10 THE , ST7XPAY OREGOXIAy, PORTLAND, FEBRUAUT . 18, 1017 JOOOOOOOOOOOOOC nliSlH v PIT EDITH KNIGHT HOLMES opeooooooooooooooooooeoeeoooooooooooociooeooooooooooooooooooooo1 . fr - W '" ' '3 THIS week will be about as busy a week as one could imagine. Nearly all the large affairs, how ever, will be of a social nature. For Thursday, "In particular, there will be a host of attractive events. In the afternoon the Portland "Wom an's Research Club will have an elaborate colonial reception In the home of Mrs. D. M. Watson. The same afternoon the Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution will assemble at Alexandra Court for a reception. In ai o:j o'clock, there will o WHS DSQQUet M r thA , . 1 . . 1 Hotel for Mrs. Alexander Thompson, of The Dalles. The same evening the Monday Musical Club will have their progressive patriotic-sing In five movie houses, with a reception afterward at the Hotel Portland. The grade teachers' entertainment, with its brilliant colonial features will be held In the ballroom of the Multno mah. Many who are planning to at tend the banquet for Mrs. Thompson will go to the teachers' party after ward. The Oregon Congress of Mothers (which is the state parent-teacher or ganization) planned the banquet for the woman, who was a member of the Legislature this year. The federated clubs are assisting them. Mrs. George W. McMath appointed Mrs. F. S. Myers chairman for the banquet. Mrs. Sarah A. Evans, Mrs. J. W. Tifft and Mrs. C. N. Rankin are members of the fed eration who are on the committee and are working for the success of the banquet. It will not in any way" be a political ffair, but a tribute to a woman who, as the clubwomen say, "has made good." Reservations for the banquet may be made by application to any of the committee members or to Broadway iuou. viners on me committee are. jvirs. C. W. Hayhurst. Mrs. Thomas Carrick Burke, Mrs. I. M. Walker and Miss Viola Ortschild. Mrs. Burke will have charge of the music for the occa sion. David Starr Jordan will leave the Stanford Club s banauet for a few minutes o greet the guests at the ban quet for Mrs. Thompson. The Mult nomah delegation will be present. Addresses will be made by several prominent men. In fact, men will be Quite in .evidence at this function. .-'.- The Portland, Woman's Club will meet Friday afternoon in the Multno mah Hotel. ' The business session will convene at J o'clock, x i" At 3 o'clock Mrs. Warren' E. Thomas will give a brief talk on "The Per ianal Note in Russian Music." The address of the afternoon will be given by William H. Galvanl on "Russia." George Hotchkiss Street will sing a group of Russsian songs. "The social committee will serve tea at the close of the programme. Marshalltown "Woman's Club 'will meet on Wednesday at 2 o'clock with Mrs. B. A. Henslee. 675 Rodney avenue. Take U car to Monroe, walk one block east. All women who formerly lived in Marshalltown are Invited. The club has delightful meetings. Clinton-Kelly Parent-Teacher Asso ciation will meet on Wednesday at 2 'o'clock. Miss Avis Lobdell will give some open secrets that make railway traveling easier. The programme and features will be patriotic. Refresh ments will be served. Mrs. M. C. Banfield. Mrs. Albert M. Brown, Mrs. Cora Bonney andIrs. Jen nie Greenough were hostesses on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Banfield. The current literature department of the Woman's Club were the guests. Miss Geraldine Coursen presided at the piano and Mrs. Taylor sang. Parent - Teacher Bodies Schedule Activities. Social Service Department Will Meet Thursday Clinton-Kelly As sociation Mets Wednesday. THE social service department of the Portland Parent-Teacher circles will meet on Thursday at 2:30 o'clock in the Library, Each chairman from each district is requested to have a complete list of vacant lots and to re port same. If the chairman cannot be present, she is asked to send a repre sentative. The vacant lots will be planted with