebuilt 6fo 1IM. Ford. 4"S of extras 3no 1915 Studebuker 4 BOO 1W17 Hup Roadster, run 20d miles.... 120 lllltl National, run 3oo mllvs. ...... . 14O0 Other buys from $200 up. Terms. MANLMY AUTO CO.. Jlth and Oak at Burnslde, Phone Broadway 217. EVERYTHING GOING UP BUT THE PRICES OF OUR USED CARS. We give you big value for every dollar you spend for one of our used cars. COVET MOTOR CAR CO., 21st and Wash. Main 6244. CHALMERS OVERLAND. CHALMERS 88. touring, finest con dition, has been family car and used very little; original cost. $2300. our prlc. $475. 1914 OVERLAND 35. touring, electrlo lights and stavter. run only 4200; cannot be told from brand new; cost $1150; our price $4.'i(. 11(13 OVERLAND roadster. $350. Brush runabout. $70. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX., E. 11MU. East 13lh and Hawthorn, ave. WE HAVE four models of Cadlllae ranging in price from $300 up; any terms you want. Make us an offer. Pacific Kissel Kar Branch, Bdy. and Davis at. SAXON SIX 1916 touring In first-class con dition, good tires all around. Oakland Six. 1916. in first-class condi tion; new paint, good tires. OAKLAND AUTO SALES CO. B22 Alder. Phon. Main 414. DANDY ROUND GAS TANK ONLY $375. Holds lftt gals.; Just right for bug or roadster. Can be seen at 1S14 Siskiyou at C lsl6 evenings and Sundays. MARMO.V. Flrst-c!ass running order; no reasonable cash offer refused. BURN ESS ft MARTIN, loth and Alder. AUTO top roof for any model car. $6 to $15, parcel post paid; easy to apply, sav. 2-3 price of new top; samples and cata logue free. S. & 11. Top Co.. 440 Hunt. Cincinnati, O. 191S MITCHELL fl. with 1917 7-paasenger body; a beautiful car that th. owner has left with us to sell at a great sacrifice Main 4!S0, A 3 SSL Braly Auto Co.. 19th and Washington. OAKLAND 1910 touring, lik. new, at a bar gain. OAKLAND AUTO PALES CO l:h and A'.der. Main 414. FORD ENGINE and transmission in good condition. A snap at $100. BEN.I. E. BOONE & CO. B14 Alder SU Main 896. 6-CVI- Studebaker. 1914 rnnil.l, at a bar gain, $500. 7" Kaat Sta