:9 FINAL REPORT ON SIDELIGHTS ON LEGISLATURE TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 18, 1017. APPROPRIATIONS Joint Ways and Means Com mittee Closes Books With Margin of $1 0,000 Left. GRANTS REACH $6,299,700 Importance of Legislative Subdivi sion Emphasized, as Changes Are Dangerous When figrures Run bo Close to Limit. SALEM. Or., Feb. 17. (Special.) The Joint ways and means committee has finally closed Its books, its appropria tion bills have all cone before the Legislature for better or for worse and the committee left the state with a balance of $9806.7- on. the credit side of Its ledsrer. in addition to ap proximately $200,000 in unexpended balances on appropriations from the last blennlum. still reposing- in the State Treasury for future contingen cies. The grand total which the committee recommended that this Legislature ap propriate is 2. 299.699.75. Of this amount t6.06S.266.35 was for claims from the budget and the balance of $231,433.40 was for special miscellane ous appropriation bills. The grand total mentioned includes .Ihe millage taxes for the three higher educational institutions, for the state 1 road fund and for the assistance to county agricultural colleges, as well as for the state's share of the Indus trial Accident Commission fund. Little Change Likely. The size of the grand total for ap propriations will ary but little from the amount shown above when the Leg islature finishes its labors, it is pre dicted. Some may be cut a trifle, sorre may be increased a trifle, but it is generally considered that the appropri ations on the whole will remain much the same as when the recommendations left th hands of the joint committee. As predicted would be the case, be fore the Legislature convened, the 6 per cent limitation amendment has made the Joint ways and means com mittee this session the most power ful Joint ways and means committee , la the history of Oregon Legislatures. It has been apparent from many re marks made n the floor of both houses that the Legislature had little inclina tion to tamper with recommendations from the committee. The 6 per cent amendment has made close bookkeep ing Imperative and the members have realized that close bookkeeping can mot be handily conducted when 89 dif ferent members are all attempting to cnange tne work of the committee. Sir. Schroeder Keeps Watch. The lion's share of the bookkeeping or xhe committee has fallen into the hands of Chief Clerk John Schroeder. of the Joint committee, who, with the assistance of Deputy Secretary of State Mm K.ozer, has piloted the affairs of the committee to its haven well within the terms of the amendment. It has required the most careful scrutiny of all claims to land right side tip with care at the conclusion of the session and that this scrutiny has been given is evident from the results. The final list of appropriation bills as prepared by Chief Clerk Schroeder shows the following which have gone before the Legislature, Including items from the budget and special mlscel laneaus appropriation bills. The budget Items allowed and for which appropriation bills were intro duced are as follows: Budget Items Allowed. Agents for apprehension of criminals 4,000.00 Agricultural societies .......... Po.000.00 Oregon State Fair 44.SOO.00 Blue Book 4.500.00 Hoard of Control in, 000. 00 bounty on wild animals 65.000.00 Capitol and S u p re in e Court buildings B,4fS0.00 Toard ot Child Labor Inspectors 4,000.00 Iialry and Food Commission ers 8 S. 000. 00 Tesert Land Board 7,000.00 Superintendent of Public In- a t structlon Tn.n20.00 Agricultural assistants ......... 8.000.00 Fchool record books, etc 10.6SS.00 Ftate Teachers' Association..... fioo.00 Board of Higher Curricula 833.00 Oregon Normal School MUlago .., 71,259.00 Other appropriations ........ JU, 000.00 Pchool for FHnd S0.S5S.R7 Fchoo! lor Deaf 66,160.00 . Oregon Agricultural College Millage 703,500.00 Other appropriations ........ 65,0-0.00 Kxperlment stations ........... r.Q,O00.00 Extension service .. ........... 