vegetables as part of a system to reduce the cost of living. The Hoffman Parent-Teacher Asso 1 elation held a most enjoyable meeting on last Friday afternoon. An invita tion had been extended for the mem bers to come an hour earlier than usual and to bring their sewing. A large number responded and after the hour of sociability refreshments were served and the business meeting followed, a All the home economics meetings for the Laurelhurst Study Club are post poned until next month. Miss Ava Milan, who was to lecture,' is ill and will not appear. Chapter F. P. E. O., will have guest day next Thursday In the home of Mrs. C. S. Wright, 540 Thompson street. The Hawthorne Parent-Teacher As sociation celebrated Lincoln's birthday in Joint session with the pupils of the school. The meeting was held in Washington High auditorium. Profes sor E. J. Hadley presiding. A handsome flag was presented to the school. The flag was saluted and patriotic songs were sung with great enthusiasm. The OgOWOOOOOOOOOOopoo000ooooo) a b8009Q0 , C&J7(T'c?&-? speakers ofthe-day were Professor E. P. Curtis, Mr. Noble, of the Spanish! War Veterans, and the Rev. Thomas I Jenkins.- At the business session of the association the resignation of the president, Mrs. W. IT. Hollam, wan ac cepted and the first vice-president. Mrs. R. W. Ewell, was installed as president. The next meeting will be held March 14, in Hawthorne school. Portland Shakespeare Study Club will meet on Wednesday with Mrs. R. H. Kaltz, 170 East Eighteenth street. Take Sunnyside car to Seventeenth. Shrove Tuesday, Custom of Old Times, to Be Revived. Guild of Grace Memorial Church Will serve Pancakes an Was Done When Lent Was Strict. THE Latdies' Guild of Grace Memorial Church, East Seventeenth and Weid- ler streets, are planning a novel enter tainment for Shrove. Tuesday, Febru ary 20, with a revival of the old Eng lish custom of serving pancakes that day. The custom dates back to ancient times when Lent was kept more strictly than it is today by entire abstinence from meat during the 40 days. On Shrove Tuesday, the housewives would use up all drippings that had ac cumulated, in the frying of- pancakes, to prevent its coing to waste. It was revived in England at the time of the Reformation, and that country Is about the only one that still keeps up the practice. The committee in' charge are: Mes dames T. Francis Drake. Allen B. Cut ler, George Anderson, W. P. Jenkins, O. H. Walstronv and Blodgett. Refreshments will be served in the parish-house from noon through the afternoon so that the business men may attend. The publia is invited. The women of the White Temple and their friends will celebrate Washing ton's 'birthday with a reception and Colonial dinner in the church banquet nan at t:syt 1 nursaay. evening. Flags and other decorations in National col ors, together with Martha Washington costumes, maidens in Puritan dress, etc., will give a touch of the early days of our country. A good programme will be presented. The ) following women will act as hostesses: Mrs. Marian . K. .Bouter, Mrs. J. E. Stevenson. Mrs. W. L Litzenberg, Mrs. Fred Johnston, Mrs. O. C. .Wright. Mrs. A. S. Heavener, Mrs. W. B. .Hinson, Mrs. J. A. Finley. Mrs. W. E. Pearson, Mrs. J. H. Sroufe. Miss Carrie Odell, Miss Gertrude Jacobs. Mrs. W. H. Sieg- ner, Mrs. James .falling, Mrs. F. C. Knapp. Mrs. Robert Foulkes, Mrs. M. B. Godfrey. Mrs. E. M. Runyan. Mrs. O. P. M. Jamieson and Dr. Emma Mackie Wick strom. Mrs. Martha S. Gielow, who gave readings and a talk for one of the sororities and for the current litera ture department of the Portland Woman's Club, is an authoress of re nown. Her book. "The Light on the Hill," Is well known and her planta tion stories are gems. Mrs. Gielow re gards the mountaineers of the South as the backbone of the country. She says the Americans of the Appalachian Mountains are unprepared for citizen ship and that they should be given more advantages. Mrs. Gielow has done a great amount