SECTION FOUR. Pages 1 to 10 Dramatic, Photoplays, Real Estate and Autos, VOL. xxxvi. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 18, 1917. NO. v" Victor Talking Machines. Best Service. Best Terms. ' PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS as shown in the advance Spring Fashion Book possess more" charm and 'chic than ever. The most advanced ' and original modes are always first introduced by Pic torial Review. On Sale Second Floor. Merchandiaecfcl Merit .Only Ribbons For Ribbon Hats in All the Wanted Shades Are Here This Store Does Not Use Comparative Prices They Are Misleading and Often Untrue. HICKSON announces that he has given Phillip .Mangone, the great woman's tailor, of Nen York, Tehh trvo other designers, exclusive manufacturing rights for the re production of Hickson models. The creations of Wesson establish the smart vogue of. the approaching season. T omorroxo roe exhibit for the first lime in Portland these famous reproductions of Original Models The same materials, the same exclusive trimmings, the same hand tailoring are employed in these models as in the originals and at prices that are about half. Third Floor The Housefurnishing Store Offers , 1 For Monday Only the Following Extra Specials Bordered Curtain Scrims Over 1000 yards of this fancy bordered curtain scrims in j Q white, cream and ecru, at the very special price Monday only. . y Q, Cretonne and Art Chintz Pretty new patterns of these curtain materials in light and medium dark grounds, in floral and conventional patterns suitable for draperies for all rooms. Very special, the yard, Monday only, at V sC Faultless Carpet Sweepers As Illustrated The latest in carpet sweepers. Firmly made. Will do the same work of the most expensive sweep ers. Guaranteed against defects of any kind, easy to operate, least complicated. Weight only 324 pounds. Monday Only $1.23 At this low price we limit one to a customer. No phone orders filled. Fifth Floor The Art Needlework Store Offers Monday Only A Stamped Negligee Set for $1.25 Consisting of made-up long kimono and cap to match, of blue, rose and gold crepe, stamped with conventional forget-me-nots. - Stamped Baby Bath Sets for 75c m Bath sheet, towel, bib and wash cloth of excellent quality white terry cloth, with pink, blue and striped borders, stamped to be embroidered. Centers and Pillow Covers 1 9c Each Stamped scarfs, center-pieces and pillow covers of cream art cloth and tinted with the Japanese patterns. Fifth Floor The Illustration Here Shows "THE FREE" Sewing Machine in Cabinet Form, Both Open and Closed A $ 1 1 .50 "Model" Adjustable Dress Form Free! This is without doubt one of the most unique and attractive dffers ever made to sewing machine purchasers. It is our great special feature in connection with "THE FREE" machine, and is open to every buyer of one of these famous sewing machines. It gives you a complete combination "The Free" Sewing Machine and the Model Dress Form, both together, for the price of the machine alone. "The Free" is THE sewing machine of today modernized, im proved fastest, easiest running, most beautiful in its new style cabinet form and GUARANTEED FOR LIFE. The dress form is one of the best on the market. A wonderful combination. Terms as Low as $1 a Week Second Floor The Exquisite Needlework of the Island Workers Is Admirably Shown in This GREAT SALE OF jiltpptne Htncrerte ANOTHER STORE TRIUMPH All diy yesterday our underwear saleswomen were busy unpacking and marking the most brilliant assemblage of these dainty garments. Lingerie purchased over a yeart ago- and just come to us. There is a treat in store for every woman who takes advantage of our invitation to share in what we claim and do not hesitate to say are the most extraordinary inducements ever offered in this class of underwear. , Tomorrow morning we inaugurate a three-day sale of Philip pine Chemises, Envelope Chemises and Nightgowns. Chemise $1.39, $1.69, $2.23 Envelope Chemise $1.79, $2.39, $2.98 to $4.48 Nightgowns $1.98, 2.39 to $6.50 l'ourth lloor. Tomorrow We Shall Offer Women's Pure Thread Silk STOCKINGS In white only. Fashioned with pure silk legs and silk lisle garter tops and soles. All are seconds but are of the highest grade of silk. All sizes. On sale at this exceptional price. 59. First Floor Styles That Are Original and Unusual Models of Great Chic and Distinction. Shapes to Suit the Nev? Coiffure. Our Millinery Salon is radiant with the brightness of the new milli nery. Original and novel designs adapted from the French, as well as our own equally charming adaptations,' which vie with the original im ported models. -The woman who seeks distinctive style in headwear will find it herein this, the most wonderfully attractive assemblage of Spring modes ever offered at New Spring Models W.B.Nuform Corsets In Sizes 19 to 36 In the medium bust and medium long hip and back style. Fitted with a graduated front steel and made of coutil with embroidery trim mings. For $ 1 .39 Fourth Floor $15.00 Third Floor. Embroidered Voile Flouncings 44 Inches Wide, With Scalloped and Straight Edges 49c Yard Effective floral and convcnt-.onal designs, embroidered in mercerized cotton, making the most effective patterns. The ideal flouncings for making the new dresses and skirts. 