121,866.00 Viriversity of Oregon Millage B27.OPO.00 Other appropriations 65,000.00 University of Oregon Medical School loo.000.OA Kastern Oregon Hospital 236.977.00 Oregon Hospital for Insane 710, ."6. 00 Oregon State Soldiers' Home.... 62,8b0.00 Orphans and foundlings Millage 115.000.00 Other appropriations 8.877.45 Oregon State Tubercular Sanato rium 75.062.60 ttate Institution for Fceble- Mlnded 210.800.00 Florence Crlttenton Refuge Home 7,500.00 3IcLoughlin Memorial Associa tion 50.00 CHILD IS BILIOUS OR CONSTIPATED 1 Look, Mothers! See if tongue is coat cd, breath hot or stomach soar. "California Syrup of Figs' can't harm tender stomach, liver, bowels. Every mother realizes, after giving her children "California Syrup of Figs." that this is their Ideal laxative, because they love its pleasant taste and It thor oughly cleanses the tender little stom ach, liver and bowels without griping. When cross. Irritable, feverish or breath is bad, stomach sour, look at the tongue, mother! If coated, give a tea spoonful of this harmless "fruit laxa tive." and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile and undi gested food passes out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. When its little system is full of cold, throat sore, has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, indigestion, colic remem ber, a good "inside cleansing" should always be tho first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep "California Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a tea spoonful today saves a sick child to morrow. Ask your druggist for a 60 cent bottle of "California Syrup of jvigs. wnien nas directions for babies, umiui ea 01 a.11 ages ana grown-ups prjntea on tne Dome, eeware of coun terfeits sold here, so don't be fooled. Get the genuine, made by "California trig. yrop comsanyy crAxiYa CROSS FEVERISH STATE CAPITOL. Salem, Or Feb. 17. (Special.) The House enjoyed a little scrap this morning when Repre sentative Goode's resolution, providing for the appointment of a non-salaried commission of five members to inves tigate the causes of f eeble-mindedness and degeneracy, came out of the com mittee, with an adverse report. Goode protested and got enough votes to re ject the committee's report but failed to get enough to pass It. The measure went down the skids. Representative Meek's resolution submitting to the voters at the next general election the question of restor ing capital punishment in Oregon was rejected by the House this morning, without argument. Representatives Ritner, Burdick and Stott have completed their tabulation of mileage and per diem for members of the House, and cl,rlt a r t v, npunt session. The House adopted a resolution this morning authorizing the State Printer to furnish the law department of the University of Oregon with four sets of Oregon ReDorta and a. If It a niimhr of current reports Issued from time to ume. K-n- trn" C A T3a nr ! iJai 4 1 vi Miui v vv , Umatilla and Union counties, is the dean of the Legislature in point of continuous service. He first came to me legislature in 1907 as a Represen tative from TTmafflla rmintu A two sessions there he ran for Senator, as elected, and Is now serving his fourth successive session and his sec ond term In th. 3nn.A TVnf malrA his total legislative service 12 years. oojHttor Darren is one or tne sturdy men who have built up Eastern Ore gon. He came to Oregon in 1S72 and settled where the town of Athena now Btands. For six years he rode the range and then went Into the stock ralslng business for himself. He Is Patton Home for Friendless.... 5.000.00 Support of non-resident poor... Expenses of elections B0.000.00 Emergency Board 2O0.00 Executive department 23,700.00 Exhibit of Oregon products, maintenance 2.500.00 Board of Forestry ; 5 4. POO. 00 Fugitives from Justice 15,000.00 Grand Army of the Republic ... 