of work among these people and knows whereof she speaks. She founded the Southern In dustrial Educational Association and is its constant inspiration. In addition to her educational 'and social work she is a dramatic reader 1 Jfc - .. -' - - -V , v ' & - - V- yth:K h ',v Guest. v. t i: - : ofjotte? Stu'sjg'LzeZr. of ability. On one occasion in England Mrs. Gielow appeared before Queen Victoria and was highly complimented by her late majesty. She has read in many of the homes of America's multi millionaries and in educational insti tutions. Just now she is visiting Mrs. Pres ton Carter Smith and is being enter tained by clubwomen and society friends. . -. Fulton Park Association met on Tuesday in the school. The Blue Birds of the Campfire Oirls. directed by Miaa Edna Rice, gave the programme of folk dances and shadow pictures of "Cinder ella." Mrs: W. B. Meacham discussed the ' "Value of Bible Stories." Miss Mary Frances Isom discussed the use fulness of the library to a community and answered questions. Mrs. Ruby Shearer Brennan gave "The Legend of the Apple Blossom." A social hour fol lowed, during which the visitors were interested in the hyacinths wnjch the school, children had planted in October and were in bloom for Valentine's day. The Montessorl Association met last Monday night at the home of the pres ident. Mrs. C. H. Farrington. 483 East Twenty-fifth street. Mrs. Farrington read Dr. Montessori's lertnre on "The Organization of Work and Spontaneous Production of the Child" and members responded to roilcall with quotations irom Dr. Montessori's writings. Mrs. C. H. Campbell sang and Miss Probst gave two, piano solos. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. -Keott and Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Gram were guests. Thursday afternoon the Yoncalla Priscilla Embroidery Club was enter tained - by Mrs. George Harshbarger. Those present were: Mrs. J. E. Clarke. Mrs. L. A. Bass. Mrs. May Daugherty, Mr'VE" 3: ravis- Mr8- Kd Kelso. Mrs. f. E. Lauman. Mrs. Frank- Marshall. Mrs. Masten, Mrs. Joseph McCourt, Mrs. O. F. Thiel, Mrs. W. E. Richards. Mrs. J. T. WeStfall Mr Tfuh.. Wshm X... George Applegate. Mrs. J. B. Bishop. - .,xniei, Mrs. f ranK Cook and the hostess. Mrs. Harshbarger. Colonial Tea Will Be Event of Thursday. Portland Women's Research (Inh to Hold Affair at Mrs. D. M. Wat son's Home. THE Portland Women'a Research Club will give a colonial tea on Thursday, February 22. between the hours of 4 and 6, at thfe home of Mrs. D. M. Watson, 251 Cornell road. This ,M -s g'ven ror the benefit of the Oregon Prisoners' Aid Societv nH th scholarship loan fund, and an admis sion of 25 cents will be charged. The committee on arrangements has made elaborate plans for this affaii- which Include an attractive programme of colonial music arranged by Mrs. Herman A. Heppner. Presiding at the tea table will be Mrs. Robert Berger, Mrs. M. J. Dela hunt. .Mrs. D. ' B. .McBride and Mrs. Charles Dant, all wearing Martha Washington costumes. Six Puritan maids Mrs. Edgar H. Anderson. Miss Mildred Anderson. Miss Helia Berger. Mrs. Ralph Rutledge, Miss Grace Miller and Miss Melba Westengard will as sist about the rooms. , In the receiving line will be mem bers of the club's board of directors and Mrs. E. Mr Baker, all represent ing colonial dames. Members of all women's organizations in the city are cordially invited to attend this tea. One of the most delightful and inter esting meetings of the Trav-il-leres Club was held Tuesday, when Mrs. D. S. Shope entertained the club at a Vai- entine party and luncheon. The rooms were profusely decorated with red car nations and ferns, while festoons of hearts were suspended from the chan deliers to the mantle, and clever little cupids with arrows peeped from the corners of paintings and photos. Pre ceding the luncheon the members sang "America." The president proposed a toast to the hostess. Mrs. George S. Forest, a former member of the club, and now residing