98c Yard Other handsome voile flouncings, 44 inches wide, in eyelet and solid embroidery designs, embroidered to a depth of 1 8 inches, in the at tractive patterns. For Monday we shall con tinue the offering of Fine Quality GLOVES which is a cleanup of broken lines and sizes of the most popular and famojjs makes. Very exceptional at $1.39 Genuine imported kid and im ported lambskin imported doe skins and best domestic capes, washable lambskin, doe and chamois. First Floor Kirot Floor. Monday Only We Shall Offer A Most Exceptional Sale of the Famous Kayser's Glove Silk Camisoles Made in the becoming bodice effect and trimmed with deep lace, finished with ribbon shoulder straps. In white and pink. All sizes. Very Special 98c Ft rat Floor. The Above Embossed Electric Shower Fixture Monday only very special $8.00 With plates-of genuine brass, 18 inches in diameter, finished in Flem ish, brass, with a beautifully em bossed design ; complete with shades. Sixth Floor Great Sale Odd Table Cloths In, the face of the embargo placed on all linens by the British gov ernment forbidding the exportation of any linens. These Prices Are Extraordinary This store could readily reap the benefit of extra profit by re-marking these cloths, but our invariable rule that we sell as we buy 'enables our customers tomorrow to buy these linens at the same old low prices for the last time and for an indefinite period. Cloths of Every Make and Weave Included are imported Irish linen, Scotch and German linens, others in the fine cotton and mercerized finishes. Some are soiled, others with slight imperfections and others from broken sets. An excellent oppor tunity to fill in your linen needs. 70 70 68 70 81 SO 90 by by by by by by by 88-inch 70-inch 104-inch 108-inch 81 -inch 90-inch 108-inch Cloths, Cloths, Cloths, Cloths, Cloths, Cloths, Cloths, Special Special Special Special Special Special Special SI. 75 $2.19 $3.75 $5.50 $5.95 $7.00 $9.00 to to to to to to to $5.69 $5.95 $4.75 $8.25 $9.50 $9.50 $12.50 Second floor. BEDSPREADS Special $1.39 150 bedspreads in this lot of an extra quality, closely woven, honeycomb weave, some slightly imperfect, all large variety of patterns. For full-size beds. Special $1.75 A good, firm quality, in a choice selection of attractive floral designs. For three-quarter beds. . Scalloped Bedspreads $4.25 Satin finish Marseilles spreads of a good weight, some with medallion centers, scalloped with cut corners. For full-size beds. Second floor. i Innovation Wardrobe Trunks, New Models "MercKnd.' of c Merit Only" Economy Basement Underpriced Store OFFERS NEW FOR MONDAY t Remarkable New Coats; Dresses Suits, Waists, Skirts PRICES "SURPRISINGLY LOW t New Coals The most popular of all garments for Spring and Summer are here in a wide range of styles velours and poplins, in navy, gold, rose, apple green, Copenhagen and tan; exception ally tailored $11. 45, $14.85, $15.85. One-Piece Serge Dresses Of fine French and men's wear serges, pretty styles, most be coming. In all the fashionable new colors $8.75, $12.45, , $14.85 and $18.50. Smart Plaid Sports Skirts Beautiful plaids with novelty pockets. Also fine serges in navy and black. A great assortment in by express, priced at $5.50, Lovely Silk Dresses that are very remarkable, at $13.45. Taffeta of fine quality, shirred, embroidered and belted, finished with the very new pool pockets. Also dresses of crepe de chine. Novelty Voile Waists In the prettiest pink, canary or white. Also dainty embroidered styles, with large hemstitched collars. Very specially priced at 89c and $1.00. A Great Millinery Sale Latest Styles, Excellent Qualities Very Exceptional Prices Untrimmed Hats $1..95 Large, small and medium shapes, every one new this season fine Milan hemps that our buyer was fortunate enough to buy much less . icSJ than regular. Come select your Spring hat at great savings. AVonderful New Flowers, Only 50c The most wanted of hat trimmings in lovely, natural color . ings and effects. Small, medium and large roses, with natural colored leaves. All fashionable colors included. Applique Flower Roses, Only 25c Something entirely new. Made in two sizes, of velvet, all ready to applique on the crown or brim. The most expensive hats this season are using this unique trimming. Monday A Big Feature of Girls' Dresses 98c The prettiest lot of children's wash dresses we have ever shown in our store. Our customers get the benefit of prices that cannot possibly be duplicated. AH new styles, high waisted. bolero, pleated, strap effects, etc. entirely different. Made of chambray, with pretty trimmings. Sizes 7 to 14 years. Children's Dresses 49c For tots 1 to 6 years. Remarkable dresses, and such pretty styles Fine ginghams and chambray, in pink, blue, tan, green, stripes, plaids, etc New Lot of Children's Creepers, 49c Chambray, gingham and madras, plain colors, stripes, in pink or blue, also white with colored trimming. Economy Bunwot iff 4- Washable, Reversible, Rag Rugs 69c For Monday Only Solid-color rugs, with fancy striped borders. Blue, pink, tan and green. 2 5x4 7-inch. Extension Rods 8c 30x54-lnch extension, complete with brackets. Sash Extension Rods Monday Only 2 for 5c 22x42-lnch. with brack ets. Ecoitmr BiHMit New Shipment of Morning Sets 98c Pretty, practical garments, two-piece style, as illustrated. In pink, lavender or blue percale and neat little checks. Very special at their price, 98c. Economy Basement 2000 Yards New Wash Goods 24c Worth Double and More Right Now The famous Renfrew fabrics, for skirts and dresses. These are the mill's end of the loom patterns, lengths 5 to 12 yards, which we will cut to any length you desire. Included are fine gabardines, piques, poplins, basket weaves, diagonals, serges, herringbones, etc., all in white. Economy Basement. 2-Year Rose Bushes 1 9c Plant Now for Spring and Summer Blooming Guaranteed First Quality, Native-Grown Stock From one of the largest, best-known nurseries on the Pacific Coast. Included are such well-known varieties as Mad. Karl Druschki. Gen. Jacqueminot. Killamey. , Lady Hillington. Richmond. .We carry a full lin Gross an Teplitz. Kaiserin Augusta Victoria. Mad. Caroline Testout. Ulrich Brunner. Dorothy Perkins, etc., etc. of dependable garden tools. seeds that grow, rose, lawn and garden fertilizers. Household Dept. Basement