000.00 State Board of Health 25.000.00 Oregon Historical Society 17.5OO.00 State Board of Horticulture 7.500.00 Btate Horticulture Society Oregon Humane Society 1.000 00 Social Hygiene Society 20.000 00 Industrial Welfare Commission.. 4.000.00 Industrial Accident Commission 225.117.60 Attorney-General's office 33,820.00 Salaries of Circuit Judges 200.000.00 Salaries of District Attorneys and Deputies 18H.80O.00 Supreme Court 96.106.50 Supreme Court Library 15,000.00 Labor Commissioner ........... 10 000 00 State Land Board 18.00o!o Expenses of Legislative Assem- Oregon State LlVraiV.V.V.Y.Y."." loioooioo Livestock Sanitary Board 45.000.00 Board of Medical Examiners 5"u S and Geology... 80.000.00 Oregon National Guard 155.000.00 Oregon Naval Militia 15 000 0U Industrial School for Girls 33 04a00 Oregon State Training 6chool... 78.435 00 w.?80.n-lV'. Penitentiary 218.955.70 Wayward girls 20 00O 00 k.It?'. ?."ot Commissioners... J.400.00 c?k p.r'ntln5 Department 0,000.00 K """ Proclamations. . .. SOOloO tHJ lie Service Commission 80.000.00 Rewards for arrests 1 "00 0C Construction of roads 440000 OA Kfa,'erT?f Welrht nd Measures s'ioOOO btate Department M son nn State Engineer's office.......... 24 0M00 State Tax Commission 16000 no jhSI e.rBoa-rd 80.000.00 Flax Industry 1n ... Miscellaneous claims ...I":":: 66013 Total claims allowed from ' bud"et 6. 068.266.83 Miscellaneous Items Shewn. "Following are the miscellaneous spe cial appropriation bills approved by the committee and not included In the budget: Erecting building at Champoeg.t 6.000.00 To reimburse H. D. Williams... 020 00 of M,,lerl",."cS-nl0 ttractlons T r.ii, T Northwest 45.OO0.00 For VZtX. Tuma' Project 10.000.00 For home experiment station of PVm A,frlculiural College... 80.000.00 tlon Klver Kxperlment eta- MYoVy v jMaYsMieid : : ::.v: 20.000:00 Guard Oregon National Clal'nfof if." N." Corey"."." I"""."! e 000 OO To entertain Battery and Trcp Soaoo RurrarcJA!Sf,,.e.C.t I "! " J-ftgg For(i Interstate Pair ai Prine" 6'000- Re?h.'i. tone" for "state".'.": SO.OOoioo -ri?n.'n heirs of William JullocK 1ftl Salaries of Master Fish Warden and deputies -i. snn nn For KlatsUanle hatchery..."::: 756000 For Bonnevuio hatchery..:..... 16 000 00 No 3 X WOrl1 ,n tict "'000 0 Frn '?,f ' n"d' tih.ry- work 15'00 00 f W.'i?mette McKensle.. IS. 000 00 For hatchery on Nehalem 4 000' no For Pacific Livestock litigation: ROOqoo Total ef special miscellaneous" ' appropriation bills 2U 4Rt in TmJ l,l0W?d fro budget ":: e,07:2883 Total miscellaneous 231.433:40 Grand total appropriated 8a.23.n 7.-. EIGHT BILLS PASS SEXATE $2 0,000 Appropriated for Cheap Lime for Farmers. STATE CAPITOL. Salem, Or.. Feb. 17 -(Special.) The Senate today passed the following bills: 8. B. 203. by Kandley Providing for state aid In eradication of animal diseases. S. B. 315. by Pierce Submitting to the people proposal to increase the state high way tax from U to 114 mills. H. B. 206. by Stott Establishing and gov erning parental schools. Rtf ;Bi l4' y """J ""1 EO-Jy-reating State Lime Board and ppropriatlng $20,000 toald In producing cheap lime for the farm- 8. B. 183. by Handley Amending law rel. atlve te appointment of Master Flah Warden and deputlea B. B. 286. by Baldwin Reimbursing heirs J?0 ""l8n" of "Rr1m Tulloclc th. Km of It B. S75. by Marlon County delegation Providing procedure for building intercounty H B o"" "tr ?,Urt Cannt ..B- ' y B?an Requiring Assessors to put Oregon and California grant lands on t&x roll a. STATE TO PROTEST $17.5 0 $1500 Appropriated for Fight on Tourist Differential. BTATH CAPITOL. Falem. Or., Feb. 17 CSpecial.) The Btate of Oregon will take a hand officially in the proceed ings now pending before the Interstate Commerce Commission to obtain a re duction of the -ound-trlp tourist rates from the East to the Northwest via California. The miscellaneous appropriation bill passed today carries an Item of $1500 r..nat Purpose and authorizes the Public Service Commission to expend It according to its Judgment. DEATH STORY QUALIFIED Hans B rot en Fell Instead of Striking Head, Brother Says. The report that Hans Broten, black