in Eugene, sent greetings and a toast for each member. The programme was as follows: Vocal solo, Mrs. L. L. Dutcher: "Origin of St. Valentine's Day." Mrs. E. C. Clement: Valentine story, "Messages of Love." Mrs. J. B. Altman; reading, Mrs. Will iam B. Wrjght; character song, with Mrs. E. D. Allen as "Gretchen" and Mrs. H. B. Manchester as "Heinle." as sisted by Mrs. O. C. Bortzmeyer and Mrs. W. O. Lake. The next number was the drawing of an original valen tine by each member. Mrs. Bortz meyer was awarded the prize for her effort. One of the most enjoyable pleasures of the afternoon was the presence of Mrs. William M. Addis, the president,Vfter an illness of more than three months. The programme con cluded with a song by Mrs. William Shepherd, violin accompaniment by Mrs. D. F. Shope. The hostess was assisted by her daughter. Miss Glen Shope. and Miss Sullivan. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. O. Lake in March. At the annual meeting of the Fort nightly Club of Eugene Mrs. George McLean gave the annual report. The election of officers for the ensuing year brought for the following result: Mrs. F. M. Wilkins. president; Mrs. El len McCornack, vice-president: Mrs. Ralph Martin., recording secretary; Mrs. J. McLellan Henderson, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. C. I. Collins, treasurer. Baptist Mission Society to Observe Anniversary. Luncheon Will Be Served at Multno mah Hotel on Tuesday. THE 40th or ruby anniversary of the American Woman's Baptist Home Missionary Society will be' celebrated on Tuesday with a large luncheon at 12:30 o'clock in the Multnomah Hotel. Mrs. O. P. M. Jamison, state director of Home Mission work for Oregon, will be hostess and introduce the speakers, who will respond to the following toasts:. -"Ruby Chips.", Mrs.. C. A. Wooddy, cnalrman . of the . Woman's Home Mission''' Council. 1 Portland; "Greetings From the Columbia River District of the Woman's American Baptist Foreign Mission Society." Mrs. James Failing; "A Message." Mrs. D. C. Latourette. secretary. of the Colum bia River district of the Woman's American Baptist Foreign Societv: "The Pearl of Great Price." Mrs. A. M. Petty: "Forty Memorial Stones." Miss Carrie O. Millspaugh, district secretary of the Woman's American Baptist Horns Mission Society, of Chicago; "Gathering Pearls in the Hopi Land.v Miss Anna Nelson, missionary among the Indians In Arizona: "In the Lapi dary's Shop." Mrs. T. S. Hopkins. Id ministration officer of Southern Cali fornia. In the evening there will be a big rally at the White Temple of all the Baptists in Portland and their friends. Everybody will be welcome. Mrs. Hop kins will speak on "The Ruby the Em blem of Sacrifice." and Miss Anna Nel son win give her Illustrated lecture on the Indians in the Hopi reservation. The annual convention of the Con gressional Union or the Woman's Party will be held, in Washington, March 1. 2. 3 and 4. A large delegation of voting women, accompanied by un enfranchised women, will go to the vvnite Mouse Sunday. March 4. imme diately after the President has taken the oath of office, to ask him to begin his second term with action on the Na tional suffrage amendment. The dele gation will be led by Miss Anne Mar tin, c Nevada, and other leading wom en .voters. Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont, of New York: Mrs. Florence Mayard Hilles, of Delaware, and Mrs. J. A. H. Hopkins, of New Jersey, will sact as spokesmen for the unenfranchised women. Dr. Florence Man ion, the local president, may possibly attend the con vention. A Joke is told on one ot the local clubwomen, who went with the com mittee to greet the Congressional Union speakers who came through -here last year. She was with a group of others on tne Highway trip and Senator Far rel. to be a good host and a good fel low, bouxht everyone there a member ship in the Congressional Union. The clubwoman said, "But I am a member of the other association." "Never mind," replied the genial Senator, "be long to both. And the woman had al ways declared she "had no use for that Congressional Union." However, she still belongs to both. Miss Edna Monroe recently was elect ed a member of the Y. W. C. A. board as a representative of the business girls of the association. Miss Monroe is a member of the Y. W. C. A. Gearhart Club and was one of the active work ers in that club which turned In 1140 to the association for their annual budget during the recent campaign. Teas and all manner of affairs for the benefit of the scholarship loan fund of the Salem Woman's Club are still occupying an important place in the social life of tle Salem clubwomen. The members of the Study Club were enter tained Wednesday afternoon at the V BAPTIST Wq.MEX, LEADERS IX AX AlVEItSAUY CELEBRATION. j, : POPULAR YOUNG MATRON WHO WASHINGTON'S I 7 k. .. J i if , . r - 5- A mi f .... " vx vtf t)ne of the important events of Thursday will be a Colonial tea, to bo given at the home of Mrs. D. M. Watson, for the benefit of the Portland Wom en's Research. Club. Mrs. Edgar H. Anderson and a bevy of other pretty young women wilt. Assist as "Puritan Maidens." home of-Mrs. Frank J. Miller. The pro gramme, for the afternoon covered the study of "France and Belgium." After the study hour music was enjoyed. About 10 members gathered for the meeting, Mrs. W. T. Neil, of Portland, being asked as a guest of the club. . The reorganized Mayflower Club will meet on Monday night in the Hotel Portland, parlor E. Those who beY long to the reorganized club are asked to attend. The Co-operative League entertained at a large card party yesterday in the Hotel Portland. Mrs. B. S. Nichols entertained the Rosoburg North Side Club recently at a birthday party. Prineville Prepares to Enter tain Federation. Central Oregon Club Women longer to Kltrnd Hospitalities. CLUBDOM of Prineville is looking forward with intense interest and making preparations for the entertain ment of the expected meeting of the state convention to be held there this Fall. . , The members of the Ladies' Annex Club, who will be the official hostesses, will be ably assisted by the Shumias. which, over Beven years agu. was the first club in Central Oregon to fed erate and whose delegates during this time have been trying to prevail upon the "powers that be." to partake of the proverbial hospitality of Central Ore gon's pioneer -people in Prineville. The Ladies' Annex Is actively en gaged in 'securing new members and Its effort is to make or It the largest club in the state. Seven new members were added at the last meet ing. At the invitation of their presi dent. Mrs. Margaret Elklns, Mrs. Ada B. Millican read her report of the biennial convention held in New York. The members have planned a luncheon to be held some time In April to which an invitation will he extended to all federated clubs ofhe country to partici pate, co-operate and arrange for the entertainment of the coming federa tion. The Shumia Club was recently enter tained at the "wigwam" of Mrs. Ada B. Millican and the members spent the afternoon in listening to reminiscences of their hostess In recounting the ad ventures of a Western "tenderfoot" on her trip across the continent. This con cluded with a beefsteak luncheon, the beef coming from the Hereford herd at their stock ranch at Millican. The "wigwam" was profusely dec orated with cut flowers and greenery, the latter, ferns, myrtle, salal and Orrfzon grape, coming from the child hood home of the hostess near Rose- burg. They were also remembered by Miss Virginia Drake, of Seaside; who with kinnlkinnlck and other ever greens, sent the following greeting: Th Klnnl-Klnnlcs send ereetlnts to the Shu-ml-Hii: Chlf Milllf-nn has Rlvon irat stories of your fume. Wo know you well. Shil-ml-ns. Py word and deed and name. Otir ey are evpr furninic To I'rinevolle's out-ptrthed hand, ' Where we can sit In council And Join your little band. Until then hr' our Krectlnit. Shu-mt-as