smith, died Friday morning as the re sult of Btrlking his head on a tire shrinker while in good-natured play with his brother, Gilbert Broten. was qualified by the brother yesterday. Mr. Broten explained that he was outside the shop at the time of the ac cident. He said his brother stumbled and fell against the tire shrinker. The man was injured Thursday and he was found dead in bed at his home, 335 Ha&salo street, Friday morning. The two brothers were Joint owners of . the Eureka Carriage Works, on Couch street, between Sixth and Broadway, now one of the big stock raisers of Umatilla County, now owning a ranch of 4000 acres. All but 1600 acres are devoted to stock raising. In 18S4 he engaged in the hardware and imple ment business In Athena, and is still engaged in it Senator Barrett Is one of the hardest working members of the Senate. He is an earnest advocate of consolidation of state boards and commissions, of which he has made a careful study for years, and maintains that if his plan of consolidation had been adopted in 1915 the state would be thousands of dollars better off and Its affairs would have gained by more efficient adminis tration. Senator Barrett is also thor oughly interested in good roads. He has been a member of the roads com mittee of one or the other house at nearly every session he has attended. Memories of the late Rogue River fish fight flashed through minds of House members this morning when Representative Tlchenor secured the courtesies for Ben Fish, a prominent resident of Rogue River. When the Senate yesterday, without a dissenting vote, passed the new ir rigation code, so greatly .needed in Eastern Oregon, .where the prosperity of a vast territory depends on irri gation, one man who has been working day and night on the code since the very opening of the session drew a great sigh of relief. He was Jay H. Upton, of Prlneville. chairman of the legislative committee of the Oregon Irrigation Congress. Mr. Upton was sent here by the Ir rigation Congress to look after the code, and he did. He was on the Job all the time, and a huge share of the credit for the legislation obtained be longs to him. One of the important points covered in the new code is the placing on a parity with municipal bonds as invest ments for banks of irrigation bonds that have been approved by the Attorney-General and Superintendent of Banks. LAW ADVICE HEEDED Several of Governor's Recom mendations Are Enacted. PLANS CLOSELY FOLLOWED Legislature Has High "Batting ATerage" Suggestion About Im provement "of Penitentiary to Go Before People. SALEM. Or.. Feb. 17. (Special.) The Legislature has had a rather high batting average" In vaylng attention to recommendations made in the mes sage of the executive at the opening of Lao session. Some of the recommendations offered such as general Improvement at the penitentiary, were found impossible of ruirmment under the 6 oer cent limit tlon amendment, but these undoubtedly will be cared for under some sort of proposals to the people, as the only sovereign power that may override the expression of that amendment. The Governor's suggestion that the btate Tax Commission be cut to one an pointive member and save I1B.000 for tne blennlum was taken entirely and enacted Into law. More revenue will be derived from the inheritance taxes and the State Insurance Department in line with suggestions incorporated in his message. His proposal to increase the license tax on automobiles also met with the approval of the Legislature. Bone-dry legislation was enacted early in the session in line with the urgent recommendations made; the flax Industry was granted an appropriation such as the Governor asked to perpet uate the industry, and there seems every reason to believe that some sort of an appropriation will be made to bring about the development of the lime In dustry to assist the farmers. Two sterilization bills, covering a wide scope, were passed and provide a way for the state to prevent propaga tion of the degenerate, the