brave and true. We hope to hre your wlicwams And smoke the pa-e pipe. too. At the meeting of the Shumias held In the domestic science rooms of the high school last Saturday, with Miss Ada Wild, of the Crook County High School faculty, as hostess, it was voted that Mrs. Millican respond to the greet ing of Miss Virginia Drake. To th iww lnirer-nf 'he tribe of th Klnni-Kinnicka. benlde th setting aun: Where the mountains meet the water Of Pai'ific'a peaceful atrund; You. whose trlbeleta eat. tha salmon And lodge amongst the forest grand. We thank you for the blood-red berry. Moss and salal bright and green. Thank you for the words of greetings To our tribe you've never seen. We Shu-ml-aa love your waters. Love your foreata. fish and atream: . We. whose wigwama bound the deaert 2hHdaL sage and rlmrock ait and dream Of the -coming of the council. " - Of the great chiefa We anal! aee From the eaat. weat. north and southland Coming to our 11-ll-he. Welcome to our waiting wlgwatnl, t . Singer by the setting sun. II Of the best we have we'll give you From the "Heart of Oregon." A local scholarship loan fund has WILL ASSIST AT CLUB TEA ON BIRTHDAY. been In operation in the Shumia Club for nearly two years and many high school girls and boys of the county have taken advantage of it and through this have been enabled to prosecute their studies and finish their course In high schools. A vote of congratulation was ex tended by letter to our recording sec retary of the state federation. Mrs. Alexander Thompson, who, as a member of the rregon Legislature so ably rep resented the women of Oregon and by her ability and versatility has verified the prediction made by those contend ing for equal suffrage that all men (and women! are created (and arol equal. rhumia officers for this year are: Mrs. Kova Brink, presjdent and Mrs. May J. igle, secretary. e , Members of the Monday History Club weie entertained at a Lincoln's birthday luncheon at the Y. W.a C. A. Monday by Mrs. A. H. Steadma'n. Place. cards were tiny flags, draped about a small picture of Lincoln. White and red carnations were the other decorations. Those present were Mrs. A. H. Stead- man, Mrs. A. W. Goddard. Mrs. . G. Birrell, Mrs. James Muckle. Mrs. K. C. Goddard. Mrs. Cora Puffer, th" presi dent. Mrs. D. A. Bond: Mrs. J. Allen Harrison, Mrs. Percy W. Lewis. Mrs H. A. Hale. Mrs. H. C. Clair, Mrs E. L. Lane, Mrs. Samuel Connell. Mrs. J. M. A. Laue. Mrs. L. It. Hunt. Mrs. A. L Thurlow. Mrs. I A. McKinney and Mrs. J. E. Bennett. Each answered to roilcall with a quotation by or about Lincoln. The absent members are Mrs. J. P. Finley and Mrs. Amedee Smith, who are in California. The club was organized 17 years ago. The study for the year of 1917 is South America and miscellaneous ' Under the capable leadership'of Mrs. W. W. Pearce. the Ladies' Auxiliary of the North Portland Commercial Club has become both a social and a civic center for the community it represents. Business meetings are held In the Peninsula Park field house on the first Tuesday evening of each month. Subjects pertaining to general welfare are discussed. Keen Interest Is felt in the development of Peninsula Park, and a spirit of hearty co-operation exists between the auxiliary members and the park authorities. The women are giving a series of informal dances this Winter in the park gymnasium, on the first Satur day of each month, to which they In vite their friends. These affairs are proving to be very popular. s Mrs. CharlesBasey. a member of the Y. W. C. A. board, has Just retjrned from a month's visit In New York City. Mrs. W. D. Wheelwright also has Just returned from her trip to California. Mrs. Charles Scadding recently was appointed a member of the lunch com mittee. Mrs. J. T. Andrus. chairman of the religious work committee, has gone to California for a stay of several months. Mrs. A. L. Maxwell, chairman of the membership committee, is still East visiting her children. Roseburg '35 Mental