criminal and the unfit; the insurance code was passed as urged In his message; the license fee for anglers was Increased as suggested by the executive, and an Irrigation code passed as urged in his message. Touching upon local economy in his message by urging minor reforms in the smaller political divisions of the state, met with a response In a number of bills tending toward such reform. His suggestion, also, that publications oftentimes are wasteful met with a re sponse in a number of Instances. In line with the suggestion offered by the Governor there seems to be every Indication that before adjourn ment sine die the pioneers will be recognized by a modest building at Champoeg. His suggestion that funds be pro vided to meet the Shackleford bill for road construction also has been met. In general the provisions of his mes sage were pretty well adhered to by the Legislative Assembly. HOUSE KILLS 1 8 MEASURES Bill to Provide Money for Oregon Troops Is Postponed. STATE CAPITOI Salem.'Or.. Feb. 17. (Specisl.) The House today killed the following 18 bills by indefinite postponement: H. B. A3, by Gordon To pay claim of $360 to W. L. Campbell. H. B, 448, by Al Jones Appropriating $135 to C. J. Kurt for royalties on frutt drier. H. B. 97, by Clatsop delegation Providing bounty on seals and seal pups. H. B. 283. by Stott To provide for com mitment of prisoners to Oregon Penitentiary. H. B. 661, by committee on roads and highways Providing for special election. H. B. 261, by Al Jones Defining method of fixing salaries. IT. B. 444, by Marlon delegation Appro priating $30,000 for fish hatchery on Breitenbush River. H. B. 303. by Crandall Appropriating money for public lands In Harney. H. B. 324, by Columbia and Clatsop del egations Appropriating money for com pleting Columbia Highway. H. B. 60, by Mackay To provide for methd of Instructing the blind. H. B. 100. by Gordon Appropriating $75, 00O for parental school. H. B. 163. by Goode To provide funds for Ptisgab Home. HT. B. 142, by Brownell To provide for entertainment of Grand Army of the Re public encampment. H. B. 363, by Callan To establish or thopedic hospital. H. B. I611, by Forbes Authorizing Oesert Land Board to Co-operate In Chewaucan case. H. B. 616. by Mackay Appropriating $50O to Alfred Groener. H. B. 261. by Lafferty Appropriating money for Armory at Corvallls. H. B. 76, by Stott Appropriating money for Troop A and Battery A. SEXATE KILLS EIGHT BILLS Measure to Provide for Display of Products Dies'. STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or.. Feb. 17. (Special.) The Senate today killed the following bills: H. B. 632, by House committee on con. olidaUoDr Abolishing office af secretary I Will Give 500 DEAFNESS TREATMENTS Absolutely FREE to sufferers from Deafness or those -hose hearing is troubling them la any way. I anil send these valuable treatmcntstttfaoMt a etnl of charge of any son, and I want everyone who 1 deal to ieel entirely and gladly welcome to this gift. For more than a quarter of a century I'vs been studying and curing Deafness and my treatment, famous throughout the country for its success, is the result of an immense amount of study and scientific Investigation. 1 am giving away these Deafnets treatments free, at great expense to myself, because believe it is my duty lo use my large means OS veil as my kncruUdze to aid my fellcrmrn. If you sailer from Ue-fnr in any degree if there is anything at all the matter with your hear Ing if there are buzring. ringing sounds In your head or ears SEND AT ONCE FOR A FRB DEAFNESS TREATMENT. Write to me to day and tell tne about your trouble and let me do everything I can to help you get rid of youx Deafness. Don't neglect your Deafness any longer when such help is yours hist for the asking I Don't bs discouraged U other treatments and other special, ists have been unable to core you. My treatment has dont vonders in just such eases, frw it's d'.fereul om the clkers and the results are dirrrnl. 