Culture Club held an interesting meeting recently, when Mrs. J. E. Runyan contributed an article telling of the problems and de velopment of Russia and Mrs. T. M. Ollivant read a very pleasing paper on the recent sale of the famous Halsey collection of prints at the Anderson galleries in New York. Mrs. S. D. Evans read a chapter from the annual Federation report that contained much of interest. C. E. Coe. of the United States Indian Agency, was the speaker on the pro gramme for the afternoon. s The regular meeting of the May flower Club will be held in parlor E. Hotel Portland, tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. The object Is a social study club. Officers are: President. Mrs. Helen Jackson Banghart; first vice president, Mrs. M. J. Doyle: second vice-president, Mrs. J. D. Mann; sec retary. Miss Irene Farmer; treasurer. Mrs. M. J. Drlscoll. All members belonging to the re organized club are urged to be pres ent. The club is enterprising and has an enthusiastic and active membership. Oak Grove-Mllwaukle Social Service Club held its annual valentine recep tion Wednesday af'ernoon in the City Hall at Milwaukie. having as its spe cial guests the Parent-Teacher circles from the surrounding schools. A most interesting progrmame. in charge of Miss Amanda Oatfield, was enjoyed by nearly 100 guests. It follows: Miss Mary Price, piano solo; Oscar Woodfln, vocal solos, a group of his own compo sition: J. D. Stevens, grave scene from Hamlet": readings. "Frenchman's Toast." "Clarence's Dream": Mrs. Ca bal, vocal solo; Mrs. Baldwin, author of "Money Talks,' address on "Banking System." J. R. Snyder. Mayor of Milwaukie. was unable to be present, so sent the address of welcome, which was read by Miss Oatfield. Daintily laid tea tables, decorated with appropriate valentine colors, were presided over by Mesdames Clara Bushnell. J. R. Alexander. W. W. Thompson, Frank Dayton, Froman and Miss Alice Waldron. s The Tuesday Afternoon Club held its annual business meeting and election of officers on February 1 at the home of Mrs. H. L. Travis, 701 Sixtieth street North. The following officers were elected for the next club year, to as sume office next October: President, Mrs. Ben Riesland: vice-president, Mr W. L. Marshall; eecrevary, Mrs. J. B. Laber; treasurer, Mrs. William Cava naugh. After the business meeting, the fol lowing programme was enjoyed: A paper on the "Periodicals of the Early Eighteenth Century." by Mrs. William F. Ames, and selected readings fronj the writings of Addison and Steele, by Mrs. B. F. Bernard. At the conclusion of the programme refreshments were served and a tpclal hour was enjoyed. The club will hold its next meeting at the home of Mm. W. L. Marshall. 254 Stout street, on February 20 at 2 P. M. a ' Willamette Chapter. Daughters of American Revolution, held a large and Interesting meeting Wednesday at the home of Mrs. W. A. Evans. 74 4 Mont gomery drive, with several members as assistant hostesses. After the business session Mrs. Herron read Washington's. -ueciaratlon or Thanksgiving Day. and Mrs. Baird gave a resume of the' influence of Presidents' wives as fac tors In our history. A social hour fol lowed. One of the largest meetings of the year was the Valentine tea given by the Holladay Parent-Teacher Circle Friday. A business hour was held first. Musical numbers were given by the upper grade classes under the direction of Miss Josephine Roche. Miss Pauline Pease gave a helpful and in teresting talk on "The High Cost of Living and Its Remedies." A social hour over the teacups followed. s Mrs. Martha Gielow. a distinguished visitor from the Southland, addressed the members of the current literature department of the Portland Woman's Club on Thursday at the meetting in the home of Mrs. M. C. Banfield. Mrs. Helen Ekln .Starrett read from some of her writings and Nettle Greer Taylor sang. s The meeting of the Presidents' Con ference, which meets on the fourth Sat urday of the month, will