7T at the REAL cause of the trouble accept my offer today. You will not regret It: Just send your foil name and address on a postal ir write a letter, and I will forward you the FREB TREATMENT without delay. Address Deafness Specialist Sproule 358 Trade Bldg., Boston, Mass. of Industrial Welfare Commission and seo retary of Board of Inspectors of Child Labor. H. B. 818. by Ritner To submit to vote of people proposal to build new Penitentiary at cost of $400,000. S. B. 243, by Pierce Relative to copy ef report of State Printing Board. H. B. 227. by Kublt AnU-piekettnc bllL H. B. 895. by Gordon To confirm title ef lands sold by state prior to 1807' aad pro viding statute of limitations. B. B- 294. by Pierce Providing for con struction, maintenance and regulation of road construction. 8. B. 77. by Huston Providing for the maintenance of a permanent exhibit ef the products and resources of Oregon aad ap propriating $18,130. 8. B. 159. by Lewis (by request) To de fine, regulate and inspect cold storage and refrigeratory warehouses and to provide penalties for violation of the act. 30 BILLS PASS IX HOUSE Money Measures Occupy Large Part of Time of Sessions. STATES CAPITOL, Salem. Or, Feb. 17. (Special.) The House passed 80 bills at the morning and afternoon sessions. Following is the list: H. B. 92. by Mrs. Thompson Providing for compulsory commitment of feeble-minded persons to state Institutions. H. B. 4t3. by Laurgaard Appropriating $20 to buy medal f or Joseph C. Poeechl for bravery. 11. B. S23, .by Joint committee on ways and - means Appropriating money for the State Industrial School for Girls. H. B. 551. by Deschutes delegation Te provide for transfer of certain records to new counties from old counties out ot wbtoh they are created. H. B. 650, by Hchlmpff and others Author izing issue of $6,000,000 in bonds for road purposes. 1 H. B. C53, by Joint ways and means com mittee Appropriating money for library building at Oregon Agricultural College. H. B. 554. by Joint ways and means com mitteeAppropriating money for addition to receiving ward at Oregon State HtoepltaL H. B. 655, by Joint ways and meana com mittee Appropriating money for support of delinquent children and wayward girls. II. B. 656. by joint ways and means com mittee Appropriating money for State Board of Control, Tax Commission and Pilot Com mission. H. B. 557, by Joint ways and means com mittee Appropriating money for printing Supreme Court reports and linotype machine. M- B. 058. by Joint ways and means com mitteeAppropriating money for Food and Dairy Commissioner. II. B. 059, by Joint ways and means com mittee Appropriating money for State Fair and state veterinarian. H. B. 660. by Joint ways and means com mitteeAppropriating money for new wom en's dormitory at University of Oregon. H. B. 562. by Joint ways and meana mm mlttee Appropriating money for Stata 1. bor. Child Labor and Industrial Welfare de partments. H. B. 063. by Joint ways and means com mittee Appropriating money for Weights and Measures department. H. B. 564, by Joint ways and means com mittee Appropriating money to satisfy mis cellaneous claims. H. B. 66. by Joint ways and meana com mittee Appropriating money for State Nor mal School building. H. B. 269. by Rowe Appropriating money for Nehalem tin hatchery. H. y. 134, by Brownell Appropriating $5)00 for pioneers' monument at Champoeg. H. B. ?2. by Anderson Appropriating $45, 000 for Northwest tourist Association. H. B. 33, by Anderson Appropriating $6000 for experiment station at Hood River. H- B. 199. by Lane County delegation Appropriating money for McKenzle fish hatchery. H. B. 170. by Laurgaard Appropriating money for repairing Tumalo Irrigation reser voir. H. B. 208, by Clatsop delegation Appro priating for repair of Clatskanle fish hatch ery. H. B. 212. by Rowe Appropriating money for fish hatchery in district No. 2. H. B. 234. by Mann Appropriating money for BonnuTllIe flsb hatchery. H. B. 231. by Thomas Appropriating money for agricultural experiments In co operation with Federal Government. H. B. 240. by Stott Appropriating $920 to II. I. Williams for Injuries received while at work on Oregon building at Panama-Pacific Fair. H. B. 540. by Joint ways and means eom mtttee Appropriating money for Supreme Court. S. B. 217, by- Eddy Prescribing methods of procedure lu elections following close of polls. The following bills were defeated: S. B. 254. by Pierce Abolishing office of County Koad Supervisor. S B. 242, by Wilbur Decreasing salaries of Hood River County officials. H. B 412. "by Bean Appropriating money for state operation of lime lands. Mount Angel Tell Leader Chosen. MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE. St Ben- Wash Away Shin Sores D.D.D., the liquid wash, has become a house bold word. It has proved itself a remarkable remedy. If you are a sufferer from skin dis. eares, including ulcers, pimples, scales, crust or Eczema in any form, this remedy uyia not disappoint you. It has stood the test and today is the master preparation for all skin diseases. Try D. D. D. We ffuoroatee it. Jc, 90c, S'-00- ED, HD TTh tikldraore Drag Co. T Owl Dm Co r""iilL -feH Starts - - ' Today Popularity de- -WgtW hMttUi pends on service. if MfTWyi thf This -week's .bill fmJW- just another evi- - v;v " - ' j j dence of the supe- I ggytfggtf ? rionty of Colum- , CJT- A! II bia service. Com V,L4;oJ l II 1 ys u Bill Mart (brUHMlg Introducing Cliff Hudspeth, fighter, gun man and Gentleman' of the West a frontier knight whose kingdom was the . wide range whose hobbies were straight shooting and hard riding whose religion was "never to let the sun set on a day tainted with the commonplace. Did You Ever Meet MAX LINDER FACE TO FACE? .Well, he's here today with his bevy of Blonde Beauties in "MAX COMES ACROSS" It's a 2-reel riot of fun and frolic. Positively no advance in our usual prices. Continuous from 10:30 A. M. daily. edict. Or, Feb. 17 (Special) Jodie Miller, sophomore, of Oregon City, was unanimously re-elerterl v.l l iia. rn- resentlna; the students of Mount Angel College at all the athletic rants. Miller has held this position since his freshman, year. He has appointed Peter Oplts aa assistant. Three other students, still to b- selected, -will be Fine M ANY lines in our regular reason that we cannot replace them and maintain a full stock of sizes without raising; our own prices, following an average wholesale rise in price of $2 the pair. Men and women, you will save money by choosing a year's supply of shoes from these splendid lines. These are not job lota verj pair is in our regular high-class stock of fine shoes. Kfcoe rrlres are sdVsaelsg almost dally. For Isiisare. we have jnst rerejTFS a letter from tke aiaker. of tke eelebrste. Ir. Heed's duklos-Sole Sbwa, ej no tin a: them to at 5i3 the pair. Oor rrgslir price mm these a hoe la Sa the pair, A.MJ WE -WIL.L. OT ItAlSB IT. These Are Genuine Reductions: Men's $6, $6.50 and $7 Shoes J. E. Tilt Shoe Co., J. P. Smith Shoe Co., Slater & Morrell, and other CC fine makes, reduced to yT'.OO Men's $9 Shoes Boyden's famous tom made reduced to... S. & H. Trading Stamps. 129 ROS IN THE uninfii Sixth at Washington under his direct guidance to help him practice with the students, who will be placed In four groups. Road master Stiles Dead. SPOKANE. Wash.. Feb. 17. F. W. Stiles, freneral roadmaster of the Spo kane division of the Great Northern Shoes Reduced ' shoe stock are being 6old now at less Newark cus $6.85 ENTHAL'S Tenth Street, Between Washington and n o lDusi Railroad, died in a local hospital to day from the effects ot injuries he sus tained at Highland, west of here, this morning, when he was struck by a fall ing derrick boom: He was formerly roadmaster of the Cascade and Marcus divisions of the Great Northern. Kead The Oresronlan classified ads. than oor usual retail prices, for the Women's regular ?9 Shoes .$6.03 Women's regular $6 and $6.50 Shoes.... $4.05 Women's regular ?5 Shoes $3.05 Women's $5, $6, $7 and $8 Shoes in broken as sortments at. $2.03 S. & II. Trading Stamps. Alder. "5