be omitted for this month in order that the members may attend the luncheon given for Miss Ida Tarbell by the Pennsylvania So ciety at Multnomah Hotel on Saturday. A limited number of tickets have been placed at the disposal of the confer ence. - a - The Coterie will meet on Wednes day at 11 o'clock in the Multno mah Hotel. Ella Hoberg Tripp will sing. Mrs. Schuyler Spence will read a. paper and Mrs. A. E. Braden will give humorous readings. s Portland Research Club had a de lightful luncheon on Friday with Mrs. George Lilly. The decorations were artistic and unique. Mrs. C. C. Scott. Mrs. J. Hamilton and Mrs. Glenn G. Townsend contributed to an attractive programme. , Kerns Parent-Teacher Association will meet Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Miss Pauline Pease will make an address on "Foods." It will be an interesting subject for all the mothers of the community. Next Friday night will be club night for Y. W. C. A. girls. Members of all of the different clubs will meet for their annual club stunt night, and prep arations are being made for one grand, good time. a Portland Psychology Club will meet next Thursday in room A. Central Library. "Re-embodiment" will be the subject. Y. W. C. A. Notes. A VALENTINE for Y. W. C. party was given . girls on Tuesday evening. The social committee had the affair in hand. The room was beauti fully decorated with festoonings of red hearts. A pleasant feature of the evening's programme was several read ings given by Mrs. G. J. Frankel. The games and the refreshments were sug gestive of St. Valentine's day. It was an evening of hearts. The quarterly meeting of the Bar bara Hick Women's Bible class of the Sunnyside Methodist Sunday school was a Valentine party at the residence of Mrs. L. E. Gotham. 11S2 Mixter street. Fifty-five were present. A delicious luncheon was served. Mrs. L. E. Oliver, the president, pre sided at a short business session. Mrs. K. F. Lane was chosen chairman of the calling committee, and Mrs. Stella Greer of the flower committee. Mrs. E. R. Martin Is the efficient teacher. s 9 m Portland Women's Political Study League met Tuesday in room A. Cen tral Library, where all future club gatherings will be held. Mrs. E. II. Frazell occupied the chair in the ab sence of President Nolan. The club topics ranged from the agitating "cost of living" to the per plexities of the money standard. Del vln Peterson, of Reed College, set forth the cost of living, which he said had increased. 60 and 60 per cent the past 20 years. The high cost of living was blamed on supply and demand. Miss Eleanor Bald winafoneluded her instructive talks on "Money." Creston Parent-Teacher Association will meet on Tuesday at 2:30 o'clock. A Vlctrola entertainment for the chil dren will precede the business session. The regular meeting of the Portland Railroad Women's Club will be held in Central Library, room E. at 3 P. M. on Friday. The subject will be "Psychol ogy." The speaker, Florence Sullen berg, will give a talk on mental force. m P. E. O. affiliation day was celebrate-J In the home of Mrs. John P. Whitlock. Chapter M entertained. Mrs. McCaw sang. Others who took part In the programme were Miss Katherine Davis. Miss Beatrice Klrkup, Miss Mickey, Miss Nettie Foy, Miss Skinner and Mrs. Wilfrid Jones. s s s Chapter E. P. E. O. Sisterhood, en tertained at & party for 35 at the home of Miss Jean McKercher. Valentines, appropriate for the day were the fea tures. Music, games and special at tractions made up the programme. Miss Avis Lobdell addressed Wood lawn Association on Friday. On the first Tuesday in March the association 'will hold an all-day meeting to sew for the teachers' rest room. All members of Woodlawn Parent Teacher Association are requested to send articles for a poor family to room 16. Woodlawn School. Monday morning, as Miss Ida Tarbell will be entertained at a luncheon at the Multnomah Hotel on Friday. s s Creston Association will meet on Fri day at 2:30 P. M.